Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1908, Image 1

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    he Omaha Daily Bee
Ealing- ci n for Lsxd Under
ITcrtli Pi "5; 'nation Project.
Ertrj Cannot BtTfeite i, However,
for Eighteen Konthi.
Eeclamatioii Berrice Objects to Any
Further Extension.
C W. navte of Gil more Rnlni. feat
t Date o Ob Haa Brew
Fma4 Tkt Will Take the
Jot OC Hla Hull. '
(From a Miff Correspondent
WASHINGTON. Feb. 12. (Special Tele
iram.) Senator Burkett haa been inter
ested through friends of hla in Nebraska
to securing from lha reclamation service
definite ruling as to Wiayments en
tha yorlh Platte project, now about flue.
It haa been the acnBtor a contention that
tha reclamation law was weak ta demand
ing payment from entrymen al the be
ginning of tha firat year of his taking up
the land and water rights on the ditch.
Recently the senator received a letter from
M. E- Oetter, mho bad a holding on the
North Platte project, asking for so exten
sion ft time In which to begin payments
upon the Isolds taken under that project
and which promises to be one of the great
enterprises which the government has
undertake for the benefit of the people
In the arid or aemiarld regions of the
Director Newell. In a letter to Senator
Burkett, today nates that on July 2P,
NOT. the secretary of the interior gsve
notloe that water would be furnished for
certain landa In the North Platte project
at the opening of the Irrigation season of
1 and the first Installment would be
CM per acre, consisting of the building
charge of 11.50 par acre on the basis of a
total cost of IS per acre and charade for
operation and maintenance of 40 cents per
acre. Vnder these explicit directions no
payment is necessary until on the
theory, as Director Newell states, that the
reclamation act provides that two pay
ments must be in default before an entry
can be cancelled. Accordingly, the entry
will not be subject to cancellation on ac
count of tbe failure of payments until
after December I lu8.
The entryraan will receive water during
the season of ISO before any payment can
be foroed.
newt ten af Ci rod noted PaysaratB.
The question of graduated payments,
which has been a subject of serious thought
on tha part of Director Newell and his
associates, especially the twenty-payment
prepoalUoa whip. Senator Kurkett has bad
In mind, dues aot meet with tbe approval
cf the reclamation service. Mr. Newell
tersely aaya:
"Experience haa shown that no matter
how easy the terms are there will be a
considerable portion of tha men In a new
country who will not succeed and who will
ask further favors. In fact, we are even
now asked to endoavor to have the law
amended to make paymenta in twenty an
nual Installments, but with this concession
It will not be possible to carry to com
pletion many of tbe works now planned
out. "
In the judgment of Director Newell this
year 1KOS Is the most crucial year for the
reclamation service, because returns are
expected, to come In to the reclamation
fund and the success of the act is largely
dependent thereon.
The renulrcroent . of the reclaamtion act
ia that one-fourth or one-fifth ia to be
paid down and the balance to be paid in
ten annual installmenta. The government
believe, that It has gone to the limit to
give rulers two years in which to get
started In their home building and then
asking only one-tenth of the total price to
be aald tor the land under the water
OB ieeklag a Mam.
Senator Frown has almost abandoned
hop if securing a successor to G. W.
Davis as postmaster at Gilmore, Sarpy
county. Davis has resigned arid is anxious
to Quit. He la still holding the Job and
draws the munificent salary attached to
it. but the commission of hla successor
cannot coin too soon for Mr. Davis. Sen
ator Brown haa asked others to take the
Job, but he haa met with little aucceaa.
lie has appealed to the politicians of Sarpy
county to recommend someone, either friend
or enemy, for the Job, but they have failed
to find hira a man. Senator Brown may
recommend that the office be abandoned
and Dai be released from the position
he in holds. Two rural routes have re
cently been installed out of Fort Crook
anj they have aapped the territory le
cr:.tly tributary to Gilmore and the office
libs burn left high and dry aa far aa busi
ness, and consequently aalary, ia concerned.
It pays about K per month now.
Mlaar Matters at Capital.
Smaior Brown, aa chairman of the aub
rommittee of the senate committee on In
dian affairs, today recommended for pas
sage tlie bill of Senator Knox, which pro
vide tor issuing a patent to School Dis
trict Nfl. 8C in Knox county of a school
house site on lands in the Santee reserva
tion. The bill calls for a patent for an acre
and half of land.
John L. 'Webster of Omaha appeared he
fore the Interstate Commerce commission
today In tlie latarest of the bustneas men of
Omaha. Kansas City and St. Joseph, against
tha Bock Island road. The complainants
alleys that seaboard rate are discriminat
ing as against Ft. Paul and Minneapolis.
Hon. William Lawicr of Fremont, for
merly of Lincoln. M in tlie city.
Rural free delivery carriers appointed:
fcebiaska. Orchard, route Z, (Silas C Lud-atc-a,
carrier; Lnra A. Holhrook. aubsU
lute. South Dakota. Al-rdeen, route
&eorg H. Jenkins, carrier; al. II Van
Winkle, substitute. A run. route 3. Lddie
F Kooac. carrier; iJaa W. llangperen, suo
Btiiute. Oregury. route L Archie B. Cul
taBrteon, carrier; Wallace B. Oulbenaun.
aVuiih Dakota poatmastera appointed:
Canning, Hughes county, Clarence E. Tay
lor, vice J. E. Red Hi, resigned; lUidlow,
Botte ounty, Fred L, Clark. vii C M
Cornell, reaiened.
ttmm Fatally asaslt Matker.
(ST. IvOflg. Feu. 12. David Kolu h. ad
XI. 1m had Juki rt ( unmd home trom aa
exteuded aefvtia In tlie 1 nited rWatea navy,
today ahot and pn.twiilv lalallv wounded
liis aged BKiiiuT, Jura. Olive kcitcn. Ko
luth surretidered ta Ue jk1iob. He claims
nm anoouiig was an iUenial. wluch
saaat Lt iueuiat r'tit'--T
Taaeaaay, FrlM-aary IX. IfKt.
19QS -ZrBRzTm- 1903
ST', ,fn' 731 "fa 7EV FTj
-r- -r- '
2'-3 4 5 6 Z 8
0 W 12 13 U J
16 IZ 18 19 20 21 22
23 2425 26 2Z 28 29
VICINITY Fair and couir Thursdnv.
rloudy Thursday; colder southeast sec
tion. FORECAST FOR IOTVA Thursrtn v part
ly rloudy Thursday and colder, with prob
ably snow flun-ies 1n east fortion.
S p. m 40
Secretary Taft makes address at Lin
coln banquet at Grand Rapids, Mich.
rafw 1
Comptroller Rldgeley says charges made
hy John M. Coffin against his office are
intentionally false. Tf 1
Long motor race through the northern
territory from New Tork to Paris bes-ina
in spectacular fashion. Tmgm S
Chinese are declared to be springing
into prominence in wonderful manner by
Prof Fryer of Berkeley. Paga M
Blip In blast furnace at McKeesport,
Pa., causes Injury of many men. Pag 1
Bryan spenda busy day at Buffalo.
rags 1
David Moffatt" gives attorney who rep
resents him costly black pearl. rage
Robbers loot hank at Rich Hill, Mo.,
of tl O.OdO. Pag-a I
Testimony brought out In divorce suit
that Judson H. Coe waa willing to barter
hla 16-year-old daughter for a position.
Page t
Indian appropriation bill carrying
18.000.000 is finally paseed by the bouse.
Page 1
Kansas railroad commissioners order 20
per cent rate reduction in effect- Page 1
Secretary Root ia In favor of acquiring
sites for the legations in various countries.
Pa-e a
T. L. Woodruff suggests that Governor
Hughes be allowed to name the delegatea-at-large
to the national republican con
vention. Pafe 1
Introduction of legislative, executive
and Judicial bill marks the opening of an
other political debate in tbe house.
Page l
Colorado republican state committee de
claree in favor of Secretary Taft as tbelr
candidate. Pace 1
Judges Hanna and Paul decide pension
cae at Grand Island in favor of the sol
diere and against the state Paga
Plotters In Mexico make effort to blow
up Americans and injure many. Pagw X
Germany promises to sign the arbitra
tion compact soon. Page 1
King Manuel takes up the duties of the
court receiving merchants who declare
their loyalty. Paga 1
Ex-Premier Franco says he can hardly
expect to find "the peace he desires even
In the hospitable country of Italy.
Pag X
ooiDtzaciaL ajts rarAjrcoax.
Live stock markets. Pag T
- K P. CXKielis ..
. ,vdrland ....
. . Mamevtil ....
.. t'fllcrBhurc ....
Oraf Wsldiuw
. Pre, litncela...
Bibuiaa .....
Krw yuhK .
N'rw TOkK .
HAKUI kG ...
. aylvania.
Ellolu f oil at Staaar Pier la
BrwokJra Caaaes Per a liar
NEW TOR.K, Feb. 15. Explosion of cans
of case oil which were being prepared for
shipment In a shed on a pier of the Stand
ard Oil works at the foot of North Twelfth
street. Brooklyn, today set fire to and de
stroyed the shed, pier and a two-atory
brick building adjoining it. Tbe building
mas used as a boxing department. The
loas is about SlX.oOU,
Burning oil from the cans ran through
the floor of the pier into the river and,
spreading among tha drift ice, presented
tlie peculiar spectacle of an ice-covered
r.'ver ablaae.
The gas tanks, which were near the burn
ing shed, were saved only after a hard
fight by the firemen.
Deris! af Cwsurt Clears Way far
Pruaeeattaa mt lee Trsit ta
Hew Vara-
NEW TOF;K. Feb. 15-The path for At
torney General Jackaon'a provecution of a
auit against the American Ice company, aa
directed by Governor Hughes yesterday,
was cleared by a decision handed down by
Justice Lrf-vemrttt in the supreme court
today. It grants the motion of the attor
ney general made some time ago for dis
continuance of the original actios broujrht
by former Attorney General Meyer for dis
solution of the American i? company.
The motion for dlsconlinusnce had len
strenuously Ofiposed by counsel for the ice
Asarrtraa aM-ictr af Isaseeian !
riasaMas ta Meet Hera
Aral Tear.
CHICAGO. Feb ll-The third annual
meeting of the Americaa Society of I nt-pec-tors
of Plumbing and Banilary Engineers
ended he-re tonight. The following offi
cers Were elected:
President, Edward Quinn, Bl. Louis; iae
preaidnnt. A. C. B:iaver. Pasadena, OaL;
secretary treasurer. Charles S. McCrooker'
Mobile. Ala.
Directors. Henry B. Davla. Washington,
D. C; Henry W. McVea. Omaha; W. W.
Reed. Philadelphia, Tha next convention
will tat Wd la Ffebruarr. 1M, la fmim,
n j i -i
at saaai
' ' Heur. Deg.
Jf3 Ina B a. m
r e-f- EfcJ.y5 Wa.m..... 40
1l '.- 11 a. m 40
LiSs- 40
' ) -A 1 p. m 40
V "Ti, 2 p. m 40
l : j
Eew Jerey. Democrat! Differ Orer
Kethoda of William J. Bryan.
Mr. H Irkuwa sf Alabaaaa Kays
Deasaerats tea Wla the
Battle with This
WASHINGTON; Feb. 15. The pent-up
feelnps' cf members on the issue c the
day and other topics were idven a .-hance
to be aired in the house ol repreeentatlvea
today. The opportunity came when the
legislative, executive nnd Judicial impro
priation bill was taken tip and general
debate for an in! ?'iit jieriod was begun.
As was the case 'est week, the tariff ques
tion and the pre dent's mesaaare were the
principal thcm.s .-f rtiiwusion. Jn the
course of the concluding debate t.n the
Indian appropriation bill the proceedinpa
were enlivened by Messrs HimiJ and I.eake
of New Jersey, onth democrat, dlscusfrlng
the virtues and faults of W. J. Bryan.
Mr. Hamlll Insisted ttmt his colleagne had
not In his spt-ech cf last Monday truly
represented the smtirr-ent of Hudson
county, which .hey both represented, .the
state of New Jers and the country. Re
plying. Mr. Leake reasserted his charge
that Mr. Bryan did flit represent the prin
ciples for which drtrntx-rscy stood.
laelaa Bill is Passe.
The Indian approprition hill, after flsvs
of consideration on ".lie floor, was passed
today by the hous? of npresontativee
practically in the farm recommended by
the committee. The bill cnrrs a total
appro prlati m of approximately JS.W.ono.
Chaplain Coudea in his invocation in the
house of 'e.nrewmtattres today, feelingly
referred to Abrxlinni Lincoln, aa follow:
We thank Thee, our Heavenly Father,
that the republic is not ungrateful, hut it
honors itself in keeping sacred the memory
of its illustrious son, who in peace and
in war gave a living sacrifice to ts honor
and glory, that today tlirouphout the hnrth
and breadth of oor union lis patriotic sons
and dauglitera will meet to pay tribute of
Jove and rrratltude and respect to Abraham
Lincoln, tlie aavlor of his country. Strong
in his intellectual powers, pure, tender,
loving of heart, a patriot, a statesman, a
Christian, the marvel of his ace, we thank
Thee for him, lor what he wis and what
be did. and we most earnestly pray that
we may strive to emulate his 'virtues and
leave behind us a record worthy In Chris
tian cllisennhip.
Political Debate Bearlaa.
For the second time this week politics
cropped out luring 'he discussion of the
Indian apprf'Pi"'aH'm bill in the house of
representatives. Today Mr. Hamill CN. J.)
got the fHor for lvc minuus. presumably
to talk on the hill.
"My colleague, Mr. Leake, last Monday
made some remark derogatory of the con
duct of William Jennings Bryan." be said.
and before he could continue Mr. Sher
man (N. T.) rose and said, amid general
laughter: "I must make the point of or
der that section of the bill does not appro
priate for William J. Bryan."
There were demands that Mr. Hamlll be
allowed to proceed. On condition that Mr.
Leake should be permitted five minutes
to reply tlie permission waa accorded.
Resuming; his remarks, Mr. Hamlll de
clared that the sentiments as expressed
by Mr. Leake "are not the sentiments I
entertain or the sentiments that prevail
in Hudson county, which we both rep
resent; which prevai;, for that matter,
throughout the state of New Jersey."
The principles Mr. Bryan espoused, he
said, were so undeniably sound "that his
victorious bpponents have appropriated
many of them and made them the popular
features of their policies."
"If," said Mr. Hamlll, "It was true, as
charged by his colleague, that Mr. Bryan
waa engaged In the practice of corralling
delegates to the Denver convention, it was
the very same practice Indulged in by
the Illustrious gentlemen whom my friends
on the other side of the chamber boasts of
as their political chlertain."
All eyes were turned toa-ard Mr. Leake,
who amid republican applause said thai
he had been misunderstood and that the
Congressional Record would bear him out
that he had cast no aspersions on 'the
peerless one."
Mr. Leake spoke of the doctrine of
Jefferson and reverting to Mr. Bryan pro
voked republican applause and general
laugiiter, when be said:
"I believe that Mr. Bryan is sincere and
honest, and I believe that he is truthful,
and I believe, further, that he cannot rep
resent the principles of democracy before
the American people. I believe that ha
cannot preach the doctrine of home rule
in the statea I do not believe he can
preach the doctrine of American individu
ality, for when he rises as our leader he Is
wound around by his heresies of free sil
ver, by his doctrines of governmental own
ership and by his guaranteeing of the
bank deposits of the Vnited Statea and by
all those other socialistic tendenciea"
"The country." he declared, "needa the es
tablishment of the principles of democracy
Into our national legislation and needs to
get away, from the principles which Mr.
Bryan stands for."
Tart tha Baal Iasae.
The attitude f the republican party on
the tariff question, and the president s re
cent special message to congress. In which
he called attention to the necessity of cer
tain legislation were the themes of a
lengthy apeecb by Mr. Richardson (Ala .
He congratulated the democrats cf the
house and the country on the Joint debate
tn the congress during the last fortnight
and in a remarkable manner cleared up the
political atmosphere and forcibly defined
the position and views of both of the great
political partit on vital political and eco
nomic question.
"Tariff reform." said Mr. Richardson, "is
the issue ttiat would clanify the political
atmosphere. Let us stand for free raw
material." he explained, "and the victory
la oura" He charged that on that point
the republican party waa weak and stood
diacredited with the people by Its broken
pledgca He did not hernial to aay that the
larifr will be an issue that appealed to the
people more than the Panama canal, the
railroads, the currency, the freedom of the
Philippines, imperialism, or the question of
unharmed malefactors so soundly denounced
by the president In his last mesaage. The
debate of tbe last week, he said, had demon -rtrated
tbe "weakness and utter inefficiency
of our boasted gold standard financial
He apoks of the multiplication of aoup
houses, failing banaa and other ad vers it lea,
and reminded tha republicans of their ex
tiiunatloa during the panic of 1XTJ, w hen a
back failure was reported that "Another
bank has gone democratic."
Mr. Richardson charged that the hack
that faued last fall had gone republican,
tak at fc tea se tier.
The stand pat leaders wno dictated and
directed the poUctea of the republican
party, lie asserted, declared with great 1
fiUMia Fa a
Oseilac er TXet tieeanlsa f Reaewal
t A 1 lest ace tkeers
Clrea C aaur. .
HELPING FORS, Teh. Il-The Flnnlah
I let was opened at the palace today, when
Governor General Geihnrd read an address
of greeting from tlie throne.. Tlie session
will tie a momentous one for Finland, in
asmuch as the attitude of Finland in the
present controversy with the throne is to
te defined. A number nf Important re
forms also will be sut-d on.
The Diet Is deeply Impressed with the
seriousness of the movement now going
on In Russia U restrict the privileges of
the grand duchy of Finland, aa well as
with the sympathetic events which trans
pired during the recess, particularly the
appointment of Major General Zein to be
assistant governor general of Finland.
In his response lo tl.e greeting from the
throne Judge Svinbuf vud, president of the
Dirt, and a member of the young Finn
party, declared that Major General Zeln's
appointment to one of 'the hifrhest positions
of the grand duchy was illegal. The ac
cusations apalnst Finland upon which cer
tain political circles in Russia are lias'.ng
their efforts to violate the political status
of Finland are false, he said, and the ex
ecution of tha proposed changes would be
ruinous to tlie political and social prog
ress of the country. The Finns always
have been loyal to the emperor, but they
are convinced that the maintenance of the
present Finnish constitution was absolutely
necessary for a proper development of the
national life.
In conclusion the president of the Diet
called for three cheers for Empe.rer Nicho
las and these were given with enthusiasm.
Qerma WwtwrallBesl Americaa 14
veatarer C-oa v Jetea of Black
saall aaa fratrirrd,
LONDON, Feh. 15.-Carl Ludwig von Velt
hetm. a German naturalized American who
posed as a baron and was known also as
Frank Kurts and Car! Bnelderioii Mauritx,
was sentenced today to twenty years penal
servitude, having been convicted of attempt
ing to blackmail Solly B. Joel, a wealthy
Londoner and South African mine owneT
OUt Of JK0.WI0.
Von Veltheim who was arrested four
months ago in Taris. shot and killed Wolf
Joel, a brother of Bolly Joel at Cape Town
in 189fl. He pleaded aU-def ense and vat
acquitted. Some years afterward a body
recovered from the Thames was Identified
as Von Veltheim by his wife, but latfr the
adventurer was discovered serving In tbe
Bechuanaland police.
Before sentence vat passed on Von Velt
heim the police told a remarkable story of
his career of crime and fraud. According
to this recital. Von Veltheim had com
mitted bis-amy with not ls Uian seven
women. This list includes a woman he
married in 18(4 at Tanklon, 6. D and a
young American woman, whose name is
not mentioned, whom he miA in 1906 on
board a steamer between New Tork and
Europe. He whs married to this woman in
Paris by a mock priest, who. it has been
learned, was a friend of Von Veltheim. The
prisoner is alleged to iaAe obtained large
sums of fflmrr frvrf tVv-i lit the wweee
he deceived. The polic allegations against
the man Include charges of theft and
blackmail and the assertion that he is a
deserter from the German navy.
pala ana Praaee Bald ta Disagree
Regard tea Policy ta Persae
la M
MADRID. Feb. 15. The press of Spain ii
at present oocurled with recitals of an al
leged divergence of views between the gov
ernments of France and Spain relative to
the inauguration of a more aggressive
policy in Morocco. Commenting upon the
note purporting to have been sent by
France to Spain asking for the dispatch
of reinforcements to Morocco, the Iipar
cial expresses the opinion that this step is
not suthorised by the Algeciras act and
points out, furthermore, that France s tac
tics up to the present time have not
brought about appeasement In Morocco, but
they have only Increased the local haired
of Europeans.
Tlie Liberal believes the time has about
arrived when the countries concerned
should reach a definite understanding re
garding Morocco.
Arbitration Aan-eetaeat Reached at
The Haarwe Com fereaee will Be
came Matter af Record.
BERLIN. Feb. 12. Speaking before the
budget commission of the Reichstag today
Dr. KriHge. permanent German member of
the arbitration court, said that Germany
soon would sign the agreement reached at
The Hacue last summer. This was not
signed by Germany at the oonferent Itself
because, the other great powers had post
poned affixing their signatures.
Answering the suarBtstiun that Germany
have an official report of the interpar
liamentary peace conference, ' w hich is to
meet In Berlin this year, Herr von Schoen,
the foreign secretary, said the government
looked forward to this conference with
pleasure and would certainly participate.
BeseH Deated at Paris by Beakers mt
laaer ( Irrle (ItnrlaU
aay Little.
PARIS. Feb. 15. It haa not been possible
to obtain confirmation of tbe report cur
rent here yesterday that the Japanese gov
ernment Is trying to float a loan In Paris
through the Banque -de Paris Et Des Pays
Baa. The only statement that the Japa
nese embassy would make was that nothing
was known of the matter and a leading of
ficial of the bank In question characterised
the assertion that the bank was at pies-
ent floating a Japanese loan "as totally
ler af Pwrtasal Kays Me
Hardly Haste r'lad It
la Italy.
GENOA. Feb. 15 Joan Franco, the de
posed premier and dictator of Portugal,
who arrived here last evening, remaina at
his hotel la seclusion. In conversation
today he .reiterated his desire to withdraw
from political life forever. "Tlie events at
Lisbon hsve shaken tne to the depths." he
said, ' and I cannot bojie to find tlie )eace
and tranquillity I so much need even in the
calm of this hospitable Italian climate."
Mlwera Object tm Pawner.
Dr-ftDOIN. 111.. Feb. 12 One thousand
coal miners Went oa strike here touay.
Their grievance is dissatisfaction with the
alleged inferior a-raos of buufl ir,r -
wm uuua use la ' '-r
Comptroller cf Currency Eepliei to
Charg-ei Against His Office.
eiaiaieo Aialnl I.arat Leaia ana
Ovcreertlaratie of (hecks
Are Sow Carefally
Ea force A.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 15. W. B. Rldgeley
comptroller cf the currency, today made
puhile his reply lo the criticism of his
bureau made by John M. Coffin, formerly
deputy compnoller of the currency, aa pub
lished in a New Tork newspaper last Sun
day morning.
"Mr. Coffin charged." says Mr. Ridgeley
"that sections Shi and BS of the revised
statutes of the United Slates are dally
violated by every large national bank and
makes the statement that sUck gambling
could be suppressed, or at least f per cent
of it obliterated, by a strict enforcement
of the above named sectlona."
Mr. Ridpeley reviews Mr. Coffin's con
nection with the Besver National hank of
New Tork as its first president, and states
that as a reu!t of vlolationa of the law
the bank is now in voluntary liquidation.
Lots Limit Ea forced.
Mr. Rldgeley goes on to say:
Not only the charges, but the statements
made by Mr. Colfin In the article referred
to. are really made without any knowl
edge of the facts, and are Intentional! v
falHe and untrue. Section ijwi is the section
of 'he bank act which prohibits any na
tional bank from loaning an amount equal
to more than one-tenth of the capital stock
of such association, actually paid and un
impaired and one-ientli of ita unimpaired
surplus fund, provided, however, that tlie
total of such liabilities shall in no event
exceed SO i-r cent of the capital stock of
the association, to any person, amiociaUon.
company, corjoration or lirm. Whatever
may have been the fact in regard to the
enforcement of this provision al the time
when Mr. Coffin was deputy comptroller
of Hie currency, and in a large dotrm-e re
sponsible ior its enlorcement or Dim
enforcement, since the passage of the
amendment to this act on June 27, l!tii, a
most vigorous and determined eftort has
be n maue by me as comptroller of the cur
rency to entorce this section of tlie bank
act. It Is true that in former years It
aas a very common practice for some
New York and other batiks in the country
to make loans in excess of tiie 10 per cent
limit, but owing to the steps taken by the
comptrollers otfice in the last tew years
to enforce this section such violations of
the law are now very infrequent.
Few ( becks tlverr-er tinea.
The comptroller uuoted from the reports
of the national bank examiner In New Tork
tending to show that violations or section
LMU, in regard to excessive loans, have
been practically eliminated from New Tork
banking, and then says:
In rep Hid to the violations of section
Cats, prohibiting the over certification ol
checks. Mr. Colfin s statements are equally
false or based on wrong inlormaiion. 1 am
convinced trom the examinations 1 have
made and the explanations and assurance
given me by many bankers of the highest
character and standing that illegal over
ceruiications of checks are extremely rare.
When tli-y are discovered, aa in a recent
ctse, the tacts are reported to the Depart
ment of J usuce and the offenders are in
dicted and brought lo trial. The sections of
the law Mr. Coffin complains are daily
vtoiaird. axe, aa a rut tier of lai, snicily
in lor ied tut- same as all the lent of the
law is enforced quietly and as a matter
of duty without any fuse or parade and
repardlesa of tlie iettere of Mr. Colfin or
any oiher sensation monger. The proposi
tion that officers of leading bunks ol New
Vurk City are so foolhardy as to daily
violate toe law and render themselves
liable to imprisonment as criminate, as
would tie the case if the law were so vio
lated, is too absurd for serious belief.
Twenty Tboasaad Dollars Takes
f ram Farmer aad M an a fac
ta rcra at Hlrh Hill, Ma.
RICH HILL. Mo., Feb. .-Securing
t'n.ooii in cash, after dynamiting and badly
damaging the building of the Farmers'
and Manufacturers' bank in this city, five
bandits, heavily armed, terrorised the citi
ens here at an early hour this morning,
and. after exchanging shots with the sher
iff's posse, escaped to the rough country
south of here.
No one was injured. A terrific explosion
caused by the dynamiting of the vault of
the bank awakened tlie town a half hour
after midnight, and the population hurried
to the two-story brick bank building In the
center of the city. Many persons arrived
in time to see the robbers riding awa..
Some of the -cltiaens opened fire on the
fleeing bandits and the robbers returned
the fire.
Cashier J. W. Jamison said that tlE.OOt)
in currency and SL.01X in gold was taken
by tlie robbera. Three thousand In silver,
all that remained of the bank s cash, w as
not touched. The bank carried tll.,000 In
surance. Five hundred dollars was offered today
for tlie arrest and conviction of the rob
Rewabliraa Mate Central Cent nail tee
Declare tmr Hint at Dri
ver Meetlsg.
DENVER, Feb. 15. Resolutions endors
ing the course of the national administra
tion and favoring the nomination of Sec
retary William H. Taft for president were
unanimously adopted today by the repub
lican state central committee of Coloiado.
The resolutions were presented by Gov
ernor Buchtel. The committee decided to
call a state convention at Pueblo February
58 for the purpose of choosing delegates to
the republican national convention,
JOPLIN, Mo Feb. 15. The republicans
of the Fifteenth Missouri congressional
district, in convention here today, elected
delegates to the national convention tt
Chicago instructed to vote for Secretary
Taft for prealdent. Attorney General Her
bert S. Hadley was endorsed for governor
of Missouri and the other state officers
were endorsed for re-election. John D.
Holmes was elected delegate at large, C.
E. Matthewa of Webb City and Dr. Q. C.
Wilson of Nevada district delegates, and
D. S. Flowers of Lawrence county and
Pierce Gurlty of Barry county as alter
David Mafatt Makes Present ta At-
tarwey W ho Represents His
NEW YORK. Feh. 15 -When Charlea J.
Hugnea, Jr., a Iietiver lawyer. finiKhod hir
forty-f'.ve hours addrea before the artil-
tret'irs vhj me hearing the Iienver nater-worka-caae
lu-re, he was j.rwj.u-d aitti u
blaik iarl by David Moffat, of Denver
hose Internals he is representing. The
pearl ia aaid to be worth lliimi). Mr.
Hughe iKgan hi sueecb laat Wednesday
and fcas ajiekeji fur aeverU Lours very
AdBBlalstratlnaa af Bweaevelt
heldwaa Are
HARTINGTON. Neh., Feb. 11 (Special
Telegram. i The Cedar county republican
convention called for the purpose of se
lecting drlegstes to the siste and cinarres
siona! convention, met here this afternoon.
8 O. Reese of Randolph, was chosen chair
man and Guy T. Wilson of Jjiurel, secre
tary. The report of the committee on reso
lutions, which was unanimously adopted,
endorsed the administration of President
Roosevelt, especially in his flrht acainm
corporate greed, and calls upon good cltl-ti-na
regardless of party, to support I he
president in this contest.
The candidacy of William H. Taft cf
Ohio for nomination to the office of presi
dent is endorsed, recognizing in him a
worthy successor to our present Illustrious
chief. The state administration of Gover
nor George L. Sheldon is commended and
support is pledged toward securing his re
election. The candidacy of Hon. Frank
P. Voter of Laurel, to be delegate to the
Cl.icago national convention Is recom
mended, and the delegates of this county
to the congressional convention are di
rected to use their best efforts to secure
his election. Mr. Voter is a pronounced
supporter of Mr. Taft.
W. T. Graham of Laurel, heads the dele
gation to the congressional convention, and
Hon. George W. Willse of Randolph was
elected chairman of the state delegation.
Dosea Mea Baraed, Twa Fatally, by
Explosion at MrKees
nert. Pa.
FITTFBURG. Feb. 11 A doaen men were
burned, two of them fatally, in a terrific
explosion of molten steel at the Mononga
hela Mast furnace of tbe National Tube
company at Center street. McKeesport.
near here, early today. The huge steel
plated furnace, 100 feet in height, burst at
the taphole and fifty tons or liquid metal
dropped lo the floor, accompanied by ex
plosions as it spread and splashed over
the heads and bodies of the workmen
nearby. Tlie fatally injured are Thomas
O'Toole, burned all over body, head and
arms, and Alexander Smith, McKeesport,
burned all over body, head and arms
Twt other Americans and one Huncarlan
were burned on the hands, arms and face
and sent to a hospital.
Seven other laborers employed about the
furnace were attended by the eompanv's
physician at the emergency hospital In
the works.
A slip In the furnace caused hundreds of
tons of iron ore. coke and limestone to
drop to the bottom, forcing the heavy
steel plates apart. The men ran, but the
metal splashed into the air when it struck
tlie cold floor and the detonations broke
all the windows in the plant and for a
radius .of two squares, cauxing Intense ex
citement In the town.
Dynamite Exploded Fader Boarding
Haane at Mining; (nun
la Mnlea.
DOT' GLAJ5, Arlx., Feb. H-Repnrts of
the explosion at the Santa Rosa mining
camp, eighteen miles south of here in
Sonora. probably hsve been exaggerated.
No one waa injured when the two separate
charges cf dj-namlte were exploded Sat
urday evening, wrecking the oommiBBary
department and part of the boarding bouse.
That all of the Americans in the camp
were not killed or maimed, however, is
due to the fact that the explosion occurred
at a time when they were grouped some
distance away.
A half burned fuae and a heavy charge
of dynamite were found later under the
house occupied by Foremun Ryan. The
work la believed to be that or Mexican
anarchists, such as operated in Cananea.
The Mexican government is making special
efforts to ascertain the guilty ones.
Colonel Kooterlitxsky and a troop of
rurales and officers from nearly Mexican
cities, together with special attorneys are
W'orking on the case. Mexican employes,
about fifty In number, are under close sur
veillance. No arrests have lieen made.. The
Santa Rosa mine Is owned by the Calumet
IL Arizona Interests.
Five Perwaas Killed and Several
lajnred hy aa Accident at
Prsiidrser, R, I.
PROVIDENCE. R. I.. Feh. 15 Five per
sons are believed to have been killed by
the explosion of a mixer in the starch fac
tory of C. S. Tanner late this afternoon.
Three other persons were injured. Their
condition is not regm-di-d as serious. Tlie
building was badly wrecked by the explo
sion and fire following completed the work
of destruction. The dead are:
All these were workmen. Another man,
A. L G. Chase, who was in a chandlery
store, which occupied a corner of the build
ing, is missing and is supposed to be buried
In the ruins. Tlie property lofa will prob
ably not exceed 110,000.
Progress at Badalo Will Inrlnde
Maay Neetlsn of Y ari
ses Kinds.
BUFFALO. N. T.. Feb. 12 -William J
Bryan arrived here today from his Cana
dian tour. At Niagara Falls he delivered
an address under the auspices of the dem- ! mrt .V.V4, J 1 t,J " tniertiationaj
.i i.. t . i , scanaai and McKmliy resistwd to the utir
acratlc committee. Beginning this after- most tne a.,al lo arms, but for. of nu bhe
noon. Mr. Bryan will deliver five addresses
here a general address to women, a re
ligious address to the clergy, a political ad
dress to the general public, a patriot ic ad
dress at a private club and a fraternal ad
dress to a fraternal organization cf whicn
he ia a member.
In addition to the above program he will
receive a visit from the democratic lead
ers al his hotel at 4 o'clock and between t,
and will attend a reception by the dem
ocratic county committee.
Koa of Mrs. Marr Baker G. Eddy
Partially Paralysed hy Kirk
of Home.
LEAD. S. D.. Feb. H.-Frorn the kick of
a horae received ever a week ago, George
W. Glover, son of Mta. Maiy Baker CI.
Eddy, the Christian 6:111. leader, is sut
feru.g with paralysis or one leg that
threatens lo become permanent Giover is
a man last middle age, but has iilwaya
been very active.. The horae kicked h:m on
the right leg and reopened an old gunahot
wound received in the civil war. Kmot
then Glover has lost the ua of tha licit
and nurgeotui f oar La will tnu regala it.
Secretary of "War Principal Speaker
at Grand Eapidt Eanqnct.
DocmncEs or great kjlette
Frobaule Attitude Toward Great
rroblemi of Today Dicnsd.
He 'Would Be a Eepublican on the
Tariff Question.
wobk fox the riLirrjros
Efforts et Administration Lad
People tlvll and Political
Liberty Weald Meet
His Aarwval.
GRAND RAPIDS. Muh.. Fib. 15 -Secretary
Tart aaa the principal six-alter al the
annua! banquet of tin Lincoln club to-nit-hu
Addi esses a ere also delivered by
French Ambassador Jussrutand and Cur
lia tiulld, Jr., governor of Massachusetts,
Mr. Taft a Addreaa.
Secretary Tart said:
"What Would Lincoln Do TodavT"
1 did rot n loci tins (oaat. and should not
have chosen n of my own tree will. It is
dilficult to lit into a new niche of history
a really great mu.n abuse greatness is ln
dissoiuhly associated with s particular
crisis in a hu h he lived, tine cannot lake
from the environment in aiilch the graud
ness of his i i:araclcr aland out. There are
lew liVeR whicn seem lo have been shaiied
so provident tally to meet a count! i gieat
needs as that of i,iricoln aith reference to
slavery und the civil wiir. Coming friwn a
childhood of the greatest penurv snd de
mocracy and a lee ol equal richts that
never left him and gave deep color to his
whole lit, his soul revolted at human
slavery He had a tenderness of heart and
a sympathy with his felloamsn that man
ifested Itwelf In the Hinaliest details of his
lite, and he hBd a power or putting hlm
soir In another's place which gave him a
profound e,S 0f j,,t1ce. He understood
the plav of human nature as fern- men have.
He was s party man. as everv man must
be alio wishes to leave his Individual im
pression upon tlie Individual character of
the nation. 1 do not mean for a moment
to deprecate Independence or parly or mna
wumpiRtn. bccaui-e 1 believe that 'the Inde
pendent vote on the whole exercises more
direct effect In sn election than the party
vote, it nuist he so. but while nil inde
pendent voters as a masa. exercise more
control over the decisions in an election
as Individuals they do not do so The man
who would retiiin his Individual Influence
and effect tr'od measures tn our oenmtrv
where parties are a necessity in the car
rying on or Hie goverrment . most be a
party man. And no one recorntses thts
more than did Lincoln. For thst reason
W'e may sav. in the first place, tlmt tr Lin
coln were living todav he would be a re
publican As s follower of Mr Clay. Lincoln was
In ravor or Hie protective or American svs
tem. as It m cs'ied. During his adminis
tration the Morrill turlfT was passed for
the svstem of protection to American In
dustries on the modern plsn whs then fnllr
'nniipurate. We can. therefore, assign
him to a fnce In the present day among
pro! ectiorti.
Policy of Exwanalea.
Where would he stand In respect to our
Philippine policy and expanxumT Would
r aa the tr:t! liir -rial let ti.k tin- posi
tion, were he livins today, ihul ihe rt pub.
bean iiarty in lis actions in respect to
Porto Kico. Cuba and the Philippine, had
departed rroni the principles that act u
ated him in Itecoming a republican, and
would he be against retaining ihi
national control? Mr. Lincoln relied greatlv
in nis discussions on tne slave question
upon the terms or the Tm,niti,m .. i
dependence. He dwell upon Ihe postulate
ion ii in inui instrument that sll men
are created free and eounl r,rt i, i.,,,...i
that. ItiBoIar as the cons! It m ion recoirnised
slavery, and insofar as slaverv was an In
stitution ol our government it ..
put-lure from the Declaration of lnoeiien
Uence. and it la piiamble to cuiote from his
" sieecnes sentences which.
taken ironi t heir text and mud.- applicable
'' 'p republican policy in the Philippine
would seem to ! al variance with it. But
when we understand what It was that Lin
coln w us attacking and rnmnare it wh h
?, v ,"1V' onm' "N" J"lt'S
".l1 'l"1''"11"'' " ' "n that the
two things are so different, that it is un
derstood to i. unsafe" to assume that hla
and our Philippine would Is- the
same as His attitude toward the Institu
tion of human slavery. He maintained that
the words -all men are created free and
equal - included the colored as well as the
while man. but alfirn.ed with great em
phasis that he did not mean tha" the men
who were thus declared equal were nee
. i i ,ne government. What he con
tended waa that they were at onoe entltl "d
.vbrrud. U"'y ""d nd should be
suit of happiness. 1
Maa of Broad Views.
Lincoln was not a man atifriy dogmatic.
uL V, '"Hn "'wd ihe apphca:
1 flL'"" "'',"-i"' to 1 controlled I
was that of sweet reasonableness and com
rS ?:;nt,. 2 : ' the HeafocX
. . .. hi, t v w nen cue nron m
1l III ir-ii. .... ... V .
klCUnil-Ill A,.,,. -an,..!..... ' a. . I "A II
..uv inui mi 1 jTrlf-rt ri rtr rw-.amoJ i
P.ks adm.msir.tion , i.r.nging on tJ,a
Mexican war. and that he r.aardod It as
mere cjueat lor mUuurv
and ac-
brought lo the nei
was final I v
eeHHll v ,.f tin.,.. ... . '
In l.el.ulf ..... . . ,7 .. .-I r .'-"." arms
... ... . ... ,i,r i i.i,ai,i tiiramsi ei.ain ;,
impartial historian will attribme to 1 Im in '
,l'rn.4r","1"S 01 4,r ''l''T rreed "t
territory or thirat for power. Tl,e sell
ueryii.g reaoluiioii of r.n.fcn.r Teller a--
lu , ,P uec luraiion ol w ar relieved
conarej.s a.iid the counto' from any imj.ula-
tl a air V""" "", n,i,Uv Winning
that war teiruonal aggrandisement. It was
a aar that found it. reason m the mia ol a jn-oplt au near ua
t heir demoralisation. Itieir sufferitirs and
their danger in noint of l.i.uiii. .i
opinion was loo uronr i.,r i,in ....
.eioed to Ihe inevitable. Ldn.-oln would
have done exactly tne same and he could
have done ao without the sUgiuest depart
.rt, f","I,,1I,, l,r""''Pl lii U gu.ded
civil wai "-r and through Uis
Problems of the Phtll !.
When the , m. nnes ol t i.e fubkn war
took us I. the i'i,il.j,,m,ea and i'orio Kico
ana i.ri.poaiiioi.a .n subn-iiiied to ua wi.en
tut- .r..iocol Vas Bianeu. .MU.,,r an aiiould
take ever tne Philippines. a auemon
arose ior dcciaion mat In, us no analogy
whatever in the issues winch Mr. Lincoln
waa called upon u consider and Oul na
tional course in that regard found I.e con
trolling in ins d-elarvd political
pliiloaojily tor our sjKicilic- fuidanca
The i ii.lipj.ine isianua came lo us with
out our dtuign. In war one must pursue
his enemy wi.rre he can f.r.d i,;m. It waa
neceasary that la wey at.ould Destroy the
ripan.Bh fleet in tt.e Pac-.ifu to prevent lis
use afcaiiiat cur comr.iuee and against our
Pcili territory. Tiie oemrucliou ol tha
Spanish fleet pjt the J't.iiippin. at our
mercy. We had no troops, 1 . aever. and as
a reasonable war meusuie we l:ivokd the
assiMi.n. of Afj i.iiuu and hi fellow
in.uii.ctos nu: lie ol Sjin to
assist us in ihU!.liti.!i,( c.t.iirol in ti.a
land until our nnn i-oli favei 7 n. mile
iwiwoen our port ai.u tt.e l'nitiipii1Ms.
VVith the assistance of Aguliialdu a army
we look the cny of Mtuula and then tha
tw-ace came. The question was what course
lay open to ua.
bhouid luxxi our J'j-Xiippuie Uie m X
presented t !, afl,.r thr Spanish-American
war as to what should be done with
respect to the Ph,p, u, I. nothing
In his career, nothing tn any of his speech...
pro -rly ndei stood which would ha vTprV
n HI ion ,.r .u , . .- .
............. ... .w,m, i,mi a,a mil n.!,,,.. .
'J-Hr " war
lair-minded man can sustain u a-ialocv
Le .Vr".Ul: ,'"' rememiKT the
...... , u , iTii i un Mr u i......