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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1908)
8 THE OMATTA SUNDAY BEE. FEBRUARY 0, 1003. Just Received On Sale Temorrow at Special Bargsuns EMBROIDERED WMSHWGS nigh Class Novelties, Worth to $2.25 Yard, at. 98c Yd. Made of fine French batiste and itainsook fabrics. yi fit elegant striped effects, combina tion filet And crochet, Japanese shadow and other all new effects, tome of the tnos I ele gant waistings ever shoivn in the west, act ually worth to $2.25 a yard, at, a ymrd gf Thousands of Yards of Fine Embroideries -I rp From An Eastern Imprtr and Manufacturer 10,000 y s ( Three Extra Fine Lois of Embroideries S s 4 s IQc-20 18 and 27 inch skirtngs, flouncings and corset cover embroideries also wide bands and gal loons, in all this season's choicest desicrns crisn suuwy i u is u ii niree big bargain squares worth to $1 yd., aCyard Fin Cambric Nainsook and Swiss Embroidery Edgings and insertions all choice new de signs narrow, medium and wide two big bargain lots, worth up to 25c a yard, at, yard 5c 0.10c Galloons Beddings Big new bargain lot of fine scalloped ! s edge' galloons and headings, worth up to loc a yard very CO)1 special at, yard New Shipment Fine French and German Val. Laces and Insertions black silk chantilly edges, also j&ZS 1 2 r S s s Advance Showing of the Smartest 1908 Noyeltiei j Spring Dress Goods J Brandeis is the first to show the really new fabrics that will be fashions favorites for 1908. In our great dress goods section we have now on display scores and scores of charming novelties stnt to us direct through our own Paris office We mention the new shadow plaids, voiles and other filmy mtterials also the smart plain in ctlored effects. , You will be charmsd with the goods we are - showing in that favorite of spring shades Copenhagen Blue. 60-inch Tailor Suitings, in favorite Btrlpes and checks, at, yd. $1.00 60-inch Chiffon Panamas, in the i 44-inch Taffetas, Chiffons and latest shades-i-at Poplins, in stripes and plain, at, yrd $1.00 I yard $1.00 45-inch taffetas, in plain shadow checks and stripes, Herringbone, etc., new shades, at, per yard. $1.10 Pekin Stripe Serges In very i 66-in. English Suitings, in new desirable shades, at ! est checks nl stripes, adapted I for coats and tailored suits. $1.19 I at $1.39 Lupin's Voiles, in stripes and shadow checks and plain, at, yard. 100 and $1.69 DRESS GOODS ON BARGAIN SQUARES 49c-59c-69c torchon, clunys and Point de Paris many to match values up to 15c a yard, at, yard . it. . - Many light shades, suitable for spring suits, also splendid line of . serges, pananiaa, veilings, etc., all shades, including shadow checks, stripes and mixed weaves at I S S 4 -t 4 4 4 & 44? 4? 4?44? 414? 4... ,r.fti'4?4?'i'''4,,,4?4?3t GREAT CASH PURCHASE Yards of Silks In Newest and Most Fashlonoble Weaves and Coloring AT ABOUT ONE-HALF ACTUAL WHOLESALE COST "We have just received these silks by express from our New York buyer and the bargains are wonderful. In this lot are 27-inch Tuscans in plain and fancy, plain Rajahs, checked Louiscnes, new fancy -Foulards, new fancy Mcssalines, fancy Pongees, as well as black taffetas and light and dark lining silks. These nigh Class Spring Silks Posi tively worth up to $1.75 a yard--at, yd. We Announce the Daily Arrival of Our New Imported Silks Our new rough Silks in Rajahs, Tuscans and Pongees, both in plain and fancy, are the smartest fabrics in the world of fashion. Fine imported Rajah, 27 in. wide, beautiful luster, in more than 25 shades at, yard 1.25 85c quality Japanese Kimono Silk, exquisite floral and Jap designs, 32 ff inches wide at, 6,000 yards .black oil boiled d r e s taffeta, yard wide reg-. ular price $1.60 at, yard. unci 98i Highest Grade English Wilton Rugs $i In those rich and elegant color combinations, all 9x12 rugs, of the most beautiful desiim. should sell at. 5fcf0.00 nr , i 1 - Splendid New Lots Just Received Fine Ginghams-White Goods Summer Wash Fabrics, Etc. The price advantages for Monday's selling are most extraordinary Fine Sheer Batistes White grounds, printed in pretty new figures plaids, stripes, checks, dots, worth 15c a yard, at, yard. Fine White India Linons Best lot yet, this season, fl f IU1 Sic at, yard Beautiful Mercerized Plaid Waisting, looks like silk that retails at $1.00, IP Monday at, yd UC Heavy Unbleached Muslin Better than the regular 8Vc grade, will go at, C yard Soft finished yard wide Long Cloth, better than regular I2V2C grade, at, i yard O 2C 5c Heavy and medium grade 36 inch bleached Muslin will be sold at, yard Dimity stripes and checks, an unusually fine white ma terial for waists at, A yard lUC 8Vc and 10c fancy striped , and checked Outing Flan nel, from the bolt, C Monday at, yard New Double Fold Dress Percales 36-in. wide, pretty A waist and suit styles sold from bolt at, yard ItIC 100 full bolts 40-in. white Lawn, better than 10c grade, Monday at, yard 5c s S S Spring's Newest Style Creations THE NEW SUITS NEW SKIRTS NEW WAISTS A decidedly attractive display of spring tailored suits awaits you Monday also very smart new waists and skirt models, bound to find much favor this spring. NEW SPRING SAMPLE SUITS These are from a manufacturer of fine suits, who made up one too many sample lines for his traveling men. He sold to Bran deis at a great discount. More than 100 new tAp (ha suits; all this spring's very smartest effects f f ft Til specially priced at..' UtM w tr V EXCLUSIVE NOVELTIES IN SPRING TAILORED SUITS A large and varied showing revealing those ultra new features, such as the butterfly sleeve, the strictly tailored mannish coats with pointed fronts, etc. the correct mater- $TC fa $ C ials and the very newest colors, at J O J OUR SHOWING OF NOVELTY LACE AND NET WAISTS New tailored linens and lingerie models, the most attractive new models yet shown, elaborate dress and etenlng effects, etc., at O (TIP Prices HOC 10 $45 THE NEW TAILORED SKIRTS FOR 1908. There's something very fetching about the lines of the new Skirts. The new gored flare Is prominent, medium weights and short TM C C lengths for 1908, range of prices s s New Spring Goods In Drapery Dept. Cluny Curtains, In whit and Ara bian, 48 Inches wide, 8 yardn long, 2 Inch linn edge, at, pair, (2.60. New line of very fine Imported Cable Net, Scotch and KngllBh Net Curtains, at, pair, $4.98. High grade Imported Duchess and Irish Point Curtains extra wide bor derslast season curtains like these sold as high aa 117.50, at; pair, $10.00. New Hope Portieres We are show ing new styles from 1.25 up to $5.98 a pair. New Spring Drapery SUk AU the new shades in Klato and Florentine silks, at. per yard 65c and (8c. An unlimited assortment of finest grade Kllkoltne, yard 12 Ho. Very fine Imported Curtain Swiss most stores sell at 36c a yard, our price, a yard, lc. Hest oil opargue Window Shades, 3x7, special for Monday, each", 3c BARGAINS FOR MONDAY Main Linen Aisle, Dascm'nt 54-inch good weight Table Padding, worth 39c, at, yard Large , size hemmed crochet Bed Spreads, worth 75c, each ( 15c bleached hemmed Turkish Towels, ea. . 18-inch Renaissance Lace Center Pieces, worth 50c, each Dl Six-wheel Teneriffe Doilies, each . . . 19c 71c 2c RANDEIS Beginning Monday and Continuing Two Weeks A Demonstration and Sale of LA VIDA CORSETS Showing the Newest and Most Correct Models MISS M. E. NOLAN ' The Manufacturer's Special Expert Corset iere, will be in Attendance Your Presenee is Requested. Brandeis has secured exclusive agency for these superior, corsets in Omaha. The new designs are charm ing and are in perfect conformity with the fashions of gowns for 1908. Only genuine Greenland whalebone is used, giving extreme lightness to the corset. Every La Vida Corset is made by hand. The beautiful lines and exquisite modeling for which French corsets have long been famous are found in La Vida corset. To be strictly correct your spring apparel should be fitted over these splendid corsets. La Vida Corsets are $4.00 up to $25.00. 'mm """rnfVY-srfwwuuuw MONDAY'S BIG BARGAINS 0 HARDWARE DEPT., Basement, Old Store BSOOK Made of best quality broom corn, 1 sewed, 'hardwood han dles, r e g ular 23c, at .. .. SALT BOXES Imported white China salt box, with hardwood cover 15c OAS Z.IOHT The Clover Light, made by the Welsbach Co., saves gas bills and Increases jour light, regu W lar 49c, at . . , VJC Oaa Mantles to fit any ordinary In verted light.. lOo Gas Mantles, regu- XKOimrO BOARD lailon sUe, fits Made of hest qualiiy any ordinary bur- bMS wood, can be ner, regular 15c, folded up when not at So n use. regu- iq. Safety Oil Cam Full one gallon I size, extra heavy glass, bound with patent spring wire cover l-n g, non- breakable, V A) regular 50c Tooth Picks The Perfection, double ' pointed hardwood hotel pick, regular 5o box. at 3 boxes for lOo SAO IHOHT Genuine 4 :.. Sensible, Ticket or Tally Pnnoh Just the thing for card par ties, punches of hearts, clubs, diamonds and spades, has safety receptacle - to catch clippings Salt and Pepper Shakers Imitation cut glass with solid German sliver tops, r e g ulaj 25 c, each lOc soa WHIPS Light weight, bright wire egg whips. ' each CLOTHES BASS arms, made of hardwood, . with nickel -f rT n plate XOC lar 98c, at TEA XETTX.B Full No. 8 -size, heavily nickel plated, seam less, guaran teed not to leak or rust ...SBo Wall Paper Cleaner, used like a spongo 15c : 9 Wax lighting tapers, "non drip," t boxes for lOo consisting of 3 irons. 4 mm handle and stand,' set.. Iron Handles Will fit any sad iron, steel stretcher and will outwear 3 of the ordinary kind. q each XAMMEXl Nickel plated, head, hard q wood handle Owing to the back ward season we find ourselves overstocked with heating stoves and will close out our entire line of all kinds of heaters at 25 discount. DUST PAH Made of extra heavy tin, ja panned . . 6c A annHV. hurffu n i:- i in 1 i ' . Articles for Valentine Day , For Decorations, Parties, Etc. Such as red crepe tissue paper, red card board, .papar garlands, plain red hearts, all sizes dinner and tally cards, doilies and paper napkins, writing paper for in vitations, etc., on sale In Stationery Dept. H&irdressing Department Dressing and Marcel Wav- . . , .60c Hair ing Shampooing ....60c Massaging, with electric vibrator, for 50c Manicuring, for ladies and gentle men 50c (3.60 Hair Switches for. . . .I1.9S All kinds of Hair Goods at lowest prices. Calling Cards Special for Monday Any name typograved in script or Old English on fifty up-to-date cards, for.... AUC BRANDEIS KANSAS CITY BOOSTS OMAHA Publishes Map that Shows Nebraska Metropolis Greatest Center. NEARER MORE THAN KAWT0WN Claiming: Ike Earth Itself, the Mis souri City's Map Shews Omaha Tint to the Heart of Most Imdostrles. Omaha boosted by Kansas City! Few cities have ever been given ouch a good boost by a competitor aa Omaha Is receiving with the compliments of the busi ness men of Kansas City, according to Commissioner J. M. Guild of the Omaha Commercial club. Seeking to advertise Kawtown, the Mer chants' and Manufacturers' association of Kansas City has prepared a map of the V'nlted Stattw. bending up the steel rail road' rails little to make them radiate from Kansas City and showing the centers of production, population and Industry. To the surprise of the Omaha Commercial club the map which Is being published In the magazines at art enormous expense to Kansas City, shows plainly that Omaha Is nearer the center of production for many commodities than Kansas City, In Some In stances the advantage of Omaha being given by several hundred miles. According to the Kansas City map Omaha lias the advantage ot any otherclty In the west. In being close to the supply of the following products: Copper. Wool. Oold, Wheat, bilver. Oats. Kansas City la shown to be nearer the center of the section producing the follow- Cattle. "Farm Products." Ing Items than any other city on the Mls- "uui i river; Iead and Zinc, Cotton, Horses and Mules Center of Population. Kawtown also boasts of being nearer the center of population in the United States, an Imaginary point in Indiana and also nearer the geographical center of the United States, surveyor's Joke, always in dispute, but claimed to be an Imaginary point In northern Kansas, some place "In the rich Republican river valley." The centers of the great region produc ing corn and hogs are equidistant from Omaha and Kansas City, whfle according to the Kawtown map the center of cattle production In the Vnlted States la In south western Iowa, nearer Kansas City than Omaha. "What are you going to do In return for the advertising Kansas City is giving Omaha?" the'commtesloner was asked. "I think we better take the matter up with our advertising committee," suggested Mr. Guild. " "Will you publish a few hundred maps showing. Omaha with a red star, under the title "What Our Neighbors Bay About Us?" "We will consider such a proposition, but the map la being given a wide circulation by Kansas City and there s little need for us to go to the expense." BUTCHER PROFITS BY FAULT Frank Knncl Is Dleehara-ed as Ke salt of Carelessness on Pnrt ot omelal. because the state chemist and state meat Inspector were careless in complying with the provisions of the statute regarding conviction of persons under the pure food law Frank Kuncl. U07 Boutb Sixth street. was discharged by Police Judge Crawford Saturday morning. Kuncl was charged with selling hamburger sausage adulterated with' sulphites. But his attorney showed that the Jar In which one of the samples was kept was not properly sealed and that It was even broken so that It would have been possible to insert sulphites upon the meat after it was put in the jar. Also the attorney pointed out that this sample for the use of the defendant had not been kept In the custody of the state chemist in the state laboratory of the Pure Food and Dairy commission aa provided by the statute. Two other rases are pending of the same charge against Omaha butchers. Rboloids A New Treatment for Rheumatism A remarkable discovery has been made by a Washington scientist where by those afflicted with Rheumatism, In any of Its forms, can find relief and prompt cure from their suffering. It is his desire to have every suffer er of this torturing disease In Omaha to try this new treatment, known as Ilhololds and with this end In view a free trial treatment will be sent to any address upon request, by The Kholotds Company, Washington, D. C. By tak ing advantage of this leberal offer you are enabled to test the curative power of Kholotds. without expense. If you are satisfied that it will he If you the regular fl size treatment can be se cured at Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge, or the Owl Drug Co., 16th and Harney, WILLIS CURL AN EX-CONVICT Negro Finally Identified by Chief of Detectives Savage. SERVES EIGHT YEARS AT LINCOLN Golltr of Many Burglaries nnd Attack of Mlss'Poast, but His Imprison ment Clears Him of Bin. melhart Mnrder. Chief of Detectives Savage has succeeded in Identifying W'UUs Curl, '.a negro who confessed to knocking down and robbing Miss Florence Pouat the evening of Janu ary 3W at Twenty-second and California and to having committed at least five bur glaries In Omaha. Curl was sentenced to eight years In the penitentiary from the district court of Douglas county In 19U0 for burglary. Ills sentence, with deductions for good behavior, expired last fall and he was dls. charged. Since then he has been living In Omaha and engaging In. burglary and high way robbery, his operations culminating with the assault of the young woman from whom he stole a handbag after knocking her down with a cold chisel. Chief Savage thought he recognised Curl when he waa first arrested. Saturday he "came to him." Chief Savage secured the photograph of Curl from the rogues' gal lery and there he is described aa "Bill Corey, alias Curl." He wore a mustache at that time. He la now smooth-faced. This Identification, however, effectually proves, an alibi for Curl in the matter of the murder of Miss Rummelhart the, night of October t, 1906, of which he waa sus pected, as he was In the penitentiary then. Curl will be swiftly guided to the peni tentiary at the earliest moment as he is anxious to plead guilty to a few burglaries In order to escape a mob which he believes Is after him for some of his highway rob beries. ONE HUNDRED LEAVE ARMY Men Recruited In Georgia Will Discharged from Service Next Week. Be About 100 of the enlisted men of the Sixteenth Infantry at Fort Crook will be discharged from the army by reason of expiration ot enlistment next week. This group of men was enlisted three years ago while the regiment was stationed at Fort McPherson, Georgia, and their terms of enlistment expire at the same time. The new roster of the Depsrtment of the Missouri has Just been Issued. It shows that serving In the department are one battalion' of engineers, three companies of the signal corps, seven regiments of cav alry, the Second, Fourth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, one troop of the Tenth and one squadron of the Thirteenth; two regiments of artillery and four regiments ft infantry, the Eleventh, Thirteenth, Sixteenth and Nineteenth. Lieutenant Colonel Charles M. O'Connor and Veterinary Surgeon R. J. Stancllft of the Eighth cavalry at Fort Robinson have been ordered to go to Diamond, Wyo., to purchase in open market eighty horses for the Eighth cavalry. These general court martial sentences have been approved by headquarters. De partment of the Missouri: Privates Oscar MUler, Battery F, Second field artillery. for desertion, eighteen months' Imprison ment; James W. Redlon, Battery E, Sixth Held artillery, for larceny, one year's Im prisonment; William Dierkes. Troop K, Seventh cavalry, for drunkennea on duty and absence without leave, six month),' imprisonment; Edward McEvoy, Company C, Thirteenth infantry, drunkenness on duty and absence without leave, six months' imprisonment; Willie M. Drake, Company E, Thirteenth Infantry, for absence with out leave, three months' imprisonment; William A. Willard. Troop C, Sixth cav alry, for desertion, nine months' Imprison ment. All the sentences carry with them dishonorable discharge from the army. All terms of Imprisonment will be served al Fort Leavenworth military prison. A general court-martial has been ordered to convene at Fort Dea Moines February 10, with this detail: Lieutenant Colonel L. P. Hunt, Captains John P. Wade, S. A. Purviance, First Lieutenants Henry W. Parker, Walter F. Martin. Frank E. Sid man, Second lieutenants William R. Pope, Moss L. Love, James A. Mars and First Lieutenant Edgar N. Coffey, judge ad vocate, all of the Second cavalry. CALLAHAN CASE BOBS UP Demurrer Filed k Attorney of Grave Yard Superintendent Attncklna; Valtdlty of Charge. After slumbering for a year, the criminal charge agalnt Daniel c. Callahan, super intendent of Prospect Hill cemetery, bobbed up before Judge Sears Saturday morning, when Frank L. Weaver. Callahan's at torney, filed a demurrer to the several Informations. Callahan was charged In each Information with aiding James C. Clark In disinterring the body of an un known person - without the consent of the near relatives of the deceased person. In his demurrer Attorney Weaver con tends the omission of the name of tha dead person Is fatal, as It la necessary for the state to prove the disinterment wat done without the consent of the relatives. In order to do this the Identity of th body disinterred, he contends, must be known. As there is no way to Identify the body, he declares the criminal charges are null. Judge Sears will decide the de murrer some time next week. Deadly Frla-ht possesses sufferers from lung trouble till they learn Dr. King's New Discovery will help them. 60c and $100. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. (Established l;o ) - Curm Wbll You SJtp.- Whooplng-Cough, Croup, uronemtis, coughs. Diphtheria, Catarrh. Confidence can be placed in a rem. edy, which for a quarter of a century um cwum uiMjuatiucu piauic. j&eatlul nights are assured at once. Crciolent la m Boon to AtthmaUc AU Druzglstt SnJ tostat far U- scrtftv ivtiiUi. v Creenlene Antlsentle Throat Tablms fuc the irriiKloa luroal, of your drugglktor froia as. lOo. lu stamps. Hm Vapt-OtuoluM Co iaorMaSt,N.V. T"ssnujuuuni Ps2 4- 4 4-4-4-4- 4-4-4-4-4-4- V