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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1908)
SAVED SO COMMON IN WlN-rrrj BY TAKING PERUNA. Sore Throat Develop. Into Bronchitis Ave Rvraci,.. -Brighton been a n. 1 - wrlt1 V1 run for tha put " 1 ft" , ' ., - , -A Mi ' . " -' i r - m V ' i ; J 7 . : --', .if Tlin OMAHA SUNDAY HER RECOVERY OF JEWEL FEnmTAKV f. 1003. every time with Vpa. A A,. rr-.ii twelve yoars. With me It is a sure pre ventive of colds and many other IIIh. " "Two or three times a year i Bm ,rou. F1 wllh y throat, a kind of raw filing;, .Jurnlnir to bronchitis. I have had th ser vices of my physlr-lan In each case. Two years aRo, when I f.-It a spell romln I tried Peruna to chock It, and to my de light was not troubled with the smothered nd choking feeling and never have been sinee. i can check It JVruna." Chronic IJrolicliitis. Mrs. K. T. ('homer, of 62 49 Emerald Ave., Chicago, III., writes: i' Our boy hud a cough that sounded like in old man's, lost his appetite, was rest fas In his sleep. , "I Miirsested that we give him i'erunu. Jwe had It In the house, hut had never flven him any before). From llo first y we gave him Peruna he began Im proving:, That was a month ago. He can to out now and there Is no danger of his taking cold, for we give him a dose of Perunu before he goes out and when ho eomes In. It is the first time In two yenrs that he hus been without a cough. He has bad chronic bronchitis for two years, but il Is better of that t jo. "I can, have and will recommend Pe runa to my best ability." Mrs. Virginia Carlana. Chronic Catarrh of Throat and Luiirb Mrs. Virginia Cavlana, room 32 Cam bridge Block, Portland, Ore., writes: I was a sufferer with catarrh of the throat and lungs for a long time before Peruna was recommended to me. I gave it a trial, although I thought at the time It would be just like other medicines and do me no good. I was pleased to find that my improvement began In less than two weeks and continued until I wai en tlrely well. I galnwl nearly 15 pounds, have a splendid appetite and am grateful Tor what your medicine has done for mo. CouKhctl Nearly All Her Life. airs. 8. J. Kountze, 1015 Scovel St., Iushvll;e, Tenn:, writes: "I have had a very bad cough nearly an my lire, and am 45 years old. I nave taken almost every kind of cough med icine that has ever been made, but none did me much good. I would have spells or coughing that Ilthought I would cough myself to death. I took Peruna, and last winter and this winter I have had no cough, and I know that Peruna cured me. "I was always thin and delicate, very eusy to catch cold, and I very naturally dreaded the winter time, but I am well now and enjoy good health. I feel that I op it all to Peruna." T-r-n Tablet can now be obtained by those who prefer solid medicine. r i i :i Tel. no. Tlie Perfect Me ei Comma.nds Attention Because of Its purity, healthfullness and unsur passed flavor. Tha lady with a case ofGOUO TOP ts al ways prepared for unexpected gue3ts, for what could be more welcome than a glass of cool BparKlinj foam-cref 8 . 2d Gold Top. jyVo will send a case to your horn JetterBrcvingGo. I H e adquartera. HILZ, 14th and 8, South Omaha. Omaha HUUO If'. rilLZ. 14th an. Douglas, Tel. Doug. 1542. Co. Bluffs Headquarters. , E E MITCHELL, 1013 Main Street, Tel. 80, I Illl) fan Diamond Brooch of Mrs. Eussell Har rison'i Found in Helena Store. ONE PLACE IN WORLD IDENTIFIED Lost, Store Tear Aaro, It Tnrns I'j of Friend anil I'sher nt llarrlaon-sanndrrs Marrlaae. In The. story of the adventures of a mcst valuable diamond brooch which Mre. Rus sell Harrison In Omaha last summer Is almost as wonderful as that of the pearl which a man dropped overboard while In mldocean and later found In a piece of sea fish which lit was eating at a cafe. One day last summer Mrs. Harrron left her home at Thirty-fourth and Farnam streets and went down town. When she arrived at, rtalduffa she missed the dia mond brooch, which had been given to her by her 'husband in 1R38 at the time of hi father'! election to the presidency of the I'nttod Stales. Mrs. Harrison's brother, State 8enator Charles L. Baunders, advertised exten sively for the Jewel, but it was not heard of and was given up as lost. Friday Mr. Baunders received a telegram from his friend. George Metten, a Jeweler In Hel ena, Mont., asking him what he knew about a diamond brooch marked "Mary 8. Harrison, November 8, 18SS." Mr. Saunders replied by mall and has not yet learned the particulars by which the lost brooch came into possession of Mr. Met ten. Mr. Metten is a friend of Mr. Harrison. He was an assayer in the I'nlted States assay office In Helena when Russell Har rison had'eharge of It. He came to Omaha at the time of the wedding and was ah usher at that function. He was a close friend of the young couple after their mar riage and while they lived In Helena and had seen the brooch oftiin. The remark able feature of the fact that the Jewel wa Drougnt to this particular place of all places Is therefore apparent. innt is the one Jewelry store in the Lnited States or, for that matter. In th world where the brooch would have been recognized." said Senator Saunders. "Any wnere rise it could have been presented and nothing would have been suspected l do not know yet what was the pur pose of presenting It to the Jeweler there, or who It was that brought it In. the per sun miu iuib or iouna it in umaha or some person to whom It was sold. But In either case the coincident is very remark able. MURRAY JOINS THE VICTIMS L.ocai freight Aarent Para for th "Mountlnar" of a Friend's Moonstone. II. M. Murray, local freight agent of the Chicago Great Western, was one of the phony diamond victims who is still holding the sack waiting for somo friend to re deem a "California moonstone." The slick stranger who has been duping mo unwary or umana approached Murray and asked If L. M. Shipley, superintendent of the Great Western, was In town and told his usual Btory about belngpresldent or the National Jewelry association, re turning from California, and that he had been requested to get one of those "Call. iornia moonstones' for Shipley and that all he would charge was for the mounting, as he had been able to get the stone for nothing. me number of dupes In Omaha seems to be legion, especially among the railroad men, and there Is somo talk of holding an experience meeting of the dupes. One re tnarkable feature of the situation is the seriousness with which the victims take the loss of their six bits. They wJU stand lor no cnainng. All thought Jhey were really doing a good turn for some friend. Safety in Travel Millions have been pcnt In the improvements of the. Union Pacific and all human Ingenuity exhaust ed to prevent accidents. The Automatic Block Signal System now in operation and covering ovof 1800 miles of track reduces to a minimum the potii'bllity of accidents on the Union Pacific An Illustrated pamphlet on "Rallroal Signaling" free on request INQUIRE AT City Ticket Cff.c;. 1324 Farnam St 'Phon Dauarlaa lata Lrn m v ; f E) l?E !FJ MAN TOO FREE WITH HIS AXE Chops I'p Farnltare and Threatens Wife, She Says, and Asks Divorce. Chopping up the parlor table and the bookcase with an axe and threatening to do the same to her, are the principal alle gations made by Mrs. Gena O'Neill against Clyde O'Neill In a petition for divorce filed Saturday morning in district court. After he had made these threats Mrs. O'Neill says her husband began carrying a loaded revolver, which made her extremely nerv ous. She Secured a restraining order to prevent his Interfering with her or trans ferring their property pending the hearing of the case. , Josephine Jaquet Prlgge declares John has not supported her for a long time and she aeks for a divorce. John Hope wants a divorce from Kate on the grounds of abandonment. Judge Sutton has annulled the marriage of James M. and Jeanie Curtis Shores be cause Mrs. Shores had a husband living when she married Shores. The decree was allowed six months ago and hai Just been filed In the district clerk's office. , HYMENEAL- Peterapn-Hansea. Miss Christina Hansen, daughter of An drew Hansen of Lindsay, and Charles H. Peterson were married at Council Bluffs naay at 6 p. m. by Rev. Charles Savldge. W. NO MORE PILES No Matter low Bad Your Case Is Or now hong xou Have Had It, Pyra mid Pile Cure Can Cure It. ,?' . it. Half of tlie suffering and torture of plies has never been told. Whether vour particular case of piles la almost too ex cruciating for any mortal to bear, or If you are fearfully tantalized by unreach able Itching and bleedlnr. or whether 'u have only a moderate case of piles, thens is positive cure, and quick too. In Pyra mid Pile Cpre. You need not take for granted all we aay about our pile Remedy. We want it to speak for Itself. That Is why we say to every Derson suffering from pllea or any form of rectal disease, send us your name and address and we will gladly lend you a free trial package of the marvelous Pyramid piu Cure. After using the trial you will hur ry to your nearest druggist and get a 80 cent box of Pyramid Pile Cure, now admitted by thousands to be one Jt tha most wonderful reliefs and cures for Pllea ever known. Instant relief can be gotten by uslna the marvelous Pyramid Pile Cure. It Immediately reduces the congestion and swelling, heals all sores, ulckra and irri tated parts. It render an operation ab solutely unnecessary. Send your name and address todav tnr rree trial package to Pyramid Drug Co , . 1 J -.. .. . l ... wiiuui siag., jaarsnail, Mlcu. DRIEF CITY NEWS v moot Print It. Diamonds, E&holm, Jwslr Coal tS Coutant & Squires. Tel. D930. ftlaehart, photographer, 18th & Farnam. Bowman, 117 N. It. Douglas shoes, S3 CO. Vole Culture If Interested, see Dllmore Cheney. W always have Rock Springs coal. Cen tral Coal and Coke Company of Omaha, 15th nd Harney streets. Unfermented drape Juice Dost medi cine for run-down constitutions II JO per gallon, delivered. Telephone Florence 3f.23. Cousr d Zftons to Bnqu: The an tiual banquet of the Couer lie Ieon society will be held st the MlUurd hotel Thursday evening, Februsry 13. Ozialia Lumbermen to Meet The an nual meeting of the Lumbermen's Assocln. tlon of Omaha and vicinity will be held at the Paxton hotel February 27. Xnlg-hts of Pytnlai to Banqust The Knights of Pythias of Omaha will hold their annual banquet at the Paxton hotel Wednesday evening. February 19. Tlnal Discharge! In Bankruptcy Judge W. H. Mungcr has granted the following discharges In bankruptcy: W. B. Ham mond. ' Charles Lang and William P. Rightenour, all of Omaha. Basil B. Ball at Beit The funera. of Ilasll R. Ball, who died Monday In Leav enworth, Kan., was held Saturday at 2:30 p. m. from 3019 Marry street. Rev. R. Scott Hyde officiating. The body was placed In the Forest Lawn receiving vault Rev. George O. Porter on Socialism Rev. Oeorge C. Porter will address the Omaha Philosophical society Sunday at 8 o'clock p. m. in Rarlght hall, Nineteenth and Farnam streets, on "Socialism." The meetings are free and the public Is In vited. Brother of William Bhadt Dying-' Chief of Police Donahue has received a leltcr from Hugo Schrottky of Otilikosli, Wis., asKing him to notify William Sliadt, who receives his mail in Omaha, thut tys brother is dying in Oshkosh and his presence is desired there. cincn All Along- the 1.1ns state Sen ator Ashton from Grand Island Is a visitor In Omaha. Mr. Ashton is a candidate for congress from his district on the demo cratic ticket and avers that he Is not only sure of nomination, but thut he la bound to win at the polls. J-tnger Crushed in Press Mrs. Sophia lianaon, 1916 Cuming street, had the middle finger of her right hand crushed in a press at the Omaha Printing company's establishment Friday. Sho was tuken to the Omaha General hospital, where Dr. M. J. Ford amputated it back of the first Joint. Ladies of Maccabbts! to Have Oonren. lion i ne executive committee of tho Ladles of Maccabees of the World will meet at the Millard hotel February 20. j ne purpose oi mo meeting is to arrange for the annual rally of the order for Ne braska and Iowa In March or April. Tho rally will be held In Omaha. Churchill Parker Pnneral The funeral of Churchill Parker, who died late Friday night, will I held from the homo of K. K Howell, 4018 Izard street, Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The pallbearers will bo C, L. West. Charles H. Balllet, Dr. F. A. Ncl son. Dr. Nelson Mercer, Iee Herdman and W. O. Tcmpleton. Interment will bo In Forest Lawn cemetery. Three Ton! of Lard for Cuba Three tons of lard will be shipped from the South Omaha packing houses Saturday evening ror Havana, Cuba, for tho use of the Amer ican army of occupation now there. The shipment is ordered through the office of Captain T. B. Hacker, purchasing commis sary, United States army, at Omaha. Spring- Plowing- In England English farmers were doing their soring nlowlh last week, according to a postal card re ceived from Bob Houghton by County Commissioner Solomon. Mr. Houghton wrote from London January 26, saying they had had practically no winter In England and spring farm work had already begun. Andrew Morrlsssy in the Sixth Jamet H. Qulgley of Valentine, who has been In Omaha this week, says he thinks Andrew A. Morrissey will bo elected a district dele gate from the Sixth congressional district to the national democratic convention. He lias the support of Mr. Qulgley, M. F. Har rington and other such democratic leaders. Bankruptcy Case at Waterloo Certain creditors of the general merchandise firm of Hancock Bros, at Waterloo have filed petition in tho United States district court asking that the Waterloo firm be declared bankrupt. . The petitioning credi tors are Allen Bros., McCord-Brady Co. and the Byrne-Hammer Dry Goods com pany of Omaha. Wew Deputy Marshal Appointed Georae w. Alccallum of Nebraska City has been appointed deputy United States marshal at Omaha to take the position made vacant by the promotion of J. B. Nlckerson to the chief deputy htp. Deputy Marshal Mo Callum entered on his new duties Saturday morning and with Deputy Marshal Proctor will comprise the field deputy force for the marshal's office at Omaha. Insane Paupers to Bs Deported Orders have been Issued by the Immigration bur eau for- the deportation of Anton Slverson Norwegian, and Frank Kokes, a Bo hemian, as Insane paupers who have be come public charges. The two men are at Yankton, S. D., and will be taken back to their respective countries early next week. immigrant inspector Aianstlcld will sea that they are properly landed In New York. Snow on th Sidewalks Councilman Brucker. from the Fifth ward, has called the attention of tho chief of police to the ordinance compelling cltliens of Omaha to clean their sidewalks of snow within six hours after the fall has ceased, providing the snow falls In the day time or by noon of the following day If the storm is during the night. A fine of from $5 to 120 la the penalty for allowing snow to remain on the walks. Bauer Ooftnty for Taft C. II. Aldrlch of David City, present state senator and candidate for congress from tho Fourth district, has written the Taft league ex pressing the opinion Butler county will send a Taft delegation to the state conven tion. He says In his travels about tha Fourth district he finds hardly any other name mentioned for prealdent except Taft, tnougn there Is some LaFollette and Hughes sentiment. Brick or Asphalt Paving A majority of the owners of abutting property on Ham ilton itreet having failed to designate whether the proposed paving shall be of brick or asphalt, the city council at iti next meeting will be called upon to de cide for them, though 1,000 feet of brick more than that of asphalt was algned for. The paving will extend from Twenty-fifth to Fortieth streets, with a total frontage, on both sides of the street, of U',913 feet. Douglas County Pioneer The Douglas County association of Nebraska Pioneers will meet In the Library building Thursday afternoon. Tha commute on arrange ments for the social to be held February a will make its report President Martin Dunham will also announce the standing committee! for the year and Chairman Yost of the oclal committee will announce additional appointments for that commit tee. Lots of business is to be transacted and both country and city member! are urged to b present. 4 15 tS-S-f -S sN? !S- v tx? t, f xi g iyi Volumes Might Be Wrillcn Contninins- the praises of tho world's greatest musical artists who have placed Steinway Pianos high above any other instrument. None speak in terms of greater sincerity than tho great American pianist, 4S I Fannie Bloomfield Ziesler Who writes as follows under date of January 5, 1907, fx;om her Chicago home: "ArtisticallyUhere is no piano equal to the Steinway. Hence all really great pianists who I have not sold their artistic judgment for material gain, and are moved solely by artistio consider- j ation, demand a Steinway." I "We are Nebraska ingents for Steinway Pianos an evi- dence of the high regard in which our firm is held by the manufacturers of tltfse celebrated instruments. Prices and, terms of payment made known personally or by letter. The Steinway Piano may be seen any day at our salesrooms. Call and see us. Scliraollcr & Mueller Piano Co. i 1311-1313 Farnam SI., Omaha, Established 1859 i BRANCHES -UbcoIo, Sioix City, Council BlnBi and Sotlh Omaha Dandsome Piano Catalogue No. 50 Mailed Upon Request SI BAILEY (EL MACH DENTISTS THIRD FLOOR PAXTON BLOCK Corner lGtb and Farnam Streeta. Best equipped Dental offlc In the middle west Highest srade Dentistry at Reasonable Prices. Porcelain fillings, just like the tooth. ELASTIC HOSIERY MI.K AXD INK! KLARTIO HOSIERY, ANKLETS, KNEE CAPS, Hose To extend from ankle to Just Mow or above lne. Make mrurc nirnt of limb at point ladl rated by rat and write fat price list SHERMAN & McCONNELL ORUG Ca Corner Kith nnd Dodge OWL DRUG CO. Corner 16th and Harney. FLORIDA nr.soitTS. unrri THCBMCAKCNe . . . . Palm B-h Tm t Colonial Nuau "Uhema Iil.odi ' NOW CPE. 1 10 WILIS NCARCft COB. . Th new nil tin loni Florida Kyi, will ba ruio. to Kmrbu Key. ooaMrria with mihip for Havthk sad Ky Wart, titer Jan rot arr Dth. iofornaboay rativ ta k'ckrB, hotel Mian, apaea in alaepiat and parlor can, in unit aalioot on ataanan. Whs or apply to FLORIDA EAST COAST ISO Aoa. ST. t43 rirTH Ave. CMica.o New Vosa en ST. Ajoustimc. n' READ THE BEST PAPER The Omana Dally Dee. m xai -... e if Jtv m m a. i . . . . zm , . : . :1 N illPlin s V vTNTO-BArfrTfli nr ORE than a million stout women know that the Nemo Self-Reducing is the only corset that posi tively reduces the abdomen with perfect comfort and hy. giemc safety. iC VERY woman who has worn it knows that the Nemo Self -Reducing Corset is superior to all others in ' comfort, style and durability that it is an extraordinary value simply as a corset, saying nothing" about its invalu able and exclusive special features. TpOR 1908 are nine handsome models, all pictured on J this page; a model for every stout woman tall and stout, short and stout, or just "fat and dumpy." Aid there s a price to suit every purse. At $3.00 Ti? oId favorit. Nos. 312 and 814, of . which nearly a million pairs were sold in 1907; and for women who want the new "slender-hip" effect are the two new "Flatningr-Back" models, Nos. 818 and 320, at the same price $3.00. A! $5.00 Somewhat are the Mercerized Brocaded ' Corsets,Nos.516and518; theFrench Coutil Corsets with bust supporters, No. 615; and the beautiful new "Flatning-Back" model, No. 517 ail these at $5.00. v At $10 F women of luxurious tastes, who have mnn K'Mp'd?g J25 for Imported corsets, is the superb No. 1000 with "Flatning-Back" and the new Duplex Straps," at $10.00. This is the finest corset that can be made superior in every respect to the best that come from France. It will do wonders for any stout figure, giving it the graceful lines of youth. ECOnOmV ,ur enormous output of Self-Reducing Corsets insures stout women a saving; 0 ' V?" one-na" wht they are accustomed to pay pur Nemo Self-Reducing Corset, at $3.00, will outwear three average $1.00 corsets. The Nemo Corset is the only corset that is more than a corset The only one that has exclusive features of great hygienic merit. The only one that does something for you that no other corset can do c.yMw" (Sw NEMO CORSETS in all good etorea throughout the world where Corset are sold. Kopa Bros Mrs.. Cor.4Ui Are. I2lh SL, New York JsJEMO are: sold in omaha by WEINLANDER & Ladles' Exclusive Furnishers S1VIIXH 317 So. 16th St. We have a splendid window display this week on NEMO CORSETS and a larpo stock which we will be pleased to fchow. We Guarantee a Perfect Fit. I aWMWi inanuy