Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 16
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. FEBIUTAttY 9. 1908. n GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Eipected Bulge Headed Off by Disap pointing Cables. SETBACK THEN COMES ALONO I.llx-ral World Iklpmrata (or h Week Caas Trader to Taka Prolta aad 811 Lonf Holdlaa. OMAHA. Feb. S, 1908. Tlin expected bulg wu headed off by disappointing cable, and a set back came. Liberal world'a shipments for the week caused trailers to take profits and the aula f long- holiltnss became the feature. Wheat worked off easy soon after the opening;. Heavy cables caused good selling and the strength shown at Winnipeg was the only sustaining feature. Considerable long wheat was put on the market later and was not well taken. Values were easy At the close. May wheat opened at Sofcc and closed at WMc. ,,,. Corn was soft with wheat and Bold off on general selling by long holders and the pit crowd. There was no ginger to the buy ing side and the tone was not trong near the close. May option opened at W-fcc ana slosed at to'tc ,, . The weakness In wheat and orn "oftened the onts market and, coupled with b-.wjvy selling, became a detrimental factor. May oats opened at 60Vc and closed at oW. Clearances were 331.000 bushels of corn. 1.825 bUHhels of oats and wheat and flour equal to M.9fW bushels. , Liverpool closed S&ttd lower on wheat and unchanged to Hd lower ! . Heahoard reported . bushels of wheat and lao.Oou bushel of corn taken for ex- Primary wheat recolpta were 443,000 bush els and shipments were 346,0t busneis, against receipts last year of 36,uu0 bushels and shipments of 173,000 bushels. Corn receipts were &13.CW) bushels and shipments were 470,000 bushels, aa Inst re ceipts lust year of 848,000 bushels and ship ments of 4&.0U0 bushels. Local range of options: Artlck. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Tes'y. Wheat I May... July... Sept... Ccrn May... July... 8ept... July... Bipt... 1TI4 8fVt &414 94Vi (' 4 9014 9". 14 'JO' 87V4 87 Ht 6f.a 66fc 63 6R M 64 M bt 64V 64 64 64Vi 60 60 5n4i 60 43T 434 43 Wfr 35 So 85 93 87 64 64 60 43 SuVs Omaha Cask Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, Mffl-96c; No. 3 hard, mtMs: No. 4 hard, 8ti89c; No. 3 spring, 9M7c COHN-No. 8. 62Hc; No. 4, 61i&C2c: no grade, Waooyfco; No. 3 yellow, 63c; No. 3 white, fc.'Vc OATS No. 3 mixed, WWSW: No. 3 white. 47Vq7c: No. 4 white, 47(fij-47c KYK-No. 2. TiWrfte: No. 3, 714)73c. Uffot Heeetpt. Wheat. Corn. Oat a Chicago 13 268 167 Minneapolis 262 ... ... Omaha 3 8 13 Dulutli 71 . CHICAGO GHAIN AND PROVISIONS Feature of the Trading; and Closing; Prices on Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO, Feb. 8. Llberat Australian shipments and a consequent decline at Liverpool caused weakness In the wheat market. May showing a net loss of 1c at the close. Corn was 4C lower. Onts closed c down. Provisions were a shade to 60 higher. ... The decline of In Liverpool cabk'S, unlooked for, considering strength which prevailed here during the previous session and which waa reflected In the opening quotations on the Chlcugo exchange, was followed by reports that supplies tor do mestic and foreign consumption were plentiful. Australia was shown to have hipped 455,000 bu. more than during the preceding week and the world's shipments, estimated at 11,600,000 bu., were regarded as greatly In excess of the weekly re quirements. The opposing Influence of amaller Canadian and northwestern re serves In the estimates for the coming week failed to rescue the market rrom me lower level. Mav was off Wc at the opening, advanced to 88c, and was later rorced nacK 10 c Dy me weigm ui min ings. The close was weak at 9740. Primary receipts were 443,000 bu., compared with 844,000 bu. a year ago. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 66,0)0 bu. Minne apolis, Duluth and Chicago reported re ceipts of 276 cars, against 194 last week and 274 a year ago. Corn was lower, owing to Increased coun try offerings and favorable weather for the movement, but the market exhibited a degree of steadiness In view of the weak ness In wheat. There was considerable week-end profit-taking and the trndlng was Without feature. May opened Vkfrc lower at 61c to 6lc, advanced: to KHrpeHfcc, and declined later to BlViKJl c. The close was easy at 61c. Local receipts were 26H cars, with none of contract grade. Oats were dull and neglected and fol lowed the downward trend of other grains. Klevator Interests favored the bear side, but at the low point the bull leaders of fered support. The May option, starting c lower at 54Vc, ranged between 54c and Klc, and closed easy at 54c. Local receipts were 167 cars. The provisions market displayed strength at the opening on a smaller run of hogs than estimated for Chicago, but could not withstand the effects of liberal receipts elsewhere combined with the Influence of grain weakness. May pork opened at 112 M) 10 aovanceu 10 m. aim u-iuoeu bi 312.02 to $12.6. a gain of 25c. I,ard advanced from 4J.55, the opening quotation, to $7.6-', and Closed a shade higher at 37.62411.65. Ribs were up 2,uTc at J6.57. Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat, S5 cars; corn, S'M cars; oats, 143 cars; nogs, 62,OiiO head. The leading futures ranged as follows: northern. $1.04 1 04: No. 3 northern. c J$1.!4; May, Vf.; July, $l.of'. FIAJVR Kn-st patents, $5. 36416.50; second patents, '.2&ir 4"; first clears, t4.2ir(r4.4ii second clears, $3.453 !. BRAN in bulk, tJO.oo. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Quotation of the Day oa Varlona Commodities. NEW YORK. Feb. 8.-FLOUR Receipt. 11.000 bbls.; exports. 6.000 bids. Market iteany, with light trade; Minnesota pa tents. $&.3Wi6.flu; Minnesota bakers', H0 tifi.10; winter patents, $4.75416.10; winter straights, H45'a4.0; winter extras, $3.76 Q4.iA; winter low grades, 33.664)4.10. Rye flour, steady: fair to good, $4.75'p6.15; choice to fancy, t5.201i6.36. Duckwheat flour, steady; $3 00. COKNM BALi-Bteaay; line wnite ana yel low, fl.4nrai.46: coarse, $1.3tB1.4o; kiln dried, $.3 35. RYE Uull : No. Z western. lc, nominal. f. o. b.. New York. WHEAT Hecelpts, 23.000 bushels; ex ports, 8.000 bushels. Spot market easy; No. 2 red. n.01, elevator, ana, 1. o. n., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, $1.164, f- o. b., afloat; No. 2 hard winter, 31.10. f. o. b.. afloat. Yielding to big world's ship ments, easy cables and rather extensive liquidation, wneat DroKe over a cent per bushel this morning and closed heavy at lc net less. Mav. $1.06iil.067V closed at $1.06: July, $1.0Ktil.01. closed at $1.01. COliN Receipts. 12!,000 busneis. bpol market easy: No. 2. 6tfc elevator, and 62c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 3 white, 63c, and No. 3 yellow, 620, f. o. b., afloat. Option market was without transactions, closing "c net lower. May closed 70c; July closed 69c. OATS Receipt s. 13.500 bushels: exports. 1.000 bushels. Spot market steady; mixed oats, 26 to 32 pounds, 67c; natural white, 26 to 32 pounds. 67WiHc: cupped wnite. 32 to 40 pounds, B9ru66c. HAY Steady; good to choice, tbc(j)l.ou. HOPS Uulet: state common to choice cortHt, 1907 crop, TOc: 1006 crop, 4ac. HIDES uulet; uoguta, uwuiiuc cen tral American, 17c. LEATHER Quiet: acid, 34W29C. PROVISIONS Beef, firm: family, 114.00 14.60; mess, $10.ilD.60; beef hams, $4.60 26.50: racket. $ll.6ora 12.00: city extra India mess. $21.00ij'J1.60. Cut -.meats. steady; Pickled belliea. t7.GOft9.00: Pickled hams. tft.OO 4)8.50. Lord, quiet; western prime, $7.50 i7.60; refined, quiet; continent, x.o(r,i.iu; South America, $885; compound, $7.12-g ork. auiet: family. Il6.00fa 17.00; snort .76; clears, $16.0Kal6.50; mess. $14.0Offl4.5O. TALLOW Ouiet: city ($2 per pKg.). tH4c: country (packages free), 6ir6c. RICH Uulet: domestic lair to extra, 8Vac; Japan, nominal. BIITTEK-Firm; creamery, neia secona to special, 26fu32Vic; process, second to spe cial, JW.J6C. CHEESE Firm; run cream, special, 10c. EGOS Steady; western firsts, 26c; sec onds, 24Cn24c. POULTRY Alive, dull; western cnicgens, ll'.ic; fowls, 13c; turkeys, 14c: dressed, firm; western chicken, 105jl7c; turkey, 12 4) 17c; fowls, 10vyl3c. WEATHER IX TUB GRAIN BELT Probably Snow Flnrrlea and Not Much Change in Temperature. OMAHA, Feb. 8, 1908. An area of high temperature overlies the country east of the Rocky mountains with its crest north 01 tne great luxes, comer weather prevails In the lake region and eastern states, but warmer weather Is shown elsewhere east of the mountains, the rise In temperature being mist marked In the upper Missouri valley. 1 e weather Is generally cloudy throughout the Mis sissippi and Missouri valleys, and condi tions are favorable for snow flurries In this vicinity tonight or Sunday, with no Im portant change In temperature. Omaha record of temrjerature and oreclpl tatlon compared with the corresponding day of the past tnree year: X WOK. liUI. 1W. 11HJO. MlnlmumMemperature .. 26 18 7 15 Precipitation 00 .00 .07 .18 Normal temperature lor today, 22 de grees. Deficiency in precipitation since March 1. 7.62 inches. Deficiency corresponding period in 1907. 3.82 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1906, 3.07 Inches. I A WELSH, Local Forecaster. Articles. Open.l Hlgh, Low. Close! Yes'y Wheat I I May 97 98 96T4 974 984 July 3V"n 94 93 4V 94Vu Sept. SO-VB! 804 & 89T 91 Corn I I May 61)! eiffi filWS 61H 61'4 July &tV 5959V- 69 I t Sept. 59 59, 69 694t9ftfH Oats I May 64 64 63 54 54 bMay 52 62 61 51''n62'52rn1 aJuly 46 46 46 464 4fr'S bJuly 44 44S 44 44 44 Pork May 1! 00 12KV4 It 00 It 05 12 00 July 12 40 12 55 12 36 13 36 13 30 Lard . May 7 55 7 62 7 62 7 55 7 62 July 7 70 7 77 7 70 7 70 7 67 Ribs May 65 86 65 67 6 5S ' July 6 82 S0 82 (82 6 80 No. 2. a Old. bNew. . Cash quotation were a follow: FLOUR Steady: winter patents. ti.Sflefi &4to: straights. $4.2&()4.&0; soring oalen'a. $5.2b'ii6.35; straights, $4.44)4.90; bakers, $3.35 t) 4 25. WHEAT N. 3, 9&CW.08; No. t red, 93'A'nHTc. CORN No. 2, 67i6t8c; No. 2 yelTow, 69 Couo. OATS-No. 3 white, 0gc:c. RYE No. 2. 80c. BARLEY Oood feeding, 6.MT3C; fair to choice mailing, Mdivjc. SEEDS Flax, No. 1 northwestern. 31.21. Timothy, prime, $3.7534.75. Clover, contract trades, $19.10. ' PROVISIONS Short ribs, side (looseV IS.0Oi6.25. - lork, mess, per bbl., tU.62'o il 75. Lard, per loo lbs., $7.30. Short clear Sides ( nosed.). b.ai1io.oo. Following were the receipts and ship ment ui liuur ftiiu gsani; Receipt. Shipments, Flour, bbls. 23,otiO IS.'M) Wheat, bu. 14, lu) 60,i- Corn, bu 2hl.Uj0 pals, bu 211.0U0 191.W0 Kye, bu t.wo 3.00) iiarley, bu 66.U00 V.iAi On the Produce exchange today the but. ter market waa firm; creameries. 22ti'J3v dairies, 21 Egg, easy; at mark, cases Included, Wraw; iirsts, z:c; prime first, iJc; extra, 2ac. Cheese, steady; Utfl2c. Peoria Market. PEORIA. Feb. 8. -CORN Easy; No $ yellow. v4r4Kc: no. a, Dl'wvc; P.O. , uc no arade. 4UU4&0. OA lH-Iow. r; No. 3 white, &ij61c; No, 4 white. 4Viu0c. WlllSKY-ilS Dalath Grain Market. DULUTH. Feb. 8. WHICAT No. 1 north em, $106: No. t northern, 11.03; May (1.0K; July, $1.06. OATS 4ik. MlnaeaBolla Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. . WHfiAT-No. 1 bard, 99c; Na, I northern, tl.M; No. 3 St. Loot General Market. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 8.-WH EAT Track; No. 2 red, cash, $1.00; No. 2. hard, 97c; May, 98c; July, 90c. CORN Track, no. 2 casn, 50c; mo. t white, &6c. May, 68c; July, 680. OATS Track. No. 2 casn, 6c; jo. z White, 62c; May, 60c; July, 43c. RYE No. 2, soo, FLOUR Firm: re winter patents. H.SM4.80: extra fancy and straight. $4.16 4)4.40; cleRr, $3.65i&3.80. BEEO Timothy, nrm, 3.7b' CORN MEAL Steady, $2.90. P KAN Firm; sacked, east track, L10 61.11- HAY (steady; timoiny, iio.uxgiD.uo; prai rie, $9.50(all.60. IRON COTTON TiiUB BAOOINO 10e. HEMP TWINE 11c. PROVISIONS Pork. steady: -Jobbing. $12.00. Lard, steady; prime steam, $7.30. Drv salt meats, steady: boxed extra shorts, $7.25; clear ribs, $7.25; short clears, $7.50. Bacon, steady, boxed, extra snorts. $8.00; clear ribs, $8.00; short clears, $8.25. POULTRY-Chickens, 10c; springs, a2c; turkeys, 12c; ducks, 10c; geese, 6c. BUTTER 2bc; creamery, S3c; dairies, 18c. EGGS 22c case count. Following were the receipts and ship ment of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 8,000 12,000 Wlheat, bu 37,0 73,000 Corn, bi., 3,ooo UtiAB, bU.4.- b3,0U0 tlS.IMU Kansas City Grain and Provision.. KANSAS CITY. Feb. 8. WHEAT Un changed to lc lower; May, 93'4c; July, 86Sc. CaBh: No. 3 hard. 934t9&Vhc: No. 3. 92(fi4'4c; No. t red, 99ci?1.0o; No. 3. 96tfi98c. t orn t4C lower to v,c nigner; May, &5c; July, 55. Cash: No. 3 mixed, 643 &4c; No. 3. 54(&64c; No. 2 white, &4c; No. S, 54(hC. OATS Unchanged; No. white, 46&lc; mixed, 494)GOc. RYE No. 2. 78c. HAY Weak; choice timothy. tltOOiaiiOO: choice prairie, $9,004)9.50. BUriEK-rirm; creamery, ssc; packing stock. 20c. EGGS Weak ; fresh, extra; 2?c; firsts, 20c. , Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 36.010 lS.orio Corn, bu 14.000 22.000 Oats, bu 9,000 18,000 Options at Kaqsaa City: MILLER'S WHY IS W HSKEY Prescribed for fVIedlclnal and Household Use 7 ASK THE DOCTOR! FULL QUARTS- Millers Fine Wines 89c, $1.00, $1.25 35c, 50c. 75c jailer's brands are sold only direct to consumers and cannot be bought except at our store, 1S09 Farnam St. Phone for a bottle. We deliver any amount at any time. If It Comes TTJT TTTT TT TFT1 TO) 9 fCT1 11 Must Be From Irll II M ,H .Ir JKT 2) Good Phone Doug. 1241 1309 FARNAM ST. Trading Stamps We Ship Four Quarts Prepaid. tr""3 n n n ra h Article. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Wheat May K M 92 9314 July 87V.87tt1i 86M 86 Corn May 65i 65 654 V July 56 tl 6a4 65 rhlladelphla Prodace Market. PH1LADELJHIA, Feb. 8. BUTTER rinii: guuu uemanu. r.xira wesiern cream' ery, 36c; extra nearby prints, 37c. EGGS Steady; fair demand. Pennsyl vanla and other nearby firsts, 25c, at mark current receipts In returnable cases, 24o, at mark; western choice, 25c, at mark W . t fall t .-. u..i. . . 1 9 J .. u, ... i, .1. CHEESE Firm; fair demand. New York iuii reams, cnoice, iii'p loc ; rsew xork iuii vreani, xair 10 goou, i'iac. MilTTvake Grata Market. f TT.W A ITU' W fl WlICAf M northern, $i.0hV(ll.(H:' No. 2 northern, $1.08 H YE No. 1, It A 1M V V 4 1 A1. .omnia Vk CO UN No. I caah, 654j67c; May, tflc, asked. This Coupon is Worth Clip thl coupon. Its worth tOo on the dollar apent For Eight Days Every purchaser of our shoe hav ing one of these coupon with him will be allowed 20 per cent discount. To illustrate, with this coupon you will be able to buy one pair of $7.00 Shoes for $5.60 Save, money, wear the best shoe.' R.egcit Shoe Co. 205 8a. 15th St Clip this Coupon Bee, Feb. , 108. mm MUST BE RAISED MEN'S PAHTS Reduced .From . $4.00 & 35.00 Down to All Wool Blue Flannel Shirts Worth $2.00, Sale Price C 90 MEN'S SUITS Benjamin Make Former Price $25.00 Now Only 15.00 GUARANTEE Clothing Co. 1519-1521 Douglas St. M W0MMS' STREET BOOTS The woman 'who goes shop ping or 6tands a great deal, should have a pair of these comfortable, sensible and sturdy boots. They are made along 'easy lines,, full of style and grace, of choice, flexible but strong leather, medium heels and with the idea of supporting the foot and making walk ing 'a pleasure. At this season of the year every woman should have a pair of our Gun Metal Calf Street Boots. $3.50, $4 or $5 FRY SHOE CO. xxa iioiii 16th and Douglas Streets. , A Ppr for th Horn THE OMAHA DEC Best ':. West fffl IN We are showing the most complete line in the city. All the new novelties of the season and our prices are the lowest in the city. Come in and look around before buying. Iac. Valentine two for . . . lo X,ac. Valentines lo each, 7 for Bo Valentines 60 kind, each 3o Iice Valentine lOo kind, each 3o X,ac Valentiue 13 Ho kind, each . .40 Lac. Valentiue 15o kind, each .... .60 LATEST NOVELTIES Teddy Bears, Walts Me Affaln Willi, Wait ing; at th Church, Bus ter Brown, Foxy Grand- Sa, Mr. Katsenjammer, appy Hooligan and many other, worth 85c, Siyprl0: IOO Comlo Valentine 3 doisn for 60, assorted, no pick. 80 by mail. MECHAHICALS Laoe Valentines Bo kind, onr prio. . 3o 7c kind, oar pric. . 3o lOo kind, our pric 60 15o kind, onr pric 7a 8S0 kind, onr pric lOo VALENTINES Drop So kind, our prlc..3o lOo kind, onr prli So 121.40 kind, prlc....7o VALEtfTIMES Post Card 3 for 60 kind, oar prioe, two for. .lo 60 kind, our prio . . la lOo kind, onr price 3o ISa kind, oar pric 60 All kinds of fancy cards ,at Mjc to 2c each. Special prices to teachers. "Wholesale and retail orders. We sell valentines at retail less than wholesale prices. Low er than the lowest. A full line of Scrap Pictures to make your own Valen tines, at prices the lowest. Fancy Novelty Valentines, one in a box, at 5c, 10c, 15c 20c, 25c and 35c. These are extra big values. All the new novelties can be found at our place at prices less than the cheapest. Come early to avoid the rush. iUM3 322 South 16th St. OMAHA State Agent for Paris Patterns, 10c Great Clearance of Winter Clothing ........ H Uiil Ordtn Prompt, f , Filttd SMtislittlon Guarintttd Urn mm TNK RELIABLE STARR V 7 Men's Suits and 0'Coats Ka?'""..'? 7.50 - $W tiannents in which the high quality is apparent to the most casual observer. Garments in which the most critical ex amination will reveal only highest me'rit. It's easy to buy Clolhing at these prices elsewhere, K but seldom if ever will you match the quality !L Prices EHTIRE MANUFACTURER'S STOCK OF Boys Knee Pants fttJ9. 45c An extra imir of pants for the boy is always a good in vestment, particularly so in this instance. See them Mon day. All sizes from 3 to 16 years included. Young Men's Suits and Overcoats Nobbiest stylss, best colors, patterns and tfc T Cf) materials, regular values to $15, on sae...P " I DJ See the New Spring Styles in Hart, Schaftner & Marx TAILORED Men's Clothing W HMDENS' ii'UiMsiey KUCUEII I' mil i mm mis'i'i ii i nrliirm A il TryHiyPSKl r WYOMING COAL Per Ton Delivered AT LAST A WYOMING COAL HAS BEEN FOUVD WHICH IN ALL RESPECTS, FOR DOMESTIC I'SE, EQUALS ROCK 81'RIAGS DISTRICT COAL AND EXCELS IT IX SOME. ROCK SPRINGS HAS FOR YEARS BEE UNBEATABLE, BUT HUNDREDS OF CONSUMERS IN THE WESTERN PART OF THE STATE NOW PUT HUDSON AHEAD OF IT ON ACCOUNT OF PURITY, CLEANLINESS AND LASTING QUALITIES. FOR COOKING STOVES HUDSON CANNOT BE EXCELLED. 'PHONE YOUR ORDERS TO US DI RECT, OK YOUR DEALER CAN GET IT FOR YOU. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED. C. B. HAVENS Cl CO. 1805 FARNAM STREET. 'PHONES: DOUGLAS 317. IND. A1171. on .iaiv-.ift iimiiiii . i in hi in i ti.--''"'',ii riti.4uA The Printer Can Save Honey Experience has shown that electric motors are the best means of driving printing machinery, The output can be increased very materially, due to the wide and yet far graduated range of the speed control which can be obtained by theuse of the motor instead of the stepped cone pulleys. Omaha Electric Light& Power Co, Tel. Doug. 1062 Y. M. C. A. Building. No Matter What You Want Bee Want Ads Will Get It ttinWiii now asidl Dee At this season of the year when the ground and street car platforms are apt to be covered with enow or ice, especial care should be taken by passengers in getting on and off cars. REMEMBER Wait Until the Car Stops ! Get Off In the RIGHT Way I Ausifit Ub In Preventing Accidents. '' : OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY it Cushions to WalK-on km Sounds strange, does it not? Nevertheless it's a fact. We sell the only real foot com fort that money can buy in our CUSHION S0LE shoe's. These shoes are non-conductors of heat and cold and any one who has tender or sensitive feet should not be without a pair. They are made for men and women, of soft felt leather and on com mon sense lasts ask our salesmen to show you a pair. Prices are: For Men... $5.00 For Women $4.00 Drcxcl Shoe Co. Mil Ftnaa St "I 1 Elastic Stockings. Trusses, Batteries, Crutches, Bed Pans, Invalid Rings, Back Rests, Invalid Chairs, Bed Side Tables, Rubber Goods. Douche Water Stills H. J. PENF0LD & CO., Hospital and Invalid Supplies, 1403 FARNAM ST. D C SCOTT, D.V.S. (Successor to Dr. H. Lk Ramacclottl.) UimUT BTATB YHTES.UI A-XJLS, Offlc and BapltI. 8810 KLssoq Call Promptly Answered at All Hour. THOU Offtc Hsrn.y 97. frr3h VpS TOWELS! Furnished CLEAN v and SANITARY Absolutely good service. Ask us about our system. :: NEW SYSTEM :: Towel Supply Co. 83 ABUMOTOBT BLOCK Fhoni Sou;. 1818.