Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 7, Image 15
TITE OMAHA RUXDAY BEE. FEIflRTTATTT 9, MOfl. REAL ESTATE TAItM AMD R ANCH I.A.1D POR ALB ftebraskas Coottaaesl. 150 ACKKFAItM in miles southwest of South pmsha, ami Stock Yards. Rood i-room house, large barn, corn crib, granary and other build ings, orchard and strove. Must h sold before March 1st, at which time po""-"Hton can be given. Price t6 per acre. Wa want an offer. OEOi'.GE CO.. 1601 Farnam Pt. (20) 231 Is .rflere Is Where You Double Your ' ! Money in Ten Days A client of ours needs money. Must real ize on his land. Han Instructed ua to hell B"0 acrea of his Lincoln Co., Neb., land at l:i.V) an acre. This must be sold by the 16th of this month. National Investment Co. 581-581 Brandela Hid. (20)-M345 10 t40 PF.R ACRE. 100 acres smooth land, (food soil, frond Im provements, In Nance count v. Nebraska. This Is a bargain. Only Sl.AuO cash re quired. F. C. BEST, lnn7-8 X. Y. LIFE BLDO.. OMAHA. NEB. (20) 513 9 FOR BALE IS' acres land Just outside city limits, suitable for fruit, cultivated, some timber. Inquire 4113 Monlngslde Ave., Co. Bluffs. Bull 'phone B 1118. (30)-M547 9x Oregon. A SNAP IN ORKHON TIMBER, I will sell a two-thirds Interest In 4.000 acres of pine timber land for Ito.OnO, These lands have 4o,0i0,mo feet of fine white pine lumber, well located. Land valuable after cutting timber. Title perfect. Address W. J. Cook, Lumber Exobanse Rlrtg., Port land, Ore. f tit)) M21a feblox Texas. TEXASFARMS "For sale or exchange for east ern Nebraska or western Iowa farms. 8tV.6 acres Brazos valley land In Baylor county, northern Texas; subdivided Into 100-acre tracts; strung, rich soil, suitable for winter wheat, oats, corn, cotton and alfalfa, all kinds of vegetables and fruit; sufficient timber for fencing and firewood; abundant rainfall; healthful climate; near good county seat town of 3,000 people. For further information call or write F. A. FIELD Boom 6K6 New Brnndels Bldg., Umana, iseb. (20)- FKUIT AND TRUCK FAKM Two hundred ninety acres, one mile from depot. Eleven thousand peach trees (Yellow Freestone); twenty acres asparagus; ten acres soft-shelled pecans; fourteen miles from oil wells and pipeline. , $35.00 PER ACRE The orchard alone Is worth twice the price asked for the entire farm. This Is one of the largest fruit and truck-shipping points In Texas. ieavy Omaha Investments Here This Is worth Investigating. Agents furnishing purchaser allowed usual commission. W. F. RUSSELL, Bullard, Smith Co., Texas. (30)- 00 DOWN and $10 per month buys a vege table farm in Uexaa. For particulars ad dress W. J. Winston, 778-80 Brandels mag. (a)) 3W i)x easy terms: "Tho I'aradlse of America.'1 1, U. 1. Btebblns. (20) M537 12x Mlscsllansona. WESTERN FARM LANDS'. Crop payment plan; two crops pays for tana, wnue ine iann is nmiDiing ta value. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO.. 6Sl-5o2 Brandels Bldg. (20) MS40 STOP CITY DRUDGERY. 8TOP RENT- ING! A 10-aere vegetable or rMiultrv farm In the famous Carolina trucking belt means Independence; larger ones a for tune. Ten acres, with new a-room cot tage, Ifi40. Additional land 1)0 per acre easy payments. Carolina Trucking De velopment Co., Wilmington, N. C. . CM m 9x REAL ESTATE FOR RENT frarm, Kssck and Pastaro Lands. FARMS FOR RENT. 25 acres, two blocks from car line, on the Dodge St. paved road, immediately south of the village of Dundee; land slopes tu the east; very desirable for small dairy or truck gardening; good 6-room house; sep arate cow and horse barn. Rental W0 per month. Acre tracts near South Omaha for rent at $3 per acre. Ten to 85 acres near 36th St. road. GEORGE & CO.. MM FARNAM ST. I (21) REAL ESTATE LOANS PRIVATE MONEY-NO DELAY. GARVIN BROS.. ltkH FARNAM. (22)-5W z LOANS on Improved Omaha property ' O Keefe . E. Co., 1001 N. Y. Life BUg U2)-641 MONEY ' to loan on Improved city prop ,erty, or on farm lands In Cass, -Surpy, Douglas or Washington counties. lxians closed piomptly. Cash on hand. W. H. '1 humus, bej First National Hank Bldg. i22i MjI7 H PRIVATE money to loan; no delays. J. H. Sherwood, C16-617 BiandeU Bid. (2)-647 Farm Mortgage Bonds YIELDING 512 TO 6 PER CENT. "When secured by farms your money is safely invested. We have over I7,50i),ftj0 of other peoples' money placed sufely, secured by good farms. During twenty-one years of business, no Investor with us has lost a dollar; nor taken an acre of land. We now have siune yery choice mortgages which we shall be pleased to have you In spect. We buy anil sell approved school and municipal bonus. PETERS TRUST CO., Ground Floor, New York Life Building. Omaha. Neb. (22) WANTED City loans and warrants. W, Farnaiu Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam 8:. (2J-M6 FRIVATE money to loan on Improved rl estate. N. P. Dodge Co., 1714 Farna.n St. (22) o4'J QWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Block. (32) o8 MONEY TO LOAN W ITHOI T DELAY In sums of tofO aid upward on Improved Omaha real estate and Douglas and Ssrpy cojnty farms at lowest rates. Money on band no delay, call or write. Garvin Uros., 1604 Farnam. ' (2-.D PRIVATE MONEY CASH ON HAND- NO XJtAAX . J. II. Ml THEN, SOZ-I 1ST NAT. BANK BLDG. TEL. DOUG. 12:8. (Z2) MB.l loo TO H000 mads promptly. F. D. Wad. In sad aiat-t urn ana amain. (22) -4U REAL ESTATE LOANS (Continued.) WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. tlD-Mi MONEY TO LOAN Payna Investment Co. l-2-543 MONEY to loan on Improved city property. Hastings I ley den, i,04 r a main m. (22)-M.VS WANTED TO BORROW LOAN Saso wanted on each of nine quar ters, level, blsck land on railroad near Winnipeg. Eight per cent Interest In ad vance and commission. Safe and profit able. Box 123. Sibley, la. (24)-M248 lOx LOAN WANTED 11,700 from 1 to I years at 5 per cent frem private party; Douglas county farm valued 115,000 as security. N SW. care Bee. (2i 268 7x WANTED TO BUY SECONDHAND feed sacks. No amount too large or too small. Wagner, 801 N. lfith. (J6)-650 SECONDHAND butcher tools, computing scales, etc. Describe fullv. Want bottom prices. Address, Y 227, Bee. (25)-M171 8x WANTED A nice, clean stock of hardware to Invoice from $3.0uo to 14,onO. Will pay spot cash for It. Address, Y 999. Bee. (26)-M741 14x CASH paid for secondhand cloth !;. shoes, tc. 308 N. ICth St. Tel. Red S32S. I2n) 551 WANTED To buy secondhand furniture, cook and heating stoves, carpets, lino leums, office furniture, old clothes, quilts and all kinds of tools, or will buy the furniture of your house complete. The highest price paid. Call the right man. Tel. Douglas 3971. 26) M179 M4 WHAT have you to offer. I want to buy or rent a 5 to 7-room house. 12,000 to 13.500 cash. West end preferred. Address, A-966, care Bee. (23) M343 lOx WANTED-Fox terrier, not over 9 months old. Tel. Webster 4148. (25) Mo39 11 WANTED TO RENT FOUR or flvo rooms, strictly modern flat for housekeeping. Man and wife only. Address, room 2-11, Millard hotel. (2S) 196 7x TWO small office rooms, cheap. Address, S-4, care Bee. (Jb) M336 11 x TWO couples desire furnished house; mod ern, six or more rooms; good neighbor hood; hill location preferred; for three, six or twelve -months. References fur nished. Address M 942, Bee. (20) 409 9x WANTED 9 or 10-room furnished house. West Farnam district, for summer months, by responsible party. Address D 99, care Bee. (26) M521 11 WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG maa desires place to work for board while going to school. Boyles col lege. Telephone Douglas ism. tzij 3 COMPETENT bookkeeper and stenogra-' pher; good references; have good type writer. Address O. J. Wlldy, ltiol Ga. St., Pine Bluff, Ark. (27) M130 9x WANTED Situation In a hotel or house work by an experienced Japanese boy. Address P. O. Box 32t, Council Bluffs la. (27) M182 llx MARRIED COUPLE wants situation, wife thorough, good cook; husband as coach man or handy man. Newly arrived from England. Address Ray P. O., Kearney Nob. (27)-M212 18x WANTED Place of housework cook help and porter. If you need Japanese, please write me at following address: F. Shimomura, 723 South th Mt. city. (27) M295 lux MIDDLE AGED LADY desires position as housekeeper. Widower preferred. C. H C, 606H No. 17th St. (27) M262 8x WANTED By middle-aged man, position on farm; references lurnlshed. AUuresb, L-888. care Bee. (27) M2S0 lOx COMPETENT stenographer, young woman of good education and refinement, desires position with reputable man or firm. Ad dress, B-967, care Bee. (27) M344 lOx WANTED Position aa manager of lumber yard, by man of seven years experience. Address K 887, ties. (2? M4o4 lbx SUCCESSFUL DOCTOR, who is experi enced clerk and can make good every way, changing location, wants salary po sition with right kind of druggist; good town or city; will Include medical work In deal. Can register anywhere. Address K 43, Dee. ( -1 ) MMlluX LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET lng. Notice Is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the South Platte Land company will be held at the office of said company at Lin coin. Neb., at 11 o'clock a. tn., on the fourth day of March. A. D. mm. By order of the Board of Directors. C. II. Morrill, president, A. B. Minor, secretary, Lincoln Neb., February 3. 1908. F-3d-30T REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Kate B. Ryan et al. to Vtto Pascale, nart nwi seli. 17-15-13 30 John W. Rasp and wife et al. to J. I. McCIung. lot 8. block 2. L. P. Ham mond's addition .' 1.850 A. R. Scott and husband tn G. M. Barnes, lot 6, block 4, Patricks addition 2,500 Ellen Johnson et al. to Helen Kerr, nH lot Id, block S, Horbach'a Sec ond addition County Treusurer to Louis M. Craw ford, part lots 1. I and 3. ,o Hrlen a addition Joseph Wear to E. J. Callahan and wife, lot 24. block 9. sub-division of John I. Redlck's addition 5,000 County Treasurer to J. J. B Itzgerald, lots 8, 9. 10, 16, block 8. and' other lots, Mathews' subdivision Julia F. Squires to George Elliott, part sub lot 14. tax lot 5. 9-15-13.... 850 F. C. Welch and wife to Bertha Peter son, lot 19. block 20, Wilcox Second addition 1,200 R. R. Krebs to Hugh E. Wallace, part tax lot 25, 34-16-13. 1,500 John Domlna and wife to A. O. Wlck lund, lot 1 and part lot 2. block 2. Erway A Nelson's First addition.. 2,400 Harriet N. Kllpatrick and husband to Columbian investment Co., part lots lots 1 and 2, block 1, West Omaha 15,750 Total 1-6,401 Evaporated Apples Dried FralM NEW YoHK. Feb. 8 EVAPORATED APPLES--Market easy, with fancy quoted at iodine, cnuice at 9c, prime at 6Li e,c anu ivo iruu at iijioc. DRIED FRUITS Prunes are unsettled but desirable fruit is held well ud to uuo tatlons, which range from to 15c for t unrornia, una rrom tlc to 7'c for Oregon 60S to 80s. Apricots aie unchanged with choice quoted at 21rJ3e. extra choice at 23 &).'5c and rancy at 2Yul6 Peaches are in fair demand for this season of the year but it sit-ins that concessions are obtainable tn some directions and the tone of the market, if not easy, is unsealed. Choice are quoted at lOiyilHc. extra choice at 124j leuvtc, fancy ai ijwc ana extra rancy at 144il4l,4C. Raisins are unchanged, with loose Muscatels quoted at S'iIi? v'. seeded raiNins at ovuitc anu ixmuon laer a Mstal Market. NEW YORK. Feb. S M KT KIM There was no quotable change In the various metal market and business was quiet, in the absence of cables. Tin was reported easy at O.SOGt'Jt.nO. Copier was dull and tin re or less nominal, with lake quoted at t.3.i4ilS 75. electrolytic M $li.37Vr?1i.fi2lt ana casting ai ia.uvu .57. Luad wa dull and unchanged at S3.iJ6il.7&. Spelter was quiei ai t.xxut.ux iron was quiet a recent prices. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 8. METALS Lead. $3.75. Speller, M i3. Saaar aael Molasses. NEW YORK. Feb. 8 -SUGAR Raw steady; fair refining, 125c; centrifugal. M test. X.7&C; molasses susar. 1.00c; refined steady: No. 4, 4 50c: No. T, 4 46c; No. 8, 44uc; No. 9. 4.3bc; No. 10, 4JBc; No. 11, 4 2e; No. II. 415c; No. 13, 4.1uo; No. 14, 4 c: confectioners A, 4 70e; rnould A. S 25 cut loaf. 6. Toe- crushed. S.kuc; Towdered; granuiaiea, 4suc: cubes, s.loc. MOLASSES julet. New Orleans, open auuto. guou iv cuuiue, tuia NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Pressure to Sell Increases and Values Are Lower. INDUSTRIAL OUTLOOK BETTER iclasloa of Trast Com pa ay Reports la Bank statement Caaaea Forced Markvtlaaj at Securities. NEW YORK. Feb. 8. There was nothing striking In the news today to account for the Increase of selling pressure In the stock market. The movement was rather he cumulative effect of the feeling of dis couragement that has grown up during the week as to any prospect for an early revival of a widespread demand for se curities, such as can only form the proper basis for successful speculative operations. A considerable period of dullness and neglect of the stock market Is the clearly expressed anticipation heard among habit ual operators nml voiced in the action oi the market. There Is the apprehension also of possible delay In the revival of Indus trial and business activity In the country. Sundry Items of Information which ap peared today were of a more cheerful com plexion on this subject than has own me recent dule. hut their rmrrjort was ignored In the movement of prices. The placing of orders for steel rails by somo of the rail road companies following the determina tion of the new type of rail promised some revival of that Important Industry and the president of the United States Steel cor poration Imparted the Information that It was now operating at between 45 and 50 per cent of Its usual production compared wltn only w per cent oi its cspacny ai me low tide In the middle of December. The ratio of decrease In gross earnings of rail roads reporting for the later weeks of Jan uary shows a less ravoraDie comparison with last year s corresponding period than n earlier stages or the contraction, giv ng around for an Inference of betterment In that field of enterprise. Conservative opinions of Improvement were recorded also by the mercantile reviews. There was an inclination to look lor special causes for some of the weakness today. One that was suggested was the probability of some selling out of collateral being In progress which had figured In loans of the trUBt companies that were helped during the late crisis and: are now completing me straightening out of their affairs. . The weakness of stocks was unrelieved during the progress of the session and last prices were the lowest. The complexion of the bank statement when It appeared after the market closed was seen to be affected by the preparations of the trust companies for their Inclusion this week for the first time in the public statement of condition. Evidently the trust companies have drawn on their banking neighbors rreely to repienisn ineir casn showing, the decrease In bank cash of nearly 111,000,000 comparing at an Indicated gain from the known movements of money between one and two million dollars. The 8 per cent reserve held by the other banks and trust companies win oe signincani only for future comparisons. It Is Inter esting to note that the actual percentage of reserve of 27.7 per cent of the clearing house members compares with a percent age of 27.62 per cent In the comparison by averages, thus proving that the latter un derstated rather than overstated the ac tual condition on this occasion. Bonds were easy. Total sales, par value. United States bonds were un changed on call during the week. No. of sales sad quotations on stocks were a. follows: Bales. HUB. LiOW. Close. Adatna EiDreaa ISO Amalsamatm copper su.vv wt 4S 37 48 27 87 66 IS 13 7 35 33 87A4 62 Am. c. F 1.7W) 2a Am. 0. a F. pfd Am. Cotton Oil 209 32 82 Am. Cotton Oil pfd i- American Expresa Am. H. A L. pfd... American lea 700 IS 12 Am. Ltnaeed Oil Am. Llnaeed Oil pld Am. Locomotive 1.40 84i 13 Am. Locomotive pfd... Am: 8. a R 10,800 64 S 62 88 Am. 8. A R. pfd 2"0 90 X Am. Sugar Refining.. Am. Tobacco Dfd ctfa. 1.700 111 110 110 100 78 78 78 Anaconda Mining Co........ 1,600 82 81 91 Atchleon a. 10 69 85 66 7 Atchleon pfd Atlantic Coaat Line. Baltimore Ohio... Bal. a Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tr.. Canadian Pacific Central of N. 1 rh.unMh. A Ohio. 1O0 67 1.200 8044 is'itoo '4! . 600 14 67 7 8944 147 148 176 27 27 28 Chicago Ot. W !. 4 8 Chicago & N. W I0 141 140 140 m. a st. p 8,300 110 lot 1' Chicago T. A T.. offered. fi Chicago T. T. pia a, c, c. a St. L Colorado F. A I ColiTado a 80 Colo, a 80. lat pfd Colo. A So. Bd pfd Consolidated Gas Corn Producta Corn Producta pfd It lof 61 1,200 14 1,000 24 800 61 61 174 28 61 60 61 41 97 i 11 11 11 'K) 60 f 6k 8.700 145 144 144 6110 400 1M4 19 14 64 7"0 31 30 80 700 14 14 14" SO0 30 244 244, 2 800 11 lift llr J0 126 126 12A14 10 200 6 60 69 100 18 184 14 66 10 to .. 800 20 20 24 jno 49 49 49 1,t"0 94 ! 1.100 17 It 17 100 23 23 33 1,000 J 80 90 128 6 900 41 3944 39 7.0 81 19 19 U.I 66 64 64 1,800 88 87 37 I 61 7.400 9.1 95 96 x-0 SI 81 31 TU0 63 62 62 80 104 4 46 46 100 26 M 26 10.1O0 111 111 111 600 86 86 "-" 6 400 19 19 14 200 72 72 71 1 166 128.800 9944 97 97 Delaware & Hudson Del.. L. A W Denver & Rio Orande D R. O. pfd Dlatillera' Securities Kris Erie lit pfd Erie 2d pfd General Electric Ilnola Central International Paper Intr- Paper pfd Int. Pump Int. Pump pfd Iowa Central Iowa Cantral pfd Kanaaa Cllv 80 K. C. So. pfd Loulavllle A N Minn, a 81. L M., 8t. P. A S. 8. M M , St. P. A 8. 6. M. pfd.. atleaourt Pacific M . K. a T M.. K. a T. pfd National Lead N. R- R. of M. pfd, offered New Tore: Central N. Y.. O. a W Norfolk A W n. a w. pfd North Amertoan Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People a Gaa p , c, c. a st. L Preaaed Steel Car Pressed 8. C. pfd Pullman Palace Car Reading Reading lat pfd Reading 2d pfd Republic Steel Republic Sieel pfd Rock laland Co Rock laland Co. pfd 81. L. A 8. F. 2d pfd Bt. Louis 8. W St. L. 8. W. Dfd 88 82 16 100 l.lOv) ino 7 11 24 67 674 It 23 1! 23 24 XI 13 2f Southern Pacinc 1.400 71 49 6 80. Pacific pfd 80S VK 109 K9 So. Hallway 300 10 10V 10 80. Rallwar pfd Teaaa a PaclBc T , 8t. L. W T.. 8t. L. a W. pfd Vnlon PaclBo t'nloa Pactac P d I'. 8. Eapreaa..... V. S. Realty V. 8. Rubber P. 8. Rubber pfd V. S. Steel V. 8 ft eel pfd Va. -Carolina Chemical .. Va.-Caro. Chem. pfd Wabash Wabash pfd Wells-Ksrgo Eipreee Weetlnghou Electric ... Western t'nlon Wheeling A L. E Wleconrtn Central Wla Central pld Northern Pa -lflc Central Leather Central Leather pfd glnes-Uhefheld Steel Great Northern pfd Interborough Met Int Met. pfd 81 U 31 81 3.0 18 1 U l'K 84 84 83 47,100 117 lit 11444 100 83 at 3 85 36 804 18 18 11 80 24.300 274 6.1U0 91 27 80 27 90 16 93 8 14 40 1.P01 6J 64 61 600 6 6 S 1 ? 16.5'V) 12J 121 12"4 401 16 14 l. 100 40 81 18 10 8 SH 34 4.KIA 119 117 117 V 7 7 7 1M 20 24 19 Total sales for the day, 437,300 aharea. Bask riearlnars. OMAHA, Feb. 8. Rank clearings for to day were $l,62S.f632 ami for the corre sponding date last year $l,r90.408.?7. li07 TI08 Monday $1.832,;a'.n8 Tuesday l.5, 501.3) 1.743.tfc.!i8 W ednesday 1.7W.476 64 1,4:'7.710.'71 Thursday l.MeJ.ttM 04 1.781,474 18 Friday 1.612.350. J6 l.TM. 787.48 Saturday I,ti25,us.3 l.oUO.409.37 Totals 8S.9T7.W1.04 810.020.9.(li!l Increase over the corresponding week last year, t42.3ij8.04. TAlexr York Miasma; stocks. NEW YORK. Feb. . Closing; quotations en lamina slocks wrie: A it mm Coa. 8 LlttU Chief 8 Ali.e ) Ootarta ,...' Breeca 14 Ophlr ., 26 Brunawtck Cos 19 Poloal f Comstock Tunnel ... 85 Savage 42 Con. Cal. A Va to Sierra Nevada 44 Horn Silver 44 Small Hopes It Iron t.lver 78 Slaudard 110 Lradvtlle Cos 1 uflerad. Movements of Sneele. NEW YORK. Feb. 8. Importa of mer chandise and dry goods at the port of New York for the week ended February 1 were valued at tl2.K32.831. Imports of siwle for tha oart of New York for tha waak endsd todsy were 3.15 silver and fct52,?7S gold. Exports of spe"l from the port of New York ended today were 1781,118 foii and S644.07S silver. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 8. PRIME MERCAN TILE PAPER 6V,i per cent; sterling ex change, easy, with actus! business In bankers' bills at 4.Wi4.KVS for demand and at 4 8:x!i4.S3l5 for sixty-day bills; commercial bills, M R24U4.83. BAR PILVEK otV- Mexican dollars. 47c BONDS Government, steady; railroad. MNKW YORK, Feb. 8.-MONEY-On call, nominal. Time loans, steady hut quiet; sixty days, 3'r4 per cent, and ninety days. 4 per cent; six months 44 per cent. Closing quotations on to bonds were aa fo. lows: V. M. nf. Is. rf....l0H Hock Val. 4U 10144 do eoapoa lo 4 L a N. onl. to luo TJ. 8. la, raa )Mt Man. e. . 4a. do coupon Met. Ontral 4a 7 U. a n. 4a, reg 11a do lat Inr 17H do coupon llt!lnn. St. L. 4a... 77 Am. Totarco 4a M at . K. a T. 4a 7V, do eo u pan una do 2a Atrhl.nn gta. 4a ft). R. R. nf M. e. 4a. do adj. to 7 N. T. C. IHl Atlantic C. L. 4a K7 N, J. V. (. ta 121 Bal. a Ohio 4a lt No. Pacific 4a, 1"04 do ivta 1 do ! Ton Brk. R. T. c. 4a MVi N. a. W. c. 4a M Cantral of Oa. aa UK O 8. L. rtdg. to M do lit Inc (4 Penn. ct. SVta MUj do Id Inc SJ Rradlng (ten. 4a M Chaa. a Ohio 4Sa....P'l aat. u A I. M. e 6a . 107 Chlcaso A A. IVii.... J Bt. L. A 8. F. tg. 4a. 71Vi C, B. Q. n. to.... M-t3t. L. 8. W. c. 4a.... r C, R. 1. a P. 4a.... a) Seaboard A. L. 4a 4t do col. ta Bo. I'aclBc 4a M1 CCC. a St. U . 4a.. 7 do lat 4a rtfa M Colo. Ind. 5a, aer. A. 43 8o. Kallwar (a S7'4 t'olo. Mid. 4a tl Tena A P. la IMMj Colo, a 80. 4a UTt T. St. I,. A W. 4a.. 70 Cuba (a 1'is fnlon Pacinc 4a D. A R. o. to M do c. 4a 8M4 Dlatlllera Sec. 5a.... Tl) V 8. Steal Id 6a 87' Erie p. I. to M Wahaah la 107 do sn. to 7 'do l-b B 40 Japan 4a 74 Wantarn Md. 4a SO do 4 Hi ctfa 8SV, w. a L. E. 4a 71 do U aarlra Wla. Central 4a U Bid. ORered. ClearlntT Home Bank ta4ernetit. NEW YORK. Feb. 8,-The weekly state ment of the condition of the New York banks was Issued in a new form today. In addition to the statement showing: aver ages for the week of the clearing house banks as given out, additional data is given showing the actual condition of clear ing house banks at the close of business yesterday. Tho statement gives also the average condition for the week of those banks and truBt companies In Greater New zora noi members or the clearing house. The statement shows that the hunics h.ii.i 129,832,175 more than the requirements of the 26 per cent reserve rule. This Is a de crease of 810,684,560 in the proportionate cash reserve as compared with last week. The statement follows: Decrenae Loans I 1.139.7T5.700 i 6.1M8.S00 Deposits 1.137.3X4.500 1411 Ann Circulation 67.3ftl.500 1.872.20 Legal tenders ).O97.0no 8is.riio Specie 264.091. 3J 4.05S.3H) Reserve 314.178.3"0 10,973.WH) Reserve reuuired ... 2)4. 346.125 27 2.VI Surplus 29.M2.175 10.ti94.5W) Ex-U. S. deposits... 44,750,950 11,031,775 "increase. The percentage of actual reserve of tha clearing house banks at the close of busi ness yesterday was 25.60 per cent. The statement of banks and trust com panies of Greater New York not members of the clearing house shows that these in stitutions aggregate deposits of $fil 3,478,500. total casn on nann, 849,uz6,ooo. and loans amounting to $770,262,800. Boston Storks and Bonds, BOSTON. Feb. 8. Call loans. 3fiS 'per cent; time loans, 4Huti per cent. Official closing on stocks and Ponds: Atchison adj. 4a 86 Atlantic 10 do 4a 97 Bingham 6 Me. Central 4a 79 Cal. A Hecla 660 Atchleon fc! Centennial- 31 do pfd 86 Copper Range 6o Boston A Albany.. ..2" Daly Weat a,.... 8 Boston Elevated 129 Franklin 8 Fltchburg pfd 1J0 Oranby 80 Mexican Central 16 isle Rnvale 22 N. Y. N. H. & H..184 Mam. Mining 8 Vnlon Pacific 116 Michigan ..v 11 Am. Arge. Chem 16 Mohawk , 60 do pfd 1 82 Mont. C. A C 1 Am. Pneu. Tube 4 Old Dominion 86 Amer. Sugar llo Osceola 80 do pfd 110 Parrot 12 Am. T. T 106Quincjr 86 Amer. Woolen 18 Shannon 11 do pfd 83Tamarack 64 Dominion I. A 8 106 Trinity 14 Edlaon Elec. Illu 207 I'nlted Copper 6 General Electric 116 t;. 8. Mining 82 Mail. Electric 11 II. 8. Oil 9 do pfd 45 Utah 36 Mass. Oaa (2 Victoria 4 I'nlted Fruit 16 Winona I United 8. M 42 Wolverine 125 do pfd 26 North Butte 46 U. 8. Steal. 28 Coalition 10 do pfd 90 Nevada 9 Adventure 8 Cal. A Arizona 109 Allnuea 218 Arliona Com 17 Amalgamated 4t Greene Cananea 8 Asked. Iondon Closing- Storks. LONDON, Feb. 8. Closing quotations on stocks were: Consols, money ... 87 1-16 M., K. A T 72 do account 87 N. V. Central 99 Anaconda I Norfolk a W 68 Atchleen 72 do pfd u do pfd 89 Ontario A W 32 Baltimore A Ohio 83 Pennsylvania 67 Canadian Pacific 163 Rand Mines o Cheeapeake A Ohio... 29 Heading bl Chicago Ot. W 4 Southern Railway ... 10 C, M. a Bt. P 113 do pfd 34 Pe lleera 14 Southern Pacific 73 Denver A R. O Lnlon Paclflc 121 do pfd 68 do pfd 86 Erie 144 tl 8. Steel J do 1st pfd '1 do pfd 98 u do 2d pfd il Wabash Orsnd Trunk 16 do pfd 16 Illinois Central 131 Spanish 4a 91 L"ulsvtlle A N 97 Amal. Copper 60 BILVEIR Bar. steady, 26,d per ounce. MONEY SW6 per ctnt. The rate ot discount In the open market for short bills Is 37gl4 per cent: for three months' bills, 3 13-hWj3 per cent. Foreign Financial. LONDON. Feb. 8. Cn the Stook exchange today American securities reflected yester day's Wall street decline, the rumored Baltimore & Ohio new Issue and lark of support more than offsetting the prospects of a good New York statement. The mar ket closed dull. PARIS. Feb. 8. Trading on the Bourse today was quiet, with prices firm. BERLIN. Feb. 8. Prices on the Bourse today were weaker. Americana were lower. Treasury statement. WASHINGTON. Feb. g.-Today" state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the tlftU'Kui go'd reserve, snows: Avauanie cash balance $26i;. 103.178; gold coin tind bullion, t24,itiii,al gold certificates. 141,8.100. Hank of Knglanit Bnlllon. LONDON, Feb. 8. Hulllon amounting to 60,000 was taken Into the Bank of Knirlanri today and 1J,V was withdrawn for ship ment. iu duulii America. Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 8. COTTON Snot Market quiet; prices unchanged; American middling, fair, 6.97d; good middling. 6. old; middling, 6.35d; low middling. 6.0ld; good ordinary, 5.59d; ordinary, 5.09d. The sales of the day were 6,000 bales, of wnicn ifuo were ror speculation and export arid Included 4,700 American. Receipts, 15,uu) bales. Including 9,300 American. Futures opened quiet and steady and closed quiet; American middling. G. O. ('., February. 5. Hud; February-March. 6d; March-April, 6.87,d; April-May. 6!Cd; May June. 6.8J'5d: June-July. 5.8ed: Jul v-Ausust. 5.7d; Atigust-Septetnher, 6.64d; September- trlnuT, u -il V-; t JcloDer-Aovembcr, 6.4-d November-! 'e em'T. 5.3!Hd. NEW YORK. Fell. 8. COTTON Futures opened steady; March, 11c; April. 11. (5c, cf fered; May, 11.03c; June. 11c, offered: Julv. lo.7fc;. August, 10.5oc, bid; October, 10.09 l't. 1 1C. Future closed very steady; February, lfl.8?, ; March. 11.0.1c: Auril. 11.07c: Mav. 11.11c; June, 11.01c; July. 10.7kc; August,; tirtoDer, io.uw; Deremlier, 10.02c. opui cioeeti quiet; middling uplands. 11.7UC middling ulf. 11.95c: salts. 2.0:0 hales. GALVESTON. Feb. 8 COTTON Bteady. .i-c. ST. LOrifl, Feb. 8 COTTON- Market dull; middlings, 12c. Sales. 65 bales; re ceipts, mj hales; shipments. 231 bales: stock 19,772 bales. Oils and Rosin. NEW ' YORK, Feb. 8 OILS Cottonseed easier; prime crude. 29V.(;; prime yellow. Sh"it Petroleum, steady; refined Now York, 18.75; Philadelphia and Baltimore, r ; t-nuaaeipnia ana liuuimure, in bulk 84 96. SAVANNAH. Ga.. Feb. i.-OIL-Turpen- 1,1111, I II III , ROSIN-Flrm; A. B. C. D, E. 13 .66; F $3.bfi,i3 6o; G, 3 5o&a 7i: H, t3.oi'3.75; I t4.0ti; K. 15 00; M. u.26; N. 5.90: W, a, i.6j; W. W, 16 60. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Feb. .-COFFE&-Market for futures closed quiet, net unchanged to 6 points lower. Sales were reported of li.tnaj nags, including March at 06c; May, 6.15c; July, 8. 25c; September, 6.35c: Decem ber, 6.4tq6.45c. Bixrt coffee, steady; No. 7 Kio. bc; r.o. 4 Santos, ssc Mild coffee, steady; Cordova. 94,U3c. Boa Want Ads They bring results. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Receipts of Cattle for Week Show ! Decrease in Comparison. i rRICES ON AVERAGE ARE HIGHER Hogs In Good Sapply, with Prse tlrally No Change In Prices Over the Close of Last Week. SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. 8, 1!. Receipts were: Official Monday Official Tuesday Official Wednesday , Official Thursday .., Official Friday Estimated Saturday Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 4.'el 6.4.ID l.iU 7.SMJ li,- I.i4 li.tlH li.Sii 8.7M 16.13" 14.41 Six days this week....l7.St 67,746 S2.8ni Same days last week 18.748 6o,SS) 'M.V'l Same days 2 weeks ago.. l.tf4 71,711 VJ.hM Same days 1 weeks sgo.. 26,015 58.3H3 M.Tsi Same days 4 weeks ago.. 'J1.4HS 7S.8S8 28.110 Same days last year U5.01H 47,851 83,u8U The following table 'shows tho receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omana for the year to date, compared with last year: 1908. . 1907. Inc. Dec. Cattle 112.U'3 138.8H2 28,7.8 Hogs 3M.656 2H6.1il 115,834 Sheep 147.61':! 179,7X2 32.040 The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Date. 1808. 1907. 1906. 19t6. 11804. 1903. 19"2. 'Indicates Sunday. The official number of rars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, ll'r's v-., ai. it et. f 12 Missouri Pacific 4 3 t nlon Pacific C. & N. W east .. .. 80 3 61 S 4 35 16 1 10 2 C, St. P., M. A O.!. C, B. & Q., east .. C B. & Q., west .. C, R. I. & p., east . ('.. R. I A P IL'U.I Illinois Central '. ij. w Total receipts .... 7 195 10 7 Tho disposition of the dav's recelots was aa follows, each buyer purchasing the nuiuuiT oi neaa indicated: Cattle. I-Ioitr. Sheen Omaha Packing Co 21 2,763 Swift and company 3,uo5 Cudahy Packing Co 4.492 Armour & Co a, 160 485 ivingan fack. Co 352 Cudahy Broa 1,664 Total 21 16,316 466 CAT'iLK As usual on Saturuav. there waa aiothlng of any consequence on sale. Receipts for the week were 17,750 and show a decrease of about 1,500 as compared with iubl ween, ana oi nearly 7,uoo head as com pared with the first week In February a year ago. There has been a broad outlet for the cattle owing to favorable advice from eastern markets and the moderate supplies and the trend nf values Ins u,n higher from start to finish. Compared with tho close Of last Week nrkea are aer.inn higher on the general run on beef. The tulr to gooa grades show rattier more Improve ment than either the choice cows or the short fed and warmed up grades. In cows and heifers the advance has been even more marked than In beef steers, owing to the very limited offerings of butchers' and canners' stock. Both local K ackers and outside buyers have taken old freely and closing quotations are In the neighborhood of 26(tf3uc higher than a week ago. The market for veal calves has been dull and lower, the week's decline amounting to 25ii60c. There has been a good demand right along for bulls, stags, etc., and prices have been fairly well sus tained on anything of this kind, the range being 12.50r4.00 for poor to best grades. Notwithstanding the sharp improvement In beef cattle, the trade on stockers and feed. ers has been very unsatisfactory. Prices were nigner, put since men the demand from the country has fallen off very ma terially and the movement has been slack. Even the more desirable grades are 15 25c lower than a week ago. While tho de cline on the ordinary light and medium weigni Kinds has been Bjtf40c. The decline has brought out a better demand toward the 'close of the week and there Is a prob ability that the supply will be well cleaned up and a better trade developed next week. wuotations on cattle: Good to choice corn- fed steers, $5.006.60; fair to good corn fed steers, 84. 50474. 75; common to fair cornfel steers, $3 7fi4i4.nO; good choice cows and heifers. St. eM4.40; fair to good cows and heifers, t3.N)Y3.60; common to fair cows and heifers, S2.00fr3.00; good to choice stockt-rs and feeders, 14.004j4.60; fair to stood stock ers and feeders, e3.5"y 4.ui; common to fair stockers and feeders, 2.7FyJi3.5t). HOGS ror a Saturday the sunnlv waa fairly liberal and the week's receipts aver age up sulwtantlally the same as last week and nearly 20.0X heavier thnn for the cor responding week a year ago. The market today was active and strong, with the range of prices and the bulk of sales sub stantially the same as on yesterday. Dur ing the past week there has been no ma terial change In the conditions surround ing and governing the trade and closing prices are practically the same as at the clofe of last week. Both local packers and outside buyers show a preference for and pay a premium on tne gooa weight and quality hogs and all classes of buyers discriminate sharply against thin, light and under-welght stuff. For fair to good hogs of all weights, however, the range of prices is not very wioe me lop today was 84.35 and the hulk of the trade around S4.1tinj 4.25, or substantially the same as a week ago. Jan. 28... 4 1 I 6 761 14 54 4 791 6 671 5 95 Jan. 28... 4 08 If 71 6 SSI 4 79 6 8Bi 6 8 Jan. 8w... 4 13 6 72 & 361 4 66 4 81 7J 8 OS Jan. 81... 4 17 6 85 5 4ol 4 6.1 8 69 5 87 Feb. 1... 4 10 6 88 5 411 4 69 4 74 5 9i Feb. e 6 sl 6 4S 4 70 4 73 6 6S Feb. 8.... 4 If 6 53 4 72 4 Sf 6 70 5 93 Feb. 4.... 4 17H 6 93 I 74 4 81 6 8 6 03 Jeb. 6.... 4 26H, 6 86 5 53 4 77 6 83 1 6 13 Feb. .... 4 6 91 5 531 4 83 4 81 6 76 6 16 Feb. 7.... 4 ltVa 6 81 6 67 4 74 6 74 6 01 teb. 8 6 87 6 69; 4 64 4 89 5 99 . Av. 8h. Pr. No. Av. 8h. Pr. 1 167 4 IT) 9 J7 80 4 22 SM6 40 4 00 78 fHD ... 4 19 ... 4 06 6!' 2:) 80 4 r.l, IKS 84 4 71 143 10 4 2', 178 ... 4 OR 78 244 ... 4 22" 1J 80 4 05 83 178 ... 4 lfi'l ... 4 'J7't 84 2 ... 4 !5 :S4 ... 4 OTVs 4 2'H 40 4 23 17 ... 4 07' IS 20 ... 4 25 1W ... 4 lu 4 271 208 4 25 1SS ... 4 1" 64 243 ... U l"t 40 4 10 72 ;tJ 160 4 25 ! ltt ... 4 10 6i 2.48 ... 4 25 17J ... 4 10 ta 27 ... 4 26 214 80 4 in 217 ... 4 26 1M 80 4 V te 21 ... 4 25 1H4 ... 4 10 '? 8r7 ... 4 25 1I 40 4 10 f'2 3.'J) 80 4 25 :1 ... 4 10 74 277 ... 4 2 214 ... 4 12V, 77 231 ... 4 25 254 ... 4 12 70 n3 ... 4 26 IV! 40 4 12Vs M :i ... 4 25 834 1 20 4 r.v, 2 ... 4 24 tilt 160 4 la eT 20 80 4 2t 22 ... 4 16 72 :,) 40 4 25 '7 130 4 15 70 244 ... 4 25 19 M 4 16 t 2!i0 ... 4 (5 24 Htl 4 15 M I I 200 4 25 i 4 4 16 2!6 2:8 ISO 4 28 211 SO 4 16 71 2S ... 4 25 218 ... 4 16 74 :;t ... 4 u P'l 40 4 15 118 21! ... 4 25 214 40 4 15 7 m ... 4 ;j 8.1 4 15 .27 ... 4 25 2'1 120 4 15 "2 247 ... 4 26 t 8-41 4 15 "( 18 ... 4 25 11 80 4 1.7 8 223 ... 4 So ' t!4 ... 4 15 7 ...4 25 J:t to 4 15 7! ;ci ... 4 li 224 i:0 4 17V, 271 ... 4 25 2'H ... 4 17V, 77 2'0 ... 4 25 '29 60 4 17 S 48 81 ... 4 2J 2"') ... 4 17', tit 21 ! 4 27ii 2.1 10 4 17V, 71 2f,7 40 4 J7V, 246 1M 4 17V, 2 2V7 4 0 4 27V, JI0 ... 4 17, 57 S15 ... 4 27', 230 ... 4 tn 81 3i0 ltO 4 7Vi til ... 4 11 80 87 ... 4 JO 213 ... 4 20 tl r,j ... 4 j, 1 2'4 ... 4 20 56 348 40 4 80 264 ... 4 SO 48 Jig ... 4 , 1.1 ... 4 30 64 340 ... 4 80 284 ... 4 20 67 MA 80 4 SO 2-0 80 4 t 304 0 4 30 2' ... 4 20 83 3r, 40 4 SO ' 227 40 4 to 39 395 4U 4 30 224 l 4 20 4 '1 ... 4 31) 2"7 40 4 20 41 ... 4 , .8-8 ... 4 20 62 8"8 10 4 30 1 8.1 ... 4 20 6t t.'5 160 4 30 1 3lfl ... 4 21 teO to 4 82V, 1 23t ... 4 2?V, 7. 24 ... 4 38, 1 214 10 4 it 4 ... 4 85 124 ... 4 22 V, 81IEEP-The week closes with moderate or sheep on sale and with the mar set piactiraily steady all around. Receipts for the pant week foot up upwurda of jj.'jm nean in round numbers, as against 28 4" head for the week iirceedln nn.1 33.580 head for the correHjHmdlng perlo,l a year ago. thus showing that the number, while not large, is fully aa liberal as the correHiiomlliig season last year. uuisiue or a nine weakness shown on lamba carrying much weight there has been no material change in the market tnrougnout tne week for mutton grades. ins tamns sola mis wees up to l , a price fully up to last week's basis. Other grades of mutton sheep, such as vearllnas ewes and wethers, also sold fully steady throughout the week. In the feeding division the sapply has scarcely etjuavlltd lbe tfumauid and, while The Updike Grain Co. COMMISSION DEPARTMENT 708 to T14 Drondcls Dldfj OMAHA, -:- -:- -:- NED. BROKERS GRAI1M, PROVISIONS, STOCKS A1NJD BONDS FRIVATZ WIRES -TaMcption Do u a las a47B MtTuu vooir H IttaaWV 8WtXt LARaSON BROS. & CO. e Board of Trade. CHICAGO 4 Eslabllslicd 1874 Grain and Provisions OMAHA OFFICE: Room BOO Brandeis Euilding t Tlephons-Douglas 2567; Ind. A2567 C. E. HUNTER. Managar Your Patronage SollcHrd. Call and See It fjiMO- m iiia.wiuiii. n n in hi -iir it tr i m mni Z. CUDDINGTON Successor to Doyce Commiaalon Co., lOS Board ol Trade Bldg. Margins 1 cent on grain, $2.00 on stock. Public and private rooms for customers. Best service in Omaha. A reliable company. there has been no very materinl change In prices the demand has been strong throughout the week on feeding lambs espe cially. The general tone of the trade Is siitlsfactory all around. icecelpts today amount to seven cars, nchiding a few loads that were billed hrough to eastern feeding points. The ii'iulry from packers was sufficient to aitc up tne offerings in good season at practically unchanged prices, with the tone rather strong than otherwise. Quotations on good to choice fed sheen and lambs: Iamhs. $"".40'aii.80; light year ling wethers, So.5i'ift.90; heavy yearling wethers, 8"..2O!J5.50; wethers, 13.0oiii6.20; ewes. $4.60(114.90. Representative sales: No. Av. Tr. 246 western ewes 88 4 76 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle, Sheep and I.amh Steady Hog- Strong. CHICAGO, Feb. 8.-CATTLK-Recelpts. about 4"0 head; market steady; beeves. $3.15'a6.10; cows and heifers. 11. 754. 65; Texans. 13.(814.10; calves, !Ti.UWrS.2f; west erns. 13.804j4.7t); stockers and feeders, J2.6J HOOS Receipts, ahout ai.txw head: mar ket strong; lights, yt.lfi'y 4.45; mixed. ll.'Jo 4.50; heavy, J4.lVW4.6o; rough, t.Z(Kr4.:5; pigs. 3.6OC(i4.30; bulk of sales, 14 30fi.4fi. pliKKr AINU L.AMHS Kecelpls, anollt S. head: market steady; natives, f3 Zi'rt 6.60; westerns, 3.2ii(if.tji: yearlings, $.70; lambs, 15.00fu7.10; westerns, J j.Ot4i7.10. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KAaVSAS CITY. Ij'eh. 8. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,000 head; market unchunged; choice export and dressed beef steers, lh.loii6.6B; fair to good, 14.20fifi.10; western steers, !4.aV(i6.40; stockers and feeders, 13.25 (&4.70; southern steers, 13.(KK(!4.10; southern cows, 12. 7513. 76; native cows. 12.404r4.fiO; na tive heifers. ;t.36fii6.U0'. bulls, 2.7Wi4.i6; calves, 13.751i4J.Si5. Receipts for the week, 88,800 head. HOGS Receipts, 7.000 head; market tronsr. 5c higher: ton. 14.50: bulk of sales. 14.2Mj4.4fi; heavy, 14.36(94.60: packers. 14 25W 4.46; pigs and lights, J3.50f.j4.30. Keceipis for the week, 68,500 head. 8HEKP ANU IARIHS Receipts, none; market steadv: lambs. lti.''5(ii1.90: ewes and yearlings, 14.C0fri6.50; western yearlings, $4.001 1.25; western sheep, H.2Me5.25; stock ers and feed i rs. j:i.50tiC.00. Receipts for the week, 31, !J0 head. St. I.onls l,lvc Stork Market. ST. IiOflS. Feb. 8.-CATTI.K-Recelpta, 20o head. Including 50 Texans; market steady; native shipping and export steers. 15.4"frft).Ofl; dressed beef and butcher steers, J4.7Mi6.60; steers under lbs., $3.75i4.50: stockers anil feeders, $2.4041 4. 65; cows and heifers 13.156.00: canners. K.wrai.'Jf. bulls. 12.75ffi4.10; calves, $;i.fiiVri7.5ti: Texas and Imliiin steers, ja.'; cows ana neuers, Il.75ffi4.t0. HOGS-Receipts, 5.5TO hea1: steady; pigs and lights. 13.604.45; packers. 14.OOffi4.45; butchers and best heavy, J4.40fnl.oO. SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts, 2u0 head: market steady: native muttons, J3.rinfrr5.fi0: lambs, J4.5Ofii7.00; culls and bucks, J2.7jii3.75 St. Joseph Live Stoek Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo Feb. 8. CATTLE Receipts, 1.12 head. Market steady; na tives. J4.26j6.25; cows and heifers, $2.00jj 6.00; stockers and feeders, $3.5iif4.50. HOGS Receipts, 7.ii'J head. Market 5c higher: tops. 14 50; bulk. 14.25114.40. SHEEP ANU I.AMBS-Recelpts, 200 head. Market Bteady; lambs, Jfj.OOfiiti.'JO; yearlings. 15.40ffj1i. 10. Sloox City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. la.. Feb. 8. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 300 head; mar ket steady: beeves, $.3. fori 5. 50; cows and lielfers. J2.50fiM.25; stockers and feeders, J3.ixfii4 10: calves and yearlings, 12.50113.50. HOGS Receipts, :.'Vl head; market 6c lower, selling at J3.ii4.35; bulk of rales, 14.0014 1.0. Stock la Slubt. Receipts of live stn. k nt the six princlptl western markets yestcrdny: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 10 14.4"0 2,2J Bioux CHy 300 9.oi) Kansas City 1.0"0 7,f St. Joseph 1,132 7,0:!t 2' St. Ixiills 2l 5.5UO 2l Chicago 400 26,000 3,000 Totals .3212 69.529 S.ObO OMAHA. WllOI.KS.'.I.r: MARKET. EOGS Fresh selllcs eggs, candled, 20a. BUTTER Conimon. lc; fancy tlib snd rolls. 17fylic; creamery, 30o. CHEESE New full cream, Wisconsin twins, 17Vic; new full cream brlrk. 17c; do mestic, new Swiss. IKe; new Umburger. liy ltie; youns; Americans. 17'c. LIVE IOULTflY-RprinKs. 8c; liens. Sc; roorters, 3c; ducks, He; gees. 8c; turkeys, I 'Ae; pigeons, 6"0 er dos. DKEKrlKD fOULTKY -tiurings. fancy, Je; hens, !c; roosters, 4c; riucks. 11c; geese, liVo; turkeys. lMrUc. HAY C'lioire.No. 1 uplnnd. 7.f0; medium. l; 5n; No. 1 bottom, to.uo; off KraJea, from 14 iiO to I'.uO. Rye straw. 17. uo; No. 1 al falla. 111.00. FRUITS APPLES Waslilnmon Snow, oer box. 11. 6o; Waaliinaton Jonattians. per box, 11.73; Washinifton Human Beauties, per box. 11.75; WasliliiKtnn Alexanders. pr box. 11.75; Washington Blus Pearmalns. nor box. 11 75; W'asliingtnn Ked Cheek I'lpplns. per box. II ':: WSHhitigton Kings, uer box. 11.75; Washington Halley riweet, per box. 11.75; Washington No. tjpys, per box. 11.73; Cali fornia Red Pearmatna. 4-tler. per box. U 00; California Helleflowei s. -iieu per box, 12 00; New York Baldwins, per bbl.. 14.50; New York Northern Bples. per bhl.. $4 i0; New Yoik assorted varleiles. per bbl., 14 5a I rt1 'riL al '!. ORANGES Funcv W all sixes, per box, 2.71; Wasblngton navels. per box, tz.ii: extra ancy Sun. flower, all sires, per box, J.w, I'alirnrtila Tangerines. Siuo slxs and smaller, per box. 12 25. BANANAS Port I.lmon, owing to size, per bunch, 11.50 to 13 0u GRAP12 FRUIT Florida. M and W sire, per hox. UJ. PEARS Kxtra fancy winter Nellis, psr box I-' 76- GRAPES Malaga, cbotce, per keg, 14.00; Malaga, extra fancy, 14.50; extra cholcs, per keg, H.'JSii extra tanuy. extra heavy, j.oo rios AND VA I E.l nrayrna " gn, T- crown, per crown, per in., 14910c: Btavrna rigs. lb.. U&iac: Bm-rtis rias. 4- trown, per lb, 10ffUu; California igs. boxes. )0 cartons. 85c; California figs, boxes, 1 cartons. s5c; California Itgs. ie-ix. per lb., IVkc; Uallowl dales, psr lt . iUo: Kbadraart dales, per lb., tc; fialr datois, pel 1U. iic; tard dales. 13-lb boxes, psr lb, so. CHAjstt.RKU.ti-txWa Itwcy ?J1 and CHICAGO W. Farnam Smith & Co. Stocks, Bonds, Investment Securities. 1320 Farnam St. TEL. Bell, 1064; Independent, A1064. WAilTEO A KI.NA.NCIAIXV HKSPO.NSIItLi; MAN with financial experience to handle account of a ChicaKO Bond Houbo. REFERENCES. Correspondence Confidential. LOCK 1H1X 81, CHICAGO, ILL. Dividends, Bargains niVIPEND PAYERS. PHOMI8INO PROSPE0T8. tn. M.nas , ce- Am VM - 4 p.. 6f)5 I)oa Estrellas, J1.2G ,0,. 100 Kendall, Mont., 41. "5 200 Cnn. Jeff. O. & fjiiO 8n .wstorm, Ida.. 11.45 UHr 10D0 Octavla Mln 75o 2'0 Moh' l"l"','c. lumi uctavia. mm.. iso I0II0 Mi., j. 201 Penn.-Wyo., 3o .jm Haxler Royalty, 64,0 6(iu ue.K Tun., utan, oao ikhi Hull Copper. 11c 50 Oranhy Con., IJ0.00 .) Telegraplion. 14.00 , , looo Knmbler-Carlbno, 27 100 Nlplsslnaj. I7.W feu llullvrhnnn. 2in 27 1"0 Nevada Hill", 3 0 noil H.ppy Thousht au4 i'f Columbus, t'tah. 12 10 Falrvlew, Ho 60 Ranltol Chem.. 17.76 lnnrirnrsulta. $1.00 7 roa optlral, t45.m 4noo timle Sam O., ie 14 O. A. Coffee, $43.60 ) Kmplre Tun., 11c 6l)0 Kranrea Mohawk, 400 m Toledo, Wab. ft 8t loO nsly-Weat. I) M L. . $110 WE WILL UUY. 1 Amer. Marronl. $21. 01 lOfH Indiana Mln. 1000 Desert Chief, 3c 2'HIO Penn-Wye. imiri Standby, I). H., tWo tm Oi tave, Aril. I rxoi Grandma. 14o I'loti Hull Cop. 6noi Square Ileal, 61,0 2"00 Arli. Cop. Oold mm Chlana Con., 4lti looo Montana Bfs. M Yellow Tlser, tie 6ir0 Francea Muliawk. 6'i4 Luclan Tun., 12ie 2"Oi) Olympic. 2iH H. oaac Tun., 7u !" Mnaui Pfd. 4.) Two Uueens, 6c 2ihJ Globe Hold. lftisl Mont. Bhnahone Ex. 8.MI0 haxtor Hoyalty. I'K) Anchor (). & O.. 2c CtKVi Ills. Pioneer. 2.M1) (lfd. Hub, c leno Seyler lluinphrey. fK Big I T. O. 1 , 11' is 20 HanlUd Chem. iOIIO Palmer Mln.. ldv WESTERN BUSINESS EXCHANGE 13S IiaSaUs St. CHIOAOO, ILI. Bugle, per bbl., 110.00; extra rancy Jersey, per bbl., 18.00; extra fancy Jersey, per box, 1J.00. LEMONS Kxtra fancy tiout herland Beauty, 00 and 300 size, per box, 14.00; ex. tra choice J us trite, SuO and 3t0 slue, par box, 13.75. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Per rju., tBfjJ75c. SWEET POTATOES Kansas, per bbL. 12.75. LliTTUCE Florida head, pt,." hamper. $3.00; per doz.. 40c. CUCUMBERS Hot house, 2 dos., fancy, per box, ttt.oo; i dux. choice, per box, 11.50, IIAU1SHES Hot house, per dosen, 40o, PARSLEY Per dos., 40c. PEPPERS Florida, fl-uaaket craUs. par crate. 14.00. PARSNIPS Old, Der bbl., 12 25. CARROTS AND TURNlPS-nid, ner bbl J2.00; Canada Hutabagaji, per lb., 1S4C CABBAGE V isconsiu ilulland Seed, oe? lb.. l'c. v j ONIONS Spanish, per crate. 11.50; Wis consin iea urjufl, per 10.. iW3 fill ALLOTS Per dox.. 0u. TOMATOES Florida, extra fancy, per basket crate, 16.00; choice, per basket crate, M 00; Cuban, fanry, per 6-basket crate. 14.00. CAl'1.1 FLOWER Per 2-dox. crate. 13.0t HOKSKHAIHUSH-Ptr doi... 10c. CELERY Michigan, per buncii. 2C35a, KLMQUATS O.vlng to quality, par QU. 80c to 4ee. BRLSSEL SrUOUTS, per qt 80o. to 43c. , STRAWBERRIES Owing to quality, 50o NAVY BEANS Per bu., No. 1. fc.SU; Lima, 7 per lb. BEEF CUTH. Rjhs: N. 1. 13Vc; No. 2. He; No. I. Ut Loin: No. 1, 1M4jo ; No. 2, 13A4c; No. g, 10c Chuck: No. 1, ,,; No. 2, f.c; Ts'o. 8, 60. Rftiind: No. t 9c; No. 2, gic; No. 8, 7c, I'lute: No. 1. 5c; No. 2. 4!c; No. 1, 4c. MISCELLANEOUS. CALIFORNIA DRIEU FRUITS Prunes re somewhat unsettled br freer offerings from second hands, whu seem desirous of moving supplies of immediate grades. Quo tatlons rny from uc a 9c :or California) fruit and from lc to He for Oregon. Peaches uro very 11. 111. with fancy yellow quoted st lVac. bl'UAR Gianulate j. cane. per sack, 15.40; .'uei, 3i.J. cut louf, tic; cuLies, mcj powdered. 0.13.. CANNhiD GOODS Porn, staudard west en., i3c. Ton.iloet, i.ntcy. -pound cans, tl.43; stunubi'l. 3-liouad rant, 41 2J. Pine Pl'les, i,raud, J-pouud. sliced, tl.o.H.33. Gunou atpil.. 41. JO. ;alifrrnl aprlcoia, iz.iai.iiu. i'eaia. 4.103.15. leaches, l..tutf3.1 L C. peaches, 1.10 J 1.13. Aiasaa buimiou, red, 11.40; lancy CIinotk, Lit.,; fancy scckeye. Oat, 13. baiddua, quarter oil, 13.(10; three quarters mustard, 43.15. bweet potatoes, U -ul J3 bajciKaut, Iroc. Pumpkins, sod til.ou. Lima bea.u, H-pound, i5cUil.o. Houaed beans, 2-uour.d, Cc; faucy, tl.gtV4jli.4f. N UTS California Iso. 1 8. S. walnuts, per lb., 1. We; liupoi'ied 'i'arracua almonds, per lb., 18c; lilbeits, liruzns and Jumbo pecans. 13c; butternuts, per lb., 1-ic; Nu. 1 H. P. beanuts. nisnlm, be; raw, tj; salted pea nuts, per box, tl.lo; Italian chestnuts, par lb., 10c. COFFEE Roasted, No. 15, 26c; No. ML tic. No. 23. lie. No. 20. 14V4C. FIoH Iialibui, tic, ticui, 13c; plcksrol, 10c, pike, 14l,, flesh, fruien, 12c; White Pah, HuI'ji ; builulo, 14c; bullheads, skinned and diesaed. 13c, cathsh, (J.eKfeed, 17c; White perch, 7c; ul.lta tiusi, 15c; black buss, 60; sutillbh, tvi.c; crupplea, iuc-; kirgs crapplea lie; hcrilng, I'ean (rozeii, be, wmtcilsit, frozen, 131(130; pickerel, tresh fioien, lie; red snapper, 12c; tluunuera,, mackerel, laj (3c per Hah. cudflsh, tiesu fiostin, 12c; had dock, ficah Iroa.Mi, 12c; smelts, ljc; shatt roe, 4!.o per lb.; frog legs, 13u per dus.; giet. s..' turilu meat, 'jou pur lb HIDES AND TALLOvv Green salted. No. 1, c; No. 2, 4c; bull hides, 3c; itraoa unsalted. No. 1, 4c; green unsalted, 'o. K 1c; hor.a hides, ll.uuu2.50; sheep pw.ts 4tVa tifl.U. Talloas. No. 1. 4"c; No. t, jyta. Wool. I'Jiit. Wool Marlaart. ST. IX1'1S. Mo.. Feb. . WCK)L Steady; medium grades, combing and clothing, 13. 1 21''; light fine, l.ihK:; heavy liiia, lJ I'iV, tub washed, 20334 4)