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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1908)
the omaiia" kunday bee. February o, ioos. n REAL ESTATE C1TT PBOPERTT FOR fAtH (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITY1 PBOrERTV FOR BALE (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITY PBOPERTT FOR BALK (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITT PROPERTY FOR "ALB (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITT PROrKRTT FOR tAt.R (Continued-) REAL ESTATE CITY MtOPEHTV FOR 4LK. (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITY PROPKnTV FOR BALR. iConlinued.) n NOTHING BETTER "J ON vjj inGII SCHOOL HILL FOR FLATS. 33 FEET Near N. W. Cor. 20th and Dav enport, less than 200 feet from High School grounds, and only four blocks from P. O. Can of fer for quick sale for $2,500. WM. E. ROMANO, 329 Board of Trade, Douglas 1319. SAVE MONEY, BY BUYING NOW. BARGAINS IN HOUSES 4115 DODGE ST., $4,750. Brand new modern house of 7 room !nd reception hall, oak finish and well ullt It will pay you to Bee this. EASY TERMS. NEAR AM SAINTS CHURCH. $4,000. 7-room modern house, $1,000 cash; bal tnca monthly. ELEVENTH AND MARTHA. $2,250. t rooms, on corner, convenient to railroad lepots and near new Bite of Catholic thurch. NEAR HANSCOM PARK, $2,850. -room modem house and barn, east front on 27th St. SNAP. BUY YOUR LOT NOW $1,500 East front on S7th, near Farnam. $1,500 East front corner on 40th St. $mOO Fine lot on 42d and Dodge. CHEAP. $50060 feet on Pratt, west of 24th. DOUGLAS COUNTY FARM 100 acres Improved near Omaha, only $95 per acre. See me about these and other bargains. List your bargains with me for a quick JOHN W. ROBBINS 1802 FARNAM ST. TEL. DOUG. 529. (19) AMERICAN INVESTORS CORPORATION 663 Brandeis Building Phono Doug. 2194 f 115.000 Finely located piece of business firoperty In center of retail district; ot 22x6ft, good substantial one-story ' brick store, widely known as re tall grocery location. A Bplondid in vestment. .. 3,129 Beautiful vacant residence lot on S8th St., half block south of Far nam; 48x155; $66 per front foot If sold at once. In heart ot finest resi dence district. ) 2,200 Each Three fine 8-room houses, 2609, 2511, 2517 Corby St.; all mod ern conveniences, permanent walks In front and back, each lot 40x160, with front on Corby St., and front on Maple St. Terms, $1,000 cash; balance to suit purchaser. If you wish a good home at moderate price let us show you these houses. I 8.400 The three houses In Boulevard to park, corner 19th and Bprague St. S.S50 Two, rooms each, and one 7 rooms. All modern, permanent walk macadam street. Terms, $500 cnsli; balance, $.10 per month each. Finn location, between two car lines. Why pay rent when you can applv $.10 per month on the purchase of one of these beautiful homes. AMERICAN INVESTORS CORPORATION 663 Brandeis Building Phone Doug. 2194 09)- Modern Homes CLOSE IN S-rooms, 25th and Chicago, hot waier heating, fi&vei street, for $1,250. BEMI8 PARK-8 rooms with ' hot water heating, on Haw thorne Ave., barn. Snap at $4,260. WEST FARNAM 8 rooms, strictly modern, oak finish; lot 64x144; Soth Ave.; on paved street. Only $4,750. FIELD CLUB 8 rooms, strictly modern; new; on 85th Ave.; reduced to $4,800 for quick sale. KOUNTZE PLACE ft rooms. . strictly modern. with hot water heat; full corner lot. Certainly a bargain at $5,00. BEMI8 PARK A new home on .Lincoln Boulevard; large lot. 62x310; built by day labor; living room 14x26 ant dining , room 15x15. both with oak beamed ceilings; solid oak en tire first floor; fireplace and Imokcase; panel work and beautifully decorated. Special price of $5,750. C. R. GLOVER & SON, TL Douglas 3963. 601-2-3 N. Y. Lire Rldg. (19)- $8,500 . Nearly new St. Louis flat, close to nost office, paying high Income the most at . tractive small investment on the local market. $3,500 .ah nn Vf llu. Xm rlr unit am with handsome 'cottage and fruit; very choice, Small cash payment, balance In 1A . n nil I innia IIWa vunt K naw a.un. Iaa terest. Will double In value while you are paying lor ana enjoying mis aengnt- ful home $3,500 "'en acres on West Dodge, adjoining A Hosh grounds on the south; unex celled south and east view: 4.i) assorted grip vines, 17S fruit trees, balance clover the only choice acreage left on West Dodge at a reasonable figure. Not a proposition for farmer, but Ideal for any on seeking beauty snot for suburban borne. C. 8. Shepard. ZMt Board of Trade tilJg. (191 MS x TO RAISE MONET. Owner says offer my 6-room rottaae. lth and Frederick streets, for $700. This offer good lor a few days only. Jackson t'o.. it'll Frederick Street, flume lnug Us 433. U)-Un I 09)- LAST CHANCE This is the last chance to buy Improved country place, for farm leases begin March 1. Buy now and move on the place this year. Here are the best bargain! we have seen. $6,000 7-room house, barn, chicken house, windmill, tank piped to house, fruit trees, grape vines, bushea and shrubs, three full acres of high, level ground, three blocks south of Main street In Benson, must be sold by March L $1,2605 acres of perfectly level high, ground north of Bensonhurst, between Krug park and Orphanage road.. This Is a mag nificent piece of ground. You can see for miles In any direction. It is a bargain at the price' and can be had on easy terms. $1,5006 acres extending for 660 feet along the Orphanage road, splendid for sub dividing into acre lots, fronting on main road. ' NEAR SOUTH OMAHA. $3,500 Good four-room house, small barn, good well and fine cave cellar, ten acres of ground on West Q street, only eight blocks from car. $3,00010 acres of splendid land, high and gently rolling, adjoining the above prop erty on the east and Is only six blocks from car. $300 Acre lot on county Una and 48th. Easy terms. $350 Acre lot at 40th and county 1 line, just west of Melia'a addition. High and sightly ground. Easy terms. $1,0006 acres a quarter mile south of county line at about 44th. Easy terms. $1,2506 acres of magnificent high sightly land near the county line. Easy terms. WE ARE THE LEADERS IN ACREAGE, NORTH OR SOUTH. N. P. DODGE & CO.. 1714 FARNAM. (19) Payne Investment Co. $1.050 Neat 4-room house: rood cellar and barn; at 61st and Pierce. $400 cash. 15 monthly. i,0 6-room cottage, modern except fur nace and brand new; two blocks from car. $ rash, $20 monthly. jj.wio i-room house, near Slst and Dewey: partly modern. 5oo cash, $25 monthly. $4,000 Beautiful 7-room modern house; oak finish; In Bemis Park. A little beauty ana worm me money. VACANT . $20045x128 ft.: south front: Dsved street: about two feet below grade. $20 cash, $5 monthly. $300-100x128 ft., at 49th and Blondo. $25 cash, $5 monthly. $475-54x128 ft., at 31st and Hamilton. $28 cash, $5 monthly. suo ,xl It., corner; fine for three houses. ACRES There Is only one place to buy acres, that's Keystone Park. We'll sell you two to twenty acres In this beautiful addition at from $175 to $400 per acre. Nothing finer la the sUle. Atk us for plat. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor New York Lire Building. Telephone Douglas 1781. (1!- FOR SALE. VACANT $ 100 Good lot, 60x125. only one block from car line, worth looking up. $ 150 Corner, two blocks from car, size 62x12d, east front. $ 350 Corner lot, 47x123, on Evans, near Soth. 4 east front lots near Hanscom park. Want offer. IMPROVED $1,700 t-room all modern house, two blocks from 33d street car; lot 60x128; better look at this. $1,900 7-room house, modern except heat, one block from car, east front, lot 4"xl2K; a bargain. $3,200 6-room all modern house, hot water heat, half block from 24th street car. A nice home, very cheap. We have four entirely new and modern homes in the most desirable locations. All have hot water heat and the best of plumb ing; built In the most thorough manner of .elected material; they are finished In ouk and niahoganixed birch, and will bear the I0"""1 Inspection Prices from $5.6o0 to $t,500 8l.aU be pleased to show parties In terested. PETERS TRUST CO.. Ground Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg (19) HOME BUYERS LOOK HERE 1.5H0 7-room house out on West Leaven worth, right on car line. Will accept small cash payment. " 7"ro?m .hor"e on beautiful Spalding St.; maple floors above and be low; part modern and a bargain t.OuiK-o-rwmi cottage at U apd Manderson Sts.; lot iixlJb; part modern. fc.0 For n-rouni cottage on Emmet St., close to car. Bargain. $1250 Fine new cottage at 30th and Man derson; hot water heat; has rooms: full lot. O. M. UNDERHIL & CO., Phone Webster lu&. Office $320 N. 3th St. (1) 461 I LOOK AT OUR LIST IF YOU ARE IN TIIE MARKET FOR A HOME. We are building all the time and have a num!r of new, modern homes for sale. Make your selections now before spring. WE HAVE SOME SPLENDID PROPOSITIONS 3021 DAVENPORT ST., $5,500 Eight rooms, vestibule entrance, re ception hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen on first floor, all finished In oak; four rooms and bath on second floor: full bricked tip cellar; strictly modern; cement walks; paved street; . close to Boulevard; very desirable location; walking distance; ready to move into right away. 1322 PARK AVENUE, $5,500. BETWEEN POPPLETON AND WOOL-WORTH Eight rooms, 4 rooms down stairs and 4 rooms and hath on second floor; down stairs finished In oak; latest style modern Improvements; full cellar; hot water heating plant; large lot; paving all paid. 1511 EMMET ST., $4,500. Seven rooms, strictly modern, fin ished in hardwood throughout; oak down stairs; birch and maple up stairs; polished floors; papered with , the finest paper; screened-ln porch up stairs; pressed brick foundation; stone caps; cement walks; hot water heating plant, American Radiator goods; latest pattern of electric light and gas fixtures; house Just finished. 404 NORTH 40TH ST., $4,300 ' Eight rooms, strictly modern. In best part of West Farnam district, near the Joelyn home; 4 rooms down stairs and 4 rooms up stairs; fine lawn; barn; paved street; on car line. 541 SOUTH 24TII AVE., $4,OOo! Blx rooms and attic, all modern; full basement; paving paid In full; perma nent walks; fine shade. This Is a house within five minutes' walk of tho retail district. Owner must sell snd will accept $1,250 cash, balance payable $300 per year, interest 6 per cent. House will rent for $40 per month. ' 4020 SEWARD STREET, $2,750 Five-room cottage, modern except furnace; newly papered; site 24x30; on full lot with nice shade trees; south exposure; permanent sidewalks and F aved street; only two blocks to car Ine; built one year ago. For sale 01. account of owner's leaving Omaha. 4011 NORTH 30TH ST., $2,750. Six-room strictly modern house; Just completed; on full lot; nickel- plated plumbing; r 1 material the very best and house built by day labor; polished floors; 4 large rooms down stairs; 2 rooms and bath up stairs; full foundation: cellar cemented; paved street; paving paid in full; one block from Dodge St. car line. 3607 NORTH 24TH ST., $2,400. Just north of Kountze Place; 8 rooms, 4 rooms and reception hall on first floor; 3 bed rooms and bath on second floor; modern except furnace; beautiful shade trees; paved street: close to Lothrop school; 15 minutes' ride down town. Not a new house, but a splendid bargain. Owner a nonresident, has Just cut the price from $3,000. s 3334 SPAULDINO ST., $2,400. Eight rooms; four rooms and recep tion hall down stairs; 4 sleeping rooms and bath upstairs; oak mantle in fiarlor; modern except furnace; full ot; permanent sidewalks; house cost $3,500 to built about ten years ago. Splendid value for a person wanting lots of room. Terms $300 cash, bal ance monthly; low rate of Interest 3438 AMES AVENUE, $1,650. Four-room cottage, Just completed; has city water; on car line; close to school; full lot. Terms $250 cash; easy monthly payments. Office open Monday evening until 8:30. Hastings & Heyden 1704 Farnam St Bee Building. (19)- For Sale New, modern, seven room house, also good cottage and two barns. Ground 100x124. Nos. 1721 and 1723 Van Camp Ave. $4,000 Alfred C.Kennedy v 209 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Telephone Douglas 722. (19)- NEW-SNAP On Spencer St.. one block from 24th St., new all modern house, wlili reception hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen, refrigerator room, pantry, cloak closet on first floor; 3 large bedrooms, large closets, large bath room with medicine closet, linen closet In hall on second floor; best of oak fin ish on first floor, polished ouk floors, best of furnace, plumbing and brush brass combination fixtures; large basement, concrete cement floor, outside and Inside V1 larway. This house is com plete and first-class In every respect, on south front lot, with about 3-foot terrace, per manent walks, excellent loca tion. House Just completed and never occupied. Price, $3,700; eaay terms. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Tel. D. 1064 and Ind. A1064. 1320 Farnam St N (19)- . 10 ACRES One mils north of Florence, small house, barn, etc. Plenty of fruit. Price $2.6u0. Tins Is a beautiful building spot; having splendid view north, east and south. It Is a, bargain. D. V. SHOLES CO., 110 Board of Trade Bldg. Main Floor. Tel. bell, Doug. 49. Independent, A2U48. (lit) WANTED To trade, my Chlrago prop erty, paying 10 per cent, for farm within lot miles of OuuUlSw K. i. Kohl, Unity Bidg.. Chlca- a-444x UNLOADING A HOLDING COMPANY A. P. TUKEY & SON, During the past three days, we have had more answers to our advertise ments than in any three daya for the past year. We tald these prices were low, and resulta prove it. 198x132, on northeast corner 8th and Leavenworth Want Offer 3x138. 12th and Vinton $ 850 (16x132, 16th and Marcy (Want Offer) $ 6,000 f.6xl32, 13th and Pierce (Want Offer) $ 4,000 Two lots. 22d and Manderson, each t 560 House and lot, 1417 Pacific $ 900 162x164, 26th and Farnam (Want Offer) 122,600 Clarkson Hospital, 17th and Dodge (Want Offer) $25,000 50x140, 29th and Jackson $ 2,400 41x115, south of 29th and Dodge $ 750 80x132, 2 2d and California, good house Want Offer Two lots, Boulevard south of Davenport $500 and $ 1,000 Two lota, north of 84th and Dodge, for both $ 1,600 40x160, north of 89th and Leavenworth $ 400 70x264, 17th and Iiard (Want Offer) $10 000 Two lots, 82d and Wright, each $ 600 One lot, 32d avenue and Gold $ 700 44x121, 35th avenue and Leavenworth ' $ 650 82x188, 16th and Castellar want Otter Three Lots, 41st and Douglas, each, less than t 300 ' v w & -. as u VUICTailt 29x52. 26th and California norm or lfttn ana Boulevard Three lots, Oak west of 20th, each 47x156, 25th and Oak. Corner 29th and Lake I 66x132, 16th and Cuming (Want Offer)...'.!!'. t 318x182, 30th and Farnam, per foot 50x162. west of 27th and Davennort " ! Three lots, Harlem Lane, each 60x116, east of 33d and Marcy 131x125, corner 10th and Pine 66X137, east of Drownell Hall on Pine serveh.rLr "D make A. P. TUKEY & SOW 444-446 Board of Trade Bldg. For Sale Ten room modern dwell ing, east front, paved street, hot water heat, desirable neighborhood, convenient to car line, No. 1026 South 32d St. $8,000 Alfred C.Kennedy 209 First Nat '1 Bank Bldg. Telephone Douglas 722. (19)- 7-room, 2-story house, corner 18th and Burdette Sts., modern except fur nace, renting at $23; been asking $2,600. Owner wants an offer. 6-room new house, modern except furnace, well built, south front lot, 30x134, near 25th and Patrick Ave.; $2,300. Six rooms, new, modern except fur nace, on lot, 40x134, 25th and Spen cer; rental, $25; $2,500. 5-room cottage, a nice home, bath, electric light, south front, near 16th and Locust; rental, $20; $1,800. 9-room modern house on Emmet St., in Kountze Place; has 5 rooms on 1st floor and four bedrooms on 2d floor; everything in good, order; lot 60x124, with- a small barn, for only $3,650. 8-room, new, up-to-date home on Wirt St., near 20th; oak finish and oak floors on first floor, hot water heat, large basement with laundry, stairway to floored attic; size of house, 28x32; large porch, first story is of stucco, well built and very warm; lot, 50x124; $6,200. Two lota on the Boulevard, near Clark, each lot 33x140, and, if sold to gether, can take $675 each; convenient to railroad work and not far out; nice place for' two houses. Ten vacant lots, three blocks from end of Ames Ave. car line, 62x125, and corners, 64x125; the whole bunch for $750. W. II. GATES, .617 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 1294. (19)- WANT OFFER On new S-r-iom all modern house on 8. 20th 6t., near Kim. modern In every reapect, polished oak floors, best of furnace, plumbing and fixtures; lot. 60x145. full site basement; house Just com pleted, first-class In every respect; $2,400 first mortfage against this property. We want ofer for equity. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Tel. D. 1064 and Ind. A1064. 1330 Farnam Bt. (19)- PICK OUT ONE OF THESE And ask for full description. $2,500 Cottage, four extra largo rooms, and full lot, Bemla Park. 13,700 New 8-room modern house, Bern Is Park. $4,250 -room modern house, extra good, with full lot, Leavenworth near S"th St. (4.300 6-room modern house and two full lots, opposite Hanscom Park. 7 4uo S-room modern house and full lot, on Harney St. between 33d and X4th 8ts. (9 000 9-room modern house and full lot, on 3tith near Dewey Ave.; east front. JIOOO Large modern house, and barn, lot 9uxl'd6. aih St. near Karnam. $12.500 Extra good modern home, on 33d St. between Farnam and Dode. $12,500 New modern house with lot 60x111 feet, Fltld club district. $26.000 One of the best homes In Omaha. built In 1906; owner aick and must change climate. J. H. Dumont & Son, 'Phone Douglas 690. 1906 Farnam St. (19) 493 I OOTTAQH BARGAIN On Bristol 81, near 24th Bt., wa have a good 6-room oottoge, all modern, paved street, only t2,3uu, for quick sale. C. M. RICH 16 lb And Itooual Bu flS 5X ix 1 a s a a a a a a a a W & Tl 4 . 1,000 475 400 600 6,500 60 .".'.'.'!!"."" I r ' .'." W o,r". 600 V j 7A 8uch term's 'as will 'pick;; 'you. Pre- ' Thone Doug. 2181. (19)- DUNDEE Beautiful SO-foot building lots, put to grade, with cement nldewalks, and city water; close to car line; from H.5 to lr76; $KK) down, $10 por mo., with S per cent discount for cash. ACRES $J50 per acre for 8 acres, clone to Bouth Omaha stock yards, Joining L. P. right-of-way. See us for terms. $125 per acre for 80 acres near Benson, close to Military road; will divide to suit purchaser. 2.a for 2H acres in Florence, with nearly new, 7-room; barn, and other out-buildlngs; located on paved road, not far from car line. Easy terms. $300 per acre for 15 acres, about of a mile north of Dodge St., west of Dundee, or will sell TA acres same price. GOOD HOMES AT REASON ABLE PRICES $3,150 for 6-room. all modern. 2 story frame house; paved street; lot 40x100 ft., on 28th St., between Partfic and Poppleton. $2.9(10 for 3423 Franklin St.; nearly new 6-room frame house, modern ex cept heat; beautiful corner lot, fine lawn, bordered by a hedge; room to build another house. See us for terms. $2.H60 for 8-room, 2-story frame house, all modern, on paved street. In Orchard Hill, on Charles street. First class condition. $2,500 for 8-room, 2-story, nil mod ern house on Cuming street, near 83d St., lot 3Hxl61 ft.; rent $27.60 per month, under lease. Reduced from $2,750 for immediate sale. $2.000 Larlmore Ave., near 3fith St., 6-room new house, all modern ex cept furnace; close to car line. VACANT LOTS Evans St., Just south of Pratt St., between 25th Ave. and 27th St., fine ' lots, wlh city water, sewer and ce ment walks; prices, $50 to $H76, ex cept comers. $100 cash, $10 per month. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. (19)- VACANT South front on Fowler Ave., 60x132, nice terrace, permanent walks, $700; easy terms. South front on Spencer, near 26th, permanent walks, nicely terraced; $550. 60x122, east front, on 30th, near Blnney St., $375; easy terms. North front on Wirt, near 27th, 44x146. Eastern owner ajska $350. but must Sell at once. Want offer. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Tel. D. 1064 and Ind. A1064. 1320 Farnam St. (191 $3,500 INVESTMENT Trackage lot. with cheap Improvements, near Uth St. viaduct; Income $500 per year; always rented and tenants on wait ing list; owned by eastern estate; must be sold. J. II. Dumont & Son, 'Phone Douglas 690. 1006 Farnam St. (19) 494 9 LOTS LOTS LOTS LOTS $300 to $500 each, In north part of city, close to car line, city water, permanent walks, etc., all $10 cash and $10 a month. Hastings & Heyden, 1704 Farnam St. (19)-530 9 FOR SALE $300 DOWN N. W. Cor. SGtli and Miami, 6 or 7-room cottage; city water, gas and sewer; lot 40x100. Price, $1,600; $300 down, balance In monthly payments. J. II. SHERWOOD, 616-617 Brandeis Bldg. (19)-352 9 HERE YOU ARE A 9-room house arranged for two families, brick and frame, good condition. Cemented cellar. Cistern water In house. Lot 471 xlM. Hoom for two more houses. This house will rent for tJ, and you can build two more. Owner wants to use the money and will take $2,aii0 no more no less, for this property, 'If sold by March 1. House is 21 1G ELM street. Look at It and see us. , N. P. DODGE & CO., 1711 Farnam St (19) 492 Sx OWNER SAYS SELL The 80-acre Improved farm in Jefferson county that we have been advertising and has cut the price to $1,250. It must be sold before March 1. We have u tenant that will pay $200 cash rent. Some one will gel a bargain. J. H. Dumont & Son, 1606 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. uu m FOR QUICK results In selling or renting your property see Benjlman Real Estat Co., $24 Neville Dlk. Both 'phones. (1.-M178 F21 Want Offer D. V. SHOLES CO. 110 Board of Trade Pldg , Main Floof. Telephones Bell, Dnualas 49. Independent, A 2o9. $1,600 2S16 Dufont St., very good 4-room cottage, with water, nice lot. &"x 125 feet; shade trees, good lawn. Everything In first-class condition. Easy terms. $1,6002S10 Ohio St.. good 6-room cottage, lot 60x12 feet, In good repair. Room for another house on the lot. Ilcnts for $15 ier month. $3,B00-On Park Wild (8. 7th) Ave., large 2-story square house, 8 rooms, all modern, well built, with a. 50x140 ft lot; east front, high, commanding view. Just the place for a railroad man. Street paved and paid. $3,750 24th and Bristol St., a very good 7 room house; furnare heat, all mod ern, cherry finish, permanent walk and paving all paid. Lot 6.1x132 feet. Want an offer. $3,800 Very choice 6-room cottage, i blocks from Hanscom park, finished In Flemish ouk, all modern, electric lights, fine mantel, built In buffet. Permanent walks, paved street. This is a gem. $5.500 2906 Dodge St., a good 11-room house, with lot 50xlM feet, strictly modern, furnace heat, mantel, par quet flooring down stairs, nicely dec orated. Fine combination gas and electric light fixtures. VACANT $2,250-60x140 feet, cast front on 28th. 75 feet south of Jaeksnn St. Dandy place for two flats and cheaper than anything In the neighborhood. CHOICE LOTS-Feld club and Hanscom Park vicinity. See us; we have a large list In this locality. (19)- $700 CASH, BALANCE SAME AS RENT New 7-room house, strictly modern In' every respect; living rooms finished in oak. C. P. TRAVER, 426 N. Y. Life. Phone Red 4721. Automatic A 1721. (19) 449 V HERE IS A SNAP 5-room cottage, very large rooms; city water, excellent cistern, good neighbor hood, only three blocks to car, perma nent sidewalks, partly modern; price, only 11.800. You erh not aTford to nllse It. Lo cated two blocks from 27th and SpauM Ing Sts. C. Q. CARLBERO, 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. (19)-625 9 EVEN MONEY $500 buys a lot In Plalnvlew, on 21st St., between Laird and Sprague. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. I (19) 627 9 FOR SALE IN BENSON On account of moving from town, I offer Tor sale a good six-room house. Just com pleted; electric lights; large cellar and cis tern, wltli two corner lots; can give terms. Price $1,800. Will take good team of farm horses, harness and farm wagon as part payment. Located three blocks south of school on S. Cotnor Ave. N. Mortenson. (19) 48 9x BARGAINS. $4500are' 11 ni"e" northwest, Improved, 10 acres, with house, close In, $3,800. Southeast corner 14th and Dorcas $1,400. &0xltl ft. East 3113 Franklin, $600.' 100x144 feet northwest corner 36th and Webster; sightly; $4,500. Near 20th and Cass, house, $3,600. Near high school; K40 rental; $7,500. 3 new brlek houses; $1.6X0 rental; $16,000. 3 nine-room frame; $1,230 rental: $ 6 brick houses; $l.Wi0 rental; $16,000. 5 brick stores; $1,5ii0 rental; 12.M. Frame stores; $2,700 rental; $18,500. Farnam St.; $2,100 rental; $21, 0(H. MONEY LOANED ON FIRST MORT GAGES. ' JOHN N. FRENZEK, Opp. Old P. O. (191622 9 FOR ACRE PROPERTY Vacant or Improved, call on S. ARION LEWIS, Arce Specilist. 934 New York Life. (19)-5o9 9 CORNER HOUSE, ONLY $1,750. Owner Is old and wants us to sell his 9 room house at 1518 Ohio St., In fair condi tion, corner lot, and will give good terms; can give possession now. Robinson & Wolf, 436 Paxton Block. (19) 616 9 LOAN OFFERINGS We have a large list of choice loan of ferings, $750 up. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. (W)-i28 9 A number of parties who want to buy homes or investments. Your place may be Just what some of them want. List It wlih us tomorrow. We will very likely sell It before the week is out. 0 LUCK & NEWMAN, .460 Brandeis Blk., Omaha, Neb., 'Phone Duug. Dl0. (19)-353 9 $3,600.00 For your chol. of the ' three strictly modern eight-room houses at 35th and Hamilton Sis. These houses have large attics, oak floors in living .and reception rooms, full cemented basement, with ce ment stone foundation; will 'bear the closest inspection. Look at them and see. 0. W. GARLOCH, S310 Hamilton St. (19) 330 9x INVESTMENTS. FOR SALE Good real estate mortgages, netting 6 per cent and 7 per rent on Omaha Improved real estate and No braskti farm lands. N. P. Dodge & Co. 1714 Dodge 8t. U9) Mtkis I WANT an offer on the property, 112H and 1130 S. 31t Bt.; two modern houses and good barn; well rented. This property U owned by an eastern party who must sell. THOMAS BRKNNAN. Room 1, New York Life Bl.lg. 1 M405 FOR SALE A 6-room house; built 4 years; splendid condition; modern every way' bxlii lot; 3)th and Jackson; worth $4.ow; will take $3,000. If sold by February 16ih. Leaving the city. Tel. Red 2647. U9)-227 8x FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. ONE-STORY, frame, dwelling, five rooms, cellar; good well, mimUIu and outbuild ings; fiuit trees; good location, taelng city; lot 60x140. No. 2M18. 30th and Madi son Sts., South Omaha. Address A. W. Kitzberger, 114 N. Rodney Bt., Helena, Mont. (1)-M12S lox REAL ESTATE TITLE TRD8T TvT " CHAS E. WILLIAMSON. Pres. -U (!) 63 LIST your property with Chrta Bover, 22d and Cuming Sts. (19) 6.19 TUB HEED ABSTRACT CO., established lsf Prompt service. Get our prices. 1710 Faroanu (19) -637 WM. K. roTTKR, il Itrown Hlk. A few rholre pro.-ertlcs that must be sold as follows: West 23 feet lot 7. block 89, Omaha. 1313 Dodge St. Tract of land 125x:4 feet at JSth and Davenport; fine Oood 7-rooni house. JM7 N. ISth St. Good 7-room house. ssi Franklin Good 7-room house, Burdette St! Two good seven-room houses, 26.59 41 Tat- tick Ave. Its 13 and 14, M..rk 5. Ames Place. West H of sH lots s nd 9, block 1, Jet- Ws addition. Lot 1J. block 8. first addition to fin. Omoha. (19)-M9S WALNUT HILL Two elegant south-front lots on Lsfavett W Ave., inn feet east of .Mt, : lots BPf ftexnyT' and lay about three f, , t shove grade practically level; sew,r m street, which Is nicely graded; good community two blocks from car line mi, I Walnut Hill school. These lots would be cheap at f0 each, hut are offered ( r otilck sala at only $ each. Will sell to.,,!,,.,. nr so arately and grant terms to s ilt t rch...r C. G. Carlberg, 911 N. Y. Life l:dg. (191341 9 t'O CASH. BALANCE 2T. MONTHLY The 8-room house on S. Slst St. which wf advertised for $3,500 la sold. We now offet a 7-room house. In good repair, partly modern nnd Junt outside the West Karnam district for $2.5iO on the above terms We think It's cheap; so will von when you see It. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY "Sellers of Rnnps," Tel. Douglas 17M. 1st Floor, N. V. Life. (Ill ' YOUR PROPERTY 13 IT FOR SA1.F.T Tell ut about It; we can sell it If your price Is right. Omaha don't know wl at "depression" means. We are selling morn real estate today than ever. List that house with us. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, First Floor N. Y. Life Building. (19)-M114 10 REAL ESTATE FARM AND ItA.Hll LA.MJ FOR SALB Colorado, CHANCE fur a free trip to Colorado. Wa have choice irrigated lands from $25 an acre up. You can double your money now. Better look before its too late. Here Is the reason: There Is no more land being made anywhere. Thousands ate after It. Next trip February 1Mb. Cheap rates. Fare paid If you buy. Tyler Land Co.. 218 No. 23d St., Omaha. t20) A123S 8x Missouri. MISSOURI farms to suit any purchaser. Call on us or write for list. I'nion Realty Co., Union, Mo. '20) MG50 F"20x CORN lands In famous Grand River valley of Missouri. Are you Interested? Some good farms to trade for what you have. Commission paid men and women. Write Charles E. McWilllams, Chilllcothe, Mo., today and get busy. 120) 328 9x Minnesota. FARMERS and dairymen needed. Meadow lands settlement on R. K. mar Duluth. Choice lands, low prices, $1 per acre down, balance 15 years. High prices for farm products. Rich clover; partly wooded coun try. Maps. Information. Land Com., l. & I. Ry., 640 Wolvln Bldg., Duluth. Minn. 20 Montana. Ninety-Three Irrigated Farms FOR $2.50 Per Acre Cash The state of Montana has reclaimed under the Carey act 16,000 acres of Its choicest farm lunds, which will bo thrown open for settlement April 10, 1908, at $20.50 per acre, $2.50 per acre cash and the balance In nine annual paymenta without Inter est. Write us for further particulars. Wr. J. DERMODY INVEST MENT COMPANY, 830 N. Y. Life Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. ()-M633 Nebraska. FOR SALE. Half section nine miles northwest of O'Neill, level land, excellent soil, German neighborhood; price, $26 per acre; eay terms. J, A. DONOHOE, O'Neill, Neb. (1S)-M279 14 LAND! KIMBALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, 1,600 ACRES first-class farm land on south aiviue, an acre; 2.7o an acre can run one and two vears: near itood settlHmeni 640 ACRES upland valley and table land. even nines soutn oi ivuiirjau, county seal. A bargain at $4.60 an acre. 160 ACRES on south divide, all good farm land $0.50 an acre cash. Address for details The W. F. Shelton Land Agency, 318 S. 15th St., Omaha, Neb. tfu) 342 ALL OVER WESTERN NEBRASKA We have good farms for sale at very rea sonable prices and on easy terms. Rail road fare refunded to all purchasers. (J LUCK & NEWMAN, 660 Bruiulels Hlk., Omaha, Neb. 'i'hone Duug. 6486. (20J-354 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Some choice farms In Doug las, Wushlngton and Sarpy counties. , M'M ENEMY & HIKER, Bee Bldg. Tel. 1'oug. 014 (20) SSI V FOR BALK. 160 acres, seven miles northwest of O NeTIL heavy rich soil, small improvement, good neighborhood; price. $27.6" per acre. C F McKENNA, O'Neill, Neb. (2U)-M2714 A BARGAIN Write us for defjcrlption of ranch property jot listed. This Is ona of the hoKt localities in northeast Ne braska for feed or for dairy and hog ranch. B. E. lik-rcr & Co., 4.1 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Om-m llx J FOR SALE. ' Highly Improved luriu, three miles north west of O'Neill, excellent land, fair Im provement"!, eighty acres under estiva--t.on; price, $32.50 i r acre. C F McKENNA. O'Neill. Neb. (19) M277 14 FOR SALE. 160 acres, nice level laud, unimproved, seen mile northeast of O'Neill, good toll, good neighborhood; price, $16 pur CrJ. A. DONOHOE. O'Neill, Neb. () M27a 14 $20 ACRES. Prairie Hay I.and. $25.00 per acre, vv lit Iran mr cjiy properly, j. j. .Foster, LtsUara, Neb. Uy SUt Us