Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 4, Image 12

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Want - ads
Almtlwmnti, for the wut ad
rnlamns will he takes sat II 11a. for
fa (Tlag edition until p. sn.
for lh Monlii aad Saaday editions.
Cuh at a at accompany " orders for
went ads aad bo advertisement will
he areepted for Icoa than lO ccata for
rat Insertion.
Kates apply to cither Tho Dally or
enday Dee.
Always eoaat els words to at llae.
Comblaatloas of Inltlala or namhers
eoaat aa oao word.
Insertion, per llae, lO cents. Two or
mart consecutive Insertions, per llae,
eenta. Each laaertloa node oa odd
days, 10 reala per llae. 1.60 per
llae per month.
jour advertisement Is Inserted under
Bar of the elnualllentlons lren
below, It will bo charged at tbe tol
Jowlm rates i Oao Insertion, 4 eeuta
per llae tare to sis consecutive In
eerUoaa, S eeats per llao each laeer
tloBf seven or more consecutive Inser
tions, 3 eeats per llao each Insertloal
CO rents per llae per month.
Except Agents, Solicitors aad Sales
Cows, Birds, Doss and Pots.
Horses and Vehicles. '
Poultry Bad Ksga.
Typewriters and Sewing Wuchlnea.
Pianos, Or sans and MuslcaJ Instru
ments. -OFFERED
Farnlshed Rooms.
Unfurnished Rooms.
Hetuaekeeplne; Rooms.
Boarding aad Rooms.
Want ads for Tho Be mar bo left
at any of tho following; drag stores
oao Is "your corner dru-lst"- they
aro aU branch offices of Tho Beo aad
yoar ad wlU bo lasertod Just aa
promptly aad oa tho same rates aa at
tho mala offlco la The Beo Building,
fteventeenth aad Farnam Streets.
Albach. W. C. 40th and Farnam.
Beranuk, 8. A., 14U2 8. 16th Bt.
Becht Pharmacy, 720 S. 16th St.
Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. -
Bemls Park Pharmacy. Sad and Cuming.
Blake's Pharmacy, 28U Bherman Ave,
Caughlln, C. K.. 6th and Iterce BU.
Clifton 11111 Pharmacy. 2213 Military Ave.
Conte, J. B Slut Ave. and Farnam.
Crlssoy Pharmacy, 24th and Lake Bt,
Cermak, Emll, 12o4- B. 13lh BU
Eastman Pharmacy, 2802 Leavenworth.
Fostor 4 Arnoldl, 213 N. 25th St.
Freytag. John J., 1914 N. 24th.
Florence Drug Co., Florence, Nob.
Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake.
Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and
Greenough, O. A., 1025 8. 10th Bt,
Greenoueh, U. A., 1624 B. lOUl Bt.
Hayden, Wm. C, 2920 Farnam Bt.
Hanscom Park Pharmacy, luOl S. 26th
Hoist, John. 624 N. 16th St.
Huff, A. L.. 2i4 Leavenworth St.
King, 11. 8.. JK8 Farnam Bt.
Kountss Place Pharmacy, 3604 N. 24th.
Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 24th St. .
Lathrop, Charles 1824 N. 24th Bt.
Peyton, L. E,, 24th and Leavenworth.
Saratoga Drug Co., 21th and Ames Ave.
Bchaefer'a Cut Price Drug Co., 16th and
Bchaefer, August, 2031 N. 16th Bt.
Bchmldt. J li., 24th and Cuming Sts.
Btorni Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Sts.
Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming.
Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace.
Worth, O. li., tout and Hamilton Sts.
FILL8BURY Ruth Charlotte, aged 23
funeral at 2:30 p. m. Sunday. Friends
Capitol lodge No. S, A. F. and A. M., will
meet at Masonic Temple Sunday, Febru
ary 0, at 1:15 sharp to attend the funeral
of our late brother, la Sohnellbacker.
Memberr of stater lodges and visiting breth
ren are Invited. La Forest L. Pruxt, Mas
ter. Attention Members of Alpha Camp No.
1, W. O. W.I The funeral of Bov. E. ML
Schnellbsckcr will tuke place from the
lamuy residence, HOT Miami street. Bun
day, February 9. at 2 p. m, Sovereigns of
other camps fraternally Invited to bo
present. Chas. Unltt, Clerk.
Births H. A. Dyers, 2712 Decatur, boy:
girl; M. R. Printte, 3024 Parker, boy: Carl
llnifar. 9JlU CiH T.. ........ v.
.'. . wuv,. . r. inj-BiAiiij UUJf,
Deaths Edward T. Herman, 2526 Lake
2 months; Edward Bpokowskl, 2513 South
Thirtieth, 1 month; Thomas Gorman, 1523
Marcy, 6? years.
Tho following marriage licenses have been
' Name and Residence. Age.
jnicnaei nosnoim, noutn Omaha 23
Hilma Fischer, Chicago, 111 21
jacoo z.ingg, nocxweu city, la 33
Llzsle Katuraorer, Rockwell City, la.... U
We wish to thank our many friends and
ui'iKiiiHiri inr ineir Kinuneaa ana sympathy
bJhu fur tha tn unv u. n 1 1 f I . 1 1 ,in i . .
Intra Bent us during our late bereavement
In the sad loss of 6ur beloved mother und
TUB CITY GARBAGE CO., offlcs 4th and
(1 462
BIOS PAJNT1NO 8. U. COLE. 1302 Doug
(1) 63
EEND for pur Hat of second-hand automo
biles. iu:munT, usis Farnaut. 12) 434
FIRE STONE! Auto tires at Karbach'a
- (2 M913 March 1
JEWELL runabount. stanhops body, with
top; side curtains and storm front, com
plete: srood condition; will sacrifice fur
tJt), as I need cash. J. H. DeLong, care
Lauson Gas Englns A Bupply .'o., sih
aitil JarkMikfl RlH- iti M9J1S lw
AUTOMOBILE Two cylinder Cameron
with tonneau: shaft drive, sliding gear
direct on high speed; engine under the
hood; car Is nice shape, looks nearly llku
new; speedy and good hill climber; new
tires. Cur coat S7U; want 00 for quick
aaie. v, w. iinaaay, Antnon, la.
; . (2)-n7
HAVE 1180 acres good Nebraska land.
would sell or trade for general merchan
dise or hardware stock. Address Y 221,
car Bee. is M7u iox
MEW, up-to-date lO-barrel mill for cheap
land; good trade; gooa snipping faculties.
with side track. Owner not a miller. For
particulars address Y 73, care Omaha Bee.
t Uj 10
A good 180-acr prairie farm In Illinois
11 level land, new 7-room house, price YA
per acre, want stora or general men' nan
diae or hardware. If you have a stock to
exchange, address George W. Threlkeld,
MI. Vernon, ill. 13 M1JJ 1
WANTED to selL 40 acres good Nebraska
land or would consider trade on town
yropertfJLddreM X 123 care Bee. I
-. .. liyi&.u6 lot I
to fill the most difficult positions. There
has never been a time In" the pnat five
years when Boyles College was able tn
supply the demand for Boyles College
Graduate Stenographers, Bookkeepers and
Because Omaha business men and rail
road officials have found that they can
rely upon Boyles College graduates; Boyles
College graduates can rely upon Omaha
business men and railroad officials offer
ing them good positions Immediately upon
This Is not so many words prettily strung
together. You do not need to take our
word for It. Take the word of the Under
wood Typewriter Company, one of the
largest employers of Stenographers of the
world. On January 2 we received the
following letter:
Omaha Office,
1617 Farnam Street.' ,
OMAHA. Jan. 24, 1908.
Omaha, Neb,
We have to advise that we have today
placed one of your students In a position
with the Cudahy Packing company at a
alary of $75 per month.
This la the fifth ounll of the) Boyles Col-
lece that we have placed at the above
salary during the present week, whlcn is
not so bad considering the so-called "dull
Verv trulv.
Manager Employment Department.
AP. V. 24-69.
Don't you think It would b worth money
to you to rraduata from such a business
Don't you think It would be to your ad
vantage to come In tomorrow? At least
send for one of our late catalogues men
tioning the course In which you are in
Boyles College
Boyles Building., H. B. Boyles, Pres.,
Official Training School Union Pacific
Railroad Telegraph Department.
2,400 acres In Phillips county, Colorado, fine
Improvements, all valley land, uoou, aam,
sandy loam soli, of the beat quality. Price,
ti ner acre: want merchandise.
180 acres, Harrison county, Iowa. Fine
corn, wheat or alfalfa land, i-nce, .s
per acre. Mortgage, 5,0u0. Want raer-
40-room hotel, Council Bluffs, la., well lo
cated. Price, 118.000. Want land.
20U acres, northwest Missouri. Price, $75
per acre. Encumbrance, 4,tou. want in
come nronertv
280 acres, northwest Missouri, a good In
come farm, price, wit per acre. Mort
gage, $5,600. ' Want hardware.
J. R. ADKINS. Council Bluffs, la.
Room 4, First National Bank Bid.
) M&48 9x
FOR TRADE 'Modern 8-room house, well
located, Chicago, for Omaha property. N
8, Bee office. . (3)-M6 15x
$4,000 STOCK tn the Orr Gas Engine Btarter
Co. of omana to exenange xor rour-cyiiii-der
automobile; must be In good condi
tion. Address 0-944, care Bee.
(3 M165 8
TO EXCHANGE Stock of dry goods, well
assorted, for farm land. Apply x 22.
Bee. (3 M23S lSx
FOR SALE Or trade, 640-acre ranch Iff
Brown county, Neb.; win sen tor casn
or trade for town property, hardware,
Implements or merchandise to amount
of land. Price, $10 per acre. Write to
Anderson Bros., Spencer, Neb.
(3) M728
320 ACRES land to trade for city property.
inne soil; level land. Uood improvement.
Foster & Williams Co., Leshara, Neb.
(3) 228 12x
Income city property for eastern Ne
braska farm land.
Tel. Douglas 642. 406 Bee Building.
(B) 336
For a private hospital, bearding or room
ing house; is rooms; painted; all mod
ern; two-story; built 6 years ago; house
82x60; two lots 132x130 feet; for sale or
exchange. 2319 & 13th St., city. (3)
I HAVE several small dlumonds, good
white stones, will trade for office furni
ture or something I can use; must have
some cash. E care Bee.
130 MS35 F16
TRADES, TRADES If you have some
thing for sale or trade write us; ws
match everything.
401 Bee Bldg.
(3)-M225 F24
IF YOU have any good property that you
will exchange for other good property
send' us description. Our business Is to
match It. The Nebraska Trading Co.,
York, Neb. (3) MS96 8x
Have a good mining stock to trade. .What
have you? L 634. care Bee (3) 466
WITH small capital you can secure Interest
In business with no risk and great future.
615 Bee Bldg. Open evenings.
(4) 425 9
MONEY loaned on copper and other mining
storks. Midland Trading Co.. Box 73a,
Milwaukee, Wis. (4) 422 9x
WOITLD YOU invest $500 In a substantial
business In which you can make $150 per
month? Remember. $150 month profit or
no sale. Address P-48, care Bee.
(4-fi08 x
FOR SALE CHEAP, established and pay
Ing Texas land buaineaa. Owner has
other business, but will assist buyer In
getting started. Address b-WTl. care Bee
(4) M504 10
AN EASY way to start a business that
will pay several thousand dollars annually.
selling merchandise by mall; Improved
pian; we rurmsn everything necessary,
and show you how; $25 to $100 necessary;
particulars iree. MUDurn-lllcks, Chicago.
(4) 359 9x
JEWEL CEMENT It's a Jewel, ready to
use. transparent, win resist boiling water,
mends everything. Irice 25c. Jewel Ce
ment CO., Mcv loiters Bldg., Chicago.
(4) 482 ix
HAVE you $500 V-rnvest In good securities.
Bend for free Instructive booklet, "How
to Trade" In stocks. R. H. Uoodell &
Co., Dept. 12. First National Bank Bldg.,
liin wu. (4) 414 ax
FIFTY New Improved Hllo Penny Peanut
Vending Machines will earn 45 weekly
for you and not Interfere with vour other
work. $2.SW yearly profit on $500 Invest
ment. Htlo Oum Company., Inc., 127
ajar set m.. imcaso. (4) 112 9x
IF YOU desire to raise capital for legiti
mate enterprises, our guaranty will mnke
your securities more easily salable. For
Tun particulars write ua ror our booklet.
Federal Security Co., J2tl IJearborn Bldg..
viticagu, All. til tfx
FOR BALE, lease or form companies to de
velop valuable oil lands in Wyoming;
easy terms. For Information address J.
W. Looiuaa. apt Ontario bt.. ynteago,
" (D-74tJC
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., Feb. 6, 108.
SPECIAL to readers: of THE BEE:
Some folks thought I came out here to the "city of poor mllllonares"
for my health. I did. I also came here on business. My efforts have been
crowned with Success (I always spell
and incorporated the Colorado Mobile Car-Sign Co., with a capital of $100.
000, of which $55,000 has been sold, assuring us of abundant cash with which
we are Installing the device In several street railway systems. The Endless
Belt Street Car Advertising Device Is a sure winner. The local company con
trols leases on several trolley systems and the Colorado Midland steam carsv
I think that's going some. '
I will return to Omaha Tuesday, February 11, and want to meet the
stockholders and directors of the Omaha Mobile Car-Sign Co., at their reg
ular monthly meeting at my office that evening at 8 o'clock.
I want to meet tha officers and members of the Central Mobile Car-Sign
Syndicate, which controls the rights on Indiana, Michigan and Canada, at my
office Wednesday night at 8 o'clock, February 12.
All concerned know where my office Is rooms 21-22 U. S. National
Bank Bldg., 12th and Farnam.
Not only have I been doing fine here, but Car-Sign business has pro
gressed all over the country. My organizes and promoters have met wjth
their customary excellent Success, which always rewards honest effort.
If you are interested in Car-Sign business, send for my new book, THE
EVOLUTION OF AN IDEA very clever I wrote it myself. Copy free for
the asking. Take a minute and a postal and write for it, or if convenient call
at my office and ask the man in charge for a copy.
Very sincerely,
FOR SALE Harness business, established
u. years, in excellent town of 2,500; splen
did chance; one other shop tha only
competition; nearest town 0 miles. Ad
dress Theo. Flggs, Chadron, Neb.
In the best county seat town In northeast
ienrasKa. we sold H).000 worth of Im
plements last year; this stand has always
been the best In town; this Is the best
proposition ever offered for sale In this
part of the state. We will sell the stock
and rent the buUdings. Call or address
Morris & Bchwabland, Harrington, Neb.
(4J M176 9
Do You Wish to Make a Change
IF YOU have a farm, home, business or
property that you wish to sell or ex
change, write us.
(4) M1T9 Feb23
FOR SALE Drug Store, best proposition
ana Desi located store in uenver, Colo.
Owner has to leave Denver. Invoice about
$8,000. E. L, Foster, 2307 East Colfax,
Denver, Colo. (4) M712 14
Books and advice free: easv terms: 20
years' experience. Washington, 902 F St.
CRI8WELL & CRI SWELL, 4fi Broadway,
New York. (4j 4ia 9x
TURNED Illustrated guide book and list
of Inventions wanted, free to any address.
Patents secured by us advertised tree In
World's Progress; sample copy free.
Evans, Wilkens & Co., 668 F Bt., Wash
ington, D. C. (4)
YOU can never profit by business chances
unless you have some money; small sav
ings are the foundation of large fortunes;
start a savings account with J. L. Bran
dels & Sons, Bankers, 16th and Douglas
Bta. Assets over $4'jO,000. (4)
$300,000 corporation owning the finest mica
tuan, "tn. tciufli'ai virtus Ml America OI-
fers for the purpose of full equipment a
number .of Its shares at GO cents, par
value $L Property free and clear. No
agents, brokers or commissions. Ground
floor opportunity In a handsome paying
proposition. Prospectus on application
only. Maino Mica Co., 160 Nassau 8U,
New York. (4)
FOR TRADE Stock general dry goods, in
voiced at about $9,0U. Owner. must have
$3,000 In cash; will take balance In real
estate. Will give liberal discount and
will assume encumbrance on real estate.
These goods are adaptod for general
country trade and If you want a quick,
liberal deal, look this up; but don't
bother unless you have the cash and are
ready to do business. C. W. Bomers, &0O
Manhattan Bldg., St. Paul, Minn.
(4) 110 9x
MONEY Do you need It? We are In a po
sition to furnish capital for nny meritor
ious enterprises. We can sell your stocks
and bonds quickly on commission basis;
money advanced on good securities; char
ters procured In any state. Do not fall
to confer with us; it will be to your In
terest. R. Kaatz & Co., Bunkers. Ta
coma Bldg., Chicago. (41434 9x
INCORPORATE your business. We at
tend to all details, furnish certificates,
seal etc. Everything completely ready
for business. Any state. One price. No
extra. Now . York $36. Knickerbocker
Uw Association, 154 Nassau St., New
York. (41374 9x
308 N. Y. LIFE
' - (4)-353
FOR SALE-7,000 stock of general mer
chandise. Must be sold within thirty
days for cash. Address J. B. Mellor,
trustee, O'Neill, Neb. (4) M5o6 15
BUILD a $5,000 business In two yearn.
We start you In the collection busi
ness; no capital needed; big tield. We
teach secrets of collecting money; re
fer business to you. Write today for
free pointers and new plan. Ameri
can Collection Bervtce, .41 ritate, De
troit, Mich
(97 9x
CAN you sell high-grade securities? See
our advertisement under classification
"salesmen wanted." Illinois Bond & Se
curities Co., Chicago. (4) 478 9x
ATTENTION, merchants.. Here Is your
opportunity to open large dry goods or
general store at Fairfield, Neb.; good
town, with no competition; two-story,
60-foot front building for rent, all one
room. Paul Selffert, 1905 Euclid Ave.,
Lincoln, Neb. (4)
MINING ENGINEER desires to meet partv
(man or women) with $2,500, to assist In
taking up option on block of valuable
mining stock. You can more than double
your money In 90 days. No risk. You
hold the securities. This is an excep
tional proposition requiring Immediate at
tention. For persons Interested, address
L 44, Bee. (4)-&18 9x
modern house; furniture for sale cheap;
rent reasonable. 438 8. 24th St.
(16)-D36 9x
GOLD MINE Now shipping to Denver
mint, will bear closest InvestiKation; stork
for sale B"c per share for short time only.
W D. Clark. Agt.. 602 W. Broadway,
Council Bluffs. (4) M549 9x
BEND us vour name; we will mall you free
hook telling how to secure substantial
life Income for small Investment. Answer
W 894, Bee. (4)-428 9
WE ARE pioneers In the manufacturing
of sheet metal goods. Dies constructed
on the stock-saving system: models, tools,
pressed steel products. Chicago Model
Bupply Co., 434 Clybourn Ave., Chicago.
(4) 479 9x
Capital furnished; amounts, $5.(0 and up;
legitimate Industrial or public service;
no advance fee; eorporatlona organised.
Illinois Bond and Securities Co., 824' Unity
Bldg., Chicago. (4) 478 9x
$3,000 TO $10,000 PER YEAR easily made
trading In wheat If you know how.
Write Box 60, Chicago. (4) 406 Ix
WANTED Partner In legitimate business,
atabllahed 10 years: UmO cash moulred.
Address O $91, car Baa, (4-M61 x
(Continued. J
It with a big S). I have organized
The Car-Sign Man.
Located In the heart of the retail dis
trict. A fine, large pool hall, with all
conveniences to fit up a first class place.
Fitted up In first class condition la also
located in same place. Must sell Imme
diately; owner leaving city. Address A
843, Bee. (4) M.30 9x
Tel. Douglas 3505. 809 N. Y. Life Bldg.
4-Mlll Mch3
Apply for prico and particulars.
Palace Restaurant, Lexington, Neb.
(4 M727 March Iz
DRUG STORES for sale everywhere. F. V.
Kniest, 707 N. Y. Lite. Omaha. 4 49
E. O. GAUSESTAD can help you get in or
out of business. Room 403 Bee Bldg.,
Omaha. (4) 456
STORE BUILDING for rent. Good opening.
Uood town. Good location. Address
Union State Bank, Harvard, Neb.
(4) M329 23
BLACKSMITH SHOP to exchange for
horses, cattle or cash; will sell tools
alone or shop and tools. Good location
and a bargain. For terms address Frank
W. Anderson, Lock Box 90, Franklin
Neb. (4) 331 9x
AGENTS Portraits, lowest prices, work
guaranteed, samples free, deal direct With
artist. C D. Smith, 21 Adams St., Chi
cago. (9) 4o"7 9x
ELEGANT 6-chalr barber shop In a live
Texas town of 12,000 population, is ottered
for sale on account of owners to enter
other business. Business 1907, averaged
$.110 monthly, net profits. J. M. Bennett,
Box 280. Lincoln Neb. (4)-394 9x
IMPORTANT Special Information of great
value on movements In stocks, mailed
free on request. W. A. Street, 60 Liberty
St., New York. (4) 417 9x
NEW YORK City realty Is safe and sure.
Suburban values have doubled In one
year. An investment any amount with
us will earn more than 20 per cent yearly.
Realty Market Exchange, 500 Fifth Ave.,
New York. (4) 373 9x
GROCERY and feed store for sale In Coun
cil Bluffs; also some small farms near
town. 4U Bee Bldg. (4) M905 8x
ALL kinds of bargains In ronminor
houses; cash loaned If needed. Kelly &
none, -u lie vine iiix. xei. uoug. 4064.
(4) M856 Feblg
FOR SALE Furnished hotel, 21 rooms,
good business, barn, garden, fruit. Harri
son House. Meadow Grove, Neb.
(4)-MLS7 F15
Owner leaving Omaha. The lease and fur
niture of the best and most conveniently
located family hotel of 36 rooms In
Omaha, always full of high-class boasd
ers; must be sold at once. It's a money
maker. Just the place for family who
wants to send their children to the fa
mous schools of Omaha. Call on or ad
dress owner. W. W. D., 925 N. Y. Life
Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (4) M23
T3T . A PlfflUITH Inn n!.n...( .K
.... . ......... - - aim repair
business for sale at a bargain if taken,
soon; wouici consiuer exenangs tor farm
land In good locality. Answer, Lock Box
4p, O'Neill, Neb. (4) M655 8x
PARTY with $4,000 or $5,000 can make 20
per cent on nis money, no time required,
no risk. Address O 05, care of Bee.
JUST returned from Old Mexico; have 6
mining claims In great copuer district: not
prospects, sell or bond. F. T.' Darling, 534
t'axton diock. (4) M163 iox
I OFFER Investors an Industrial stock
that Is substantial and will pay from 60
to 300 per cent yearly. For prospectus
ana mrormaiion can or address I.- J.
Ross, president, 583 Brandeis Bldg.,
Omaha, Neb. 'Phone Douglas 3750.
(4)-M908 x
FOR SALE, trade or rent,brlck black
smlth and wagon repair shop, 22x64; well
equipped; power gasoline engine, in good
county aeai town. Address f. u. Box 4i4,
Nelson, Neb. (4) M302 9x
FURNITURE and lease to three good brick
$2 per day hotels in central Nebraska
wwni. x-rice i,auu, iz.wxi, 4,ow; rent $3o
ti0. $100. Buy one of these and sten Inin
a good business. The Nebraska Trading
Co., York, Neb. (4) M896 ix
Fine grocery and notion business for
sale at once; best location on Broadway
doing good business. 2227 Broadway
,n ui..,,. ... ...... . . '
UJNt; HUMUKEU dollars will start you In
the wholesale biscuit trade. Write for
terms ana territory. Comstock Cook &
ku., i.iui-ago, in. (4 Mi43 9x
DO YOU need capital, extend or start busl
ness? If so) write me before arranging
nornuwr, e At-eii ionai lariiiiies placing
storks, bonds quickly. Everett Dufour,
Corporation Attorney. Le Droit Bid..
ashlntrton, D. C. (4 4(5 9x
WANTED Responsible man with from
n. to sa.iiiu cash as general sales man
at;er, large Important territory, for autr
mobile company, building medium priced
. mm iiRiii commercial motor wagons.
Salary J150 per month and commission;
high class connections, permanent open
ing, ruo 1 1 ion win pay man su.oui per year.
References reoulred and fnrnlBh.l a.i.
dress Automobile, Box il, Kenosha, Wis.
i (4)-378 9x
EARN $5,000 yearly In the general broker
age ouhiness. we will teach you thor
oughly by mall, appoint you our m.plul
representative, provide you with ready
bkiouiu 9,iM-Ma, winas ana real estate.
Becure customers for you and make you
quickly prosperous. Particulars free
Internists Commercial Sales Co., Scran-
ton, i-a. . (41372 9x
FOR BALE My stock of drugs and sun
dries in southeastern Nebraska; have
good tmde. especial! good prescription
trade. This Is a good deal and will not
be open long. Address Y 222. care Bea.
(4J-M9U1 t
FOR BALE Furniture and lease of three
story brick hotel of 60 rooms, located In
Parsons. Kan. No trades. This Is a
money maker; Investlgats. Address W,
J. Mack. Pittsburg, Kaa. (4-M170 Is
ROOMING HOUSES for sale, all slsea; fur
nish part purchase imonejr If wanted.
Gangestad, Room 44 Bee Bldg. (4 MluO
PARTNER WANTED Good 'business man.
who has $.".,( to $10,000 In cm,Ii, to take
Interest In business earning 115,000 to
$t,m per year. Business established In
St. Paul since 193; is clean and strictly
legitimate, and Is belter when times are
hard snd money Is tight than at any
other time. Need more cash to properly
conduct business. If you are looking for
an opening that Is strictly A No. 1, I can
show you a good thing. Don't bother me
unless you have the rash and mean busi
ness. Address Partner, care North
western Advertising Agency, 104 Dispatch
Bldg., 8L Paul, Minn. (4) til fx
FOR BALE 11-room boarding house; has
12 roomers; corner brick flat; walking
distance; water paid; has bath, gas and
furnace; all furnished. Address with
references L 941, cere Beo, or Tel. l"Ula
8516 and Douglas 147. (4) 108 Ix
LUNCH, cigars, tobacco, confectionery.
pool room. 1.H02 no. iuui Bt. (4) 2Wi 9X
INVESTIGATE our proposition and tell
us why $500 to $5,000, cash or trades,
can't be Invested wth safety. It will
stand the Inspection and Is good in any
state. Inquire, 642 Bee Bldg.
(4) M301 10X
HAVE $600; want partner with equal
amount to engage in medicine mrg.
business. Address II 938, cure lice.
(4) M300 lOx
FOR SALE Drug stock Invoicing noout
$3,500, In town of "00 population In western
Iowa. Reason for selling, going out of
druiT business. For particulars address
Y-231, care of Omaha Bee. (4) MJS9 14
Harness business, splendid opportunity,
county seat, good trade. Address William
Hardt, Nelson, Neb. (4) M3H 14x
A WIDE-AWAKE business man who has
a few thousand dollars Idle wishes to
go Into business as active partner with
someone who Is a hustler and either
has a business or knows of some good
business to start. Address K-958. care
Bee. (4) M208 8x
I HAVE some good paying Omaha indus
tral stocks that can be bought so as to
net 10 per cent.
308 New York Life Building.
(4) 319 9
FOR SALE Ten shares in an Omaha
wholesale concern; will net 18 per cent.
Investigate. Address C 968, care Bee.
(4) 348 9
WANTED A man with $V.000 to $3,000 to
Invest in a good manufacturing business.
A chance of earning $6,000 in a few
years. Address P 903, care Boe.
(4) 332 9x
WANTED Names of those who have lost
money or made unsatisfactory Invest
ments In mining stork. We can help vou
recover your loss. R. D. Robinson Co.,
lxs Angeles, Cal. (4) 465 9x
BUY San Antonio mining stock of Red
Mountain, Colo., If you want dividends
this year. For price and prospectus
write E. F. Lugar, 1508 Chemical Bldg.,
St. Louis, Mo. (4) 403 x
Omaha. (5 M705 Feblbx
HAMMOND BATHS, . 107 So. 14th. Tel.
Douglas 3915. Wednesdays ladles' day.
(5) M 174
David Cole Creamery Company. (5i) M175
DR. ROY, R. S, 1506 Farnam St, Doug. 6197.
Chattel Loans.
Chas. D. Btanton Loan Co., 601 Bee Bldg.
(5) 46J
BAILEY & MACH. 3d Or., Paxton. D. 10S5.
(6) 404
THE SCHLITZ, European, 16th and Harnex
(5J 471
IN FAMILIES-Mlss Sturdy, Tel. Harney
1358. ' (6) 466
M'DOWELL Dressmaking School, 1623 Far
nam Bt. (6 466
EXPERIENCED dressmaker, sewing by
day in families; good work guaranteed.
Call evenings. Webster 18o9.
(61 M733 F18x
HESS & EWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. (6) 4C7
L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. D. 1253.
(5 (08
J. H. BATH, 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. SOOO.
(6 fcis
Jewelers and Watchmakers.
N. P. STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry
repairing. 2-$ Paxton Blk. Tel. 4317.
KEYS, etc., Heflln, 1324 Farnam. Tel. D.
2871 a)-7J
Mosle and Lanaruase.
PIANO lessons. Mrs. Ritchie. Tel. Web. 2292.
(5) 473
Office Supplies.
FILING cabinets, flies and ledgers, loose
leaf devices and office fixtures and sup
plies of all kinds. Anulior Publishing Co.,
3uti S. 18th Bt. Tel Doug. 5y2. Ind. A1562.
(5) Mj97 F15
Moving? and Storlnar.
Expressmen's Delivery Co., office, 214 N.
loth St.; warehouse, 2207-9 Hard St.
(5) 474
Dr. Bowser, over 1502 Farn'm. Tel. Douir. CT70
(B) 971 F8
JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1(564.
(5) 460
Photograph y.
C. B. TRUSSELL, 115 S. Wth St. (5) 475
BEFORE placing your 19 calendar order
don't fail to see our elegant Imported
line. Lynnstad & Jorve, printers, ltith
and Capitol Ave. (5) 478
of the' time lost poking up tha average
printer when y want a i in a huriy?
Eve.- try us?
Prlntera and Office Furnishers,
300-312 S. 19th St.
'Phones: Bell, Douglas 55G2: Ind.. A1562.
(5)-M592 F27
Publto Stenographer.
stenographer. (5)-
Y. L.. rubllo
-M213 M.4i5
Shoo Repairing.
work. ltil.Vi Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red A.
(5 176
SHOES repaired right, called for and de
livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co.,
18"4 Farnam Bt. Tel. D. ?ji7. (6) 477
Safes, IkitMH, Etc.
a rpeclnlly of fire eararea. abutters, doors
an! safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. loth St.
AseaHa and Salesladies.
WANTED Ten first class saleswomen, well
experienced In selling laces, embroideries
and dress trimmings. Apply superintend
ent, J. L. BrandcU & Bona, () Mii 11
Ajjents and Salealadtesw.intlnned.
WANTED Agents for the most attractive
and convenient article Inven ed In many
yiars. Every lady buys for 25 cents.
Address. Tourists Supply Co., 244 Grand
Ave., Aurora, 111.
I) 160 9X
LADIES make money selling guaranteed
silks direct from looms. Cut any lenitih.
One-third saved. Express prepaid. Write
for Information I-noX Silk Works,
Bruuswlck Offices, New York. (71
LADY agents to sell our "Feather Silk"
petticoats, shirtwaists suits, etc., direct
to wearer; outfit free. Glenwood Mills,
Hartford, Conn. (7) 361 9x
I WANT you to represent me In your com
munity with my famous line of flavoring
extracts, toilet articles, soaps and ier
fumes, If you are sn energetic and
worthy woman; establish a good business
and It Is yours alone. Ask about our free
February offer. Established 40 vears. C.
A. Pcaraall, 8i7 Walnut St., Des Moines,
la. (7)-3s3 9x
WOMEN earn $4 dally selling article trat
every woman needs and buys at sight;
experience unnecessary; particulars freo.
Venus Mfg. Co., 84 State St., Chicago.
(7) 358 9x
Housekeepers and Domestic.
1U02 Farnam St.
Cook for ranch in Wyoming, $: and trans
portation. Housemaid for western Nebraska, $'J5 and
Cooks and housemaids, $5 to $7.
(7)-M517 18
WANTED Girl for housework, good wages.
Mrs. W. W. Bingham, S328 S. 24th St.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework. Mrs. J. P. O'Keefe, 4150 Dav
enport St. Tel. Harney 2842.
(7)-M161 U
WANTED Two girls, chamber maid and
dishwasher; good character required;
tickets furnished. Address Perkins hotel,
David City, Neb. (7j Mm 9
WANTED Girl for general housework;
prefer one that can go home nights. 123
Wirt St. (7)-Mi22 8
PLEASANT home work for laxiles, $1.C0
daily. Send stamp. Ladles' Guild, O 3J6,
East 63d St., Chicago. (7 M654 lSx
WANTED Maid; must be neat and good
cook. Tel. Harney 413. (7) Mia 9x
HELP furnished; male and female. Tel D.
884. Canadian Office, 15th and Dodge.
(7) 4S0
WANTED 75 girls, not under 14 years of
age, to prepare catalogues for mailing.
Nebraska Clothing Co. (7) 225 14 .
housework. One who Is fond of chil
dren. Enquire fc.9 So. 19th St.
(7) M250 9
GIRL for general house work; laundrcsi
kept; $5 per week. 1414 Park Wild Ave.
(7) 207 9
WANTED Neat girl for general house
work; three in family; Jest wages. In
qulru 2617 Capitol Ave. (7 2U9 9x
WANTED At the emergency hospital, a
laundress: someone who has had small
pox. Apply Board of Health Office, or
telephone Douglas 601. (7) M282 10
WANTED Good girl for general house
work. Apply, 2804 Poppleton Ave.
(7) M297 lOx
GIRL for general housework, five In
family, no children; warm room, with
separate bath. 1314 S. 35th Ave.
(7)-M305 14x
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework; small family, good wages.
Tel. Harney 2632. 112 N. 38th Ave.
(7)-312 14
GIRL for general housework; no washing.
3315 Burt St. (7) 310 U)x
WANTED Girl for general housework. 623
8. 26th Ave. (7) 311 14
WANTED Girl, for general housework-
wages, xfi.ou per week. No washing.
Apply. 316 So. 31st St. (7) M317 15
WANTED Good girl for genera) house
work; no washing. Apply, 2205 F St.,
ouum umana. K ( ) MOOZ11X
EXPERIENCED girl for general house
work; wages, $6 per week. Apply, 2237
Seward. 'Phono Webster 622.
(7)-M544 U
WANTED Girl for general housework.
S012 Mason St. (7) M553 15
WANTED Bright, neat young lady who
can do good printing with pen. Address
with sample of work, F 936, care Bee.
(7)-264 9
A WOMAN of pleasant address to call upon
the church people of Omaha, presenting
a work of merit A refined position. Ad
dress, 0-962, care Bee. (7) 323 9x
LADIES Copy advertising letters at home,
good pay, cash weekly, experience un
necessary; send stamp. Semola Mfg. Co.,
Detroit, Mich. (7) 443 9x
WANTED Bright young woman or prac
tical nurse under 35 to train. Six to
twelve months. Salary up to $20 per
week. American Training School Nurses,
71 Crllly Bldg., Chicago. (7) 4S4 9x
Agents, Solicitors and Salearaen.
WANTED Salesmen to place our new
rocker deal with 3o0 6c cigars, locally and
throughout Nebraska and Iowa. Address
Crown Cigar Co., Milwaukee, Wis
(9)-rfI257 9x
WANTED Reliable man In each locality
to advertise our goods on commission or
salary; $90 a month and expenses, 13 per
day; entirely new plan. Write Empire
Medicine Co., London, Ontario, Canada.
W MllB 9x
GOOD proposition for live canvassers. 1213
Harney. (9)-MiSS Feb27
GENERAL furniture salesman, at once;
first class position; write particulars.
Address M 889, Bee. (9) M-41 13x
want good satisfaction and prompt ship
ments, let the Inman portrait Co. do
yeur work. 416 New Era Bldg., Chicago.
(9 M128 FebJ2x
WANTED Salesmen to handle the best
side line of postal cards at a good com
mission, from a reliable firm. Webb
Freyschlag Merc. Co., Kansas City. Mo.
(9)-M206 9
WANTED Experienced traveling sales
man for coal, lumber and building ma
terials. Will have to live In 81oux City.
Applicant must give reference and state
salary expected. Address G-884, Omaha
Bee. (9) M265 9
vVE want a) few more good men to assist
In real estata woik In outside territory.
411 Bee Bldg. (9)-M904 8x
WANTED Solicitors with experience in
book or picture business: good Income;
permanent position; reliable Omnha firm.
Address C 160, Bee office, (90 M95J
WANTED Young man to travel for local
firm, single man preferred; good paying
position for rhjht party. Address F 9f3
Bee office. (9j M962
WANTED-Representative for our line of
overalls, shirts, pants, In your territory.
Good commission to first class salesman
Only men of experience and those with
trsid nid apply. Hugh Aron, :( Market
Bt., Chicago. (9)-M288 8x
WANTED Experienced clothing man
must be good stock keeper, and can trim
window; must be strictly sober. Apply
Mandelrons Dept. Store, Nebraska City
Nob- (9)-4i5 '
SALESMAN for city department cigar
house. Man rf experience; large personal
actiualntanrf preferred; muat have no ob
jections to be under bond. Give refer
ences and previous experience. Address,
J-886, care Bee. (9, jx
to stove always ready not in ussy. Home
thing everybody wants everyone buys
Feeds oil drop by drop till fire la atarted
very economical. SO to loo per cent profit.
Exciuaie agency. White quick. Con
solidated Tube Co.. Limited, 4190 W,
Bell, Dept. $. Bt Louis. (fc M462 lOx
WHJ PAY $36 a week and expenses to men
with rigs to Introduce poultry compound.
Year's contract. Imperial Utg. Co., Dept.
64, Parsons, &a, - - (9j
Areata aad SaieaaaenContlnaod.
AGENTS wanted for a high class beauti
fully printed and Illustrated dollar-a-year
woman's msgstlne; commission, (0 cents
on each dollar subscription. Writs for
snent s free outfit. American Hotnaj
Monthly, 6 Barclay 8L, New York.
WANTED Salesmen of ability and neat
appearance to call on all merchants In
their territory; elegant side line, con
venient to carry; commissions!
prompt remittance. Belmont Mfg. Co
Cincinnati, Ohio. ()
' VANTED agents, with rig to sell Df.
Eaton's veterinary medicine cases and
remedies; guaranteed aa represented or
money cheerfully refunded. Dr. R, D
Eaton Chemical Co., Kasota Block. Min
neapolis, Minn. , (g)
AGENTS $300 every month stirs selling our
wonderful seven-piece kitchen set; send
for sworn statement of $12 dally profit.
Outfit free. Thomas Mfg. Co., 024 Jef
ferson St., Dayton, O. (9)
WANTED Agents; legitimate substitute
for slot machines; patented; sells on sight
for $1.00. Particulars, Gisha Company,
Anderson, Ind. (9 473 x
NOTICE to agents: The best photo pil
low top on the market; order filled
promptly; work guaranteed; price 35e;
write for particulars. Harry M. Muller,
68 5th Ave.. Chicago. () 472 9x
man or stationery trade or large met
rantile houses to handle aa a tid Una
ofir article; easily carried In pocket;
special Inducements and larre pro) lis.
Address Box 2685, Boston, Mass.
()--t37 tx
AGENT9 earn $50 to $100 week selling
lightning auto repair kits; easy sellers;
everybody enthusiastic; chance of a life
time. Edward Shepard, 217 Pearl St.,
New York. ()-J6S 9x
WANTED Responsible men In every city
and county, to sell Smith's adjustable
shade and curtain holder; free territory
tn hustlers. For particulars address
Smith Mfg. Co., Savannah, Mo. i
(9 M358 12x
ARB still making money with our Japanese
drawn and embroidered waist suit pat
tern and other novelties that sells at
sight. Japanese Importing Co., Chicago,
(9)-385 9x
anywhere, can start at small cost and
make big profits. Success guaranteed.
Patterson A Co., D-30, Morgan Park, HI
(9)-393 9x
NEW DISCOVERY Heat your stoves wltl
air-gas; three cents a day; burner and
outfit sold on payments. Salary ,1a
agents. U. 8. Patent American Novelty
und Manufacturing Co., Cincinnati, O.,
Box 637. (9)-92 9x
AGENTS Five years' extensive sales of out
clf-gen-ratlng gas burner for keroseni
lamps tells its merits; brilliant gas light;
liberal Inducements; Information free.
Hasten Gaslight Co., 280 Broadway. New
York. (9) 390 9x
CAPABLE traveling salesman at once.
Staple line, profitable commission con
tract with $25.00 weekly advapec. Per
manent position; references required.
A. 8. J. Co., Grand River Ave., Detroit,
Mich. (9) !189 9x
AGENTS WANTED Greatest 10 cents artl
cles out. Everybody buys. 100 per cent
profit. Bend 10 cents for sample, terms,
territory. Gross Mfg. Co., 309 West 35th
Bt, New York City. (9) 388 9x
$1,200 PER YEAR and an established busi
ness secured selling guaranteed dress
goods direct to consumer. Express paid.
No experience necessary. Address for
particulars, Wllmur Co., Passaic, N. J.
(9)-387 9x
WANTED Severarhlgh-grade. first-class,
experienced road salesmen, men who can
earn from $3,0ii0 to $5,000 a year; old re
liable Jobbing house; staple line. Address,
Western Mfg. Co., Lumber Exchange,
Minneapolis, Minn.
(9)-3S6 9x
$25 PER WEEK and traveling expenses
paid by reliable house to salesmen to visit
dealers; experience unnecessary. Purity
Co., Chicago. (9)-877 9x
EXPERIENCED salesman for hosiery and
gloves, direct from manufacturer; side
line; commission basis. State territory
-covered. References required. Frankel
A Co., Bt. Louis. Mo. (9) 402 sx
MANAGER wanted in every city and
county; handle best paying business
known; legitimate, new; exclusive control;
no Insurance or book canvassing. Ad
dress Chas. Halstead, 34 West 26th St.,
N. Y. (9)-401 9x
AGENTS You can make $150 to $500 a
month, working six hours dally, selling
newest and best automobile necessity.
Success assured; profits large. Write to
day. Vanemburg Sales Co., Room 221 W.
18 Broadway, N. Y. (9) 400 9x
WE HAVE agents making $300 to $3n0
every month selling our "German No
Mantle Gas Burners"; good territory
open, where you can easily make as
much; sample prepaid. 25c. Paris Gas
Light Co., Equitable Bldg., Bt Louis.
, (9)-3J9 9x
WANTED Salesmen on commission for a
strong line of calendars and advertising
novelties, complete or side lines. Cin
cinnati Specialty Advertising Co., Govern
ment Place, Cincinnati, O. (9) 39j 9x
nati, o., want side-line traveling rpen;
can make easily 125 to $50 per week car
rying up-to-date advertising fans, our ex
clusive special designs. Season now open
ing. Apply Fan Department.
(9) 397 tx
AGENTS for kerosene Incandescent mantle
lamp; twelve times cheaper than gas,
seven times cheaper than ordinary kero
sene lamp. Continental Co., 335 Broad
way, New York. (9) 396 9x
samples and circulars; no canvassing;
steady. Globe Adv. and Dlst. Asi'n, Chi
cago. (9i 395 9x ,
SALESMEN WANTED To sell vital atoms
to retail druggists; must be men who are
beyond reproach; good sideline and com
mission. Address Vital Atoms ComjMuiy,
North Chicago. 111. (9) 9x
SALESMEN $10 to $20 a day to good, re
liable specially salesmen. Give good ref
erences and state territory. Berner, 508,
40 Dearborn St., Chicago. (9) 431 9x
SALESMEN make large commissions sell
ing Brown's Champion White Lead; guar
anteed to have extra good body and
durability; splendid specialty or sideline.
E. L. Brown, 3517 Lucas Ave., St. Louts.
(9) 433 9x
WANTED Specially salesmen. One with
medicine experience preferred. Must have
good, clean record. A man capable of
earning a good salary. One who can help
break In new men. Salary and expenses
to right party. Uive age and lines handled
In first letter. Box 656, Chicago.
(9) 43J9X
CIGAR salesman wanted tn your lo
cality to represent us; experience un
necessary; $ii8 pen month and expenses.
Write for particulars. Monroe ClKar
Company, Toledo, O. (9 413 9x
SALESMEN make 500 per cent profit sell
ing "Novelty Blgn Cards." Merchants
buy 10 to 100 on sight. W0 varlotlea.
Catalogue free. Sullivan Company, 405
W. Van Uuren Bt., Chicago, Hi.
(9)-415 x
WANTED Agenta In each city; good fast
aellers, large profit, start now. Wiley A;
Co., Napervllle, 111. (9) 442 9X
WANTED Experienced salesmen: goods
sold on long time; proposition especially
attractive now on that account; write
for particulars. McAHlstcr-Coman Co,
356 Dearborn St., Chicago. W-436 9x
$'10 MOTOR cycle or horse and buggv fmp
nlshi d our men for traveling and $ per
month and expenses, to take orders for
the greatest portrait house in the world.
You will receive, post paid, a lieautlful
16x30 reproduction of "II painting In an
swer to this sd. Write for particulars.
R D. Martel, Dept. 671, Chicago.
(9) 437 fx
LADIES and men earn $10 to $30 per week
handling one or more of our thirty useful
articles; no traveling: devote pare time.
Fair Mfg. Co., Box 158, Racine, Wis.
(7) 438 tx
LARGE concern of high standing, estab
lished over fifty years, desires to nego
tiate with reliable and extra commissions
on all business, payable monthly; appli
cant must furnish good references and
have ll.oiO cash or bankable paper. Sec
retary, Box 63, Bloonilnfton, 111.