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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1908)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. FEBRUARY 9. 190S. SOCIETY RUNS FROM LENT Fwliloiiablet Make Ready to Leare Town Before Quiet Seta In. MAKY DEPARTED LAST WEEK Glvrm-ta.Hoitor Affair for Wkirloi. Klrk-all Bridal Party Cob plcnoaa Krrats of Till U'Ack'a Calendar. lit To(r1hr on the earth there dwelled A Woman and a Man Who r agreed In thought and deed; Concelv It If you can. N And In, thla Man and Woman died. To Heaven went the two; Burprtaed they stared, and then declared, "Why thla la nothing new!" The Beatific One. Tke Boeial Calendar. MONDAY Mis Kflna Kioltne. theater Sarty for the Wharton-Klrkendall wed irf, Mr. A. Remington, Monday Brldgo club; Mrs. Jonoph Rarker, afternoon party for Virginia Barker. Tl'KHDAY-Mr. and Mrs. T. L. David, bridge supper for Miss Klrkenrlall and Mr. Ulenn Wharton; Treble CUf club, Mrs. B. J. Bcannell; Mrs. B. C. Miner, Maple Leaf club; Mrs. J. H. HafSklnson, T. T. T. club; Mrs. Kobort RoJiktn, South Side Whlat club; Mr. and Mra. Ralph Moody, evening bridge for Mr. and Mra. Ed Uoyar; Mrs. F. S. Cowglll, Bcwlng WEDNESDAY Mine Mary Lee MoShane, dinner party for the Wharton-Klrkemlall wedding party ; Mrs. K. A. Benson, Round boson club; Mr. and Mrs. 8. Walker, Jolly Twelve club; Mrs. T. R. Ward, kenalngton; Mlas Yates and Mrs. Florence Voss, afternoon bridge; Mrs. M. C. I'etera, P. ii. O. sisterhood evening party; Mrs. Phillip Totter, whist luncheon; Mrs. Joseph Barker, Original Cooking club. THURSDAY Mr. John Wharton, dinner at the Omaha club for the Wharton-Kirken-dall wedding party; Mr. and Mrs. Don Adams, Orchard Hill club; Mrs. Robert Young, C. T. club; Mrs. Richard. Swas tika club; Mrs. E. Thomas, Owl club; Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hoover, Midweek High Five club: Knights of Columbus dance at Metropolitan club; Mra. William . Ferguson, Sterling Whist club; Mrs. W. F. Ourley, afternoon card party for Miss Ourley. K11.I-DAY Wharton-Klrkendal! wedding at All Saints' church; Central Whist Club association at Rome hotel; Mrs. Arthur W. Baldwin, North Platte club: Mrs. W. A. Foster Jolly Sixteen club: Mrs. J. K Shafer, Original Swastika club: Miss Helen Davis, Junlon Bridge club; Captain and Mrs. Nnsmith, Military Bridge club; Mrs. Alexander Buchanan, Informal ken alngton. SATURDAY Visiting Nurses' tea at Wai tles Memorial parish house from 3 to 6 o'clock; Central Whist dub association at Rome hotel; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kats, evening reception for Miss Myrtle Klvyn, planlnte. In anticipation of the Lenten calm, so ciety Is already beginning preparation to get out of town and a good part of the fashionable contingent will not return un til the cold weather and March wlnda are all over. The gulf and Pacific coasts are claiming the usual number this win ter, but Europe, the Mediterranean and even the places beyond have attracted unusual numbers and last week caw the departure of several prominent members of Omaha society who will not return. until late In the spring. Cuba has also attracted an unusual number. This week will take off another large party bound for Europe and the Mediterranean and several will circle the globe before re turning. A number of others have an nounced their Intention of going abroad next surnmeT and the prospects are that the fashionable set will be pretty well scattered for at least a year to come. The coming week promises much social gayety. The principal event of the week will be the wedding of Miss Ada Eliza beth Klrkendall and Glenn Carlton "Whar ton, which will take place Friday evening at 8 o'clock at All Saints' church and will be followed by a reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Klrkendall. Every day until the wedding the young people will be honor guests at some social affair. In fact, their time Is so far engaged that the ushers have had to defer their enter tainment until some time after the wed ding. ' Mr. and Mrs. Klrkendall have as R-Bej F Bailey. Sanatorium This Institution Is the only one In the central west with separate buildings situated in their own ample grounds yet entirely dis tinct and rendering it possible to classify rases. The one building being fitt-d for and devoted to the treatment of non-contagious and non-mental diseases, no others be ing admitted. The other, Itest Cottage, being designed for and devoted to the exclusive treatment of select mental cases, requiring for a time watchful care and spe cial nursing. ED PIIIAUD'S TIVDLI RICE FACE POWDER 43c a Dox We recently secured the exclusive agency for this Celebrated Powder and personally guarantee its purlt. Deaton Drug Co. i5th and Farnam Sfs- 2 5c 3wan's Down Powder Monday only 9c a box. HAIR ON A WOMAN'S PACE NECK, ARMS or SHOULDERS Is not considered attractive. La Jeune Depilatory Liquid ' will remeve hair from any part of the body in I to 10 minute leaving skin soft and white no smarting or burning 75c per bottle. By mall, soaled. 11.00. Circu lars free. ansa mas ft Hooomu sbvo C), Cor. Hth and Dodge. Ouiaha. otn. DBTJQ CO, Cor. I eta aud llaruey. W. A. Paxton Horns Leased Mlas L. A. Craven of the Pleasanton has leased the "W-m. Paxton," Sr., hom on 2th Ave, and will move her bo--ding house there as soon as the house is renovat ed, which is expected In two or three weeks. The house Is being made beautiful through out and Miss Craven expects to give her people a home unequalled by any hotel or boarding house In the city. Onm floor for Aaatluiueu only. their guests this week Mr and Mrs. Io nian Fpttaer of Toledo, O. ; Mr. and Mr. W. K. Qt-oive of East Orange, N. J., and Miss Edna Keellne. Sunday Miss Klrken dall will entertain her wedding party In formally. Monday evening Miss Krtna Keellne wll give a theater party at Boyd's, followed by a supper at the Omaha club. Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Iatham Davis will entertain at a bridge supper. Wednesday Miss Mary Le Mc 8hans will entertain the wedding party at dinner Thursday evening they will be the guests of John Wharton at dinner at the Omaha club, which will be followed by a rehearsal at All Saints' church. Flvaaares fast. Miss Clara Elmlger entertained In formally Tuesday evening for the Misses Sharkey of Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pinto entertained Informally at bridge Thursday evening for Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Fisher, when five tables were used for the game. Mrs. R. Rhyn entertalnod at six tables of high five Friday , evening, when the prices were won by Mrs. A. Rhyn, Miss Alice Kllker, Mr. Faulkstcin and W. M. Rhyn. Miss Klrkendall. Mrs. Tom Davis, Mrs. Spltser, Mrs. Grove, Mrs. Ben Cotton, Miss Edna Keellne and Miss Mary Lee McShane made up a theater party Saturday evening at the Boyd. The Sacajawea club met Friday with Mrs. J. C, Bishop, when Mrs. F. E. Smith made the high score at the game of high five. The next meeting will be In two weeks, with Mrs. J. O. Baker. The Ban Soucl club met at the home of Miss Flora Btemm Friday evening. High five was the game played and a very en joyable time was had by all present. The next meeting will be at the home of Miss Jessie Robertson in two weeks. The members of the Monitor club gave a stag social Friday evening at the club rooms to celebrate the birthday of Fred W. Flodman. president of the club. About fifty members were present and presented Mr. Flodman with a gold watch. Mr. Glenn Wharton gave a stag dinner at the Omaha club Saturday for his ushers, when covers were laid for Mr. Gerald Wharton. Mr. Alec Stove of Chicago, Mr. Ben Cotton, Mr. Tom Davis, Mr. Lawrence Brinker, Mr. June Brown, Mr. Robert Burns, Mr. Wlllard Hosford, Mr. gpltxor of Toledo, Mr. Grove of East Orange, N. J., and Mr. Wharton. Mrs. George Tllden and Mrs. P. M. Conk lln entertained at luncheon Saturday at the Young Men's Christian association for Mrs. J. E. IiRue, who leaves soon for Arkansas. Those present were: Mrs. LaRue, Mrs. J. J. Lanipe, Mrs. J. 8. King, Mrs. P. J. Barr, Mrs. J. B. Patton, Mrs. R. K. Bell, Mrs. D. W. Merrow, Mrs. George W. Clabaugh, Mrs. .Alice Coulter, Mrs. A. T. Sldwell. Mrs. a E. Howell, Mrs. Tllden and Mrs. CoTiklin. Mrs. Walter T. Page entertained at two kenslngtons Friday and Saturday after noons, about twenty guests being present each afternoon. Friday afternoon Mrs. Page Introduced a novel entertainment. The guests were given different colored tissue paper and told to make the latest Parisian hats The young women showed groat talent, Mrs Floyd Smith winning first prise for a creation In shades of lavender and Mrs. Herbert Gannett sec ond prize for one In black and yellow. A surprise party was given for Mrs. Agnes Rappley Wednesday evening In honor of her seventieth birthday. The evening was spent in cards. Those present were: Mrs. James Horshey, Mrs. Mary Bauman, Mrs. Laura Rappley, Mrs. Bessie Bruner, Mrs. Lixsie Tattle, Miss Anna Stannabeln, Miss Katie Bauman, Miss Agnes Rappley, Miss Edna Hershey, Miss Lizzie Bauman, Mrs. Agnes Rappley, Mr. J. M. Tuttle, Mr. George Rappley, Mr. John TuttVe, Mr. Theodore Rappley and Mr. Fred M. Rappley. . In celebration of her seventeenth birth day, the friends of Miss Belle Smith ten dered her a surprise party Friday evening at her home. 2628 Caldwell street. The evening was spent playing cards and with music. Those present were: Mrs. W. D. Smith, Mrs. C. D. Barnwell and children of Trinidad, Colo., Misses Elizabeth Wald man, Celia Mancell, Nora Mnncell, Mary Mancell, Alice L. Smith. Alice Shutt. May Hansen, Blanche Smith, Belle Smith, Messrs. Walter Rowley, D. W. Halght. J. F. Hearley, J. L. Waldman, S. F. Wald man, E. B. Waldman and Charlea Krelle. Come and Go Gossip. Mrs. Frank Dale Is vimtlng her mother In Kankakee, 111. ' Miss Evelyn Bergman has returned from an extended eastern trip. Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Burglum are enjoying an extended stay in Rome, Italy. Dr. and Mrs. Ewlng Brown will leave Sunday for Excelsior Springs, to be gone a week or ten days. Mrs. Edward Phelan and daughter Helen leave Bunduy for a stay of several months In Southern California. Miss Minnie Thomas has returned from Denver, where she has been the guest of Mrs. William Metzger. Mr. and Mrs. Gould Dtetz left Monday for a trip to Washington, Chicago and French Lick Springs, Ind. Miss Mary Dillon of Chicago is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Riley, 914 North Fortieth street. Mr. Robert C. Fisher left for Ann Arbor laat evening to resume his studies in the University of Michigan. Mr. Fred Ryner has returned from a Cuban trip. Mrs. Ryner will visit In Mem phis and Milwaukee before returning. Mr. and Mrs. John A. McShane leave Sunday for an extended stay at Palm Beach, Fla.. for Mr. Mi-Shane's health. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Caldwell expect to leave Wednesday for New York, from where they will sail for Europe via Naples. Mrs. Harmon V. Smith, Jr., of 4107 La fayette avenue, will have as her guest this week her sister. Miss Letta Stone of Colo rado. Miss Grace Meyer, who has been visit ing relatives In New York for the past three months, was called home by the III ness of her grandmother, Mrs, H. Aur baeh. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Engllsch left the first of the week for Chicago and New York, where they will sail for Europe. They will take the Mediterranean trip be fore returning. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Burgess left Friday evening for Kansas City, where they met Mrs. EJward Schneider, who left with them for California. They will be gone about two months. Mrs. Adam Burgert. Mil's Burgert and Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Burgert of Toledo, O., will arrive Wednesday to be pres ent at the wedding of Miss Klrkendall and Mr. Glenn-Wharton. Mrs. Frank Hamilton will leave this week for New York city, from where she will sail for Paris to visit her sister, who has been ill. Mr. Hamilton will join Mrs. Hamilton In about six weeks. Em II Brundels left Tuesday evening for New York, where he sails with a party of friends for Egypt. They mill go up the Nile and on other Interesting trips, return ing home In about three months. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Fisher, who have been guests of their daughter, Mrs. A. M. Pinto, will leave for Minneapolis Monday evening, where they will visit before re turning to their home In Florence, Wis. Mrs. Neeley, wife of Lieutenant W. 8. Neeley, snd small daughter, Margaret, ar rived Friday to be the guest of Mrs. Goome. .A- l(oagland. Mrs. Neeley, who will - be remembered as Mia Helens Wy- man of this city, will leave Sunday for Washington, D, C, to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Wyman. Mr. and Mrs. Our don W. Wattlrw and Mr. and Mrs. Leote, parents of Mrs. Wat tles, left Saturday for Ln Angeles, Cel., where they will stay until the first week In March, when Mr. and Mrs. Wat tles and their niece. Miss Caroline Leete of Santa Barbara, Cal., will sail March 10 on the Siberia for a trip around the world. which will Include Japan, China, Siberia, Russia and Germany, reaching Berlin the first wenk In July. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac W. Carpenter and son, Isaao Carpenter, Jr., sailed Thursday from New York on the "Arabic" for the Mediterranean, with stops at Madeira, Al giers, Malta. Athens. Constantinople and several lesser ports on the going trip. They will then tour the Holy I,and, and on their return trip will visit Egypt, probably tak ing a trip down the Nile. Leaving the ship at Naples, they expect to return tnrough France and England, reaching New York the early part of May. Prospective Pleaaarea. Mrs. Robert Young will be hostess for the C. T. club Thursday. Mrs. J. H. Hadklnson will be hostess for the T. T. T. club Tuesday. Mrs. Alex Buchanan will entertain' very Informally Friday afternoon. Miss Helen Davis will be hostess for the Friday Bridge club this week. The Swastika club will meet with Mrs. Richards Thursday afternoon. Mrs. E. Thomas will entertain the Orig inal Owl club Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bamuel Walker will enter tain the Jolly Twelve club Wednesday. Captain and Mrs. Nesmlth will entertain the Military Bridge club Friday evening. Mrs. Phillip Potter will entertain at a whist luncheon Wednesday at her home. Mra F. S. Cowgtll will be hostess Tues day for the Visiting Nurses' sewing club. The Treble Clef club will be entertained by Mrs. B. J. Bcannell Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. W. A. Foster will entertain the Jolly Sixteen High Five club Friday after noon. Mrs. Arthur Remington will be hostess for the Original Monday bridge club this week. Tils' Maple Leaf club will be entertained by Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Miner Tuesday evening. Metropolitan club will give a ' bowling party Sunday evening for the younger members. Mr. and Mrs. Don Adams will entertain the Orchard Hill High Five club Thursday evening. Mrs. Arthur W. Baldwin will entertain the North Platte club Friday afternoon at her home. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hoover will enter tain the Midweek High Five club Thurs day evening. Captain and Mrs. Nesmlth of Fort Omaha will entertain the Military Bridge club Fri day evening. Miss Lltta Rohrbough wili give a Jap anese tea Wednesday from 3 to 5 o'clock at her home. The Central Whist association will hold Its annual tournament at the Rome, Fri day and Saturday. Mrs. Joseph Barker will give a children's party Monday afternoon for her little daughter. Virginia. Mrs. W. F. Ourley will give a card party Thursday afternoon for her niece, Miss Ourley of Philadelphia. The Round Dozen club will be enter tained by Mrs. E. A. Benson at her home In Dundee Wednesday. Mrs. Florence Yates Voss and Miss Bes sie Yates will entertain at bridge Wednes day afternoon at Hillside. Metropolitan club will give a card and bowling party for its members Wednesday evening at the club rooms. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moody will enter tain at cards Tuesday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Boyer. Miss Ada Klrkendall wjll entertain the members of her wedding party informally at her home Sunday evening. The Sterling .Whist club will meet Thursday at the home of Mrs. William Ferguson, 3114 Woolworth avenue. The annual evening rarty of the P. E. O. sluterhood will be held Wednesday even ing, February 12, at the home of Mrs. M. C. Peters, 1113 South Thirty-third street. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kats will give an evening reception Saturday In honor of Miss Myrtle Elvyn, the Russian planlste, who gives a recital In Omaha Friday even ing. The house committee of the Young Wom en's Christian association will give a val entine party Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Houchln, aft.'6 North Twenty fourth street, when each guest Is asked to dress to Indicate her pet hobby. The Dundee Dancing club Is making prep arations for a valentine party, to be given Monday evening, February 17. The com mittee in charge Includes Mr. H. P. Leavltt, Mr. Ward Pulmer, Dr. Whitman, Mr. Arch Murtagh, Mr. Ray Anderson and Mr. Frank Selby. Mrs. Theodore Allen Tillotson of South Omaha will give a whist luncheon Wednes day for Mrs.- William H. Gould and Mrs. Margaret Brown, formerly of Omaha. Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Tillotson will give a progressive whist party. Mrs. T. R. Ward will be hostess Wednes day at a kenalngton given by the House hold Economics department of the Woman's club. 1 The Visiting Nurses will hold their an nual birthday tea February 15. at the Wat tles Memorial parish house. Twenty-sixth and Dewey avenue. An interesting musical program has been arranged by Mrs. N. P. Dodge, Jr. Those giving vocal solos will be Mrs. T. J. Rogers, Miss Martha Schwartz and Mr. Frank Ressler. Miss Eu genie Whltmore and MIbs Elizabeth Mc Connell will render piano solos. Miss Tess Keys a recitation and Mr. Wallace Lyman a violin solo. The program will be given from S:3i) to 4:30 on the second floor of the parish house, and will be fol lowed by a reception on the main floor, where the directors of the association will receive. The tiBual Invitations and birthday bags were not sent out this year, but every one Interested In the Visiting Nurses Is In vited to attend and give whatever they wish. Engagement Announcements. Miss Wallace is well known In Omaha and has been physical director In the Omaha High school for the last year. Mr. and Mrs. Myles M. Standlsh an nounce the engagement of tlielr daughter. Miss Frances E. Standlsh, to Mr. Sterling Hugh Mi-Cow. The wedding will take place In the spring. Mr. Brown is a graduate of the Ne braska State I'niversity, 16. specializing in chemistry. He Immediately went to Cornell university. New York, to teach and continue research work In his chosen theme, where he has been for two years and a half. He Is well known In the younger scientific circles, and Is a leader In Young Men's Christian association work. Mr. and Mrs. George G. Wallace an nounce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Mary Beth Wallace, to Mr. Mortimer Jay Brown. The wedding will take place March $. On March 10 they will sail from San Francisco for Tientsin, China,' where Mr. Brown has wlthla the last three weeks been offered and accepted, an important position In the Chinese Imperial university. Tills has hastened the date of the wedding several months. By using the various departments of The Bee Want Ad Pages you get quick returns a small expense. GOSSIP OF IDE WOMEN'S CLUBS General Federation Finds Sentiment Poet Not Mix with Business. MRS. DECKER NOT AFTER H0H0R3 Objects to Belnsr Retired from ArtlTe Work by Belnat Made Honorary Member of National Orgaaiant loa. That sentiment and business make a dan gerous mixture Is one of the truths of which men have long striven to convince women, and Just now the General Federa tion of Women's Clubs, perhaps the least sentimental and certainly the moet parlia mentary and businesslike of all organisa tions of women. Is threatened with a seri ous illustration' of this truth. For the last ten years It has been the custom of the General Federation to make Its retiring presidents honorary presidents of the or ganization. This action wus first taken at Denver ten years ago, and the women have followed It ever since, well pleased with the compliment they conferred. It has re mained for Mrs. Sarah Platt-Decker, the present president, whose second term ex pires next June, to object to this courtesy, and she objects on the ground that the compliment, great as It Is, hardly compen sates for the loss of the privilege of par ticipating in the activities of the conven tion. Briefly, Mrs. Decker objects to be ing shelved Just yet. As a matter of fact, It seems that few If any of the club women have realized that this courtesy they went to so much trouble to establish a few years ago Is In reality but a poor reward for the arduous work of the chief executive office of the General Federation, and now that the question has been raised It Is doubtful whether Mrs. Decker will ever have the honor conferred upon her. That she Is one of the most valuable women In the woman's movement today all club women know and they will be slow to retire her. Her Friends Will Help. Appreciating that It would be awkward to decline this compliment should It be offered her In the Boston convention, Mrs. Decker has stated her position to many if her friends and asked that they prevent this matter coming up. It requires the unanimous vote of the convention to make a woman an honorary member, and there are few If any who would care to offer the necessary objection to prevent '.ho r"s sage of such a motion If It were made. Mrs. Decker discussed this matter with the Omaha women during her recent vjptt here and requested them as "neighbors" to vote against the motion should it be made. The samo request has been made in other states., ' It Is being whispered by those In a po sition to know, that members of the Gen eral Federation's Industrial committee and others among the more liberal or aggres sive, hoped to make Mrs. Decker the head of the woman suffrage movement In the General Federation. There Is now IHtle question but suffrage will become an is sue at the Boston convention and it Is gen erally believed that Mrs. Decker Is the only woman In the organization who can hold all factions together If It does. ' If the Boston biennial endorses woman suf frage It will probably appoint a committee to take up its agitation through the clubs and state federations Just as child labor reform and other matters have been agi tated by the clubs. Mrs. Decker, It Is said, will be selected as chairman of this com mittee and when she has laid down the duties of president of the General Feder ation she will be at liberty to take this chairmanship. To be sure, this Is only gossip, but It Is gossip In a circle that usually knows what it Is talking about. CInb Notes. Omaha's need of settlement work will come up for discussion at Monday after noon's meeting of the social science de partment of the Woman's club, the session convening at 3 o'clock. Judge A. L. Sut ton, Miss McCarthy, principal of Pacific school: Miss Nellie Mapee, city missionary; Rev. Robert H. B. Bell and some repre sentative of the association of College Alumnae will be the speakers of the after noon. The literature department will meet at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon with Mrs. XV. M. Alderson leader. Emerson will be the au thor of the afternoon, Mrs. Anderson giv ing a paper on "Emerson and His Friends." Mrs. Mary G. Andrews will speak of "Emerson, the Poet." and Mrs. Albert Edholm will give readings from some of Emerson's best known poems. The musical department will present a program of the compositions of the late Norwegian composer, Edward Grieg, Thursday afternoon at 2:15 o'clock. Mrs. C. W. Hayes will give a paper on Grieg; Miss Lillian Bookmyer, Miss Louise Ger trude Ernst, W. R. French and Slgmund Lansburg will give piano numbers; Alvin E. Poole will give a violin number and Miss Vera Allen and Miss Myrtle Moses, vocal numbers. An Informal tea will fol-low-the program. The current topics department of the Omaha Woman's club will meet Tuesday, February 11, at 2 o'clock. Mrs. J. B. Garnsey will be assistant leader and the following program will be given: "Is a Scientific Demonstration of the Future Life Possible," P. Braun, Ph. D. Reading Miss Lillian Fitch Paper : Mrs. C. R. Glover Paper Mrs. C. C. Rose water Vocal solo Miss Weber Woman's Clob Xotes. The philosophy and ethics department of the Woman's club will meet Tuesday, Feb ruary 11, at 4 o'clock, when Mrs. M. G. Andrews will give a talk on "Pragma tism." Owing to the damage by fire to the par lors of the Young Women's Christian as sociation, the meeting of the Omaha Women's Christian Temperance union will bo held at the Young Men's Christian as sociation Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The postponed meeting of Frances Wlll ard Women's Christian Temperance union will be held Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Freeman at Forty-ninth and I'ndt rwood avenue, Dundee. "The Making of a Millennium." Read It. n Homc-EViade Jingle s By Grace Bortuuon. an Omaha girl. Now In press, will be out soon. Edition limited. Order at once. Price one dollar. GRACE SOREIJSON 648 South 36th Ave. Tel Harmsy 8687. ten LADIES' HATS MADE OVER Trimmed In latest style by experienced milliner. Huts, Feathers and Flowers cleaned or dyed, also new hats made to order. Lowetit prices MISS E. LEQLA PEPPER 14 Boats 884h Bt. Formerly a a flti CSCOFIELD aOAX&SUITCq An Attractive Showing of Smartly Tailored Mew Spring Suits All with th Exclutlvcnaat and Dltlnctlvna so Characteristic of Orkln Bros.' Productions n n i.iii.i tl. inn .im mi m . ifiimoHi .111. auction! $20,000 JEWELRY STOCK As we axe about moving into new quarters in Hotel Loyal building, corner 16th and Capitol avenue, where we will open up with entirely new goods, we are selling at auction at our old stand, 1514 CAPITOL AVENUE, all of our present stock, consisting of watches, clocks, diamonds, cut glass, silverware, cutlery, pianos, organs and other musical instru ments, bric-a-brac and a thousand other articles too numerous to mention. This sale will continue daily at 2:30 and 7:30 P. M. until everything is sold. Attend these sales and secure one of the many bargains that must go. l P.. EI.-FLODMAN a, CO. BOTH ft EEBELEB, Auctlonssrs. That Gold and Silver ij SALE OF" COIVIBS Brings the people, and the variety of items at bargain prices IS A URAMI SUltntlKK and satisfies their wants. It's seldom you have an open opportunity to save 20 to 60 per cent or more on needs or wants from a fine, first class stock of exclusive Jewelry, with no "faking" about it, but everything genuine and generously guaranteed. Solid Silver Forks, worth up to $2.25. at L -S1.45 Solid Gold Brooches, worth up to $3.50 and $4.00, it $2.35 Those fine Gold Clocks, worth $4.00 and $5.00, are wonders, at S2.00 and 82.50 Those fine Solid Silver TeaBpoons, worth $1 or more, at 78 Those fine Solid Silver Hat Pins, worth 35c to 50c. at 10 Silver Plated Cold Meat Forks land other pieces, worth 70c to 1100. at 50 SPECIAL FOB MONDAY Loud Alarm Clocks 55 The C5c Bargain Lot sold out so fast, we've made up another lot of articles worth up to $2.00, and made the bargains eveu more attrac tive than the opening day. The Four Dig Lots Are Xow Combined at 25S 35 "d 50 T. L Combs (& Co, The Busy Jewelers 1520 Douglas Street MAIL OIUlF.RS FILLED ON SIGHT. 8ierlal prlcf-s on individual skirts I The reputation that the I.n Book sktrt l enjoys In Omaha Is sufficient to In- ai''ute ine true viuue or mis oirer. I Ladies Tailor .Furrier Novelties, Ices and Confections lop Valentine Day Friday, ths tonrtbssntb. Is VHsntlns Day w want yon to com la as soon m connUn and ths many appropriate dsUcaolss ws bay to offer for ths occasion. Ws hers msntlon fswi Hsart Olacs Cake, dscoratsd red Heart Macaroons. Heart Wafers, red and whit. Heart Candy Boses, In red, Gibson fctchintr. Motto Hearts. Heart Lace Dollies. Large Satin Heart Boaes. Baited Hut Caaes, heart shape, all colon. We are maklnf a superior hlfh ad lc cream for weddings, parties, re ceptions, etc., which we are prepared to deliver Small orders to te called for or delivered by messenger. PA- inn HI II II I 111 I Sfxjfctorv 151Q.DOUGIAS ST. MEW SPRING SUITS Ultra smart creations for spring in the newest of imported fab rics, such as the shadow stripes fine mannish worsteds and ex quisite plain fabrics in rajah, panama. All are beautifully tailored and you should see them for in no other way can this special display of new suits be appreciated. Prices range $25, 29.75, $35, $40 and SUHMLiytSSJIIISIHpUl Auction! Have your furs renioileli d and re paired In a reliable estnbllHliment, I where they will receive tlio finish that only a tailor can K've. Balad Cases, heart shape, all colors. Heart remain Shells. Heart Candy Baskets. Paper Bspklns, decorated with red hearts. Individual Ice Cream Hearts, with arror.-. Brick loe Cream, red heart centers. Bed CUerry Ice. Table D'bete Dinner Today Ml II i 1 II Price 50c foe Dolicacios Formerly m r.scoriELD LCUWCiSUITfe up to $55 auction! rjEWELElo $2,000 New Gorham Sterling Silver Just received this week Nothing nicer or more suitable lor an elegant WEDDING PRESENT C. D. DROWH CO. v 16ih aid Faraajn Street You are cordially invrtcd to attend tlie eighth recital of the llOI'.KltT Cl'KOA HEX SCHOOL of KTHIE1 IXHTHfMEXTS To Im givea in our auditorium evening of Twuday, February 1 1 tit, at H P. M. KC'HMOLLEH & MUELLER FIAXO CO., l;ill-13 Fa main Street, Omaha. isjH Women's Exchange Only place In the city that caters to ladies' house sewing. Special attention given stamping and designing. Marking of all kinds of linen, and hemstitching promptly and neatly done. Mrs. M. A. Collins 1822 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 3811 TABLE D'HOTE DINNER TODAY AT me CALUMET . 1