THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. FEBRUARY S. 19W. f lHlN ASDTKODCCE HARilT HetTj Buying at Higher Ytluti Pre riiled Friday. MAY WHEAT MADE ADVANCE AHIt, WkU Oata Wt-re ltm(-i Wide- Ra( fa the OgtleaS. tt, Facrm. 1or: bcged eg.ra short. CMf no n: short cars, n A iAJOS-Lor, lstc, cs Be munt. Rece'pts, BhlprjteTita Flcmr. bble. . WhMl bu. Oom. bu, Cakta, bu. . OMAHA. Feb. 7. IV. Grain viluri are all higher and bulla Have perfect control at all tlmea. Liverpool cables are encouragingly Tilgher and heavy buying waa the feature during the session. Wheat opened strong at yesterday's clos ing prices nd quickiy worked higher on heavy buying and higher Liverpool cables. On all dips tha bulla cam forward and aTae any necessary support, sustaining tha market and controlling tha situation. May wleat opened at 4Ao and closed at Ka. Corn waa strong, with wheat, and tha market proved even mora active. Values re easily run up for a le advance on persistent buying. AUy opened at 4640 and closed at SSe. ats were steaffe-lo-atTrmg. but did not show the activity that wheat and corn did. A material advance registered md tha close was strong. May opened at and cloed at SV. Primary wheat receipts wera tfiO.OTO bu. and shipments were IS.) bu.. against re ceipts last yesr of 341.0U) bu. and ship ment of ihiui) bu. Corn receipt wera MrUm bu. and ship ments were ol.ono bu.. aralnat reoalpUi lnt ear of 754,000 bu. and shipments of MO. Clearances ware bu. of cam. 8,0" ni. ef aata and wheal and flour equal to bu. . r . Liverpool cloned Hd higher on wheat and Sd higher on corn. Local ranga of options: Artcle. Open.! Htgh. Low. Close.) Teay. Wheat-H 1 I I May... Hfii, M W-fc July... US fy 90 Vli Sept.. S7V rrS1 87 37 s7 Corn I ) May... 57,,! 5V tt WSl B& Julv... MV M. H M t" Sept... W 64V 6W ' 64V Cits-- i I . mv,.. 5" I tv; 60 asi s Julv...' 4314' rf,( H ST! 'H Sept...) tet 31,1 I 'V 35'!, 36-4 Omaha CaaJt Prlen. V H HA T No. 3 bard. 4Ao: No. 3 hard. J.-'c; No. 1 hard, 30c; No. 3 spring CORN No. 3. 63Ac: No. 4. 814S2e: no grade, 4q61e; No. S yellow. 1HiHc; Kn. 4 vellnsa- ESUci'No. white. i-'VUAJc. OATS- No. S mixed. 6,4r47c; No 3 White. 471H7V; No, 4 white. 47Sj47He; standard. 47Sy4r"ie. R fcr-No. i. .IVaTSc; No. S. 71 373c. lariat sxeeelpta. Wheat. Corn. Oata Chicago w... U 1 l' Omaua ' 10 . lo CHICAGO CRAIX A.D rROnSIOXf Featnrre at the Trading aad tleslag - Ifrleea Baard mt Trade. ' CHICAGO, Ftl. . .7 -rThi reportod pur- rliwo by. t lie Canadian government of a la run quantity cf wheat for distribution and seed (nr next season's crop had atrengilienii.g tfoct on the local wheal market today, the May delivery closing at a net gum of lc. Corn waa up Sc. .oats wra W- liicn. r. Prov.sions wera Vx&oc tu iT-.e wheat market wss strong all day with the exci-rtimr af a slight weakness at tii" Ofcning. du to enormous ahipmetils from ArgwnUna. total exports for tha week from that co'intry being 31,oa bushels In exctrM of last week's record breaking ship- nini. ? v.:rut or the leading conunmaion Vnuxen witv arllve bidders for wheat and shorts covered freely. Demand continued active day. and prices steadily ad vnnreri A strong market for wheat a Winning anrl the reoort that the Canadian government had bought nearly ' LiM.i) bunhels f American wheat for seeding par poses acre tha principal bullish) Influences. The market closed strong, with -prices naar tha l.iaJi, luark-wf Uie. daK. iiy opened, ua rtan.i! t. it- lower at 97c to 9TVo. ad- nrt to arc. and closed at I'Sic. Clear- en-es of wheat sn.l flour were equal to Sl."t bushele. Exports for the week, a luin l.v llrartat reel's. - were eQual to 4, biT.OiiO buJthela. Primary receipts were 4M.. buahfls. against bushels on tha cor responding day Tsurt yesf. Minneapolis. Du luth atd Chicago reported recelpta of Bl cars, against ZU cars last week and 217 t m m m vfiir aft). Tin' corn tnsrket was strong all day. Bull leaders were active buyers all day and tho sellina waa chiefly by longs. The small nnvement constituted the main source tlie strenrth. The rloao was strong and near the highest point. May opened un rimm.,1 tn Up hiaher at SlKc to Sitae, ad vanceil to lilc. and closed at l7e. Local receipts were 3il cars, with none of con triit eraiie. Oats were firm all day. because of good demand from hulls. The strength or wheat and ccrn augmented bullish strength. May oiwnrd .c u c hleher at M'-c to MSc. advanced to i4V;, and closed at SiC. Lo cal rec.-ipta were lfC cars. ProviPtons were rather weak, because of liberal receipta of live hogs at tho stock yards and at other western packing cen ters. At the close May pork was off 7e at tllfO. Lard was down IVfifce at 37.S7c Kibs were So 4wer at JH UVrtt 5i. Estimated receipts for tomorrow are: Wheat, 15 cars: corn, t3i cars; oata. 163 cars; hogs. V.OOu bead. The leading tuturea ranged as follows: Articles.! Open. Klgh.j Low. Close ! Tes'y. ( T.On .. . gl.OiW ..111. 6i 0 .. 7u.ago ' 77. (W SEW YORK CEXEBAL MARKET 4aaatUas ( tha Day aa Tarisu Coaaaaedltles, NEW YORK. Feb. T rLOLR Ra- petpta, 12,1f,7 bols : exports. It, 304 bbta Market steady but e.olet; Minnesota patents, li.jn'iJS 40; winter straights. 4 44474 40; Minnesota bakers, 34.44V .10: winter extras. It 75 w4 29: wtnter ratenta. 14.7(41 4.10. winter low e-radea, W-&-44.10. Ry flour, steady: fair to god. 34 71 i ll; choice ts fancy, S I4 V-Ja. Buckwheat flour, quiet, at U.fe per liJ lbs. COHXMHALe-Steady; fine white and rel- inw, 1 4t4L46; coarse, 3j-21.4v; kiln dried. 33 35. KIB Illl : No. 1 western- Sin. nominal. t o. b. New York. WtLHAT RecelDta. 2.00O bu.? annt market firm. No. 3 red. tLCXTVa, elevator, and 41.09-. o, b. afloat: No. 1 - northarn DuluLo. n.l7Vfc, f. o. b afloat; No. 2 hard winter, ILllV f. o. b. afloat. Disregarding the reoord-breaklng Argentfna shipments, bulls gave wheat strong support all day, ad vancing prices fully la per bushel. Part of tba buying waa on higher cablaa. strength IncreaM and leaa favorable crop news, clos ing at the top. May, IL4'v$L"l 3-14, closed at 3L0GH; July. tUMrfexU', closed at H.0C, CORN Receipt. 74.175 bu.: exrjorta. bu. : ppot market firm. No. t, 7c, elaeator. and No. f. o. b. afloat; No. 3 whit. i3a; No. 3 yellow. 8ao. f. o. b. afloat. OrAion market waa without transaotlon, closing c ntgner. May dosed at 7iko: July closed at OATSHacalpts. SO.WD bu. axDorta. 2.0B0 bu.; spo market strong. Mixed. 24, to 33 lbs., 67c; natural white, S to 32 lbs., brv SUV: dipped white, 3 to 4 lb., 6V1'C, HAV-tUow; good to choice, KxxtftXUO. HOPS Quiet: state, common . to oboene. 17. VXffVm: 19US. 4-a): Paclflo coast. 1M. HIDES quiet: Bogota. 14HZ17ttc; Central America. 17a. LEATHER Steady; acid. I4ttc. PKOVIRIOXS-Beef. firm: famlry. 114.00 mesa, 3il 6c: beef hams. S34.6t? la.&O: pdrket, 310.ju13.00; city extra India mess. l21.00GHb. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellina, 7V30c; pickled hama, &-'aAsc. Lard, steady; western prima, 37.60g7.t!u; re fined, steady; oontitent, M; South Amer ica, rt ; compound, 37.12Htf7.37. Pork, steady; family, r.4 1"17 00, short clsara, IU ot'qlS.50: mesa, r-4.v4-aa4.oa TALLOW a lead y: city. ottc; country, Wit RICE Firm: domestic, fair to extra, 3 Vi tjawcjjapan, nominal. ul l i i.ti nrm; creamery, oeia aecona to special, XtiCJ'vc: procesa, second to spe cial, Zuao!. t'HEWE Firm; full cream, spectal, 14c. EtRHS aay: western firsts. 3xz; seconds. 24'i4tC. PvC LTRI AJIve. dull: western chickens. lie; fowls, UHc; turkeys, 14c; dressed, quiet and firm; western chickens, Ux17c; turkeys. JJ3t17c;' fowls, lOliVsc WEATHER IX THE 6RAIX BELT MfTYORRSTOCRS 1SD BONDS 000 gold reerv. hows: Available cash balance, 347.433.0al : gold coin and hslllon. !4,:4.7t2: gold certificates, 34J.. :jo.4:o. Hetrineis ud Almost Total Stagru tion FettuTt of Miket BA2IK STATEMENT EI NEW FORM It Will laelade Hbawlag af Trast Cwaagwalea aad Tata la af Friday's Bealarae Besides Csaal Averaares. Fair 'Old atarday, wltts taw Gew4 Saaaaaer Tlsae Still Here. OMAUA. Feb. 7. 1M& ' Light snows are falling this morning In the extreme upper Mlasisaippl valley. Lake region, and New England; elaewhere the weather is generally fair east ot the Rocky mountains. Temperatures have fallen east of the Mississippi liver, snd colder weather prevails on the north Paclflo coast. No Important change In temperature has oc curred west of tha Mississippi river to the mountains aince the. last report. The weather will continue fair In this vicinity tonight and Saturday, with slowly rising temperature. Omaha record of temperature and rjreclDt tatlon compared with the corresponding day ot the past tnrea years: 19ns. 1907. 130. 1906. Minimum temperature 17 4 13 3 Precipitation 00 ' 7 .00 .14 Normal temperature for today. Deficiency in precipitation since March 1. Deficiency corresponding period In 1307, 1S locbea, Deficiency corresponding period in 1S0&, .vt inencs. L A WELSH. Local Forecaster, tCauasM City Gravis avail Pswelalaaa. KANSAS CITT, Feb. 7.-WUEAT-Cloee; unchanged to lo higher; May, S4Vk; July, KTHc; cash No. 3. nurd, SJV1juc; No. 3. 8J0 c ; o. j reo. sscvii.w. CORN L'nclianged to c higher. May, 50c;. July, &Vtc; cash No. i. mixed, 64V; No. 3, (464Vo; No. 2 white, 64464c; No. 3. MSC. OATS Unchanged; No. z white, 4S4o. mixed. t,iHiMc. RVE 74.07SC. HAY Steady; choice timothy, tU.OO12.00 choice prairie. 39 (o.SO. BUTTER Firm; creamery, Xc; packing stock, artc. EGOS lc lower; fresh extras. 22Hc; firsts. 30Hc Wheat May Julv Sept. Julv Sept. Oats Msv b May a July b July Pork M.iv July Lard Mav July Jtll'M Mv July !977tl 80S) 4? 5S 4oV,l 4" 44 s i3- 7 9'i! 94VfiS S4 I 31 I 7H ' 12 30 : 7 65 73 siV iTs! " fS ) K9S4 Mi' 54 54 57 IKVitiV fl1 4 : 444, 4gti d" IS 13 35 7 K 7 7V I 7H M 44" U tTHI IS 00 ll ST.,) 15 Wheat bu.. Com, bu Oats, bu.... Receipts. Shipments 46.0U seo 17. 14,00) IX'. 0 NETW TORK. Feb, T -Heaviness and al- moet stagratlon continued the character istics of all developments of the securities market today. There was no evidence of any participation in the dealings oiitstne the narrow professional circle which trades habitually without regard to developments affecting properties, tha shares of which re nought and sold. The prosneet for srowlng attention to the political canvass and tha fear that oratory and discussion at that time wouki turn largely on abuses on speculation and de nunciation of the speculative world were the subject matter of much of the current talk In the neighborhood of the Stock ex change and the fears that a refreamve effect on the market there waa an element In the neglct of the market. Another was tha coming resumption tomorrow of the detailed bank statement, showing tha con dition of Individual banks, which baa been tn abeyance aver s'.nce the decision to Issue clearing house loan certificates at the time of the pan la. Additional Importance Is given to this resumption by the beginning of weekly statements of tbs condition of other banks and trust companies tn New York to be given out with the regular bank statement, which will commence tomorrow. Another Important departure determined on by tho authorities Is to supplement the statement in tha former form of the daily average of the various Items of the clear ing house banks with another form embrac ing tha actual Items at the close of busi ness on Friday. The statement of averages haa been upheld by the banking authorities aa a trustworthy index of the real condi tlens, but the vagaries caused In the week end showing, especially by throwing over the effects of Important operations of one week into another week's showing, have caused growing criticism In the larger financial world. Tbe new item will supply the needed corrective. Much more Im portant aa a source of Illumination, how ever, will be the inclusion of the trust company and outside banks In the weekly reports of the banking poltion.The growth of tha aggregate deposits of the trust com panies of late years to a total almost as great as those of the clearing house mem bers and the entry of those institutions more and more Into the field of actual banking business had made the old clear ing house banks statement growingly In adequate as a true showing or the banklntr position. Tomorrow there will be the old form of statements of clearing house banks averages, a statement of actual Items of members, one of the average of other banks and trust companies In Greater New ork and aa aggregate average for all the in stitutions. With such a Weekly exhibit coming from the clearing house there will never be again opportunity for confusion or concealment of the actual banking posi tion In New York City. It Is probable that some degree of final preparation for com plying with the new showing has entered into the week's operations and was ac countable for some closing tip of loans and occasional weakness In securities which figured aa collateral. The contraction of operations In the bond market has become marked and the tone today was Irregular. Heaviness In the New York City 4Ss was associated with next week's proposed sale of a new issue of S&o.OUO.ono more city bonds. Total sales, per value. 31.94.000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. No. o bsIm an4 quotations on ctoeki wars aa follows: sales, Hlsa. Lev. (Toa. 174 .... 17.7 Options at Kansas City: Articles. Open. I High. I Low. Close. Wheat May ... July ... Corn May .. Juiy .. I S3 I 34H I S3 ' 34HA . ,86I,S 87JJ 4 ,S3 37 55S ;STi-56 864 K5B A asked. B bid. Mleaeapalls Grata Market. - MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 7.-WHKAT N 1 hard. No. 1 northern. S1.07S 8rt.0P: No. 2 northern, 3l.06'; No. 3 north rn. II .OOVS'l 06S; May. Il.vb; July. 31.064 1 06V FLOUR First patents. C r-4T5 50: second patents, ti-vg 4": first clears, $4Sjj4.3;; second clears, 13 4. H3 .56. BRAN In bulk, steady at 7. T 47H! 1 aTH 75 7 5rV 7S7H 90 12 7 12 37 75-H 7 70 (0 ( 824 No 3. a Old. b New. Cash quotatlone wera aa follows: FLOUR Steady : winter patents. 14.t3 4.'. winter straights. KM 70; spring pat ents. 45i""iii: spring straights, 34.a-44.iu; bakers. 3.v4 30. WHEAl-No. 3 spring. 31.04ffl.09; No. 2, ttirQti.uH; No. 2 red, 9967c- CORN No. 2. 6frVi9c; No. 2 yellow, Si'J tvc. OATS-No. t, 6Sc; No. 3 white. KJtCJc. RYE No. t SOc. U A RLE Y Fair to choice malting. 34S92c SEEDS Flax. No. 1 northwestern, 3La. Timouiy. prima. 34.80., Clover, contract grade. fit 14V PROVISIONS abort rtba, sides (loose). KfJ - Pork. mess, per bbl.. Ill 11 SJ. I-rd. per U lbs., 37.30. Short clear idea itKixsd). 3o.wS4.Ju. . Following were the receipts and ship ments 0 flour and grain: Liverpool Urmia aad Fravlslaas. LIVERPOOL. Fh. 7 WHEAT Spot, easy; No. 3 red western wtnter. 7s sd; fu tures, quiet; March, 7s 6 VI; May, 7s 6d; Julv. 7s 7d. CORN Spot. prime mixed American. 1 . nulet. 5s 2V.d: Drime mixed American. nld. easy, fia Jd: new northern, quiet. &s 3Hd: futures, qulett February, ts 2Vd; March, 5s 2Sd. M Grata 'Market. MILWAUKEE!. Wis . Feb. 7. -WHEAT Sleadv; No. 1 northern, 31.H-3,1 "v1; No. 2 northern. 31. 064i,l. M: May, 9)-, a6Vc. BARLEY Dull; No. 2. 31.01,; sample, 6c Cl GO. CORN Firm; No. I cash. 55fl4c; May. C"c bid. 24.m .3Si. .159 im . 1.1KJ0 . 3t.lU Ehlpraents. li3.4 9. Flour. Lbla. .... W'ueat, bu. Corn, bu- rais. bu. Rya bu KarlV. bU. on the r-rduca exchange today tba but ter market waa firm: creameries, 243c: aanie iiI" Ea easy; at mark, cases litcluded. tirsts. 2-'Vc; prime firsts, l;jc txtraj. 25V?. Cheese, steady at 11 S. Leala Geaeral xtrkft. ST I-OL13. Feb. T.-WH EAT-Higher; track. No. 2 red. cash. 31.tul.t: No- 3 Lsrd ll ; May. July. . CORN Higher: track. No. I cash, toSr. No. i whul :o; May. t; Jul. OATS-Steady; track. No. 3 cash. KHc; May. SiHc: July. 4o RYE Steady. Hoc FlAJlR-Quiet, Red winter 34 iio4 la: extra famjy and atraight. H U ti. clear. tt4iS. 8FKD-TUru.U- steady, t3.7Wj4.JU. . CRN MEAU-bimJ, ei0. , 6HAT-teay; tlmoOiy. 31a.(JlS.0 aj- irom ctyt-mi?g TIES 4X10, BAttf -Hr-Mr' T-WlNke-Uo. Hl'TTFR Firm; creamary. 365530. POCLTHY 4iuiet; chiokeaa, toe: apringa, tlV-; turkwya. Ism- daw, touj mat, o. . PROVISIONS Pork, kwar; Jobbing. Flue. Lard, lower; prim at earn. 11 at 1, , u , .!..,', board extra abort tiJLi tie r.ia, V , tuuX cira, 37J Dalath GraJa Market. DULUTH. Minn., Feb. 7. WHEAT No. 1 northern, tlTH; No. 2 northern. H1; May. ll.07SL07':.Jilli'. 11.07. OATS 4c. Cattra NEW YORK, Feb. opened steady; W 7c Market. 7. COTTON-Future February. 10.S7c. bid: March. May, ll.tmc; July, lu36c: Aaguat. 10. k offered; October, 10.13c; December, 10 4j 10 1A Futurea closed steady: February, 10 39c; March. 11c; April, ll.utc: May. 11.5ic: June. 11c; July. 111. Tie; August. 10 &4c; October, W.liV: December. lv.t4.t Spot closed quiet; middling uplands. 11.70c; middling gulf. 11 MS; sales. bales. OALVkiSTON. Feb. I. COTTON Steady at 11 c. NEW ORLEANS. 1.. Feb. T.-COTTON 8pJt mark tt steadv. with prlcea un changed: middling. llc: sales. 11.400 bales spot and S Wi bales to arrive. T LOUId. Feb. 7. COTTON Sleadv: middling, lie: sales, none; receipts. jr4 bates; shipments, 14 bales; stock, 19 4410 bales. A dans Express Amalgamated Ooeper Am. c. P am. car. vtt la Cmtaa Oil Am- Cotton Oil eta. Amerioaa gssreas An. H AL. sfd Anertcaa Ice AJa. UiiMe Oil Am. Uaaaa4 Oil pi 4 Aia. Laeotnotlva Am. LsuemeUre 44 Am. S. R Am. g R. pf4 Amr Satar Reflaiss - Am. Totaaeee st setts....... Aoacoada Mlaiac Co Atcbiaoa Atcblaoa pis AiUntie Coast Line Baltlmnr A Ohio Bal. aj Onto 1 Brooklm Rpl4 Tr CanaSlaB PaclSe Oouai of New Jersey Chesapeake Ohio Chicaso lit. W C. M. A 4C P Cbleaco T. A T C&icaio T. T. pt4 , C, C. C. A St. k Colorado T A I Colorado A so Colo. A So. Ut P'd Colo. A So. td pld. Consolidated Gas , Corn produrta Cora Product! pf4 Dolawara A Hudaoa Tel.. L W Paarat R O II A K. 0. pld D'.xlllors' SeourlUea Brio Erie 1st prd EH Sd pfd Oxnaral Elortrlo Illinois Centra) International Paper Int. Pspar pt4- Iflt. Pump Int. Pamp pld Iowa Ceolral ......... ... Is Central ptd Kansas City ft K. C. So. ptd Loulssllls A 14 htt'sicaa Csatral Mian A tt. L, Bt , St. P A 4 A U . Bt. P A 9. i. Missouri Pactts ... M., K. A T at-. K. A T pfd.. Nstloasl Load M. R. R. of M pfl. Now Turk Central N. T . O A W Nortolk A W H. A W. pfd N'"-nh American r.rlne Ustl Psaaaylrsata - Psopio't Gsa P . C. C A 1 L mM4 steel car rated S C. pfd Pailaiaa Palaos Car Rsadlss Aeadins 1st pfd Reading M ptd Republic tteel Republic Stsel ptd Ror-k island CO Rock Uiand Co. ptd.... Il L. 4 B. r 2 pis. St. Louis B W Bt. L. . W. pfd soethem Pacific So. Pscltc pfd go. Railway f. Railway pta Tsiss A PsrtSc T , t. L A W T . St. L. A ttr. t'ntoa Pacidc faion Pscllc sfd V. 4. Eiprssa V. B. Realty V. . Ruboar V. P. Rubber pfd V. . Sle.1 I'. I Iwtl pfd Va. Carolina Chsanwal ... Va-Caraliaa Cham, pfd Wabash Wabash pfd ' V, -i. Farra Eipress Wostinshouss glectrtc ... Wsstsra I aioa Whsellns A L E W scoosls Coatrai Wla. Central ptd Northern PartSc Crest Ninnero pfd ('nirsl Lathor Cesirsl Losihsr pfd IstorearottSh Mel lot. slot. p!4 laos-iBOfl!sl4 Stool Total sales tor the day. log P4 at w i ion 12 eis 4.40 H 11 4M U.500 400 TVS a) v A) id 4SH "b T Us tit J3 7..1A 44H REPORT OF TUB CXEARIXG HOrSE Trasssrtlssi 'ml tbe Aaaeelated Baaka far Ike Week. NEW YORK. Feb. 7. Bradstreet s t ank clearmft report for the week end.nt Fo mary 7 shows an aargragata ot 41. "5. as against t2.X7.33r.") last week, and .- 3S1.3m.ouii in the corresponding Week lat year. Canadian clearings fcr the week tota.s 3HS.Sai.o4). as against I-.!:.'' ls; week and S:i,lox.fkt) in the sams wet-k last year. The following la a lift of the cUles: CITIES. Clearings Inc. Dec 11.404 IJ 404 27, SOU lli4 1. 100 1. a nut 100 4. sue 4414 ins 'iai, in 14 'pi" II l "ji" 4 UIH4 II M 4. t 11 4u 14414 1U0 1"4 Oils aad Rsvale. OIL CITY. J'a.. Feb 7 discredit bal anrra. 31 73. Huns, I.4S hhls average 1U.:S bhta. Sliipments. 1M.SW bbla- aver age. 14 :n j bbis. SAVANNAH, Oa, Feb. 7 OIL Turnen- tine, firm: 5-'c. Sales, iu bbla; receipts. Ii'4 cms.: snipments, l'l noig ROSIN Firm. Quote: A. R. C, D. 4 K. HSlnrfJi; F. 33 O. tlui-fl 3.71: H. U.7S: I. 34 00; K. ta.u; M. 35 S; N. sa.av; v u.; v w. at, n rsrclta Flaaaelal. U'MHJX, Feb. 7 M.inev continie.l In inall supplies and good demand todav and w'OUUts at. a Ucurcr cu Uia (UUiow 0 proia. Anwncu eaxrumies are suffertng from tha political altuatioo. aod decreaaed aamtnsa . RKHLXX, Feb. T. Trading oa tba Bourse today waa Irregular aad In most cases prices went lower. PARIS. Feb. 7-Prices oa the Honrs ttxiajr wera heavy and trading indecisive. avMk CWava-lasrs). OMAHA. Feb. T Rank cteartrtgg for to day was-a 3l.fctl.3U M ajid for tn corra spussdl&et data laaC jsar P. 7M, 1.x ate lua MO IM MM 14- ' r i 134 lus 1 14 I BO'S 1 1 pfd offered pfd las n siv, '(.4s '! ' 'tt JUO siVk b 40u '1 -SS 'tiis 'pis V. r.a 1.UU4 4s 4!' 1 sai iizt iiii joa A'a .'S ""liai 'it" '74" 74.iuv Ml t '!) "74S '74H '"jvi 'T 's7 Kf 1", K Mt e r, 14 4i" 7I4 TSi t,ii VHn Jig IW l'ii l'4 put n 3 U0 1 ll", ! 14 14 KM Jl 14 4L4 l:lrS i'T'i l u o J 'S ii. ft ? r- i. :on i 4 i tuO IT'S ITS, ins '- ivo ',4 " is " Sd 4K1 II 1" S. I1 'ttio tial U 1". 7 a De 1:1. . sharva. 12J llv ai 7 44 m 4s 19U U'4 I "4 4 44 P 1114 TSV, 41 70S 4( 47 n 4Hi 1414 17 31 4 lltl 4 13 so II I ii 41 PTU, II 44 145 ! : t : lS U7 f l 47 11 U ' a 17 U n IK 41 Ha il M'4 il K 14 4S 1 14 U n i 7J 154 W 74 1 1 : 44 H U4 Tl 1 It I 131, J: 111', 13 : i as r 1 IT 40 15 e 4 (J.". : ts 13. J'. 17 tl ?o4 O Nw York Chicago Boston Philadelphia St. Louis Pittsburg San Franclsoo Baltimore Kansas City Cincinnati , New Orleans Minneapolia .... Cleveland Wtrntt Louisvilia Los Angeles Omaha Milwaukee Seattle Bt. Paul Providence Buffalo Indlanaapolia Ienver Fort Worth Richmond Albany Washington Salt Lake City Portland, Ore Columbua, Ohio St. Joseph Memphis Savannah Atlanta Spokane. Wash...... Toledo. Ohio , Tacoma Nashville Rochester Hartford - Peoria Dee Moines Norfolk New Haven ......... Grand Rapids Dayton Portland. Me Sioux City Springfield, Maura.... Evansville Birmingham Syracuse- Augusta, Ga. ......... Mobile Worcester Knoxvllle Wilmington, Del Charleston. S. C. ... Chattanooga Jacksonville, Fl.... Wichita Wilkesbarre Davenport Little Rock Wheeling. W. Va... Fall River Kalaraaxoo, Mich... Topeka Springfield. Ill Helena Fort Wayne, Ind New Bedford Lexington .... Youngstown Erie. Pa Macon Akron Rockford. Ill Cedar Rapids, la.... Chester. Pa. Blnghamton Fargo. N. D IO w nil Canton; Ohio Bloomlngton. 111..... South Bend, Ind.... Qulncy, 111 Springfield. Ohio Sioux Falls. 8. D.. Mansfield. Ohio Decatur. Til Fremont. Neb Jacksonville. HI Lincoln. Neb. Oakland. OaX Oklahoma Houston t Galveston t .cr4.wr.a.n . . Uiil.'W.. L.j 43. .. 40. J A. 3y.:v)j.. 32.1x5.. oil.. . SS.&.O'-.. 34i,o; 23.71u.0Oi. lS.Z1.0i.. 161 J.iA 14.0J3.grM il.ima.vMbi.. li.Uj.',.. tmoo-l., iv,3:.ou.i.. A44.tM).. ".jf'I.UUfH, 7.S77.ill.. T2.Co).. 7.44i.0CA' . . 7. . 7.i.'Ji 4. 2.UU0 4.1M.0KX .Jf4.0i.rt 4.StfH.0UO 5. US .) 4.644. OOM A!7.(.OI 3 M.vlj 4.514.() A77 OOij 2t 44, eOlj a 3.MS.JOI XlNUOirt 6.022. in W( J.fciw.OUOi . l3T:.0f1l Z.54ti.uOP'. 3.1fM.0HO). X37t.(0 . L710.0W) . 1.4d.0W. 1.7A'.jO( 3.u(.0i."Ji. lSaF, l.tiW.iX'O!. a4 4 , 11. ,...) 3 3. 1 3 4 I2l5.'v 3. 353. igJOf.. 1.74J.0UIX.. L240.vrt... 1.336 wot .. L444.0U04.. Ll7o.floo" L474.00tt Li7J.0nrN 1.3a.0"J 1.3.1 1.129.UUOI . 1.156.UOI . LSs-.OOf'. l,187.tll l.Jl .. .1 .'.. 'il., J A, 10 V.. X 1.1 22 3 3 1 3 r 1 t 14.3 'ir'T 4 a 'ii" 111 U 7 3 3 "l5.i Le.4 3 1 30 4 3.3 "iii '24'i 28 t 7 1 I 14 S 4.0 17.7 23 1.1 J7.4 U0 20. S '7 i 'a'i 14.1 1.7 2 3 2 "i'i tit 3.8 3X.2 19 13.1 U. 'i2.' 35 7 3 0 3.3 11 U.I 0M1Q1 LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Liberal, with Prices Tally Steady. HOO MARKET IS UK SATISFACTORY Saaply t aaamally Llkeral aad Prlcea W ere Test teats Lawer 4kers Dei aad Fgaal Sapply. ta tke SOUTU OMAHA, Receipts w-re: Official Monday .... Official I'ueK.lay .... Official Wfdneftday Ofricial Thursday .. Ivstimate Friday .... Feb. 7. ;W. lioss Siieep. 4.Tj1 1.414 lAJ'J .;4 Mi, I 7.U 7.J 1 11 -i 1 ..j0 i Five days this week. ..17. 417 pind &una days last wk....l!.JL'7 oa 0 l:i .tt Same days 2 weeks agj..l?.i!l lD.iH Same davs 3 works agJ. .24.4-1 4". 7-. cJ. Same days 4 weeas no. n.:x 47. .'I'I -3.5. Same aays last year U.kil 4U.41J Ua,jJ) The followtnc table shows the recapts of eaule. I.uas and s.ieep at South Unia..a f r the year to dale, compared with la.11 year: ibe. lT7. Inc. 1'ec Cattia UilTo l.7.3S i4.r-S Hogs JSA.ifl 1U.3J4 6heep 14.aiA 176,333 aV.Sli The following table shoms the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Date. I 19(. lo;.13t.,19.lS"4.,lW3.lS'i3. LUlOuol 6.6, bV2.0i ! LwCOiax i 7 1 X.0OO 604. ono) 74!vn 7.)i IS. 4 . . 0' ! f:.aoi 6 611.0WI 3e.fH4) S.00M! fW m I -74)..Tti-M a.i 4S.0 ASR.f 4sa,'i'i 474.'ti rs.'tio1 . 477 )( - 3300 4A4.0iiO 33n.OOi . 61S.0OI 23.3, EO.mot " 4fil CI 13. S , a.oii Sl.fjnoi ''vsi 1.4SK.0HOI as.anrv ' li.14.00j( 4 4. 30.1 "fi 41.3 11.3 u.i 1 4 8J 0 4.3 "4 15.4 13.3 5.5 S.O 4 31.7 13 4 28 4 33t 4 s 21.0 67. CANADA. B. C. Montreal . Toronto ., Winnipeg Ottawa ... Vancouver Halifax Quebec Hamtltnn 8t- John. N. B London, Ont... Vtrtorta. B. C. Calgary Edmonton ... 23.S55.(WW I 27.5 3n.4M.! ! 18.3 10.2S4.tH1 22.9' 17S9.0P0I I 11 .J 3.14l.onoi .21 l.TW.iKM 5 4 1.9S7.0.O' 7 1 Lienor"? S3 1.093.'Jrt 16 1.0U6.OUO1 r.t 844.'yn b.i m.oooi 24 7 SvXOUO! 26 3 Jan. V.. Jan. IS.. Jan. 20... Jan, io.. Jan. il.. Feb. 1.. Feb. S... Feb. 3... Feb. 4... Feo. 8... Feb. .... Feb. 7... 4 29H t 341 4 S3! 4 31 i ( i IJ I 4 e4, 4 7, 47 i Ho ! ..t ?i . !!? I 4 W) I III I 11 1 4 74 4 M 7M 3 38! 4 UU. 71. h 4r)l 4 17 it ILS 5 1, 4 fill 14 ti 3 7 4 10 4 SK 5 41! 4 ! 4 74, lite a I a wil c aa. 4 70 4 73; I 6M I 6 U 4 Ti, 4 7 S 93 in 4 74: 4 81 8U 43 4 W i 53 I 4 77 1 4 S3, 6 12 4 It 4 17 4 2. H 4 taw 9li 5 531 4 83 , 4 SI, 74! 6 14 , 6 Sli 5 o; 4 74; 74, 4 ol Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock, brought In today bv eacb road was: Ca-.tle. Hoss. Sheep. H'fs C, M. 4 St. P 13 1 Wabash R. R. 3 i Ma. P. Ry 'S3 2 .. .. L". P. R. R. 14 Si 20 1 C. & N. W. (eat.. 3 U .. 1 C. at N. W. (west.. 25 7i C, St. P., M. a O.. U S C. B. 4k tj. (east)., i 6 C. K. sx Q (west).. 17 25 U C., R- L k P. (eat.. 3 C. R. L x P. twesti. 1 1 .. 1 Illinois Central 1 7 Chicago Ot- Western 1 4 210 33 4 tuj i.i: 7 i.i 3.U 3.S4i 1,' Xt7 3.7' r 44 4,17a 344 BrJ 7 4 11 17 24 14 ti .... 41 Zi 3 8 8 : 158 I.i30 S4 1,05) 13.44 4.(715 Not Included In totals because com parisons are incomplete. t Not included in totals because contain ing other Items than clearings. Mo. 0... l... 14... K... II... 71... f Neve Yerk Maaey Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 7.-MONEY-On call, easy, 'H2 per cent; ruling rate. 2 pr cent: closing bid. 1 Pr cent; offered at 2 per cent. Time loans, ouiet; sixty days. 4 per cent: ninety days, 4tj4Jai per cent; six months. 4H rr cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 5S43 per onnt. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business in bankers' bills st 34 K'( 4 6 for demand and at 34 831a).S315 for sixry-dav bills; commercial bills. SILVER Bar. SSc; Mexican dollars, 4c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Irregular. Closing quotations on Bonds wera as Iowa : U. I. rsf. ta, rag. ...! Mas. c a 4a 4a roapen loJ'sle-x. Csotral 4a U. a. as. re lv do 1st Ins do coupaa 1V "M'.na. A St. L 4a.. C. A a. 4s. reg Ut M.. K. A T. 4a do eoupoa V.i do 2b Am. Tobacco 4a 44 X R. R. of af. do ts 104 N Y. C. g Ia. Atchison sen. ts tv 'fl. J. C. g as., do adj. 4a rs No. Pacific 4a... Atlantic; C. L s 4T do Is , Bal. A Oblo ta 100 M. 44 W. a 4s.. do Ha 4-i O. S. L rtdg V Brk. R. T. e. 4a 74 Penn. cv. JS.. Central of Oa, 4a.... Readint gee. ts "do at lac 44 St. U A I. M. 4a. 101 do Id inc il St. L. 9 r. ff. ta. Tl'i I i4 Ckss. A Obla 4tjS. ...lul St. I t. W. a. 4a.... tk :(' Chirafo a A. Is 1 Seaboard A. L. 4a.... 4, ; ' 1... n. a a. ts.... 's"!o. raclne ta at C. k. 1. m P. ta. ... St do 1st ts ct.'a iu da eol. is t lo. Bellas aa Ki, Ill1 4a Total receipts S3 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the number of bead Indicated: Cattle. Hog. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co. . Swift and Company . Cudhy Pat. king Co. . Armour sc Co Cudahy Bros., country S. at 8 Vans nt & Co Carey &. Benton W. I. Stephen Hill 4k Son J. B. Root Ac Co. ... J. H. Bulla U Wolf McCreary & Carey . M. Haggorty Co. . F. O. Inghram Lehrner Bros Independent Pkg. Co. Other buyers St. Clair Pkg. Co. .. Totals CATTLE Receipts wera quite liberal for a Friday and were made up largely of a fair class of beef steers. Ail the local packers were on the market for and with some inquiry for shipping ac count and general favorable advices from eastern markets the trade was active, with prices fully steady for all decent killing stock. There waa nothing very choice on sale, but with a good general demand everything was cleaned up in good seaeon in the morning. Closing prices for the week show an advance of about ji&irC as compared with a week ago. There were about twenty-five loads of cows and heifers on sale and it did not take dealers long to get down to busi ness and clean up the supply at prices ranging from steady to S-fjlOc higher than yesterday. The advance on cows and heil'ers this week amounts to au"j:je and the demand haa been - greater than the supply most of the time. Veal calves are fuliy &oc lower for the week, but bulls, stags, etc., are selling pretty much us a wevk ago. v- As usual on Friday, there was very little doing in stockers and feeders. What few fresh cattle were offered sold ai very nearly steady prices, but th fully 25c" off for the week on an average and there Is little prospect ot anytn.n like a complete clearance. This week's big decline in prices will likely bring out a much beter demand next week. Quotations on cattle: (iood to choice corn fed steers, so.utxija.ou; fair to good cornfed steers. $4; common to fair cortifed steers. I!.7d"i4.a: good choice cows and beifera. tl. .o-tH.tO; fair to good cows and heifers. 33.tvi3.SO; common to fair cows and heifers. I2.00ti3.ia; good to choice stockera and feeders, 34.0t' fair to good stock ers nnd feeders, a.ouijj 4.00; common to fair stockers and feeders, J.70ii3.ju. Representative sales: BEEF HTEEK3, WINTER TRIPS TO SUMMER LMDS Complete arranfrenionts for delightful trips to Florida, Cuba, Porto Kieo, Nassau, Bermuda Islands, South Amer ica, or to the sunny shores of the Mediterranean and Adri atic Seas, can be made tori ugh the CHICAGO MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RALIVAY Sleeping car and steamship reservations made through to destination. Tickets via all Trans-Atlantic Steamship Lines. Folders, rates anil complete information on appli cation. Three trains daily from Union Station Omaha to Union Station Chicago. Leave 7:23 A. M. tJrOO P. M. and 9:58 P.M. F. A. NASH, TICKETS, tees, west. Ag.nt 1524 Farnam St., Omaha CHICAGO L1IE STUCK MARKET Cattle, gheea aad Laaaaa Steady Hogs Five Ceais Latvter. CHICAGO. Feb. J. CATTLE-Receipts. IOiW head. Market steady; steers. U-if Ai; cows, 3J.0tAiji4.i5; hellers. 34 5ouo.., kuils, 33.tayo4.J0; calves. 33.0tya7.u0; stockers and feeders, J2 41"uA75. HOOS Receipts, 4i.g head. Market 5c lower; choice heavy shipping, 4t-i0- i.'; light mixed. IASv4.4l'; butchers. 34.4ih-U3; choice light. $A4iMo)4.4f; packing. 34 'Ja4 4aj pigs, 33ia4 30: bulk of sales. Ktt?H.4i. 6HEEP AND LAMBS Kecelpta. 7.000 hesd. Msrket steady; eheep. 44 IHft.sO; lambs, !Vo'g6 70; yearlings. 3i.C?6.40, Kavmams'Ci ty Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. Feb. 7. CATTLE Re ceipts, 3,000 head. Including 300 south erns, market steady; choice export and dresaed beef steers, $5 15l5. fair to 34 2013.10; western steer. 34.009 ,40; stockers snd feeders, 33.23414 70; southern steers. 33uOS.l; southern cows, I-'. 75 ig 3.7 3 ; native cows. $2 40'.j 4.50; native heifers. 33 35rS.OO; bulls, 3J.75fi4.l5; calves. 31754 25. HOGS Receipts, 1S.500 head; market S 010c lower; top, 34 4i; hulk of sales, 341 SS 4.30; .heavy, 34.23$ 4.4a; packers. $4 JO a 4 45,: pigs and lights. 13.5') a 4 ::.. SHEEP AMD LAMBS Receipts, 4.n0 head; market 10c lower: Umb, 34 25 tj, S6; ewes and yearling. western yearlings, 14.60$ 4 .25; western sheep, 34.26 1 3. Zi; stockers and feeders, 33 60 feo 00. quoted at 47s 3d snd Cleveland warrants at 4s 7vl. The local market was nnchsngr-d; No. 1 northern fourulrv. 3l!S4jj 14.76; So. 3177Mji!ii: No. 1 aouthern and No. 1 southern sft. SIS.O'Kf 18 .50. 8T LOCIS. Mo.. Feb. 7. METAIJ Lesd, h glier at H.75. Bpelter. higher at 34 75 bid. fol- .174 . 77 . 47', .... ta. V SL, ....Ul', 1V1 .... 70V, .... W IS .... n't St. LtiU Llva Stoek Market. ST. LOVIS. Feb 7 CATTLE Re ceipts. 1.000 head, Including 25 Texans; market for natives dull: Texans steady; native shipping and export steers, 35 30 U 4 00: dressed beef and butcher steers, 34.7566.70; steers under 1.000 pounds, J3 75U 4 50; stockers and feed-rs. 32.40 4.6S; cows and heifers. 33.154j 5.00; ran. ners, ll.S891.40; bulls. 32.60?4.S0; calVea, 13 tog S OD; Texaa and Indian steers. 32 0j S. 25; cows and heifers. 11.753.75. HOGS Receipts. 14,000 head: market 5 4310c lower: pigs and lights. 33 50 tj 4 40; packers, 34.00 4.45; butchers and best heavy. 14 40'f4 50. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 300 head: market steady; native muttons. 33. 259S. 50: lambs, I4.S097.00; culls and bucks, :.75fc3 7S; stockers, 3 J. 75 1, 4 25. St. Jasvepav Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Feb. 7. CATTLE Receipts. 1.127 head. Msrket steady; na tives. 34.254H5.3; cows and heifers, 32.0041 IMj; stockers and feeders, 33.50fi4.50. HOG-Reoelpla. 14.2U3 head. Market 10c lower: top, 34 45; bulk. 34.15074.35. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, l.fing head. Market steady; lambs, 36.0i o; yearling. 35.4.4j.10. loax City Live Sttrk Market. BIOCX CITT. la.. Feb. 7. fSpecisI Tele gram. ) CATTLE Receipts. 900 head: mar ket weak. Stockers. unchanged: beeves. market Is ! 3.1.5tHi6 60; cows snd heifers. JiisrrM.Si: stix-kers and reeners. J.wra't.ii'; caives ana yearlings. 32.5fu3.5t). HOGS Receipts. ..'Tr) head: market inc lower, Selling at 3. "xvfi 4. 35 ; bulk. 34.104.25. A. .. 414 ..10114 .. M . AVt 1'1 ..11U iut Tt. 4 14 4 15 4 S t v 4 7 4 75 4 75 it). , 43. JO. 14 30 A. ....J1.7 ....iei ....11S4 ....111 11X7 lau Ft. 4 ') t ' i 40 4 10 i IS 4 & 11 r 1 a There was a aood run today, nearly lS.oii head, and with rather liberal suD)!:es at other markets, bnth eastern and western markets. salfS were compelled to go up againet a very unsatisfactory market. All classes of buyers started out bidding a flat loc lower than yesterday, and while they picked up the more deelr able weighty loads at about this decl'.ne. thev generally bought the light and light mixed loads fully l"c lower than yester day, and the close wss at the low point of the day. Tops today brought 34.35, as againat 34. yesterday, and the bulk of t:ie trade waa at 31.104j4.2t. as against 34.13 4.30 yesterday. Representative sales: Stock la Sight. Receipts of live strx k at t!ie rlx principal western markets yesieraay: Cattle. South Omaha 2X S'oux City , Kansas City St. Joseph , St. Louis Chicago Totals ...10.427 Hogs. Sheep. 14.5) 8.0u0 . lS.5i 4.0 11.31.1 l.OWt 14. ."I Dill) 42.fl)0 7.000 112.203 3n,419i Waal Market. BOSTON. Feb. 7 -WOOI-The Commer cial Bulletin of Boston, basing its report oa statistics gathered from the government will say tomorrow of tbe wool marKeit: The volume of business compares favorably with last week. Demand is as general, though actual transactions are confined lanrely to wools (fading three-eighths and shove. Mill n ports are unfavorable and wool consumption Is smaller than at this time last year. Prospect a are f.jr further curtailment. The shipments of wool from to February . Inclusive, according to trie ssmn authority, were la.344.fiuR lbs. against 3O.V4.0ial lbs., the same time last year. The receipts to February i. Inclusive, were 12.SS.27H lhs.. against 20.424.4Ua lbs, the same period last yesr. ST. IA'I'IS. Feb. 7. WOOL Steady ; me dium grades, combing and clothing. lu 2,Sc; light fine, lvalue; heavy fine, lf17c; tub washed. 2(iS3c. LONDON. Feb. 7. WOOLThe first series of the l! auction sales were con cluded today. The large number or buyers present eagerly ompeted for the T-2d bales of medium grades offered When the series opened fine merinos sold at un changed rates, but they gradually hardened and closed today at an advance of 5d Inferior merinos, however, ruled 5d below the December average In crossbreds the finest grades sold briskly st unchanged prices, but coarse grades weakened and finished VfiW per cent lower. Carte of Good Hope and Natal wool was occasion ally 5 pvr cent lower. During tna series home traders bought Hl.Oiaj bales, conti nental buyers 71. bales and Americans UM) bales, and Sn.Ort) bales were held for the next sale. The American purchases were principally deep grown merinoa and medium fine crewebreds. Following are today's sales: New South Wales. Sl.i4 bales: scoured, ind'dns; greasy, d41. Queensland. 20 hales; scoured. Is bd'als lOUd; greasy. Ttitdftls. Victor's. 0 bales: sco"ured. M'fi2e Sd; greasy. 7dTls 2d. New Zealand. l.J bales: greasy. 4Villd. 7ape of Good Hope and Natal, 4-W bales; greasy, AflloVid. Ka a pel a ted A r glee a aid Dried Frmlte. NEW YORK. Feb. I.-EVAPORATBD APPLES Market wss unchanged, with fancy quoted at lOV'illc: choice at prime at (t-4''i'iac: fruit. 7'alO1'. DRIED FRV ITS Packers are sJd to be buying prunes on the coast, hut locally trade is slow and prices unchanged, quo tations ranging f mm 5, to 15- for Cali fornia fruit and from 4tj to 7c for Ore gons Sub to 30a. Apricots were unchanged; extra choice. 23u2&c; fancy. 24a-.,'ic. Peaches are In light demand, with choice quoted at lf'i'lHrc: extra choice. 12V 13-c; fancy. 13il34c: extra fancy. It 14"v- Raisins are In moderate jobbing de mand, with loose muscatel quoted at tiTV.c; seeded raisins st SVffSV, and Lon don layers at 31.66tjl.7S. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 7. MET A 1,8 The London tin market was lower today, with spot quoted at 130 and futurea at 13v 5s. Tha local market was easy but un changed with quotatlnna ranging from 328.50 to 329 .00. Copper was lower, with spot quoted at 81 2s 4d and futures at .CHI l'is in the London market. Locally, the market was dull and unchanged, with lake quoted at 313.5igi3 75; electrolytic. 313 37'i 13.S2S: caxtlng. 311 ll'VS '3 37 V Led was unchanifd at 14 lis 6d in London and at 33 V-ill75 locally. Spelter advanced to 20 lt-s In the Undon msrket. but was quiet and unchanged at 34.."5ii4.65 locally. Trnti was unchanged to 11 Hd higher In the English market, with standard foundry Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 7.-DUY OOOD Johbing trade for the day showed a litths more activity in dress goods and cotton goods departments. Buying is at ill con servative. Tomorrow the annual excur sions of buyers will begin. Cotton varns rule generally quiet, with a moderate amount of tradlna- reported in knitting yarns. Wool Is tending lower. Worsted men s wear of the better fancy qualities is In fair demand In houses where spec'al styles are proving attractive. It is ex pected thst rapped cotton goods will be opened for fall within ten days. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 7 COFFEE-Market for coffee futures closed quiet, net un changed to 5 points lower. Sales were re ported of 17.5oi) bags. Including February st !o5c; March, dlic: Deoemher. A4.V(fisuc, Spot cof'ee, steadv; No. 7 Rio. Ve; No. 4 Santos. BV- Cordova, steadv at M,i?i:io. Toledat Seed Market. TOLEDO. (V, F.b 7.-SEEDS-Clover. rash. February and March, 311.45: April. 31130; October. 3" W. Prime timothy, fc.a. Prime alaike, 310.40. No, Ut'. A St. g ta y7, Taaas at P is felo. lad is, ssr. A 44 T., . L. A W. 4W. is. olo. Mid. t' -to. A So. ta. ! 5s l K. O. 4s. Uistilisry Kr'e p. 1. ! gsn. 4a Hurk. Val. 4a... Japaa 4a do 4Sa rtfs Vo !d aensa L. A K. anl. ta .. Bid. Offere. 41 I'nloa Panac ta. .. do c. ta .101 I' f Steal td is. .. "Wabash is .. Tl Ma dek. B .. US', Weni Md. 4s... .. 47 A L E ta. Wis. Csatral ts... . . 74" Atcblaoa sr. ts . . K 4o sa . . W, Int. Met. 4a . l'SJ -1'JS . ir. . at .1,4 7H I -"4 l Boatoa Stttcks aad Bands. BOSTON, cent: tune Feb. loans. closing on stocks and bonds: il loans. 3Vn5 per 4-lt per cent, official tt. Ctoeiaar Stavcka. j 7. Closing quotations on i Laadaat LONDON. Feb stocks were: Coasola raonar ... 47 1-14 M do arrouBt Aaacoada AfBisoa 4a ld Baltlmora A Okie.. Caaadisa Pai'fic ... Cheaaysass A Ohie CkKaav Ot- W C . M A SC T Da Beers D A k. a da std tna da let std a sd a4 GraaA Truak .. Diiaats Caatrai Lsauavtria sf. BILVTTR Bar. ataavdy. 2S U-lfid par ex. mum :i "vc par cane. The rata of discount In tha open market for short bills ta J" c4 per cant: for tftrea taumtiia' bills. I U-lt4 per cetU. K AT . 47 Naa Tor Central . a -, -rloik W . Tt do Bid . kl Oniana A W . sti rausy!vnia .Ut Rand Miasa . 34 BeadtBc 4 Southern Ratlvar llf, 4a aid 144 a,iihra Pacific .. a, I'Diea plSc & so pfd I A isal - ds rf4 D-4 Wabsatl ISA sa H eaasaa tt . , 41 tl ta , r S! . 1 . 4 . "7H S 4 1 14 1 BV Atrhlaoa It) a 4s fsoiral 4a A'Qlton da pld Boston A Athanr... B4,iua A Vai.. . . Iwaion Rlevatrd .. F'l, Kburs pfd Mrxmn Centrat ... V Y . N. H A M I'non I'ar10'- A:n Arare Lhaoa . . . do pm An. Pnru. Tabs.. Ati.r Musar do I'I Asv TAT Amrr Wooiea du (d j I'"m!Btcn I AS..,o Kler. Ulu.. ! 'Jeieral E acme .. t . Kleclr.c .. io Ptd atsas. . I nlfd Frutr t'nit.d 4 14 do pM f 4 !:e d , pfd Advent ar A:l'j'i-t A-na raauiled b.4. . "4 Adsntls . TT), B-nthsra . 7 (tl a Hecla . 70S Cantrsnlal . at-, r.pper Hangs ... lMe-4 lam B -i .If! Km:,Ua 1:1 Craiihe .1 Isle ksTsI . 17's Mining ... 11, siKhlfaa ..Ua'a Muhak ... . It . I. C. A C. . at O.d lUUJ .. . 4't Owvwla . 111H Psrat . .Un U unrf . I, 7'., S' auo.jn . . la Tamara, B . . . . .. 44 , Tr nr . . 1", , t'niT-c r farcer . . .S.-.T f. . Mising . ... ..ii:, i . 4 'in .. 11 t tan ... . . 4.i V'vtona . . m2 W.nt-na . j::i, WulYinn,- . . Ii-jir t" :n:oa .. a Nona Bulta . . . tl . a Ja . . Bl S A An ,nt. . . i Anxuna Cm. . . : . Urw&i uaaura ... 4, . H - i, IS a 11 a " 4 "i'i m l.,'. i: . M IK, . 4 41.. 7S.. 73.. so.. )4 . 7 . . V... M. . 4V.. M.. HI . M.' 74 . 1 .. 74. . M . TT.. . " . . 4t.. 7 . 115 At. .tit . .142 ..15 . .11 ..1MI ..II.) .11 ..IKS . .1 ..7J ..!SI . M ..srr . i- ,.!M .IB? ..ISt ..? . J: ....7 . . . s; 4 Sa. FT. N 14 ... 4 H5 ... 4 as ... 4 ... 4 as ... 4 Bi 174 4 10 ... 4 10 ... 4 10 ... 4 l' ... 4 :o ... 4 10 ... 4 19 4 IB No. B0... 4... 3... 75... 75... 49... I) ..:i7 ..14 . IM . S7 . .1.1 . . . ton 49 40 AT. r .44 . It . .2C4 ..224 ..511 . .304 ..:' . i'o . ?io ..?4t h. FT. ... 4 15 4 1 44 4"- t i:' It Stmtesaewt. WASHING TON. Fwb. I. Today state, meat of the treasury balances la tha IjPaAaraVa fU&J. AXcLiatlVw tU U.a AlaJ.IOti.. Haw Tark Mlelaic Staveka. SOT TORK. Feb. T Cloatng quotations en mining stocks were: Adaaas Cea. Little CAlaf 4 Aitee ...... Osaaww Braaoe IS 0air Beaaavtra Ose. . W lean sin. a Taaaal ai Coa. cL A a TA Hsra ausar ..... se Irs ,.-r sj Ltaariila Otaw VaWtaaW " ratiaal u SW.-SS ta ta a Maasila a k Basse -... 14 latA , 4 14 4 15 4 17V. 4 17j 4 10 4 4 y i: 4 SO 4 4 4 S3, 4 3JV, 4 !4 7t -H ... 4 t 4 l f- St 40 4 fc's 4 l'l r 1-1 ... 4 nv, 4 w ts ai ... 4 ri, 4 Id 74 4 ... 4 -:ij 4 2i ... 4 2i 4 10 U f7 N IX 4 1 7 J41 ... ir 4 :-.- : :4 ' 4 4 l.w, 7J ?4 4J 4 4 I7S -' "3 4 15 4 IS 7'. !4 40 4 :i 4 M 71 242 ... 4 SS 4 IS 74 S ... 4 1". 4 is 4 i. ... 4 ns 4 1'. 7 I'i ... 4 :7H 4 1- 44 i t ... 4 I71, 4 ' 4' n ... 4 4 It il rt ... 4 VI 4 la 41 -44 ... Ill 4 H V '.- ... 4 4 )i 4. :sl ... 4 3r4 4 :'. ... 4 is 4 15 14 ! ... 4 4i run of mifceu li.ia mucmnc louked l:i:rly liberal on lautf. but IntlaJcO among the arri-ils were aixlet-n Uoublc Uccks billed to tasttiu p it-la,, and it nul offered for s.uc on t:::s maiKtrt. '1 lie nnrket was in lair ii-i-. with the de mand equal to tut- supply, so that In t:ie i.'.aln a ere qiul-il a'ady all around. tiniuB .!.! up tu Jfl.Tj. s at 41 .Vi. and yan ns. with a si.:nkling t( A.-tiit-ra. at 4'.''. 1 e tiiiiiiy lor f'-i-o. r she-rp -and la.uhs .tt aatit!ai:ioi'y. s' ;i'. ? lambs sell. us up te 'j.-t. in fail, ttie nude aai strung- ou anytiiing anl.d at all. Tit" niaikel was rea4natd anue ar..l a cl.ari.nce aas ruadf 1:1 ery sojfi reason. tuulaiioua oil Kuod to ( hoicu fed sheep ui.d lambs: Lamija. t( .,j; lig:it sear-nr,,- w, ). ii. uvy )euruiif wetner!--. i.i '..'. a .-t lit-ra. Jo yji.Ju, ewtsb, aa.tMaaa.oi.. KepraaaniatiTS saUes; Ni. At. Pt. No. Av. pr. ewes . Ill 4 36 lamba ,....-...... 73 3 ewe JU i tai yearling ...... lu I 40 yearllnas LU I 40 ytarunga and Bank Clearings for January feHEKP The Bank alearlngt for tke month of January reflect again a larga daeriaai In tha Torn roe of asttlsments througa tha banks, total axehanges for the saonth. aa nportad by R. O. Dug A Co., for aU eltlrs U the Cnltad States ameuadcg to 311, 327,300,538. a loss of 24.8 per sent com pared with a year ago aad 30.7 per seat, twsi pared with January, 1904. There is a slight ltaprosametrt aver Decern bar, Indicating somawaat freer payments through tha banks than In the eloainf month ef last fear. The decrease eoatinuea larga at Nsw Tork dry and at most astern eeassrs. Tosre Is also a coaalderabls loss at tha Soath and at Paciflo ooaat points. In ths Csnrral Wast ths loss la (mall, danotlnf a marked improeement orer Deosmbar, whlla In tha Par West there ts a gain which Id quit larga eomparsd with January, 190a. Tha ex tent to whieh pay nsents through tha banks were curtailed by the extraordinary moremanU of last fall Is shown by tbg average dally figures for tha past three months, la whieh tha Tolmns ef such payments Is usually at tha highest point of ths year. These figures wera in excess of $.(mu,0O0 daily in bath preceding years, and in January, 19U6, they wars V02b I7S 00A la January this year they era 43&.662,000 daily, bat In December only 376,161.004) daily. Bank exchanges by sections for tha month ( January are eomparsd bates; for tbrea years ; also average daily figures tor January aad ths three preceding months : JtSCaJIT. 1004. 19)7. P C. 1906. P. a ww gntrUod gi .0U Onijilo S017 am e0 -17 3 Mid'he . jl.ul'J.te 1.0nt.l.'l.n.r 114 1I7:, BVni -Hi Sa Atlc 'itJ.utl.ft74 i'U.f 7-V-7 IrtrJ '.'7 1 ST. j 1 0 114 bouuiera &o,l 1 4. Ida tjtiM.iMI lit BJtt.TO'i SS4 4 4 Oulnai West l,l.d. I. 1 i A'.' 7 ' 4 :M 1 S.S 1.4 lM74 '.' 14 30 WaatiWS 4 t' !t3i.1!ij 4li.i..,4 .'..'.1 44 47 J .'.'t rf..'7 1 olNl ratiua X'lt0(4.714 4oi.7jlr)i.l Slid 3j.l.iil.t7j la.1 TnUI H.S'O i 1 f.'i.:'l Ae. '.Mi -ivo J mjjw7.rt ts lo t Kow iota Lil .... 0.7i.i.i7tiliT w ui7.b7oJ-B ' ll.ililjoo.474 I'BUMt ritatea 4U.317.-.'Ob.5iS 4.il9. ot'.liO it 4 ll3iasr3jll -itl T Ararage ilailr: ' January .. S14.T Aa ! oo. ai77.tl7s on ?4 f 't-JS, -s Ore? 40T Iaa-eaiVr J7dll.ev 717rt'ai -MJ 7-,o" Ji N s.aiuBr 4"J.17I .isal 1i;-.oi; .ihs J .4 64-..Altaaf v.i.r (Xluuar ft.uiiij.uoo uja.ils.uuu i,.S e4A4,tsjo. -f tt la the Far West an Increase compered with a year ago is reported by Mlaneapoha. St Pant, Kansas City. Omaha. Cedar Rapida and S oux Kaila. There Is a sunai.lerausa deereaae at so rue cities, but generally ths decrvaae is unalL Tha figures la detail are eomroued below fur three years: Aj western 24 western 1 western 171 western 23 western w eat em wtsthera e9 waatern awea iy7 wtsatera ewea lid wealarra yeavr 1: I wsaiaXB Is II ill 105 M 44 M 49 4 33 4 SS ( 7i JttrtiT 44 iBiisasuus . m. raid Imm Vl Jlooa . bioux Cltf ... Odsw Baspssa ... 4naiUI.. Osvalat . ......... Fl asssal . 1 jaawea ... Wlr SH Tap Ha ..... lxmm Csstanats Of (a Masai st . ... . lam taaX Patia. liXie. 10O7. PC . 1 r -lAIJ r,47l.5tl 175 f(t Ut.ltil4 to 'i 'i 147 .i7-4.1iO a 7 'J.11I,771 It tt 7 H. t l.lsutli ll.t,tt..-j u,:tl ll .tn ',! i si fa lit 4.'I.H'Jt oii. 3 .'t't . 449: alt .1,ln., i.-.'i. Ml 4 17 J "9. J I -A. I J A J 1.I.H74 Jt 7 tl HVH-III4 so -j. . -:t 4 .j . t , iAiflt i:HT'A4ii liio . 'Uol.lil 4-i-SAll lAtMta) 4A (71d73 t.l4aJBSA 71 ,4VA44tn 4.177.o4 - 4.747 41 lii AotAA 3J boo imI 34 X't4 , - oMt.ua7 i"1tt4 4tli..',J 14 J I.Ml.ilt 1 tB6A4! 1S4T047 I'i 4 I rW Mt . laotJi 1mjij4 - ui HUM Uil4i LaaaAal till LAlijate aais7 a.iaaaoi 4V4) e-ll,4U tn. 41?. 1 1S0 -r 14 4) tj..t rn -37 4 I i'ii'l Ai -at 4- lf 4471 r 4a dJM Mai.