Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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I lie 'High Qualify of Saturday's Bargains laKe SSicm Donbly Interesting to Cardtil Buyers
fi Specials
Ladies' Underwear Specials
jGrratcRt Clearance Bargains in Winter
New Corset
The new model demands the high
bust, long back and long hip models,
giving the flattening back and hip
less effect required by fashion.
All Hew Models are show n In the pop
ular Warner's Hunt Proof Cornet
st prices up from 91.00
Tne Verao Belf Badncing Corset for
stout figures, shown In complete as
" sortment of new models. Including
the log hip bark styles at 13.00 and
Koamo guaranteed unbreakable over
the. hips, at tl.SO
Ho place alaawhara will you find
as ooraplata variety of popular aaw
corsat models, tat na fit you.
GRPillD .
Saturday morning we place on
sale BOO bolts of extra wide;
all silk taffeta Ribbons, in all
best colors S3e , Ribbons, at
per yard 15?
The greatest ribbon bargains of
the M'Min. If you need rib
lons. Improve this ipor
t unity.
15c Tooth Ilrushes, 7 He On
ly a few of a kind, a big va
riety of styles offered In one
lot, to close, Saturday, at.
choice 7Hc
for Saturday
Garments Ever Known.
Indies' All Wool Vest and Pants, in greys,
or scarlet, that sold up to 11.50, at 69
ladles' $3.00 Union Suits All wool, great
est bargains, at $1.50
Ladies' $1.00 Union Suits Heavy cotton
garments, on sale at 50
Ladles' Outing Flannel Gowns, worth to
2.00, In 3 lota at.. 49S 69S 98t
Ladies' Wool Knit Skirts, worth to $2.00,
Saturday, at 4998t
All Winter Underwear must go. Many
f l.OO Silk Elastic
ItHts, t
l.O0 Hand Rag.
ft. 00 Vanity Purses,
All mail orders given prompt and careful
attention (EL satisfaction guaranteed. In ansa
. 4 . . . .
f hour sales it is impossible to fill orders
, at ...... i
Silk Elastic Bolting,
at. .
25c RiichlngM, yard.. 12
2.V Silk Veilings, yard..xO
10c Handkerchiefs for.. 4H
10c Pearl Buttons, doien 3H
other bargain offerings Saturday
HWMM sasnaanajnn bomiw
In Our Hosiery Department
New York Hosiery Mills ' Surplus
Stork on sale at greatly below value.
Seldom, If ever before, has auch a
splendid opportunity for profitable
buying been .offered In Omaha. See
window display.
Men's, Ladles' and Children's Hose
Blacks, tans and fancies, fancy silk
embroidered, lace, etc., regular 19c
and 26c values over 900 dozen In
the lot, at, pair 10
Indies' 33c and 00c Hose Fancies,
Rllk embroidered, lace boot, allover
lace, etc., on sale Saturday, In one
lot, at, pair , , 25
Ladies' 76c quality Hose Fancy lisle,
silk embroidered, fancy lace, etc., on
sale Saturday, at, 3 pair for tl.OO, or, per pair 35
Children's Hone Fine or heavy ribbed, regular 19o quality a
aplendld school wear, on sale at pair 12 W
We show complete assortments oi an iinest, grades.
1 - -
Great Clearance
p Sale Bargains
' Children's Winter Coats and Dresses
.Beyond question the best assortments and
greatest values ever shown at this season.
Children's Dresses worth 7J5c All sizes from 1
,0x - 6. years Clearing Sale price 25
Children's Dresses worth 82.50 All sizes, 1
, to 6 years, to close quickly, choice... 89?
Children's Dresses worth to sJS.OO Sizes from G
; to 14 years magnificent bargain, at 1.98
Children's Coats that sold up to $5.00 Sizes
from 1 to 5 years, go Saturday, at, choice $1
Children's Coats that sold up to $7. BO, sizes S
-to 12 years, on sale .Saturday, at, choice 81.50
Como early and secure first choice.
Another Big Crockery Sale
Friday and Saturday we will place on sale the entire bankrupt
stock of German, Austrian and French China of the It. E. Jones & Co.
Large Dinner Plates, Coffee Cups, Tea CupB, Mustache Cupb and
v Saucers, Sugars and Creamers. Salads and Pickle Dishes, 1-quart
ritcners ana uysier jjowib, iw eatn.
'.-. AIbo a large assortment of Pie Plates, iBread and Butter Plates,
Oat Meal Individual Creamers, Sauce Dishes, Bone Dishes, and many
other Items too numerous to mention. -
Most Important Bargain Items for Saturday Sale
in Our Busy Cloak and Suit Department
The rarest kind of an opportunity for profitable buying is of
fered in our After Inventory Clearance of Winter Garments. New
spring garments are rapidly arriving and in order to make room for
them winter goods must be quickly disposed of. You cannot afford
to miss Saturday's Matchless Bargains.
$15.00 and $18.00 Tailor Suits Splendid assortment of new styles,
materials and colors, over 100 in the lot to select from, on sale Sat
urday, to close, at . . . .7.50
$20.00 and $22.50 Silk Suits Shirt waist style, made of Simond's
best taffetas, in all shades, are. handsomely trimmed, skirts', full
pleated, most delightful bargains ever offered at our sale price
Saturday S9.90
$15.00 mid $18.00 Coats 125 garments In the lot. 52-inch
lengths. In very best styles, patterns and colors on sale in one
lot, choice ...jv. $5.00
950.00 XXXX Xear Seal Coats Just 10 In this lot, wonderful
bargains Saturday's 3ale price 525.00
$7.50 French Voile Skirts Extra full pleated, trimmed with taf
feta bands, on sale, at $3.05
Stylish Waists $4.00 Values at $1.50 Pretty Nun's Veiling
Waists, worth regularly to $4.00; come In navy, blues, reds,
black, white and light blue with embroidered fronts, great bar
gains, at, choice $1.50
Silk and Net Waists that sold up to $5.00, choice, Saturday,
at $2.98
Women's $7.50 Silk Underskirts In all colors very special bar
6all ... .: $3.95
a. m. $2.00 Moire j From 8:30 till 0:30 a. in. $2.50
79 I Flannelette Kimonos 98c
H From 8 till 0
S Underskirts .
;, '
m. i,.uO Dressing R
590 H
From 0 till 11a,
Economically Interesting Grocery Items SX'iS
21 nnnnda best Pure Cane Granulated
Suf?ar for $100
10 bars best brands Laundry Soap for 26c
10 pound sack granulated White or Yel
low Cornineal for loo
4 pounds best Pearl Tapioca ,...2fic
6 pounds choice Japan Ilice for 25c
Fresh, crisp Pretzel, per pound .60
'Fresh, criwp Olnser Bnaps, per lb. 1...5C
The beat Michigan Butter Crackers, lb. 5c
The best Flakey Cracknels, per lb. . .12c
2 pound can fancy Sweet Sugar Corn Bc
2 pound cans Fancy Wax, Green, String
or Lima Beans for 4c
Gallon cans, Peaches, Apples, Tomatoes,
Plums, or Green Beans 35o
3 pound cans Suuer Kraut, Squash, Baked
Beans, or Pumpkin, per can
The best Tea Sifting, per pound .
Fancy Santos Coffee, per pound
Fancy Head Lettuce, per head
2 heads fresh Hothouse Lettuce, for
Freeh Cucumbers, euch
2 heads Bellevue Celery for
X-arRO bunches fresh heets for
2 bunches host Shalot-Onions for....
2 bunches fresh Parsley for
2 bunches Hothouse Radishes for ....
Fresh Spinach, per .peek
ljurito Cauliflower, per head
Fresh Brussel Hprouts for
Fresh Hothouse Hhubarb, bunch for 7 Ho
Cape Cod Cranberries, per quart . . 5c
Fancy Holland Seed Cabbage, lb 'in
Fancy Fresh Kates, per pound ioo
Extra fancy large, ripe Bananas, Port
Lorison fruit, regular price every- -g f
where 20c dozen, our price dozan 1UO
This car we opened Thursday, It Is the
finest car we have had this season,
sweet, .1uicy, rich flavored and extra
fancy. For this sale, per dozen
10c 12c 15c 17'c 20c
C' a-
Extraordinary fj0ve Bargains
A big lot of laAlaa' fine Kid Qlovae saenrad
from a wall known Importer at a price ffreaUy
below actual worth, will be closed at about
Half Htg-ular Price.
Ladlea' B4.00 Xld Olovaa Full 1 (-button
length Mack and colors, all sizes. J XQ
priced for Saturday at, per pair a....
Ladies' 12.00 Hid Olovaa Kight-button length,
in all new shades and all sizes, on 1 hl
sale at, pair "Tl
Ladles' $1.60 Short Kid OloYes Made from
finest real kid, in black and all colors, for
street wear, matchlesa bargains, Qnr
Ladles' 91.00 Short Xld OlOTes All col
ors, on Bale at
Ladies' 93.00 Gauntlet Gloree, 1 OA
on sale at
Ladles' (3.00 Gauntlet Glorae, 1 CQ
.... at . W
Ladles' 81.60 Gauntlet GlOTaa,,
on sale at, pair
Golf Gloves and Mlttana Men a. ladles
valu-s to SOc. at .ic, ie ana
Many other Special Bargains Saturday.
and children's regu
Furnish'g Specials
Men's Silk Ties Worth lepularly
to 50c, newest shapes, best col
ors, ,on sale, choice 15
Men's $1.0( Madras hliirts Soft
or pleated bosoms, good patterns,
,on sale at f0
$1.50 and $2.(M Flannel Ovi-r-fchlrls
Single or double breasted
blues, tans or greys, at 9C
Men's Heavy Work Shirts 5uc
quality, in black and whi?e twills
or blue chambrays, on sale
t 25
Men's Wool Underwear Shirts or
drawers, worth $2.00 a garment,
on sale at COc OSc
Men's $3.30 Combination Suits
All wool, great snap at . .$1.50
Men's Fleeced Underwear Shirts
or drawers, worth up to 98c, at,
garment 29K9-497
Big 2 It Cent Sale Hardware
Tooth Picks, Coal Shovels, Htov
Pokers. Pointing Trowels, Wire
KgK Beaters, Carpet Tacks, Vege
table Brushes, Asbestos Stove Mats,
Card Backs, Pancake Turners, Bast
ing Spoons, 'Wire Sieves, Can Open
ers, etc., worth 60 and 10c each.
Saturday only Io
Znamelad Wars Bala 8Ho Lara
Wash Uahlns, Pudding Pans. Mixing
Bowls, Colanders, Preserving Ket
tles, Stew Pans, Milk Pans, Dippers,
etc., only aHo
TKo-Z-qt. Rice Boilers, seamless. ,39o
75c enameled Dinner Palls, square,
square, at 39o
2-quart-Tea or Coffee Pots, enameled.
only 19o
Large enameled Olsh Pans. only,.15o
Other Special Bargains Tomorrow
Hie polished cast steel Skillets. . .ISO
8"c galvanized No. 2 Wash Tubs 49o
Sue galvanized 10-n.t. Water Palls 15o
Parlor Brooms, worth 25c, at 16o
f 1.50 steel Holler Skates, best quality.
tomorrow for 9Sc
$1.00 quality Barney & Berry Ice
- Skates 49o
Mrs. Pott's $1.00 Sad Irons, 6 pieces,
at 7o
No. 8 large all galvanized Wash
Boilers 79o
Hayden Bros.' Cut Price Drug Department
10c Iana Oil and Buttermilk Bo
10c .lap ltose, per cake Ve
10c Williams Shaving Soap 6c
10c Oat Meal, 3 -cakes 16o
Colgate's Turkish Bath, dos SOo
25c Lee's Kgg, for shampoo 14o
I5c William s Jersey Cream 150
$1.50 Fountain, Syringe, special. . .890
$1.25 Fountain Syringe, special .. .793
85c Fountain Syringe, special ... .690
Five year guarantee Roods.
$2.00 Fountain Syringe, and Water
Bottle S1.49
$1.50 Hot Water Bottle $1.11
$2.50 Combination Syringe and Water
Bottle 91.38
Cut Price on Patent Kedicisea
I5c CoukIi Kllxlr ISO
11.0(1 OxoiuuluiniV. 89o
50c Scott's Kiiiiiikltn :..45o
Mrs. Lydia Plnkhant's. Vegetable
Compound 89c
50c Stuart's Dyspepsia TaMe'ls.'. .450
50c Stuart's Calcium Wafers.1". . . .450
Call and seo demonstration of fam
ous itnsezalla Cream In center isle'
main, fjoor. It is the cliuiak of
creams lor beautifying tlio complex.
Ion. . u
. . ;
Sporting Gossip of the Day
BlflT Iorram Will Trr to Throw Turk
with That Plao In View.
Now that Frank . Ootch, tho America's
wrestling champion, has decided to make
6, westurn tour before mMlng llacken
chmlrit and take on local champions, Jess
Westergard, the giant Iowan who has taken
up his residence in Omaha temporarily, will
do his utmost to get a chance with the
champion and with that thought in view
he will exert all the resources of his great
power and akill in bis wrestle with Ahamed
Karakanoff, the big Turk at the Auditor
ium tonight. He has every hope of winning
' and of being able to make a favorite show
ing against Gotch. Westergard has a build
which even, Ootch may gaze upon with de
liberation. It is nothing short of wonder
ful. Trim and tall but slender ao well are hie
legs shaped, above the waist he presents
the knoity muncles and breadth of a Her
cules. Ills neck la largo and in all he car
ries a weight of M pounds so neatly dis
tributed that It Is aurprislng.
But Westergard haa a hard man to meet
in the wily Turk. Not as large in weight
or height, the Turk Is nonetheless some
thing of a wonder on hia own account.
For hia weight, 192, he is perhaps as quick
on his feet aj any man in the country. He
has one advanluge, besides his great apeed
and that la his experience. He has been
t the game longer than Westergard.
Scarcely second In point ot interest In
tho main match tonight la the aecond meot
ting of Ouion of Aurora and Croft of
Omaha. They are terrific youngstera and
are sure to make a whirlwind go of It.
Blaj Event Planned by Manager Gtllaa
of the Auditorium.
Manager Gillan is planning a big four
duya' athletic tournament at the Audito
rium for the latter purt of March. A fine
schedule, of all sorts of Indoor events will
lie arianKed, epiee being added to the card
by a aeries of wrestling matches for each
evening. It la now the plun to have a
large number of preliminary wrestles dur
. lug the first .purt of the meet and to end
wiih a big match between Ootch and Dr.
Holler of Seattle.
High Jumps, long Jumps, short springs,
nolo faults, weight throwing, discus throw
ing and all ether Indoor events which tan-
be filled. Bintuiiio prises win oe oiterea
and every effort mado to bring prominent
athletes from all purls of tho country.
With the great revival of the wrestling
game that pail of the program will he
watched with the greatest Interest by the
Onutha, public. Tins announcement prob
ably will have tho effect of calling wres
tlers from nil sectioiiB of the country to
Omaha. This city Is fast gaining the rep
utation of being about the best sporting
center of the country for good, clean sports,
surpassing all towns of its size in support
of base ball, and Manager Olllan says he
will make an effort to prepare a varied
program for his carnival that will attract
and interest all.
Four Favontea Beaten and Three
Lonac Shota Win at Santa, Anita.
LOS ANGELKS, Cal., Feb. 7.-Four well
played favorites were beaten at Saiua An-
Innother at u longer price won. In the ban
Gabriel handicap the three leaders finished
heads apart, bum Bernard was beaten a
head by Kinsman, held at 4 to 5, in the
fifth race. Dugan rode two winners. He
aults: Fltst race, five and a half furlongs, sell.
Ing; Connie M (97, Buxton, 12 to 1 won'
Black Dress (7, Schilling, 10 to 1) second,
A. Hyman (102, W. Miller, 5 to 1) third.
Time: l.iw. I.ancashlre Lad, Kidnap, Flor
ence Birch. Virginia Green, Taraban, Gaga,
Solduno, St. Agnes. Joseph K, Annette, Art
Critic and Saucy M also ran.
Second race, four furlongs, purge:
Achieve (110, Dugan, 2 to 9) won. Fore
guard (99, Schilling, 12 to 1) second, Palo
Ito (102, Goldstuin, 100 to 1) third. Time:
0:4V(,. La Heine, Hindoo. Ak-Sar-Ben,
Hattln Hoffman, Apto Oro and Klglit Sort
also ran.
Third race, one mile, selling! ramritn nnn
Dugan, even) won, Merllngo (110. W. Mil
ler, 3 to II second. Alma Boy (96, Martin,
7 to 2) third. Time: 1:40. Ass.x-iate, Dr.
Spruill, Azora and Charlie Paine also ran.
Fourth race, one mile, San Gabriel han
dicap: Edwin T. Fryer (100 Ross, 12 to 1
won. Light Wool (96, Goldstein, 12 to 1)
second, Colonel Jack (104, Musarave, S to 1)
third. Time; 1:39. Moleay, Colonel White,
Marster. Kilter, Mark Antony II and Tony
Faust also ran.
Fifth race, one mile and three-sixteenths,
selling: Kinsman (1(9. Koss, $ to 1) won.
Sam Bernard (101, Miller, 4 to 5) second,
Perry Wiekes (PS. Bhriner, 15 to 1) third.
Time: 2:02. Bonnie Prince Charlie, Bell
inence, Anvil anil Kile also run.
Sixth race, five and a half furlongs, Bell
ing: Orello (int. W. Miller, 15 to 1) won.
Miss Hlmyer (9S, Ooldsteln, 12 to 1) second
Merrill (100. Burns. 3 to 1) third. Time:
1:01. Buster Jones, Royal Ascot. Lady
Laughter, Blue Bottle, Dr. Crook. Everan,
Lam a E, Bon Vivant and Rosemary D
also ran.
OAKLAND. Feb. .-Results:
First race, Futurity course: Sa''iKe (111,
McClaln, 5 to 2) won, Lxchequei (92. Gil
bert. 7 to 11 serond, Old Settler (96, Harris
to U third. Time: 1:14. -Western, Jockey
Muum-e, Turbel, Milrey, Bryan, Phil Igoe
and Excitement also ran.
Second race, three furlongs: El Paso (107.
Klrschbaum. 7 to 1) won, Novgoros (105,
Keogh, 5 to 1) second, Mozart IH4. Sandv,
6 to 1) third. Time: 0:37. Bill Eaton. Ar-
The aclies and pains of Rheumatism are only symptoms which may be
scattered or relieved with liuiments,1 plasters, blisters, etc., or quieted with
opiates. As soon, however, as the treatment is left off or there is any exposure
to dampness or cold, or an attack of indigestion, or other physical irregularity,
the aggravating- pains, swollen joints and tender places on the flesh return,
and the sufferer finds that he has merely checked the symptoms, while the real
cause remained in the blood. Rheumatism is due to a too acid condition of
the blood, brought on by indigestion, chronic constipation, weak kidneys, and
a general sluggish condition of the system. This acid circulating in the
blood produces the pains, aches, and other disagreeable symptoms of Rheuma
tism. 8. S. S., a purely vegetable remedy, cares Rheumatism by going down
into the circulation and driving out the cause and making this life-stream pure,
rich and healthy. .When, the blood has been cleansed of the irritating, pain
producing acids by S. S. S., the pains and aches cease, the muscles become soft
and pliable, the health is built up, and Rheumatism completely and perma
nently coxed. Book on Rheumatism and any medical advice free to all who
verlght. Leonard, Look Out, Toby, Toll
box and Jokal also ran.
Third race, one mile and a half, selling:
Trince of Orange (90, E. Sullivan, 7 to 1)
won, Eduardo (112, Fisher, b to n secona,
Lazell (U9, Keogh, 7 to 2) ahird. Time:
2:4rV4. Tetanus, Jake Moose, Rotrou and
Unit Iv also ran.
Fourth race, six furlongs, selling: Man
sard (114, Keogh, 3 to 2) won, Plausible (101,
Klrschbaum. 8 to 1) second. Hal (90, Gil
bert, 3 to 1) third. Time: 1:17. Captain
Burnett, Ruth W, Lndy Mirthful and The
Broker also ran. Lady Irene fell.
Fifth race, mile and one-sixteenth, sell
ing:. Bill Curtis, 106 (Keogh). 7 to 2. won;
Kogo, 101 (Haves), 18 to 5, second; Shady
Lad. Ill (Miller). 9 to 2. third. Time:
1 :.&. St. Orloff, Melar, Magranp, Royal
Scot, Black Lock, Tancred. George Kil
born, Isabellta and Plelde also ran.
Sixth race, one mile. Concord handicap:
Fred Bent, 98 (Klrschbaum), 19 to 5, won;
Massa. 105 (Keogh). 13 to 6, second: A.
Muskoday. 109 (Gilbert), 11 to 6, third.
Time: 1:47. Bclmone and Agnola also
NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 7. -Results:
First race, three furlongs: Hammock
Boy, 111 (VV. Ott), 8 to 1, won; Lady Leota,
108 (Notter), 9 to 6, second; Lady Chilton,
104 (McDanlel), 10 to 1. third. Time: 0:37.
Anne McGee, Nigger Baby, My Lady,
Maid of Gotham, Sllverine, Grotto and
Lorold also ran.
Second race, six furlongs, se.ling: Lotus
Brandt. 104 (V. Powers), 2to to 1, won;
Night Mist. 95 (W. Walsh), 10 to 1, sec
ond; Wnterlock, 98 H (W. Ott), 4 to 1.
third. Time: l:19Sfc. Our Boy, Florence
Brimmer, Our Cyril, Knlghthead, Saoado
and Mammy Dink also ran.
Third race, six furlongs, selling: Aunt
Rose, 106 (Notter), 7 to 1, won; Ethel
Carr, 95 (J. McCahey), 15 to 1, seconu;
Javotte, 100 (L. Smith), 12 to i, thiid.
Time: 1:1&H- Thomas Calhoun, Melange,
Dew of Dawn, Rural Boy, Donaldo, Bound
ing Elk, Oroba, Blue Lee and La Socur
also ran.
Fourth race, six furlongs, selling: Goid
Proof, 106 (McDanlel), even, won; Cotn
medlenne. 106 (V. Powers), 2 to 1, sec
ond: Avaunteer, 109 (J. Lee), 4 to 1, third.
Time: 1:18. Jersey Lady and Eloc
torlne also ran.
Fifth race, one mile and seventy yards,
selling: Amberjack, 104 (Kohn), la to
1, won; Dry Dollar, 102V (L. Smith), 0
to 1, second; Padre, 99 (I Williams), to
to 1. third. Time: 1:63. King Brush,
Ottoman, Tom Manklns, Young Stevens,
Triheshlll. Daring, Lleber Gore and George
Vivian also run.
Sixth race, one mile and seventy yards,
selling: Cocksure, 107 (J. Lee), 4 to 1.
won; Rappahannock, 105 (N'otter), 7 to 5,
second; Rebounder, 110 (J. Baker), 10 to
1, third. Time: l:51fc. J. D. Dunn, Sam
Rice, Broken Melody, Delmore, Etrena,
You Win, MIbs Ferris and Asteroid also
ran. . .
Seventh race one mile and seventy
yards, selling: Gambrlnus, 105 (S. Het
del), 2 to 1, won; Heart of Hyacinth, 105
(C. Henry), 6 to 1, second; Clifton Forge,
105 (Dubel), 10 to 1, third. Time:
1:52H- Tinker, Paragon, Grenade, Huated
and Footlights Favorite also ran.
Lincoln Y. At. C. A. Jnnlora Four
Polnta to the Good.
LINCOLN. Feb. 7. (Special Telegram. )
The local Young Men a Christian associa
tion Juniors tonight defeated the Omahu
Kangurooa, 29 to 25. In one of the fastest
games ever played by Uncoln boys. The
O. Ks. put up a plucky fight, but were
outplayed In teamwork. Their opponents
played a much rougher game as a result
of coaching by a former university star.
However, the game was fair throughout,
being refereed by Ben Cherrtngton of
rt.m,lifl a nA l.lnenlri T.lneun
I Vl.'l.l VJ I IT
Wuith (C)
R O.
IC) Burdlrk
D- J,H
port at the meeting Monday nlslit, In ad
dition to adopting a schedule the constitu
tion and bylaws of the league will also be
1 he dlrforent managers have been busy
for some time In signing up players anil
some will soon be able to announce their
entire teams.
The Omaha Bicycle Company went up
against a trip-Hammer when thev plaved
the Byrne-Hammers last liighLjon the Met
ropolitan alleys. The Byrne-li;immers cer
tainly did some fine bowling, and only for
one of the boys picking a cherry in the
last frame of the first game they would
have won all three games. Dudley had high
single game with 223. while West was
high on totals with ti-8.
games to witness will
I.emps' Falstafls and
night. Score:
1st. 2d.
. 172 1X5
193 214
One of the best
be between the
Independents, to-
Dudley ,
West ...
Goff ....
Totals 903 939 1,007 2,849
1st. 2d. 3d.' Total.
Keyt 196 1,',7 18 639
Drink water ; 162 1S5 1H0 507
Gllbreath 175 210 178 6ii3
Hinrichs 179 P7 194 610
Hull 201 189 214 004
Totals 913 9o8 932 2,733
- There was great fun on the basement al
leys last night when the Bungalow City
team took three games from the Green
Rivers. Kalns was high man for the Bun
galow City team with 541, and high single
with 193. The new man for the Green Riv-
Funkhouser C
Wld.uer R.O
Uui L.O.
Gaaiea for Local A ma tea ra Will Bo
Arranged Monday Night. ,
A schedule for the Inter-ctty Base Ball
league will be adopted Monday night at a
epeeial meeting railed by George Fox, vice
f. resident of the league, who is at the head
n the sbsense of the president, Arthur
Mets. The meeting will be held at (lie
sporting goods house of Walter G. Clark
at 14)4 Harney street.
Various committees appointed at the last
meeting and active since that time will re-
Do you want relief in jus',
a few moments and no bad.after
effects. If so, you have only to take
Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills.
If subject to headache, have
them with you always. No harm
can come from their use, if taken
as directed, as they contain no
opium, chloral, morphine, co
caine, chloroform, heroin, alpha
and beta eucaine, cannabis in
dica or choral hydrate, or their
Ask your druggist about
era took all honors for his team, with 483
for total and 174 for single game. Score-
, , 1st. 2d. Sd. Total.
Remington 1M 140 15(1 454
Grynne 143 157 173 473
Kalns 177 183 171 Ml
Totals 488 490 600 14K
1st. 2d.
Rosecrans 13S 143
Adklns 1.13 1)
Coffbe 155 154
Omaha Bowlers Defeated.
GLEN WOOD, la.. Feb. 7. (Special.)
The Omahns were defeated on Wilkln.V
nlli-y here last night, by a picked team of
Glenwood bowlers. Score:
1st. Jd. 3d. Total.
Cheney 121 Ho 145 411
Hall U9 144 1(3 4'.f,
Murphy 13 156 160 4'.0
Morgan I:i2 7 148 477
Wilkins 101 119 197 609
Totals 738 791 783 2,312
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Johnson 138 127 134 399
Lucas 93 122 14 il
Gjerde 130 159 177 - 4MJ
Bengele 156 lfij 145 46
Zimmerman 103 134 149 446
Totals .! 6(C) 707 751 2.13S
Ames Basket Ball Schedule.
AMES. Ia., Feb 7. (Special.) Tho Ames
base ball schedule is as follows:
May 1 Kansas at Ames.
May 4 Nebraska at Ames.
May 8 Coe at Cedar Rapids.
May 9 Cornell at Ml. Vernon.
May 12 Drake at Ames.
May 13 Cornell at Ames.
May 19 Drake at Di s Moines.
May U Washington university at Ames.
May 22 Coo at Ames.
May 23 Grinnell at Ames.
Mav 28 Grinnell at Grinnell.
Why doesn't Frank Genlns follow Ace
south and get his bones warmed up? Think
f tho nine lives Theodore Breltenstein
lived by this course.
Poor old Tom Jenkins, former champion
heavyweight wrestler. Is about ready for
the D. & O. club, as was shown by his
failure to throw little Fred Beell twice In
ninety minutes, as he bargained for at
Montreal the other night. Not onlv did
Jenkins not throw his 'nan twite in tho
time limit, but he failed to get but one
fall. Tliut ho sot in 2S- minutes and Re,-ll
got the la'ter in 14 minutes. Beell appears
to be the man the big ones have to look
out for.
That working arransenient between the
Commons and Comlskey aeems to be
stronger and closer tiuin ever. Minneapolis
will get cither George Robe or lce Quillin
from the Sox; it has already got tli? once
"Boy Wonder," Roy Patterson, and Fiena
from Coinmy. In addition to tlnso Brother
Miho has "bought outright" from Brother
Joe at Washington Graham, once of
Omaha. Mansko, whom Des Moines once
had picked up as the coining pitclir vjf
the world, is retained by the Millers. Mike
Welday. another Des Moines wonder, vUio
had his trial with 1 the White So- rind
Cleveland, will be in the outfield at Minneapolis.
"The Making of a Millennium." Read It.
Wnddell Goes to St. Louie.
ST. LOl'IS, Feb. 7.-President Hedges of
the SI. Louis American league base rail
team announced this afternoon that h
had purchased outright the services of
"Rube" Waddell, I lie Philadelphia pilcher.
"It gtvea ma great pleasure to
Wilts Antl-Pk Pill'
to r,fr to tha
u th beat remedy we have tvr had li
our house for the prevention and eura ol
.eadaohe. My wife who haa been a eon
atant aufferer for yeara with the above
complaint Joins ma in recommending
Dr. Mllea' Antl-Paln PUla. hoping they
may fall Into the hands of all who auf
J. I. BUSH. Watervlalt. N. T.
Sr. alllaa Anti-Vain mila ara loM
roar anurglst, who will rautatti that
the flnt ptcaafe will hanaht, U it fall,
ba will ratara jranc money.
fiS oswL l5 Mats. vr sold la balk.
M.UJ Lle&csl Oo.t r.llrhart, Ind.
Kporlina; Gossip.
Tommy Iach, Pittsburg's fant O'.itfie'der,
Is the latest to balk lit his salary.
If Hector Hook, Jeffries' new fmd, makes
good, many a joke will be hung on ills
Manager Chance throws an awful crimp
Into those "friends" of his who have heett
so sure his Injured foot would keep him
out of the game this year by writing to
President Murphy that nis foot U all right
:nd thai he will be in the pink of form
when the gong rings.
Oln: Jeftrles thinks his big Boer. Hector
.'look, is the coming champ. Jeff ought
ti.- start Mill over to England. Boers thilve
besl against Britishers.
There is a sneaking opinion In the minds
of many fans that Coimskey laid down
that provlno as to the tmo and bonze, think
ing it would be sufficient to break the tie
thut binds him and his old-time friend.
Nicholas A It rod, ski.
Another thing that makes It appear
Comlskey is hoping Altrock will stay mad
Is the report that he has made a big offer
to Connie Mark 'or Plank. With Plank on
the White Sox pitching staff that aggrcga
tion would be a dangerous lot.
Orvall Overall since the season closed lias
got him a wife, bought a frVut farm ad
joining tliut of his taiher near Visaliu,
Cal., and signed a three-year contract with
the Cobs. That's some results, and now
he Is on a wedding tour. Joe Tinker also
lias signed a three-year contract.
The Snorting News suceests the grand
thing of the two St. Louis teams playing
a benefit game for old Chris Von der Ahe
In the spring In old Sportsman ' park,
formerly the property of Chris and the
home of his great Four-Time winners.
Chris' condition now is pitiable. He la
absolutely broke.
Old Ace Stewart, formerly aocond base
man and cantain for Omaha, la holding
flown that bag and managing the Columbus
(Mifcs.) team In the Cotton States league
and la dulnir well. He has a llneun for
1 Hie coming season that attracts attention.
Northern PncJnc Operators Confer
with Officials on New
ST. PAl'L, Minn., Feb. 7. A committee
representing the telegraph operators em
ployed by the Northern Pacific railroad was
In conference with official! of the road
late this afternoon relative to the wage
schedule that shall prevail after the fed
eral, nine-hour law becomes operative on
March 4. General Manager Blade said to
night that no agreement was reached- to
day and that another conference would ba
held tomorrow. He added that n;u
niaturn had been Issued by -either side.
Skinned from Head to Heel
was Ben Pool, Thrcet, "Ala., when drasrgea
over a gravel roadway, but r.ucklen'a am
nlca Salve cured lilm. 25c. For salo by
Beaton Drug Co.
We want you fr wake up to the fact
that Nlcoll's tempting offer to Include
with every suit order without extra
cfost to you Is a good thing all around.
It serves to clean up tho surplus
slock and keeps our orginlzation of
skilled cutters and tailors busy be
tween seasons. ,
Suit and Extra Trousers S2S te $45
Going South this month? Supp
you drop in today and fcaht your ryes
on tho advance Knowing of handsome
ntw i-pnng laurics.
200-11 So. lBtll St f
House has reception hall, den, dining room, kitchen with refrigerator
room and large pantry. Three good bedrooms with ample clothing closets,
linen closet and bath room. Downstairs finished in Imitation Flemish oak.
' Si . 1...: ' .. . 1 1
" A ' ' ; " ' ' frf 1
J i -Ki!,. '
An -
'rTj 111 -
... f i -
i:::!i::i I
1 ana in yara. ccmoinanon gaa anu eiecirio nxiures
1 Ills 1 Hie u& (lima w n niiuw ui ill iiiv i rain.iii uo.ii. i tiia
price. Uood neighborhood, and only two blocks to Farnam car. Price $4,150.
Small cash payment; balance monthly.
The Byron Reed Company
aia OUTM 14TM IT.