12 TITO OMAHA DAILY REE, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 190$. niRVARD MAN SLAPS TOT 1 J roam iTft V - Boys' Odd Knee Panis Values up lo $1:00, at 45c .JaWjkVJtW Wt -m n Deane Greene Says it Likei to Biiplay UWy VseS U.Lssa u Its Diplomat. Must be Raised BOSTON WOULD DO IT He Holds la Salt Her tfcnt Dl plows Has Only BentUnental Vnlne President Eliot Alan Tentlnra. Charles M. Greene, dean of the Medical School - of Harvard university, take fling at the west In nn Invidious compari son between It and Boston In a deposition ha makes as testimony on the valuation of a diploma In a case In the United States circuit court In Omaha. Mr. Greene says: The diploma Itself he a sentimental value to the ponwMor. The real vnlue to the possessor Is that which the diploma testifies to It is the evidence. There are other evidences of course. The fact that the poswssor has a decree Is of great value. The value or the diploma as certi fying; to It is prormoly a sentimental one. In making that reply I will state that some men do not like to display them in their offices. Tn the west they no: but In this part of the world (Boston) a man of any prominence would be ashamed to dis play his diploma In Ms office and would 1 consider It poor taste. The deposition was called out through the, suit brouicht by Dr. Oeorgre H. White aide of Omaha, a graduate of the Harvard Medical school of 1882, who entrusted his diploma to the Adams Express company for delivery, and the diploma was lost by ' the express company. Dr. Whltesido brought suit against the express company for $30,000 damages In September, 1907, after he had been Informed by the Harvard university authorities that a duplicate or even certified copy of the diploma could not be furnished by the university. The ' university people Informed him they could furnish a certificate that such a diploma had been Issued to Dr. Whiteside. j In his petition for damages against the express company Dr. Whiteside alleged ha would be barred from the practice of Ma profession In at least twenty states of the union by the absenca of such diploma. The Adams Express company In Its reply held that a diploma had no value, and In order to substantiate this claim depositions were taken In the cose of President Charles W. Eliot, Jerome D. Greene, Dr. Charles M. Greene and Wlnthrop H. Wade of the university faculty. These depositions have just been filed In the circuit court for the Nebraska federal district. All of the depo sltlons ascribe to the diploma merely i sentimental value. None of the other depo anions, however, take so extreme a posi tion aa does) that of Dr. C. M. Greene. The case Is still pending In the United States circuit court In the matter of dam ages brought by Dr. Whltesme. Taer Care Onldn In One Day. Bed Cross -I- Cough Drops. Be per box. TIME PUT ON CASH BASIS Grata Man Asks Three' Handred Dol lars for Half Hoar Delay of Telesrrant. A dolay of half an hour In the delivery of a message may cost the Postal Tele graph company JoflO, If the claim of John E. Von Dom. made In a petition filed Friday in district court, la sustained. Von Dom says Beptember 90, J. II. Kesscn brock of Columbus telegraphed him to sell $30,000 worth of wheat for December de livery on the Chicago Board of Trade when It opened at 9:30. He says the message did rot reach him until after 10 o'clock, taough It could have been delivered In time to enable him to' carry out tn order. Do camber wheat went down a cent, resulting In the loaa to his client. Kessenbrock has assigned his claim for damagea to the plaintiff. The Making of a Millennium." Read It. THIEF GOES AFTER CLOTHES Eqnlpa Himself with Ontflt Sugges tive of Going; Into the Tailoring- Baslness. A thief who seemed to be preparing to go into the tailor business, robbed the home of O. Rubinstein, 1707 Webster street, Thursday. Ha took a pair of panta, a pair of tailors' scissors and' an alarm clock. Someone picked the lock of the Alamlto Dairy company, 1813 Farnam street, and stole ti.16. From the store of Walter Arant, 2914 Leavenworth street, a thief took a doaen pairs of kid gloves. Don B. Crouse, IIS North Twentieth street, an employe of the Nebraska Telephone company, took off his fine overcoat while doing soma work in the hall of the New York Life building. When he was through the work, the coat was gone. Detective Mitchell found it in a pawn shop Friday. Babies Strangled by croup, coughs or colds are Instantly re lieved and quickly cured with Dr. King's New Discovery, too and $1.00. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Announcements, wedding stationery and calling cards, blank book and magaslne binding. 'Phone Doug. NS04. A. I. Root.Inc Boys Coasting Shoes Coasting 1 one of the sports of a real lire boy and It require a strong shoe to stand the wear. It'g folly to expect that a cheap shoe will give satisfaction but we can recommend and guarantee our boyg' Steel Shod Shoes to all parents who want a boyg' shoe that will hold the boyg Little Gent's sizes, 10 4 to 13 Vt, for : $a.oo Youth's sites, l'to 2 2.25 Boys' sices, 2 M to 6 H . . S2.50 Coys' Storm Shoes . They are extra high tops heavy soles, common sense last, strong and durable. Prices range from $S. 60 to f , according to site. Ask to see them. Drexel Shoe Co. CHOICE ANY MAN'S VER.C - v 4 (-t L VM , - i. ,- i i '4' ,j A III WIM Sk 4Zf MEN'S PANTS In men's and young men's' sIzps well tailored, QJJ worth to 4.00, at l.OI IN OUR ENTIRE STOCK That Has Been Scl ling Up to $25, at all Everything included. Take your pick from hundreds of the finest new over- coats that we have been selling up to. 125.00, Saturday In one great lot, at - $14.75 Annual Clearing Sale Men's Suits and OVERCOATS In 3 great lots Suits and Overcoats that have been selling as high as f 20, s Boys' Knickerbocker and Straight Pants Suits In very good, all wool materials, new styles same suits we have been selling up to $6.00, second floor, 7 7r old store, at. . m Bays' tvnd Young Men's Lonf Suits Ages 13 to 20 all this season's odds and ends in single and double breasted have been selling up to Z AO $10.00, at.... snO s SATURDAY SPECIALS IN JEWELRY DEPT. Ladies' Elastic Belts Steel studded and plain elastic front and back buckles, at. . . All the latest novelties in soft bags with inside purse, l0.re: 85c-l0-l!?-200 25c -' 'mmi"?: . " nn Sweotland Special East Arcade Pure Broken Mixed Candy per pound , a JL- Sh'eet Music in x yiTR 3 ano ;;6 NIGHT AND DAY Positively the most allur ing and delightful bit of music ever written. The most original words ever set to an original melody. Ihe special feature song of the Orpheum Theatre this week, special at The Merry Widow Waltz AH the world is caught in the tolls of the Merry Widow Waltz. Any one of the num bers of this opera on sale at thlB low price. . THE SEASON'S HITS n "I?uStu1ay' lnf-1d'"i will he found: Honey Time Honev Boy, WhllB Yon are Mine, Love's Dream Waltzea Sweet pftkie? i''w?1',''"'' Afra,d O" Home In t he Ikt Montery (new) When the Moon Maya Perk-a-Boo, Drenmlnir "J0"'" .riUh V-SX lMle. Walta Home Sweet Home ' ICA ' iu th. .e' chnl I8 y. Somebody L,led on Bale at IJlK Sheet Music department, at , lie 10c All Music from popular operas; Red Mill, Spring Chicken, Land of Nod and Mr. Pipps, JJJg m OMAXAMi rrm roos csvteb aaanSSBBanaaai Restaurant n 24 floor . There are no' seasons for those who buy at Courtney's. You get what you want, when you want It, In the line of Green Groceries, Q Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, y your Sunday dinner we offer. $ Strawberries, extra fine. Forn ' ITIorMa flrana 'IPetilt hottW Ripe Pineapples. N Extra fine Jonathan Apples. Golden Russets. Seedless Oranges. Qi Lemons, " : .Bananas. Fancy Hothouse Lettuce. Articles fop Valentine Day Decorations, Partiest Etc. Such as red crepe tissue paper, red card board, paper garlands, plain red hearts, all sizes, dinner and tally cards, doilies and paper napkins, writing paper for invitations, etc., on sale in Stationery department. ris 1 NOT A. GOLDEN BUT A SILVER OPPORTUNITY 23 PER CENT DISCOUNT Next 30 Days on all SILV ERWAREPLATED OR REPAIRED. ORIAIIA SILVER COMPANY 314 SOUTH 13th STREET. Between Farnam and Harney. diK ?ya Imported Endives. Fresh Artichokes. Spinach. Hothouse Cucumbers. . Tomatoes. Mint. . -Egg Plant. Bellevue Celery: Wax and String Beans.. . Liquor Department & Special bargains In French andtt y German Wlnca, by the dozen or" case. Bs Specials for Saturday. t.i g Scotch Whisky, per bottle . . . $1.00 $ jaj ign graae w nisKy, Dotuea y Q In bond, per bottle, 35c, 60c, OOc W Diplomat Whisky, per bottle. ,78c$ Q With every gallon of Whisky we $ Si will nrPRPnr a hnttla nf flno 1 5 rui i vv me. . k- en's Panto Reduced from $4.00 and $6.00 Down to . (6) NO Heavy-Fleece Lined Under wear Marked Down to, 7.1 I Olives ;j g Saturday Whjlo They Last.; Extra large ManBanllla Olives, ptt Q t up" In quart tins (packed In, j & Spain ) , per tin 30c Par dnffin tfna ft K A Li . awafwM t wViUV V 1 Ankola Coffee ?! The enormous demand for this, gl the most popular Coffee in Omaha, .; M encouraeea ur tri redouble nnr nt.Hi forts and spare no pains to keepN this the best 3-pounds-for-Jl.OO K ffi pvprv hmir Km 1r Hmia t: , , v Tetley's Tea Saturday Only. fN t lb. Sunflower, 40c value .. 25c j" n 4 lb. Sunflower, 20c value. . . 14c& m f s : a a Interesting prices for economical $ housewives. . v . ' N 1,000 pairs Legs of Lambs (choice as quality), per lb...' ,.,UHc" x ion r res a rorn snouiaers, per lb. ....6Hej California Hams, per lb 794 c Bacon, nice lean striDs. oar lb. ik Wnm a tn tn l. 1 Wo mill 1l( . Lamb Stews, breast and shoulder, $ at, per lb . : ....... 2 H c & rTIL " 'J eonrtnev & Go XTta ut ixraalaa Btresta. Valaphoaa Xtoua-laa 4T. J FrlTSte Sxoanng Conaaota All Septa. JJ " 12ra. TTIbbIowIi' Boctnlnff Syrupy BR: bmi UM frrf amv fiTTVT.TTVTe VTAHfil MOMS of VOTTIK.Rfl for thftlr iHTfTtR M BX)Tirr8 tho CHILD. BOFTENH theOC M8.AIJLATS 11 PAJJT; CURES WIND OOUC.ido la tlx bnt ttmJ for DIAhUHCEA. Sold by DrwrrMftln ir jrt of the world. Ba inn and uk lor "Mra. Win, low'a Soothinn Byrnp," and Uk no othi-r kind, wfnij-LT, uruui mtviir fUrHIJllra UDar ! nodUtl llnui Aot. Jun flclth. !! Hrrtkl Vninlu ). AN OIOJ WKii. THJLL HaXEbY.i FLORIDA ItESORTS. HOTELS ALCAZAR . . .... . GL Auf Ultilll OR MONO . . Ormond-n-tho-Hliix THC Hn CAKE MS . . . . Palm Beach ROYAL POINCIANA' . . .FJ Beach PLM V Miami THK COLONIAL Nawau fHahajn lilauJ ! NOW OTKS. HQMILESNKARCai CUBA. Tha hv nil Una alaaa Fl(iJa Key, will ba ! aparaiioa la Knight Kef, coaaediag ariib teanuhipa (or Havaaa aj Kay Wcat, alter Janaarjr I 5lk. Fat isiarmatiaa falabva I bckeav, Katel nun, atieo, mac ia ilaimini aad parlac can, arrnn dationa aa Maamen. Won or applr t FLORIDA EAST COAST i So Aaaaa. St. S43 FirTM Av( Chic Niw Yon Boys' Corduroy Knicker bocker Pants Soli Everywhere for $1.25 Sale Prleo Entire Manufacturer's Stock of Boys' Knee Pants, all sixes from three to sixteen years Hundreds of patterns in the very best of colors and materials to select from. All aro i well and neatly finished. You cannot duplicate the quality and style at our sale price Saturday 45c GUARANTEE CL0TI1IHG CO. - 1519-1521 Douglas Street in.KH.mw ii Mil iii a R SCHOOL SHOES , THAT hang together the. longest time and look, well all the while is our Speciality. GIRL KID BUTTON...';.... SMALL GIRLS KID BUTTON.... BOYS' BOX CALF SMALL BOYS' SAME QUALITY $2.00 $1.50 $2.00 $1.75 FRY SHOE CO. IRl IBOllI 16th and Douglas Streets. ,;-- ? I Mail Orders Promptly Filltd Men's Suits and 0' Costs $i2.59 to $20.00 Values, af-' $7.50 and $10.00 All are from our own regular stock, thoroughly 'reliable in material and workmanship. Newest patterns and stylos. You-Can' Match the Price Elsewhere, but not ihe Quality at the Price. See Them. ' Young Men's Suits and 0' Coats $5.00-$7.50 That sold regularly up to $15.00, in two lots The splendid variety of patterns and materials,, the tasty style, and perfect fit of these garments is sure to please the young man who ap preciates good style and quality at a Saving rrice. Look over Our Advance Showing of New Spring styles j in the Celebrated Hart, Schaffner & Marx Hand Tailored If Clothes for Men. It" T9 MAN DO Bawara aaerlaaai natlr friia akaiv aart me ' axxi.T. Tt aai7 hnawn. Una aaMla Sl.f aanala naaia for tatkUl freau Madame Josephine Le Fevre, la Ckatlaat Ml., rhllnatav. Sa. Cold by Boaton filore brug Dept., Beaton Dru( Co., lilh and Farnam, The Uennatt Company, lbth and Harnar. Tba Dill Dru( Co., mt Parnam, Myxra-Mllon Um Co.. Hth and Farnam. J. H. Schmidt. Ulh anil Caning, Chaa. E. Lathrop, 1314 No. S4. D. C. SCOTT. D.V.S. fEueceaaor ,to Dr. H. Lb BamocclottL) AKSTaUrT BTA.TB TXTXUdTAXLUK, Offlna aaa Xovptul. 3810 Unaoa tnwt. Calls Promptly Amwered at All Boara. Toon Of Ho Haraay S97. fmnhi HaK 6 l Try HA YDEN'S First mm. Quality to -suit the most . fastidious. . Prices to suit the most economical. Once a customer always a customer at Omaha's Greatest Money Saving Market. ' Three Rousing Saturday Specials lr 5lhs.25ct&8lic lb. No. 1 Sirloin Steaks, lb. . .10c 12 ' SHEET MUSIC tie Dreaming Son of You. Drifting Leaves reverie. Old Faithful March. Sly Cupid Waltzes. ' Merry "Widow "Waltzes. And a Little Child Shall Lead Them Harris. There's Another Picture in My - Mamma's Frame. Love Me and the "World Is Mfne. Somebody Loves You, Dear new. Sfiangles instrumental. , Could You Learn to Love a Lit tle Girl Like Met On Our, Honey Moon new for piano. Some Day You'll Come Back to Me. . - ' All Hits From "Coming Thro' the Rye" and "Land of Nod." It Must Be Love ; . Same Old Moon I Know a Girl Like You Eonnia Brier Bush. Come to Land of Bohemia . . . By Mail Add One Cent Extra Per Copy. 18c California ! Not far away from you yet far enough to five you complete change of air and scene and a climate of perfection. There are strange build ings and strange people to interest you there are great fields of brilliant sweet peas I orange blossoms and roses to delight you sights far differ ent from those you see from your window now. These scenes are reached UNION PACIFIC Booklets telling you all about fornla free on application. CITY TICKKT OFFICE 1324 Farnam Street rttone Doug. 1HZH. Call- now a Did - Qe At this season of the year when the ground and street car platforms are apt to be covered with enow or ice, especial care should be taken by passengers in getting on and off cars. REMEMBER Walt Until the Car Stops ! Get Off In the RIGHT Way) Ajflist Us in Preventing Accidents. OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS ' STREET RAILWAY COMPANY I 1411 Farian SI Bcc Want Ads Produce llesults