TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE. FItlDAY. FEBRUARY 7, 1909. i RAIX AND PRODUCE MARKET Ball. Rest After Two Day. of Con trolling" the Situation. VALUES SHALL, LITTLE TRAD ISO Vaderteae still Hetds St row and the '" "eellsseat Fefata m "Itkff Markrt U Sk.rt OMAHA. Feb. 1 After t) days In succession the bull took a reel and values were narrow, and jrery little trading was dona. Tha under tone atlil holds strong and tha general S.!im"nt Pnt higher market. wheat steady to atronirar and prices were well sustained In eptta of a rery light market. Tha bull leader wara rest ing after the heavy advance accomplished during lh lane two daya of persistent trading May wheat opened at Mc and closed at, stv-. ,. . There waa little doing- on tha corn mar ket and tnr waa but a slight change from last night's close. Sentiment con tinues lob very bullish and any spurts of buying- easily send prlcea higher. May corn opened at- 660 and closed at KSc Oata. were' soft and opened a trifle lower, with elevator concerns selling freely. Cash , buyer shawed little Interest and tha mar ket closed easy. May oal closed at bc and opened at 60c. Liverpool closed IHtTl'aid lower on wheat ana" "4)V1 lower on corn. Local rang of options: -Art Idea Qpen.l Hlgb.t tow. Close. I Tea r. Wheat I I I May.,. M MV 3i HH July... ? :. m to "H Sept... M4 e- T 7Si Com ) May..-. - . , S Bf. KH July... M , e4-l 54 64 64 Sept... 64 vVlSi M Mt 64 Oats-- - i . Mat... i tAi-il Sh' 50 60 Bofc July... 43 43VU 43 4.1 H 4.1 Bept,.. fcj 3Si i,H 36i 35 Oiuks Cae Prlcea. WHEAT Kn. I hard, Mrg93Hc; No. 3 hard, ifrjUlc; No 4 hard. btiSle; No. 3 spring. S3 tjKlV- CORN No. J, -JlStJCZHe; No. 4. 60S51c: no grade, iMjtaii; No. yellow, 6Jc; No. 1 while, Hijfc',c. OATS No. 1 white, 47Sfl47Hc; No- mixed, 4WfH7c: No. 4 white, 47S47Sc; tandurd, 4i'tj47Sc. KKfci-No. i. iiV&75c; No. X. 71iT73c. lariat Receipts. ,, 'Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 13 165 ! Oman 3 8 CHICAGO GRAI9 A!D PROVISION"! . : ' - . " Feat area sf the Trails a; Bad Closing Prices Beard of Trade. CHICAGO, Feb. . Liberal exporta off set wrak cables,. today, and caused a weak . close to aha wlwat market. Final quota tions on tha May delivery were unchanged i from.. those of yesterday. Corn waa Sc - hlgaa-. Oata- were, up 1 VoSc. Provisions were HtgSc to SiuT1: higher. The wheal market waa somewhat er ratic and prtoea covered a wide range. , Prices were easy at the opening becjmse lot A decline of more, than lc at Liverpool. ' but offerings were, eagerly taken by cash , interests and shorts, bringing out a sub ; stantlal rally. The market then continued firm until tho latter part of tha session, ' when 'prices again declined on profit uik i Ing salea. Liberal primary recelpta also softened the market somewhat. Another rally took place in. the last few minutes of trading, on the report that forty-five boatloads had been taken at New York for export. A good demand for cash wheat at several markets In this country also I strengthened values. The market cloned firm, stay' opened HfjSe lower at Ki I stc, soil at ieiaie, ana tnen aavam-eu Vto rt3?TSc. The close waa at 7c. '. Clearancea of Wheat and flour were equal to l2,8i bushels. Primary receipts were 40i;i0u bushels, iagalnt 2-Jh.OOO buahela on the same day last year. Minneapolis. Du luth .and. .Chicago report receipts of 266 cars,, against g& cars last week and a fin nne var a irn J The corn market opened rather weak be cause) or the break la wheat, but sooa ral lied on- buying- lr shorts and bulls, and continued firm for the remainder of the fday. 8m til receipts were one of the chief itrengtnentng features. The cloe was firm. May opened "n'dkc lower at SO". 1 60Tiu, advanced to 81Vc. . and closed at el'ao. Local recelpta were lu cars, with ' one car of contract grade. Oata were strong on active cash demand. Offerings were light and came mainly from holders. The continued small re ceipt were the chief cause of the strength. May opened a shade to Mnic lower at 6Jfi43'HK-. advanced- te 64c and closed at t that point. Local receipts wero 96 cars. Provisions opened steady because, of a ' strong market for live hogs, but free' soll rn" of lard hy local packers soon caused . a. reaction. The market was Inclined to be wreak for the remainder of the day. At the close Mar pork was off 6c at JU.OTV tart was down 2H6c at 17 56r7.674. Ribs . were efy'Hc lower at $a.5TVf!.10. Estimated recelpta for tomorrow! Wheat. 11 cars: com, KS can: oats, Wl cars; hogs, ' WIPO head. V Tha leading futures ranged aa follows: Article. Open. I High. I tow. I Close.l Yes'y. Wheat May I I I I I Wiff 97''J6Vail 9TI 97 :i 61 58 July Sept. 92 aw I 3"! K-'i I May July ' Bept. " Oats aMay bMay " a July -bJuly Pork May 'My--Lard-May July May July is; Sx53f? 6l 59 5.T ! 54 '6bs5 5l 68 I ,53ei! 54 5Tr(r? 61 4j 61 61 4h 44 51! 51 46 4r 44j 44 13 0IJ 12 7' 11 36 ( 12 37 4fN 4 13 11 13 45 7 en 7 75 1 1 13 13 15 U 46 I E 45 I 75l T T 6?l 7 57 I 7S : 7 7 7 70 I 7 70 88 68 6 ktu. in i 4S7J ! 6 02! 87 No. r a Old. bNew. Cash quotations were aa follows: FTLiOCR Steady : winter patunts. (4.5Kf 4.10; winter strauVhta, K2M4.70; sprtn pat .' uu. to.ttT6.40: spring straights. H 4014.00 ; bakr. ta.astKJa WlatiiT No. 2 spring. IL06t?1 07: No. t pr!n. te-fitxo: No. t red. 9Sii;Vc. CORN-No. t 6&i69c; Xo. t yellow, i364? fOc. OAT-No. , 63c; No. t white. 514r!c. - - HfESa. & sac BARLEY Fklr to choice malting, Witc. 8EDS Flax. No. 1 northwestern, 11.21. Timothy, prime. 34.70. Clover, contrail gradea, ilSuu. ' PRO VISIONS Short ribs, aUea (loose). W.XMii 37. Mesa pork, pes bbl.. tll.ivvf . 11.76. Laxd. per 100 lbs.. 17 .ja. Short clear sides (boxed), K.H,-o0. Following were the receipts and hip snents of Hour and grain: i Recelpta Bhipments. Flour, bbla....- tl. L.3'r Wheat, bu 17( i.'i0 corn; bu..... i.o 'ti Oata, bu. lil) l.i6 Rye, bt 7.HO H.7l ' Barley, bu 4a, m On the Produce exchange today the but ter 'market waa firm; creameries. 2-.lTj-.3c; ... dalrtve. 11 v1'- fc-. steady: at raark, Included. 21xl'?c; firsts, 3c; pi line firsts, ' lie, extras, Mo. Chuese, stnady; llul3u. . Kassa City Grsla u4 ri-ovlsluaa. KANSAS CITY. Feb. . W H KAT-l'n-Chane4 to ;0 higher: May. H8c; July, Wic. Cash: No. 3 hard. !4't6;. No. J. ia4c; No. 1 red. srv)tl.W; No. S, MirMc. CuH-V Cnchnged to c higher; ilay, Hte; July, oec; cuh. No. X mixed 64c: No. I, 64c; No. I white. 54c; Jio. i, jv. ' OATS Cncbange.1 ; No. i white, 4$ - auo: totxed. 4Jbff. . K Y Bt'i se , HAY Steady; choice timothy, ill.Oir512.oo; choice prairie. t.U60. aJUTTKK ITbchanged to o higher; aamery. -J; packiii stock. 2jc . tUOSFlrtn; fresh extras, ac; firsts. ilc. " Receipts. Shipments. 35,lW 4K.W . 3b.JHJ Vbat. bu...,v.. tgrn. uu. Oats. bu.-..t...A.'. 3,v 2fl,u0u -UlHwuj at Kansas Cltyi " Articles. f Open. Hina.,' Low. Cloee. heaa - V . f I t My 9J Ki MS- J my I Mi o s4 1 -,a Com I I I I Ms - J my ..4r6-,l3rl I ai-,! 4ir3SA "A askeA. B bid. I sxlla Grata Market. V INNEAP0143. Minn.. Fehj. 6. WHEAT No. I l-ard, li.i-si.it.; M), l norititrn. $1 S(i trr--,: No. 1 northern, No rortnem, WSctifLUL'S; May. II.'", H l'nhnd and oulet. Flrrt pat-e-rii. I." Mih .'m. econd ratents. tfi.2Sn.ei. fi mt -clears. 4.JiH.;ti: sec-ond clears. IX4nt t.. ' fc RAN Firmer. S higher; lr bulk. 13)01). 5EW YORK I.E1FR4L MARKET Qeotatloas ef the Dsy Varlees osameilties. NKW YORK. Feb. 4 FLOfR Re ceipts, 2.SJ bbls. ; exports. ,00 bb.s. Mnrket stea.ly but quiet. Minnesota patents. S.3 5.; winter stralglit. 14 454 i MinneKota bakers, f 4 SOW 5.10; winter extras, I1.754 i0; winter patents, 4.75'a.V10; winter low grades. ti 6.i ft 4.1 Rve flour, quiet; flr li 'M1. $4.7??15 la; choice to fancy, ii.it 4jf.3:. i',U( kwheat flour, steady at per Kv lbs ( T P.NME A L Steady: fine white and yel low. 1.4vl.t; coarse, $LJm31.40; kiln dried, 23. KTE DullNo. 1 western, lis t. o. b. arioat New York. WHEAT Receipts, li.000 bu ; exports. 71.9J6 bu. Spot market atearly; No. i red, 11.00, elevator. and 11.02, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth fl.l(. t. o. b. afloat. No 2 hard winter. 11.10V f. o. b. afloat. Heavy Argentina weekly estimates prompted a sharp break in wheat today, although there wa. fair In vestment buying at the decline based on reports of a better demand for export. Final prices were Kc lower; May, 11.04 8-i?105H, closed at 11.06: July, 1 00 9-1611.01. closed at 11.01. CORN Receipts. 6. 800 bu. Spot market firm; No. 2. 6c, elevator, and 2c, f. o. b. afloat: No. t white 6Jc. and No. 2 yellow, 63c, f. o. b. afloat, nominal. Option market was generally steady with the west, closing net unchanged. May. t9(i 70c, closed at 70c; July closed t 6Sc. OAT3 Receipts. 4.50d bu. Spot market firm; mixed oats, 2ti to 32 pounds fine; natural white, 24 to 32 pounds. 66 ft 6c; clipped white. 32 to 40 pounds, aa 6H b.e,l HAY Dull and In fair demand; grjod to choice, 96"all.uu. HOPS Iiasy: state common to choice. 107 crop, lOfJHc; 1906 crop, 4S8c; Pa clflc coast. 1907 crop, 7410c; 1904 crop, 4i8r. HIDES Quiet; Bogota, 17c; Central America. 17c. LEATHER Steady ; acid. 2417290. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family, I14.00g14.5d; mecs, 310.00 10.60; be f hams. 4.50G26.6O; packet. 111. 0011.60; cltv extra India mem. 120.003 21.00. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies. 7bc; plckld hamMSc. Lard, easy: west ern prime. 7.60'ii 7.60; refined, easy; con tinent, 110 00; South America, IS. So; com pound. 17.12 fi 7.37 . Pork, quiet; fam ily, 114.0016.50: short clears, la.25i0 16. 60- mess, 114.0014.50 TALLOW Steady; city, 6c; country, 6 6c RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, S S'c; Japan, nominal. PotTLTR Y Alive, barely steady; western chickens, llc; fowls. LSc; turkeys. 14c. Dressed, firm: western chickens, 1017c; turkeys. 12'ul7r.; fowls, 0tfUc. BL'TTER Strong; creamery extras, J4c; western firsts, t!c: western firsts held, 2l-c; Imitation creamery, firsts, 2&u27c. CHKK8K Firm; full cream, special. 16c. EUGS Easy; western firsts, ZSVli'Si'ic, WEATHER IX THE GRA1X BELT Fair smd Warmer ow Says the OfB clal Prophet. OMAHA. Feb. . 19u8. A very decided drop In temperature oc curred during the night throughout the central valleys, upper lake Teglon and south to the gulf. Zero weather is reported in northern Nebraska. Moderately heavy rains were general throughout the eaat and south since the preceding report, and snow Is general In the lake region this moraine. A marked rise in teutp-rature has occurred In the lower lake region and eastern states. Temperatures are higher throughout the mountain district anI in the northwest and the weather will ' be warmer In this vicinity Friday, with fair toniirht and probably Friday. Omaha record nf temperature and pre cipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: IS. 1907. 1906. 1906. Minimum temperature "... 13 2 -9 4 Precipitation u .01 .00 T Normal temperature for today, 11 degrees. Deficiency In precipitation since March L 7.44 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1907, 3.87 inches. Deficiency corresDondina- cerlod in 1906. 1.01 mcl.es. L. A. welbh. Local Forecaster. St. LoaJe General Market. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 6. WHEAT Firm ; track No. 2 red, cash. 9b'ai.o0; No. 2, hard, JLOiXtt Lt; May. 97o; July, 9oc. CORN Firm; track No. X caah. 56366c; No. 2 white, 6ti67c; May, &sc, July OATS Firm; track No. t, cash, 60c; No, 2 white. 53c; May. 50c. RYE Steady. Sue. FLOL'R tjuiet; red winter patents. 14.659 4 sit; exira rancy ana straignt, S4.u'u4.4u; clears 3.ifj-3 9n. SEED Timothy, steady. t3.76S-l.30. CURNMEAL Steady, 12.90. BRAN Higher; sacked, east track, tl.W l.ltt. HAY Steady; timothy, 110.0011.00; prai rie. $95v'115". IRON COTTON TIES 11.10. BAtHrINO loc. HEMP TWINE 11c. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; jobbing, 112. 1J. Lard, lower; prime ateam. 17.37. Dry salt meats, steady: boxed extra shorts, 17.37; clear ribs. 17.26; short clears, 17 So. Paeon, steady; boxed extra shorts. 3X.26; clear ribs. $0.12; short clears, tS.37. POULTRY Firm; chickens. 10c: springs. llc; turseys. lZc; ducks, 10c; geese, 4c. hl ri tK-mrm: creamery, 264ibc EGOS Lower: 30c. cases count. Following were the receipts and ship ments 01 nour ana gram : Receipt. Shipments, Flour, bbls ,ftO 9.000 Wheat, bu.... 3".f10 64.000 Corn, bu i irt.nno 81.(H) Oats, bu .0ri0 69,000 I.lvrrwoel Grata aael Provlelens. I.I'Er.POOL, Feb. 6. WHEAT Spot, easy; No. 2 red. winter. 7s d; futures quiet; March, 7s 6d; May, 7s 64. July, 7S R-Hl. CORN Spot, easy: prime mixed Ameri can old. 5s 41: new Northern. 6s 2d: fu tiirea quiet; February, 6s ld; March, 6s Zd. Milwaakee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, Wla.. Feb. 6. WHEIAT Steady ; No. 1 northern. tl.0ejl.0: No, 1 northern. I1.0.il.08: Mav, STc. asked. BARLEY Dull; No. 2. tl.01; sample, 6c 11.00. CORN Firmer; No. S cash, E53c; May, Gle, bid. Deleth GrmJa Market. DULUTH. Minn., Fb. H. WHEAT On truck. No. 1 northern. ll'; No. 2 north ern. f!ya: May, 31.06; July, tl.OtTi. OATS 4Sc. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, O., Feb. 6. SEED Clover, cash Febriuu-y and March. IH.4U: April. IU.JC; 8ert-.iber. Ia.02. Timothy, prime, AlaiKe, prime, ilu.fc). Metal Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 4. METALS There waa quite a snarp advance In the London tin market, with spot closing at Uu 2s 6d and futures at Uu It's. Luceliy the mar ket was quiet, but higher, in sympathy with quotations abroad, ranging from Ut.iu to U91W. Copper waa lower in London, spot closing at le and futures at jttfi 2a 3d. Locally the market an dull and un changed. with lake quot.-d at tliaufU.TS. electrolytic at 113 37o 13.s: and castiug at IU.113.37. Lend was unchanged at 14 1-8 d in the Loudon market and locally at .t.a.75, Spelter advanced 2s 4.1 to H20 7s M in LnncR.n. Lo-ally the market was iuiet and 6 points higher at t4.jtorr4.tfn. The London market for iron waa 3.1 higher, with standard foundry quoted at 47s 3d and Cleveland warrants at 4M Locally no change was reix.rted. No. 1 foundry, north ern. $14 Sba-lh 76: N ). 2. $17.7ala.26; No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern, soft, tlS.OOtr ST IXIU1S. Feh. .M ETALS Iad. steady at Cui. Salter, steady at 34.60. Otis aaa Heal a. OIL CITY. Pa.. Feb. 6. OILS Credit balances. J1.7S: runs. 7ot"2 bbls.; average, S'.itr; bbls.; slilpinentsi iiS.OM bbls.; aver ane. 1C.4 bbls. SAVANNAH. Ga.. Feb. . OILS Tur pentine, firm. 52r. ROSIN A. B. C. D. Fi 13 W: F, O. tl 45; H. B.76: I. H. K. 15; M. 15.35; N, to W VG. and WW. 4 50. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 4 COFFEE Market for futures closed net unchanged, bales were reported of b.iOU bags. Including March at 4.10c. May. i.JOc; July. 4.H-; Novemler. hjoc Spot coffee. stea.U-; No. 7 Rio 6vc Nik f Santos, SWc; Cordova, QlZe. ' mmd Melaaeee. NEW YORK. Feb. i SUOAR-Raw steady; fair refining J.;5c. centrifugal, 6 test 137c; molasses suaar. Ic; refined steady; crushed. 6 tine; powdere.1. 6c; gran ulated, t.c. NEJVYORRSTOCRS AND BONDS Market ii Dull Inactire and UnreiponiiTe. PRICE X0VXXL7TT NARROW Farther Cartallsaeat at ladestrlal Activity la Several Llaea Attrarts Attratlea Read Market is Heavy. NEW TORK. Feb. .-The stw.:k market today was less affected by the evl.lencej of the contracted stage to which traffic ana industry has failen, although those evidences continue to accumulate. The stock market was. In fact, unresponsive io an yin ing and ror much or the time was lethargic. Brief excursions Into one or the other account by professional room traders were responsible for the wavering fluctuatlona of prices, but these ventures were never carried far and were retraced almost as soon as taken. TTie general pub lic and. so far aa could be discerned, the Important class of capital Interests were profoundly Indifferent to the market. The dullness and Indifference fairly represents the present uncertainty of the world of capital and finance over the future. The further curtailment of Iron output during January without preventing some further accumulation of stocks and a rate of production at the end-of the month which promises a further reduction are convincing proof that tne shrinkage in the iron and steel trade ahown by the United States Steel corporation's repOrt of earnings for the last quarter of last year is still In progi-ess. Reports of rail road gross earnings from the late reports coming to hand from day to day reflect the failing off in traffic and measures of economy for a commensurate reduction of expenses indicate the decline still going on In the wage fund In course of distribu tion with the necessary consequence of diminishing consumptive demand for com modities. The official intimation of the intention of the Illinois Central to offer probably I30.hoo.ooo of new securities, which are expected to take the form of equip ment uotes, was regarded as evidence of the temporary expedients to which cor poratlona are forced still to resort for the raising of needed capital. The publication of the weekly return of the bank of England served to check the rising course of Investment securities In the London market, although the decline In the banks gold holdings' It due to repayment of obligations to the Bank of France Incurred during our own demands upon the London supplies during the crisis here. The simultaneous return of the Bank nf France shows a eorresixmdlng benefit from this movement. The French bank note issues also are substantially con tracted and its credits reduced. Discounts advanced in London In response to thi showing. The fall In sterling exchange here was checked, but our money market was unaffected. Price changes at the end of the day were unimportant. Bonds were heavy. Total sales, par value. I2.066.mn). United States bonds were unchanged on call. Number ot sales tni auoutlons ot storks were as louows: Sains. High. Low. Clnaa. 1 il t.l. .M" 4 'a M u 1) . ia4 71 i ic i 7 55 J S" M 344 M 91 wit, s n 24 w tw 3L") yos Mrt a) Uiy, li; s, 1124 4 410 . 32 XI 31 l.luo 71V, 1v 714 40U MS W aa lu sh 7a U4 SIS 2 U W.k 4S 44S 444 14S liM 1 K. lit X.UWI 24 2KS 2s 1. t-SJ 4S 4S S 141 149 141 41k HIS H'e4 S 15 40rt J MS 5iS 2, J' ;ns 1S l1" 24S 5M' J4S 1 t! u i ... - t- 41s . 4t M r7S Wl 1"0 us l-S 13S Tin J (0 - as J,l 14 IMS I4S no is is ,js i Mn 31S V.S 31S l 13 K. 1", y 31 3.s 's lui 21 s 2i s :i 4i n mi ii"s ll 177 1.SS lS ill 410 til ei 5is l.taio is US lS 7 Adams Exprena Amalgamated Copper Am. c. a r Am. c. r pfd. Am. Cotton Oil Am. Cotton Oil pfd AmeriRsa Eipecva Am. H L, pld Am-fliran Eipress Am. Unaeed Oil Am. LlDaeed Oil pli Am. LioronftlTft, ax-dlv.... Am- Locomotive pM Am. 8. at H Am. 8. a R. pfd A mar Sugar Raflnltis Am. Tobaceo ptd cila Anaconda Mining Co Atchlaoa Atcklaoe pfd Atlantta Coaut Llna Balttmars A Ohio Hal. a Ohle pfd Brooklva Rapid Tr... Canadlaa Pacific Central of New Jersey Cheaapaake Ohio Ch!cav) Ot. W Chlcaso N. W O.. at. A St. P Chlcaco A T., offered... Chlcaso T. T. pld C. C . C. A St. L Colorado r. a 1. , Colorado A So ..... Oole. a . tat pld Colo. A 8w. 3d pld Consolidated Oaa Corn Products Cam Producoj pfd... Delaware A Huoaoa Dal., L. A W Denver A R. O D H O. pld Dlatlllera Securltlaa Erie Erie 1 pfd Erie 2d pfd Ceneral Eleptrle Illinoia Central Intarnatlonal Paper Int. Paper pfd Int. Pump Int. Pump prd Iowa (-antral Iowa Central pfd Kanaaa City & K. C. Bo. pfd Loulrvtlle a N Matlcaa Central Minn. A St. L us A 1(H) 40 s 4s 4s 3J (MS !M W-, "A is ms ihs l'" 1'4 24 27 9JS m2S S ... .. is 1.700 421, 4JS 41 I'M US Z2S S i l.ruo s s 7 s s S IK) iaa4 jj. Ms 4'U 31 32 31 S ' l' SS 4oS u ... . .... tw JM 47 4T'" 47 M . St. P AS S M.. St. P. a 8 8. M M. prd.. MlaaouM Pa.-tftc M . K. A T M., K. a T. pfd National Lead N. It. K. of M. pfd... New York Central N. T.. O. A W Norfolk A W N. A W. pfd Nortk American Pacific Mall Pennaylvania People'a Oaa P.. C. C. a ft, U... Prwaaed steal Car..... Prsaeed 8. C. pfd Pullman Palacs Car... Raadins. Reading lat prd Reading Id pfd Republic Star! Republic Steal pfd Rock laland Co Rock laland Co. prd. 11. l 1 r u pfd tk. Louia 8. W St. L. 8. W. prd BouttiBrn Pacific So. Pacific pfd 80. Railway 80. Railway prd Tenaa A Pacific t , L L . 12.4W .112S IHS 112S 4U K4 kiS MS 70 atM Ut 1'JS IPS. 7 1.M1 .104. 100 WIS tVS 1"1S , 14 . rr ) its 14 is I'M 4a 4a all . i.''i r" 11s 11" . i. "l 25 24 V U 24 34S 14 S . 7,7 71S "IS 7.S 4-l llis 11"S HoS 3'f ms tos I'S ) j's te n is 1S " b 1 l 12 U 1 35S S3 i3S . u.it'i iiks ts i.s 2l 2S ft 3S Wi JS 1) IDS l: IW . 32.(a 28 27 S. 27 S . 1.4t IS DOS 'S : 1" 1M 14 fl li HO is S S 1J 3'i 4U0 4t'S a;" 4 lS 40 . 1. U4S 122'a IM .. law us, iis l.s ITS ITS ITS : u I'M 7S 7S 7S 27 U fi abarea. T . 8t. L. a W. Union Pacific ... pfd. t'nlon Pacific pfd U. 8 Eipreaa V. 8 Realty C. 8 Rubber I'. S. Rubber pfd I' B. Steel I i. Btwei ptd Va.-Carohoa Cliemlial Va.-t'aro. Cham- pfd.. MihuJl Vhanaah pfd Wlla-lTargo Expraaa . Weeilngb.iuae Elactrlc Waatt-rn In ion WtieelilK L. ft laconain t'entml .... Wla Ceuu-al pfd Northern Pa-inc Graat Nortlwm pfd Central !athar Cantral Laatuer pfd... Interborjwall Mat Inu Met. JIM Sioaa-SlMfflald Stael ... Loadoa tloalas; atorks. LOXfaON. Feb. . Closing quotationa on stocks were: Const la swinay do account Anaconda Alc-biaon do pfd Baltimore a Ohio... Canadian PaciSc Cheaapeake a Ohio.. Chluiao Gt. W C . M. A St. P De Beera Denver a . U do pld Bne do lat pfd do 2d prd 1.. Grand Trunk Illinoia Central ,Loutavllls a N ""a M . K. A T 47S N. T Central.... S Norfolk a W 7S do pld . . ...... te Ontario a W MS Pennsylvania lit Rand Mines Je Reading S 8 uthern Railway IHS du pfd HSSourbern PaciSc . 2"s t'nion Pacific do pfd liSL' 8. Stael il do pfd USvVabaah 17S do pfd 33 Speniab 4a 98 Amal. Ceper .... 2JS 3V 117 S U 13 S 57 S SS s l'-V .122 ss . . 14 is 51 S SILVER Bar. quiet. -14d per ounce. iviw.r-i J1: j i p,-r ceni. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills is SSuis per cent; for three months' bills, liSaoS. per rent. ew Vark Mialasj Btorka. NEW YORK. Feb. 4 -Closlng quotations en mining stocks were: Adams Ceo. Ltttle rsief 4 kilos On lane Im Breace IS tpnir 24 Brunswick Cos IS Potuwl .'J.".U Co mat or a Tuanel ... S3 Savage 44 Con. Cal. A Va 7 te.arra Nevada ... 44 Hots Silver te) small H.pee 1 Iron S.lewr li Standard iw Lcadvtlle Con vffered. k af Kaalaatl Matemrat. . LOXCX1X. Feb. The weekly statement of tne Bank of England shoes the follow ing changes: Total reserve, decreased 1. u77.). circulsnon. intrrased ilT.iim: bul lion, decreased iiSfxi.oftf, otuer securities lncrra.ed. Cl.Tl.onli; other dep-stts. de- cren.-e.i .,;.'-i, ruiIIC UepctWHB. lni reseeo tl.;w.i.; notes reeervefl. decreased l.ofi.. l; government securities, decreased a.0i0. The proportion of the bank's reserve to liability this week is M.41 per rent, com pared with 51.K7 pet pent last week. iew lerk Meeey Market. NKW TORK. Feb. 4. -PRIME MKIiriX. TILE FAFKH-SyH r-r cent. STERLING Piit;jtAt31i Meavv. with actual business th hankers' bills at 14 oa 4 MHo for demand and at 14 W2Vu4 .KM for sixty-day bills; commercial bills. 14 M7S. siLVKHr-nar, 60 sc; Mexican dollars. 4e. RONDS Government, steady; railroad. heavy. MONET On rail, steady at lVfrQI per cent; ruling rste. 1 per cent; dosing bid, IV. per cent: offered at 1 per cent; time loans, dull but steady; sixty days. t per cent; ninety days, 44' per cent; six months. 4"s per cent. Closing quotations on bonds were as follows- C. g. rf. 2a, reg....lgS Japan 84 senas S 4o coupon 1S L A J sal. 4S..."S V. . la. res. l'S Mas. e. t a tm 4o coupon .. 1'S Mra. Central 4s. ri V. t. s. 4a. reg......Iia do lat Ina 1S do rpupna ltS Minn. A St. L. 4s 'S Am Tobacco 4a 4 M . K. A T. 4a T do a 1" do la an Atchlaon r-n. 4a...... 4. R. R. at M c. 4s. t do adj. 4a M N. Y. C. f ISs 7H, Atlantic C. U 4a J C. g fa 1S Mai. Ohio 4a W No. Pacific 4a. Vn do lss ts do la rs Rrk. R. T. c 4a TlS !4. A W. r. 4s S Central of Oa. .... o. g. L. rfdg 4a M do 1st Inc 4' Pnn ronv. ISa Nt 4o Id lnc 17 Reading gen. 4a SB Chae. A Ohio Sa....lil St. L. A I. M. c a..l'7 Chicago A A. ISa... U St. U A T. tg. 4a. 7?S C, B. A 9. n. 4a S St. L. 8 W. c. 4a.... S C, R. 1. P. 4a ... 5 oeatxiard A L. 4a... 47S do col. is -404 9e. Pacific 4a MS -"C A 8 L. f 4s7s do lt 4a ctfa 'S Colo. Ind. 5a. ser. A . 114 o. Hallway ia Colo. Mid. 4s dlSTexaa A P. 1 ...11JS Colo. So. 4a fc T . 9t. L. A W. 4a .. 71 "uba :.a liUS Cslea Pacific 4 1"0 n. R. O. 4a M do cv 4a rS Piatlllera' S. 6a n r. 3 Steel 2d 5a 7S Erie p. I. 4a MS W a hash la 1"7S Mo gee. 4 47 do deb B 46 Hock. VaL 4S iris Weatcrn Ml. 4a. 41S Japan 4a 7sS W a L. E. 4a 7S do 4Sa ctfp Ms Wit. Central 4b. 1 Bid- Offared. Bestoa St oeka aad Bonds. BOSTON. Feb. cent: time loans, closing on stocks Atrhiaon adj. 4a do 4s Met. Central 4a... Atcnlenn do pfd Boston A Albany.... B'Wton tk Maine Boat on Elevated ritrhbiirg pfd . Call loans, 3a6 per 4Vy.it; per cent. Official and bonds: "4 Atlantic 11 S "S Bingham S "'!. a llscla 4f "1 S Centennial .'3 S Copper Range iS 1 Oaly Weal S l- rranklln 1S Granby ttt lUtl Ul. Korale S US Maaa. Mining I li Mirnigan II 1H Mohaak it 11 Mont. C. a C 1 4 old Domlnlun 37 S S Oaieoia HIS Parrot 14 V.t Ouincy a.",, 1 '7S anannon lis ICS Tamarack K 4s Trinity 144 1 Colted Coppar S to V. S. Mining 13 1I7S I'. 8. Oil IS 11 ttah II 4 'Victoria 4S M Winona 4S lit W,.lrertne 134 41 North Butte 4S , 2S Bulla Coalition ls 2KTS Nevada 10 41 Cal. a Arliona litis I Ananna Com IKS . 29 Greens Caaanea - . 4S Mexican Central N Y , N. H. A 1'nlon Pacific .. H Am. Arge. Ckem. do pfd Am. Pneu. Tube. Amer. nugar do pfd Am. T. A T Amer. Woolen ... do pfd Dominion I. s Edlann Elx. 1 1 lu General Electric . " Electric . do pfd Maaa. Gaa I nltad Krult I nlted 8. M do pfd V. S. Steel (fo pfd Adventure Aliouea Amalgamated .... OMAHA WHOLBSAIB MARKET. EGOS Fresh selling eggs, candled, 20c BUTTER Common, 14c; fancy tub and rolls. 17ilc; creamery, 30c CHitSii-Now full cream. Wisconsin twins, 17ic; new full cream brick, 17c; do mestic new Swiss, lsc new llmburger, lad) 14c; young Americana, 17c. LTVE POCLTRV (op rings, gc; hens. o; roorters. Jo; ducks. Dc; geese, Sc; turkeys, lHc; pigeons, 4uc per doz. DR-EodD POCLTIir Soring-g. fancy, o; hens, yc; roosters, 4c; ducks, lie; geese, kka; turkeys, leui'lTc. 1IAT Choice ?o. 1 upland, 1730; medium, I4.ac; No. 1 bottom, !&.uu; off gTadea, from 4UU to COO. Rye straw, fl.Uu; No. 1 al falfa. 311.40. FBUITS APPLE3 Waahlngtoa Snow, per box. ll.jO; Washington dooarnam, per box, ll.7o; Washlnfiton Momatj .beauliea. per box, 11.76; Washington Alexanders, rer box. 11.76; Waahlngton Blue Fearmalns. pee toXi $1.75; Washington Rett Cheek Pippins, per box. 11.7a; Washington. Kings, oer box. 11.75; Washington Bailey Sweet, per box. fLlii Washington No.'Spy, per box. fl.75; Cali fornia Red Pearmalns, 4-tler. per box,' t2.ts); California Beilefsswea-S. e-iiea, per box, 2tAi; New York Baldwins, per bbl., 1-4. so; New Tork Northern Uples, per bbl., H.W; New Tork assorted varteUea. per bbL. I4.su, TROPICAL FKUITaV ORANGE Fancy TVashlngton navels, all sicca, per box, 12.74; extra fancy Sunr flower, all slaea, per box, IS.W; California Tangerines, 'AM ilia gad smaller, per box, IXiii. BANANAS Port Limon, owing to slxa. per bunch, II. W to; I3.0U. . GltAPrJ FRUIT slorlda. 44 and W slxe, per box, I4.X1. PAR3-xtra fancy winter Nell Is, per box, t-.'.7 GRAPES Malaga, clioice. per ksg. 14.00; Ualaga. extra fancy, 4.jv; erxtra choice, per keg, HI; extra raocy, extra heavy, fo." FIGS AND DATES Smyrna Tgs. T crown. per lb.. 14aiic; Bartu figs, 4 crown, per lb., Ltuc: sruyrn tigs, t ciown, per lb, fcufyllc; California vgs, ooxea, 10 cartons, 66c , California figs, naxes, U cariona, 86c; California tigs, bulk, per lb., (Sc; Hallowl dates, per lb., tPc; Kbadrawt dates, per lb., 4c; Sair dates, per. lu. i-sc; Fard dates. 13-lb. boxes, per lb. ad. CRANBERRIES Extra fancv Bell and Bugle, per bbl., Ilt.taj; extra ra'ncy Jersey, jerbbL, I4.UU; extra fancy Jersey, per box, LEMONS Extra ' fancy rloutherlanil Beauty, Staj and 3u0 sise, per box, 14.00; ex tra choice Justnte, 3uo and Sou gixe. per box, 33.75. VKGB7TABI-E8. POTATOES Per ou., sfrtJTgc. SEET POTATCES-Kajiaaj, per bbL. LETTUCE Florida bead, pto hamper, Ij.oii; per dox.. 4uc CCCUMBERS-Hot house. 2 dos., fancy, per box, 13 uv; 1 dux. chuice, per box, 11.5a RADISHES Hot house, per doien. 4uc. PAHdLEV Psr do a., sue. PEPPERS Florida, 4-basket crates, per crate I4.0O. PARSNIPS Old. per bbl., O 25. CARROTS AND TURNIPS .Id, pr bbL. 12 (Xi. Canada P.utabaa, per lb., lsc. CABBAGE Vruconsin Holland Eeed, per lb., ISc. ONIONS Spanish, per crate. i.50; Wis consin Red Globe, per lb., lWc. 8HALLOTB-Per do.. uc. TO..IATOES-noriua. extra fancv. per 4 basket crate. U 00; choice, per bask it crate, li.uu; Cuban, far.cy, per 6-basket crate 4.ua CACLIFLOWER-Per 2-doa. crate. UU HORSE RA DDIS I (Per doa.. uc. CELERY Michigan, per bunco. Xffltt&d. Kl Myl'ATB-O.ving to quality, per at, 10c to 4o. BRCSSEL SPROUTS, per qt.. 30c. to Hoc. STRAWBERRIES Owing to quality 5c NAVT BEANS Per hi... KrT ; 4 e.. 1 Lima, 7 per lb. D r.cr v.1. ia. Ribs: N. I, IJiy , No. 2, He; No. J. 8V. I-oin: No. 1, li.c; No. 2. lJi.c; No. 3 ! Chuck: No. I. 5Sr; No. 2, 51,,.'; j0. j Round: No. 1. ic, Nc. 2, Sc: No 3 7c Plate: No. 1. ;c: o 2. 4"-',i - No 1 4c MISCELLANEot.S ' ' ' CAIIFORN1A DRltlJ RL ITS-Prune. re somewhat unaeuled b freer o3ering from second nanus, v, hu seem desirous of moving s-ijiplies uf immeetiais graoea. uuu tations ri.ie from ta r .or CallfornU fruit and from to 8c for Oregon. Peaches are very fl.-iii. with fancy re;io4 quoted at 1jSi: Sl'GAR Gianulateq. caae. per ssa k. 16 40, beet, ti.ju, cut loaf, 4c; cuDrS, ac puwoered. u-ioc. ' CANNEl lioODS Corn, staadard west ern, 75c. Tenia tare, laiicy. i-tound cans. IL4S; standard, 3-puund cant, 41 jo fins apples, grated. -uoutjU. 1:2042.30. acsd. ti.'.iruz ii. tiauon airplts, 4 au. allf'-rnia apricots, 4J.iia3.3u. Peara. 42.l-j4iJ.lj. h'eachea, 1.uj4.U. L C pcachea, lil" J 111. Aiasaa mmoti, red. il.au. lantj Cino.a. hat. a-.ia, fancy Buckeye, flat, t li. tlaiduit s. quarter oil. i.6u, three quarters mustard, Bweel potatoea ;i.-i4l.is. Saueraraut. itic. Purapk.na, jc full.uv Lima beaus. 3-pound. TucaO-i. feo-ke'. tin, 2-muuJ. &jc; ta icy, fl a,ai 4(1! NL'TS-Caiifurnla iu. 1 S. b. alnu:s. pr lb., 17V. iu.porisa Tarraf r.a aununds! per lb., lac; fnbeits, ilraihs and Jumbo pecans 13c; butternuts, per iD.. l.c , No. 1 H. beanuls, roaaiea. sc; raw, sc; salted pea. nuta. per box. ILL). Italian cl.otnau ir lo.. lutr. COFFEE Roasted. No. 35. :4c; Na. Is. Dc; No. 23. l!c. Nj. . l4Hc. FISH Halibut. 11c. Ituui. trie- r.i.-b...i 1 pise, law, piae, tieaii, irusen, K'c; Will: rosh. ltjloc; buiTalo. 14c; bn.iiieads, skinm ted aou oreaseu, im., caiiiaa. a.eaecd. l.c; while perch. 7c, white bees, lie, bisck bass ic unnsh. tij4c, crappus, ic; large cra.p"es! lie. beri.i g. I'ea.i :roen, oc waited troxen, Umiic; pciterel. tresli froxen. 13c red snapper, Li . Bjuiiuers.. macaerei, lj sic per flaii. codrlen, Irish fiosen, 12c; hai dtca, fiesn froxen. lc, smelts, Ijc; snag roe. 45c per lb.; frog legs. 3ix; per doa. gieec sea turtle meat. per lb HIDES AND TALLuvv Gieen aalted. No. 1. ac; Nu. t. 4c. bull bides, 3c; erees uosalted. No. i. 4c; green unaailed. So A Ic; bonte hides. I. uWuije; aiivep ue.ia ia ajill isi. T.U..- No. i. 4ric; ";.t 0MAO1 LIVE STOCK MARKET Price of Cattle Slightly Hijher oa Beit Beef Grade. HOGS FAIL TO ADVANCE ITUIiLUi Market Preees t asatlsfaeery ' aad wlta Light Sapaly Dealer Are; lew te Bar Sue I araaaa-ed. SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. 1 IK. Jlecelpta were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Otllclal Monday AM 4,701 4.4is Official Tuesday t.b: U.4JI 1.1.4 Official Wetinesday 4 .54 11311 ' 7.4a Estimate Thursday 1331 . 1.734 1. Four davs this week... 15.444 SU'4 23.7S1 Same days lost week. .. IS. 44! 61 3 2&.!7i Same davs 2 weeks ago. It. '14 Bi.845 Same daya I weeks ago.. 23. 4X5 36.3. Same davs 4 weeks ago.. U io.oTO ).Ts4 bams days last year....A42 29.IA3 29.131 The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons:. Date. I 1908. jl7. ;i. ;i.H)6. 104. IU0. lUC. Jan. .. Jan. 27. Jan. 2S. Jan. 2. Jan. i. Jan. 31. Feb. 1. Feb. S.. Feb. 3.. Feb. 4.. Feb. I. . Feb. .. 1 01 i til I 341 75 1 7T S X! 72' I 34, 86 I 431 IMS 41' SI 5 41 I S &1 tn , H4i i 531 6 91 1 6 53 4 73! 4 87; 4 43i 4 m; 4 rVj 4 79! I 4 79 4 M 4 al 4 43 I 4 t 4 74 4 70 4 73 4 72 4 . 741 4 SI) 4 77, 4 83 4 81, 73' 4 6b I 7 4 4 KS, II I K I W I C6 i 97 i W a 4 18 4 06 4 U 4 17 4 10 a 4 14 I 72 6 I 41 70 6 S3, I 74, I 04 I 13 I 14 4 its! 4 am,. 'Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H't'l. C . M. A St. P 1 2 Wabaih 2 1 Missouri Pacific 4 f I'nion Pacific 29 22 3 C. A N. V east.... 4 7 C. & N. V.. west. .. IS 4T. C, St. P.. M O . 4 1 .. 1 C, H. A Q., east 3 4 C, B. A Q.. west 21 23 3 1 C. It. I. A P.. east.. .1 4 '.. R. I. A P.. weet.. 2 1 .. 1 Illinois Centrul 1 2 Chicago Ul. Western. 3 2 Total receipts H 114 4 1 Tho disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the number of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 379 I.411S 42 Swift and Company C14 1.64S Cudahy Packing Co tna 3.i 557 Armour A- Co 3t4 1.124 Cudahy, from Denver 224 Lobman A Rothchlld.... 48 W. I. Stephen Hill A Son 27 F. P. Lewis 21 Huston & Co iii J. H. Root A Co 24 J. H. Bulla 32 McCreary A Carey 44 Z. H. Clark 4 M. Hagerty A Co 3D Sullivan Bros 3 Le timer Bros 24 Other buyers '. 3,4 St. Clair Packing Co.... 54 National Packing Co M .... Totals 2,777 9.193 2.277 CATTI V R.lnii , ..... h..vtf ("today, an even luo loads, about 2.3"0 head. ana tne quality or the cattle was about the same as it has been all the week. Owing to the fact that supplies were lighter than expected and reports from eastern markets fairly favorable, the market showed a bet ter tone and prices were a shade higher on all desirable beeves. On the short-ted and only partly-fatted cattle there was very little competition from feeder buyer and prices were not more than steady. Some very choice handy weight cattle brought 16.56. the highest prices paid in several weeks. In general values are lx&25c higher than the close of last week and there la a good, healthy feeling In the trade. Offerings of cows and heifers were com paratively light, and aa both local packers and outside buyers had good orders te fill the market was active and stronger for anything calculated to bring out competi tion. The advanee on cows this week has been pretty close to 26c on an average. Veal calves were dull and unchanged and the market for bulla, stags, etc., waa very quiet, with prices about steady. Rough weather has had a demoralising Influence on the stocker and feeder trade and prices have declined sharply this week in the face of an advance in fat cattle. The best fleshy feeders are selling lag-JOc lower than last week, while the decline i n the common, light and medium weight grades has been aa much as 254340c. The volume of trading waa very light today, In fact it has been comparatively light all tho week and the feeling is generally rather bearish. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice corn fed steers. IS .irwitVrto; fair to good cornfed steers, W..Wi8.0n; common to fair cornfed steers, S3.7a((4.5n: good choice cows and heifers. l3.7fVfi4.40; fair to good cows and heifers, 3Of3.W: common to fair cows and heifers, I2.00g3.nn: good to choice stnekers and feeders. 34.0Ofi4.5O; fair to good stock -era and feeders. I35i64'": common to fair Blockers and feeders. I2.7?ig3.50. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. I... II... 4... 17... I... 11... ISA... 11... IS... II... SO . .. I... At. .... OfJt M4 .... taV) ....1!M .... r4 .... Ml .... il ....14 ....Hal .... rj ....1141 ....1!4 ....1140 rr 1 fel 4 on 4 00 4 It 4 IX 4 IS 4 4) 4 i 4 40 4 to 4 ii t 40 4 40 No. At. .lost .1131 .1D .13110 .1251 ,m .1171 rr. 4 44 4 44 4 71 4 4 M 4 N t 10 6 10 I 16 1 ia t I M I W 4S I.. 15.. 5 . 11.. 11. . I.. n mo 1124 1S1 M It.. 14 . II.. U ln 1.TT4 llM COWS. I I 15 I 41 I T4 I 9a t K I 00 I flft 1 05 1 nn 1 10 I t: 1 :s 1 I 40 ..1374 . 130 ..mis . .1171 .. MS . .leTO ..1044 ..1IM .. Ml .. 4t .. T1 . j:si ..1150 ..1124 ..r ..1'juO 1 w I 15 I M I 44 I TO 1 TO 1 t I X 4 00 4 00 4 08 4 10 4 1 4 10 4 SO 4 44 U '. I 40 HEIFERS. I 50 11 3 40 T I 20 i I o 4 ID 10 ... . BULLS. I v 1 I as . 1 I in t 1 4i) 1 1 fc 1 . . . . I 60 1 . . . I SI I 75 4 re 4 4 40 I 40 t 11 t TO I 40 1 I 40 .. n .. 7711 ..11X7 ..1082 .1114 ..140 ..170 . .1411 . la') ..lltiO CALVES. 1 1.. 1 . 1 . I . AND II . 110 Io in 115 4 SO I on I 04 I 24 3 4 ') 4 V) FEEOFP I li 1 T. I 15 I IS 1 41 I 41 I SO 1 M I 50 hog this 174 1 40 4 I 40 1 45 1 HI T5 4 IS 4 K) 4 40 4 t rather In the 1 are 1 7"4 1 nt I st SS4 4 ieo 1 at! market proved morning, even HOOS-The uneatisfactory face of very moderate recetnla at river Chicago. points, and oints. and only a fair run at F ouowing yesterday s sharp advance, de.il era evidently came 10 the conclusion lhat they were paying too much for hogs, and even with the big dec reuse In supplies sell ers were unable to furtner advance prices Saies of good weight, finished stuff gen era!!;, looked ss good as yesterday. Prccs on less disirable kinds were anywhere from very nearly steady to possibly as much ss it: off. The top todsy was M-40. the same aa yeeteiday. but the bulk of the offerings were quoted a trifle under yesterday s average. The market lit slow snd dull. Sellers worked hard to secure at least atea'ly prices but in most cases on the less desirable stuff were unsuccessful. I m I TT( 7M 4 ra 1 144 t W in inao 4 1110 4 n 1 1. 14 14 U M ! 1115 -.1 1 4 sr-T 4 1143 4 11! I W4 1 441 4 Kl II f4 4-v 1J 444 1 l: 1 1 10 1V-J 1 Til I Tlt'l 1 14 JO 1 an 13 1 170 1 . . 1 VI STOCK! 1 '41 T Wl 14 727 1 440 1 f-M : ni 4 4M 4 4 571 Repres. ntat i ve sales: So. A. Sa. rr. So. A. 8a. Pr. W 14 r) I ) , ja ... m M 150 ... 4 (0 4T :: ... 4 6 llS . 4 00 M 14 ... 4 IS 14 167 HO 4 05 7 14 ... 4 15 71 171 ... 4 14 5.8 ... 4 fa 1 "1 ... Ill 71 .314 ... 4 04 2 7 4 IS 7J T.4 44 4 IS 75 M IS' 4 U 71 311 ... 4 14 T 171 U 4 lo I.". 11J ... 4 A S 14 111 T7 ta ... 4 24 "3 ' H I li 7'j lit 40 4 ST. l 17 ... 4 '.1 41 ... 4 V 41 110 4 IS tu I t ... 4 1 120 4 li 47. 7 ... 4 IS 143 44 4 IS . 'l ... 4 15 ' - H- 4 IS 4 IIS ... 4 it i I' 4 14 44 241 ... 4 re 1 lat . 4 IS 44 M4 ... 4 17- l 4 IS 71 44 .. 4 4 J t . 4 '.7, TS l,t M IN 4 IT, 4.. Mt ao IK ' lt 84 4 tTv, 4 l ... 4 i -'7 M 4 17V, ei 14. ... 4 M ! . . 4 1T , . 4 1.1 4 4 M I' 4 le a. JH W 4 Kl Tho Updike Grain Co. TOO to 714 DrandelaS OlstXg. Or.lAHAe -:- -:- riCD. BROKERS OIRUIM. PROVISIONS, STOCKS A1NJD BONDS -PR1VATK WIRES- . ' . V Tailgpfcinssa Dowijlsw aXT ,T MEW YORK -x- . CHICAGO 71 las ... 4ln 7 lr ... 4 24 44. S't ... 4 30 ... 4 30 TS iJl ... 4 10 s 1 ... 4 so W Ifl ... 4 20 5 14 8S 4 14 40 4 M 4 to tM 44 4 10 74 res ... 4 w 7i no ... 4 is 45 ten 40 4 41 ll DID SI 2J4 ... 4 SI MT 44 4 f 17 151 ... 4 10 77 151 ... 4 !S4 70 3U 1KI 4 US M sm ... 4 ;i.i 41 ... 4 rS 1' 1 . . 4 In 44 IS ... 4 llw, U 141 l.D 4 15 Tl IIS 44 4 21 , 41 344 l 4 .V, 14 2 l . .. 4 11V, 41 J 10 340 4 40 71 tat to 4 av, 41. j.4 J40 4 40 US ... 4 12', fat ISS ... 4 4JH 44 i; ... iint SHEEP The run of sheep this morning was comparatively light, while the Inquiry from packers was sufficient to take care nf the offerings in good shape at f illy steady prices. Included among the offer ings was a bunch of yearlings that wer good enough to bring 15 SO and lambs good enoswh to bring Hi 55. There was very lit tie here In the feeder line, but the demand In that direction waa also reasonably good and for anything at all desirable prices were practically in yesterday notches. Quotationa on good to choice fed sheep and Iambi: Lambs. K 40431.75; light year ling wethers. 5.a0i&.u; heavy vearllng wethers. IV3fKj6.su; wethers, lit" km 4. J), ewes. I4Wu4.9u. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 64 western lambs, culls S I 60 114 western yearlings Hi 6 SO 289 western yearlings ha! S 60 4M western lambs , 78 I 66 6o western lambs SO 4 40 47. western lambs is) I 41 13 western ewes 1.3 4 76 !1 western lambs 45 4 60 63 western ewes 107 4 75 34 western ewes 7 I SO 12 western ewes W 4 36 44 western wethers tl I uO CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady la Lewer Hasis, Hkeep aaal Lasaka "teaelr. CHTCAOO. Feb. A CATTLE Receipts. 12.fVo head: market steady to lower. Hteers. 14 25(j4 2; cows, tn.o-u4.75: : heifers. I3.ri4 5.26; bulls. 3.oni4.50: calves, 33.iXKa7.Ui, storkers and feeders, t2.rXsji4.7S. HOOS Receipts. 37.01)0 head; market steady. Choice heavy shipping. 14 6m4 ; butchers. I4.4('a4.i); light mixed. t4.3tyiM.4tj; choice light. M.H.DO; packers, 84.0Ow4.SO; pigs. XZ.Td:jf: bulk of sales. !4Sft4.60. 8HEKP AND LAMBS Receipts, 12.000 head; market steady. Sheep. 14 &6&.W; lambs.; yearlings. 16 5D$.26. Kaaaas City Lire Stock. Market. KANSAS CITT. Mo., Feb. A CATTLE Receipts. 4.0UO, including SX0 southerns; market steady to luc higher. Heavy steers, slow; choice export and dressed beef steers, !6.1S.t4i; fair to good. M.2Ufy5.10: western steer. 16.40; stockers and feeders. 13.35-54. 70; southern steers, I3.noft6.00: southern cows, 32.753.75; nstlve cowa, C.4hr34.6A; native heifers. I3.SU.00; bulls, $.'.7-a4-00; calves, 13. 754. 'XI. HCXJ3 Receipts. 14.800 head; market 5c higher. Top, 14.62 4j: bulk of sales, H Jij 4.60; heavy. t4a4 52H; packers, 1 1. J 4.624: pigs and lights. I3.50tg4.30. SHEfEP AND LAM K8 Receipts. 5.O0O head; market fc6"10c higher. Lambs. 16 36 reD0; ewes and yearlings, t4.60fjji6.60; west ern yearlings, K.iOfjrAX; western sheep, t43TTJtJ 60; stockers and feeders, t3.S0feS.00. - St. Laale Lire Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Mo., Feb. A CATTLE Re ceipts, 3,000 head. Including 150 Texans; market, natives. 6910c lower. Texans, stesdy; native shipping and export steers. 15. 364 00; dressed beef and butcher steers, t4.86iii6.7S: steers under 1.000 lbs., I3.75tj4 .65; Blockers and feeders. $2.411474.; cowa and heifers. t3.lS43e.OO; cannera. tl.SurS'140; bulls, I2.5u434.50; calves. 3.S4j4i.OO; Texaa and In dian steers, 11. "36.X, cows and heifers, 1.7(Vfi.75. HOO Receipts. T.SUO head: market W$ loo higher. Pigs and lights, t3.5094.5U; packers. MOra-4.56; butchers and best heavy. 14 464.. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. too head: market ateadv. Native muttons, t3.tWrt6.S0; lambs. l4.SSrT 00; culls and bucks, I2.754f3.7j; stockers, 13. 754J4.26. t. Joseoh Lire Stack Market. ST. JOSEPH. Feb. 4. CATTLE Recrlpts, r.91 head; market steady; natives. 44. Sv 6 36; cows and heifers, t2.00Q6.00; stockers and feeders, I3.5M&4.50. HOOS Receipts, 10.039 head: market 6c lower: top, 14.50; bulk of sales. 4.3S&4. 40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 11.000 head; market 15c higher; lambs. tS.OOiM.Su; yearlings, I6.40i6 10. Ilsax City Lira Sleek Market. SIOUX CITT. Ia., Feb. t (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 700 head; mar ket steady; stock rs, slow; beeves. 13 &. 6.36; cows and heifers, 12.51x34.26; stockers and feeders. tt.Ou474.20; calves and year lings. I2.MjS.40. HOOS Receipts, 4.IW head; market ateady. selling at t4.tMH.45; bulk of salea, 44.axeA.lo. Stock la Slgkt. Receipts of live stock at the sis principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 2.321 S.724 1.2i) Sioux City 7(4) 1.4.0 Kansas City 4.0) 14, 5 d m St. Joseph l."i 10,iei ll.ij St. Louis t.o4) 7 5. lexi Chevago 12.500 37.UoO 12.Ju Total receipts. .34.540 n,3M 30,(jf4i Coltoa Market. NEW YORK. Feb. COTTON Futures opened steady. February. IO.sOc; March, 10 S6c; May, lo.SSc; June. 10 Slo bid: July. 10.77c; August, 10.56c bid; October, 10.AJ 10 07c. Futures closed steady; closing hlds: Feb rusry,' Irtflc; March. U.Our; April, U.u3c; May, lUHc; June, 1094c; Jjly, 1044c; Au- f:ust, Ui.tUc; October, 10.14c; December, OiCc Hnet closed quiet; middling uplands, 11.7"c; middling gulf. 11. c: sales. 100 bales. GALVESTON, Feb. .-COTTON-Steady at i!'c NEW ORLEANS. Feb. COTTON Spot, steady; low ordinary. 70, nominal, ordinary. 4 s-litc. nominal; goo.1 ordinary. He-, nominal; low middling. 11c; middling. llc; good mld'Hing. 12 13-16: middling fair. 12 11-140: fair. 116-14. nominal. Salea, 1680 bales, receipts, 7.4 bales; stock, 2tW.Ho ST.' LOUIS. Mo.. Feb. 1-COTTON-DvJI ; middling, lie; sales, none; recelnts. 46 bales; shipments, bJ bales; stock. 19.270 bales. Ferelga Flaaaelal. LONDON. Feb. tl. Money supplies were reotrlcted on the msrket today and the de mand waa good. Discount rates hardened In sympathy with money and the prospect of gold going out to France and fckiutn Am rit a. BERLIN. Feb. 4. -Prices on the Bourse todsy were weaker on yesterday s New York advices snd the rising money rates In London. PARIS. Feb. I Prlcea on the Bourse were heavy on rumor of difficulties In the Morocjan situation. Tresasrr kta lessee I. WASHINGTON. Feb 4.-Todsy s state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exrlaslve of the IIS0.1MO.OOO gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance, litlS 641.826. gold coin and bullion. li4.4U.Uo6. gold certificates. t44.7nG.150. Baak l lrarlags. OMAHA. Feb. 4 -Bank clearings for to day were Il.4-t4.ue4 04 snd for the corre sponding date Ust year II. 7M.474.il. Went I Market. ST. IjOUIS. Feb. 4.-WOOL-Steadv: med ium gri.irs, combing and clothing. lu.'lVxc; light fine. lNolm, heavy line, lllc; tub called. IvuJit:. . Ill la Slap Track Bet I la a;. FRANK FORT. Ky .. Feo. I.-A bill In trrMiiaced In the senate today eweag tv pro hiuit betting on horse racioej at any race track la the stal 'PHONE BONDS SAVE BANK Peearitles af Osaaka fssisssy CrweV Heal with Geed Serrlea Oa la Oresea. v 1 1 F. H. Stow, mnnnger of the-V'nlon Tele phone Const rticlion company. w-McTt la In stalling the plant of the Independent Tale phone company .In .Omaha, received wore Thursday morning that the ctrurtg had al lowed the merger of the Oregon Trust fnm pany and the American National bank ol Portland. wlUvh means those banks will be permitted to reopen- for haalneas and that the IV26.000 of the construction Oram pany's funds tied up In these Institutions ts released and will be available for work in the further 00m pie t ran of the Omaha plant. The t'nlon Telephone Construction com pany had t3X,Ua) ia funds tied, up 'in' tha Oregon Trust company when It closed Its doors a couple of months aire, and -this fact, has seriously hindered he work In Omaha because ot lack ot available funds. It forced the company" to ask the city for the return of CS.OH) bonus which had been put up aa a guarantee of food faith rn tbe construction et-.tne independent plant In Omaha. , "The telephone bonds held by these west ern banks have been the means ef saving the banks," said Mr. Stow.," "The tele phone company- bonds were aerep'ahte to the heavy depositor In lieu bf their de posits to the extent that all were taken up. The bank' carried something like 1600, 000 of the Independent Telephone company bonds and they proved to be "most excel lent collateral in this emergency. "The company will now be able to push the Installation- ef 'pbenea much faster than it could when hampered for funds, although the fact that we have been able to contlnne tha work. J a faca of havtng I325.000 tied up In the northwest speaks pretty well for the company." FREE WITH THEIR SYMPATHY F.aaterwers Have Vagae Ideas ( tk West aad tfce.. Wratker Oat Tkla Way., "t see." said Samuel Burn. "It was 48 degrees below sera. In New Tork. . Still you read of those easterner pitying us poor people ".Dut here In Nebraska, where they Imagine blisxarda are an every-day affair. And here 1 17 Is a blight, pleasant morning (It ws Wis rrrorftlng) with tha thermometer nowhere- near, the lero mark and the atr ao still ana could even think It were spring. '-!' "Oh, we get lots of sympethy, but wg don't need it frotri the east. "We will get more snow, though, be cause we need more snow. I would like ti see twelve Inches more before the winter la over and I guess I will. It would be good for the Ice man. the coal man, tha man who has large stores of winter goods ' to sell, tha farmer and everybody. "Thl weather we are having right now Is good weather. One thing you can al ways depend on here in Nebraska we get the kind of weather we need.' Early this winter we heard some of our friends la menting lest we would get no Ice. Well, our Ice men are working- large forces day and night and tha chances are we shall have all the lee we can possibly use next summer." " " TRAINLOAD. EAST TO TEST AD Froposltloa Agreed Oa by Real Es tate Kxrkaage at Spreadlasr Abroad Gee pel af Osaaka. Instead ot sending a carload of Oinalian's to the west to look for new trade, the Real Estate exchange proposes to have a com mittee test the possibility of sending- a tralnload of Omaha ns east to advertise the city. The advertising committee of the ex change met Thursday afternoon and had a three hour session, during which all marner of "city boosting" wa8 discussed. Tho committee will get out many thousands of slips telling of Omaha, at once and ask all business men to use them aa enclosure with all letter. . . The committee consists of F, D. Wead, Byron Hastings, W. H. Green, and C. F. Harrison. W. H. Hunter of The Bee, met with the committee on invitation, and sev eral collections ot Interesting statistic were prepared. The Real Estate Exchange proposes to go Into the work of advertising. Omaha tor all that It la worth, and a literary bureau, with a salaried man In oharge. may be the result, but the ' committee propose to do something at k-ast once- a month, beside making plan for big things and the slip for enclosure with letters will be the first thing which will be done. , PHONY DIAMONDS GO FAST Gasae la Worked ky I'rfcaM Vssag Maa la tka Wkelesale District: At least half a dusen men employed In the wholesale district ot Omaha are won dering how they could have 'Wen such "suckers." It happened like this: A well dressed young man entered tha office ot several wholesale house Wednesday morn ing. H inquired for some employe, who in each Instance happened to he out. "Well, he has bought a diamond of me," said the young man. "Hsjia paid all on It except 12.50. I called this morning to leave the diamond. I hare It here." Then he produced the stone. In each Instance the money waa forth coming and the young mnn departed. When It developed that no one in tbe of fice was buying a diamond on the Install ment plan and thst the stone left was decidedly "phony" Hut met) who had paid out the 12 So called In the police. A woman notified the police tUat a man was around taking orders for enlarging por traits. He called fur an advance payment ot 1, The woman gav the nanie ot the agent. But. as It baa not yet bean proven that he Is not dealing honestly, ao com plaint ass filed. , Sperlal Aaaoaaeemeat K-raardlag Ike .Nalloaal Pare Faod and Drag: Law. We are pleaded to announce that Foley Honey and Tar for coughs, colda and lung troubles Is not affected by th national pure food and drug- law, aa it contains no opiate or other harmful drugs, and w recommend It as a safe remedy for chil dren and adutta. Fur sals by all druggists.