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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1908)
REAL ESTATE CITV PIIOPRItTT ron S ALB (Continued ) K. ""'denes) in WinsMe, ""Z"1 ,V'",,'1,n'. of fr.fci must sell. v. "- ",,nf"" J. ii. Metcsif. win- elde, Nb., or lowa Blnux Rapid, la. Land company, (19)-.M.'0o sx "-.'-.. $200 South front lot. 45x128, on paved street snd two b.ks from car; paving paid- tV cash, f monthly j Payne Investment Company, Tel. Douglas 178t. F1.-t Floor N. I Ufe. J (19) M21J ( On West ramam St. ridge, built by owner . ', Jl- 'wh, n remove from city. F . t). Wead, 1801 Fa mam St. . . 19 1SS 7 - - - ' i . , , , i . ' i WM. K. POTTER, . . ' S"l fcrown Blk. A few choice properties that must be sold a follow: West 22 feat, lot 7. block 89, Omaha. UU Dodge 8u Tract of land 126246 feet at SC and Daren- port: fine. , Good 7-room bouse. S.T7 N. Mth St. Good 7-room house. 81 Franklin St. Good 7-room bouse. 2fM Burdette St. Two good even-room houses. 133-41 Pat rick Ave. I-ola 13 and 14. block S, Ames Place West Vt lota 11 and 13. block 1, Donovan' ub. Iot 5, block 131. South Omaha, North H of s lots S and 8, block 1, let ter's addition. Lot 13, block 8, first addition to So. Omaha. FOR QUICK results In selling or renting your property see Benjtman Real Estate Co., 92 Neville Blk. Both phones. ,..,. 081-M178 F23 ATTRACTIVE SUBURBAN HOME-Fortv acres other side Benson. 24 a. fruit. 260 apples. Bo peach, strawberries.' currants and raspberries, 8-r. house, large barn, block from school: owner needs money" for his equity-. F. r. Wead, ground floor, ln Farnam. (19) 1SR 7 Or R . PROPERTT 13 IT FOR SALE? Tell 'us about It: we' can sell It If your price Is jight., Omaha don't know what "depression" rsaana. We are selling more rear- estate today than ever. List that house,, with us. PATNB INVESTMENT COMPANY. First Floor' N. T. Ufa Building. ' ' (19) Ml 14 10 .-,.-. 13, SO. "-. house, hot water -heat, with full east front lot, on 80th Ave. near Pacific; easy tsrma. V. D. Wead,. 1801 Farnam St. . (iaj-187 7 LIST your property wit a Chris Boyer, 22d anil Cuinming St. (l 347 FOR SALE Eight-room modern house, with' large barn, ls Plnckney St. In quire V. ii. Woodland, 61 Vrandels Bldg. Tel,- Douglas 34u. tli)-MUi FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. ONJB-STORY frame dwelling, five rooms, cellar; good well, stable and outbuild ings fruit-trees) good location, facing city, lot 6xl4o. No. 219, Siith and Maril- . son fits.. South Omaha. Address A. W. Kltxberger. J14 N. Rodney St., Helena, Mont; . -f, - (19)-M11 lOx THE REED ABSTRACT CO., established 1168. ' Prompt service. Get our prices. 1710 Farnam (19) Mljs REAL ESTATE FAMM AXD RANCH LAND FOR SALE ' ' ' , ' allsaonrl. MISSOURI farms to, suit any purchaser. ,CaU pflt cr writs or list. Union Realty Go.. tlon Mo. () M6o0 F.x .1 Ifebraaka. t A- BARGAIN Writ us for description of rim-n property just listed, Phis la one of rm 'best localities 1n nnqtheast Ne braska . for feed or for dairy and hog ranch. B. E. Blerer A Co., 4 VI Bee Blilg. Omaha. 20 1S4 llx ONtn, " a snap in OREOON timber. t will sell a two-thirds Interest In .4.0H acres of pine timber land for 140,000. Tiiese lands have 4S.000.O0O faat of fin whlta pins lumber, well located. Land valuable after cuttlr.g timber. Title perfect. Address W. J. Cook, Lumber exchange building, Port land. Oregon. C0 M24a feh.lOx Mlsceiyaneoaa. " WESTERN "FARM LANDS. Crop payment plan; two crops pays for land, while the land Is doubling tn value. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO.. 6&1-6U Brandala Building. 'JOI M40i REAL ESTATE LOANS PUIVATB MONET NO DELAY. OARVIN BROS.. 1604 FARNAM. -v (i2 a64 MONEY t loan on Improved city prop erty, or on farm lands In Cass. Sarpy, Douglas or Washington counties. Loans closed promptly. Cash on hand. W. 11. Thomas, 5u3 First National Bank Bidg. (20-M117 x PRIVATE money to loan; no delays. J, H.-Bhrwood, C6-S17 Brandala Bldg. (23 M1W LOANS on Improved Omaha property. O'Keefo.R. E. Co.. luOl N. Y. Life Bldg. WAEI-CUy loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith Co.. 1XM Farnam St (23)-350 PRIVATE money to loan on Improved real stats. N P. Dodge S, Co., 1714 Far nam St. caw LOWEST RATES Be mis, Paxton Block. (22)- PRIVATE MONET CASH ON HANTV NO DELAY. J. H. Ml THEN. 102-t 1ST NAT. BANK BLDG. TELv DOUG. (2J) MSU t!9 U 10 ono made promptly. F. D. Wead. . . Wf, . , U-M W (22) MJ4 WANTED City loan. Peters Trust Co. I . (!U)-349 MONET TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. 22l-3f,2 WANTED TO BORROW i , .. , WANTED To borrow, H.OuO two years. 10 per. cent; . best security. Will maks monthly payments. Particulars addrns A Mi. care Bee. 24 lu &x BY OWNER, from 12.000 to 19.000 se cured by first mortgage on new cln.-u.-1n property well located. Will pay 0 pvr cent. Address N-tl, care Bee. 24) ftl 07 i WANTEDTO BUY . ' SECOND-HAND feed sscks. No amount loo larga or too auiail. Waausr, 8ul N. 14 ; t-J; CASH pa VI foi second-hand clothing, shoes, tc. N. liilh eu Tel. Red lii. (J6)-J61 SECOND-HAND butcher tools, computing stairs, etc. Describe fully; want button) prices. Address Y L'T. Bee. : ta-M171 gx W ANTbil A nloa. clwan stock of hurd wsrs, tw Invoice from P,0uu to 4.ou0; will pay spot caaii for It. Addrvsa Y ffj, e4. . - l2a) M741 14x . . r WANTHD To buy secoml-hatid furulture, niuk and heating stoves, idrpet, llno leiiins, o(f1c furniture, old lot Ins and siiocs, pianos, feathers, bed pillows, quilts eml ail kinds of tHls: or will buy ilia furniture of your house complete. The s lilgltmi , price paid. Call the rltlir niHn. tvi. ixnig. sm. t: Ml7 M4 WANTED TO RENT ANTKI-Fiirnlsheil flat, three or more roouis. strictly modern. Address II '.S Bae. f.ti)-Ml3 7x. 1 WIA NTK IV N lite I y furnished room In prl t ' vale family, no other ronniera. for man .and wiru. . Address W 947, Bee. " .1 M!4 x Kill It or five rooms, strictly modern flat fur lioHSrkteitiiig. Man aud wQ only. Addri&s. ruuiil 221, MilUrol hotel. 4.Jt 19i 7x WANTED TO RENT (Continued ) WANTED By a boy. room with sn sged rniipl,.. References given. AdrcBs M, l'-f. (Mi-M-'ol x WANTED- Rootii and honrd, without lunch, for thr-e; private plncn; mut ho f Iret-ilaKS In every wsy. Address F SXI. Bch. (261 M1 WANTED SITUATIONS DAT WOMEN furnished frea of chargs. Telephone Douglas LUZ (27) Mt YOCNO desires place to work for board vhde going to school. Boyles col. lege. Telephone Douglas 19M. (27 S6 CAMTETKNT bookkeejer and stenogra pher; good references: have good type writer. Address O. J. Wlldy, P1 a. Pt., Pine Bluff. Ark. 27 Ml: WANTED Situation In a hotel or house work by an experienced Japanese hov. Address P. O. Box 321, Council Illuffs, Ii. (27) M1S2 tlx WANTED work by the flay, by good cook: hotel or private famllp, can give good references. Address, J-957, care Ilw. 127)-19H 6x MARRIED COUPLE wants situation, wife thorough, good cook; h'lHlmnd as coachman or handy man. Newly ar rived from England. Address Itav P. O., Kearney, Neb. (27) M212 19x IOSITION hs colli'tor or some other responsible position. Address L-959, Care Bee. (27) M210 7x REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Nye, Schneider Fowler Co. to Nye, Schneider, Fowler drain Co.. rt SO f-ct of lots 1 to lli, Mock 4. and other lots, Osborne & Hoslcks' ad dition I25fi,253 Robert O. Fink, county treasurer, to the' Willis Ijind Co., part lot 18, McEntee's addition Alex C. Reed and wife to Rosalie Mllllihalcr, lot 21, block 4, Pruyn park 150 John N. Haskell and wife to Oeorge T. Morton, part of sei. se, nw, SM5-1H 1 John II. Stewart, administrator, to same 1.00 Florence A. Chase and hushnnd to Rudolph Blum, south 91 feet of lot and north 10 feet lot 7. blocli 7, Boulevard park 3,000 Mary Spearman to John R. Arnold, swV4 sw swVi swi. 29-15-13 600 Somerset Trust Co., to John Hart, wV si tw4 swU swVi, 29-15-13 . 10 John Hart to Mary Spearman, same 80) Frank AFursy, county treasurer, to Phillip Kunx, lots 3 and 4. Vinton place United Real Estate & Trust Co., to James C. Kinnard, lot 1, block 25, Kountxs placa !. .. Totals .K&2.814 GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR CAVALRY. ARTIL lery, riding and small horses Chief quartermastor's ofi'lee. Omaha. Nebraska, February I, 19i. Sealed proposals, tn triplicate, will b received at this office until 12 o'clock m., central time, March 3, 19o8, and then opened. In the presence of attending bidders, for 466 cavalry horses 6 artillery horses, 34 riding horses, and 370 small horses, for delivery at Omaha, Neb., or other prominent railroad points. The animal to conform "to speci fications for cavalry artillery, riding and small horses. United States reserves rlRht to accept or reject any "or all proposals or any part thereof. Particulars and blanks for projiosals will lje furnished on application. Envelopes Containing pro posals to lie Indorsed "Proposals for Horses," and addressed to Major Thomas Hwobe, chief quartermaster. FORT MEADE, 8. D., JAN. 27. 190. ScaleJ pWposals. In triplicate, for the construction of roads, sidewalks, gutters, and drains, will be received here until 10 a. m., March 2, 19, and then opened. In formation furnished on application. Plans and specifications may be seen at U. S. Quartermaster offlcea Omaha, ' Denver, Chicago, St. Paul, and this ofifoe. The United States reserves the rlg"ht to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should he endorsed "Proposals for Roads, Sidewalks. Outtors and Drains", nd ad dressed to - L. C. Scherer. Captain 4th Cavalry, Constructing Quartermaster, Fort Meade. 8. D. F. 3-4-5-6-26-27 SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE celved at offh-ei of treasurer. Battle Moun tain Sanitarium, N. H. D. V. S.. Hot fcprlnjrs. South Dakota, until 12 o'clock, m., Fehruaxy 24, IflclS, and then opened for fur nishing and delivery of FTTbsleUmce sup plies, in accordance with Instructions and specifications, copies of which, with blank proposals and other Information, mav be had upon application to W. A. TUCKER, Treasurer. Jan29-feb-13 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET ing. Notice is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the South Platte Land company wTI! be held at the office of said company at Lin coln. Neb., at 11 o'clock a. m -on the fourth day of March. A. D. 1908. By order of the Board of Directors. C. H. Morrill, president. A. B. Minor, secretary. Lincoln, Neb., February 3, 1908. F-3d-30T RAILROAD TIME CARD UNION STATION 10th AND HARCY. Union Pacific. Leave. The Overland Limited. . a 60 am The Colorado Express,. a 1:60 pm Atlantic Express The Oregon Express. ...a 4:10 pm The Los Angeles Llm....al2:6G pm The Fast Mail a M xm The China & Japan Mall a4:00 pm Colo-Chicago Special. ...al2:10 am Beat' A Stroms'g L'cal.bl2:30 pm North Platte Local a 7:42 am Chleags) at Narthwaatarm. Chicago Daylight a 1:2b am St. Paul-Minn. Expraaa.a 7:60 am Chicago Local all :90 am BlouxClty fassenger. ..a 7:50 alt ChkWo Passenger a 4:3o ptn Chicago Special a :uU pm St. Paul-Minn. LI ml ted. a k:Zt pm Los Angeles Limited.... a I) pm Overland Limit co. -alO.-OO pm Fast Mali Sioux City Local a 1:60 pm Arrive, a 6:40 pm a 6 00 pm al0:is am a 6:00 pm a t:ll pm a 6:46 pm a 6:60 pm a 7:06 am b 1:40 pm a 4:46 pm aU:43 pm alO:00 pm a 1.2 pro a pm a 9 45 am 1:31 am a :U0 am all:36 pal a :23 am a 9:04 am a t .2o am a 1:3a pm a 6:uo am a 6:40 pm al0:36 am a 6:40 pm a 6 :40 pm b 6:40 pm b 1:36 pm a 1:46 am a 6 W pm rni iHKlt . ..... .. Twin City Limited a t:U pm Norfolk - Bonesieel a 1:60 am L.incoin-ioDg fine w 7:60 am Dead wood Lincoln.. ..a 3:U) prn Casper Shoshonl a -Hnptfr - Diiosiiom . m.uu pin Hastings - Supurior b 3:0o in Fremont - Albion b I 31 pm : J0 pm MUMsrl Paclftsv, K. C. U St. L. Exp. K. C. St. L. luxp. WtlMuk. ....a 60 am .all:16 put 61. Louis Express a f :M ai a 1:3 am alius pm 10:li am pm am bt. Louis Loial (Irooi Council Blaffs). StuutMrry Local Council BluITs). Ckleago Great a I 30 (rrom b 6:60 Waaterak. St. Paul-MUiaeapaUa. pm an is ara piu 7 30 11:36 8:17 n.ffi 2:90 am pm am Pm Pm bt. raui-uiuusspatui 7:i Chicago Limned 6t Chicago Kxpreaa 7:M ChlLagu Express t.u Chlcagu, Hwca. laAaaa A ilAST. Chicago Limited a 3:00 Iowa iei:l a Ivd lJeS Mulues taaaejiger. .a 4:uu Iowa Iah.s1 bll 4o Chicago (luLStern Ex). .a 4:40 CUitago Iyer a S.ig Wkt. Kocky Mountain L't..all:U Colo, and Cal. Ex a 14V Okl, aud lexaa &xp....a .w llllaaia CaatraL Chicago Express a 7:li Mmn. OU Paul Ex..b T:14 Ctucugo Lliiilltxl a 6.uu Minn. St. Paul Llm'd.a .J iblcagw, MUwsakts A . CUc k Colo. Spaclal...a 7:25 Cal. 4t Ore. Lxviass m 6:uu overland Liuuiea a m tuny Local a .u rsMNlfla. am am pm ain pin all:0S a 4 . Jo b 9:66 111 a pm pm pm pa? pm am pm also pm a 4: pm a las am a 1:45 am a:6i pm a :So pm a K.JO Pa al. in all io pm a I xs ytu a k:jo pui all.uii pm pm pm ara a. a pm m ao am WEBITKH STA 16T1I WEMTBa. Ckleaso. St. PaaL MtaaeapelU Uiuaha. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Fassenger....b : am b ( 10 vm Bloux City Passenger. ..a I:m6 piu alu:U) am Emerson Local v 0 V4S am c pm Mlsaaarl Pacta. Auburn Local b 1.60 pm tU:2i am I1IR A1IA AILY BEE: THritSDAY. 'FEBRUARY 0. 1008. EIGHT TEAMS, SAYS O'XEIL Circuit Will Be Expanded, According to the President. MEETLNQ IS OMAHA NEXT WEEK Pa Rosrke I'nadvlaesl on These Farts, bat Is U4d lie Can Hare thick Aatrey This Year. A special dispatch to The Bee from Sioux City says that Norrls O'Netl. presi dent of the Western league, has written his friend. Ducky Holmes, that the West rrn will have eight clubs this year, and also that the annual meeting will be held In Omaha next week, the day not yet de cided on. All of which Is news to Pa Rourke, who hss not heard from Comlskcy's scout on either proposition. The Sioux City dispatch quotes Holmes as ssylng thst St. Joe would be one of the recruits to the league, but that ho re fused to divulge ths "president's" secrets far enough to give the name of the other one, adding that prospects never were brighter for an eight-team league. He didn't aay how bright prospects were for success with such cities ns St. Joe In the league, however. Autrey will be with Omaha this year. Thst Is settled, as Pa Rourke has been notified by telegram that all the big league teams with the right have waived and he tiay . come back to the Westerh league' champions for another year. Pa thinks" he will, therefore, have the best first bsjieman In the west. The retention of . Autrey gives Omaha additional assurance of the strongest team It ever had for this year. t All Hit Pa for More Pay. Hal Chase. George Stone and Ty. Cobb would be put to shame by the demands some of the members of the Omaha base ball club are making on Pa Rourke for Increases In salary for the coming year. Last week Pa sent out his contracts to the old players and answers ara beginning to come In. Of all the contracts Pa sent out ho did not cut the salary of rslngle player one dollar, but on the othef hand he raises the pay check offer of three pfayers. The presidential year Is nearly always an off year In base ball and Pa thinks the players should he satisfied to receive the same pay At they did the previous year. But not so do Pa s Colts think. They all want more money. "On the square," said Pa, "It looks like the whole bunch had combined to ask for more money this year. It may not be that they have formed a trust, but It looks that way from the answers we are get ting from the contracts and notices to report which have been sent out. "A player who got 1250 a month last year should be satisfied to recelvo the same salary this year, hut they all seem to want more money. When some, of the stars hold out from signing their contracts and demand more money fans look Upon the announcement as an advertising proposition for both the player and the team, bpt hi case of the Omaha team they all seem to be balk ing" , The telegram from Brother Jim at Cin cinnati that Autrey waa to be sent back to Omaha has filled the fans with glee for there seems to be no doubt that Chick will be the star first baseman of the league next summer. 1,1 DEM A! DE. I KD THE TROPHY Not Allowed io Accept Gift frem Champion Olson. What looked like a lively little tempest In ths teapot was precipitated at Lincoln Tuesday afternoon when the tmiaha nhoot ers lost to the Lincolnites. But that was not the vause of the trouble. It all aroee over the1 Thorpe trophy. , Adolph Olson of Holdrege. one of tile best trap shooters this state ever pro duced, shot his last amateur race, as he left last evening for Cincinnati to become professional trap shooter for one of the cartridge companies. He waa holder of the Thorpe trophy and shot a mutch with Lindcman, that shooter having; challenged him. Olson knew he was leaving the state, and big, good-natured fellow hat he Is, did not want to carry the honors with hlni. so he deliberately tossed the match to Llndeman. He admitted it, saying he did not want to carry his title away with him and. as Llndeman was the only man who nhallenged him. he was willing to let the trophy stay with him. While the commit tee accepted his explanation, ll refused to let the trophy go to Llndeman under the conditions, but let It revert bsok to Game Warden Carter, from whom Olson won It. IOtX CITV BANKET BXI, TEAM Y. M. C. A. Oatflt Cornea to Omaha Saturday Mght. Sioux City Young Men's Christian asso ciation team plays a return game Satur day night with the Omaha Young Men's Christian association in the Omaha gym nasium. Games with the Sioux City team always arouse Interest In Omaha anil fans well remember the last game, which was played at the Auditorium, when the local team won by a small margin by a fine spurt at the close. A few weeks ago Omaha lost at Sioux City and the players are looking for revenge. Al Hanson is back in the harness after an enforced absense because of trouble with his eyes and this makes several changes in the lineup of the team. I.ej Wilson will be moved from Center as a running mate for Hanson and Rasmussen probably will play center. The Sioux City center Is about six feet six Inches tall and Rassmussen probably will have his hands full. Welsen may alternute with Wilson and PJej-rou and Harris have definitely sledded upon to guard the speedy forwards of the Sioux. Kangaroos to Lincoln. The Kangaroos of the junior Young Men's Christian association will go to Lincoln Thursday afternoon to play a basket ball game with the Young Men's Christian as sociation Juniors there. The latter bunch defeated tTte Kangaroos last December by a very small margin, and since that time the local players have had considerable special coaching and practice, so this even ing's game at Lincoln will be one of the fastest ever plsyed by Nebraska boys' teams. Although the Kangaroo players are far from new at the game the Lincolnites have considerable advantage, as several of their players are graduated high school stars who have had a wide range'vf ex perience In the game. Omaha's players sre as follows: For wards. Burdick (captain), Dodds; renter Arnsteln: guards, Nagl, Pagels, 1 oward and Doud. Succession to Ulg Mnc. IOWA CITY. Ia., Feb. 5.-t8pectal.)-One of the absorbing sessions of the day In t lie university athletic circles Is the question RAILWAY TIME CARD BURLlNOTOir STA lOTM A HAIOX. Uarllagtea. astfi. ..a 4.1 pm ..a 4 is pm ..a 4:10 pm ..all.69 pm ..a 8:46 am ..a 9. 15 ara ..b 1:4s pm Arrive, a 1 46 pm a I 46 pm a 1.46 pm aio 16 pm a l.lo pm a l:io pm ei2:ll pai b 9.u am aw :1a p,a a 7:60 pm bl0:ft) am a ;M am b V: "p'm a 7:26 am aU:6 pm a lo pm a l:su am aU'o am all am a to am a 6:10 pm Denver California Norttiwsst Bpevlal .. Black Hills Northwest Express . Nvbraaka peiota .... Nebraska Express .. Lincoln Fast Mall.... Lincoln Local Lincoln Local Lincoln Local Bohuylar - piattamouth-b 1:10 pm Lvlisvue - Plattarnoulh.a 1.00 pm 1'lattsmoutb-lowa b (06 am believue-Plallsmoutn Denver Limited a 4:10 11 m Chicago Special a 7.40 am Chicago Express a 4 K pm Chicago Plysr a 6.M prn Iowa Local a 1:16 am 6c Louis Express a 4:46 pm Kansas City & tit. Joe..ai0:4i pm Kaunas City At St. Joe. .a 9:16 an) Kansas City at 8u Joe. .a 4:4a pm a Daily, b Daily except -Sunday, c Hun day only, d Dally except Saturday. Dalle luul Moin'.aif. Wn ','!' ",,,' Michigan In the P'g K.ght ernor . Hughoa concerning betting, repre when It becomes "nee more the Big Nina. 1 sentstlves of the leadina and mort pnnular At present t'le rholcn seems lntr!lv tn he between Missouri snd Nebrsska. jnwa Is In a position to know more about the sthletlc sffalrs of these schools than anv of the other members of the conference, snd should be sble to wield considerable influence in the matter when It comes up. The university is on excellent terms with both schools snd sentiment ts nearly equally divided. Nothing csn be learned of the attitude of the-athletic board, as their position has not yet been made pub lic. It Is believed hero thst the recent visit of Coach Monllsw of Missouri In lowi City was for the purpose of boosting Mis souri's chances for admittance. EVENTS O THE rFIXO TRACKS easssasaeaaaaa Big Fields Mark All Races at New Orleans. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 6-Blg fields marked the racing at the fair grounds to day. In every race excepting the six fiu--'""gs purse affair, the limit lined up before Starter Cnssldy's harrier. The csrd was devoid of particular feature, and the card as given over to the poorer class of horses. Summary: First race, three furlongs, selling: Pros per (107, Ott. 3 to 1) won, Joe Howell (107. Oaugel, 10 to 1) second. Irrigator (112, J. Lee, 8 to 1) third. Time: 0:37. Bcrvlcenre, Roseburg 11. Mlque O'Hrlen. Mellow Tine. Mascarol, Eustacisn. Columbus, Tyler, Lit tle Mose, Prefix. Warden and Excelsis also ran. Second race, five snd a half furlongs, selling: Beatrice K (UN, Heldel, fi to 1) won, Druid (118. McDaniel, to 1) second. Vlperlne (111. Nlcol. 12 to 1) third. Time: 1 :. Rose of Pink, Anna Scott, Sheen, Royal legend, Donna Elvira, Tyrollan, Constantia, Klamesha II, Fire Opsl. Blatk Mantilla, Vohoome and Golden Pheasant also ran. , Third rac, seven furlongs: Prince Hohenlohe (I117. Ott. 8 to 1 won, Jack Hretton (?. Notter, 9 to 6 second, Bluster (111. Koerner, 80 to 1) third. Time: 1 :V Morning Light. Dario, - Elaine. Altonby, Idalo, (iaiili, I.ady. Maria. Captain Chan dler, the Composer and Stella also ran. Fourth race, six furlongs: Beverus (107, Notter, 4S to 1) won, Bitter Sir (1('2. V. Powers, 26 to 1) second, Hand Bridge (106, J. Lee, to 6) third. Time; l:14i. Wood lane, Ethel Carr. La Boeur, Tllekllns and El Rhlpp also ran. Fifth, race, six furlongs, selling: Leo Beach (99, Ott, 8 to 1) won. Big Ben (H. McDaniel. 16 to 1) second. Miss Strnnie (lfi. Notter, 2 to 1) third. Time: 1:15. Artful Dodger; Miss Ferrlss. Haughty Gibson. Ooldway, Firebrand. Killochan. Hoeuspo cus, Baleshed, Kay and Klrena also ran. Sixth rare, six furlongs, selling: Hand tarra 9. Sumter, 1H to 1) won, Bellestroma (I'll. Delaby. 8 to 1) second, Roval Onyx (liio, Robert, 6 to 1) third. Time: 1:14'. French Nun, Hannibal Bey, Robin Hood, Meadow Breexe. Funlculalre, Avaunlerer Bertha K, Refined, Telescope and Coon also ran. Seventh race, mile and sixteenth, selling: John Smulskt (lt, Heldel, 20 to 1) won. The Clansman (110, Notter, 10 to 1) second. Grenade (107, McDaniel, 2S to 1) third. Time: 1:4. Gild, Telegrapher, Trenola, Judge Treen. Iladur, Blennenworth, Den Igre, Terns Rod, Cull and Charlatan also ran. ' l.OS ANGELES, Feb. 6.-Results at Santa Anita Park: First race, seven furlongs, selling: Billy Bowlegs (107, Schilling, 11 to 2) won. Laudable (106, Goldstein, 6 to 1) second, Anoura (100. Martin. 8 to 6) third. Time: 1:294. Orlflamme. Bfawney Rusclmo, Lois Cavanaugli and Cab also ran. 8econd race, three furlongs, purse: An toich (107, Anton, 4 to 1) won. Colored Lady (107, Burns, 13 to 6) second. Hello Thorpe (17. Schilling, 8 to 1) third. Time: 0:&. Berths, Ollle Ward, Frlexe, My Lady, Miss Alvesco aio ran. Third race, six furlongs, selling: Nadxu (Ki4, Schilling, 8 to H, won. Work and Play ilOti, W. Miller, 6 'to 2) second, Lls bia (99, Musgrave, 7 to 1) third. Time: 1:1HH. Bellaco, Everan, Victor, Florence, Miss Himyar, t'urtner, George Swain, Ban Ellen also ran. Fourth race, six furlongs, Oneonta han dicap: Calardo (llo. Dugan, even) won; El Cazador (Iti7, Ross. 7 to 2) second; Suc ceed (97, Blair, 9 to 8) third. Time, 1:15V Reuben, Budapest, Nonle Lucille. Burno lette and Mary Candlemas also ran. Fifth race, mile and a furlong, selling: Aucussln (107. Dugan, 7 to 21 won; Box Elder (112. Ross, la to 1) second; Anvil (U2, Harty. 10 to 1 third. Time, 1:66H- Mon tanes, Ten Row, Jessie Wheeler, Allrlght, Kile. Bunnocence and Sherry also ran. Sixth race, six furlongs: Baxil (96, Martin. 10 to 1) won; Lord Nelson (14. Buxton, I to 1) second: Golden Shore (104, Burns, 4 to 6) third. Time, 1:164. Firm Foot, Bragg. Royal- Ascot, J. J. Mc, Prolific, Buster Jones and Ritdabek aleo ran. OAKLAND, Cal. . Feb. 6. Results: First race, six furlongs: Duke of Orleans (132. Wllllsms, 18 to 6) won; Exchequer HO.', Seville, 18 to 7)' second; Billy Mver (112, Davis. 4 to 1). third, Time, 1:19. Paladlni. Jockey Mounce, Patriotic, Otros, Otos Gross. Cardinal Ear to, Bantonlca and Elec tric Spark also ran. Second race, three furlongs, purse: Lady Renssalaer (98. Bandy. 6 to 1) won; Iylttle Jame (UK, Hayes, 15 to 1) second; Flying, Danco ll2, A. Walsh, 7 to S) third. Time, 0:37Vi. Street Singer. Tangma, Collce, Cav allena, Tenfull and Queen Whims also ran. Third race, futurlly 'course, purse: Smllev Corbett (101, Rice, eyt-n) won; Old Settler (98, Harris, 9 to 1) second: Gales (lol, Hayes, 5 to li third. Time. I:u2i. Boas, Husk v. Thurbet, Bannock Bob, Irish Mike and 61. Modan also ran. Fourth race, one mile and a sixteenth. Pleasanton handicap: Fred Bent (91. Klrschbaum, 7 to 2) won; A. Muskoday (I18, McClaln. 8 to 1) second; Joe Coyne did, Hayes. 21 to 5) third. Time, 1:52S- Morti boy and Tavora also ran. - Fifth race, one mile and seventy ysrds: Dorado ll 13, Keogh. 8 to 6) won; Lam pa rt rome (P6, Klrschbaum, 20 to 1) second; Excitement (110. Sandy, 7 to 2) third. Time, 1:52W. Prince of Orange, Iazalle, . Luclan, Lassen and Red Reynard also ran. Sixth rare, six furlongs, New California Jockey club breeding bureau: Galvestonlan (1i, Flnnegan. 7 to 5) wnns- St. Orloff Mi. Fisher. 13 to 1) second; Confessor (112. Har ris. 9 to 2) third. Time. 1:19. Tancred. In tegrity, Joe Kllday, Rosal and Huston also ran. HARD PRACTICE BY O. II. . TEA M Boys la fctaajic lor Slont City tiame Matarday. The basket bull squad of the high school went through hard practice Wednesday afternoon, and will do their last work today preparatory to the game at Sioux City Saturday evening. The boys are fast learning the fine points of the game, and have developed wry efficient team and signal work. This Is largely the result of the efforts of Captain Nagl and Man ager Neavles, the latter .of whom la also coaching the tesm. Howard is rapidly working Into the guard's position left vacant by the In eligibility of one of the plavers, and Neavles as the other guard Is still putting up such steady playing as won him a place on last year's team. Nagl's transfer to left forward has merely given the team another good forward Instead of guard and the brilliancy of the team work and goal shooting that Burdick and Arnsteln put up has increased with the tram de velopment. Carrier's work at forward has recently come into speclul prominence. and he has been chosen to go to Sioux City with the team. The other substitute In Saturday's game will be Thomas, a member of the 19";6 team who has recently returned to school. I MIOI.Z ' Ot TPOI,T9 Kl.HO. Former Has Belter of Flahl, bat No Derision Is Given. IX S aAUEI.ES. Cal., Feb. 5.-Rudolph 1'nhols had the better of Battleing Nelson in a ten-round go before the Pacific Ath letic club here tonight. M'nder the city or g uiiiarices no uerisiou euuia De given, oui there was no dought of the result. The Boer had the better of every round In the matter of blows exchanged. He punished Nelson considerable and had him bleeding freely at tile nose and mouth almost from the start. He knocked tho battler down In the first round with a lightning left to Ilia point of the jaw. 1'nhols seemed to be a puzsle to Nelson, the latter was constantly on the aggres sive but his efforts availed him little. He led repeatedly, but I'nholx. fighting with lils left shoulder held high to protect his head and chin, est aped punishment almost altogether. Dos that Hunted with President. A mother and eleven puppies, five w ks old, of the Airedale English terrier breed, are the property of' S. B. Stewart, 119 Nurth Sixteenth street. This breed of dog is not generally known In the 1'nlted Hlates but fanciers say It Is one of the best all-around dugs. The mother of the dog owned by Mr. Stewart helped Presi dent Roosevelt to trail big game on his recent liunllng trip In Colorado. In Cali fornia the Airedale terriers are used by the police In tracking and rapturing crim inals. 1 Bis Racing? Events to Be Ran. NEW YORK. Feb. 6. -The Times today says that In all the preseut uncertainty regarding the status of racing for the couiHig season and pending legislation as the r vault of the iccomuieudliuug of tiui-i racing associations shout New York yes terdsy declsred authoritatively tbst TSvs Would be conducted snd thst the general stake features also would be run and the prises psld. regardless of any loss which changed conditions mar enialj. TI'RK KV W F. STEROAR D II FRF. Both Ready for Their Wrestle at the Aadltorlam Friday lght. Karskannff. the big Turk. and Jess Westergsrd. the giant lowsn, are In Omaha ready, or getting ready for their wrestle at the Auditorium Friday nlrht. The Turk, decked In his native garb, of every color of the rainbow, was escorted around town by Manager Olllsn of the Auditorium. Borne one suggested that Wsr Eagle, who Is also In the city, f'y his feathers and join the Turk. "I think Fred Beell will throw Ootrh If Ootch bars his toe hold." said the Turk, regarding; the sttiry that Ootch will thus handicap himself Frldsr with Beell. The Turk Is a big fellow, but Wester gsrd is bigger, and both men look like sure warriors UMAll gll OOTF.HS ARB DEFEATED Lincoln Leads Them by Mac Bird and Olson Loses Thorpe Trophy. LINCOLN. Neb.. Feb. 6 In a six-man team shoot this afternoon at 100 targets. between gun clubs of Lincoln and Omaha, the Lincoln team won by nine targets. The lotsl for Lincoln's six men was 515; for Omaha's six. In a contest for the Thorpe trophy. Olson of Holdrege. the holder, was defeated by Llnderman of Lincoln by a score of 82 to 80. WITH THE BOW1ERS. The Storx Blue. Ribbons won two games from the Omahus at the Association alleys lsst night, but didn't get under full steam until one was gone. Eddie Maurer started off with a 2R1 game, but Cuuhran beat him out for high tirtal with an even 60O. To night the two-men tournament games will start at 7:30 sharp. Score: STORZ BLCE9. 1st 2d 3d Tot. Frltscher lsa lw 19 6H9 Moore 15s 19 1H5 5i2 Weber 140 PIS 173 111 Stone 119 114 146 4tw Cochran Is8 1H0 222 WiO Totals 7S8 8SS 9013.577' OMAHAS. 1st 2d 3d Tot. Maurer Ki ;4 1(6 691 Megeath 1TD 144 149 412 Larson la 14 116 478 Ohnesorg MS W 2H9 637 Marble 189 M9 . 171 629 Totals ..: fm 831 8J0 2.647 The Walter O. Clarks took two games from -the Gold Tops last night, and If Walenz had not made a split and error In the ninth and tenth frames they would have taken three. Grotte was'hlgh. with 23 single game and Walens was high on totals, with 622. Tonight tho Cole Mc Kennas against Postofflce. Score: ' WALTER G. CLARKS. 1st 2d 3d Tot. Sutton 212 155 194 m Walens 215 213 194 622 Grothers I04 222 143 5t9 Nelson 157 Hot 18 613 Cogswell 198 142 2o3 543 Totals 9Rj 920 9i2 2,808 JETTER GOLD TOPS. 1st 2d 3d Tot. Prlmeau. II 212 172 192 67S Prtmeau, C 1...177 175 15s fil Foley wi 177 213 651 Collins 15s 188 147 4 Grottle 17 230 177 689 Totals 882 9W 887 2.715 Acting Captain Gernandf of the Chicago Liquor team came down last night to clean up the Beslin Mixers three games, but the Mixers hud another notion, ami took three games from the Chicago Liquor House team. Captain R. A. Schneider was high man for the Mixers, with a 623 total, and Cain was high for the Chicago Liquor House, with 477. Tonight the Tigers and Ortman Stars contest. Score: , BESLIN MIXERS. 1st 2d 3d Tot. Schneider, W. F 18 1 91) 130 497 Wilson 1 129 11 381 Schneider, R. A 175 170 177 622 Totals 479 498 4231,400 CHICAGO LIQUOR HOUSE. 1st 2d 3d Tot. Cain . : 176 149 153 47T Adams 124 13 3 128 416 Geruandt 160 179 140 469 Totals 449 491 421-1.3K1 An exciting match was bowled on the Metropolitan alleys Saturday night, in which the Green River team made Its debut by winning two games out of three from the fast Ortman Stars. Both teams did some fine ten-pin work. Rosecrans had high total, with 4i;l, and Bishop had high single game. 180. Laird had high total for the Ortmans. with 5u6, and high single, 182. Score: ORTMAN STARS. 1st Cd 3.1 Tot. Laird 148 18J 175 616 Ortman 159 121 122 4n5 Griffith 134 1 20 127 381 1 Totals 441 4L6 4241,291 GREEN RIVERS. 1st 2d 3d Tot. Rosecrans 116 1HI 164 4rtl Adkins 146 131 132 4"9 Bishop . 126 180 153 459 Totals lit 472 ',439 1,329 Ilarkmschmldt Throws Tnrk, SIOUX CITY. Ia., Feb. 6-(Speclal Tele gram.) In a gruelling wrestling match last night Charles Hackenschmldt of Des Moines defeated Ahamad Karaknoff of Montreal, Canada, a Turk. Over 1.30 people witnessed the bout. Hackenschmldt Won the first fall In twenty-two minutes and fourteen sec onds, with a scissors and head hold. The Turk won the second fall In twenty min utes and forty-six seconds, with a crotch and toe hold. Hackenschmldt came strong and won the third fall in five minutes, with a bar hand and head hold. Challenge tllj Hanging Fire. OXFORD. England. v Feb. 6. The reports printed In the United States that the Ox ford I'nlversliy Athletic club has declined the challenge sent by the American Inter collegiate Athletic association for an Inter national track and field athletic field meet ing between team representing the uni versities of the United States and Great Britain at the London Olympic games in 19i8 are not true. The question of the ac ceptance of the American collegians' chal lenge has not et been decided. Long-boat fleck Reinstatement. NEW YORK. Feb. 6. Tom Longboat, the Indian long-distance runner who is under suspension by the Amateur Athletic union. Is coming to New York, It is said, for the purpose of appealing to the commission of the union lor reinstatement. Longboat's selection as a member of the Canadian Olympic team makes it necessary for him to be reinstated by the union In-fore he can compete In the games In London next summer. Uolf Links to Be Improved. DES MOINES. Ia.. Feb. 5.-(8peclal.)-The Haveland golf links of tills city are to be Improved before the opening of the new season, with a view of bringing them up to tournament class. The city will ex pend 13.5i.O 011 the park itself and ttio club will spend 11.5m) more. Schacfcr Accepts Challenge. NEW YORK. Feb. 6. Jacob Schaefer has accepted Willie Hoppe's challenge for a match at 18 1 Inch hulk line billiards for the championship title, and Schaefer has (listablUhcd lS-g 1 - Cunt WhU You SJeas. ' j Whooplng-Cough, Croup, Bronchitis, Coughs, Diphtheria, Catarrh. Confidence can tv nl-l in a edy, which for a quarter of a century baa earned unqualified praise. Restful nights ara assured at once. CrcMaJcae la m Boon to Asthmmtlct All Druggists '.scripnut biiit. OrMnlAnA A rllHnll, Ttiroat Tablets fof Ui lrriiatea throat, of your druggist or from as. lOo. lu stamps. 180 Panes St N. T. Itching", disfiirnrioj: eruptlong, rashes, boils, etc., . well as pimple, black headn and rough, caljr akin, show the presence of some trritattnff humor in the blood. These acids and humors with which the blood infected are bcinif constantly thrown off through the pores and Rlands of the $kin, and the flesh Is kept in an inflamed, diseased and unsightly condition. Nothing applied externally can change the condition of the blood or prevent the outfldw 01 these burning acids; only constitutional treatment cn do this; Washes, salves, lotions, etc., cannot reach the humor-laden blood, and are therefore useless, except for the temporary comfort and cleanliness they afford. The acid poison in the blood must be removed before a cttre can be effected. S. S. S. is a real blood purifier, possessing- all the requirement necessary to neutralne and remove the humora from the circulation. It completely eradicates every trace of impurity and restores this vital fluid to ita natural healthy state. S. S. S. cools the acid-heated blood ao that instead of pouring out acrid matter on the akin, it feeds and nourishes it with health-sustaining properties, and then the eruptions and diseases of the skia pass away.. Book on Skin Dia eases and any medical adtice free to atrwho write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA deposited W to bind the match. The match probably will be played In, Chi cago. Sporting Gossip. Anyway, Ty Cobb, In speaking of Detroit, still says, "us." v, These' Is one club under whose auspices Hat Nelson csn claim the right to fight any old time now. that Is the V and O. IV O. Alderman, the Omaha boy, who has blossomed Into a rattling fine pitcher, has signed snd returned a contract to Pittsburg for this year. , It seems almost Incredahle that a man who was nothing but a player for some twrnty-five years would propose such a blacklist rule as that offered by the vener able, handsome Jim O'Hourke. Interest In the match Friday night at the Auditorium betweei Westergard and the Turk Is growing more Intense each day and the big fellows ought to draw a good house. The odds seem to be leaning to ward Westergard. though the Turk may bo able to fool them. It didn't take Farmer Burns long to de cide that he would give War Eagle another match, did It? That ought to be even more thrilling than the former minting of these two men. Each has a better knowledge of the other man than before and each has a little more ginger In his feelings toward the other. It Is to be hoped, however, neither wll( let the ginger boil up too high. Suppose Beell should throw Ootch In their handicap meeting In Chicago Friday night when Ootch will excluded his toe hold, what Would It prove? One thing It coud not possibly prove Is tho supremacy of Beell over Ootch. Yet there Isn't any emmlnent danger of Ueell's winning even In this handicap. Alt rock objects to the contract Comlskey sent him calling for $.mio less than last year and stipulating that the 1I will be handed him at the end of the season provided he lets Colonel Barleycorn alone.. The Big Noise replies that he was unfairly tracted last year by reports of his libations. On the other hand, Comlskey ran pull the re cord of games lost and won and back up his intimation that Altrock's lack of form cost the Sox the pennant In 1SC. Altrock ought to lower his opinion of himself any way. Ssys Joe Cantillon: "Kahoe handled the delivery of Walter Johnson last season to the queen's taste, and he will pay for his salary if ho does nothing dsn but keep this youngster going right. Mike knows everything about the game, and was a val uable a lil to me last season. Last fall, be fore leavlngTor home. Johnson came to me and especially requested that I sign Kahoe for the coming season, as he believed he could be more effective with the veteran receiving him than any one else. I have compiled with the young pitchers request. Kahoe and Johnson were great fflends, and everything the former knee; in a base ball world was Imparted to the latter. Kahoe may not be the best catcher In the world, but he 'Is a mighty handy fellow to have around." NEBRASKA FROM DAY TO DAY Quaint and Cnrloaa Feature of Life tn a Raoldlr Growing; State. John a Wise' Owl A freight car took fire at the depot Sunday, and had It not been for the presence of mind of our particular friend, John D, Crans, we doubt If even the track would have been left to tell tbe tale, but John suggested that the "goat" get It to tho water tank quickly which It did, and a stream as large as a telephone pole was let loose and the fire was "submerged." Had Cloud Commercial Advertiser. Have the young ladles ' of Table Rock failed to realise that this Is leap year? A number of bachelors ire still at large and If the young ladies fully realise their op portunities, this ought not to be, for the aforesaid Bachelors would wear the matri monial yoke gracefully. There's Oeorge Cotton. Dr. Cherry. Enos Jones, Art Long well, Dr. Hylton and a host of other ellgfblos. Including Frank Cochran and George Purcell, all .In the market. Table Koek Argus. - -' Perhaps Fred Won't Tell Our grape vine telegraph brought the Intelligence last week, too late for publication, however, that' a new position had been created at the Robinson warehouse No. 4, that of Inspector of elevators. The boys tell a good Joke on the "Inspector" to the effect that he was showing them how to apply the 'air brakes when a failure to atop the profiling power caused a mlx-up not on the program. We have not full particulars at hand but. If you want to know mdre about It, you might ask Fred. Waterloo Oasette. Nothing Doing The Road's Economising A strange thing happened at the Merna depot last Sunday morning, when thirty men from Broken Bow clamored for tickets to make the trip home by rail and were told by the agent that the night operator had been laid off and he could not sell tickets. The Broken Bow cltlxens stood at the window, produced the money, made tbelr tender and for nearly an hour kept It good as they looked on and admired the serene- countenance of the agent, then boarded the train without tickets, paid 25 cents extra, received a rebate certificate and came on home all apparently In good humor. Curtis County Beacon. Absent Minded We have heard of peo ple being absent minded, but here are two who brttk the record. One day last week James Magee went to the barn and brought out his driving horse, got her into the shafts and started to hitch up when he discovered that he had not har nessed her. Fred Frye. the other party, was seen walking Out of town Inquiring of passers by If they had seen his horse going east as he had got away from him In town, but when the parties he asked reached town they found his horse tied 4L the rack. Byron Blade. STQESSL TRIAL NEARS END Jadge Advocate Demands Death Prs. ally for Three J'rlaclpal Defendants. ST. PETERSBURG, Feb. S.-The sessions of the Stoeasel court-martial are nearlng their rnd. Oenerals 8 toe sue I, Fuck and flelss are being tried for the surrender of the Port Arthur fortress to the Japanose. In his summing up General Guraky, the Judge advocate, demanded that the court Impose the death sentence upon Stoessel, Fook and Rrlss, upon Stoessel as the re sponsible agent for the shameful surrender of the fortress and the cowardly ending of Its' glorious dvfense, and upon Fock and Relaa as the men who Inspired and abetted him. For Oenersl Smirnoff, who was de clared guilty of not having taken measures tu prevent the surrender, the Judge advo cate asked punishment of lmsprlsonmeiit HEM0UE5 oBLOOD HUMORS at forced labor for four years. Tito Judge advocate admitted, however,' the right of the court to take Into consideration the former records of Stoessel and Pock. He alluded to General Fock'S heroic cbTtdU'-t In the battle of Shlpka pnss' during the Russo-Turklsh war, fen- whlctl tie-was the cross of Bt. Oeorge, but he said thst Ocnoral Relss did ' not have thr" slightest claim to clemency; (hat he was a liar and A vainglorious boaster.' ' " " In general, however, the Judge advocate devoted Mmself to a Consideration of the surrender Itself, ' parsing over tho minor charges Incorporated In the Indictment He concluded ns follows:"""' ' ' "The iccuhI must recolve the hiost se vere penally provided by law in order that the principle proclaimed In" the time of Nicholas I, that the Russian flag, once hois'.ed, must never be lowered, be main tained.'' ' Cmmsrl for ths defendants will make their answer tomorrow. M. Syrtlanoff speaking first on Ix-hftlT of General Stoessel. STRIPES ESPECIALLY FAVORED Some StrlkJna. EsTeets Accomplished with Braids In Self- 1 Tones. 'Stripes are especially favored among tin foulards, and tho striping Is accomplished In many original ways, stripes of. dots alter nating with plain' stripes, stripes of tlrtj colored dots on a white ground alternating with strips of tiny white dots on a colored ground, stripes fbrmed-by fms hair lln diagonals of whltiv and color alternating with plain stripes of color, etc. ' . Tussor, plain, .striped or checked dotted In self color, bordered,. striped or dotted In contrasting colors, Is claiming an Important place among the near materials, and plain tussor soulached In self color has been on of the most pronounced features of. the outfit prepared, for the south. A sketch In the cut shows a tussor costume of this class corded from a new French model In light weight broadcloth. The heavy silk was of a rather deep Copenhagen blue braided In self color,' and a striking feature of the model was an Almee scarf In hi ark liberty closely swath ing waist and hip curve and falling In long ends in the back. Mcnttori waa made of this Oriental scarf In these, columns a month or two ago and we expressed the opinion that, whether brought around to the front and knotted In true' Oriental, style or tied tn the back, the scarf was too extreme be seriously taken up by .the fastidious. In such modified form as that of this tussor model, however. It may be smartly worn by the slender Woman of smn.ll hips, and the waistcoat llke'Wfr" tn frotif.W nather chic A Frightful Experience with biliousness, malaria, and constipation Is quickly overcome- by taking Dr. King's New I,lfe rtlls. S5c. " For ssla by Beaton Du Co. ., Pratt Steamer Wrecked. NEW YORK. Feb. s.'The Vnlted Fruit company's steamer Bakciv which plies be tween Philadelphia and Boca deh Toro, has been wrecked, on a coral reef near the Cuban coast, according to Information re ceived by the company In this city today. The crew of the steamer was rescued and taken to Savannah. XKe. trte.' sjy4. oitor&jy ploextrci smoke fit for a king. Charles Boaos-aa Cigar Oo Itstrthn. Omaha. Mth. ' I? V yA ' 1 W$ ' A" '- wl V '4