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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1908)
y OMAHA THE DAILY BEEt THURSDAY, FEBKUAHY C, 1908. CRAiN AND PRODUCE MARKET "Values Rise 01 Strong Pit and Short Country Reserves. 3ULLS HOLD ALL THE . WAY ! with Onli Adrx-nre, While Cora I Offered at More Than Clone Ortr Pre visas Day. OMAHA. Feb. n. IM On the strong pit position yesterday ami report of very short country reserves held y the. Interior elevator grain values were boosted from the start snd the market was a hull affair throughout. Ixx-al outside nr" Is lacking owing to -wire trouble w heat opened with a la advance as, a surprise after yesterday s bulge. ' The hull hd charge of the pit and hid the market atrongly on all advances. Their ggrealvenes lasted throughout '.he sc rinn and values were well tip at th close. Msy wheat opened at 3c and closed at Corn opened So over yesterday's close and worked higher on a higher cash demand and extremely higher offerings. There are reports of a heavy shortage at Interior elevators and a large increase In live stock estimates and .corn specialists point to these facta for much higher values. May corn opened at bic and closed at to Sc. Oats started higher with wheat nnd corn and advarvefd easily, showing good Indep endent strength, being bid up easily by Individual traueia and showed a nice ad vance at the dose. May oat opened at and closed at 5i,e. Local range 01 options: Articles ! Open.l Higb. Low. Close.l Yes'y. Wheat J '! I ilu I OTS 941,, 93 fc1; '4, bi i lV 81 LU I 6,V,! fviU u4 I oi.'i .4 I oiVs -4,1! 0 I MVii &4 iu'ij' tJ 1 &', M) J I 42 4J I 4ivi Sept... , C'orii J May...( So',,, Juiy..., u-rt; be pi... 1 (H I Oils I 1 Uy... 60 1 JUly... 42 dept.. . 1 1 Umah Caen Prices. WHEAT-No. 2 hard, SSHWv; No. 3 haru, eHt91c;-No. 4 hard, mio; No. 1 spring-, IMjfcic; no grade, Suttutc. CORN No. 6, Dlt(6iVic; No. 4, 4St(Wo; no grade, 4rt'q-.0o; No. t yellow, 6j5.c; No. a white, biHc. GATS No. a mixed, 47V,c; No. 3 white, "U4VV4c; No. 4 whits. 47c; standard, 4i'y 47ie. It YE No. 2, 73VW76C; No. 3, 71S73c. larlot Hecrlpt. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago lo 172 107 Omaha 2 ii CHICAGO GRA1X AD PHOV19IOX" Keatnree of the Trading and Closing Prices oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Feb. 6. Wheat advanced lc early today, but later lost thu guin on realising sales and closed a shad lower than yesterday. Corn was unchanged. Oats were c to i,c higher. Provisions were 2V'o.7tyo lower. i The wheat market opened strung,' on active buying hy shorts and commission houses, which was based upon a strong market at Liverpool, prices there bctnic tip' Vd. Kcporta from Canada that elovatcrr slocks of wheat are 7l per cent leas than at the same time last year end that re ceipts from farmers are steadily diminish ing also aided prices. Later, however, the market bi-oke, because of a report from Koglnnd that It ws estimated there that 14,000.000 bushels will be available for ex port from Argentina this season, and trmt the shipments next, month will be heavy. The close was easy.v. May opened Hii-Hc to 4iTc higher at 97VuWe. advanced to le-Hc, and then declined to WTsC. The close 'was-" ot 97Vic: Clearances of wheat and flour .were equal to 194.0110 bushels. Pii rry receipts were 474.000 bushels, against JiktO bushels on the corresponding day last year. Minneapolis, Duluth and Cbl iago reported receipt of 248 cars, against car last week and 134 cars a year ago. The. corn market , held strong until just , before th , close, when It .weakened. In - sympathy whji wheat. Firm cables, small receipts and unsettled weather wero the i hlef bullish factors. The close was steady. May corn opened -Ho hlpher at U4'o',lo, advapced to 61c and then declined to 60Tc. The oloae was at 61c. Local receipts were 173 rare, with two of contract grade. The oat market wa strong, because of an active demand by elevator interests and small receipts. -Prices broke late In the day along with wheat and corn and must of the early gain was lost. Mav ooened 4c higher at We, advanced to 64J4jc and then declined to &34e. The close was at WVuMHc. Local receipts were M7 cars. Provisions were firm early In the day, he rs use of the strength of rom and a 10c advance lit the price rf live hogs. The market weakened In the last half hour, lie cause of selling by local puckers. At the close May pork was off 7'Vul2Vir. Lard was down Ttyc at 17.60. Ribs were 2!c lower at Kstlmuted receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 14 cars: corn, 1(16 cars; oats, I'.tS cars; hogs, 47,f head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Article. Open.l High. Low. Close.) Yes y. Wheat - May Juiy, Sept. torn May July Sept. Oats aMav - bMay . aJuly bJuly Pork Mav July Lard May - July t1bs May -July I I !97-8H, WW,' 92 WS'sl 97,4;97Vi'Ti Hl1 1M Tsl 61 - fit 6974),68V,'u''4;59H''t,4' B". Wll M7 &9 Kns'64 ft 4t 4o 4CHI 4iS 4"'v4 44 44il 44 44-, i 44LV 13 A I 12 40 12 lt 12 07 7 An 7 75 12 12H 12 20 12 50 7 6714 12 (W 13 73l 12 45 7 AO 7 75 T 77 i 7 77V,! 7 2H s n 77,i 7 U) e hi s7m 6 s No. 2. Old. b New. - Cash quotations were a follows: KhoUR-Mriii; winter patents. U 504J 4.1(0; winter straights, 4.1BJ4.70; spring pat snis,' $6.2ot6 40; spring straights, 4.4oit4-4 bo Bakers. X3Sif4.30. WHttT-No. 2 spring. Jl.OVfi'1.07: No 3 aprtng. yoofctf.oj; No. a red, Wi(W1ic. CO fiN No. !, 57,!c; No. S yellow, 6:i'if 100. OATS No. 2, 504c; No. 3 white, 5uV0C2c HVK-No. 2, hoc. IIAH1.KY-Fair to hoice malting, S4& HKEl) Klax, No. 1 northwestern, Timothy,' prime, 14.70. Clover, contract grades, $19 0. PKoVlsUON-flhort ribs, sides (loose). IW.Ojfoe Mess pork, per bbl.. $ll.6i ,f 11.75. ljrd. per 100 lbs., J7.S5. Short clear aides (boxed). I6.2&H6.60. Following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: ... Itecelpta Shipments. Flour, bbls... l'.K) Wheat, bu ,hii0 . Kii'eo Corn, bu V.-4"4.) 3.7.m) Oats, bu..... w.270,il ;i7ftl It ye. bu 2.0i 7 m Barley, bu ti.imO K.iuo On the Produce exchange today the but ter market wan firm; creameries, 2;i-.3e dairies, IlipJOi-. Ka. steady; at mark, cases Included. lUA-'lteVfeC; firsts. 2Jc; prune firsts, JK-; extr'asj itc. Cheese, steady; 1113c. Kaaeaa Cltr Urala aad Prerlsloas. KAXSAfl CITY, Feb. l-WHBAT-Vn-i hanged: Miy, W,c; July. KV; cash. No 3 hard. KiflwOv;: No. 4 KLaWftc; No. a red. 98 tfl.Oo; No, S, 9iuc. COltN I'licbauged til He higher. May c; Juiy, 54-c; rash, Np. 2 mixed. fcV.i 64c; No..!, W63V; No. 2 while, MVict No. I. 64r, ; . OATflCnohangefl. No. I white, 4g&ic mixed. 4i(M!k:. . RYE-.7i;ic. MAY Buady; ' choice timothy, Jll Otvii IMX); choice prairie. 9.tVii9 So. HI'TTER Firm; creamery. 53c; packing itm'k. aur. rXHIM hVm; fresh extras, 23Vc; firsts. 114c. . " . ' rteceipts. Shipments. Wheal, b0...... ...... U.0a0 9it) Jorn, Tiu,.-V.-... 2U 2.iii Jala, bu.n..i. 7.X lo,ul Options at Kaunas City:-. . Artlelns.v . , Open. High. Low. Close. Yhet-w 1 I I Msy ....,.'.,;.,i94V.IW,4V July v.-l I . d I May ,. S, . July ti ioj 1:1 4I llrrrMel Grata Market. I.IVt'RPtKlU Feb. 6-WHRAT-Ppot, easy; No. 3 western inur. 7s ed; futures. 7s d; May. 7s V1; July, ,s 7d. ("ihN'-P'.t prime mWed Amerlcsn nw, nominal: irlme mlxod American old. essy, fcs 44d: new northern. Tilet. 5 M; future, quiet; February, & Id: March, 5a 2d. 71 TCW YORK liKM:R(l, l A It K FT Quolallons of the ' lRr on Vsrlos 4 nmmnHKIe. NKW YORK,' fVb. FUtrR-Flecelpts, 1B.W7 bbls; eori. ?2 bbl"). Market steady w-i 1 li more doing . in spring grades. Minnesota patent. jr. ao;B ": winter straights,. 34 4Vfl4.r Mlnn-sato bakers 34W(i6.l0: winter extrs. 13.7714.10; win ter patenls. 14 7.Vfifi 10; alnter low grades. ft-.fi4 It. live flour. otilet flr to Roed. l.7iar..1fi: choice to fancy, 35.20 n:..i.. . ituckwhent riotir, steady at H.OO pT Mi lbs. CORNMEAL Steady: fine white snd yel low, iH'iii.ti; coarse, n.,iL40; kiln dried. 3.ti HYE-Qtilcl; No. 2 western, T1c f. o. b. afloat New Yittk. WHRAT-Receipta. Ll.OfiO hu. ; exports, 6t,- 4'i tu.; No. 2 red, I.U0 elevator and 3I.'24 f. o. b. aflop.t; No. 1 northern Puhith, l.l".'i f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 bard winter, 31.1, f. o. b. afloat, bullish cables caued sharp early advances In wheat today, but sentiment was later changed bv Increased esllmalea of the Argentine surplus and prices rinany tiroke under tiear pressure. closing net unchanged. May, 31.05 15-1 l '". rinsed ll.tfc't; July, ll.ni4i7l.02H. Closed 31.014. t.'ORN Receipts. 97,Si". bu.: exports, fil, 9.VJ bu.; spot market easy; No. 2. 9c ele vator and Uc f. o. b. afloat. Option mar ket was firmer early, with the west, but eventually weakened ami was firmer net Unchanged.. May, ;o47bic, closed 7C4c; July closed 6"c. OATH Receipts, 22.500 bu.: exports. 6.510 nu.; siot market firmer; mixed. 26 to 82 poimils, 55c; natural white, 2 to 32 pounds,; clipped white, 32 to 40 pounds, 674 ajtmc. HAY Steady; fair demand; good to Choice, mcral.(V. HOI'S (Julet; state, common to Choice, 19"i7 crop, 12iiirjc; 19.T6 crop, 4fiSc; raciflo coast. Qo7 crop, P'fjllc; 1906 cron. MWc. HIOKS Quiet; Bogota, 17c; Central America. 17c. LKATHKH Stendv: acid. "4fi29c. PROVISIONS-Reef, steady; family, 314 00 Kiii.oe; niess. !".0'l'.iliJ.ftii; be.f hams, itn.w i-'.5i); packet, Sll.'Mir 11.50: city extra India mess.':n.00. Cut meats, steady; pickled urines, is"c; picKicil name. rIl41c. Lard steady; western prime, $7.fin'T7.70; refined, steady; continent, 10; s-uth America, J9.W; comiHiund. 7Vii7"1iC Pork, steady; family. 310n4i'lK..V; sliort clears, $15.2i ISTiO; mess, 311. 14.50. TALLOW Steady ; city, 6,e; country, 6 i'.C. RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 34 j ii pan, nominal. BUTTER Firm; creamery, extras, 33c; third to firsts, 23fi32e; western Imitation creamery firsts, 2iJiic; western factory, common to first, Ircr.'iie. CHKKSK Finn: full cream, special, 16. KGtlH Steady ; western firsts, 254c. POCLTRY Dressed, quiet; western chickens, 12ti20c; turkeys, 12(ll4c; fowls, WKATHER IN THK GRAIN BELT Fair and' Colder la the Latest from the Sky. OMAHA, Feb. 5. 1908. A well-defined storm area overlies the central valleys this morning, with its cen ter over eastern Iowa. Lain, snow and sleet were general throughout the central vulieys during the night and enow is falling Una morning along the Missouri river and eust over the upier Mlssisaippl valley and lake region, wjtli rains in tlie Ohio and loer Mississippi vaheys. The weather has cleared waet ot the Missouri river into the mountains. The weather is warmer in the Missouri valley and east over the lakes and Ohio valiey and south to the gulf. H is colder In the mountains and north west and will be colder In this vicinity tonight and continued cold Thursday, with fair tonight and Thursday. 'Omaha record of temperature and pre cipitation compared With the corresponding day of the laat three years: .,, , . 1". lW. 1906. 1906. Minimum temperature ... 27 12 4 0 Precipitation .38 .01 .00 .11 Normal tgynperalure for today, 21 degrees Deficiency 111 precipitation since March 1 7.78 inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1907. 3. hi Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1906. 2.99 Inches. 1 A. WELSH, Local Forecaster St. Louis General Market. ST. IiOClS.' 'Feb. ' 5. -WHEAT-Weak ; track. No. 2 red, rash, 11.00; No. 2 hard 96cj1.01; May, 97V!74c; July, 904c. CORN-Weak; track. No. 2 cash, 6fii4 64c; No. '2 white, M'57c; May, 677,4'&6M:" July, &84$joK4c. OATH Weak; track, No. 2 cash, 50c: No. 2 white, 514c; May, 60V; July. 44ic. FLOUR Dull; red winter patents', 14 65ia 4.8u; extra fancy and Btralght, t.l5ij)4.4o clears, IS.txVQ;) K). SKEI Timothy, firm, 33.75Sid.30. COUNMKAL Wteady, IJ.9U. BRAN Dull; sacked, east track, 31.07 HAY Higher; timothy, HO.O04ji5.OO; prai rie I'J.MAilU.fil). lltON COTTON TIES 11.10. I BA(HlIN(-li-.,c. HEMP TWINE lie. PROVISIONS Pork. lower; Jobbing, 312.124-'d. lower; prime sieam, 17.40. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts 37.374; clear ribs, 17.25; sliort clears, I7.5u' Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts. 18.25 clear ribs, IS.11'4; short clears, 3X374. POULTRY Firm; chickens, 10c; springs 114c; turkeys, 12c; ducks. 10c; geese, 64c. BUTTER Firm; creamery, 2&t(334c hHiS Lower at 21c. case count. Following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Receints. Shipments. Flour, bhls .-. lo,iui) 14 on) Wheat, bu 41,ou ismo Corn, bu Dl.OuO W.011O Oats, bu 99.000 99.mio Minneapolis Grain Market. M1NN10APOIJS, Fib-. 5. -WHEAT-No. I hard, ll.O'Jd.lO'; No. 1 northern. 31.(;4'lil.07.i; No. 2 northern, 31.04Vi 1.06; No. 3 northern, 99Vcti31.021i ; Mav. 31.06; July, 31.05T4. FIXUR First intents. 35.Xt?5.60; second patents, 35.25ra.Y4o; first clears, 14.2544. 35; second clears, 3.4fS3.55. BRAN-Steady;' lu bulk, 119.50. Mllvraakre Grain Majrket. M1LWAUKHK. Feb. 5. WHEAT Mar ket steady; No. 1 northern, ll.OVjd 0X4 No. 2 northern. ti.WRl.C7; May, 974c askel BARLEY Dull; No. 2. 11.01; sample. H.(io. CORN Firm; No. 3 cash, 65'!G(4e; May 61c, asked. Uololh Grain Market. Dl'LlITH, Minn., Feb. 6 WHEAT No. 1 northern. 31.0DS; No. 2 northern. 31.03 V May, 1.(; July. tl.wS'i. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 6-METALS-Th London tin market lost part of yesterday's advance, with apot closing at 128 15a and futures at 129. locally the marltet was weak and lower In svnipathy with 'quota tions, ranging frBm I2S.124 to 38 6Ji. Cop per was higher in the London market, with spot quoted at iCtCl and futures at 62 lus. Locally the market was quiet and un changed. Lake is quoted at 313.5or((T3.7a. electrolytic at 313.374ft;4 and casting at W.124r,MiS74. I-ad was a littlrt lower at 14 12s 8d in Ixindon, but remained dull and unchanged St 33 6 J. 75 In the local market. Spelter was unchanged at 2 4s In 1-nndon. but locally was a shade higher at 34.4oru4.Se. iron was strong in Indon, Cleveland warrants Iwlng quoted at 4Ss 3d. There was no change In the local market. No. 1 foundry, northern. 3l.I0rl8.75; No. 2 foundry, northern. tl7.7iAt.2: No. 1 south ern and No 1 southern, soft, tls.flnftl8.50. ST. 1iUlS. F!). 5 MET A LS Lead, steady, 13 65. Sielter, higher. t4.t. Kvaporated Apples and Dried Frnits. NEW YORK. Feb. t EVAPORATED APPLKSv-Mhi ket la quiet but firm In tone, with fancy quoted at 104'ftnc; choice at 940; prime, tVafcV; tTUJl at 104c liRIED FRUITS Prunes are unsettled and from 1:4 to.Tc'for Oregons 60s to m. Apricots are scarce and consequently flrn, In the face of a slow demand; choice are quoted at 514j22c; extra choice at 23i'ic fancy at 2kfi.-. Peaches are held well up to recent prices, as a rule, with choice quoted at 10-.iU4c; extra choice at 124 4il34c; fancy at l:Vnl34.-; extra fancy at l4U44o. Raisins are dull but unchanged, with loose riiuacaials quoted at 74c; seeded raisins at 6i,ic, and London lay era at tl u.yl.75. Cation Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 6. OTTON-Futures opened steady; March, 11.00c; April 11 (6c May. 1107c; July. lOSbe; August. lO.Sbc: Oc tolwr. lo.isc. SKit iliM quiet. 15 points lower: mid ohng uplands. 11.7ue; middling gulf, 11 tec-aiil.-. lo tmles. ' OALVESToN, Ftb. 5 COTTON-teady ll'c. "T. Il lS. Feb. 5.-COTTOX-DU1I- mid dling. :: no sales; receipts. 440 'bales ehlcnienis. 5? bMles: stoi-k. 19.464 l-e NEW ORU'-ANS. Feh. 5 tyiTNiN 8m. stead v 1 l-ita- ,l,,wn on uu Fra,,'e,. tiihld Inc. II U lK- ; lc 2.YV) b-lca of sput and Lolv bubs lo arrive, ' firm: Marcl NEW'YORKSTOCKS AND BONDS Stmand for Securities, it Practically at a Standstill. FRICES DROP DURING SESSION American meltlnsT Leads Decline aad Railroad Isaaea Deellae en Reports In Decrease of Net Ftmlngs. NEW YORK. Feb. 5-Today s market ,aVt evidence that demand for .?,, "h"1 come practically to a stand still. Such a market tends to give Way from Inanition and the drop of prices early In the day was quite evidently ot this nature. The selling pressure wns en hanced later by increased professional op erations on the short side. This demon stration was encouraged by the manifest lack of support in the market, marking the apparent abandonment of the policy of sustaining prices which had been at tributed to the powerful banks and cap Itallsta In association, either bv tacit or formal acrrecment. The assigned motive for tho support of the market by the large financial inter ests Is the Importance of fostering the growth of confidence In securities and awakening a demand which will help to further the flotation of new Issues In con templation to meet financial requirements which confront many large corporations. This policy was not In evidence today, cer tainly, and the bearish professionals showed growing boldness In following up their advantage. American Smelting was ft center of attack and Its decline was In fluential in undermining the whole mar ket. The professed motive for the selling of the stock was the formation of plans for competition in business by allied In terest In the metal mining Industry. . There was nothing in the news of the day to constitute an effective stay for values, and several Items were construed as posi tive factors of depression. Such was tho reiiort of the discharge of lo.oiiO men by the Baldwin Locomotive works and the official intimation that a total shut down of that Important Industrial concern was in contemplation, following a change In present conditions of demand for Us pro duct. Railroad equipment industrials as a group naturally showed the effect of this Information. , Additional reports of net earnings for .December offered little proailse of re sources In hand by railroads for pushing expenditures. Compared with December of 1906, the percentage decreases In some of the Important railroad systems today. Reported net earnings for December were: Southern Pacific, 21 per cent; Union Pa cific, 10 per cent; Norfolk and Western, 42 per cent; Lehigh Valley, 32 per cent, and for the six months ending December 31, Louisville and Nashville reports a decrease of 2H per cent compared with tho previous year. A summary of results from forty four roads previously reporting for Dee cember shows an average shrinkage in net earnings in tho-same comparison of 21.80 per cent. Discussion of the dividends prospects was not cheerful. In the face or these returns, and several of the Indus trials were the object of unfavorable esti mates or a more specific kind. Borne f mo selling or stocks and, to some extent, of bonds which appears occasionally in the market Is attributed to closing out of bank or trust company loans In the final clearing up of the affairs of those Insti tutions which, were helped through the panic period. Home hardening of the time jnoney market was perceptible today and foreign exchange rates continued to decline. A remarkable feature, of the price movement of stocks was 'the unin terrupted nature of the decline. Even at the laat there was, no resiliency and last prices were commonly the lowest. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, 11,840,00. United States bonds were unchanged on call. V Number ot sales and quotations of atAtk war il tallows: gain. High. Low. Close. A (Urns Exprau 1A Amalgamated Copper 31. 7(10 514 tt 60 Am. l',. A R 2x 2', x 2x4 Am. C. P. pM I'M M W HI Amerlcaa Cotton Oil " too 12 Mi ti Am. Cotton Oil pfd .- 65 American Eipresa 3! Am. H at L. p(4..4ul 134 American Ico 1,0m) 11 1S Am. Llnaerd Oil f) Am. LluaMd Oil p4 25 Am. LocomottT tf ISH SOV, Am. Lot-omotlTS pfd.. 6") ' m 8 Am. 8. Si K 4K - CS (U Am. 8. A B. ptd 0 1 l Amer. Sugar Krflolns l.luO 1U 112 1U4 Am. Tobacro pld CI la 2u0 7lrt Anaconda ktllilu Co 'J J.'S 13 32 Atchlion J.SuO "3 71 1I4 Atchlaon ptd lu) fcT 7 M Atlantic Coait Una in) II es 67 Haltlmure A Ohio l.&vo 144 S.1 Bal. Ohio pld k3 Brooklyn Rapid Tr 8,400 (', 4S 444i Cauadlan Pacific X If. i" 1 149", Ontral of New Juraer fc- It! l't lri ( hraapeak A Ohio 1"0 34 20 2a '4 Chicago (It. V ! 4- t 4t rhlcago li S. W ?u HV HSi 141 C . M. A 85. P U.rnW llJ'i 11UV 110V4 Chicago T. A T Chicago T. A T. prd IS C C, C. A St. L lul fl 60 Colurado K. A 1 5"l W 1H Colorado A Bo 'l S(S Colo. A Bo. lt ptd KJ0 ii a-- !J Colo. A Bo. id pld 414 Conaolidaled Uaa f) M TO 7t, Corn IToducta 13 li 12i ( om product! pld Iv) (3 fi.1 tilt IX-lawara A Hudaon l.2"0 l.M'i 14'i 1 , Il., L. A W. hit) Lwnrar A R. O Sue 'S 39T 1S U. A R. U. ptd J Lllatlliers' Securllln 3U S3 Sin 14 Krla .V") lr. 15 14- Krl. lal pfd 1UU tt' 31, S.. Kne U ptd 31 (irncral Electrlo I"0 lli 1111, 111 Illluola ( antral . . .t li 1274 12?V 177 International Papar M ha. Papr pfd Sim (14 (i tl lot. Puinp 1.6.4) 2 1 Int. Puaip pfd I"1 Iowa Cant ml 11 'i Iowa Central pfd 31 Kanaaa City So ' to K. C. 80. ptd 4 Loulavllle AN flO T 6 H'i Mailcan Central i T H1 Minn. A St. L 1W 4 24 U M., 8t. P. A H. 8. M S X , St. P. A 8. 8. M. pld lJU Missouri PaclOo 2.COO Cn III, 41 M., K. A T 1 aw) 22' Sl'S M., K. A T. ptd t4' .4K 64 National Lead 3k , ll tl Nailitial H. R. of M pfd . lil uo fc 60 New York Csntral 5.7iw 74 N. T.. O. A W W(l 33 Sa 3 33 Norfolk AW ' " N. A W. pfd ao North Amartcan J1) 4c, 4 4IV4 Pacific Mall 3" 27 3d Pannaylvaula 17K 113 l4 111 Pauple'a Uaa 6m U P.. C. C. A 8t. L 70 Prtnsvd Hteel Car ! Praax-d S. C. pfd , 7K ! Pullman Palaca Car ir.7 Raadliig 124.300 1J2V ll l')i Koadlug lat pfd K kradlug td pfd 77 I Hapublio 8teel 30 16'w 14 IS kapttblle Steal pfd Hog laland Co IC 11 ipt Rota li and Co. pfd 4.3' 2 v34 2(, 8t. U A 8. r. 3d pfd l'-O 14 4 24 8t. Louis 8. W 14 tt. L. 8. W. pfd : Southern Paclflo 13.100 .J1 71 II h 80. PaclBo pfd 3"0 111 110 11" 80. Hallway SO ! 10 li So. Railway pld 100 32 3J tw TVxaa A Pacific 1 IK in T., 81. L. A W 10 14 14 13 T . St. L A W. pfd 3.0 34 83 S3 I Dion Parlfle Co.lwO 13! 114 111 t'nlon Parlfle pfd as t;. 8. Kipreaa V. 8. Hity M 3li 36 3.. V. 8. Rubber 3t 2" : V. 8. Rubber pfd : l " 1 V. 8. Sieel iS, 17 37 V. 8. Btewl pfd U.10O Hi lx . Va.-c'arollna ("hemtcal 17 Va.-4'aro. Chemical p'd ini Wahaah 4o t Wahaah pfd !'- ii ii 1.S Well. Kargo Eipreaa I" Weatingh -uaa tleiirlc 400 43 41 4" Weelern In Ion 3o M. U H W heeling A U B Wlaconaln Central 14 Via Central pfd 4" Northern Pa.-lfle 36.SH0 13f. 133 1.1 Great Northers pfd i.l'H 121 ll lit I en(ral Leather tuO m III 17 Central Leather pfd " H V : Ititerborough Met t 7 Interborough Met pfd .0 6loaa-8hreld Steel 33 . Total galea tor th day. 401. WO aharea. ew York Mlnlns; Kttack. NEW YORK. Keh. 6. Closing quotations on mining stock were: Adama Con Litlla Chief Alice 4e Ontario' bal Breeca 1 Ophlr li Brnnawtrk Con in PuCoai n Coenalork Tunnel ... 13 Savags 5j Cos. Cel. A V la Sierra Neeadg 4. Horn Silver 14 small Hopes li Iron 8. leer 74 Blandard 160 Lradriiie Con. offered. Baak t-1earlaas. OMAHA. Feb. 6-Bank clearings for to day were 11,731475 64 and for the corres ponding date last year tl,4W,710.M. lorelgs llaanrlal. I1SDON, Feb. i Money sat In In rrear-ed demand today fur r-(ay 1111-iit to tlie Baiik of Kntiiand and discounts wire steadier. Americans were firmlv aiipporlt-d abov imrity 111 the fortuuuu, bul lUe bu-- Ing soon subsided and prices declined for the r. st of the session PARIS, Feb lYIces on (he Bourse today oyenea rirm. but closed unsettled. New York eaer Market. NKW YORK. Feb I.-PRIMB MERCAN- i-A I (i per cent. HTUitl.l.N(4 FiXt MANOR Weak, with sc. tunl business In bankers' Mils at 4 (ahij 1'M for demand and at KfcltrH.Hen for "ixty-day bills; commercial bills, 4 ffiTMjf 8ll.VER-Par. R6c; Mexican, dollar. 4rto. BONI B tlovernment bonds, steady; rail road. Irregular. MDNKY-tm caU, easy, Iffl2 per cent; ruling rate, 2 per cent; closing bid. 1 per cent; offered st 3 per cent, lime loans, slightly stronger: slrtr-day, Si per cent; 90-day, per cent; six months, 44 Closing quotations on tond were a fol low: U. 8. ret. la, reg. ...1K Hocking Val. 4.,...103 do coupon ....... I03t L. A N. nl. 4a M V. 8. 3. reg l Man. c. . 4a pa do Coupon l- Mei. Central 4a f'1 II. 8. a. 4a. reg 11 do let Ine i do coupon Il Vlnn. A Ft. L. 4a.. T7 Am. Tobacco 4a 4 M . K. A T. 4a 3 do li, edo 2 so AlchUnn sen. 4s ......lno N. R. R. of M. . 41 do adj. 4a 7N. Y. C. g. Ia Atlantic ( U. 4a N. J. C. g. is Ill Hal. A Ohio 4a loo No. PaclOo 4a 1"6 do 3s 91 do la 71 BrkR. T. ct. 4a..... 71 14. A W. e. 4a M Central ot Oa. (a O. 8. L. rfdg. 4a do let Ine 13 Penn. cony. ia 13 do Id Ine 3 Riwdlng gen. 4a n Chea. A Ohio 4a....l"l St. L a I. H, r. 5a. log Chicago A A. 1... 3 St. L. A 8. r fg. 4a. 71 C, . A 4). ,4.... :. St. L. 8. W. a. 4a .. 5 C. R. I. A P. 4a SJ ieaboard A. I 4a.... 44 do col. e 80. Pacific 4a Rf fCC. A St. U g. 4a t7 do lat 4a Ufa. v Colo. Ind. fja. ser. A. 44 80. Railway he. rf Colo. Mid. 4a lTexai A P. la llt ('olo. A So, 4a M T., 8t. U A W. 4l.. 70 Cuha Sa 103 Cnlon Pacific 4a 1W 1. R. O. 4s S6 do CT. 4a , ni.dlleri- Sec. .... 71 V. 8. Steel Id 6a 117 "Uriel. M Wahaah la 107 do gen. 4a 47 e.j 0h B 4S Japan 4a 7 Wern Md. 4a fl do 4a etfa ,. w. ALE. 4a Tl do M serlea 17 Wis. Ontral 4a.... 17 Bid. Offered. Boston Stock and Donds. BOSTON, Feb. 8 -Call loans, ZWSfS per cent; .time loans,, 4"4n4i tier cent. Official closing on stocks and bond: Atchlaon adj. 4a HI Amalgamated M o 4a U Atlantlo 11 Mex. CVniral as.... u Kingham 4 Atchison tlCal. A Hecla 470 do Pfd Centennial a Itoaton A Albany 1 Copper Rang 4'J Boaton A Maine l;W pftiy Weat H q.i on Kler.ied 1 Pranklln Kltchburg ptd 130 Oranby K Meaican Costral nt tele Royale 13 K. V.. N. H. A H....134 M. Mining 1 Inlon PaclBc 111 Michigaa 11 Am. Arge. chem 17 Mohawk M do pfd S4 Mont. C. A C 1 Am. Pneo. Tube 4 old Dominion 17 Amer. Sugar lUlulney is tf Ptd Ill Shannon 13 Am. T. A T 107 Tamarack 66 Amer. Woolen ln Trinity 16 do ptd M t ailed Copper 4 Dominion I. A 8 li U. 8. Mining 13 Edleott Klec. Ilia j7 U. 8. 011 10 Oeneral Electrlo 1,1 Vtah 17 Maea. Kleotrlo 11 Victoria 4 do pfd 47 Winona 6 Maaa. Oaa 63 Wolverine 13 United Fruit 11 North Butt 4i United 8. M 43 Butie Coalition U do pfd M Nevada 10 V. 8. Steel 37Cal. A Arlaona. 110 do pfd o Arisen Com n Adventure 3 Greene Cananea Alloliei W . Aaked. Bid. 1 . OMAHA WHOLESALM 3IAIIKET. EGGS Fresh selling eggs, candled. Mo. " BUTTER Common, 16c; fancy tub and rolls, !7&19c; creamery, JOc. CHEEHE New full cream, Wisconsin twins, ITHc; new full cream brick. 17c; do mestic new Swiss. 18c; new limburger, ina Wc: young Americana, 17HC. LIVE POULTRY Springs, 8c; hens, to; roorters, 8c; docks, to; geese, 8c; turkey. 12c; pigeons, 60c per doz. DRESSED BOULTHr Kurlngs. fancy, te; bens, ire; roosters, 4o; diicks, lie; geese, jc; turkeys, lfcvai7c. HAY Choice No. 1 upland, 17.50; medium, 16.50; No. 1 bottom, tu.0U; off grades, from 14.00 to to. 00. Bye straw, IJ.OO; No. 1 al falfa, tll-50. FJRUITS APPLES Waahlngtor. Snow, per box, 11. 60; Washington Jonathan, per box, 11.73; Washington Roman Beauties, per box, 11.75; Waahlngton Alexanders, per box, 11.75; Washington Blue Pearrna'is. pee box, 11.75; Washington Red Cheek Pippin, per box 11. 75; Washington King. ter box. L73; Washington Bailey Sweet, per box, 1.75; Washington No. Spy, per box, 11.75; Cali fornia Bed r troialn, 4-tler, per box, 2.00; TROPICAL FRfJlTft ORANGES Fancy Washington navels, S.11 sixes, per box. 12-76; extra fancy gun flower, all sizes, per box, ti.00; California Tangerines, 'A site and mailer, per box. X2o. BANANAS Port ' Limon, owing to alia, per bunch, 11.60 to 13 00. ORAPH FRUIT Florida, 64 and 80 alga, per box. to.00. PEARS Extra fancy winter Nelll. per box. Ii.75. w GRAPES-Malaga, choice, per keg, 14.00; Malaga, extra fancy, 14.50; extra 'choice, per keg, 14. Jb; extra ranuy, extra heavy. fc.00. FIGS AND DATES-Bmyrna. figs. crown, per lb.. 14jl5c; Smvrna figs, a. crown, per lb., liiifiac: prayrna ilgs, 4 ctown, per lb, logllc; California 'igs. boxes, 10 carton. 5c; California fig a ooxes, li cartons, koc; California llgs. bulk, per lb., tHc; Hallowl dates, per lu., 6Vc; Kbadrawl dales, per lb., 6c; fialr dates, per lb.. J-juc; Fard dates, 13-lb. boxes, per lb, to. CRANBERRIES Extra fancy Bell and Bugle, per bbl.,; extra tancy Jersey, pcrbbl.. tS.00; extra fancy Jersey, per box, LEMONS Extra ' fancy tioutherland Beauiy. 3uu and 360 atxe, per box, 14.00; ex tra choice Justrite, too and 3tM sue, per box, tH.75. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Per u., ecorrtc. SWEET POTATOES Kansas, per bbl.. LETTUCE Florida bad. p..-' hamper. 13.00; per dos.. 40c. 1 CUCUMBERS Hot house, S dor, fancy, per box, M oo; 3 do, choice, per box, J1.50. RADISHES Hot house, per dozen. 40c. PARSLEY-Per dox., 40u. PEPPERS-Florlda, t- basket crates, per crate. 14.00. PARSNIPS Old, per bbl., 12.26. CARROTS AND TLrRNIPS-Old. per bbL. 12.00; Canada Rutabage, per lb., le. CABBAQE iscunsiu Holland Seed, per lb., lc. ONIONS Spanish, per crate, $1.50; Wis consin Red Globe, per lb., 114c. SHALLOTS Per dog.. 80c. TOMATOES Florida, extra fancy, per t basket crate, 16.00; choice, per bask't crate, 4 CO; Cuban, fancy, per (-basket crate 14.00. CAl'l.iKLOWER-Per 2-dox. crate, liou HORSERADD1SH Per doj... 80c. CELERY Michigan, rjer bunco. KS5c KUMQUATS Owing to ouaiitv nrZT tOc to i'v. BRUSSEL SPROUTS, per qt., 80c. to oo. 8TRA WBERRIES Owing to quality BOe NAVY B EA N S Per bu.. Kn t 7hm- Lima, 7 per lb. BEEF CUTS. Ribs: N. 1. 13Vc; No. 2, 11c; No. t 8Hc Iiln: No. 1, lsv; No. 2, lac; No. 1, 1-ic! Chuck: No. 1. &e; No. 2, 5'4c; No. 3, 5c. Round: No. 1. ic; No. I, &c; No. 3. . 7c. Plate: No. 1, ac: No. 2, 414c; No. 3, 4c. MISCELLANEOUS. CALIFORNIA DRIEl FRUITS-Prunes re somewhat unsettled bv freer offering! from second hands, who seem desirous of moving supplies ot immediate grades, uuo tattona rauoe from fcc to 9c ;ur California fruit and from 6Vo to sc. for Oregon. Ptaches are very tirni. with fancy yellow quoted at loc SUGAR tiranuialed- cane. per aatk 15 40; bee I. 15.00; Cat loaf. 60; cubes, Hvsc; powdered, v-16c. CANNED HOODS Cols, atahaard west em, 75c. Tomatoes, fancy. S-uound cans, $1.45; standard, 3-pound tint, u 311. J'loe apples, (.rated, 2-pound, aO2.30; aliced. tl.7i.ai35. Gallon apple. I4.&0. Callfrunla apricots. .'.5i4i3.3. Pears. 4t.l03 15. I'eache. II L. . C. peaches, ; lOj I. 15. Alaska wlraun, red. II. ej, fancy Clnnook. flat, i.iit fancy auckey. flat, 12.15. Saldino, quarter oil, i.;.t, three quarters int.siard, iiifc. tiwnet potaiuca, II. ar4ll.35. Sauerkraut, 96c. Pumpkin. ue faii.Oo. Lima beau. 2-pound. iocytJ.ji. Soaked beam, 2-nound. 6oC; fancy, II.L41I 40. NUTS-C'alifornla No. 1 8 S. walnut, pr lb.. 1'Vjc, impurteil Tan a v;i.a almonds, per lb.. He; filberts, Brazil and Jumbo pecans, 13c; butternut, per lb., U".-tr; No. I H. Pi oeanuts. roasiea, ac; raw, x..; salted pea nut, per box, 11.15; Italian chestnut, uer lb.. 10c. .' v COFFEE Roasted. No. 35. Ific; No. ta Dc; No. 25. lie; No. 20. 14Hc. FISH Halibut, tlo, tioul. lie: pickerel, 10c; pise, 14c; pike, fresh, frozen, 12c; white fish, 14'ulfc; buifalo. lie; bulllieads. skinned and di tsaed, 15c; cattish, d:essed, 17c; a hits perch. 7c; white bass. 15c; blsck bass, ac sunttah, toc; crappuft, (wc; largs crappiea! lac; fcerruig, fcean frozen, oc, anitcni4 frozen. Uiui5c; pickerel, tresh fiosen, lie; rd snapper, 1-V; fluununrs., mackerel, in j toe per riali; cudnsU. fresh frozen. 1-c; bad dock, flesh frozen. IV; smelts, 13c; snad roe. 45o i-er lb.; freg legs. 35o per aoa.1 (rein tea turtle ineau C5c per ib HIDES AND T ALLOw Gleen salted. No. 1, 6c; Nj. 8. 4c; bull hides. Jc; arreen unsalted. No. 1, 4c; green unaailtd ,0 L le; horae hide, 81.0(f2.6o; sheep rw.ts' ta ill 00. Tail..- Nu. i. fVic; caiuornia- peuenowera, v-uei per DOX, tiuO; New York Baldwins, per bbl.. 14.50; New York Northern Spies, per bbl., H.W; New York assorted varieUn. per bbl., 14.50. OMAfli LIVE STOCK MARKET Killing Cattle Ten Centt Higher, with Feeden Ten Lower. HOGS ACTIVE AND TEN HIGHER rat Sheep nasi l.amks Very Klow aad Tea to rifteea Teats Lower, with Feeders Active aad Steady. SOUTH OMAHA, rb. 6, 19", Receipig were: Cattle. Officlsl Mondav Official Tuesday 4.51 Hogs. Sheep. 4.7M t.4.16 12.418 7.21.1 ll.Oit) t.0 2S.119 i.t4 40.W 21.8. 3 37.0 4 18,r4 2t::to 2.fV-9 40.5 H.07 20,403 23,6 ""rn ua;a t.lil -1 , . 1 .8, V4. I Same days last week....l4.81S Same days 2 weeks ago..l4.41R Same day 8 week ago,.17.K33 Same day 4 week ago.-lUMS Same day last year 18.&27 j ne rniiowing table show tne receipts 01 rattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for j 1 iu uaie, cnmarea wilii j-v ios ionr Inc. Dec Cattle .r,.107.615 125.7 17,661 Hogs 341,431 230.773 105,956 Sheep 135.0S3 157.M3 tl.4S0 The following table 'show the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last u.ja, tv 1 1 11 coiuparisons Date. I 1908. 11907. 11808. 11906-11904. 11908. 11803 14 6 II t 6 6 96 6 05 5 97 5 95 a 5 93 603 e it 'Indicate Sunday. The official number of cars of stock Drought In today hy each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, ti r C.j M. A St. P. Ry.. 2 3..! Wabash R. R. 11..., Mo. Pac. Rv 6 V. P. R. R 42 41 25 I C. & N. W., Fast ..6 6 C. & N. W.. West .. 46 66 C, St. ry M. A O.. 14 12 4 C, Q., East.. 2 6 1 C, H. & Q , West.. 49 28 2 C. R. I. ft P., East. 9 4 1 .. Illinois Cen. Ry. ..2 6 C, O. W. Ry 4 3 2 Total receipts ..182 166 36 1 Tho disposition of the day's receipt waa as follows, each buyer purchasing the numper 01 nead indicated: BuytJr. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co. .. 4S6 1,472 Hl Swift and Company.... 756 2.746 86 Cudahy Packing Co 938 3.47 716 Armour & Co 7(S5 a.SGY 1.003 Vansant & Co 64 Carey ft Benton 64 Lnbman ft Rothchlld .. 40 W. I, Steuhen 6 Hill ft Son 125 F. P. Lewis 13 Huston ft Co 24 J. H. Bulla 21 i. L. Wolf 426 McCreary ft Carey Sf Ham wertmmer is 1. H. F. Hamilton 29 . M. Hagerty ft Co 94 Sullivan Bros 8 Lehmer Bros 7 Other buyers 353 3,137 Sinclair Packing Co. .. 29 Ingraham 29 Totals 4.588 11.272 6.929 CATTLE Receipts of cattle thl morning were not very large, there being only a moderate run for Wednesday. AC the same time advices from all selling points were very favorable, so that the market here opened In good season In the morning and the great big bulk of all the killing cattle cnanged hands at an early hour. Beef steers were In very good demand and generally 10c higher than yesterday. Packer all seemed to want cattle and, fearing possibly that the storm might re duce receipts the remainder of the week, they were all out and bought freely. Some good steers sold as high as 15.45. cows and heifer participated In tne gen eral advance on killing cattle, selling 10a higher than yesterday, with the trade quite active at the advance. Practically every thing In sight changed hand at an early nour. The market on feeders was very slow and dull, a i apt to be the caae during the prevalence of a bad storm. The cattle looked bad, as might be expected after rain and sleet storm, and there did not appear to be very many country buyers. Hence it would be safe not only to quote the market as slow, but a much a Hie lower, with light alocker hardly moving at all. Quotations on cattle: Good 'to choice corn-fed steers, to.uOi6.50; fair to good corn-fed steers, H bOfy o.uu, common to fair corn-fed steers, U.75'u4.G0; good to choice cows and heifers, la.7Ui4.2t; fair to good cows and heifers. 2.8(Vq3. 75; common to fair oo. and hciTcr. Ili.uO.MS; good to choice Blockers and feeders. 4.2(Xq4.7(i: fair to good stockers and feeders, 13.75(94.20; common to fair stockers 4nd feeders, 13.00 ft 3. 75. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Jan. 25. Jan. 28.. Jan. 17. Jan. 28. Jan. 28.. Jan. 30., Jan. 81., Feb. 1., Feb. J.. Feb. 3.. Feb. 4.., Feb. 6.. 4 20 I 61 t X 4 n 4 R 69 5 S3 4 73 4 87 73 H 5 3t 4 63 4 l 6 S 4 19 8 7 4 64 4 79 6 67 4 08 8 71 6 88 4T9866 4 134 8 72 6 36 4 M 4 81 8 7 4 17 6 86 t 43 4 63 69 4 10 6 RS 5 41 4 69 4 74 8S16 4S 4 70 4 73 8 6R 4 18 6 63 4 72 4 70 4 17H 8 93 t 74 4 81 686 6 63 477 183 No. At. Pr. No. Ae. Tr. 16 Til I 40 12 ll.tu 4 6 111 S. 4 I 76 1 1049 4 71 t 7S I U to lift 4 74 tt aSl 4 04 24 1170 4 So 4 7W 4 n 15 1111 4 h II I1T 4 00 10 4 K6 4 U'34 4 10 ft! 12U1 4 W 44 lSlt 4 36 ' m 1I I 00 t 11U6 4 !A II lilt t 06 4 4 4 i tt 12(6 t 16 11 Ill 4 40 ( 1434 i tl) 11 4 4.t II UU t SA 14 414 4 45 42 lluo 4 40 tl h 4 60 11 14JI i ii I! 1110 4 ti I COWSj 1 I ISO t St 2 113 I 54 6 M I 40 I f 1U6 I M 14 ii I 60 10 1G8 I I 4 i 41 I047 I 70 16 1 5 S M J 70 17 960 1 "0 10 1040 I 7S 4 70 70 It 1071 I 75 1 1010 I 76 13 ll I 75 1 14 i SO 11 Kti I K t 113! I 10 1IHS I vO II 14 I 16 IS... IttJI 4 00 15 175 I fl 16 11.11 4 00 i 1110 I 25 1 1110 4 00 2 llail I ih 4 lava 4 04 II I7 It 1 111 4 10 1 1141 I til 4 1141 4 15 CALVES. 1 121 I 40 1 144 t 00 6 14 1 60 HEIFERS. K M7 I 10 12 6H st 11 751 I lo 14 714 I 70 1 70 I 36 fl IM I 76 4 .l I 40 I li0 4 15 li 7kl I f5 to lflil 4 I 6 1010 I 60 BULLS. 1 11M I 00 1 1119 I 70 1 1!.M I 00 1 ) I M 1 1141 I U0 1 lWx 4 Oil 1 1400 1 60 1 1S40 4 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS U 72 I )5 M3 i OA 6 48 I 40 15 rj 4 15 17 2 I . 7 114 4 15 li MO I ) 61 M 4 is 61 71 4 HO tl Id 4 in t 1'5 4 00 7 llbO 4 ) HOGS When the market was once under ay prices were pretty close to loc higher than yesterday. While some liors nosslhlv did not sell quite that much higher the general market did not lack very much of allowing that much Increaee over yester day Thus the hogs sold trtday largely at t4.20fi4.So. as agalnat t4.KK(i4.25 yesterday. with a liberal sprinkling on up to 84.35 and with a top at 11.40. Yesterday's best price mas 14 3u. The trade was generally active at the advance and the early arrivals changed hands In very good season In the morning, Representative sales: No. Al. Sb. Pr. No. Av. 8h. Pr. 17 1!J ... 4 W) 74 f.' in 4 1T4 42 161 . . 4 bV 2.4 8 4 108 171 M 4 (II ... 4 u W 17 ... 4 , 16 IM ... 4 t7(i !'4 11 ... 4 10 71 IU ... 4 rw i 171 40 4 10 in J4J 100 riw 1 17 . . 4 ft) 44 ... 4 in IU . . 4 li 17 il ... 4 no tl 171 ... 4 I.". ii !44 . . ID I w 4 IS 67 71 1 41) 7 ti V. 4 IS n !4i ... l) i i'7 40 4 17S 44 Ill ... 4 M M...,....,M ... 4 17., , 41 to ... 410 " lt ... 4 I7t, 7; ,( 40 4 10 .17 ... 4 17V, 74 a ... 4, W 73 U4 ... 4 ITS 76 ill ln 4 M 4 17i 77 ;i4 i in, ! Ik ,- 171 71 2si ... 4 10 H in I.. 4 7? t.2 ... 4 w 16 176 4 ft) 711 i.,4 ... 4 A 74. I ... 4 21 73 !4 ... 4 ) 13 14 ... 4 2-1 71. .147 ... 4 10 47. ....... Ik7 ... 4 to r.e 40 4 n 3 171 ... 4 Si t 144 ... 4 II I ln 4 : 70 224 .. 4 lo lei Il 4o 4 al ;47 jo 4 Jo ' 1M ... 4 20 (4 1,1 ... 4 M 4 ! 76 tii ... 4 ) ' 4 21 Tt 2 in 4 m K 4 2:l ;. 27i u 4 in " 4 70 to 4 10 ' ! 4 t i. to 4 M 7f 14 . . 4 , 41 2M ... 4 1214 7 4- 1-0 4 it U Ml ... i )"""""ii""ir,iiTifi'i'ii 1 '""''''""'''''iiiiiM'iiffifi IVIISSISSIPPI VALLEY TRUST COMPANY ST. LOUIS tins for each QlOO of deposits Cash Reserve - $ 34.G1 Resources - - - 158. Ol (SEE n IILISHKD STATEMENT DEC. , I90t.) 4 on Tima Certificates of Deposit 3i on Savings Accounts ' 2 on Correct Accounts A BOOKLET, "SAVINGS DEPOSITS I1Y MAIL," FHEK ON REQUEST. 71 7 ... 4 ISt 61 221 40 4 IlSt t 6 10 4 SS I D7 ... 4 tt 44 Ill . T 4 71 tM 140 4 U 74 Ill ... 4 71 til LW 4 24 4 r ... 4 M 16 SIT ... 4 M 71 04 ... 4 21V tt 15 ... 4 U 41 ...I .. 4 n 41 n ..." ID 17 210 WO 4 K 74 tJX to 4 a 70 in ... i n 71 K4 ... 4 16 10 ... 4 16 74 110 ... II 7(1...., .... 40 71 4.,.. ...4 ... 4 t ...Ml 40 4 14 ...INI ... Ill ...IM 10 4 H ...n M 4 IB t. ri 4 M 4 Kt 4 M 4 U 4 W 4 It 4 It 4 It M I 71 Itl 74 19 77 tM 44 lit W Hi W 1 17 n tO 4 H li 4"! ... 4 IS 40 11 ... 4 411 44 141 M 4 40 40 141 ... 4 40 tl Ill ... 4 40 t l M 4 40 8HKEP Recelnt of sheen were tho l.r. est that they have been In some little time, hut the quality not very good At the ame time owing to the all-night storm of now and rain a good many of the heep arrived with wet fleece, which did not Im prove their general appearance - or deslr ahlllty In the eyes of buyer. The feeder nuyers iook noid quite rreely and the mar ket waa generally active on anvlhlno- in the way of feeder lamb that they rould u:. uiic siring ot live aouDies sola to a Minnesota buyer at 14.20. Kat aheeD and lambs were slnw mnA At, it throughout the Session. Packers did not eem to take a very great fancy to the moat of the stuff and did not try very hard to buy It. The result was tltat price were anywhere from weak to lOfyn&c lower on a good share of the stuff. Quotation on good to choice t-A and lamb: Lambs, W40&6 75: light year ling wethers, l6.Bog6.HO; heavy yearling wether. t5.Xa.60; . wether. tooftfi n- ewes. t4.60y.4.n. representative sale: No. Av. TV 125 western lambs gs ago 28 western lamb , lug 6 2o 26 western lamb 107 . ;s 6 western lamb IM ' a Ha 107 western lamb 70 86 41 western Iamb as t 1,310 western lsmb feeder 68 t 1 western lamb feeders ......... (H S 188 western ewes 115 4 60 176 western ewes 120 4 76 IM western lambs 9 40 167 Mexican lambs 4.2 R hi 878 Mexican lamb 45 6M 137 western ewes 110 4 00 10 western ewes, culls A hncka M 4 frt 421 western yearlings tt wether 104 6 60 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady Hogs Illahe ei Sheep Lower. OH ro Ann pv.h iciti'iid...i.i. W.OuO head; market ateady; steers, o.o, cow. j-imxaH io; neirers, t.604i.; bulls, t3.0u34.&0: calve. $3OOQ7.O0; stocker and feeders, Caryat.TS. 1 1 . W ' U 1 . .7" rj - - . .. . dA . .t. , ocwv uf-an: rparaei ine niarher: ehnlc haw .hlnnim, . a. . butchers. I4.46H.60; light mixed. t4.'ii4.4i; cnuice ngni, tt.tuwt.ti); packers, t4.0(ii4.4B; pigs, t3.7By4.10; bulk of sales, t4.40i4.66. 8HKKP AND LAMB& Receipts, 18,000 need; lamb ateady; sheep 16c lower; sheep, t4.264l6.60; lambs, $6.25j7.16; yearling, ti.60 Kaasaa City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Feb. 6. ATTL.ti -Re ceipt, t.iKiO head. Including 100 southerns: market 10c higher; choice export and dressed beef steers. tf. lMn, ilfi- rir in t4.4oii(6.10; western steers, t4.t64o.40; stock er and foeder. t3.2&4.t6; southern leers. n.wtn.i; souinern cows, ra&'3.60; nrt tlve cows, t2.4fie4.ti6: native beifera 11 Itu, 4.75; bulls. W.OtKjrt.26; calvea, !.50a!oo. iiiiuo-iwceiiiu, lo.uuo nead; market 10c higher; top, t4.67!4; bulk of sales, i4.2oarH.So; Jieavy. 4H.4Uli4.6i v.: backers. It Mb,, sau pigs and lights, t3.iXii4.4o. SHi. AND I,UMB3- Receipt, ,000 head; market 10c lower; Iambs,; ewea and eatllnu:s. l4 7Wn!Ki- w..airn yearlings, t5.4033.a': western sheep, H.611Q 6.36; Blockers and feeders, t3.5Uit..7i. St. I.oata I.tve Stork Market. 8T. I.OCI9. Keh. S-('4TTi.rti.,..ini. S.0U0 head, including 100 Texans; market strong; native shipping and export steers, t5.4oCo00; dressed beef and butcher steers, t4.Kri6.76; steers under 1.000 nniinda U7S fc4.tio; stockers and feeders, ti40ftj4.lx; cows nu nriifn. a.i. nxuo.iiu; canners. tl.6utn2.4o; bulls, t2.gOu4.uO; calves. t3.6ilca1.60; Texus and Indian steers, t2.90'u6.2i; cow and heifers, tl.76iga.7S. HOOSRecelpts, 7.600 head; market &ai0c higher: Dig and Ilirhts uuTia so- ..u.unr. t4.0o444.66; butcher and beat heavy, t4.46 4-4.tiO. B1IEKP AND 1,,l. limn head; market steady; native muttons, tS.50 S6.60; lambs. I4.60fc7.28; culls and bucks. $J. 75i3. 76; stockers, t2.76IiS.5ii. St. Joaeak Live Stock Market. ST. LOL'IS. Feh. 1-TiTTM' n..ii. ,-i4 head: market 10c hlrlie- naiivu n itn tl5.26; cow and heifer, $2.0otj5.O(; stocker and feeders, t3.6o&H.6o. ikmm Kecelpts, 10.685 head; market 5ft 10c higher: tOD. 14.60: bulk i.f ti m 4 45. HllEEP AND IMMItS RM-int. 1 ui head: market steady; lambs, t6 OOsO; CBlllllll, t..Wl1l,IU, ileax City Lire dtoek Market. Rtnt'V CTTV Ta Col. a ta . . . - - ..., . . . . u. oPLiai 1 eie gram. I CATTLE Receipt. l.too head market ateajlv! atn.-ltra iiw. i. ' t3.5oii4).40; cow and heifers, t2.6ofo4 26 stockers and feeder, I3.60jH.oU; calve and yearling, t2.2Eiiit.60. HOGS Receipt. 7.600 head; market 6-3 10c higher, selling at ta.76ir4.46; bulk of sales, M.15tr480. Stock la Slaht. Receipts of live stock at the six nrlnclnal western markets yesterday: Cattle. TTnira Khun South Omaha 4.700 11.000 t tiO Sioux City l.ttrt T.6ti0 Kansas City .0i) 16 (irt mo St. Joseph ?.S49 Kid l!oill St. Iuls ...w SiOO 7,6"i) l.fiuo hlcago 18.0X1 88.000 18.4XJO Totals .8I9 89,CH5 40,11 London Cloalag; Stork. IX1VDON. Feb. 4. Closlna- ountatinna nt. It neks were: Conaola, monar - 174, K. T I7I-14N T. Central..., .... S Nortulk A ' Ti, do ptd .... rint-in a. - M4. v, t VI us 74, t-s l"S u 7" iris I s I 14', IW 04 acrount ... Anaconda atrhiaoo da pi P.lllmore a Ublo 14 Pennsylvania Canadian Pacldi- IM'l lUud Mlnaa CheaapcaVa 4t Ohio. ( huasn (it. W K"Raadlni .. f.uihm Railway .116 do pfd . .. 144 Southarn ParHc . .. IW, I nlos Paollo .. tl do old M. tt St. P lla llara lner tt R. O dn Dfd En. 1'S V. S. iel .. do prd .. Wakaah .. Itla do pfd .13! gpanltll 4a . DOW. Amal Counar as lat M a Id Did Grand Trunk .. llllnola Onlral Loulaallle A N. SILVER Bar, quiet, 26d per ounce The rats of rtiucfiiint in th . -n H.-i... for short bills Is iA3 11-lii per cent; for three months bills. per cent. Dry Gooal Market. NE7V TOBK Vh R 1 V r-rnTi Market ruled milt rv,t,.n i . - u. ..... B mtv III slow demand The jobbing trade la do lus a litrht hilllnM. mltl. r-i.,1... . . . the first of the large of the er oegins neai we. a and some apeolal offering will be mde. Silk piece goods are very quiet. L'nderwear and hoelery are being ordered in a ltmltri mjmv r..P lalU - Trraurr Slalraseal. WASHINGTON, Feb. S.-Today's state ment of the treasury balances in tne gen eral fund, exclusive of the tl&o.unO Oao gi, reserve, shows: Available cash balance, lieft. 464.24a; gold coin and bullion, f.Vi oil"' gold t-trlificules, t44,23l,2w. ' ' ' i 'r'li' 1 f'h minium1 GROUCHY AGENT TO BLAME Reason Assigned by Burlington for Inability to Bay Tickets. THIRTY PERSONS WAIT IN VAIN 4.. W. I.oorats Say th Hill Coan pa ai ls Not Retrenching; to Ike De gree ot Paklla lscon Tealenee. That even In the effort of the railroad company to economise at station In thl west the Burlington railroad ha made no change In either agents or operator whlck will Inconvenience the traveling publlo ant shippers, waa the assertion ot George W Loomls, assistant general manager of ttu Burlington lines, when dispatche wer read to him telling of the alleged Incon venience. "We have reduced our force at the de pot only where there waa not enougl business to retain the usual force," said Mr. Loomls. "I have heard of no com plaint at any talion." ' ' Mr. Looml waa read a report from Broken BoW, which ald "thirty men from Broken Bow clamored for ticket at Merna Sunday morning to make the; trip home by rail and were told by the agent that the night operator had been laid oft and he could not sell the ticket, though It wa then almost an hour until train time." "I have heard nothing of the agent at Merna refusing to sell ticket. Merna I a hamlet and It I likely we have reduced our force there, but I could not teO without looking at the payroll." Not on Ordera of H. "I It on order of th road that where there I but one man at the station , lie hall not aell ticket except during hi own hour?" "The Burlington haa issued no such or der. It such a thing happened It wa probably because the agent waa grouchy." "Do you tolerate- such grouchy agent on your road?'' ' "We certainly flo not." '' "Are all your station open half an hour before the arrival and departure of your passenger train, the same as they have always been?" ' . " .. ' "They certainly are. . Tou may ay for the Burlington railroad that wa have suf ficient force at all station where our train stop to do the business, to aell the tickets and receive the frieght. W have only reduced forces where a lack of busi ness made It possible and justified u In economising." K MODERN CINDERELLA IN JAIL Sea re k for Shoe to Fit Her Eclipses Dioceses or KalsTkts of Holy Grail. Deputy Sheriff Gardipee started out on a quest Wednesday that made Diogenes, the Knight of -the Holy Grail and the other famous searcher of history look pale and lck. He I trying to find a shoe that will fit the toot of Miss Cinderella Dora Buffen, a colored aoolal queen of Ramcat alley, who I temporarily staying; at the county Jail to recuperate from the effect of a diet of cocaine and morphine. Dora hoe were badly worn and It wa decided he muit have a new pair. -Chief Jailer OBborne made a casual examination of th foot and from mental tstlmatesof th di mension decided that a No. 9, double E, ladle' slxe, would about encase the pedal extremities of Miss Dora comfortably. He sent out and got a pair (his else and Mis Dora modestly, but energetically tried to force her foot Into one of the shoes. After a frantic effort she found. th shoe could be made to encase her big' to very nicely, but there wa no room for the ret of her foot. She turned the (hoes back snd reluctantly admitted ahe would have to get a larger size. "Ah wish you would git pinted toe," he said, "so they won't look so bad." "No. . E width, is about what you want," said Jailer Osborne, and h sent Deputy Sheriff Gardlpe out to make an other try. HELLO GIRL JFOR CITY HALL Central Telephone for Botk Ceaapa ales Mill Soon Be In Installed. That the service may be Improved and phones of both system be tnstaUed with out extra cost a local telephone sxchange I to be Installed In the city hall, the council paislng a resolution calling for a contract from the Nebraska snd Inde pendent Telephone companies. By the Installing of an exchange, Bell telephone rentals will be reduced S&0 and this will be sufficient for the Installing of Independent phone In the aeveral of fice, making It poaslble for rilixens hav ing either phone to call up anyone they wish In the city hall, Better service will also be secured, as the operator will be Instructed to take the number of any one calling an office which la "busy and when the line Is free the. connection' can be madfe. The exchange probably will be Installed In the city electricians office. Conference of (.lass Workers. PITI IIU I'Ull L-l, K . (.... . . ' ...... a..., tw. ,. " J.PIIII lUlliriTim of window g'aaa manufacturers and work- ur. 1- 1.1. 1 . I . I K . ..... . . 1-1 of the meeting is to bring the new union. .1 k.Tl 1 T.'i 1 .... . ' in.i a mum n mnnw tttass tvoraers, suc cessor of the dissolved Amalgamated Win dow Glass Workers of America, and the employer together for a dlacuuion of condition. I'resident A. 8. Faulkner of the unlun says of the eighty-five locals. '...-, n .. mnrm an (J I.. UIIII7II, j but two have Joined itwt iieworsaulaatlad. . M , , i Wool Market.. - X LONION. Keh. 5 -WOOI-r-Vli offering at the auction sale. . today, ameiipted to 13.JW bales. I 'nmpct M4n as.a-r(vk In all y.-r-f l.ti 1 h a nA iitlr.. nil... I I.. .. 1 1 . . Tlie-r a a spirited bidding fur large supply of New South Wsle preesv bog. get. American puing Is 4d for suitable psn-rls- ST. IXiriS. - FVb. . 4J.-WOOIv-Medluni grades, combing and clothing. 1 9 Urt iV; light fine. IKijISc; heavy fine, ID'utlio; tut ashed, 2o4jaac.