Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 9

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    Fhe Omaha Sunday Bee
FACES 1 TO 10.
Grand February CI
February sales were always time markersl February,
Sale of Taboretics
will bs our bitfrst February in sales lolals. We have
ii wtir lon( experience learned how lo
'200 Tulwrotles, 12xl2-inch top,
17 inches high, gol'den nsh, ma
hogiiny, or' weathered O
oak, finely finished... ,UOC
improve on previ-
ous e
Lfid tuccestes and we undertake to guarantee our thouianda of patron m tKi city. i( subirbi and throughout this state and adjoining states that this February will be a. Febru-
ary bargain month without a Febru,ry parallel in Omaha's bargain-giving history. IVe will close out all winter merchandise, men's, women's and children's clothing, heavy rubber goods, boots,
shoes, everything that can earn with It a recollection of winter, aff mutt go. Prices made to make 'em go. New string goods are arriving every day right now our crying need is room,
are liiiiulwHiie
parlor oma
TlilM FhM.r.
room and more room! We promise you a February feast of bargains in all departments, such as you never enjoyed before.
incut f.
Fresh Lots lor Monday' Sale
tflgss, Bsn4s and Insertions
In matched widths, em-
bro'flsrsd on otmtirlo,
Bwln and Nainsook, de
sirable lor nndargarment
trimmings, from ouo to
ix inches wida, ranging
la Tain from Bo to A,,
aoo for, par yard . . .
Flouncing and Bands, from
Mix to eighteen Inches
i Id?, for women's dresses,
v a I 1 1 and children's
dresses, worth lip to IQp
hue per yard, for.,."'-''
French and German Vnl.
t.aces, lii many match seta,
worth up to $1.00 per do,
yards; for, per doz. lOr
yards AVW
An exceptionally desirable
collection of Washable
J,aees, In varloim makes
and widths, values from
to 20c, - C
per ar
ls-lnch Corset Cover Km
broideries, all this season's
newest patterns. In Swiss
and Nainsook. f0c and uc
Knit Underwear
this sale, it will pay yon to purchase
street window.
Ladies' fine cotton Vests and
Pants, C5c value 39c
Ladies-' wool Union Suits,
$1.50 value ..98c
Boys' extra heavy fleeced Shirts, 25c value 17e
Wa ara Uinir all Oak Haatrra at Bi? Dlsoonnt. We arc carrying tha
bast makaa of Oil Heatara and Monday wa offer exceptional reductions. Sea
our Una of Peninsular stoves and ranges.
Oil Heaters. No. 28, regular $4.25'
value, speclirt 3.85
Oil Heaters, regular $3.75 value, spe
cial 92.15
Dust Pans, worth 15c, with hood, spe
cial )
Tack Pullers, special 3o
Stove Lifters, cold handle, 10c value,
1 special . 8c
Wyandotte Cleaner, the best thing
nutile 'for cleaning bath tubs and I
, alnks .... . ...,fl5o
And !!0 Green Trading fitampu .
Pancake Turners, 8c value, special So
Wash Boilers, all prices,' up from 6o
And 40 Green Trading Stamps.
Best quality 60-foot Clothes Line 84c
And 20 -Green Trading Stamps.
3aso11na Cans, 80o value ...19c
Omaha Dealers Lead in Urging State
Guarantee of Deposits.
Heal Kstnle Men Declare Prices of
Property Have IVot Declined
llurlnar No-Called Drvrrk
loa In Rnaiueas.
In Nebraska the Omaha Krai Estate ex
change is taking tha lead in urging soma
I'glnlutlon looking toward Iho stats guar
anteeing the deposits In flnancal Institu
tions chartered by the banking board. Next
to the outlook for spring and summer bus
iness, the question of the slate guarantee
ing tha deposits is the most alwnrhlng topic
with members of the exchange, and Gov
ernor Sheldon's visit t'p Kansas at the time
the bills were before the legislature of thnt
state for guaranteeing deposits Is thought
to he the result of the agitation of the
Onwha Real Kstute exchange.
Tim actual condition Is that some dealers,
feu Aug the postul savings bank bill In
congress will become a law and Injure the
savings and kau associations and the busi
ness of the state banks, seek to get state
las passed guaranteeing the deposits of
stateliisttutltns, which wlll put them
somewhere near on a par with the poxtal
having 1unks, should such Institutions be
established by congress. Another object
sought ts to lie able to use the state laws
guaranteeing bank deposits to defeat the
postal savings bank measures, by arguing
that the postal banks are unnecessary, as
the state stands behind the dcimstts of
state banks, which they propose to claim
Is "Just as good as" the federal govern
ment lslng behind the deposits, as It would
lie if postal banks were cMablishetl.
The Interest of real estate dealers In the
question centers about the fact that when
there Is no niortguge money In the state
banks and savings and loan associations
the buuinesa suffers, as a large per cent of
the city sales are made wholly on the con
dition that a loan can be secured and the
purchaser given an opportunity to pay out
on the installment plan. The real estate
dealers want the money in the state banks
and trust companies, where It can be. loaned
on the securities In which they deal. In
the nations) banks It la cumparatlvel-use-less
to the real estate world, and they be
hove the west nmst have millions of money
vhloh can be loaned on real estate as In
vestors In the west have realA-slate Instead
f bondu, which are held In tne east and
used with all bank.
The Kansas bill which proposes to give
a feeling of security to depositors In pan
icky tl.nua, by permitting the organisation
uf "bank deposit Insurance companies," la
ridiculed by Omaha real estate dealers.
A. P. Tufcey. who started the agitation In
Oaiaha, bvrillng tu Governor Sheldon
asking if fi possible te call a special
atssion of the legislature to pass bank de
posit guarantee lawa. eald concerning the
Kuuaas deposit insurance bill: "That will
not serve the purpose ut all. It would cost
the depositor sotiwUiln t Carry Insurant e
n his tank account, and then the insurance
ooimMiny might nutUw good aa tha baak
Compare our quality and
prices lx'f(re buying;.
re offering some rare
bargains for Monday only.
Brussels Sample Rugs,
9x12, extra heavy, good
quality and absolutely
fast colors, sella for $20,
special, at... S10.75
Amsterdam Body Brnasell
Sample Rugs, only a
limited supply, the kind
you pay $30 for,' while
they last, at.. $18.75
Genuine Royal ""Wilton
Dress Goods
Including Broadcloths,
60 and 64-Inch choicest Suitings, chev
lot. serges In stripes, fancy hrond
cloths, all colors. Panamas In neat
checks or stripe
ktmls. dress
offered at
4 4-Inch black Voiles, the elgant fine quality,
very fine nir-slt similar to silk voiles, per
fi st In weave, will not muss or wrinkle,
fine for dresMi-s or separate skirts, faCkn
extra special J ZJ
$1.50 and $1.2u fine Novelty Suitings, styles
Sample Rugs, just 12 of
these, extra fine quality,
are Rood, checks
$44.50. while
plaids on sale now
Best 1.50 and $1.25
children's dresses or
Inches wide, on
will continue our knit I'mlerwear
If you haven't taken advantage of
next Benson's supply now. See J Oth
Ladies' wool Vests and Pants.
value -73c
Ladies' fine cotton Corset
Covers, oOc value . .
ijGasollne Cans, 40c value, special.. 29c
j Barney & Berry Ice Skates, regulnr
75c values, special 55c
JFread Knives, Christie's Center Cut,
finest made 48o
And 20 Green Trading Stamps.
Coal! Coal!
Colorado Golden Ah, ! sootless
fcnd cllnkerless, i
!K'r ton- . . .
50 extra Green Trading Stamps
with each ton Monday.
or at leaat no better. Tho resources of the
great states of tho union must be placed
behind our banks, which are considered
now semi-public Institutions."
Many of the real estate dealers who op
posed the endorsement of t lie postal sav
ings hank bill are urging the guarantee jf
deposits by the state. They explain that
the stu.tu guarantee laws are but stepping
stones to the postal savings bank system,
but they believe the state banks should
have the advantage of a state gunrantee
before tho government opens banks with
a guarantee behind deposits which would
not be equalled anywhere In the world.
Real estate dealers are on record as op
posed to the proposition before tho park
board to use any part of the fund created
In Douglas county from tho Inheritance
tax to Improve the parks. The fund Is to
be used for tho Improvement of country
roads, outside the city limits, and It is
believed that any attempt to secure per
mission from tho legislature to use the
fund for parks will be met with such op
position that tha Inheritance tax fund will
go to the state and be distributed equally
among the counties of Nebraska, aa rail
road taxes have been dlxlrlhuted regard
less of the value of rftllroad property In
the counties. The real estate dealers de
sire that the Inheritance tax fund, sure
to be larger In Douglas county than in any
other county of tho state, be kept at home
and used for the I m pro vemeht. of Douglas
county roads outside the limits of Omaha.
That Otnaha does not share the general
"depression" In the real estate world
throughout the lTnlted Plates ts the tes
timony of the leading dealers:
"Not a dollar'a worth of property has
been sold by our offico since November 1,
at a discount. We are getting even better
prices than last year. C. C. George of
George & company.
"I could not tell you how large our
buh'liioss has been during the month of
January, but it was ticlter than last year
and the values the same aa we asked be
fore t lie financial trouble." D. V. Bholcs.
"Just the same. Selling lots at the same
prices and Just as many of them." Uyron
llaHtins of Hastings A Heydeil.
"Don't see a dollar of loss In sight for
those who invested In -real estate, but
rather tendency to advance In prices."
H. U. Jordan of the Pyron Heed oompuny.
"The demand for city properly for In
vestment la evidence that the prices are
not on the decline." President W..T.' Gra
ham of the Omaha Real Estate exchange.
Such expressions and positive statements
have been motto In reports published In
eastern financial papers, giving the sum
mary of the real estate situation In the
country aa follows:
"Throughout the I'nlted Stales all classes
of real estate ,have suffered losses in value
as a result of ,lhtt existing buslntsa de
pression. These losses are as real and In
many casea as great as the losses recorded
In stocks and bonds listed on the New York
Stock exchange." s
The general situation in Omaha Is sum
mod up aa "entirely satisfactorily," by al
most every member of the, mal estate ex
change. A number of large tracts have
been thrown on the market and the prices
asktd for lots and acreage tracts would
not Indicate that anyone had lost money
as a result of Investing In Omaha real s-
lata. Other tracts may be opened laut
February Clasrinff Sale on elerant
collection ot flr.a ulgh class goods.
We offer our entive line of novelties
Sergei, Chariot, Panamas, etc AT
1 Specials
54-inch all wool
$1.25 Panamas,
all colors. 39
Best 75c all wool
Dreus Goods, all
colors . .. 25c
50c Serges, Hen
ilctlas, Batlclea
Albiitross, in all
colors, c r e a ni,
etc., at ...25
Ideas, worsteds of all
oocls that we
"ill and 12.00,
or stripes, some cq
, - u w
all wool
waists. 44
l'lalds. for
sale n
and Art Section
Ilifth grade Mirrors at low
prices. Mirrors that sold at
$20.00, on sale at $13.34
$10.00, on sale at :.$6.67
$5.00 Mirrors at $3.34
$2.00 Mirrors at $1.33
OOc Minors at '. ,46c
See Harney St. Window Display.
Ladies' Spring Chic Suits
Monday wo will place on sale one
hundred new 1908 spring-tailored
suits. These models are. from the
best New York designers and con
sists of all the - new fabrics and
colorings. , . -V" . -
which will scatter the buvinir. hut ih.m
Is no large addition to the city which will
open and cdt prices. The Kountze flist
addition was opened on tho south sl,le
soma time ago and closed out within a
u,. ..!.... i..,.. . , .....
' iy-o n nnr, hi mo neigiiDortiooo.
Tho Creiuhton addition will be
the early spring southwest of Hanscom
park. Tho prices placed on tho lots are
far" from "bargain" prices, but are fuir
Prices for property located as the lots in
mo creiguton addition are. Some real es
tate dcaliss will oppose uny move to open
largo tracts until the -"down town" prop
erty is cleaned up In letter shaie.
Mult Flleil by W. II. llerdiuan to Con
test Itlgbt of "District
A mandamus suit to test the right of the
clerk of the district court to refuse to file
court decrees without the payment of the
costs was filed In district court Saturday
morning by W. II. llerdman.
Several days ago Mr. llerdman presented
a decree of divorce for filing In the case of
Mollio Hoy against James W. Hoy.' Dja
trlct cferk Smith refused to file It unless
the filing fee was paid. As the costs under
the decree were assessed against Mr. Roy,
llerdman refused to. pay them. The case
will bo a test of tho-most Important of the
questions In controversy In relation to the
collection of fees in advance In the clerk's
of l Ice.
A test on another phase of the same, ques
tion will come up before Judye Redick
Wednesday morning. W. W. Slabaugh is
seeking an order of the court to compel
District Clerk Smith to file a motion for
the defendant In a case In which, the de
posit fee of $2.50 was not paid. The fee Is
anthorlxed by an order of the court, but
Judge Slabaugh contends .the c lerk cannot
charge more than the statutory filing fee
of 10 rents for each document filed.
" ''" ' , '
Newest of Omaha's Great Charitable' Institutions
Dlack and Colored
We make specially lov
pi Ices on all black or col
oretl taffetas, vnrhuis
widths, stutulile for pi ttl
coats. We make your pct
t I coat I'UKK Of'
CM A !;(';. Styles or m t
tlronts seli'ctcil liy ymi
ffom latest models. Iliui
drels of our patrons have
taken MilvnntiiKe of this
KKKK OI KKK. ".Vhy not
china TOILET SET SALE- China
3 Pallcrns Toilet Ware,
Prlces-S3.08 to 815. OO
Now Open Stock Patterns In White and Gold
OA Per
U3 Cent
Vases and Art Bric-a-Brac, 20
Cent Discount Monday .
worm iwenty-Iive and
Thirty-five dollars,
at ..
0m&2ia to Get Additions in the Line
of - Buildings.
Tenauts Secure Iletler Accommoda
tion and Owner tieta ' More Rev
enue from Smile iruui Area
by This Menu,
An Omaha architect, who has designed
more flats and apartment houses for this
city than any other local architect, de
clares that the present year will see still
more building of houses of this type than
ever. He bases his prediction upon fuels
and figures, and alo upon the fad, which
he says ts true, that Oinului has now
reached that stage of growth where land
values have arisen to suih a figure that
big yards are expensive luxuries and people
demand homes reasonably near to the
business center at moderate rents. Tho
n suit is inevitably t lie apartment house,
that device ot modern civilization t.)
house people in small space and yet give
them t he conveniences and the luxuries de
manded by the people of the present day.
"The demand for this class of buildings
is steady and the present demand far ex
cel ds the supply," said the architect.
"This Is the iane In spite of the fait that
rrr.ts for d. nirahle flalH and apartment
houses are high. For the man who wants
an investment for his mom y there is noth
ing more attractive than a w.ll situated
nnd thoroughly moth-m flat or apartment
house.' A building of this hind is never
vacant. Often it Is" occupied tiefore the
plaster and pahit are fairly dry. It is
l.ullt of fireproof materials and these ma
terials h nd then si hel'.er to a huiViimr
of this type because of Its niuure. It In
. . i '
. ' - ' : -? '", .-.,.:
Soiuaetlca chvaner tlina elsewhere. Spe
cial price redactions ill Ibis sale Include
aheeticaa. all widths, outina or shaker
flannels, percales and glr.ghaais.
llcst 10c nnd I2'4c l-"linnelettes. pretty lies ;, checks,
stripes and ninny neat figures, on sil" Monday T..
S-lnch choicest Klanin lette, Persian style!), liest I "ic U4id
18c ptriMte, Monil.iy
3"ic choicest (Milldi en .' Plaids, for dresses or waist",
pi'elty new effects, pe,- ard
2i pieces of d-Mililc fold cotton tlie kind you liny
for children's dresses, worth to 2oc, now....
Blankets at One-Half Off
Mondnv we offei
from :t.o'l to $1 2.i,ll
1 2 ' c anil 1 oc ( MKlns
27 palts of white Hlankets.
slightly mussed, at One Half
Flannels, eleR-int styles, light
neat cli-eUs. Monil
l.inht and ilnrk (JotluK l-hmnels
Cotton lUankets In this s:ile. p-r pair.
ln-4 best half Menched Sheetinvs. the
sa le price
I est American Prints
2r,c Cotton pMltliiK. Monday, per roll .
22c Cotton Hattlim, Monday, per roll .
tic Cotton HnttiiiK. Monday, tier roll ..
IlBUinK. per poll
Ladies' Spring Chic Waists
New Spring Waists on sale for the
first time Monday; net, TJ Q5
lace and taffeta 1 Jh
silk r"
One lot of Children's Wool Dresses
for Monday's selling, iTV
dresses worth up to lf FsfT
$3.00, at
Sixteen handsome Evening Coats.
built on a small lot without looking
cramped. An ordinary dwelling house
seems to be crowded If placed, between two
other houses without a liberal space bo
tween. "Ordinarily three families can be housed
on the same ground space In an apnrtnicnt
house that would be required for one in an
ordinary frame dwelling. This is an Im
portant consideration when values of city
real estate rise as high as they are now In
These are some of the reasops wiiy
Omaha. Is going lo follow the course of
other metropolitan ' cities and become a
clly of many apartment houses. The at
tractiveness of the apartment house as un
investment will make the number to be
built great in tills year of the somewhat
rubrevlated financial possibilities.
While handsome residences are being
erected all over the city, while the hoard
of park coninissloners Is making plans to
extend and lo systematize the parkH and
houlevards of Ihe clly. and while Improve
ment clubs ale Inaugurating sorts of
Improvements In the residence parts of the
i I'y, there is a sur work going on which will
.mid to the beauty of the city hy subtract
ing fmm Its ugliness nnd will nt the same
time ifcakc living safer and cheaper. This
work Ik being done by the city building In
spector and the work Is that of condemn
ing and demolishing old. worn out build
ings. The ordinances regulating buildings In
the lily are to he strictly enforced. The
work of giMing al the really unsufe build
ii!K.s as well as unsafe portions of other
buildings, UK I) as porches and balconies. Is
being done by photography. The lily coun
cil had made an appropriation for this
work and a professional photographer
tii'ies pictures of buildings for the building
Inspector. It Is a sort of Rertillon system
fo buildings. Those which are vagabonds
among the homes of iwople are photo,
graphed, their measurements taken and
't r - v i
v'' ' ..
tk rn-
. .5 .
Tlu' gay festival is
due on the Htli. We
wish you to see our
mlvanee showing of
Vnlentiues rivaling in
lieauty and fantasy
the best iroduets for
Christinas. AH are
elean. Everything in
valentines u from
one penny.
A new book. "The Black
Bag," by the author of
the "Brass Bowl," beauti
fully gotten up In red and
gold, prettily illustrated,
regular prices
colors, stripes
same rs offered at Ititc,
a Hook of sustained
tery, $1.60 edi
tion, for
iMiring our clcarin sale this week Ave expect to have
the biKficst sale in hosiery we ever hud because wo are
making prices nevt r before heard of
Lathes' hand embroidered
lisle Hose, 50c value. . .33t
Ladies' split foot cotton Hose.
;5c value A 23
Ladies' Imported Lisle Jlose,
50c values, pair
ITAVATj OBAKQE SPECIAI. Just purchased a large Quantity of large
"California naval Oranges, only 188 to the box, a regular 36o alia, fbr
as long as the supply lasts, per doaen JKj
unilkt ll n numen in i re, injiiin, . . . wv -
Xrt.l 3rt llman Triilidir Situml.., Ie7
Santos Coffee, pound l8c;i
And 20 Green Trading Stamps. r
'j'i'ns. all kinds, pound 48c
And 40 Green Trading Stamps. u-
Tea Siftings, pound 15c
And 10 Green Trading Stamps.
Mentors' Chocolute Powder, can... 80c
And 20 Green Trading Stamps.
Marshall's Kippered Herring, can. .30o
Andl0 Green Trading Stamps.
Wonder Wax for Washing.. lOo
And 10 Green Trading stamps.
Australian Valencia. HalHins, lb... 15c
And 10 Green Trading Stamps. ,
Bataval Corn Starch, per pkg 6o !y
Assorted Pure Fruit Jnin, large jnr 35c in
And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Qf
Jelly (pure fruit), glass 10c.
i And 5 Green Trading Stamps. V,,;
Gail lard's Imported Olive Oil, b! i
large hottle 8ltv
And 60 Green Trading Slumps. tsL
they are brought into the office of the
building inspector which Is thus converted
Into a sort of rogue's gallery. Tho build
ings are tried according to the laws regu
lating thorn just as criminals are tried ac
cording to the human laws. Those which i
are convicted get the sentence of destruc
tion. Hy tlie weeding out of these shai ks and
worn out buildings tho city will bo rendered
more laautlful and the safety of the good
dwellings will be rendered greater. Insur
ance rates will also eventually bo lowered
and Omaha will occupy a still higher rat
ing than her present very creditable, rating
Willi tlie Insurance companies.
A man has just completed a house on
North Twentieth street which is the result
of Bludy on the problems of how to have
a neat , house on an ordinary lot and still
have a place to keep chickens and enjoy
the fruits of a garden In the summer lime.
Tlie lot on which the house is built Is
thirty-seven feet wide. The house stands
back from the fctreet about twenty feet. It
is two stories high and about thlrly-flvr
feet In length, exclusive of the ten-foot
lean to. It has a largo (Kirch al the front
and part of one side as well as a rear
Iimtiad of tlie usual bare back yard found
in the average house the yard Is artistic
ally laid out. An arbor runs from the rear
door, back curving as it goes, thus cutting
off a view of the chicken yard and horse
shed on the extreme rear of the lot. The
arbor Is to be covered with a grape vine
when the vines have grown. Outside the
arbor trees are planted. They are not use
less shade trees, but trees which will he
useful as well as ornamental by bearing
fruit of various kinds. There is ample
space for a garden In the summer. A
seven-foot di iveway runs from front to the
rear along ore side of the lot.
"I have all the comforts of the city, all
the good things of the country nnd I'm In
walking iltHtauce of my business," says tills
well satisfied man.
And un hiHpection of Ihe house con
vinces onelhat he has made much of his
opportunities and causes wonder that more
city people do not solve the problem in
like manner.
Ouly Delayed Till Monday llecaoxe
Acting Mayor Has Sabhutu
un Saturday.
The city council met Saturday morning
for the purpose of allowing the salary war
rants for the month of January of the va
rious city officials and employes.
The question of the introduction of the
telephones of the Independent Telephone
company InM tho several city departments
was iliscuraei Informally, but no action
was taken. No other business than tho al
lowance of warrants was transact! d.
The warrants will nut be paid until Mon
doy afternoon owing to the absence of
.Mayor Dahlman fiom the city und the
further fact that Saturday being Acting
Mayor Johnson's Sunday he is not trans
acting any buslny.
Ratldlng I'ernilta.
The total number of building permits Is
sued during the month of January, l'i
was It; vaJue, $1M.7I0. For January, IKi?.
Ihe number wa. 71. valued at f ,70 77s. Tlie
inereasti for January, is flT'J'ft oer
that of the corresponding month of last
year, or about II per cent. I if tha total
number of building permits for January,
lye, 4b ot them were, for dwellings.
73-inch' bleached all llnea
Table Datuask, 7E-
worth 89c yd., now. '
72-Inch bleached all linen
Satin Damask, worth
1.12S per yard. CQr
now, yard tjjw
20-lm h bleu, lied all lhien
Damask Napkins, Wrrth
$l.Nf doien, now, f 'let
doiten UOO
22-imh bleached all linen
Dumask Napkins. worth
S.'l.dO per doxell, O Afi
now, dozen
38-Inch square IJenistltchpd
and Drawn h X'lotlis,
worth 6uc, now, )nr
each "
Odd lots of Kancy I.lnens,
In Scarfs, Centers and
l.uneh Cloths, worth to
$!.("), now, Qrir
each .VOC
White WnistlnR". In all new
designs, cheeks. stripes
and floured effects, worth
&e now, QC
yard ,a - w
in Omaha.
Ladies' wool ribbed Hose, 25c
value 17c.
No Mend Linen Knee Hose,"
25c value 17u
with split foot,
Diamond S Cocktail, bottle 85u
And 20 Green Trading Stumps.
Tomatoes, Advona, can... Bo
t'cllt 1'nls, can , , ..llo
Corn (Ued Clover), can
Asparagus (Beauty), can 30o
And 10 (Jrecn Trading Stamps.
Bennett's Capitol Ilaking Powder,
pound can 84c
And 30 Green Trading Stamps.
Jell-O, assorted, three pkgs 35o
And 10 Green Trading Stamps.
Dixie Split Sweet Pickles )0
And 10 Green Trading -Stumps.
Sweet Pickled Tomatoes, quart... 80o
And 10 Green Trading Stamps.
II. J. Ilclnz' Sweet Pickled Onions,
pint o
And 10 Green Trading Stamps.
Three Crown loose Muscatel Cali
fornia KalHlns, 11) laVaO
And 10 Green Trading Stamps.
I Receipts Gain 100,000 and Shipment
250,000 Bushels in January.
Drrrrnard Volume of Production
Muturally Causes Shrinkage. In
the Total Grain Traflle
In Omaha.
Wheat receipts at tho Omaha market
during the month of January wero 100,000
bushels greater than during the same
month last your, while the shipments were
50,000 bushels greater. Roth shipments
and receipts were greater than during tha
month of December 1907.
utt lie total grain reculpta at tho market
were L'.OOO.tXiO bushels less than during
January of 1!M7. tho declines In receipt! of
oats and corn being thn heaviest since tha
grain market was established In Omaha.
Shipments declined 1.600,(100 bushels as com- .
pared wltli tho name month a year ago.
"Receipts are less because the crop was
h-ss for rain reason," said a grain buyer.
"Then tho Injury done tho grain trade at
all tho primary markets by the financial
trouble can never be. estimated, Rut the
prices are better than last year, and tha
actual amount which Is being received by
farmers for this IfKW rrop Is not so much
tielow what they realised last year."
The report of the Omaha drain exchange
for tho month of January makes the fol
lowing showing:
K4 1.200
Si. 1,10
Torn ..
cists ..
Ky ...
Wilts t
Torn ..
Oats ..
live ...
Tota1 8.1X1.5110 14.941,
f'ash bu ing during the month on the
floor of the exchange has been very-heavy.
averaging eloso to fifty cars each day,
Thn option trading opened during the week.
and sales have amounted to more than
ti,0u daily.
Ktent Will Take the Perm of n
mortal to Count nnd "Kd
warn) I reightoii.
Founders' day at Crelghton ' university
will be celebrated February 7. when the
exercises will take the form of a memorial
lo Count John A. Crelghton and Edward
(.'rclghlon. The morning program consists
of solemn high mass of requiem at 0:30 at
St. John's church. In the evening C. J.
Smyth will preside and addresses will be
made by Judge, I.c H. Kslelle, Dr. J. ft,
Footc, Kcv. 1. A. McfKivern and J. 1
McHrien, supci Intcndeiit of public Instruction.
"Tha Making of a Millennium. Kto4 ),