Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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"1! tSM?
Tti7::ik a managers
fj m'Pn
V V l iiii. L virLi
As an Official Training School for Telegraphers and guarantees to give employment to all its graduates
who desire to work for that company. The company s Main Line Dispatcher s , Wire has been installed into
the school for students' practice and all necessary blanks and equipment foracomplete mastery of Station work
is furnished. This arrangement by the world's greatest railroad company, together with the 17 other rail
roads that center here, creates a live, never ceasing and never satisfied demand in Omaha for telegraphers.
Boyles College desires to send its Special Telegraphy Booklet "A" to all who may be interested in tele
graphy at this time. -
Address all Communications to H. B. BOYLES, President, 1803 Harney St., Omaha, Neb.
Beech Camp Celebrates Silver Anni
versary of Order.
Wonderful tlrovrth of the Fraternity
In Omaha and the Counter I'or
lr.rd nnd Reasons for It
Are Explained.
Members of Itcech ramp of the Modern
Woodmen of America anil other Woodmen
of Omaha to the number of '.HO gathered
tfround the bunqtiet board at Barlght hall
Friday night to relehrnto the silver anni
versary of the founding of the order.
Toastmaster Nelson C. Pratt railed upon
several of the ' leading Woodmen to re
spond to various subjects after a bountiful
repast had been disposed of. Rev. J. M.
Ieldy pronounced the Invocation and the
Beech Camp quartet sans; several southern
District Deputy C. II. T. Riepcn told the
history of Woodcraft In Omaha most en
tertainingly, beginning with the building of
the first campfire In 1S85. The first camp
had twenty-two members, but the order has
grown until today there are 3.S; members
In Omaha and 4.SZI members In Douglas
county, belonging lu eight different camps
In Omaha and others outside this city.
Oeorge a Magney made, the prophesy that
twenty-five years from this anniversary
the order would have a memliershlp of over
J.ocO.too. "Woodcraft will be teaching new
hysons which will nmkf men belter and
wiser," said Mr. Maguey In responding to
the toast of "A Prophesy." "The world will
be better because of woodcraft which
Pyramid Hie Cure Positively a .Marvel
of (Julck (urliif Power. Hend For
a We Trial Package Today
We want every mnn and woman suffer
ing from excruciating torture of piles
to just send their name and address to us
and get by return mall a free trial pack
age, of the most effective and positive
cure ever known for this disease. Pyra
mid Pile Cure. ,'
As an example. Kin to a Bodenhainer of
Hertford. Indiana. Hfsi In constant pile
Hgony for 2S years. Three 60 cent boxes
if Pyramid Pile Cure cured her.
And Oeorge Hranelgh of Schellburg, Pa.,
cured bis 14-year piles with only one oO
cent box.
The way to prove what this great rem
edy will do In your own case, U to just
send your name and address to us and
you will get by return mall a free trial
treatment of Pyramid Pile Cure.
Then after you have proven to ourself
what It can do. you will go to the drug
gist and get a 60 cen box.
Don't undergo an operation. Opera
tions are rarely a success and often lead
to terrible consequence. Pyramid Pile
Cure reduces all Inflammation, makes
congestion. Irritation. Itching, sores and
ulcers disappear and the pile simply
8end your name and address today for
this free trial treatment to Pyramid Drug
Co. 137 Pyramid Hldg., Marshall. Mich.
on sale at all drug stores at IV cents
The new national law which will soon go into effect, limiting the working hours, necessitates' the em
ployment of three operators where two have been employed before. It has been estimated that 2,000 more
telegraphers will be required to run the service in Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas and the .Dakotas alone.
stands for the home and the betterment of
mankind. We shall be Interested In one
another Instead of against one another."
lias Weathered the Storms.
"When I first entered the order there was
quite a storm brewing," said Colonel T.
W. McCullough In responding to the toast,
"He Patient." "We have weathered the
gale, however, and find we have come
through the cleaner and brighter and
stronger because df the storm which is gone
Its force is spent and the trees of the
forest worth keeping are left standing
straight up.
"We have had other storms since that
time but we have met every Issue with that
spirit of patience which actuates Wood
men. We have proceeded patiently step by
step until we have broken a path so far
ahead into the new country that today we
are the marvel of the Insurance world.
"Different prophesies than those Just
made by Neighbor Magney were made at
that time. It was said that long before wo
reached this anniversary we would be out
of business, as experience had shown we
could not do what we were trying to do.
They still marvel at us, but they are shak
ing their heads and wondering w hat we
will do next.
"Therfe Is no limit to the possibility of
the membership of Modern Woodmen, nor
to Its Influence for good. We have sur
passed our own fondest hopes and what
we have done has boen achieved by pa
tience. We have gone ahead, keeping right
to (the line suggested by the principles on
which the order was founded. Ws have
found solid ground and the success Is the
result of patient, persevering progress.
Fraternal insurance has come to be quite
a fdd, hut the good old Modern Woodmen
lias gone ahead and success still crowns
Its path and will crown It for the reason
that It is moving on safe lines."
A letter of reminiscence was read from
J. W. Houder, who gave some of the early
experiences of the order.
Way Woodcraft Succeeds.
Head Consul A. K. Talbot spoke on
"Modern Woodmen, Paat and Present."
"If one would understand thoroughly the
force which la sending this ordYr to the
fore he must study the history of the or
ganisation. We are a part of the lives of
all the great men who have lived through
the ages. Just as our civilization Is the
product of the ages.
"This society Is a breathing, living Insti
tution which has grown and developed un
der the demands of mankind. The growth
cannot be limited by any1 man or set of
men and the future can only be foretold by
what the past has brought forth. The
Modern Woodmen was born In an oppor
tune time, when all procesrrs worked to
lead men to a higher plane.
"The first ten years of this society were
almost a failure, but during the last fif
teen years giant strides have been made
and some msrvelous things accomplished.
We have paid $64.&UO,000 to widows and or
phans and today we have nearly l,0u0,000
members, or nearly one-seventh of the fra
ternal membership of this country. This
Is a plain business man's society, the kind
of 'men who have bullded homes and made
this nation what It is by fighting Its wars
and always being to the fore In times of
need. It Is the fruitage and the flowering
of the doctrine of co-operation. We se
cured 147,000 new members, last year, and
January this year starts out stronger than
last. This Is young men's order and Is
revolutionising Insurance orders. The av
erage age of the members Is less than it
was when the society was organized. The
society was t4.0u0.ftn0 to the good at the
first of t lie year. The principal thought of
the society, however. Is to mould the lives
of the youth of .America," said Neighbor
Talbot, who discoursed eloquently and con
vincingly on the possibilities for good of
Ml Ml
the Immense potential force represented
by the membership of the order.
At the close a reception for the hend
council was held, at which all had a chance
to "walk right up and say hello."
Independent Company Holds Public
Heceptlon In Its w
The furmal public opening of the Inde
pendent Telephone Kxchange building on
Harney street, between Eighteenth and
Nineteenth streets, was held Friday after
noon from 2 to 5 o'clock. The various
rooms on the main floor were profusely
decorated with flowers and palms, with
a lurge orchestra In the main corridor
to ' furnish music for tlu; function.
Luncheon . of coffee, sandwiches and
pickles was served to all comers.
The handBomo building was thronged
during the receiving hours and the visit
ors were shown about the building by the
official corps and clerks and ushers. The
women visitors were each presented with
a carnation and souvenir postal cards, a
diminutive calendar, were given all
visitors. The visitors were shown
through all departments of the building
and the methods of working the auto
matic 'phone explained .as well as - Oie
switchboard system.
General Manager A. P. Matthews said:
"We now have about 1,500 telephones In
working condition and are installing
about seventy per day. The North Twenty-fourth
street exchange will bo In
operation next week. Y e have about
2,000 subscribers In that district. A force
of 160 men are now employed, of which
sixteen are In the office departments. The
first dirt for tho plant was thrown April
il. IflO", and we opened up for business
December 1, 1907."
The reception will continue from 2 to 5
Saturday afternoon and from 7 to in Sat
urday evening. The public is invited.
Ueneral Manderaon Gives Compli
mentary Function at
Omaha t'lnb.
General Charles F. Manderson gave a
complimentary dinner at the Omaha club
Friday to C. J. Ernst, assistant treasurer
of the Burlington railroad in honor of the
thirty-second anniversary of Mr. Krnst's
connection with the Burlington. Those pres
ent were a number of old-time friends of
Mr. Krnst. and associates st HurllnRton
headquarters. They were O. W. lloldrege,
C. E. Spens, A. U. Smith. I.. W. Wake
ley. G. W. Loomts, I-ee Bpratlcn. J. K.
Kelby, W. P. Durkee, O. I. Dickeson. 11. 1.
Foster, John D. Shields, W. A. Dilworlh
and William Randall.
Chief Clnrk C.ouldinii Hralqaa and
G. II. Nlroll Will Norceed
Severn! changes In the office force at the
Western 1'nlon Telegraph company will bo
made as a result of the resignation of II.
M. Ooulding, chief clerk to Superintendent
J. C. Nelson. Mr. Ooulding quits the serv
ice of the company to engage In business
for himself. His place will be taken by
Oeorge H. Nlcoll, manager at Council
Bluffs. O. T. Welch of the Omaha office
will go to Council Bluffs as manager in
Mr. Nlcoll's place. The changes will not
take place for about a month.
Frlaktrned Into Fits
by fear of appendicitis, take Dr. King's
New life Pills, and away ffoe buwel
trouble. Guaranteed, 25c. Fur sale by
Heatou Dru C
School Board Members Not Voted for
at Primaries.
Taken ns an lndlenllon that 'Mayor
lloctor Will Withdraw, bat
Latter Is Silent to to
the Present.
City Attorney 11. B. Fleharty rendered
his opinion yesterday on the question of
IfilhiK for the primary election for the
Board of Education and the committeemen.
He stated that tha names of the committee
men should not appear on the primary bal
lot, but that a special convention or similar
arrangement be iniule. after the primary
election. He declared that the primary
law was alfco plain on the members of the
Board of Education. Those, he said, were
excluded by the reading of the statute,
which expressly says that the provisions of
the act do not apply to the Board of Edu
cation. These candidates have filed In four
or five instances already. "The clerk proba
bly will receive them until tho exact plan
of nominal Inns Is outlined.
Yesterday saw the filing of several more
candidates for ilty offices. The one of
most Importance was that of John W.
tlribhle for the office of mayor on the
democratic ticket. It Is understood that
this filing Indicates Hint Thomas Hoctor
is lo withdraw from the race. How true
this is no one seems to be able to tell. Mr.
Hot tor himself has authorized no public
M. C. Chrislianson of the Second ward
filed for the council. Al Powell, council
man of the Bixth ward, withdrew yester
day. Joseph Strzclcckl of the Fifth ward
filed as a councilman. Charles H. Offer
man filed in the Fouitli wiml. Henry
Dethlcfs, in tho Fifth ward, filed for the
council. Thomas 1.. ISroadhurst fjjed as a
republican candidate for the Board of Edu
cation. It Is believed that II. B. Fleharty
will file todav for re-election, and Dana
Morrill will file for the office of tax com
missioner on the republican ticket. Al Hun
ter, democratic. Is bulked upon as a pofsl
hle candidate for the Board of Education.
There may he several eleventh hour sur
prises. Ilia Demand for Coal.
. The South Omaha coal dealers did a rush
ing business In the face of the severe cold
wave. The sale of coal for the month, hiw
ever, has been much lighter than riurn;
the same perinil last year. H'lslness begun
to revive early in tile present week. Abou;
the same ntm-y is told by all the coal deal
ers. The dealers have a large supply on
hand and the prosiii-t l for no ahorlagn In
this line. The Hyiith Omaha clothing deal
ers have complained that sales of whiter
rarnients are far lighter than for several
years, owing to the long period of mildness.
The shoe men yesterday were doing a
heavy business with rubbers and over
shoes. No particularly needy cases were reported
to the police. The charity fund have been
drawn on pretty freely In caring for small
H)X patients whose homes havo been
quarantined. It is likely that some cases
of distress will-be discovered today.
I.lve Klork Business for Month.
Tho month's business In live slotk baa
shown an I lit reuse in hog receipts of 103. MO
head, but there has been a decrease in Hie
calt'le 'of ll.utlfi. Olieep decreased L".'.564.
During the month tills market received
tO.bZ! cattle, 3-I6M7 hogs and U4,3b4 sheep.
The receipts of liens exceed all previous
records for a month's lime. Nineteen
thousand head was the largest day. This
J umD
has been exVeededTlew limes in the history
of the yards. A top price for cattle of $i.70
on a specially good lot was pnid Januarys.
The average top was about $R.30 to ta.'Jo.
Tho average price last year would be about
J5.80 to J5.85. This indicates a general drop
of perhaps 60 cents over last year's aver
age. The top paid for full loads of ho?s was
Jt.jO this month, with an average of about
$4.30. The average last year was about
fi.St). with a top of $.!). The hulk of boss
sold at this market durltiK the month would
be properly quoted at $4.20.
The best paid for lambs during the month
whs $7.10. During the same month last
year the price was $7.6T. Tho average
prices in both years were considerably
The South Omaha packers are working
as many men as possible at present, but
they are not 'hiring so many yet us last
year. Now that the Ice season is assured
it Is believed that the surplus of men now
In town will all be employed. The packers
are In hopes by the th-v Hint work Is done
affairs In tho meat packing world will lie
enough better to warrant tho hiring of
these men In the houses.
ftuuunx Services
Dr. R I.. Wheeler and Hev. II. II. Mil
lard will exchange pulpits Sunday evening.
In the morning the theme of I'r. Wheeler
will be "Suggestions on Immortality."
At the Methodist church Rev. II. H.
Millard will administer the sacrament of
the Lord's supper, and Dr. Wheeler will
occupy the pulpit In the evenimi.
"Asleep at His rost" is tin- subject of
Bev. Oeorge Van Winkle's Sunday morn
'lig sermon. The evening topic will be
" The Complet" Man." The Young People's
society will hnve a "roll call" meeting at
:i p. m.
The Christian church at Workmen temple
will listen to Rev. F. T. Hay's senium on
"Doing His Best" In the morning. The
evening theme is "Can I Be n christian
ami Not a Member of Hie Church?"
The morning theuio of Hi v. Andrew Ren
wlck is "A Citizenship Worth Claiming."
The evening topic is "How to ivnow a
(liiod Man." The boys of tho Christian
union treated the girls to a social Thursday
evening on a contest In which the girls
were victors.
Rev. Ralph W. Liver's morning topic is
"Borderlund Christianity." The l.uthcr
league meets pt tS:.t(l p. in.
Maitiv City Gossip.
The King's Daughters of the Presby
terian church were entertained by Mrs.
William Berry yesterday.
Reports from the postofflce indicate an
increase there of per cent In the volume
of business.
iK-vIek Eeliuier, aged S6. died jesterdsy
of old age. His residence was at Tniiieenih
and Missouri avenue. The funeral will be
al 3 p. in. Sunday.
The funeral of Mrs. l.ll.bie Dohrmau. Wl
North Twelfth sired, will lie held at tho
residence al 4 p. in. Sunday. Dr. H. It.
Wheeler will conduct the services.
The death of Mrs. Katie Wilson, Slx
teeiilh and H. aged occurred yest.-rdav
morning. The funeral will be at lo a. in.
Interment will be In l.auni Hill.
Jacob Showers. 72X North Twenty-eighth.
Is said to lie Improving. He was a soldier
In the famous Fifty-fourth Massachusetts
volunteers. Tills was the first colored regi
ment organised.
The following births have been reported:
James Brsdlev, Nineteenth and Missouri
avenue, a boy; John linhson, Tliirly-Mrst
suit Q. twins, a boy and girl: Harry l'of
Yenbeiger. iilll South Tweiitv-fourth. a boy;
Frank Kratochvll, VA South Eigliteenl h, a
boy. Fifty-eight births wre reported so
far during the month.
Nothiaw Definite.
The deteeiive was trlng to find some
dew to the whereabouts of the mission
"When your luishaoil Went out of the
house lliut morning. .jlaiiiiiiiOK th door,"
be asked, "did he s.iy anything lhut gave
you an Idea where he was going?"
"All he said was that he'd darned if
he wasn't going to hunt some place wher-
he could rcHil ids morning pajM-r hi peace."
Chicago Tribune.
Colonel Graves is Even a Modern Na
poleon of Finance.
Sells Mliety-Cent line II 1 11 for Half
Dollar, Buys Soldier Clothing;
and Silences Police
Who can doubt that Mose Graves Is a
captain of industry and a Napoleon of
finance after perusing the following ac
count of his operations:
Mose Is a colored man. Friday evening
Officer Cullcn found him walking up the
street with a bundle of men's clothing In
his arms. The officer Investigated and
found that two complete suits of men's
clothes were included In Mose's stock. He
questioned tho merchant and M,oso told
him ho had bought the clothes from two
soldiers. The two soldiers had come to the
city with a month's pay, had doffed Hie
uniforms of 1'nclo Sam and had donned
citizens' ciotlies. When they had spent
their wages and were resdy to return to
the fort they sold the citizens' clothes to
Tho officer asked Mose where he got the
M cents with which to buy the clothes.
There he thought he hnd Mose, for Mose
was never known to have that much cash
at one lime In his life. But the officer had
not reckoned on Mose's abilities as a Na
poleon of finance. Mose, in fact, had pur
sued th same method so popular In Wnll
street when there is a tightness In the
money maiket. He had borrowed the f,'l
cents from Red-Headed Jess, using as col
lateral a certain hill due hlni for cleaning
a house. This bill was 30 cents and was
then quoted ut about So In the open market.
With the f0 rents secured from Red
Headed Jess, Muse had bought the clothes
from the two soldiers and was on his way
to sell th"ii when the officers interfered
with him)
Vlosc Proves Ills Cave.
At the station Mos demanded that In
vcaligation he made before he was Indicted.
The mini". ns of tlie law had to comply,
(isrrity'h saloon was called up end Mose's
story was verified. He was discharged at
once, but ills stock in trade wns held pend
ing developments.
During toe night Hie news spread that
Mose's business was In the hands of a
feel the exquisite thrill of motherhood with indescribable dread and
fear. Every woman should know that the danger, pain and horror
of child-birth can be entirely avoided by the' use of Mother's Friend'
a scientific liniment for external use only, which toughens and render
pliable all the parts, and
assists nature in its sublime l
work. By its aid thousands
of women have passed this jiil,
great crisis in perfect safety
and without pain. Sold at $i.oo per
bottle by druggists. Our book of priceless
value to all women ent free. Address
i ecc Ivor. The co fTa t era PuT i v7iTcTi he n a 1 1
borrowed the 50 cents l'voin Red-Headed
Jess dropped immediately from W) to 4.1
and then down to 40 and still on to 35 cents.
By Saturday noon Red-Headed Jess had
expressed a' willingness to sell her holdings
at 25 cents even. Still there were no takers.
Thrn Mose. leaped Into the breach. Ho
called at tile police station and demanded
his clothes. Ho pointed out how his busi
ness was being ruined and his j credit
blotted out.
Moso won. He got the clothes and tho
last report showed his collateral again back
at par. I
Who Itrtrsintril Martin Arcade la
the Latest Mystery In the
Occult World.
The cases of the fourteen women taken
from Martin's Arcade In the; proscribed
district in a raid Thursday night tinder
orders from Acting Msyor Johnson, were
continued In police court Saturday morn
ing until Tuesday.
A warrant wns Issued Saturday for the
arrest of I.. Harris, -the ngent of Martin,
who, some of the "women testified, had
collected the ti daily rent from them. The
charge against him Is renting premises for
Immoral purposes. He was arrested In Hie
afternoon and released on hail.
And still the mystery of the attack on
Martin's Arcsde is as great as ever. Mayor
Dahlman and Chief of Police Donahue do
not know why the women have been driven
from the Arcsde nnd are allowed to re
main In the other bnUdings.
The Arcade had been vacant since It was
raided several weeks ao. but Thursday
night the lights were turned on nnd the
doors unlocked and Hie "cribs" quickly
filled. Then the rsld was made under tha
acting mayor orders.
"I don't know who has initiated this
action," said t.'hier Donahue. "The places
down there are conducted more orderly
than they ever were before. If any of
Hie good people can suggest a way of
ridding Hie city of such places altogether
tho police will be only too glad to lend
every aid In Its power. No one would b
gladder to see the city rid of tills evil than
ve. But why one place Is singled out and
the others allowed to be open I do not
"These women have to stay somewhere,
as long as wo have them. When they ven
ture out Into the resectable neighbor
hoods complaints come to us and wo are
asked to arrest them. When they go back
to their old places they are driven out."
Bee Want Ads They bring results.
It th jorof the household, for without
it no happiness can be complete. How
sweet the picture of mother and babe,
angels tmile at and commend the
thought and aspirations of the mother
bending over the cradle. The ordeal through
which the expectant mother must pass, how
.ever, is so full of danger and suffering that
she looks forward to tl.e hour when she shall