Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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. New-Spring Suits
All the new and fashionable Suits are now being shown. Every model confined to us.
Waists Coats and Separate Coats
We ore the first to show the new Madam Butterfly Suit. . . '
waists The wi upera
Waists arrived Friday! All new
90S models. These with the
Ilfrald Hiiuare, the Lenox, and
the Fxcelslor, make the grand
est showing of lovely waists
ever Bhown In Omaha.
A Special Clearing of All
Eiderdown and Flannelette Dress
ing Sacques Monday.
6"c for tl.OO Dressing Sacques.
83c for 91.25 Dressing Sacques.
$1.00 for 11.50 Dressing Sacques.
$1.16 for $t.7!5 Dressing Sacques.
$1.34 for $2.00 DresHlng Sacques.
$1.60 for $2.25 Dressing Sacques.
$1.'!6 for $2.E0 Dresnlng Ku-cques.
$1.8:; for $2.75 Pressing Sacques.
$2.00 for $3.00 Dressing Sacques.
Second Floor.
.Kayser's Double Silk Very comfortable and durable, In black, brown, navy, grey and white, pair $1.00.
Kayser's Silk Lined Cashmere Gloves Of extra fine quality, black, brown, navy, grey and red, pair 50c.
Kayser's Lined Cafihmere Gloves In good quality, black or brown, per pair 25c.
Children's Fabric Gloves In golf or cashmere, in all the serviceable shades, 25c up to 50c per pair.
Main Floor.
New Wash Materials are rapidly
clusive styles should see our new
New Egyptian Tissues.
New Zephyr Ginghams.
New Batistes.
New Swisses.
And hundreds of other choice
L-iWH M. ' II 'i'-l ". S SSJ '
pf the treasury through contracts and
sinecures, mid countless other grafts, which
hud brouKht Ihe finances or the kingdom
to the verge of bankruptcy. The favored
flasaos were Immediately converted Into
violent opponents of the ministry, but the
king remained steadfastly behind the cabi
net. The-split In the niouarehlal following waa
niado the occasion tor activity on the part
. f Hi. p., , .1 1 1 . 1 1 . i, ii 1 1 fill a m i limn liara
has been rumors o( plots, counterplots and
uprising's. The press censorship has been
so rigorous that the real happenings have
been almost ImposslbleXo obtain, all news
being sent over the Hurder by messenger.
Onlv a 1ryal ilm'i nim numhan gt .a -
rests were made on the charge of con
spiracy against the, government and the
police have had all xuspected parties under
Surveillance, but the agitation continued
just the Same, and wholesale arrests have
been the result. ,
Two HI Wrestlers Will Meet at the
Andlturlam Friday Mh.
What Is expected to he one of Ihe fiercest
wrestling matches in (he history of Omaha
athletics will take place at the Auditorium
Friday night. Manager Gillan has arranged
a match between Ahiuned Karamakass,
the mighty Turk, who has been throwing
nearly every one he has wrestled In the
oust, and Jess Wcstergard, the giant Dane
ui .Miim-, -who ikim cume iu ine iruiu
like a flash.
Ahamed Karamakaaa has been In this
country but a few months, but he has
already won enough great victories In
Canada and throughout the east to estab
lish tho fact that he is a topnotcher and
not afrad to meet the best of them. He
weighs 192 pounds and Is said to be as
quick and agile as a cat and a stayer to
the lust ditch.
Wcstergard weighs 210 pounds and Is
nearly all bone and muscle. While he may
lack a little In science of being up to
Clotch or Farmer Burns. Ills tremendous
strength and lasting vitality makes him
a formidable man for even a champion
wrestler to tackle.
Oleorge Glon of Aurora and R.y Croft of
Omaha, the two young wrestlers who fur
nished the splendid and exciting pre
liminary on the nltrht of the War Rsvle-
Burns match,, are anxloua to meet again.
Clou Is not satisfied, but believes he can
A Lazy Lire?
Way be only a tired liver, or a ttervcA
liver. It would bo a stupid as well as
aavage thing to beat a weary or starved
man because he lagged In bis work. So
Id treating the lagging, torpid liver It la
a great mlatako to lash It with strong
drastic drugs; A torpid liver Is but an
Indication of an Ill-nourished, 'enfeebled
body whose organs are weary with over
. work. Start with the stomach and allied
organs of digestion and nutrition. Put
them In working order and sea how
quickly your liver will become active.
Dr. Pierce's Uoldoiv Medical Discovery
has ir d mat:? marvelous cures of "liver
trouble by ioi wonderful control of the
organs of djjestkm and nutrition. It re
stores the normal activity of the stomach.
Increases U secretions of the blood-making
glands. c'.eauncs the system from poi
sonous arcujnulttions, and so relieves tho
liver of tfce burtons' Imposed upon It by
the dtsfottioi orother organs.
If yon tasvs bitter of bad tatu In tht morn
teg, jot orfTarlabla appetite, coated tongue,
foal bresUk eoastlpstedor Irregular bowels,
Feel wc-ik. aslll tlrtd. Vtpondent. frequent
twitches, pain r distrain " small of back.
gnawing or distressed lsenu In itomach.
pcrbtps ouies.V4jrr'jV "risings la
throat attar eating, and kla&rAl symptoms
if weak stomach, sod torpid liA no medl
;lne will relleva you more promptly or an
j.T..rfl i Vni;rl ll''rrr. ferbkLis onlS
a part of Ui abuie 4yu.piouis.wlll be preset!
at oo Ub aad yet point to vorptd liver or
Ultousoeaa and weak stomach. Avoid all
aot bread and blarulta, griddle rakes and
other Indigestible tuod and taka the "Gulden
Hedlcal Uiscorsry " reeulsriy and stick to lis
u until you are vleoruua and strong.
The "l'UooTery" 1 noa-secrot. non-sloo
nolle. Is a glyceric extract of native medlct
aal roots with a full list of Its Ingredient
tiririted on sain bottle-wrapper and attested
tndrr oath, lis lugredleuis are endorsed
mi evtulli) I r the niot eminent medical
rlti- cf l lie art and are recunmiended to
cure the dlwt-- for hlch It Is advised.
IHi.i't nveit a kubbtltuto of unknowa
coinpiMoQ for this noii-ocrt iu:picuis
w aurowx coiiroemirr
new spring uoats
The first of the new
styles are here, correct
in every detail, up to the
minute in style. .
Our Women's
Children's Eiderdown' and Flannelette
Night. Robes,
$1.1 for
$1.(4 for
1 1. to for
11.64 for
$1.83 for for
2. lit for
2.60 for
2.60 for
3.3a for
$4.00 for
Gloves Fabric Gloves for Snappy Days.
Wash Goods Season 1908.
coming In, and the showing is very
wash materials now.
They are moderately priced.
New Scotch Madras.
New Hroche Fantasie.
New Plaid Organdies.
New Check Muslinette.
New Tissue de Nile.
New Tissue Marquisettes
New Voile Tissue.
New Shimmer Silk.
New Silk Zephyr.
New Silk Radlante.
novelties In Wash Goods.
Bee 2-2-08
throw Croft, while Croft Is equally confi
dent, tlmt Gion cannot do It. It has been
arranged, therefore, to let them hove
another whirl.
Manager Gillnn Is determined to present
nothing but clean, manly and first class
wrestling at these matches and feels con
fident that all who uttend, both men and
women, will go away from the Auditorium
as they did from the last great mutch
feeling they have gotten about four times
their money's worth out of the evening's
Doors will be opened on the Howard
street side, where a box office has been
built. In order to prevent the great Incon
venience and Jam experienced the night of
the Var "HagrerBums 'match.
The reserved) seat sale opens Thursday
Tranamlssissippl Contest Will lit at
i Kansas City. June 22 to 27.
CHICAGO, Feb. 1. President J. D. Cady
of the Trunsmlssisslppl Golf association to
day announced Juno 22 to 27 as the date
for the annual chanplonahlp to be played
on the links of the Evanston Golf club at
Kiinmis City, Mo.
Directors of the Western Golf association
at meeting held here today decided upon
dates for the 1908 championships. The west
ern amatuur event, which Is to be played
on the links of the Itock Island Arsenal
Golf club, at Rock Island, 111., was set
for July 1?. to, IS. The open championship
at the Kormandie club St. Louis will be
played June 18 and 19. s
William. Mxon.
DAKOTA CITY. Neb.. Feb. l.-(8peclal.)
William Nixon, one of the oldest, longest
and wealthiest residents of Dakota county,
died today at his home one mile south of
Homer after a three days' illness with
catarrhal pneumonia, aged 89 years. Mr.
Nixon came to this county In 1S5G and had
been a continuous resident ever since, liv
ing nearly the entire time on the farm
where his death occurred; starting a poor
man and amassing a fortune In lands and
money variously estimated at from $50,000
to IIW.OIIO. He was a bachelor, a niece keep
ing house for hint. He was vice president
and one of the heaviest stockholders In
the Homer State bank. The funeral will
be held Sunday afternoon at I o'clock from
the Methodist Episcopal church at Homer,
Rev. E. 11. Combs officiating. Interment
will bo In charge of Omadl lodge No. 6,
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, of this
pluce, of which deceased had been a mem
ber since 18&1. Past Grand Master R. E.
Evans being In charge.
William atereld
SPRINGFIELD. Neb., Feb. 1. (Special.)
William Satterfield. one of the oldest set
tlers of Barpy county, died at his home five
miles southwest of this place on January
and was burled at the Ball cemetery
yesterday afternpon. Mr. Satterfield waa
born in Maryland December 15, 1K!6, and
came to Nebraska In 1SW, and to the farm
where he passed away In IMS, where he
litis resided ever since. He owned 1,300
acres of arpy county soil, waa vice presi
dent of the Barpy County Stat bank of this
place, and leaves an estate valued at H0,
(00. Besides his wife, whom he married
In Omaha September 16, 1W2, he leaves two
sous and one daughter, George and Frank
Satterfield of Aimer la. Neb., and Mrs. W.
B. Wykert of Saratoga. Wyo.
Mathlas Larsoa.
YANKTON, 8. D., Feb. l.-(SpeciaU-Mafhtas
I.arun, a survivor of Company
B, Dakota cavalry, of civil war days,
which organisation held the redskins back
on the frontier. Is dead here at the age
of 74 years. Mr. Larson is almost the last
of the very early pioneers, coming here
from Wisconsin by ox team In t'nE. He
leaves a large family, with a fine well
cared for farm. The funeral took place
Ueanls O'Salllvaa.
COLUMBF8. O., Feb, l.-Dennis O Sul
livan, the Irish actor and singer, died
today at Grant hospital after an operation
for appendicitis Thursday. He was born In
San Francisco In M His wife Is here.
His greatest success was in "Peggy
Maclirec." No arrangement has been mad
fur the funeral, but th body wilt probably
be lakea to Waa Francisco.
Mat. C. Potter.
Mrs. t 8. Potter, wife of C. 8. Potter,
formerly Omaha general agent for th
"""" ..... .
rwparau nkirts ah tne
new Wooltex and Bonwlt
Models are now being shown.
Fashionable garments, per-,
fect-flttlng. Now Is a good
time to buy. -
Second Floor. i
In Monday's Sale at
Reduced Prices.
Bath Robes;'
Bath Kohes.
Bath Kobe.
Bath Robes.
Bath Robes.
Bath Kobes.
Bath Kohes.
Bath Kobes.
Bath Kobes.
Both Kohes.
Bath Kobes.
i i
beautiful. Women that prefer ex
New Harlequin Zephyrs.
New Mercerized Poplin.
New Sole Pongee.
New SUklzed Taffeta.
New Checked DlmltieB.
East Basement.
American Express company in Omaha, died
at her home, 6l'6 West One Hundred and
Thirty-Ninth street, New York, January
29, after, an Illness of several months. Mr.
and' Mrs. Potter were well known In
Omaha, having lived here many years.
She is curvlved by hor husband and eight
children, three of whom, Harry P., Charles
8., Jr., and George B., live In Omaha.
Lemuel W. Goanell.
LA CROSS E. Wis., Feb. 1 Lemuel W.
Gosnell, aged 43, a leading republican, died
last night. He was one of the leaders In
me iviiMnuiia cuntuiiuiionai convention.,
Xo Word Yet from Clay.
AKSLEY, Neb., Feb. 1. (Special.) Leslie
R. Clay, who disappeared last Sunday
morning, has not been heard from since
Monday In the letter to his wife. Will Clay,
a brother, returned from Alliance Thurs
day, having found no trace of his brother
In that direction. Charles Draper, a
brother-in-law. Is now In Colorado. Leslie
R. Clsy was a man 25 years of age, nearly
six feet tall, large, with smooth shaven
face and weight ISO pounds. He is'a mem
ber of tho Knights of Pythias lodge and
an active worker. No good reason can be
offered for his disappearance except the
kick received on his temple Saturday even
ing. Tariff Reformers Win Hult.
HEREFORD, England, Feb. l.-The tariff
reformers scorett another victory today by
regaining the seat In the House of Com
mons for the Ross division of Hereford
Shire "which was lost at the last election
and which wss made vacant by the death
of Alan C. Gardner, liberal. Their candi
date. Captain Olive, unionist, defeated F.
W. Thomson, liberal, the votes standing
4.946 to 3,926. Captain Cllve represented
this district between 1900 and 1906.
William Fife Badlr Hart.
GLASGOW, Feb. 1. William Fife, the
yacht designer, waa seriously Injured at
the ship yards at Falrlle yesterady. While
superintending the construction of Sir
Thomus Upton's new racing yacht, Mr.
Fife fell from the deck Into the hold,
struck Ms head and was rendered uncon
scious. He was carried to his home, where
ne is still unconscious this morning. A
Montana Governor Heslgns.
BI'TTB, Mont.. Feb. 1. Governor Joseph
K. Toole today tendered his resignation, to
lake effect April 1, next.-He will be suc
ceeded by Edwin Morris, lieutenant gov
ernor. His health has been unsatisfactory.
Mississippi la Commission.
PHILADELPHIA. Feb. l.-The battle
ship Mississippi, which was recently turned
over to the government by the Cramp
Ship Hulldlng company, was placed In com
mission at league Island navy yard today.
F. R. Vlerling has gone to Chicago.
Judge l.e Estelle was In Lincoln Satur
day on business.
Dr. W. W. Hurd of Kansas City and D.
H. Oppenheim of New York are at the Her
K. T. Hay den will leave Tursdav for an
extended trip In southern Texas and Gulf
of Mexico points.
W. D. -Eggert of West Point, J. 8. Halt of
Julesburg, K. Engxtrom. J. W. Anderson of
Hojdrege. and eA-ge H. Wren of Denver
are at the Millard.
Miss I.ietia Bellman, secretary of the
Manufacturers' and Jobbers' association.
Is confined to her home because of illness
resulting from vaccination and a severe
Earl Mathews ' will leave for Cliadron,
Monday to enter upon his duties as Deputy
I'nited States Marshal for tiiat subdivision.
His family will not accompany him for the
Will G. Comstock of Ellsworth, C. A
Smith of Des Moines. D. W. Elsie of Har
vard. 8. 1) ; 11. II. Roosa of Lincoln and
U. W. Rickenmeyer of Bait Lake are at
the Rome. .
R O. Dugin, H. W. Braddock of Chadron
E. D. Miller of Hastings. Mr. and Mrs.
A. M. Wells of Schuyler. A Nllson of
Springfield, and J. U Galbralth of Buperlur
are at the Merchants.
8. J. Day of Rapid City, R. R. Iingley
of Lincoln. E. O. l-ewis of Kalis City, D.
Kelley of Verdun. M. J. Deudlngnr of' Wood
Lake, 11. O. Cass of Aurora, and C. B.
Cass of Ravenna are at the Murray.
K. J. McVann, secretary of the Omaha
Grain exchange, was called to Ceils r
Hapids, la., Friday night by a telegram
announcing tiie death of his sister, Miss
Anna Mc anil. Mrs. McVann accompanied
the secretary, who twice before has been
called Ij his sister's bedside during her
long Illness.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Burdick of Cheyenne,
If. Addison. L. Coffev of Denver. Mrs. E. S.
Clark of Gretna. W. C. Campbell. Miss
Ethel Irwin of Creighton, W. E. Thomas
of l.cavenworthr C. H. tWott, E. I. Bulfm
of IjiiiiiIii. Mr. end Mrs. J. E. Kobb of
(IrsnJ Island, and Will Ism Van Allen of
Ogden are at-4li Paxloa
Flame i Overcome Many Asleep Dur
ing Fire in Kansas City. .
Plaee Wlthoat Fire Eseapes, tto Fire
me a t'aala Not Reseae Wonaea,
t. Trapped, with stair
war Ablase.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Feb. l.-Flve per
sons were burned to death and five others
were Injured In a fire In a three-story
rooming house at 1116 Wyandotte street,
near the business center this morning.
The deed:
MRS. JENNIE BERT, aged 29 years,
Harrlonvllle, Mo., waitress.
MABEL PORTER, aged 18 years, wait
ress. NINA GRAVES, aged 18 years, waitress.
PET Fit ROONKT, aged 84 years, cook.
CHARLES JOHNSON, Aged 28 years,
The Injured received slight burns and
cuts and none are In a 'dangcrous condi
tion. All of the dead, except Mrs. Bert,
lived In Kansas City. The Injured were
taken to the emergency hospital. A partial
list follows:
George Nagasennu, ' Japanese, kitchen
Claude Polver. aged 20 years, bell boy,
Kansas Cily club.
M. W. Stnner, aged 19 years, student at
business college.
Owen Connose. kitchen man.
John Geanennl. second cook. Sexton
"tarts from (las Explosion.
The firs started from an explosion of
natural gas in the basement at 5 o'clock
this morning. The flames and dense smoke
spread quickly throughout the building
and before the alarm could be given all
means of escape by the ordinary exits hud
been shut off. The five persons, who lost
their lives were asleep on the third floor
and all save Mrs. Bert were burned to
death in their rooms. Evidently they had
been suffocated and none apparently had
even made an attempt to escape. Before
the flro department arrived the building
was a mass of flames and the rooms on
the upper floors could not be entered.
Mabel Porter and Nina Graves, two of the
dead, occupied a room together. The In
jured slept on the lower floors and In the
basement. Most of these escaped without
aid, fighting thvlr way through' the flames
and smoke. The firemen were able to res
cue them from tho burning building.
Mrs. Bert a Heroine.
Mrs. Bert lost her life In trying to arouse
the Inmntes. The dene smoke, pouring up
the stairway, soon filled the hsllways and
entered the rooms. Mrs. Bert's room, on
the third floor, was close to the landing, and
It was one of tho first to be entered by
the smoke. She was awakened and hur
ried down the hallway on the floor and at
tempted to awaken the sleeping roomers.
The smoke soon drove her to the second
floor. Where she tried to repeat rur effort
at giving an alarm. The smoke and flames,
however, now crowded her so closely that
she was compelled to desist and sought
escape by the stairway. At tho top of the
second floor landing she stumbled and,
falling headlong down the Qtalrs, landed In
the thickest of the flames. At the bottom
her charred remains were later found by
the firemen. Tho body was almost un
recognizable. There were twenty-two persons In the
hulldlng when the fire broke out. Most of
the roomers worked at ninht as waitresses
and cooks at nearby hotels and restaur
ants. Most of them had retired only a
short ttrrie previous and they were deep
In sleep. This fact doubtless accounts for
the Inability of Mrs. Bort to awaken them.
Bodies Foond In Beds.
The bodies of the four other victims
were found In their beds. Each had been
terribly burned and the limbs drorried
from one of them as the remains wore
later carried from the house.
The alarm of fire was turned in by
Colonel Willis Wood, a capitalist, formerly
of St. Joseph, Mo. The building Was one
of the oldest In the city and was situated
on what Id Kansas City's early days was
known as "Quality Hill." The building
waa a veritable fire trap, and when the
firemen arrived It was then already
doomed. It was not supplied with fire
escapes, and the only means was by way
ot the stairway up through which the
flames and smoke poured.
(Continued from First Page.)
government, represented In court by C.
A. Severance of St. Paul, special assistant
to the attorney general of the United
States, prayed for permission to serve sub
poenaes on nonresident witnesses, a formal
motion, which was allowed by Judge John
Mr. Severance would venture no opinion
as to the date when the Issues 'will be
Joined and the actual trial of the case
commenced. The defendants, all but three
of whom live outside of I'tah. are entitled
to twenty days from the date of service
to make answer. If they are served be
fore March 1, the answer should be handed
in not later than March 20.
Both Factions ot Republicans Seek
Control, I slngr His Name aa
SlOfX FAILS. 8. D.. Feb. 1. (Special.)
Secretary Taft could not possibly" avoid
getting the support of South Dakota In
the Chicago convention. In all seriousness
the statement Is made that It Is doubtful
If there is any way by which Taft could
prevent South Dakota from giving him Its
votes In the national convention.
The situation as to the presidency In this
state Is Indeed rather laughable. The re
publican party Is divided Into two bitterly
hostile factions. And for the Inst three
months each of these factions has been
straining Its lungs to shout the louder for
Taft. Senator Klttredge, leader of the
stalwarts, began the game by declaring
for Taft even before Presldnr. Roosevelt
had announced the last time Dia he would
not accept another nomination. And now
Governor Crawford, Klttredge's opponent
In the senatorial contest, leads his faction
In sounding the praises of Hecretary Taft.
We want to sen J you trial treatment
of Rholoids for. Rheumatism. We be
leave iu "trying before buying" as by
this plan you can tell whether the
remedy wlUI benefit you or not.
Arrangements ; have been made In
this city with Sherman V McConnell
Drug Co., ICth and Dodge Sts.; Owl
Drug Co. 10th and Harney Sts., to
handle Rholoids and the full slie fl
Veatment can be secured there.
For the free treatment send your
name and address to The Rhollods Co.,
Washington, D. C
All this has conic about because each
faction wants the- prestige of controlling
the March stale convention to select na
tional delegstes. Each wants a nnme to
conjure with. Roosevelt Is Ihe charmed
cognomen for South Dakota voters, for
about three out ot four of them were for
hlm at theORst election. But when Roose
velt Insisted on staying out It was neces
sary to cast shout for another standard
bearer. As Taft was seemingly Roosevelt's
choice neither faction dared take chances
of offending the big Roosevelt sentiment
by supKrtlng any other. 8o It happens
that each faction Is marking time by the
formation of Roosevelt-Tart clubs all over
the state.
The only question remaining for the
March primaries. It seems. Is to determine
whether Klttredge or Crawford shall head
tho national delegation. So the contest Is
likely to resolve Itself Into a fight entirely
on state Issues.
LeFollette has no chance whatever of
obtaining the South Dakota delegation.
There Is a grest deal of I,aFsllcVe senti
ment In the state, but this counts ss noth
ing with the political leaders who Under
stand tho danger jot opposing the Roose
velt candidate. 'And either faction will
give Iron bound Instructions for Taft, to
demonstrate sincerity In support of the
Roosevelt man 'for Roosevelt's place.
(Continued from First Page.)
deep red as Foreman Gremmels stated that
a verdict had been reached.
She waa confident, however, and when
tho final announcement came she glanced
up quickly at her husband and smiled en
thusiastically. Thaw was recalled from the custody of
his Tombs guard when Justice Dowllng
granted the delay In executing the order
of commitment. Mrs. Thaw had brought
his luncheon down to him In her automo
bile and It had been spread In the Tombs
as usual. The repast was sent for and
Thaw and his wife ate together In an ante
room of the court chamber, where he had
twice stood trial for his life, the first Jury
having disagreed, 7 to 5, for conviction.
Besides saying informally that she was
pleased with the verdict Mrs. Thaw made
no statement- at tho court house. Thaw
sent word h hHd nothing to say at this
Thaw Ordered In Custody.
fter the arrest of Pell. Justice Dowllng
Inimcdlately began his ruling as to holding
Thaw In custody. First, addressing the
Jurors, ho t bunked them for their work
and declared he had no doubt that they
had discharged their duties to tho entire
satisfaction of their own consciences. Then,
turning to the defendant nnd his counsel,
Justice Dowllng suld:
Tho only testimony in this case upon
wlblch a verdict of insanity could bo based
was to tho effect (hat the defendant Is
suffering from maniac depressive force or
derangement. This testimony and the
diagnosis form of insanity was bajed upon
prior outbreaks of the defendant, as testi
fied to by witnesses from bonrion, Monto
Carlo, Paris and Albuny. It also unpesrs
from the testimony. Had the court was
careful to Inquire as to this, that recur
rences of these attacks are reasonably cer
tain. There has been no testimony adduced
here to show that a person suffering from
this form of Insanity ever can be perma
nently cured. It appears, however, that
during the maniacal form of the disease,
the person suffering therefrom Is likely to
commit dangerous assaults of murder.
There Is danger also of suicide.
Therefore, upon all the testimony In this
case, the oourt deems that to allow the
defendant to go at large, woul be dan
gerous to the public safety. The' derision
of the court Is that the defendant shall not
be discharged, but being In custody, shall
be so held and committed with all dispatch
to the state hospital for the criminal In
sane at Matteawan. The sheriff of the
county Is directed to take custody of the
defendant and deliver him to tne state
authorities at Matteawan.
C hani
. The law provi
Chalice (or Freedom.
provides that once a defendant
Is found not guilty, even wjth the Insanity
clause attached, he may not again have
his llfo placed In Jeopardy. Aa soon as
they can convince a commission especially
appointed for his examination, or the state
board of lunacy, as may be the case, that
he Is sane and no longer to be regarded as
a menace to the public safety, he will be
given his liberty.
It Is said District Attorriey Jerome would
personally oppose any move for the libera
tion of Thaw, either at the present time or
at any time In the future.
Mr. Littleton announced In court that hs
desired to except from the court ruling.
Justice Dowllng said he would allow lhg
attorneys until 3 p. in. to consult aa to
whether or not they would sue a writ of
habeas corpus to have Thaw's sanity
tested at once by a commission or to have
him confined to a state Institution. .
Thaw's family were pleased with the ver
dict and declared It was the best they had
hoped for. They are particularly anxious,
however, that Thaw shal) be taken to a
private anyluni or some other, hospital un
der state direction than the one for the
criminal Insane. f
Thaw Makes Frequent Inquiries of
Proarress of Deliberations.
NEW YORK, Feb. 1. After having ar
gued and balloted all night long In the
stuffy tittle Jury room adjoining the cham
ber of the criminal branch of the supreme
court N the Thaw Jurors this morning
heartily welcomed their release from con
finement when shortly before, 8 o'clock
they were taken Up town to breakfast.
Several of the Jurymen are well along In
years and the all-night session seemed to
have gone badly with' them- Their faces
were drawn and tense and the good nature
and companionship which had been so no
ticeable In this Jury, ever since the panel
was completed during the first week of the
trial waa gone. No report with any degree
of authenticity filtered from the Jury room
this morning and the opening of the court
ut 10:811 a. m, was awaited with much anx
iety, 'as It was believed the Jury might
have some communication to make at that
hour, or that Justice Dowllng might send
for them to ask if he could be of any
Thaw, although late to bed, Was up with
the gray of dawn this morning, and to his
koerers In the Tombs expressed the hope
that a verdict had been reached. He was
thoroughly convinced before retiring last
night that the rumor dividing the Jury
eight to four In favor of acquittal on the
ground of insanity waa true and he felt
today that the minority might be won over.
Thaw at last seems absolutely reconciled
to the fact that the best he can hope for
is a term of uUinement In an asylum. He
Is convinced, however, and so are his at
torneys, that he would le able to win his
way out of an asylum In a short while, aa
the tests he stood last year when arraigned
before a commission. In lunacy were quits
convincing .as to his present ability to
prove his soundness of reason.
Uaths, fresh air and breakfast worked
a marked Improvement In the condition of
most of the Jurors and when they returned
to the criminal court room from their hotel
at 10 'o'clock all seemed physically fit to
continue their deliberations for some time
to come.
Never since the killing of Stanford White
has Thaw spent so restless a night aa ha
did last night and during the early hours
this morning. During the early hours of
the night Thaw smoked s good deal and
seemed to think that the Jury would re
turn a verdict before midnight.
When be learned that the Jury had failed
to agree and bad beea locked up (or the
night he becamo restless. Although h
tried to sleep, lis Jas wakeful, and after
a dnie would wake again and ..ask I lis
warden for news of (lis Jury.
Thaw was taken from the prison to the
court house at 10:30 o'clock, but fit rd
at that time or for an hour" Mien-after had
come from Justice Dowllng or from I lis
Jury room. Tho Judge finally arrived at
11:35 a. m. and went to his chsmher.
Mrs. Evelyn Thaw visited Iter husband
during the morning and repotted lhat he
was quite dejected over the oiillook, Thaw
Is reported to have said:
I am afraid that despite the vigilance
of my counsel there sre two or three men
on trie Jury with Innate prejudices against
me. I have In mind one particular Juror,
whose name I shall not mention. But no
one who has followed the trial with any
degree of Interest can" hsve fstle.1 to notice
the significant glances this msn exchanged
with a member of the prosecution. This
wss particularly so at the conclusion of
Mr. Littleton's address.'
There was no word awaiting Justice
Dowllng on his arrival at the court room,
and there waa complete silence In the di
rection of the Jury room.
Justice Dowllng announced that he would
not send for the Jury until he reoeived
some definite word from It.
Verdict Satisfactory at Home City of
'Thaw Family.
' PITTSBURG. Pa., Feb. l.-The verdict
was received In this city with apparent
satisfaction. Within three minutes after
the verdict was flashed by the Associated
Press the newspapers had extra editions
on the streets. Coming at the noon hour
when thousands of persons were on ths
thoroughfares, the. newsboys .were
mobbed by excited purchasers. In the
clubs, cafes and restauranls the Jury's
finding was the one theme of conversa
tion and notwithstanding the fact that a
snow storm of bllsxard proportions was In
progress, hundreds of persons stood about
the various newspaper bulletin bosrds dis
cussing the verdict. In all sections the
verdict wss received with spprovn and
only regret was expressed when It Was
learned that Thaw would be committed
to an asylum.
Nebraskan Maya Friends of Reform
Have Now Reason to
Wilmington. Dei.. Jan. ai.-wuiiain
Jennings Pryan tonight Issued a statement
bearing on tho president's message sent to
congress today. In prefacing the state
ment ho said he recognized the moral
courage of Roosevelt in fighting against
tho opposition he has to contend with.
Referring to the Wall street methods, the
speaker said It Would be a safe bet thut
after the president's message of today the
financiers would see that they could place
no dependence on Roosevelt as a friend
of the system. His statement on the presle
dent's message follows:
It Is a brave message and needed at this
lime. All friends of reform have reason
to rejoice that the president has used his
high position to call attention to the wrongs
that need to be remedied. He has dis
covered the running sore In our nstlonal
life. He has pointed out tho corrupting
Influences that flow from predatory wealth
and from the monopolistic enterprises wM -h
have given unearned riches to the few,
who. by controlling the grest Industries
of the nation have levied tribute on the
whole country.
Its warnings are entirely In harmony
With the warnings which democrats have
been issuing for more than a decade and
1 hope that the democrats In the senate
and the house will promptly challenge the
Issues that have been presented by the
There ought to be enough republicans In
the two houses to Join with the democrats
and ensure some reir-dial legislation at
this session. If there be none the public
ought to know it so that when the next
national republican convention endorses the
present administration the hyprorlsy of the
endorsement will be understood. The presi
dent has discussed the relative spheres of
the state and of the nation. T hope that
In tho measure which may be Introduced
In response to this appeal there will be no
attempt to take from the states any power
that they now have.
The democrats are In favor of the power
Invested In the congress, but they want
the national remedy ndded to the statu
remedies and not substituted for them. If
the president's republican friends will Join
with the democrats In devising legislation
which wll be effective and yet within the
recognized constitutional power of congress
great good may be accomplished before
congress adjourns.
The president has Issued a call to arms.
Now let the battle begin and we shall soon
be able to pick out. the purchased news
papers, and the purchased legislators de
scribed by the president, but not specific
ally named.
Mr. Bryan reached Wilmington early this
afternoon as the guest of the Modern
Woodmen of America. Tonight he delivered
an address at a meeting In the opera house
and took occasion t pay tribute to (resi
dent Roosevelt for the work he Is doing.
He called upon democrats to be loyal to
Roosevelt In his efforts to bring about
Hays President's Message Reads Like
Ravlnara of Disordered Mind.
SYRACUSE, N. Y.. Jan. SI. Chancellor
James R. Dsy of Syracuse university, dis
cussing President Roosevelt's message,
"Of the president's message, If I am en
tirely honest and frank, I am compelled
to say that much $f It reads like the rav
ings of a disordered mind, and other por
tions. In which appeal Is made to class
prejudice and excitement. Is large with
the suggestion of the adroit and cunning,
the shrewd, but reckless demagogue.
"Tbe whole message Is bis familiar rant
ing against what be calls 'criminal wealth
and It proceeds upon the slanderous as
sumption that so great a per cent of the
corporate business of this country Is so
corrupt as to demand special messages to
congress, popular harangues by the presi
dent and the entire time, ability and ef
fort of congress in a volume of corrective
legislation such as the world has never
"It Is wrong, a great wickedness, for the
Standard Oil company to defend Itself, but
there Is no Impropriety In the president's
assailing this corporation by name and de
faming it and slandering it with all the
'envenomed' Influence of his great office,
while Its cause la still undecided in the
higher courts The 'square deal" has long
been a fane and this Inconsistency seems
to have escaped Mr. Roosevelt's ethical
standard, of which he makes so much.
"As 1 am one of those 'hired' book writ
ers referred to, a personal word may be
permitted. Not a nickel or dims was ever
offered to me by any person, company or
corporation for a sentence or paragraph in
print in any shape or form whatever. No
such party knew a syllable contalnd In
my book until It was published."
Santa Fe Officials Do Nat Deny
Authenticity of Uaeumeat.
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Jan. Jl.-'l'he News
today quotes Auditor W. J. llealy of the
Santa F railroad company as saying that
the letter from Assistant General Traffic
Manager Edward Chambers to former Au
ditor U. A. Davidson, which President
Roosevelt Incorporated In his message to
congress today, was stolen from the rail
road offices. The News says:
"Admission was tacitly made at the gen
eral offices of the Kant Fe Railroad com
pany here this afternoon that the letter
submitted by President Koosavelt to con
gress today, showing that President Ripley
and his chief advisers were well aware of
the rebate system la operation In violation
)itr nr. ii. it. l- Mnnii7.)
' ' WON'T
Ho many people have an erronooui
Idea that the Alveolar Method of re
aforlnir, mtuslwr teeth Involve a surg
ical operation. We are constantly get
ting letters asking whether the "oier
atlnn" la painful 01 not. '
There Is nothing about this work
that Is In the slightest degree related
to an "operation." You have nothing
to fear or dread.
Tfe constructive part of the work
Is done in the laboratory: it n not
even a tedlotis Job for the patient.
Banish the fear If you have held
to the Idea that It was a painful ordeal
nd one to be feared or dreaded.
The Alveolar Method has revolution
ized the old fashioned tortures or the
ientlst chair people are glad to 'k-ep
xppolnirnents here, for ench one
means that the new. beautiful teeth
are that much nearer ready to be
placed In the mouth.
We can refer to patients In every
part of this country. '
Where .do you live East. West,
North or South? If you will write
for particulars, we can put you In
commulcation with an Alveolar patient
In your vlclnty, to whom you can write.
We may name gome right In your ow n
town for there are many of these
happy people scattered all over the
country and more being added dally.
Are you wearing a partldl plate or
a bridge? If so, yon know what it Ir
to bo tortured. We synipatUo with
you but you don't need to Buffet
If you are. near enough you can cull
for free examination of your teeth, and
If you are not near enough to Call you
can write for our Tree book, "Alveolar
Dentistry," which explains the work in
Why not make a start towards
teeth perfection today?
Good teeth means good health.
Opportunity is knocking.
Nuite S10 Xew Voik Life Ituihllng,
OMAHA. i:il.
Formerly consulting Hnd examining
dentlKt with . Gordon Mm tilt. (Inc.).
of tho law and aided and abetted It. hud
been sent here to the former auditor. G. A.
Davidson, by Edward Chambers, assistant
general frleght traffic manager, from tho
San Francisco office.
"That letter was stolen from our office'.''
declared Auditor W. ,t. Healey today. "I
have heard of it being out. I cannot deny
that the letter was written, but I have
never seen It. I have heard of such a lei
ter and of Its loss, r do not know win
stole It or how it got Into the possession
of Mr. Heney."
TABOR, la., Feb. l.-(8peclal.l-Marrrrt,
at the home ot the bride's parents on
South Center street Thursday evening, Mr.
Clark Rush and Miss Edna Wilma Wachof.
Rev. E. V. McCormlck solemnised the
marriage in tho presence of the Immediate
relatives and a few perfonal friends of the
bride and groom.
Missouri Case Appealed.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jan. 31. Attorney
General Hadlry today filed a notice In the
federal court here appealing to the United
States supreme court from the decision of
Judge fcmlth McPherson, declaring uncon
stitutional the Missouri statute prohibiting
railway companies from removing suits
from the state to the federal courts.
Reflections at a Bachelor.
Marriage is a success until you try It.
Next to being made love to, a woman
would rather be loved.
A girl Is always too Innocent in admit
she knows things she can't help knowing.
What makes a woman proud of going to
church Is It shows how ashamed she Is ot
her husband for not doing it.
When a man smokes good cigars It's a
sign he has no sons to make It too ex
pensive for anybody In the family but
See That Youg
In Voup Homca
The proper use of good beer Is
beneficial. Itla the bent of tonics,
aids digestion and pu lilies the
blood. Order a case aa a trial aud
you will always waut Stars and
Stripes because of Its goodness.
Thirty (Z.i)0 Green
Trading titauips with
every rase--'I do, large
bottlts; price .. .$2.23
Fifteen ($1.50) lireeu
Tradlug Stamps with
Vanriiris- raf
every case Z dozen small bot
tles; price SI. 25
Out-of-town customers add
for case and bottles, which Will be
refunded on their return.
Walter Molse, H. V. Haywood,
lres. Treas.
Office 1407 Harney hlreet.
'Phone II. ISWi.
Ilrewery ad and Hickory bis.
'Phone 1). 1085. ,
i s
IrW" f