Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 9, Image 17

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H. Werlwwcr to James K.
;vy. I't 11. t.lork S. IMnlnvlew I IO
jrl n I' ' rolghton and wife to James
i; h'Kfy, lot 2, block 12, I'laln-
view S75
paWna II. 1'iivrrzaRt and limbs ml to
(i.. Riwv.i Kal Kslatc company,
J hiiiI B, block HI. Omaha, und
.,hef loin X.ont)
I. In M. Waller and htiahan.T to J. , H.
Kont. ric'4 nc, ee',, -i4-i3 5,is
Krantlska Himjkal to Anton t'rhannc,
lot 17, Holmes add l.O0
Krantlska Smejkal to Josef Pa pel,
lota 15 and 1H, Holme add 8W
August Doll to city of Omaha, tract
In nw4 21-15-1? j
Augustus Doll -and wife to city of
Omaha, tract In sw4 a-15-13 I
John K. Flack company to Peter
Ijihx, lota 10 and 11, Carlberg s re-
f'OL 2
Peter t.auxtnnd wife to Nebraska
Stone company, lota 10 and 11. block
27, Weal Omaha 1
C. (lenrge Carlbcra; and wife to' Peter
I.aux, lota 10 and 11, Carllorgs re
phit Total..
I Bloat Pacific.
Leave, Arrive.
The Overland Limited.. 8 &o am a 9 40 pm
The Colorado Express.. J:60 pra a 6:00 pm
Atlantto Express al0:16 am
The Oregon Express. ...a 4.:10 pin a 6:00 pra
Tbe Loa Angelea Llm....al2:K& pm a 1:16 pm
The Fast Mall a 9:30 Am a 6.46 pm
The China & Japan Mall a4:0u pm a 6:50 pm
Colo-Chicago Special. ...nl2:10 am a 7:06 am
Beat' & fiironisg Ijcal.bl2 :39 pm b 1:40 pm
North Platte Local u, 7:12 am a 4:46 pm
(klcag m Nortatvesfjera.
Chicago Daylight a 7:20 am alf.M pm
81. Paul-Minn. Expreea.a 7:50 am alO.W pm
Chicago Local all :30 am a 6:28 pm
Sioux. City Passenger.. .a 7:50 ah a :2H pin
Chicago Passenger a 4:3i pin a 9:45 am
Chicago Bpecial a tPtW pm a :2 aio
Bt. i'uul-Minn. Limited. 8:2s pm a 8:00 am
Loa Angelea Llmlled....a 9 30 pm all .36 pa
Overland LJmltea ulu.-yO pm a 8:2a am
Fail Mali a 11:04 am
Bloux City Local a 3:60 pin a 9;2o am
Fast Mall . a 136 pm
Twin City Limited a 1:2k pm a S;00 am
Norfolk Bonesteel a 7:60 am a 5:40 pm
Lincoln-Long Pine b 7 0 am al0:35 am
Deadwood . Lincoln a 3:00 pm a 6:4o pra
Caiper - Ehoahonl a 3: J) pm a 6:40 pm
Hastings - Superior b !:0 p.n b 6:40 pm
Fremont Albion b 6:36 pm b 1:35 pm
Missouri Pad Ho.
K. C. tc St. L Exp a t:M am a 6:46 am
K. C. St. L Kxp an:18 om a 6 60 pra
W abash.
81. Louis Express a (:M pm a 6:69 am
Bt. Loula Local (froen
Council Stuffs; ,..a 6:60 am all:16 am
Stunberry Local (from
Council Bluffs) b 6:80 pm klO'.li ain
Ctaicaao Great Was tan.
fit. Paul-MlnaeapaUa f.H pm T:80 am
Kl. Kaui-Muuieapaiis 7:30 am "11:36 pm
Chicago Limited :' pra 6:67 am
Chicago Kxpreaa 1:M am 11:36 pm
Chicago Kxpreaa t:U pra 1:80 pm
ifcicagu, tlaca lalaaA A Paelft.
Chicago Limited a 3:00 am all:06-pm
Iowa aacal ...a 7:uo am a 4:30 pm
Ues Molnea Paaenger..a 4:uu pm al2:jo pm
Iowa lxxe.1 bU;40 am b 9:t pia
Chicago Owtstsra Ex).. a 4.40 pm a 1:16 pm
Chicago jTlyer a :10 pa a k.te am
Rocky Mountain L't tl,.all;H pat a 2:6 am
Colo, and Cal. Jx a litv pa a 4:3 pai
Okl, and Texas xa....a 4:40 pat a 1:1a am
Illinois C'aatral.
Chicago Express a 7:16 am a 1:48 pm
Minn. 4k tit. Paul Ex.. b 7:15 am a k :ba pm
Chicago Limited a 6:00 pin a 8:0 am
Minn. 4k Bt. Paul Lim'd.a 8:90 pin a 8.30 am
Chicago, MUwmxm A at. 1'aal.
Chin. A Colo. Special.. .a 7:25 am all:50 pw
Cal. A Ore. kxpreaa.. ..a :v0 pm a 6:a an
Overland Limiiaa a :a pm a 6:M atn
perry Local a t ;i pui aii:uo am
Denver A California.. ..a 4. W pm
Nurfbweat Upeolal a 4:10 pm
Black Hdla a 4:11 pm
North weal Kxpreaa all:5 pm
Nubraaaa peiuta a 6:46 am
Nttbraaaa Kxpreaa a 6:16 am
Lincoln Faat Mail..M.A.k 1:46 pm
Lincoln Local
Lincoln Local
Lincoln Local
Bchuyler - plattainouth.b 1:10 pm
lielievue - Platteroouth.a UM pm
'iattamouth-lowa b 6:16 am
envr Limited '. a 4:10 pm
Chicago t)pectal..,.......a 7:40 am
Chicago Kxpreaa a 4:20 pm
Chicago Flyer a 6:60 pm
Iowa Local a 6:16 am
Bt. Loula UxptM a 4:46 pm
Kanaaa City A Bt. Joe. .al0:45 pm
Kanaaa Clly A SU Joe. .a 9:15 am
Kanaa City A HU Joe.. a 4 45 pm
a 6:46 pm
a 6:46 pm
6:45 pm
al0:16 pin
a 6:10 pm
a :i pm
aU:ll pm
b 6:06 am
ait:15 pia
a T:M pm
bl0:W) am
a 6:64 am
b iVao'p'm
a 7:26 am
aU:46 pin
tlit pm
a 8:80 am
aU:60 am
ail:M am
a :iw am
a 6:10 pm
Chieagro, . Paal, Mlaaeapolla A
OmaAa. "
Leave. Arrive.
Twin City Paaaenger....b 6:30 am b 6.10 pm
Bloux City Paaaenger...a 6:o& pm al0:.i0 am
Kmereon Local 0 6:46 am o 6:66 pm
Auburn Local
,.b 1:60 pm bU:25 am
a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, e Sun.
flay onlv. d Daily except Saturday. Dally
except Monday.
EGOS Fresh Belling eggs, candled, 200.
BUTTER Common, ic; fancy tub and
rolla. l"tjina; creamery, joc.
CHEKSE New full croam, Wlaconaln
twlna, l.Vjc; new full cream brick, 17c; do
tncatlo new Swiaa. 16c; new Umbuiger. 1544
l(c; young Americana. 17Ho.
LIVE POULTKY-Hprings. 8c; hena, 80;
roortur. So; ducks, Vc; geese, ye; turkeya,
1240; pltieona, Ate per dox.
DKESSKD POULTP.T-Surlngi. fancy. He;
hena, He; rooatera, 4c; ducka, 11c; geeae,
',c; turkeya. 16&170.
11AV Choice No. 1 upland, 67.60; medium,
ttl.5; No. 1 bottom, JS.ixi; off gradea, from
W.m to S5.0O. Ke alraw, 87.00; No. 1 al
falfa. 111.50.
APPLES Waahlngtor Snow, per box,
1. 60; Waalilngloii Juiiatnana, per box, 11.75;
, VN aahlngton Koman Beauilea, per box, 61 76;
WHBliington Alexandeia, :r box. 61.75;
Waahington Hlue Pearmalna. per box. 11.75;
NVaahlnglon Hed Cheek Pljipma, per box.
tl',5; Uaahinalon Klnga. uer box. $1.75;
Waahlngton Bailey Sweet, per box. $1.75;
W'aahiiiglon No. Mpya, per box. (1.75: 'u,l
fornla Hud Pearmalna, 4-lier, per bo, SJ.'W;
California llelletlovicra. 4-tior. per box.
I2U0; New York Ualdwina. per I'M , $450;
New Y ork Northern Bples, per ..11. . $4 "0;
New Yolk eaeorletl vancUa. per bbl., $4.50,
ORANOKSr-Fnncy Waahlngton navela.
II alzea, per box. 2.75. extia fancy Sun
flower, all aixea. per box, (J.uO; California
Tungtrinta. M alxe and amaller, per box.
$2 25.
BANANAS-Port Llmon. owing to aixe.
per duo. h, 41.50 In $J U
PEA Kfi Extra fancy a inter Nellie, per
box, $2.76
OHAl'KA-MuUta. choice, per keg, 64.00;
Malaga, extra fan, 41 jo; extra choice,
per kig, 6426; extra tauc. yui heavy,
OKAPE FRUIT Florida. 64 and 80 aixe,
pir 1"X, $i3 .
FIGS AND DATKS Smytni Vgs, .
Clown, per ). HJlic: Bmvrna f'.ga, 6
until, per !b., 1-vl-': nmyrna tlgn, 4
iiowii, per b, luClk ; California tga, boxea
)0 cartona, !5c; California figa ooxeb, li
cut lone, H-n; CaKfoiiua Ufa. bulk, per lb..
tc"i liuliowl da lea, per l:i . Kbdraw(
diea, per lb., c; da tea. pel It,.. 5-c;
l iird d'.. a, 13-lb boxea, yux ib, c.
CltANBKHUlKS-i:ii.ia fancy Bl and
Bule. per bbl., 61U.U0; eilri fancy Jeraey,
er bbl., e.'-V; extra fancy jrrscy, pec. box.
l.KMONS-Extia fancy Soiiti.erUrd
beauty, 3a and 3w alas, per box, Jt uJ; eg.
tin choice Juutriie. and Mu tue, pr
box. J75.
v- i.Y:rTlt.r
POTATOKS I cr Ju.. BSJ .'6c.
SWEET PoTAT-iiS-Kansaa. cer bbl..
LETTUCE Flnrtda ku'aJ. b. ' hamner.
$J.'( iier do.. 40c.
CUCCMBKKS hmia.. t dox. fnnov.
ptr box. .;...', 4 dui. choice, per box, il.iOk
ltADiaiO:S-.Hul uoutte, pel
I'AI'.Sl K Y-Pi r dox.. 4ku
P'CPPKUS Florida, i-bakel 40c.
i-baaket cratea.
mi.,., C.
PA t SNIPS Old. iver bbl.. 62 2S.
i-w; (-ana.ia Kulaoogea. per lb., IV.
CABBAGE Vrlecoliam Holland Eeed, pt
lu., IV4'.
ONIONS-Bi apish, per crate. 11.50: Wli.
conaln Red Gl-.'be, per lb , 1W,
SliALLoT'8-per do.. 0c.
TOMATOES PI01 n.a, extra fancy, per 6
haaktt crate. tuuO; choice, per basket ciale,
$0u, Cuban, fancy, per 6-haakt crate llul
CAT'! .IKUnVKK-Per !-cloi. crate." $4.1
H iiiSKn Ah: 'isit-jfer doi... jc.
CcLLltt-Michlgan, per Uuncn, SrjQ35e.
Liquidation it Extremely Hearr and
Baling ii Hearr.
All Com Mead II y Llrrreiwl Shows
More. Flrmaeaa and ladlratlona
Are Bla; Holaevm Are
Sold Oat.
OMAHA, Feb. 1, m
Liquidation haa been extremely heavy.
Long wheat, corn and oata enme out atead
lly and the market ruled heavy. However,
Liverpool ahowa more flrmneaa and the
Indlcatlona are that the big llnea that have
been held over aro pi bout a!d out.
Wheat ahowed aoiim atrength at the at art
thia morning and opened ateady. On heavy
aelling by the crowd the farly flrmneaa
did not laat and the break that followed
wax aharp-and May option waa dropped
o the Inwext level of the aeaaon. The
crowd overaold themaelvea in the mah and
on the let-tip wheat vuluea were bid back
to near the opening prlcea. May wheat
opened at S3c and rloaed at 82V-
Corn opened easy and Hold off readily
on the eort apnta for several fractiona. The
market haa been unable to wlthatand the
rtiah of long corn that haa been put out
and the general opinion la it will aell lower.
May corn opened at, 63c and cloaed at
Oata were llfeleaa and trading wna at a
Little or ro demand haa developed and
the support haa not been atifflclent to hold
the prioea from Bugging with wheat and
May oats opened at 49c and closed at
Primary wheat receipts were 4O2.000
bushels and ahlpmenta were 3W.O00 bushels,
agalnat receipts last year of 4.10.(100 bushels
and Bhipinenta of lKt.Ooo buahela.
Corn receipts were 841,000 bushels and
hlpmept ' were 610.000 buahola, against
receipts last year of 1.041,000 bushels and
shipments of 4W.O0O bushels.
Clearances were 317,000 bushels of corn,
S.o0 bushels of oata and wheat and flour
eaual to 403.W0 bushels.
Liverpool cloaed unchanged to !d lower
on wheat and Hd lower on corn.
Seaboard reported 162,000 bushels of wheat
and 4o,0uO bushels of corn taken for ex
port. Local range of options:
Artloles. Open. Hlgh.j Low. 1C1ose.. Tes y.
Wheat 1 1
May... M K m 92 KH
July... m 1114 fw
Sept... 88 88 87 87 88
Corn I I
May... 6.114 627, 6.14 634
July... 6.1 6.1 52 B2 66
Sept... 62V4 62H 61H 614 biH
May)... 49 49 4M 4KV4 49H
July... 44 44 4'i 42 44
Sept... i Jt ')i 36 36
Omaha Cash Prices.
WHEAT No. Z hard, 90Vtf2c; No. 8 hard,
8NrnWc; No. hard. S3(U3;c; No. 3 spring, i2r
CORN No. 3, 604ff!6lP.; No. 4, 4!H4SjOVk:;
no grade, 47V4-9c; No. S yellow, aw51a;
No. 4 yellow, 51c; No. 3 white, 60jjolc.
OATS No. 3 mixed. 46V,J4fiV,c ; No. S
yellow, 4tiV4". No. 3 white. 46'4c; No. 4
white, 46'i'y4tfc; standard oats, 4Hy&464c.
RYE No. 2, 7374Vic; No. 3. 70(U72o.
Cartel Receipts.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 12 498 182
Minneapolis 128
Omaha 8 17 26
Duluth 64
Features of the Tradlna- and Cloalna;
Prices on Uoard of Trade.
CHICAGO, Feb. 1. The 'wheat market
wua nervous today, prices fluctuating over
a range of 2 cents. Final quotations on
the May delivery were up V&o. Corn
was He higher. Oats were unchanged and
provisions 2Vc higher to He to 15c lower.
Wheat opened firm on covering by shorts,
demand being based on a steady market
at Liverpool and on muoh smaller receipts
in the northwest. Sentiment continued
quite bullish for a time, but toward the
end of the first hour prices broke sharply
on renewed proft-taklng by several of the
large holders. The May options showed
the greatest loss, the price dropping c
below the high point of the day. Shorts
again bought freely on the break, which
soon caused the recovery. Throughout the
remainder of the session the market was
nervous, but buyers seemed to predomi
nate and prices were Inclined to advance.
Late news told of an improved demand
fur wheat and ftour by exporters and this
helped to create a firmer feollng. The
clone waa steady. May opened o to c
higher at WS'it'.1;. aold off to Mc. and
cloaed at D67'q'J6c. Clearances of wheat
and flour were equal to 4U3,OuO bu. Primary
receipts were 4o2.0uO bu., compared with
430,000 bu. the corresponding day a year
ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago re
ported receipts of 194 cars, against 329
cars last week and 248 cars a year ago.
Corn waa Inclined to follow the course
of wheat prices. The market was quite
firm at the start In sympathy with wneat
and on smaller orders than had been esti
mated. Prices slumped, but rallied again.
The close waa steady. May opened WiJta
higher at 69ic, sold up to 59'ic and tuen
declined to 68c. The close was at 5Vf f:tc.
Local receipts were 498 cars, with none of
contract grade.
There was a moderate trade In oats and
the market waa nervous, being Influenced
almost wholly by wheat and corn. May
opened unchanged at 510, sold up to 51 c,
and then declined to 6o?c. The close was
at 61c. IxK-ftl receipts were 182 care.
Provisions were quiet owing to the fact
that traders generally were disposed to
await the monthly statement of atocks in
store. The market was steady the greater
part of the day. At the close May pork
was off nVslU? at $12.07012.10; lard was
2c higher at 67.67M; ribs were unchanged
at $656.
Estimated receipts for Monday are;
Wheat, 19 cars; corn, Sao cars; oats, 12J
cars; hogs, 64,000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles. I Open.l Hlgh. Low. Close ) Yes'y.
Wheat f 1
May WSVfiW 944 9jy,tf (W &
July 93 tiUiMVuVil &l7 3Ui, 9?H
Sept. So'-, 91H B(, 9t 90
May 59 f' R. &x4 5R 5i
July S6W.31 M. 57Va4 67,
Sept.- 57Vx 6n 67 a!SJ&i
Oata- I
a.Mav 51',4 51l 60 SU, R1C
bMay 4:" 4111 49 49i
aJulv 44-S 44', 444 44H 44V4
bJuly 43 4!i 48 41", '42i
Feb. 11 6:s: 11 62V. 11 KVi 11 fi2'j, ll 72'4
May 12 26 12 25 12 05 12 10 ! 12 22'4
July 12 50 12 60 12 37V6 1-' 374' ii 60
Lard 1
Feb. 7 474 T 47 7 47i 7 47
May 7 66 7 70 ?M T tS4 7 K5
July 1 80 7 a 7 77"4 7 W 7 SO
Feb. 6 25 6 25 2"i 6 25 6 25
M iv 6 57V W 6 55 6 55 6 67i
July 6 77V 6 US 6 76 77V 77'
No. 2. a Old. b New
Cash tniotatlona were aa follows
FLOUR Dull, eaay; winter patents, 14 5iXi
4. So; winter atraiglits. $l.20.i4 70; spring pet
enta. $i.'ii"..4o: spring atralghta, fl.4ol.50;
WHEAT-Nf. 2 vprlus, $1 (ki.fil.u8; No. 1
prmi?, a.Tsi.Mj; Mi, 3 red, S0f!4c.
CORN No. 2, ;'Wi67o; No. t yellos
jw, 5SVij(
OAT8-N0. 2.4K'4c; No. 8 white; 48rg50Ve.
HARI.liY Fair to cllolce maltlux. S?f?91c.
SEE1S Flax, No. 1 north ealern, $l.,Tli.
Prime timothy. $ Clover, contract
grade. $11.75. 1
PROVI.SloNS-Short ribs sides (loose)
$ ixii().37,. -Mesa pork, per bol.. 611.62MI
11.75. Lard, per loO lbs.. $7.47Vi. Short clear
ill. -9 (boxed). $fi 5f4i.75.
Following were the r.H.lpis ""and ship
ineiita of flour and grain:
' , Receipts. Shipments.
Hour, bbla 2.M 17 2ihi
Wheat, bu 3.1. mo o'b.i
Coin, bu 4!'7,iio 24'JMIO
OaU, bu L..'0 2u3 30
Rye. bu ... Tun 7 iiii
Burlny, bu 3.5M JS.)
On theProiluce exc.;aii, ioiIhv the butter
market was ateady; cretmeiiea. 21S12c;
dairies. iJiWc. Kvirs. strong; at murk
casea included. 2V;.ii:Vc; firsts, Sic; prime
firata, ic; extras. Me. Cheese, steady lAj
Dalath Grata Market.
DULUTH, Minn.. Feb. 1. WHEAT No.
1 northern. $1 xi; No. ! northern, $1.0-V;
VIA 1 1
Liverpool Grata aad Prevlaloua.
eaay; No. 3 red aestern winter, 7e,7-id;
fiitiirea steady; March, 7a 4Vd; May, 7i
4SJ. July. 7s U'J
CORN Spot sy; prime mixed Amer
ican, new, at 6s M; prime mixed Amer
lesn, old. 6 6d; futures steady; February.
6a l'd; March, 6a t,t
ttaolatloaa of the Day a Varloas
Cora mod I ties.
NEW YORK. Feb. l.-FlHR-Recelpta.
20.9SO bhls.; exports. 13. Jig bbla. Market dull
end lower to sell. Minnesota patents, $5 30
fcft.HO; winter straights, $4.4Wi4.0; Minne
sota bnk"r, t4.MTi&.l); winter extras. $.1.76
1.20; winter patents. $t.75'at10; winter low
frades, f3.tvati4.10. Rye flour, barely steady;
Hlr to good, $4.7T,o5.l5; choice to fancv, 15.20
i5.3n. Buckwheat flour, slow at 63.00 per
) lbs.
COIINMEAI-Steady; fine white and yel
low. $1.4irql.4; soarse, $1. 40; kiln dried,
RYE Pteady; No. I western, $Oig91c, f. 0.
b., New York.
WHE'ATRejel:a. 36,(100 bu. ; exports,
9nn bu. Spot market easy; No. 2 red,
N-4c in i levator and f 1 no f. o. b.. afloat;
No. 1 northern Duluth, $1.14, f. o. b., afloat;
No. 2 hard winter. $1.M. f. o. h, afloat.
After a firm opening, due to bullish cables
wheat collapsed again under renewed
liquidation, making new low records. Sharp
rallies followed, however, on covering and
the last prices were V4c lower to Vo higher;
May, .o:viii.04V4. closing at fl.03H: July,
99Vitl.ona,. closing at $).00ti.
CORN Receipt a, 39,775 bu.; exports. 2.700
bu. Spot market steady; No. 2, 70c. nomi
nal, In elevator, and 63c, f. o b., afloat;
No. 2 white, 4c, and No. 2 yellow. 63c,
f. o. b.. afloat, all nominal. Option market
was without transactions, closing Vc net
lower; May cloaed at (flc; July closed at
OATS Receipt a, 71. OK) bu.; exports, 2,490
bu. Spot market quiet; mixed oats, 28 to
83 lbs., 5.m-; natural white, 26 to 32 lbs.,
6l'i6V: clipped white. 32 to 40 lbs.. 5Kic.
HAY Poor demand; good to choice, 96c
HOPS Dull; state, common to choioo,
1907 crop. 12-ffiec; 1!16 crop, 4fic; Paclflo
coast. 1907 crop, RTillc; 1906 crop, b$a.
HIDES Firm; Bogota, 17c: Central Amer
ica. 17c.
LEATHER Stesdy ; acid, 41T27C.
PROVISIONS Reef, quiet; family. $14.60
15.00; mesa, f 10. 00& 10.50; beef hams, f24.o0iSi
26.60; packet, fll.6OtU12.00; city extra India
mess. Ul. VOfn 21.50. Cut meats, steady; pick
led bellies, f7.7RfiH.50; pickled hams, $8.50.
Lard, steady; western prime, f7.65(!r7.T6; re
fined, ateady; continent. $8.20; South Amer
Ica, $9.00; compound. $7.12V&7.37Vi. Pork,
steady; family, $lfl.0'Vfj'17.00; short clear,
$15.25Silll..Vi: mesa. $14.0(14.50.
TALLOW Quirt; city, 63c; country, 5H
RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, S
iHc: Japan, nominal.
POULTRY Dull: western chickens. 11c;
fowls, 13Hc; turkeys, 14c; dressed, steady;
weatern chickens, 1230c; turkeys, Vixieiiio;
fowls. 10fl3c.
BUTTER Firm; process, common to spe
cial. lRfc244c.
CHEESE Firm but unchanged.
KOOS Fair; firsts, 25c; seconds, 23524c.
Fair Sunday, with a Rlrinsj Tempera
tare, Bays Welah.
OMAHA, Feb. L 1906.
A cold wave, with high northerly winds,
swept over the central portion of the coun
try last night, and decidedly colder weather
Is general this morning from the Rocky
mountains east to the Mississippi river.
Temperatures, ranging from xero In Kan
sis to 2tl below In North Dakota, are re
ported throughout the Missouri valley. The
storm that waa central over the lower
Missouri valley and southwest Friday
morning, moved northeastward and is cen
tral over the lake region this morning.
High winds were general throughout the
valleys last night, and snows und high
wlnda prevail in the lake region and Ohio
valley this morning. The weather haa
cleared west of the Mississippi river, and
It will be fair In this vicinity tonight and
Sunday, wth rlHlng temperature Sunday.
Omaha record of temperature and pre
cipitation compared with the corresponding
day of the last three years:
. 190. 1907. 1906. 1806.
Minimum temperature.... 00 14 22 is
Precipitation 02 T .00 .16
Normal temperature for today. 21 degrees.
lieftclency In precipitation since March 1,
7.77 Inches.
Deficiency corresponding porlod In 1907,
4.09 Inches.
Deficiency corresponding period In 190&
2.91 Inches. ...
L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
St. Loala General Market.
ST. LOUIS. Feb. l.-WHEAT-8teady:
track: No. 2 red cash, 9fH&9Uc; No. 2
hard. 95&9c; May, 9tiV4o; July, 90c.
CORN Easy; track: No. 2 cash. MVic;
No. 2 white. 65c; May. 6fiic; July, 56Vc
OATS Lower; track: No. 2 cash, 48V4c;
No. 2 white, 60c; May, 48V4C
RYB Dull, 81H&82C
FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, $4.5&3
4.80; extra fancy and straight, 64.15fi4.40;
clear. $3.664i3.90.
SEED Timothy, steady; $3.76$4.30.
CORNMEAL-Steady; $2 60.
BRAN Dull; sacked, east track, 61. 10.
HAY Firm; timothy, $9.5016.00; prairie,
9.5"a 11.60.
PROVISIONS Pork. lower; Jobbing.
$12.12V. Lard, unchanged;"" prime steam,
$7.40. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra
aborts. $7.37V; clear ribs, $7.25; short clears,
$7.60. Racon, steady; boxed extra shorts,
$8.26; clear ribs. $8.12Vi; short clears, $S.37V
POULTRY" Firm; chickens. 10c; springs,
HHc; turkeys. 12c; ducks, lOVje: geese, 6Vc.
BUTTER Firm: creamery, 26&B2V4c.
EGOS Steady; 22c, case ct int.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 9,000 10,000
Wheat, bu 70,000 69,000
Corn, bu 140,000 61, OX)
Oats, bu 78,000 105,030
Kansas Clly Grain and Provisions.
changed; May, SUc; July, 8Hc Cash: No.
2 hard, 92fc95c: No. 3, 91i&yic; No. 2 red,
ikMiWic: No. 3. 93(Ti95c.
CORN Unchanged to le higher; May,
S3Vic; Jtlly, 63I4C. Cash: No. 2 mixed, fc;
No. 3, 62V4c; No. 2 white, 53c; No. 8. 52ic.
OATS Unchanged; No. 2 white, 49V4'8
60V: No. 2 mixed, 48W6-49C.
RYE 7c.
HAY Choice timothy, steady. $11.00
12.00; choice prairie, higher, $9.00iar.6a
BUTTER Firm; creamery extras, S2c;
packing, 19c.
EGGS Vvc higher; fresh extras, 23V4c;
firsts. 21Vfcc.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu 81.0HO f.S.OJO
Corn, bu 8S,0.0 23.000
Oats, bu 17,000 6,000
Kansas City closing prices:
I Open.l Hlgh. Low. Close.
Ma July
53Jifi -J.
63 V.
July I
A Asked. B Bid.
Philadelphia Produce Market.
Steady; weatern creanierv, 84e; nearby
prints. 38c.
EGGS Firm; good demand; Pennsyl
vania and other nearby firsts, 25c at mark;
current receits In returnable caaes, 21c, at
mark; western choice. 26c. at mark; fair to
goo.:. 2"iL'4c. at mail;.
CHFKSE Firm: fair demand: New York
full creams, choice, 15Viltic; fair to good.
15'ii 15V-C.
Minneapolis Grain Market.
tUH1: July. $1.04!.&l.r.4V No. 1 hard,
fl.OV. No. 1 northern. $l.lV No. ? north
ern. $1 04,: No. 3 northern. ftf-Vicfi 11 O.'X
FLOUR First patents. $'..25 11 5.4": se.-'onJ
patents, $5.15li6.30: first clears, f4.2tm4.3'j;
second clears, $3. ('! 1.60.
BRAN Steady; In bulk. $J0.0rt.
Mllwaakro Grata Market.
Steady; No. 1 northern, Jl.oSii 1.09; No. 2
northern, fl.O51i1.07; Mav, ftic asked.
BARLEY Dull; No. 2. fl.Ol; sample, 5c
67 f I. MV
CORN Lower; cash, 54ftdc; May, 5STi,c
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. Feb l.-t'ORN-Lower: No. S
yellow. V4c; No. 3, 50c; No. 4, 47fit8c;
no grade. 444i45c.
OATS-Iiwer: No. $ white, 4Sjrl84o; No.
4 v. lilt e. 4imi47Vc.
WHISKY tl.35.
Toledo "era Market.
TOLEDO. Feb. l.-SEKDS-Clover. rasli.
February and March, 61135: April. $1120;
tlctober. $S.06. Timothy, prime, f2 26. Al
alke. prtme, $10.40. .
Metal Market.
NEW YORK. Feb. l.-MFTAI-8-The
metal markets were uulet and more or less
nominal In the absence of rabies. Tin Is
quoted at $n.?6y'2B.&u. t'nnp. r la quiet; lake,
flJi-aSts'!-'-; eleeimlytir. tU.64VirlJ.76:
caattng. $13.;6'g 13 60. I-d remained dull and
unrhaneed at f'l.iOtf3 75. Bpelter unchanged
at $4. 46t4.&5. Iron was quiet at recent
BT. IiOUTS. Feb. 1 -M ETA LS lad.
steady et $3.j. Spelter, uneith.J at ll-'i
9?S 907,
6 (j
53J 53
62 V 63
Demand for Securities is Torpid and
Prices Drift Downward.
Probability of I. real Artlon Against
Some Corporations Cnnaea
eaalneao Last Prices Are
.Near the Lowest.
NEW YORK, Feb. l.-Demand for storks
waa torpid today and prices drifted down
ward. Sudden weakness was marked at
different times and In special stocks some
of the selling wss attributed to foreign
account and Wall street expressed fear that
distrust of Amerlran securities as a re
flection of the tone of the president's
message to congress of yesterday was Indi
cated by this selling. An Interruption Of
a reviving demand for American securities
abroad, which Is hoped for as an aid tq
absorption of contemplated new capital
Issues would be a discouraging factor in
the financial outlook. Stocks of companies
with new Issues in the market wre con
spicuous in the decline, notably Missouri
Pacific and the Rock Island Issues. Borne
of the Industrials were weak also In con
nection with suggestions that they might
be the object of fresh proceedings by the
federal government In line with the policy
formulated In the president's message.
There was much dlscuaslon of the formal
announcement of tho determination of the
United Btatea Steel corporation and the
other lea. ling Interests in the trade to
maintain prices. The advantage of atable
condltiona In encouraging future commit
ments In business affairs is the feature of
this policy which receives approval. There
Is the recognition, however, thut It Is by
curtailment of output and prevention of
accumulation of stocks that pursuit of that
policy Is made feasible. The effect on
attempted economics of the railroads to
meet contraction In their earnings offers
another feature of the situation which Is
given conatderatlon. Reports of some re
sumption among mills In the steel trade
proved of no effect In holding prices, nor
did the opinion of the mercantile agency
reviews pointing" to an Irregular Improve
ment In commercial lines. Selling through
out the list was freely In force in the later
market and late prices were not far from
the lowest.
The bank statement showed the expected
Increase In cash holdings, but the averages
Were confused by the deduction from the
average accounts of the four minor banks
which have been closed since the last state
ment waa made. The completion of pre
parations opens the way for a report next
week to the state banking department of
the condition of state banks and "trust
companlea, thus providing for a complete
exhibit of the local money situation each
Bonds were heavy. Total sales, par value,
f2.(09,000. United States 2s declined V, and
the 4s registered Vi, while the 8s advanced
H per cent on call during the week.
Number of sales and quotations on stocks
were as follows:
Eatai. High. Low. Cloie.
Adaini Exprtsa 180
Amalxmtl Copper rwi 60'4 50t,
Am. C. & P SOo 29' ftli 2
Am. C. A P. p(d too M 89
Am. Cotton Oil 00 32 S2 ft
Am. Cotton Oil pfd , 86
American Express 90
Am. H. & L. pfd inO 14 14 14
American In $00 17' 174 17
Am. Linseed Oil 7
Am. Linioed Oil pfd 2
Am. Locomotive 1.100 37S 3 84
Am. Lotomotlve pfd , 80
Am. 8. & R 12.200 4814 4574 WS
Am. S. A R pfd 40) 8114 It
Am. 8iir Refining 1,100' 11:1 m lllvt.
Am. Tobacoo pfd ctfi. 200 80Hi 74H
Ana. onda Mining Co , , 7' 32 H 32'4
Atrhlnon . 7.5O0 72H 71 11
Atchison pfd 100 87 17 81
Atlintlo Coast Llna 71
Baltimore A Ohio 904 84(4 Mfi MS4
Bl. A Ohio pfd 88
Brooklyn Rapid Tr 12.200 ('4 46 4A4fc
Canadian PacISc 200 151 151 livv
Cantral of New Jersey 17$
Chcaapeake A Ohio 500 29T4 3 2
Chicago Ot. W 100 47 4 4'
Chicago A N. W SOO 14K 14( 145 .
C, M. A Bt. P 1,800 US 111 lll
Chicago T. A T.. ottered 6
Chicago T. A T. pfd 15
C. C, C. A Bt. L $00 68 61 41
Colorado F. A I t.. K 20 It 19
Colorado A 80 too !. 84 4
Colo. A So. 1st pfd l.V 1 62 42
Colo. A Bo. 2d pfd 2.10 42 42 43
Consolidated Oaa 100 X 48
Corn Product! It
Corn Producta pfd (II
Delaware Hudaon 100, 1534 150 IfO
Del., L. W 4.10
Denvrr A Rio Orande SOO 20 3l 10
P. A R. 0. pfd SO 68 6H 58
niaUllara' securities .600 11 82 82
Erie 1.400 .16 14 14
Erie let pfd... 109 31 31 31
Erie 3d pfd 1
General Electric 100 11 118 118
llllnola Central 100 128 128 m
International Paper 300 10 - 10 10
Int. Paper pfd 30.) 81 60 60
Int. Pump 600 11 it 17
Int. Pump pfd 47
Ioa Central 200 13 11 11
Iowa Central pfd 28
Kanaas City 80 M
K. C. So. pfd 100 61 61 60
Louisville A N 100 87 87 87
Meilcan Central 810 19 18 18
Minn. A 8t. L 2 0 24 24 14
M., Rt. P. A 8. 8. M 200 M 83 93
M.. 8t. P. A 8. 8. M. pfd 128
Mlieoiirl Parlflo 4.100 4" 41 41
M., K. A T l.'XW C3 22 41
M , K. A T. pfd 100 64 54 64
National Lead 600 89 38 38
N. R. R. of M. pfd 47
New York Central 7.9 0 K. 96
N. T.. O. A W 7U0 38 32 83
Norfolk A W 65
N. A W. pfd 78
North American too 48 48 47
Pacific Mall 200 27 27 24
Pennsylvania 18,000 11244 lu 11 1
People'e Oea 200 80 86 It
P., C. C. A it. L 70
Preaard steel Car 300 20 to
Preaeed 8. C. pfd 77
Pullman Palace Car 158
Reading 106,800 103 100 lfO
Reanlng let pfd 88
Reading 2d pfd 78
Republic atrel 100 17 17 16
Republic 8leel pfdl M 48 48 48
Rock Island Co 3.KJ0 13 12 12
Rock Island Co. pfd 4.SW 26 24 24
St. L. A B. P. 2d pfd I'K) 47 27 24
St. Louie 8. W 74
gt. Louie 8. W. pfd 200 30 !9 28
Boutti.-rn Pacific 6,9"V 74 7:1 73
80. Pacific pfd IU0 111 1)1 111
80. Railway tr II 10V 10
Texas A Pacific. 200 19 i l
T.. St. L. A W 12
T.. Bt. L. A V. pfd 800 :14 U 3J
Vnlon pacjfle 41 .80.1 l;:t 12 120
l ai n Pactnc ptd ' 4M 82 , a: ai
,1". 8. Kvpreas
I.'. 8. Rally M) S4 36 4l
t'. B. Rubber 22
V. 8. RuMw pfd : 81 81 81
T. 8. Steel 38,1110 28 27 87
V. 8. Steel pfd j0 81 82 V-Sk
Va. -Carolina Chemical 17
Va.-Caro. Chem. pfd M
Wabah pfd 300 15 10 14
Wella-Kargo Enpreae 110
We-tlnglinuiio Electric .1... I'M 4' 4:1 43
Wtalero tnion 1U0 o& 66 M
W heeling A U E 6
Wisconsin Central 13
Wis, Central pfd. 40
Northern PaclB.- ll.oo 13"i K.t 12a
Great Northern pfd ,0-O 121 120 130
Central Leather . IB
Central Lralher pfd t" 84 84 83
InterborouRh M'l 6K s 8 1
Int. Met. pfd 700 tun ?0
Sloaa-bbeftltld 810 1 1" 39 39 31
Toui aalee for the day, 312. 10 tharee.
London lostag Stocks.
UlNDON, Feb. 1. Closing quotations on
a'ocks were:
Cewa la, money 8ti M., K. A T 24
do a. count . N. Y. Central rt
Al'.acmaa a Norfolk A v
Atrhlnon 71 do pfd hi
do pld !"(luario A W ;t
Ba'.ttnior1 A Ohio lt'. Pfniiavtvaols 0614
ramJUn I'l.'.n. t.A Rand Ulnea 6
ChMapceke it Oh!o... 11 Itradln-
Chli-KO Ot W 08 bihtril Rutin)- ... HU
C. M. A St. P 114 do pfd V.
lie Bcra 14?omhrn Pacific 1H
O. A R. 0 21 Inlon Pa.iBc 1.7
do pfd I) do pfd 87
Erl.i 14 t'. 8. bteel J8
do Ut p'd -.31 do pfd 934
do .d pfd 22 Wabaali j
Grand Trunk 17 do pld lbt,
Illinois I t-u'rat 1H.1 Spanish 4s : 911
Louisville A N :t)Aeial. Cupper
WLVKK Par. auady, 26V-lt,d per ounce,
e MOXEV-atl'j per cent.
i'ne late m i.iituontit 111 iha open market
for short bills la per cent; for three
niontlia' bills. 3iiSu-lti per cent.
Baak Clearlaga.
OMAHA. Peb. 1.-flank cl arlngs for
touay were fl,a".7.a44.71 and for too corre
sponding dale last year l wjH.S8-i.S7.
l'i. 1W7.
Monday f 2,(tl,497.J7 fl.l:a H4 U
Tueaday l.u MHo.45 1.7oS J2 M
Wedneaday l.Hyi.iM s .41 .9. tv:i.iars
Tliuraday 1.7u4.e4.Kl IX' 4 isv) K7
Friday 2.0V,7u151 l.r,'. 272. T
Saturday 1.6T7.i44.71 1.6o,!i2.t!7
Totala ,....fll.77J.R7 66 . fa.klflioOLli
. Increase over the correRDonding week
laat year, fl,ii4o.610.a2.
Vovrtueata ef Sele.
NEW YORK. Peb. 1. Imports of mer
chandise and dry goHis at tlie port of New
York for the week ending January 2t were
valued at e7.S7b.eX. Kx ports of specie from
the port of New fork for the week ending
today were $1.020 971 silver and fl.5".ou)
gold. Imports of specie at Uis port tf New
Tork for the wek ending today Were
U A571 silver and J7K.1.4KS gold.
New Tark Meaer Market.
NKW TORK, Feb. 1. MONKY-On call
nominal: time loans slightly firmer; sixty
day. IVflM. and ninety-day, 4'iN; six
months. 4,x74 per rent.
per cent.
with actual business In bankers' bills at
14 gilMMn.; for demand and at 4..lK.Voy
4 "375 for sixty-day bills; commercial bills,
ftllA'KR Rar, SftHc; Mexican dollars, 44c.
H1NL8 Government, steady; railroad,
Closing quotations on cenda were as fol
low: TJ. g. rf. ta, reg... .103 Hock. Val. 4 1?
do coupon ion I,. A N. uni. 4a i
V. 8. 3a. r loo Man. c. 4a 1
do coupon 1W Meg. Central 4 M
V. S. n 4-. reg l' do 1st Inr 19
do coupon Ill Minn. A St. L. 4a...
Am. Tobacco 4a .". M , K. A T. 4a "7
do Its 103 do 2s M
Atrhtsoa gen. 4s to.. N. R. Tt. of M. e. 4s. l
do ad). 4s K8 N V. C. g. 3.... "
Atlantic C. L. 4a 84 N. J. V. . fc 11
Bal. A Ohio 4a 101 No. Pacific. 4s H1
do 3a 2 'do 8 71
Brk. R. T. e. 4a T3 N. A W. c. 4a M
Central of (la. ta Ion 8. L rMg. 4a Ml
do 1st Inc 63 Penn. ct. 3s 4
do 3d Inc 28 H.-adtng gen. 4s
Chea. A Ohio 4s. . . .jot 14 St . L. I. M. c. 5s.. PA
Chicago A A. 3.... HI . L. A S. K. fg. 4h 73
C, B. AW. n. 4e. ... W St. L. S. W. e. 4s.... 6
C. R. I. A P 4s.... II 8eaixrd A. U 4a.... 60
do col. Is 718o. Psclflc 4s 87
VC. A 8. L. g 4a. 04 do 1st 4a ctfi 13
Colo. Ind. 6s. ser. A. 48 So Railway 6a Kx
Colo. Mid. 4s 13 Tenaa A P. la Ill
Colo. A B.. 4e 8 T.. 8t. I. A W. 4s 72
Cuba 6e 103 I nlon Paclflo 4a Il '
II. A R. O. 4a 14 do cv. 4 8
nistlllers' Sec. be 73 P. S. Steel Jd la
Brie p. I. 4a 8S Wabash la 1
do gen. 4e 68 do dch. B 48
Japan 4a T1 Western Ml. 4s fl
do 4a ctfa W A L. E. 4s 11
do 2d series 17 "Wli. Central 4s 64
Ex-Interest. ""Bid. Offered.
Bostoa Storks and Honda.
BOSTON, Feb. l.-Call loans, ftftfi per
cent; time loans, MJH per tent. Official
closing on atocks snd bonds:
Atchison adj. 4 M Atlantic 12
do 4a 8 Bingham 6
Mei. Central 4a 84 ial. A Hecla fo
Atchleon 71 Centennial 24
do pfd i c. pper Kunge U
Boston A Albany 99 Duly Wcat 8
Boston A Maine 137 Franklin
Boston Elevated 130 Oranby 7T
Kltchburg pfd 120 lale Iterate ii
Meilcan Central 18 Maes. Mining 3
ft. Y., N. II. A H...l:tr. Michigan 11
Vnlon Pacific 120 vtohawk 65
Am. Arge. Chem 17 Mnnt. C. A C 1
do pfd 4 old Dominion 37
Am. Pnen. Tube 4 Osceola 1.... 8.1
Amer. Sugar 112 Parrot 13
do pfd 113 Oillm-r 1.8
Am. T. A T 104 Shannon 12
Am. Woolen 18 Tamarack 47
do pfd U Trinity 16
Edison Elec. 1 1 lu II I'nued Capper
O.neral Electric 118 V. 8. Mining..- 33
Maes. Electric It t'. 8. Oil 10
do pfd 48 t'lah 33
Mass. Gas 53 Victoria 4
Vntted rrult 118 Winona ....1 6
United 8. M 44 Wolverine 1
do pfd 24 North Butte 46
C. 8. Steel 27 Butte Coalition 18
do pfd 92 Nevada 1l
Adventure 1 Cal. A Arlcnna 112
Allnue 0 Arlrona Com 19
Amalgamated 600reene Cananea 8
Bid. "Asked.
Clearing; House Bank Statement.
NEW YORK, Feb. 1. The state of the
clearing house banks for the week shows
that the banks hold $40,520,725 more than
the required amount at the 25 per cent re
serve rule. This is an increase of $.1,462,225
In the proportionate cash reserve as com-
fiared with last week. The statement fol
ows: Increase.
Loans fl,lS3.7S6,100 1.7S3.to0
Deposits 1,1.11.501,500 11.333.5TO
Circulation 62,2r3.700 789.800
Iegal tender 67.012.500 1,601. 00
Specie 26X,i:,fti0 7.s,Smo
Reserve 325,152.100 6.25.6fi0
Reserve required 2X4.625.375 2.8X1.375
Surplus 40,526,725 3,346.225
Ex-United States
deposits 55,7R2,725 1,316,16
Hew York Mining- Stocks.
NEW YORK, Feb. 1. Closing quotations
on mining stocks were:
Adams Con.
Little Chief ...
Bnmewlck Con. ..
Comstock Tunnel .
Con. Cal. A Va...
Horn Silver
Iron Silver'
Leadvllle Oon
. 10
. 10
. 2
. 7t
. 60
. 76
. I
Sierra Nevada
Small Hopes ..
... 60 .
... 68
... 18
Forelan Financial,
LONDON, Feb. 1. The supplies of monev
today were larger with the turn of the
month and the demand waa quiet. Dis
counts were quiet. On tho Stock exchange
business was of the usual week-end dimen
sions, but the tendency of gilt-edged sc.
ourltlca continued firmer and under the In
fluence of cheap money. Foreigners wero
in good demand on Paris support, whllu
Kaffirs showed a hardening tendency.
American securities opened above parity
with professional support, and with the an
ticipation of a good New York bank state
ment the market improved and closed
BERLIN, Feb. 1. Prices on the Bourse
today were irregular. Americana were firm
and higher.
PARIS. Feb. 1. Prices on the Bourse to
day were steady.
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK, Feb. 1. COTTON Futures:
Market opened steady; February, 10.9oc bid;
March, 11.06c; May. 11.01c; June, lo.97c bld;
July, 10.80c; August, lo.59c bid; October,
10. Mrn 10.20c.
Futures closed steady. Closing bids: Feb
ruary, lO.Wc; March. 10.90c; April, 10.9ttc;
May, 10.91c; June, 10.87c; July. 10.71c; Au
gust, 10.50c; October, 10.03c. Spot closed
quiet; middling uplands, ll.U5c; middling
gulf, 11.70c; no sales.
at lPc.
quiet; 11 I-I60 down on all grades: middling,
11V; sales, 180 bales on spot and 200 bales
to arrive.
ST. LOIMS. Mo., Feb. 1. COTTON
Dull; middling. Lc; sules. none; receipts,
100 bales; shipments, 969 bales; stock,
1M-W bales.
Wild Hay- Goes Down.
Wild hay prices have declined almost S3
per ent during llie last two months, tho
very best of upland hay being quoted at
$7.50 per ton 1'obruary 1. aa agiiinst flo
December 1. No. 1 la -quoted at $0.50 and
the lowlaml hay :it $4.00'd j.Oo. Alralfu la
from on cents to 1 higher, the December
price being $11. The loweat prire February
1 la $ll.&o and aome dealera ask $12. ao per
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK. Feb. 1 COFFEE Market
for coffee futures cloB, d ateady, net ui.
changed. Sales were reported of 19.500
bags. Including March at 6.10c; May,
.20c; September. 8.40c; December, H.60...
Hpot coflee ateady; Rio -No. 7. b',o; San
tos No. 4, 8 Sac; mild coffee steady; Cor
dova, 9 ' U 13c.
Cattle Steady llogca Loner skrr u
and l.aiulia Weak.
CH1CAUO. Feb. l.-CATTI.E-Rerelpls.
about Ooo iiead: market steady r beeves, tn.oo
irt .10; cows atid heifers, 1.7odi4 6u; Texans,
fci.d04f4.oo; calves. (G.iMi'I.Ou; westerns, $3.70; stockers and feeders, f?.t)Kpl.tiii.
HOGS Receipts, about 20,001) head; mar
ket 60 lower; light, $4 lf4j4.-;0; mixed. $
(y4.50; heavy. $4.!4.!2!4; rough, 14.2ti4.25;
plga. $.;.6.n4.15; bulk of soles. . 4.8 U4.40.
SHEEP AND LAMHS Rerrlptti, alum!
S.IOj head; market weak; iiaiiveK, $ti,fj
5 Cii; w sterns, $3.25&j.t0; yearlings, 319 4
5.W); lambs, $50(4)7.16; westerns, i.0.jti 7.20.
tit. l.oals Live Stock Market.
ST. LOI'IS, Mo.. Feb. 1. CATTLE Re
ceipts, 200 head, including 60 Ti.aiib;
market steady; native shipping and export
steers. off) 6.00; dresHcd beef and
butcher steers. HSO'yf.75. ste.-ia under
1.000 pound;', $3.iU44.60; Blockers and
feeders. $2.4UtY 4.06: cows and heifers,
i$.l&U & 00; t anners. $1.50 V 2. 40 . ' bulla.
$2.40(tt4.60; calvey, $3 ".0..iii; Texas and
Indian eteera. $2!04l 5.26, cows and heif
ers. $1,756 1.00.
HOGS Receipts, 7,500 head; market
steady; pigs and light, $3.75 4.4 1 ; .aik
era. $4,001 4.5 o ; butchers and best heavy,
$4 45t455.
SHEEP AND LAMBS None 011 saTe.
ait. Joserib Live stock Market.
' ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Feb. 1 CATT1J-J-Receipta,
4ti liead; market, steady; nativea,
$3.7u'(i5.a6; cows and heifers, $2.0o(G.0o;
atoi kers and feedera. $o.5k.i4.3u.
HOGhV-Receipts, .3u head: market. 5
10c lower; top, $4.45; bulk of sales, $4 :6
ti4 30.
tllEEP AND tMB8 Receipts, 55 head;
mau kel. nominal; lambs, $ii.0gi( l.eb; year
lings, $5.4ti4S.10.
Ileal City Lira Stark Market.
BIOCX CITY, Feb. l.-(Bpecial Telegram.)
HOGS Receipts, 8..i bead; market Vic
lower, aelllng at $3 oo'tft 26; bulk, $4.1.4 16.
CATTLE Receipt a. 1'W head; market
ateady; beeves $j MaZ.; cows and heifers,
$2.u.o4.26; atockera and feHOrs, .Outtoo;
cai as and fcarlluga, $2.2j3.6iA
The Updike Grain Co.
708 to 714 Brondels Dido
OMAHA, -:- -:- -:- MED.
Tclaplton Doug Lava B477)
e Board of Trade, CHICAGO
Eatabllahed 1S74
rain and Provisions
OMAHA OFFICE: Room 600 Brandeis Euilding
Tl4phona-DoutUs 2567; Ind. A2567 -C.
E. HUNTER, Manager Yar Fstrosige SoUcllci. Call an4 Set Ui
Successor to
Boyce Commission Co.. 108 Board of Trade Qldfj.
Margins 1 cent on Brain, $2.00 on stock. Public and private roonie
for customers. Best BPrvlce In Omah., A reliable company.
Killing Cattle Ten to Twenty Cents
Lower for Week.
Sheep anil l.aintta Quarter I.ntvrr
Than TneaUnr. Iut Stesilr. with
I'rlcra liullnic at Last
Week's Close.
SOl'TH OMAHA, Feb. 1. 1908.
Receipts eio:
Ol'iiclul Monuay ...
Official Tueailay s.
Official Wedne.fday
Ol'iielal I-liurUiiy .
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
4.4W a.ft'ii
S.isiO 14.7i t,m
5,2'U 154.4 H 7.4ZI
3,i61 11.077 4.1.1M
unicial l'rlUay
Estimate Saturday ..
768 B.7IH 111
Six days this week 19.247 65.70S aM'-S
Bnme days laat week. . . .19.SM 71.711 1.B19
Samo days i weeks ao. ..515 69.3;3 3,7.'i
Same days 3 weeks hro.. TIJM W.110
Same days 4 weeks ago. .11,6:: Bfi.t 17,4ii4
Samo days laat year 2,368 &S.443 27.3H3
The following table allows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omar a for
the year to date, compared witli last year:
l'.HW. 1907. Inc. Iee.
Cattle 93,767 113,922 20.1o
Hogs 313. IWi il3.0W 110,128
Sheep 114,800 146,213 21.367
The following table shows tho nverage
price of hogs at South Omaha for the last
several days, with comparisons;
Date. 1908. 1907.il9t.1906.194. 11903, 1902.
4 12
4 Oti't
4 U't
6 61 5 351 I li (Ml 6 C4 01
ft o.l 5 :x IQ Kb a D o e.i
6 On
6 12
4 2.1
4 19
4 ne
4 13',
4 17
4 10
till 5 26i 4 71 1 4 89
& 6 331 4 73 4 87,
I & :tti 14 4 Kl
if I...
a i4 Ki ii Ttti a t7
6 95
0 711 6 38 4 791 6 6 9
72 5 301 4 u 4 81 721 6 i5
6 (til B 431 4 6 B9 b Hi
6 Mi 6 41 4 69 4 74 1 6 95
Indicates Sunday.
The ofticlul number of cars of stock
brought in today by cuch rou.l was:
Cal tie. IiogH. Sheep. H'r's.
C M. & St. F 8 .. 1
W abash It. R 1
IT. K K. It HO .. 1
C. & N. W. (east).. .. 8
C. & N. W. (West).. 1 2i .. 2
C SI. I, M. & O.. .. 5
('., B. Ai (J. (eaat) 7 1
C H. & Q. (west).. .. 23 2
C. K. I. & l. (eaat).. 1 3 ...
Illinois Central Kv.. .. 2
Chlcaso Ut. Weatern. 1 1 ' 1 1
Total receipts .... 3 105 2 5
The disposition of the day s receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head indicated:
. buyers., Cattle. Hogs. Sheep!
Omaha Packing Co ii4
Swift and Company 2,014
Cudahy backing Co 4 i'.iits U)
Armour & Co 2,079
Cuduhy iiros. Co 22
Ind. ykg. Co 11
Totals' 1:4 ,8.311 42 J
CATT L.K Something unusual happened
today. Saturday Is practically a Holiday
in tiio caitle trade, no one expecting re
ceipts of any consequence on that day, but
at HI there are always a few cars reported
in. Tills morning, however, for the tirat
lime in a great while not a single cur
of cattle uas reported curly. The rrcelpla
lor 1 1 ii- week have been ijuile libeial, the
total bctnt about the same us fur laat
week and ver little abort of last year a
fig. ires. The rcceiita !or t lie month of
Jam. ai y show a very heavy falling off
us compared with the cut respi. tiding mouth
of laat year, but with the huikIm exception
of laat year they were the luiKext for the
month of January in the history of tho
yarda and were laiger than any month
since lat October.
lieef steers hefcan the week with a good
sharp advance, the trade on Monday being
both active and higher. Thut. however,
waa the only day on which the trad' could
have been reported aa entirely sutlafactory
to the selling Interests. During the next
two days prices went down bill rapidly, all
of the advance and more, too, being wiped
out, so thut at the close of the week beef
ateera are generally 10.i2nr lower than at
the closo of laat week. Contrary to the
usual rule the good rattle suffered ns much
as the common to medium kinds. In fact,
on some days the better ttrades of cattle
were liarder to sell at satisfactory prices
than the commoner kinds.
C'.ws und heifers, in fact all kin. la of
butcher stock, liepun the week In active
demand and with prices gem-rally higher,
but pi it-en on such cattle eased off the
sump hh did be.-f steers and ut the close
of the week are generally lirii lower than,
luai week. There was on some days espe
cially a very fair shipping demand for the
better grade8 of cows and heifers, so that
prices on such showed less decline than
the more ordinary kinds.
Htockers and feeders If anything were
strong. -r and a feeder buyer paid as high
as $4 8) for very choice weighty feeders.
Light stoekors If possessing iiuallty sold
generally at about ateady prices, with in
ferior grades or trashy stuff hard to move.
(nutations on cattle: Good to choice
cam!, d alecra. (4.Tb"i5.:i5; fair to good corn
fed ateera, 4.3-l.7r; common to fair corn
fed steers, )3 .'; good to choice cows
and hcifeis, 13 ' "ft 4.20; fair to good cows
and heifers, J2 7.V;3 common to fair cows
and heifers. .'.0i"i2 7r; good to choice stock
era and feeders. Ii.26'u4.5: fair to good
stockeis and feeders. I3.7D4.5; common to
fair atrakera and feeders, tj 7.'!3.75.
HOCS-Thu hog market this morning In
one r.'sp.ct closely resembled that of yes
terday; that is, buyeis were all looking for
good, weighty hogs, and neglected the
lighter and less desirable kimls. Thus,
while the general inurkel was b-'jlOc lower
than yesterday a early market, the d'-dina
was more on the ltghta than on the heaviea.
The trade on the i.. uvy hogs waa g.-neially
active, and salesmen found little difficulty
In unloading anything having weight and
quality. On llie oilier hand It waa very
bard work to dispose of the lighter weights,
excepting at much lower prices. As noted
yesterday a good many more light hoga
are coming than uausl and there haa been
a tendency tins week toward an accumula
tion of that kind. Hence It bapiiened lliat
there were oulte a good many stale light
hogs on sale which increased the Uava
supply ty Just that mu Ii. In spite of the
disinclination on the part of buyers tu take
Stock Bargains
ftorr. tub divipend pavkrs.
Dot Kstrellaa Mines Co. (24 psr cent guarantsedil
KenOall Hold, N.inl. ) psr rant 1
Mlnra C.i. Amer., 18 to 114 per cent 1.74
o. lav Mln., it per cent quarterly 74
I'enn-Wro. l'in . t per csnt uusr. (nets 17 p. e.) -T
Oer. Amer. C ltee Isa d'rlarort) 44 00
New mate Tel. HoNUS. I per emu seml-aa... ' .
Klorenrs Mln., G,d. las drrlaradl S OO
Western Multlphone (aa drolsreil) 4. 00 .
Hanllol (2 per ernt qiiar., nets 1 p. e l .44
Mplaslna. Cobalt, 14 per cent ill 17 7. A
Ot. Wast. O. R.. Vii- (Hd. Hub, 4o Mines, bid M.mar.-h M A 8., bid
t'lenerulta. 13 Kl Karor, 48e
riann.'r cons.. Sftc Bishop 'rk., II .
Welllnrnn tev.. '2Hn Con Jelt. O. C, 12o .
His 6 T. O. R . 12c firandma. I7r .
H stnn & Jroma. 30c GnMen Triangle, Inn
siandhy. R H.. S'v Moniimm. Mm., lc
Chi. aso-DUie. bid Ind. Mln , bid . ' ,
Gibraltar Mines Hyn.. 11c MrNamara. Mo
Tavlor Mtn., lot. t.'K! Jerome Mines. nT., I7
Hampton Cona., bid Klnf gnl. T. a D.. HW4
Western Business Exchange
W, Farnam Smith & Go,
Stocks, Bonds.
Investment Securities.
1320 Farnam St.
TIL Bsll, 1064; Independent, A104.
hold o light hogs, all kinds kept moving
and the big bulk of the receipts changed
hands In fair season at the decline noted
above. a
The receipts of hogs this week have been
decidedly larger than for the correspond
ing week of laat year, though not as heavy
as laat week. The total receipts for the)
month were the largest for the month of
January In the history of tlie yards, show
ing a gain of 103.000 bead over January of
laat year. Put that is not all; the recelpta for
the month Just closed were the largest of
any month In the history tf this market.
The market this week opened with a
small advance, but since Monday price
have been lower every day with the ex
ception of a alight reaction on Thursday
and Friday. At tho close of the week tha
market Is about 15c lower than one week
ago. ' i
Hepresentatlve sales:
No. At. ill. fr. No. At. So. Pr.
80 145 ... t 80 87 ess ... 4 10
Ki4 fat ... 1 80 47 SJ0 ... 4 14
7.) 1&5 ... I D 44 107 40 4 1
84 143 ... I M 74 218 ... 4 10
tu 141 ... 8 M . 82 Itlt ... 4 10
71 18H 140 I US 74 ttC 40 4 10
8f, 1st 40 1 7't ? i 1(0 4 K)
78 H5 ... 4 04 71 ni ... 4 U
88 1.) ... II S'l 2M ... 4 12V
83 144 ... 4 00 78., m 40 4 121
1 1 40 I W 64 177 liO 4 )2'
78 1W 80 4 00 (8 t"S ... Ill',
44 183 ... 4 00 47 844 80 4 IZSa
7 !4 40 4 t9 !84 120 4 14
M 1M ... 4 00 70 i!3ft ... 4 14
3 40 4 00 78 211 80 4 14
4 184 ... 4 00
87 la ... 4 00
si 40 4 00
80 14S ... 4 01"i
80 1WI ... 4 I, J',
I tuO ... 4 OS
160 .'.ill 80 4 OS
84 lH 80 4 OS
8o 2-0 14 IK
8 17.'. ... 4 1)5
1 40 4 OS
1.4. ..1.....1WI HI 4 Hi
f. 214 ... 4 06
70 Sit to 4 Us
i." 'i9 8'1 4 lu
78 I HI 40 4 06
t:i 2'rj ... 4 Ot
78 2(10 ... 4 hi
4 J ... 4 05
ft.) -.:i 40 4 04
8T. 2-Kl 40 4 06
e 207 ... 4 06
72 205 ... 4 OS'
77 ... lull,
tt Jit 80 4 i7'4
80 tt! to 4 07.,
70 Ill ... 4 Oil,
19 ... 4 071,
7t IM ... 4 07V
72 l.t 40 4 07 V,
7:' 217 12 4 l'7'a
lw. ....... 174 40 4 10
4.1 2.13 to 4 10
47 r 4u 4 10
84 .2.17 ... 4 18
' X7I 111 I II I
71) lit ... 4 It
T.7 277 ... 4 IS
M ........ 801 130 4 15
tl la 140 4 14
77 215 ... 4 14
7n 2.M) ... 4 15
:.H4 80 4 Ib
fi 213 ... 4 Ii.
49 2 ta 4 14
71 :tr, SO 4 IS ..
4 SH8 80 4 IS
77 9 40 4 IS
m : ... 4 it
tr. .248 ... 4 14
4i 11 80 4 17V4
cu a; ... 4 so
r S4i ... 4 20
. Si.7 ... 4 t
bl 16
.18 ii7l
65 4S
4 2..)
71 2414
SO 4 l
80 4 2
40 4 Jl
... 4
4 2il
141 140 4 Co
'4 ... 4 M
itt ... I
4 ... 4 JJ
9M ... 4 i!'4
80 244 ... 4 tfc
26 40 4 24
61 4lfl ... 4 2
U 321 4ft 4 44
2 .'0 W tk' (
BHKEI' Only two fresh cars of shse
Were reported In and as tt.ey ws'aj sold
I'oro arrival there was absolutely nothing
offered lor aale on Ine market. Kecalpls
of sheep this week have ue.u very liberal,
showing a large gain over laat week end.
being an. 1 ut 011 a par with the record ot a
year ago. llowever the receipts for tho
iniinlh which closed yesterday were the
smallest for a January since IMS. In spile
ot liberal recelpta tiie market started out
the wees und. 1 very favoiaole coSidiliona.
I'nces tended upwaid and were a good 26u
higher tor Monday and Tuesday, During
the latter part of tlie week the tendency
was downward under the influence of
large receipts at all selling points accom
panied by a very aevere break at east era
markets. The condition of tlie trade east
ward reduced tbe buying demand at this -point
very materially, with the reault that
prices slid downward rapidly and at the
close of the week all of the advance has
been wiped out. In other words the market
la now about where il was at the close
Of laat week.
Operatora on the market are still very
confident regarding Vie future of the sheep
trade. Willie sharp breaks are to be ex
pected as well aa advances, the general
feeling s-ems to be that there Is no ap
parent reason why good prices should not
prevail for both alieep and lambs through
out the at aeon.
isolations on good to choice fed sheep
and lambs: l,aiuus, $.60Iu,'.75: light year
ling wethers, o.u..ii, heavy yearling
wethers,; wclhers, H.WuS.A), ewes.
ftttx-k lu Mlaal.
Receipts of llvo stock ut the six principal
weatern markets yesterday:
. Cattle. Hoga. Sheep.
Bouth Omaha 20 7,iH3 441)
Hioux tlty ps) ,:iaj
Kansas City l.Cssi aV.a 2,0.16
Bt. Joaepl 4 4 & x 6$
et. l.oufs 31s) . 7,,io.
Chicago tU JWsjO LOuO
Id K.4 144