Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 7, Image 15
n THE OMATIA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 2, 1903. HELP WANTED-MALE ftt aad PaJeaaaea Cu4lsiued. IRY OOODB and grocery salesmen run Increase their sale and at the 1111110 time Increase their salary $J6 a week by repre senting un. Fifty thousand merchant! are now using our method. Ail we aak In a few minute of your time earn day. We are willing to pay for this time. If you are a salesmen and can furulah. u with first-class references, write The Pperry Hutchinson Co., 330 Broadway, New York. (9) 4124 2x ,26.0ft PER WKKK made In ipvt time Bell ing cigar to dealer or amoker. We tell you how for atamp. Key West Co., 257 Broadway, New Tork. () 83 2x BALEPMEN Make large rommlnalona Bell ing Urown'i Champion White Lead; guar anteed to have extra body and durability; cannot uae local men In large cltlea; splendid specialty or aide line. B. 1 Brown, SCI 7 Lucaa Ave., St. Loul. () 781 2x WANTED flaleaman; the opportunity with ua for a man with aalea ability la un equalled; we can uae the aervlcea of a man who la of selling good him elf. atari ing In men and bracing up right onea; mual have experience alone; spe clalty llnca. medicine preferred; record muat be clean: aalary and expense to right party; give age and lines nanaiea In first letter. Box 656, Chicago. (9) 78S Zx WANTED Experienced ealeamen; (roods old on Ion time: proposition especially attractive now on that account; write tor particular. McAlllster-Coman Co., 3M Dearborn St.. Chicago. (9) 777 2x SALESMAN Here's your opportunity to iftii'ii me rem fpikib ounmeoo wuiwui paying $20 to $40. Certain clrcum. stance enable us to place on the mar ket a limited number of coc-lea of I course of Instruction teaching this lucrative business from A to S6, and ex actly the same, exrept original cover aa sold the country over at $20 and vprv hlahlv Dralaed. or money refunded. Thla courae la all In one book. No "tommy rot" co-operation about It. Price, (2 ib. now tnia nappenea is our uui nea: voura la to Bet the book. Co or der today if you expect one. Positively no letter of Inquiry answered, as tnn ad tell the story. The Oravea Adv, Agency. Oravea Bldg., Cleveland, O. (9) 978 2 Here I the opportunity for good, strong men to make money; old, experienced agent make from 10 to $20 per day. If you are a salesman It will pay you to see us; our line I an absolute necessity with the farmer and easy to handle. Council Bluff Remedy Co., 27 Fort Bt., Council Bluff. Ia. (9)-94 2x BAM7BMEN can easily make $10 a day selling our gold window lettere, novelty signs and changeable algns; catalogue free. Sullivan Co.. 406 W. Van Buren Bt., Chicago, 111. 9)-803 tx PICTURE AGENTS Large 24x28-lnoh framed wall pictures, coat 43c. aril for 9e eaay; 120 subjects. Picture Frame Fac tory. Wayne, III. (9)-800 Jx AGENTS We have the beat mnll order proposition out; entirely new; wonderful puller; pays $25 per week sure; no hum bug; particulars for atamp. Edwin Co., 85 Center St., New Tork. (!)798 2x AGENT to handle automobile time saver repair kit; greatest aeller ever produced; "bonania." Write Immediately to Bas comb ft Co., Station J, New York City. (9)-79G 2x WANTED A residence aalesman to sell beat line imported post cards on the road; good proposition to hustlera; refer encea required. United Post Card Co., Medlnah Bldg.. Chicago. 9 794 2x WANTED Solicitors with experience In book or picture business; good Income; permanent poaltlon: reliable Omaha firm. Addreaa C 800, Bee office. (!h MS63 WANTED Young man to travel for local firm, single man preferred; good paying poaltlon for right party. Addreas F !"3, liee office. (9)-M2 WJLNTKD Two high grade atock solic itor with successful records. Permanent nlacea with liberal salary and commis sion to fight person. Address, stating experience, B 949. care Bee. w msh 3 frTTNO MAN with selling ability to haa die up-to-date article; liberal propoal- tlon; territory assigned live agents; arti cle and full particulars mailed 10 cent. ' W. a Jenkln Co., Washington, D. C. (9) 981 tx MANAGER wanted In every city and county, handle best paying business known; legitimate, new, exclusive con trol, no Insurance or book canvassing. Address Chas. Halatead, 34 West 2Cth St., New lork. W m ax AGENTS You can make $160 to $600 month, working six hour dally, selling newest and best automobile neoesslty. Buecesa assured. Profits large. Write today. Vanemburg Sale Co., Room 221 W, 18 Broadway. N. Y. (9-B a Clerical sad Office. EXPERIENCED traveling salesman, $110. Office clerk and typlat, out of town, $75. Extenalon clerk, $. Stenographer, $S. Bet all clerk, good salary. Mannrer a-eneral mdse. atorea. $150. WESTISRN RKF A BOND ASS'N (INC.), 721-722 N. Y. Life Bldg. (91-944 $ SHORTHAND BOOKKEEPING AND PENMANSHIP TAUGHT by experienced teacher at the MOBHEH-LAMfMAM BUliOOL, V. S. Nat. -Bank Bldg., 12th and Farnam. Addreaa J. W. Lampman, Pres. (9)-960 I BEE OUR line of Loose Leaf Ledgers. Binder and labor-saving accounting forms. Imperial Looee Leaf Ledger Co 3U-S1J Ramge Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1493. () M377 POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. 1 V. Knieat. 707 N. Y. Life, Omaha. (9) 4 - 1 WANTED An experienced bookkeeper and also an experienced stenographer; no other need apply; atale wages expected and give referencea. A A. Berry Seed Co., Clarlnda, la. (9) M7l I WANTED Experienced bookkeeper for wholesale mercantile bualnoas; must be able to Invest small capital. Address U. KjO Bee. 19) m is WANTBD Euepertenoed bookkeeper for wholesale mercantile bualneaa; must be able to invest amall caollal. Addrws G, fc Bee. (9) M924 I Factory aJtd Trade. J WANT a good, sober, honest man. who ha had experleooe In moving brick and frame oullUlugs; good wages and steady work. I. A. Murphy, llul H. Main Ave. Sioux Fails, a l. (.9)-Moo3Fl7 WANTED A practical printer with small capital to take care of a good Job and newapaper on ice in gooo. town in lowa. pUDUal.lug two papurs. vt me ior pv Ucuiars. Addreaa L care nee. U M300 WANTED Five rirst-claa plajiterer. Fort RusaelL Cneyenns, Vi yo.. So. 00, Dour, loog lob. Atklnaun Broa., contractors. tsjMaai 1 barber college movi:d. - The American Barber College ha moved from isih and Douglas bia to the corner ot ttthaitd Leaven worth rJt. (9 995 tx WANTED Men to learn barber trade, few weeks completes, aixty chair conalantl busy, llt.'enaed Instructors, tools given. aipiomaa granted, wagea Baturdaya, post tton waiting; wonderful demand for graduates; catalogue free. Moler Barber IVIlego. 110 a 14th St. 19-M717 X MAN WANTED , WANifci ou barber student to fill up the class in our new location at corner of lth and Leavenworth. Call or write for our siMH'lal rata to fill up this class. American Barbar Cullege, corner With and uaiwwvna 01a. ) KM) &g HELP WANTED MALE Factory a at Trade Cutlaaed. MF.N and boy to learn plumbing and Dricmaytng trade; pays in l 1 oay arter t mnniha' practical Instruction; ioaltlona secured; free catalogue. Coyne Plumbing and Brlcklavlng School, 4W7 Enton Ave., Bt. lunula. Mo. (9) CAN YOU wrlla a ahow card or lgnT If St.. ao, write ua. Grave Btgna, 231 tin Milwaukee. ()-8M tx WANTKU-A broom maker. Pender, Neb. Harry Hav. (9j M710 tx M leITUuiwa. WAITTEDEdueated men and women ca pable of earning from tiO to per month to sell the new INTERNATIONAL ENCYCIjOPF-IMA In Nebraska. South laJcota and western Iowa. Inquire at Tit N. Y. Lire Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (10)-MJT4 4 EXPERIENCED driver for laundry wagon: one at present driving route preferred. Addreaa A. 809 Bee. () Mte2 tx FREE Employment Bureau, aupported by Kualnesa Men's association; helps work men find positions. 026 N. T. L. Bldg. (9) 483 WANTED A thoroughly competent fore man for a large cenlralixtng cream plant. To one who ha had the experience and can produce results a liberal salary will be paid: must fully understand the hand ling of hand aeparator cream. References required. Address, T 218, Bee. (9) M689 t WE GUARANTEE TOU A TELEGRAPH JOB on the TTnlon Pacific R. R. If you learn Telegraphy at our school, and alao a place to work for your board while attending. Union Pacific train dispatcher' wire and station blank Installed In the echool for practice purpoaea. Write for full Informa tion QUICK. Hov-lea Telearanhy College, 1803 Harney Bt.. Omaha, Neb. Official training school U. P. R. R. (9) 4S2 TOUNO MEN. QUICK! Grasp thla opportunity! Learn to be a structural draftsman and earn more pay, Tou can do It eveninga. The coat or tuition will be raised $10 on the term beginning the first of February. If you wish to take ad vantage of the low rate prevailing now you hould enroll tonight. TUB iwtj OUNO MEN WHO KNKULl TOiNltjliT WILL BE GIVEN ONE MONTH'S IN STRUCTION FREE OP CHARGE. Clerks. stenographers, bricklayers, carpentera and tradeamen of all klnda better tneir con dltlona In life by learning how to draw plans. Get out of a rut! lo something in which you will find an interest every min ute of your life, open from 7:au to :w p. m, this week. OMAHA TECHNICAL SCHOOL, "OMATEK." Room 8, Wead Block. 18th and Fa mam. 19) 603 1 U. 8. NAVY wants young men between age 17 and 26; men with special tradea accepted up to 36 yeara. Good opportun- lties for promotion for efficient men. Pay $16 to $70 per month, practically clear of living expensea. Free illustrated booklet on application. "The making of a Man-of-Warsman." VlBlt or address Navy Recruiting Station, Omaha, Neb. (9)-MS32 Feb 3 DISTRIBUTORS wanted everywhere, $26 to $30 made weekly distributing circulars, samples, overseeing advertising; no can vassing; steady. Address Reliable Adv. Bureau, Chicago. ( M716 Feb 2x YOU can make $26 to $100 week In mail order business; no canvassing; 1 maue $5,ouu first year. Why work on amall salary? Free booklet; tells how to get started. Manager American Mall Order Bureau, Detroit, Mich. (9) M234 Feb lOx POSITIONS OPEN FOR FIREMEN AND BRAKKMEN; big pay ana rapia promo tion; experience unneocaaary. Apply at once, pcraonally or by letter, to National iRallway Training Asa'n. tUO Paxton Blk., Omaha, Neb. (9)-136 Feb 7 HUSTLERS wanted everywhere, $26 to $30 made weekly distributing oircuiara, over seeing outdoor advertising; new plan; no canvassing. Merchant Outdoor Advertis ing Co., Chicago. (9) M7147X YOUNG MEN to prepare for examination for 1 all way mall ana oiner government positions; superior Instruction by mall; established 14 years; thousands of suc cessful student; sample questions and "how government position are ecured" sent free. Interstate Schools, Cedar Rapid, la. (9) M682 F16x WANTED Reliable man in every locality to represent large real estate organisa tion; good pay; Instructions free; ex perience innecessary. North American Realty '.'a., De Moines, la. (9)-842 2x RELIABLE man; earn $5 daily In spare tlm as district manager largest adver tising company and learn bualneas wherein competenta make $10,000 yearly; no canvassing. Bodkin, Dept. 78 Chi cago. (9)-S6S lx GOOD PAY Men wanted everywhere to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc. No canvassing. Address National Distributing Bureau, 100 Oakland Bank Building, Chicago, 111. () 9i at CIVIL service examinations will soon be held In everv atate. Full Information ana questions recently used by the commls Blon free. Columbian Correapondence Col lege. Washington, D. C. (9) GENTLEMEN, over 26, of education and address to learn our business, will be thoroughly Instructed as salesmen, then advanced to manager. Excellent com penaation from start. Geo. L. Shuman & Co., Manhattan Bldg., Chicago, 111. (9)-808 2x Hl1STLINO men wanted; dlatrlbute sam ple and circulars: no canvaasing; steady. Globe Adv. & List, Aas'n, Chicago. (9) 815 tx YOUNG men wanted who desire to earn better salarlee and do more congenial work. If able to read and write and am- bitloua to succeed, we can qualify you for a position aa mechanical, electrical, team, civil or mining engineer, architect. etc., etoj Write at once, stating position wanted. 1. C B., Box IM O. acranion, Pa. (9) 6 2x LARGE concern of high standing, estab llshed over Ility years, aesires to negoti ate with reliable man to manage sales office; salary basis of $1,800 yearly and extra commission on all business, payable monthly; applicant must furnish good references ana nave casn or Dana able paper. Secretary, Box 626, Blooming, ton. 111. (91-822 2x A LARGE lobWng houae "corporation" In Omaha, laraest In its line, wants a wide awake, right-hand man; must have re sponsible business experience and ability; no one will be considered without flrst- clase references; will sell some stock if tlila will encourage work; rare opixrlun itv to rurht man: nice, clean, paying bunt ness; established 20 year. Address N M, car Bee. (9)-MlxW 3x WANTED Reliable man In this locality a representative tor a large real estate corporation; eaally earn $JU to $a0 weekly; a new and attractive offer to energetic men; special Inducements to our afcao- clate who wlah to become financially In tereated. The Real Estate Security Co., 134 Monroe St., Chicago, 11L, () 604 ix ANY Industrious person can make good Income circulating advertising matter. Pay $4.00 thousand. Men wanted every where; steady; no canvassing. O. B. Young, manager, 31U0 Groveland Ava Chicago. (9) 828 2x WANTED Detective; we want good men oKleet secret service in I nlted States; no experience needed: we give full Instruc ttons. Write today. American Detective Association, Indianapolis, Ind. (9)-7XI tx A ROMAN CATHOLIC representative wanted in every pariah to Introduce high grade financial proposition having suo. port of clergy; light and remunerative wora; part or wnoie time: reiennces re quired. Wills, Luckwood tt Co., 60 Con gress Bt.. Boston, Mas. (9) 77S 2x $21 A WEEK to put out merchandise and grocery catalogue; home territory American Home Supply Co., Detk a. Chi cago. C4 W7 2x $ WEEKS Instructions In salesmanship. position a traveling salesman, with r. ponxll.le firm guaranteed. Address Brad- street by stem, Rochester, N. Y. (9)-798 $x MANAGER lumber yard: live town: eaat oentral Nebraska. Married man speaking German preferred. Address A $2. care (9)-Ma37 tx LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Here as Ve kte lea. WE HAVE BLTKR3 mrf day for boree. If you have any you want to aJvpoa of. We buy and sell on commission. The Harney Street Stable. tlU 47 s I pity, ell and exchange horses on com mission. Mares and horses aiwaya on hand. Cheap. Myera, 1114 Douglas St. Ul) 937 SPRING wagor and light runabout, $3. 1415 Caas BU GO r x DELIVERY wagon at Karbaoh'. tU) Mall March 1 FOR BALE eWeral span of good farm horse and mares; also aims strong wora horses and delivery and wagon stock. Northeast corner th and lake Rts. (11 M971 $ Pvwltrr Egga. BCHEENINO8 $1.!B per owt. Wagner. Ml N. 16 Bt. (11) 4W GOVT, book free. Model Squab Co.. Omaha. (11 M(8 FJ WHITE Leghorns and Barred Plymouth Rocks; 500 extra fine cockrels and pullets at $1.50 to $3 each. Mainly Lee Peultry Farm, Florence, Neb. Telephone Florence 162. (ID- FREE poultry book with' Incubator cata logue at Geo. H. Lee Co., 1115 Harnejrjit. RINGLET Barred Plymouth Rocks for quick sale; a fine lot of breeding cocker els at $2.00 and $3.00. 'Phone Web. 1028. F. C. Ahlqulst, $7o$ Meredith Ave. (11) 8R3 I POULTRY JOURNAL, thorough and re liable; monthly; Introductory offer, six month for 10c coin. The Pdultry Record, Carey, O. (11)-83J 2x HATCH CHICKENS for pro"1- 75 P" cent and better guaranteed with "old Trusty" Incubator. Don't pay two prices; but direct. Big book free. M. M. John son, Clay Center. Neb. (11)-8S0 2x Cone, Birds, Dog and Pet. GOOD cow 17th St. for sale. A. Howltx, 619 N. (11)-M410 lx FOR SALE Fox Wolf and rabbit hounds. For particular address Turner & Rlffe, Orrlck. Mo. (1D-M517 F2x FOR SALE Cheap, Registered Red Polled cattle, consisting of bIx young cows and three bulls. Lewi Blanchard, Dakota City, Neb. (1D-M6M 9x THOROUGHBRED English bull terrier pupplea. 2910 Farnam St. Phone Harney 3939 (1D-M726 7x FINE young cow; Just freU. Center. 43d and (1D-747 I LOST AND FOUND LOST Last evening, brown pocketbook, be tween 26th St. and capuoi Ave. ami iooi Davenport; reward for return to address above. (121-697 1 LOST Silver handbag; name of Emma J. Robinson engraved on insiae; rewura iwr return to Henshaw hotel. (12) 696 lx LOST A leather wallet containing price Hats, a loose leal book ana oraer duiiiks marked Wolf ft Co.; dropped from buggy In front of Rome hotel. Finder pleawe .eturn to clerk Rome hotel and receive reward. (12) M732 2x LOST. About 26th and Hickory St., one lauy a guiu waicn ana cnaiii; uui3 nwcu B. Cochrun on Inside case; reward for re turn to 163ti So. 27th St., or 'phone Douglas 976 or Douglas 7112 t!2) 746 2 MEDICAL BEST nerv bracer for men. "Gray- Nerve Food Pill, 1 a Dox, posipaia. ene-.niau & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13) 29i ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write 10 me mairun 01 mo oiiiiiu Army Horn for Women at S824 N. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. (12) M106 irnttR mxdlral and sursical treatment at Crelghton Medical college. in ana umi enport Bt.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by coUsc professor. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Call answered, day or night. (IS) 129 DR. HUTCH IN BON Specialist of women and children. m Bun Bt- t-none j.our' la 366. 03) vTT4T.r7.iim reatoratlve: men. women children: great nerve specmc 01 tirtusn arlstocracv; quick relief, excellent re aulta: $L50 bottle. Bluenose Co., 1031 Broadway. New York. (IS) 774 2x MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS LET US IlELP YOU If yon ar In need of a little ready cash come to the OLD RELIABLE LOAN HEADQUARTERS. YOU WILL FIND our term are more reasonable than can be obtained elsewhere. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. (14) M151 DR. PRIBBENOW'B MONEY loaned ou furniture, pianos, horse, etc.. any amouut; less nail rales perieci pri vacy and Immediate attention, on any term, payment ausDended when sick or disable a. Z14 Jiaruacn uia., xu b. 10m nu (14) EAOLD LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all business confidential. K'ui Douglas. (14 94c FURNITURE, live tock salary, loana Duff Green Loan Co., room $, Barker Blk. 114) 190 MONET LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ment. Offices In (3 principal cities. Tol man, room 714, New York Life Bldg. (14)-297 Money! TO LOAN-LOW RATE In sums to $10 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 29oi UNION LOAN COMPANY. G4) 294 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loan. Foley Loan Co., 15o4 Farnam Ht. (14) 299 FOR A SQUARE DEAL OO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO. ror chattel or Salary Loans. 633 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglaa 745. (.14) ytti OFFERED JFOR RENT Boardlast asd Reoma. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (15) 3U1 DEWEY European Hotel, lttii and Farnam, (15) Soli DESIRARLE room, fine location; walking distance; excellent board. 218 So 2jth atrset. (15 M388 lx WARM front room, beautifully furnished, at Th Pleas an ton, 2324 llainey St. (16) M919 8x MODERN room, with or without board. 2611 Chicago. Tel. Douglas 621X U5) M95S 4 DESIRABLE room, fine location, waUl.ig distance, excellent board. 118 S. 26' h 81. (16)-Mj(7i 8x . Famished Rooms. FURNISHED room 1712 Jackson BL for housekeeping. (15)-MuM 6x WE IO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1628. Bchmollei ft Mueller Piano Co.. 1311-1413 Farnam. tloj $ WHAT'S the use hunting rooms T We do It for you. And It saves your time. OMAHA RENTAL COMPANY. Tel. Doug. S8K1. 808 N. Y. Life Bldg. (16) M1U IX CENTRAL, all modern, 8 fine furnished rooms; bathroom and halL 220 N. 23d. (15) M916 W find you any kind of rooms in any part of city, FREE OF CHARGE. CITY ROOM RENTAL CO.. 'Phone Red So46. M2 Bee Bldg. (It-Ma7 Ft 2218 CHICAGO Modern, partly or unfur nished double parlor, south front. Phon Kcd 6571 (1 M44S lx OFFERED FOR RENT Famished K Ooattiied. KEWLT furnished modern room. Gen tie men. I1.7&. Hit Capitol Ave. Ui MS6 lx EXCEPTIONALLY warm, clean, beauti fully furnished large rooma; very reason, able; private home; with us of 'phone. 1919 Cas. (15) 633 VERY desirable room, fine location, walk ing distance. &S So. 2Mb St. lf M.lh9 lx FOR RENT Large, beautifully furnished room for gentleman; modern, with run ning water, ltf So. Mlh St. . (16 MM 4x FIRST CLAPS furnished rooma; modern bouse. Mutt Cass St. Tel. Red 6226. (16)-M7 In cold weather like thla HUNTING ROOMS I disagreeable and tiresome. lrt ua do It for you. OMAHA RENTAL COMPANY, m N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Doug. 3S81. (16) 925 2x $218 CHICAGO Modern, partly or unfur- nlahed, double parlor, south front. Tel. Red 6578. (16) M930 I FOR RENT $1 per week, room for gentle man; no other roomer. 634 S. 24th Ave. (15) S70 $ LARGE front room, with small bedroom adjoining; furnace heat and gas; good place; $5. Alao other rooms. 218 N. 19th. (15) M9o0 8x NICE large parlor; steam heat. 2316 Doug la. (16) M979 4x NICELY furnished rooms; modern; walk ing distance. 29 So. 26th St. (In) 9R0 2x FOUR rooma, furnished. 170S Clark. (16) M973 Sx Vnt arnlaked nooma. FOUR rooms, well lighted, water, gas, bath ana ciosei; possession renruary 1 2216 Burt. (15) 426 Fix FOUR modern rooms; furnace, parlor floor. near park. iw . asm. (16) 61 FOR RENT Three or six room: modern with heat; Martls block, lttth and Web ster. Inquire engineer of building. (15) M724 9x FOUR rooms In residence No. 3X02 North 17th Pt. Exclusive bath room. Tel. Web ster 81GB. (15) M974 x Apartments sad Flats, 1 i . FOR RENT Modern 4-room, steam heated semi-basement flat in tne uunsany (loth and Pleroe Sts.). Conrad Young, agt., 1618 Dodge, tel. uoug. ju.i. (15)-M39a THREE-ROOM flat, 1828 No. 17th St., $; 4-room apartment, ih2i io. lxtn St., $8; C. M. Bactimann, 436 faxton Block. (15) M0I6 FOR RENT 1 4-room flat, 29th Ave and Douglaa St. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Phone Douglas 66tiZ. (15) M735 6-ROOM flat, partly modern. 1112 Farnam, 8-room flat, partly modern, 1701 turning. F. D. WEAD, 18th and farnam. (15) 962 2 600 S 26TH Ave., f-r., modern flat, oak finish, hot water heat, combination llgiits. $46. 2312 N. 21st St., 7-r., modern flat, furnace. Has and bath. J-'d. HASTINGS & HEVDEN, 1704 Farnnm 6t (15) MUM) i 8-ROOM brick flat, modern, In best resi dence district, 31X0 Pacific St. Inquire of owner, laus b. jkiin Ave. i-none iiarney S2S3. M. Kellner. (15) M Housekeeping Rooma. BEAUTIFUL south parlor, kitchen and sleeping room, 244 Harney. Telephone Douglaa 6300. (16) 941 ROOMS for Ught housekeeping; modern house; light and heat. 2636 Davenport. (16)-M618 4x TWO nicely furnished room, light house, keeping. 416 N. 23d. (15)-MO3 lx BEAUTIFULLY furnished, all modern team heated room (aiwaya warm). 218 N. 23d St. (16) M657 6 Furnished Houae. NEW 6-room house, furnished, to couple without children, ior two or three month references required. Address K 921, care Bee. (15) Mfiu6 lx Houae and Cottage. TTnTTKF ,n n PrtT of th city. Crelgh Bon & Co., Bee Bldg. a5)-m BALL room and lodge rooms. Fraternity nan, ibis Harney, opp. fuoiic imrary. Bee Janitor. (16) 188 HOUSES, flats, Garvin Bro., 1604 Farnam. (15) 318 FOR RENT -room house, new and mod ern, 8009 Dewey Ave.. $32. R. H. LANDER YOU. Tel. Doug 2151. 442 Beard of Trade, (15) MtW7 1 6 ROOM modern house, 2423 Spencer St. $22.60 per month. Key Ilrat door west. (151912 2 EIGHT ROOMS, modern except furnace, 223 Ohio St., vacant February 12, $26 per month. 6 rooms, gas and city water, with barn 2420 Hamilton bt.. lis per month. M. J. KENNARD A CO., 309-10 Brown Blk. (15) M!j 3 FRATERNITY HALL, 18th and Harney new, clean, grouna rioor, Dan room; no liquor allowed; $15. U0 a night. N. P, Dodge ft Co. Tel. Doug. 829 or Ind. A2829, or see Janitor. (15) M424 HOUSEHOLD goods packed forwarded cheap freight ratea, moving and storing Expressmen's Delivery Co., Tel. Doug. 94. (iaj a.a OMAHA VAN ft Storage Co., pack, move, store H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-21 N. lit 11, Office, 16U9 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 159. Mggard Van ft Storage Co., 171$ Webster. (16; oX FIVE nice rooms on ground floor; modern except heat. 919 No. 1.7 Ui St. (15) M621 2x FOR RENT 8-room cottage; houfe mod ern. 3031 Marcy street; $.'7. Apply to C. L. Thomas, room 412 Bee building. (16) 638 4-ROOM cottage, 2503 Franklin St. (15) 976 6-ROOM flat. 18u8 N. 22d St. Good condi tion. Rent reasonable. Water paid, 'phone Harney 2766. (15) 704 2x FOR RENT. $15.00 6-room, nice mouern flat, and large barn. 1M1 Lake St. 118 00 6-rooin. modern flat. 12ol J4tli St. $25.tu 6-room, modern cottage. 521 No. lhth at. 90o 4-room flat. 27o6 Burt Pt. $8.tio 3-room flat. 119 Claik St. ROBIN bUN 6c WOLF, 435 l'axiun liio. x. tD-MOtf f FOU KENT 6-room cottage; (jood Cfilnr; tasl from; sujUi part of cry; $13 ;,.' month. C M. Uachinunn, 436 37 PuXluii Bik. Tel. Red 2to9. tl6)-tt HOI SK8. lnauiauce. Rlngwalt. Barker Blk. (1 5 ais VrnT7S'I',S in a" trt of the city. Peters UJiiU FOR RENT One new 7-room all modern brick house, 2220 Cass St. Apply 511 N. 23d Bt. (15) M940 3 FOR RENT 6-room cottage, '413 Ju..k.,.n -in jai Kion mi.; ciiy water ana gaa; will give year leuae to good tennant. Inquire 2716 Bi rt Bt. (15) 941 -ix EIGHT-ROOM, modern, (27.50. Mcl.'ague Co. stable, central, (!5 M9S6 3x GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT. 4115 DoiIku Bt., 7 rooma. brand new, $40. 2.48 IveiiMirl St., 8 rooms $20. 3715 N. 2oth St., 6 rooms, 120. 978 North 27th Ave., t rooms, $15. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 10(2 FARNAM ST. (15)-9C1 2 FOR RENT House H8 Dewey Ave., after Feb. 15. Moyer Stationery Co., 1616 Far nam Bt. (15) Mb I 9-ROOM modern brick house, facing Hana com park; large lot. D. Wead IsOl Farnam St. (15)-M64 OFFERED FOR RENT Haw uad Cottage Co tlaued. 114 N. S7th Bt.. room, bath, sewer, ater. $18. SM9 N. 29th PL. t rooms, modern except heat, $20. iu6 Parker St.. T room, city water and gaa. $1K. 3918 N. 28th St., 6 rooma, modern except heat, $22. i B atth Bt., rooms, moonrn, oax finish, $40. 2217 Iake Bt., 7 rooma. moaern. ;. 4233 Burdette St., room and bam, mod ern except heat, $25. 9: N. T7tn Avi., u rooma, moaern, ow. 3T13 Sherman Ave.. T room, modern ex cept heat, $26. I.i21 Wirt Bt., rooms, modern, rurnace. gaa, electric light, bath, full cement base ment, ateel range. 132.60. 3334 Bimuldlng St., $ rooms, batn, gaa, city Water, $18. J213 N. 21st St.. rooms, modern, furnace. gas, bath, full cement baeement, $HX HASTINGS ft HEYDKN, 17o4 Farnam St. (In) 9t"i 3 WM. K. POTTER. $01 Brown Blk. A few choice properties that muat be aold aa fo lowa: Weat 22 feet lot 7, block 89, Omaha. 1311 oodge Bt. Tract of land 125x24a feet at SRth and Daven port: fine. Good 7-room houae. 2T37 N. 18th Pt. Good 7-room houae. 8819 Franklin ft. Good 7-room house. 1X8 Burdette Bt. Two good aeven-room houses. 2639-41 Pat rick Ave. Lots IS and 14, block 5, Ames Placn. West S lots 12 and 13, block S, Donovan's sun. Ixt 5, block 131, South Omaha. North 4 of s lot 8 and 9. block 1. Jet- ter's addition. Lot 13, block 8. first addition to So. Omaha, (19) M!K8 609 So. 26th Ave., 7-room, modern flat. oak finish, hot water heat, combination lights, $46. 2606 Sherman Ave.. 6-room. new. modern fat, lat floor maple finish; furnace, com bination lights, $12.50. 7212 No. Zlst Bt.. 7-room moaern flat: furnace, gas and bath, $26. HASTINGS ft HE YUEN, 1704 Farnam St., (16) M646 21c9 So. 20th Ave.. 4 rooma, city water. $11 7i8 No. 28th Ave., 4 rooma. $8. 21st A Vinton, 4 rooms, city water, $12. 323 No. 9'th, 6 rooms, city water. $15. 2420 So. Itith, 6-room flat; gas. $12.50. 224 No. 25th, 8- room modern flat. $47.50. 2t'C6 Capitol Ave.. 9-room modem flat: barn. $27.50. 223 No. 24th, 6 rooms: bath, gas. etc. $20. 717 So. 31st. 7 rooms, modern. $20. 535 80. 2tith Ave., 6-room modern flat. $30. 2117 Emmet, 6 rooma; city water. $15. 3011 Franklin, 6 rooms; cooking gas. $14. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1506 Dodge St. (15) 702 2 HOUSES FOR RENT. 1317 So. 32nd St., 8-r., modern, very neat and attractive Inside, on Hanacom car line. city. moo. 823 So. 26th Ave.. 7-r., all modern, close in, reduced to $.12.50. 960 No. 2;th St., 6-r.. modern except fur nace. Good bouse, nenrly new, $20.00. STORES FOR RENT. 1816 Harney. 511x20 and basement, a snap at $10.00, or will alter to suit tenant on right terms. 603 80. 13th, $40.00. 6116.S0. l:ith, with baaement, $0.CO. 1307-9 Howard, 3 atores and baaement, double brick, attltnble lor Jobbing or plumbing office, $150.00. N. P. DODGE ft CO., 1714 FARNAM. U5 947 3 6-ROOM house, '25116 S. 2ith Ave.; city water. 6-room house, 1933 a. 3uth Ave.; city water. 6-room house, modern, 2536 Hamilton. 6- room house, modern, 3T60 Farnam. 7- room house, 2 lots, 2866 Maple. 7-room house, modern, and barn, 954 N. 25th. 9- room house, modern, and barn, 950 N. 25th. 10- room house, modern, steam heat, 2472 Harney. F. D. WEAD, 18th and Farnam. (15)-963 2 GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT. 1337 80. 27th, nearly new 6-room modern house: good repair. $25. 2472 Harney, 10 room, modern; hot water heat; good for rooma. $00. 4101 Farnam, 7-room, barn. $30. 331 No. 41st, new 6-room, modern. $30. 4223 Douglas; 8 rooma, modern. $27.50. 2219 Beward. 6-room cottage. $17. 1308 No. 24th, 6-room flat, bath. $15. 2714 No. 25th, good 6-room house. $16. 8317 Dewey Ave., 6-room cottage. $15. 2321 80. liith, 6-room flat. $12.50. 210 So. 28th Ave., 4 rooms. $7. . GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM ST. (la)-Mt80 S $20 PER MONTH. 623 Pierce St., 6-room cottage, good repRlr. $20 per month, 718 N. 30th St., 5-room mod ern cottage. $35 per month, 823 H. 25th Ave., 7-room modern houae. $42.50 per month, 1511 S. 29th St., 8-room modern house. $65 per month, 2626-28 Harney St., new 10- room modern House. GEORGE ft CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. (15)-M740 2 29TH, NEAR Jackson, 8-room all modern barn: fine location. 720 N. 23d, corner Burt, 9-room all modern, near Crelghton College. 40th and Burl, 8 rooms, all modern, paved street, on farnam ear. 2020 Maple, 9 rooma, all modern, oak finish near boulevard, one block from park line, 10 rooma, modern except heat. See thla. 2453 S. 17th, near Vinton, 5 rooms, water, gaa. O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE COMPANY, 10U1 IS. y. Ltle tildg. (16)- 2236 Charlca St., 6 rooms, $16. 2134 N. 21st, 6 rooms, modern, $18. 702 N. 5ot h, water heat, 18. 6 team heat, 2 to 6 rooms. JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. (16)-92 S SEVEN-ROOM house on S. 26th bt., gua and electric lights; cistern; city water in Kitchen; fruit and large lawn. lei. Hai ncy 2119. (15) MSS Sx 6i4 SOUTH 27th St.. 12 rooms, steam heat rurnace. strictiy modern. UK). 6-r. strictly modern, steam heated flat at and NlcholasSia. 2522 ReeB St., rear, 3-room house, $6 per month. $25, blacksmith shop with complete Bet of tools and 6-room cottage In first-class condition; privilege to purchase later. BEMIS. PAXTON BLOCK. (15)-7O0 WHAT'S THE USE of printing d large Hat of houses when It's too colli to look at them. We have the best llHt In Omaha and during this month will make tempting Inducement to anyone who will rent now. Aa soon aa the weather clears up be sure to come In and consult ultli us. PAYNE. BOSTW1CK ft CO., The Rental Men, Main Floor. New York Life Bldg. (D- STRICTLY MODERN SNAP Tenant of f(M No. 21st St. haa Just left city and atitiioilxes us to make a special price on this house until leave expires May 1. Tills la something really swell, t-room, strictly modern and very easy walking distance. Hce ua qjlck. PAYNE. UOSTWICK ft CO.. Main Floor. New York Life Bldg. C5;- $:2.ot 3u31 go 21st. 6-room modern, new; near car; wuu.r paid. $2'j.0o &C5-7-9 So. List, 6 and 6-room mod ern; near car; water paid. $15 27i)o Caldwell St.. water and Closet; 6 rooms. $141103 So. 12th; 6-room; water. PETERS TRUST CO., Phone D. S98. Main Floor N. Y. Ufa. (15)- " FOR RENT. " $15.00 5-rnom, nice modern flat, barn. 1X11 Lake St. and large Jlk.iJO 6-room. modern flat. 12C4 24th St. ' 9 00 4-room flat. 27 Burt St. 1 . . , ,,,,0 , i,.u ci ROBINSON ft WoLF, 42o Paxton Blk. (16I-M987 t FOR RENT New brick. 2cm; Dewey Ave., 7 rooms, hot water heat. R. II. LAND EH YOU. Tel. Doug. 2151. 442 Board of Trade. (15) Mwi 1 FOR RENT Six-room cottage In good re pair; modern except heat, $22.50 per month. 2..13 L street. South Omaha. Con rad Young, 1518 Dodge Bt. Tel. Douglas 157L (15) 746 FOR RENT Eight-room, modern sou, 414 N. 81 st St.. $36. THOMAS BRENNAN, Rpom 1, New York Lit Building. lAi-m OFFERED FOR RENT ne aad Cattaaje Cautlaued. 4-nOOM house end barn. 4d William Pt.. In rear. $13; ( rooma on second floor, Jfct'i and Parker St., $14. Chris Beyer. fJd and Cuming. (1..1 lit) rOR BF.NT-Nw 8-room brick house, v cant Feb. 1; modern snd complete In every respect at 1.M1 8 29th Pt. Inquire of the owner at 15ol S. ?9lh St (16) -$70 Bulldlug. WHOLESALE IXATION. We have two laxg modern bulldlnga in center of wholesale district which can he leased for term of yeara at very reason able rental. GEORUU ft CO.. 1601 FARNAM PT. (15) M73 $ Office. TWO fine, large orfle suites In th Con tinental block; choice location for physi cian or dentist. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. $0 First National Bank Building. tl!-Sl . OWING TO consolidation of office with warehouse, the corner office In Wead building, occupied by Weir Co.. may be rented. (15) M6.'9 1 DESK rem for rent: reasonable use of both "pi-.onea. 623 Bee Bldg. (16) 159 DESIRABLE desk room In Bee building. with free use of phone and vault; handy to elevator; price, $8.00. Phone Doug. 469S. (15) M692 3 SUITE of nice offices 'n the Omaha Na tional Hank B'.dg. lvne DourIiis 2:w. L. D. Bpauldlng. Rupt. 15) M9:I4 10 Stares. S-STORY and basement, 22xliO. 1PP3 Far nam. Apply 814 First Nat I Bank Bldg. 115) M.VS7 1127 FARNAM 8T, 20x 00 feet, good bas ment and brick atorage room In rear, fsj per month. GEORGE ft CO., 1901 FARNAM PT. (15) M738 2 l-STORY and basement budding on Fnr- nam Bt., adj. M. E. mitn ury uoons to., bet. 9th and 10th Sta. ; equipped with an levator, fireproof vault. R. R. trackage and loading platform. F. D. Wead, 1M)1 Farnam St., Tel. Doug. 1529. io)-M137 MODERN atore room In new Scargo Bld., 24th Bt.. South Omaha, P. O. Block hall. 817 Flrat Nat Bldg. 'Phone Red 74(i. U5)-MU9 1812 Harney St., 32x100, one or two stories; suitable for storage, garage, laundry, etc. S. S. Cnrtla. 1808 Harney. la M739 1101 N. 18th St., $25. Bemls, Paxton Block. ( la) oi'tf 107 8. 15th, steam heat. 192 N. 24th, brick. $26. JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. (15) 893 2 OFFERED FOR SALE Fencing. ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing 6c per foot. 206 N. 17th St. Tel. Red K14. (16; -322 Plane, Organs, Musical Instruments, GOING AWAY, $300 UPRIGHT PIANO CHEAP. 415 N. 23d St. (lli)-M958 F20 Typewriter and Sewing; Machine. FOR SALE High gride second-hand type writer; good condition; a bargain at .'50. Call room 6o3. Bee Bldg. tltf) 671 WB HAVE a new Fox typewriter taken In on a trade and used two months In completing Borne extra work. Our force haa been cut down and rather than have the machine around when It la not in uae we will aell It at a great hargHin. Ad dreas B SM, care of Bee. (16)-rM33- lx ALMOST new standard $100 typewriter for sale at a great sacrifice If taken at once. 441 Brandels Bldg. (16) 642 FH8 TYPEWRITERS Royal, visible, $65, beats any $100 machine. Typewriter for rent, all makes, sold on payments, repaired. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 1607 Farnam. (16) M927 Mchl M lacellaneous. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments Brunswick-Balk Collendar. 407 S. 10th St. (16) 32 ti GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, most up-to-date atock at lowest prlcea in the city, select now. Delivered when needed. Inspection Invited. BURUESS GRANDEN CO., $13 8. 15th dt. Tel. Doug. 681. (lti)-M537 ONE No. 47 National cash register, total adder, good as new; one No. 140 latest style Dayton computing scale; one ii'iO gallon self-measuring "Bowser" oil tank; one dried fruit caae; one glass cigar case; one floor show caae. Address Y 1!2, care Bee. (14) 616 FOR BALE 1,500 feet second-hand wire cable. W. H. Bridges, engineer Bee Bldg. (16) M4C3 x DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (16) 325 IOWA Farm Mortgages for salt. Secured on farms In southwestern Iowa. Five year loans at 6 per cent Interest. Squlr ft Annla. 101 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs. Ia. (16) M266 FeblOx SECOND-HAND overcoat and Blnger, 416 N. 16th. firearms. 116) 329 COAI All kinds flee delivered same day as you order, Rosenblatt's coal yard. Tel. Iloug. 412. Retail dept., clean nut coal, 6 bu. for $1. Ofii-M2t57 BEND U8 your mail orders for drugs: freight paid on $10 lot. Myers-Plllon Drug Co., Omaha. (181324 HALL'S safeH, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Fa 1 nam. tltij-'wl DAYTON COMPUTING SCALE at a bar gain. 308 N. 16h St (16J-191 Feb8 FOR BALE Several ahow cases, new pen nut roaster, large cotfee mill, two large automatic oil tank and store fixtures, too ncneroua to mention. Globe La. id and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. (161327 HOMEOPATHIC remedlea, wholesale, re tail. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge Bt., Omaha, Neb. tl) 3 8 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co. 116.1-2.10 HAY $1 per ton. Wagner. 801 N. (W- 16th. -332 MEDIUM ate aafe. with steel chest. 14'J Douglaa Bt. (10) M253 lx FOR SALE HO tons of first -class baled liuj. J. M. Fox, Gretna, Neb. (16)-632 2 FOR SALE One quick-meal stcd r.inge, nearly new; a Dargaln if taken at onc. 4o)2 Farnam Bt. 1 16) 6.1 1 FOR SALE A parctlcally new steel rango, with water front; alao gas range and t,a healer, 2429 Emmet bt. Tel. Webster 4212. (lj)-670 1 SODA FOUNTAIN, $io0; cost new $2,100. H. L. Mauzy, Plattsmuulh, Neb. (16)-4 2x LET US sell lands, etc. your stocks, bonds, timber Write, giving Information. prices wanted; legitimate proportion onlv. J. F. Weathers, 1123 Broadway. New York. (16.) 76s 2x TEN lovely postals. 25c; silk, floral, with greetings and your name beautifully frosted, perfumed; entrancing love scenes. Easter, etc. American Art Co., Weat Haven, Conn. (16) 776 2x BURN A8HKS Out coal bill In two, make preparation yourself, coat almost noth ing, gives more heat and burns brighter than coal. 1 send packi-t material and formula for &c. 11 Flclsclimanu. Uaug Delmar, Bt. Louis. lo) V 2x FOR SALE Invalid chair. In good condi tion, cheap. Inquire 223 Chi. ago St., or telephone Webster 4032. (16) M'Jul 2x FOR BALE Job lot men's linen collar, 800 dosen, all In saleable condition. A snap ior some enterprising man or wvmoo. Aaarea o 41. oaf Bee. OFFERED FOR SALE MIeellaaeu'onlluaed. A COMPLETE st. eleven Volumes, of "Messagi-s and t'apere of the Ihresldenta, half bound In momcoo; brand new; will sell cheap. Addreaa G DM, Hi. !1S-!W tt COWBOY GIRLS postcards, 10 color, embossed samplea. 10c; affinity rhecK samples. 10c. Peerless Supply Co 194 Broadway, N. Y. (16) 977 Sx PATENTS D. O. BARNELL. Paxton Blk., Tel. Red Till. (1J KU LARSON ft CO. Book fre. Neville BMg. (17) 24 TATENTS THAT PROTECT I book fof Inventor mailed on receipt of c poatagn. R. 8. ft A. B. l-acey. rooma 29-S9 Paclf'a Bldg , Washington, D. C Established 186$. U7-ii II. A. Bturges. 619 N. Y. L. Tel. Doug. S461 ' (171-672 F14X PERSONAL MVfJMF.TTH treatment and bath. Mm. AU1NL(X1V Bmlth. U8 N. loth, id fir. Cli) 8b0 LIEBEN, costumer, 1410 Howard, open ev. tl9) 340 THE SALVATION ARMY solicit cast-off clot '.ling; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and aell at 134 N. 11th ft., fur cost cf collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'phont Doug. 4136 and wagon will calL (18) 786 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; oul tulcea. Bend tor free catalogue. Myera illlon Drug Co.. Omaha. (18) 32$ YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha aa trangere are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association room 1616 Farnam St.. where they will b di rected to suitable boarding place of otherwise assisted. (18) tit WE RENT, repair, aell needle for old sewing machines. Neb. Cycl Co., Cor. lulh and llainey. (18) 837 xi t c-C A 1 1 1. and baths. Room S, 1204 atiikJkJiu" Farnam St., 2d floor. (18)-M74$ Fl A HOME for women during Confinement, W find homes for babies where mothers cannot care for them. Mother Lea, 4ol Bancroft St. 'Phou Douglas 1921. U8) i26 Fb9x PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mra, Dr. King. 1324 N. 24th. TeL Web. Soo. (18) 338 OMAHA Stammerer's Institute, Ramg Bulldog. (16)-339 HEADy CARTERS of the great rhcuma tlsm and neuralgia remedy, Jo-He Oil. permanently located, 309 Karbach block, 16th ft Doug. Bts. T. B. Forgy, Gen'l Agt, (18)-M724 FebW APPLY Batln Skin Cream to wet skin, wip dry. Secures tatlny, smooth akin. 26a. (18)- Sl'PERFLUOl'S II AIR, warts and mole permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Mia Allcnder, 624 Bee Bldg. (1S)- I WANT to find whereabout of William Fenwlsk Aklns. list heard from him h WHS In Omaha. Neb. Any Information will be thankfully received by William Sherman Fisher, Bowden, Alta, Canada. (18) MS99 lx w 1 WANTED-By a refined looking middle age gentleman, acquaintance of maid or widow of the true description, with means; Protestant; no triflers. Addres Y 226. care Bee. (18) M894 4x LADIES Regularity tablet ave worry; never fail. Whatever tho cause, tney win be " a friend in need." Box $1, Circular free. Write at once. Sioux City Drug ft Remedy Co.. Sioux City. Ia. (18) 807 2x GOOD, new double brick flat on paved street, permant sidewalk, splendid rental, property for sale by owner, very cheap. Address 8 876, care Bee. (19) 805 2x GIRLHOOD BliOOM The most natural coloring for cheeks and lips In the world, absolutely harmless, cannot be detected even In sunlight. Send 26c for trial bot tle. Girlhood Bloom Co., 1710 Michigan Ave., Chicago. 18)-M820 8x LADIES Interested In perforated pattern for embroidery; most wonderful offer; exceptional opportunity to make money. Write Immediately. Aatarlta, designer, 429 6th Ave.. New York. (18) 818 2x MARRIAGE PA PER Highest character: incorporated; 11th year; 8,009 members; paper scaled; send 10c. R. K Iive. Box 1600, Denver. Colo. (18) 812 2x LAD I EH Write us regarding a great scalp cleanser Hml hair beuuUrler; catalogue of specialties free. I. H. Emmons ft Co., 639 Eye St., N. E, Washington. D. C. (18) 770 2x WANTED Lady acquaintance by a gentle man, a bachelor, 38 yeara of age; good habits, good business connections. Ad dress Lock Box 840, Omaha, Neb. 081-M935 Sx OMAHA OPTICAL INSTITUTE. 835 New Brandels Bldg. The most dif ficult eye testing for glasses free. (lsi-Rfi!) 2x REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE) DEALERS. PAYNE INV. Douglas 1781. CO.. 1st floor N. Y Lift, (li341 GEORGE & CO. 1C01 Farnam. Tel. Dourla 7M. l)-4? PETERS TRUST CO.. N. Y. Llf Bldg. (1)-S4J CITY 1'ROPEtlTY FOB SAI-E AMERICAN INVESTORS CORPORATION GH3 Brandels Building. Telephone Douglas 2194. BUSINESS PROPERTY FARM LANDS. RESIDENCE PROPERTY, VACANT LOTS. $3.000 Fine modern 6-room cottage, 414 8. 2Mli Bt. Beautiful home at mod erate price. Only $00 cash; balance 1, 2 and 3 years. Would make a fine investment, as It rents readily for $27.50 per month. Fronts on asphalt street, within easy walking dlsiauoo of business section. $4.800 Large 7-room modern home, $515 Dodge Bt. Lot CX140. A nicely planned and well constructed house, with good material throughout. Rents for $10 per month. Term, H cash; balance 1, 2 and 3 years. $6,520 The mofct desirable vacant Corner on West Earnam, southeast Corner 3Mh and Farnam Bts.; 87 feet on Farnam, 137 feet on 38th. May bi cut for convenience Into 8 or 4 beau tiful residence lots. Look at It and you will buy It. 119) 969 2 $2,750.00 BUYS IT A good house In the west part of th city. In the growing district near 42d anj Douglaa; 8-room, all modern house, on a full lot. Look this up. SIUMER & CHASE, 1609 Farnam. Douglas 3X'7. (19) $4.250 BEAUTIFUL 8-room all modern home In Bemls Park; hot water heat, paved street, good stable, fine, large lot. 1 A YN K I N VESTM ENT CO. Tel. Doug. 1781. 1st Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. (19)- $:j,goo.oo Strictly modern 8-room house at 36th and Charles Bts.; large attic, full cemented basement; cement stone foundation; ' oak floors downstairs; full glass oak front door; Just completed and ready to occupy, G. W. GAR LOCH, 3310 Hamilton Bt. OVl-TO tx $500 CASH Balance Same As Rout New t-room house, on block from car, modern In every respect; has vestlbul, parlor, dining room, nice kitchen, pantry, two bedrooms and bath. This must be seen to b appreciated. C. l TRAVER 'Phon Red CO. 426 N. Y. IJf. hi4l-tA