Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 6, Image 14

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Want - ads
Adrertlee-meuta for the want a
fKlimii will k taken anlll IS m. for
the rTralx edition and until n a. m.
for the Mornl anil Xaadar edHlona,
rank maul trriinptnr all ordre for
wml aria mil na Mirrllmml will
he KrrrptrH for Iraa thin 10 rrali far
first Insertion.
Rain upplr fa either The Dally or
Sunday Her.
, Always rami six words to a line.
Combinations of Initiate or numbers
roaat ua ona word.
rn n atf.s pm wajit am,
Inaertlon, per line, 10 crate. Two or
more rouaerutlre laarrtloaa, prr llnr,
41 rent. Karh Inaertlon made on odd
dara, 10 rrili prr liar. $1,110 prr
llnr prr month.
onr advertisement la Inaerted under
any ( of the claaalflratlona (Irrn
below, It will be charged at the fol
low In a; rateai One Inaertlon, 4 rents
per llnei thrre to als ronaeeatlve In
arrtlona, .1 rente per line each Inner
Hon aeven or more ronaeeutlve Inacr
tlona, 2 renta per line earh Inaertlon
SO renta per line per month.
Except Agents, Solleltora and Mules
Cows, Bird, Di( and Pete,
lloraea and Vehicles.
Poultry and Eggs.
Typewriters and Sewing; Machlaes.
Planoa, Organs and Mualrul Inatru
Farnlahed Rooms.
I nfnrnlahed Ronma. (
Housekeeping Rooma.
Aoardlna; and Rooma.
Want ada for The Bee mar be left
at any of the following- draac stores -one
la "yonr corner drnata-lat" they
are all branch offices of The Bee and
yoar ad will ba Inserted last as
promptly and on the same ratea as at
the main office In The Bee Building,
Seventeenth nnd Farnam Streets.
Albach, V. C, 40th and Fnrnam.
Beranek, S. A.. 1402 8. ltith Bt.
Bocht Pharmacy, 720 8. ltith Bt.
Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb.
Rentls Park Phar-iaey, 33d and Cuming.
Blake's pharmacy, 218 Hhrrnmn Ave.
Caughlln, C. It., 6th and Ilerce Bts.
Clifton 11111 Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave.
Conte, J. B., 31st Ave. and 1'iirnam.
Crlssoy Pharmacy, 24th and Lake Sis.
. Cermak. Emll. 1204-6 8. 13th St.
Eastman Pharmacy. 2802 I,eavenWorth.
Foster A Arnoldl, 213 N. 25th Bt.
Freytag. John J.. 1914 N. 241 h.
Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb.
Goldman Phurmacy, 20th and Lake.
Green's Pharmacy,' corner Park Ave. and
Oreenough, O. A., 1025 8. 10th Bt.
OrecnouglA Q. A., 1K24 8. 10th Bt.
Hayden, Wm. C, 29JO Farnam St.
Hariscom Park Pharmacy, 1501 8. 20th
Hoist, John. 624 N. 16th Bt.
Huff, A. I... 2924 !nvcnWorth St.
King, . B., 223 Farnam Bt.
Kountze IMaco Pharmacy, 3H04 N. 24th.
Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 24th Bt.
J.athrop, Charles K., 1324 N. 24th Bt.
i Peyton, L. E., 24th and Leavenworth.
Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Amea Ave.
Hchaefer's Cut Price Drug Co., 16th and
Schaefer, August, 2031 N. lth 8t.
Schmidt. J. !., 24th and Cuming Bts.
Storm Pliarmncy, 16th and Martha 81"
Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming.
Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace.
' Worth, O. 11.. 40th and Hamilton Bts.
CAMERON Mr-. Janice, a native of Puth,
tnoiland, January ji. hi . tars.
Funeral Sunday, February 2,, from her
oldest Bun'a residence, Jnuina Cameron, 2114
Harney, to Forest Law, cemetery.
HEUCK Walter T.. beloved son of Mr. and
Mra. Theodore Heuck, Saturday evening,
aged IS years, 3 mouths, 12 days.
Funeial Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock,
from residence, 1625, Lothrop street. Inter
ment, Forest Lawn cemetery.
LUCKK Mrs. Amalla F., nged S6 years.
Funeral from residence, loutt Amea ave
nue, Sunday at 2 p. in. Interment Luurel
Hill cemetery.
The following marriage licenses have
been Issued:
Name arid Address. Age
Earl H Kendall, Omaha Jst
Addle C. Palmer, Omaha 29
Births Ralph Whlted, 2715 North Twenty
sixth, girl; Edgar LeCrone, 201 North
'f wentlein, boy ; Ham J. Cuffiuan, lww
8ou;li Twenty-second, glii.
Deaths Caroline Schweherg, 1923 South
Eighteenth, 72; Mrs. Cameron, 1617 North
Twenty-ninth, 71; Arthur Mitchell, Child
Saving Institute, 3 months; Jennie Graves,
2223 California, 61; Mary J. Dunn, 3921
North Twenty-fourth, 40; Susan Alii.o
Orrm, 2619 Harney, 60.
SEND for our lint of second-hand automo
bllea. DER1GHT. 1818 Farnam. i2)-4,-,4
FIRlfl 8TONB Auto tlrea at KarbaclVs
(2) M913 March 1
FOR SALE OR TRADE-7-paeengar Pan
hard touring car, perfect condition, full
equipment, coat JlO.l"); sell 36,110 or trade
4or Improved tch! estate or farm. Box
807, Worcester, Muss.
Have a good mining stock to trade. What
bavu you 7 L 6U4, cars Bee. U) 166
NEW. up-to-date 50-barrel mill for cheap
land; good trade; good shipping facilities
with side track. Owner not a miller. Fur
particulars address Y 73, care Oinulia Bee
l3 M .'! lo
I HAVE aeveral small diamonds, good
white atones, will trade for office furni
ture or something 1 can usej must huve
some cash. E Vlu. caru Bee.
- t3V M635 FIB
FOR EXCHANGE Some first-class In
come property In Omaha and Council
Bluffs to exchange, for indue.
HOi S. 18th HI, Omaha. Neb. "
13 MIoSJ
TRADKB, TRADES If you have aome
thlng for aale or trado write ua; we
match everything.
401 Bee Bldg.
(3) MJ25 F24
FOR BALE Or trade. 640-acre rsnchin
Brown county, Neb.; will at 11 for cash
or trade for town property, hardware,
Implements or merchandise to amount
of land. Price, lu per acre. Write to
Anderson Bros., Spencer, Neb.
(3) M728
HAVE 11) acres good Nebraska land,
would sell or trade for general merchan
dise or hardware stock. Address Y zil,
care Bee. ill MTtnl lux
"VANTED to Bell, 640 acres good Nebraska
land or would consider trade on town
property. Address Y 223 tare Bee.
(3 M7UD lox
TO FXCHANOE 160 arm. elegant rich
black Ituid. Codlngion county. 8. l; lio
acre, mortgage i.4tO. loag time. Mather
4 Company, Cedar IUtplda, la.
t3)-19 8
IF YOU hava any good projwrty that you
will exchange for other gimd property
send ua description. Our LiiMiima is to
match It. The Nebraska Trading Co ,
Vork, Neb. ix
Commonrp to attonrt our srliool to
morrow. It will bo "today" tomorrow.
A large number of students have al
ready made arrangement to enter to
morrow and new claitsen will be started
In all departments. When next fall
arrives you will be a thorough-going
stenographer, bookkeeper or telegra
pher. You will be ready to step into
any opening In the line for which you
have qualified ydurself for at Boyles
College Just at the time when the most
and best openings in every line occur.
Send for our catalogue, or, befter
yet, pay us a visit tomorrow.
Day and Night.
H. n. IIOYLES. President.
Official Training School U. P. K. R.
Telegraph Department.
Which i Offer Fof ,
It is fully paid for, but on account of
sickness, I cannot use it. If you con
template attending that school, you can
buy a scholarship cheap by addressing
B-896, care Bee.
THE CITY GARBAGE CO., office 4th and
Leavenworth Bts. Tel. Douglas 13S7.
8IUN PAINTING 8. H. COLE, 192 Doug,
las.- . (1) 4i3
TO EXCHANGE Stocks of goods, farm,
lan'ls. business and residence properties,
ranches, hotels, flouring mills, elevators,
lumber ynrdM, etc.; largest exchange list
of any firm In the state. Call or send Us
full description of what you have to
exchange. Can match most any deal.
Mather & Company, Cedar HapMs, la.
(3; 20 i
oroaen innadian land tunenc.utnhered),
one-half mllo from town on C. P. R.. three
miles from town on Grand Trunk K.,
twelve miles from one of the lnrgest cities
In the. northwest territory, surrounding
land selling for from fJOsto $30 an acre,
for exchange for Nebraska or Iowa furm
land, or hnuroved city property, or equi
ties In either. Address, W-9JJI, care Bee.
(3)-l8 2x
For a private hospital, boarding or room
ing potise; n, rooms; painted; all mod
ern; two-story; built 6 years ago; house
82xfiO; two lots 13x130 feet; for sale or
exchange. 1S119 8. 13th Bt., city. (3)
CASH REGISTER for sale cheap, or trade.
vowi iiHve your AaureBB j HoJ, care
Bee. (3 929 2x
TO EXCHANGE for Jewelry, !W0 mort
gage on Harpy t'o. farm. Address H.
W. Howe, Humboldt, Neb.
(3)-897 2x
Restaurant In St. Louis. Mo.: fine loca
tion, long lease; good manager In charge;
netting IJOO per month. Price, $3.'0. What
have you to offer In exchange., Would pre
fer Nebraska proiwrty.
Acre Specialist.
934 New York Life Building.
FOR SALE All or part Interest In small,
esiaoiiHiica nusinews; .can ne handled
from anywhere; retails to farhiers,
wholesnles to jobbers and merchants;
excellent seller; other business compels
owner to make change; will consider
good, cheap land or city property. If
you want a clean, pleasant and Im
mensely profitable buslnens. Investigate
this. Room 1, 618 Broadway, Cornell
Bluffs. (3) 991 2
TO EXCHANGE for Income property or
stock of goods. acres, Itasca county,
Minn., choice land, 3,noo,0( feet saw tim
ber, besides poles and cord wood. Price,
till acre; mortgage. IK.OOO, due In 2"4 years,
6 per cent; will divide; make your offers.
Mather & Company, Cedar Raplda. la.
(3) 318 2
FOR EXCHANGE Income ctjy property
for eastern Nebraska farm land.
40 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 512.
(3-Sil 2
PARTY will exchange Improved city prop
erty for farming land In some surround
ing suburb of Omaha. Address 210 S. 18th
St., Omaha. 3 M841 4
located In the heart of the retail dis
trict. A fine, large pool hall, with all
convenlen.ea to fit up a first class place.
Fitted u r. in first class condition Is also
located In same place. Must sell Imme
diately; owner leaving city. Address A
MJ, Bee. (4) M730 x
GENERAL stores In Manitoba, Saskatche
wan and Alberta, boiiiu splendid oirhlngs;
fullest Investigations; write up. Allen
A: Co., , Somerset Building. Winnipeg,
Canada. (4) M723 2x
We HAVE for sale soma first-class stocks
of merchandise, all doing good business.
Located in Iowa and Nebraska, in
class towns. New, up-to-date stocks,
v!iich can be bought reasonable. Write
for Information. Globe Land and Invest
ment Co., 3i ti S. 18th St., Omaha. Neb.
(4) M361 Feh3
FOR SALE Fine modern restaurant, gooj
city bustiH'SM, clearing over J) per
month. City Room Rental Co., 642 Bee
Bldg. Tel. Red 3o4o. (4 976
A SNAP My stock of drugs, sundries,
palms and wall paper, etc.. for sale; will
give 3 liberal discount if taken In next 30
duys; best of reasons for selling; average
cash sales 40 per day. Address L. H.
Mc Williams. Charter Oak, la.
(4) M245 lx
STtM'K BltOlCKRfl,
Tel. Douglas Sw.15. ) N. Y. Ufe Bldg.
(4)-M693 FS
Apply for price and particulars
Palace. Restaurant, Ixioglon. Neb.
t4) M7.T March lx
HOTEL In Saskatchewan, clearing 119000
yearly; no opposition; biggest money
maker In Canada; ti,or cash, balance
easy AMr,- Allen & Co., Somerset
Building, Winnipeg. Canada.
14) M723 2l
YOl' can never profit by business hanc a
unless you have some money; small sav
ing are the foundation of large fortunes
atari a savings account with J. L. bran
dels Sk Bona, Bankers, lsth and Douglaa
bis. Assets over SMI0.
CLEAN, modern, active, well-located hard
ware stock for sale or exchange (or part
good farm land, tools and stock, balance
cash. Deal direct; no commission. Ad
dress Y 213. care, kiur ti -iUi77 x
of the .
Omaha Commercial College
19th and Farnam St 3.
Enroll at the Omnha Commercial College and -nu will make no experiment. It Is
nn old. reliable school, and has prepared thouearxls of young people for mercantile
life. When you attend It you get more than your money'a worth. The building,
courses of study, teachers and facilities are first-class and up-to-date. It will pay
you to Investigate. -
Tomorrow we start new classes In Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegraphy,
Penmanship, English and the Civil Service branchea. Tha will be a splendid time to
enroll. You can be located to splendid advantage.
If you wish to become a telegrapher, we can give you the opportunity. Our Tele
graph Department Is now complete. There is no other Telegraph School In the coun
try having such appointments and equipment.
This department has been made an Official School of Telegraphy of the Union
Pacific R. R. Co. In order to make It highly efficient, thla company has Installed
a I'nion Pacific dispatcher's "lre, for students' use. In addition, all of the books,
blanks, forms and reports used bv that company are furnished. We have branch
and main wires, besides a miniature railroad on which both passenger and freight
trains are operated, thus making each and every student familiar with every detail
of railroad work. No department could be any more complete.
We guarantee every graduate a position on the Union Parlfle Railroad. We
can do this, because the company has entered Into a contract with ua, to take
every atudent as soon as ready. Do you believe It will pay you to learn Telegraphy T
Few things pay better or furnish more permanent employment. Send for Catalogue,
Special Circular and particular Information. You can enter this department at once.
Studenta are coming In continually.
Wo have a splendid Night School, open every Monday, Wednesday and Friday
night. New classes start tomorrow night. Ba sure and attend either the Day or
Night School. Either will afford you splendid advantage.
. ('-
E. O. OANSESTAD can help you get in or
out of business. Room 403 Bee Bldg.,
Omaha. (4) 466
BLACKSMITH shops, with or without
stock of tools. House, four lots. I
have taken homestead. H. o. Madison,
Worthing , S. D. (4)-M48 Feb3x
For a private hospital, boarding or room
ing house; 16 rooms; painted; all mod
ern: two-story; built 6 years ago; house
32x00; two lots, 132ul30 feet; for aale at
2319 8. 13th St., city (4
WANTED Responsible man. from 13.000 to
o,wu cash, as general sales manager, large
Important territory, for automobile com
pany, building medium priced cars, and
light commercial motor wagons; salary
$160 per month and commission, high-class
connections, permanent opening. Posi
tion will pay competent man J5.000 per
year. References required and furnished.
Address Automobile, Box H, Kenosha,
Wis. (4) m 2x
MANAGER WANTED An Ohio corpora
tion manufacturing household necessity,
desires Nebraska manager; demonstra
tion In leading department stores; office
furnished; three years' contract; salary
J2.100 and commission; good opening for
man of character and nbllty. Addresj
Manager, 7ul Snowflake Bldg., Toledo, O.
WANTED To Increase established busi
ness, money for preferred stock; safe,
reliable, 7 per cent guaranteed, perhaps
more; nothing less than $500 desired; can
use $;5.000; profits last year over $2,900.
Address Security, 610 Elllcott Square, Buf
falo, N. Y. Hi 810 2x
MANUFACTURING propositions neces
sitating a capital or only a few thous
ands of dollars exist In the many new
communities of the "Great Southwest."
Thes embrace openings for elevators,
machlre shopn, cotton gins, broom fac
tories, creameries, etc. Also for all kinds
of woodworking plants. Please specific
ally state your wants. Without doubt
we can refer you to fine openings. Com
plete book "Opportunities" sent free. M.
Schulter, Industrial Commissioner Rock
lsland-'FrlHco Lines, St. Louis, Mo.
f (4) 916 i
WANTED Have few hundred dollars and
services to Invest In good consulting en
gineering and contracting business In
west or northwest; expert reinforced con
crete design and const, municipal, bridge,
structural; Ry. location and const.; if
you are looking for a partner or wish to
sell established business Investigate this.
Address Y 22ii, care Bee. 4 8C6 2x
DO TOU need capital, extend or start busi
ness.' ir Bo, write mo berore arranging
elsewhere; exceptional facilities placing
stocks, bonds quickly, Everett Dufour,
Corporation Attorney, Le Droit Bldg.,
Washington, D. C. (41775 2x
EARN $C,000 yearly In the general broker
age business; we will teach, you thor
oughly by mall, appoint you our spclal
representative, provide you with ready
salable stocks, bonds and real estate, se
cure customers for you and make vou
quickly prosperous. Particulars free. In
terstate Commercial Sales Co., Scranton,
Pa. (4)-779 2x
WISH to Interest small amount of capital
in assisting in tne development of rrult
ranch and townslte proposition In tropical
climate. Such Investors will share In en
tire profits and have voice In manage
ment. Only a few required. Answer Im
mediately and further Information will
be furnished promptly. Address D flfil,
care Bee. (4) M950 3
FOR SALE Harness business, established
21 years, In excellent town or 2,500; splen
did chance; one other shop the only
competition; nearest town 20 miles. Ad
dress Theo. Flgga, Chadron,' Neb.
WANTED Capital to take an Interest or
shop to manuiaoiure and market on a
royalty a staple kitchen article, appealing
to every housekeeper In the land. Fortune
to the right party. Patent allowed.
Sharpers and trlflera do not reply. Box
198 Extra, la, (4)-M713 3
MEDICAL practice for sale for price of
Ollictt iuimiuia. Aiinvrri quit IL, XSV.
Frank Borglum, Sprague, Neb.
(41-M709 7x
WE WOULD like to have you Investigate
our proposition where $foo up to 5,orQ
will talk; will consider trades. 5 12 Bee
bldg. (4) M737 3x
DOUBLE FRONT grocery store, building
and stock; living rooms In rear; good
business. A bargain. J. J. Crow, 3t(jw
West Broadway, Council Bluffs.
4)-M743 7x
A hotel In Council Bluffs, la., doing a
good buulness: $2,000 will handle; furniture
and good win.
Both Phones 122.
602 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la.
14) M742 2x
Do You Wish to Make a Cliange
IF YOU have a farm, home, business or
property that you wish to sell or ex
change, write us.
t4)-M179 Feb23
FOR SALE Restaurant and lunch ciunter;
cheap If taken at once. Address 1.. Box
30, Worthing, 8. D. (4) 244 Feblx :
FOR SALE Drug Store, best proposition
and best located store in Denver, . ulo.
Owner has lo leave Denver. Invoice about
$x,OU). E. L. Foster, 2307 East Colfax,
Denver. Colo. (4) M712 14
WANTED Buyer 'for a blacksmltU shop;
county saet; good location; w."j. r.ia
at once for particulars. Box 63, Winne
waukan, N. D. ' (4j-M4il 1
FOR SALE Machine shop, iron works;
machinery mostly new. L. A. i nines, una
Island, Mlnn (4)-M34 lx
FliOl'R MILLS Some splendid nienings;
. t -!.... C Ml,. u i It
rirsi-iiaja w nehi uibhivv.
payment, balance to suit; full investiga
tions. Allen & Co., Somerset building,
Winnipeg. Canada (4-M7il 2x
ARE pioneers In the manufacturing
sheet metal goods. Dies constructed
Oil 1 1 1 r DIV" . ' . v ... . --- . ,
pressed Bled products. Chicago Model
iuly Co.. 484 Clybourn Ave., Chicago.
4 Ma 2x
FIFTY New Improved Hilo Penny Peanut
Vending Machines, will earn 4it weekly
for vou and not Interfere with your olhtr
work. $.'.3a) yearly profit on fr Invest
ment. Hilo Gum Co., Inc., 127 Maiktt
St., Chlcagr (4)-a 2
(Continued.) .
GROCERY and feed store for sale In Coun
cil Bluffs; also some small farms near
town. 411 Bee Bldg. (4) M906 8x
I OFFER Investors an Industrial stock
that Is substantial and will pay from 60
to biai per cent yearly. For prospectus
and Information call or address L. J.
Ross, president, 683 Brandets Bldg.,
omalia, Neo. Phone Douglas 37SO.
(4)-M908 9x
WANTED A partner; active or silent; with
$1,000 to Join me In money making busi
ness, absolutely no risk. Address 0-923
care Jjee. 14) Mu 4x
A GENTLEMAN who can furnish excel
lent references desires an Interest In some
paying commission business: state amount
of capital required; all applications
treated confidential and answers returned.
Address D 934, care Bee. 14) 867 2x
A LONG established firm, business located
soutn town 70,wo. will rent to response
bio firm or individual cloak, suit and
millinery floor, Inclurlng fixtures, which
are nign-ciass. - Mire or floor, 120x100 feet.
Location best In town. Inviting down
stairs entrance, plenty of windows for
display, 'l his floor sold last year about
$300.ouo. timall stock on hand ran be
bought right, new spring stock now being
bought in a modest way. Address, Y-219
care Omaha Bee. (4) 822 2
WANTED A party with $3,000 and nerve
enough to Invest in a good manufacturing
concern, with no competition; a sure
fortune for the right man; Investigate
at once. Address E 9S2, Bee.
(4)-970 2x
A SMALL sum Invested In stock of the
Aura King gold mines In Elko county,
Nevada, one of the oldest and most
reliable mining districts In the west, Is
absolutely safe to yield handsome div
idends. Several assays show values of
.N0, $512. $150 and $469 In gold to the
ton. Stock, for a short time only, 60c
per share. W. D. Clark, 603 West Broad
way, Council Bluffs, upstairs.
TURNED Illustrated guide book and list
of inventions wanted, free to any ad
dress. Patents secured by us advertised
free In World's Progress; sample copy
free. Evans, Wllkens sV Co., 60S P St.,
Washington. D. C. (4)
IF YOU desire to raise capital ror legiti
mate enterprises, our guaranty will make
your securities more easily saleable. For
run particulars, write us for our booklet.
Federal Security company, 1261 Fort Dear
born Bldg., Chlcugo, III. (4) M 2x
FOR SALE Twenty thousand bushel grain
elevator and retail coal business. Liberal
terms. Address Y 216, care Bee.
(4) 898 2x
TWO good opportunities for a farmere'
home store, or women's garment and mil
linery store; good room at reasonable rent
In county scat town in beat section of
corn belt. Write A. L. Berry, Clarlnda,
la. (4)-1897 3x,
FURNITURE and lease to three good brick
$2 per day hotels In central Nebraska
towns. Price 11,800, $2,600, $4,000; rent $:5,
$00. $100. Buy one of these and step into
a good business. The Nebraska Trading
Co., York, Neb. (4) M886 8x
$200 PER MONTH In the real estate busi
ness; $10 capital will start you; exper
ience unnecessary, as I prepare you and
appoint you my special representative,
no matter where you aro located. Write
for my free book. C. H. Gray, Pres., 78$
Century Bldg., Kansas City, Mo.
(41839 ix
CANNING FACTORY superintendents and
processors that are experienced men, hav
ing some capital to invest, would be well
repaid by investigating the exceptional
chances for canneries Vand preserving
plants existing in the Southwest and West
along our lines. The market for canned
goods next season will undoubtedly be
excellent and now Is the time to talk
locations with local parties. We have re
liable lists of placea giving Inducements.
Literature free. M. Schulter, Industrial
Commissioner, Rock Island-Frisco Lines,
St. Louis, Mo. (4) 916 t
. Fine grocery and notion business for
sale at once; best location on Broadway;
doing good business. S227 Broadway,
Council Bluffs. (4) M685 tx
FOR EXCHANGE for stock of merchan
dlse, fine 3-story business block, located
in good town In central Indiana; well
rented; price $30,000. Address P. O. Box
66, Marlon, lnd. (4) 662 2x
MONEY Do you need It? We are In a
position to furnish capital for any merit
orious enterprises. We can sell your
stocks and bonds quickly on commission
basis; money advanced on good securi
ties; charters procured in anv state. Do
not fall to confer 'lth us. It will be to
your Interest. R. Kaatx & Co., bankera,
Tacoma Bldg., Chicago. 4 778 ix
STOCK, bond offering, mining, electric.
-Industrial or railway company wanted
fin- sale; commission basis. Address,
with full particulars. Clientele, P. O
Box M, New York. (4) 799 tx '
MAKE a fortune In the mail order buaT
ncss. I have a patented article which will
make you a fortune. Pleasant home
work. You'd better get In on thla J. 8.
Godfrey. Box 544, Elkhart, lnd.
l4)-49 2x
POSE as a capitalist; for $1 we will Issue
you five assorted, handsomely lltho
graphed (but worthless) mining, indus
trial and railroad stork certificates. Cor
poration Supply Co., Washington, D. C.
, tu aw xx
WANTED To' ret in tnnch v. . i
contractor needing yellow pine or cypres r
1UIUUT-, uu i&rge or amau worg by rep
utable lumber concern, able to make at
tractive bids. Give full particulars,
amounts needed, time of delivery, point
of shipment, etc. Address, Lumber P. O.
Box 8-J2 New York City. (4) 8X6 2x
FOR SALE My stock of drugs and sun
driea In southeastern Nebraska; have
good trade, especially good prescription
trade. Thla la a good deal and will not
be open long. Address Y 222. care Bee
(4) M9vl I
TURNED Illustrated guide book and list
of inventions wanted, free to any address.
Patenta secured by us advertised free In
World'a Progress; sample ropy free.
Evans. Wllkens 4k Co.. CM F St., Wash
ington, D. C. (4)
FOR SALE Fine t-atory brick hotel; 60
rooma, steam heat, electricity and gaa;
fine location In very beat town In Ne
braska: excellent proposition either for
bualnesa or aa an investment; would con
sider some Omaha property tn trade.
411 Bee bldr (4J-M817 Fb4x
BLACKSMITH. Implement and repair
misineea I or sale at a bargain ir taann
oon: would consider exchansre for farm
land In good locality. Answer, Inck Box
4b, iriNiclil, NBO. (4) Mtt6 VX
AI.LTCN CO.. .V X Somerset building
Winnipeg, Canada, leading biisincna
brokers; first -ctaaa business opportunities
in prosperous, western Canada; wrne ua
It will pay. (4)-M7 Ix
ONE HUNDRED dollars will stnrt you In
the wholesale crockery trade. Write for
terms and territory. Comstock Cook aV
CO,, Chicago, 111. t4 MtW lx
WANTED An Oklahoma printing and
blank booh manufacturing concern with a
wen established business wants a partner
with $5,000 cash capital. Business will
how up flrst-clas, but growing volume
or business on account of statehood re
quires additional capital. The Investment
is a gooa one. Address f. o. Box hi.
enawnee. UK I. (4) Mo3 i
SPLENDID CHANCE for lady to get Into
business on small capital; good oppor
tunity ror itincn room, down town ior
tlon. Address J 920, Bee. () M8 I
WANTED Reliable man with $500 to take
active part In larae Immigration bualnesa.
Investigate If you want to make quick
money, nererenees required.
T. W. Wheeler, Mgr.
(4) M966 1
ALL kinds of bargains In morning
nouses; casn loaned if needed. Kelly at
oione, eo neviiie Big. xei. uotig.
(4I-MS66 FeblS
FOR SALE Furnished hotel. 21 rooma.
gooa ousineis, nam, garden, rrult. Harri
son House. Meadow Grove. Neb.
(4)-M687 F15
PARTY with $4,000 or $5,000 csn make 10
per cent on Ms monev, no time required
no risk. Address O 806, care of Bee.
DRUO STORES for sole everywhere, r. V.
itnlest, 707 N. x. Life. Omaha. (4) 469
PARTY with $500 or $1,000 ran make $300
to xnoo per month, first year. Address
r-KOl, care Bee. (4J M9U 4x
FOR SALE A complete set of postofflce
rixiures. citixens state bank, Perry, la,
(41-M711 S
$200 PER MONTH In the Real Estate Busl
nesa; $10 capital will start you: experl
ence unnecessary, aa I prepare you anl
appoint you my special representative, no
matter where you are located. Write for
my free hook. C. H. Orav, Pres., 783 Cen-
iyi!2:UD"?i rliyj- (4V-
Omaha. (5) M7o6 FeblSx
10 neairice creamery to., Omaha.
(5) 461'
DR. ROT. R. 2, 15o Farnam 8t. Doug. 6497.
(6) 462
Carpet t leaning.
A. K. JETT, carpet cleaning. Tel. D. 4094.
(5I-M107 Feb7x
Chattel Loans.
Chas. V. Stanton Loan Co.i 601 Bee Bldg
(6) m
BAILET & MACH, 3d fir., Paxton. D. 1086
(6) 464
IN FAMILIES-MIss Bturdy. Tel. Harney
ltt. (6) 466
M'DOWELL Dressmaking School, 1623 Far
nam St. (6) 466
EXPERIENCED dressmaker, sewing by
day in rami lies; good work guaranteed.
can evenings. Webster 180H. ,
(6) M783 Fl8x
. - . Floriata.
HESS & 8WOUODA. 1416 Farnam. (6)-467
. .. .
L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. Tel. D. 1263.
w uf too
3. IL BATH, 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. 3000.
. ' ' (6) 469
Jewelers and Watch makers.
N. P. STILLING Watch, clock, Jewelry
repairing. 2-3 Paxton Blk. Tel. 4317.
(H) 470
THE, SCHLITZ, European, 16th and Hrfrney
K FYS, etc., Heflln, 1324 Farnam. Tel. D.
2974. (6)47
Maele and Language.
PIANO lessona. Mra. Ritchie. Tel. Web. 2292.
(6) 473
Office Snppllra.
FILING cabinets, files and ledgers, loose
leaf devices and office fixtures and sup
plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co.,
806 8. 18th St. Tel Doug. 5662. lnd. A1662.
(5)-M597 F15
Moving and Storing;.
Expressmen's Delivery Co., office, 214 N.
16th St.; warehouse, 2207-9 Ixard Bt.
L (5) 474
Dr. Bowser, over 1502 Farn'm. Tel. Doug. 370
t5 871 F6
JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. U .Tel. D. 1664.
(&) 460
C. B. TRUSS ELL, 115 8. 16th St. (5) 475
BEFORE placing your 1909 calendar order
don't fall to aee our elegant Imported
line. Lyngstad 4 Jorve, printers, 16th
and Capitol Ave. (6) 471
of the time lost poking tip the average
printer when y i" h in a u j :
Ever try us?
Printers and Office Furnishers,
306-212 8. 19th St.
'Phones: Bell, Douglaa 5562; lnd.. Ali',62.
(6) M592 F7
Shoe Repairing;.
work. WS Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red fc4.
(6) 476
SHOES repaired right, called for and de
livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co..
1804 Farnam 8t. Tel. D. 7U7. (6) 477
Safes, Shutters, Ete.
a specialty or fire escapes, ahuttera. doora
and aaies. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 8. 10th St.
to) 479
Agents and Salesladies.
LADY AGENTS are making $25 per week
selling our great line of necessities; no
scheme; particulars free. Write us now.
Young, 184 Dearborn St., D. 61, Chicago.
(7) M71K 2X
I WANT to communicate with a woman
of good standing lo represent me In an
entirely new Idea in the millinery busi
ness In which there Is a great money
making field for a woman with energy.
No capital required. Addresa Madam
Jennette Millinery Co., Dept. B, 22 Mon
roe St.. Chicago. 111. (7) 790 2x
LADIES make money selling guaranteed
silks direct from looms. Cut any length.
One-third aaved. Express prepaid. Write
for Information. Ienox Silk Works,
Brunswick Offices, New York. (,')
WOMEN earn $4 dally Belling art Idea that
every woman needa and buys at sight;
experience unnecessary; particulars froe,
Venus Mfg. Co., M Slat sU., Chicago.
(7) ao 2x
Factory and Trades.
LADIFJS, our catalogue exnlslna how we
teach hair dreealng. manicuring, facial
massage, etc.. In few works; mailed free,
Moler College. Chicago, 111. (71718 6X
LADY compositor wanted: one who can
help with ads and distribute. Chance
given to learn Simplex. The lgn ob
server, l,ngan, la. 1i Mit'i i
LADIES and girls wanted for tapestry
painting on sofa p Hows: experience tin
necessary; work taken home. Call fore
noons, 2311 So. 13th. (7) 4x
GOOD seamstress for machine work In
private family. Call Harney 25,1.
(7J-M992 4
Housekeepers and Domestic.
1902 Farnam St.
Upstairs maid $5.
Housemaid $5.
Girl for general housework, 1 In family $6.
Cooks and girls for general housework
$U tO $7. (() 6
Housekeeper, ranch; general house girls
$4 to $7. Canadian Office, 16th and Dodge,
WANTED Girl for housework, good wages.
Mrs. w. w . Bingham, 3328 ts. urn si.
EXPERIENCED girl for general house
work, 3 In family; references required.
2711 Poppleton Ave. (7) M21S
WANTED Chambermaid that can wait on
table; wages $18. The Arlington, Sheldon,
ta. (O mi
GIRL for general housework, 1304 S. 26th,
Tel. H. 741. v (7-72 1x
GOOD girl for general housework. MS N
26th St. (7)-7S 4x
WANTED Chambermaid, Koehler Hotel,
Grand Island, Neb.; will furnish ticket.
(7 M6X9 1
WANTED Good girl for general house
work. Good wages. Must be well rec
ommended. Mrs. H. S. Weller, 3610 Lin
coln boulevard, Bemls Park. (7) 882 2
WANTED at once, good, reliable house
keeper. Call, 1024 North 82d St.
(7) M976 4
GIRL who can cook and do general house
work will find good home and good wages
at 2101 Wirt St.; references required.
(7)-M972 4
M larellaneona.
WANTED Teachers, Immediately, for
rural, village and city schools; salary $"0
and up. Address with stamp. Supt. H.
B. Callin. Faulkton, S. D.
(7)-M627 4x
PLEASANT home work for ladles, $1.50
aauy. tsenn stamp. Ladies' Guild, G 316,
East 63d St., Chicago. (7) M864 6x
WANTED By Miss Olur Blunt, a woman
to travel in advance and arrange for lec
ture on Japan In churches, schools and
colleges. Best reference required. Ad
dress L 922, care Bee. (7) 669 lx
1003 Farnam St
Upstairs i..aid $5.
1 1 ............ i .4 1
Girl for general housework, 2 In family $6.
Cooka and srlrla for irenerjil hmiuAworlr
$5 to $7. (7) M67 1
WANTED Two girls to help In tailoring
snop; gooa pay; aieaay position. Ap
ply V. Meyers, 1418 N. 24th.
(7) M691 2
WANTED--Glil to care for child alter-
imn iy. vmi room , r arnam noiei.
(7)-744 4x
MAKE $10 weekly spare time writing poa-
iwm. -hi ucuiam jec (stiver). Ji,. . winn,
34 W. Liberty St.. Cincinnati. O.
(71-846 2x
WANTED Ladles, handy with needle, to
tmiaotiBn gooa-paying permanent busi
ness In their own homes. We furnish
everything. Lock Box 183, Lockport, N.
Y. (7)-780 2x
WANTED Ladles, $1 a day In spare time
at. nome. lou nave no canvassing, ped
dling or publicity. Strictly honest. No
deposit on goods. Send stamped en
velope for particulars. , Ladles' Aid. 48
Main St., Durham, Conn. ' (7)
BE A GRADUATE NURSE and earn $30
to ju per weeg. we provide Horn)
Study Course Lectures; hospital practice
when desired; employment for students
and graduates. Largest training school
In the world. Write today Free Book.
American Training School Nurses'. 23
Crlllv Bldg., Chicago. (71923 2x
LADIES to copy letters at home; spare
iime; gooa pay; casn weegiy; reliable;
send stamp. Zeck Co., Morrlatown. N. Y.
(7)-826 2x
LADIES, $1.60 every day at home; steady
employment: no rake; send 10c silver
for 1908 plan. Manager, 6-7 Bush Block,
Oswego. N. Y. (7) 976 2x
Agents, Solicitors and Salesmen.
GOOD proposition for live canvassers. 1212
Harney. (9) M88 Feb27
wain gooa satisiacuon ana prompt ship
ments, let the lnman Portrait Co. do
your work. 418 New Era Bldg., Chicago.
(9) M123 Feb22x
WANTED Two high-clans stock solicitors;
must be energetic and show successful
record; liberal salary and commission;
no failures need apply. Address 10 9.15,
care Bee. (9) M726 2
WE PAY $36 a week and expenses to men
witn rigs to introduce poultry compound.
Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept.
64, Parsons, Kan. (91
SALESMEN Traveling-A side line really
worth wnue. vjuick commissions; big de
mand; established trade. Puritan Poultry
Foods, Lock Box 1615, New York. ' (9)
SALESMEN $10 dally, money every night,
mums viun ivi ,u AUlUMiaili: oimih
Fountain; regular or side line. Grant
Mfg. Co., Pittsburg, Pa. (9)
AGENTS wanted for a high class beautl-
rully printed and Illustrated dollur-a-year
woman's magazine; commission, 50 cents
on each dollar subscription. Write for
agent's free outfit. American Home
Monthly, 6 Barclay St., New York.
WANTED Salesmen of ability and neat
appearance to call on all merchants In
their territory; elegant aide line, con
venient to carry; good commissions;
prompt remittance. Belmont Mfg. Co.,
Cincinnati, Ohio. (9)
WANTED agents, with rig to sell Dr.
, Eaton'a veterinary medicine cases and
remedies; guaranteed mr represented or
money cheerfully refunded. Dr. R. D.
Eaton Chemical Co., Kaaota Block, Min
neapolis, Minn. (9t
SALESMEN Side line, brand new; ten
minutes exclusive one nrtn each town
nets $20 commission. Samples small.
Spcrlfy territory and experience. E. F.
R. Co., New ton, la. (9)-48 2x
SIDE LINE United Calendar Adv. Co.,
DUAa 111 Wttnl, iHVAhn aalun.M
now covering entire etate of either Ne
braska or Iowa who can carry aa aide line
our (7) aaitiplee of patented calendara
from which over 250 dealgna can be
quickly and easily ahown. Sample case
furnished or can carry (2) In suitcase.
State preference, also exact territory
covered, with references. (9) 847 2x
SALESMEN $250 per month and expenses
to right kind of energetic man. Old es
tablished, reputable concern. Some good
territory still unaaalgned for 19.. Sales
Manager, 56 5th Ave., Chicago.
(9)-844 2x
WANTED Agent a, men and women; per
manent 'employment to reliable people.
Liberal cash commission paid for Lelllng
our goods to the family trade. In com
munities of 1,000 to 10.000 population.
Bodenhelmer Coffee A Tea Co., Bt I.ouia.
AGENTS Newest, beat paying, clean, hon
est proposition; Invention stores up heat
for inuntha. Etoreheat Mfg. Co., Loa An
geles. Cal. (9) 855 2x
W A N TED 'A gen t s ; legitimate substitute
(or slot machines: patented; sells nn
Bight for $1. Particulars, Glsha Co.. An
derson. Ind. (91864 tx
A1ENT8 make SAW per cent selling our
houaeker pera' favorite; one agent made
$1,021 44 In ten weeka; free sample; other
good seliera. American Machine Co.,
Kalamaaoo, Mich. 9) 851 tx
Agents and
SALUSM 1'IS In all loons. High grade Una.
Salary and commission. Also csrd writ
ers. Grevw Show Print Company. Mil
waukee. t9i-(3 ix
WE PAY $) a month salary and furnlslj
rig and all expenses to Introduce poultrj
and stock powders in prn ksges and bulk)
new plan: steady work; rellshle nisnu
facturer. BigU-r Co., X 81 Sprlnuflcld,
III. (( aio 2x
THE ORDINARY agency proposition doet
not appeal to the average agent. Our new
selling plan Is different. Hammond'
Publishing Co., Sioux Falls. S. 1.
(9 MU Sx
$69 TO $2"0 PER WEEK to specialty sales
man for Kansas wholesaling onlj
Pump Equalisers to canvassers and farm
ers; your pay first; outfit furnlshed
references nnd bond required; salesman
ship makes position permanent. Equali
ser Mfg. Co., 626 Bee Bldg., Omaha.
1-MSS7 Sx
SALESMEN WANTED To call on physi
cians outside city. A very exceptional
opportunity Is offered for Immediate,
work. Slate age and experience. Locls
Box 121, Philadelphia. (U)-86 2x
CIGAR aalesman wanted; experience un
necessary; $100 per month and expenses.
Peerless Cigar Co., Toledo, O.
(9)- 2x
SALESMEN WANTED Sell retail trade,
your locality, $1R per month and expense
to start, or commission. Experience tin
necessaiy. Hermlngsen Cigar Co., To
ledo. O. () 7B9 tx
SALESMEN Mercantile agency system to
manufacturers and Jobbers. Must bn
fluent talker, good address and capable
of earning $:i.00i) per annum. W. O D.
Langley, 160 Nassau St., New York.
(91788 fct
AGENTS for kerosent Incandescent mantle
lamp. Twelve tlmea cheaper than gas;
seven tlmea Cheaper than ordinary kero
sene lamp. Continental Co., 538 Broad
way. New York. (9) 787 2x
AGENTS WANTED Hondo diamonds; ex
perts puixled to detect from the genuine.
Sample diamond free to those who will
act as our agent. Hondo Company, Dept.
J, Dallas, Texas. (9) 809 2x
NEW DISCOVERY Heat your stoves wit'.i
air gas, S cents a day. Burner and out
fit sold on payments. Salary to agents.
Write American Novelty A Manufactur
ing Co., Cincinnati. O., Box 637.
(9)-808 2x
AGENTS $300 every month sure selling our
wonderful seven-piece kitchen set; senj
for sworn statement of $13 dally profit.
Outfit free. Thomas Mfg. Co., 624 Jef
ferson St., Dayton, O. (9)
PICTURE agents, crew managers, guar
anteed portraits, pillow tops, 30c; 400 per
cent profit; shipped In four davs; fifty
artists; frames, ISc. Catalogue free.
Hitter Art Studio, 819 Van Buren. Chicago.
(9) 801 2x
ONE AGENT In each town to sell our mul
ti-copying apparatus; saves printers
bills; every business man buys one; big
profits. Sha.plro-Graph Co., 365 Broad
way, New York. ' (9) 817 2x
. . 1
AGENTS WANTED Either sex. earn
rrom f0 to $1)0 per week selling our ex
quisitely embroidered pongee Bilk waist
patterns, silk shawls, etc. National Im
porting Co., 699 Broadway, New York.
(9) 819 2x
AGENTS wanted to sell a very useful ar
ticle; automobile owners buy on sight;
hustlers earn from $5 to $15 a day; par
ticulars free. Pendill Co., Dept. K, 114
Chippewa St., Buffalo, N. V.
(9) 814 2x
CAPABLE salesman with real estate and
insurance experience, to act as general
state agent In selling orchard land In the
largest apple and pear orchard In the
world; active men are earning $600 to
$2,000 per month. State age. experience
and references. Address Rogue River
Valley Orchards Co., Humboldt Bank
Bldg., San Francisco, Cal. (91813 2x
SALESMAN WANTED To Carry our line
or show caaes, wood window display fix
tures, etc., something new and good sell
ers; liberal commissions to reliable par
ties. Co hull bus Furniture & Fixture Co.,
Columbus, Ga. (9) 811' 2
SALESMEN We have a really tine aid
nne; oig aeniana; Dig commission. Free
samples. ' W. J. Dickson Co., 0119 Dea
Moines, la, (9)
WANTED Several high grade, first class,
expenenceu roaa salesmen; men wno can
earn from $3,000 to $5,000 a year; old. re
liable Jobbing house; staple line. Addresg
Western Mfg. Co., Lumber Exchange,
Minneapolis, Minn. (9) 835 2x
$1.'5 PER WEEK and traveling expenses
paid li y reliable house to salesmen to
visit dealers; experience unnecessary.
Purity Co., Chicago. (9) 837 Sx
WE. want a few more good men to assist
In real estate work in outslclo territory.
411 Bee Bldg. (9I-M904 8x
SALESMAN A leading manufacturer of
Britannia novelties, hollowware and
fancy metal goods, requires an experi
enced salesman; line Is a popular one
selling readily; fills four trunks. Apply,
stating experience In full. K. & O. Co.,
366-38 Butler St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
4 (9) 834 2x
CAPABLE traveling salesman at once;
staple Hue; profitable commission con
tract, with $io weekly advance; perma
nent position: references required. A. 8.
J. Co., Grand River Ave., Detroit. Mich.
(9)-833 2x
AGENTS Introduce "Picturesque Ahierlca
Series" Histals. Send Wc for 25 beautiful
views, all different. International Trad
lug Co., 32 Park Place, New York.
WE CAN use two good traveling salesmen,
but you have got to be a good one. Ex
perienced men only considered. Omaha
Rubber Co., 11th and Farnam St.
(9)-910 t
$25 PER WEEK and traveling expenseg
paid by reliable house to salesmen to
visit dealers; experience unnecessary.
Purity Co., Chicago. (9)-921 2x
HIGH grade man, Nebraska territory, ca
pable of Interesting lest clasa of mer
chants ; attractive staple line; liberal ad
vance to salesman; compensation of $260
or more per month to result producer.
Sales Manager, Box 495, Iowa Citv, la.
(99-861 2x
AGENTS to sell bill registers, account flleg
and many other specialties to merchants.
Perilling Mfg. Co.. South Bend. Ind.
()-860 tx
AGENTS to call on farmers: quick seller;
big commission; over l.OuO sold In mil
county. Farm Record Co., Newton, la.
(9)-8S9 tx
THE KEMPER-THOMAS company of Cin
cinnati, ()., want side line traveling men;
can make easily $25 to t per week carry
ing up-to-date advertising fans, our ex
clusive special designs, iieason now open
ing. Apply Fan Department.
(i)-827 fx
AGENTS WANTED Willing to earn $11
a week; our v gents can earn big mone
with our fast seller. Address, Y-22U cart
Bee. (9) S25 2x
WANTED Salesmen acquainted with th
hardware trado to handle faat selling
line of ladders and lawn goods as a sldd
line; sold by photos; liberal commission.
Send references with application. Barf
Mfg. Co., PlMJio, HI. (9)-7S4 2x
AGENTS Attention! The only practical
cigar shaped pipe made; cannot be toll
from a cigar; sample, loc; dozen, 48o
mall. E. L. Ielgh, Bristol, Pa
(9) 786 tx
RELIABLE flower aeis. "easy to aeljj"
valuable premiums free: ladles' fur scarf,
watches, boxing gloves, steam engine,
large dressed doll, Teddy bear and many
others. We trust you. Send your nimi
and address. We will mull 6o packages
to sell at 6 cents each, Auburn Park
Seed House, Auburn Station, Dept. 26,
Chicago. III. (9) 7S6 2x
AGENTS $30 per week handling non.
magnetic watches; our installment plan
enables you to make eusy sales; big
money- I'nion Watch Co., Maiden Lane,
New York. (9)-761) 2x
AGENTS 150 per cent proUt selling our
combination twe-xer nnd magnifying
glass; sella on sight; sample terms and
discounts, lo c-nta. Free A Klee, 33
I'nion Square. New York. (9 771 tx
AGENTS Sell aouvenlr post cards In our
handsome packsgea of len cards each;
retail for loc and 2.V', coat you 5c per
package; hustling agents make $6 a day
each. Send dime today for samples. Ullg
Art Co., 321 Lawodsia Ave., Chicago.