1D0S. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FETWUARY ' EDWARD PRAISES AMERICANS King Extol. Hospitality of Hoiteue. from Thi Side Water. COLMEKDS EXAMPLE TO ENGLISH Duchess of Marlborough Aids in Philanthropic Work Tltlen Damn of F.mlrr Inclined I Shirk Datr mm Wlal Reafvaa- Willy Keonomr Their 'Watchword. IN'POX, Feb. 1, Spcclal.)-It was com monly !! lam summer tiiat it wst King Kdmsrd and the Amnlcarn who kept tht? London season going; In short. If it had not been for the Yankees we would have Bad no it anon at all. His majesty has been aa angry a he can he when he likes with om of his mont Important British subjects for the manner bi which thrjr have backed out of doing anV- hospitalities on a large- scale for several seasons past. He gave the due hens of Portland a pteca of his mind because she does nothing In the role of a Ijondon hostess. This lady hates society and lives the simple life, drinks only sour milk anl exists on patent . "foods." This summer, however, she will be forced Into the social arena, as she has a young daughter to present who has al ready made her debut at the great ball for the king and queen of Spain at' Wel beck Abbey. When discussing with the duchess her duty toward society the king said "Just aee what Americans do to keep things lively during the season. Look at the Whltelaw Kejds, the Astora. Mrs. Potter Palmer, the Dreiels and tho Beattys. "Why, were It not for them there would practically be no season worth counting. Great titles and positions Involve social obligations and It Is wrong to shirk them." Young Mrs. Astor Is to do a great deal for her sister. She will have to take a town house on her own account, as Astor pero likes to feel that the Astor mansion In Carlton House Terrace Is still his own and will only allow his daughter, -"Mrs. Bpencer Clay, to act as hostess there. Great efforts will be made by young As tor's wife to marry her sister brilliantly. She has expressed herself determined to accomplish It. Mrs. Palmer Xnt Eaclnslre. Mrs. Potter') Palmer will make another great bid for popularity and the presence of royalties at her parties next season. The summit of her social ambition is to entertain the king, but she has not yet bcen able to catch him. Many of her own countrywomen here are very Jealous of Mrs. Potter Palmer. This is one of the reasons why she has not niade all the headway with society that she should have done Again she Is not as exclusive as she might be. The Whltelaw Relds intend to make things livelier than ever at the American embaasy. There la talk of a great deal of dancing.. Jean Reid Is one of the best dancers In the American set and the men don't dare to loaf or make pillars of them selves as wall supports at the embassy balls. All eyes will be centered on Warwick House, which will be out of the hands of the decorators In good time Tor tho fray, j The wildest stories are going about in j society as to what Miss Dodge means to do. Those who know her best say she will tagger the town. Aa everyone knows. Mrs. Klrkpatrjck de Closeburn Is a leader of the American colony In Paris. Her parties are unjoue and consequently famous. It Is a matter of sheer delight to us to learn that she is likely to pitch her tent In Mayfalr for the season of thla year. Long have we been hearing from our friends who have had the pleasure of visiting Mrs. Klrk patrlck de Closeburn on the other side of the channel of the rare fun to be found at her gatherings. It appears sh makes a point of inviting the most amusing and quaint creatures she can find from all sorts and conditions. Isn't it a lovely Idea? Daring does not qualify it one little bit. No party can be dull with freaks. Entertainer at Kreaks. A. few years ago a renowned garden party used to take place annually in Lon don In July. Every one who had the luck to be asked trooped to it and many who were not. It used to be called the too logical garden party, and for sheer fun there was nothing to touch It the whole year round. In this case the hostess, now alas, dead, did not know she was entertaining freaks, but Mrs. Kirkpatrtck de Closeburn is a woman with a big s?nio of humor and de- llberately hunts for them. She will travel " from one end of Paris to the other to get hold of a good specimen. In London she should find a great field for the gratifica tion of her hobby and there Is no doubt whatever her salon here will be a grand ' success'. London society Is satiated with lavish entertainment. What It really wants Is something novel to arouse Its Interest. The "freak party" bids well to be the party of the nearest future. This American host . ess will unquestionably find many imita tors here. Lady Paget is making up for her long absence from social doings through ill ncss. Just now she Is more to the fore than she has ever been. One of the most successful parlje of the winter season was her "fancy head" show the other right, which was expressly organised for the Russian ambassador. An artist came from Paris to arrange the hostess's head. Some of the guests knowing he was com ing look the opportunity to engage his services. He is extraordinarily auccessiul at this kind of thing and charge about JJS for a design and fixing it up im the Individual. The great thing to be ac quired in connection with "fancy heads" Is qtiaintness, if not positive ugliness, and above all, originality. Men. of course, wear "fancy heads" as well as women. There la quite a fortune In , store for a clever artist who can "do" heads In ln don. aa this fad for parties is to be one of the great notions during this year. Mrs. Halvh Panel 111. By the way. talking of Ijdy Paget re mind me that her daughter, Mrs. Ralph Paget, is very sick of Bangkok and Is pining to come back to England. This la some what rough on her husband, who likes his post there. He Is now seeking something else to do in Kngland, If possible. As his American mother-in-law has such groat Influence In high places there Is likely to be little difficulty In providing hint with a fresh appointment, though he is bound to stay on at Bangkok until the spring when he brings his wife home. Miss Padelford, who will have changed her nam to that of the Hon. Mrs. Robert Urosvenor by the time this reaches y.u considers she has been very badly treated by her own countrywomen, three of wiom had promised to be of the bevy of girls. mostly American, hvlio will be attending her at the altar. Jean Reid was to have been one, but a week or two ago site wrote explaining that she could no get back In lime lir the wedding. Msrgarrtta Diesel Uo gave her word of honor to stand by the bride on the momentous oc casion snd so did Miss Carter. The latter two have also expressed their Inability to sea Miss Padelford married. Thla meant that at the last moment the bride-to-be had la go hunting up fresh girls to act in the capacity. A dou't know what your smart weddings '"., . f -l -a ' ' '-UN- ;-nv v Vk - i F7 w V f f f U i .Aa' II s 4, -". . v 1 kept th psrty at bay with a fusillade of stones. Finally, however, one of the be sieiters crept In under cover of darknes and Anderson was captured and turned over to the police. The next day the mag istrate accommodated him with free lodg ines for a month. Kveryone kn'ows thht Ireland wss a cen ter of learning In the dark ages, but It Is riot generally known that even today .the classic tradition Is preserved In the most unexpected places In the Island. At a re cent meeting of the classical association in Dublin, Dr. Butcher, member of Parlia ment, said that in the days of Queen Ells alieth to declare that a scholar spoke Greek was equivalent to saying that he was Irish, and then he made the astonishing- an nouncement that In certain parts of Ire land the knowledge of Latin and Greek was handed down In many peasant families as a precious heritage from father to son. Ho himself knew of families of peasants on the shores of Dingle bay, the members of which spoke classic Iatln among them selves, when they did not wish other tier- sons to understand what they were talking about. From Iatln to wild beasts Is a far cry, but It has recently been stated on the au thority of an eminent naturalist that Ire lnnd iias not only preserved the classic tradition, but that It hRS afforded a sanctu ary for several species of wild beasts which have been exterminated In other parts of Europe. The Arctic fox has been seen in Connemara, and In the wilds of Connaught It Is alleged Individual African wild cats ) can still be found occasionally. The theory Is. of course, that thes beasts were driven westward by the march of cultlvntion and town building, and that they have now sought sanctuary on the shores of tho Atlantic, wher they must make their last fight for life. F. X. Cl'LLF-V. WAR TO DEATH AGAINST RAT Learned Scientists Start Society for This End in London. CHIEF SOURCE OF THE PLAGUE Their Fleas Really I All Mis. chief, hat la to the Kleaa Rats Mast Re Kstrrral waled. DCCHESS OF MARLBOROUGH REVIEWING MEMBERS OF A LONDON TRAMWAY MEN'S BROTHERHOOD. LONDON, Feb. 1. (Special.) In this country there is no better evidence of personal popularity than frequent Invita tions to declare various new Institutions "open." And after the members of the royal family, there probably Is no person in England who Is asked to perform thla service oftener than the American duchess of Marlborough. Since the duchess got back from America, her numerous philanthropic enterprises, not to mention country house hunting, and ar rangements In connection with the edu cation of her two boys, have kept her 'un commonly busy, but She found , time this week to perform yet another "opening" ceremony this time at the Invitation of a society of tramway (or street car) men. The "Tramway .Brotherhood,',' as it is called, which exists In connection with Pt. Mark's church. In tho Kennington district of Lon don, recently was provided with a r.ew Assembly hall by the vicar of the diocese. Dr. Darlington, and it was this hall which the duchess of Marlborough opened on Monday, using a specially made silver key. First, however, her f,race Inspected the members of the brotherhood, all of whom wore their uniforms, and later she made them a little speech In which she thanki d them for the "honor" they had done her, and expressed grat pleasure in being with them. They responded by giving three lusty cheers for the American peeress. CANUCKS RISE UP IN ARMS After the ceremony I managed to get a word with the duchess, who told me that Lieutenant Governor Dnnaninlr II she Is not going to Biarrlts as she origin- ' Roosed Ire of People of Brit ally had planned. Sunderland houee, her l.-rh. Colombia London residence, is being redecorated VANCOUVER. B. C, Feb. l.lmport:int throughout, and while thla work Is In pro- I steps will be taken within the next few gross, a matter of two months or more, the days In an effort to cause the removal from duchess wiM reside at Lord Wimhorne's office of Lieutenant Governor Dunsmulr. house at Roehampton, which she has The liberals have Joined the socialists In rented, its noble owner being abroad. With the provincial legislature and Monday will her, the ducheas will have her boys, the ask the house, now sitting aT Victoria, to Marquis of Blandford and Lord Ivor petition the Dominion to remove him. The Fpencor Churchill, but In the spring the victoria Colonist, the oldest newspaper In Sent tO a Preparatory Ttrlfi.h r'nlnmt.ln rnrmnrlv r.nJ n m. mulr, is demanding that the lieutenant latter are to be school near Brighton. The duchess declared that her recent visit to the United States had done her a world of good. are like In America; but In London they are no Joke. Indeed, I have known brides so utterly worn out with the preparations for their nuptials as to look positively ten years older than they were when the great day came round. A smart wedding is really one of the greatest sources of worry to all concerned. Bridesmaids Invariably cause much trouble over the selection of frocks. This Is a foregone conoluslon, when it Is remembered from ten to twelve young women have all to agree about the color of a sash or the shape of a chapeau. The reception1 will be a sumptuous affair and Is taking place at Mrs. Ernest Cun ard's house In Portman square. The flow ers alone will cost $o.QiX. most of them coming by special train from the continent. LADY MARY. GREATEST BORE OF ENGLAND And that Is Saying Great Deal for Algernon Aahtoa of Merry - Knaland. - LONDON. Feb. 1. (Special.) in Ger many the name of Ashton is honored as that of a brilliant musical composer; In England, his own country, it is more Or less derided. Algernon Ashton, In fact, has been called "England's greatest bore." He has been the butt of humorists, of the press, and, unquestionably, has added much to the gaity of the nation. The one and only Algjs in England Is Algernon Ashton. Hi-re he Is best known as the man who writes letters to the papers. To do this Is part of the birthright of every true Englishman. Not so many years ago it was the direst threat one could make to the exorbitant cabman, the im pertinent wa!ter or 'bus conductor or to the railway official when one's train was late, that one would write and complain to the Times. Mr. Ashton began with the Times in 1M3. He agreed with the poet who wrote " 'lis pleasant sure to see one's name, in print," for In four years he had f letters printed in the leading papers of the country. These letters gave him the name of "Corrector of the Press," for the writer called atten tion to mistakes in the various editorial! and other serious articles published or else called public attention to errors of inscrip tions on famous tombs and monuments Listening at last to the entreaties of his friends, particularly Sir Edward Elgar, England's foremost musician, Algernon Ashton has renounced his hobby of letter writing and in ah Impassioned declaration, just published by 105 papers throughout the country, he has announced his final retire ment." Mr. Ashton has retired, like a famous prima donna, twice before. Once he remained in retirement for a year, the second time for two years. Now It Is for all time. I am assured of this fact; first, pianiste. She was the pioneer in America of the large crop of child wonders. Diana married Louis Staab of New York and some years ago died and was buried in that city. Nearly a quarter of a century ago the Royal College of Music of England chose Algernon Ashton as its professor of the pianoforte. He has held the same post -ever since. His musical compositions during that time consist of 145 volumes and 1,100 single pieces. Of these nearly 300 are songs, the words of which were supplied by his mother. There are sonatas and pieces for half a doien different Instruments. Mr. Ashton's works are very popular In Ger many and have also a vogue in the United States, yet strange to say England will have nothing to do with them. F1SH.NG INDUSTRY RUINED Travelers Permitted to Enter Three Mile Limit All Injure Nets. "SOFTEST SNAP" IN ENGLAND Lord Great Chamberlain Receives $22, BOO 1 early for Dolna "othln at All. , LONDON. Feb. 1. (Siecial. When Par liament reassembled, the marquis of C'.iol mondeley emerged from the comparative obscurity of a nobleman who possesses no Intrinsic claims to emlnenwe to perform some of the stunts for which 'he draws from the public 'treasury the magnificent salary I v f ; L" j -1 t i f ' I? ? f , k 1 -- h . St "a i . .? .. S- y V f -Tv t:- ' . i: - 4 w . ' ; . j i JUDICIAL DECISION AT .FAULT governor step down. In a speech In the house. Representative Hawthornthwaite (socialist) cVclared that if the legislature of the Dominion govern ment does not exclude the Orientals, laborers will arm themselves as the Japa nese have done at Vancouver, and that a great conflict may be expected. Haw thornthwaite now has a bill drafted provid ing that no mill, mine or factory In the provinces shall hire an Oriental unless they pass an educational test similar to LONDON, Feb. 1. (Special.) Science has pronounced sentence of death against rats. They have been declared a menace to mankind so formidable, that nothing short of their complete extermination can sat isfy the requirements of human progress. Their creation, it seems, was a mistake. Their continued survival has only multi plied the proof of their unfitness for ex istence In the modern world. Thev have got to go every last one of thotn. And the Society for the Extermination of Ver min has been duly formed, organised, con stituted .and all the rest of It, to rid these Islands of them. Doubtless the cables have already flaahed to America the bald story of tho forma tion of the society and its full purpose. It was aY" tho Hotel Metrofole the other night, while pleasure-loving Londoners, unwitting of tho dire disease that threat ened them from the myriads of rats In the Sewers beneath their fe(et, were flocking to the theaters and music halls, that the de cree of extermination against the rats was pronounced. 8lr James Crlchton Browne, an eminent physician wh has little faith In the efficacy of drugs, but great faith In the value of preventive measures, pre sided. Enthusiastic anti-ratters cheered his periods as he Indli't.'d the rat at the bar of civilization! He described the fa miliar rodent as an awful thing, wilier and more poisonous than the serpent the dln scminator of plagues and all their unholy terrors "a ghoulish garbarger whose fe cundity was something terrible to contem plate." One pair of rats, he said, under favorable conditions, would product! 8(0, each one of which might become a vehicle of the most awful scourge that could af flict humanity. J ltat Responsible for Plague. The rat, he told his audience, had been proven to be mainly responsible for the propagation of the plague In India and had there caused the death of 5.250,000 peo ple since 1X96. The rat was the great res ervoir of discuses, and the flea was the channel for its carriage, and if plague was to bo got rid of they must fill uui the res ervoirstamp out the rat. Sir James called upon the assemblage to adopt the role of the modern Pied Piper. lie advised all earnest rat-exterminators to avail themselves of the discovery of Man Fein Stamp Has Hemarkablo Vale and Much Hevenne Re sults Irish Tramp Has Geld. ALGERNON ASHTON. - because he lias made public declaration on oath. and. secondly, txcau-je, of his manner when he It: formed me of it. Algernon was the twelfth child and the youngest of a remarkable family. Hla mother waa Plana Valentina West, a poet, who wrote both In German and English, and translated some 400 German poins. His father waa Charles Ashton, the noted tenor. The present generation knows potbing of him, lor he dd-d during the American civil war. He Bang in New York, making his debut at the old Academy of Music a couple of years before Patti appeared. It waa In New York that one of Algernon's sister. Florence, was born. She la now the wife of Prof. Hans Wolfgang of Drea- MARQUI9 OF CHOI. MON DELE Y. of $:!Z5I a vear. For the marquis of I'hol nmnd. I v !. t'ie present lord great chiim bTlaln of Fnvlai.d. and when the kii'K starts t'ie legislative mills grinding. Hie lord great chamlicrlain steps into the liine lnht Jis the monarch' master of ceremon ies. Nobody in admitted to the show who does not present a liiket hearing his signa ture. When it Is oven he lias practically nothing to do until the time comes mum". to summon Parliament to busi'iess nsain. It it, iily on l hose rare oc anions when then; 1.) a coronation that the lord great chamberlain has any oilier work to di. Tin n he becomes the most dignified, gor geous and glorified of all the titled rit:nke.vs that dance attendance on the sovereign. hOn the eoronatioii day It is his high priv ilege to carr to ti e king his state raiment. But for tills U,is allowed extra compensa tion. He is entitled to claim the roal nightgown and nightcap, the bedstead and all the rest of the furniture of his majesty's bedi hamper. It is one of his exalted hered itary privileges, too. to serve the king with water befor.- and after the coronation ban quet. For p i forming this arduous dut. he is allowed to retain the basin and towels as hla perquisites, and custom prescribes that the basin should he a gold vessel worth something like $l.o0t. He isn't par ticular built I lie towels, but he always Wtks off with the basin. Instead of cart lug off the king's bedroom furniture, ihow ever, he compounds his claim for a tip of 11,0k. In addition to this the king out of his own purse has to provide the lord great chamberlain . with forty ells, (fifty yardnl of crimson velvet for his coronation robe. Of course li doesn't take anything bke that quantity of stuff to make the gar ment, but precedent demands it, and prece dent miut be obeyed in such matters or something-awful might happen. Thent are many functionaries In the fnlted Kingdom who have what in Amer ica are called "soft snaps." but none of them get such big pay and doe so little for it a the lord great chamberlain. It is dea. In the I'nlted Blatea also another I Impossible to conceive of a billet that Is DUBLEV. Feb. 1. (Special.) Northern Ireland's entire fishing industry hna been destroyed by a word, by the Judicial cdru- mlttee of the privy council, sitting In Dublin, and has been handed over lock. stock and barrel to the owners of the English and Norwegian steam trawlers. The hardy fishermen of the Antrim, Derfy and Donegal coasts used to make a decent living by fishing comparatively near the shore in their rude corraghs, hut some year ago the trawlers made their appear ance. These are great steam vessels with an Immense sweep of nets and they gath ered In not only all the fish In the waters which they Invaded, but the lines and nets of the shore fishermen as well. Repeated complaints by the fishermen caused the Fisheries board to make an investigation and after exhaustive inquiries the InspeC' tors framed a set of rules excluding the trawlers, nearly all of which come from Liverpool and other British ports although some of them sail under the Norwegian flag from fishing within the three-mile limit. The owner of the trawlers appealed and a few days ago the judicial committee of the privy council overruled the regula tions of the Fisheries board and threw open the northern waters to all comers With cruel Irony one of the members of the committee told a fisherman who was giving evidence and who said that all his gear had been swept away by a trawler that if such a thing happened again he could telegraph to the admiralty in London to send a cruiser to drive the trawler away Slany Stamps "old. Last week I announced the issue of a Sinn Fein stamp, the proceeds of the sale of which are to be devoted to the establish ment of a Sinn Fein dally newspaper. I am Inforrm-d that the idea has caught on like wildfire all over Ireland and that dur ing the first week more than 54.000 stamps were sold and that more would have been sold had not the supply run short. The idea has been endorsed by many leaders of Irish public! opinion and Sir Thomas Esmonde has announced that any one who writes to him and wishes to get a reply must put a Sinn Fein stamp on the en velope as well aa an English one Incl dentally Sinn Fein, the weekly organ of the movement, referred recently to the really deplorable condition of the Irish na tional press. Instead of giving news of Ireland and of Interest to Irish people, the columns of the Irish newspapers are filled with reports of English divorce cases, Eng lish scandals, English criminal trials and ! other matter which is not only uninterest ing, but harmful. Column after column is devoted to chronicling the doings of the English court and of memoirs of the English aristocracy, many of whom have never set foot in Ireland in their lives, and who can be of no possible Interest to Irish , eople. What is left is filled with colorlets political disquisitions "lilted" from the English newspapers of the day before. The Splendid" Trailing ' The "splendid tramp" has turned up in. the shape of Patrick Halloran at the Mid dleton woikhouse. Halloran marched into the workhouse, wheeling an old whe-l-barrow, e.nd demanded lodging. He was accommodated, and after lie had been in the house for several days he was per suaded to change his clothing. It was then discovered that sewed in the lining of ids various and numerous garments ho had gold sovereigns and half sovereigns to the value or nure than ll.otO. He was reported to the guardians,, who at first wanted to turn him out. but he pleaded that If he weie to go out he might be robbed, and the soft hearted guardians de cided to let him stay, while they gave lib, cate further consideration. They directed that the mom y be placed in a bank for him and he was taken back to the workhouse, here he declares lie is quite comfortable and intends to remain. Another good tramp story come from Duugannon. William Anderson presented himself at the workhouse after midnight, and as it was so late he waa refused ad mittance. 11c started on a tour of explor ation round the outhouses, and finally de cided that the ' roomy pigsty offered Int. most comfortable lodging for the night Accordingly, he evktud the fourteen lawfu occupants; but they resisted ao vigorousl and loudly that the master was roused an. sumo out to aee what was the matter. Hi waa accompanied by several attendants, and Anderson waa finally located In the that provided in the Natal act; so that In any event the mission to tho province would ur. Dansyz. This distinguished Frenohman do them no good. 1 i,aj evolved a deadly virus, harmless to other animals, wbich when spread on bread and butter or toasted cheese forms a dainty dish for the rapscallion rodent. But after he had partaken of It It made him ill very 111 Indeed. And after a certain time it afflicted him with a feverish de sire for fresh air and open spaces. Then the poor rat crawled forth from his hole to die with his tail In knots and his little pink eyes abulge with agony. Meanwhile he had spread the disease (rodentiosis) to all the neighboring families, and pres ently they became obsessed with the crav ing for frbsh air, arid out they came gasp ing to die the dreadful death. It waa war JAPS JUST KEEPING BEADY M I n l I e r of War Declares This Is Only Reason for Military Activity. TOKIO, Feb. 1. At a Bectlonal committee meeting of the diet today, M. Olshl asked against whom were Japan' military pre parations directed. " N Minister of War Terauchi replied, saying that they were not directed against any ingle nation, but against eventualities on the Pacific, where Japan has a long coast line from Saghalien to Formosa. war without mercy and no qusrtrr that Sir James wanted wsged against the rat. Therefore he would not depend on tho deadly virus alone. Cats, terriers, ferrets. traps anything and everything that woald reduce their numbers should lie ruthlessly employed against them. Aa a motto for the society he suggested thl quotation from "Hamlet:" "How, now.. A rat? lVnd, for a ducat.." London a Hat Crater. One enthusiastic anti-ratter declared that Ijondon waa the greatest rat center in the world. He said there were .ono,ono of them in the city. Just how he had managed to take a census of them he did not explain, but nobody ventured to dispute his figures, nor his assertion that the existence of such a vast army of rats constituted a dis grace to the metropolis of the world which should bring the blush of shame to every public-spirited citixen who lived in it. But noliody blushed. Commissioner Nlcoll of the Salvation Army put in a good word for the cat. The, Army, he said, had started two cat farms In India and were breeding cats as rapidly as possible recruited by such sHtimens of stray pussies as they could Import from England. Given time and chance he thought tho Salvation Army cats, by kill ing off the rats, would accomplish a great deal In combatting the plague In India. "Breeding cats to get rid of rats is Just time and money wasted." sniffed a skeptic. "I reckon we've got two or three hundred thousand cat In London and we've JnH been told we have ,.0ii,0n0 rsts here, too. If that don't prove you can't fluht ruts with cats I don't know anything aUmt logic. Cats ain't going to do any better in India than they do in Ixndon. I'm for giving 'em the French poison, and I don't care how much it hurt 'em." One Protest Against Crnelty. ' Sir Lauder Brunt on. another (earned phy sician whose specialty Is tho digestive or gans, formally moved tho resolution by which the National Society of Extermina tion of Vermin was ushered Into existence. It was carried with only one dissentient vote. That came from a woman In red red hat, red cloak anil red cheeks and tho courage of her convictions. She mounted tho platform and made a little speech. She protested against the fiendish cruelty involved In the killing of rata by the Dansys virus. She didn't pretend to know much about science, but she would back the Creator against all the learned scien tists present. The cVeator never made a mistake and when He created rats Ho had created them for some wise purpose. What it was the scientists might find out to their cost if ever they succeeded In killing off all the rats. Besides, she) urged, ac cording to the scientists themselves the rats were not responsible for the spreud of tho plague. It was the fleas and it waa wrong to visit the sins of the fleas upon the rats. Science should devise some means of killing the fleas without killing the rats. One movement always begets another, and In due time, no doubt, there will bo formed a rat protection association. Mean while the ltat Exterminating league holds the field with ir Lauder Brunton as president and jcxA Avebury.better known as Sir John Lubbock, the judge, philoso pher and friend of tl)C ant, as treasurer. When enough money has lieen raised to make a fair start operations will be begun on a large scale In London By that time probably some similar association will be formed to wage war on rats In America. But the extermination of the rat is a pretty large order. If you have anthlng to trade adverliso It In, the For Exchange Columns of The Bee Want Ad Pages. LIU. i. n ww n lei A (o lid aT MM Wat Mm. JL WI W J W 'W' -w 'w There I no other water that has been so universal in its euros and whose sale and reputation has ex tended so rapidly simply by force of Its own merits and the words spoken concerning It by those who have been cured of complicated ailments of a most varied character. Thousands of patients, particularly from California and the Pacific coast have gone to Witter Springs, Lake Countv.v California, and came away cured. The water is now bottled at the springs and you can have the same treatment at home, without a trip to California. , Kend what many sav who have been cured: . Sxosrianoa of a Journalist, San Francisco. Cal., Sept. 1U, 1301 Witter Medical Springs Co., After using Witter Springs Water several weeks, I cheerfully admit that 1 was fully cured of dyspepsia. 1 further like to slate to you that dur ing my stav at Witter Springs I noticed tile wonderful cures of other patients that were suffering from dyspepsia, rheumatism. :o.it. blood- poisoning, etc. itespecnuny ";':" 1 r nr.n-, Physician Xacomtnand It. Ban Francisco. Cal.. Feb. 5. 1904. Witter Medical Springs Co., San tYancisco. Jt'al. Gentlemen: I consider It my duty to state that Witter Springs Water was quite a decided benefit to my patients suffering from var ious kidney and liver dlseaaes. I no not wonder that the Wuter is becoming generally used by the medical profession. Yours trulv. UlL I- BAItKAN. FKEKEKKK I'rnnrtctor California Democrat Stop Suffering! Order a case from your druggist today. Pollock te Co., General Agents, Columbus, Vb. mni rii vwmi i.iiihi iiiiii i .m a m , Sour Stomach Downey, Cal., Dec. 1, 1904. Witter Medical Springs Co., Loa Angeles, Cal. Gentlemen: It Is now five months alnce I waa cured of our stomach, having been unable to re tain my food. It gives mo great pleasure to recommend Witter Water to every one afflicted In this way. Yours very truly. B. ti. ilOH'JAN. later. Diaua, uu4o lier appearance, as a mora bbsolutely superfluous. , Jlit, but it tvluavd to cuuio out aoid Ma Mew Oiri2siinis u rdHa 'Gr Feb. 2GtM-IVIarcla 3rd VI A. ' ILLIH0IS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY "THROUCM LINE TO THE SOUTH" You have heard of tho charms of New Orleans to the tourist of its unique Frem-h Quarter and its delightfully home like modern section, of its interesting historical asso ciations and the foreijm manners and customs that still prevail. To learn more ahout the city and its interesting features send for a free illustrated liook, entitled "New Orleans for the Tourist." It will give you a good idea of the unique 'character of the Crescent City. Vicksburg and tho National Military Park Illinois Central Mardi Oras tickets to New Orleans are good in one or hoth direc tions over the Yazoo & MUsissippi Valley Railroad and a stop-over at Vickshurg is allowed. "Write for an illustrated book, entitled "Vicksburg for the Tourist." Double Daily Train Service Fon Omaha Tickets on sale Feb. 20th to March 2d. Liberal ftop'-ovors allowed. For sleeping car reservations, rates and detailed information call at City Ticket Office, 1402 Faruam street, or write, SAMUEL NORTH, District Pft-n.nger Ajeat, Omah,Nb. i ISMSims mi III inn'aisisil tm1mi m n SWPWWW t s .mi.