Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 3, Image 11

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Gossip About Plays, Players and Playhouses
T TIVR making of plays there
-ma to be no end. and yet
the. managers say that material
for thrtr stars cannot be ob
tained All of which probably
cause soma wonderment
amon thnw who have riven the matter
i!Tlou consideration. In the current num
ber of the Dramatic Mirror la given a Urt
of 13S plays Just copyrighted. Thla la
merely a continuation of the weekly Hat
published by the Mirror and does not cover
any specified time, merely being tho re
ported since Its previous Issue. In the Hat
pro dramas, musical comedies, one-act
play, vaudeville aketchea, dramatic poems.
In fact the whole range of possibilities.
And It contaTriir-French, Hpanlsh and Oer
nmn. aa well as Kngllsh and American
productions. The significance of the list
Is that the writers are not at all discour
aged, even If the managrp are. In a
machine made Interview, Mr. Daniel Froh
inan la Uius described:
Mr. Daniel Fro tun an probably knows as
much about the drama, every phase of
It. as there Is to know. He has madn
actors and authors. He knows the tinsel
from the gold, the bublile repuatlon; and
yet he sat there like some pearl fisher
among lua oysters, eating apples and
s4rcliing among stacks of manuscript for
the Oreat American Play. This hopeful
noes was the most amar.lng feature of the
spectacle the sang-rrolil which survives
c-or.tlnuous disappointment; the uncon
nuered optimism of the pearl fisher who
knows that somewhere, hidden among the
oyntcrs, lies the pearl.
"Managers get many plays from authors
which are well constructed and tell a fairly
Interesting story with dramatic logic," lie
said, "but they do not dig deep enough to
meet the demand of a modern audience."
Mr. Frohman hlmsejf dug docply Into his
pile of oysters.
"Now here Is a three-act play of great
promise," he said," but It has only one
eent, spread over three acta, culminating
In a single climax, whereas It should pre
sent a series of surptisea. So It will have
to be returned."
"Are all plays read that are submitted?"
The question was unnecessary. One could
see the thought In Mr. Frohman's mind be
fore the monosyllable "yee" escaped him.
Does the fisherman Jerk his rod upward
when he feels a nibble at the hail? Mr.
Frohman, "1 don't necessarily mean phys
a fisherman, seated In his apartment, hlnh
over the matinee crowds, reading his manu
scripts Willi, Inexorable patience, and eat
ing apples.
A play should have continuous action,
all the way through," he said.
"I thought the tendency of the modern
drama was toward subjective action?"
"When I allude to action," said Mr.
Froaman, "I don't necessarily mean phys
ical movement and pistol play. A success
ful play must contain continuous strugRlc
and battle; the struggle of love with duty,
to name the most freuuent example. The
characters nftty be sitting In their chairs,
talking pleasantly together, and still ful
fil thla purpose. And the action must go
forward by leaps and bounds, from one
climax to another. The Ideal play will
have the fewest characters, but It will bold
the attention so that you won t know I
whether there are six or sixty; and twtVr
Dersuna UDon the stage will hold the audi
ence entranced, as In the Greek drama
Like the Greek characters, too, they wil,
appear aa puppets upon a dark back
ground of necessity, victims of the circum
stances which they have helplessly brought
Into existence."
"How does the American drama stand
at present, ss contrasted with that of lor
countries?" he was asked. "If It has
merit of Its own, why do you Import
"This year we came a cropper. The beat
f our authors liHve failed by the whole
sale," said Mr. Frohman. And then the
fisherman's optimism bloke forth In him.
"Hut I have great hopes of the American
drama," he added. "I have produced a
great many American playa In the past.
As a stock manager, I provide plays fkom
any source. A play is not a matter of
geography. Tho question Is of obtalnjng
one of sound, wholesome, universal theme."
Whether Mr. Daniel Frohman, or his
eirually gifted and even more astute
brother, Mr. Charles BS-ohman, ever dis
covers "the great American play'1 Is a
matter of chance. They have, probably, a
better opportunity than the average man
ager because of the exalted position they
havs attained In the world of the theater,
and yet experience has shown that even
the Frohmans occasionally lot a good thing
get 'away from them. All of which merely
argues that even a manager of unlimited
experience and opportunity cannot tell by
reading a play If it will Interest the public
he seeks to reach. He may be able to pass
on Its 'literary merit, and to say within
certain well defined bounds if It possesses
elements that ought to hold public atten
tion, but until he has given It the actual
test of production he cannot say accu
rately If It will please enough people to
make It pay. The failures of the present
season are but additional proof of this
But the failures are not a proof that the
art of writing for the stage has. been lost
or la likely to become lost. Men and
women with brains and talent are still
busy, as well as many who have neither
brains or talent, and out of It all la sure
Made Well by Marvel
, ous Discovery
li'uminent rhyslclan (ilvra Prescrip
tion Free Many Hundreds at
People Have lVt-n
The Chicago physician who discovered
Ccincenti ated LiJO'fO Compound, his
basic, remedy for the cure of the majority
o i' l.iKiuui ailments, has now arranged
Willi the distributors of his miraculous
heailng to enclose In each package a com
plete utiles of his own genuine prescrip
tions, all of which contain LhiOTO us the
pti.utple Ingredient.
tiitf experiment covering years of ac
tive practice, have resulted in what Is
known as the famous "Lecto Prescript
t.ous.' and, up to date, the following dis
orders have, been so successfully treated,
t ,jl one can leel positively assured of
temg promptly curud if directions are
laitliiuily followed. They cover ail sorts
oi stomach and bowel ailments, kidney or
heart trouoles, blood or skin disorders,
malaila and all conditions arising from a
disordered liver.' Tests and txperiinenia
are now being- made to find Just tho
proper elements fur the cure of colds,
cough, la guppo and iung troubles, but
llio i JUlt of these have not as yet been
uiauc. public
i he scientific discovery that blood con
gestiou causes nearly all disease, prompt
ed this physician to seek a combination of
ImriiUus drugs which would so thorough
I) kitniulais blood circulation Uiat the
cause, of the disorder would disappear and
a pel man out curs bo effected. Uuw well
lie ha succeeded Is shown by the thou
sundi of sick people who have grown well
ana itroug after following his advice.
LECTO U not to be taken alone, except
in rare instances. For this reason, prim
ed uirei tlons will be found on each pack
utt showing the sufferer Just what other, and the proportions iu which
lhy should be mixed with LKCTO, for
each dllK-ient ailment. Simply purchase
a ounce bottle of Concentrated LECTO
Compound, usually sold at drug stores for
about llfty cents; after securing the en
closed prescriptions, select the one you
need, and ask the druggist to mis the
other ingredients for you separately. This
will be done for a nominal sum. When
juu are ready to take the medicine, mix
the two together, and you have a com
bination which results have proved to be
Uts most wonderful remedy ever used.
to coma a play that will be worth while,
even If It doesn't measure up to the con
ception of "the great American play." But
thla doesn't meet the present emergency
and "the stage waits" while the managers
In their omniscience look over the bundles
of MBS. submitted and try to determine
beforehand what Is a profitable play.
Dan Flshell's visit to Omaha may or may
not result In the opening of the Burwood
theater with a stock company of first mag
nitude, but It assures us that Messrs. Sulli
van Consldlne are losing no opportunity
to make the property productive, Mr.
Fishell has connections that mean much.
In event ho docs take over the theater, and
ensure the establishment there of a stock
company that will give Omaha the best of
drama available and In the most approved
mannur. 1
Miss Marie Tettls Is coming to Omaha
next week In the company supporting Miss
Mary Shaw. Just what play will be of
fered here has not been announced, but
Miss Shaw has been offering "Mrs. War
ren's Profession" during the greater part
of the season. Miss Marie Pavey, another
former stock company favorite, will be In
Omaha later In the month at the Krug
theater, playing the leading rol In one
of A. H. Wood's biggest productions. Mlas
Pavey writes that she and Miss Parmon
telle are enjoying the best of health and
are looking forward to their jjmaha en
gagement with much pleasure, as they ex
pect to renew many pleasant friendships
"Write me down an ass," anxiously ap
pealed Dogberry to his companion clerk,
and set a precendent that has been followed
with most remarkable assiduity ever since
by his descendants. Just now two cases are
plainly In point. Over In a small Indiana
town during the week the chief of police
detailed a couple of hts underlings to make
censorious Inspection)! the costumes worn
by Mrs. Leslie Carter In "DuBarry." Just
for what purpose Is not disclosed by the
telegraphic announcement, but presumably
to determine If any of the dresses worn by
the great actress during the play tran
scended the local Ideas of propriety. It
would be of Interest to know just what re
port the Indiana constabulary made. If
any, on the gowns worn, ,the same being
as nearly as possible on the lines of the
garments actually worn by the DuBarry
In her cwn Improper person. And, right
on top of this, comes Judge Wallace of
Kansas City, more power to him, and, ap
parently unwearied by his efforts In sup
pressing the Sunday theater and still eager
to do good, forbids the exposure of dainty
hosiery on modi Is that assume to approach
j appearance the lower extremities of the
. ... . ., ,,. .
lovely woman. Judge Wallace, mayhap,
has somewhere In the recesses of his well
stored mind, undlmmed by association with
accumulated leaal lore and Judicial wisdom,
a memory of the couplet that used to be
quoted, many years ago, at the head of the
poster that announced the coming of the
Rcnta-Santley FemaVe Minstrel troupe.
(How many of you can recall that time?)
"The devil fishes best for souls of men
when his hook is baited with a lovely limb."
Recalling, then, the temptation of his
younger days, and the terrific struggle he
had to keep himself In line, the Judge has
determined that none of the tender youth
of Kansas City shall be exposed to even
the remotest danger of moral contamina
tion. Hereafter, hosiery Is to be barred
from (he show windows In Kansas City,
and one trembles to think what will over
take! the demure and dainty maiden who
Inadvertently makes undue 'show of her
ankle neat and trim aa she trips tt adown
the slanting slope of a Kansas City thor
oughfare, or In what fix the community
will find Itself on one of those rare oc
casions when a xephyr from Kansas stirs
the atmosphere around the mouth of the
Kaw. In Omaha such things cannot be.
for under the administration of Mayor
Jim the dust accompanies the wind, even
as It was bespoken In the poet's vision
so long ago, when he wrote:
The devil sends the winds that blow
The ladles' skirls sky-high,
But 'Us the good Loid sends the dust
That fills Uie bad man s eye.
Fred Terry ud Julia Kellaoa Have
Piece Jiesvdy for Prodnctloa.
LONDON, Jan. 1. (Special Correspond
ence.) Among playgoers here the main
theme of talk is too really colossal hit
that lias been scored at the Lyric theater
by "Tlio Squaw Man," or "A White Man,"
as Lewis Waller rather foolishly renamed
the lioyle piece before producing It. This
actor-manager, in fact, must be beginning
to regard the United States as his iiiio
rado, for the biggest success he ever has
had was "M. Beauualre," and It la being
prophesied on every hand that "A White
Man" will beat even " Boa ucal re's" record.
To do so, however, It will have to do some
tall running, for the dramatization of Tark
Ington's novel registered over 3U0 perform
ances when originally produced at the
Comedy, then was successfully transierred
to the Imperial, Mrs. Langtry's otherwise
Ul-tated theater, and since has served as
u "tsop-gap" times without number. Wal
ler having come to grief with a dozen or
more pieces by his own countrymen be
fore turning to America for another sure
Of course both the American author of
"The Squaw man" and the American ac
tors who have soured so heavily at the
Lyric are delighted with the success of the
piece. The former says he will settle down
In London fur some months at any rate
and has cabled his family to Join him, and
the latter are telling Interviewers that Kng
llsh enthusiasm beats anything they ever
have experienced. "You are wonderful
people," Manlfee Johnstone, who plays
Cash Hawkins, declared to a reporter.
"We have seen nothing like your Saturday
night reception." while George Fawcett,
whose Big Bill is the hit of the produc
tion, declares that the whole-hearted ap
plause he gels nightly la "manna to his
soul." All of which should be Instructive
to the folk on the other side most of them
disgruntled managers whose offerings have
failed here who are forever harping on
British 'prejudice" against American plays.
Perhaps the most foolish assertion ever
made on this bead was that which attrib
uted the success of "Mrs. Wigga of the
Cabbage Patch" to the alleged fact that
It made Americans ridiculous and thus
gratified British complacency. However,
the ecstatic reception that has been ac
corded to Boyle's play should dlspuM of
the "prejudice" theory for all time.
Meanwhile, among Those who have reason
fo'r gratification over the success of "Tlte
Squaw Man" Is Fred Terry, Lllen Terry s
brother, who, with his wife, Julia Neilsou,
Is about to produce an American-made play
In London and who finds the theatric tide
setting in a favorable direction. Terry's
next offering; which Is by U. C. Suther
land and M. M. Dix. Is oalled "Matt of
Merrymount," It will be put on at the
New Theater next month, and If It fulfills
expectations will be the second big Ameri
can success that this player and his wife
have had. The first was "Sweet Nell of
Old Drury," by Paul Heater, which was
aa "unconscionably long in dying" as
Charles U., who figured In it, and mad
a pile of money for Wa producer and
Like "The Breed of the Trwmams," the
hugely successful piece which these two
American women dramatists wrote for Mar
tin Harvey, "Matt of Merrymount" has not
been seen In Its authors' own country. Itf -
was tried at Newcastle a few months ago.
At that time the Tyneslde critics' spoke
of ft In the highest terms, and prophesied
a big success for the play when It should
be given In the metropoljs. According to
a review which I saved st the time, the
action of the story takes place In Massa
chusetts In 1KB, the hero being Matt Comp
ton, chief of a band of outlaws, and also
the grandson of a rich old Bngliahman,
whose mind has been poisoned against him
by a canting cousin.
Believing that he has killed that worthy
tn a fight. Matt has fled from England and
set up his tent In the plantations of
Gamaliel Frothlngham, the lord of
the manor. Here he ' suddenly
comes face to face with Frothlngham's
daughter, a pretty and charming Puritan,
masquerading In boy's attire. Of course
they fall In love, and equally of course
there are many alarums and excusiona be
fore they reach the final goal of matri
monial bliss. The authors of the play also
have "Miss Elisabeth's Prisoner" to their
credit a piece In which Grace Lane scored
heavily on this side of the water. At
present the production of "Matt of Merry
mount" at the New theater Is set for
March 3, and If It take, the American
rights are likely to be disposed of forth
with. Probably the reason that "The
Breed of the Treshams" has not yet been
produced In America, Is that Martin Har
vey Is saving It up for his next visit to
"the states."
Still another musical comedy. "Girl!"
This time "The Pierrot Girl." which Is the
Music and Musical Notes
INCH writing lust week on the
Idolatry of the Old music to
the neglect of the new, many
new thoughts along the same
line have come to me, with the
result that , there are a few
questions which I would ask those who are
interested enough to think out some rea
sons for the Idolatry of that which la old.
We spoke of the fact that one might
ovardo the sentiment "Old books to read,
old friends to love, ' old wine to drink."
For example,, we do not want old bread to
eat, old flowers to cast their odors around,
old houses to Inhabit, old automobiles to
ride in, and so forth. ,
W"hy Is it that your friend says so ener
getically, "I don't like classic music?"
Why did a well known Omaha business
man who tells me he doesn't care for
classic music come over to where I stood
at the back of the theater last Wednesday
week and aay to me, "Have they sung the
sextette yet?" ("Lucia." of course, was
being sung.) I Just came In to hear that."
Why does your sister-in-law's cousin aay
that she does not like classic music, and
yet she wants you to play Mendelssohn's
Wedding March at her wedding? Why
does she not choose "I'd Leave my Happy
Home for You" (very appropriate), or
"Waiting at the Church" (thoroughly up-to-date
and unconventional)?
Why did my friend Bob (who does not
care much for classic music) tell me on the
Farnam street car the other night that he
did not go craxy about Calve, but "Schumann-Heinle
for hlm?"J
Why is it that "acts" of distinctly musi
cal worth, and without any farce or com
edy attached, really "make ggod" at the
Orpheum, are listened to with quiet Inter
est and receive fully as good a "Jiand" as
anything elaa on the bill from audiences
which "don't want any classic music In
Why do we love old friends? Tell me;
Is It not because they are "familiar?"
Why do we like old books? We are
"familiar" with the contenta. Don't you
think there has arisen a confusion between
the words "old" and "familiar?"
My friend likes the "Sextette" from
l-ucia because he Is "familiar" with It.
Because Bellstedt, and Sousa. and Innea.
and Creators and Rivnla and others have
played It for him many times and oft.
hy does Euphenla want her wedding
music to be the Mendelssohn march? Be
cause she is "familiar" with it. Eulallo
had it at her wedding, and so did Helena,
and Marjorle, and Carlta. and Lollta, and
Marianne. She has heard It times Innum
Why does Bob want Schumann-Helnk In
preference to Calve? Because Schumann
Helnk has a "familiar" way with her; you
reel mat you knew her, and had forgotten
about It. she had changed so! And she
recognised you the minute she came on
the stage and said to you. "Well. well.
well, here we are again."
Calve gave another coquettish twist to
her fur collar and sang like a "prime
donna" In a "concert." while the former
seemed as though she had Just dropped In
from the garden where she was working
with her flowers, and sang a song for
you, (being an old friend), and had to go
right back again to her work.
Ftuniliar! Garry tt further. Why did
the Orpheum applaud Its classic, "act."
Because It Is bored to tears with the
other kind, with which It was too familiar,
(for over-familiarity breeds contempt), and
welcomes a change with which It may
again begin to become familiar.
And what does familiar mean? Look It
up In your dictionary and you will find
that It means "Of or pertaining to a
family, domestic."
Now. we do not as a rule admit to our
family acquaintance those whom we
scarcely know or have Just met; snd only
those who have been tried and true are
admitted to the inner circle.
How can we expect people to like music
with which they are not familiar? One
cannot be familiar with good music until
one hears It often enough to fuel that It
Is "In the family." Therefore, hear good
music when you can. Students of music
should hear all the good music that they
possibly can. Students should never say
that they heard this opera once before, and
do not care to hear tt again. They should
not say that, having heard Blapham once
they will not bother to go again, they will
wait for Tettraxslnl. They should hear,
and hear and rehear, and their apprecia
tion and sheer enjoyment will return them
Interest, compounded over and over.
If the people like to hear a little classic
music with which they are familiar they
should immediately try to hear more and
get familiar with that. They know that
they really enjoy the little with which
they are familiar, and therefore by an
trrestlbtle loglo they will like and enjoy
much more when they familiarise them
selves with It. Let them beware of the
Idolatry of the old, else they will never
add to their stock of enjoyment
The oldest favorite that you have In the
way of musio was once new to you. Once
upon a time you heard It for the wry first
minute. Then It did not Impress you so
much. But tt grew on you and tt grew
and grew and grew, and now you want i
name that finally has been given to the
new piece by Leslie Stuart, author of
Florodora" and "The Belle of Mayfalr"
and Cosmo Hamilton, who supplied the
"book" of the latter play. The plot of "The
Pierrot Girl" or what nerves tt aa such
recently was outlined In this cor-
respondence, and the date of Its production
win be settled by Charles Frohman. who
commissioned It, and who Is expected In
this country shortly.
Henry de Vrles, who made a sensation
on both shies of the Atlantic by playing
most of the doaen or more characters In
"A Case of Arson," has found a new
"vehicle" for his talents, t'nfortunately,
however. It la not anything like so good a
one as that tn which he scored his first
success. "Page 97," as It Is called, was
produced for the first time at the derrick
theater this 'week, and I suspect that the
author, "Theodor Kretner," Is Identical with
the American purveyor of melodrama, who
was responsible for "The Fatal Wedding,"
which drew crowds to the old Princess
theater. Be this as It may, tt must be
recorded that, unlike "A Case of Arson,"
whlrh was a little masterpiece of charac
terisation, "Page 97." Is a rather common
place detective story, set forth by so many
puppets. Unfortunately, too, the charac
ters, with one' exception, are all Ehgl I sh
one Is a lord, another a colonel, and so
on, and the actor's mastery of "our com
mon tongue" Is not sufficient to enable him
to depict them with complete naturalness.
Aa for the plot, It Is concerned entirely
with an Incriminating document, which the
guilty lord of the piece hopes to get away
from the detective who has secured it.
To do this he employs several emissaries,
all of whom, as well as the nobleman and
the sleuth, are played by de Vrles. He
works like a Trojan, but la wholly success
ful In only one lmpresonatlnn. that of a
Jewish character. The reception of "Page
Let something be "new" to you every
week, and you will be surprised to see that
if those new things are repeated often
enough you will love them more and more
and you will develop yourself and your
One has no right nowadays to be Ignorant
of good music. It la a reflection on one's
psychical endowment of mental equilibrium.
You do like classic music, and you know
It; but you don't like enough of It, because
you don't know enough of It to be familiar
with It. Get It Into the family of your
affections and 'you will never regret 1C
nd the musicians might see to It that the
people are given things with which they
would like to become? familiar.
There are too many programs made,
and too many compositions written for the
Initiated, for the opinion of the profes
sion. There la too much of a tendency to oon
alder that the audience la made up largely
of advanced pupils and teachers of music.
There is too much counterpoint (as such),
and too little theme, or Idea; too much cor
rect and Involved construction, and not
enough melody; too much eternal tech
nique and not enough pulsating, throbbing
life; too much finger-execution, gymnastic
bowing and dare-devil vocalizing, and not
enough emotional expression, poetic utter
ance and sympathetic tenderness.
Don't misunderstand or misquote me,
will you? Far be It from me to stand up
for that sentimental slush or saccharine
confectionery which some languishing
maidens and falsetto youths term "sweet
music," rolling their eyes the while. Never
will you find me agreeing with Helen Hunt
Jackson, when she wrote:
"Oh! Of all the songs sung.
No songs are so sweet
As the songs with refrains
Which repeat and repeat."
But lest I be accused of holding ex
tremely unorthodox Ideas as hereinbefore
stated, have the goodness to listen to a few
of the masters:
Hans Von Bulow has a word to say:
"My advice to young pianists Is to cultivate
their ears and strive to obtain beauty and
expression in what we term 'phrasing.' It
is the real beginning of .greatness as a
Schumann would say a word to you:
"You will be a musician when not only
your fingers, but also your heart and mind
are full of music" "Brilliancy of
execution Is valuable only when tt serves
higher purposes."
Raff wrote other things than that beauti
ful "Cavatlna" which you play. Miss Vio
linists, and he wrote this: "Melody alone
constitutes the essence of all music"
Bow your heads! Bach speaks! "A
musician who wishes to think correctly
when composing, should have melody and
harmony simultaneously In his mind."
"My Idea is that music ought to
move the heart with sweet emotion, which
a pianist will never effect by mere scram
bling, thundering and arpeggios at least
not from me."
Richard Wagner, have you heard of him?
Hearken! It Is he who says: "The one and
only form of music is melody; no music Is
conceivable without melody, and both are
absolutely Inseparable."
Beethoven, from the silence of the night,
Ih the dark shadow of the woods, whispers
these words to us: "Music should kindle
the divine flame In the human mind."
Goethe! What says Goethe? "The effect
of good music Is not caused by its novelty.
On the contrary. It strikes us more, the
more familiar we are with It."
Ferdinand Hiller brings us thla: "The
musician who refuaea to make certain
concessions to the public, glvea proof of
courage, but not necessarily of wisdom."
B. A. MacDowell! The hope of American
musicians! The darling of the lovers of
the beautiful In music! The bright and
shining light of musical composition In thla
country! MacDowell, the poet of music
who, with his magic pen, wrote to us
entwining strains, blending silver cords In
bowls of woven gold, who drew for us
pitchers full of sparkling water from the
living fountain of art, whose wheel filled
the cisterns of our musical reservoirs, Mac-
uoweuvr He Is no longer with us. The
silver cord Is loosed, and the golden bowl
Is broken, and the pitcher Is broken at
the fountain and the wheel la broken at
the cistern. And the spirit has returned
unto God who gave It. MacDowell Is dead!
Yes, the dust will return to the earth as
tt was. But the spirit? And MacDowell's
works will now take on a new lease of
M astral Notes.
Mr. A. M. Borglum announces a pupils'
recital for Thursday evening next st
Schmoller A Mueller Music hall. Misses
Marie Meek. Alice Davis. Ilnrnihv l..n,.r,
and Mr. Cecil Berry man will participate.
Miss Laura Ooetz and Mrs. Hubert B H
Bell, pupils of Miss Bishop, will slug.
Judging fiora the notices which sre being
received at this office almost every day
there can be no doubt but that Miss Myrtle
Klvyn, who will give a recital of pianoforte
music on February II at the First Baptist
church. Is more than a beautiful player
she plays beautifully. From the most
reliable men In the field of criticism in
Chicago she has received unstinted praise,
on the occasion of her recent concert there
Miss Klvvn doubtless b greeted by a
large tudluuc In Omaha,
TT' was not enthusiastic, and most of the
critics advise the actor to go back to his
Dutch "types." HATDEN CHURCH.
CwBBlas; Kveats.
Starting with a special matlne today for
six performances, "Coming Thro' the Rye."
will be the attraction at the Boyd theater.
This year's presentation of the popular
musical comedy Is a vast Improvement over
that which was given last year. Mr.
Frank Lalor, who made such a hit In the
principal comedy part last season, still
heads the cast and the company of eighty
Is said to be muoh better qualified to gt
a good performance of the piece than those
who were seen here Inst season. Ona of
the new features Is an elaborate son;t
number near the close of the second act.
The verse Is sung by Miss Eveleen Dun-
more. Just before the end of the solo Is
reached, sixteen of the chorus girls enter
and form a picture. They accompany Miss
Dunmore In the refrain, and, as they ap
pear to be making their exit at the rear
of the stage, a noted boy singer, Master
Whltaker, meets them and the chorus Is
repeated, the clear sweet tones of the
boy's voice rising above the others. Several
almost equally strong musical features
have been Introduced. An entirely new
equipment of scenery and costumes has
been provided for the present tour.
Richard Carle brings "The Spring
Chicken" to the Boyd theater next Friday
and Saturday. This Is easily the best
musical piece In which Mr. Carlo has ever
appeared and It has been one of the most
successful ever seen on the American
stage. The plot of "The Spring Chicken"
is not hard to follow, it concerns chiefly
the adventures of an eccentric American,
Ambrose Girdle, in Paris. Girdle is given
an Infusion of lamb's blood and suddenly
grows so lively that the gayest Parisian
Isn't able to run a close second to him.
The antics of Girdle and his Parisian scm-In-law
provide most of the situations, the
spectator being shown glimpses of a
lawyer's office, a boulevard cafe and an
artist's studio, all tho scenes being laid
In Paris. Mr. Carle has the part of
Ambrose Girdle. In the second act Oirdlo
Is obliged to turn waiter in order to work
out the amount of his bill at a restaurant.
This act gives Mr. Carle every opportunity
to display his talents, which ho does with
brilliant success. He carries the whole act
practically alone. The comedian has the
support of cast headed by Jeannette
Baguard, Alice Hageman, Ines Bauer,
Amy Dale, Florence Averell, Victor Mor
ley, Sylvaln Langlols, Arthur Conrad,
Abbott Adams and others. Each of these
Is either a good singer or a dancer and
all have been selected especially for the
parts. The chorus has been praised every
where as one of the best looking, best
gowned, and liveliest In any musical play.
The girls sing well and dance with agility.
The musio of "The Bprtng Chicken" Is
all catchy. Among the favorite songs are
"A Lemon in the Garden of Love," "All
the Girls Love Me," "Waiting for a Cer
tain Girl," "I'll Flirt With Any Skirt,"
"In Seville," and a dozen others that have
been whistled from one end of tho country
to the other.
At the Boyd theater Sunday night, Feb
ruary 9, Mr. Edmund Carroll will present
Mr. Walker Whlteeldc's great comedy suc
cess, "We Are King," In which he has
made such an emphatic success. The
double role of Gustavus Venner and Hec
tor, king of Kahnburg, In this play, af
fords Mr. Carroll splendid opportunities
to display his talents. Manager A. W.
Cross has surrounded hts star with a com
petent company and acenlo equipment.
A merry comedy drama Is "Tilly Olson,"
a Swedish dialect play, which will be given
at the Krug for two days, starting with a
matinee today. The play is In four acts
and eight scenes, all of which have been
prepared especially for the production by
Messrs. Moses and Hamilton of the Broad
way theater. New York. Miss Almee Com
mon will play the name part and an ex
cellent company Is promised, Incudlng Mas
ter Geongte Falkner, one of the best and
most talented Juvenile actors of the day.
The entire cast will be found to be wholly
capable and attractive, both In dramatic
work and the Introduction of entertaining
Harry D. Carey's play of "Montana"
deals chiefly with the question of cattle
raising, but has In It a story of real heart
Interest, with a vein of love, romanoe and
Intrigue. The comedy la of a high plane
and all the characters are typvs. This
play has been accorded a big success and
will be seen at the Krug for two days,
starting Tuesday, February 4.
"Edna, the Pretty Typewriter," which
A. H. 'Woods brings to the Krug for three
daya, starting Thursday night. Is said to
be a typical exponent of "advanced melo
drama," which has for its dominant char
acteristic action and plenty of It. There
are twelve scenes and four acts In this
piece and the climaxes follow each other
with such startling rapidity that the audi
ence Is kept busy keeping track of the
scenes. The story Is said to be easy t
follow, however, and concerns the grant
to a silver mine in the mountains of north
ern Mexico, which rightfully belona to the
heroine, but which the villain is trying to
obtain by any meana at his power, fair or
foul. The heroine has several friends who
help her along In her trying moments, and
the punishment of vice and triumph of
virtue, with the customary rewards for all
the good people, Is the usual denoument.
Tom Nawn, the tjuaint Irish comedian,
comes back to the Orpheum for a week,
starting matinee today. A trio of pretty
fresh-faced girlB of prepossessing manners,
tho three Westons, promise a (lalnty vocal
and instrumental music turn. Freies
Reigo, French equilibrists, who played their
first American engagement at the Kansas
City Orpheum last week, will endeavor
to show there Is still something new In
their line. Bertie Fowler, the bright and
humorous comedienne who was a feature
of the Orpheum Road show. Is down for
her latest In atoty and Imitations. Kd.lle
Clark, with "The Six Winning Widows,"
will offer catchy songs und araci ful dances
In a miniature musical comedy. Oterl'o,
the Spanish dancer, is declared to be quite
as graceful and to dance with much of the
dash and abandon that made her sister,
Otero, famous. The Four Ix-sters Intermix
bits of fun-making with trick and fancy
bicycle stunts, and the klnodrume will
project a series of new motion pictures.
Mysterious Body of Water on Crest of
Ih HlerrMx Drops Bis
I Feet.
Tuke Tahoe, that mysterious )pw on
the crest of the Sierras, Is aealit a'tiarttns
attention because of Ha strange antics.
John K. Tanner, who has apent years on
the burden of the lake, and who owns
timber land near there, arrived In Kcno
recently with the statement thst tlte lake
has fallen nearly six feet within the month.
Tanner Is not able to give an explanation
for this strange condition.
"I have spent ten years around I-ak Ta
hoe," said Tanner, "but I have never seen
It fall so rapidly or to such an extent aa
in the last four weeks. Before Christmas
? C:
Special rJatinoo Today
Tonight Until WednesdayRegular Mst. Wednesday
IKS SOIK COMPACT'S Production of the Qreatest of All the Big Musical
Comedy Bnocessea,
Frank Lalor MS-RSIS
FRIDAY and SATURDAY Matinee Saturday
Same company of 101 that appeared last year for fonr months at Daly's
and ttas irsw Amsterdam Theatres, Blew York, and for three months at the
Colonlfl Theatre, Chicago.
F". A.. CROSS Prement
dmund Carrol
sVnd Strong Supporting Company tn
linn1 ma mi ii 'in iin
Another Great Wrestling Match
Friday Might, February 7
Ahamcd Karamakass-iiie Mighty Turk
Jess Westergard-The Giant. Dane.
In a Red Hot Preliminary. snle opens Thursday morning, February Gth.
Secure your seat early and avoid n jam. Poors and box
office on north or Howard street side; will lie opened
night of mateh admitting all who wish seats on arena floor.
Prices: 50c and 75c General Admission to Ealcony 25c.
2 g.T!?, Matinee Today
IH Swsdlah Dialect Comedy,
The Funny Swede Girl
Supported lay a Strong; Company.
Mat. Wednesday IUC5. TCU. t
Mr. Harry D. Carey!
In His Own Oreat Flay,
3 DAYS STARTING Tfrur fpl, g
Mstinee Saturday I'll". iCU. D
A. H. WOODS Present.
A Melodrama of Business Life
A Flay that Everyone Should See,
terra HcxaEitffcfcKratEs
Pupils of
AsalMted by
Pupils of Minn Anna Bishop.
AdmlMHion curdx may
the Hurgiuin bluilloti, ur
Mueller l'lano Co.
be obtained at
at tchinullcr &
time wo first noticed the waters were re
ceding, ll wax gradual at first, but within
tiie lata week it seemed us If the lake hud
found m licit hur outlul and that it would
empty Itself, so rutld was the fall. ,
"Two yours ago, Utsteud of fulling, tin
lake, without any apparent cmubc, began
to rise, and at one time residents of
Truckee were organizing to prevent If
possible the destruction of their town in
the event that the dum at the mouth of
the lake gave way. Jurt when the danger
seemed gieateut the waters began to re
cede." In places on the lake the bottom never
hus been found. The clulril has often been
made that it has a subterranean outlet
which contracts and expands, tills condition
being brought about by volcanic action.
The lake lleelf ia claimed by some Helen
tints to be the ctulci of an extinct volcano.
In the mythology of the Washoe Iniliuhx
It la related ttiut the lake was emptied by
Borne great force, the watera fulling upon
the vulkya on the cast side of l.ic moun
tains and drowning many p"ople. The mat
ter has been called to the attention of
Prof. Church of the Vuiverelty of Nevada,
who may visit the lake to study the phe
nomenon. Ban Francisco Cull.
By using the various departments of The
Bee Want A1 Pagea you gut quick returns
at a small expense.
"Nott, the Tailor
km CMiE
inmimi wh'ihiph iwin in iiimnimi iisjit
'Phone Souffles 494,
Mat. Every Day 2:15, Every Night 8:15
Week Starting Mat. Today
Presenting "Pat and the Genii."
With Exquisitely Dainty Music.
European Novelty Act.
In Her Merry Monologue.
And "The Six Winning: Widows."
Spain's TerpbJchoreau Queen and
Her Dances.
Comedy Cyclists.
Always The Newest In Motion
I'ltK KS Hh 2.V .-(
Piano Recital
ThurNiluy Evening, Feb. 1:1, 10OH.
89th and Earaey Its.
ItcMerved Scat at
1513 Douglas St.
There ara still a number of
good seats to be procured.
PKICKK 1..V & fl.OO
The Boyd Theater
. School oi Acting
(A practical training school
for dramatic and eperatio
Fourth Season Now Open
Students' Matinee Engagements.
I. II. I. IAN FITCH. Direrlnr
W. J. liURGESS. Manaflcr
Advertle In
Bed t'hno West