Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1908, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 2, Image 10

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D. Cupid Worked Orcrtime and Fash
ionables Hast Boon Do Same.
ftereral I.ars Faaetlons, nnUn
Glvea-ln-lf ower Affairs and dab
' Meetfagw Mill toatrtbate
ta Br Wfk.
In former day when gods were it 111 be
lieved, Men to their special deities oft brought
Rare sacrifice, mnyhap a gem rlCh
WTOUKht. Or whatsoever fix their minds conceived
Would serve to pacify the gods aggrieved;
With milk and honey, fruit and flowers,
they sought
Their rear or love to manifest: In short.
They deemed that man must glvs ere he
And I, Ilk them, see out a sacred shrine,
And I. like them, before a goddess fall;
I rray unto a being all divine.
Cpon her name by day and night I call;
And oh, a mighty aerifies Is mine
Behold, I give my heart, my soul, my all!
The Suitor.
Til Saclal Calendar.
MONDAY Mies Alice Bwltiltr. luncheon;
Mrs. W. A. Paxton, Monday Hrlilge clul;
Mrs. Meddnrs, D. T. Kensington club;
Temple Israel Blaterhood. whist party.
TUESDAY Visiting Nurses' dance at
Chambers'; Mrs. Joseph Cudahy, hostess
for the Hewing club.
"WEDNEBDAY Drishaus-CToyer wedding;
Marlachall-Shackleford wedding: Mrs.
Bam'iel Burns, Jr., Cooking club; Mm.
O. W. Megeath, lunoheon; Mrs. Monell
and Mrs. Bradford, afternoon tea; Mr.
and Mrs. (Campbell. M. M. C. club: Mrs.
J. Welsh? Internog club; Colonel and
Mrs. Olassford, Military Bridge club;
Mrs. W. II. Nelson, konslngton.
THURSDAY Mrs. Henry W. Yates, lunch
eon; Mrs. B. M. Fairfield, afternoon
bridge; Oakes-f Ionian wedding; Mrs. M.
J. Malone, Coterie club; Mr, and Mrs.
9. B. Bower, Ideal Card club; Miss Ann
Brown, afternoon bridge; Mrs. C. N.
Newlon, Neighborhood Card club; Mrs.
II. BUs, Jolly Dosen Plate club. ,
FRIDAY Mis Flora Btemm, San Boucl
club; Mra. T. n. Hacker, . New Friday
Bridge club; Mis Kllsabeth Congdon,
Junior Bridge club; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
C. Smith, dinner party; Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Cotton, evening bridge for Miss
Kirkendall and Mr. Wharton.
SATURDAY Mr. Glenn Wharton, stag
dinner at the Omaha club; theater patty
at Boyd's for tho young women In the
Wharton-Klrkendall wedding party; Oml
kron Alpha Phi dance.
Events and announcements of the last
two weeks Indicate that little pan Cupid
hag been working overtime for quite a
while and In consequence the local fash
ionable set Is to have a chance to do like
wise In honor of several prospective brides
and grooms of the very near future. Most
Immediate among these nuptials to occa
sion so much entertaining will be the
wedding of Miss Ada Kirkendall, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Freeman P. Kirkendall,
and Mf. Glenn Wharton, which will take
place February 14 and will be one of the
largest church weddings of the year. In
cidental to tt Is a list of affairs pretentions
and otherwise that extend through every
day of the entire week preceding the wed
ding. And then there will be other wed
dings, three of which will take place this
week, and all of which will be quite large.
And aN of these brides la to have atten
tion from friends.
And then there are several other prom
ising Junctions announced for this week,
among them the tea to be given by Mrs.
Louis Bradford and Mrs. Monell Wednes
day afternoon; a luncheon to bs given at
Hillside by Mrs. Henry W. Yate Thurs
day and a luncheon to be given by Mrs.
O. W. Megeath Wednesday.
Of course there will be club meetings
and these together with several smaller
things promise to contribute to a busy
The marriage of Mr. Fred Hamilton and
Miss Ethel Robertson last week, while
solemnised In Chicago, was none the less
Interesting to Omaha friends of both young
people. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton will sail
from New York February 8 for a three
months' honeymoon trip In Europe. They
will visit most of the capitals and later
will Join Mr. and Mrs. C. Wilt Hamilton
and family and Miss Stella Hamilton In
Italy and will return with-then the early
part of May.
Announcement of the engagement of Miss
Carets Curtis, younger daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. 8. S. Curtis, to Mr. E. Dlmnn
Bird of New York, made at a tea given
by Mrs. Curtis Wednesday, was another
Interesting Incident of last week. The wed
ding will not take place until June. Miss
Carets will leave this week for New
After Xaasags, Dreams, and Beauty
Doctors Sad railed.
Trouble, worry and III health brought
ma deep Itnea and wrinkles. I realised
that they not only greatly marred my
appearance and mads me look much older,
but they would greatly Interfere with my
suooess, because a woman's success, either
socially or financially, depends very large
ly on her appearance. The homely woman,
with her deep lines and furrows In her
faos, must fight an unequal battle with
Iter younger and better looking sister.
1 therefore bought various brands of
oold cream and skin foods and massaged
my faee with most constant regularity,
hoping to regain my former appearance.
But the wrlnklea simply would not go. On
the contrary, they seemed to get deeper.
Nest I went to a beauty specialist, who
told me she oould easily rid me of iny
wrlngles. I paid the money and took the
treatment. Sometimes I tnought they got
less, but after spending all the money 1
eould afford for such treatment, I found I
atlll had my wrlnklea So I gave up In
dlspalr, and oonoludaid I must carry them
to my grays. One day a friend uf mine
who was versed In chemistry made a sug
gestion and this gave me a new Idea. I
Immediately want to work making exper
iments and studying everything I could
get hold of on this subject. After several
months of almost numberless trials and
discouragements I finally discovered a
process which produced most astonishing
results on my wrinkles lo a single night.
I was delighted beyound expression. I
tried uiy treatment again, and lo and be
hold, luy wrinkles wer practically gone.
A third treatment three nights In all
and I had no wrinkles and my face was as
smooth as ever. I next offered my treat
ment to some of my Immediate friends,
who used It with surprising results, and I
have now decided to give It to the public.
1 will aend further particulars to anyone
who Is Interested, absolutely free of chage.
I use do cream, massage, face steaming or
so-called skin foods; there Is nothing to
Inject and nothing to Injure the skin. It
Is an entirely now discovery of my ou,
and so simple that you can uae It without
the knowledge of your most intimate
frlenos. You apply the treatment at night
and go to bed. In the morning, lo! the
wonderful transformation. People often
wlrte me, "It sounds too good to be true"
Well, Hie test will tell. If Interested in
my d'scevery. please address HAKRIKT
rKTA. Suite StIA. Hyracuae, N. j
Ui send full I'arltoulajs. -
York, where she erlll b the guest of Mr.
Bird's mother for a tlms.
Altogether Dan Cupid has done more
than anybody else In society to provide
Interesting things of Iste. He seems to
hsve been especially active among that
set supposed to be Immune to the Infec
tion of his darts, for from this set has
come some of the most Interesting of all
the Interesting gossip this fall and win
ter. Few of them now remain that are
not under suspicion, and like the pearl
necklace of the fable the chain having
been broken the pearls are rolling off
at both ends.
At one of the last supper parties given
by the old set, before the breakup com
menced late Inst autumn, when one of
the first engagements had been announced,
a toast was drunk to "The Attached."
Then another was proposed by one of the
women to "The Unattached" and that was
drunk, and then a third was proposed
by one of the society widowers to 'The
Detached" and that was drunk, too.
Pleasaras Past.
Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Cudahy entertained
at a bridge dinner Saturday, when covers
were laid for twelve. The table had an
effective decoration of narcissus and were
lighted with green shaded candles.
The Misses Wallace gave a tea Saturday
afternoon In honor of Mrs. J. D. Luer,
who Is the guest of her mother. Mrs. J. J.
Brown. Mr. Lauer will Join Mrs. Lauer
snd they will return to Uncoln Sunday
The Saturday Night club gave a lesp
year ball at Chambers' academy last even
ing. After the regular program a basket
luncheon, furnished by the women of the
club, was served from small tables decor
ated with red shaded candles.
The Sunshine club of the V. 8. Grant
Relief Corps was entertained Tuesday aft
ernoon by Mrs. Andrew Traynor assisted
by Mrs. M. J. Matthews. Mrs. J. M. Tal
llaferro read an Interesting paper on sun
shine In the home and the rest of the
afternoon tho guests were entertained with
charades and music.
Miss Bertha Brown entertained the We
Six Kensington club at her home, 2627
Cass street, Saturday. The afternoon was
pleasantly spent In music and various
games, after which a luncheon was served.
Covers were laid for Miss Klta Droste,
Miss Virginia Craig, Miss Grace lister.
Miss Hallie Baum, Miss Georgia Kelly
and the hostess.
A party of young people Jook advantage
of the recent snow and rode to Manawa In
a bobBlelgh Saturday evening. A supper
at the Boat club "awaited the party, which
included: Misses Elolse Wood, Kffle Halght,
Grace Conant, Alice BwlUler, Mae Murphy,
Ethel Conant, I.ltta Rohrbough, Hazel
Clarkson; Messrs. Will Wood, Judson
Clarksnn, Ray Beselln, George Ialer, Clar
ence Van Curen, Charles Wright, Russell
Swltzler and Waldo Foster.
A novel and enjoyable entertainment was
given Saturday evening when a number of
young women entertained a leap year danc
ing party at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Guy Epeneter. The girls escorted the men
to the party and made out their programs
for them. . The house had a pretty decora
tion of red. The hostesses were: Miss
Hasel Smith, Miss Mildred Funktwiuser,
Miss Hasel Clarkson, Miss Pauline Mills,
Miss Henrietta Rees. Miss Nell Guild. Miss
Marlon Funkhouser. Miss Zola Dellecker,
Miss Alice Bwltsler, Miss Rogene Dellecker,
Miss Luella nines. Miss Fannie Howland,
Mill Hellen Rahm, Miss Roberta Dalley,
Miss Delia Chase, Miss Ann Brown. Miss
Faith Hoel. Miss Lois Nesblt of Eellevue.
Miss Marlon Park of Carroll, Ia and
Miss Adelaide Thomas of Lincoln. The men
were: Mr. l?lltford Hlnos, Mr.- Russell
Fisher. Mr George Starr, Mr. Edward
Well of Council Bluffs. Mr. Edgar Bed
well, Mr. Arthur Welch, Mr. Frank
Hughes, Mr. Hart, Mr. Bard Rees, Mr.
Fred Crelgh, Mr. Oliver Eldrlch, Mr. Wil
son Swltsler, Mr. Allan Hamilton, Mr.
Jesse Rogers and Mr. Will Guild.
Come and Go Gossip.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Murray left Satur
day for California.
Mrs. Robert Purvis will leave this week
to visit In Dayton, O.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Burgess are expected
to return toduy from Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Butler returned
Saturday from a few day In Denver.
Captain B. II. Buck of Fort Crook has
been granted a month's leave of absence.
Mn. Hoxle Clark of St.. Louis Is expected
the middle of the month to be the guest of
her mother, Mrs. Ella Squires.
Mrs. Charles Kountze with her two chil
dren and nurse expect to leave Wednes
day for Pass Christian and other south
ern points.
Mr. Gerald Wharton of St. Paul, Minn.,
will arrive next Friday to be the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Davis until after
the Wharton-Klrkendall wedding.
Mr. C. B. Stuht of Spokane, Wash., who
has been the guest of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Etuht, for the v past two
months, returned home Tuesday.
Miss Eugenie Whit mors will leave the
latter part of the month for Tipton, Ind.,
where she will be the guest of her fiance's
mother, Mrs. Shirk, for he month of
Miss Ann Brown, who has been spending
the winter with Mr. snd Mrs '.V. H. But
ler, and Is a popular member of the
younger set. will return to her home In
Gallatin, Tenn., about the middle of the
Mrs. Charles B. Rich of Green Bay,
Wis., who has been the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. C. H. Rich and Dr. and Mrs. W. J.
Bradbury, will leave Tuesday for Chicago.
While In Omaha Mrs. Rich was honor
guest at a number of social affairs.
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Grove of Hast
Orange, N. J., and Mrs. Lyman Spltser of
Toledo are expected Friday to be guests
of Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Kirkendall until
after the Wharton-Klrkendall wedding.
Miss Edna Keellne of Council Bluffs will
also be their guest.
Coming; Events.
Miss Flora Stomm will entertain the Ban
Soucl club Friday.
The Coterie club will meet with Mrs.
M. J. Malone Thursday.
Mrs. W A. Paxton will entertsln the
Monday Bridge club this week.
The Omlkron Alpha Phi will give a dunce
at Chambers' Saturday evening.
Mrs. C. N. Newton will entertain the
Neighborhood Card club Thursday.
Mrs. Joseph Cudahy will entertain the
Visiting Nurses' Sewing club Tuesday.
Mrs. J. Welsh will be hostess for the
Internog club Wednesday afternoon.
The Hanscoin Park Dancing club will
meet at the Rome hotel Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Crittenden Bmith
will enturtaln at dinner Frldav evening.
Miss Elisabeth Congdon will be hostess
for the New Bridge club Friday afternoon.
Mrs. Henry W. Yates has lvaued invita
tions for s luncheon Thursday at her home.
The M. M. C. club will be entertained by
Mr. and Mra. Campbell Wednesday even
ing. The Original Cooking club will be enter
tained by Mrs. Samuel Burns, Jr., Wednes
day. The Qui Vive Dancing club will meet
Monday Instead of Friday, as formerly ar
ranged. , '
Miss Ourley wll be honor guest at a
luncheon given y Miss Alice Swttxler on
The Amateurs will hold their next meet
ing Wedneaday, when Mra. H. P. Whit
more will bo the hostess. The program
m ue aevmea 10 iurwegiau composers.
Mrs. B. H. Bell, Mrs. George Mclntyre,
Miss Mahel Bal combe. Miss Marie Crounse
and Miss Eugenie Whltmore will give the
Mrs. B. M. Fairfield will entertain at
bridge Thursday afternoon In honor of Mrs.
T. U Davis.
The Sisterhood Whist club will meet Mon
day at 1:30 p. m. at Temple Israel on
Harney street.
Mrs. W. H. Nelson will entertain , the
Ladles' auxiliary of the T. P. A. at a
kenslngton Wednesday.
Mrs. George Windsor Megeath will en
tertain at luncheon Wednesday at her
home In Windsor Place.
Colonel and Mrs. Glassfnrd will enter
tain the Military Bridge club Wednesday
evening at their home at Fort Omaha.
Miss Ann Brown will entertain at bridge
Thursday afternoon for Miss Gurley, who
Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gurley.
Mrs. J. J. Monell and Mrs. Louis Brad
ford have Issued Invitations for a tea from
4 to o'clock at the home of Mrs. Monell.
3530 Harney street.
Social Chit-chat.
Mr. and Mr. Arthur Meti are sojourn
ing at Coronado Beach. ,
Mrs. Mabel Ogden will leave with her
brother, Mr. Charles Pratt of Kansas City,
Saturday. February 8, for Los Angeles,
Cat., to be the guest of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Augustus Pratt, until
spring. Mr. Charles Pratt will remain with
his parents for a month, when he will
return to Kansas City.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Wattlea will leave
Saturday for California, where they will
visit their winter home at Hollywood, and
March 10 they will sail on the Siberia for
a tour around the world. They will be ac
companied by their niece. Miss Caroline)
Leete of Santa Barbara. Cal. They have
made some changes In their itinerary since
It was originally announced, and Instead
of coming west via the Suei canal they
will, after visiting Japan and China, cross
by the Siberian railroad coming eventually
to Berlin. Some parts of the trip are still
Indefinite, but they expect to return home
some time In July.
Weddings and Engagements.
The wedding of Miss Bernice Cloyer to
Mr. Lester Drlshaus will take place
Wednesday evening.
Wednesday evening the wedding of Miss
Mary Slmckleford and Mr. John J. Marl
schsl will take place at the. home of the
bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Shackle
ford. Miss Bertha Bhackleford. sister of
the bride, will be the maid of honor and
Mr.Frank Henderson of Shenandoah, la.,
will bo the best man. Mr. Frank Robin
son, Mr. Turner Haynes, Mr. Roy Fegau
and Mr. Walter Bothe will stretch the
ribbon. Mr. and Mr. Marlschal will re
side in Spokane, Wash.
The wedding of Miss Carrie Louhie
Homan and Mr. Otto Luther Oaken will
take place Thursday evening. February fi.
at 8 o'clock, at the home of the bride, SOT
Davenport street. Rev. T. J. Mackay
officiating. Mrs. George W. Homan and
Mrs. J. J. Murphy of Missouri Valley will
be the matrons of honor. The little Misses
Eleanor Gilbert, Geraldlne Long and
Josephine SHupe will be the flower girls
and Miss Bessie Annls of Council Bluffs
the ring bearer. Mr. Ralph 1 Oakes of
Luther. Wyo., I to serve as best man.
Mrs. Sturdevant. accompanied by Miss
Verna Westernberger of Ashland. Neb.,
will render the musical numbers. Among
the out-of-town guests will be Mr. and
Mrs. Norrls Bhupe of Chicago, Mr. and
Mrs. 'G. W. lAng of Indlannla, la.; Mr.
and Mrs. G. W. Homan of Cleveland, O.;
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Murphy of Missouri
Valley and E. A. Thayer of Denver.
Swiss Authority Traces the History,
of the Air "God Save
the Kin.
' . r .... I il L'llti. la the
latest contributor to the controversy over
the origin of the music of "God Save the
King." In his pamphlet Kllng says that
"Hell Dlr lm Biegeskrana" has been cred
ited to John Bull, Smith. Purcell. Lully,
Handel and Schumacher. His Investiga
tion, however, brought to light the fact
that It was originally a Geneva '.'national
hymn," written to celebrate the victory of
Geneva over the troops of the Duke of
Savoy In 1602. The title of the song was
"Ce qu'e 1'Alno." It was sung for the
first time at a "patriotic feast" In 1603.
Four years later It appeared In England
as 'God Save the King" and was nung In
honor of James I after an arrangement by
John Bull. At the beginning of the eigh
teenth century Mme. de Brlsson wrote
words foY the melody, which was worked
over by Lully Into a French patriotic song
for the glorification of Louis XIV. Then
the motive was taken by Handel for a
song to King George of Hanover. At the
end of tho century It went to Germany
again, by way of Denmark, where a clergy
man, Henry Harries, took the melody for
a birthday hymn to Christian VII. This
was published In 1700. It became a na
tional anthem, with eleven verses, which
number waa reduced to five by Schu
macher In 1793. It was Schumacher aiso
who reconstructed tho words to fit Prus
sian conditions. Early In the nineteenth
century the melody went back to Swlt
xerland In the form of a national song,
for which JSwIsslg wrote the words. These
were translated quickly Into French and
Italian. Kllng does not mention "My
Country, 'TIs of Thee." New York Tri
bune. Fonnd Floating;.
William Cross, secretary of state in Okla
homa, signs his name ut ile lully "Mill
Mrs. Ingeborg Nelson of Madison, is.,
the mother of Senator Nelson, was 83 last
Mrs. Anson Jones, widow of the last pres
ident of the republic of Texas, is still alive
at Austin.
A negro of some means at Chester Val
ley, Pa., signs his checks "London As
paragus." In season,
William Hannahan of Indianapolis has
dislocated his shoulder forty-one times.
We don't know why.
In 1905 arctic whalebone was wortli $11, (X0
a ton. Now the leat quality sells for 111) a
pound. Save your whales.
Mr. and Mrs. Chronic of Atlanta, Ga.,
have a new boy. As he Is au only child
the habit has not yet become so with them.
Ernesto Nathan Is the first Jew to bo
elected mayor of Rome. He was born In
England and is a paist grand master Mason.
The latest slander about "Fighting Bob"
la that he spends his time at sea embroi
dering table linen. There's a sad sea dog
for you!
Dr.sUj FBauxy
Till institution Is the only one
In tho central west with separate
buildings situated in their own
ample grounds yet entirely dis
tinct and rendering it possible to
classify cases. The one building
" Si iui uri utnj iu uie H
treatment of uun-contaglous and n
non-mental diseases, no others be- 11
lug admitted. The other, I teat
Cottage, being designed for and IJ
devoted to the exclusive treatment il
of select mental cases, requiring il
for m time watchful care and spo-
rial nursing. j
' ".! """ ""l.wi 1 i,SILi'L"SI'SSMia j
Monday, February 3d, 9 Pi. Jl7.
Wo start our big JEWELRY sale of n big bargain purchase just completed from a
big eastern maker's at MWo to 50 under regular value and with this all our over
supply of holiday stock, broken sets of everything and lots of staple things you always
want, that we don't want to invoice but do want the cash for.
Solid silver Spoons,
regular value $1,
Solid silver Hat
Pins, regular val
ues o5c-50c, now
Quantities of odd pieces, 1 or 2 of a kind, we put in four big special lots at
25c, 35c, 45c audi 65c
Every piece worthy our generous guarantee and has it back of it. Anticipate your
future wants for birthdays, weddings and your own use.
Remember we're giving 20 to 50 cash discount on most everything in stock
in addition to above bargains. We are reducing stock before invoice.
T. L. COMBS 5l CO.
1 Tlc Busy Jewelers
1S20 Douglas Street. Mall orders filled on slant.
What the trade demands. He made his usual trip abroad last fall and brought
back many thousands of dollars worth of choice stones, ranging In size from
1-64 of a karat to 4 karats each. If you are in the market for a good invest
ment come in and Inspect this elegant lino of diamonds and let us quote
ou prices.
Everything In the store, Including watches, clocks, rings, bracelets, pins,
lockets, chains, silverware, cut glass, toilet sets, bric-a-brac, etc., all going at
Since 1866 at the S. E. Cor. 13th and Douglas Sts.
Young Woman's Christian Association
Announces Colonial Banquet.
t'aiitala J. K. Merry to Address
Woman's (lab Monday Afternoon
on Current Topics Open Duy
The Young Women's Christian associa
tion Iirh announced a colonial bsnijuet to
lie given Monday evening, Februury H,
at 6:30 o'clock, In the association rooms
In the Paxton block. This will be the
first banquet of the new year and one of
the most pretentious social affairs the
association has undertaken for some time.
The, supper will be furnished by the
Omaha Women's Christian Temperance
union, and only those members who have
secured two new members or the renewal
of two memberships that expired before
January 1 will be eligible to attend. Uf
course the two new members and the
inemberB renewing are eligible. All the
women have been requested to wear col
onial costume, but If this la not con
venient to come with the shoulder
'kerchief and powdered hair. An excel
lent program Is being arranged lo follow
the supper. All women expecting to at
tend must get their cards for themselves
and their members at the office before
Saturday evening, February IS.
In ac Interest of Art.
The proposed freo exhibit of tho Henry
Kelnhardt collection of pulntings from
Chicago, to be held In the library the
first week In April, under the auspices of
the Society of" Fine Arts, U attracting
much Interest, especially among club
women and others Interested In the study
of art. The society, an outgrowth of the
art department of the Woman's club. Is
doing, and has done, much to promote au
Interest in art in Omaha, and the Keln
iiarilt collection, counted one of the finest
private cj. lections In ".his country, will
do muct to further extend tills Interest.
The society has also arranged for Dr.
Frank Gunsaulus of Chicago to lecture
la Omaha at the First Congregational
church, Wednesday evening, Februury 26,
011 "Modern Dutch Art." Admission will
bo by ticket. 1
Woman' (.lob of H. M. S.
Several of the vlnlting stute officers lu
Omaha th early part of the week were
guests at the meeting of the Woman's
ciub of the railway mall service, which
met at the home of Mrs. J. W. Nash of
.junJec, Weunesday afternoon. Twenty
five members and eight guests were pres
ent. The afternoon was glscii over to
the visiting women, Mm. Mai garet Curnes
of Lincoln, chairman of the State Fed
eration's civil service reform committee,
speaking on that subject, jidrs. KUward
Johnson, vice president of the Second
district federation, spoke of "Club Co
Operation" and Mrs. j. D. Hart hnd iirs.
F. it. Cole gave brief reports of "the Con
ference of charities and Corrections. The
rooms had a rrelty decoration of cut
flowers and luncheon followed the pro
gram. .
tat flab. . ... .
The Cat club la una of the several organ
Isallons of Omaha women of which littlo
has ben heard, although 11 has been In
existence for nearly a year. Ths club In
cludes twenty members and meets monthly,
Tuesday afternoons. The blooded cat Is the
particular object of tha club's lulsrsst and
all of the members own fine cats. Through
the club It has been learned that there
Solid silver Thim
bles, worth up to
75c now
(Jold plated
Pins, worth
$1.00, now
25c 25c 8c -10c
Gold plated Hat
Pins, worth up to
$1.00, now
(Jold plated Ladies'
Pins, all kinds and
values, now
Diamonds Our Own Importation.
It has been the practice of the
late A. D. Bubermann for the last
20 years to make a trip to Europe
each season and personally select
his own stock of Diamond. His
long experience In the business,
handling nothing but the best
grade, enabled him to procure Just
The Reputation That the La-Book Skirt Enjoys In Omaha
is Sufficient to Indicate the Trtfe Value ol This Oder
are about fifty Angora, Persian and other
fine cats In Omaha and the women pro
pose to work up an exhibit, to be held In
connection with the Poultry show next
year. The details of this exhibit will be
worked up at the meetings, which are or
dinarily devoted to a discussion of fine
cats and the study of their habits and care.
The ultimate object of the club Is the es
tablishment of a cat refuge, where home
less cats may be taken caro of. The
kwork of the club Is of a humane and edu
cational rather than sentimental character,
and the proposed refuge will be- conducted
from this slandpoolnt. Mrs. Frank Ix-slie
is president of the club, Mrs. P. T. 11111 sec
retary and Mrs. Boyles treasurer. The
next meeting will be held Tuesday after
noon at the home of Mrs. C. H. Chlsum,
11)12 Wirt street.
Club 'oes.
The current topics department will have
chargo of the program at the open day
tifteting of the Woman's club Monday aft
ernoon, when Captuln J. F. Merry will give
his lecture on "The Citizens of the South."
The program will follow the regular busi
ness session, beginning st 3:80 o'clock, and.
besides the lecture, will include musical
numbers by Mrs. J. II. Shary and Mrs.
Kdlth L,. Wagoner. An Informal reception
for Captain and Mrs. Merry will follow
the meeting.
The Society of the Fine Arts will hold
Its regular meeting Thursday morning at
IB o'clock at the library, Mrs. Warren 8.
Blackwell to be leader of the morning.
Kembrandt will be the artist considered,
Mrs. S. D. Markalow, Mrs. K. A. Iienson!
Mrs. Harry Knott and Mrs. Walter T. Page
to assist the leader In the explanation of
the stereoptienn slides tised In the lesson.
Frances Wlllard Women's Christian Tem
perance union will hold Its regular meet
ing Wednesday afternoon, February 5, at
the home or Mrs. H. C. Freeman, Forty
ninth and I'nderwood avenue, Dundee.
rerlloas Ksnerlenees of Bailor la
Winter Storms OfT t found
land Coast.
Particulars of the remarkable escape
from death and the(story of the pilvlta
tlons endured by the crew of the Hrltlsh
steamer Tolesby, whlth was Wrecked ten
miles west of Cape Race on Monday, were
learned from tha men who arrived at St.
Johns, N. F.
The Tolesby whs bound from Oalveston,
Texas, for Harve, Fiance, with a cargo of
cotton. During a thick snowstorm Monday
she struck on a submerged ledge at the
foot of a step cliff SOU feet In height, a
spot along the long stretch of coat, the
rnont desolate In Newfoundland. Immense
waves broke the back or tho steamer, and
the crew launched the lifeboats In a U.h
perute attempt to save themselves from
Three boats were put over the sides, but
all were smashed to pieces. The crew then
constructed rafts fiom spars, and after it
hard struggle suecedrd In landing on a
narrow stony Loach la cava at the loot
up to
Silver plated Forks
aud Spoons, var
ious values, now
Solid gold Set
Kings, worth $,1.50
and $4.00, now
"n-WMiilT"1'1 M
Ladles! Tailor
and Furrier
Saved to Choco
late Buyers
These figures mean much to every
buyer of high grade confections.
When you buy pound of our
bulk chocolates for 40 runts you save
one third, or 20 cents, and have a
better rhocolate than you can buy nt
60 cents a pound box elsewhere.
The chocolates wo sell In tho bul
Is the sanio high urnd.' confection
you get In our choicest oox goods,
only the assortment Is not so great,
but for home, consumption Is every
whit as good.
However if you want exclusive ex
cellence In your packages of sweets,
you will find our tiold Mednl Choc
olates and Bon Hons, packed in many
kinds of beautiful, fancy boxes and
baskets, will meet the requirements
of the most fantldlous. Different
4tlZPM. different tirlecB H
the Store roRDfticACr
1618-30 r A. AM x,
FHOirH XO. Til
Table D'Hote Dinner today, serve.)
from 11:30 A. M. to 8:0.0 1. M. l'rlr.
aj n'l cents.
of the cliff, a Bolld wall of rock COO feet
high and extending for miles.
The high tide threatened to sweep them
from their position. One daring seaman,
with a rope about his, succeded in
scaling the cliff after he had nearly fallen
several tlrneB. . He was ab:e to haul up
three others of the crew. The rising tide
cut off all hope of the other men leach
ing the rope. The night was extremely
cold and the shipwrecked crew suffered
They broke up pieces of wreckage and
were able to light a fire, which the lining
waves extinguished, and the twenty men
were forced to stand on a singlo hillock
of sand the entire night.
The four who reached the summit of the
cliff Monday evening finally found a set
tlement TueKduy morning. Iteiurning with
some of the male residents, they met vil
lagers of another settlement who had seen
the wreck Uy means of ropes lowered to
the foot of the cliffs several men d
scended. They fijund the castaways too
helpless from hunger aud exposure to at
tempt tha ascent tnemselvea, and all hands
hud lo be assisted to tha top of tho
cliff. iioston Herald
Dmmmond 's
.Terseyvllle, 111.. Jan. 4, 1908.
The Hokansan Automobile Co.,
Madison, Wisconsin.
Oejitlemen: I am one of tho sev
eral thousand owners of Whito Steam
cars. I have a 1907 Model ''!!." and I
paid full list price for my car and nil
Its accessories, hence whnt I hav to
say relative to the White cars Is not
Influenced by reason of any discounts
received, or proni'ses of reward, but
simply to do Justice to the White
Company for having designed and
built an automobile that has given me
such perfect satisfaction, and the
use of which has contributed so much
to my health ani pleasure.
I received my car in May, 107. and
had never owned or driven an auto
mobile before, but had very thorough
ly Investigated nil kind and nnikrs,
before deciding on a "White Rtemn
er," and now after a season's use, 1
can truthfully say that I am Hatls
fled that I made no mistake in my
selection. The control being at all
times so absolute, and the operation
so simple, that I learnnd to drlvo tt
In less than one hour, and now feel
Just as confident on tho congested
thoroughfares of a large city ns upon
the country roods, and until the day
comes, when some Junius gives nn :i
perfect Htonure battery for elect rlo
automobiles, I think the White Kleam
Car Is the most peife.-t automobile
made In this or any other country,
and as long as I nm ubie to own a:nl
maintain a car, I expect to drive "The
Incomparable White Steamer."
Yours very truly,
H. A. SHKl'l i. I'D.
Vice Pres. IUto Tianlt.
r t
Having added a first class ma
chine shop to our Automobile He
pair Department we are now pre.
pared, to do any kind of Automo
bile machine Work. We employ
only first class workmen aud
earnestly solicit your patronayn.
We now have the sgency for
the Whits Steamer and aro pre
pared to furnish any parts or re
pairs for this machine.
We also solicit your machine
work or repair work for any style
of car In use today, gasoline,
steam or electric.
You Should Use
Casavera Creme
The Greaseless Creme, con
tains no grease nor oil. Cas
avera Creme is absorbed bv
the skin in one minute, clar
ifies, feeds and tones the
complexion, leaving the skin
soft and velvety. Put up ;n
50c jars.
Betxton Drug Co.
Fifteenth and Farnam Sts.
Piano Recital
Our friends and patrons are cor
dially Invittnl to attend a piano re
ntal Riven by the uplls of Mr.
AuKUHt M. Horglum, evening of
Thursday, Fel, 6th, at 8 p. m.
Schmoller & Mneller
Piano Co.
1311-1313 FAHN'AM ST.
Women's Exchange
Only place In the city that caters to
ladles' house sewing. Hecial attention
given stamping and JeHigninjr. Marking
of all kinds of liiicn, and hemstitching
promptly and neatly done.
Mrs. M. A. Collins
1822 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 3611
la not considered attractive.
La Jeune Depilatory Liquid
.vll! remove hair from nny part of th
body In & to 10 minutes leaving skin ecft
,:td white '.10 siosrtlMg or burning 7Go
er boll it. By mall, sealed, 1.00. Ci roa
Cor. 16th ai.d Ijoiigo, Omaha.
. owt osva co..
'or li:th and Harney