Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    Omaha Sunday Bee
nnvs SEcna:i
P AC-IS t TO 1
Best Vcst
Jury Finds White! Slayer Not Guilty
on Ground of Insanity.
Hope of Any Verdict Practically
Court Holdt that Ha i a Dangerous
lltori'ri Alter Cnnfereneo with. HI
Mather Poetpne Film .-
Consider Ct
NEW TURK. Jan. L Adjudged not
guilty of the murder of Stanford Whit by
reason of ineanlty at the time tha fatal
ft on were tired, Harry Kendall Thaw to
day u held by tha court to be a danger
ous lunatic and wmn whirled away to the,
state, hospital for the criminal Insane at
Hat tea wan. It waa a quick transition from
the dingy little cell In the Tombs, which
had Ivwi the young man's home for more
limn eighteen months, to the. white-bedded
wards of the big aeylttm rucked away on
the enew-covered sloping banks of the Hud
son river fifty miles above the city. The
verdlrt came after twenty-five hours of
waiting, when everyone connected with tha
ihm Had abandoned every hope of an
agreement evtr being reached In this or any
other trial. Four hours after the foreman's
lips had framed the words "Not guilty,"
with the accompanying insanity clause.
Tliaw. protesting he was sane, waa on bis
way to Matteawan. A little after night
fall he had been received in the institution
under commitment papers, which directed
his dotation "until discharged by duo
course of law."
Thaw Dm to Jary.
T!i first thrill of the words of acquittal
brought Thaw to his feet in the court
room and. with that lack of grace of action
which lias always characterised hia move
ment, he awkwardly, almost haughtily,
bowed his acknowledgments to the twelve
jurymen as they wer discharged by the
court. A smile played about his pallid fea
tures, and there waa every reason to be
lieve that he waa entirely pleased with tha
outcome. It waa after he had heard the
words of Justice Dnwling committing hlra
I a Matteawan on the ground that hia re
lonse, lit tho opinion of the court, would
endanger the public aafety. and after tha
elation of the verdict had died away, that
Thaw rebelled. He commanded hia at
torneys immediately to ue out a writ of
habeas cerpua to have his aanlty tested
before he waa sent away to the up-tate in
stitution where tha Inaanja of criminal tend
encies were confined. Mm. William Thaw,
front her hot-d. atM aha had received
cer the telephone, tha newa of the trial' a
end. joined In the demand of her son. Star
tin YV. Littleton, whoa conduct of tha case
a chief eo unset for tha defease hit woo
en much favorable . comment, finally pre
vailed against the wishes of tha mother.
Indicating tn her that ha believed It would
be better for the- present to obey tha man
date of the court.
Pell Fined far .InUsw.
only a few spectators were allowed ta
entr the court room when the Jury re
ported. Justice Dowling warned them
again' any demonstration, but despite this
Theodore Roosevelt Pell, the noted tennis
player, broke Into voclfer u applause aa
the foreman uttered the first words of the
verdict. "Not guilty." Roll was immedi
ately arrested, arraigned before Justice
Dowling after the Jury had been discharged
anil fined l'J for contempt of court.
It was 12:30 o'clock. Just twenty-five
hours after the Jury had retired, that tha
.first word came from their council room.
An officer wan dispatched to Justice Dow
ling's chambers to Inform blm that the
twvlve men were ready to report.
District Attorney Jerome and counsel for
the defense quickly assembled, and young
Mrs. Thaw rushed to her accustomed chair
la the court room. Justice Dowling; took
hia srat on the bench at 12:42 p. m.. and it
was about five minutes later that the ver
dict waa announced.
rrhwaer "o Prepared.
The Jurors as they look their places In
Hie box rfave no hint of their conclusion.
In (act. it was generally believed that a
disagreement would be stated up to the
time Justice Dowling warned the spec,
tutors against making a demonstration.
Thaw was not prepared for the climax of
his case and there waa an appreciable de
ley in summoning him to the bar.
When he had reached hia chair at counsel
table, the poll of tha Jury waa begun.
All t li-ev doors of the court mom were
locked and save for a newspaper messenger
no one was allowed to leave tha chamber
until the proceeding waa over.
Thaw was commanded to stand up and
face the Jurors, and they in turn, were
called to their feet.
"Jurors, look upon tha defendant; de
fendant look upon the Jurors." called Clerk
Penny "Gentlemen of tha Jury, have you
greed upon a verdict T'
"We have.'' said Foreman Gremmels.
"What say you, la the defendant guilty
sr not guilty."
"Nut guilty: on the ground that ha waa
nsane at the time of the commission of
me charge."
Then came the applause which caused a
commotion in the court room and spread
(he rumor outride that a great demonstra
tion was In sregreaa behind tha big oaken
Order's felaeeatlnai Delay,
At the reuiMre of tike defendant'! coun
sel Justice Dowling- has delayed tha n
' t ut ion of the order committing Thaw to
1 asylum (HI I p. m. to allow counsel
0 confer aa to whether or not a writ of
la'ieas corpus will be. sued out to hare
1 I a ....... ... 1 .t ftu.u.
. 1 It'., , t V, US IflMHI MWWm IWB UUIVI,
t;e is takm away to Matteawan.
Tl jiu-y all refused to divulge tha secrete
i f tit-liberations further than to say
'. a' fourteen ballots were taken.
r the ifcnlaion was reached to take
I Maiteaiau this afternoon.
.M: . U"V an Tliaw received at the up
t i ': :!. where ah has ba Stopping,
.e n. w i ef l:- r sia's ai-quiltal. She waj
ta.l.ii t :.. tHeplioiM aa the Jury filrd and held there until William
II :: -r ilr. IV-uOody'a office Could tall
;h iu.itji uw lite wtr.
TUaw suowrU no emotion other than the
characleniitic aniile which has su iWuu
ylayed about hia lips. His wife flushed a
jCuntlnuoa on Betsoad Page.)
toaday, Febronrr 2, 1IM").
1308 &EBXzfixr 1908
sn: ,vnv vz. uta urtf rpj si
2-3 4 5 6 Z
9 10 U 12 13 U
16 1Z 18 19 20
23 24 2526 2' J9
VICINITY Fair and -rising temperature
FOR NEBRASKA Fair and rising tem
perature Sunday.
FCR IOWA Fair and rising- temperature
Temperature at Omaha yesterday:
Hour. Li'R-
, . o
"i.'Jl! ... n
Government begins its suit to dissolve
the combination between the Harrtman
lines that parallel In the west. Promi
nent financiers of the nation made de
fendants. X, Pare 1
Five persons burned to death in a Kan
sas City lodging house fire. X, Fag's 3
Tliaw found not guilty, but Insane, by
the Jury and Justice Dowling commits
him to Matteawan asylum, where he waa
taken late in the afternoon. X, Page 1
Miners at Indianapolis arree to hold a
later meetlng'with the operators.
X. Page 1
Home hank of Brooklyn closed, being
unable to meet Its obligations. X, Pagw 1
Boise City banker accused of forgery on
puper sent back from Omaha and Kansas
City banks. t, Patfe 1
Pressmen' union of the country win
their lawsuit with tha United Typothctae.
V . X. Pagw a
List 'of victims of the Boyertown dis
aster reaches 170. X. Peg's a
Union Pacific, in brief in mtnola Cen
tral case, saya the fight Fish Is making
la merely to land himself In the presi
dency of the road. X, Pags X
State convention, of South Dakota re
publicans will be held at Huron.
X. Page 1
Death list! of the storm in Mississippi
will reach twenty or more. X, Pwge 1
Japanese minister of war declares the
military preparations are merely of a pre
cautionary nature. X, Paf a 1
Battleship fleet reaches Punta Arenas.
X. Paga 1
Canadians are much enraged at Lien
tenant Governor Dunsmuir , of British
Columbia. X, Paga 1
' Sheriff Bauman leaves for Kan sua City,
where be haa a clue to tha utaejnpeanutce
of LiUle Olson. X, Page 3
Sketch of the career of James S. Kelby,
new solicitor general of tha Burlington
lines west of the Missouri liver. How
the blind, deaf and dumb are made self
sustaining, picturesque arenea in the
New York aquarium. Great future pre
dicted for Nairobi, the new city in Eaat
Africa. Omaha bowlers who expect to
figure In the national tournament.
Poos Pages
Buster Brown goes on a railroad trip
with hia uncle and, aa usual, starts some
thing. Contributions from the little folks
and things of Interest to the children.
Matters of lnU-rest to the women folks.
Fluffy Ruffles visits a winter resort. .
Pour Pagaa
ovxnxim op ocbaxt steaxskxps.
Part. Arrtvee ssll4.
NKW TORK Pennsylvania ....
UVUBFOHL Hira-funi
naplrs Aimna ..
CHKRHol RU ....
QPFPMSTOWM ..Baltic ...
. ffurnpa
K. A. VlcttMi
Uses Interest la 'ana at Person
Wka Aeeared Rnatarn of
t'keaa wen ke.
NEW YORK. Feb. t.-Tliere is much In
terest in New York In knowing who pur
chased the Chesapeake's flag when It waa
void at auction In London on Thursday
and what disposition ia tn be made of it.
It la considered one of the greatest relics
of American history owned abroad. It haa
been auggested that it should hang In the
chapel at the Annapolis Naval academy,
the building In which rest the bones of
John Paul Jones. J. Plerpont Morgan,
Cornelius Vandorbilt. W. K. Vanderhilt, Jr.,
Captain John 9. Barnes and several others
msntioned as purchaaers of the reJIc deny
that they bought it.
Home Mnak, Mtntv Inatltntlwn, 8na
pea da After Standing! Ran
Sine 4raiber.
NEW YORK. S"eb. L The Home Bank
of Brooklyn, a state institution on which
a run waa started yesterday did not open
for business today. The Home bank la a
mail Institution located in south Brooklyn.
It has a capital stock of COO.Ouu and a sur
plus and undivided profits amounting to
K3.7a. Its closing ia without bearing upon
the general financial situation. The de
posits, which formerly averaged about
aVJa,OOo. have been reduced greatly since the
October pamc.
too feasty Woman Die from Arid.
NEBRASKA CITY. Feb. L i Special. )
Mrs. Louis Kreifels. wife of a well known
tanner, living eight mile south of thia
city, secured a bottle of carbolic acid anj
drank tha contents. Whether It waa acci
dental or suicidal ia not known. She died
yesterday morning. She leaves a husbanj
and eight children. She had been an In
valid fur some time, at times suffering
from melancholia." Tha coroner did not
deem It necessary to hold an Inquest
Receiver ( Light Uamr,
LINCOI.N. Neb.. Feb. l.-H. U. I.e.a-h of
Nebraska City waa today appointed re
reiver for the Nebraska City Gas Light
company of Neuraa ka city. Judge Monger
of the federal court taking action on the
application of the Uhuois iravuiga and
Trust company of I'il.mfi and Mrs. lixelya
Lli'd of Nrbraki Ci'y. tlu piiutipjl credi- !
tors. The llubiluiea amount to fjv.'IM.
4 i 6 a. m..
JT ' . m..
- I . J " a. m..
Vr-;d-rsi. 9 - m -
- 7cchf zr, 3 p- m -
3 jWi J p. nr..
Government Brings Suit to Dissolve
Karri mAn Eailroad Combine.
.xlv,t Iman, Schiff, Kahn and Frick
Amon-j Defendants.
Allegation that Lines Named Are!r",,e'1 Tyothetae it lajaar
Violating Sherman 'Act.
abpeaaa Will Probably Be Served
by Mink 1 and Defendants Hare
Twenty Days tw A newer Prow
able Time at Hearing.
SALT LAKE CITT. Utah, Feb. L-Uniled
States Attorney Hiram E. Booth, acting
lj ! under the direction of the attorney general.
1 today filed in the circuit court of the I'nite l
7 1 States for the district of Utah, sitting at
Salt Lake City, a petition or bill in equity
In which the United States is made com
plainant and the Union Pacific Railroad
company, the Oregon Short Line Railroad
company, the Oregon Railrond and Naviga
tion company, the San Pedro. Los Angeles
Salt Lake Railroad company, the Atchi
son, Topeka ft Santa F Railroad com
pany, the Southern Pacific company, the
Northern Pacific Railway company. Great
Northern Railway company. Farmers'
Loan and Trust company. Edward H. Har
riman. Jacob II. 8chlff. Otto H. Kahn.
James Stlllmsn. Henry H. Ragers. Henry
C. Frick and William A. Clark, defendants.
The bill sets out in detail the several
agreements, contracts and operations by
which the several defendants, Harrtman.
Schiff, Kahn. Stlllman. Rogers. Frick and
Clark, at various time since January 1.
1901, are alleged to have secured for them
selves and others the management and
control of the various defendant roads,
their branches and steamship lines and to
have ever since operated them in restraint
f trade and commerce among the status,
and with foreign nations, in violation' of
the act of congress, approved July 2. 1890,
entitled "An act to protect trade and com
merce against unlawful restraint and
Oerwgatlaw ef Peanle'a It labia.
Tha bill alleges comDination and con
spiracy among the defendants In deroga
tion of the common rights of ail the peo
ple of the United States, and asks:
That the Individual defendants named,
and their associate stockholders, and each
and every person combining or conspiring
wttn them and their trustees, agents, and
assigns, present or future, be perpetually
enjoined from doing any and every act of
tiling In furtherance of the combination or
conspiracy or tending to carry out the
Conspiracy described in this bill of com-
plaint, or intended or tending to com-
pletn control or partial control of said
eomrntlng linen of railway by the Union
gen Kaitroad and Navujtaj . n company, or
their officers, directors, and executive com-
miUeea, or in the control, legal or practical.
,.f - . .-rt
auting for or In lieu of . Union Pacifia
Ralroad company, or the Oregon Short Line
R Ui-rad ootnpany. or the Oregon Railroad
and Navigation company, in carrying oui
of the unlawful combination or uonspiracy
hereinbefore alleged.
That each and all of the acts and doings
of said defendants In pursuance or said
conspiracy be decreed to b in violation of
tjie act of congreaa, approved July 2. ivo,
entitled "An act t.. protect trade and com
merce against unlawful restraint and
monopolies.'' and the acts- amendatory
thereof, and that a writ of injunction,
mandatory or otherwise, as may be neces
sary. Issue out of this court enloinlng the
aid defendants, and commanding the said
defendants, their officers, directors, serv
ants and agenla. to desist In said unlawful
acta, and that they and each of them, and
ail and each of their respective directors,
officers, agents, servants, employes and all
persona acting under or through them, or
either of thetn. or In their behalf, or claim
ing mo to act. be enjoined, restrained and
prohibited from entering Into, taking part
In. or performing anv contract, combina
tion, or conspiracy, the purpose or effect
of which will be aa to said trade and
commerce among the several states and
territories and with foreign nations, to re
strain trade or to monopolise and attempt
to monopoliso said trade ami commerce In
violation of the provisions of said act of
congress. I
Habpoeaaa for Owjaar.
-nd the complainant, the United States
oikAmerica, prava for such other and fur
ther relief aa the nature of the cane may
require and the court may deem proper
In the premises; to the end. therefore, that
the t'nited States of America nuiv obtain
the relief to which it is Justly entitled in
the premiaes. may it please your honors to
grant unto it writs of subpoenaes directed
to the said defendants: I nion Pacific Rail
road company. Oregon Short Line Railroad
companv. Oregon Railroad and Navigai ion
company. San Pedro. !s Angeles A rlall
I.ak Railroad company. Atchison. Topeka
Hanta Fe Railway companv. Southern
Pacific company. North-r Pscifle Rail
road company. Great Northern Railway
companv. Farmers' Ian and Trust com
panv. Edward H. Harriman. Jacob H
ehiff. otto H. Kahn. James Stlllman.
Henrv H. Rogers. Henry C. Frick and
William A. Clark, and the co-conspirators
whose names are unknown to the com
plainant, and euch other names as mav be
come known to the cnmplajnunt and the
court bo advised thereof and to each of
them, commanding them and eaclt of theni
to appear herein and answer (but not under
oath), the allegations contained in the fore
going petition, and abide by and perform
such order or decree aa the court mav
make in the premises: and that pending
the final hearing of this cue a temporary
restraining order and temporarv writ of
in Junction may Issue enjoining the de
fendants and their associates, and eMcii
of them, and their stockholders, directors,
officers, aeiiia and servants, aa herein
before prayed.
Snma for All Ronda.
The prayer to the court respecting the
Union Pacific Railroad company, the Ore
gon Short Line Railroad company, the
Oregon Railroad and Navigation company,
is substantially repeated in all its im
portant particulars aa to all of the other
defendant railroad named In the tiU. of
um cue, ana in eacu instance the de-
fondant stockholder-, officers, directors
and agents ara asked to be perpetually en-
joined from voting such stuck, either by
proxy or otherwise, and from paying any
dividends upon su. h slock to anv of tho
parties unless authoriaed by the court, ami
from recognising oa valid any transfer,
mortgage, pledge, or assignment of the
stock of the defendant roads, unless
authorised by the court.
The bill ia signed by Hiram EX Booth,
attorney for the United States for tha dis
trict of Utah: Charles J. Bonaparte, at
torney general of the United Statas; Miltoa
D. Purdy, aaaiatant to tha attoruep gen
eral; Frank B. Kellogg and C A. Sever
ance, special aaaistaiits tu tha attorney
guneral of the United States. i
Prwkakla Tint of Heart-.
At the same lime that the dissolution
of the so-called Harriman railroad system
in the western part nf tiie Un.ted Siatea,
was filed in tha United Mtalea district
court for Utah today, the attorneya fir tie
vConttnued ua Scvuud Fe.i
Adioarna I atlt ll Wednesday
Wlthavt Aareeleg an t'ollecter
f laterwal Heveaae.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Feb. 1 5pelal Tele
gram. At 7:15 the Nebraska delegation
adjourned, until Wednesday t I o'clock
without reai-hing a vote on a collector of
Internal revenue to succeed Elmer Stephen
son. The delegation met at 4 o'clock.
tins 9ai .arainac tae
I slea.
William Cole, president of the Omaha
Pressmen's union, has a telegram from
Patrick J. McMullen, secretary-treasurer
of the International Printing Pressmen s
anil Assistant's union, saying that the
union has won in the case at Cincinnati.
In this car the United Typothetae was
granted a temporary rcHtrainlng order liwt
Octuber to prevent the international of
ficers of the pressmen's union from order
ing a strike in connection with the eight-hour-day
movement- It was set up by the
Typothotae that a contract had been made
between that organiration and the press
men for a nine-hour day arid an open shop
until January 1. litis. This contract waa
repudiated by the preimmen. saying that It
was never ratified by the union. The case
waa heard in bha federal court some time
ago, and the decision now is In favor of the
union on all points. The United Typothetae
Is held for the costs. In'Otnaha the press
men liave been out the Typothetae offices
since November 1C Only four" of the
larger offices are affected. In the others
the eight-hour day and union shop prevails.
CINCINNATI. Feb. l.-Kfforta of the
United Typothetaw of America to force the
International Printing Presemen's and
Assistant's Union or North America to
live up to an alleged agreement whereby
the eight-hour work day would be insti-
imeu arter January I. v.v. met with de
feat In the United States court today when
Judge Thompson hamh-d down a decision
In which he says the union committee did
not have the power to bind the union by
the agreement it entered into with the
committee from the tyrmthetae. The typo
thetae was granted a temporary injunction
some time ago to prevent the officers ef
the pressmen's union from calling a strike.
They aaked for a permunent injunction,
claiming that the officers of the union had !
signed an agreement with the typothetae
for a nine-hour day and that an eitrht- I
hour work day would not be Instituted until j
after January 1, r.mS. The officers of the
union admlttPd that the agreement had
been signed by some of them, but con
tended that it was not binding as the
members of the unions had not ratilled
the agreement.
Judge Thompson In hia decision today
held that the agreement made by the
officers of the union providing for a
1 nine-hour day does not bind the rank and
, f th , to worh nin(, hourg a ,,.1V
. . . ,
! hut that they are to work nine hours if
'they work at all.
! T rasters ( Weatern I'nlvrralty Are
1 ,. . u
Plnelngr It in Flr Mortgaoi
in San Kraarlnra.
Stanford university has an endowment in
the way of securities and property amount
ing to between r5.000.oui and 40.'0.i. It
la said that about Oi.'KO.ouO is invested In
first-class Interest bearing securities In
9n Francisco, t'hicago. New York and
London. The interest derived from these
securities is more than enough to meet all
the current expenses of tiie Institution. In
this way the trustees are accumulating a
surplus and from this surplus have already
made a loan of swvmn on first-elaas mort
gage securities in San Francisco.
At a meeting of the trustees yesterday, it
waa officially declared as this surplus ln
crensed from time to time the board would
loan It on first-class mortgage securities
in San Francisco as a means of helping to
rebuild the cily. It ia possible that within
I the next eight or ten months the trustees
may Iiavo available for loans of this
character about a million dollars.
Tailor- Test i Ilea In HtDasaU
He saw it in Dead Man's
CHICAGO. Feb. 1 Strong testimony for
Mrs. McDonald, who Is on trial for the
murder of Webster S. Guerin. whs given
today by Abraham Wolinski, a tailor whose
office adjoined that in which Guerin was
llo heard the (.hots, and going in the
hall, saw- Mrs. Milkmaid breaking the
glass in Guerin s office with her hands.
She had no revolver, he said. He went
Into the room and found Guerin on tiie
floor witli the revolver in his hand. He
further declared that Mrs. McDonald
stepped back into the room, leaned over
Guerin s Ixsiy. picked up the revolver and
came back to the front of the office. Sev
eral times she exclJimed: "Ho has allot
Caanalty Mat for Tarnndo In Mlaala
aipnl Will Reach Thia
II AZLEHL'RST. Miss.. Feb. l.-The latest
reports here indicate that more than a
score of persons were killed and nearly
twice that nuinuer more or less seriously
injured in yesterday's tornado, which cut
a path about a half mile wide. Relief
parties were organised and sent out today.
j Aaaonji eemenc Made Heina Mnvlngs '
la.tllntl-a n W ill Reopen j
I Its Uonra.
j I
BUTTE. .Mont . Feb. l.-.M. S. Laraev. !
president uf t lie ileinie Savings bank,
which closed Its doors owing to the slump
In copper, returned today from New Yurk.
with an announcement that sufficient funds
have been secured to permit resumption
at tha bank.
Dd4 t'sssly OOleer Uea t
Joacpk to I newer Olaan
FREMONT. Nob.. Feb. L Uheriff Bau Uft last night for St. Joseph, Mo.,
where ha will seacrh for I.l 1 lie olsen. the
5-y. ar-o.J gui whu mysteriously disap
peared from her a farm near Rosalie
more than a month gu. Sheriff Batunan
a e, lures he has a good clua and will lu
veai:gata in St. Joaeyu,
Jacksoni&ns Repudiate Dahlmanism
to Protect Party'i Name.
Propose to Lick Mayor and Friends
at the Primaries.
iWANT 81112 10 raow FACTS,,h" "omp
Not After Bryan, but Men Hidinx!
Under His Skirts.
Depntr Comptroller Replies for Hia
. Faction to Ckarsree of Dab I man
Democracy that Jnekaoninaa
Refnae tn Harmonise.
"The situation is slmplv this: W
call us the Jacksnnians If you will pro
pose to show to tiie public that the ma
jority of the democrats of Douglas county
are not in the Dahlman Democracy, and
do not endorse Dahlmanism. That is the
whole thing in a nutshell."
In this concise fashion Fred H. Cos
grove, deputy city comptroller, speaking
for a larse proportion of Douglas county
democrats known as the Jacksonians. ex
plained the animus of the feeling between
that organization and the Dahlman Democ-
racy which led the latter to condemn In !
stinging resolutions the alleged attempt of
the Jacksonians to domineer when they
evinced some objection to the platform
and policy laid down by the Dahlman
Democracy for guidance in the coming
The Dahlman Democracy Friday night
adopted resolutions setting forth that the
Dahlmanites. seeking to avoid the strife
of a primary, endorse Joseph Hayden as
delrgate-at-large to the national conven
tion and George Rogers as one of the
district delegates, leaving the other dis-
, . . , - . 1
trlet delegates to be named 'by the Jack- :
sonians. The resolution then stated mar. i
ll, Ia.U.,ni,in under the leadershm of'veWors and the interests of the state
Mr. Cosgrove. John Murphy. Robert Aitchl- j ""V,'"., iB-nm tremendous conse-
son and Lee Herdman. had rejected the j quenee which would follow a ruling to
"harmony" plan.. On account of this the the effect that such stock ownership, con
r,..,.i ':, ..n m-.., uoi.. vrmi.iuu niiriir i llnued year after year until It became a
and decide upon a candidate for the other
district delegate and made all arrange
ments to put up a fight In the primaries.
Lay Down t.anntlet to Jim.
"Now. that is all wrong." added Mr. I
Coairmve. in reference to the charge that i
ha u.irf liis fr-tunds were onnoeed to "har- !
mony ."
"We are opposed to Dahlman dictation
and If that is whut they call harmony,
then harmony ia what we are opposed to.
"In plain words, we do not and cannot
endorse Dahimaniam. With nothing per
sonal against Mr. Dahlman. we believe the
policy be advocates is not a good policy
and not the policy of the majority of
Douglas county democrats.
"We are not prohibitionists or anything
of that sort, neither are we 'wide-openiata.'
We believe in a aaae and decent oaner'f
ance of law and we believe in dignity and
decorum in the administration of law.
And w are most earnest in believing that
this ia what the majority of the demo
crats of Douglas county advocate.
"Mr. Dahlman, I believe, honestly dif
fers with us on this point. He really be
lieves that his policies represent those of
thu majority of lnuglas county democrats;
he believes It was because of these poli
cies and Ilia personality that lie waa elected
ninvor. Why. h couldn't be further from
the facta. Everyiman, be he democrat or
republican, who knows anything annut me
facts knows that it was the ajili-Bcnson
sentiment and not tho Dahlman sentiment
that elected the latter.
Most Sksw 4'onntry Brethren.
"Out in the state certain democratic
papers are carrying on controversies on
the situation in Douglas county. One paper
will tell its readers that Dulilmanism ia the
brand of democracy of the majority in
Douglas county; another paper will tell
I Iks readers the contrary.
I "Now, It's up to the majority of Do.iglaa
j county democrats to settle the dlapute.
Tun Jacksonians say they and the major
ity are nut fur Dahlmun or Dalilnianism.
We have got to say so in order to protect
tho good name of Douglas county demo
crats. We resent the Imputation that wa
;and for tha Dahlman democracy or
"It is this and no desir to dictate the
election of national convention delegates i
that animates us. We don't cure so much
for tiie. national delegates so long as we I
come out all rigHt in the state convention.
For national delegates I think C. J. Smyth, I
I. J. Dunn and Frank Morlarty of South j
Omulia, or some other such men would sun :
us We have nothing ag:Unst Mr. Hayden.
except that he Isn't registered as a demo- !
crat. George Rugers. of cour
s check
by jowl with Dahlman. We expect to meut
within a few days and decide on our men.
Will hov 'Em at Primary.
"I am satisfied there will be a primary;
I know there will be, and if we can't show
our friends there that we are In the ma
jority, then it will be time for them to
holler. I teel confident that the beat ele
ment of the party will carry thoae primar
ies and demonstrate conclusively that
Dahlmanism ia not dominant in Omaha, and
Douglas county and will spread no further
in state politics."
Asked if the rumor was true that tiie
Jackat.niana were opposed to Bryan and
Bryanism and were taking this as a left
handed jab at the Peerless Leader, Mr.
Cosgrove laughed and said:
' "Oh. no, that's drivel. We have nothing
but the beat feeling for Mr. Bryan, lie
would Hot have been projected into the
I controversy had not the Dahlman fellows
I done It by seeking to hide under hia skirts
i and thus ward off the blows meant, not
j for Bryan, as they well know, but for
National Convention Agrees to Meet-
inn with Operator Latter i
Pnrt of Month.
INDIAN.POLI3. Ind.. Feb. l.-The na
tinnal convention of the United Mine
Workers of America today ratified the
action of the natiunal officers and district
officers of the c ntral competitive field In
adjourning the Joint conference lost night
until February -7, when they will again
meet with the operators of western Penn
sylvania. Ohio, Indiana and Illinois to re
sume consideration of tha question uf call
ing a Joint wage convention and re-establishing
the interstate agreement. On the
wage agreement adopted In the central
competitive field Is baaed the wage scale
of the other districts of the country. Fol
lowing the action of the conveutlon the
joint conference of the op -ratora and ruiu
ers aO.ii and U uMl iutr February .
Walter T. II ear k Plnaaee Thraaak
Rlevatar kaft for Five
Waller T. Meiick. 19 years
of Mr. and Mm. Theodore
of age.
Lntltron street, met itiHtsnt death by full
ing from the fifth story to the Imscment
through ait elevstor shaft in the building i
of the MrCord-Hrariy company, wholesale I
grocers. Thirteenth and Leavenworth
roets. shout S p. m. Saturday. He will '.
be burled at Forest I.awn cemetery Mon
nay. the funeml ii-rrli', botnv held t
Won,! i.l 'I V..H1, T... 1. - n.l
John san.iei. l.rji south Thirty-rmii street.
were waiting for the elevator and while
waiting were scuffling. Hem-k fell against !
the elevator guard, knocking It open, and
before he could cateh himself or either !
of his friends aid him. fell to the bape- !
ment? dying Instantly. The back of hw 1
head was maahed and he had a deep scar
on bis face. No blame was attached to ;
either Sandel or Wood, both of whom were 1
deeply grieved at the accident, j
Walter Heuck was a studious boy. He .
spent much cf Ms spare time around the
Young Men's Christian association Improv
ing his piind and body in various ways.
! Brief by t alon Pacific; tn llllanls
j Central t'ase Fight
I Personal One.
I CHICAGO. Feb. 1. The t'nion Pacific
j Railroad company and the Railroad Se
curity s company today filed briefs in the
! superior court in the suit begun by Stuv-
veaant Fish to enjoin the voting of 1,3I
shares of Illinois Central Railroad stock
i owned by the defendants. The brief Is in
reply to one- filed by Mr. Fish and other
' complainants on January X..
j TTe bruf says:
j This cae means that In order to oilnt
I Mr. Harrtman from the presidency of the I
111. nuts Central ami to put Mr. Fl.ih in
' ins place, through a minority vote of the j
1 Illinois Centra! stockholders, this court is '
I ask. d. upon highly technical grounds and
I upon Kiihtle and elusive arguments, to
throw out tiie present etflcienr manage
m""' "f Illinois Central in ord. r to
niake a position for the gentleman from
j;w v,,r, r,.gnr11ess of conseni lences which
the ruling of the ourr mav nrtnu to
of -
v 11 cKtahlished rule and practice ill Il
linois, is now to be declared Illegal and
void, they ask the court on a preliminary
action to Iny down a rule which shall tips?
millions upon millions In properly rights
anil damage thousands of innocent persons.
W'iiile it is now here e!:timed that the Il
linois Central is not being managed in the
interests of us stockholder and of the
public, it a practically admitted that the
sole ohject of this suit is to secure for Mr.
Fish tiie presidency of tiie road.
Repnbllcnna of nath Dakota .lso
Declare t nantanoaaly for Taft
far Prealdent.
HURON. S. D.. Feb. 1. The republican
stale central committee named Huron as
tha- plru ami April 7 as the date for hold
ing ?he cenvertion to select delegates to
the national convention and Mitchell as the
pjare and July 7 for the convention to
ratify nominations by the primaries and
prepare a platform. Resolutions endorsing
Taft for president were adopted amid much
Oecretary n I tat of Ohio Has t
ferenre with II I m an Rail
road Tmln.
i roLUM Bt'S. O.. Feb. !. An Important,
conference over the Ohio political situation
w, Mll n a Four train last nfSlit.
I Secretary of State Thompson met Senator I
Foraker, tiie latter being enroute to New
Yor. and rode with him from Columbus tj
Gallon. The meeting is believed to have '
been an appointment to discuss some of i
the t;ir ;les caused by contesting Foraker '
Holme City Hanker i barn erf with Mn
nlpnlutiniE Paper Returned from
Omntin Bank,
BOISE CITY, Idaho. F-b. L Horace E.
Neal. cashier of the Capital Statu bank,
which failed last week, was arrested lost
niglit on the charge, of forgery. Forged
i notes aggregating at least have aJ
! ready been turned In. the first coining from I
1 Kansas City and Omaha hanks, It la al
One Hundred and Seventieth Perse a
In Die af Deetraetlon nf Royer
lum Tkenter.
POYERTOWN. Pa.. Feb. 1. Death last
night claimed its ITnth vl.tlm of the opera
house fire, when Mi's. Eva Toms died of
her injuries.
Two Yean for Innrent Ma a.
SIOUX FALLS, 8. D., Feb. !.-Special.)
To serve nearly two years In the Sioux
Falls penitentiary for a crime of which he
waa absolutely innoctait was the fate of
Harry A. Jones, an eastern newspaper man
who lias Just been released, he having re
cently been granted a pardon bv the State
; Boilrd of prdons. Jones, who comes from
i an excellent family at Rochester, N. Y., I
! drifted to Yankton. 3. D.. at the time I
thousands of persons were gathering there
for the purpose of registering for a chance
to draw a homestead in the ceded protion
of the Rosebud Indian reservation in Greg
ory county. Many rough characters were
at Yankton at the time for the purpose of
fleecing the landscekers and moil y rob-
berics acre committed, expert pickpockets
reaping a harvest. One of the victims of
the pickpoekta was Martin A. Stevena of
Minneapolis, a traveling salesman, who had
about K'-u abstracted from his pocket. Jones
I was arrested for Hie enme It haa since
noiiung to no Willi
i robbing Stevens. Stevena himself stating
! a.npna.icai.y .nav jou-a .as not me guilty
i man.
Death Knda Hen t oea.
SIDNEY, la.. Feb. 1 (Special.) Deatn
for Ins victim, and the penitentiary for J.
L. Colemun Is the denouement In a seduc
tion cose tried here last week. Mloa Cllsta
Cams of Tabor arose from a sick bed
and journeyed twelve miles across the
country tu aDDear as a witness iirint
Coleman, . bane,! hv her win, .i,,,.i.,n
He was convicted on her teatlmuny and
will serve a term in the penitent ,ary. The
girl, who waa only is years of age, caught
cold from the inp and in less tnuii a week
died of pneumonia. . It is said that Cole
man has a wife in Missouri and that the
dead girl waa not hia only victim here.
She waa soon to become a mother and had
do home except witn a stepfather and tLey
"lid uol il along wU tuge'her.
Portuguese Monarch and Crown
Prince Are Assassinated.
Band of
Men Fires Volley from
- , -
. . -
SePre,,lTe Act" f Premier FranCO
Excite General Alarm.
t'enswmhip of Press tlstnbllahed and
Political Leader Are grist
Banished .M reels Patrolled
Day nnd lakt.
LISBON. Feb. 1. King Carlos and th
crown prince, Luis Philippe, were assas
sinated today. They wre shot to dealt
while seated In the royal carriage at Li
bon, just after their' return from VilU
Vlcusn. where they hnd been sojourning
by a band of men who fired a volley froir
The royal family was driving in an opci
carriage when a group of men at the. cor
ner of Praca Do Comniercio and the Riik
De Arr-.enal suddenly sprang toward tin
carriage and levelling carbines, which the:
had concealed upon them, fired, mortallj
wounding the king and tiie crown princ
I .n,l
slightly wounding the king's eccotu
son. Prince Manuel, ijueen Amelie. win.
rose in the carriage and tried to shield th
crown prince, was unhurt. Immediately t lt
police guard fired on the regicides, killint
j three of them.
I LISBON. Feb. 1. A decree was gaaeltet
giving the cabinet, unlimited power to re
j press revolutionary agitation In Portugal.
J WASHINGTON. Feb 1 Offli ial news of
the assassination of King Carlos and the
i crown prince of Portugal w
s received here
late tonight through .1 cablegram from
Minister Bryan at Lisbon, whteli conveyed
the simple announcement of the commis
sion of the crime. President Rooseeit
waa at once mrtlfie.1 by Acting Secretary
of State Bacon and expressed his ilep
sorrow. He, will tomorrow send bis formal
expressions of grief to the royal famllv.
Government officials ami members of the
diplomatic corps were shocked at the news
and on every hand were heard words of
sorrow over the tragic ending of Port i gal I
monarch and heir to the throne.
j 1 ' "" in ' ir.iir.n
Beat Irntl-rnt w rlih France in Ills
Klaht on t.raft.
LISBON. Feb. 1. Disinterested public
; opmlon in Portugal, which has suppoi tec
Premier Franco In his struggle, to "rescue
the country from the toils of political cor
ruption and graft" is now beginning to fcut
thnt It has gone too far. The masses ol
tho people in Portugal are ordinarily in
different to political turmoil, but l,he grow
ins severity of the measures adopted 1)3
the premier, the numerous arrests, tin
searching of houses, and the brutality of tut
police are now beginning to arouse popiilai
i excitement, not only In Lisbon, but in tin
Premier Franco. liowevy remains Index
ible. He is certain that Uo can control Hit
elections, which lake place next month, il
in the meantime titn political leaders cir.
be prevented from fomenting disorder, and
he Is determined to either banish or exile
all suspects. regarrtU ss of rank or position.
I The freedom of the press, public meeting
and street manifestations already have beet;
suppressed, and the street patrols niamla:i:
a show of force day and night. The Corrcio,
in its last issue before suspension, made
use of these words:
"We are living in a reign of terror suit
aa often precedes the downfall of a strong
Many republicans and even monarchists
ara hastily fleeing thu country to avoid lua
possibility of arrest.
Up to the present lime King Carlos haa
supported Premier Franco resolutely and
: many people believe that the king and his
premier will stand or fall toother.
F.nllre Nation Ha
Been in Ferment
I nf Time.
' Uarins M
; Tl.e trouble In Portugal was in ils Incipl-
em.y r.irtv ,n the summer of VK. In July
a d talorship was practically declared and
Lo,,l.,i,. h iienn' In ....Or,. I ..f tl,.
' military ever aim". In Julv, however, for
the first lime the world at large became
j cognizant that serioua tilings were brewing
j tn Portugal, and ever since then the thor
I oiigniy censored news dispatches from
I there have indicated a more or leaa serious
state of affairs. The pub ic at first was
I Inclined to believe the trouble, lihe most
I of the revolutions among tlu, Latin race
was of the tempest tn the teapot order.
Gradually, however? more serious occur
rences took place, with the declaration of
yesterday giving the cabinet absolute au
thority to do wuat it wished In order to
The political conditions In Portugal ha.e
been In a chaotic condition for some time.
The fust upheaval came throug i the ex
posure by Premier Franc kj of U. UtuLuiai