TITE OMATIA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. FEBRUARY .J, IMS. 12 ; tl (elf J? I s S-fiA k Pr3VoBF"rt '" 0 v 3 pS ... clasp fastners worth $4 Every urday, at. Klhow liCiiKth V all colors Saturday, at, Women's Fast Illnrk Cotton Howe Good quality stock ings, with spilt solos two special lots, on bargain square, at, lJ 1 C, pair 7(11; 3 to 5-in. All Silk Taffeta Ribbons Black and all colors brilliant silk taffeta t C 1 (n ribbons, in 2 big bargain lots, at UC-EvlC Women's Large Square Veils, Worth $5, at, S2.98 Large veils, women's large square veils, worth up to Oft. $3.QO-will go at A Special Sale Underwear Infants' Vests, will go at, each 15c Misses', children's & boys' vests and pants, at.-15 Women's Shoes Thousands of pairs of strictly high class and up-to-date shoes for women high shoes and oxfords all sizes and leathers regularly worth $:i.50, $4, $4.50 and $5.00, main 95 E- floor, old store, at, pair During the wind-up of our Clearance Sale, whkh ends this week, Par-gains in Gilt Top Cloth Bound f Editions of the world's Fa- j j j fT) mous Books, made to sell VI J X. at 25c. at . These books are wonderful value they are strongly bound and attractively finished In dark wine colored cloth, with gilt tops and make splendid library editions. VALENTINES Thousands of tlic Aewest and Prettiest Designs of the Year, Including IOST CARDS. Now on Sale In Hook Department. MOONSHINE, SAYS MORTON Commander of Army Department Thus 1 Dismissci Jingo Fake. DISTORTED REVIVAL OF OLD NEWS Moirmrnl of TriO Waa (Irdrrril Lmt Srit-mlrr mid la Slow Pro-rrrdlnsr-J Dor Couformlty ta These Ordrra. "Mnuiisliirw." ' Tills wan 1 1 1 expression of Hntsadler Oi'IhtmI Morton, commanding the IVpart nii'iil of the Missouri, when tin and a croup of unity officers rijiid tho drivel In tlio Kvudnir l'lnkli't about the movement of troops west. Kuereeilinif In working Itself Into a frenzy ovi r an alltEt'd mobilization of troops at San Frsni'iBi-o for war purposes, the Tlnk 1 t Ikib fulled to Ktrlktt the wrlous i-ltlu of life til Fifteenth and DoiIko Htreets. Army officers have luid severnl (too it lauxhs over the affair, hut tin; exeitemeut appears still to lie confined to Seventeenth and Jackson st n its. I'.y i I'liHUltliiK fili x of The Bee the Pink lit could have dlacovereti tlmt this move I. ictit of troops Is in compliance with gen crul orders No. 1?0 of the War department, k.iuc1 Sv'peinbr 11, lltii, and In the regu lar exchange, of stations. Two batteries , of the Fifth artillery will leave Fort Leavenworth February 'a, and for son? FEET ' Kathe your feet at night with warm water and good soap. Wip them dry. Then rub your ft t with Omega Oil. Work the oil in well by rubbing hard for five minutes. Then go to bed, and your feet will feel fine In the morning. Keep up thia treatmont every night , until completely cured. ' A Special Sale of LongKidGloves IG-button length made of finest se- 1 lee ted Froncli Lamhskin-in black, t.'m and leather shades three metal n 5)50 u pair fitted, Sat pair. Warm Carxmcret to Glove In black and navy worth $1.25 on bargain square, at, pair ........ JUC Two-Claup Glove Cashmere and Golf Glove worth up to 50c per pair 25c Men's Socks 15c Pair Here is wool hosiery for men natural and cam el s hair, at, per pair 15c Ladies' fine vests and pants, at 15? Ladies' underwear in many styles, at 39c Haviland Dinner Sets Haviland & Co. Dinner Seta beautifully decorsited with delicate pink roses, exquisitely thin china of rare texture regular $4 0 value, tin,,. i 100 pieces, for $25 Cut Star Tumblers with large fancy cut stars made of pure blown g m cut glass, at, each. . . IDC Fancy China Salad Dishes 8-lnch assortad . chapes and decorations, choice, at, each 10c two other batteries of tlio same regiment will leave Fort 13. A. Russell, Wyo., for the Pacific coat some time In June. These batteries almply go to the Philippines to relieve similar batteries that have been In the Islands two years, and these batter ies will return and oecupy tho stations vacated by the Fifth artillery. The Fourth Infantry will leave for the same destina tion to relieve the Kltrhth Infantry on March 5. First Sailed In Dceetatlier. The Find eavalary sailed from 8un Fran cisco December D for Manila, reaching there January", and relieved the Third cav alry, which will reach the I'nitcd States early tu February. The two remaining troo-w of the First cavalry will depart for the Philippines upon the arrival of the Third cavalry, taking station in Texas at posts formerly garrisoned by the First cavuliy. ,-,'- The Fifth artillerv batteries, 'under orders to proceed to the Philippines, will not take their Kims or horses, but will leave them at Forts Leavenworth and IX A. Russell for the equipment of the ret urn Ins; bat terles of artillery which the Fifth artillery will relieve In the Philippines. The bat teries of artillery to be relieved by the Fifth artillery will leave their horses and guns in the Philippines for the equipment of the Filth artillery. II Is simply a case of exchange of stations of men. but not of equipment The same rule will annlv in case of the First cavalry, which re- lieves the Third cavalry, in the matter of horses and other heavy equipment. The Klghth infantry will occupy the MKts of Fort Mackenzie, Wyo., and Fort Thomas. Ky., that will bo vacated by the Fourth infantry. The Fourteenth infantry lift for the Philip-tines January 5. to relieve the Twenty-fourth infantry: the Twenty-third in fantry will leave Ban Francisco February 5 for the Philippines, to relieve the Second infantry, and the Kevnth Infantry will leave Kan Francisco April 5. to relieve the Firat infantry, now in the Philippines. UNITY FOR COLORED RACE llariuony in Surial, I'olllieaJ and He liKious Life Object of lab. speakers from various colored clubs In the west addressed the Independent Polit ical and Social club at a smoker (riven Thursday night. t K. t'olcman. president of the club, In an address urged the Im portance of unity . in business as well as in social, politu-al and religious affairs. Frank Golden wa master of ceremoul.a, and among the other sneakers were Nick Hell and Mr. MeKiiiart vt Omaha, Bruce Kluley and T. McUee of Chicago, W. J. Koulusoii of Oakland, t al.; Joo Kuowllou THE Wind Un RE3E&1X3CS3S TOMORROW SATURDAY word to We thank our patrons and the public for the liberal patronage they have given us. We believe they have been fully rewarded for we have sold garments at less than ever offer ed in this city. And that is not all. We have compelled the shopkeepers, big or little, to come down in their high prices and meet those of honest com petition; unable to do so, how ever, so many resorted to all kinds of petty tricks or false reports to discredit us,; in the eyes of the public. Thousands of High Class Coats. Suits. Furs, Skirts. Waists.i Children' I garments marked B t noining comparcu wiin meir cusi or worth. Respectfully.! Manufacturers' 16th and Howard Sts. of New Orleans. Walter Taylor of Kansas City, James Jefferes of Columbus, O., and A. Taylor of New York. Vobodr Is Too Old to learn that the sure way to cure a cough or cold Is with Dr. King's New Discovery. 60c and $1.00. Sold by Boalon Drug Co. GOLD BRICKS WERE PAID FOR rnrlfle ICspreasi Settled for $11,001) for Metal Stolen from Sid ney Depot. Records of tho Pacific Gxprcss company show that $11,000 was paid to the ship pers of tho gold 'bricks taken from the Pacific F.xpress company March 10, 1SS0, and supposed to bo the bricks found under the Tobln saloon at Sidney a few days ago. : Nothing has been heurd us to the value of the bricks sent to St. lxiuis by Super intendent Gi'orge Patterson to ascertain their value. It is probable tlmt the express Company will forward them to New York City, be.fore a final valuo Is placed on the gold which they contain. Old express officials are of the opinion that the bricks consigned to St. Louis by Mr. Patterson are the missing bricks from the depot robbery, the loot being so large, that It is not unlikely the robbers left the bricks under tho depot and did not attempt to dispose of them, or may have been deposited there by a robber who paid the penalty of bis crimes by swinging at the end of u vlgllentes' rope. Trxith and Quality appeal to tho Well-informed in every walk of life and are essential to permanent success and creditable standing. Accor ingly, it is not claimed that yrup of Fig-t and Elixir of Senna is the only remedy of Known value, but ono of many reasons why it is the best of personal and family laxatives is the fact that it cleanses, sweetens and relieves the internal organs on which it acts without any debilitating after effects and without having to increase the quantity from time to time. It acts pleasantly and naturally and truly as a laxative, and ita component parts are known to and approved by physicians, as it is free from all objection able substances. To get its beneficial effects always purchase the genuino manufactured by the California Fig Syruf Co., only, and for sale by all Leading drug gUta the e down to "little or 1 t- it a. B Millions REDUCED RATES x TO SOUTHERN RESORTS On khIo daily with return limit June iHt. Special llomeseeker rates sold 1st and 3rd Tuesday each month. Through ears Omaha to Mobile, Ala., leaving Feb. 4th. enroute to Palmetto Iteaeh, Ala., itti miles across the hay Hoatlnif, Kuthing. Fishing. Largo new Hotel, reasonable rales. The UarUun spot of tiulf Coast points. in iiiiuiiKM i-nr, tlt-NCI ipi 1 lOUIier, eie., call Wahaxh City Office, 16th unO HABST E. MOORES, a. A.. P. S., Wabash a. K., Oiuat, Nob. FLORIDA ItF.MOIITS. HOTELS : JONCC DC LEON . . . St. AuButin. ..... . fit. Augustine OR MO NO .'. Orraond-oa-tha-Halifax THE aaCAKCMS . . . . Palm Beach ROYAL POINCIANA , . .Palm Beach Royals-aim Miami TMC COLONIAL Nawau (Bahama JaUadi , KOW OPEN. I10MILES NEARER CUBA. TW mnt Mil line aloof Kkniila KIcyv. will b. i. aparaaua la ICaisiiiKy. vMoettof with mnAia ior ltat aaa aad Ktt W ait, ail j Jaaaary I SiK. Kac lafannaaua Mias to Sraak. kotd aboo, apaca la ih ipni aad aarloc carCj accoow J iin Wnajaf apply la FLORIDA CAST COAST 0 Aeana st. . 84J Fiftn Ave. CMicaa Hi Veaa Public Outlet Y laking aaav CVmpll yrlth the Pur. palaWBBBBIHLnBLu.r-, I rtfiN r 1 H ! is L' i n . ft i t n DEE-LIGHTED Lets Go 'Coasting "nut lest we frtrpet" we must go prepared with a pair of the famous high-lop shoes. Our first real winter this year, nnd TIIK UltKXKIi Is well prepared to fit (he boys In n pair of high tops they nave shins, stockings and doctor bills. These shoes are made In tans and blacks on com mon sense lasts and are worth twice what we ask for them $2.50 to $4.00 with a complete line of sizes. Then there is the famous Steel Shod Shoes for boys it's a world beater and we know It by reputation and guarantee to outwear any two pair of boys' shoes sold at the price of $2.00 Any size you want for boys, nnd the most careful fitting. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. aV tit 3 OMAHA'S rtVH FOOD CENTEX A Sk Restaurant n 24 Floor 3 3 $ We want your Coffee and Tea'. 3 trade, and If quality and prices are $ inducements we will have it. Our M Coffees are fresh roasted dally In $ $ our Coffee department, and are the ;1 best in Omaha. When you wantN' Coffee order "AXKOLA" blend, beBt three pounds for $1.00 Cof-."; 9 fee obtainable. t y CAXNKI GOODS.' ;!j Regular trading at our store $5 & means a constant saving to the family purse. Besides you get'-' better things to eat. ij ?5 Standard Tomatoes, per can., .iik-'.', y Per dozen f 1.10 is Standard Corn, per can He S fcj Per dozen c & Genuine Maine Corn, per can. .10c $ 5 Per dozen fl.10 v 6 1-lb. Flat Salmon, per can. . . . 15c j$ Si Per dozen $1.60 p Premier Pineapple, per can. . .20c Si Per dozen ". . . . .$2.23 Beets, mammoth cans 13c $ Per dozen $1.65 C1 Tomatoes, mammoth cans. ... 15c $ $ Per dozen $1.50 6 Now la the time to lay in a supply of these line canned goods'- r'5 at wholesale prices. kjj & SPKCIAI.S FOR 8ATUIWAV. Nelson's English Gelatin, Saturdays $ only; 15c size c" '1 Per dozen $1.05 jj 2 Oc size, each 1 2c Pedozen $1.30 n MKAT DEPARTMENT. ft m 5,000 Pig Pork Loins, per lb. T&cjji Q Two tons Leaf Lard, 12 lbs for $1 4 Regular Hams, choice, lb.. . . 12)8c $ ft From 0 to 10 p. ni. we will sell '!.) choice Boiling Beef at. lb. .2 He $j English Brawn, ready for the table."') l6-lb. glasses lOcJjjj $ FRUITS AXD VEGETABLES. C J ... w Olives In quart tin cans direct X from Spnin, 30c per quart. Kpec-Ks ial demonstration all day Saturday. Y) We Offer Fancy Strawberries, ft French Endives, Bellevue Celery, ' k Artichokes, Jonathan Apples, Head 9 Lettuce, Cauliflower, Chicory, jj Escarole, Heavy Grape Fruit, Fin- j$ Ci est Oranges, Fresh Spinach, Hot- $ S house Cucumbers, Fresh Tomutoes. t'; tOourtney & Go. 17th and Douf las Str.ats. $ T.l.phon. Douglas 647. '.' I Prtvats Ezonur Connaets All D.pts.g OUR BOYS' SHOES Iioys take pride in the apjKM'ance of their feet, and hhould not be matle to wear clumsy bhoes. hoes do not have to be unsightly in order to be durable. We've boys' shoes that are well formed and stvli.sh and vet stronr land sturdv. We've bows' blioe.s for all purposes. 2.00 ?2.50 $5M FRY SHOE CO. 1KB IIOI1I 16th and Douglas Streets. Magnificent Clothing Bargains Saturday nj Monday Hi The Reliable Store. v Special Clearance Sale Odd Coats and Vests $5.00 to $10.00 Values in Two Great Lots at 51.95 and $2.95 Great assortment of latest single and double breasted styles in all colors and patterns, worsteds, eas.siineres, serges, cheviots, etc., all left from suits of which pants do not match. Every garment well tailored and dependable quality. Positively worth from $5.00 to $10.00, best bargains ever offered, at sale prices Men's Pants Worth to $4.00 at $1.90 Pair Big line of Men's Pants in great variety of stylish patterns, secured from the manufacturer at a surprising bargain. Made of serviceable and jwpular materials, stylish cut, well tailored, actually worth to $4.00, in ono big 4 Q C lot at pair '. J) J 7D Young Men's Suits and T Overcoats Worth to $15.00, on sale Saturday for SEE OUR ADVANCED SHOWING OF HART, SHAFF NER & MARX SPRING CLOTHING. . Try ttaydens' FirsfZ. 10c SHEET MUSIC 1?c A Most Popular Hits of the Season 7 On Our Honeymoon (new) ; Old Faithful, March by Abe Holzman; Love Me and the World Is Mine-; As Long as the World Rolls On; There's Another1 Picture In My Miunma's Frame; Iioveland Waltzes, by Abe Holzman; Wlten the Winter Days Are Over; Somewhere; Vesterday; Spanish' (Best Instrumental Piece Published); Most Thing In Life (Very Popular); Sly Cupid Waltzes; AVlien Sweet Marls Was Sweet Sixteen (Xew). .. ALL SONG HITS FROM RED MILL "Because You're You," "Isle of Our Dreams," ADD "Go While Going Good," iivv II'VT f innrialtv John." PER COPY WHEX ORDEUIXG MY MAIL. WINTER TRIPS TO SUMMER LANDS Complete arrangements for delightful trips to Florida, Cuba, Porto Rico, Nassau, Bermuda Islands,. SoutK .Amer ica, or to the sunny shores of the Mediterranean and Adri atic Seas, can be made thriugh the CHICAGO MILWAUKEE & ST. PA&L RAILWAY 3 Sleeping car and steamship reservations made through to destination. Tickets via all Trans-Atlantic Steamship Lines. Folders, rates and complete information on appli cation. Three trains daily from Union Station Omaha to Union Station Chicago. Leave 7:25 A. M. 0:00 I. M. and 0:58 P. M. F.A.NASH, TICKETS, O.n. Wsstsrn Aftnt NOT A GOLDEN BUT A SILVER OPPORTUNITY 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT Next 30 Days on, all SILV ERWARE PLATED OR REPAIRED." OMAHA SILVER COMPANY 314 SOUTH 13th STREET. turn 'Xt' D. C. SCOTT, D.V.S. (Furceaaor to Dr. II U RamacciottL) 4LBSIBTA.JTT BTATB YVttULIMAMUM, Offtca sa4 afocpitaJ, B810 Xaaoa ItlMt Calls Promptly Answer at All Hmira TI.-Offl.B.r.v W. fl-.L, uiK FfT Saturday UilS Monday mmy: $i.95-$2.95 $5.00 and $7.50 "Every Day Is Ladies' Day, "1 Want lou lo rry Me. 1524 Farnam St., Omaha Between Farnam and Harney. :xixi. cr- lira. T71sb1ow1 Sootiilng Cyrcp1; XX mm tusatM vimmA mV nnv AIT V Wirt ut.r.ioNs ..t moth Kits f-r ii,.ir riiii i'aw al I P IN i CI It F II IN f Col I ('ana I a t h V b t ran l tho worlj. Ho aura and a-k r,,r Mr. , Z' Hu..th.., SjrMp." aud taw! up tiliVk if fn'i4a'l pn Aot. Juna mh. I tirial 3T,mll5