f 10 TTTE OMAITA DAILY BEHt SATURDAY. FEBRUARY T, 1003. Want " ads Advertisements for Ihe wran ad rilirnu Will he taken .III 13 an. far Ikf rtfdm edltlna aad all! p. far the noralat ftaadar editions. Cash most accompany all ardors far mmmi ad. a. 4 aa .dH.' He accepted far less thna IO rfili far flrat Insertion. RDM apply 4n fllkfr Tar Dally Ma'tr Bee. Alniri ean alt words la a line. roniRH(loiia of Initials ar nasnhers raaat aaa ward. C ASH RtTR FOR WAU AD. RP.tai.An : i.aificatio i one Insertion, )M-r llae, IO cents. Twa or more ronseeatlve Inaertlone. per llae, tt real, Each Insertion made an add daya, IO rrala per llae. l.oO per llae per nioath. Hrr.CIAl. CLAKSIFICATIOJrS H oar advertisement la Inserted ander aar r.t the elassiaentlnne alvrn below. It -:il he chnrajed at the fol lowing rateai One Insertion, 4 cents per llaei three ta al consecntlve la aertlvna, a eeata per llae eae.lt Inser tion) seven or more coneentl-e lnser liana. 2 eeata per llae each Insertion) SO cents per line per month. B4.RTF.lt' AD KICimCK. BI MEIH CHANCE. HF.I.P WANTED KKMAI.K. HKI.P WANTED M A I.E. Except Agents, Solicitors and Salea men. OFFERED rOR SAI.K. Cows, Birds, Dod and Pets, lloraea and Vrhlelea. Paaltrr Farnltare. Typewriters and Sewlnar Maehlaea. rianoa, Orgui and Maaleal lantra menta. OrrKHKI) FOR RENT. Famished Hooim. t'afnrnlahed Rooms. Moanekeeplaar Raoma. Hoarding; and Rooms. WAITED TO BUY. Want- ada for The Bee mar ha left at any of the followlnn drnj stores ope la "yonr roraer dmaralst" they are all liranrh offlrea of The Be and yoar ad will he Inserted last as promptly and on the same ratea as at the mala office In The Bee Balldlnar, eventeenthaud Farnam Streets. Albach. V. C. 40lh and Farnam. Uoranrk, S. A., 1402 8. lth St. Booht Pharmacy. 730 8. 16th St. Renson Pharmacy. Hntiiinn, Neb. Romls Park Pharmacy. 33d and Cuming. Yllake's Pharmacy, 216 Sherman Ave. Csughlin. C. It., Hth and Pierce Ft". Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 2213 Military Ave. Contc. J. H.. 31st Ave. and Kamam. Crlssov Pharmacy. 24th and Lake Bt. Cermak. Emll. 1204-6 B. 13th Bt. i Eastman Pharmacy, 2102 Iyavcnworth. Foster & Arnoldl, 213 N. 25th St. , Frevta. John J.. IBM N. 24th. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. (inldman I'liarmacy, 20th and Lake. Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. ana Pacific. " ' Oreenough, O. A., 1025 B. loth Bt. Oreenough. G. A.. 1624 S. 10th Bt. Hayrien, Wm. C, Farnam St. Ilanseom Park Pharmacy, 1&01 8. th Ave. Hoist. John, 6C4 N. 16th Bt. Huff. A. 1... 2f4 Ieavenworth Bt. King. (. S.. Farnam 8t. Kountie Place Pharmacy. 3604 N. 24th. Patrick Drug Co.. 1624 N. 24th Bt. lithrop, Charles E.. 1324 N. 24th Bt. Pevtnri, L. E.. 24th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th and Amea Ave. Sohacfer'a Cut Price Drug Co., 16th and Chlcngn. Sehaef.r, August. 2031 N. lth 81. Schmidt. J. H.. 24th and Cumin Sts. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha. Sts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 4oth and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace. Vfo.-th, O. H.. rth and Hamilton Bts. DEATHS A7ID rTTfBRAI. NOTICES. CAMEKON Mr. Jam-r, a native of Pu'h, Acuiland, Januai oi, i .. .. .. -Mra. Funeral Sunday. February 2. from liar oldest son's residence, James Cameron, 114 Harney, to Forest Uwn cemetery. (3KAVES Jennie M.. Thursday. January 30. beloved wife of Charles E. Clraves, aged 62 years 8 months and 21 days. She Iraves a husband, two sisters and two brothers. Funeral from her lata residence, 2223 Cali fornia street, Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Friends Invited. Interment Forest ljiwn cemetery. H'CKE Mr. Anialla F.. aged (6 years. Funeral frbm residence. 2oM Ames ave nue, Sunday at 2 p. m. Interment Laurel 11111 cametery. 81F.H Ellia. beloved wife of George 81eh, Wednesday. January 18, at residence, 6213 North Thirtieth. Funeral from residence Saturday after noon at 1 :., to Webster street depot. Interment Blair, Neb. CARD UF THANKS. We wish to extend our thanks and p preciatiun to our many friends for their klndnnas shown In our late bereavement, the death of our dear husband and father. MH. H. KI'HU MISS AN. .A Kl'HL. MARRIAGES LICENSES. The following marriage licenses havs been Issued: Name and Address. Age Max Steinberg, Oiiuiha 2,' iannlu Feldman. Omaha SI U1HTI1S AND DEATHS. Births Peter Kaehler, 2426 South Twen tieth, twin girls; joinepi) Dougherty, lid . orili Eighteenth, boy. Deaths Jay Emerson Wlllbourne, 2847 Wirl. infant; Baby Shultr, "S Soutn Twenty-tiiird. inlaid; Mrs. Amelia Lucke, ZmH Ames avenue, sf. ANNOUNCEMENTS TELEGRAPHY The telegraph department of the Omaha Commercial college, lth and Farnam Sis., has ben made the official school of trl. graphy of the V. P. R. H. Co. Students guaranteed positions on V. P. R. R. Write us at once. Address Kolirbough tiro., Omaha, Neb. (I-Mv FebU THE CITY GARBAGE CO.. office tth and Leaven worm sts. lei. Douglas V.tal. (l-46: BIGN PAINTING 8. H. COLE, 13j2 Doug las. (1) tUi AUTOMOBILES BEND for our list of second-hand automo biles. DERIGHT. ma Farnam. U'J-4i4 BARTER AND EXCHANGE T A LIVE Hae good mining i ave you? L 634. en ONE. s stock to trade. What have you? L 634 care Bee. li S6 NKW, up-to-date 60-barrel mill for cheap land; good trade: good shipping facilities, with side track. Owner not a miller. For particulars address Y 73, care Omaha Hm (3i-Mfs'i 10 1 HAVE several small diamonds, good white atom's, will trade for office furni ture or something 1 can use; must have some cash, E 11. cw re Bee. ' tJ Mtgg fit FUR EXCHANGE Some first-class In. mm property In Omaha and Council Bluffs to exchange for indse. G1ABE LAND AND 1NVESTMKNT CO.. 306 H. 18th (St, Umalui. Neb. l3 Mi.t J TRADES. TRADES If you hsve some, thing for sale or trade write us; we match everything. WAIT INVESTMENT CO., 4 . 401 Bldg. BARTER AND EXCHANGE (1 OI llt'M !. Foil KAl.W trade, W-aer ranch :n Brown county. Nel. ; will ell lor raah or trade for town .properly, hardware. Implements or inrchaiullae to amount of land. Prion, l't r acre. Wrlia to Anderson Bros., Spencer, Nch. (3 MTX HAVE 11 acres good Nebraska land, would sell or trade for gencrxl merchan dise or hardware stock. Address V 221, care Bee. !! M7OT 10 WANTED to sell. (MO acresVgood Nebraska land or would ronalder trade on town property. Address Y 2:3 care P-e. (3-MTi6 10X BUSINESS CHANCES A LUU SXA1V Iocated In the heart of the retail dis trict. A fine, large pool hall, with all conveniences to fit up a first cluss. place. A SHOE SHINING PAHI)K. Fitted ill. In first class condition Is also located In same place. Must sell Imme diately; owner leaving city. Address A M3, Hee. (4)-M.l Dx OKNERAL stores In Manitoba. Saskatche wan and Alberta, some splendid optnlntfs; fullest invoHttKatkins: write Allen & Co.. Somerset Building. Winnipeg, Canada. 4-M72;l 2X We HAVE for sale some first-class stocks of merchandise, all doing good business. Located In Iowa and Nebraska, In firt cluss towns. New, up-to-dato stocks, which can be bought reasonable. Wills for Information, olobc land and Invest ment Co., 300 S. llh St., Omana. Neo. 10 M.I6I Fcb3 FOR SALE Fine modern restaurant, good city business, clearing over per month. City Room Mentul Co., 1,42 Hee Bldg. Tel. tcd 3045. H 9"5 A SNAP M v stock of drugs, sundries, paints and wall paper, etc., for sale; will give a liberal discount if taken In next 30 days; best ot reasons for selling; average cash sales 40 per day. Address D. 11. McWIIIlams. Charter Oak, J. ' (4) M245 lx INDUSTRIAL AND MINK STOCKS UOCUHT AND SOLD. KOBT. C. DHl'KSKDOVV Sc. CO., STOt.'K liKOKICKfl. Tel. Douglas 3MS. N. V. 1-lfe Bids?. , UHAHA, NEB.. V Mt93 F2 DO YOC WISH TO MAKE A CHANGE? THE LEXINGTON STEAM LAUNDRY NEW EQFIPMF.NT. NO COMPETITION. MONTHLY INCOME sjtfOO.UO Apply for prico and particulars. 1 'a lace Restaurant, LexniKton, Neb. ' (4) Mi27 March lx HOTEL ' In Saskatchewan, clearing 000 yearly; no opposition ; blKgent money maker In Canada; ,0f4) cash, balancu . easy. Address Allen t Co., Somerset Luiidlng, Winnipeg, .Canada. t4)-M722 2x E. G. GAN8ESTAD can help you get In or out of business. Room Xi Bee B dtt., Omaha. (4) 4u CLEAN, modern, active, well-located hard ware stuck lor sale or exchange lor pure good farm land, tools and stock, balance caeh. Deal direct; no commission. Ad dress Y 213, care Bee. 4 Jl677 3x BLACKSMITH shops, with or without stock of tools. House, four lots. I have taken homestead. H. O. Madison, Worthing , S. D. (4) MiMs Feb3x FOR SALE 9-room rooming house; atlrlctly modern; full of roomers; close In. No ageuis wanted. Call Red 6260. (4)-2&5 31x Do You Wish to Make a Change IF YOU have a farm, home, business or property that you wlsli to sell or ex change, write us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., OMAHA, NEB. (4) M1T9 Feb23 FOR SALE Restaurant and lunch cjunter; cheap It taken at once. Address L, Box 3o, Worthing, 8. D. 14 2.4 Feblx FOR SALE Drug Store, best proposition and best located store In Denver, Colo. Owner has to leuve Denver. Invoice about $3,00J. E. L. Foster, 2J07 East Colfax, Dejiver, Colo. H) M712 14 WANTED Buyer for a blacksmith shop; county saet; good location; t4,"3. Write at once for particulars. Box 63, Wlnne waukan, N. JJ. (4 M4ol 1 FOR SALE Machine shop, Iron works; machinery mostly new. L. A. Tlnnes, Bud Island, Minn. (4i MiiH lx FliOUU MILLS Some splendid openings; first-class wheat districts; f5,0oo cash payment, balance to suit; full Investiga tions. Allen A Co., Somerset building. Winnipeg, Canada, (4) Mi21 2x WANTED Reliable man with 1500 to take active part in large Immigration business. Investigate If you want to make quick money. References required. ELKHORN VALLEY LAND CO., T. W. Wheeler. Mgr. t4)-M6oo l ALL kinds of bargains In rooming nouses; casn loaned if needed. jeiiy &. Stone, 220 Neville Blk. Tel. Doug. 4U. 14 MS66 Febl8 FOR SALE Furnished hotel, 21 rooms, good business, barn, garden, fruit. Harri son House. Meadow Grove, Neb. (4) M&87 F1S PARTY with I4.O0O or 5,000 can make 20 per cent on Ills money, no time required, no risk. Address O 6o6, care of Bae. - (4)-M8G6 DRUG 8TORE8 for sale everywhere. F. V. Krilesl. 707 IS. 1. Lite. Omaha. (4 4o9 FOR 8 ALE Fine 3-story brick hotel; 60 rooms, steam neat, electricity and gas; fine location In very' best town in Ne braska; excellent proposition either for business or as an Investment; would con sider some Omaha property In trade. 41 Bee bldg. 141-M617 Feb4x FOR SALE A complete set of postoffice fixtures, intent stale bank, Perry, la. Cltae (4)-M7U 3 BLACKSMITH, Implement snd repair business for sale at a bargain If taken soon: would consider exchange for farm land In good locality. Answer. Lock Box 4i, O'Neill. Neb. (4 M666 tlx ALLEN CO.. S6-: Somerset building. Winnipeg. Canada. leading business brokers; first-clans business opportunities in proserous, western Canada; write us; it will py. (4) M720 2x ONE HI NDKED dollars will start you In the wholesale crockery trade. Write for terms and territory. Comstoek Iook & Co., Chicago, 111. HI MG33 lx WANTE1 An Oklahoma printing and blank book manufacturing concern with a well established business wants a partner with $5. cash capital. Business will show mi first-class, but growing volume of business on account of statehood re quires additional capital. The Ins'eatment Is a aond one. Address P. O. Box 67, Shawnee, Okl. 4 M6o2 3 SPLENDID CHANCE for lady to get Into business on small capital: good oppor tunity for lunch room, down town loca tion. Address J 920, Bee. fh M668 2,- A SNAP. Fine grocery and notion business for sal at once; best location on Rroadwav: I doing good business. 2227 Broadway, i ouiic-ii tuiiua. (ii MoSj vx FOR SALE Harness business, estabtltthej 21 years, in excellent town of 2.500; splen did chance; one other shop the onlv competition; nearest town 20 miles. Ad dreas Theo. Flggs. Chadron. Neb. 14) M731 W'ANTKD-Captfal to take an Interest or shop to manufacture and market on a royalty a staple kitchen article, appealing to every housekeeper in thejand. Fortune to the right party. Patent allowed. Sha'iiers and trtflers do not replv. Box V. Extra. Ia. ti--M713 2 MIMICAL practice for sale for price of office, furniture. Answer aoick. Dr. Frank Borglum. Sprague, Neh. 4 M709 7x WE WOCLD like to have vou Invrstlvate our proposition whre $Ri up t $s a'll talk; will consider trades. M rue bl.lg. (D-M737 3X POl'BLE FRONT grocery store, hulldlnar and stock; lining rooms In resr; givd osinea. A bargain. J. J. Crow, 34) West Broadway. Council p'nrf" (4I-M743 7x. Maivy "BEE telegraph which shows the BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) FOR SALE CHEAP. A hotel In Council Rluffs, la., doing a good business; 2,la) will handle; furnltur and good will. V KAVE VAN TUYL, X Both Thones 122. 3 Broadway. Council Blufrs, la. () M742 2x BUSINESS DIRECTORY Aaelloneer. IN NEBRASKA OR IOWA-Bnm Hoff, Omaha. (6) M706 Febl8x Creameries, DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO., successor to Beatrice Creamery Cp., Omaha. (&) a Chiropodist. DR. ROY. R. 2. 1608 Farnam St. Doug. S4!7. (b) 462 Carpet Cleaalag. A. K. JETT carpet cleaning. Tel. P. 4096. (6)-n07 Feb7x Chattel Loans. Chas. D. Stanton Loan Co., 601 Bee Bldg. (6) 463 Dentists. BAILEY A MACH, 8d fir., Paxton. D. 106. (5) 464 Drr samsvkln g. IN FAMILIES Miss Bturdy. Tel. Harney 1368. . (6) 466 M DOWELL Dressmaking School, 1623 Far nam St. (6 466 EXPETIIENCED dressmaker, sewing by day In families; good work guaranteed. Coll evenings. W ebster 19. (6 M733 F18x Florists. HESS & 8WOBODA, 1416 Farnam. (5) 467 L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. D. 1263. (5 4i J. H. BATH, 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. 3000. t6469 JVwrlera and Watchmakers. N. P. STILLING Watch, clock, Jewelry repairing. 2-3 Paxton Blk. Tel. 41)17. 16) 470- Hotela. THE BCHLITZ, European, 16th and Harney. (6-471 Locksmiths. KEY 9, etc., Heflln. 132H Farnam. Tel. D. S74. (5-280 Maalo and. Languages. PIANO lessons. Mrs. Ritchie. Tel. Web. 22D1 (5)-2M Office Sappllee. FILING cabinets, files and ledgera. loose leaf devices and office fixtures and sup plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co., 1106 8. mh St. Tel. Doug. 6662. Ind. A 1663. 15) M697 FebU SIoTlngs and Storage. Expressmen' Delivery Co., office, 214 No. 16th St., warehouse. 2207-9 Isard St. (61-683 Oateopothr. Dr. Bowser, over 1502 Far'm. Tel. Doug. 6370. (6) 971 Febi JOHNSON" INS., 41 N. Y. I Tel. D. 1661 (b)-2S4 . Photographs. - C B. TRUSSELL. 116 South 16th St. ()- Printing. BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order don't fall to see our elegant Imported line. Lyngatad Si Jorve, printers, 16th snd Capitol Ave. (5J 26 EVER STOP TO THINK of the time lost poking up the average printer when you want a job in a hurry? Ever try us? ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO., Printers and Office Furnishers, 806-312 South 19th St. 'Phones: Bell. Douglas 6662: Ind. A 1.2. (5) M592 F27 Shoe Repalrlaa. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.. first-class work. Capitol1 Ave. 'Phons Red 994. (6) 281 SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered tree. Standard Shoe Repair Co., ISui Farnam St., Tel. D. 7667. (6)-282 . Safes, Shnttera, Etc. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works, makes a specialty of fire escapes, ahutters. doors and safes. O. Andreen, Prop., 102 8. loth St. (5)-a7 HELP WANTED FEMALE Agents and Salesladies, LADY AGENTS are making $26 per week selling our great line of necessities; no scheme; particulars free: write us now. Youiig, 1st Dearborn St., D 61, Chicago. Oh-M719 2x Factory and Trades. LADIES, our catalogue explains how we teach hair dressing, manicuring, facial massage, etc.. In few weeks, mailed free. Moler College, Chicago. III. (7) MI18 6x IADY compositor wanted. One who can neip wun aus ami uintriuute. i. nance given to learn Simplex. The Logan Ob server. Logan, la. (7 M707 2 Honeekeepers and Doaveattea. WOMEN'S DOMESTIC GUILD. 1902 Farnam St. ITpstalrs maid $a. Housemaid $6. 1 Olrl for general housework, 2 In family JS. Cooks and girls for general housework $5 to $7. (7) M667 1 Housekeeper, ranch: general house girls; $4 to $7. Canadian Office, 16th and Dodge. 13 Mi4u WANTED Girl for housework, good wages. Mrs. W. W. Bingham, 33-s So. 24th St. (7 Maixi EXPERIENCED girl for general house work, three In family; references re quired. 2711 Poppleton Ave. (7) M716 GIRL for general housework. 3o12 Mason St. Tel. .Harney 2904. (7) a4 31 WANTED Chambermaid that can watt on table; wages $18. The Arlington, Shaldon, la, t7 Mlool GIRL for general housework. 14 S :5th. Tel. H. 741. 7-572 2x GOOD girl for general housework. 933 N. 26th St. , l7 673 lx WANTED Chambermaid Koehler Hotel. Grand Island, Neb. Will furnish ticket. (7)-M69 1 M lace 11a aeons. WANTED Teachers, Immediately. for rural, village and city schools. Salary $U and up. Address with stamp. Supt. 11. B. Callln, Faulkton, S. I (7)-M627 4x WANTED An experienced shirt Inspector; steady work; good pay to right party. Apply King-Graham Mfg. Co., Hth and Jackson, (7 6.9 wsxivt adsM arc of advertisers who HELP WANTED FEMALE HI laorllaaeoBt ontlaaed. PLEASANT home work for ladles. $1 B0 dally. Send stamp, Ladies' Guild. G !, East 63d St., Chlcsgn. (7 M654 ax WANTED By Miss Olur Blunt, a woaMin lo travel In advance and arrange for lec tures on Japan in churches, schools and colleges. Rest reference required. Ad dress L 922, care Bee. (7) 669 lx WANTED Two girls to help In tailoring shop; good pay: steady position. Ap ply, V. Meyers, illS N. M,, 2 HELP WANTED1-MALE Agents, Solicitors aad Salesmen. GOOD proposition for live canvasser. 1213 Harney. (9)-M5Ds Feb27 NOTICE TO PORTRAIT AGENTS If youl want good satisfaction and prompt snip ments. let the lnman Portrait Co. do your work. 416 New Era Bldg., Chicago. 9-M138 Febiix WANTED Two high-class stock solicitors; must be energetic, and show successful record; liberal salary and commission; no failures need apply. Address E 9te, cars Bee. v (9) M726 2 Clerical and Office. BEE OUR line of Loose Leaf ledgers. Binders and labor saving accounting forms. Imperial Loose Leaf ledger Co., 311-312 Ramge Bldg. Tel. Douglas 14M. () M377 POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Knlest, 707 N. Y. Life, Omaha. -288 (STENOGRAPHER, t-G5. Bookkeeper, $75. Collector, $50. Retail clerks, good salary. i WESTERN REF. BOND ASS N. INC., 721-722 New York Life Bldg. (9)-70l 31 WANTED An experienced bookkeeper and also an experienced stenographer; no other need npply; state wages expected and give references. A. A. Berry Seed Co., Clarlnda. Ia. (9) M716 2 WANTED Experienced bookkeeper for wholesale mercantile business; must be able to Invest small capital. Address O, 955 Bee. (9) M 72-4 3 Factory aad Trades. t WANT a good, sober, honest man, who has had experience In moving brick and frame buildings; good wages and steady work. L A. Murphy, 1101 S. Main Ave., Sioux Falls. 8. D. t9)-M663 F17 WANTED A practical printer with small capital to take care of a good Job and newspaper office In good town In Iowa, publishing two papers. , Write for par ticulars. Address L 905, care Bee. (9) M360 WANTED Five first-class plasterers, Fort Russell, Cheyenne, Wyo., $5.60, eight hours, long job. Atkinson Brothers,-contractors. (91 M585 1 WANTED Men to learn barber trade, few weeks completes, sixty chairs constantly busy, licensed Instructors, tools given, diplomas granted, wages Saturdays, posi tions waiting, wonderful demand for graduates; catalogue free. Moler Barber College, 110 8. 14th St. (9) M717 6x WANTED A broom maker. Harry Rave, Pender, Neb. (9) M710 6x M Isvellanaons. EXPERIENCED driver for" laundry wagon; one at present driving route preferred. Address A, 809 Bee,.,,. . 9)-M681 2x FREE Employment Bureau, supported by Business Men's association: helps work- - men find positions. 626 N. Y. L. Bldg. Bldg. ' (9) M669 WANTED A thoroughly competent fore man for a large centralizing cream plant. To one who has had the experience and can produce results, a liberal salary must be paid; must fully understand the hand ling of hand separator cream. Refer ences required. Address Y 21D, Bee. (91-M6S9 2 WE GUARANTEE YOtJ A TELEGRAPH V JOB on the Union Pacific R. R. if you learn Telegraphy at our school, and also a placa to work lor your board while attending. Union Pacific train dispatcher's wire and station blanks installed In the school for practice purposes. Write for full Informa tion IjUlCK. Boyles Telegraphy College, 1&03 Harney St., Omaha, Neb. Official training school U. P. R. Iiv (9) 624 YOUNG MEN, QUICK! Grasp this opportunity! Learn to be a structural draftsman and earn more pay. You can do it evenings. The cost of tuition will be raised $10 on the term beginning the 1st of February, if you wish lo take ad vantage of the low rate prevailing now, you shculd enroll tonight. THE FIRST TWO YOl'NG MEN WHO ENROLL TO NIGHT WILL BE GIVEN ONE MONTH'S INSTRUCTION FREE OF CHARGE. Clerks, stenographers, bricklayers, car penters and tradesmen of all kinds better their conditions in life by learning how to draw plans. Get out of a rut! Do some thing in which you will find an' interest every minute of your life. Open from 7:30 lo 9:00 p. in. this week. OMAHA TECHNICAL SCHOOL "OMATEK," Room 3, Wead Block. ISth and Farnam. Y (9-603 Feb.l U. 8. NAVY wants young men between ages 17 and 26; men with special trades acepted up to 36 years. Good opportun ities for promotion for efficient men. Pay $16 to $70 per month, practically cUar of llvitur expenses. Free Illustrated bookleton application. "The Making of a Maii-of-Wrsman." Visit or address Navy Kecrulwiig Station. Omaha, Neb. (9) MW2 Fab 3 DISTRIBUTERS wanted everywhere, $25 to $.10 made weekly distributing circulars, samples, overseeing advertising: no can vassing; steady. Address Reliable Adv. Bureau, Chicago. (9l M715 2x YOU can make $25 to $100 week In mall order business; no canvassing; I made $5,000 first year. aXhy work on small salary? Free booklet; tells how to get started. Manager American Mall Order Bureau, Detroit, Mich. () M234 Feb lOx POSITIONS OPEN FOR FIREMEN AND BRAKEMEN; big pay and rapid promo tion; experience unnecessary. Apply at once, personally or by letter, to National Railway Training Ass n. 620 Paxton 1:1 k.. Omaha, Neb. (91106 Feb7 HUSTLERS wanted everywhere, $25 to $30 made weekly distributing circulars, over aeelng outdoor advertising: new plan; no canvassing. Merchants Outdoor Advertis ing Co., Chicago. tip M714 7x YOUNG MEN to prepare for examination for railway mall and other government positions; superior instruction by mail; established 14 years; thousands of suc cessful students; sample questions and "how government positions are secured'' sent free. Interstate Schools. Cedar Rapids. Ia. (91-MM3 Pl.ix LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horace aad Vehicles. WE HAN E BUYERS every day for horses. If you have any you want to dispose ot. We buy and sell on comnilSHion. Ths Harney Street Stables. (11 M479 1 BUY, sell and exchange horses on com mission. Mres and noises always on hand. Cheap. Myers, 1114 Douglas St. lllJ-937 SPRING wagon 1415 Cass St. ind light runabout, $25. (11) 61 6x Paaltrr and Eggs. SCREENINGS $1.20 per cwt. Wagner, S01 n It U-i GOVT, book free. Model Squab Co., Omaha. (ID M6VI FeLl Caws, Hires, Dags aad Pels. GOOD 17th COW ft. for sale. A. Howlts. 619 N. lllj-ailO lx received by appreciation know. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Cows, Birds, Uoga aad Pels Contln'd FOR SALE Fox wolf and rabbit hound. For particulars address Turner Rlffe, Orrlck, Mo. (Il)-M."il7 Fix FOR SALE Cheap, Registered Red Polled cattle, consisting of six young cows snd throw bulls. Lewis Blanrhard, Dakota City. Neb. till MMt x FlTS-Fox Tenlers for sale. 114 N. 26th. 'Phone Harney 2976. 16) 631 31x THOROUGH BR KD English hull terrier puppies. 2910 Farnam St. Phone Harney h9. OD-M725 7x LOST AND FOUND LOST Thursday evening, pair of Scotch collie pups, one with full collar, other with half-ollar; answer to names Cap tain and Hhep; finder will be rewarded bv telephoning Wobster 3542, or leaving at Bee office. (12)-h8 LOST Last evening, brown pocketbook. be tween i&th St. and Capitol Ave. ami 2611 Davenport; reward for return to address above. (121 tK-7 1 LOST Small parcel. Address Mrs. M. Sul livan, Toronto, Canada. Reward. Bee office. (121-696 31 X LOST Silver handbag; name of Emma J. Robinson engraved on inside; rewsrd for return to Henshaw hotel. (12)- lx LOST A leather wallet containing price lists, a loose leaf book and order blanks marked Wolf Co.; dropped from buggy In front of Rome hotel. Finder please eturn to clerk Rome hotel and receive reward. Z-A12) M182 2x- MEDICAL EEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerva Food Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. She-man & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13) 29i ANY poor girl in need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3824 N. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. (12)-M10b FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical college, Hth and Dav enport Sts. ; special attention paid to con finement cases: all treatment supervised by college professor. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Cans answered day or night. (13 129 MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTEL! LET US HELP YOU If you are In need of a little ready cash come to the OLD RELIABLE LOAN HEADQUARTERS. YOU WILL FIND our terms are more reasonable than can be obtained elsewhere. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. (14) M151 DR. PRIBBENOW'S MONET loaned on furniture, pianos, horses, etc.. any amount; less half rates; perfect pri vacy and Immediate attention, on any terms, payments suspended when sick or disabled, ill KarDacn uiit., zuv o. ou (14)- EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all business confidential. 1?01 Douglus. (14)-4v FURNITURE, live stock salary, loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Bile (14) 298 MONEY LOANED 8ALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol man, room 714, New York Llfo Bldg. (14 27 Money! TO LOAN-LOW RATE In sums ta 310 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 2904, UNION LOAM COMPANY. U4) &4 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St. (14)-293 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO.' For Chattel or Salary Loans. 633 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglas 7i5. (141-W OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; and Rooms. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. (161301 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. 15)-302 DESIRABLE room, fine location; walking distance; excellent board. 21 H So 25th street. (16) M3& lx VERY desirable furnished rooms, with board, at 123 So. 25th Ave. fl6 635 31x Faralshed Roama. , FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping. 1712 Jackson St. (15) M64 6x WE DO expert piano moving at. lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1626. Schmollei A Mueller Piano Co.. ' 1311-1313 Farnam. Go) m WHAT'S the use hunting rooms? We do It for iou. And it saves your time. OMAHA RENTAL COMPANY. Tel. Doug. 3881. 308 N. Y. Life Bldg. (15) M73J lx CENTRAL, all modern, 1 fine furnished rooms; bathroom and hall. 220 N. 23d. (15) M919 NEWLY furnished modern room. Gentle men, $1.76. 2404 Capitol Ave. (16) M326 lx We find you any kind of rooms In any part of city, FREE OF CHARGE. CITY ROOM RENTAL CO.. 'Phone Red 3o4. 642 Bee Bldg. (lfc) M217 F9 EXCEPTIONALLY warm, clean, beauti fully furnlHhed large rooms; very reason able; private home; with use of 'phone. 1S19 Cass. (16) 633 4 2216 CHICAGO Modern, partly or unfur nished double parlors, south front, phone Red 6578. (15) M 449 lx VERY desirable room, fine location, walk ing distance. 218 So. 25th St. (15) M3S9 lx FOR RENT Large, beautifully furnished room for gentleman; modern, . with run ning water. 113 So. 24th St. (15) M623 4x FIRST CIAS8 furnished rooms; modern house. 24i Cass St. Tel. Red 5226. (161-M729 Vmt nrnlshed ftooans. FOUR rooms, well lighted, water, gas, hath and closet; possession February 1. 2215 Burt. (16) 426 Fix 3 UNFURNISHED rooms. light house keeping, modern. 635 S. 25th Ave. Tel. Douglas 7307. (16) 133 31 FOUR modern rooms; furnace, parlor floor, near park. 15c9 8. 28th. (16)-40 FOR RENT Three or six rooms: modern, with heat; Martls block, ltith and Web ster. Inquire engineer of building. (15) M724 9x Apartmcats aaj Flats. FOR RENT Modern 4-room. steam heated semi-basement flat in the Dtiusuny tlulh and Pierce Sts.). Conrad Young, agt., 1518 Dodge. Tel. Doug. 1571. (IE) M 395 THREE-ROOM flat. 1K28 No. 17lh St., $1; 4-room apartment, 1521 No. 18th St., $8; C. M. BdChmarui, 436 Paxton Block. (15)-M64 FOR RENT 1 4-room flat, 29th Ave and Doiigla St. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., 'I'hone Douglas 6562. ll!)-M734 OFFERED FOR RENT Continued. ) llonaekeeplag Raaana. TWO pleasant furnished rooms on parlor floor, housekeeping privileges. Come snd see them. Ml Burt St. (16) ldl BEAUTIFUL south parlor, kitchen and sleeping rooms, 3474 Harney. Telephono ltouglas 63. (151941 ROOMS for light housekeeping; modern house; light and hest. 2636 Davenport. (lu)-M61S 4x TWO nicely furnished rooms, light house keeping. 415 N. 23d. (151-MW3 lx BEAUTIFULLY furnished, all modern, steam heated rooms (always warm. 218 N. 23d Bt. (15) M657 6 Farnlahed Hoascs. NEW -ronm house, furnished, to couple without children, for two or throe months; references required. Address K 921, rare Bee. (16) M656 lx Hoaaea aad Cottagee. llfJTTSsF.S tn all phrTi of the city. Crelgh tin) 311 BALL room and ladge rooms. Fraternity hall. 1816 Harney, Opp. Tubllo library. See Janitor. (15) 1S6 FOR BENT New 8-room brick house, v cant Feb. 1;. modern and complete In every respect at 1511 8. 29th St. Inquire of the owner at 1509 8. 29th St, (15) -27 609 So. 26th Ave., 7-room. modern flat, oak finish, hot water heat, combination lights, $45. 2506 Sherman Ave., 6-room, new, modern flat, 1st floor maple finish; furnace, com bination lights. $.1150. 2212 No. 21st St.. 7-room modern flat; furnace, gas and bath, $25. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St., , (15)-M645 HOUSES, flats, Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. (15) 316 FOR RENT Eight-room, modern house, 414 N. 31st St., $35. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Lite Building. (15) 317 FOR RENT New brick, 2607 Dewey Ave, 7 rooms, hot water heat. It. II. LANDER YOU, Tel. Doug. 2161. 442 Board of Trade. (15) A1668 1 004 SOUTH 27th St.. 12 rooms, steam heat furnace, strictly modern, $09. 6-r. strictly modern, steam heated flat at 18th and Nicholas Sts. 2522 Rees St., rear, S-room house, $6 per month. (26, blacksmith shop with complete set of tools and 6-room cottage In first-class condition; privilege to purchase later. BEMIS, PAXTON ttLOCK. (15) 700 2109 So. 20lh Ave., 4 rooms, city water. $12 ' 7H No. 28th Ave., 4 rooms. $8. 21st & Vinton, 4 rooms, city water. $12. 323 No. 30th, 6 rooms, city water. $15. 2420 So. 16th, 6-room flat; gas. $12 5ti. 224 No. 26th, 8-room modern flat. $47.50. 2626 Capitol Ave., 9-room modern flat; barn. $27.50. 2023 No. 24th, 6 rooms; bath. gas. etc. $20. 717 So. 31st, 7 rooms, modern. $20. 5:i5 So. 26th Ave., 6-room modern flat. $30. 2K17 Emmet, 6 rooms: city water. $16. 3011 Franklin, 6 rooms; cooking gas. $14. MCAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1606 Dodge St. (15)-702 2 4-ROOM house and barn, 46 William St., In rear, $13: 6 rooms on second floor, 26th . and Parker Sts., $14. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming. (15) 116 GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT. 1337 So- 27th, nearly new 6-room modern house: aood repair. $26. 2472 Harney, 10 room, modern; hot water heat; good for rooms. &o. 4101 Farnam, 7-room, barn. $30. 331 No. 41st, new 6-room, modern. $M. 4223 Douglas; 8 rooms, modern. $27.50. 2219 Seward. 6-room cottage. $17. l: No. 24lh, 6-room flat, bath. $15. 2714 No. 25th, good 6-room house. $15. 3317 Dewey Ave., 6-room cottage. $15. 2321 So. 16th, 5-room flat. $12.60. 210 So. 28th Ave., 4 rooms; $7. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM ST. (16)-M680 2 $20 PER MONTH. S23 Pierce St., 6-room cottage, good repair. $20 per month, 718 N. 30th St., 5-room mod ern cottage. $36 per month, 823 S. 25th Ave., 7-room modern house. $42.50 per month, ltll 8. 29th St., 8-room modern house. $65 per month, 2626-28 Harney St., new 10 rooni modern houses. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. (15)-M740 2 FOR RENT. I $15.00 5-room, nice modern flat, and large barn. 1811 Lake St. $18.00 6-room, modern flat. 1204 24th St. $25.00 6-room, modern cottage. 621 No. 18th St. $9.00 4-room flat. 2706 Burt St. $8.00 S-room flat. 1919 Clark St. ROBINSON & WOLF, 435 Paxton Block. U5)-M6S3 1 FOR RENT 6-room cottage; good eellnr; cast front; south part of city; $12 per month. C. M. Hachmsnn, 436-37 Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 2639. (15)-284 HOUSES, Insurance, Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. (15) 315 TTHTTtJlTQ In all parts of the city. Peters UUUOrjOTru Co., N. y. Life Bldg. (151313 FOR RENT 6-room house, new and mod ern, 3009 Dewey Ave.. $32. R. H. LANDERYOTT, Tel. Doug 2151. 442 Board of Trade. (15) M687 I FRATERNITY HALL, 18th and Harney; new, clean, ground floor, ball room; no liquors allowed; $15.00 a night. N. P. Dodge oc Co. Tel. Doug. 829 or Ind. A2829, or sea Janitor. (15) M424 HOUSEHOLD goods packed forwarded; cheap freight rates, moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co., Tel. Doug. 3U4. (16) 305 OMAHA VAN & Storage Co.. pack, move, store H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th, Office, 1C09 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1569. (15) 304 Miggard Van & Storage Co., 1712 Webster. (16 o06 FIVE nice rooms ol ground ffbor; modern except heat. 919 No. 27th St. (1S)-M621 2x FOR RENT 8-room cottuge; house mod ern. 3031 Marcy street; $27. Apply to C. L. Thomas, room 412 lice building. (16)-638 t-ROOM cottage, 2503 Franklin St (15) 976 5-ROOM flat. 18n8 N. 22d St. Good condi tion. Rant reasonable. Water paid. 'Phone Harney 2766. (16) 704 2x Balldlags. WHOLESALE LOCATION. We have two large modern buildings in center of wholesale district which can be leased for term of years at very reason able rental. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. (15)-M7-J9 S Offices, fOR RENT Large office room In Crounsa Blk., on 16th St., opposite pos'offlce, at $8 per month. Conrad Younfc. 1518 Dorigs 8U (15) M1G2 TWO fine, large office suites In ths Con tinental block; cholc location for physi cian or dentist. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 209 F.rst National Bank Building. (luj-318 OWING TO consolidation of oflico with warehouse, the corner office in Wead building, occupied by Wclr Co., inav li rented. (16l-M.9 1 DESIC room for rent; reasonable use of both 'phones. 523 Bee Bldg. (15) 159 DESIRABLE desk room In Bee building, with free use of 'phone and vault; handy to elevator; price, $8.00. Phont: Doug. 4693. (16) M692 2 Stares. $-STORY 'and basement, 22x100, 1M3 Fsr nam. Apply 314 First Nstl Bank Bhlg 115)-M5i7 2127 FARNAM ST., 10x60 feet, good base ment and brick storage room in rear, $.15 per month. GI0ORGE Jc CO., 1601 FARNAM BT. , (I5J-M738 1 OFFERED FOR RENT SloreaCoa tinned. 1-STORT and basement building in Far nam ft., sol. si. !.. rmun cry woiwia , bet 9th ami loth Sts : equipped with an elevator, fireproof vault. R. R. track end loading platform. F. D. W'cad. lwl Farnam St., Tel. Doug. 1529. Os Ml7 MODERN store room In new Scargo Phis , 24th St.. South Omaha. P. O. Block hall. $17 First Nat, Bldg. 'I'hone Rod 71. (15)-I119 1812 Harney St.. 32x110, one or two Mori's; suitable for storage, garage, luundry. etc. 8. 8. Curtis. 1 Harney. (16) M739 1101 N. 18th St., $25. Bemls, Paxton Block. (16) 6 OFFERED FOR SALE Fencing. ANCHOR and Iron fencing; mire fenrlr 6c per foot. 206 N. Hth St. Tel. Red M4. (16) -223 rinaea, Organs, Maatcal Instruments. GOING AWAT. $ UPRIGHT PIANO CHEAP. 41N. 23d St. (16) M9T.S KJ0 Typewriters and lnlsg Machines. FOR SALE High grido sec.onaVha.nd type writers; good condition; a bargain at tut. Call room 6u3. Bee Bldg. lid) 671 WE HAVE a now Fox typewriter taken In on a trade anl used two months In completing some extra work. Our force has been cut down and rather than have the machine around when It Is not 4n ua, wo will sell It at a great bargain. Ad dress B 96, care of Bee. - (16) M332 lx ALMOST new standard $I typewriter for sale at a great sacrifice It taken at once. 441 Brandels Bhlg. (16)-62 F3 Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Now and second-hand Millard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswick-Balk Collendar, 407 8. 10th St. (16) 326 OAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, most up-to-date stock at loweat prices In the city, select now. Delivered When needed. Inspection Invited. BUKUESS GltANDEN CO., 213 8. 16th St. Tel. Doug. IM. (16) M537 ONE No. 47 National cash register, totnl adder, good as new; one No. 140 latest style Dayton computing scale; one :Ho gallon self-measuring "Bowser" oil tank; one dried fruit case; one glass clgnr case; one floor show case. Address Y 1''2, car Hce. (16) 616 FOR SALE 1,500 feet second-hand wtia cable. W. II. Bridges, engineer Bee Bldg. (I6)-M4u3x DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (16) 325 IOWA Farm Mortgages for sal. Secured on farms In southwestern Iowa. Five year loans at 6 per cent Intereat Pqulrs & Annis, 101 PearJ St., Council Bluffs, la. (16) M266 FeblOx SECOND-HAND overcoats and flracrms. Singer, 416 N. 16th. (16) 329 COAI AH kinds fiee delivered, same dsy as you order, Rosenblatt's coal yard. Tel. Doug. 412. Retail dept., clean nut coal, 6 bu. for $1. (16) M257 BEND US your mall orders for drugs; x freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. omaha. (iex.'4 HALL'S safe:', new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. (16)-3S1 DAYTON COMPUTING SCALE at a bar gain. SOS N. ieh St. (16) 191 Feb FOR SALE Several show cases, new pen nut roaster, large coffee mill, two large automatic oil tanks and store fixtures, too nu-neroua to mention. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha. Neb. (16)-327 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tall. Sherman it McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge Sts.. Omaha, Neb. tl6) 1 1 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. U6)-SW HAY $1 per ton. Wagner, 801 N. 16th. (16) -332 , MEDIUM sixe safe, with steel chest. 14i Douglas St. . (101 M253 lx FOR SALE 1P0 tons of first-class baled hoy. J. M. Fox, Gretna, Neb. . . (16)-632 2 FOR SALE One quick-men 1 steel range, nearly new; a Dargaln if taken at once. 42 Farnam St. ) (16) 61 1 FOR SALE A parctlcally new steel range, with water front; also gas rnne and fca-i heater, 2439 Emmet St. Tel. Webster 4212. (16) 670 1 PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk., Tel. Red 7117. (17) -833 LARSON & CO.-Boolt frse. Neville Bldg. (17) 31 PATENTS THAT PROTECT-3 books for inventors mailed on receipt of fic postage. R. S. & A. B. Lacey, rooms 29-39 Paciflu Bldg , Washington, D. C. Established 1Si. 17) Sij H. A. Sturges. 619 N. Y. L. Tel. Doug. 34t. 17 S72 F14X PERSONAL Af AONETIO treatment and bath. Mine. JMAUlMrjlltv Smith, m N. lath, id fii. (18)-8bt) LIEBEN, costumer, 1410 Howard, open eve. ili) 341) THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 131 N. Hth St., for cost vt collecting, to thu worthy poor. Call 'phon. uoug. 4135 and wagon will call. ' (18) 786 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; oul i Ices. Send for free catalogue. Myer illlon Drug Co., Omaha, (16) 336 YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young n Women's Christian Association rooms 1616 Farnam St., where thoy will be di rected to suitable boarding places or otherwise assibted. (18) 615 WE RENT, repair, sell nesdlea for old sewing machines. Neb. Cycle Co., Cor. 16th and Hainey. (18) 337 If A CJiJ A PIT1, and baths. Room 2, U"4 Wdi5i3aUU Farnam St., 2d floor. (1S)-M74$ F3 A HOME for women during confinement. Wa find homes for babies whora Jnolhei M cannot care for them. Mother Lee, 4 J Bancroft St. 'Phone Douglas lXI. . (IS) W6 FebKx PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOM E Mrs, Dr. King, 1324 N. 24th. Tel. Web. 35..!). (18) 3J8 OMAHA Stammerer's Institute. Ramgs Building. (16)-339 A SATIN skin secured by using Satin Skin Cream and Satin Skin Face Powder 2uc HEADQUARTERS of the great rheuma tism and neutulgla remedy. Jo-He i) I. permanently located, 3o9 KaJbach block. 16lh &. Doug. Sts. T. B. Foigy. len I Agl. (181 M724 Kebl8 REAL ESTATE REAL. EaTATE DEALERS. PAYNE INV. CO.. 1st floor N. Y. I.1f. Douglas 1781. (!) 341 GEORGE CO. 1C01 Farnam. Tel. LougtagJt PETERS TRUST CO., N. Y. Ltfa Bldg. ; (l,-4J ci't xy ho peutv ron iiik i CASH. $5 MONTHLY. South front lot MJ. Two blocks from Harney i-ir, near Bomls paik. I'rlco $176. Out of town owner in Uht sell. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. "Sellers of Siiaiw." J Tel. Doug. 178L 1st Floor N. Y. K Bldg. (19)-M7 t