Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1908, Page 8, Image 8
a 6 THE OMAHA DAILY REE: THURSDAY. JANUARY .10. 1003. HI i Want ads 4rrrllMiaU for tha mIiim veil tafcea II 12 ta. far the fvnlitf erilitoa and til It a. m. far Ike nimt( aad Bandar edltlaaa. Cash iaat arrant pa a r all order for I ad aad aa advertlaetaeat will ae arrrplrd far Iru Ikaa lO real for the tint laarrtlaa. Rate a pair la eltfter Tfca Dalle a aadar It1. Always raaat mix wnrda ta llaa. Caaaalaatloa of laltlala or aaataera (I aa word. cash rtTEa ran wast ads. flKQlTI.A ft classification oaa laarriloa, pr llae, lO eeal. Two or More roaaeeatlTe iaserttaas, per line. roafa. Mk laaertlaa aaad oa add darn, 19 reata per liar. l.5t per lino per moalk. gPF.CIAL CLASSIFICATION If roar 4Ttrlwat la lertei aar aac of tkc claaalflratloaa circa krlaw. It will ke ckared at Ike fol lowing raleat Oae laaertloa, cent per llaa, Ikree ta alx coaeealve la aertlon, S eeata per llaa eack laaer tlaai aavea or more roaaeratlva laser lion, 3 eeata per llaa eark laaertloai O eeata per llaa per atoalk. BARTER AND EXCHAJStiK. BTSI'VESS CHANCES. UK LP WASTED FEMiLE. HELP WASTED MAVK. Earept Aseat, Solicitor aad Sale tea. OFFERED FOR SALE. Caws, Bird, Da aad Fat. Haraea aad Vehicle. Paaltrr aad Egg. Icaraltara. Tipewrlter aad Sewlas Blacalne. Plaaoa, Orim aad Maalcal laatra meat. i OFFERED FOR RENT. FaraUked Raaaaa. tlafaraUked Roaaia. Hoaaekeeptaa; room. Boardlaa; aad Raaaaa. WANTED TO BUY. Waat ada for tka Bra aaar ka left at aar af tka following drag at ore aa la "year caraer r(glitn tker ara all kraark afflcea at Tka Dee aad roar ad will ka taaerted last a promptly aad aa tke eama ratea aa at Ike aaala offlca la Tka Baa Batldlaa;, eveateeatk aad Fajraaat fetrcata. Albach. W. C, 40th ahd Farnam. Heranek, 8. A.. 1402 8. Mlh St. Uecht Pharmacy, 720 S. 16U1 St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson. Nab. Demi Park Pharmacy, 3d and Cumin. Blake's Pharmacy, 2el Hherman Ave. Caughlln. C. R., Sth and Pierce Bta. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 221 Military Ara. Conte, J. B.. 31 at Ave. and Farnam. Cnasey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake fat. Cermak. Emil, 144- B. Utn St. Eastman Pharmacy. 408 Hamilton. Ehler, T. H 280$ Leavenworth. Foster & Arnold!, 11 N. 26th St. Kreyuut. John J , 1914 N. 14th. Florence Drug Co.. Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 110th and Lake. Green Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. aad Pacific. Greenough, G. A.. 1025 B. 10th St. Greenough, Q. A., 1624 8. 10th St. Hayden. Wm. C, 2920 Farnam St. Hanscom Park Pharmacy. lol 8. 29tb -Ave. Hntst, John. ?4 N. lth 8t Huff. A. K. 2924 I.eavenworth BL King. H 8., 2388 Farnam Bt. Kountze Place Pharmacy. 3804 N. 84th.' Patrick Drug Co., 1(124 N. 24th St. Ithrop. Charle E.. 1?24 N. 24th St. Peyton, L. E., 24th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th and Amei Ave. Schaefer'a Cut Price Drug Co., Kith and Chicago. Sehaefer, August, 2031 N. lth St. Schmidt, J. H.. 24th and Cuming Sts. Btorm Pharmacy, Itith and Martha Bt. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacv, ?0th and Grace. Worth. O. H.. 40th and Hamilton Sts. DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES. COLE George V.. ed 31 year, at La Angeles, January M. He leave a wife and child, a brother at Aberdeen. Wash.; and mother and brother at 1722 South Tenth street. MVONNELL Robert J., son of Robert and Anna M. McConne.ll. at St. Joseph' hospital. Tuesday evening, January 2i. l-'uneral notice later. Attention, Kagle! Members of Omaha Aerie No. Fra ternal Order of F-uRles. are hereby notified that committee uppolnted to revise by-laws of the uei-ie have submitted their report and it will come up for adoption or rejec tion this (Thursday) evonln-, January 30. Several changes of vital Importance are contemplated. Members are requested to be present and vota oil the matter. Hy order of the nTie. THUS. J. FLYNN. D. V. CANON, . W. Pre. Secretai y. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Ewy Hlax'k. 'MS North Twentieth, girl; Hub Feres, U17 North Twentieth, boy; Jack Harm. 1Z3 Nicholas, lioy; Harry B. Jones, ;t12 North Nineteenth avenue, boy; Matthew Schneider, 1821 North Twen-ty-firt. girl; William P. Gannon, jc North Seventeenth, Kill; Albert Johnson, lo4 North 'fwenly-fourth, boy; John Campbell, luW North Twenty-fourth, boy; Timothy Haulev, 1210 South Eleventh, Klrl: Law rence Baiubli'iie, l:)0A South Fifth, gill, Al beit Swanson. 2ul7 ta, boy; Uulscppi Munlsteil, 721 South Fifteenth, boy; Frank Kucera, 1AH' South Fenrtennth, girl; II. Campbell, ah! North Fifteenth, boy; C. W. Pureell. lolfl' North Twenty-eighth, boy; William Moore, MB North Twentieth, girl; Alfred ttroberg. HIS North Eighteenth, girl. Denths-Henty Kulil. 717 South Eight eenth. Wl; Samuel A. liean, killed by acci ttent. address and age unknown; Vlggu S. Corner, bO South Twenty-fourth street, Bouth Omaha. 1 nionlh: Ellen Smith. Uc: South Twentj -eighth. Hi; Arvidson llano, Dov,slas County hospital, 22. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses been Issued; Name a.u Address. Howard A. 1 Ionian, South Omaha,. Elvu 1. Mills. Soutli Ouiuiia aim C. 8trahl. Omaha Nellie L. Headley. Omaha Hugo Seismann. Omaha Helen Ocnhacli, Oiii.ina Ivy O. Clsoorn. Hasel Dell. la hae Age a a Lii 24 21 20 U...2S Mo. 21 Mo. 18 .'7 20 31 : 24 21 20 Mrs Rebecca Heniley. Hazel ueu. Ch rles !3. Drake, Warrenshurg. Grace J Wallace, Warreiisburg. Ed. I l.egge. Persia, la Jura M. Chambers, Persia. Id Joseph Hart, Essex. Ia Martha Anderson, Yo; alow 11, la Ernest Kelltf.v, Norfolk. Neb Laura Hetnlco'Carsuii. Omaha Trier Hoaholm. South Omaha KatlierliiH Jenatu, Omaha ANNOUNCEMENTS ; TELKCUtAPIlY The telegraph arpartment of the Omaha Commercial co!teg. )lti and i "amain bis., ha been loade I lie official school 01 tele giaphy u I ne I . P. K. A. Co. Students guaranteed vosltlons on V 1. It. R. Write us at once. Addles lUilirbousli Bros., Omaha. Neb. (I) M&.'J Feb 1 THE CITY GARBAGE CO., office 4h and Leavenworth Sts. Tel. Douglas IMi. ( U-2u2 E;GN PAINTINQ-B. II. COLE. U Doug las. IU 2iJ AUTOMOBILES SEND for our list of second-hand automo biles, DKR1GHT. 11! Faruam. (21 24 J1 I . lk7 lt7 Reo touting car. Payne Investment Company, oumha. (.) M.'..' 31 & ni WHEN you writ ta advertisers, kindly nieni on 1 nr vmm. BARTER AND EXCHANGE- A L.IVE ONBV tlave a good mining i. k to trad, av )uii I - What BARTER AND EXCHANGE (font mucd.) FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Paying weekly newspaper and job printing office In county iet town of 15.000. Address Y-114, rare Bee. 3 1 MoT SOX NEW up tn-date 60-hbl. mill for ihe.ip land. Gno-1 trade, (inert shipping facil ities, with Mp track. Owner lint a miller. For particulars address Y-73, care Omaha Le. (3-M9 FI0 1 HAVE several small diamonds, good white ton"S. will trade for office fur niture or something ! can use, must have some cash. E 9h rare Her. C.1-MK35 FIG FOR EXCHANGE 16 acre well improved propertv In PlattK.moulb. Neb., for Omaha property. Artdrcsii 216 N. 2,-'d St.. Omaha. (3I-M3U5 MX TRADES. TRADE8-K you have somcthltur for sale or trade wtlte u; we match everything. ' WAIT INVFTMK.V'IT CO.. 401 Hen Hldg. (3-MJ:5 F2I BUSINESS CHANCES A 6NAP My stock of drucs. sundries, paints and wall pnper. etc .. for sale; will klve a liberal discount If taken In next X) dsys; b'-st of rcusnnn for selling : iiverujte cash snlfn $0 er day. Aihlrcs'i f. H. 'McWilllums, Charter Uak. Is. ID M2!u It INDI STV.IAL AND MINING STOCKS Hoi (ill I AND S'i,f. KOI3T. :. DRrESUOW & CO., STtM.'K UKOhKRS. Tel. Douglas 3f. i"'J N V. Life lildg OMAHA. NKII. (4-Mfir2 K2 FOR PAf.K Fine modern restaurant, fcond citr buslneSH. clearing over J-io per month. City Room Rental Co.. 5 1- H'O Eldg. Tel. Rod 4fi. (4)-'J7i E. G. GANSKST AD can help you get n ur out cf business. Itoom luj Bee IMil?., Omaha. (1 1-266 CI.KAN. modern, actie, well-located hardware sti rV for sale or exchange for part K"i I farm land, t-mls and stork, halanei: ea-ih. Den I direct: no commission. Address -21.1. can- Ufe. ill-M"77 3 BltACKS.MlTH shop, with or wlthnut stock and tool.-i. llou?e. four hits. I have taken ImrnoEtead. 1!. ,y- Madison, Worthing. F. D. Hi- M'.'l I-eb.3 x FOR SALE 9-room rooming lin-H"; strh-tly modern; full of roomers, clus'! in. No agents wanted. Call Red B2C". 1 1 1 225 31 x Do You Wish to Make a C'hango IF YOl' have a farm, home, business or property that yott wi.'th to sell or ex change, write us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., OMAHA, NEK. (4I-M179 TO BUY er kcII a husineso quick, writ Hlldrcth. lirandcls Bids., Omulia (4) MS63 FOR SALE restaurant and lunch counter; cheap if taken at once. Address L. Box 30. Worthing. S. D. - (41-2-14 Fcblx WANTED A buyer for a blacksmith shop. County seat; good location. $4.(i0. Wrlto at once for particulars. Box 3, Wlnna Waukan, N. D. (tl M4'il 1 FOR SALE Machine shop, Iron works; machinery mostly new. L. A. Tinnes, Bird Island. Minn. (4-M3!4 Is WB have for salo some first-class stocks of merchandise, all doing good business, located in Iowa and Nebraska, in first class towns. New, up-to-dato slocks, which can he. bought reasonable. Write for Information. Gkjbe Land and Invest ment Co, 3W So. lth St., Omaha. Neb. 1 m-351-Fe b S. WANTED Reliable man with $n) to take active part In large Immigration business. Investigate If you want to make quick money. References reouired. ELKHOHN VALLEY LAND CO., T. W. W heeler. Mgr. (4)-Mfi65 1 ALL kinds of bargains .In rooming houses: casl. loaned if needed. Kelly & Stone, 220 Neville Bill. Tel. oovig. 44. (4 MS65 FeblS FOR RALE Nebraska drug stock and fix tures. Proprietor must give his attention ta olher business. Good business. Snap If taken at once. No trades. Address, Y-211. care Bee. (4) M175 30x FOR SALE Furnished hotel, 21 rooms, good business, barn, garden, fruit. Harri son House, Meadow Grove, Neb. (4) M5S7 F13 PARTY with 14.000 or $5,000 can make 29 per cent on his money, no time required, no risk. Address O t.C, care of Bee. (4) M866 DRUG STORES for sale everywhere. F. V. Knlest. 707 N. Y. Life, Omaha. (4 M905 FOR SALE-Fine 2-story brick hotel; 3J rooms, steam heat, electricity and gas; fino location in very best town In Ne- braska; excellent proposition either for business or us an investment; would con sider some Omajia propertv In trade. 411 Boe Building. 4)-M617 Feb.4x IF YOU have BOO or more or equal to trade and want to invest In good, safe enterprise good any place in union In quire 542 Bee Bldg. (4) Mil6 31x BLACKSMITH, Implement and repair business for sale at a bargain; if taken soi n would consider exchange for farm land in good locality. Answer. Ixa k Box 40. O'Neill. Neb. 4-Mtv)6 x ONE HUNDRED dollars will start you In the wholesale crockery trade. Write for terms and territory. Comstock Cook & Co.. Chicago. 111. (4) M6f.3 lx WANTED An Oklahoma printing and blnnk book manui aeturtng concern with a well established business wants a partner with S.Vmo cash capital. Business will show up first-class, hut growlnar volume of business on account of statehood re quires additional canhal. The Investment is a good one. Address P. O. Box 6t7, Shawnee, Okl. !) Miw2 2 SPLENDID CHANCE for lady to get Into heshiess on small capital; good oppor tunity for lunch room, down town loca tion. Address J 920, Bee. (41 M&iS 2 BUSINESS DIRECTORY; A net loner. IN NEBRASKA or IOWA -Sam Hoff, Omaha. (j) M-706-Feb. 18x Creameries, DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO.. successor to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha. &) 2t Chiropodist. DR. ROY. R. !. !& Farnam St. Do-;g. W7. ' ia-271 Carpet Cleaalag. A. K. JETT. carpet cleaning. Tel. D 409. ti) M107 Feb7x Chattel I.oaus. Cha. D. Stanton Loun Co.. iOl E?e B.fig. (51-270 Deatlata. BAILEY is. MACH. 3d fir.. Paxton. D. '.Otf. r.)-2:2 Dreaamaktaa;. IN FAMILIES Mis Sturdy. Tel. Harney IX. (01 27 J M' DO WELL Dressmaking School, 1623 Far nam St- li. 274 EXPERIENCED dressmaker, sewing by day J11 famine: good work guaranteed. Call evenings. Webster 19. (5I-M733 F18x FlorUI. HESS SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. 6 $7 L. HENDERSON. 161 Farnam. Tel. D. 1251. t6 277 J. H. BATH. 123 Harney. TeL Doug. SnOD. l6-27 Jowelere aad Watckaaakara. S. P. STILLING- Watch, clock, lewalrjr rapaJrtpg. l-l Paxton Blk. Tk. 4317. Hotel. THE 8CHLITZ. European. Hth and Harney ou C8li j. 1 iiiruuii oioiLv wain aus j BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued.) Locksraltks. KEYS, etc., Heflln. 1324 Farnam. Tet;t. 7t- (5 1 Blaala aa Lsagtiict- PIANO lessons. Mrs. Kilchle. Tel. Web. 2?91 (u-2J Offlre Sappllea. FILING cabinets, files and ledgers, loose leaf devices and office fixtures and sup plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co.. 20b S. 18th St. Tel. Doug. 6."2. Ind. A153. (5 M57 FeblS Moving; aad Storage. Expressmen's Delivery Co., office, 214 Nti. Will St. warehouse, 22o7 9 Izard St. (6)-6J Osteopotb y. Dr. Bowser, over 1S02 Far'm. Tel. Doug. B370. () 971 Febi JOHNSON INS., 41S N. Y. L. Tel. D. mi l&)-284 I'hotograpu. C. B. TRUS3ELL 115 Fouth ICth St. 0 1S .shoe ItepairloaT. RAPID FHOK REPAtU CO.. firsl-cUss work. liii Capitol Ave. 'Phono Red m (6)-281 SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered tree, stannara onoe nepair o., 18U4 Farnam St.. Tel. D. 7667. (5 283 Printing. BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order don't till to sen our elegant Imported line. Lyngstad & Jorve. printers, ISth end Capitol Ave. 2S5 EVER STOP TO THINK ..t fl,A ,li..n Intt imlilnir nn tha nvemirn prlnti r when you want a Job In a hurry? Ever iry as r ANCHOR PCBLISHING CO.. . Printers arid Office Furnishers, 3i-312 South 19th St. 'Phones: Bell. Douglas 6662; Ind. A13S2. (i) M592 F27 Sufea. Skottera, Ete. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specialty of fire escapes. hutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 1U2 8. loth St. (51-237 HEPJWANTJED FEMALE llonsekeepers aad Domestics. WOMEN'S DOMESTIC GUILD, 1902 Farnam St. TTpstairs maid ?i. Housemaid $5. Girl for general housework, 2 in family S'i. Cooks and girls for general housework to J7. (7)-M667 1 Housekeeper, ranch; general house girls; 14 to 17. Canadian Office, loth and Dodge. (7 M740 WANTED Good reliable woman for gen eral housework; one who Is fond of chil dren. Call 1024 N. 32d St. (7)M170 30x WANTED Olrl for housework, good wages. Mr. W. W. Bingham, 3328 So. 24th St. (7 M996 GIRL for general housework. 26th St. 1512 North ("; 182 80 EXPERIENCED girl for general house work, three In family; references re quired. 2711 Poppleton Ave. (7 M215 GIRL for general housework. 3012 Mason St. Tel. Harney 2904. (7) 234 31 WANTED Chambermaid that can wait on table; wages US. The Arlington, Sheldon, Ia. (7) M400 1 GIRL for general housework. 1.104 S :5th. Tel. H. 741.. (7) 572 2x WANTED A laundress who will usslst with second work; permanent position. Phone Harney 776. 600 So. 3Mh St. (7) 6M5 30 WANTED At the Emergency hospital, a good cook, a woman to do laundry work, a man or woman to do general scrub work. Apply Board of Health or Tele phone Douglas tWl. (7) M584 30 MUcellaneons. WANTED Several young women, about IS years old, who have had experience as salesladies In notions and ait needlework departments. Apply Superintendent. J. L Brandeis & Sons. (7) 697 30 BIO A GRADUATE nurse and earn 20 to 130 per week. We provide home study course lectures. Hospital practice when desired. Employment for students and graduates. Largest training school In the world. Write today. Free book. Ameri can Training School nurses. ?; Crilly Bldg.. Chicago. " (7-Ml 30x WANTED Teachers, immediately, for rural, village and city schools. Salary $50 and up. Address with stamp. Supt. H. B. Callln, Faulkton. S. D. (7)-MS27 4x WANTED An experienced shirt Inspector; steady work; good pay to right partv. Apply King-Graham Mfg. Co.. 11th and Jackson. ? (K9 PLEASANT home work for iadies, $1..I daily. Send stamp, Ladies' Guild. 3A. East 6Cd St., Chicago. (7) MCS4 fx HELP WANTED-MALE Agents, Solicitors and Salesmen. GOOD proposition for live canvasser. 1212 Harney. (9 Ma8 Feb27 NOTICE TO PORTRAIT AGENTS If you want good satisfaction and prompt smp ments, let the lnman Portrait Co. da your work. 41tf New Era Bldg.. Chicago. (9j M128 Febi WANTED Experienced salesman of gjod appearance in our wash gooiis depart ment. Young man preferred. Apply Su perintendent. J. L. Btar.dels it bona. (9) ol'S 30 Clerical and Odtce. SEE OUIt line of Ixjose Leaf Ledgers. Binders and labor saving accounting forms. Imperial lxiose Jaf l-Uger Co., Jll-J..' Ramge Bldg. Tel. Douglas 14M. (9) m.;;7 POSITIONS for dvug mer. everywhere. F. V. Knlest. 707 N. Y. Life. Omaha. (9,-2SJ Cracker Salesman. $100. Typest. $i0. Bookkeeper. 100 and $75. Experienced Collector. $0? and $!. Salesman, Wash Goods. $50. Extension Cierk, $15 an.l $iS WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS N. 721-722 New York Life Bldg- INC.. (9) o43 2S Factory aad v Trades. I WANT a good, sober, honest man. who has had experience in moving brick and frame buildings; good wage and steady work. I A. Murphy. 1101J. Main Ave.. Sioux Falls. 8. D. (9i-M663 F17 WANTED A practical printer with small capital to take care of a good job and newspaper office In good town in Iowa, publishing two paper. Write for par ticulars. Add re? s L fuu, care Bee. (91 M3 WANTED Men to learn barber trade; will eo,utj shop for you or furnish position; few weeks complete; constant practice; careful instructions; tools given; balurday wages; diplomas granted. Write for cata logue, Moler Barber College, ltd 8 14th St. I9i-Ml9 XOx WANTED Five firat-class plasterers. Fort Russell. Cheyenne. Wyo., $6.60. eight hours, long job. Atkinson Brothers, con tractu , (9) M56 1 buy or sell a farm. tottt rrr i HELP WANTED MALE Factory and Trade Contlaoed. WANTED First-class horseshoer and gen eral blacksmith; only non-drinking man wanle.1; wages $3 to $3 50 per day; also man to groom horses and general barn work. Frank lams, St. Paul, Neb. (9)-M594 SI ENGRAVER with some experience on wood and metal printing plates. Address G 918, Bee. ()-Mt30 31 Mlaeellanooaa. YOUNG MEN. QUICK! Grasp this opportunity! Learn to be a structural draftsman and earn more pay. You can do it evenings. The cost of tuition will Im raised $10 on the term beginning the 1st of February. If you wish to tako ad vantage of the low rate prevailing now, you should enroll tonight. THE FIRST TWO YOUNG MEN WHO ENROLL TO NIGHT WILL BE GIVEN ONE MONTH'S I KHTttt'CTIflV ITI!.-!.' rIT CIYAROK Clerks, stenographers, bricklayers, ( ar- peniers ann iraxiesmen or an Kinos uenei their conditions in life by learning how to draw plans. Get out of a rut! Do some- . 1. 1 . 1.1 . 1. . .11 a 1 . , nM ,,.,...... IMIHK III WHieil III! lll llll'l lII ,ll,-,T-r-l every minute of your life. Opoti from 7.30 to 9:00 p. m. this week. OMAHA TECHNICAL SCIU'UIj "OMATEK." Rotim 3, Wead Block. 18th and Furnam. (91603 Feb.l WE GUARANTEE YOU A TELEGRAPHY JOB on the Union Pacific K. R. If you learn Telegraphy at our school, and also a place to work tor your board while attending. Union Pai'irto train dispatcher's wire and station blanks installed in the school for practice purposes. Write for full Informa tion QUICK. Boyles Telegraphy College, 1Mj3 Harney St., Omaha, Neb. Official training school U. P. H. R. (9) 624 U. S. N-AVY wants young men between ages 17 and 26; men with special trades acepted up to 35 years. Oood opportun ities for promotion for efficient men. Pay $1S to $T0 per month, practically clear of living expenses. Free Illustrated booklet on application. "The Making of a Man-of-Warsman." Visit or address Navy Recruiting Station. Omaha, Neb. 9) M532 Feb 3 FREE Employment Bureau, supported by Business Men's ussoclatlon; helps work men find positions. 626 N. Y. L. Bldg. Bldg. (9) M5) YOU can make $25 to $100 week in mail order business; no canvassing; I made $5,000 first year. Why work on small salary? Free booklet; tells how to get started. Manager American Mall Order Bureau, Detiolt, Mich. (9) M284 Feb 10 POSITIONS OPEN FOR FIREMEN AND BRAKEMEN; big pay and raoid promo tion; experience unnecessary. Apply at once, personally or by letter, to National Railway Training Ass'n, 620 Paxton Blk., Omaha, Neb. (91-136 Feb7 YOUNG MEN to prepare for examination for railway mall and other government positions; superior Instruction by mail; established 14 years; thousands of suc cessful students; sample questions and "how government positions are secured" sent free. Interstate Schools, Cedar Rapids, Ia. (9) M5S2 FT5x 150 MEN WANTED on Ice fields. Apply to foreman at Cut-off lake, east side. Omaha Ice & Cold Storage Co. (91-M64S 30 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horaca aad Vekicle. WE HAVE BUYERS every day for horse, if you have any you want to dispose of. We buy apd sell on commission. Tha Harney Street Stable. (ID M479 I BUY. sell and exchange horses on com mission. Mares and horses always on hand. Cheap. Myers, 1114 Douglas St. (11) 937 Poultry aad Egg. SCREENINGS $1.25 per cwt Wagner.801 n 16 GOVT, book free. Model Squab Co., Omaha. , 111) M6S8 Feb2 Cows, Bird, Dog and Pet. FOR SALE Fox wolf arid rabbit hou For particulars address Turner & Rlffe, Orrick, Mo. (1D-M517 F2x GOOD cow for sale. 17th St. A. Howltz. 619 N. (11) MHO lx PUPS Fox Terriers for sale. 114 N. 26th. 'Phone Harney 297U. (hi) (31 3lx LOST AND FOUND LOST Large muff, in Hrandels' stor, Monday morning. Return to Mrs. V. H. Nichols, Flat 1 Hamilton apartments, or Tel. Douglas 4295. Reward. (12) 601 2Px STRAYED from 2509 No. 16th St., one Jer sey cow. Call Tel. Webster 3836. will pay reward. (12) 600 29 LOST Blue enamel watch. near high school. Return to 2203 Cass and receive reward. (12) M628 30 LOST About 2th nnd Hickory Sts.. one lady's gold watch and chain: name Helen B. Cochrun on Inside cane; reward for re turn to 153U So. 27th St., or 'phone Douglas 9T6 or Douglna 7112. (12i (',36 3ox MEDICAL BUST nerve bracer for tutu. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. She' man & McConnell Drug Co., Omuha. (13) 29j ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to mo matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3S24 N. 24tU St., Omaha. Neb. (12) MUn FREE medical and surgical treatment at Cie.ghlon Mediial college. 14th and Dav tnpoit Sts.; speciul attention paid to (-entitlement cate.: all treatment supervised by colleg professors Phone Do. gl ;,b. Li.j ai.siweieU day or night. 1:0 12V MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS LET US HELP YOU If you are in need 0! a little ready cas'a come to the OLD RELIABLE LOAN HKADqUAKTEKB. VOL WILL FIND our terms are more reasonable than can be ol. tamed elsewhere. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. UJ Boaid 1.1 TruJi-i Bldg. lii) M 15! EAGLL LOAN OFFICE Rehab'., aecori modatlng; a.l iiujinesa confidential :T7l Douglas. (14j & FURNITURE, live stoc salary, '.oar.. Liu:: Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Bik. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLK and otheis without security; easy pV i;.tnt. Offices In 63 pr'ncl;al cities Tj., room 714. New York Life Bidg U4,-J7 Money?! Phnns LOAN-LOW b. In um to 310 Bee Bldi:. Douglas ;!M UNION LOAN COMPANY. U4)-il CHATTEL alary and storage rerelnt loans. Foley ljan Co., lio4 Farrarn St. (129 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHG1.NIX CREDIT CO. For Chattel or EaUry Loans. (33 Paxton Block. 'phone Doutlas 7:5. (H1-2; OFFERED FOR RENT I Boardlaa; aad Raoaaa. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms rsfe. (16 3ol DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (151 '2 I.U'W JIJJHHJiJI nsj t OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; aad Hooraal'on tinned. FURNISHED rooms, with board. 618 8. 26th St. (15) M62 J31X BEAUTIFUL rooms with bonrd and home cooking. 116 N. 2bth St. Tel. Doug 4912. (16) Ml7 31x DESIRABLE room, fine location; walking distance; excellent board. 218 So 25th street. (15) M.1S8 lx ROOM and board, In private family, for one or two gentlemen. 'Phone Harney 1081. (.15) 599 I9x VFjRY desirable furnished board, at 123 So. 25th Ave. rooms, with (151-635 31x Furnished Rooms, WE IK) expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1626. S.-hmoller A Mueller Piano Co.. 1311-1313 Farnam. (161303 CENTRAL, all modern, 3 fine furnished rooms; bathroom and hell. 220 N 23d. (15) M919 We find you any kind of rooms-in any part of city, FREE OF CHARGE. CITY ROOM RENTAL CO.. Phone Red 3v45. IM2 Bee Bldg. (it) M217 F NEWLY furnished modern room. Gentle men. $1.76. i404 Capitel Ave. (161 M326 lx VERY desirable room, fine location, walk ing distance. 218 80. 25th St. (15) M.19 lx 2218 CHICAGO Modern, partly or unfur nished double parlors, south front. Phone Red 6578. (15) M449 lx FOR RENT Large, beautifully furnished room for gentleman; modern, with run ning water. 112 So. 24th St. (15)-M6i3 lx EXCEPTIONALLY warm, clean, beauti fully furnished largo rooms; very reason able; private home; with use of 'phone. 1919 Cass. (16) 633 4 Untarnished Rooms. FOUR rooms, well lighted, water. gas, bath and closet; possession February 1. 2215 Burt. (16) 425 Fix 3 UNFURNISHED rooms, light house keeping, modern. 635 S. 26th Ave. Tel. Douglas 7307. (16) 433 31 FOUR modern rooms: furnace, parlor floor, near park. 1509 8. 28th. (15) 640 Apartment! aatt Flat. FOR RENT Modern 4-room, steam healed semi-basement flat In the Dunsany (loth and Pierce Sts.). Conrad Young, agt., 1518 Dodge. Tel. Doug. 1571. (16) MS93 THREE-ROOM flat, 1828 No. 17th St., $"; 4-room apartment, 1521 No. 18th St., $S; C. M. Bachmann, 436 Paxton Block. (ln)-M646 Housekeeping Room. TWO pleasant furnished rooms on parlor floor, housekeeping privileges. Come and see them. 2001 Burt St. (15) 181 TO COUPLE; two nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 1819 Davenport, or Inquire at store. 3u8 N. 16th. (15) 193 30x BEAUTTFT-TL south parlor, kitchen and steeping rooms, tiarney. leiepnone Douglua 69)0. (15) 941 ROOMS for light housekeeping; modern house; light- and heat. 2C35 Davenport. (16) MS18 4x TWO nicely furnished rooms, light house keeping. 415 N. 23d. (15)-M6ti3 lx BEAUTIFULLY furnished, all modern, steam heated rooms (always warm). 218 N. 23d St. (151 M657 5 Famished House. NINE-ROOM furnished house, all modern except furnace, good location. $35 per month. Bemis, 3u6 Paxton Blk. (15) M997 NEW G-room house, furnished, to couple without children, for two or three months; references required. Address K 921. care Bee. (15) M656 lx House and Cottage. TTnTTCiVC: l" H rarti cf tha city. ( UUUOIiO Snna jp, Co.. Bee Ride. Creigh cl5) an BALL room and lodge rooms. Fraternity hall, 1816 Harney, Opp. Public library. See janitor. (15) 186 TOR BENT New 8-room brick house, v cant Feb. 1; modern and complete In everv respect at 1511 S. 29th St. Inquire of the owner at 1509 S. 29lh St. (15) -270 fO So. 26th Ave., 7-room, modern flat, oak finish, hot water heat, combination lights, $45. 2506 Sherman Ave., 5-room, new, modern flat, 1st floor ms.ple finish; furnace, com bination lights. $.12.50. 2212 No. 21st St., 7-room modern flat; furnace, gas and bath, $25. HASTINGS & 1IEYDEN. 1704 Farnam St., (15)-M64S HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros., 1601 Farnam. (15) 316 FOR RENT Eight-room, modern house, 414 N. 31st St.. 135. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York, Life Building. (16)-317 FOR RENT New brick, 2607 Dewey Ave., 7 rooms, hot water heat. R II. LANDERYOU. Tel. Doug. 215i. 442 Board of Trade. (15)-M668 1 4-ROOM house and barn. 4'i9 William St., In rear. $13; 6 rooms on second flour, 2tUh and Parker Sis.. $14. Cinis Hover. 2;id and Cuming. il-"" 116 6t4 SOUTH 27th St.. 12 rooms, steam heat furnace, strictly modern, $'j0. 6-r. strictly modern, bieam heated flat at IStl. and Nicholas Sis. $25. blacksmith shop with complete set of tools and b-rooiu cottage in filst-clasa condition, prlvilei; to purchaso later. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK (15) M629 ' SIX-ROOM house, new and modern. Near I ;'d and Dodge. 411 Bee Bldg I tl5)-M172 30x ! FOR RENT -room cottage; good cellar: test fror.t; south pan of cliy; $12 per ! month. C. M. Bachmann, 436-37 Paxton B'.ii Tel. Red 2b39. (151-1SI HOUSES. Insurance, Rlngwalt, B.u ker Blk. , G".) 215 iiATTT.''s; 'r, all parts of the city. Peters UULoiwOTrai, ,.u . v. v. 'ir ni.ic I 21:: OR RENT 6-rooir. house, new and mod rr., 2w9 Dewey Ave., lx.'. It 11. LANDERYOU. el. Doug 2.01 442 Board of Trade. (15) M0u7 I FRATERNITY HALL. 18th and Harney; new, clean, ground floor, ball room; no luiuoih allowed, $15 00 a night. N. P. I Hdge a: Co. Tel Doug. 829 or Ind A28J9. or bee Janitor. 115) M424 HOUSEHOLD goods packed forwarded; cheap freight rate, moving and storing. Expiesbinen's Delivery Co., Tel. Doug. 3M4 (15,136 OMAHA VAN & Storage Co., pack, move, store H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-24 N. lith. Office, 16u9 Farnam. Tel. Doug. loot. llij-So Maggard Van at Storage Co.. 1712 Webster. tlbj FIVE nice rooms on ground floor; modern except heal. 911 No. 27th St. (15)-M621 2x FOR H E NT 8-room cottage; house mod ern. 8U31 Marcy street; $.7. Apply to C. I... Thomas, room 412 Bee building. (16)638 FOR RENT 4 rooms, bath and gas. $12. 3311 California St. G61 MJ61 30x -ROOM cottage,. 250U Franklin St tli)-7 OFFERED FOR RENT House aad t ot lae Coa t laaed. FOR RENT NOW In Kountxe Place, S310 Sherman Ave , modem 5-room cottage, attic and basement In perfect repair: one of the nicest in town. C. S. Phepard, 230 Board or rraue. (16)-e;7 29X FOR RUNT-Nine-room modern house, 71S 1st Ave., Council Bluffs. Bell 'phone Red 2346. (15) M630 31X Eight-room, modern, choice. 602 South 36?h $23.60 Seven-room, partly modern, choice. 1314 South Uth $2350 RUSSELL & M KITRICK Co.. 432-34 Ramge Bldg. 15th and Harney Sts. (lt) 602 30 Ofleni, TWO fine, large office suites In tha Con tinental block; cholco location for physi cian or dentist. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 201 First National Bank BuUdlng. li)-311 FOR RENT Lanre office room In Crouns niH., on 101 11 01.. tifponilB (jn. Ill 1 1 IB, l $8 per month. Conrad Young, 1518 Dndga 6t. 15)-M16$ DEPIC room for rent; reasonable use of both 'phone. 623 Bee Bldg. (16) 159 OWING TO consolidation of office with warehouse, the corner office In Wend building, occupied by Weir Co., mav be rented. (151 M659 1 Stores. 3- STORY and basement. 22x100. 1C03 Far nam. Apply S14 First Nat I Bank Phlg. (151-M587 4- STORY and basement building on Far nam St., adj. M. E. Smith Dry Goods Co., bet. Sth and 10th Sts.; equipped with an elevator, fireproof vault. R. R. trackage and loading platform. F. D. Wead, 1801 Farnam St., Tel. Doug. 1529. (it)-M157 MODERN store room In new Scargo RldtJ., 24th St.. South Omaha. P. O. Block hall. $17 First Nat. Bldg. 'Phono Red 740U. (15) M119 1812 Harney St., 32x100, one or two stories; suitable for storage, garage, laundry, etc. S. P. Curtis. lSiaj Harney. (151-M739 OFFERED FOR SALE Fencing;. A.'CHOIl and Iron fencing; wire fencing 6c per foot. 206 N. i7th St. Tel. Red N14. (16)-322 Plaacs, Organ, Musical Instrument. GOING AWAY. $30 UPRIGHT PIANO CHEAP. 415 N. 23d St. (16)-M9G8 F20 Typewriter and Sewing; Macklne. FOR BALK High grade second-hand type writers; good condition; a bargain at $50. Call room 603. Bee Bldg. (16) 67l SMITH-PREMIER typewriter at a big bar gain. 3 N. 16th. (16) 194 30x WE HAVE a new Fox typewriter taken in on a trade and used two months In completing some extra work. Our forco has been cut down and rather than have the machine around when It Is not in use, we will sell it at a great bargain. Ad dress B 898, care of Bee. (16) M332 lx Miscellaneous. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswick-Balk Collendar, 407 S. 10th St. (16) 328 OAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, most up-to-date stock at lowest pTices In the city, select now. Delivered when needed. Inspection ' Invited. BURGESS GRANDEN CO.," ill S. 15th St, Tel. Doug. 68L (16)-M537 ONE No. 47 National cash register, total adder, good aa new; one No. 140 latest style Dayton computing scale; one 3w gallon self-measuring "Bowser" oil tank; one dried fruit case; one glass cigar case; one floor show case. Address X 192, care Bee. (161616 FOR SALE 1.500 feet second-hand wire cable. W. H. Bridges, engineer Bee Bldg. (16), M453 x MUST rush. caa:i quick, no trades, K diamond ring, $&; smaller one, $16; VK stud, $16; all beautiful live stones. Pay you to speculate on them. C 914 care Bee. (16) 629 30 DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (161325 IOWA Farm Mortgages for sale. Secured on farms In southwestern Iowa. Flv year louns at 6 per cent Interest. Squire & Annls, 101 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs, la. (16)-M2f6 FeblOx SECOND-HAND overcoats and firearms. Singer. 416 N. 16th. fl6)-29 COAI All kinds free delivered, same day as you order, Rosenblatt's coal yard. Tel. Doug. 412. Retail dept., clean nut coal. 6 bu. for $1. (161 M257 SEND US your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co , Omaha. (16 1 324 HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. (lC)-vJl DAYTON COMPUTING SCALE at n bar gain. 30S N. ICth St. (161-191 Febg FOR SALE Several show cases, new pea nut roaster, large coffee mill, two large automatic oil tanks nnd store fixtures, too numerous to mention. Globe Land and Investment Co., Omaha, Neb. (161-327 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tail. Sherman McConnell Drug Co.. Uth and Dodgit Sts., Omaha, Neh. .16) 3 8 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint. Sherman & McContic'.l Drug Co. 1 16) -2.M HAY-I'i p?r ion. Wagner, $01 N. lh. (liil-322 MEDIUM size safe, with steel chest. 14i;9 Douglas Bt. (It'.l M253 lx FOR SALE-jfK). tons of first-class baled ha. J. M. Fox, Oretna, Neb. CO-632 2 ALMOST new standard 3100 typewriter for sale at a gn at sacrifice If taken at once. 411 Hrandeis Bldg. Ufil 642 FiS PATENTS D. O. DARNELL. Paxton Blk., Tel. Red 7117. (171-33.1 LARSON CO. Book free. Neville Bldg. 17 321 PATENTS THAT PROTECT 3 books for Inventors mailed on receipt, cf 6c pnstago. II. S. Ac A. H. Larey. looms -:;! I'noifiu BMg , Wasli!::c'.on, D. C. Established 1S',3. U7)-23J H. A. Sturges, 619 N. Y. L. Tel. Doug. 3461 (17) -J,;.; F14 PERSONAL t AOrvETIC! lrelmc"t nd bath. Mm. jU.'VUlMjJ. 1J fcnnth. lls N Jilh .M (18l SoO LIEBEN, coitumnr, 1410 Howard, open ev. (18.1 340 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; out prices. Send for free catalogue. Myers. Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. 18 326 YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha a stranger are Invited to visit the Young Women Christian Association room 1516 Farnam St., where they will b di rected to suitable boarding places ur otherwise assisted. (181815 YOUR mirror will tell you Satin Skin Powder works beautifying wonders (18)- WE RENT, repair, sell needles for old sewing machine. Neb. C)ch Co., Cor. 16th and Harnev. (IS) 3i7 f A '3 A f 1 V. ""d bath. Room I, 1201 UA&OAUti Farnam t.. 2d floor. (1)-Mi48 ri THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 131 N. 11th St.. lor cost cf collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'phon. Doug. 4135 and wagon will call. (18 7S A HOME for women during confinement Wa find homex for babies where mother cannot car for theto. Mothrr Lee. 4"J Bancroft Bt. 'Phone Douglas L:1. (Ill i2 Fsh9 PRIVATK CONFINEMENT HOME Mr. Dr. King, 1324 N. 24lh. Tel. Wen U8)-2!i4 OMAHA Stammerer's Institute, liamgt Bulldlntj (16)-3.i9 HEADQUARTERS of the great rheuma tism and neuralgia remedy. Jo-H Oil. permanently located, W Ksrbaeh blocl;, 16th Doug. Sts. T. R. Forgy, Gen 1 Agt. (181 M724 Fcbl8 WHEN writing to advertisers, kindly men tion The Be. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PATNTS INV. CO.. 1st floor N Y. Ufa. Douglas 1781. GEO ROB ft CO. 1601 Farnam. Tal. Douglas 764. (19) $43 PETERS TRUST CO.. N. T. Life Bldg. tlll-341 CITY PROPERTY FOR AI C cottage" home $75 Cash $12 IYr Month Neat 6-room cottage, good aa new; g city water; corner lot; brick walks; wri located; near two car linos. Only $1825 for Quick sale. RUSSELL & M'KITRICK C0 432-34 Ramge Bldg. 15th and Harney St (19l-41 $0 $500 CASH $25 MONTHLY Elegant 8-room modern house on HI si street, south of Farnam; full lot. Prlc $3,600 on above terrna. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., "Sellers of Snaps." Tel. Dotiglaa :i781. 1st Floor N. Y. L. Bldg (I91-37 30 SNAP $700.00 Choice lot on 42d near Hat$ncy; on grade) only ono at this price. WM E. ROMANO, 329 Board of Trade. (19-M62 30 $525 24TH AND FORT STS. ' LARGE LOT On 34th street, facing east. Jv,st north ni Fort afreet, we have Just listed for salo a full lot, 60x128 feet. The street will b paved up to thl point within three mnnthi and the lot Is well worth the money. Pail cash, balance monthly payments. Hastings & Hoyden, 1704 Farnam St. (191-605 28 $8 PerAcre A well Improved 150-acre farm with furnace-heated 12-rootn house, water works system, large barn, cribs, etc.. orchard and groe. A good farm close to Omaha and South Omaha; the best murkets In this state and very cheap. J. H. Dumont & Son, 1605 Farnam St. Omaha, Nrb tl!') M4 3o I WANT an offer on the property 1128 and 113(t South 31st St.; two modern housed and good barn; well reuted. Tills prop erty Is owned by un eastern party who must sell. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Bldg. (19i M405 CLOSE IN BARGAIN, $2,500 33 feet near northwest corner 20th and Davenport; nothing better for high clasj flats. WM, E. ROMANO, 329 Board of Trade. (19) M661 30 $300.00 Lot 46x125, fronting eust on 41st, Just north of Farnam St. ' F. D. WEAD. 1801 Farnam St. (19)-Mo60 1 LIST your property with Chris Boyer. 22J and Cummlng St. (It) 347 FOR QUICK results In selling or renting your property see BenJIman Real Estat Co., 326 Neville Blk. Both phones. (19)-M178 F23 THIS REED ABSTRACT CO., established 1666. Prompt service. Get our prices. 1710 Farnam (1 M12 TRUCK LAND Five acres on the Little Papplo bottom, two miles west of Benson. Very, rich soil and splendidly adapted for gardening: creek furnishes plenty of water for Irri gating and never overflows. Price, $1.S!-S1.250 cash will handle It. See us today: snaps like this go quick. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, "Sellers of Snaps." Tel. Douglas 1781. First Floor N. Y. Life Building. (19)-M(i49 30 $2,250 2720 Manderson street 6-room cottage In good condition, modern except heat, south front, full lot. permanent walk, convenient to two car lines, shade trees, fruit and shrubbery, barn and store room. Inquire on premises. (1TJ)-M-X.'4-31 REAL ESTATH TITLE TRUST lv CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. Pres. (19) 314 FIVE modern houses and one-quarter block near Bemls park, on car line, fo.' $19,0u0. Four of these are 8-room housrs; the other has six rooms; each has hot water heating. Corner. 70x114 feet. Is open and would make fine location for' apartment house. B. E. Blerer Co.. til Lee Bldg. (19) M171 39x FOR SALE At a bargain, new 5-room cot tage, all modern except furnace; corner lot, paved street, one block to car; easy terms. D. V. SIIOLES CO.. 110 Board of Trade Bldg. (19)-M66i 3 INVESTMENTS. FOR SALTS Good real estate mortgages, netting 6 per cent and 7 per cent on Omaha hi proved real estate and Ne braska farm lands. N. P. Dodge A Co., 1714 Farnam St. (19) MSfcs FOR 8 ALE A twelve apartment flat building, located at 29th avenue and Douglas street. Good rent. In first-rlaf condition. A bargain, if thken at once. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO. Mi So. ISth Bt. Omaha. Neb. (181 miM Feb. 3. FOR SALE Eight-room modern house, with Isrge ban. 4su Plnckney St. In quire V. H. Woodland. 616 Brands! Phlg. Teh Douglas 3156. H9i M133 REAL ESTATE FARM A.VD HA.MCII l,A.D FOR ItLB Nebraska. SARPY CoUnTV FARM $85.00 per acre for 150 ai res, about 10 miles southwest nf South Omaha. Improvement consist of large house, heati-d by furnace. Urge barn,, with stone haaenu-nt; double oi n crib, grtuiuiy , hog houso, hjuI try huuNcH, ice and milk house, gootl well and windmill with largo reservoir from which water Is piped to house, burn ami feed lots. Convenient to . k lioul and South Omaha atix U . market; K""' can run at 6 per cent on easy payment, bat unco tush. A good farm at a low price, If sold m mi. cFmGi'; & co., 16ul Farnam Street. 2O)-t,07 . 154 ACRES of land. 6 mile southwest of city limits, sdjolning Seymore park. Wli sell for $125 per acre If sold before lentcd. Easy leims. Apply to E. F. Morearlty. 427 I'sxtun Blk. LXh-aUM I a