Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1908, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAITA DAILY RTX: TlirRsnAY. .TANTAltY .10. 1!KV1. CRMS AND PftODLCE MARKET HefcTf .CblflHd Weak Market VALUES TO CXOSE OF -YESTERDAY ' ' Oata' Were tralr, wltfc Prices , . 'l'acfcaasleYfrom Vm- , terdar. OMAHA. Jan. :. Heavy f able caused a week opening and II'" market remained quiet throughout the slnn Short wokr up for a few moments .t(.t h oVa and took pom of the. offering' arid . commission liouwa bought On resting order. . h'l was eoft and acted airk at the ,rtpilmt on weak and indlf ferent cables and a general lack of Interest. Romp rovrlna; by ehorta and a few purchases on resting order bjr commsslon houuft ve some armhlinre to action near the ' and value wont up to yesterday a rlo.. May wheat opened at 07c and closed at o. ' Tradinr was also tight In the corn pit. but the crowd held bullion and valuea wm wel. sustained, receiving good support on all department. May corn opened' at &5Sc . and closed at 66c- Chm were srteadT and valuea remained 'aMonarr on 1 the quleteat market ex . r-rinced for 'frnany' week. May option .opened at MV and closed at MSc ' Primary, wheat rer-elrvte were 422,0 bu. n abtpmentn were JS7. "l tti, against re ceipt last year of 301,100 bu. and shlp innta r,f jw.nno bu. Corn receipts wrrt 767.000 bu. and shlr meiHB were Ils.rtiQ bu.. mralnfl receipts last ar of 1.2i7.oiO bu. and shipments of TOS.Ou bu. ;aranrea were' ils.Oflf) bu. of com. S.flnO b-a: of out and wheat and Tour equal to .".iv) h i. Liverpool cloaed S'8-d tower on wheat and Su',d Jowar on corn. Seaboard reported. 60.000 bu. of wheat and bu. of corn taken for export. Local range ot optlona: Arllclea.' Open.l Hlgh.l Low, Clne..t Yesy. Wheat ' I I May... 7 I P7 ' V ? July... w ossi 93 937 Sept... 907, 90 4 SO 91 Corn j May... 55 6- 8otl ' f-5 W July... MSI MV M1 MS MH Wept... 63V 64 b3 631, M Oats May... M 63V, f W' MMi Jily... 4ft 4i.t 4M4i 4f 4f."i pt,..l .rv 87!, . 7V ST7. 1 JTV Omaha Caah Prlcea. W I BAT No. I hard, 9c; No. 3 hard, Mjji: Nik 4 hard, S7at ; No. 3 spring, ORN-Nn. , Rlc; No. 4. Sic: no axado, 4fi&A-; o. 3 Nyellow, 5?42c; No. 3 white, OATS No. 3 mlJtpd. 4C ''M71c : No. X yel low. 47Vic; No. 3 white, 47V: No. 4 white, 47fc47'.,c; standard oata. 4TH'i47c. RYE 'No' 2. 7Bf7Bc: No. 3. 71-3730. Carlot Hecelpta. i . . Wheat. Corn, OaW. CT.l. Bo 15 VC 1' Mijincapolla liW Omaha 15 15 Dulutlt 4j C HICAGO GRAI.f A D PROVISIONS Keatarea f tke Tradlna; aad Cloalag Prlcea oa Board of Trade. "HICAOO. Jan. 29 A decline In the like of wheat at Liverpool dVpreesed wheat loily on the local market, the May delivery nhowlng a net Iom of Sa4c. Corn waa off '. Oata were unchanged and pro vinions were S'-a'v lower. The wheat market waa Inclined to be weak all lny. with the exception of a abort period near the middle of the aesaion, when nricea advanced about 1 cent from flie low point on email recelpta In the amithweat and predlctiona of damage by told weather to the fall-mown crop In Kan Ma and Nebraska. The rally waa of ahort duration, the market during the last hour of trading being dull and weak. The ".-blef hearlxh influence waa decline of mom. than Hd at Liverpool beeauee of lib eral offerings from Argentina. The close waa weak. May openej h.ic lower, at 9l.'.Vr!l lH.ravarwrt. i Aiill -aod raJoeed .:t f !.u"4'&l,0ri"k. 'Ck-eriWices'of win at and ' flour were iur to i.ii bu. Primary re felpia were 41J.IH0 bu.. against 301.0CO bu. on the aame day last year. Minneapolis. iMilutti and Chlcnao reported receipts of n atn. agairn 1 lust -ek and 1U9 one year ago. Trade In corn was quiet and the market was steady. eak cablea and the break In w in at were offset by continued small re celpta. TI.ere was sum" profit-taking In tin final hour caused by tSc heaviness of wheat. The close as raay. May opened a shade to V lower, at Oj"'(iilc. sold up to . rc and then declined to tiOVaWjC, where I clcaed. Local receipts were M cars, r.ith none of contract grade. The oats market was dull, fluctuations leing confined within a range of ,4c. Small receipts were a bullish factor. May opened Jim-hanged at 63V. sold up to 63c. and tlnscd at MSc Ixcal receipts were lu9 t srs. Provisions were weak because of heavv receipts of live hogs. At the close May pork wat off 7V . at I'.: 6. Ijrd was down 2V-. t r.TTij. ltiha were 6c lower at Estimated receipts for tomorrow : 'Wheat, cars; onm, ;'J1 cars; oats, 130 cars; hogs 47TO0 head. T!' leading futures ranged as follows: .'Aj i:cles. Open. High.; Low. Close. gat y. Wh-at I I May IOOS'1 I I Oil I I 1 01,l 1 onvi' 1 , l i onv! . .lulv '97K4iA.I Sept. om May Julv Fept. l tuts sMay ' .bilay , ajuly bJuly Pork Fbi May I urd Jan. V Ma7 r.ibs- .Inn. ., May July t( 95 I ft.tJtll 61', f..V'T.'''V V l SW -"'" 1 . 1 5'4 St 6S4 I I ' I . .tUs- 'NS,;,'!, 57Si51',i- '..' 4S'4I .4l4 -4Yj , 46' . ' 44't 4l 4 44 S . . i ' i : y i 12 Iff I IS IS t 1? 1. ; 12 13 I 12 221. 12 67H' 12 ST1-! 12 52',; 12 W ! 12 67V, 7 7 K'i T V 4 7 5 I 7 70 j 1 55 I,.' 1 W i 4" I 8 7?s' 6 92'i 40 7S 90 6 47 77 V. C 75 C S7U! .S'o. I. Old. b New. ash quotations were i fallows I'l.OTJR Steady; winter patents. Jt iiUMW M sights. $4.SS4 7I; r.nnd patents. $5.4.' ..'o; s;rights. $4 4if.v5: bakers. J3.2 m to WHEAT-No; 2 .yirlng. $I.O(f7lU; No l' '.''K1 10; No. 2 t' f. !'',H'V. CORN-Na. ;..-'ttrf.V; No. 2 vellow i iilh'. 4 ' I'AKI.KV-Fair to cholra mslttn h'EF.t !J-Fia. No 1 norlhweaterri. tl.jiu rt.oV ISIONS-fhort rih sides (loose) S' l-W.K.! Mesa ooik. tier hi. I ti i I 1 .... Ijard. per li liw.. $7.a. Short" cH ar Fallowing 'vera the receipts and ship, i.i-nta of Hour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. .... 4'i..ri mj,, .... 71.3J vivm ....4S1.WW 41.4) ,...412.6i li.'.wl 1. (' Trt, I' 'our. btj. Wheat, bu. ,, i 'orn, t-u Oats. bu. ..' Rye. IJ. ........... Parley, bil. ....... On the ProdlU" nrhn.u . . - .. . . . .vFj inn UUL ter market was firm, . creameries. 21oi:c (lines. J('a2c. KgKS. steady: Mt mark' i a sea inrluded. Hi22c: f'rsts. 2V prime fists. US; extrss. 25V- Cheese, steadv lUtWc. t, ' Mluneapolla brain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 29 -WH EAT-Mai V..'T; July, tl.ur.fa! : No. 1 hard, $lljv: S.I. 1 northern. $1.101.11,; No. ) north rn. $!. 10Si N- noriu.Tn, $1 ucv-u .0".i. rUH'h r1rt patents are quoted $S 4;.,t ( Second, l.aleuls. first clears 4 '.i4.i'; Htcond clears, 3 t3.7t ;,1'KAN -In .tfilk. $Ju.u. . Peoria Market. FKriKM Jan. -4,RN-lwer; Nn j .vrtcw. LWIc; No. 3. 5MWV; No 4 i:V-4,Vpj no grades 4f4V. OATS-Steady; No. 3 w.U. SiVc; No. 4 Mllwaake iirala Market. MILWATKE1S. Jan 29. WH EAT Mar Jet steady. No. 1 northern, $1 llwl II: No northern. IIOMil 10; May. $l iS. BARLEYDull; No. 2. $1 ul ; sample. .. s. Lltrrseai urala Market! I IVERPOOU Jan. 21-WHEAT-Spot. No. red. western winter. Is 7d: future fsa; May. la V; July. COUN-SpoC sl'vady; pilme mixed Anu.ri. ! can new. Ss 3.1: prime Tnlxd Amerirsn old, I f t; futures ihill; Jun inrv, ka id; March, 1 . 3.1. k.w mirk uKkra'i. mrkf.t qaotatloaa ef tke Dar aa arloaa 4 aanaaodltlea. NKW YORK Jn. 2. KLC1" R Receipts. ;i 4.i bbls : xprr's. 4.4."1 bbls. : market, better tnqtitrv: Minnesota patents. i n,a.n: wirter striiehts. H 7o; Min nesota baker, 4 tl"ift.l.i;. winter extras. H 7j i4 tnter pntents. (4 K.V.i5.15; minter low rraries. HHTtt i. Rve flour, steadv; fair to g od, 4 Jifi 16: choir to fancr, f Itxtji. to. lluckwheat flour, quiet; tt'io. MjR.VMKAl Hteady; fine white and vel low. tl.Vql.6ft; coarse. ll.i3tL45; kiln dried, C X,'.i RY F Easy ; No. 3 western. Wc f. o. b., New York. WHEAT-Receipts. H.pno bu. ; exports. 447 bu. ; spnt msrket. easy: No. 2 ted, ' B74. elevator: No. 2 red. tl.fM",. f. o. b . afloat: No. r northern Imiuth. $1 Wt. I. o. h., .afloat; No. hard. winter. 11. MY f. o. b, afloat. Oiirning declines In wheat today, reflecting easier cables, were fol lowed, by sharp arlvRiw es on cold weather reports and ltKhter receipts. EventnaJly the market broke again on rumors of bank troubles in New York and cloned V net lower. Mav. II Val 'o. closed L0'. July. t1.04"fll if, 11-1. closed tl.04. CttRN Receipt s. V.W., bu.; exports. M.6M bu.; rat market, easy;. No. 2. 73c asked, elevator and ftie, f. o. bM afloat; No. 2 white tiKV nominal and No. 2 yellow Hfi'4o f. o. b.. afloat; option market was without transactions, closing net unchanged. May closed 70V; July closed 8V. Oats Receipts. 28..Vin bu.: exnorta, LOW bu.; spit market, firm: mixed, to SI pounds. 6CV: natural white. to K pounds. I!; clipped white, 32 to 40 pounds, VWf7iJc. HAY' Easier: good to choice, 95cifciS1.00. HOI'S Steady; state, common to choice, 1W crop. K'niSc; ivj crop, 4'fc; Pacific coast, 1907, Voile: IM crop. RaAr. HIDLS Firm; Bogota, 17gi"i,c; Central Amencsns. i,c. LEATH ER Quiet : acid. iVSVc. PROVISIONS Beef. quiet. family 314 50716.00; mess, lo nrvfno so; beef hams. 124 5i(tt25 bV. packet. 11.5-"fli.0O: city extra India mesa. l.l.oVnCl .Pn. (lit meats, steady; pickled bellies. 7Vi$V; pickled hams. lrd, easy; western prime. x..o4ri.7n: refined. easy; continent. $8.40: South America. $9 00; compound. $7.2.V(f7 60 Pork, barely steady: fsmllv, $l.orva 17.0"i; short clear, $15.504316.75; mess, $J4.5tKiJ $15.JS. TALIXVW Easy; city, 6V: country, 6V, ff.ic R10B-K1rm: domestic fair to extra, 2Vu1V: Japan, nominal. POl'LTRT Alive, firm: western chick ens. 11c: fowls, 13V: turkeys. 14c. Dressed, quiet; western chickens, Utrtor; turkeys. U'n-lfic: fowls. inY13c. Rl'TTER Strong: western factory, com mon to first, 17fr21c; Imitation creamery, first ZVfr?4o. CHEESE Firm but unchanged. FV Firm; western firsts. !4c; seconds, 22i Zic. WEATHER IX THE GRAIX BELT Probably Snow Flarrlea, with Rising Tenperatare Tkarsday. OMAHA, Jan. 29, 1908. The cold wave, noted moving down from the northwest in the preceding report, spread over the entire central portion of the country during the night, and decid edly colder weather prevails this morning from the Ohio valley and lake region west to the mountains. Temperatures below rero are reported throughout Iowa and northeastern Nebraska, with much colder In the upper valleys and upper lake region. Light snows are quite general In the moun tains this morning and conditions are fa vorable for light snow flurries In this vicinity tonight or Thursday, with rising tempeiat ure. Omaha record of temperature and pre cipitation compared with the corresponding; day of the laul three years: 1L 1907. 190R. 1905. Minimum temperature ... 1 .0 37 X Precipitation 00 T .00 .05 Normal temperature for today, 21 degrees. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1, 7.91 Indies. Deficiency corresponding period In 1S07, 4.04 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period in 1908, 2. In inches. T Indicates trace of precipitation. Ij. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. Sit. Loala General Market. . St. LOCig, Jan. 29. -WHEAT Weak; track. No. 2 red, cash. $1.03; No. 2 hard, SftcJl.03; May. $1.00; July, 96c. CORN Weak; track,. No. 2. cash, Ef.c; No. I white, fii'-stolc! May, 6s5iV; July, oeV- OATS Weak; track. No. I. cash, 4962e; No. 2 white, 5KgilV; May, frV; July, 45 V- RYE Dull at ITMc. FUJl'K-Dull; red winter wheat patents. $t.5'(i4.S)U; extra fancy and straight, $4.25r 4.5": clear.' $3.75'i4.00. SEED Timothy, eteady: $3.7Ty64.30. CORN MEAL Steady ; $2.90. BRAN Firm ; sacked, east track, $110 1.11. HAY Unchanged; timothy, $!.50i8 12.50; prairie, $S.O!Kj 11.0". IRON COTTON TIES $1.10. U GOING 10V HEMP TWINE lie. PORK Ixiwer; Jobbing, $12.87V Lard, lower; prime steam, $7.45. Dry salt meats. steady: boxed extra shorts. $7.50; clear ribs. $7.37V short clears, $7.6-''-. Bacon, steadv; boxed extra short, $s.37V: clear ribs. $8 25; short clears. $.50. POULTRY Firm; chickena. 9V; aprlngs, 1V; turkeys, 11 V; ducks. 9c; geese, tin &V BUTTER Firm: creamery. 217i24U-. KGUS Hlglier at 1SV. case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 7,rt Wheat. bu.v 32.0)10 47.(JO Corn, bu hii,0ii li-4.ino Oats, bu - ti9.0u llS.OiO Kansas City brain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 29. WTIEAT Un changed to V lower; Mav. Wc; July, 9"V- Caflh: No. 2 hard, 97'S8V; No. 3 HSV'c; No. 2 red. tLOu&l.MiVa: No. 3. 97c i$l.uti. OAlS Unchanged; No. 2 white. 4S'vf0e; No. 2 mixed. 4Mu-V CORN Unchanged to V lower; May, 55V; July, 64 Sc. Cash: No. 2 mixed. 6i'4c; No. 3. iJe; Ne. 3 white, 64c; No. 3. 63V. RYE 75(ioc. . HAY Steady; choke timrithv. $11.09 12.: c hoice M'irie, $X.ftiiH.50. UL'TTEit Creamery, firm, S2C; packing, 19.-. EGGS Extras, 22V; firsts. 2oV. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 7t!,0ii0 75,(iH) Corn, bu 23.0011 34000 Oata. bu 7,t 14.j0 Kansas City closing prices: Articles. I Open. High.! Low. C!ose. heat Mav Juiy Corn Mav Julv I I I .1 J, !4, 9tS 96SB is.'1, i Su'.A IfinStSi'il SiS. 5" 'fSH 55 HV(r 54 A A Asked. B Bid. Dalalk Grain Market DUI.UTH. Jan. 29. WHEAT No l north- $1.S: Julv, $1 1'S- OATS 4fV. Cottan Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 29 COTTON Futurea opemil ateady: January, 10 fee; February 104c; March. 10!c; May, ll.uoc: June. 10 95c bid; July. 10!c; August, 10.7uc bid; October 10 S",c offered. Spot closed quiet at 10 points higher; middling uplands. 11.76c; middling gulf, 12c. Sales. 5 tulles. Futures closed steady: January. 11.07c; February. ll.OTc; March, ll.Jnc: April. H.lSc May. 11 18c; June. II. lac; July, ll.li2c; Au gust. lu.83c; txtober 0 32c. ST. IU1S. Jan. 29 COTTON-Dull; mld dllr.g, 12 V; sales, none; receipts. bales; shlpmenls. none; Btock, 13.400 bales. NEW ORLUXNS. Jan. 2.-OTTON-Fpvi, firm, witli prl.-ea unchanged; mid dling, lie. Saiea. l o&O bales on spot and fcu..bales to arrive. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fralta. ',K,VV-JYiRK- J,n 3 EVAPORATED APPLES Market u firm in tone, but no quotable change Is renorted In prices Fancy are held at l"Vj lie; choice at v' prim at fci41isc: lss fruit at TtjloSc DRIED FRUITS-Prunes are more active than other dried fruits and the tone of the market is a little steadier. Quotations range- from 5V to lie for California fruit and from 6V to TV for Oregona 60s to a' Apricots are in light supply, with choice quoted at Jl'T-Jc; extra choice at Zito'&e fancy at 24tj-jic. Peaches continue firm' atth choire quoted at lni&ilV; extra choice at 12V113V; fancy at IVnlJV ex tra fancy. lWtltV liau'n are unsettled mlih louse Muacatel quote.1 at 6 Sm7v " seeded raisliia, VhV. "1 London lay' ers at Sl.aTsrl.75. Oils and Rosin. NKW YORK. Jan. js -OILS-Cottonseed neak: prima crude, SliJlV; rrlme yellow' Pt-troleuni. steadv; refined New York' fc.75; Baltimore and Philadelphia. $k Tf.' tiM'tim,,re an.t 1 k...n. n-t'i.. ... .r., .-. r irlu, airiuiim, comoion tu good. NEW YORK STOCKS AND'BONDS Pricei Drift Downward on Dimin ished Volume of Trading. HELP APPARENTLY WITHDRAW? tailed Slates Steel Leads Derriae, Mklrh la Accelerated ks- Hamora "t Farther Caraaratloa l.ealslatloa. NEW YORK. Jan. ?9. No effective obsta f" re interposed to prevent the down ward drift of prlcea of stocks today, which was made on a much diminished volume of business of that which has been the rule rnr many days past. The pressure to sell showed no signs of urgency, but the benev olent control which has been apparent since the present week opened was with drawn, leaving the market to Its own tendenclea. The supporting measures which nave been obvious to even a superficial ob servation, have been attribute,! to the. large banking and capital interests, the supposed motive being the purpose to pro tect the market from an undue effect of onie of thn recent developments that had bnen dreaded. The passing of several of these incidents may have accounted for the a&andonment of protective measures In the market today. The appearance of the United States Steel corporal lon'a quarterly report, with its emphatic testimony to the contraction of the business of the corporation following the financial crisis, waa the latest of these Incidents. The tenor of the report, how ever, had been so clearly outlined in pre liminary estimates, both In the figures of the quarter's net earnings and In the ton nage of orders on hand that no marked Change of sentiment was caused bv the reading of the report. Greater Interest at tached to the current eondltione In the Iron -.mi eieei iraoe. or which no hint was orrered in the United States Steel report Some questioning waa heard of how much the amount of unfilled orders on hand might be affected by orders which it was sought to have canceled after the setback in business occurred and which the author ities in the company refused to allow can celled, but consented to postpone delivery ?h Tnt; h'"iiv,ne,, 0f rmted States Steel led the downward turn In prices. In the opinion of operators on the floor of the Mock exchange the dominant Influence In the depression was the reports of renewed measures against the power of corporations in contemplation at Washington Very derinlte rumors were In circulation regard ing the contents of special messatres from the president to congress said to be In tended for an early day. snd bearing on a new employers' liability law. enlarged privilege against discrimination for union lahor and drastic restrictions on sieculative operationa In the markets undor the guise of anti-gambling regulations. There was a note of dlssatlsfactir, per ceptible in the financial dlatrict over the delav In retirement of a remnant of the clearing house loan certificates issued to tide over the crisis. That further extension of time for this purpose should be deemed necessary to insure two or three of the smaller banks from embarrassments, which t was believed would be caused bv forc ing their hand at this time, left the ulti mate outcome of the situaiion in some per plexity There waj perceptible check today to the downward course of money rates In the time loan department and the reaction in roreign exchange was the reenonse to this condition. New offerings of railroad notes and the tempting interest r.ites still home by these Issues are diverting some siims away from the time monev market The discussion of a forthcoming New York city loan for an amount Intended to le from $ju.U0O.Ono to $40.0u0.0on fr a lnnir term and to ear Interest at 4S per cent also was an influence In the monev market The lively rise In the New York traction stocks proved a poor substitute, as a sustaining influence for the recent strength of more prominent railroad stocks. A re duction In quotations for copper at the Net lork Metal exchange was an Incident of the day. Covering by bears late In the day developed a continued supply of stocks and uie sagging tendency gave wav to more pronounced weakness at the closing. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par toJ540,JO- Vnlted state bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and quotations on stocks were as followa: ?alea. High Low Clow. Adams Ciprass Amalsuuted Coppr , Am. C. A F Am. C. & r. pti Am. Cotton Oil Am. Cotton Oil r-Td.... AmerlKD Eiprrn Am. H. & L,. pfd American Irs Am. Linseed Oil Am. Ltnaed oil pld.. Am. Locomotive Am. Locomotive pfd... Am. 8. H Am. B. R. pfd Am. Sugar lUAniog .. Am. Tobacco pfd elf.. Ariai-onda Mining Co.. Atrhis n Atchison pfd Atlantic Coast Lin.. Baltimore A Ohio Bal. ft Oblo pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tr ... Canadian Pn iflc Central of New Jem Ciiflntapeake i Oblo Chlcaso Ot. W t'hicaso ft N. W Chicago. M. ft at. p.. ( hlcago T. ft T Chlcao T. ft T. ptd .. C. .. C. ft St. L Colorado F. at 1 4J 0 57 3t ilS el's ta-t 1V-. it 17H HI i) 1S 4t 1.3', 3IV, 37 J. 0 . J"' l'lv H-'S 1", (IS 1 33 W'l 7.1 4 ..1 71S k7 ', 7k S !4S 171 iS 147S 1:2s 71 s 87 "S S7 9U0 c,v 144', 173 LHv, 4 0 lirt I'O 1T4 tp"0 3(1 7"0 &S ht 147", n.iw ins 14.'-S 1124 i 15 a.'S lw r. . i.lH 1.2-m 1S Colorad . ft 80 Colo, ft So. in pfd... Colo, ft So. Id pfd ... Consolidated Oas Corn Product t'jm Products pfd Ixlavars ft Husaon.. Iwl . L. ft W Ilenvrr ft Rio Grande. Lenvr ft R q pfd... Dlrtinrra' Securities .. Erla Ens lv pfd Erie ad pld General Ulectrlc llllnoll I'wril IntamalloMl Paper ... Int. Paper pfd Int. Pump Int. Punip pfd Iowa Central k'wa Central pfd Kanaka City So K. C fto. pfd.. Lnutsvllls ft N Mealcaa Central Minn, ft St. L M . t. P ft g. s. M. . :' a:'. 4s liiw, 'W 14 4: f a c 16; t J" i 12S l-'S 1(H 13 4.UCU l:A lji, 2.' ). ) l.luu &00 i 3!, ICS ii t-S" I:".'. -is :iS n 111 1.U II 41 1, ;s ij 2S 1:1 1"4 11 " its it 11, IS lS 12 S 2WJ l.i'JO M ls il VI 12 -S MS 4o s 4S s :s S g'. 41 : 1US .s 70 77 10 lulS i to lS s 11 - 5 gnu luu 141 io zoo v 4.7. l-0 JIM 20 s ts 2 4 S -IS .'. 40 It", 41 "4.1. 1S ii,S ss MS ST, MS M . 8t. P. ft 8. 8. M. Missouri Pa. lBc M , K. ft T M . K ft T pfd National Lead N. R. R of M. pfd... New York Central J. r.. o. ft w Norfolk ft w Norfulk ft W. pfd North American PaclSe Mall . Pannartvanta Paoplc's Gaa P.. t. C. ft St. L. ... Praaaed Steel Car Praaaad 8 ( . pfd Pullman Pa la. a Car... Reading- Reading lat pfd H-ading M pfd Republic Steel Republic Stael pfd .. k Itland Co Rock luand Co. pfd .. 81. L. ft S P d pfd St. Loula 8 W 1 U 8. W pld Foul hem Pacific Pacific pld 80. Railway 80. Railway pfd Ttiaa ft Pacihc T . St. L. ft W T . M. L. ft W. pfd. t nioi PactSc t nloa Paciflc pfd V. S Eipraaa I. 8. Really V. 8 Rubber t'. f. Rubber pfd V. 8. Steel I & 8uel pfd Va.-iruima Chemical Va -Caro. etiean. pfd... Wabaaa Wabash pfd Welle-Pargo Expreaa . Vi'eMiBghouaa tfiactrlc Wetfem t'nlon Wheeling ft U E W iw-onaln Ceocal Wia. 1 antral pld , Northem Pacific Gt. Northern pf Central Leather pfd . :' t7 inn i .i" I14S em us llrS !') 2."0 lttS 1IS 17 (iH MS 2 'lis 17 1'S rrs S 'S 7JS 1I1S 1'S 31 it I4, M-S 1.' l iS rs; . 11 1 1... .v rt MS j:,i im 111s s.41 n l.ww 33S 1S 141. 1.4S III ft 7sw lu 1". :as J..S 1-!S 3 0 II tl t?s ion 4i 7frf H 4W .uu Itsi :JS s I'll its iS 9 US 1 luv i" 1?7S ur, 1.' i.s t-t It 1.7 s IM 13 s liS II I3.S U'l 1 Js "s :'S 10 Central leather ffd... Inuirftnrough Met I'.t Mat pfd Sioas-dhefleld (leel .. Tout aalea lor II dar. &at.u aharea New Vairk Mlslsg "locks. NEW YORK. Jan. 2 Closing ..,i,oui.. n mining stockn were: Alsu (Sa. Uttl Chief ... . I . 32b 16 . 1 . i.4 . 4 . 1 .110 Alice Breeo Bruaasnck Cia t'CMBtocS Twancl Can tal. V. . Hon Siivr Iroa Silver Lc4vl.l Coo. .. Ortart Othir Poul C v4g- B.erra Ketaea fll Hpee .. aiander ... 10 .... is ... ti ... t .... V ... V ... Imaari Utateaaeat. WASHINGTON. Jan. IS -Tcrf.v . menl of the treaur l lance, ,,i tlie gen eta! fund, eicluaiv. uf a,e $15u.t-aj.tu km r reserve, shows: Avallahle ch'i bs'nn.e $-i.7'.' "VJ: gold coin and bullion t 771 ;!2V gold certlf cstes. $il ,2. 1 10 ev York Moner Market. new york. Jan. -prime mer CANTlt.E PAPKH-riL.7ll4 iwr r.i.1 STEH1.1NO EXCHANOE Eaaler.' with actual business in hnnkers bills at $4 S7 for aemann and at MM.o for slutv-dav bllla. Commercial bills. $4 MSfrt WUj " SII.VER-Bar. c6V: Mexican dollar. 44c BONDS Government, steadv. railroad. Irregular. MONEY On rail, easv; IViJ per cent; ruling rate, 2 per cent; dosing bid. 1 per ceut; offered at Z per cent. Time loans rorewhat stronger: sixty dst 4 per cent: ninety clays. 4V per cent; sU months, 4', p-r cent. Closing quotations on oondt wero as follows- C 8 rrt im. ref lUt L. ft n. anl. 4a 1 do mwpea IKt'. Man. c g 4 V. 8. 1 reg !' Mei. rentrsl 4 S bo coupe do let Inc ? o new ta reg :-?'4 ft Si L. 4.... -v, d roupnn !A4.M.. K ft T. 4a 7 Am. Toteee 4a ta 1"v,N. R. R. at M. c. 4 7 Aicmeon gen. 4n lonvt v. T. C g. IS 1 d aril 4 .. "M. J C g U trv, . . No. Pacific 4 in ..11 do I. 71 .- N. ft W. c 4 .. nno. a. u rtdg 4 H r Pnn conv. t-,t M . . Reading gen. 4 JTi .. tH48t. L. ft I. M e . 1"7H .. 2 St. I. A 8 T. f 4. 7JV Atlantic C L 4.... Bl ft Ohio 4 do !', Br R T. e. 4....! ef Oa. ta... d 1st Inc 3d lac do Sd Inc che. ft Ohio 4'. HTilcg,. ft A. S C . R. ft Q tl. 4... C R. I. A P. 4s.... lhl St. L. 8. W. e. 4... i 4 Seaboard A. U 4.... S2 So. P.clflc 4e . ... M . . . 2l4j ... Mii ...111 4a. an .. .ini4 ... 7S ... r .. 1 s . . . e. . .. : ... 77l ... V- ... t ... MS de lat rtfa. do COl. g 7.1 So Rallm IL Cif. A St. L. g. 4,.. iT.nuu ft P. l 010. Ind t. er. A. 4i, T . 81 L ft W. , (Hi Union Pacific .. . n dn ct. 4. IA4 t'. 8. fiteel 2d .. , K Wnhaah 1 . T4 ''do deh B , 5 Wetern Mfl 4 . A L. S. 4. l-04 Wl. t-entml 4 .. , 7Vg Atchison cv. 4 . . d M Int. Met. 4i . .. "Colo. Mid. 4a Olo. ft 80 4 Cub g TV ft R. O. 4 rummer Sec. (a... f ri P I 4 do gen. 4 Hocking Vsl. 4S.. Japan 4 d. 4t,a rtf do Id eerta Bl. "-Offered. Boston Stoeka nnd Bonds. BOSTON. Jan. 29 -Call loans, 4WH per cent: time loans, 6a per cent. Official closing on stocks and bonds: Alchleon adj. 4 M Atlantic l Bingham Me. Central 4a M l. ft Herla 7h ALhls n TISrntmnlal do pfd Mi) Copper Rang Boatnn ft Albany 14 l,y West f Boeton ft Maine 18 Franklin Boeton Elevated laa Granby K Pltrhburg pfd 12 l, Roale 54 Meilcji tentral l-Ma.. Mining 3 N. T., N. H ft Mlihlgan K1 l;nion Pacific u' Mnhawk i5 Am. Arpe. Chem J6 Mont. C. ft C I1 on P'd did Dominion Am Pneu. Tub V4 oveol (W Amer. Sugar 1 rjv Parrot li t do pfd 11'Uulnry Am. T. A T 1 Shannon 124 Amer. Woolen II Tamaraik 70 do pfd W. Trinity lSVk Kdleon Klee. Illu t nlted Copper ' General Electric 119 t" 3. Mining US lap. Klactrlc 10 r. 9. OH 1 do pfd 4 l th J Mass. Can 4 Victoria 5 I nlted Krnlt I'.t Wlnon i4 Vnlted 8. M 1. 4t4 Wolvrrlnt I2S do. pfd 2 Norih Butte I' 8. Steel Z7 Hutte Coailon iss do ptd J Nevtda 11 S Adventure . i4Cai. A Anion. . .. . . .Ill All. uea 11 Anion Com i: Amalcamated :. 51 Atktd. London Closing atocka. LONDON, Jan. 29.-Closing quotations on stocks were: Consols, money ... do account Anaconda Atr-hle-.n do pfd Baltimore ft Ohio.. Canadian Pacini- .. Chesapeake A Ohio Chicago Ot. W C. M. ft gt. P.... Pe Beer D. ft R. O do pfd En 1 M . K. A T .. MS .. Y Central . . S Norfolk ft W . 74S do pfd .. Ontario ft W .. t1' 4 Penneylvanla .... ..IMS Rand Mlnea .. JOS Reading . f4S . TS . 4S . ets, - ik, K . 11 Vt . 77 .U'7H . 7 . MS . S . . It . 81 .... DSSnuthem Railway ....UTS do pfd . ... 14S Southern Pacific . .... tl I'nlos Paciflc .... . ... 6V pfd .... W4V. 8. Steel .1'.) I3S do pfd 12 Wabaeli .... 1, do pfd . .I.TJosSranleh 4 ..,.101 Aniai. Copper so 1st pfd.... do Jd pfd Crnd Trunk . Illlnol Central Loulsvlll ft N i'l SILVER Bar. uu.l"t. d per ounce iinvrv 01 - - n . ier cent. The rale of dls.-ount in the onen market for short bills ls3S-u3S per cent; for threa montns; dius, ;j'(j3) per cent. 'foretn-flnnnclnl.' IjONDtTN. 2 Monev' m-as dearer on the market today owing to revenue collec tions and month-end requirements. Dis counts were steady on the strength of first class securities, whlclj imparted cheerful ness to other sections of the market. On the Stock exchange consols showed a net gain of three-fourths of 1 per cAnt on gov ernment buying for sinklna- fund ournoses and some speculative buying in anticipation of an early reduction in thu Bank of Eng land a rate of discount, but there was also a gooa demand for consols as well as colon ! lai stocks from investors and insurance companies Home rails finished firmer. Copp-r shares wore good. Mexican rails spurted, while foreign bonds advanced with Paris buying, special attention being given to Russian and Japanese bonds. American securities were quietly firm In I me lorenoon at tractions over parity. The Steel report was about as expected and did I asit have much erfect. Later prices ad- I vanced quietly In sympathy with the other sections, men isew York sent a satisfactory opening and the market finished steadv." HEREIN, Jan. 2 Prices In all depart ments on the Bourse today were firm. PARIS. Jan. 29. Prlcea on the Bourse to day were firm, except on Portuguese se curities, which were exceedingly weak. Bank Clearings. OMAHA. Jan. 29 Omaha clearing for todty were $l.iJoO.9!.bS.' and for the cor responding date last year $J.41.U.Ou. Wool Market. BOSTON". Mass.. Jan. :9. WOOI-The Improvement In the foreign wool marketa is reflected locally and deulers ure looking 10 revival in the trade. Transactions show an Increase over last week, although tne actual movement or specialties still remains small. OuKness in the cloth mar ket still influences buyers of clothing wool. L tiding domestic quotations: Ohio and Pennsylvania fleece XX, 34'o35c; No. I washed. 3M&.15C, No. 2 washed. .'9'(iT9.-: fine unwashed. 2fifji"c; half blood ilotlnng. 25iii26c; half blood combing. nrfi34c; three eights blood. combing, 32 (i .'lie ; q-jarrer blood combing. va31e; delaine was'n-0 SU 'rj'Jitc; delaine tinwaslied, SI '47 32c. Michigan, 1 Wisconsin. New York fleeces. fine 1111- j wanlied. 24'jf..'5o; delaine, unwashed. 21)iJ''; ha'f blood, unwashed, 31fiU2c. kentut-kv, Indiana and Missouri: Three-t ighths hlooil, 3-'&33c; quarter Wood, 3h'(i:V. Scoured val- ues: Texas, line. 12 months, 7oi72l; fine, . six to eight niontttr. ijS'qUiic ' ST. LOL IS. Mo.. Jan. W OOI -Steady : j medium grades, couibing and clothing. 2! ! 2J4-; light fine, lf.i2ic; heavy fine, l.'jliii ; I tub washed, l.35c. 1 LONHON. Jan. 29. WOOI. The offerinss at the wool auction sales today numbered 12.261 bales. A good selection of merinos j caused active coitiretitlon between hoire 1 and continental buyers. 4iood greasy par cels of all descriptions were in strong re- j quest. -'d Atr.eru r.s'd ' :U1 fo- Vew ' Fouth Wales and 1 1 nt la'f breeds ,karti : cr03.s-l.redn were r' .1' ei-sirr Irg are the" sales: New 8nh Wales l.a .1 1 bales; scoured, la t-iiin lu, giebo,. ,i,d4ji Is lSd. giieensland. 1 .:.' bales: scoured, i Is 3dio-s: greasy. aAdils. Victoria, l.flfrt j baits; scoured. Is ldjils lOd; greasv. W&la I tjijil. South Australia. h"i bales, greasv, .o'iiio. est .u'ra.ia. n.v4 tait-s; scoured. Sdtils N't Zealund. 2i0 bales: grtasv. 6iuls i'..d. Cape of ( l!nre an.l atal, o bales, greaay. 64dilld. River I Plate. s4) l.a;. fc: mired. 71IUIS SSsl: greasy. 6.1. j Mef.1 Market. NEW YORK Jan -U -t CT i I T,., ....! 2.-METAI-Tin was 1 hig ler in the London market witli snot quoted at i.124 .. and futurea at i.1 Lot ally tne market nulet and I higher on the avertge. ai L"7 fy.jl' Coo- per advanced ; Ml in London, with snot I closln.r at ;,' 2s d. end futures at ; lis. Locally the market was dull and slightly i lower, with lake ejHufcd at S13 ii!Vfl3 .sT..: electrolytic. S'.3.5"t17 75. and cating. 12.ia ' rlS w'. I-ad was hiaher. ut 1 in fon- rt.,(i Kill rurru .r.-. Hull u ,,H n.. 1. n w. ... tt.7'il7S IiksIIv. Snclter closed i fii'i..! ltd in the Englith market. I-ncallv thw nir. ket whs dull and ut.cimnred at 4.45fi4 53. Iron was l lgh-r n the Lnd..n market, w-tli standard foundry cnioied t trn 2d. and Cleveland warrants ai .s 7'-d. No chanve was reiMirted Vn 1 foundry'l ern is nuol. d at I'S 'S.75: No. 2 foundry northern. S17.75i IS 25 : Vo' 1 southern and Nn 1 southern S'.ft. SlSor-Hfo ST. LOUIS. Jan 29 -M ET A I -I.( ad steady at 12 15. Sp-lter. f rm at S4.55. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Jen. -l)FFKE-Mark-t for coffe futures cluacd steady, net un changed to 10 poinia lower. bale were .7ts( bags. Includii.g January at cnc; Fe4.ruar at6:-; March, fic; Msy. IUc; July. tS25c;. eW-ptembnr, lic, November, sr; Decem1er at 45c. Si.t coffee, quiet Rio. No. 7. t'.c; Santos. No. 4. Sc Mild coffte, dull: Cordova, mtrtx.-. By using the various crpartments of The Bee Want Ad Pages you get quick returns at a small expense. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET 1 - I Killing Cattle of All Kind Suffer a I I Oliarp KeVtrse. HOGS COIiTLVUE ON DOWN GRADE beep aad I. a nib Fifteen to Twenty Five train Lower, erllk tke Trade lerr Mow at Ike Derllae. SOUTH Receipts were: Official Monday OMAHA. Jan. 29. 1i Cattle. Hogs. Sheep h.iki h3 5. 7. CO Official Tuesday Estimate Wednesday .. 6.') 4. .1I 14 7Ji 19.11. O Three days this m-erk. .13,75 Same daya last week 14.4H Same din s 2 weeks ago.. 17 11 hame days 3 weeks ago.. 16.51 7 tSame d,n 4 weeks ago.. S.275 Same days last year 15.tJ 39. 7M :-4.2-' 25. ti: 27.014 n.2J2 K.2-4 :-j.5x l'.yT9 rnS6 19.319 The following tabie allows the receipts of cattle, hoga and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: l!e3. 1H07. Inc. Dec. Cattle Rs.2l in; 2S 13.972 !" 207.244 1S7.1S4 100.050 Snvep liooS Ui,"S The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Data. I 1908. 1H7. ,190$. 19U6. 1$04 I190S.IW2. Jan. it... Jan. 2u... Jan. ii... I 491 t 29 4 55, 4 74 f $9 4 V I 6 31 4 oil 4 -, 47. 6 77 4 k3 1 tl IxiJ I 4 5h 4 7i t 14 4 12 I fl 6 35, I 0 so ti 54 0J 4 0t!V .4b 5 i 4 fi3, 4 s &V, h - 4 14', G 48, 6 32, 4 Shi I 6 06, 6 OS 4 2oS, 6 oli 5 26 t 71, 4 K' I 14 I 6 & 33, 4 73 4 87j 6 73; 2b'H; I 6 3S, 4 W. 4 hi k bt! 12 4 1. 7S I 4 54 4 79 ( 67! & I 6 71, 6 S8i I 4 78 6 64. i let Jan. 22... Jan. 23.. Jan. 24.. Jan. 25.. Jan. 2ti ... Jan. 27.. Jan. 2... Jan. 2a... Indicates Sunday. The ofticlal number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Huns, biieep. Hrs C. M. & St. P 4 16 1 Wabash, R. R. 1, 1 Mo. Pnc. Rv 2 1 nion Pacific H. R. .. 6H 74 13 C. & N. W. East.... U 3 2 1 C. & N. . West ... 1 3 I C. St. P. M. & O... 25 23 5 C. It. A Q., East 6 14 1 C. B. & y., AVcst 22 4: 11 C. R. I. & P., East.. II H .. 1 C. R. I. & P.. West.. 1 2 Illinois Central Rv. ..11 3 2 Cnicago Ut. Wea.ern.. 2 4 Total receipts 21 271 The disposition of the days receipta was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. omana uacmng co 519 3.113 7 7. -I 5 234 822 03 1.112 474 4.ti7 1.10J 12 35 121 118 4S 42 117 60 23 8 K7 63 17 176 8 .... 7.4 swiri 01 company Cudahy Packing Co. . Armour A Co Carey A Benton Lobman ft Rothchild . W. I. Stephen Hill & Son F. P. Lewis Huston & Co J. B. Root & Co J. H. Bulla L. F. Ilusg L. Wolf McCreary & Carey ... Sam Werthlmer M. Hager'y & Co Sullivan Pros St. Clair I'acking Co.. Other buyers Total 4.440 15.R1J 4.J15 CATTLE Receipts of cattle this morning were quite liberal at thia point and very heavy at some other selling points, Chicago especially, which had a very large run. early reported the number aa 27.0OJ head, with the market 15S2oc lower than Mon day. Reporta of that kind naturally made buyers here very cautious and they were in no hurry to get out into the yards or to commence business, preferring In most rases to await later advices before filling their orders. Hence It was that the mar ket opened verjr slow and lower on every thing. It was nearly midday before enouglt business was transacted to really make a market or establish quotations on heel steers. Whey they did aell. they were 15-il 2ftc lower than Monday of th's week, or 1'Jfir ioc lower than last Friday. Cows and heifers suffered about the aame decline as beef steers, and the trade wag also dull from start to finish pn that kind. It waa very late before anything like a clearance had been effected. In spite of the demoralised condition of the market on killing cattle there waa a very fair demand for good feeding steers and the market on anything of that de scription did not how any material change, being generally steady with yesterday. Common light stockers were not much sought after, but still they sold about as well as yesterday. Quotations on Cattle Oood to choice cornfed aieera. $i.?"il 50: fair to good corn fed ateers. $44"'d4.fiO: common to fair corn fed steers, $:i.75i4.4.!: good to choice cows and heifers. f.t.i4.25: fair to good cows snd heifers. $l' Sifi 3. 6" ; common to fair cows and h?ifers. f 2-0"(i2.76; good to choice stock ers and feeders. $4.15a4.76; fair to good stockers and feeders. $3.tjoti4 15: -common to fair stockers and feeders, $2.75'q3.tjO. Representative sales' BEEF STEERS. Av. Pr. ..ISO) 1 40 ..Hal 1 A ..if) i to .! 4 wi No. Av. Pr. . I 4 I 50 ,..1197 I ti ..' 4 0 . .llul 4 o ..11S 4 7o 11. 2 4 70 ..1265 4 75 ..1370 4 75 ..liM 4 75 ..134.. 4 85 llfci 4 3 ..1240 I 15 . .1; '7 4 r-i . 13W 4 ti ..13.4 I to .. til 5 Ou .!::. 5 i . it;:. 1 05 .1171 5 10 ..SU 1 15 .. : 71 3 .. H.I 3 2.. 3 35 . . 1 1 25 ..'10 5- 15 . . 10.37 3 4-1 .10.6 t 4.1 ..11. 10 3 .",.1 ) 3 55 . i;t 3 . 1131 I 75 . io.5 1 .1070 8 75 .. 71 3 75 .. W: 3 7.7 . . rj;o 3 n . US- s .1110 4 t-v . . . 4 4 (41 .. 77 4 10 . . 1---J 4 l-j 31 10.. 4. . 11 . . 11.. :j. . 14.. 10.. 4 . I . I.. 1 10 . 11.. I . I..4.' .liao . 4J .1111 4 li I U 4 : 4 10 17 . :. . 10 . 14.. . I I . 1! . 77 4 J,". i;o 4 3. vff. 4 V, 1120 105 .1! . Ml 4 4.". 4 4:. 4 4.'. 4 uil 4 !l ! 14 .1110 .ll'll I 60 12... 11 .. :i . . . :t4 1 ij Ivmt I oli COWS. . 77 2 U . Hii 2 lb . i'J t 40 . M 2 40 .HI lit . VM 2 V ... . 3J . JUS .1-10 .(3 i. '. 77; . il l 13. 1.' 11. 1J. I. I t 4.. 7 . II . I . it'.. ?. . 1 .. 9". Iin 4 1 iO 1 .71 J 01 1 on l 1 10 vi: t 10 711 1 li 1 is 11 1 HEIFERS. 67s J 70 I 74 I Si IS Ill li. t u . i j a t . . . . il 1 O .. . w 1 4" 6 BL Ll-S. 1 t 0 1 ;.-io : ' 1 n.o : ti 1 liio : i; . 143 2 50 77 I Hi t' I lu . 7; 4 tsi . 4 4 to .-.'it 4 25 .13-4) 3 M .1771 1 g5 1550 1 75 CALVES. 2 . .. 1 . 1. . 11.. io : a 2.0 JO 130 i til . . . 1j Sl STOCKERS i'.t : is ! 1 tl !S1 5 3'. I I 1. . . . 150 i 50 151 i 74 IW IN AND i . FEni.'Er.a ;. 1 70 7,5 S 75 19 4 !! . li 5 25 II. .1 17 S 4t It 34. 11 27. 1. 71 I 10 iu lb 111 4 00 14 4 no 3. 4 00 1044 4 It 1"41 4 10 . 71 4 Z1 II 4 10 l. 4 40 10.'7 4 50 1345 4 71 1345 i 0 lljf 7ol Hi" t I IV I I 15 1 40 t 50 3 its r 5 . .: t s o . I w lu 71! I 0 5M o 75 i : li HXJ-lt va mild I'H.k the cojntry ''red regarding the hog altuatlon, as I ''t'gs are beu.g poured into every market i at sur-h a lrrific rate that there is , "r u' markets being smother'!. . on'" the subject of won oerineiit to tne trade that the marketa l.ave Mood up as aell as li.ev have during tne last weea or two of heavy niarsetlng. In spite ..f unfaNorsble advices sent out yesieiday all the markets of the country repotted enormous receipts again tins morning, figures running away ahead of FMiinatca. It f,, Honed naturally that mar kets ahead) overloaded broke badly and lower prues resulted every lure. This market was no excr-pilon to the rule Buyers started out right at the beginning bidding P-uiic loner. Salesmen did every thing possible to hold up alues. while buyets were In no hurry to fill orders so that it waa very late In the forenoon be fote the trade waa really under way. The hogs finally sold largely at Hurt) 4 10 ja against l415gi42S yesterday. As the forenoon wore away the market did not Improve any. but if anything eased off, be coming pretty generally lie loaer all around. The Ueclii) of ieslerday and today wipes ! MISSISSIPPI COMPANY ST. LOUIS' lias for each SlOO of deposits Cash Reserve - 13 34.G1 Resources - - - 15S.01 (skk rrni.isHK.i statement deo. a, iimit.) rj 4 on Tims Certificates of Deposit 3i on Savings Accounts ' - 2 on Current Accounts A BOOKLET, "8AVIM.S HEIHiSITS BY MAIL," FREE ON REQUEST. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED out all the advance made at the close of last week and on Monday of the present week, so that prices On an average today were pretty well down to the lowest time of the season. No. a-".... T.' . . . ... 46... 71 . . . M... 71... It .. .. 7 .. M .. 77... 7... "... I .. Av. 8h. Pr. No. v sn. Pr .141 ... I Ti 4 lit . I trrs .lt go I ;s ' Ml U tin .611 . . 4 7f. I'. ... 4 1 .Ml 1 4 01 : 1 ... 4 10 .t"J . . 4 0S to 4 l t'H 10 4 ti I4i (nu 4 i lit ... 4 nt 1 241 lftl 4 US .!'. ... 4 Oi tt it. ... 4 US .174 ... 4 17 171 ... 4 Hi 21 80 4 OS II nt ... 4 1S- fl ' go 4 04 4 !o ... I If. .tli ... I oj 4 Ji an 8 15 .t4! 80 4 (7S :i 4! ISO 4 la 1 ... 4 rs 4 ... 4 !" 10 4 07 S VA ... 4 8H EEP Recelpta of sheep were larger than anticipated, the arrivals running quite a little above estiniatea At the same time Chicago and all other market riolnis re porter very large runs. Advices irom east ern points were decidedly unfavorable, and It waa very evident right from the outset that packera would Insist upon a consid erable concession or leave the stuff un bought. In consequence the market opened very slow and the forenoon waa far - ad vanced before enough business was trans acted to mage a test of the market. Prices right at the outset were fully l'u ic lower on the general run of the receipts. tjuotations on good to choice led sheep and lambs: Lambs, ii.ijiSti.ij. light year ling wethers, ta.tioniti.ui"; heavy yearling wethers, 5.tij.tAi; wethers, Jj.wr-ra.3u, ewes, H.7iiii6.tO. Lambs, li anything were worse sellers man sheep partly because a large propor tion of tne receipts consisted of lambs, whereas the number of really good fat sneep waa not very large. LamDs 111 a good many cases iooaed aa much as 101 25c lower. Af ter the more urgent orders were tilled the market became very dull even at the de cline, so that it was not so much a question of price as of finding a buyer. Toduy's break in the sheep inaiket wipes out a4(Ood share of the advance ul yester day and day before, leaving ttie market not far from where It was 011 Friday of last week. tiepresentattve sales: .No. lini western ewes 114 western ewes u3 western ewes 21 western ewes ..... 2ti western ewes .... 12 western ewes 33 western ewes , 6 western ewes , 2oS western wethers . 17 western wethers . 11 western wethers ., ISii western yearlings 2V) western lambs 4H2 western lambs 10 weatern lambs .... 114 western lambs .... "4 western lambs .... 43 western lamba 2D western lambs .... 123 western lamba 1 western lamb Av. Pr. M2 4 75 llH 4 S-) 111 4 W 1"7 4 9o 119 4 io 140 6 ti 128 b CD l'i 6 W lib 5 33 1', & 36 60 6 3T. M 6 6 "j 7 6 35 6 35 tr"l 6 35 64 6 50 hi 6 65 80 IS 85 85 83 6 SO 7 00 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle aad Hogs Lower Sheep Steady to Lower. CHICAGO. Jan. 2 -CATTLE Receipts, 27,00) head; market. Wil5c lower: steers, !4.2o(S3.36; cows, $2 753.25; heifers. $2.oO-(j6.2a; bulls. t2. 8Vii4. 2S : calves, t-1.mu7.'Jo; stockers and feeders. $2.Sfyu4.75. HOGS Receipts. 5C.0OO head: market, log 15c lower; choice heavy shipping. Vl.3iirfr4.3i; butchers. $4.3tvi4 35; light mixed. Si 154.14.2"; choice light, t4.2drit-4.3o; packers. I3.7.MI4.30; pigs. I3 5irg4.15: bulk of s iles, $4 2OH4.30. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, 22,000 head; market, eteady to 1(? lower; sheep. 4.2fVrt0.5O; lambs, $.2it;7.30; yearlings, $5.50 ti'l.tS. Kansas City Live gttrek Market. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 29. CATTLE Re ceipts. g.5ou head. Including 400 southirns: market steady to 10c lower. Choice expert snd dressed beef steers. SS.0O(h6.80: fair to good. H l.Wio.uo; western steers. SI0i.2'i; stockers and feeders, S3.5ofc4.8S; southern steers. S4.ii4.fio: southern cows, t2 8"'u2S; native cows. S-' 4Mi4.50; native heifers. S12i a4 75; bulls. S3.1:a4.15; calves, S3.5.& j.(Xi. HOGS Hecelpta. 24.i head: market 10 I to lie lower. Top, S4.36; bolk of sa!e, S4.( V(I4 25; heavy. S4.2"'rj.:;: packers. 4.0 ! i4 25; pigs and light. S" i'i4.12S I SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts. 6. 50) jhead: market loc to 2.1- lower. Lambs, I Si'. 'Kfl'.OO; ewes and yearlings. S4 Zi'a.i.i1!; j western yearlings. ti axijO '); western sheep. I S4.2j'n,).2i: atockeis and feeders, S3.507M.). l. Loals Live Stock Market. t ST. LOUIS. Jan. 29 C.VITLE-ReiHpts ; 3.," head, including & Texans. Market 1 steady to loc lower; native shipping and ex port steers. Ii.2;1iii.0(i; dressed beef and j butcher steers. 14; steets under 1.0H) lis., S3.75(r4 5"; stockers and feeders. S2.4"a 4 tii: t ows and heifeis. tl lir&; i-flnners tl.Hl2.4o: bulls. S2.Eot4.iic: calves. Um 1 7.4K-: Texas and Indian steers. S2 "'oi.2j; cows and heifers. SI 7.',fM.() HOGS Receipts. 17 Onj head Market 10c lower; pigs and lights. t'12irn4.36; packers. S4 rrXii 4.33; butchers and best heavv. S4 ?rn 1 4 4" SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 10 head. Market steady ; native muttons. St.50 !4i-5.fO: lambs. S4.5ut7 So: culls and buiks. I I2.75ti3.5j-; etcn keis, t3 ij1i3.75. St. Joseph Live lark Market. ST. lXHMS, Mo.. Jan. 2. CATTLE-R- ceipts. 2 707 head: market 10c loner. Na- t lives, S4rti&.!.. cows and heifers. S2.10U7 4 To; stiR-kers and feeders. Li 5t.4 .25. HOGS Receipts. lo.f head: market 15ti ) lower. Top, l.l; bulk of sales. 4 In Sj4.2". SHEEP AND LAMBS Recei pis. 3 0, j head; market slow and lower. Lambs, ' 0 tie 45; yearlings. S5.Kh6.10. loas City Live Stock Market. I SIOUX CITY.- Jan. 29 (Special T- gram.) (AM LU - Keceipts, 1.7 head: market 10c lower; beeves. S.I.IVrt4.26; cows and heifers. t2.SO?i4.26: stockers and feed ers. S3.ot!i4.15; calves and yearlings. S-t.ij fri :,m. HOt;S Receipts. i::.f'i head; market 15c lower, selling at S3 73'1I 15; bulk of gales. t4 nti'4i4.05. SHEEP-Rccelpts. I.S.o head; steady. Stork la lt. Receipts of live slock at the six prin cipal western msrkets yesterdsV: Cattle. Hugs. Slieep. South Omaha Sioux City ... K annus City . St. Jos.-ph ... St. Louis Chicago Tola! .. 4 2') .. 1.7"J .. 8 5o0 .. 2.7u7 .. S,5 ..27.00.) 19.(4(1 13.000 7.IO) 1.-.0) 3iVi6 24.041 15.006 17.000 Sh.ouo 1.0 fl 7.i) 47.64)7 146,005 41 J OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. EGGS Fresh selling eggs, candled. 20e BUTTER Common, 1V; fancy tub and rolls. 17Hc; creamery, aoc. CHEESE New full cream. Wisconsin twins, Vrtc; new fell brick, 17c; do mestic new Swiss. )8c; new litnburger. Iin 1: voung American. 17VgrC- LIVE POULTHY-Fprlrigs. tc; hens, to roorters, I--; ducks. c; geese. 9c; turkeys. 12'-c: pigeons. 8"c per doz. DRESSED POULTRY Borings fancy e tiens, kc; roosters. 4c; ducks, lie: geese! y; turkeys. 16dl7e. HAY Choire No. 1 : plar.d J10.Q0; madium H-O.i. So. 1 botto.-n. tsuo; off grades, froia taou4aC6o. Ry straw, 17. u6. No. 1 al. falfa. IU OH FRUIT APPLES WashlngiOK Show, per box tl at), Wasnington Jonatnans, per bog. SI 75 Washington Roman Beauties, per boa'. Si 76 Washington Alexanders, ?er box, tl 75" Washington Blue Pearmalns. pox Si 75" V astilngtoB Red Cheek Plpplna. per box' 11 7; Washington Kin,-, oer box, SI 7a: Washington Bailty bweet. per box. SI 75 Washington No. Spys. per box. 11.76; Call" furnia Red ISarmaina, 4-Ur, per boa, t.M- VALLEY TRUST California Pelleflowers. -tler, per box. 12 00; New York Raldwins, per bbl.. I.51; New York Northern Hples, per bbl., l V; New York aaaorted varieties, per bbl., M.W. TROPICAL FRftT. ORANGEK Fancy Washington navels, all sixt s. per box, i2 75, exus fancy Sun flower, all sires, per box, 13 00; California Tangerines, v slse and smaller, per box. 13 2tV ORAPESMalaga. choice, per keg. $4.80; Malaga, extra fancy. M 50; extra choice, per keg, 4 J6; extra fancy, extra heavy, fti.llO GRAPE FRL'IT Florida, M and 80 site, per box. W"J. BANANAS Port Llmon, owing to slse, per bum h. 1.D0 to UMi TEARB-Extra fancy winter Nellla. per box. I2.7U FIGS AND DATES-Pmyrna Tgs. T crown, per 'h.. My :5c; Bmvrna figs. -itown, per lb., l.'ljtc: jirarm tiga, ciown. per lb, bllo, California 'tgs, boxes 10 carious, &5c; California, boxes, II cartons. S6c; California figs. bulk, per lb, lSc; Hallowl dates, per lb.. s.c: Kbadrawl dalos, per lb., c; 8a ir date, pet IL.. g-urd dates, IS- lb boxes, per lb. Sc. CRAN PERRIES Extra fancy Bell and Bugle, per bbl.. SiO.uO; extn fancy Jersey, perbbl., $aj; extra fancy Jersey, per bok. LEMONS-Extra funcy BoutherlanrJ Beauty. 300 and 8 aize, per box, S4.O0; eg. tru choice Juatrile, tu aud 26o slxo, pr box, 3. 75. VEGETABLES. POTATOES-Per bu., iCnJTbc. SWEET POTAT'JliS-Kansaa, per bbl.. 12 75. LETTUCE Florida bead, pt." hamper. 3W. per dos.. 40c CUCUMBERS Hot house. J dos . fancv, per box, SS.oo; I dos. choice, per box. II. 5A RADISHES Hot house, per doxen. uc PARS LET Per dot. 40.3. PEPPERS-Florlda. 6-uasket crates, per crate, l.ii. PA RS N I PS Old, per bbl., B.2S. CARROTS AND TURNIPS-Old. per bbl., I2(i0; Cnnada Rutabages. per lb., 114c. CABBAGE Wisconsin Holland i?eed, per lb.. l'4c. ONloNS Pparish. per crate. 1.M; Wlf- consln Red Globe, per lh., lo. SHALLOTS Per dor.. Sue. TOM ATOES Florida, extra fancy, per t- basket crate, J6.00; choice, per bask -t crate. It (0; Cuban, fancy, per f-basket crate. Si. 00. CAULIFLOWER-Per 2-doz crate. HOR8ERADDISH Per doa.. f KUMQUATS-O.vlng to quality, per at, S0c to 40c. to BRURPEL SPROI'TS, per qt.. 20e. STRAWBERRIES Owing to ouallty rSe CELERT Michigan, per bunch, 2Mre, NAVY BEANS Per bu.. No. L feSS Lima, 7c per lb. BEEP CUTS v. Rib: No. 1. 13Sc; No. 2. 11c; No. 3, 7ie. Ioln: No. 1, 19c; No. I. 13c; No. 3au,. Chuck: No. 1. Sc; No. I, 6c; No. 3, ha Round: No. 1. 4e; No. 2. 7c; No. 3. $h,c Plate: No. 1. 6c; No. 2, 4V; No. J, 4c. MlSCELI.ANEOrs CALIFORNIA DRIEB FRUITS-Prunet re somewhat unsettled bv freer offerings from second hands, who seem desirous of moving supplies of immediate grades. Quo tatlons range from uc to 9c ior California fruit and from Vc to Sc lor Oregon. Peaches are very firm, with fancy yellow quoted at 13Mr- ' SUGAR Granulated. cane n. ...-b $6.40; beet, S5.O0; cut loaf, tcc; cubes, ac( CANNED GOODS Com. .rai.dard west. ern, 6c. Tomatoes, luncy. ii-pound cans. -mi. Bianuai , o-iuunu cail&, rllie apples, grated. I-pound. S2.2ili20; alited. ti.75U2.35. Gallon apples, H 5o. ('allfortila apricots. S2.o5tf3.30. Pear. Peaches, L. C. peaches, liio 1.15. Alaska salmon, red. tl.iu; lamy CUnock. rial. .li; fancy sockeye. Cat, S2.1&. fcai dines, quarter oil, SJ.60; three quarters mustard, ti-36. Sweet potatoes, tl.267ji.35. Sauerkraut, 95c Pumpkins, too fetl.UO. Lima beans, 2-pound, 75cuil.2b. boaked beans. 2-pourd. 6jc; fancy, tl.iMtl 4a. NUTS-Californla No. 1 S. 8. walnut i.-r lb., 17Ve, iinporied Tarraicr.a almonds, per 1 1-'J liloerls, Jirazlis and Jumbo pecans, 13c: hMiernuis, per lb., 12Vc; No. 1 H. P neanuts. toasiea. tc; raw, to; salted pea nuts, per box, SL15; Italian chestnuts, per lb., 10c. v COFFEE Roasted. No. 35. 26c; No. JO. flc; No. 25. 19c; No. JO. I44c. FISll-Halibui, t.'c. tiout. 13c; pickerel, 10c; pike. 14c; pike, flesh, froien. 12c; wnlte tl all. Hii IV; buftalo, 14c; bullheads, skinned and dieaaed. lat, cattish, d.eaacj, 17c; white perch, 7c, white bass. 15c; black bass, 25c sunflsh, Wx; crapplea, bflUc: laig crapp.ea, 16c; herimg. fiean froien. tx-, wniiensi frozen, Lifclic; pickerel, fresh . frosen. 13c; red snapper. 12c; tlounuers., mackerel, ij Sic per fish; codfish, fresh frosen. 12c; had dock, fiesh Iroxen, 12c; smelts, shad roe. 4f.c per lb.; frog legs, iio per do.; greet. .-a tiirue ineav. 2b- per lb HIDES AND TALLGv Green salted. No. 1, ic; No. 2, 4c; bull hides. 2c; vreea unsalied, No. 1. 4c; green untaited. o 1. tc; bjrse hides. S1.0Ci2jv; sheep p-.-.ts 'ia i1 Oil. Tall. No. 1. 4V; sv I Uo. Wool. 1iCj2 Dry l.iiudi Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 29.-DRY GOODS Maiket remains unchanged as to d-mand. Buyers are operating slowly arid are tak ing goods principally for very quick deliv ery. Reporta are current of more Inquiries from china, but little new business is re ported. Silks are uncertain Hersirts from out Ue Jib' in; : how a slow r sii npt .-i of business RAILROADS ALL IN SAME FIX 1 ' ' tents Per llonilred lharaed fn llaollag OH by ambrr of Llnra. WASHINGTON, Jan. S.-That cents er hundred pounds on shipments of oil from Whiting. Ind.. to East Bl. Ixuls was charged the Standard Oil company by the Chicago & Alton and the Chicago, Burllng- ton & Quincy roads In the period between September 1. lira, and June 30, W, was established today In tiir hearing of the ault of the government for a Oi?..ution of the Standard Oil company by the testimony of .Mr. Shlndler, a aa-cial aent of (ha bureau of corporations. Mr. Eliindler testified that the difference between the published tariff rate from Whiting to various points south of the Ohio river and that paid by the Standard through Grand Junction amounted fo from 614 to 10'i cents. HOTEL'S CHARTER - DEMANDED mate's Attoraer of Illlaol Calls far Aodlloriaiu l.lcease far "aa. dar lolatloa. CHICAGO, Jan. 2. Attorney Heub today filed In the ajperior court a petition for a writ of quo warranto' .ailing upon the courts to forfeit the chant r of the Congrosr Hotel ooitipai.y. a lik-li operates the Auditor, lum hotel and the Auditorium Anne. f,,r selling liquor on Sunday in violation of the Hindy closing. Judge Smith ordered, that the defendant make answer within ten days. I.lllle Ulrl Haras to ileatk. EIOUX FALLS K. I).. Jan. 2V. -iSp.'- 1-1.) -As the result of obtaining possesion of some matches the I-yeur-old dalighier of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mouek. who renide on farm In the eaatern part of I'otd-r county, lost her life. During the temporary abaen.e of the mother from the rixim the little girl got hold of some matches, whl. It she llghu-d. Tie fir. waa communicated to her clothing and before her mother could, rush to her assistance abe was Ufua4 severely that death rtsuit.d. ' (