Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

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Office 15 Scott Street.
Both 'Phones 43.
So Verdict Had Ben Announced Up
to k Late Hour.
Tells try of Being In Employ
rinkertons and Looking for a
Man Called "Baldy" When
He Wn Arrested.
were broken off, lint the burirlsrs (ailed
In their attempt to break into It. A sec
ond cf In the office, which contained
nothing hut account bonk, which had been
left unlocked, was found locked. Nothing
waa mlfHlng- front It. Kntrance to this
place waa Rained hy the burglar climbing
from a freight car to the roof of a lean-to
at the rear of the main building and from
then- by breaking a second-story window.
Another place visited was the office of
the Hluff city Lumber and Coal company
at Ninth avenuo and Fourth street. Here
the burglar unfastened the lock on the
Insldo by breaking the glass of the front
door. Hunglng on the knob of the safe
wan a IfURe tag bearing the combination
First Formal More for Launching the
Prohibition Movement.
' 1 uf the link, but ft evidently proved too
Tl ( ond trial of Marlon !!. ds )K lli. the I uM h fm. lh), mirgInrB nnd thpy lpft thl.
laroled. MlHDOurl convict, on me cuaiw in
blowing the safe In the offh-e of the Coun
cil I'.luffs Transftr & Plot Storage com
pany on "the nlgbf of September i. last,
was concluded yesterday afternoon and the
case wa given to the )nry shortly Ix-fore
6 o'clock. I'p to a late hour last night the
Jury had not agreed upon a verdict.
At the former trial Jlcdgepeth was con
victed but was granted a new trial on a
technicality, counsel for the defense claim
ng that the county attorney In his argu
nent to , the Jury had gone outside the
ecord and that the court reporter had
Tailed to take down a portion of the argu
ment, of the county attorney.
Iledgrpeth, who did not testify at the
'it-st trial, went on the stand yesterday
Hid told how he came to be In Council
Hluffs on the night he was arrested while
musing the motor company's bridge short
s' sfter Hie safe In the office of the Coun
cil Uluffs Transfer & Stove Storage com
pany had been blown. He. said that he was
In the employ of the Tlnkerton detective
igency and that he came to Council Bluffs
n locate a mun ksjown as "Baldy." This
nan "Baldy." Hedgspeth said, was the
nrlter of .the letter found on Iledgrpeth
hen searched at the Omaha police sta
:lon the night he waa arretted. The letter
in uu'stlon, from which the signature of
!lie writer hfld been torn off. told of a
-banco for a "stick up" In Council Bluffs.
Kviilence as to this letter had been given
by the Omaha officers and newspapermen
who were present when lledgepeth was
arrested, lledgepeth said the letter had
been given him In order that he might "get
next" to this man "Baldy" and secure what
Information be could from him for the de
tective agency. The "stick up." lledgepeth
said, referred to the opportunity of holding
up one of the gambling houses of this city
by' entrance through a vacant room and
that the Job could be easily done with a
As to his acquaintance with Jackson, who
was arrehted with blm, licdgepctli said thHt
he and Jackson, who was known as Miller
In Kansas City, hud lat their way from
Kansas City to Council Hluffs on the "blind
hnggage." It was by riding In this man
ner that the black substance, which the
Utiuilut police testified smellcd like gun
powder, canio to be on their hands. He
had met Jackson hy chance two days before
leaving Kansas City und: Jackson had vol
unteered to accompany ' him to Council
Hluffs lledgepeth said he' nnd Jackson
loafed around the pool halls and other pub
lic places looking for the man "Baldy"
nnd that In the evening they attended re
ligious services being held In a tent, where
hey Htayed Until about 11 o'clock and then
started to walk to Omaha when- they were
arrested ss Lhey were, crossing .the bridge.
Kt:lutlpK to what lie had (lone ulnce he
. waa paroled from the Missouri state pen
itentiary In the summer of 1M6, Hedge-
cth said he was employed by thy IMnker-
sniv s- ure!y locked. The desks In the
office were ransacked and' the contents
scattered about. . '
. 1 :1
Clerk Refuses License to too pie front
Paul n. Oirndt, giving his age as J7 and
his residence at Chicago, applied at the
office of the clerk of the district court
this morning for a marriage license. When
asked where the prospective bride was he
replied she waa sick In Omaha. Deputy
Hardesty Informed the applicant that the
license could not be Issued unless the young
woman was present or someone known to
the clerk of the court vouched for her
being of legal age. Oirndt asked If the
office would he open In the afternoon.
and on being told it would', stated ho
would return with his bride-to-be.
When 'Oirndt showed up Again In the
afternoon with the prospective bride, the
latter gave the name of Clare M. Hoiby,
her age as IS and her residence as Allegan,
Mich. As Mies Hothy, however, did not
appear to be any older than 11 or pos
slbly 15 years, Deputy Hardesty refused to
isshje the license. The. couple was well
dressed, but the girl appeared to be tin
familiar with the long skirt she was wear
Injr and to the trained eye of Mr. Hardesty
he seemed as If she would have been
more at home In short skirts to the
knees. Glnult showed considerable dis
appointment at being refused a license
but the Bill, who was evidently nervous.
did not display any emotion but appeared
extremely anxious to get away from the
clerk's office as speedily as possible after
she learned that the license would not bo
Kdltors Coming; In Krhraarr,
According t the second preliminary no
nce Ol ine wiiucr rnci'iuiK ui i-nierii
Iowa Kdltortal association, to he held In
this city February 21 In the auditorium of
the public library building, sent out by K.
A. Ktevens of Silver City, secretory of tho
association, copies of which were received
here yesterday, a state senator, a mer
chant, a preacher anil two editors will ap
pear on the progrann. The notice, however.
does not give the names of. the speakers.
but safs the complete program ' will bo
announced laiter. W. P. Wortman of Mai
vern Is president of the association.
ion na.ii.-v from th-lnher nf I hut e,r t..X Kr.SiiIN-A message was received Here
, ... I uifi iiikmi niiiiuii
February, 1W. lb
iih '.iiclnc show lot
he went Iim k to
lookhiH on! for rob
IlieW .h-iiveled with
niot.:;i, .-i f t -t- which
: It lor t in. I'inkertons,
!(':! .-Hid S'jlllrri.
Detroit Wotiinn llle Snddenly.
Mis. Minnie H. Murphy of Detroit, Mich.,
ill.-. I al a hit.' hour Monday night at the
home of her cousin,. Mrs. J. I Smith, 239
Henton street, whero she and her husband,
Kdward A. Murphy, visiting, enroute
!o riattsmouth. Neb., to visit her two
rliildrcn, uy and Kllzabcth Whitman,
who are living thero with their grand par
ents. When she reached Council Bluffs
last Saturday Mra. Murphy, who had been
In poor health for several years, was far
from well, but lirr death, which resulted
from internal hemorrhages, was wholly un
expected. Several years ago Mrs. Murphy
was seriously Injured In a trolley car ac
cident In Omaha and two years ago she
passed through the earthquake and flro
in San Francisco. These experiences had
undermined her health. 6ho was ;J8 years
f age. Her husband took the body back
io Detroit last evening.
Burglar Islt Three Places.
Three places ill Council Bluffs were vis
ited by -burglar- Monday night. At two
of the phu-OH unsuccessful attempts were
made t.i break Into tho safes and the po
lice are of the opinion that the work was
that of the same' tiurglars who raidod
foil- places hiht Friday night.
The first place believed to have been
entered Monday night was tho carriage
factory of K. T. Waterman at 40 Fourth
s'reot, from tiie bluckainlth department of
which four drills, a brace, a lare screw
driver, flic, hummer and. chisel were taken.
The dk In tho office was broken open
iim thd papers scattered about, but noth
ng wan' found missing. lOntrance to the
.'actory was effected by breaking a rear
All of the tools taken from tho Water
nan shop were found lying on the floor
ilongslde of the sale In the office of the
.eaiuey Flour Mills company, Sixth street
snd Twelfth avenue. The combination
':noh, indicator and binges of the safe
I on-a Ncwi Note. '
CltKSTON Mrs. Mary lli-rron, wife of
Dr. J. J. Herron, died Just lefnre midnight
last night. Some months ago the deceased
suffered a stroke of parnjyels, to which her
death Is due.
NKWTON-The Odd Fellows' hall.
three-story brick hulMlrig. was partially
destroyed by fire today, entailing a loss of
:i,fK'. The origin of the. fire was due to
an overheated stove.
(lab Women In f'onrt at I)n Moines
Cheer Judge Who Refnsea Di
vorce and Advises I'nrtlea
to Make I n.
pled by three men at Princeton tonight,
killing George Barlow, aged S2. and prob
ably fatally injuring Henry Hendrlckson
and another man, not known here. The
victims were brought to Clinton and the
injured are in the hospital.
Kansas City House of Morris & Co.
Damaged $500,000.
Soft wood 8.V, and hard wood
9tJSii pr rack; Hay 85c per 100
lba. Free delivery. Satisfaction
guaranteed. 'Phones 1153.
J. STEIN, 700 W. Broadway
Kht announcing tne sudden death of
Mrs. Harry Hiiirnuer. srter an Illness from
pneumonia, at her home In Colorado. Mrs.
Kohrader was formerly Miss 1 .eon la Max
well of this i lly, and len.ves n husband and
three children. The body will be brought
lu re for burial.
ATLANTIC The record price for farm
lnnd was reached yesterday when the fifteen-aero
farm of W. W. F.ller, near the
east edgo of town, sold for $i;.0oo, or StOO
an acre, to Milford Myers. The place Is
well improved and contains somo fruit, but
Is mostly farm land. Mr. Myers will use
it as a homestead.
CRrcSTON-.TiKlgo H. K. Kvnnn has ren
dered a negative decision against a second
trial in the district court of John Hall
against the Burlington railroad for $.15.onrt
personal damages sustained by him. ami for
which In the last term of court a Jury
verdict only pave him $.".,0(10. It Ir under
stood Mr. Hall Intends to take bis case to
the supreme court.
MA RSI 1 A 1. 1. TOWN Cash and merchan
dise prizes of more than Jl.iKK) have been
hung up by the Marshall County Short
Course aasorlatlon for prize corn to be
exhibited at the short course February 17
to 2. Morn than Un prizes have boen put
on the premium list and although most of
them ure open to only growers of tho
county some are open to the state.
ATLANTIC The Law and Order league of
the town of Urlswold. Just south of here,
has taken things Into their own hands and
begun a strict law enforcement campaign.
As a result, of their efforts there are now
no slot machines doing business In that
town, where formerly nearly every busi
ness place in town contained one and all
minora are strictly forbidden to enter a
pool or billiard ball. .,
ATI.ANTIC Attorney Ueneral Byers de
livered an address on law enforcement at
me Meinouisi h.piscopu.1 chunyi here Sun
day night. The church was well filled and
all listened with interest. Ho gave his
history of the saloon fight in Council
Bluffs, complimented Representative Mere
dith of this coiintv on his work In the
lcgiMalurc and made a plea Jkir the en
forcement of all law.
CRKSTON An effort is being made to
put the district fair again on !( feet. At a
meeting of the Business Men's cluh last
niwht that body proposed to lend every as
sist unit- in lis power to 'boost': the enter
prise. For tho last few years the fair has
been a losing venture, and at the close of
Its affairs lust year It waa rather uncertain
whether Its backers would again consent
to put It through another vear. However, it
is hoM'd with tiie assistance of the Busi
ness .Men's club and the enterprising public
spirited citizens It mav be given another
chance this coming year.
AKTON-L'int night the high school held
its declamatory contest, the objeet of which
was to decide who should represent the
school in the southwest Iowa high school
contest which is expected to lie held in
Osceola soon. Fourteen contestant took
part: six in the oratorical, five In th
dramatic and three In the humorous class.
Miss (Sladys Vun Winkle, in the humorous
class, was accorded the highest rank of all
and will represent Alton at the state meet.
In tiie orHtrk al cIhhs Sidney Kelly was
?ivcn first place and Miss Kdith White first
In dramatic. The contestant ranking bight-at
In each class was awarded a medal.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, la-. Jan. 29. (Speclal.)-
Telegram.) When the mass convention of
temperance workers, called for the pur
pose of launching a move Tor a pronioitory
constitutional amendment, met this even
ing Rev. Medbury of DtS Moines pre
sided. Ueneral James O. Weaver was male
chairman of the resolutions committee. Mr.
TBaiber, secretary of the Anu-eaioon
league, chairman of plan of work commit
tee, and Malcolm Smith of the prohibition
ists, chairman of the permanent organiza
tions committee. The latter committee
later selected Judge Weaver of the supreme
court for permanent chairman and be will
preside tomorrow.
There will be two plans of procedure re
ported by the committee on plan of work
tomorrow. One will be for a federation of
the various temperance organizations of
the state, which It Is understood is favored
bv the anti-saloon league people. The other
Is' an entirely new organization, which will
be favored by the prohibitionists. If there
is any lack of harmony It. will be on the
adoption of the plan of work. Delegates
of the prohibition party took part In the
convention this afternoon and there was
not tho slightest show of feeling then.
There were a number of addresses mis
afternoon and. tonight Attorney General
Trlckett of Kansas delivered an address.
Ministers Commend Brers.
Attorney General H. W. Bers today gave
out a letter received by him today from
Rev. Charles Mayne, pastor of the Meth
odist church of Council Bluffs and presi
dent of .the Council Bluffs Ministerial as
sociation, stating for the association that
at its meeting Monday it adopted unani
mously a resolution approving of bis ad
dress delivered In Council Bluffs Sunday,
January' 1'. at,d Intimating that tho asso
ciation might invite him to tho city again
to deliver an address.
Women Cheer Conrt.
In Judge Brennan's court today a score
of club women waiting for their suit
against the erection of the new city hall,
cheered tho court when Brennan refused a
decree of divorce to Frank Festler on the
ground that his wife had deserted him.
Judge Brennan read them a lecture and
teld the couple to go home and kiss and
mako up. Then the club women cheered.
Conrt Adjourned for Pnnernl.
A suit in Justice court over a family
quarrel was continued today while the prin
cipal parties gathered round the bier of a
relative. George W. Crane and K. C. I'p.
dyke quarreled and fought and then had
each other arrosted. The trial was Htoppcd I
today by the death of .Mrs. C. F. Cpdyke,
daughter of Mr. Crane and daughter-in-law
of Mr. Cpdyke.
Want necelver for Ice Company
Application was made to the district court
today for a receiver for the Des Moines
Ico company, with the request that the
property and business be sold and the
company-bo reorganized under, another
name. The application in the result ol n
! quarrel among the-officers of the company.'
Hon. II. K. Teachout, the majority stock
holder, wished the company to be . reor
ganized as the Des Moines Ice and Cold
Storage company. The company's articles
of Incorporation expired In 1903, since which
time It has operated without corporate ex
istence. L. E. Shaffer.-the treasurer, re
sisted reorganization. The company's cap
ital stock Is $SO,000. ' ,
Atlantic Man "Stungr."
L. J j. Nutt of Atlantic. In., today filed
charges In the court of Justice of the
Pcaco Roe charging Richard Lynn, a local
real estate agent, with obtaining money
under false pretenses. Nutt asserts that he
bought 40 acres of land in Berry county.
Missouri, from Lynn which lynn asserted
belonged to U. L. Douglas. When he came
to investigate he discovered that Douglas
did not own it. and that his deed was no
good. He gave for the Missouri land an
eighty-acre farm in Holt county, Nebraska,
and another In Decatur county, Iowa, be
sides some cash.
tlntf Rehearing: Dates,
The Railroad commission today an
nounced that It would hold a rehearing of
the express rates on February 20 and a
rehearing of commodity rates on February
14. Chairman Eaton Is called to California,
leaving tonight and the hearings will bo
had soon after his return.
Hunt for Joseph Roach's Relatives.
Secretary of State Hay ward has been
asked by the authorities of Aurora. Mo.,
to assist in finding the relatives of Joseph
Roach who Is known to have come from
Iowa and was killed there by a train, Jan
uary 13, 1908.
Slate Bryan C'lnb.
A state-wide Bryan club has been or
ganled In Iowa with George F. Rhlnehart
of this city as president and with vice
presidents In each congressional district.
Will Step, lint of Rare In leas He Re
ceive Majority Vote.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
MASON CITY. Ia., Jan. 29. (Special. )
Governor Cummins delivered his first ad
dress In the Interests of his candidacy for
United States senator In this city tonight.
Owing to the fact that he had to take an
early train to Chicago he spoke but briefly
and was followed by Judge S. F. Prouty
of Des Moines.
Governor Cummins declared that he pro
posed to stand by the primary vote and
that unless he got a majority of the votes
(If there are but two candidates), at the?
primary, he would not expect or accept the
election by the legislature. He claimed
that If he did get a majority he would ex
pect the election.
He said: "1 shall ask no republican can
didate for the general assembly to pledge
himself to vote for me, but I shall ask
every republican canridate to give to the
rank and file of the republican party a
pledge that he will abide by the result of
the primary In the state at large."
Concerning Senator Allison he said:
"Concerning my distinguished rival for the
high honor which I am asking at your
hands, I have nothing to say either by way
of criticism, censure or detraction. He
has had a long and notable career. Mine
has not been so long, but it has had storms
enough in it to cover a life time. I ac
knowledge freely tliat we are not of the
same temperament. We view affairs from
a different standpoint. The republicans of
the state know both of us fairly well, and
It Is for theni to determine which, type of
man will be most useful to them. I await
their Judgment, ang will accept It with
gratitude If It be for me, and without a
murmur If it be against me."
During the remainder of bis address Gov
ernor Cummins discussed the publlo ques
tions that have been uppermost In Iowa,
the anti-pass, primary, 2-cent fare, bill to
prevent corporations contributing to cam
paigns and other state matters and the
tariff, the railway rate bill and such mat
ters of national consequence.
On the railway rate bill he said: "I would
not be wholly candid If I were not to say,
In this connection, that we have not yet
finished the fight. The railways were suc
cessful lt emasculating the bill and in or
er to get anything we had to take less
than , our due. The commission has not
the authority to fix absolute rates. It
should have the direct authority to estab
lish tho difference between communities
and unless this authority Is conferred the
Injustice of discrimination will not cease
If this be unsafe, unsound or un-republl-
can, my opponents can make the most of
Balldlng on Wabash Avenue Occo-
ried by Alfred rents A Co. Al
most Completely Doatroyed
Oil Fire Oi Coast.
Ten Venrs for Former Ions Man,
PATERSON. N. J., Jan. 20. John R.
Richardson, who early last month was ar
rested at Davenport, la., for trying to
pass a forged check, and who iater was
surrendered Io the New Jersey authorities
for a trial on a pending charge of break
Ing and entering and for jail breaking.
was today sentenced to ten years.
Every woman carets si
shapely, pretty figure, tod
many of them deplore the
loss of their eirlibh forms
after marriage. The bearing
of children is often destructive
to the mother's shapeliness.
ju oi tnis can De avoided,
however, by the use ef Mother's Friend before baby comes, as this
great liniment always prepares the body for the strain upon it, and
preserves the symmetry of her form. Mother' Friend overcomes all the
danger of child-birth, and carries the expectant mother safely through
this critical period without pain. It is woman's greatest blessing.
Thousands gratefully tell of the benefit and relief derived from the
use of this wonderful ,
remedy. Sold by all
drugguts at fi.oo per
bottle. Our little
book, telling all about
this liniment, will be sent free
li? BrscL'. Recslitsr Co., Atlnti
Miowinar of Quarterly Report Better
Than Antloifattdaad Regular
Dividend. Declared.
NEW YORK.' Jan 2.-The report ef the
Cnlted States, tcel .Corporation for the
quarter, ending December 31, 19)7, expect
antly awaited by tile public as an Index of
Industrial conditions, Was made public to
day. The net learnings for the last three
months of the corporations year were 1,12,
BM.9. The figures exceeded the hopes of
the steel trade. The net earnings for the
year of 1007 were Slti0.S84.477. the largest In
the company's history.1 The unfilled orders
on hand at the end of the year amounted to
t.SL'LDM Ions. Tho surplus for the quarter
was $J.5o!.2,4.
The usual quarterly dividends of on
half of 1 per cent on the common and 1
per cent on the preferred stocks were de
clarod by the directors. These dividends
show no change from the previous quarter,
The net earnings for the last three
months of IW)7 show a decrease of $9.1SO,W9,
as compared with the same period of l!!
and tho unfilled orders on hand are 3,Sti5.15
tons under the figure for the corresponding
quarter last year. The high record earn
ings for any one quarter was In the quarter
ended June 30. 1807. Slo,S03.70o. The high
record of unfilled orders was 8.4S9.718 tons,
on December-. 11, 1906.. The low record of
earnings was in the first quarter of 1914
and the low record of unfilled
orders 3.027.436 tons, on September 30, 1004.'
. The surplus for the year 19011, after all
deductions for fixed charges, appropriations
and dividends, etc., was S12.742,8&9.94, mak
ing the total undivided surplus carried for
ward to 1907, S97.720,714.35. The undivided
surplus of the company is now given as
Violets Dloomlng In Iowa.
ATLANTIC. Ia., Jan. 29. (Speclal.)
There is no use going to California for fine
weather, as Cass county Iowa presents
tho finest weather possible to obtain. Ho
mild and pleasant has been the winter that
the wild flowers are blooming in the month
of January. A few days ago, a number
of little girls were playing in tho yard of
Jense KJar in the southwest part of town
when one of them picked a bunu-h of leaves
and grass, and found a number of violet
leaves in her hand, and one full, bloom
violet as bright and fresh as la customary
in the early spring.
Karma to Rent scarce.
ATI.ANTIC, la., Jan. 29. (Special.) Farm
lands are not only advancng in value in
this county, hut the price paid for renting
a farm is also increasing in proportion.
The usual rent is now 14 per acre, but in
many cases as high as JO. 60 la being of
fered. In tho south part of tho county,
even at these high figures, it is almost Im
possible to rent a farm, the demand for
farms being a great deal heavier than the
supply, and it ia probable that u number
of farmers who usually rent will be with
out places March 1 when moving time
ew l.lahtbouse steamer.
CLINTON, la., Jan. 29 (Special.) The
fifteenth lighthouse district of tiie Cnlted
Slates, comprising the upper - Mississippi
river from the heud of navigation to Cairo
and the Missouri and Illinois rivers to
Kanaaa City and l.a&alle, la to have one
of the finest lighthouse steamers ever
built for Inland waters, the government
having appropriated the sum of i),V for
the construction of this steamer, plana for
which are now being considered. Tho new
boat. It is expected, will be placed In serv
ice ome time, during the prcaent year.
2 IFDU(BDd(d
KANSAS CITT. Mo.. Jsn. 29. Fire of un
known origin started In the canning depart
ment on the second floor of one of the twin
buildings of the t'.Oio.OOO packing plant of
Nelson Morris & Co., on the Kaw river In
Kansas City, Kan., last night, threatened
destruction of the entire plant and caused
oss estimated at S."i00.000 before it was con
trolled. AH effort' to save the east main
building, Inawhich the fire started, and the
box factory was abandoned within a half
hour after the flames were discovered, and
he firemen devoted themselves to the
work of saving the other buildings.
The building In which the fire started
contained the canning department, the cool
ers, the dressing rooms, the wohlesale de
partment, the killing beds, and the con
tents supplied the fire with fuel which
made the flames difficult to combat. The
fire had gained great headway before the
fire department arrived, and the heat was
so Intense that It was impossible for the
firemen to make any progress in checking
it except to prevent Its spreading. The box
factory In the rear of the main building
was entirely destroyed. The flames spread
also to the cattle chutes, many of which
were burned.
The other main building contains the gen
eral offices and the engine room and much
salvage from the burned building, was car
ried into It.
The Nelson-Morris & Co., packing plant
was the newest In this city, having been
completed two years ago. It was modern
n every detail and was third In size In
this city ranking next to Armour's and
Million-Dollar Fire In Chicago.
CHICAGO, Jan. 2. The third disastrous
fire in the business district of the city In
as many days caused a loss last night esti
mated at more than Sl.OOO.oOO in the almost
complete destruction of the building al
144 Wabash avenue, occupied by Alfred
Peats- & Co., dealers In wall paper, the
building adjoining It on the south, occupied
by John A. Colby & Sons, furniture dealers,
and that In thj rear fronting on Michigan
avenue, occupied by the millinery firm of
lCdson Keith. Those to the north and south
of the Keith building, occupied by tinge
Brother & Co. and Theodore Ascher & Co.,
millinery firms, were damaged by fire and
The fire started in tho engine room of
the 1'cats building and raged for three
hours. Street car lines throughout the
downtown district and the elevated lines
were tied up and theatergoers were delayed,
many of them more than an hour, In reach
ing thi. playhouses. The work of tho fire
men was witnessed by at lG.fOO per
sons who, attracted by the glare, which
could be seen for miles, thronged the
streets In spite of the cold. It was the
second time this year that tho record of
the flic department for last year the con
fining of the flumes to the building In which
they originated had been broken, tho first
instance being the partial destruction early
Monday mortilng of the Mayer building
and the Hotel Florence on Adams street,
near Clark street.
The louses as apportioned tonight among
tho various firms were:
Alfred Peats &. Co., $2SO.O0O; John A.
Colby & Sons, $200,000; Kdsnn liclth & Co.,
WOO.OOO; Gage Brothers, JJ6.000; Theodore
Ascher company, $B,0u0. others who suf
fered loss, chiefly by smoke and water,
were: Carl Nclchert. artificial flower
dealer, $10,000; Remington Typewriter com
pany, $5,000, and John A. Bryant company,
pianos,' $5,000.
. i . ,
ft IK
-Rtat eat eMT, Hug h ato anrf
fttaf oof tt tuba, rntf to hto ru"
Itatnrs'a nost aatural remedy, laTeved by aoleuatl
for coughs, oolds and all Innamed surfaoni of tka
Lang and Bronchial Tab,
Bert It Out f tut "T IhwnwM Olrts y,Pin ef tat MMfr
Jat rur hm ! The "V
Gentlemen ! I wnt to M say tnt, mental to uu (irymri
UfleS and h.wnnl pmtiMU. AiwinnTS'nir I ' bd oold whlr-h -ttld e my lanr. It frrw wrn'mmrmit
eooKI brlT whlMT anil 1 w.i In M to tpA. IMKnf
or At i mi Til tnt thrlant kts ra. Hi wtM wJ u
drnrcm an fnrcliMri a mo. noun r year it, ptiu
plod-Tw-HnnfT, nl tear oWu steep tk ermr ana I tw
the flnt (nod BtUhl'i ! tB lwo . AnrtKMlr uSBUut
II lt tlMra wTtte si or witaaboat 1U RBootrnllT,
I am $9 ymn oM and aever used any
rmdy equal to Dr. Ball' Piue-Tar-Bonay.
li fives atilck and permanent
rebel ia grip as well as cooghs and
aids. It make weak Inns strong,
al av U. Am atnToaiu. Faduoab TLs
JTe. Oratnfeua. Street, GEO. THLBICH
Look for th Bell en Bottls and Ouvuitt) No. 50.'
Wtlrtnjr&eTtmns OJTLY ST
(rand Lodge of Order In utile to Meet
Claim and Receiver la
HELENA. Mont., Jan. 29. Application
was made to Judge J. M. Clements. in the
dlstrk-t court today for the appointment of
a receiver to wind up the affairs of the
Montana lodge of tho Ancient Order of
I'nlted Workmen. There Is now more than
$100,000 outstanding In unpaid death claims.
Competition of other fraternal orders, Ihe
action of the supreme grand lodge In rais
ing tho rates at an Inopportune time, and
the discords which broke out In the ranks
of the order Itself and were fostered hy
members who represented old line insur
una companies, are given as tho reasons
for ending the existence of the grand
"Uled of I'neamonla"
Is never written of those who cure coughs
and colds with Dr. King's New Discovery.
Guaranteed. and $1.00. Bold by Batun
Drug Co.
Kite of Famous Mansion on oh Hill
t;iven to the episcopal
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 29. At the fifty
eighth convention of the Episcopal diocese
of California today William H. Crocker,
In behalf of the Crocker heirs, presented
to the church the block on Nob Hill,
bounded by California, Sacramento, Mason
and Jones streets, the site of the old
Crocker mansion, where a splendid cathed
ral Is to be erected.
Itishop Nicholas received the deeds in the
name of the church. A. N. Brown appeared
at the same time and presented a deed
of gift of $T)0,ooo, the first cathedral endow
ment. The plans for the cathedral were received
today fro.ii London.
lateruban Ktrlkra Buns.
I CLINTON, la.. Jan. (8iecUI Tel
I grant.) A northbound tar on the Iowa & j
1 Illinois, inteiurbau struck a buggy occu- i
Great Family
It la a simple aid to Nsturs-floih-ing
more, nothing leu.
General Demand
of the Well-informed of the World hat
always bren for a simple, pleasant and
efficient liquid laxative remedy of known
calue; a laxative which physicians could
sanction for family use because its com
ponent parts are known to them to bo
wholesome and truly beneficial in effect,
acceptable to the system and gentle, yet
prompt, in action.
In supplying that demand with its ex
eellent combination of .Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna, the California Fig Syrup
Co. proceeds along ethical lines and relies
on the merits of the laxative for its remark
able success.
That is one of maiir reasons why
Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is given
the preference by the Well-Iuformed
To get its beneficial effects always buy
the genuino manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale
by all leading druggi Trice fifty cenU
per btt.tla
Mother takes a Cascaret
and baby gets the benefit. It is
easy to supply, in this natural way,
all the laxative a baby needs.
An exclusive milk diet tends to constipation with all of ns.
So does inactivity. . ,
Without exercise, without coarse food and fruit and green
vegetables, aur bowels are never active.
Is it any wonder that a nursing baby, who cannot yet walk,
needs the help of a laxative?
All babies do, as you know.
When baby grows older, bis different foods will do what CascaretJ &t
for the bowels.
When baby can walk and play and be active, exercise will take the plact
of a laxative. '
But, until then, a gentle laxative is almost a constant necessity. All
mothers know that.
It isn't necessary to give the laxative direct to tne Jiaby. It is better if
the mother takes it.
Then the baby gets its laxative as part of its food. And the mother is
helped at the same time.
But use nothing but Cascarets.
They are gentle and natural purely vegetable. No irritation , no harsh
ness, no griping.
Cascarets are candy tablets. They are sold by all druggists, but never
in bulk. Be sure to get the genuine, with C C C on every tablet. Tho price
is 50 cents, 25 cents and
Ten Cents per Box. ' 797
Druggists or Confectioners
Can he provided with eleetric driven apparatus for pro
ducing aerated water charged water and refrigerating
machines for keeping, fountains cold. Both can be
"driven with small motors at a small cost. With such
an installation you are entirely freed from dependence
on the manufacturer and the ice company.
Omaha Electric
Light& Power Co
Tel. Doug. 1062
Y. M. C. A. Building.
cares Aicfney dfisea&es
Th ter from Wtttrr M.d.c.l gprln. Callfentte, will cr th mM abatlnat kldnj trubl.
Btop suffering-1 Ordsr a can from yea dnifglst today.
PONCE Ol LCON . . . Bt. Aujriutln
AlCftZAM. Bt. Amuauna
OMMOND . . Orruond-on-tha-Haliiax
TM SIHtl . . . .Palm Beach
ROYAL POiNCIANA . . .Paim Batch
;ovAt Palm Miami
Thi colonial Nsu
Bahama Jlaad
TK w fail line aloa rlonJa wJ b
is WMraag) M Kaih KT, caaaartiM with
Uramatup4 lor Hanaaa sad Kay Wart, atur
Fof laiaranlias talaav la tKKek, ni
aUM. apao ia ilui.n. aud parlat car,
dauao aa acaaan. Wrua r apolr Id
SO Aaaas St. 843 Fitm Avi
CMicas Miw
Not (ar away from you
yet far enough to give you
complete change of air and
scene and a climate of per
fection. There are strantre build
ings and strange people to
interest Tou there are great
fields or brilliant sweet peas
1 orange blossoms and roars to
delight you sights far differ
ent from those you see from
your window now.
These scenes are reached
union pacific
Booklets telling you all about Call-'
. fornla free on application.
1324 Farnam Ktrwt
l'hone Doug. 1828.
No Matter What You Want
Ree Want Ads Will Get It