u- 11 THE OMAHA DAILY TiEE : T1IITKSDAY. JANUARY CO, 100S. 10 if VXTRA SESSION ON DEPOSITS Real Estate Exchange Wants Got ernor to Convene Legislature. CTRGE STATE BANK GUARANTEE ANrr ffplrlttd Debut Rnolitloi U Adopted Appealing iou ( Call olos Toek at 0ti Ths Omaha Real Estate exchange passed rsolutlons and accepted a report of a inerlal committee, declaring- In favor of tat guarantee of deposits In all banks chartered by the banking board and urged thnt It be brought about at onro by a peclal session of the legislature called for that purpose, after thirty minutes of spirited debate. Wednesday. The secretary of the exchsnKe has been Instructed to forward copies of the resolu tions and the report of the committee to Governor Bheldon In the hope he will call I special session. The resolutions offered by A. T. Tukey two weeks ago and paoscd Wednesday aie ns follows: Whereas. The Omaha Real Kstatn ex change has been found In the front ranks on all vital question, and ever ready to asslsl In snv noxKible way In advancing lh best Intercuts or om.'imi. ann Whereas, The most lmportint qn st on now before the penphi or Ana stale, and the one vital thing necessary to the successful carrying on of the real estate business Is sn absolute guarantee nf every depositor In every financial Institution of the state, of every dollar that he deposits In the same, therefore he It Resolved. That It Is the sense of the Omaha Real F.state exchange that the state ahould guarantee all depositors from snv lorn occasioned Iv the allure of any nf the state banking Institutions, ana t.at this should be brought iiuont ui onco by a special session of the legislature for that runrpoKo. f no other mot hud of sucurlng he result can be found. Personnel of Com mil tee. The romtnltleo to which the resolutions were referred for a report consisted of Mr. Iiikey, John XV. Robbing and XV. T. Gra ham, president of the exchange. Follow ing1 the report of ilw committee, which en dorsed the resolution, but did not call for I special session of the legislature, the llscusslon opened. William II. Orson said ho favored the txchange going on recerd us demanding lonie legislation which would absolutely juarantce the deposits 1 Mate banks, O. O. "Wallace took the other side of the question, saying If state banks needed a guarantee and the people were afraid of them, It was the best argument he know of al present In favor of the postal savings banks. Ho mado a motion to lay the reso lutions on the table, where the postal sav ings bank endorsement rests In peace, and wall, a year to see what will develop. Hut Mr. Wallace lost his motion ami 1J. C. Patterson spoke In favor of the reso lutions, saying he did not want the ex change to wait to see what other states Would do In enacting such laws, but wanted to lie a leader In taking an net ion which he believed to be safe and sound. Tho committee of the exchange which had In charge tho delegation to tho Mis souri Ulver Navigation congress made an extended report "to tho exchange. Chairman 1'. 1). Weml and Chairman K. J. McVanii telling tho members of the work accomplished. jjQ)i QIC DARCAINS IN WOMEN'S SAMPLE .53 'The $2 White Petticoats go at 95c The $2.50 White Petticoats go at i-o j3 We bought from two undermuslin manufacturers all their samDlea of(h white muslin petticoats. These are fine j wide, full cut garments, made withU? - m a! J! fine lace ana emoroiaery insenings and edgings some with dainty ribbon trimming. We have divided them into two big lots at two special bargain prices. Underskirts Posi- J lively Worth up ViV to $2.00, at . . 3 i 9 1 !- Underskirts mrm WTth up fl Is $150 .t U Women's $12 Winter loakSa.32 BUY CAPITOL COAL f IZITI PTMIMTP1 iTTirt IK REMNANTTnURSDAY And 4tti Day Buyers' Sale Bargain extraordinary A Dig Parade of Bargain Tables On Main Alale. Several Thousand Dollars ivorth of remnants will he. n)l at a erent sacrifice. This season's best mater ials; rhnlce plain colored and black dress goods, at a much lower price than OXE 1IAIF their rc(fular value. PRESS GOODS VISSCHER WILL BE TRIED mo Far as I Know f'nnnty Attorney's ttlrr Will Prosecute," Says MitKney. "Ho fur as 1 know tho rnunly attorney's office will prosecute Vlsschcr," said Dcp ' iity County Attorney Maguey Wednesday, discussing tho case of William 1.. Visscher, the Chicago iifwr.pais-r msn who Is under arrest for shooting Putrol Conductor Dillon. "It la probable wlthm a few days we will file an Information against him charging him with shooting with Intent to kill. If Dllon wants to push the charge we will prosecute, the case for him. It Is up to him. Officially I liuve no other Informa tion than that tho churgo will be pushed. 1 have heard outside, however, that Dillon might not prosecute. However, we are ready to do whatever the complaining wit ness wants done in the cane." A New York manufacturer sold us ?,0 cloaks in order to realize cash on them at once. They are all good, up- j j i i- i.f i i i.i i, to aaie winter funis vl tuny iwat; uron broadcloth colored broadcloths, ker seys,cheviots,niixtures,t?hort caraculs, etc., some are satin nnea turougiioui. These coats posi- EL f tivcly worth from ) mmmmm $9 t $12.50 e.chp "V L.r.. V "V omen's Tailored Skirt,' lenRths well made and well tallnreH 2 KnielAln. nt In correct short 1.98-2.98 Women's Silk Petticoats In black and col ors fine quality of silk, worth up to $7.5(1, at New 1IMW Wash Waist linenR very smartly made J.98 In Hnzerlo and 98c-l.50-l.98-2.98 ill Bent fl.50 Black and colored wool Panamas, 64 Inches wide, elegant new browns, navy blues, openhagen shade, etc. Also fine 50 Inch French Sefges, several thousand yards to sell. (Ele gant Kemnants that can be matched up to secure skirt or choice suit lengths) at yard 43 c Best So? all wool plain dress goods fancy or plain styles, Panamas, French Serges, all colors, includ ing black, on sale now, any length you desire All our 50c plain dress goods, fancy or plain colors, as well as little fancy weaves, pure wool, elegant Albatross in all colors. pink, light blue, red or black, all at the remnant price, per .yard !Sc DOMESTIC REMNANTS Outing Flannels, Flannelettes, Sllkolines, Cre tonnes, Ureas (ilnghums and Linens, etc., CXf worth up to 35c, per yard 60 per cent Discount on all White Wool Blankets, prices from 3.00 to $a5.on. Think of it, One Half Off their regular prices. All of our $1.50 and $1.39 heavy Cotton OOr Ulankets, at Allour $1.25 Blankets, ' 70C FANCY SILKS Odds and Ends Taf fetas or Jap Silks, ( Klmona styles ) Hough Silks, 1 n browns, etc. 44 Inch Grenadines in black qit with white hair X.19c 151 WOMEN'S WEAR, Second Floor ALL FLANNELETTE WRAPPERS, GOWNS, DRESSING SACQUES, AND FLANNELETTE KIMONAS, REMNANT THURSDAY AT ONE-THIRD OFF Fine French Val and Torchon Laces Also Cluny and Crochet effects a new shipment all new designs "Z in two lots, at, yard -r2C-'C MEN'S CLOTHING Men's Trousers of worsted and cheviot materials, in utripcs and plain greys; regular $3.50, $2.50 and $1.50 grades, reduced to .$1.95 $1.45 and 95c Boys', Knee Trousers that, sell for 50c, reduced to . .33c Boys' Knee Trousers that sell for $1.00 and $1.25 at48c Boys' Corduroy Suits, sizes 9 to 14 vears, worth $3.50 re duced to- ...... . ,v;;$1.75 35c Embroideries 18c yard 13 and 8-inch fine Nainsook and Cambric, embroidered flouncing, also corset cover width with beaded edge. Wide insertions and galloon beading, worth up to 35c, at ...Iwv BIG BARGAINS in Now Girls Here's a Treat IB OOK Ono of comfort, a troat you'll surely enjoy. For many yoars we have enjoyed the reputation as Bhoers to men, woman and children and this year we have gone bo- yond this and are striving to fur ther enhance our reputation as Bhoers to young ladies. For the grown up girls we carry a line of shoes that are ultra. Many of the high school girls are wearing them. They are made of plump kid stock on foot form lasts, med ium heel and toe and are comfort aud style personified. They out wear any two pairs of shoes at the price r. JJet o( sizes are complete. During the wind-up of our Clearance Sale fit Gilt Top Cloth Bound W Editions of the world's famous books, mad to sell These books aro wonderful values they are strongly J Jy Knnml nnA ntf rnpl ! vpIv in rlnrU- ciriA onlnrfid flofh with rnlt. TL W tops and make splendid library editions. Webster's uOTd Dictionary ' Full Leather Binding A large Just think of all this for J; 8 volume 4 inches thick, size SV'jxlOii 5 inches, weighs 5V2 ixunds, contains k 1 . " ! Wi 1.3G3 pages j& A few years ago people paid $10.00 for the matter that's i in this book. Drexel Shoe Co. 1111 Ftraan St. fkv 4rik ydorf-A(toiiallot(f BAVSON'S SCOTCH 6 COMBER IRISH WHISKIES II AHMti Dt WlJarf linporlatMm Csmpwry f OCHBCAOO i WESTERN l RAILWAY THE RIGHT ROAD1 I To ST. PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS Two sumptuously equipped train daily, making f&ft time. Fin oft Duing Cr Service. Get a "Guide to St Paul,1 a comprehensive lift of atradtive places to see in the Saintly City, free for the atlung. 1 1V D UNION DEPOT IV. G. DAVIDSON. Hit firms Strut, OMAHA FRESH FISH SPECIALS For the Week: 1 ,000 pounds of sliced Baby Hal ibut, per pound 12V.C Fresh c a" u g h t Pickerel, per lb. 8Kc Fresh caught Herring, per lb. 5c Georgia Codfish, middles, per lb. 15c And 5 0. T.St'ps BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY H(Jqnartr rrcsh BoastaA Tin Drinking- Oofraes. $1.00 35c StsmipH. ln-tini li's Hi'Ht "of fee, 3 1I)K.. And 100 i. T. linnni'tfa Bist Coffer-, pound. And H0 U. T. Teas: B. K. Japan, Oo- Ioiir, tlunpowder, EriK llfth BreakfaBt, Ceylon and Ahbhiii, fifi pound WOV And 60 O. T. Stampn. Pride of Bennett's Flour, lir.: 51-50 And 60 O. T. Stamps. Thirty Green Trading; Sta.mti with aaoh $1.00 worth of Granulated Sufar. Bonut'tt'H Capitol Baking l'owdor, per Up pound And 30 O. T. Stampn. Woodrock Macaroni, ex tra, per fCp package v And 10 O. T. Stamp. CHEESE CHEESE New York Full 99l Cream Cheese, lb...""1' And 20 G. T. Stamps. Bwlns Cheeae. very 95 fancy, pound v And 20 G. T. titampa. Swanndown Shredded Codflah, three e parkafcea 4V And JO O. T. Stamps. Diamond 8 Oyster OC Cocktail, bottle And :0 O. T. Stamps. 25C m Bennett's Capitol Minoe meat, three 95r parkaRes for And 10 O. T. Stamps. Jell'O, assorted, 9C 3 pkRs. for A" Ami 10 . T. Stamps. Oatmeal Crackers, Am package for IvL And 10 (. T. Stamps. Bennett s uarpaln Soap, nine burs. Jar for. . . 35c I Aisl 20 O. T. Stamps. Jelly, pure fruit at per 1Ar Klaus wv And 5 O. T. Corn, Red Clover, can Petit Pols Bennett's Capitol, can Tomatoes, Best We Have, can. , , , Tomatoea, Ad- vona, can Bennett's Candles Grocery Section. Chocolate Creams, i9p Fresh made PIE EPECIAI. On Thursday we place on tale 160 fresh made Black Raspberry Pies. These are made for us by Mrs. 1.. B. DouKlau, a first class caterer, long as supply last, Q Stamps. 6c 11c 10c 9c Greatest Clearance Bargains Ever Children's Suits and Overcoats Worth to $6.00 at $1.95 and $2.95 lit TM RKLIAtLS TRI Men's and ladies' 53. CO and $4.00 Shoes, Odd Lots at $195 Women's Coats, Skirts and Suits Less Than Half Actual Value Thursday Clean Up the Big Man. ufacturers Stock Purchase. 200 STYLISH COATS, Tj2 inches long, . in splendid assortment of fancy mixed fabrics, very newest styles, many in the lot worth to $12.50 choice in Thursday's Qr sale while they lat at. . $15.00 AND $18.00 COATS, CHOICE $5.95 100 garments to select from, made of all wool kerseys, satin lined, blacks only, greatest bargains ever offered in Omaha (J $20.00 TAILOR SUITS AT $7.95 Made of handsome all wool cheviots, plain colors or fancy mixtures in IVince Chap style, actual values to $20.00, choice Thurs- tjy QC day, at 4 HANDSOME DRESS AND WALK ING SKIRTS, worth to $10.00, choice $2.95 and $3.95 Voile, panamas, fine suitings, etc., tf n QC pleated or gored styles, delightful bargains at $.10o. .4)mSJ $50.00 XXXX Near Seal Coats Skinner satin lined, nn just ten in the lot, Thursday JJJ $6.00 SILK UNDERSKIRTS, at $3.95. $5.00 and $6.00 SILK OR NET WAISTS, at $2.95 From 8 till 9 A. M. 75c Dressing Sacques, ..39c From 8:30 till 9:30 A. M. $1 .50 and $2.00 Wool Shoulder Shawls at 69c From 9 till 11 A. M. $2 Moire Un derskirts. .79c 7 ."If KKIKT KliOl.'MlXfJS 39c 200 pieces of very fine Skirt Floundngs. Suitable also for walstingB, worth regularly to 75c and 85c. at one prim Thursday 39 15c KMBKOIDKKIKS, YARD 5c A , Go KMBKOIDEKIKS. YARD 2H" A fine line of Cambric Embroideries and Insertings, worth regularly 10c and 15c yard, all go at yard . -5 big lot of Embroideries and Insert logs In odd lengths, worth regularly 5c to 7MiC yard, rousing bargains, at per yard 2H In Our Famous Domestic Room FROM 10:00 TO 12:00 A. M 50 pieces of nice grey spring Fancies, 4 6 inch, 50 Inch and 54 inch wide, up-to-date for spring tailor and Btreet suits, one pattern to a custom- or, at a yard 67 H FROM 2:M TO 1:00 1 M. 1 case of French Plaids, guaranteed to be ab solutely silk and wool for waists and children's school dresses, regular $1.00, grade, 10 yards limit, at per 43 FROM 0:00 TO 10:00 A. M 1 case of genuine Anioskcag Apron Checks, regular price TMic yard, blue or brown, not over 10 yards to a cus tomer, at yard 50 FROM 11:00 TO 11:30 A. M. 1 case of HucK Towels, regular price 12 V4c 30 minutes only, 4 pairs limit, at each Q These Towels are extra large. FROM 1 : 80 TO 3: SO V. M.l caw of fine bleached, yard wide, Muslin, 8V4c grade, 12 Tarda limit, at per yard -. .,4 FROM 3:00 TO 4:00 P. M. 1 caee of 12c Flannelettes, neat and nice de signs, extra hpavy cloth, not over 13 yards to a customer, at yard . . , -5J FOR ALIj DAYAmoskeag Outing Flannels, yard 7 19c English Long Cloth, yard 10 15c India Linen, yard ....... 8? FEBRUARY STYLE BOOK FREE Simmftf and Gee At this season of the year when the ground and street car platforms are apt to be covered with snow,pr ice, especial care should be taken by passengers in getting on and off cars. REMEMBER Wait Until the Car Stops ! Get Off In the RIGHT Wayl Assist Us in Preventing Accidents. . OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY Bee Want Ads Produce Results DR. DRADBURY, Dentist, '.U'E..,.. 1506 FARNAM ST., OMAHA. Phon Douglas 1756 We make a specialty of metal and roofing pUUea. Painless work la all operations. Open vcoiags till 8 o'tlutk. Extracting 25 Porcelain Fills.. $1 up Crowns .... $2.60 up Bridge Work.S2.80 up Plate (UCi.OO Ml 17c SHEET MUSIC 10c Somebody Loves You, Dear New By llawley This song is the latest and greatest high class song that has ever been published. Four keys published. B FLAT (Bas.) C e,e ) D i"?0 ) A FLAT (nor" ) 'There's Another Picture in My Mamma's Frame'' Harris' child song for 1908. 'Somewhere" Harris' hit. 'Yesterday" companion to "Somewhere." 'Sly Cupid" best set of waltzes -ever published. 'I Know Dat I'll Be Happy 'Till I Die" latest coon song. 'Drifting Leaves" reverie for piano, composer of "Star of tha Sea." "Merry Widow" piano selections, 12c; by mail, 15c. "Merry Widow Dance Album" every number complete, regular price $1.00, special 18c; by mail 23c. Contains entire valse " Merry Widow." Specials in Gas Burners for Thursday Queen Inverted Gas Lights Welsbach Burners, complete 60J I Welsbach Burners, complete. .. .256 o.a "olir Ia" t0 come In and look over our OuC I Oa Light. By Buying Ypur Groceries at Hay den's It Means a Saving to You From 25 Per Cent to 50 Per Cent, Fancy Creamery Butter, prr pound. ... ttt rancy Dairy Cooking Butter, per lb. SOd mS VEGETABLES A ITS TmWTZTU TOM WlOVEMAt 2 heads Freah Hothouse Lettuce for So i hunches freeh Hothouse Radishes So Fresh Khalot Onions, per bunch bo rtsh Carrots, pur hunch ...ho Fresh Turnips, per hunch fcq 1 bunches fresh Parsley for 6u Hothouse lettuce, per head 7V4a Hrussell Sprouts, per pound ,..J5 Fancy Wax or Oreen Beans, per pound 16a hancy (ireen Peppers for stuffing, 10a tuncy Cauliflower, per head 12'-40 2 heads fresh Celery for It The best Holland Seed Cabbage, lb. la Rutabagas, beets. Turnips, Carrots .r Onions, per pound 2d Fancy Rice Popcorn, 3 pounds for 10o Fancy Cooking Figs, per pound 8W Fancy Imported 7 Crown Figs, per lb. 16a Fancy Large 800 size Lemons, dozen 12(1 Fancy Malaga Grapes, per pound 120 THE T1MOQI HIQHLAID MiTEL OBAKOII 160 size, per dozen , ..JS 17 size, per doxeit iOi 200 size, per dozen 1740 25rt size, per dozen IRo 1'8 8 size, per dozen 10a Tho sweetest Orange that grows. 21 pounds best Pure Cane Granulated Sugar for $1.00 48 pound sack best Fancy High Patent Flour for $1.36 10 pound sack best granulated White or Yellow Cornmeal for 15c f pounds choice Japun Rice for 26c 6 pounds best hand picked Navy Deans, for 2!ic The best Soda or Oyster Crackers, lb. 6e The best crisp Pretzels, or Michigan Rut- ter Crackers, per pound 6o The best crisp Flukey Cracknels, lb. 12e Fancy Sweet Cookies, regular 12 4c and 1C goods, per pound lUc 011 or Mustard Sardines, per can ...,3Hc Egg-O-See. Malta Vita. Corn Flakes, or hr. Price's breakfast Food, package CVfcc 2 pound can fancy Wax, btrlng or Lima Beans for 7Hc 2 pound can Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn 6c 3 pound can Hominy, Pumpkin, Squash, Saner Kraut or fluked Reans for 7 So Fancy California Prunes,, per pound ..5c Fancy Cullfornia peaches, per pound 124c Fancy California Muscatel Raisins, lb. 8c Faiicv Cleaned Currants, per lb c The best Lemon, Orange or Citron Peel, per pound 15c The best Seeded Raisins, package ..7Hc BUTTER AMD EOO BAXB THURSDAY The best No. 1 Fresh Country F.ggs per dozen ''nc Fancy No. 1 Butter, per pound 2Jf W' HAYDENS' U NOT A GOLDEN OUT A. SILVER OPPORTUNITY 23 PER CENT DISCOUNT Next 30 Days on all SILV ERWARE PLATED OR REPAIRED. OMAHA SILVER COMPANY 314 SOUTH 13th STREET. Between Farnam and Harney.