Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1908, Page 8, Image 8
THE OMAHA DAILY REEs WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2!, lK)f. Want - ads llmllMnriH for tkw want ad releaia wll takea 111 IX a, far tke lnc edltloa aad aatll a. aa. far Ike snaralas; Saadia- editions. Cask Mast aceamaaar all orders far waat ads aa4 u KKrrllHnMl will ha accepted far leas tkaa 10 reals for tke flrat lasertlea. Rates apply ta eltkrr Tka Dally ar Sender Bee. Always ratal aim ward ta a Ilae. Ceasblaatleae of Initials ar a embers aaat aa oaa ward. cam? n ate ii ron waut ads. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION Oaa faeerttoa, par Ilae, 10 Praia. Two or Mora ronseeatlTe Insertions, aer liar, reals. Hack lasertloa ma da oa odd days, ! eeats aer liar. -T1.60 i liar prr moatk. SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION If roar advertisement la Inserted aadrr f oaa of tka elanslf Icatlons slrca below, It will ke ckargjed at tka fol lowlm rates I Oaa Insertion, 4 arala prr liar, tkrre to six eaaeeeatlTO la arrtlnns, 3 eaata prr Ilaa rack laser tloa arvra or aaore eaasccatlea laser tloaa, J rrata par Una rack laaertlaai CO cents par Ilaa per moatk. BARTER ANDvGICUAKOE. BlSIIFi C1IAXCES. HELP WASTED FEMALE. HELP WANTED MALE. Except Agents, olloltora aad Salsa, nan. OFFKRED FOR SALE, tuna, Birds, Dos a aad Pets. Haraca aad Veblelee. I'oaltry aad Esaa. Furaltare, Typewriters aad Sewlaa; Macklnes. Plauos, Oria aad Maslcal lnstrn. mtali. OFFERED FOR RENT. Faralakrd Rooms. Uafaralsaed Rooaaa. Hoaaekreplaa; ratal. Boarrlna aad Rooms. WAX TED TO BUY. Waal ada far tka Bre may be left i t aay of tka following draaj alotn aaa la "roar eorarr Urnavtilst" they ara all kraaca officea of Tka Bee hi' .year ad will ko Inarrtad laat aa proaaptljr aad oa tkc eaaaw rates aa at tka mala offlco la Tka Baa Batldloajt, kereateeatk aad Faraaaa Streets. A I bach, W. C, 40th and Farnam. Beranek, B. A.. 11 8. loth St. Eacht Pharmacy. J20 8. 16th Bt. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Bemls Pare Pharmacy, 83d and Cuming. Blake's Pharmacy, 281 Sherman Ara. Caughlln. C. R.. 6th and Pierce fits. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 2218 MlUtury Ave. Conte, J. U.. list Ave. and Farnam. Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lak bta. Or male, Einil, 1204-6 8. Utn St. K'uinian Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. Khirr, F. H 2t Leavenworth. Foster d Arnold), 13 N. 25th 8L Freytag, John J., 1914 N. 24th. Florence Drug Co., Florence. Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake. Qreer.'a Pnarmacy, comer Park Ave. ana Pacific. Gr.enouttl-.. ii. A.. 1026 B. 10th Bt. Jreenou.h, a. A., VKH 8. 10th St. Hay den. vm. C, 220 Farnam St. Hanscom lark Pharmacy, liol 8. 29tb Ave. Hoist, ,iohi., U24 N. ldth Et llulT. A J,.. Is 34 Leavenworth St. Kino;, IT. S.. 1238 Farnam Bt. Kountxe Place Pharmacv. 8W4 N. 24th, Patrick Drug Co., 1824 N. 24th St. Lathrop. Charlaa E.. 1?24 N. 24th St. Peyton, L. E., 24th and Leavenworth. Faratntra Drug Co.. 24tlt and Amea Avr. Schnefer'a Cut Price Drue; Co.. ltith aad Chicago. pVhaefer.'Auguat. 2081 N. lth St. Hchmldt, J. IT., 24th and Cuming Sts. Btorm Pharmacy. 16th and Martha Sta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 4flt1i Hud Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace. Worth. O. II., 40th and Hamilton Sts. DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES. CORN KKR Baby, January 28 at 1 p. tn. ft', residence of 3 A. Corncer, 1029 South Twenty-fourth atreet. Funeral private Ironi Jackaon'i undertak ing roonia Wednesday at 1 p. m. Inter ment Sprlngwell cemetery. KT.'HL Hi nry. January 28, aged 60 year. Funeral Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from hit late reeldence, 717 8. Wh St. In terment Foreal Lawn. Frlenda Invited. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Deailia Mia. Ann Doughton, 1149 North L. venieenth, 73; Mra. Mary Anderaon, St. Joacph'a hospital, Jk; Henry Kerns, Atlan tic, la.. 8. niniiB-i ninp nora, ivi nuutii rixiernin, boy. 11. F. Sninrock, 2415 Hamilton, girl; A. J. Koob, 3724 North Twenty-eighth, boy; E. C. Conley 23 Chicago, girl; C. V. Rogers. f22 North Fifteenth, ooy; Martin Sorensen, 2t'14 Mandnrson, hoy; George Vanderpool, 1525 North Nineteenth, boy. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following niarrlasc llcenaes have been Issued: Name and Address. Age Trier Roaholin. Houth Omaha U Katherlne Jensen, Omaha 20 Benjamin Munaon, Cliton-go, III an Alvlna L. Llndquist, Omaha . 2u ANNOUNCEMENTS TELEGUAPI1Y The telegraph department of the Omaha Commercial college, jxth acd frnam Hta haa rx-vn made the oiliolnl school oi tele graphy of the I.-. P. K. K. Co. Siudenta wuaranteod positions on V. P. H. R. Vrlla ua at once. Addreaa Hohrbouglt Bros Omaha, Nell. . - lj MIkJ Feb 1' THE CITY GARBAGE CO., offlca 4th and Lcavenwonb bia. Tat. Douglaa I37. m - - i aC2 SIGN FAIMTINO--B. H. COLE, 1302 Doug laa. a ZjZ AUTOMOBILES BEND for our Hat of aecond-haad automo bllea. UER1GHT. MM Farnain. 2-ki 1W7 Reo touring car. Payne Inveatment t ompany, Qpiaha. t2) M2i2 31 A LIVE ONE. Have a good mining atock to trade. What liave youT L tiM. car Bee. iJ) Ititi EXCHANGE Halt auction flna land, soulheaat North Dakota; good buildings; 'M acrea plowed: want general merchau dlse or lmplomenta. Lock Box 124, Ful lerton. N. D. u M131 2x TO TRADE Modern 8-room house. Chi cago, well located, for Omaha property. Addreaa N tin Bee. (3) ill 2x FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Paying weekly newspaper and Job printing Office In county seat town of 16,000. Addreaa Y-214, cara Bee. tl) MSTf 30x POOO CAMERA, 4x6. What have you to offer in exchange. Camera coat $26. Plate holder, tripod, etc.. goea with It. H. E. Urtffltha. 417 N. 26th St., Omaha. 13 M67S x JTOU BALE OR TRADE Homea, fruit farms and timber lauda In Oaark region of sunny Arkanaaa. For information write H. O. Sanford, Fayeltevllle, Ark., r. O. Box 356. t$ M12t 20X NEW tip-to-data so-bnl. mill for cheap Uud. tiool trade. Good shipping facll It lea. with aide track. Owner .not a nillie.-. For particulars addresa Y-73, care Omaha Lto. ) Milss Kit I HAVE several small diamonda. good white atonea, will trade for office fur niture or aometlilng I ran use, must have Borne rash. K 916 care Bee. (3I-M634 Fl FOR SALE or trade 3 well Improved small farms near Council bluffs, til Bee Bldg. (3) 10 2sx W ANTED.. TO E XCH ANQ K A fino farm in Barton county, Missouri for a fxxl iiutcl. Addresa 1-ci k U: x 4, Moutrlv. Mo BARTER OR EXCHANGE (Continued.) FOR K.XCHANOR IS acr welt Improved property In IMaltnmoiith, Nh., for Omaha property. Addrcaa 216 N. 22d St.. Omaha, (l)-MJ 1 TRACKS. TRADES If you have somothlnft for pain or trnde write n; we match evrrvthlng. Walt Investment Co.. Wl Hee building -M22j F24 EAST Texaa fruit farm", lovely climate, pli-nty of water, fortunes raHy made raising fruit and vegetables. Addrens N 907 Mce. (J) M15 29x BUSINESS CHANCES A SNAP My stock of drugs, sundries, palnta and wall paper, etc., for sale; will give a liberal discount If taken In next .10 days; bvet of reasons for Belling; average cash sales 140 per day. Address V. 11. McWIlliama, Charter Oak, la. (U M345 Ix FOR SALE Dairy, alfalfa, truck or celery farm 140 acrea. Improved, cloeo to city of 10,000. Price, to.ouu. This Is a SNAP. GRAHAM & NEAL, Kearney, Vb. t4)-M991 28 FOR SALE The Gilt Edge creamery, great bargain if sold at once. R. R. Itoyer, North Platte, Neb. (4) M!3 20x INDUSTRIAL AND MINING STOCKS BOUUHT AND POTJX ROBT. C. DRU E8KPOW St CO.. STOCK BROKERS, Tel. Douglaa 3M5. 09 N. Y. Life Bldg. OMAHA. NEB. (4) MSP3 F2 FOR 8ALE--Flne modern reataurant. good city business, clearing over $.W per month. City Room Rental Co., 642 Hee Bldg. Tel. Rod 304.1. (4 876 E. Q. 11ANSE8TAD can help you get In or out of buslnesa. Room 403 Bee Bldg., Omaha. W-SM CLEAN. modern, active, well-located hardware st(V for sale or exchange for part good farm 'land, tools and stock, hRrance cash. Deal direct; no commission. Address Y-213. care Rec. (4) M577 ax MILLINERY FOR SALE Splendid loca tion, southwestern Iowa; good, prosperous town; full Information on request. Ad dress Y 198. care Bee. (4) M120 29x BARBER ahop for sale, only shop In town' of iXm population: living rooms In con nection; rlieap rent; household goods and shop for $J0. Addroaii The Berber. Port land. t:olo. 4. M146 29x ET.ACK9MITH shop. with or without Hock an:l tools. House, four lots. I have taken homestead. H. O. Madison, Worthing, S. I). (4) M913 Feb.3 -x FOR SALE 9-room rooming house; strictly modern; full of roomers, close in. No agents wanted. Call Red 6260. 14) 235 31 x Do You Wish to Make a Change IF YOU have a farm, home, business or property that you wish to sell or ex change, write us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO.r OMAHA. NEB. (4) M17D F23 TO BUY or sell a business qulcx. writa Hlldreth, 439 Brandeis Bldg., Omuha. (4) MSti9 FOR SALE restaurant and lunch counter; cheap if taken at once. Address I Box 30, Worthing. f. D. (4)-214 Fblx WANTED A buyer for a blacksmith shop. County scat; good locution. $4,0iK. Write at once for particulars. Box 3, Wlnne waukan, N. D. 4 M401 1 FOR SALE Machine shop, Iron works: machinery mostly new. L. A. Tlnnes. Bird Island. Minn. 4) M3M lx WB have for sale some first-class stoclts of merchandise, all doing good business. Located In Iowa and" Nebraska. !n first class towns. New, up-to-date stocks, which can be bought reasonable. Write for information. Globe Land and Invest ment Co., 30t So. lMh St., Omaha, Neb. - (4) m-S51-Fe.b 3. ALL kinds ' of bargains .In rooming houses; caul, loaned if needed. Kelly & Stone. 220 Neville Blk. Tel. uoug. 44. (4) M5 FeblS FOR SALE Nebraska drug stock and fix tures. Proprietor must give his attention tn other business. Good business. Snap If taken at once. No trades. Address, Y-211. care Bee. - (4j M176 30x FOR BALE A good house and dray line in town of 800 inhabitants; only dray in town. Good business. Address Peter Wines. Jeffers, Minn. (4) M132 29x FOR SALE Furnished hotel. 21 rooms, good business, ban., garden, fruit. Harri son House, Meudow Grove, Neb. U M587 F15 DOCTOR WANTED A first class cas taker can buy a half Interest In the best equipped, best advertised and beat paving specialist's office in the west; on your own terms. Only first class man need an ply. Address Dr. Mack, General delivery Wichita. Kan. (4) MU9 29x PARTY wltii 64.000 or 65.000 can make 26 per cent on his money, no time required no rlak. Address O 806, care of Bee (D-MWI6 DRUO STORES for sale everywhere F V Knlest. 707 N. Y. Life. Omaha. (4) M90 FOR SALE Half Interest in a thriving hardware, harness and Implement busi ness In a small town to a good, hustling implement man; will not take much capi tal to swing: I want th man more thnn money. Address Y 72. care Omaha Bee. 4)iM5C2 29 FOR SALE 6760 Matthews sodn fountain for SlfSO; in good working order. Morning side, Pharmacy, Sioux City, la. l4)-MI30 25x FOR SALE Flno 3-story brick hotel: 5") roums. steam heat, electricity anil ga; flue location In very best town in Ne braska: excellent proposition either fir business or as an Investment; would ecu. Hlclcr sonic Oiuuhu piopcrtv In trad 411 Bee Building. i4)-Mi17 Kcb.4x IF YOl" have BOH or nioro or equal io trade and want to invest in onl safe enterprise good any place In union In M"reo43 Bee Bids, (4I-MS1 31x WANTED To Increase established busi ness money for preferred slock. Safe, re liabl"; 7 per cent guaranteed, perhaps more. Nothing less tliHn 6fi(i0 desired Can ue 6K.UU0. Profits laat vear over . . Addreaa Security, 640 Elllcott Square, Buffalo. N. Y. (41 M8 29x BUSINESS DIRECTORY IN NEBRASKA or IOWA.-Sam Hoff, Omaha. (5 M-7o&-Feb. Ux Creauarlaa, DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO.. aucceaaor to . Beatrice Creamery Co.. Omaha. t6 2S9 f Cklropodlat. DR. ROY, R. 2, 1- Farnam St. Doug. 6197. to;-271 Carpet Claaalaar. A. K. JETT, carpet cleaning. Tel. D. 4096. (6) M10T Feb7x Ckattcl Laaaa. ' Cbaa. D. Etanton Loan Co., 601 Bee Bldg. t5-ir0 Dealtsta. BAILEY kLACH, 3d fir.. Pax ton. D. 1085. (6-27J Droaaaaaktaa;. " IN PAKILIE8 Mlaa (Sturdy. TeL Harnev 13U. (6) Til ' M' DO WELL Dreaamaking School. I&i3 Far nm Be t6 a; EXPERIENCED dressmaker, aewing by day In famillea: good work guaranteed. Call evenlnga. Webster 19. (6H-M763 FlRx riarlata. HEB9 8WOBODA. 141a Farnam. (5V-271 U HENDERSON, 119 Farnam. TaL D. 1263. (61-277 4. H. BATH. It3 Harney. TL Doug. MOO. t Jeweler aad Hatrkiukin. N. P. STILMXO Wetch. clock. Jewelry repairing. 2-3 Paxton Blk. Tci. Itil. f For "Melp wanted" ads The E&EE has no equal ll-'wji ,jj"yi,iBg 'I .-I BUSINESS DIRECTORY (Continued.) Holrla. TUB BCHXITZ, European, 18th and Harney (5) 276 Loeksmltka. KEYS, etc.. Heflln". 1324 Farnam. Tol. D. 2971 (by 280 llaalo aad LaatstfM. PI AN 0 lesson. Mrs. Ritchie. Tel. Web. 2291 (5)-2tU MoTlaar aad Storage. Expressmen's Ielivery Co., office, 2'4 No. lfilh St., warehouse, 2207-9 Iaard B.. (6)-3 Offlco Sappllra. FILING cabinets, file and ledger, loose leaf devices and office fixtures and sup plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co., 306 S. 18th St. Tel. Doug. 6562. Ind. A15S2. (5) M-T97 Febli Oateepetkr. Dr. Bowser, over 1502 Far'm. Tel. Doug. 6370. (6)-471 Feba JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1664. (6)-2M Pkotwgrapaa. C. B. TRU83ELL, 115 South 16th St. ) 2S6 Shoo Ropalrlaaj. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.. flrst-claaa work. 361S',4 Capitol Ave. 'Phono Red 994, (6)-281 SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co., 1804 Farnam St., Tel. D. 7667. (6-282 Prlatlaa;. BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order don't fall to aee our elegant Imported line. Lyngstad & Jorve. printers, 16th r.nd Capitol Ave. (5) 286 EVER STOP TO THINK of the time lost poking up the averago printer Vhen you want a Job in a hurry? Ever try us? ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO., Printers and Office Furnishers, 306-312 South ISth St. 'Phones: Bell, Douglas 5662; Ind. A1M2. (5) M592 F27 SafcB, Shatters, Ete. OMAITA Safe and Iron Works makes a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and aafea. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 8. loth St. (fi)-287 HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. WANTED Stenographer, graduate, two or more years city experience; must have a good English education, test in; Quick, neat and exact in work; refe.encea; not over 20 years old; make wrhlen ap tplication. F. V. Knlest, 707 N. Y. Lite, Omaha, Neb. (7) M22 29 lloaaekerpera aad Domestics. WOMEN'S DOMESTIC GUILD, 1902 Farnam St. Upstairs maid 65. Child's nurse 35. Housemaid 35. Girl for general housework, 2 In family 60. CookB and girls for general housework 66 to 17. (7) M398 29 WANTED At the Markle Hotel, Bea trice, Neb: 2 dining room girls- 1 chambermaid; 1 lady cook, A No. 1 Five dollars per week, board and rojm. None but good, willing work ers wanted. A. F. Swart, prop, Bea trice, Neb. . (7) M5S1 29x Housekeeper, ranch: general house girls 64 to 37. Canadian Office, 16th and Dodge' (7) M740 WANTED Good reliable woman for gen eral housework; one who is fond of chil dren. vCall 1024 N. 32d St. ' (7) M170 30x WANTED Girl for housework, good wages. Mrr. W.' W. Bingham, 3328 So. 24th Bt. (7) M9U6 GIRL for general housework. 26th St. 1512 North (7) 182 3i) EXPERIENCED girl for general house work, three in family; references re quired. 2711Poppleton Ave. (7) M235' U!.RL or Fnral houaework. 3012 Mason St. Tel. Harney 2904. (71234 31 V ANTED Chambermaid that can wait on table; wages 618. The Arlington. Sheldon, (7)-M100 i GIRL for general housework. 1304 S Tel. If. 741. (7)-572 2x WANTED A laundress who will assist with second' work; permanent position. Phone Harney 77j. 500 Bo. .IKth St. (7K-695 30 WANTED At the Emergency hospital a good cook, a woman to do laundry work a man or woman to do general scrub work. Apply Board of Health or Tele phono Doiigl iB 601. (7) M584 30 MIscrllaneoaB. WANTBIV-Several young women, about 18 years old. who have had experience aa fialealadles in notions and art needlework departments. Apply Superintendent. J K Brandeis & Sons. (7 6!r; 30 WANTED-Teaehers, immediately for rural, village and city schools. Salary 3M Hnd tip. Addresa with stamp. Sunt H. B. Callln, Faulkton, S. D. (7) M627 4x .P?1? r-ing to advertisers, reniember It. takes but an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad in The Bee. HELP WANTEDMALE Agcnta, Solicitors aad Salesmen. GOOD propoaitlon for live canvasser. 1212 Harney. (9) M588 Feb27 SPECIALTY salesmen: Are yon looking tor a live proposition? If so, we have it. Goods sold to merchants only, no sleep era need apply. We are taking the rext cure ourselves. Address K 904. care Bee. ) 36J 2K NOTICE TO PORTRAIT AGENTS If you want good saliafaotion and prompt snip menta, let the Inman Portrait Co. do your work. 416 New Era Bldg.. Chicago. 9 .V1128 Feb--; WANTED Experienced salesman of good appearance in our wash goods depart ment. Young man preferred. Apply Su perintendent, J. L. Brandeia & Sons. '9 6lti 30 SALESMAN wanted to carry our line of allow i-aaes, wood window uidptay, ii turea, etc.; apmething new ana good sell ers. Liberal commissions tn r. li ilil.. mr. ties. W'olutnbus Furniture St Fist urn Co. ' Culunibua, Georgia.' (9 Mu2ii 29 ' 33.(0 PER WEEK and traveling expenses ! "3 icumiHC liuut IU lteKlllen IO visit dealers; experience uunet-asary. Purity Co., Chicago. !u -Altjll 3X Clerical and Office. BEH OUR line of 1-ooi.e Leaf Ledgaia. Binders and labor sevlnjr accounting forms. Imperial Iras Iesf ledger Co.. 311-312 Ramge Bldg. Tel. Douglas 14M. t)-M77 POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Knitat. 707 N. Y. Life, Omaha. 9-I6s Office clerk and typewriter. 340. 34$. Crack.-r Bailsmen. 3v, II 'Hi. Manager, general merchandlae atcire.' IKK WESTERN KEK. & BOND AM N., INC. ;21-723 New York Life Bldg. (9)-)4 23 HELP WANTED MALE (Continued.) Factory aad Trades. I WANT a good, aober, honest man, who haa had experience In moving brick and frame buildings; good, wages and steady work. I A. Murphy, 1101 S. Main Ave., Sioux Falls, B. D. (9) MtMH. F17 WANTED A man who can do ordinary flumblng, tlnwork and harness repairing; want a good reliable man, who can wait on trade and look after business In my absence; will pay good salary. Ad diess Y 71, cara Omaha Bee. (9)-M561 29 WANTED Men to learn barber trade; will equip shop for you or furnish positions; few weeks completes: constant practice; careful Instructions; toola given; Saturday wages; diplomas granted. Write for cata logue, Moler Barber College, 110 8. 14th St. (9 M 199 H0x WANTED A practical printer with small capital to take care of a good Job and newspaper office In good town in Iown, publishing two papers. Write for par ticulars. Address L 906, care Bee. (9j M3 WANTED First class panta maker; no booxer need apply; will pay first bill to right man. 415 W. B'way, C. Bluffs. (9 M439 Fix WANTED Five first-class plasterers, Fort Russell, Cheyenne, Wyo., 65.60, eight hours, long Job. Atkinson Brothers, con tractors. (9) M585 1 WANTED First-class horseshoer and gen eral blacksmith; only non-drinking man wanted; wagea 63 to 13.60 per day; also man to groom horses and general barn work. Frank lama, St. Paul, Neb. ()-M5tM 31 WANTED Tailor on salary, or partner; good business. A Madmuson, Downs, Kansas. , (9) M619 i9 ENGRAVER with some experience on wobd and metal printing plates. Addresa G 918, Bee. (9) M620 31 M lacellaaooaa. YOUNG MEN, QUICK! Grasp this opportunity! Learn to be a structural draftsman and earn more pay. You can do It evenings. The cost of tuition will be raised 310 on the term beginning the 1st of February. If you wish to take ad vantage of the low rate prevailing now, you should enroll tonight. THE FIRST TWO YOUNG MEN WHO ENROLL TO NIGHT WILL BE GIVEN ONE MONTH'S INSTRUCTION FREE OK CHARGE. Clerks, stenographers, bricklayers, car penters and tradesmen of all kinds better their conditions In life by learning how to draw plans. Get out of a rut! Do some thing In which you will find an Interest every minute of your life. Open from 7:30 to 9:t0 p. m. this week. OMAHA TECHNICAL SCHOOL "OMATEK." Room 3, Wead Block. 18th and Farnam. (91603 Feb.l WE GUARANTEE YOU A TELEGRAPHY JOB on the Union Pacific R. R. If you learn Telegraphy at our school, and also a place to work for your board while attending. Union Pacific train dispatcher's wire and station blanks Installed in the school for practice purposes. Write for full informa tion yUICK. Boylea Telegraphy College, 1S03 Harney St., Omaha, Neb. Official training school V. P. R. R. (9) 24 U. S. NAVY wants young men between ages 17 and 25; men with special trades acepted up to 35 years. Good opportun ities for promotion for efficient men. Fay 316 to 370 per month, practically cloar of living expenses. Free Illustrated booklet on application. "The Making of a Man-of-Warsman." Visit or address Navy Recruiting Station. Omaha, Neb. ' (9) Mtoa Feb 3 FREE Employment Bureau, supported by Buslnesa Men'a uasociatlon; helps work men find positions. 625 N. Y. L. Bldg. Bldg. , - (9)-Mo60 YOU can make 325 to 3100 week In mall order business; no canvassing; I made 36.000 first year. Why work on small salary? Free booklet; tells how to get started. Manager American Mail Order Bureau, Detroit, Mich. () M234 Feb XOx POSITIONS OPEN FOR FIREMEN AND BRAKEMEN; big pay and rapid promo tion: experience unnecessary. Apply at once, personally or by letter, to National Railway Training Aaa'n, 620 Paxton Blk., Omaha, Neb. (9) 136 Feb7 YOUNG MEN to prepare for examination for railway mall and other government Ijosltlons; superior Instruction by mall: established 14 years: thousands of suc cessful students; sample questions and "how government positions are secured" sent free. Interatate Schools. Cedar Rapids. Ia. (9) MM2 F15x ARB YOU seeking employment? Send 10c. employment seekers' guide. Flor entln, 310 Houser Bldg.. St. Louis, Mo. (9) M580 2x , LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Heraea aad Vekldes. WE HAVE BUYERS every day for horsei, if you have any you want to dispose or. We buy and sell on corunilaa.'on. The Harney Street Stablea. til) M4?J I BUY, acll and exchange horses on com mixtion. Mares and horses always on hand. Cheap. Myers, 1114 Douglas St. GD-937 Poultry aad Egars. SCREENINGS 31.26 per cwt. Waguer.901 n 18 U))-.0 GOVT, book free. Model Squab Co., Omaha. (11) M6SS Fob? Cowe, Birds, Dogs aad Prts. FOR SALE Fox wolf and rahhit hounds. For particulars address Turner 4- Kiffe, Orrlck. Mo. , (1D-M5IT Fix GOOD cow for sale. A. Howltc. CI 9 N. 17th St. (11) MHOlx LOST AND FOUND LOST Between Merriam hotel and Far nam street, last eve about 7:30, mink sea if. Return to M-Trtum hotel, receive reward. (12) 45 0 IHx. IXiST Large muff, in Brandeis' stor. Monday morning. Return to Mrs. V. II. Nichols. Flat 1 Hamilton apartments, or Tel. Douglas 43!i KewarJ. (12) tioi 2tx STRAYED from 2f09 No. 15th St., one Jer sey cow. Call Tel. Webster lAJfi. will pay reward. 112) M 29 LOBT Blue enamel watch. mar high school. Return to 23c3 Cuss und rei eive reward. (12) MUJ8 S) MEDICAL BEST nerve biaci r for men. "Gray'a Nerve Food Piils." 61 a box, pout paid, fclie.' man Si MeConucll Drug Co., (Jmalia. U3j 29i ANY poor girl in need of a friend call or write to the matron of the balvalion Anuy Home for Women at 24 N. 2tili St.. Omaha, Neb. (12) Mlofc FREE medical and auigiial treatment at Cr.S,-.!ou Medical colletK. Wtli and Dav enport Sis.; rpecinl at'entlon paid to con fin. rn. ni casea; all treatment Bupervls.-d by college professors Phone Douglas HOT. Lo auuecivl dry or nigot. o:',-r MONEY TO LOAN ALARY A.D CHATTELS EAGLE LOAN OFFICE-Reliablc, accon-niocJalini,-; all business confidential. 1501 Iouslus. (14j FURNITURE, live stock aalary. loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room s. Barker Blk. (I4 Jus MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and otheia without security; easy pay ments. Oft ices In 6S principal cities. Tol man, room 714, New York Life Bldg . (141-237 MONEY TO LOAN Salary aad CkattelsCoatlaaed. LET US HELP YOU If you are In need of a little ready cash coma to the OLD RELIABLE LOAN HEADQUARTERS. YOU WILL FIND our terms are more reasonable than can be obtained elsewhere. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. U4) M151 Moneys TO LOAN-LOW kate in sums to Kult. 310 Pee Bldg. Phone Douglas 2904. UNION LOAN COMPANY. U4 4 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDtT CO. For Chattel or Salary Loans. 633 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglas 715. (1D-290 CHATTEU salary and storage recelnt loana. Foley Loan Co.. 1304 Farnam St. (14-2TO OFFERED FOR RENT Boardlaa; aad Rootna. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. On) 301 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (15) 302 FURNISHED rooms, with board. 618 B. 2th St. (15)-M62 J31x BEAUTIFUL rooms with bonrd and home cooking. 116 N. 25th St. Tel. Doug. 4912. (15)-M197 31x DESIRABLE room, fine location; walking distance; excellent board. 218 So 25th treet. (15)-M38 lx ROOM and board. In private family, for one or tw6 gentlemen. 'Phone Harney 181- U5)-6! 29x Furnished Booms. WE DO exrert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1625. Schmoller A Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. O5)-a03 CENTRAL, all ftiodern, 3 fine furnished rooma; bathroom and hall. 220 N. 23d. (15) M919 TWO furnished rooms, steam heat. 1506 Farnam St., 3d floor. (15) M500 We find you any kind of rooms in any part of city, FREE OF CHARGE. -CITY ROOM RENTAL CO., 'Phone Red 3045. 842 Bee Bldg. (16) M217 F9 NEWLY furtilshed modern room. Gentle men. 31.76. 2404 Capitol Ave. (16) M326 lx VERY desirable room, fine location, walk ing distance. 218 8o. 25th St. (16) M389 lx 2218 CHICAGO Modern, partly or unfur nished double parlors, south front. Phone Red 5578. (15) M449 lx FOR RENT Large, beautifully furnished room for gentleman; modern, with run ning water. 112; So. 24th St. (15) M623 4x Untarnished Rooms. FOUR rooms, well lighted, water, gas, bath and closet; possession February 1. 2215 Burt. (16) 426 Fix 3 UNFURNISHED rooms, light house keeping, modern. 535 S. 25th Ave. Tel. Douglaa 7307. (16) 433 31 Apartments aad Flats. 609 S. 26TII' AVE.. 7 rooma. modern, oak finish, gas and electric light, hot water heat 347.50. 2606 Sherman Ave., 5 rooms, new, modern, oak finish, gas and electric lights, fur Ti qc c " 30 00 HASTINOS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. U5)-422 FOR RENT Modern 6-room, steam-heated flat In the Dunsany; references required. Conrad Young, Agent, 1618 Dodge St. (16) M 152 FOR RENT Modern 4-room, eleam heated semi-basement fiat In the Dunsany (10th and Pierce Sts.). Conrad Young, agt., 1518 Dodge. Tel. Doug. 1671. (16)-MS9o Iloaaekeeplnsr Ropms. TWO'' pleasant furnished rooms on parlor floor, housekeeping privileges. Come and aee them. 2001 Burt St. (16) 181 TO COUPLE; two nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 1819 Davenport, or Inquire at store, 308 N. 10th. (15) 193 30x BEAUTIFUL south parlor, kitchen and sleeping rooms, 2474 Harney. Telephone Douglas 6300. (16) 941 ROOMS for light housekeeping; modern house; light and heat. 2&J5 Davenpori. (16)-M618 4x Famished Houses. NINE-ROOM furnished house, all modern except furnace, good location. 3J5 per month, liemia, 300 Paxton Blk. (15)-M:97 lloosrs and Cottages. TlDTTSsRK ln Parf of the city. Crelgh H6 -3ii BALL room and 1ade rooms. Fraternity hall, 1816 Harnc-y, Opp. Public library. See Janitor. (161186 "OH RENT New S-rootu brick house, v cant Feb. 1; modern and complete In every respect at 1511 S. 29th 8L Inquire of the owner at 1500 S. 29th 8t. (15) -270 HOUSES, flats, Garvin Biot., 1604 Farnam. (15) 316 FOR RENT Eight-room, modern house, 414 N. 31st St., $15. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Lite Building. 1E 317 4-ROOM house and barn, 4i9 William St., In rear. $lo: 6 rooms on second floor, 2i;th Hnd Parker Sts., Jit. Chris Buyer, 22d " und Cuming. 4. 1.1 1 116 H SOUTH 27th St.. 12 rooms, steam heat furnace, strictly modern, l0. 6-r. strictly modern, steam heated flat at lMh and Nicholas Sts. 325, blacksmith shop with complete set of tools and 6-ruom tottuge in first-class condition; privilegu to purchase later. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. (16) Mi2 SIX-ROOM house, new and modern. Near 42d and Dodge. 411 Bee Hldg. 415) M172 0O.X FOR KENT 6-room cottage; good cellar; east front; south part of rtiy: 312 per month. C. M. Kachmann, 436 IT Pax on Blk. Tel. Red 2039. (15)-zJI HOL bF.S. insurance. Rlnswalt. Barker Bik. (13) 31 TWlllSSlVN 1,1 Irl of the city. I'etera Uol 21 ' FOR RENT Six-room house, 2420 Ham ilton St., 318.00. Telephone Douglas 1. I 151 A16S3 21x FRATERNITY HALL, 18th bnd llarney; new, cleun. .groutid fioor, hail ivoin; no liquors allowed; f 16.00 u niRht. N. P. Dodge Sc (V Tel. Doiiy. tija or Ind. A2829, or aee Janitor. 116) M424 HOUSEHOLD goods packed fornaidsd, cheap freight rules, moving and storing. Lxpiesstnen's Delivery Co., Tel. Duk. (15) 3 6 OMAHA VAN St Storage Co., pack, move, store H. II. goods; storehouse 1120-24 N. lKtb. Office, luu Farnam. Tel. Doug. 149. (li) H Maggard Van & Storage Co., 1713 Webster. . (Uu- FIVE nice rooms on ground floor; modern except heat. i No. 27th St. - - 1151-M621 2x OFFERED FOR RENT aad Cottaajrs Coatlaard. 6-ROOM cottage, 2603 Franklin f IM-7 FOR RENT Nine-room modern house. 715 1t Ave., Council Bluffs. Hell 'phone Red 34. 115) MH.W31X FOR RENT NOW In Kotintxe Place. R.1I0 Sherman Ave., modern 6-room cottage, sttlc and basement In perfect repair; one of the nicest In town. C. S. Bhepard, 220 Board of Trade. (16I-6S7 29X FOR RENT 4 rooma, bath and gas. 312. aau California St. (15 Maos 3flx Eight -room, modem, choice. 902 South ih t f;3.50 Beven-rocm, partly modlrn, choice. 1314 South 11th 323.50 RUSSELL St M KITRICK Co.. 432-34 Ramge Bldg. 15th and Harnev Sts (15) 02 30 Offices. TWO fine, large offlca suites In the Con tinental block; choice location for physi cian or dentist. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 309 First National Bank Building. (15)-31 FOR RENT Large office room In Crounsa Blk., on 16th Bt., opposite postofflce, at 38 per month. Conrad Yount,-, 1518 Dodge St. , cla) MltS DESK room for rent; reasonable use of both 'phones. 523 Bee Bldg. (15) 15 Sierra. 3-STORY and basement, 22x100. 1003 Far. nam. Apply 814 First Nat l Bank Bldg. (15)-M587 4-STORT and basement building on Far nam Bt., adj. M. E. Smith Dry Goods Co., bet. 9th and loth Sts.; equipped with in elevator, fireproof vault. R. R. trackage and loading platform. F. D. Wead, 1801 Farnam St., Tel. Doug. 153. (V5-M167 MODERN store room In new Bcargh Bids., 24th St., South Omaha, P. O. Block hall. 817 First Nat. Bldg. 'Phone Red 7404. (15) Mll 1812 Harney St., 32x100, one or two stories; suitable for storage, garage, laundry, etc 6. 8. Curtis. 1808 Harney. 15 M739 OFFERED FOR SALE Feaelaaj. ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing 6c per foot, 206 1. 17th St. Tel. Red 814. (16)S22 Plaaei Orgaaa, Ua steal laatrasaeata. GOING AWAY. 3300 UPRIGHT PIANO CHEAP. 415 N. 23d St. (16)-M95S F20 Typewriters aad Sewing; Macklira, FOR 8ALE High grdde Second-hind type, writers; good condition; a bargain at (50 Call room 603, Bee Bldg. (16) 671 SMITH-PREMIER typewriter at a big bar gain. 308 N. 16th. (16) 194 IWx WE HAVE a new Fox typewriter taken in on a trade and used two months In completing some extra work. Our forco has been cut down and rather than have the machine around when It is not ln use, wo will sell It at a great bargain. Ad dress B 890, care of Bee. (16) M332 lx Mlacellaaeons. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswick-Balk Collendar, 407 8. 10th St. (16)-32b GAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, most up-to-date stock at lowest prices in the city, select pow. Delivered when needed. Inspection Invited. . BURGESS GRANDEN CO., 813 8. 15th dt. Tel. Doug. 64L (16) M537 ONE No. 47 National cash register, total adder, good aa new; one Nu. 140 lateat style Dayton computing scale; one 300 gallon self-measuring "Bowser" oil tank; one dried fruit case; one glass clgir case; one floor show case. Address Y 19 cars Bee. (IS) 616 FOR SALE 1,600 feet second-hand wire cable. W. H. Bridges, engineer Bee Bldg. (16)-M453 x MUST rush, cash quick, no trades, K diamond ring, 35: amaller one, 315; K stud, 825; all beautiful live stones. Pay you to speculate on them. C 914 care Bee. (16) 629 30 DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all 310 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & Mc Connelt Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (16) S25 IOWA Farm Mortgages for sale. Secured on farms in southwestern lows. Five year loans at 6 per cent Interest. Squire St Annls, 101 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs. I a, (10) M256 FeblOx SECOND-HAND overcoats and flreerma. Singer, 416 N ISth. (.16) 329 COAI All kinds free delivered, same day aa you order, Rosenblatt's coal yard. Tel. Doug. 412. Retail dept.. clean nut coal, 6 bu. for fl. (16) M267 BEND I'S your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. (16 324 HALL'S safe: new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. (16 ) 331 DAYTON COMPUTING SCALE at a bar gain. 808 N. 16h Si. (16) 191 Feb8 FOR SALE Several show rases, new pert nut roaster, large coffee mill, two lame aiitoin.-itlc oil tanks and store fixtures, too numerous to mention. Globe Land and Inveatment Co., Omaha, Neb. (16)-327 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tail. Sherman McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge Sts . Omaha, Nob. 16)-3.8 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint. Sherman St, McConnell Drug Co. (16)-330 HAY per ton. Wagner. 801 N. Jth- (lti)-332 MEDIUM also safe, with steel chest. 1400 Doiiiflas St. HOI M253 lx PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk., Tel. Red 7117. n.-UA LARSON & CO, -Book free. Nevlllo Bldg. (17)--324 PATENTS THAT PROTECT-3 booka tZt Inventors mailed on receipt of 6c postage, R. S. & A. B. Lacey, rooma 29-39 I'aofUi BldaT., Washington, D. C. Established 180& (17)-2Ji H. A. Sturges, 619 N. Y. L. Tel. Doug. 3I..9. ' (171-672 F14x PERSONAL !if AGNETIO JJ'"nt and bath. Mma. iUAUnHJVj Bnilth. m N. 16th, 2d f'r (18)-0Q ' LHSBEN, coatumrr, 1410 Howard, open eve llBJ 3 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off cWit'.ling: ln fact, unythlng y0u j0 nut neod. We collect, itpalr and sell at 131 N. 11th Et., for cost cf collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'rhon. uoug. 4i35 and wagon will cli. (13) 765 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut prices. Send for free catalogue. Mver. Dillon Drug Co.. Omana. (H) Zii YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to vis't the Youn; Women's Christian Association rooms lih- 1 ainam St., where thuy will be i. rected to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. (161915 BURNS, chaps, sores, chafing, tender skin healed by btin Bkln Cream. Try it. 25c. . 1) WE RENT, repair, sell needles for old sewing machines. Neb. Cycle Co., Cor. 15th and Hamey. 118) 3B7 A HOME for women during confinement We (ind homes lor babies where mothers cannot rare for them. Mother Lee, 4j3 Bancroft St. 'Phone Douglaa 193. L 3d FsbSx PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mra Dr. King, ISA N. Jlh. Tel. Wen. it.,1 U)-SJ Jer's Institute. Ramgs OMAHA Btamme Building. 0)-it M AtJlAnTil ball's. Room 2, 1204 (18)-M74t F3 HEADQUARTERS of the great rheuma tism and neuralgia remedy Jo-He KM, permanently located, 3n9 KaTbach block, ISth and Douglas Sts. T. H. Korev. rn. eral agent. M7.'4 Fehlt REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. FAYNH INV. CO.. 1st floor N. T. Life. Douglas 1781. (1 341 GEORGE A CO. " 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglaa 754, (!) 4i PETERS TRUST CO.. N. T. Life Bids. (19)-4J CITY PROPERTY FOR SALS $525 24T1I AND FORT STS. LARGE LOT On 24th street, faclnfr east. Just north of Fort street, we have just listed for sale a full lot. 60x128 feet. The street will be paved up to this point within three months and the lot la well worth the money. Part cash, balance monthly payments. Hastings & lleyden, 1704 Farnam St. (l)-606 2B $100 $10 Monthly Three-rrtom cottage, CS South 18th street; city water In yard. Worth 31.600. Buy It today for 31,00 on the above terms. Payne Investment Company, Tel. Douglas 1781. 1st Floor N. T. Life Bldg. (19)-MM 29 I WANT an offer on the property 1128 and 1130 South 81st St.; two modern houses and good barn; well rented. This prop, erty is owned by an eastern party who must sell. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Life Rldg. (19)-M40S LIST your property wltk Chris Boyer. I2d and Gumming Bt. (!) 347 . FOR QUICK results In selling or renting your property see Benjlman Real Estate Co., 826 Neville Blk. Both phones. (19) M178 F23 THE REED ABSTRACT CO., established isss. rrompi service, uet our pric 1710 Farnam ll- Mil 116 $2,250 U.nJ.MAn -( -An, O .... . fclfc.F "'"" nun U-IIM.IIU iroiLtijin in good condition, modern except heat, south front, full lot, permanent walk, convenient to two car lines, shade trees, fruit and shrubbery, barn and store room. Inquire on premises. (19)-M-334-31 $?0 Cash, $10 Monthly Beautiful south front lot Just outside, of Bemls park and two blocks from car. 64 x!2 feet; on corner. You can't buy any thing like It for 31,000. This Is a sure enough snap at 3500. a Payne Investment Company, "Sellers of Snaps." Tel Douglas 1781. 1st Floor N. Y. Life Building. (19)-MS2S 29 TJEAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST fifl " CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, Pres. (191-814 FIVE modern houses and one-quarter block near Bemls park, on car line, for 319.000. Four of these are 8-room houses; the other has six rooms; each has hot water heating. Corner, 70x114 feet, if open and would make fine location fo apartmrnt house. B. E. Blerer A Co., 4 1 1 Bee Bldg. (19) M171 30x INVESTMENTS. FOR SALE-Good real estate mortgage netting 6 per cent and 7 per cent or Omaha In proved real estate and Ne braska farm lands. N. P. Dodge Sr. Co., '1714 Farnam Bt. (19) M068 FOR SALE A twelve apartment flat ou uuing, local ea at enn avearuo and Douglas street. Good rent. In first-class condition. A bargain, if taken at once. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO. 306 So. 18th St. Omaha. Neb. (19) m350 Feb. o. FOR SALE Eight-room modern house. with large barn, 1809 Plnrkney St. In quire V. H. Woodland, 615 Brandeis Bids. Tel. Douglas 34M. H9) Mm REAL ESTATE FAHM AXD RANCH LAND FOR SALR Minnesota. ' FOR 8ALE-228-acre Improved farm. Wa tonwan county. Minn.; futr buildings; Vt iier acre for quick sale. Address Box h, ..ewisvllle. Minn. (20 M2o7 31 Nrbrauya. THE ROME MILLER FARM AT NORFOLK, MADISON COUNTY, NEB. An ideal dairy, breeding or feeding farm of 287 acres; Joins the corporation -limits of Norfolk, ths best city in northeast Ne braska, lis location makes 11 admirably adapted lor purposea namM. SOIL Black sandy loam; level, high sec ond bottom land, suited to corn and other grains and especially adapted for ulfulfa; 240 acrea cultivated; till fenced hog-tlghl. Largo barn, cement floor, city water, elccttic light, 150-ton silo In connection; hog house with cook house In connection; granurles, blacksmith and carpenter shop, cattle sheds, corncrlbs, tool house, etc Ail ' buildings have cement foundations; Jusl painted, first class condition. Location, improvements, etc., make this farm worth 3100 per sere. It ran ba bought for 322,600. It Is the best bargain In ihs atate. Address Standard Stock Food Company, OMAHA, NEB. (20)-MH4 23 SARPY COUNTY FARM 3x5.00 per aero for 1V acres, about 10 tulles southwest of South Omaha. Improvements constat of large hoime, heated by furnace, large barn, wltii stone liaBeinent; douhlu corn crib, granary, hog house, poul try houses, Ice and milk house, good well and windmill with htrRo reservoir from which water Is piped to house, burn and feed lots. Convenient to bchnol and South Omaha stork market; tti.Ooo can run at 6 per rent on easy payments, bal ance cash. A good farm at a low price, If sold soon. GEORGE 4V CO., 1601 Funiani Street. (20)-47 2 ?OR BARGAINS in western Nebraska landa, either Improved or unimproved, see B. E. Bierer t Co.. 411 Bee building. (20) M142 ;x 154 ACRES of land. 6 miles aouthweat ol city limits, adjoining Seyuiore park. Will sell for tlJ per ucru if sold before rentwi. Lasy terms. Apply to E. K. Morearlty. 42-7 i uxton Blk. (20I-M5W Oresea. A SNAP IN liHKG&N TIMBER. I will sell a two-thirds Interest in 4.601 acres of pine limber I md for Hu.uoO. These lands have 45.0n0.ot feet of fine white pi.u lumber, well located. Land valuable after cutting tlmSer. Title perfect. Addrsss W. J. Cook. Lumber exchange building. Port land. Oregon. iJ0)-M2ti ft-b lux PERSONAL (Continued.) Mlscellaasoas. CHEAP farms und homes In the south, where values urn advancing through manufacturing and agricultural develop ment. IXiW priced lands fur all purposea. Cattle and hog do well. Good grans lands. Fine opening for dairymen. Truck raising reiurim large profit. Good mar kets and transportation fucilitlea. Tok n and cities Increasing in population and wealth. Publications giving detailed In formation upon reuueat to M. V. Rich ards, Land and Industrial Agent, South ern Railway, WaslUigton, D (S))-613 i