L.J 0MAI1A DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1903. iiiTii "viirphomr-Thw glas i bearing the End lr thmmore tiays -of thia rcat sale. During these timt? days, t c bball close, oat thetnussed an J Foiled Table Cloths and rfapkins at just Half Price. f tfapMns All 13.75 Mussed Napkins. Half rrV Sale, f l.SS doren. All I7.S0 Massed' Napkins, flalf Trice. J3.75 down. All $3.00 Mussed Napkin. Half Trim Bale. $4.00 down. ATI $10.40 Mussed Napkins. IlaJf rrlne Bala. $5.00 docen. '' All $11.00 Mowed Napkins. Half Price Sale,, $8.00 dmen. All fla.oO Kuasod Napkins. Half Prim Bale, $7.50 doien. COME YOU ABE INVITED Let Your Fingers Tell - What Extraordinary Values Our $1.50 " Famous" 35 inch Black Taffeta is at 98c. ObsorTB iU beaatlfnl lustre, crisp to tbe touch, for coats, akirts and dresses. It Is no wonder tbat six, ten, eighteen and twenty yard lengths are flying to 'all parts of the country. Not a yard will be old at 98c after February 1st. Better not "put It off. EXTRA Remember the Date Thursday, Jan. 30th. The event of the great sale. Remnants of high class dress goods, right, from our own carefully selected stock. Left from the great January sale.' We - never had such an accumulation. Goods now shown ln our 16th street windowl Note the kinds, Quality and special reductions for Thursday's great Bale. See Wednesday even ing's papers. VERY SPECIAL Just Received More Tine Imported Beautiful Black Dress Voiles. Tegular 3.60 Fine Parisian Voile, 40 inch. Now $1.9 Yard. This handsome voile was imported specially for our great January sale. Through some mistake in shipping It has been delayed. We are going to close the entire lot by Feb. 1st. Nothing like It has ever been seen in any previous sale. If you want a pretty gown that sug gests Panii and neit season's newness, come Wednesday. See this beautiful labrlc. The height of dress elegance for next season. Think It over. One dollar wil do nearly the work of two. i) 171w ))& Hoe l Indian affairs are bi accord to a great de gree oil the subject of doing away en rap Idly as possible .with non-reservation srhool.'T- ' ''. The second Item of legislation Incorporated In the bill la for the -pyrpose of bringing the Indiana of tbe. five, civilised tribes In Oklahoma within the provisions of the act which authorizes the secretary of the in terior to remove restrictions from Individual Indiana in cases where proof of competency of the Individual Indian Is sufficient to warrant such action on the part of the secretary. The success of the reclamation service in the west and experiments so far entered Into by congress -with' reference' to the re clamation of Indian lands by Irrigation, has . demonstrated that the Idea Is of great value, and this bill carries the sum or $736,009 for purposes -of Irrigating Indian lands. ; Tho usualt- tupproprlatlon for the maintenance- of the -Genoa school' la In the bill, natH 'ala a provision to"Ty Interest to the Winnebago. ; In 'South- llukota th"'nhiy new' Items of Interest la cmo carrying' an appropriation .of lla.OuOJo d'.vido the Sioux'' reservations and H5.0i to pwrfeet-altntments on the Hosebud reservation. ' v ' ' ' ' II I nor Matter nt Capita!. Nebraska postmasters appointed: Herwyn, Custer county. John O. -Taylor, vice It. 8. Wuterbilry, resigned; 'Cpiviile, Sioux county, Wllllam C.. HawVth, vice 8. Brown, re signed.' ' ' 1 " ; ' ' ;' Rural carries appointed:' Nebraska Comstock. rouio l, Klcha'rd K. Roth, carrier; C. XV, Bartholomew;' substitute,. Farnaui, Removal Prices Will last only a few davs more. Act before,, the opportunity passes. ' . - .-, . Cut Glass Specials $S.0C Decanter.. 84.85 $6.00 8-lnch Bowl ... $3 50 $4.00 11-inch Celery Dish" at . i. 2 t5 I8.00 Tumblers, 6 in set,' at S3.50 Ladies' Watches At prices most tempting will save you nearly half. $20.00 gold filled hunting case Elgin or .Waltham movement, at ......... gll.75 $18.60 -. enameled Chatelaine at .. ..vw . S10.00 . $5:00-' solid gold Chatela'ine, at $2.75 Young Men's Watches Many to select from the buy ing power of the dollar is near ly doubled here. $15 gold filled cas$. . . $ 75 $8.B0..811verlne. Screw Case at , . . i . , . . . . a 4 arn - $12,50 Gold FlUed Case S7T5 ' Alarm Clocks Prices on Ujeue sre no criter ion to go by guaranteed time pieces while they last at give away prices. , $3.o0,-duy strike, solid oak case, '.. 81.05 $2.00.' to 51,25 clocks, made up for the. old, ifrm, closing out T,C 05c Sewing Machines RcllabT ma.hliies In both new and ljjjbtly uaed at greatly re duced prli es. t'se4 Machines, in go(W order 96.00 ,Nw lrop Head, fully gusrsii- teeed 818.00 pomestiu, highest grade, up from , (2T.50 Cash or payments ou.bwing Machlnen. ( SHverware Half Price Highest quality In this Una with rrh es cut to half or lesa. i.li Rogefa U47 Sugar Ppoon and Butter Knife ia 60 Koger'a 17 Berry Spoon. a'1 IJ7 ti.Zi Rjgt-rs Fruit knives, ft gf six ft It J 00 Roger's Gravy bpoon 91.00 These are only sample barghlna. Hundreds of others await 'your Inspection ut 4Mtr prtsent location. 1514 Capitol Avenue FTTlha Reaches all Tlepartment. tJ) Tabls Cloths An 1 ti HamH Table Onto. Half Prtc. 3e nth. All It.Tt MimmxI Table Cloth. Hair ITtna sale, l- each. Ail 17.5 Mussed Table Cloths, Half Prloti ula. (2.7 nuii. Ail lis. 00 Mussed Table Cloth Half ITIee ). S.OO each. All $11.00 Mus1 Table Cloths, Half Price sale. t-00 mH Alt 00 MumM Table Cloths, HaU Prion Bala. 17.40 each. AJ1 IlT.iO MumH Table Clotha. Half J Vine Bale. $S.75 each. All ttS.OO Munsod Table Clotha. Half I'rloe Bale. $12.i0 each. - 2g - '08. route 2, Nelson O.' Reevee, carrier; It.' D. Stebbins, substitute. Iowa Dayton, route 2, Allison N. Hall, carrier; Robert A. Wall, substitute. Ifnlerim. route 1, Muncey White, carrier; Helen T. White, substitute. Lake Mills, 'route 1. Amund Foshee, carrier; C. J. Martin, substitute. Laurens, route 1, Dan iel McAfee, carrier; C. 8. Metcalf. substi tute. Moorhead, route 4, ' Fran E. Cohrt, carrier; Cora B. Cohrt, substitute. South' Dakota-Dolton, route 1, Karl P. Longden, carrier; Oeorge Longden, substlliite. Rural routes 3 and 4 have been ordered established March 2 at McCouk, Red Willow county, NebraHka, serving BOO people and 145 families. A postoffice has been established at Kelley,. Sioux county, Nebraeka, with Mat A. Kelley as postmaster. corporAtiov Vnd man differ Mr. Bryan Declare Former Has Sot U lta ;iven to Individual. ') WASHINGTON. D:., Jan. IS. -William J. Bryan against visited the lobby of the bouse and spent an hour chatting with meinsers. His - attetitldn being; ratted the supreme eourt decision' holding that a corporation has a right to discharge a man because ho la a member of labornion, ho dictated the follow lug atatemenf to the Associated Press: v , I have nnt had opportunity to read the dec sinii. The subject is oae of vital im portance and I do not understand by what course of reasoning the majority of the court reached the decision announced. A corporation Is a creature of law. It has no rights except thoae given by .llVe law and it must not be conrusod with tile natural msn, for man was created to carry out a divine purpose; the corporation was created to make money. The corporation enfovs many rights and privileges which are nV nled to the Individual and It cannot claim th. possession of any natural or Inalienable rights. Jhe power that creats a corpora tion can resist It. restrain it and control t, and congress has plenary powers In deal In with corporations insofar as thev en gsge In Interstate, commerce Whatever may be the rights of ah indi vidual in dealing with other Individuals, the government certainly has the right to determine, the f ondltions upon which a cor poration can Vxlst and do business and congress .an fix the terms upon which a commerce" Ca" ensaFe ,n. interstate! 'mnUn'on i" alawfuI "xsnclatlon and If c"l,.kT '''hrged because he be PJ' loh 'a.bor "nlon by the same logic t;.,"1 discharged if he belK to a political party objectionable - to the em ployer, or to a church against whli-h the employer Is prejudiced. Followed to tta bv ,r.?i ';,l""0n, th", "'''I"' laid down by the court, as I understand the decision TOUL ','!''. T ,l,e,'-orporatlnn to set Itself up as a dictator In regard to the habits thought, and convictions of Its employes on any and every subject. "npioyes The fsct that two of the Justices have dissented enables me to dissent from the conclusion of the nialorlt without dlsre? spect to the ability or high powers if those whfl .have given what I regard as an erron eous construction to the construction. The house committee on elections of president and vice president held a meet ing today and decided to hear Mr. Bryan on Thursday morning In support of 'the Belmont bill, which makes compulsory the publication of campaign contributions from corporations by amount and name. ONE DIVIDEND IS" RAISED Mekel Plate Road Tarrea.ea Bam Paid I won Its Preferred itoek. . NEW YORK. Jan. W.-Dlrectors of the New York. Chicago & St. Louis Raljroad company today declared annual dividends of S per cent on both the first preferred and the second prefered stocks. The divi dend on the second preferred Is an Increase of 1 per cent over that, of the previous year. The first preferred dividend Is un changed. A semi-annual dividend of 1 per cent on the common stock of the Cleveland, Cincin nati, Chicago &, at. Louis Railway com pany (Big Four) was declared by the direc tora of that company today. This Is a re duction of 1 per cent, as compared with the last previous six months. Quarterly dividends of J4 per cent 0.1 the preferred stock and one-half of 1 per cent on the common stock of tho United States Steel corporation were declared to day. These dividends are unchanged from the last previous quarter. LA GRIPPE IS EPIDEMIC CATARRH 1. i?,pp ,PP5 " claaa or natlonaU lty. The cultured and the Ignorant, the aristocrat and the pauper, the maaaa and the classes are alike subject to La Grippe None are exempt all are liable. Men women, children, waole town and ciMea are caught In the baneful grip of this ter rible monster. 1m Grippe la nothing mora on) less than enldemio catarrh and Peruna cures catarrh In every phase and stage of the disease. Therefore. Pcrilria Is the most effectual remetly for I .a Grippe that can be found. Tho Peruna Drug Mfg. Co. have on file hundreds of testimonials which apeak for the effectiveness of l runa In cases of Griuue and tin after rrna. STATE RESTS W THAW CASE Mr. Jerome Does Not Cell Expert Witnesses in Rebuttal. ARGUMENTS BEGIN THIS MORNING Jada-e Will Charge the Jary Than dag Afternoon or Friday Mori. Im-More of Slate Is Surprise. NEW YORK, Jan. 28. With no attempt on the part of the state to combat with acientlflo testimony the claim of Insanity urged in behalf of Harry K. Thaw, the taking of evidence In the aefond hearing of the Madison 8quare Garden murder trial ended J today. Tomorrow morning Martin W. Littleton will begin his plea for the defendant and Is expected to occupy' both morning and afternoon sessions with his summing up argument. District At torney Jerome will speak oh Thursday. H He has promised to be brief and If bis address should not extend beyond the morning session, Judge Dowllng will hand the case over to the Jury qn Thursday afternoon. The court announced, however, that he probably would not deliver hie charge until Friday morning. .' Rebattal of Proaecatlosj. Contrary to his policy of last year, when he called nine experts in Insanity to The witness chair, Mr. Jerome this year utterly Ignored tho scientific phase of the re buttal case. He produced several eye witnesses to the trsgedy and several police officers who handled Thaw the night of the homicide and placed on record their opinion that the defendant's sets and man ner were" t-atlonal. Under agreement of counsel, the testimony given by Abraham Hummel at the last trial was read to tile Jury, and the Thaw will was admitted In evidence without further proof as to Its custody during tho six months following the shooting of Stanford White. The af fidavit alleged to have been made by Evelyn Nesblt In Hummel's office, charg ing Thaw with cruelty and attempting falsely to place the blame for the Nesblt girl's downfall upon Stanford White, wafl also admitted by Justice Dowllng, and then the case, so far as testimony was con cerned, was at an end. Jerome's Probable Position. Mr. Jerome's elimination of expert testi mony froni the rebuttal caae occasioned much talk. Based upon his assertions of last year that Thaw was an Iccurable paranoiac, rumor had it that the prose cutor might not' be displeased with a ver dict of not guilty on the ground of in sanity with an ensuing committal of Harry Thaw to the asylum for the criminal In sane at Matteawan. Throughout the trial, however, Mr. Jerome has attempted to belittle and discredit Vill testimony having to do with Thaw's irrationality. He has attempted to show that the youthful out bursts of the defendant wero fits of tem per which "deserved a spanking," as he expressed It, rather than scientific dis cussion. He has attempted to discredit the outbreaks in later life with the sug gestion that they were the remit of too much drink and nothing more. That the prosecutor will ridicule the expert testi mony Is generally agreed. Having no ex perts of his own, he has a free hand In that direction this year, Air. Jerome's move today frustrated a plan of the de fense to call In surrebuttal several of the experts who testified against Thaw at his last trial, but who when Mr. Jerome switched to the appointment of a lunacy commission, made uffidavlls setting forth the Opinion that ThaW was so insane as to lx . Incapable Of understanding the nature of the , proceedings against hlrii.. or. of .In telligently, advising with counsel.. Argjtmenta for Defense. Mr. Littleton, In his argument, which Is expected to bo. an eloquent but straight forward presentation of the facts, will con tend that the . prosecution has failed to shake the case of Insanity built up by the defense. He will again call attestlon to the law and the burden of proof It places .upon the state In a case where In sanity ffl pleaded as a bar to responsibility for a criminal act. He wirk contend and will ask Justice Dowllng to carefully In struct the Jury on the point that once the defense has producod evidence of Insanity It becomes the duty of the prosecution to remove . every reasonable doubt of In sanity. In other words, Mr. Littleton will ask for an acquittal unless the Jurors arc convinced that every reasonable doubt as to Thaw being insane .at the time of com mitting the homicide has been removed by the state's case. - Mr. Llttloton has made no claim of pres ent sanity for Thaw. In fact the experts for ' the defense have testified that In "manlac-di preeslve" Insanity the diagnosis now applied to Thaw's condition of mind, the patient is very apt to have attacks of Increasing frequency and violence. WARNER 'MILLER ASSIGNS Former Senator from York la I nable to Meet Ills Business t Obligations. NEW YORK. Jan. 28. Former United States Senator Warner Miller, who was elected to tire senate In 1SS, and who, since his retirement, has been engaged In mining enterprises In this city end up state, made an assignment for the benefit of his cred itors to Ernest I. Consnt today. Mr. Miller has betn 111 at his home in Herkimer, N. Y.. for several days. Mr. Conant, the assignee, said tonight that he could make no statement concern ing the liabilities and the assets of the former senator as he was not acquainted with the situation. A few weeks ago receivers were ap jxihted ' nt Charleston. W. Va., for the Sierra Consolidated Mining company, of which Mr. Miller was president. The com pany owned property In Mexico, which It tried to develop, but the recent financial stringency made It difficult to secure funda. The action for the receivership was begun In the West Virginia courts by the bond holders. It is sa id. In default of Interest. Twenty years ago Warner Miller was a power In New York politics. Ha was elected to the senate, where he served from 1N1 to lift", as an outcome of the feud between Senator Roscoe Conkllng and the federal administration over patronage In this state. Mr'. Miller was an advocate of the Nicu raguan route for the Isthmian canal. His poetical activities ceased several years ago. . COMMITTEE FOR ARBITRATION lloaae Committer, Agrees to Report Townaend Bill With Far or. able Recommendation. WASHINGTON, Jan. 28. The house com mittee on Interstate and foreign commerce today agreed to report favorably the Town send arbitration bill. This provides for the appointment by the president of a per manent commission to investigate all dis putes of moment arising between capital and labor. George C. Hnven Serlonalr 111. NEW YORK. Jan. 2.-It is reported that George C. Haven, president of the Metro politan Opera and Real &atate company, the corporation that controls the Metropoli tan Opera house, and until the opening of th. Manhattan Onera hnuita eontrnilaxt grand oner. In Neer TO'k. Is Very ill f rneumonla at hla New York homo. tr. laven Is pKM 70 yearn of as and M wll known in aoclnty and financial circle. He In a director of half a dnaen big bans am.' la proeldent of the Pittsburg. Fort Wayno Chicago railroad and a director of th Atchison, Topeaa aV Santa Fe railroad. FEDERAL AID SOUGUT (Continued from First Page.) marknts which receive them. Herolo meas ures and careful dipping would end this difficulty In a year or two. I believe the governor thoroughly understands th diffi culties of the case, and It Is no opposition to the federal inspection and co-operation which prevents the Immediate Intervention of the federal Inspectors. The government takes the attitude with justice. I think that we have done, as a state, very little to help ourselves. 8oven thousand five hundred dollars la nothing at all.. Tills lack of Interest by the state must have some effect on the part of the government also." Jay Laverty, a commission man at the yards, said: "In has been my opinion that a committee should be sent to Washington, to meet with Secretary Wilson. He Is the only man at the present crisis who can by a word make the arrangements satisfactory. In view of the limited number of Inspectors, we have hoped for a compromise which would permit all clean and 'suspected' cat tle to come to South Omaha to a clean division, and have them inspected at the chutes and assigned to this division unless found to be diseased. Where, cattle are known to be diseased, they should not be shipped under any. circumstances, until cured. I don't think this market has been greatly Injured as yet, but with the ap proach of the next feeder season we must have Insaectlon." LARRABEE AND LANE IN IOWA Snsfaeatlona of Compromised ow Made In Fight for Dele-gatrs-a t-Large. tFrom a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Jan. 2S.-(Spoc1al)-There have been suggestions of a compromise on the question of delegntes-at-large from Iowa to the republican national convention, but thoeo who have been told the sugges tion seems to see In It the hand of the Fairbanks men. The suggestion Is that the two sides agree on Joe Lane and Governor Larrabee as two of the dclegntes-at-large. There Is no doubt the progressives would accept these two. The next proposition Is that the stand patters name Will Payne, editor of the Nevada Representative, and that the pro gressives name anyone they wish, and that In tho Seventh district It be agreed that HarVey'lpgham, editor of the Register and Leader, be one of the delegates and that it be agreed that he be the Iowa member of the resolutions committee. The hand of Fairbanks appears In the suggestion that . Will Payne be one of the delegates-at-large. Payne Is a Fairbanks man and the progressives to whom the suggestion of the compromise has 'lhus far been unfolded eem to balk at the Idea Payne has been mentioned a number of times recently for delegate from the Sev enth district, but there is no surety that he coilld win out. Some of the progressives have declared that they would rather have Hon. Lafe Young, sr.. "as one of the delegates-at-large, for he has openly stated In his newspaper that he is for Taft, while Payne Is undoubtedly for Fairbanks. While Hon. Joe Lane has been a pro gressive for many years and supported Cummins for governor last year he Is now president of the Allison club of Davenport and Is for Allison for senator. Ex-Governor Larrabee has announced that he Is for Cummins for senator.. Progressives do not hesitate to ,accept tsje suggestion of iane for one of the dcfegafes-at-lurgo on such a compromise and If two other such men as Lane and Larrabee, both known tp be Taft supporters, were to be suggested as delfgates-at-large In good faith it is pos sible that there might be a compromise. TOBACCO SUIT TO LOUISVILLE Evidence Acalnat Alleced Trnst Will Re Taken In Southern State. LOUISVILLE. Ky., Jan. 2H.The taking of evidence by .the government against the American Tobacco company In an effort to prove the company an unlawful com bination In restraint of trade was trans ferred to Louisville today from New York, where the case has been going on for two months. ' Gregory tornilf Seat Fluht. SIOUX FALLS. S. D., Jan. 28 f Special. -The countyeat flgllt In Gregory county has reached the mandamus stage, the par tisans of the town, of Herrlek having se cured a writ of mandamus requiring the Board of County co'mmisslners to show cause why they should not place tho name of Herrick on tho ballot as the competitor of Fairfax, the present county seat, for county seat honors. A hearing has Just been held by Judge K. O. Smith of the first judicial circuit 'xn tills feature, but his declsio Is not looked for for several days. . The" question, at Issue Is as to whether Fairfax was originally aelected as the permanent, or temporary county seat. If It Is decided that It is only the temporary county seat, as many: towns as choose can enter the field In the bbpe of capturing the county seat from It. If. on the other hand, It Is decided that Fairfax was selected a the permanent count5 seat, only one town under the law can be placed on the ballot as a competitor . with Fairfax for county seat honor. The toivn of Burke also is a candidate for the county seat, and thr- resi dents are kctlvely combatting the claims of the people of Herrick. . Judge rarlanar at Sioux Falls. SIOUX FALLS, S. D.. Jan. 28. (Speclal.) Judge Carland of the United States court In this clly, who has spent a great part of the winter at St. Louis, where he sat on the bench of the United States circuit court of appeals, has returned to Sioux Falls and will now be able to give, attention to such matters as arise In his own court. o mau can be at his best with a poor digestion. If you have lost appetite and can't digest what you do eat, dron the usual heavy meats and gravies, puddings and pies, and live for m time ' priucipally on Grape-Xuts and cream. If you've never tried it, there's a real treat Ha store for you.' GrapcoXuts can be easily digested by the weakest stom ach and soon strengthens 11 le digestive organs so that a "variety" of food can be ratca with comfort. Be son slble. . Don't put eff the test. "There's a reason." Read The Road to Well villa" la Blur. . SURPLUS IN THE TREASUB! Balance After raying; Off Bonds for Commercial Club. ROOMS WILL BE- REMODELED Chairman Martin Tfaaaea Hla Uif l ist of Yommtttees to Carry n the Work for This T-r. Besides paying off SS.700 of bonds during the year, the Commercial club of Omaha finished with a surplus of $3,373 In the treasury, according to the report of the auditing committee which was submitted to the executive committee at the Tuesday meeting. The house committee was ordered to go ahead with the work of remodeling the club rooms, which will cost altogether over $2,000, exclusive of the two new tables placed In the billiard rooms. At the request of Dr. von Mansfeldt of Ashland, the club has endorsed the meas ure now before congress to pension the widows of Dr. James W. Latear and Dr, James Carroll, who sacrificed tholr lives In seeking to stamp out the yellow fever. The club took the position that such work as waa done by the physicians, would re sult In the saving of human life and the Increase of commerce In the canal sons United States Marshal William P. War ner and A. B. Conery, were elected to active membership, and A. W. Clark to honorary membership. The reslgnat4on of Charles H. Brown as secretary of the club. waa received and accepted, and W. B, Wood elected to succeed him. l.lst of Standing Committees, Standing committees of the Commercial club for the coming year were named at the meeting of the executive committee Tuesday noon by Chairman Euclid Martin, with the exception of the transportation committee. Chairman Martin has named E. II. Allen of Allen Bros, chairman of the transportation committee, and the members will be selected later. 1 Is upon thjj transportation committee that the lumber dealers and car load ship pers desire representation and some at tentlon will be given to those who the dealers desire to represent them in select ing the membe-rs of the Important com mlttee., A chairman for the committee on grain market has not yet been named. This place will be filled . by the chairman after a conference with some of the mem bers. , - The committees are as follows: Auditing D. V. Milter, O. W. Noble,, W. E. Rhoades. W. E. Shepard. Conventions H. 8. Weller, Tolf Hanson, William Haydcn, Fred Krug, G. 11. Lee, T. W. McCullough. Rome Miller. T. J O'Brien, C. R. Sherman. Finance W. II. Buchols. V. n. Caldwell J. F. Flnck, J. L. Kennedy. C. T. KounUe, B. it. Melle, If. W. Yates. Jr. House John Steel. W. J. Bradhurv. K. Tt. Carrlgan, O. C. Cunningham, Harry Uw- rie, j. h. Mltiicn, s. J. Potter, C. W. Rey nolds. International Arbitration E. A. Benson, F. N. Clarke. T. A. CreiKh. G. W. John. ston, J. P. l,ord. C. F. Manderson, Alfred Millard. Jobbers' and 'Manufacturers' Association W. M. Burgess, Oscar Allen. H. Drlshaus, G. I Hammer, C. 8. Hayward, F. P. Kirk- endaii, f rank Martin, IN. A, Splcsberger, E. H. Sprague. Judiciary and Leeislat ve H. IT. Rai. drlge, F. A. Krogan. J. A. C. Kennedy, M. a. nan, warren Mwusier. Location of Industries W. M. Glass. F. M. Blish. T. C. Byrne. Luther Drake. Z. T. Llndsey. V. A. Nash, G. W. Wattles. Membership L. M. Tahnage, Dan Baum, C. D. Beaton, Roy Coffeen, M. E. Col petxor. ' Eugene Duval, O. D. Kipllnger, George H. Palmer, E. T. Swobc, II. A. Tukey, J. D. Weaver. Advertising and Publicity F. L. Haller, S. P. Host wick, Alfred Darlow. B. R. Hastings, A. Hospe, A. P. Karbach, J. G. Kelly, C. C. Rosewater. O. F. West. Advisory C. M. Wllhelm, F. W. Judson, A. C. Smith. R. S.' Wilcox. W. 8. Wright. Entertainment K. A. Hinrlclis, E. M Brando, H. K. Burket, Albert Cahn, T. L. Combs, J. E. George, W. J. Dermody, Gould Diets. E. T. Hevden, F. W. Judson, W. R. Wood. Grain Market A. H. Bewsher, E. E. Huntley, Nathan Merrlam, E. P. Peck, E. C. Twamley, N. B. Updike. Insurance J. B. Rahm. J. S. Brady, G. F. Gllmoro, D. V. Sholes, E. J. Sullivan, J. 8.' White, W. II. White. Irrigation and Dry Farming R. B. Busch, M. D. Camerson, -H. T. Clarke. M. F. Funk houser, J. L. McQague, J. B. McKltrlck, W j. Selhy. Jobbing Trade C. H. Pickens, A. T. Aus tin. R. F. Bacon, C. C. Bullard, E. A. Hat field, F. B. Hochstetler. C. W. Hull, B. F. Marshall, C. N. Robinson. Live Htock and Packing Charles Metz, A. G. Buchannn, E. Buckingham; 11. 8. Culver, H. O. Edwards, J. A. McNaughton, W. E. Reed. Manufacturers J. A. Sunderland, Alfred Bloom, M. B. Copcland, R. J, Dinning, L. G. Doup, Charles Harding. G. W. Hoobler, M. C. Peters, R. w. Vlerllng. Municipal Affairs F. E. Sanborn, C. C. Belden, E. A. Benson, David Cole, George H. Kelly, C. F. McGrew, J. W. Bobbins. Public Affairs E. E. Bruce, K. M. An- dreesen, Arthur Brandels. I. W. Carpenter, Robert Cowell. E. A. Cudahy, F. li. Davis, J. H. Duniont. E. F. Folda, D. A. Foote, J. C. French, G. H. Gillespie, G. M. Hitch cock, W. W. Hoagland, G. W. Jloldrege. R. C. Howe, P. E. Her. F. B. Johnson, Thomas H. McCngue, T. B. Mcpherson,1 Fred Meta, J. II. Millard. 6. F. Miller, A. t.. Mohler, G. M. Nattinger, W. T. Pago, H. E. Palmer, J. L. Paxton, George 11. Payne, A. L. Reed. Samuel Res, G. N. Roberts, Victor Rosewater, Adolph Storm, P. H. Updike, H. W. Yates, C. E. Yost. Public Bervlce Corporation T. A. Fry, W. Jl. Jardlne, W. H. Ket nig. E. V. Lewis, C. F. Weller. Retcrll Trade C. C. Bolden, J. E. Bnuin, W. F. Baxter, A. J. Beaton, C. E. Black, Emll Brandels. C. B. Brown, II. J, Pen fold. R. S. Wilcox. Trade Extension D. B. Fuller, J. C. Colt, T. B. Coleman, R. Z.XDrake, O. W. Dunn, C. K. Johannes, W. W. Johnston, Joseph Kelley, G W. Laler. W. F. Norman, D. J. O'Brien, 3 N. Peek, G H. Pratt, W. E. Reed a. F. Smith, J. II. Taylor, Will L Yetter. Transportation E. H. Allen. COLDS CAUSE HEADACHE. LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE removes the cause. Used the world over to Cure a Gold In One Day. E. W. Grove's signature on box. ihc. DOG BREEDING 'BEFORE DUTY Pastor of New Jersey Raptlat Church, Resigns Beeauaa of Ills Pastime. PLA INFIELD, N. J., Jan. 28. Because a portion of his congregation objected to his breeding dogs, Rev. L. Moore Smith, pastor of the Scotch Plains Baptist church haa resigned his charge. Mr. Smith devoted considerable time to the raising of fancy dogs which have won him many prizes at bench shows. Dlstarbed tho rooirrgilloi, Tha person who disturbed t ho congrega tlon lust Sunday by continually coughing la requested to buy a bottle of Foley's Honey ,ind Tfc.. All druggists. Death of Father Knaath. SIOUX FA LI .8, 8. D.. Jan. 2S.-( Special ) The anounccment by the Associated Press a lay or two ago of the death at Navoo, 111. of Father C. T. Knauth was of special imurest to the early Catholics of Sioux Falis and soulheweetern Minnesota, for the reason that Father Knaulh was the pioneer Catholic clergyman of this part of the nortt. west. In the middle seventies Father Knauth waa stationed at Adrian, Minn. When a settlement was made at Sioux Falls, then an "outlying precinct." Father Knauth was sent to tSipux Falls ad admin ister to the Catholics who had located here. It was l o who organised the first Catholic church In Eloux Falls and built the finst Catholic place of worship In this city. A few years later he was succeeded by Father Uaher. Father Knautlt remained in charge EITHER MONEY OR MORTGAGES Are la this office, representing every dollar of the money invested with us by our 7,700 stockholders. Our resources are examined at least twice a year once by the State Bank Examiner, and once by a committee of our own Board, in order that thev may know that tha above la always our condition. Investments one made with us noed not be dtdlurcd for years and the Investor will receive regular semi-annual dividends there on, which thus far In sixteen years have never been less than six per cstit per annum. We invite the consideration of those seeking an absolutely safe investment and Invite them to call fur full in formation. v i Present resources, $2,740,000, reserve and undivided profits, $83,000. , V The Conservative Savings & Loan flss'n 161 HARNEY ST., OMAHA. GEO. F. GILMORK, President. PAUL W. HOIKS, Sec'y and Treas. r IJ. a-4 FT r II 7 TP81 Jnh Tr Ft protected by first mortgage securities, city and county bonds, has proved attractive to thousands' of people! tVe cordially recommend your attention to our mauy advan' - tages that are a convenience for you. Money may be de posited at any time and withdrawn whenever you need it. A liberal rate of interest and absolute security. We respectfully solicit your account. Oldest, Largest and Strongest Savings Bank in Nebraska. 7 Established 1884 CITY SAVINGS BANK 16th and Douglas Streets. ILER Grand Motel Bar and rill Room Now Open The-Best of Kverything to Kat and Prink. Business Men Will Find This the Place for Noon Lunelle. Ladles' Cafe Open Until 12 P. M. v "VOU WILL UK IH iiOOU COIPANV." H. J. EPWARDS, Manager. &. -a. evpism of the Cathollo church at, Adrian until a few years ago... when he was, relieved and taken to the .retreat at Navoo, 111., where he finally passed away a day or two ago. In honor of the memory of the dead priest, requiem mass was said In St. Michael's pro- cathedral In this city. ' ' Plena Falls' Banquet. SIOUX FALLS, 8. D., Jan. 2. (Special.) One of the great events of the kind In the history of Sioux Fallu will be. a banquet, which Is to be given on Friday, February 7, by the Sioux Falls' Commercial club. Elaborate preparations ere being made for the banquet. On that occasion the mem bers of the new organization of Sioux Falls business men will assemble at the Cataract hotel and cement the bonds which unite the local business men, with the purpose of ad vancing the commercial Interests of the city. Among the prominent outside men who have accepted invitations to be pres ent andfaake addresses at the banquet are: Victor E. Bender of Council Bluffs, Ia.j George B. Caldwtll of Chicago; E. A. Pot ter of Chicago, and A. P. Terry, a leading banker of Rcedsburg, Wis The new busi ness men's organisation has grown rapidly in memberahlp since It ' was organized a short time ago. until now practically every business man, big and little, in the city has attached his signature to the membership roll. TO PREVENT THII GRIP. Laxative Bromo Oulnln ramnv tha cause. There is only one "Bromo Quinine." Look for signature of E. W. drove. 26o. WHAT WE BELIEVE We believe that every man. savings account, even If the amount savings accout, even If the amount they are able to Fpare from their earning is but little. People for get one great fact in saving, and that Is this. Every dollar you save makes you a dollar better off. Why not open an account today? We pay six per cent on deposits. Omaha Loan and Building Association H. K. Cor 16th and Podge Sts. G. W. Loomis, Pres., Q. M. Nattinger, Secy., W.' R. Adaif . Asst. Secy Dinner Wednesday Fin est in the City. Try it. Prime Ribs of Reef 1 JJt Corn Reef and Cabbage Individual Chicken Pie. . . . . 15 Excelsior Cafe 1204 FARNAM. A most wonderful remedy for bronchial affections. Fre from opiates, bkoussai. Q (!) 'FTP' wawMUSf THE H0LSMAN The orighlal carYlaire autdmobUu. The machine you ought, to' buy' at the price yon want to pay. Dealers wanted. Write for proposition. BRICK P. Kl'HN, Her Grand. Omaha. PA nnilDKFVQ ' fl BASr BAXiIa KEADQTrABTEBa AJCXi X.KAMH0 BBVajfSS -CIGARS- 80S TaAIt A SPECIAXTV ' 31S So. 15th Street. 0 WHEW DOWS TOWN Eat your noonday lunch at the VEw tx,EB OBajro can Restaurant Prices Her Orand Service .'.' v f ill.. I iiaaiii .. m i ' iiiwiui , rTl. T1IIMnlw AMUSEME.tTJ. $- - DOYD'8 THEATER arsoxax. matinee today Tonight at 8:15. The lfasioa.1l Comedy In Two Arts THE RED MILL Thursday, Friday and Saturday Saturday atatlnes. This Season's Musical Suocsss . THE LAND OF NOD - Coming next Sunday COMING THRO' THE RYE PHONC DOUG ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE. , ' Matinees Sally, Silo Every Jriffht Silt. THIS WEKK-U Seals 8extette, fdwln Stevens & Co., Viola Gillette & Geo Mac tartan?, Olymisa Desvlell and her horse Ida O'Day, Three Meers, Arma Slevers and The Klnodrome. PBICES 10c. 25c and sflc. . AUDITORIUM SUNDAY, FED: 2d 3:00 and 7:80. ' :; MEL TROTTER America's Greatext Rescue Mission Worker. TORRE V CHORl'H CHOIR. PKTKR QCARTKL. KOLQLST. Admission Free. Everybody Welcome. rrRMft THEATER TOXHiHT Matinee Wednesday. ( A atory of Woman's Dsvotlon, - A WIFE'S SECRET TaTTTmSDAY "Coavict 99." ' AUDITORIUM ROLLER SKATING ALL , THIS WEEK. , BIO RACE KTOrwCT-'V AT t O'CLOC THUES1UT. LADHS DAY .a