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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1908)
10 TUT. OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDXESDAY, J A NTT ATI Y 20. 1003. lLaja-a $2 Allover Laces at 59c Yard Elegant new patterns of very high grade Venise, crochet, baby IriMi, filet, oriental and combination effects white, cream and ecru a special Wednesday offer at, a. yard 59 ft "'!. 33, Sizes a it good biy, s and mater ials and positively . worth as high as $7.50 SPECIAL WEDNESDAY! MEN'S PANTSjl 50 Worth up to S3 These are pants that were left over from good suits all sizes in the lot and many desirable patterns every pair easily worth $3.00. MEN'S ODD Coats and Vests (la Email 8 is Only) CG and 37 only 122 5 Big B asemenf Specials 30c riat4n at 15c Yd. Never before have such fine sat eens in black and all colors been sold for at yard . . . 15c 4S-lnch vide Per sian I;nwn, kind you ould expect to pay 35c mill rem nants, yd. . IOc Wlk Novelties at 10c Yd. Fine washable silk novelties, Including dainty shades for evening wear black, white and colors, at, yard 10c Mill remnants and full bolts various (Trades 89-ln. Wide bleached Muslin, Cambric, ljongvloth and Nain sookval ues up to 12Ho yd.. Apron Gingham all size checks blue, brown, black equal to Amoskeag sold In factory lengths, at, per yard for, in 10c 6 it 5c TwsPci.i. January Linen Sale Table Damask by the yard extra values in,slightly soiled sapnple lots of all linen fine wy bleached and silver bleached table A damask actually worth $1.25 yd., at. . . 200 Fine Pattern Table Cloths--These are manufac turers' samples and are all pure linen 50 98 and worth as high as $4.00, at, each.-. . . .1 I ' OMAHA FEB. 3D You should remember this date, because (he bargain are goinj to be wonderful. real!: Lyg Room size Brussels rugs, worth $12, go at $4.98 0x12 Ascminster rugs, worth $25, go at .... $9.98 $30. Wilton Velvet and Ax minster rugs at.!. $12.98 Finest Wilton rugs manufactured, worth $(0,y $29.98 Our Ihird Floor Devoted t This Big Sale Monday. Sale UK ARIES PLEA FOR COMPTROLLER LAW Attorney! for County File Brief Hold ing1 Statute Good. ATTACK, THEY SAY. HAS FAILED 'I'roiM Kvfpy Point o( View the Pro cess In klerlarlaa; Law Void la s Miork. tm the. Mental Faralttss." Attorneys for tlie county In the county , cmnritriillerslilp cass hava filled their brief In the supreme court In support of the validity tif the law. Tlio brlf boars tha names of County Attornwy KiigliHli, Deputy County Attorney KUirk, H. V. Thorns and C. K. Herring- as attorneys in supiiort of the validity of the law. Tha answer brlnf will be filed by February 15, and as soon a tioaalhlQ thereafter the appellants will file their reply brief and the caao will be argued March 3. Discussing the decision of the lowir court, tltn brief says: It will be noted from the UiTree that the attack upon chapter lb. as such, failed and that the art cmutlng the office of county iniptrolltr, briny chapter i. la kk1, wl.olcaomrt legislation, complete in Itself and capable of enforcement In other Words, the legislature, having lubored to enact chapter i, suereeded In escaping the pttfalls of constitutional requirements and passed a valid act giving to counties coming within Ha purview a much agitated for and much needed piece of legislat Ion. But from a further reading, it would ap pear that this otherwise valid law became shattered, not In the details of Its opera tion, but In Its vary core of exlBlence by reason of the failure of the legislature, to adjourn, the speaker to perform his func tion, or the governor to exercise. Hie veto power. That la to say. If calamity or for bearance had stayed the hand of the legi laturo and chapter 37. being nil act umlt ina county comptrollers cK-nfftrio city comptrollers of cities f the metropolitan class, had never appeared upon the statute books, then ami in that event chapter .Vi would have been a Kood law. But, it la arirued that tle mere Introduction of House lloll No. 471 (chapter 37) eo Instanto tainted House Roll No. 4! ichupter .til. n.nd by that single act chapter lit; w diKimed to eternal Invalidity. A suggestion of sanc tion by the court of this proposition would be hailed with pleasure by tlie profession, because It would entihle us to relltigate all if the laws on our statute books by digging up the ninety records of long forgotten hill that fell by the wayside and present them to the court as the Inducements for the pannage of the laws now enforced. Kroni the contents of chapter ;t7. we find that It is not by its terms to heenme opera tive until May. 10; that is. not until the succeeding legislature, had met and ad journed. If the legislature that passed chapter .ir, had trusted to Its successor to pass chap ter .17 and it had passed chapter 37, would chapter :WJ then have l-eeonie invalid? And yet the argument would b as force ful that chapter , was induced by the thought that the succeeding legislature would pass t-haiHcr 37. Kroni every point of view, the process in declaring chanter void is a shock to tlie mental faculties. Don't Try Uncertain Recipes It Is entirely unnectsaary to experiment with this, that and the other recipe. ny at time, money and patience when you run get from your grocer, for 10 cents, a packugo of Ol'H-PIE" Preparation Lem on. Chocolate or Cjstard for luaking plea that are good that when you eat ana l lece you will w ant' ansthsrT The way to jt4a lus tunn-f uiks ts tw civs Uieiu osd A lasldloas Daagar. One of the worst features of kldnty trouble is that It la an Insidious disease and befor the victim realtgea hut danger he may have a fatal malady. Take Foley s Kidney Cure at tha first sign of trouble as It corrects Irregularities and prevents aright disease and dlabetss. All oruggtsta jij OHuu i rnm food osvtzb 0 " Restaurant n 2J Floor lingular trading; at our stored means a constant saving to the family purse, brsldes yoa s;et bet' tr things to rat. i GROCERY BARGAINS Jsj Standard Tomatoes, per ran. . .10c ;J 'per dozen , 91.10 Standard Corn, per can 8c S per dozen 75c N V Genuine Maine Corn, per can. 10c 5 per doien fl.OO a 1-lb. flat Salmon, per can.... 15c per dozen $1.60 jg Premier Pineapple, per can...20c U per dozen ..f2.25$ M BeeU, mammoth cans ....... 15c jjjj Sper dozen $1.60' i t Tomatoes, .mammoth cans .... 15c K per dozen . . . . $1.50 J j Now Is the time to lay in f! n stock of these fine canned goods W at -wholesale prices. g MEAT DEPARTMENT . N One ton Corn Beef (plate, pieces) 'i $ p" ib , i 3 Barley Sausage (German Oraupen gj Wurst) per lb 12Hcj y Barley Sausage fried makes a H nice dlsti tor euner DreaKiasi orw supper. P IN THE MATTER OF COFFEE fl Why not buy here for the same price or less than you pay else-t'; 1 . . . M 1-1.'. 4 wnere. iiur coitees are ireiiuy roasted. We roast them ourselves J ! and we know exactly the coffee that we are roasting. Our "An-f kola" at 35c or three pounds forjS; $i the dollar is the most talked of 8; v and the best coffee sold in Omaha. U Ask your neighbor. gnnrtney & Go 5; las 17tk and BonflM attreets. TstsnkoM XonsrlaB 847. . i Private Bzcbang-e Cannaeta A01 Oepts. The Fry Shoe for Woman $3.50 There is no other like it, no other shoe for women that is equal to it in its perfect fitting qualities, its high toned style, its high grade material and Its economical price. It has no fanciful name, but bears our own namo and guaranty and our reputation rests on the splendid value of this shoe. ALL STYLES ALL IJ2ATHERS $3.50 FRYSHOECO. Til IHOEBI 16th and Douglas Streets. HAIR ON A WOMAN'S FACE NECK, ARMS or SHOULDERS Is not considered at tract It. La Jeune Depilatory Liquid will remove heir from any part of the body in I to It minutes leaving akin soft ind whlfca no smarting or burnlug 76c icr bottle. By mall, sealed, $1.0. Clrcu 9rs free. JUESkUI aCoOO WWXI.I. BBVO CO, Cor. Klh and Lodge, Omaiia. OWL DBDQ CO, for Ibth and Harney- Building; Permits. J. A. Mcl'reary. frame dwelling, 21x.l one story, on lot . block Mot'reaiy olwe. ll.iuO; Ariel Meyer, frame dwelling. .4x8, Ian stories, on lot b. . kilock X Park Plaee. j.6o0: '. M. Weaver, frame dwelling :i:c ote atory, on lot , block S. liaiu niond addiilou, U.M. D. C. SCOTT. D.V.S. (Oaccaaaor te Dr. H. L. RamacclotU. ) aKirnrTAJTT ETATK VBTBmiVaXZAjr, Offloa and HeeplmU, 2810 Mjtsa Street. Calls Proraptly Answered at All Honrs, MM-Otno, Harney 97. nh ftea. Dengjiaa 4323. M IIOOI.R AMD tI.I.I3f.K DELLEVUE COLLEGE Second Semester Opens MONDAY FEB. 3, 1908. High School and Elgth Crado Grad uates Can Entor. OOMJOflK t'lasalcal, sclent If Ic, phllosonl- i si courses. ACADK.MY-Aii accredited high school Prepare for Hcllevue or any other col- lngo or university. NORMAL m-IKXIU-Klementary and ad- vun-cd courses. Certiflcatea granted CONSERVATORY Theory of music, piano voice, violin, elecution and art ' OMAIIA OONNK TIONS-Electrle line and Kurlingtun railway. Kour Wodurn lHirmilorles Address President WADSWoKTH. Bellevue. Neb. HOTELS, blop at HOTEL TULLER Ahenlutely n re proof Cor. Adams Art. and Fark Si. In the cfiiter of the Theater, Hhon plng and bunln.nn iNtrlct A la Carte Cafe. Gmil.X.B KOOat. Service I'nexceiled SYXKT BOOM WITH BATsT. lUkOrxilf PXABT. aVATHB. $1.60 !, DAI AJID V. X.. W. ITOIH, Prop. Kf. A. kuaw, Ugr. WEDNESDAY IS RED LETTER DAY TTT T71 TTT T illi jlFiTF Red Letter Day AND THIRD DAY BUYERS' AND MANAGERS' SALE I . ll 73 u I HI 3 IT1 .Jij. a Ten Free Stamps to Esch Book FINE SILKS AND DRESS GOODS -V. PETTICOAT FREE Buy any black or col ored Bilks, we'll make It Into a pet ticoat for vnu IBS or chabob. $1.25 Black VolU 11.25 Hlark Voile, gen uine French Chiffon quality, beautiful rtcn deep black, a rsre bar. gain, now, per yard . . 69c DOIVIEJSTICS 18 Off on all Sheet and Pillow Cases. 12 Ho Outing FlanncK now V4e Light Outing Flannels, now av,o S-4 Sheeting, JOc grndn. now B3Ho 75 pieces of flnn 10c and ISHc Flannelettes. .. Bo 15c fancy Eiderdown, now . . r lSUe Apron Qlnghama. ass't d checks and coirs. . .41,0 Best American Prints, now Co T Underwear Ladies' "Wool Union Suits, small sizes, Trorth up to $2.50, for 29c Ladies' Cotton Ribbed Union Suits, 75c value, at 43c Ladies' Fine Ribbed Cot ton Vests, 50o value, 33c Ladies'-AVool Vests and Pants, $1.00 values, 69c franklv admit it over. stocked with hosiery and underwear . Aa the hnvr Vina the chance of doing the next thing to giving goods away for nothing to get rid of them here are some corking bargains. See the big window display. HOSIERY Ladies' Fast Black Seam less Hose, 19c value, at,, pair... 12C Ladies' Fine Gauze Lisle Hose, garter top, 35c value 25c Ladles' hand embroidered lisle Hose, 60c value 33t Children's Imported fashion Hose, 25c value . ... ..ljg We are overstocked we Skirts 275 Panama S k i r 1 1 worth $5 to $7.50, all new pleated styles, 1 j blacks, browns blues and fancies. Red Letter L Day. . . 3 Waists and 6.50 voilings, batis te and flannel, Red Letter Day, each, 1 95 at I Dresses Children's Wool Dresses, sizes four to fourteen years, worth $3.00, $3.95 and $4.95, for one price, Red Let ter 149 Dav B .P A f? Q P T Q Another special sale. All day AV'ed- vvr &vwjjl a j nesday Corsets which formerly sold from $1.00 to $2.50, many styles to select from high bust ,mediuni hip and some long hips, all colors, for WW s Absolutely the Best Four-Tie Parlor Brooms lie And 3) Green Trading Stamps WOMEN'S EVENING SLIPPERS Dainty up-to-date fotwear, plnlc, blue and white calfskin, brown and black castor suede and patent leather, sailor ties, Gibson ties, pumps and strap slippers: $4.00 values $3.09 $3.00 values . . . 2.20 $2.50 values SI. 89 $2.00 values 81.39 And Fifty Green Trading Stamps with each Dalr. Women's dark brown kief' button shoes, with cloth tips, tan Itussla calf luchers 8J3.G9 And Fifty Green Trading Stamps The Hannah Shoes for men. hand sewed, leather lined, $5.00 values ...... 82.98 And One Hundred Green Trading Sumps Ulean-up sale Colored OvergalterB, $1.00 vlue 39 CHINA Rig discount sale on Din nerware Wednesday. One fifth off ' regular marked prices. Fifty patterns to select from. PICTURES L'0 discount on Fram ing.' Let us have your ord ers this week. You'll save, one-fifth the regular price. Bennett's Big Grocery A quantity of large Jars assorted Jam .. A r. . J rr ... r. . .. uu inruijr MiTon Hading Stamps fruit, 93o 100 rlH;ur', rr,"t- prr,n N,,.r Vork Fu" T'i . '""" 100 ('hPfK.V noun. I 6 (.rn Traillna Fluiiinx ni! n! Torn, It. J 'l.,v..r. can 6o M. Utlln... "op noliHlilns Toinatoes. H,hI We Haw, 4, pk Ior I,o1","Ik. Jvi'l" i'-ola" '.'an i?S U,r" " Ttd'''K Ktanips. Men tors ( not'clati' 1'uw. f,,r ' inu Stamps. Ins Ktanina Marshall a Kipprff.l l At 1J.....I., .... OAo 1 1 r - If "'""ln And "o TraT -1 ,. Inn Stamps. f I pound ' lOo FranccAmsrleun Auslrallan" Vam m n .".UH- a1KV ' ""J ' a6 Kaislns. pmm.1 15o 80 lre,.n1 radius- Mamps. 10 ,ire. n Tra.lliig SUmpV Mljiil Nuts, pminil. m,o Hennetl s Capitnl l'an- tialllard s Impcirlrd ullv..' rake, pkir Ho Oil. largr hot tie . . . . 80o 1 0 ( im-n Traillnn (J,iina. B0 Green TradlliK Staaiips. KontliweH'a Iniported Uurkee's I'urry J'owiI.t. Marmalade, .lar . . . 80o larKe. btttle .'240 ludreen 1 raditiK Stamps 20 Orei n Ti aJInK Stan. p.. IHamond S Oyster Cia'k- tall. buttle SSe SO Ore. ii Trailing btainps. Wonder Wax for Wash- IHK lOo 10 lirceti TrudiiiK Stainim. Peanut Hutter. Jar.... 10a 6 Green T iik Stamps. Peanut Unti.r, Jar...30o lUOrm n Trading Htatupa. Dennetts Capitol Kxtraet at. but tie . . , 18e 2(Cren Traflln Stamps. Potato Waffles, f r e s li made, crisp and dell, olous. special price fur WeilliesdrtV 9q BEtrNBTT'S OAsTDIES Grocery Section. Five hundred pounds of Halted Peanuts, verv dellciuus, pound . ...10a BOOKS Blffg-est Bargain of ttas Hour, Vosltivsly Aotuully sold for per volume In Oma iia: at the unhexrd of price per OC- VoliiMe , Tale of Two i'itie, I lesci llt of Mh'I, l-'l.-st Violin, llvimti I, Ivanline, J:iie Mr'. J'i'l.l H;llildX. l.'T'ia J oone, irlaln of ,st,ec ios. I'n'le Tom's I'tildii, V inity l'alr. Tom jiroH n a School M-u. Last vt (lie l. 'Li ra ns. prlne. of th'! ll'.'u.-c tf KhvH, Kolilnwon I'ruaoo, Honiolu, Sketch Book. Kmeraoti's taaayx, Thel'na. tjist la.vs of Poi.i-pell 1 roll Wa l.uniii I'ui.op 1 Qfl And IM lliwii Trail ing stumps Tahlet anil 1 par-k- a Ke envelopes luc And lu tireen Trad- i.l it U ,11, Woman s scbaors uaoi boos, n-. paxes, us Icinn sm . ii v i..mI . 49c And ZS (ireen Trad- Insr stampB. 150 Oreen Trading Stamps with eat u ton t olorado Golden Ash, Coal, ton $7.50 This coal is Bootless and desirable for ranges, heaters and furnaces. v Prompt L Deliveries 100 Green Trading tit a nips with each tou l)o- fl jf ' mestic Nut, ton pj Civil Drivers Unequaled Clearance Bargains Ladies' Coats, Suits and Furs af Less Than Half Regular Prices - Boys' Suits and Overcoats, l worth t $6.00, at $1.95 and $2.95 uiIl-A if lyll!LiS THE WEUI. TeW J Odd Lots Men's and Ladies' $.00 Shoes 51.93 Grand Lace Sale 25c Laces on Sale at 5c Yard Cluny Laces, Torchon Laces, Point Paris and Nottingham Laces, all new up-to-dato patterns, . no odd, out of style laces in the lot hut, the class of laces most sought at this season all go at one price in Wednesday s sale, per yard fiiwiziaZssZy Watch daily papers for greatest Embroidery Sale ever held in Omaha. Wait for it. . ' Wednesday in Our Famous Domestic Room 10.000 yards tf Wool Dress Goods, worth from 19c to f f .50, to clean up" at. a yard, 13 150 100 "1 i Unbleached Sheets, COc quality, I Unbleached Sheets, 6c quality, at 300 1 Rt 450 15c Towels at. . . .8ViO 12 He Towels at. -70 I ,0c Towels at.. .4. 12 c' Amoskeg Outing, at 7H0I12C Flannelettes, at 5 One case of dark colored Outing Flannels, regular 10c grade, r . t DC 25c 40-lnch Lawns, regular 15c quality, In yards, at, a yard 19c Dotted Swiss, at, a yard remnants from 5 to 12 Six Rousing Specials Department- $4.50 Ax mi lister Hugs, size 36x72, Oriental and Floral designs, on sale at -$2.0 $2.30 AH Wool Smyrna Rug, size 30x60, great bargains at sale price 4 Wednesday $1.35 $4.50 Art Squares, size 9x9, remark able bargains at $3.00 ..Mc .100 Vednesday in Carpet -Third Floor Best Quality Printed Linoleum, sold regularly at 65c sq. yd., special from the bolt Wednesday '150 Tapestry BruNscI Carpet Sampler, well worth $1.00. to close Wednesday. at 500 Water Color Window Shades, best qual ity, 7-ft., with good rollers, snap at 200 Some Interesting Grocery Prices for Wednesday's Sale 21 pound best Pure Cane Granulated Sugar ior ji.oo 10 bars best brands Laundry Koap for 25c pounds choice Japan Rice for 25c 10 pounds best irranulated White or Yel low Cornmeal for 15c 10 pound sack Pure Buckwheat Flour 45c Gallon can fancy Table 8yrup for ....86c Gallon can Apples, Peaches, Plijms or Tomatoes for 85c 3 pound can fancy Wax, Strlnp, Green or l.ltna Jie.ans ror 7 c 3 pound can fancy Sweet Suear Corn 6c 2 pound can fcarly June PeaJi for Pc S pound can Pumpkin, Hominy, Souash Sauer Kraut or Hakeil Means fur Bttrnham's Hasty Jellycon. per vkg. Be Efra-O-Kee. Malta Vita, Corn Flakes or Dr. I'rlue s IsreaKrast r ood, pkg. ic The best Michigan Butter Crackers, lb. Be The best crisp Ginger Snaps, per lb. Be The best crisp Pretzels, per pound ....Be Tha best Sodu or Oyster Crackers, lb. 6c COOKIES COOKIES COOKIES Regular i2c, lfic and L'fle values every where. We will sell them Wednesday, any kind, per puund 10c FBESK VEGETABLES AWD ' TBTXXTS TOM. WEDVESDAT 2 heads Fresh Hothouse lettuce for ' Bo 2 bunches fresh Hothouse Radishes tic t resli Shalot Onions, per bunt-h ic Fresh Carrots, per bunch , Re Fresh Turnips, per bunch 6c 2 bunches fresh Parsley for So Hothouse Lettuce, per head 7i. e Krussell Kprouts, per pound ... Fancy Wax or Green Beans, per pound 15e Fancy Green Peppers for stuffing, S 10c Fancy Cauliflower, per head 12 W 2 heads fresh Celerv for 5e The best Holland Heed ' Cabbage. II). le Rutabagas, Beets, Turnips, Carrots ir Onions, per pound :'n Fancy Rice Popcorn. 3 pounds for inc. Fancy Cooklnif Figs, per pound ft '40. Fancy Imported 7 thrown Figs, per lb. U.rt. Fancy Largo 300 size Lemons, dozen U'e Fancy Malaga Grapes, per pound ...,12'c THE riUOUS KIGXIiAXFD If ATE I. OBAKOES 1B0 slxe, per dosen 17 sine, per dozen 200 sl.e, per doxen 2B0 size, per do.eji 9RR siv,. nor H(y...r. The sweetest Grange that grows 17Hr . . 1 1,: . . loo M HRYDENS' SSE Smxsw amid De At this reason of the year when the ground and street car platforms are apt to be covered with Bnow or ice, especial care Bhould be taken by pasaengers in getting on and off care. , ,. REMEMBER Wait Until the Car Stops ! Get Off In the RIGHT Way! Assist Us in Preventing: Accidents, OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY FOLLOW me FLAG SPECIAL RATES SOUTH (W li XC.mik JA THROUCH CARS Mobile, Ala. You are Invited to go bathing, at Palmetto Beach. Ala.. 36 miles south of Mobile, Ala. Through cara leare Omaha over the Wabash Feb. 4th. Boating, Bathing, Fishing, and other deHghtful outdoor sports lu February. Think of It! For rates, sleeping car apace, descriptive matter, etc, call at Wabash City Office, 16th and Farnam Sta.. or address. HARRY E. MOORES, O. A. P. D. Watt. It. R. Omaha. Kefe. BAILEY l MACH DENTISTS THIRD FIX)OB TAXTON BLOQH Cornejr 16tb and Farnam Streets. Beat equipped Dental of flc In tha middle west. Highest grade Dentistry at Reasonable Prices. Porcelain fillings. Just like the tootc. Bee Want Ads Produce Results