10 TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. JANUARY 28. 100S. SOLDIERS AND SMALLPOX Army Mm Need Not Be Feared, Sayi Surgeon Kennedy. REASONS WHY THEY ARE SAFE rleatlflo r reraatloir Adlail Dis ease Are Tikn All A Inn the Line, Assarts Array PfcysW 1 rlaa mt' t'ert Omaha. OlFICB OF THE SURGEON. Fort Omaha, Jan. 27. To the Kdltor of The Bif: U is not from a desire to enter upon a nrwsrtsper controversy with anyone, but some time efnce an Item of new Riven In the columns of a city paper, stated that "from the observation of a certain city professional man the periodical apiar ante of smallpox In Omaha was coincident with the arrival of soldiers from the Philip pines." intimating that the Infection was carried by the soldiers reporting here from forelKli. service. This discovery would be Important and interesting If true, but with die respect for tha opinion' expressed and to obviate the suspicious gathering up of bundles, skirts a 11.1 -overcoats when a soldier enters a street car, (nr fear of contamination. It la pertinent to the question to enter a simple denial of tho truth of tho assertion and to offer such emphatic proofs of sani tary care of the soldier as would convince the most skeptical that he does not carry on his person the specific poison of small pox. Why Th la la a. A soldiers Is not allowed to step foot on a transport without offering a certificate of a surgeon that he has been successfully vaccinated within a reasonable time. Y.ach transport leaving the Thlllpplne Islands Is first fumigated and ordered Into quarantine at Merlvales, P. I., a sufficient lime to have the' Infection develop, before leaving for Ban Francisco, and on arrival tha transport Is boarded by the Marine hospital surgeon before a passenger Is al lowed to land, and if there should be a sus picious case, the ' entire passenger list, as well aa the employes of the transport, are quarantined on Angel' Island, Ban Fran cisco bay, until all danger has passed. Passengers leaving the port of Han Fran cisco have to undergo the same regula N tlons, as to being vaccinated, before being allowed to enter their names on the trans port list of passengers enroute to the Philippines. ( . . No city oi health organisation ever takes the -same or aa great precautions to pre vent Infection and the development of dis ease as tha medical . department of the army, both by rigid quarantine laws and the critical examination of their men for symptoms of commencing disease. Kvf a . Measlra Grabbed l"p. Take Fort Omaha, for Instance, where one case of measles was taken from a de tachment of . soldiers at I'nlon station, which were enroute to Ban Francisco, this case was at once removed to the post hos pital In the hospital ambulance and strictly quarantined, . . ICach day every soldier Is physically ex amined by tho surgeon at 1 p. m.. so as to detect the first Intimation of disease and the entire command .has been vaccinated twice aince last November, as a precaution against the smallpox In the city of Omaha. The sanitary condition of the pout and . men are looked after each day and week by the surgeon, and once a month tho commanding officer. Colonel Glassford, ac companied by his staff, critically Inspects the entire post, including the bath tubs and shower, kJtchcna, bed and bed clothing, tableware, cooking, cleanliness of the men and their clothing, and, In fact, everything on the reservation Is carefully Inspected, so as. to prevent the breeding of Infectious disease. No one need be afraid to take a seat in a street car near a soldier for fear of con tamination, for he is as neat and clean as soap and regulation can make a human being, possibly cleaner, physically, than three-fourths of the car passengers. Tours very respectfully, JAMES 8. KENNEDY, Burgeon DAHLMAN HID FROM CITY Onr Jim la Absent mmi Xo One Will Tell IVhy TVor Where II Weal. The mayor of Omaha, James C. Dalilman, Is still among the missing. He Is out of the city, so they will tell you at the city hall. But where ho went or why they re fuse to tel! you. The mayor departed suddenly upon his ar rival from Sioux City last week, and it was aid by soma of his friends, he went for a season of real and recuperation to Excelsior Springs; others said fiot Springs. "Mayor Dahlman la out of tho city. Can not say when ho will return." This la tho information given all callers at his office In tho city hall. In that office sits U, B. Johnson, preaW dentof the city council, with his hand at the helm of the ship, until his chief gets back. Tho Yellow Peril. Jaundice-malaria biliousness. v vanishes when Dr. King's New Life Pills are taken. Guaranteed. 28c. Sold by Beaton Drug Co. BARLEY IS CAPRICIOUS CROP ftboalal Be Good far Farmers Thla Year aad Yet' It la Feverish, Sayo Ualnllle Man. 'This is tha year when the farmer should have soma barley on hand," Jd Charles Ritchie of Ijouiavllle, Neb., at the Mer chant ' "But barley Is something you cannot always tall about. One year you can hardly gtvo It away and then when the year cornea along when It is scarce you you can almost name your own price for It Tho farmers of Minnesota are the principal buyers of Nebraska corn' today, and It Is Just because they got sucii a high price for their small grain. They sold out their barley and wheat and oats and are now buying corn to feed their stock, but at that thoy. aro 26 tents a bushel ahead on tho deal, for barley, brought tho money this year.". (Established 1879.) Whooplng-Co u g h , Croup, " Bronchitis, Coughs, Olphthorla, Catarrh. GaaTdac caa bo placed In a rem edy, which for quarter of a century ha earned unqualified praise. Restful ntf;nu am ass urea at once. 9ou h Boom to AtihmMitc AltDrugxltta W rsl for aV Utrtftw twtw. Cruanreae A n rhenUe Throat Tablets fu the lrrtta.ua throat, of four draniat or from Bo. Mo. la eaamnt, lag Vaao Crwtasi Ca, loONtaaSt.M.T. TUHPa&' mmmmKmamnmKmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtammmmmmmmA0 EMBROIDERIES-- , Elegant embroidered skirtings, flouncings and corset cover embroideries in nain- pook, combric and Swiss JR f) A A wurThp JoTME lot-9r6vC LACES- New shipment of very fine French Vals and insertions", also torchon, ft CTao cluny and crochwt effects, choice alp"! flfld flT naw designs at, yard New Spring WasK Goods In Our Basement , ijOO full holts yard wide hlcachcd Muslin nnd Cambric. This big lot includes nil the well known brands values up to !-!:' a yard very special for one day limit of 'JO vards to each customer at. s Mill remnants, loe Scotch Zephyr Ginghams neat checks, stripes, plaids, 4C etc.,' on sale at, pnr 1 yard laJ2V Remnants of Toile l)u Nord Ginghams neat styles for children's wear, waifits, etc, 15c values at, per yard , 8 (US yd.. 8!c 81x90 size seamless bleached Sheets, heavy quality, makes Rood Hotel sheets, 90e values, each, at 69c ;; f 81xS0 size linen finish bleached Sheets with seam actually a 65c value on sale at, each, only Remnants unbleached Mus lin, five thousand yards go on sale at, per )I yard UlK Checked and striped Nain sook just the thing for children's wear, Q aprons, etc., at, yd.. . .d2 72x90 good heavy bleached seamed Sheets will m be sold flS I 49c at, each . WASH DRESS FABRICS High class silk and Egyptian mercerized cotton novelties the best line of 69c materials, in street and evening shades. o a a a a on Dig bargain square, at Dig special bargain at, yard $1.25 SILKS for 79c Yd. Full 27-inch genuine rough Tuscan silks, self colored stripes, ill, 1 w . X ' neai enecKs, uarrea patterns in naturals. navies and browns a positive $1.25 value, ff "J at, yard w w. r r, -jCa fssjj . j m . -y.o - ,,1 HUM-HlH-4-il lit. v WATCH " THE VINDOW8 OMAHA In our notion department we noil the great iitiitiiif H uaii iiuiii Crown ft Pompa dour Produces an artiMlc hair drensing which is in effect in disx-nnible for this y e a r'a stylish hat light and clean aanitary, in. visible, at ra., from, up 50c COLORADO FOR CORN SHOW Silver State Anxious to Help in Ex position at Omaha. GIVES PBOKISE TO J. W. JONES Receives Aaaaraaces from Governor aad Other Leaden . Mrs of Strong" Support for Bis Cereal Ulsvlay. 'Tlio Colorado Grain Growers' conven tion endorsed the National Corn exposi tion for Omaha in an earneat and enthusi astic way," said J. Wilkes Jones, general manager of the National Corn association, who has just returned from Denver, where he addressed tha convention last Thursday. "I was Introduced to Governor Bachtel, President Friedman and Secretary Williams of the Denver Chamber, of Commerce. Theaa gentlemen were anxious that Colo rado should Join tha twonty or thirty states which will take part In tha National Corn exposition for Omaha and lend their Influ ence for the development of a greater ag riculture." In hla speech at the Denver meeting en dorsing the Omaha Corn exposition Senator Patterson commended the exposition Idea and thanked Mr. Jones on behalf of Colo rado tor the privilege of participating In an enterprise that meant ao much to the weat In the development of agriculture and also In oxtendlng our grain markets. "Colorado's mineral resources are vast, but Its agricultural resources are more lm portant and I am anxious to have our va rious crops matched with -other states In a great exposition Ilk this," said Mr. Junes. 'It will stimulate a keener Interest in farm work in a general way that will .prove of great value to the country at large," said Sanator Patterson, who la contributing sveral hundred dollars In prises to stimu late tha contests. Ksport Markets fvr Ooaaka. Mr. Jones entertalnod bis frUnd, N. JueL for a few hours in Omaha on his return trip from the west. Mr. Juel Is a member ut the New York Produce exchange and exports large quantities of corn and wheat to Copenhagen aud other Kuropean mar kets. Bccretary McVann of the Omaha Grain, exchange will place Mr. Juel In touch with elevator Interests here that will supply him directly for export. Mr. Juel was pleased wlt.i the quality ofcorn shown in the samples on the Grain exchange. , "Tho Omaha Inspection under the direc tion of Mr. G. B. Powell, chief Inspector, commands the confidence of extensive pur chascra," he aald. "The Corn exposition will do a great deal In directing attention to and developing this market." FINAL PASS AT COUNTS WILL Defilement 'Will Ba Made Tha radar, When Leslie Rales on the Moated, Points. The affairs of the Count Creighton estate after many delaya will come up for final settlement In county court Thursday morn ing. At that time Judge Leslie will an nounce his decision on the validity of tho betiuet to the Working Girls' home and the final decree of distribution will be entered. Tho executors asked the court to decide whether ti:a bequcat to the Working Girls' home was valid or not. Some of the bene fictarlea contended It was void because It was so Indefinite it could not be carried out. After Judga Ieslle decides this point the only other step will be the entering of the decree distributing the estate according to the terms of the setlement. NO WIND GREAT FOR 'PHONES Vance l.aaa l,lk.as Hla TVew Territory Bersate Wires Da Nat Get Crossed. "Well, one thing I can say for Salt Like and that Is we do not have these high winds there," said H. Vance Lane, president of the Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone com pany, who is visiting with his family In Omaha for a short time. "That la a great matter to telephone men, for It saves wires from crossing all the time and making end less trouble.. "Tha telephone bualneat has a great fu ture in the weat; that cou.itry Is all future, !t baa no tradltiona of the past, but Is all progress. It Is settling up so fast it Is al most Incomprehensible. New enterprises are springing up on all aide and new Irrt- F3aaV. 11 Buy Capitol Coal Best Soft Co&l Ever Mined.. aWsaaUBaaaB Mil I Buyers' lnJ Managers' Sale U i JThls i an rvent of great interest to our rrnploycs. It object is to aecur? a prodipuous gum total of sales. . The firm Rives the buyers every leeway, they are allowed to run thing pretty much a they ehK)e. They are not held responsible for loss of profits dur ing this sale. H'm of interest to you because it is a sublime bargain opportunity. ' ' ' , Sale of Silk Dresses KiLw! Forty-seven Silk Dresses that sold at nineteen fifty and twenty-five dollars, for... 100 Silk Pellicoats, rT will stand alone, Mack and all colors, worth ) $6.50 and $7.50, Buyers' and Managers' Sale J025 Shirts for Men New Columbia and Manhattan brands of men's ehlrta, plain, pleated cuffs at tached or detached, coat or ordinary styles values to $3.00, for , 39c-59c-89c-$l is-l!! HATS FOR MEN Men's Stiff Mats latest styles, vul ues to 92.50. for 19 169 r9i CHINA 20 Oil 65 patterns of fine Dlnnerware, on sale at 20 per cent Dis count. PICTURES and ART 20 per cent discount on framing. See Har ney street window. $12.60 Photo gravures, at 750 .SBo .380 .aso .360 BENNETT'S DIG GROCERY Bennett s Capitol Ooffeo, pound pkg .nAn!1 rcrn TradlnK Stamps, eas, all klndM, pound And 30 Oreon Trading; Stamps'."" Monier's Chocolate Powder, can t - 2. ar,"p" Tradlnsr Stamps. Jersey Butterlne two pnundn Challenge Hutterine, two pounds 40c . And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Advona, Jama, assorted, can lOo ,r ,An'1 6 Oreen Trailing; Stamps. Hartley Imported Currant Jellv, jar 380 And 10 Oreen Trading; Stamps. ..o ' ' c ui ami J unimws, can i0e Red Clover Corn, can 6o Petit Pols Peas, can ii0 Castile Toilet Soap. 6 cakes !&5o And 10 Oreen Trading- Stamps. Lifebuoy Soap. 6 cakes a 5c And 10 Oreen Trading; Stamps. Twenty-five dnr.cn cans Batavla Corn, regular price Uric i can, to closo out, can llUo Dozen cans 81 BO Worcester Table Salt, sack ". .'. .7.'. lOo AmI lw rlpn Trading- Stamps. Polks Assorted Soups, can lOo And s Oreen Trading Stamps'. Filberts, big value, pound 13Uo Peanuts, fresh roasted, quart , Bo Mixed NutH. pound ....A iflic BEIf BTBTT'S CANDIES Grocery otlon ITOKh made Stick Candy, assorted flavors very delli-lous-.flvw sticks for ,1c ra mi FEBRUARY STYLE BOOK """S WS&m. Things are not What they seem Especially In shoe appearances are sometimes deceptive. Therefore It be hooves you in your shoe purchase to use due caution. Got more than appearance, get quality and fit. Fit ting, there Is the rub. If there Is a shoe store that takes more pains In the fitting of Misses' and Young Ladies' Shoes we don't know them. As' to tho Bhoea,thernselveB they are genuine welt solesvery flexible and the linings have n wrinkles to tear the hosiery. This In Itself Ik im im portant Item. Many other good points, too. But let us show you the shoes. Sizes and prices range: 1 8y2 to nio, :-, at HVa to 2, at 2.00 2.50 Drcxel Shoe Co. Ill) Farnam SI. Best Known Men's Shoes OMAHA WALK-OVER $3:50 & Sh.OO Selling Spring Styles IN OUR NEW STORE ?'4,So,h . Walk-Over Shoe Store (rour Doors South Beaton Drug Co n aid-uver Man, MOVED UP VITALIZED For the painless EXTRACTION OF TEETH. We make it in our office, and is perfectly harmlesa and can be taken by ypung or old. Are your teeth Jn good shape? If not, come in and let ua examine them for you free of charge and we will tell you what they need and what the cost will be. We guarantee all our work. FILLINGS 75 CROWNS $5.00 Taft's Dental Rooms 1517 Douglas Street gatlon projects aret starting everywhere. Irrigation that' la tba great tiling. It is fast turning the grreat American desert Into a garden spot. ( Dven the people who live as far west as Omaha, few of them at any rate,, have any Conception pf the vast realm irrigation , opening up." Moat Wtraderfal Ileallac After Buffering many years witli a sore, Amos King, Port Byron, N. T.. was cured by Bucklen's Arnica balve. Xa, Bold, by Batun Irug Co, Stephens & Smith, men's furnishers and hatters, for past fifteen years at 109 North Sixteenth street, have moved one block north and are now ready for bual ness in their beautiful new store, 205 North Sixteenth street. Hotel Loyal build ing. The new room has been handsomely furnished with Flemish oak fixtures and cases . throughout. Stephens & Smith's other store, 807 Soutli Sixteenth street, has also been refitted In a similar manner. This firm now operates' two of the finest furnishing goods stores In the west FLORID.! RUSOIIT9. HOTELS r.C. Dtlt0N St. Augustine ALCAZAR. ..... . St. Aucuaaoe oaafONO . . Ormond-oo-tha-Halifajc THIIaiAKist . . . ,PalnBaa.h ftOVAt POINCIAH . . . palaa Beach 5I Haunt THC COLONIAL Nasaau 'Bahama ltU&Ja now ores, i to milcs Ntancn cut. The saw mi ttm alooa FUciaa Kan, will ba im aparaaoa to Kaisba kt, caasimM vita MaaaUupa iar-rUraaa sea Kay WaM. altar JaniMrr I5iK. Faf uf armaeca mUbv la sVk. Hotel mar, aliaa, apaoa ia TiT-rias aad saiioa cara, - t aatMaa am aaaai, What ar aadr w FLORIDA CAST COAST iaa aeaaa ST. t9 rirra A(. CHicaeo Nfta Vea Extraordinary Bargains Tuesday Boys' Suits and Overcoats at Gnat Price Reductions THK RELIABLK STRl S Watch for lace Sale Wednesday Final Clearance Women's Outer Garments Begins Tuesday in our Cloak department. One dollar will do the work of two, three and in some instances even four. Never before in Omaha has such wealth of bar gains been offered. Come early. f!2.0O COATS TIKSDAV f.2.95 Over 100 in the lot to select from 52-inch lengths, bmt style In mixtures, plaids, checka, etc., actual values to $1 2.00, choice . S2.05 400 FINK KERSEY ANO CHIFFON' BROAD. CLOTH tt)ATH 52 Inches long, uatln lined throughout that sold up to $20.00, will h closed In one great lot. at, choice.. $7,50 $20.00 TAILOR Sl'ITS One hundred in the lot to select from, Prince Chap atylen, in fine cheviots and broadcloths, undoubtedly tho greatest bargain ever shown In Omaha, at, sale price $7.03 FltKNCH VOILK SKIRTS $7.60 vajuca. pleated and trimmed ith bands and folds of taffeta on saloat. choice $3.05 Ladies' Underwear Dept. Specials Ladles' Outlne Flnnnel Gown Worth to $2.00, In threo lots Tuesday at nft. cn. JO i and Pants $1.2o IjuIIos Wool Vests quality, oil Blzes 50d Tuesday Specials In Our Famous Domestic Room From O to 10 A. M. One case' of 15c 40-inch lawn ten yard limit, at,' a yard 7 Ha From 10:30 to 11:30 A. M. One case of bleached linen, regular 10c quality, 10 yards limit, at, per vrd 5 From 1:30 to 2:30 I. M. One case 32-Inch German blue calico, regular 12Hc grade, 10 yard limit. at, a yard GH 25c fancy sateenB, at, yard. . 17 H 15c sllkoline, at, yard f)H? 36-inch percales! all colors, at, yd 10 19c dotted swiss, at. yard lOej" 1 5c India llnon, at, yard ...... 7 Hi 12 fine flannelettes, yard 5 10c Outing Flannels, per yard.. 5 Ladir-V Knit SklrtsAll wool and part wool, that sold to $2.00 Tues day at 98S 4I4 Ladies' Union Suit-. Heavy cotton garments, $1.00 values, at ..49 6 Great Special Sales Furnishing Goods Dept. Domestic Room Tuesday. Ladles' and children's golf mlttena and gloves, worth up to 25c, at 10 Ladles' and children's flccca lined hose, extra heavy, worth up to 26c, will go at k 10t Ladies' outing flannel and Jersey ribbed knee shirts, worth up to 75c, tor . ..294 Ladles' and children's extra heavy Jersey ribbed union suits, worth up to 75c. for . ... S5 nd 30 Men s woolen flannel negligee shirts and Jersey cloth overshlrts, worth up to 75c, for 20a Men's extra finemadras and negligee shirts new goods, worth up to 75c, for --v -...39 Big Flour Sale Tuesday at Hayden's Plour has adTanoed. lust aa wa nraainata two weeks ag-o when we advised oar pat rons to buy. Hut it is not too late yet. We havo Jt received our thipd car that we contracted for before the advance, for the five carloads, and w will still ttlve our patrons tho benefit of our shrewd buyine. This flour Is made from tho finest Ked Turkey Hard Winter Wheat (frown and will make tho whitest, sweetest and most palatable bread baked. Tomorrow, only for tills sale, fi per 48-lb. suck j) A .J EOOB, EOOB3, EQCrS Btrictly No. 1 fresh Country Kkks, per dozen 800 rnurv axtd vioetable haxb There Is no fruit as pure as the High land Navels. They are tho richest fla vored, Julcii'st and sweetest orang-e that stows. We are headquarters in Omaha for the Highland Navels. Tuesday morn ins; we will sell them at the followlng- ? rices: 26 size that retails' everywhere for BOo a dozen, our price' 30c 160 size, that retails everywhere for 4la a dozen, our price "jo 17 size that retails everywhere for'jflo a dozen, our price jfto 200 l that retails everywhere for'jSe a dozen, our price ITtao 250 size that retails everywhere foj.2n a dozen, our price , ija 288 size, that retails everywhere for lao a dozen, our price jo0 I Jo n't buy anything but the Highland Navels. There Is no substitute for these oranges. Two heads fresh Hothouse Lettuce.... Re Two bunches fresh Hothouse Radishes fta Fresh Meets 'a grots or Turnips, bunch, Re Fresh Cauliflower, per head ljte rYcsh Brussels Sprouts, per lb 20o rresh Cucumbers, each 7Ua resh Wax or Oroen Heans. per lb...' tie Two heads fresh Celery n0 rooking Apples, per peek joo Fresh Spinach, per neck on Two bunches fresh V'arsley to Fresh Holland Real Cabbage, per lb..... In rresn tMiaioi unionn, per bunch. ...... ,j m HAYDENS' sm now a Did De At this season of the year whsan the ground and street car platforms, are apt to be covered with snow or ice, especial care should be taken by passengera in getting on and off oars. REMEMBER Wait Until the Car Stops! Get Off In the RIGHT Way I Assist Us in Preventing Accidents. OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY 1 NOT A GOLDEN BUT A SILVER OPPORTUNITY 23 PER CENT DISCOUNT Next 30 Days on all SILV ERW ARE PLATED OR REPAIRED. OMAHA SILVER COMPANY 3H SOUTH 13th STREET. Between Farnam and Barney. DR. BRADBURY, Dontist, SJrfia. 1506 FARNAM 8T.t OMAHA. Phona Douglas 17S6 We make a apectaltjr plaUta. rainJeaa work la all operation. , Open evenings till 8 o'clock. Extracting ...... 2.c Porcelain FMa.'.Sl up Crowns .... $2.50 up Bridge Work.S2.SO op Plates ..... .S2.00 np r''afaaaaaaj!av D C, SCOTT, D.V.S. Sacresoor to Pr. H. lb RamacctoitL) AJia-urrAjrr itati tmtmmim Axxut. Cffloa aaat BasprtaO, 8810 ataaaa luaat CiJIa Prompty Antwarad at All Koam. Tkm Office Xarnay 7. JMa. Otaflw txia. V XIta. TTlaslowt 8oot"iihig Eynp'S pas hrtn naed rar ew BnTT-Fin VFAP9 f ll H. r. Ai.Qr4 iekthino. with PfHVRnr sr iw:t all PAIN; Cl'W-rf WIND COI.in.ana im ihthfi trmmAj fur DIAnUHikA, SoM Lr nrutiriata In frr ran oi ma wnrm. re aur aua aa lur nn Wioa I w'm Hoothln Syrup," aud Uka so othrr mih l.rnij-u'. ... n . li-r.ilt III). .11 f r1 Ll 1 1 . T I le Fooaaad Iirnj Aot. Juno smh. Iwe HHal S'uinlr iaa. aJi OU AHU W4i laOfJU htMWX. J