Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1908, Image 1

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    Fhe Omaha. Daily Bee
Charles Fuller Appointed Assistant to
W. R. KcXeen, Jr.
to union rAcmc from altos
Brings About General Shifting of
Heads at the Various Sh-
E. F. Faj Transferred from Dent
the Cheyenne Job.
C fbeu Building- at Omaha,
uw Complete aa Ready far tho
TraekasTe m4 Installation
at Machinery.
Charles Puller, for several yesrs super
intendent ef motive power and machinery
of tha Chicago ft Alton railroad, has been
appointed, assistant superintendent of mo
tive power and K achlnery of the Union
Pacific, being assistant to W. R. McKeen.
Jr.. and to hava special supervision of the
big Omaha shops.
With tha appointment of Mr. Fuller to
thla position comes an entire shifting of
the heads of the various shops alone the
line of the Union Pacific railroad. John
Turtle, who has been acting; ssslstant
superintendent of motive power with head
quarters at Omaha. Roes to Denver, where
tia becomes master mechanic of the com
pany's shops at that place. E. F. Fay,
who was master mechanic at Denver, goes
to Cheyenne as superintendent of the shops
at that point.
Mr. Fuller, wh comes as Mr. McKeen's
assistant, la well known In the mechanical-
railroad world, having been at the
head of tha mechanical departments of
tha Alton Cor aorne time, but left that road
a couple of months sgo when the then
president, 8. M. Felt on, severed Ills con
nection witrt tha road.
Tha annual conference of the heads of
tha Union Pacific shops with W. R. Mc
Keen. Jr., superintendent of motive power
and machinery, la In progress at the shops.
Representatives aura here from Evanston,
Cheyenne. Grand Island, Denver. Rawlins.
North Platte and Armstrong, Kan. Rao
line matters are being disrupted with
special reference to the rules snd regula
tions governing tha shop.
Begtnnlnng With Monday of this week
tha Union Pacific made a further reduc
tion of 19 per cent In the working time
nf,the men at the various shops along the
Iast week a cut was made to five
day a a week, with eight hours a day, and
now a further cut of la per cent la made.
, Tha new tar shops at tho Union Pacific
hops to Omaha are practically completed
as far aa the builders sre1 concerned and
ara new awaiting Jns to and within
the building aad for tha Installation of
too machinery, moat of which has vbeen
ordered. ,
In eiXngtV q . the- ckpemws . -art 4w
shops to meet the decrease In business
since the first of tha year an effort has
been made to let out aa few men as pos
sible, bill to keep the old men on the pay
rotla In the hope that full time might soon
I restored. The Union Faciflc has a large
sum of money Invested In the new shop
at Omaha and the local representatlvea ure
mora than anxious to Keep them In usj
that co much money might not lie idle.
apart frwaa BatTalo, Wy.,'They May
Caataiet with Cat
' tla Men.
BLTFAIjO. Wye. Jan. 27.-(8peclal.)-Repnrta
reaching here Indicate the troubles
between the sheep men and the settlers are
wholly unsettled. The sheep nvrn are de
termined to feed the settlers out and chase
them out Of the country. From all reports,
they are crowding the sheep down on the
ettlsrs with armed 'bands of men to guard
tha wagona. and are planning to cross the
dey line .In the settlement aa soon as tht
first snow conies, so the sheep can do
without water. The settlers have Joined
tugether and have ' burned five or six
wagons for the sheep men arid killed aome
sheep, but this does not atop them. The
aheep men ar keeping their Intentions a
secret. It IS claimed the papers here are
not giving due publicity to the actual con
ditions. ,
Preliminary Legal Motlaaa Made
CrlBsanl t'aart at New
' Vark.
NEW TORK. Jan., XT. Counsel for F.
Augustus Hetnxe today withdrew tem
porarily the plea of not guilty entered by
Mr, lielnte to tha charge of overccrtlfy
tug Hiecka to tha amount of ItSs.uOo on
the Mercantile National bank of this city,
of Which he formerly waa president. The
case came In the criminal branch of the
United Statea circuit court. Hla counsel
filed a demurrer to the Indictment and
Kebraary 11 wa fixed as the date for an
argument en the demurrer. Bait was
t we Mara Open Hearth rarnaeea Be.
A'n Operations at Ptta '
., Ilia, Pa.
f snsnmannnhaBs
roTTSVIU-F.. Pa.. Jan. .-To more
big opn hearth furnaces resumed here to
ay. while the nlneleen-lneh and iwenty-rlghl-tnch
rolling mill departments at the
Kaetern at eel company's mills also started
up flail handed. Tomorrow the twelve
inch tn!H wilt resume. Thirty-eight col
lieries of the Reading Coal and Iron com
pany, employing MOW men. who have been
Idle since January Z3 also went to work to
day, while l.Oss men it the same company's
repair shops resumed on regular hours.
IhlrtyOne Tksaniad Dollars Pleaded
far Methodist Oreraalsatlon
at Mitchell, a. D.
MITCHCIX. 8. D- Jan. ?7.-8peolal Tele
i am.) The didicatloa servicea of the new
Methodist church were concluded last night
tt 11 o'clock, when the fcd.onQ tiercaaary u
over the entire Indebtedness of tho church
sss raised through the efforts of Joseph
M. Powell of Buffalo. The church beli
was rung at hst hour and a great rejoie.
Ing followed the announcement at the con
clusion af he services. During tha evening
Mr. Powell organised a brut har hood order
with a membership of S
Tuesday, January ZM, ISO.
1908 dsVARV 1908
sr: mm 7tz, ta mf sir
J 6 Z 8 90
2 3 J 6 Z 8
9 20 2 22 23 24 25
26 2Z 28 2930 3 "
VINTTT Fair and colder Tuesday.
K NEBRASKA Generally fair and
. " Tuesday.
"CvJe lOWA-Partly cloudy, with pron-
. 1W flurrlea In east portion Tuesday;
.mature at Omaha yesterday:
Hoar. ueg.
S a. m l
a. m IS
7 a. m IS
a. m 16
1 a. m 17
10 a. m 21
11 a. m 7
12 m K
1 p. m 2f
2 p. tn
5 p. m 43
4 p. m 45
6 p. m , 44
p. m 44
7 p. m i2
H ft. m 40
9 p. m 41
Marriage of fount Lasxlo Szechenyi to
Mian Gladya Vanderbllt takes place at
New York with elaborate ceremony.
rage 1
Ovation la given Secretary Taft as he
appears before the committee on Indus
trial srts In Washington. Fage 1
W. J. Bryan pays visit to Capitol at
Washington and again outlines Ills po
sition on the financial question las;e 1
One fireman Is dead and others are
Injured In a big; fire at Chicago. frags a
Many persona suffer death In tho
storms along the Atlantic coast, rage 1
United States supreme court declares
unconstitutional the law preventing In
terstate carriers from discriminating
between members of unions In eiloy
meot " 1
Sheep men of Wyoming are declared
to be In readiness for further war upon
cattlemen. 1
Commlsaloner appointed In Missouri
to take testimony In the ouster suit
against the harvester trust. Fagre 1
President Mitchell. In address to the
United Mine Workers' union, opposes
sympathetic strikes. Secretary Hay
wood of the Western Federation ad
dresses the body and favors a closer
union between the two. Fag 8
Trial of Mrs. McDonald at Chicago
continues, experts for the prosecution
declaring she Is feigning Insanity.
Faga 1
'Japanese spies declared to be at work
.seeking Information about the fortifi
cations about San Francisco. Fafe 1
Missouri supreme court holds uncon
stitutional the law permitting return
passes to shippers of live stock. Faga 1
Finance committee of the senate holds
no meeting because of failure to receive
Information from Secretary Cortelyou.
Fatfe a
Trial p? "the' alleged conspirators In
tne Pennsylvania, capital frauds 'begins
at Harrtsburg. Face X
Senators Vorakcr and Dick refuse to
attend dinner t which Secretary Taft
Is to be principal orator. Faga 1
Receivers of New York railway com
pany authorised to begin suit over al
leged two million dollar note Juggling.
Faga 1
Experiments have demonstrated Nor
way poplar as a valuable tree for
Nebraska. Faga 3
Cattlemen ask governor to modify his
quarantine order. Faga 3
Plate Railway commission Issues an
order prohibiting the changing of depot
sites without the consent of the com
mission. Fae 3
Ross Hammond thlnka he will be
named collector on Saturday and Sen
ator Brow n thinks place will go to Rose.
Fag-e 1
Regent Anderson says Nebraska In
fluence In the republican national con
vention depends on having strong, well
known delegates Fags 3
Prestdent of Nebraska Conference on
Charities and Correction says the pres
ent state administration Is allowing the
State Board of Charities and Corrections
to "sleep In peace." when tha law re
qulrea them to hold meetings. Fags 1
Rumere that the suits of Attorney
Oeneral Bonaparte to dissolve the hold
ings of the Harrlman Interests are not
materializing In Omaha, where It U ex
pected that the suite will be filed.
Fag-a B
Colorado Is for the Corn Show in
Omaha, according to Prof. Wilkes Jones,
who baa Just returned from a trip to
the Centennial state, where there Is
much interest In a national corn expo
sition. Fags 10
Surgeon James S. Kennedy says
Uncle Sam'e aoldiere from the Philip
pines do not bring smallpox to Omaha,
and assertions to that effect are
groundless snd ridiculous. Fafe 10
Live atock markets. Fage T
(rain markets. Fare T
Stocks and bonds. Fage T
Fan. Arrttcc. all4.
NEW YORK gas Olsvaaoi
Ql tESST'lWK Oniric
WICK.N9TOWN .. Luutaala.
OI HH ALTAR .... CrmnH
KAPLK4 i'aaopic .........
FltMM t'mronia ..........
HALIFAX (irlnta .
Halifax t'ormthian
T. JOHNS MomrM ..
. Corsica.
Belated Reports Indlcnte Consider,
ahlo Loss of Life Alongt At
lantic Cnoet.
PHILADELPHIA. Jan. T.-Belaled re
porte to tho maritime exchange bring in
formation of mishaps to barges with tha
probable drowning of eleven persona off
the New Jersey cuast during laat week'a
storm. The barge Uwennle. from Norfolk
for New Bedford, and the barge Fannie.
Philadelphia for Boston, broke adrift from
the tug which was towing off Barnegat laat
Friday. Ttie tug searched for the barges.
The Fsnnie wss found and the crew of
five men rescued. It Is believed the Owen
nle foundered and that Its crew of five
went down.
Tho tn M. F. Schully reported today
that on Friday, while trying to make the.
Delaware breakwater with . the- barges
White Bank and New Jersey, a hawser
parted and the barges drifted away. Later
the New Jersey was picked up with ita
crew safe, but the White hank was found
waterlogged tea miles off the coasl
Elaborate New York Home Wedding:
of Kiss Gladys Vanderbilt.
Cere as on y rer formed by Measlajaar
Lstvelle Under Rawer mt Falsa
Trees Eatwlara' with
Many Orcktda.
NEW TORK. Jan. 27-Mlsa Gladys Van
derbllt. daughter of Mrs. Cornelius Van
derbilt. waa married to Count Laszio
Ssechenyl, a young Hungarian nobleman.
In tho Fifth avenue horn of Mrs. Vander
bllt. at noon today. The wedding was prob
ably the most brilliant that has taken
place In this city for several years. AN
though tho number of pruests was limited
to about 3S0. mainly relatives and Immedi
ate friends of the families, there were
Included Baron Hengelmuller von Henger
vse. the Austrian ambassador to the
United States; James Bryce. the British
ambassador and several prominent mem
bers of New Tork society.
Outside of the Vanderbllt home a great
crowd of the cuiioua public gathered., hop
ing for a glimpse of the count and his
bride and watching the arrival of the
g-uests. There was no disorder among the
crewd for the streets were patrolled and
kept clear by a force of nearly MO police
men. Police lines wera drawn across
Fifty-seventh and Fifty-eighth streets, be
tween which two streets the house stands
and the uninvited public was not permitted
on the Fifth avenue walk In front of the
house. They gathered tn large numbers
in the square In front of the Plasa hotel,
but 'their curiosity was satisfied only by
witnessing the arrival of the count and the
guests. No gkmpse of the Interior of the
house could be obtained by them.
Mansianor I.avelle Officiates.
From 11 until 12 o'clock the guests ar
rived tn a procession of carriages and auto
mobiles and on foot. Promptly at noon
tho wedding ceremony was performed In
a large drawing room on the Fifth avenue
side of the house In which a bower of
palms and arbor of orchids were con
structed. Beneath the arbor a temporary
altar was erected and In front of this the
ceremony waa performed by Monslgnor J.
Lavelle, rector of Bt. Patrick's cathedral.
The bride was escorted by hVr elder
brother, CorneHus Vanderbllt down an
aisle bordered with palms, entwined with
a great abundance of orchids to tha altar.
Count 8xecheny! was attended by his
brother. Count- Denis Bzechenyi. The
ceremony of glvlna; the bride away was
performed by Cornelius Vanderbilt.
Attlra af the Bride.
The bride wore a gown of Ivory satin
with embroidery, point lace and garlands
of orange blossoms. Her veil was of
point lace caught with sprays of orange
blossoms. She carried a shower bouquet
of orchids and gardenias. The bridesmaids
were Miss Ruth Vsnderbllt Twombly, her
cousin, and Miss Dorothy Whitney, daugh
ter of William C. Whitney. The bride was
also attended by her little niece. Miss
Flora Payne Whitney., daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Hsrry Payne Whitney. '
Among the ushers were Count Stefan
Bsechenj t ''and'' Cetint"ruT YMMiijir,
Among the guests were Raron " 'Hengel
muller von Hengervsr. the Austrian am
bassador to the United States and hla wife
and Alfred and Reginald Vanderbllt,
brothers of the brVJe.
Many of the most prominent members
of New York society were among the
guests, while outside the Vsnderbllt resi
dence a great crowd of the curious public
thronged the sidewalk and street.
Following the ceremony a wedding
breakfast was served, the guests being
distributed at various tables throughout the
house. All the rooms were beautifully dec
orated with palms and orchids.
This afternoon, the Count and Counters
Bzechenyi went to Newport to remain for
a week at the home of Reginald Vander
ew Jadae Has Charge of Case In
volving; Extensive Conspiracy
in Pennsylvania.
HARRISBURO. Pa., Jan. 28. A special
Jury panel of eighty Is on hand and Judge
George F. Kunkle of tha legislature and a
new comer on tha Pennsylvania bench, la
presiding ,at the trial of the capital fraud
The five conspiracy cases Hated for trial
first Involves payment of (49,197 for sofas,
tables and clothes and trees. The Items
were pajd for by the state at the (18.03 "per
foot." Tha commonwealth alleges that
fraud's to tho amount of 09,308 were per
petrated. The defendants In these five
cases are Chief Contractor John, H. San
derson and Architect Joseph M. Huston,
former Auditor General William 8. Snyder,
former (State Treasurer W. I- Mathua and
James M. Shumaker, former superintendent
of grounds and buildings. Neither Con
gressman H. Burd Caasei of the Pennsyl
vania Constructing Co nor tha remaining
eight defendants In the prosecution figure
In these conspiracy caaes.
Mlaaaarl Saprtoe Coart Holds Live
Stock Men Have Been
Missouri supreme court today. In an opin
ion by Judge Burgess, decided the law re
quiring that free return transportation b
given to shippers with each carload of live
stock by the railroads of this atate. Is
unconstitutional on the ground that it la a
discrimination In rates against other ship
pers and in violation of the fourteenth
amendment to the federal constitution in
that It takes property without due process
of law.
The rase was appealed to the supreme
court from Lynn, where the board of com
missioners brought suit against the Burl
ington railroad. The lower coourt sus
tained the commissioners' contention and
the railroad company appealed.
Tha aupreme court overruled the decision
of the lower court and tha proceedings are
ordered dismissed.
Boy Birflan nt St. Lea Is Brook Into
Saloon with Thla for
a Jimmy.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 17. Three boys. Thomas
Olsten. S years of age; his brother Frank.
S; and Harry Arter, 13 years old. today con
fessed that they had broken Into and
looted the saloon of Anton Opperman.
Kiitranre waa effected with a hatchet aad
tha booty consisted of cigarettes, whisky,
wine and tobacco. With much gusto, Harry
Arter slated: "I swiped mamma e hatchet.
We got Into the cellar and took turns chop
ping through the floor until we made a
bole big enough to' crawl through.
Alienists In MrDtstls Caeo at Chi
rm go Asorrt He; Is Feign
lag lnannly.
CHICAGO, Jan. 17. As a counter to fre
quent statements that Millionaire M. C. Mc
Donald's widow, Mrs. Dors. McDonald. Is
Insane and Incapable of appreciating thai
aha la on trial for the murder of Webster
a Glerin, Assistant States Attorney Will
iam A. Rlttenhouse cornea forward with
the announcement tha fhe prosecution Is
certain she is shamming.
"In addition to the experts who made a
personal examination of her for tha state
prior to f"he trial," he said laat night.. "we
have had five alienist In the court room
ever since, the trial began last Monday
watching Mrs. McDonald and making- care
ful notes wy.h regard to her condition.
Without exception, they declare that the
defendant la sane." t
Assistant State's Attortiey Day made the
opening statement today. He denounoed
tho relations existing between the defend
ant and Webster Guertn in severe terms,
declaring that they were 'commenced at the
Instance of Mrs. McDonald when she was
31 years of sge and Ouerin waa 18. Her
attentions to the young man. declared the
assistant state's attomes, compelled Ouerin
to abandon a business! In which lie had
embarked soon after leaving school. Mrs.
McDonald would call tfr him. and keep
him away from his stoA for two or three
daya at a time. 1
Later, when Ouerin embarked In the pic
ture business. It wss declared by Mr. Day,
Mrs. McDonald. In fit of Jealous rage,
would come Into tho store and drive out
women customers, and In thia way neatly
destroyed his business m second time.
The first witness called, was Archie Guerln
brother of the murdered man. He testi
fied regarding tho manher In which Mrs.
McDonald' has persisted in following his
brother and of his efforts to avoid her.
Asked if he had not afTe-red to sell the
evidence of the Ouerin am1ly In the trisl
for $75,000, Guerln declsj-ed the statement
was false. :
Vice Presidents of Many Lines Have
Interview with) President
WASHINGTON, Jan. !7. The operating
vice presidents of many of the large rail
roads of the country were received by
President Roosevelt today and presented a
request that in executing what Is known
as the comity amendment of the railroad
rata law. but one casa be brought ggalnat
the roads by the government, his case to
be finally disposed of by the supreme court
of the United Stales. This. If agreed to by
the government, would mean that the rail
roads owning ooal producing properties
would not sell them by May 1, as required
by the law, but coujl operate them as
heretofore - until tho llspoaal of the test
caaea. The law In qu4rtlon Is regarded by
the roads aa unconsttt
tlonal In that It re
property at what
sacrifice. The law
quires tne disposal cl
would be necessarily i
also is questioned on ofher grounds.
The president referred the railroad men
to the Interstate Commerce commission,
where the question will ba fullydlscusned
and a. report mader tj the president as to
the legal poeetbllltT or currying out the sug
giNKlon. tn4. ) ZJ, r. ? '
Those who participated m the" conference
besides the president were. C R. Gray,
of the St. Louis San Francisco, who
acted as tho chairman of the conference on
the part of the railroads: T. O. Rawn, Il
linois Central; E. G. Rtickland. New Tork,
New Haven aV Hertford: H. U. Mudge.
Rock Island; D. Willard. Chicago, Burling
ton & Qutncy: W. A. Garrett. Seaboard
Air Line; C. B. Schaff. New York Central;
W. A. Gardner. Chicago Northwestern;
C H. Aekert, Southern, and G. L. Potter.
Baltimore A Ohio.
Jastlre Harlan Holds Art Prohibiting
Railroads from Discriminat
ing; I nroSistlt ntlonal.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 77. -The conatl
tutionality of the act of congress on June
1. ISM, prohibiting railroad companies en
gaged In Interstate commerce from dis
criminating against members of labor
organisations In the matter of employment
waa railed Into question by the caae of
Wlllam Adair versus the United 8tates,
which was decided by the supreme court
of the United Ststes todsy favorable to
Adair. The opinion was by Justice Harlan
and hold the law to be repugnant to the
The court held that Adair, as master me
chanic of the Louisville St Nashville Rail
road company, had a right to discharge an
employe because he was a member of a
labor organisation Just as it was the em
ploye's right to quit such employment be
cause of his membership in such organisa
tion. Such a course, the decision saya,
might bo unwise, but regarded as a mere
matter of right, there could be no doubt.
Congress could not under the constitution
authorise a violation of contracts under
the guise of protecting Interstate com
merce. Judge McKenna delivered a dissenting
opinion favorable to the law. In which he
aaid the court's decision Is along very nar
row lines.
Justice Holmes slao expressed the opin
ion thta the law should be construed aa
constitutional. He thought that tho right
to make contracts had been stretched to
the limit by the court's decision in this
case. That congress had a right to so
legislate as to encourage la bor organisa
tions waa another suggestion of Justice
Myslerloos KsTorts to Boh Saat Pras
claco Armory of Coast Do
fens Secrets.
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. JT.-The Call to
day says that bullets fired with deadly
Intent by National guard sharpshooters
early yesterday morning frustrated a
second attempt to rob the armory of Com
panies K and M. Fifth Infantry of the
National guard. In the building, which Is
located at Buchanan and Waller streets,
are kept valuable military maps of Ssn
Francisco's coast defense snd topographi
cal plana of the peninsula. That the at
tack on the building was not a burglar's
ordinary operstion seems apparent from the
persistency of the mysterious visitors.
Saturday morning and again in the dark
ness of Sunday morning two men tried to
gain an entranco into the premises. Fear
ing that third , attempt might be made, the
officer In command, ordered the guard of
soldiers doubled laat nlghu Armed men
watched the premisea from nightfall Bun
day until dawn this morning.
From the description of the trespassers
furnished the officers of the regiment by
the sentries tha authorities sre working on
the theory tiiat Japaneae spies were keek
ing to gain entrance to the secrets of the
Father Iteming: Says Legislature
Chloroformed the Law.
I Hone Pablle Will Awaken to
Know Why atatate la Dead Let
ter," Soya President of Char
ities at Conference. )
That the Nebraska Board of Charities
and Correction, created by law, has been
chloroformed by the legislature and state
administration, was. the news brought to
the Monday session pf the eleventh annual
conference .of Charities snd Corrections,
which was held at the Rome hotel, by Rev.
Joseph Reusing, president of the confer
ence. The attendance was not large at the
opening session, twenty-eight members be
ing registered, but many visitors swelled
the audience to comfortable size. Heads
of nearly all state Institutions are now In
attendance, as well as chairmen and secret
tarles of many charitable organizations
and womens' clubs.
"I hope the public will awaken someT day
to demand why the law creating the
Board of Charlttea and Correction has
been allowed to become a dead letter."
said President Reusing.
"We were responsible In a large measure
for the placing on the atatute books the
law creating the board. A year afo we
pointed out the defects tn the law and we
hoped the material affairs of the state in
stitutions would be the only business of
the Board of Public Lands and Buildings,
while the advisory board would be enabled,
because better fitted, to promote the
humanitarian Interests of the wards of the
Root B1U to Abolish.
"A bill remedying the defects and look
ing to such a plan was drafted by me and
was to be introduced In tho legislature
when the news reached me that a bill had
been introduced by Senator Root of Cass
county to abolish the State Board of Char
ities and Correction. At the same time our
vice president Introduced a bill, -copied
largely after the Minnesota law, empower
ing boards of county commissioners to send
delegates to the annual conference of
Charities and Correction at the expense of
the counties.
"But our aggressive poltcv was stopped
at once. As president of this conference,
aa a member of the atate board and as a
private citizen I was obliged to assume
the defensive and fight for our very exist
ence. "Finally I submitted a brief to the gov
ernor and to each member of the com
mittee showing the necessity and useful
ness of tho State Board of Charities and
Correction. The discussion In the senate
created much Interest but the bill waa
defeated. The 8iate Board of Charities and
Correction still exists, but It Is Inactive
and lifeless. No meeting was held during
the year of 1307. although the legal rules
and regulations adopted In 1901 demand at
least a meeting in July as the annual meet
ing. It Is evident that the legislature lias
not obliterated the hoard, but th admini
stration has. saying in effect: .'Let It rest
In pe". ' " '
Several Other Speakers.
The session was occupied during the rest
of the morning by an address by Alexander
Johnson, general secretary of the Na
tional Conference of Charities and Correc
tion and round table conferences led by
Warden A. D. Beemer of the penitontlary
at Lincoln and Rev. A. W. Clark of the
Nebraska Child Saving Institute.
Rev. R B. H. Bell of Omaha spoke dur
ing the afternoon on "The Child at Play."
In a conference on "The Domestic and
Social Relationship of the Child." over
which Judge A. L. Sutton presided.
Amons those prominent in the work
present at the Mondsy sessions were Mrs.
Margaret J. Carna of Lincoln, state chair
man of the civil service department of the
women's clubs; F. W. Simpson, secretary
of the Soldiers Relief commission; C. E.
Prevey. general serretsry of the Charities
Organization society; H. Friedman of the
Jewish associated charities; Rev. A. W.
Clark, superintendent of the Child Saving:
Institute; Dr. F. E. Osborne, superintendent
of the Home for the Feeble Minded at
Beatrice; E. B. Sherman, superintendent
of the State industrial School for Boys at
Kearney; R. D. Hay ward of Lincoln, for
mer superintendent of the State Industrial
School at Kearney, and others.
Toesday Session of Charities aad Cor
rertloa to Bo Important.
"Tuberculoals" will be the, topic Tues
day for a special aession of the Ne
braska conference of charities and cor
rection, which will be held at the
Rome hotel and presided over by Dr. H.
Glfford of Omaha. The subject of tu
berculosis Is to receive much attention
by the conference, the program for
Tuesday' being as follows:
Tuesday morning Business: report of
committees; election of offirers: "A
Forward ttep In the Treatment of the
Insane," Dr. Young. Supt. Neb. Hospital
for the Insane. Norfolk; "Ortheopedic
Advance," Ir. J. P. Lord. Omaha, fupt.
Nebraska Ortheopedic hospital.
Tuesday afternoon "Vagrancy," C. FJ.
Prevey, general secretary C. O. S., Lincoln;
General Topic "Tuberculosis." Dr. H.
Glfford presiding: "Plans for a Oam-
ralgn." Dr. K. Luther Stevens, secretary
owa Association fur the Study and
Prevention of Tuberculosis; 'Elimina
tion;" Medlcsl Inspection of frhoon;
The Vslue of Visiting Nurses in the
Campaign. Dr. W. F. Mllroy. Omaha;
Tuberculosis in Animals and its Relation
to Man, Harriet 19. MacMurphy, food in
spector. Nebraska Food. Dairy and Drug
commiasion; introduction of president
elect; adjournment.
Little Kxrltrment Cnnsed by Action
Taken by the ew York
NEW TORK. Jan. 17. Liquidation of
the National Bank of North America waa
begun today. Charles A. Hanna. national
bank examiner of this district., who was
appointed receiver veslcrday. was In con
ference today with Comptroller Rldgeley,
William F. Havemcyer. preaident of the
bank, and some of the bank's hal ad
visers. No authoritative alatemenl was is
sued by any of the officials, but the opinion
was expressed that the bank's depositors
will be paid In full within sixty days.
The closing of the bank occasioned little
surprise In financial circles and seemed to
have only a sliglaly adverse stock market
Influence. In a small crowd was gathered
at the doors of the- institution all morning,
but thero was an absence of excitement,
which marked the disturbance in the finan
cial distrUt last fail.
Clisrles A. Hanna. receiver of the Na
tional Bank of North America, waa for
merly of IJncoln. For yeara he was an
officer of the First National bank of Lincoln.
Kaperte Testify that Ho la Afflicted
with Maniac Denreoolvo
NEW TORK, Jan. 17. The Thaw defense
closed Ita case today with "manlac-depres-slve"
Insanity as the explanation of the
death of Stanford White at the hands of
the young Pittsburg millionaire. Tomorrow
tho prosecution will begin Its evidence In
rebuttal and tho case should go to the Jury
by Wednesday night pr Thursday noon.
Dlatrlct Attorney Jerome tomorrow morn
ing will apply for the appointment of a
commission to take the testimony of Abra
ham Hummel, the convicted lawyer who Is
confined In the penitentiary on Blackwella
Island and who Is said to bo too 111 to
appear In court. Mr. Littleton of the de
fense, said he would oppose any such ac
tion, whereupon Justice Dowllng announced
that If necessary he would go io the island
himself tomorrow night In company with
the defendant and his counsel to preside
at the taking of Hummel'a testimony. Trie
Jury. It was said, would not be compelled
to take the night trip across the river.
Thaw seemed delighted at the prospect of
the outing even to the grim shores of New
Tork City's pensl colony snd smiled
broadly at the court's suggestion.
District Attorney Jerome disappointed a
crowded court room when he refrained
from his tactics of last year In baiting the
expert witnesses for the defense, three of
whom Drs. Wsgner, Evans and Jelllffe
declared that Thaw at the time he killed
Stanford White, was suffering from such
a defect of reason as not to know the
nature tor quality of his act or that the
act was wrong. The prosecutor contented
himself with drswtng from the alienists
the fact that last "year they swore 1t was
during a ''brain storm." thst Thaw com
mitted the homicide. He aiso read from
the affidavit made by Dr. Wagner before
the lunacy commission last year giving
conversations ' had with Thaw In court
which tended to show that the defendant
had a distinct recollection of occurrences
on the roof garden Immediately preceding
the tragedy.
It was left to Justice Dowllng to
make a most Important Inquiry of the
alienists. He desired to know the exact
nature of "maniac-depressive" Insanity
and if the attacks were likely to recur.
He also asked If a person suffering
from this form of Insanity would be
likely to commit assaults. He learned
that It was a recurrent form of mental
disorder, the attacks coming suddenly
and without warning, a period of in
sanity being followed by a maniacal out
burst, then by a period of complete de
pression and then by another lucid In
terval. It seemed that the presiding
Judge was securing Information upon
which to predicate judicial action In the
event of a verdict of not guilty on the
ground of Insanity or of a straight ac
quittal. Even in this latter event It
was pointed out that Justice Dowllng
would have the right to have Thaw com
mitted for examination.
An English physician, one of the three
men of medicine who testified, first gave
the name of "maniac-depressive" or
"sub-acute mania" to Thaw's mental
condition. Dr. Sydney Russell Weils of
London made the during an
outbreak by Thaw in l.ndon In 1S99,
when with a normal temperature Thaw
demanded that the walla of his rooms in
-...nursing home ha torn down -so that
h might have eln and that twenty tone
of Ice be put In the apartment to cool It.
Mr. Littleton's question, which waa
answered "by the three experts, was a
complete resume of the evidence, with tho
exception, as District Attorney Jerome
pointed out, of the testimony of James
C. Smith, brother-tn-law of Stanford
White, who talked with Thaw for fifteen
minutes Just before the shooting on the
roof of Madison Square Garden. Tho
question contained some 1,000 words.
Judge Bethea Orders Standard Re
baling Trial to Be Heard
la April.
CHICAGO. Jan. 27. Ju.lge Bethea in tha
United Slates district court today set tho
trial of Lhe Standard Oil company or Indi
ana on the charge of accepting concessions
from the Clikago Sc Eastern Illinois fall
road on shipments of oil from Whiting.
lnd., to Lvansvllle, Ind., for April t.
The attorneys for the company desired a
later date.
The case was originally set for trial be
fore Judge Landis, who declined to hear U.
and It was transferred to the calendar of
Judge Bethea. It Is a larger case than that
Involving the Chicago tc Alton railroad,
which was tried before Judge Landis. and
in which a fine of more than tS.OOO.OOO waa
imposed. The Eastern Illinois esse In
cluded M24 counts, and under them a max
imum fine of S12.tS0.O00 Is possible.
WASHINGTON. Jsn. 37In the hearing
today in the case! of the government against
the Standard Oil company for the annul
ment of the charter of the company. K.
Dana Durand. deputy commissioners of cor
porations, submitted what is known as
"Tariff J4" or Chicago and St. Louis Traf
fic association tariff No. 24 on classes, and
effective, on the Chicago & Alton on
August 31. 1901. This was the tsrlff on
which the Standard Oil company was con
victed and fined over $J9,0n0,YO for accept
ing rebates.
To the introduction of the tariff Attorney
Rosenthall for the Standard objected, be
cause no concurrence was shown In the
tariff by the Chicago Terminal railway.
Salt I aval via sr Right to Pot la Other
Materials ow De
rided. WASHINGTON. Jan. ?7.-That whisky In
which burnt sugar or caramels have been
plm-oil after government Inspection U not
subject to forfeiture to the government
under seion Jlio of the revised statutes
was today decreed by the supreme court
of the United States. The question was
raised by tha conrt of appeals for the
eighth circuit of the United Statea against
lite A. Graf Distilling company. The suit
involved he seizure In the eastern district
of Missouri of three barrels of whisky be
longing to that company under the lew In
question, whl li prohtbtta, the. placing of
'"things, etc.," other than the original
article fn a package after It had been
marked by the Inspectors.
Letters from Them State They Cannot
Attend Baaanet Where Taft
CLEVELAND, O.. Jan. 27. A letter was
received today by Chairman Haserot of the
T'ppecanoe club irotn Senator Dick elating
that the latter would be unabla to attend
the McKinley day banquet of the club on
Wednesday evening. A similar letter had
previously been received from Senatur
Foraker. Secretary of War Tft la to be
the pilncipal speaker upon the occaaien.
Boss Hammond Opines Ee Has Better
Clunce for the Plum.
Congressional Delegation Expected to
Have Final Word Satiirda7.
Bill Introduced to Settle Titles to One
Class of Mining Claims.
Measorc Provides for tho Construc
tion of One Across the Missouri
Hirer nt or !ear Council
Ring's. .
tFrom a Staff Correspondent)
WASHINGTON. D. C. Jsn. ?J.-Speclal
Telegram.l-There Is little chsnge In tha
collectorshlp situation. Rosa Hsmmond
confessing today that It looked very much
like hla Selection next Saturday. Secretary
Hlnshsw of delegation having made a mis
take In his notices of the next meeting,
which will tske place on February I In
stesd of January 31 as previously an
nounced. '
Senator Rrown believes that Rose will bo
selected, bssing his judgment on prece
dents and on the logic of Rose's candidacy.
Hammond's presence, however, has helped
his cause greatly and It 1s expected he will
remain until after the meeting of Sat
urday and may be In a position to thank
the delegation personally upon their choice.
There was a rnmor current today that Mr.
Rose was en route 1o the capital to lend
his assistance In the making of an Inter
nal revenue collector for Nebraska, but
this was denied tonight by Senator Brown,
who remarked that it would be unseemly
for Mr. Rose to present himself at this
time snd he felt sure the deputy sttorney
general for Nebraska had no Intention of
coming to Washington until after the col
lectorshlp mster was settled.
Bnrkrtt to Deliver Oration.
Senitor Burkett has been honored by an
Invitation of the truatees and faculty of
George Washington university to deliver
the annual .oration at the exercises com
mcnoratlve of the life and public servicea
of the first president of the republic on
February 22, to be held In Belasce theater
In this city. Senator Burkett has accepted
the Invitation and Is already engaged upon
his oration which will deal with govern
ment ownership of railroads. Justice
Brewer of the supreme court of the United
Ststes and ex-Secretary L. M. Shaw have
filled similar rolls at the exercises, which
sre made much of hy the student body of
the university.
Bills of Interest to the West.
Colonel Pnrker of Deadwood today In
troduced a bill In the house providing
for an additional . Judicial district In
Alssks, providing the usual officers and
fixing the salaries of the Judges at 17.
519 an lnrre of ;.&. -The hill hs
the approval of the Depart mMif oT Juf
tlce. Tha following South Dakota post
masters were confirmed by the senate
today: A. K. Roop, Salem; W. H. Ochs
ner, Chsmherlaln. . A favorable report
from the postoffice and post roads com
mittee was made on the nomination of
J. K Wells to be postmaster at Mitchell.
Senator Heyhnm reported to the sen
ate today an Important measure from
the committee on mines and mining,
validating the location of mineral claims
heretofore made by the deputy mineral
surveyors, the Interior department hav
ing lield that deputy mineral survey
ors, slthough not officers of the gov
ernment, are prohibited from locating
claims on public lands.
There is a .conflict of opinion between
the courts, and between some of the
courts and the secretary of the Interior,
as to whether or not deputy mineral aur
veyors come within the prohibition of
the section of the revised statutes ap
plying to officers and employes of the
general land of rices, The atatute pro
vides for forfeiture of his commission
by any officer or employe, but says noth
ing about the effect of .the law upon tha
validity of the location made by suc'.v -officer
or employe, hence . tho Importance
of legislation Oh "this point,- and It la
eminently proper that congress should
set at rest the question as to such loca
tions snd titles passed thereon.
Bridge Bill Paaaea Senate.
The bill to authorise a bridge across tha
Missouri river at or near Council Bluffs
passed the senate today. The same mea-
ure passed the house January t and now
gora to the president for signature.' Tho
bill empowers the Central Railroad A
Bridge company of Council Bluffs to con
struct, maintain and operato a railway
bridge and approaches thereto acrors the
Missouri river at or near Council bluffs
and may, in connection therewith, con
struct snd maintain a way for wagons,
carriages, vehicles, street tsrs. animals
and foot passengers In low and N
braaka. Minor Mntters at Capital.
Senator Burkett today Introduced lllaf
providing increases In pensions of the fol
lowing residents of Nebraska: Willard W.
Wilkinson. John F. Early. Arthur U
Brown, each at 13) per month, aad Llla
A. Morrill at 12 per month. '
Senator Brown today Introduced Repre
sentative Hitchcock's bill to create a new
postal division of the railway mail aanlce
with headquarters at Omaha.
Congressman Kinkald has recommendej
tho following postmaster sppolntmert' s:
Solomon T. Mitchell at Kenowt, ylce Fred
W. Scrtbner, resigned; Miss Clara C. Jef
ferds at Mullen, vice John Kudrna, re
signed; Davis S. Beynon at Uuiaell. Oar
field county (r appointment).
E. G. McGilton of Omaha Is at the New
O. W. Wattles of Omaha, accompanied
by hla nephew, was in Washington today
and dined with Congressman Hitchcock.
Postmasters appointed: lows. West Bur
lington, Des Moines county, Chsrles
Sen wars, vice K. W. Johnson, resigned.
South Dakota, Eden, Marshall county, Bal
thazar Janlarh, vice John Kotschevar, re
moved; Mitton, Lyman county. Franklin
S. Weaver, vice E. A. Mitton. resigned;
Sniithwick. Fall River county, Chris Hus
song. vice WUHanr Hussong, realgrud.
e Meeting; of Senate Committee Held
Because of Delated la for
mation. WASHINGTON. Jn. i'T.-No meeting of
the senste committee on finance was held
today on account of tho non-arrival of in
formation and data that has bees requested
of the Treasury department.