TIIE 031AILA DAILY BEEr MONDAY. .TAXUARY 100. Want : ads AiltrrtUrnmU far the want nl rtliKM wll tie taken nntll 1 a an. for 1r rNla edition and anlll a. m. Tap the morals aad Bandar edltlone. C'aah mill accompany all order for 'nail ad aad nn advertisement will accented for lees taaa $0 ccata for Ike first laeertloa. RttH a alr ta cither Tha Dally nriar Bee. Until raaat ale worse le a line. Cotnulnatloaa at Initiate ar a at Vera raaat aa aaa ward. r tn rates ron yVATfX AOS. REOILAR CLASSIFICATION Oao Insertion, aer liar, lO eeata. Twa a more coneeentlre Inaertloaa. per llae, n rrnli. Hark Insertion amada am add day, to eeata per llae. fl.BO pet line per moath. sPF.CIAI, ClAssIFICATIO: If nnr ndrrrtleeinent la Ineerted aader below, II Mill he charged at the fol lowing rateat line laaertloai 4 eeata per line, three ta all eeaaeeatlve la aertlons, a crnta per llae each Ineer tlnni cevra or more consecntlve lnaer tlona, a eeata per llae each laaertloai 60 eeata per Una per moath. RtHTKIl AND EXCHANGE. Ill lKSft CHANCES. II CUP WANTED FEVALK. HELP WANTED HALE. K'scept A areata, Sollcltora aad Sales men. OFFERED FOR SALE. t vrre, Birds, Dora aad Pete. Harare aaf Vehlclea. Poultry aad Esse. r'nmltarr. 'I l.en rllers aad Itnlag Machlaea. Plants, Ornaaa and Maalcal Inatra. in rata. OI-KEHED FOR RENT. Knralahrd Rooms. I afurnlahed Rooma. Iloaaekeeplna; rooma. Boarding and Rooma. WANTED TO BUY. Want ade for the Bea may he left at anr of the follorriag drag atorea one la "year corner ilrogglat" they are all branch offices of The Bee and jour ad will ha Inserted Jnet aa promptly and oa the same rates as at (he main oftlce In The Bee Balldlng, keteateeath aad Farnam Streets. Alliaeh, W. C, eitli and Farnam. Hera nek, 8. A.. 1402 H. loth St. Lecht Pharmacy, 7-0 8. J6th St. tinnoii Pliaimacy, Benson, Neb. Demls Park Pharmacy, 23d and Cumins. Blake's Pharmacy, 211 Shelman Ave. (nuahllti. c. R., 6th end Pierce Sta. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 MlUtnry Ave, Conte, 1. B., 31at Av. and Farnam. t.'rtssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake bta, Cermak. Emit. 1204-6 8. 13th St. hastinan Pharmacy. 4046 Hamilton. Enter, F. H. awl Leavenworth. , Foeter Ac Arnuldl. :iS N. 25th St. Freytag. John J., 1SH4 N. 24th. Florence Drug Co., Florence. Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake. Greer.'s Pharmacy, corner Park: Ava. and Pa.lfte. Grtenough, G. A.. 1025 8. 10th St. Oreenouah. G. A., 14 B. 10th 8t. Hayden. Wm. C, 2920 Farnam St. Ilanscom Park Pharmacy. , 1601 S. 29 tb Ave. Hoist. John, S-M N. Kith St. 1 1 iirr. A . I. SD"4 l.eavenwortr Klnar. IT H.. 22.W Farnam St. Kounlze )P!ao Pharmacy, "04 N. 24th, JjUhrop, Charles E., 1?24 N. 24th St. Peyton. L E., 24th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drug; Co.. 24th and Amei Ava. Polinefar'e Cut Price Drug Co.. J6th aod Chicago. Schaefer. AtiKUat. 2081 N. 1th 8t. Brhmldt. J. H.. ?4th and Cumins Bts. Htorm Pharmacy, Mth and Martha 8t. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cumins. M'alton Pharmacy, 20th and Orace. Worth, O. H.. 40th and Hamilton Sta. - DEATHS AND fCSERAL NOTICES. CORNEER-Mra. Wlthftlmlna D.. January 26. at realdence. 1039 South Twenty-fourth alreat. Bho leaves a huahand, Samul A. t'ornocr and five children, one slater . Fredericks Utecnatratip, alao mother and one brother In Copenhagen. Che was a member of the Danish sisterhood. Funeral services will be held at the Danish Luthern church, Twenty-aecand and lyeavenworth atreeta Monday January 27, at 1 p. m. Interment at Spring-well ceme--ery. AH friends Invited. WENDHATTSEN Laura. January 26, at 4 o'clock p. m., aged 2 years 11 months 1 days, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.; Wil liam Wendhauaen, 724 South Sixteenth street. ANNOUNCEMENTS TELEGRAPHY The telegraph department of the Omaha Commercial cullcge, lath and Farnam bts., aas been made Hie official school of tele graphy of the i;. P. R. R. Co. Students guaranteed positions on V. P. R. R. Write ua at uik'm. Address Ilohrhouah Bros Omaha. Neb. . (lj MSJD Feb is' i'HH CITY GARBAGE CO., office 4th and Leavenworth Sta. Tel. Douglas Utl (l-26i fclQN PAINTINQ--8. H. COLE. M02 Doug. AUTOMOBILES SEND for our list of second-hand automo biles. DE1UGHT. 1S!S Farnam. .ii-i64 liWT Reo touring car. Payne Investment Company Omaha. C.'j-Mi.': 31 BARTER AND EXCHANGE- l HAVE a few good diamonds that 1 wluh lo trade for sumelhinK I can use What ' have you to offer? Address E S13, caro bt. t)-Mti3a F16 WANTED Breeding stock, cattle and horses for good section In heBt part southern Minnesota, iw-ar Iowa, at right price. No fake. Will gtva good deal. Box 2S4. Mapleton. Minn. !) Mill 27x A 1.1 VB ONE. Have a good mining stock to trade. What have you? L w4. car Dee. (Si-266 . WOULTyoUTBADEf We have one ef.the finest sections In Kimball county. Neb., Sec. 3S, Township 15. Range H ; all good, hard soil; 400 acres is an level as a floor; five milea from railroad town. You can't dupli cate it for cash at the price we are ask ing in trade. Price. $8 00 per acre. t Mortfage $1,514, payable $17 per year at t per cent intermt. We will trade the equity for indue., live stock -ir town properly. Submit your offers and make them, final, for this must go within the next week, and the best offer gels it, WAIT INVESTMENT CO., 401 Bee B!dg.. Omaha. Neh. (3) Mil 28 EXCHANGE Half section fine land, southeast North Dakota; good buildings; y acres plowed; want gnneral merchan dise or Implements. Lock Pox 1!4. Kul lerton.' N. D. I3i M131 Jx FOR BALE OR TRADE Homes, fruit farms and timber lands in Osark r ion cT sunny Arkanaas. Fur Informi tion rtte II. O. Kanford, Fayetteville, Ark., I". O. Rox 3m. . taj-Mia ax Tt TRADE Modern -room house. Chl cso. well liMHteii, for Omaha property. Addieaa N WS He. 13( Ml:!b 29x " ANTED. TO KXCH ANGK A fine farm ly Barton county, Missouri, for a good hctrl. AU.Irt's LoiK Uox a, Moberly. Mo. : ; U-M1! U FOR UXCHANGE IS acres well improved property In I'iaxtamouth. Neb., for Omaha property. Addresa tii N. 2-'d St.. Omaha. , 3) MJUs 31x BARTER OR EXCHANGE. Hection of land In Cheune county for good Income property, stock hardware or general ineitliandiac. Walter Macy, Rrla tow. Nab. (J) Hi YO TRADE Relinquishment on a la) acres in the famous Rosebud country, one mile from town. What have you lo offer? J. L. Pachard. Muovwi. Neb. 13-M4tt 27 BARTER OR EXCHANGE (Continued TRADKS. TRADFS-lf you have something for ssle or trnde write u; We match evervthlng. Walt Investment Co.. mi tie huildinc t-M225 FI4 FHR BAf-E or trade 2 well Improred am;ill farms near Council Bluff. Ill Bea Pld. t3)-10 28x BUSINESS CHANCES WANTED A hustler with $..00 to $2,000, or eqtial In property or chattels, to consider leKlllmate proposition. Good any place in union. Inquire 642 Bee Bldg. (4)-M331 VSx FOR SALE 410 acres land near Rhylandrr. Wis.; price. 115 per acre: or will trade for drug. Jewelry or clothing stock: have some monev to put with land. Pox M. I Roy, Minn. (4 M399 Z7x FOR BALE Part furnlshlnps of all fur nished 40-room hotel, modern. steam hrsled. rent $Ti0 month, good condition, a:opd commercial business, nicely located. It. F. Wilson, Clifton Hotel, Blair. ' Hi 24J27X A SNAP My stock of ilrus. sundries, paints and wall paper, etc., for sale; will alvc a liberal discount If taken In next .Hi days; beat of reasons for selling: avpraa cash sales $10 per day. Address I). 11. McWIlliams, Charter Oak. la. (4) M2ib In FOR BALE Dairy, alfalfa, truck or celery farm acres. Improved, close to city of 10,0(10. Price. $6,000. This Is a SNAP. GRAHAM A NEAL, Kearney, Neb. (4) M!l 28 . BRAND NEW STOCK of general mer chandise to be sold at a sacrifice If taken at once. Beat stock and location In town. Invoice about $6,500. Addrasa Wm. Sas. Afton, Iowa. (4) M947 27x FOR BALE The Gilt Edge creamery, great bargain If sold at once. R. R. Royer, North Platto, Neb. (4)-M!l93 29x INDUSTRIA LAND MINING STOCKS BOUGHT' AND SOLD. ROBT. C. DRUKSEDOW & CO., STOCK BROKERS. Tel. Douglas 3M5. 809 N Y. Life Bldg. OMAHA, NEB. (4)-M693 F2 FOR SALE Fine modern restaurant, good city business, clearing over $60 per month. City Room Rental Co., 642 Bee Uldg. Tel. Rod (4) 975 FOR BALE City drug business, established thirty-five years, clean stock, fixtures not expensive, making net profit of about $.V per month. Owner wishes to retire. Wells, 640 Paxton Blk., Omaha, Neh. l M274 ax MAKE fortune In mall order business; I have a patented article which will make you a fortune; pleasant home work; vou'd better get In on this. J. P. Godfrey, Box 544, Elkhart. Ind. , f4) 437 X E. G. GANSE8TAD can help you get 'n or out of buaineas. Room 403 Bee Pld Omaha. (4)M6 FOR BALE Limited amount of stock In an eastern manufacturing concern; company has been In business nearly twenty-five years; maintains a branch in its own building In Omaha and lias paid very substantial dividends each year since or ganised. Cash only considered. Write today. Address P 892, care Bee. (4)-M3l7 27x MILLINERY FOR BALE-Splendid loca tion, southwestern Iowa; good, prosperous town; full information on request. Ad dress Y 198, care Bee. t4) M120 29x BARBER shop for sale, only shop in town of 600 population; living rooms In con nection: cheap rent; household goods and shop for $2U0. Address The Barber, Port land. Colo. (4)-M146 23x BLACKSMITH shop, with or without slock and tools. Houie, four lots. I have taken homestead. H. O. Mad lion, Worthing, B. D. (4)-MStt Feb.3 FOR SALE $3,000 medical practice, es tablished thirteen years In one of best county aeat towns In northeast ern Nebraska. Address Y197, care Omaha Bee. (4) M943 27x FOR SALE Only hotel In good town. Ad dresa W. W. lfllliB, Alpena, 8. D. (4)-M101 S8 FOR BALE 9-room rooming house; strictly modern; full of roomers, close In. No agents wanted. Call Red 6260. U) 235 31x Do You Wish to -Make a Change IF YOTJ have a farm, home, business or property that you wish to aell or ex change, write us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., OMAHA, NEB. (4)-M179 F23 FOR SALE My part furniture and fur nlshlnge In all modern 60-room hotel. Balance o furniture goes with lease. Bar in connection also for sale. Only hotel In town of 2,500. L. P. Mooney, Mlnden, Neb. (4)-M384 J37x TO BUT or cell a business quick, write HUdreth. 439 Brandela Bldg., Omaha. (4) M869 FOR SALE restaurant and lunch counter; cheap If taken at once. Address 1.. Box 30, Worthing. S. D. (4)-244 Feblx WANTED A buyer for a blacksmith shop. County scat; good location. $4,oti0. Write at once for particulars. Box 3, Wlnne waukan, N. D. (4) M401 1 FOR SALE Machine shop. Iron' works: machinery mostly new. L. A. Tlnnes. Bird Island, Minn. (4) M394 lx WH have for sale some ftrat-claas stocks of merchandise, all doing good business. Located in Iowa and Nebraska, in first class towns. New, up-to-date stocks, which can be boufiht reasonable. Write for Information. Globe Land and Invest ment Co., 306 So. 18th St., Omaha. Neb. (4) m-3M'-Fe.b . LARGE rooming house, close In, for sale or exchange for vacant lot or equity In cottage. Address B, $13, Bee. (4I-M445 28x FOR SALE A good stock of drugs and sundries in the.town of Belden. Neb. In voice about $3.tw). Only drug store in the town. A bargain. Fred Enfield, Lvons, NeU (4) m-353-28x ALL kinds of bargains .In rooming houses; cash loaned if needed. Kelly & Stone. 220 Neville Blk. Tel. ioug. 44. 4)-Mi FeblS FOR SALE Nebraska drug stock and fix tures. Proprietor must give his attention to other business. Good business. Snap if taken at once. No trades. Address, Y-231. care Bee. . (4) M175 3ux FOR SALE A good house and dray line in town of 8oO inhabitants; only dray In town. Good business. Address Peter Wines, Jeffera. Minn. 4 M132 29x THIS IS A SNAP. Eighty acres in Missouri; will sell for cash or will trade: title good and no encum brance. M 633, care Bee. (4) 268 FOR SALE Furnished hotel, 21 rooms, good business, barn, garden, fruit. Harri son House, Meadow Grove. Neb. 4)-M587 F15 DOCTOR WANTED A first class case taker can buy a half interest In the bent equipped, best advertised and best paying specialist's office In the wesi ; on your own terms. Only first class man need ap ply. Address Dr. Mack, General delivery Wichita. Kan. t MU9 29x ' PARTY with $4,000 or $5,000 can make 2 per cent on his money, no time required no risk. Address O ho6. care of Bee 14)-MS66 FOR SALE Clean atock general merchan dise in best part eastern Neb.. Involco $12,000; would consider trade for good farm; no agenta need answer; good trado; Rood reasons for selling. Box 86, Tamora Nb, 4-Mite5 27x ' DRUG STORES for sale everywhere F V Knlest, 707 N. Y. Life. Omaha. (4) M904 ' FOR PALE-Half interest In a thriving hardware, harness and implement busi ness In a small town to a good, hustling Implement man; will not take much capi tal to awing; - want the man more than money.' ,ddrea Y 72, care Omaha Bee. 4 FOR SALE My livery barn, 1312. and livery atock,' including hearse. A. T. Mil ler. Kiron. la. fl-Me 2lx FOR BALE $750 Matthews soda fountain for $liiO; in good' working order. Morning side Pharmacy, Sioux City, la. (4)-iri30 29x WHEN writing to sdvertlaera, remember It takes but an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw . -4 I t'l. - I, .l!!,J.JlL.'L.'l'.ll'.'J!lsa;iJM siij or The BEE has no equal I l,HIi.lMgWIHlJi m tmse M. aewt.i-sjM . UJi.. j j.tj j., .... ...an- Wlw wmm i. m . unaiw .ausjai. mism r.iiumi .ft BUSINESS DIRECTORY Osteopothr. Dr. Bowser, over 1502 Far'm. Tel. Doug. 6.170, (5) 971 Febi JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1W4. (6) 24 Aactloner. IN NEBRASKA or IOWA -Sam Hoff, Omaha. (i)--M-"iP6-Keb. lHx I'reamerlea, DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO.. successor to licati-ice Creamery Co., Omaha. (&) 29 i Chiropodist. DR. ROY, R. 2. lo-'. Farnam St. Dot:g. 6437. 2 (5) 271 Carpet Cleanla. A. K. JETT. carpet cleaning. Tel. D. 405. (5) M107 Feb7x Chattel Leane. Chas. D. Btanton Loan Co., 501 Bee Bldg. to) 270 Deatlsts. BAILET : MACII, 3d fir., Taxton. D. !(H3, (5J-272 DrfaamaklBg. IN FA MI LI ES M Iss Sturdy. Tel. Harney 1368. (6)-273 M'DOWKLL' Dressmaking School, 1K3 Far nam SL (5) 274 SEWING By day. Best or city refer ences. 'Phone Web. 1S09. toj M-733-Feb. lSx Florists. HESS ft SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam. (E)-27 L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. D. 1253. (6)-277 J. H. BATH. 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. 3000. (5) 278 Jewelers aad Watchmakers. N. P. 8TILL1NO- Watch, clock. Jewelry repairing. 2-3 Paxton Blk. Tel. 4317. 15; 279 Hotels. THE) 8CHLITZ, European, 16th and Harney (5) 276 Locksmltha. KEYS, etc., Heflln'. 1324 Farnam. Tel. D. 2874. (5W280 Maalo aad Langnagea. PIANJ lessons. Mrs. Ritchie. Tel. Web. 2291 (5) 2S3 MoTing and Storoge. Expressmen's Delivery Co., office, 214 No. 16th St., warehouse, 2207-9 Izard St. (6) 683 Office Supplies. FILING cabincta, files and ledgers, loose leaf devices and office fixtures and sup plies of all kinds. Anchor Publishing Co., M 8. 18th St. Tel. Doug. 6562. Ind. Air,63. .&) M697 Febl5 rhotogn-apns. C. B. TRUS9ELL. 115 South 16th St. U-28 Shoe Repalrlnar. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO., first-class work. 1618H Capitol Ave. 'Phone. Red 994. (6j 281 SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co., ISOt Farnam St.. Tel. D. 7567. (5 282 Printing;. BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order don't fall to see our elegant imported Una. Lyngstad & Jorve, printers, 16th r.nd Capitol Ave. (6) 285 Safes. Shnttera, Etc. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a ppeclalty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. O. Andreen, Prop., 102 S. loth St. 5) 287 V HEN writing to advertisers, remember It takes but an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad In The Bee. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. WANTED By mercantile establishment lady stenographer. Answer in own hand writing, stating education. reference, former employera and salary expected. Address F 900, Bee. (7) M376 27 GOOD stenographer. Address G 901. Bee. (7 M369 28 GIRL for general housework. Good wages. Apply Z!37 Seward St. Phone Webster 522. (7 M446 28x Factory and Trades. WANTED Lady compositor: state wages desired and experience. Box D. O'Neill, Neb. (7)-M944 27x WANTED Experienced skirt girl. Call at once. 2902 Farnam St. t7) M41S 27 Hoasekeepers and Doineatlca. WOMEN'S DOMESTIC GUILD, ' 1902 Farnam St. Upstairs maid $5. Cbild a nurse $5. Housemaid $5. v Girl for general housework. 2 In faniilv-1'1. Cooks and girls for geneml housework $5 to $7. (7j M398 29 Housekeeper, ranch: general house girls; $4 to $7. Canadian Office. 15th and Dodge, (7)-M740 WANTED Good reliable woman for gen eral housework; one who is fond of chil dren. Call 1024 N. 32d St. f7)-M170 30x WANTED Girl for housework, good wages. Mrs. W. W. Bingham. 3328 So. 2Hh Ht. 7)-M996 GIRL for general housework. 1512 North 26th St. . (7-182 30 EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. . three in family; references re quired. 2711 Poppleton Ave. (7) M215 WANTED Housekeeper, willing to go in tie country. Addresa B 87!, Bee. (7) M227 27x - , GIRL for general housework. 3012 Mason St. Tel. Harney 2904. (7 (234 31 WANTED Chambermaid that can wait on table; wages $18. The Arlington, Sheldon, la. (7) Ml'JO 1 $5 A WEEK to a good, piitln cook, no wash ing; keep man; small fumily, 3128 Chicago St. (7) M2il 28 HELP WANTED-MALE Areata, Sollcltora aad salesmen. NOTICE TO PORTRAIT AGENTS If you want good satisfaction and prompt ship ments, let the Inman Portrait Co. do your work. 416 New Era Bldg., Chisago. , (9 M128 Feb22x I HAVE a proposition to offer to a few high grade liurtlera that is worth In veatigHting. lwk Box 6ua, Omaha. OU-M214 17 SPECIALTY salesmen: Are you looking for a live proposition? If ao, we have it. Goods eohi to nierclianta onlv, no aleep ers need apply. We are taking the rent cure ourecivca.. Address K 8U4, care Bee. t9;-3 28 "Help wanted" ads At HELP WANTED MALE (Continued.) Clerical aad Office. S SKR OCR lino of Loose I.cnf ledgers. Binders and iHbor saving accounting forms. Imperial 1 xiose Leaf 1cdger Co., 311-312 Ratnge Bldg. Tel. Douglas U:1. (t-M;i.J POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Knlest, ;07 N. Y. Life, Omaha. (9.I-2SS WANTED Railway mail clerks, immedi ately; $!,( yeariy: examination here on Mulch ii; coaching free. 1'ianklln In stitute. Rochester, N. Y. !) .M2'4 27x Mora. ROYS, I. EARN DRAWING. Enrollments for evening classes, begin ning February 3. are being t.iken until the first only. If you want to learn drawing, enroll unv evening of this and next week between V:3o and x:30 p. m. Learn to be a draftsman. Enroll tonlkht. OMAHA TECHNICAL SCHOOL. "Omatek." Room 3, Weacl blouk, 18th and Farnam. (9 M17H Febl Factory aad Tradea. I WANT a good, sober, honest man, who has hud experience In moving brick and frame buildings; good wages and steady work. 1. A. Murphy, 1101 S. Main Ave.. Sioux Falls. S. D. t)-M663 F17 WANTED A man who can do ordinary plumbing, tlnwork and harness repairing 1 want u kooiI reliable, man, who cun wait on trade and look after business In my absence; will pay good sulary. Ad dress Y 71, care Omaha Bee. (!) WANTED A good all-round blacksmith and horsoshoer; married man preferred; good Job year round; with experience. Taylor Si Seymour, Fullerton. Neb. (9 M202 2Rx WANTED Men to learn barber trade; will equip shop for you or furninh positions; few weeks completes; constant practice; careful ItiHtruetlons; tools given; Saturday wages; diplomas granted. Write for cata logue, Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St. 00 M19'J 30x WANTED A practical printer with small capital to take cure of a good Job and newppaper office In good town In Iowa, publishing two papers. ' Write for par ticulars. Address 1. ro6, care Bee. !-M360 WANTED First class pants maker; no boozer need apply; will pay first bill to light man. 415 W. B'way, C. Bluffs. -v 19)-M439 Fix M laoellaneoaa. WE GUARANTEE TOU A TELEGRAPHY JOB on the Union Pacific R. R. If you learn Telegraphy at -our achool, and also a' place to work for your board while attending. Union Pacific train dispatcher's wire and atatlon blanks Installed in the school for practice purposes. Write for full informa tion QUICK. Boyles Telegraphy College, 1Wi3 Harney St., Omaha. Neb. Official training school U. P. R. R. (9 624 U. S. NAVY wants young men between ages 17 and 25; men with special trades acepted up to 35 years. Good opportun ities for promotion for efficient men. Pay $16 to $70 per month, practically clar of living expenses. Free illustrated booklet on application. "The Making of a Man-of-Waraman." 1 Visit or address Navy Recruiting Station. Omaha, Neb. (9) M832 Feb 3 FREE Employment Bureau, supported hy Business Men's uusoclation; helps work men find positions. 515 N. Y. L. Bldg. Bldg. , , (9)-M560 YOU can make $25 to $100 week In mail order business; no canvassing; I made $5,000 first year. Why work on small salary? Free booklet; tells bow to get utarted. Manager American MallOrder Bureau, Detroit, Mich. 7 t) M234 FeB lOx POSITIONS OPEN FOR FIREMEN AND BRAKEMEN; big pay and rapid promo tion; experience unnecessary. Apply at once, personally or by letter, to National Railway Training Ass'n. 620 Paxton Blk., Omaha, Neb. (9) 136 Feb7 YOUNG MEN to prepare for examination for railway mall and other government positions; superior Instruction by mail: established 14 years; thousands of suc cessful Btudenta; sample questions and "how government positions are secured" sent free. Interstate Schools. Cedar Rapids, la. (9) M582 Fl5x COLLECTOR for city. Permanent. $13.00 weekly Single man preferred. Write fully. P. O. Box 476. (9)-M-434-2bx THOSE who have been unfairly dealt with or swindled by Employment Agencies in Omaha will find it to their advantage to communicate with O 908 Bee. (91-M-435-27X HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. WANTED Educated men and women ca pable of earning from $-W to $400 per month to sell the new INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPEDIA In Nebraska. South Dakota and western Iowa. Inquire at 718 N. Y. Life Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. (10) M408 28 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horace aad Vehlclea. WE HAVE BUYERS every day for horset if you have any you want to dispose of. We buy and aell on commission. The llatney Street Stables. Ul) M479 I BUY, sell and exchange horses on com mission. Mares and horses always on hand. Cheap. Myers, 1114 Douglas St. UD-937 Ponltry aad Eggs. - SCREENINGS $1.25 per cwt. Wagner.ROl n 16 (1 ))-:$) GOVT, book free. Model Squab Co., Omaha. (1D-M6S8 FebJ Cone, Btrde, Dagt and Peta. FOR SALE Fox wolf and rahhit honnrls. For particulars address Turner Riffe, . Orrlck, Mo. (U)-M"il7 Fix GOOD cow for sale. A. Ilowltx. 619 N, 17th St. (11 ) Ml 1 0 lx LOST AND FOUND LOST Saturday evening. English bull ter rier pup with large black spot over eye; also small spota through body; reward. Return to 2nu8 N. 2Utli St. (12)-M4t7 27x MEDICAL PEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," $t a box, postpaid. She- man at McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (.13) 29i ANY poor girl in need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3824 N. 24tU St., Omaha, Neb. (12) M106 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creifc-hton Medical college. 14th and Dav enport Sis.; special attention paid to con finement eanea; all treatment supervised by college profeaaors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Cans answered day or night. (13)-12 MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS EAGLE IXJAN OFFICE Rellsble. accom modating; all buaineas confidential. 1?01 Douglas. , 14 FIRNITIRE. live stock ealary. loan. Duff Or ;on Loan Co.. room (. Barker Blk. DR. PRIBB KNOWS MONEY loaned on furniture, planoa. horses eta., any amouiit; leaa half rates: perfect pri vacy and Immediate attention, on mat terra a. paymenta auapended wban aick or dlaabled. Hi Karbach Bis- tuf 8. 16th St. 1142 MONEY TO LOAN alary and Cha ttela Contlnned. let us Help you If you are In need of a little readv cash come to the OLD RELIABLE LOAN liEAUy LA HTKRB. our (lerm be oolalr lOU WILL FIND rms are more reasonable than can alned elsewhere. OMAHA MOKTGAOE LOAN CO., iu tioaro of Trado Bldg. (14)-M151 Moneyif O A N -LO W In aums to 310 Pee Bide;. Douglas 29"4. IMON LOAN COMPANY. tl4)-4 MONEY 1XDANED SALARIED PEOPLE and otheis without security; easv pay ments. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol. man, room 714, New York Life Rldg v (14)-297 FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO. For Chattel or Salary Loans. 633 Paxton Block. 'Fhona Douglas 715. lU)-206 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loana. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St. (Hi 2! OFFERED FOR RENT Boardlna; and Rooma. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooma; cafe. (16) Sol DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (15-30? FURNISHED rooms, with board. 618 8. 26th St. (151-M626 J31x BEAUTIFUL rooms with board and home cooking. 116 N. 25th St. Tel. Doug. 4912. 15)M17 81x ROOM for two gentlemen or ladies, with board. Private family, close to car line. 607 S. 25th Ave. Tel Douglas 4930. (16) 233 27 A FEW young men to hoard In private family. 'Phone Douglas 6499. (15)-M372 28x DESIRABLE room, fine location; walking distance; excellent board. 218 So 25th street. (15)-M388 lx Furnished Rooms. WE DO expert piano moving at lowed prices. Tel. Douglas 126. Schmoller St Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. (15)-303 CENTRAL, all modern, S fine furnished rooms; bathroom and hall. 220 N. 23d. (15) M919 $ OR 4 elegant furnished rooms, complete for housekeeping. 2018 Davenport St. (16)-M896 PLEASANT housekeeping, sleeping and transient rooms. 2474 Hurnev St. Tel. Douglas 4294. (15) M941 TWO furnished rooms, steam heat. T506 Farnam St., 3d floor. (15) MSW TWO housekeeping rooms, 2d floor, parlors furnished, for two gentlemen. 2220 Chi cago St. 'Phone Red 9726. (151-M952 27 We find you any kind of rooms In any part of city, FREE OF CHARGE. CITY ROOM RENTAL CO.. 'Phone Red 3046. 6,2 Bee B'dr (16) M217 F8 NICE light southeast room with bay win dow; one connecting room; will rent single or en suite. $8 and $10: furnace heat, gas, bath, hot water and telephone; walking distance; car one block. 253 St Mary a Ave. (15) 156 27 LARGE front room, well heated, newly furnlBhed, new building, on car line rea- uinnKl. WIA KT O..V. n- i n.w. uui.u im. a ci. v cosier azs (16) M211 27x LIGHT housekeeping and sleeping: steam nuno in, reaaonaoie. zuze weostex. (16)-M371 2Sx FOR RENT 4 rooms, bath and gas, $13. 3311 California St. (15) M368 28x NEWLY furnished modern room. Gentle men. $1.75. 2404 Capitcl Ave. (15) M326 lx VERY desirable room, fine location, walk Ing distance. 218 So. 25th St. (15) M389 lx A SPLENDID large room, absolutely new flat; excellent heat. Tel. Douglas 3301. 210 N. 24th St. (15r-M364 2S FOR R ENT Nicely furnished larre mo ern room to two gentlemen. 24J8 Mander- n oi. (15) M366 28x ROOM with private family. Park Ave.; ateam heat, bath, use of 'phone!; break fust if desired. 'Phone Harney 1562. (15J-M461 28 WELL furnished rooms with steam heat gas and bath, 107 South 17th. ' (15) M444 2Sx 2218 CHICAGO Modern, partly or unfur nished double parlors, south front. Phone 5578. (lo)-M449 lx Unfurnished Rooms. TWO connected rooms, first floor for housekeeping. 2220 Chicago. 'Phone Red 6726. (16) M956 2 4-ROOM apartment, modern. 816 So. 2"d 8t (15)-i87 27 FOUR rooms, well lighted, water, gas, bath and closet; possession February 1 2215 Burt. (15) 426 Fix 3 UNFURNISHED rooms, light house, keeping, modern. ES5 S. 26th Ave. Tel, Douglas 7307. (16) 133 31 Apartments aad Flats. 609 8. IfiTH AVE., T rooms, modern, oak finish, gas and electric lljht, hot water beat $47.60. 250 Sherman Ave., 5 rooms, new. modern, oak finish, gas and electric i't"hts, furnace-. 00. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. (16I-62J FOR RENT Modern E-room, steam-heated flat In the Dunaany; references required. Conrad Young, Agent, 1518 Dodge St. tlo)-M152 FOR RENT Modern 4-room, ateam heated semi-basement flat in the Dunaany (loth and Pierce Sta.). Conrad Young, agt 1618 Dodge. Tel. Doug. J571. (15)-M895 THREE unfurnished rooms, gas, heat, water. Inquire 107 South 17th. (1&I-M443 28x Hoasekecplac Rooms. TWO pleasant furnished rooms on parlor floor, housekeeping privileges. Come and see them. 2001 Burt St. (16) 181 TO COUPLE; two nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 1819 Davenport, or inquire at store. 308 N. l'Uh. (16) 193 30x Faralahed Honeee. NINE-ROOM furnished house, all modern except furnace, good location. $35 per month. Bemis, 30b Paxton Blk. (15) M997 Honaee aad Cottagea. FOR RENT Six room cottage, modern ex cept heat, cistern pump In kitchen sink, large cellar, half block from atreet car. Inquire on premiaea, 2414 Caldwell atreet. (15)-1001-tl CLOSE ! SNAP. E04 N. 21st St., 9 rooms, strictly modern, pressed brick; tenant will give posses sion Feb. 1: beautiful decoration: til bath. etc. See us quick, or inquiro at premises. PAYNE. BOSTWICK CO., N. Y Life. (t5)-Ma63 26 IinTTs'P'l ,n U part cf the city. Crelgh w Bona It Co.. Bee Bhir. 4l5i-3U BALL room and lodge rooms. Fraternity hall. 11 Harney, Quo- .Public library. See Janitor, fl) la OFFERED FOR RENT llnaaee and I. ttaae-e antlnned. vnn V KNT-Nfw A-rnnm brick hon, v rant Feb. 1; modern and complete In every reaped at KM I 8. 2.h St. Inquire of the rner at l.Vt 8 2th It. 1 -2e HOC8E8. flats, Garvin Bros.. 1I Farna-n. (iM ;ii FOR RENT-F.iaM-romn, modern houa. 414 N. Slot Pt.. $W. THOMAS RRENNAN. Room 1. New York Lite Building. .(15)-31? l-ROOM hntiae and barn, 4i William ft., In rear. $i:i; 6 rooms on second floor, 2jl1 and Parker 8ts., $11. Chris Boyr. T2d and (Miming. (151116 4 SOUTH 27th St.. 12 rooma. steam heat furnace, strictly modern, $00. -r. strictly modern, ateam heated flat at 18th and Nicholas Sta. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK (I5)-My.2 SIX-ROOM house, new and modern. Near 4-d nnd Dodge. 411 Bee Bldg. (lol- M172 X FOR RENT room cottage; good cellar; east front; south part of city; $'2 per month. C. M. Bachmann, 4S6-37 Paxun Blk. Tel. Red 2t?9. (15)-SM HOUSES, Insurance, Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. (15)-3U HnTTKVX ln psrte of the city, peters IluJorj Trust Co., N. Y. Life Bldg. (131313 FOR RENT 7-room house; 2123 California St. all modren. In good repair: $30. Ap ply at 607 N. 19th St. (1R)-M440 W26-262S HARNEY ST. For rent. Two new 10-room house, Just finished. Finest of hodorn plumbing; hot water heat, gas and electric, light fixtures. Inquire T. J. O'Brien. Henshaw hotel, or 2618 Harney St. Tels. Doug. 1216. Harney 1094. (15I-M386 28 FOR RENT Two new brick houses. 23d and Cess Sts.. 7 rooms and reception hall, all modern, finished February 1st. Rent reasonable. Apply 511 N. 23d fit. (15) M316 28x FRATERNITY HALL. 18th and Harney; new, clean, ground floor, ball room; no liquors allowed; $15.00 a night. N. P. Dodge St i Co. Tel. Doug. 829 or Ind. A2829, or see Janitor. (15) M424 9-ROOM house, modern; $25. Tel. Doug las 85 (151 M421 28x FOR RENT Six-room house. 1738 S. 9th St. , (15) M409 28X HOUSEHOLD goods packed forwarded; cheap freight rates, moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co., Tel. Doug. Sy4. (15) S06 OMAHA VAN & Storage Co., pack, move, store H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th, Office, 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 15(9. (15)-304 Maggard Van Sc. Storage Co., 1712 Webster. (15J-308 6-ROOM cottage, 2503 Franklin St. (15) 076 FOR RENT Eight-room modern detached house; good neighborhood; two blocks from car line. Tel. Red 6100. (15)-M982 28 Offices. TWO fine. large office suites In tha Con tinental block; choice location for physi cian or dentist. ALFRED C. KENNEDY, ' 209 First National Bank Building. (151318 FOR RENT Large office room In Crounse Blk., on 16th St.. opposite postofflce. at $8 per month. Conrad Younw. 1518 Dodge St. - (15)-M16J PRIVATE office with Joint use of reception room, telephone and stenographer, in New Rrandeis Bldg. Write K 885. care of Omaha Bee. (15) M100 DESK room for rent; reasonable use ft both 'phone. 623 Bee Bldg. (15) 159 Stores. $-8TORT and hasement, 22x100, 1003 Far nam. Apply 314 First Nat l Bank Bldg. (15)-M5S7 ' 4-STORY and basement building on Far nam St., adj.' M. E. Smith Dry Goods Co., bet. 9th and 10th Sts.; equipped with an elevator, fireproof vault. R. R. trackage and loading platform. F. D. Weed, 1801 Farnam St., Tel. . Doug. 1529. (iS)-M15? MODERN store room ln new Scargo Bldg., 24th St., South Omaha. P. O. Block hall. 817 First Nat. Bldg. 'Phone Red 7406. (15) M119 1812 Harney Bt., 32x100, one or two stories; suitable for storage, garage, laundry, etc. 6. B. Curtis. 1806 Harney, (151 AI789 OFFERED FOR SALE Fencing;. ANCHOR snd Iron fencing: wire fencing 5c per fooL 206 N. 17th St. Tel. Red 814. i (16)-322 Fnrnltare. FOR SALE No. 2 Acorn base burner and a four-hole Jewel steel range, both stovea In first class condition. Also an oak din ing room table and a gaa stove. Call at 2414 Caldwell street. (16)-1001 31 DRESSERS, commodes, beds, bookcases, refrigerator, range, kitchen table, chairs, etc.; must sell by Tuesday afternoon. 2606 Dodge. (16) M560 2i Plaaes, Orarana, Maalcal Inatrnmeata. GOING AWAY. $300 "UPRIGHT PIANO CHEAP. 415 N. 23d Bt. (16)-M958 F20 Typewriters aad Sewing Machines. WrE HAVE a new Fox typewriter taken in on a trade and uaed two months In completing some extra work. Our. force haa been cut down and rather than have (he machine around when It la not In use, we will sell It at a great bargain. Ad dresa B 896. care of Bee. (16) M332 lx FOR SALE High grade second-hand type writers; good condition; a bargain at to9. Call room 803. Bee Bldg. U8)-71 SMITH-PREMIER typewriter at a big bar gain. 3t8 N. 16th. (16) 194 30x Mlarellaaeoas. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures: easy payments. Brunswick-Balk Collendar, 407 8. 10th St. (16)-326 OAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES t.arreit. moat up-to-date atock at loweat r.ly... In tii cltv. Belect now. Delivered when needed. Inspection Invited. BURGESS u KAN DEN CO., 813 8. 15th Bt. Tel. Doug. (81. (16)-M37 ONE No. 47 National cash register, total adder, good as new; one No. 140 latest style Davton computing scale; one 300 gallon self-measuring "Howaor'' nil tank; one dried fruit case; one glass clgsr case; one floor show case. Addieaa Y 192, care Bee. (iaj-16 FOR SALE 1,609 feet second-hand wire cable, w. ii. unages, engineer Bee Bldg. U6) M463 x NEED money quick: three-quarter karat diamond ring, aaa; quarter karat ring and stud. $25; lady's quarter karat, diamond locket and solid gold chain, $26. W. Richie, 1212 Harney. Tel. Red 3516. (lb) 629 30 DRUGS at cut prices; freight pftid on all $10 orders; catalogue free, entrmin Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (16) S'.'J IOWA Farm Mortgages for sale. Secured on farms ln southwestern Iowa. Five year loana at 6 per cent interest. Squire St Annis. 101 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. Ia. (16) M& FehlOx BECOND-HAND overcoats and flrecxms. Singer. 416 N. 16th. v (16)-3?9 COAI All kinds free delivered, aame day aa you oraer, rtoaenoiatt a coal yard, Tel. Doug. 412. Retail dept., clean nut coal, t bu. for $1. (1 M7 BEND US your ,mall orders for drug: freight paid on $10 lots. Myera-Dlllon Drug Co., Omaha. ! 824 HALL'S safes, new. Id-hand. 181$ Farnam. (14.-iSl DAYTON COafPTITINO SCALE at a bar gain. 101 N. Kth Bu (10-11 FU OFFERED FOR SALE Mlarrlleneoae ( on tinned. FOR PALE Several sl.ow . pew fa nut roaster, tare cotfee mill, two larpe antoniMlic oil tanks snd store fixtures, too nuneroua to mention. Olohe iini and Investment Co., Omaha. Neb. ts. :r7 HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tell. Sherman McConnell lints; Co, 16th and Dodge Sts . Omaha, Neh. dh) ft sHER W1N-WI LLI A MS CO.. best mixed paint. Sherman et McConnell Drug Co. tl Mil HAY-W per ton. Wagner, 01 N. 16th. (I6I-3J2 LARGE concert sire Kdlson Fhonngraph, suitable for arcade use; bargain. 80 North 16th St. (16)-9.1 27x FOR PALE One Stewart range, nearly new. 2.30 Poppleton Ave. Tel. Douglas 1W. . (11-231 27x M Kill I'M size safe. Willi steel chest 14'M Douglas SI. th'.t M;T3 lx PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk.. Tel. Red 7117. lo-$3 LARSON St CO.-Book free. Neville Rldg. 1)718.4 PATENT8 THAT PROTECT-3 hooka t7t Inventors mailed on receipt of tic postage. R. 8. A. B. Lacey, rooma -89 Parlf'o Bldg , Washington, D. C. Established IDs, 117) 335 H. A. Sturges, 61 N. Y. L. Tel. Doug. f4H (171-572 F14x PERSONAL MAGNETIC VirK US)) LIE HEN, costumer, 1410 Howard, open eve, (18) 840 THE SALVATION ARMY aollcltg caat-oft clothing: In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and aell at 134 N. 11th St., for cost f collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'phont Doug. 41.15 and wagon will call. (18) 785 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; out prices. Send for f r e catalogue. Myera Dlllon Drug Co., Omi.ha. (18) 331 YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangera are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association room 1616 Farnam St., where they wilt be di rected to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. (18) 915 WE RENT, repair, sell needles for old sewing machines Nab. Cycle Co., Cor. 16th and Harney. (18) 88J A HOME for women during confinement. We find homes for babies where mothers cannot care for them. Mother Lee, VJ Bancroft St. 'Phone Douglas 1921. , (18) 226 Feb9x ADHESIVE, invisible, harmless. Satin Skin Powder la made In four alluring 8T) 'uu PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King, 1324 N. 24th. Tel. Web. J55J. (18) 338 OMAHA Stammerer's Institute. Ramge Building. (16) 339 BiaOOAUtJ Farnam St., 2d floor. (18)-M748 F$ HEADQUARTERS of the great rheuma tism and neuralgia remedy, Jo-He Oil, permanently located. 309 Karbach block. Kith and Douglas Sts. T. B. Forary, gen eral agent. (18) M724 Fcbl8 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PAYNH INV. CO.. lat floor N. Y. Life. Douglas 1781. (19) 341 JNO. T. BARTLETT, 221 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. (19)-M247 Jsn26x GEORGE St CO. 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 754, (19i-343 PETERS TRUST CO..N. Y. Life Bldg. U)-34J CITY PROPERTY FOR OA IK THE REED ABSTRACT CO., established. 1(66. Prompt service. Get our prices, 1T10 Farnam (19) Mill INVESTMENTS. FOR SALE Good real estate mortgages, netting 8 per cent and 7 per cent on Omaha In proved real estate and Ne braska farm lands. N. P. Dodge & Co.. 1714 Farnam St. (19) M668 REAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST pr lV CHAS. K. WILLIAMSON, Pres. (191844 FIVE modern houses and one-quarter block near Bemis park, on car line, for $19,000. Four of these are 8-room houses; the other haa alx ronma; each has hot water heating. Corner, 70x114 feet. Is open and would make fine location for apartmi nt house. B. E. Blerer A Co., 4U Bee Bldg. (19)-M171 80x OUT ON WEST DODGE ST. Two beautiful acres fronting on maeada- imxed road. Surrounded by fine homes. The prettiest suburban home alto ln the state. Price $2,000. See us today. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Tel. Doug. 1781. First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg OMAHA. (1)-M231 27 160 ACRE8-$6.400. Twelve miles west of North Platte, Nob. and two miles from Southerland. on man ltne of I'ninn Pacific; all tillable and al under Irrigation with paid up water right Will rent for $4 50 per acre. Terms cash, balance 8 years at rt per cent. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. Tel. Doug. Hil. First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg OMAHA. (19)-M230 27 I WANT an offer on the property 1128 and 1130 South 31st St.: two modern houses and good barn; well rented. This prop erty is owned by an eastern party who must sell. THOMAS RRENNAN. Room 1. New York Life Bldg. (19)-M406 $2,250 272i) Manderson street 6-rnom cottage in good condition, modern except heat, south front.' full lot. permanent walk, convenient to two car lines, sliado trees, fruit and shrubbery, burn ami store room. Inquire on premises. (lV)-M-324-81 FOR SALE A twelve apartment, flat building, located at 2S1h avenue ajid Dnnejlaa street. Good rent. In lirst-claas coniiuiun. J uargain, ir isiien ii en.--. GIillE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO. co. mm m. i.mhho, (19) m360 Fen. a. CITY PROPERTY FOR hi A I.E. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGES. Brsnd new 6-rooni cottages, livj; and l"?! 8. 38ih Ave.; nice, large rooms, elegantly finished, splendid hardware, ne.it plumb ing, full cemented cellars, combination gaa and electric light fixture.. pHpcring In patterns to suit ill be furnished; nice east front lol; permanent cement sidewalks In street; King in block adjoining Field club and in that section of the city where a great deal of Improvements are contem plated and alieadv arranged for the com ing season: onlv 11 minutes' ride to post, office. Price, $?,3n0 and $2.36u; terms, $3tW) cash, balance $:) per month. Look at tha houses, examine them carefully, then Com and see me. C. G. CARLBERO. 911 New York Life Bldg. (1DI-MMS2T BELT LINE TRACKAGE MASON STREET. Nice lying tract of ground. 126 x 375, with 375 ft. traikagu. located on Belt Line and Maaon; easy aeeeae to West leaven worth ; In growing part of city. Price onlv 13 inn or would lease. TWENTY -BIG HTH STREET. Full block on Bell Line. .near iSih: $4 000 easy terma. . GRANT STREET. Nice trackage lot. Hell .ino and Grant 81 " $400. 1 C. G. CARLBERO, $11 N. Y. Life Blug U.i Mlo W UBT, rr vriw wits. Chris ,ovr" 22 J and Cummlng et. (it) Ml