Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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    TUK OMAHA DAILY nr.Tv. MONDAY. MAr.M,V -J?. .'(K
i i .
Sixtfjnth Ir.faatry to Bs Depleted
by Expiration of Enlistment.
neer-.ll Brian- Received at Fort
"urj FIH tp h Relmcs
mt That Post Depleted by Ex.
ration of Enlistments.
t FORT rnoOK, Jan. :.-Specls1.)-Fol-
lowing mined ennia mm oi tut iilxteeiitii
llnfamrj, will be, discharged on rroruary
Jo. Regiwiental hihi-,ci master M-mranl
w Interior, r. battalion scrg.-unt Major
Aletzger, coior bcigesnt flpnciel. Sergeant
Ittiiknardi. noncommissioned staff and
!'ndr Hergeent Reed. Corporal Halm,
i iivaUa Dtotightnn. Murphv and HfM,
aompany A; r irst Sergesnt Sehromberg.
'W"ntii l-r!m, I'lJiio. iti'nki1 Cnrporaia
Ultibhnrri, UiteM. Johnson, Privates Ulrds
y. I'aUiiy, . Perkins. Cjuinn and Smith.
-Company H; First Sergeant 'Vogel, f'-r-reams
Mtard, (If grin t'orporal Me
JUona'd, Musician O'Donnell, Privates Curll.
Stratrher, Tnomev. Phelps and Fronke,
Company 1; s-tgeant Kramx. Privates
Hutler, Kiln. Cummlngs. Kt hels, Fake,
forreaf. Martin. Richmond and Ruiuy,
ompany D; K.rgeant Keliey Driver Col
Plna, Corporals M idncr. White. Musicians
IFetrn, bhay. Privates Murray, Leon,
Boardman, Woohor. Brooks. Clint, Carry,
Oilman. Hlnion, Mark. Mills and Murphy.
Company t); Sergeants Skula. Bcholes, Cor
poral McOnwan, Ellla. Dohnoete, Il.-rd-Jlnr.
I-rlvatea Goodman. Greshsm and
Mnlth, L'nmp.njr F; Borpeant Vlckery,
Corporal Haper. Privates Kierchkl. laong
wild Smith. Company O: First Sergeant
tlAllen, Sergeant Hornbucklc, Phillip. Cor.
"Toral Stringer, Musician llipps, Artificer
--Igler, Privates Battle, Krelchemer, Meyer.
O'Kolirk. SimmR. Tucker and Vlnlette,
Voi)ny H; tk-rgeant Ihfrhy, Corporals
.Huber. Slykea. Patera. Ralfsnlder, Muslc
lan Ryan. Cook Veroherereau, Musician
Ryan, Private Atkinson, Bert. Krett,
Coyle. Cydera, Engatrom. Ferrv. Frene,
'Jordon. Hendry. Ostcrholl, Putnam and
Wain, Comoany I: "lerReanta IMehl, Adarna.
torporal Pntten, Mual'-lan Dansby. Prlvatei
FYaaee, Miller, fialvlto. Bcholl and Turner,
. tminy K; Hergeanta Preaton, Teeven.
C nrporal Ixi(rflifti, Ryan, Cook Lee. Pri
vates Urlnaley, lvey. Lynch. Martin.
lyumifri and Hanklna. Company I.; First
yuinh end Hanklna. Company
eera-eajit Introsky. Sergeants Daili
Cb'porals McBluln. lxe, Mualcla
T. Artlficf-r Barber, Private
Mley, White,
lan wnip-
fteree and Zlgler, Company M. Total to
wsi oiscnarirea on February 15. 19US, 13 men.
:Tha authorised trer.irth of a reirlment of
jlnrantry Is SS7 wnllated men. With the
lreint vsc-anclea In tha Sixteenth In
Uantry, lr.chifllna; the above, the strength
tot th realme.nt nn Kehmarv 1K thora will
! Si. or 614 recruits required on that date
fAt the nreatent rale nt mhIImIiupiiIi In
the regiment Jt 1 very doubtful whether
iu pwr ceni or tne men to be rtls.
Scha-rgefl' ' will - re-enlit, as a majority
t thaan desire 4e try civil life and many
nave a tendency to return to the Phlllp-
ipines for toe purpose of receiving the
.double time and the Increased pay aa the
''"t was mown juai prior to inr departure
, of the Sixteenth Infantry for the United
Itjtatss. In Which elver 3Tl0 nnllnllum ware
.jnade to t)u iuiJuUnt general. Department
malnlng In the Phillpplnea, and which were
turned down by the War department. Just
Prior to the saillnar of the .reirlment
A general court-rjiarllal connietlng of the
lunnwing named orrirera: Colonel Hardener,
rl'leutenant Colonel Wilson, Major Blau-
..apiaina uncguna. Buck, Cnrlamsn
Kldenour, Crlmmlns. Bundel, First Lieu
tenant P. U Smith, Harvey, 8. Bmitb,
Sbaan. with 'amain H k rtallnn BlV-
.'teenth Infant rv. aa tnda-e mA
Jib first aeasion on the JDth Inst., for the
trial of auch persons as may be properly
be brought befom It. The Judge advocate
auinorisea ao employ ft stenographic rc
lxirter. ...
Second IJeutenant John A. Ra rrv, Plernnrl
cavalry, from Fort Dee Moines. Ia.. who
as- ordered to report to the commanding
officer. Fort Crook. Neb.. In arreat, reported
'"'I inai. papism J. f. wade, Second
cavalry, counael for Second lieutenant
J. A. Harry, In his trial before a general
rourt-martlal, reported to the commanding
officer. Fort Crook, on the 19ta InaU, In
fi.riupimm-o awun special orders r the de
partment. Captain Edward L. Klnar
' Second cavalry, who was directed to re
port ro the commanding officer. Fort
v rooK. as wuness before a general court
mnrtlal Joined, the ioth Inst. When Cap-
imii iing a acrvicea are no longer re
quired berore the court lie has been directed
to return to his proper station, Fort Des
W"ll, JR.
The court now In session fnr the trial
SeeonoS Lieutenant J. A. Barry, Second
cavairy. nas laiten two weeks' recess It
, order to get evidence not at hand to
plele the trial. Lieutenant Rarrv hia heen
granted perralsslnn to return to Fort Dee
Moines,, la., until such time as his
jiresence may oe aesired by the court by
the department commander.
me. leave of -absence granted First
Lieutenant Jack Hayes. Sixteenth In
" faniry. has been extended one month by the
' department commander. Lieutenant Hayes
' formerly on three months' leave.
Firat Lieutenant IX E. Shean. Sixteenth
Infantry. Judge advocate of the general
Ik-ourt-martlal for the trial of enlisted men
! en directed by the department com-
maimer 10 proceeu JO fori OmShft mflf
t ouncll Bluffs, la., for the purpose of ob
i mining aepoauiona ana investigating cer
j tain caaea referred to him for trial.
As berreant Hlnea la an niil.tim. t
the Sixteenth Infantry, hli many rrlenda
iV.'?a., '.."" ' ,,lJ.m 'e"v the regiment.
I Double time and the increaaert rv va. .
' tendency to take away quite number of
l ,in oto-aimera.
Major. W. V. Blauvelt. Sixteenth Indam
llaa been directed by the post commander
i u prepare me emaninattnn papers and
ra.iiiiur ma. noncommiaaioned officera
, -ompany K. In the tfubject of Infant rv
l. drill regulations. Owing to Company K
i. ' t "i "!. it was irapossl
bin to hold the examination an v a...
Captain R B. Buck. Hixteenti,
', Is examining the noncommissioned officers
or the aecond battalion In the subject of
army regulations, to ascertain whether or
j not they are entitled te certificates of
j proficiency, as they are required to attain
I a percentage of seventy-five before certi-
tlcatea can be Issued them.
Captain Otto A.. Kesmilh, Signal corps
now on dutv at Fort Omaha, Neb., has
been directed to report to the commanding
Stephens & Smith, men's furnishers and
, hatters, for past fifteen year at JOi
North Sixteenth street, have moved one
I block north and are now ready for bual
neaa 1n their beautiful new atore. 205
North Sixteenth street. Hotel Loyal build
ing. The nw room haa been handsomely
furmned with Flemish oak fixtures and
'i' throughout. Stephens & Smith's
other store. 307 South Sixteenth street,
has also been refitted in a similar manner.
This firm now operates two of the finest
furnishing goods stores in the west.
Second Ocmester Opens
MONDAY FEB. 3,1908.
High $h&vol snd Elgth Grade Crad.
tates Csn Enter.
COIJ.iXIE-Oamlral, scientific, phllosopl-
ta courses.'
ACADlvMV-An accredits high school pre.
pares fur iaeilevue or any other cMlego
ar university.
I NORMAL aCHOOL Klementary and ad
vanced courses. Certificates granted.
CONbiCRVATOKYa Theory of music, piano,
voice, violin, elocution and art.
A OMAHA CONNrxmONS-FJtctrle line and
J Burlington railway.
T Four Jaodsrn Dormitories Address
1 President WADaJ WORTH. Belle vua. Neb.
blop at
Absolutely Fireproof. '
Cor. 1 1 nans Ara, said (ark St.
In the center ut the Theater, Chop
ping and business District.
A la Carte Cafe. Oavri.X.K BVOOM.
Hervlce l'rtexcrlle.l.
TT uoom with lira.
avoavOs-stair ln.aH.
AATta, ia ra, hat ab nr.
X w. TTrxjuaa, rnp. .
M. Jk. aoaaw. sags.. , .
officer. Kort Crook as wl(nes brfor a
rnerl court-martial. Captain Nesmllh ab
orted on the 111 lnlsnt, and afier giving
his Icsllmony before the court returned to
Kort Omaha.
Captain M. K Crlrnmlns. Sixteenth In
fenlry. who has been doing some extensive
Happing of skunks, mupkrata and pnesnms
In tne vicinity of tne post lor tne ism icw
months, ass 'somewhat surprised the other
morning sf'rr Inspecting some of Ms traps
to find a "Teddy Rear" and one of "l-'oxy
Urandpa s Runnles'' In two of Ms traps.
The captain says he hss trapped many
bears In his time, but the ones trspprd In
Nehrsnks seem to bsve very little life
left In them Hfter they strike Ills trsps.
He Says he rxpects to soon get "Huster
Brown snd Tig". There Is still a
better one on the captain. A short
lm ago. the captain. accompanied
by a private of Ms company, while out
Hinting noticed at a aistanoe in tne
mllow of a dead tree some kind of sn
nlmal and after srranglng aa how to rap-
tire It. the captain minrmwi trie pnvsie
would crawl up to the tree, gran the
sniinsl by the tsll. Jerk It out. and for
lie private to snoot as soon ss It s'ruck
he ground. Cautiously he crept np to the
ree. arrabbed the animal by the tail, gave
It a toss, at the same time yelllna for the
private to shoot. After tt struck the
ground It never moved. At any rate, to
rrake a long story short, he added rru more
posKitm hide to his collection.
Fecono l.teuiensnt i.ouik ooteiinr, nt-a-eenth
tnfantrv. who hss been on detached
service at Kort leaven worth. Kan., before
e si ror. wr. w-.i w... . ...
an examining noarn tor promotion to nrsi
lleiilenitnl. relolned on the 2.1.1 Instant
The general court-martial, or wplcn t Sp
ain Buck is president and First Ueutenant
Rtian. Sixteenth Infantry. Is tudse advo-
cnle. Ins been In session during- the entire
meek Irvine: the msnv cases of men now
In confinement for dsertlon, of which there
are twelve.
Faart Riley.
", Kit-".. J""' ;
arrived at the poat the first of the week
and will be the guest of her Bister for the
next few weeks.
Miss ward entertained ai junennon on
last Wednesday. About twnnty young
women of the rarrlson were her guests.
Miss Phoebe Waterman, dmiirhter or t ap-
tnln Waterman, has received an offer of
the .Instruct orshln of astronomy at Vassar
college and haa decided to accept the posi
tion. She left last week tor ine f.asi. ia
atinnut her dutlea at the colleae.
Mls Devereux. a niece of Major jonn v..
Xli-Mahnn. arrived at this post last week
and will be the guest or Her cousin, aims
McMahon. for some time.
Before leavlna for the east Miss water
man entertained her frlenda of the garrison
at a progressive euchre party. The rooms
were very prettily decorated and everyone I
nloved a verv nleasant evening.
Mrs. rcrtieal Hinds is convalescing ir.mi
g severe attack of the grippe.
I'snlaln W illiam a. - vcINa r. nuaner.
master of the Sixth field artillery, and
Veterinarian J. R. Jeffries. Seventh cavalry.
left for Kaat St. Iouis, III , Junuary Jtw, to
purrhpae government horses. .
I'anisin A VI. Kenninston. 1 Seventh
cavalry, returned to the post from leave
January 21. He Is at present sick in quar
Ninety-four recrulta arrived from fori
Slocum. N. T., and were assigned to the
Sixth field artlllry on January 23. . op
tntn Charlie R. I wake. Fourteenth cavalry
on rocruiting service at that station, with
three non-co.nmiHHlonen OTIlcers. accom
panied the detachment. This bunch of
recrulta brings the number of men needed
tr fin the reiriment down to 3i. while the
Reventh rsvslrv needs but 130. Several Of I
tlie new arrivals started that they came in
Junction "city and Humboldt won first
money at Fort Riley on Sunday afternoon.
January . when they defeated two om-
inter of the artillery, waa defeated by June-
tlon City and the second team, composed
of officers attending the school was de-
. "sVor Toi I S to lH ind Humboldt tok
the money by a score of 4 to 1H. Fort Riley
kept Junction City from tallying until the
second Period ana in iii iourin Vo, uuu
score in the fourth period. A foul and a
safety deducted from the town Doya- acora meet the demands or tnose wno wouia pro
and added H to the total of the post team vde rgt for a greater expansion of the
ofXrrr;.Trprt,ed'V.syUmo. .;dent.d'-
mlier and throughout the four periods
niavaH rtno-s around the school team. A
strong wind Interfered with the players and
spectators, ror ine neia wb very uuoij ,
but a good CrOWU lumen oui aa ia !)
the tiu when -a rood aiiiw -Ib on "M--
. Malar and Mrs. John E. McMahon gave
a hop In the assembly hall on the evening
of January 18.. The hall waa beautifully
decorated with flags, sabres, crepe paper,
r.t nlanta and cut, nowern. neirsniiicm
were aervea aurinie inn t-vIM,iB. mim.,
ti.naa n resent were: Colone'. and Mf. Gull
foyle. Captain and Mrs. lamoron, Captain
and Mrs. Kimretn. apiain ami i..
nA t'aniain and Mrs. Roberts. Captain and
Mrs Powers, Lieutenant and Mra. Mf
Klnlay, L1eutnant and Mrs. Blair, the
Misses Guilfoyle and McMahon, Mrs. Mc-
Nalr and Lieutenants Hoyle, Riley and
Pennel. v ,
it., hnanltnl rnrns social club gave a
delightful Leap Year ball in their club
rooms ln the old hospital building on
Wednesday evening. About seventy-five
eounles. moatlv from town, attended and
nusxed a very delightful evening. The
fiHn. lnn- club of the corps has Inaugurated
a series of dancea that are fast proving
Very popular, not only wun uiose in me
Tl at .
but rrom juncxion uy as wen
r a. T aTallaaaa hattf 1. tit tt 41M
artillery; was defeated in a ' wrestling;
matcli Baiuraay evenuiK. x-nici, nu umy
weighs 133, was thrown In two minutes and
fifty seconds by Mr. v aisun, ai xsi
Recruit John R. Daniel, troop D, 7th
cavalry, waa discharged from the service
at this post on Junuary 21 In complianoo
with, -war department oruers oeBigriaungj
Mm for appointment as midshipman to
the naval academy at Annapolis, Mary
land. It la believed that Daniel is the first
man to ever receive a similar appoint
ment from this post. He left the next day
for hia new station, lie enlisted October
2H. 1907.
Ratterv A. ttth field artillery, save a hon
in their asafBsement room the evening of
January sc. a large crowd or young peo'
Fie from Junctlan attended. Dainty re
reshments were served during the inter
First Lieutenant Clarence N. Jonea, 3d
field artillery, and Second Lieutenants Ed
win B. -rienen ana rtoy a. niaver, jsa
field artillery, arrived here the first of
the week from their proper stations for
the purpose of being examined for pro-
motion. Seoond Lieutenant Henry L. Har-
take the examination.
Post Sergeant Major Robert J. Napier
entertained at a four-courae dinner at the
n.ri. Th- nam were Mr anrf xtr.
Robert Kltchell. chief clerk In the adju-
tant general's office; Regimental Sergeant
Major Walter E. Powers and Sergeant
Major Claude B. Clarae, Seventh cavalry,
and Me Harnett of tha Sentinel. Mr. Pnw-
era returned the compliment the following
asy at luncheon.
The secretary of war has authorised the
111 I ... I. u u. . . t'.olirlii nnln , n fnr
the Sixth field artillery, at a cost of hot
over $100 each. They will be purchased by
an artillery orncer in tne very near
fuiure. When not being uaed on the polo
field, the tKinles will b ridden bv the
trumpetera and mounted messengers. Eight
or the animals will be assigned to each
battery. A limited number of balls and
mallets will be furnished by the qusrter-
master's .lensrtment .,-h ve.r b..t t . ..
quantity Is Insufficient others will have
i .m nurciissea i rum ine regimental lunaa.
It Is bhved that some good results will
be derived from the purchase of these
to be purchased from the regimental funds,
Mr. Averilt of New York Cltv haa been
the guest of hia aon. Captain N. K. Averlll,
eeventh cavalry, sinco January 16.
lnAthC:T,ouL,fr,MaJoV iTn".!
adjutant general. Maior Hlmia la hawin.
his share of aickness this winter; hia wife
li UrV.rir;0Ver'n' trom evere ttack of
Sergeant Qrlnyer and Cornosal Roberta
1J.. a - 1 U..l. . a, r
ui uaiioi y mj, puiii iitjiu riuicry, vrtv were
foTrort HaS'NVM
seven men of that battery to ma to Fort
iiainiiiun in in. laai nionin.
all luiiuwma IS lite Druiram for (ha a In-
tsr athWtlc meet which Is to be held In
the Poat gymnasium February v,.i,
lu.i.nv,, on entry i rum each
duVaVon Runnrn;". M i "rW,a!n'".ylei
broad jump. Twenty-five yard dash. Fence
vau.i. ruiiiw race, etgtu potatoes three
jarua rionsoniai bar. txing horse
Side horse. Pole climbing. Rope climbing
"... ua a oassei Dan game
. w-en ma artiuerx ana cavalry, frtses
will be offered to the winner of each av.m
Capism George H. Cameron, Fourth cav
alry, has ben choaan thief Judge and Lieu
tenants Mann. 8venlh cavaTlrv. and n .i.i.
Sixth field artillery, are to be timet
Captain McCally- of tha Eighth cavalry
will be starter of all event. ..,.,.
slasm Is being shown among the men of
ahe different organisations In regard to
in I..., auu aome.gooa events are ex-
. n
v nonrn r. rowera, Heventh cav
alry. . was called to the bedside of hia
nwnner m iuisviue. Ky., January 14. Mrs.
ft.wria ia rrimriea as nelng In a ery
rrntral condition. He waa gianleaj a ten
nays ivavs or aoseuce.
Subcommittee Has Text of Measure
Ready for Discutsion.
Manlrlpal Securities Mar Re ArcepteJ
ia Baat-a for otea--Democratic
senators Hold All-Day
WASHINGTON. Jan. 25. When th "n-
a committee on ' finance meets next
Monday, Chairman Aldrich will be pre
pared to exhibit the perfected text of his
cursency bill, yunng tne recess oi inu
commlttro Mr. 'Aldrich has been engaged
with Senators Hale snd Allison and other
prominent republican members of the com
mittee in putting the finishing touches
upon the measure, and they held their
final meeting today. The new bill will In
no Vise be a cejuerture from the prln-
,, r,,,,,,.l- ,k. Htn.l mraaure made
in the committee and secondarily to S'ig-
gestlons from outsiders.
Among the more Important of tha
changes will be one accepting Senator
Bailey's proposition for the distribution of
the proposed surplus bank Issue among
tha various stales In nroportwn to their
t,onVtn- enntrnl and Biimlus. This feature
has been strenuously contended for by the
Texas senator and the republicans have
decided to concede it not only because
they consider it equitable, but also be
cause they think It will assist materially
In bringing democratic support, to the
measure when it reaches the senate. Sen
ator Bailey haa been engaged in prepar
ing a substitute bill In which this feature
ia given a prominent place and it Is not
yet determined whether he will desist when
the action of the majority membership
becomes known. It Is probable, however.
that he will go forward with hia own bill
for the present and until the retention of
the proposition Is assured.
Bond Security Section Amended.
Other changes, which it Is hoped, will
have a mollifying effect upon opponents,
both In the democratic party In the senate
and among western republicans, Is ono in
creasing the amount of extra circulation
allowed by the bill from $260,000,000 provided
by the first draft of the bill to t&
and another making radical changes In the
provisions In regard to municipal bonds
which the bill provides shall be accepted
security for the surplus issue.
As the bill stands it requires that cities
whose bonds may be accepted shall be
fifteen years old, have not fewer than
20.000 In population and shall not for ten
VAUra noire defaulted nn anv iKinded In-
debtedn.s,. ln the nw print all these re-
strictions and definitions will be eliminated
and the authorities thus will be permitted
to n upon , munlclp0 bonds upon
r time presented The
committee also will concedo the contention
that additional issues will be permitted to
.. -,. of ,. 0!nt of the market
vah.e of tlte hond. deposited instead of 7S
per cent as the first bill called for. This
iatter change was suggested by the terms
Qf th. orlf.lnaI BaUonal bank laws.
All these amendments are Intended to
circuiting medium, and. secondly, for more
liberal and equitable treatment of the
smaller and newer centers of population,
and the hope ia expressed that they will
have the effect of popularizing the meas
ure nd'flf expediting Its passage'. "' '"
One Important efect of the bill as It
Will be presented will be that' of making
the United States treasury directly re
sponsible for the payriient of ell bank
notes issued after the law goes into effect.
There la a popular Impression that under
the terms of the bill there will be two
kinds of bank notes one class such as is
now used and issued, and the other the
extra circulation to be Issued under the
new law. Mr. Aldrich characterises tills
as an. entire misapprehension of the in
tent of the measure. On tha contrary he
says that all the notes will be uniform
but that they will be different from the
notea now provided for. ' These specify
the deposit of government bonds to se
cure payment, and this specification will
be discontinued. In its place will be a
l-Bend to -the effect that the government
auarumeea 1110 puyiiieiu ul me iiulu.
"Thus," said Mr. Aldrich, "the new notes
will not only be uniform but the national
government will stand behind them with
in explicit pledge."
Counterfeit Dollars
buy trouble, but a genuine quarter buys
Dr. King's New Life Pilla; for constipation,
malaria and jaundice. Sold by Beaton
Drug Co.
Spectacle Presented br Society
a Fashionable Nw York
r hru..v American Maeazine con
, February Ainei itan Aiag axine con
cenea and incidents taken from I. p-
ton Sinclair's unpublished novel of New
York society, showina- the fantastic mid
llfS f U.e auper-vich. Fol-
lowing ia a passage relating to a church
for the rich:
-a " most Interesting Mace waa St.
Cecilia a. Church-going was another of
the customs of men and women which
sootety had taken up, like the opera, and
mtAts lnt0 a ,tate functlon. Here was a
. - , , .
magnificent temple, with carved marble
1 and rare woods, and Jewels gleaming ae
roroualy In a dim religioua light. At
the door of this edifice would halt the
carriages of society, and lta wives and
daughters would alight, rustling With new
,11 petticoats and starched and per-
, . ., . ,(,,,r-
fumed ,llnen. each one a picture, ex-
qulBltely gowned and bonneted and
gloved, and carrying a demure utile
prayer book. Behind them followed the
,. . ... . ,. ,,,.u .,. H
patient men, all in new frock coats and
ahlny silk liats; the men of society were
always newiy wasnea ana snavei
rroomed and gloved, but now thej
v.- ... ,i,j ,,,,,
to be more ao they were full
always newly washed and shaved, newly
y seemed
1 of the
atmoaphere of Sunday. Alas for those
unregenerate onea, the Infidels and the
heathen who scoff In outer darkness and
th ellc'u' "f '
day the Joy of being washed and
starched and perfumed and made to be
clean ..nd comfortable and good, after all
reauy orematui wicaeaness ui sis uays
I a. a. . . '
1 or iunion&Die me
th" assemblage the revolu-
tlonary doclrinea of tba Christian religion
i proaucea neuner perpiexiig nor alarm
I w l - . . ; . i.i.a . i
' a ..-.a
tened In dismay to solemn pronouncements
or everlasting damnation, ro statements
out rich men and the eye. of needles,
and tha Iilliea of tha field, which did not
spin. But the congregation bf St. Cecelia's
understood that these things were to be
taken In a quixotic sense, sharing the view
of the French marquia that the Almighty
would think twice before damning a gen
tleman like-him."
A aar.
This Is to certify that all drurgists are
authorised to refund your money if Foley
Honey and Tar falls to car your cough- or
cold. It stops tha cough, heals the. lungs
and prevents serious results from a cold.
Cures la grippo coughs and prevents
pneumonia and consumption. Contains no
ontates. Th genulno Is In a yellow pack'
go. Refuse substitute-. All drufgiats.
Tor Three Mew Suherriher. j
The Family Meat and Vegetable Chopper
. (jit m
i i;'
. 4 .ar i ...-ve .. .at L.'J- i ,.'a
' Kxtra sets of views 60 rents each postpaid. Your subscription
will be extended three months for each extra set purchased. Orders
for extra sets should be sent with original order fur subscription.
The views are all new subjects clean, Instructive, entertaining
and amusing.
i i
Our Letter Box
Contributions on timely topics Invited.
Write legibly on one side of the paper
only, with name and address appended.
ITnused contributions will not be re
turned. Letters exceeding 300 words will
be subject to being cut down at the
discretion of the editor. Publication of
views of correspondents does not com
mit The Bee to their endorsement.
Douglas County Roads.
OMAHA, Jan. 22.-To the Kditor of The
Eee: The condition of our country roads
la a subject that interests every person
who has occaaionto travel them. There
fore, It is with hearty satisfaction that we
commend the work of the Douglas county
board during tho last two years. That tho
county commissioners exercised good Judg
ment in selecting Mr. H. R. Avery as
superintendent of improvements has been
many times emphasised by tho commend
able results obtained by Mr. Avery and his
corps of workmen.
A little more than two years ago the
country roads In Douglas county were un
repaired and at times almost Impassable.
During the last two yenrs .my defect has
been repaired as soon as practical after
becoming known.
I also want to emphasize the benefit
done our unpaved roads by dragging. Re
forp the roadway becomes thoroughly dry
after a rain drive over it with a drag and
you will be surprised by the result, besides
having the satisfaction of traveling over
a good road. . O. A. ELAKfcJLY.
Some Railroad Questions.
OMAHA, Jnji. H.-T0 the Editor of The
Bee: Will you kindly ansvt r the following
questions through your paper:
1. Approxlmntel', how ftiny n-.'res of bind
did the government grant to the I'nion
Pacific railroad and to the Burlington rail
road 2. Was the sum loated by the govern
ment to the I'nion Pacific railroad $12,u0,
(inor If not. how much? '
t. Was not tho bridge charges' tor
loaded cars nf freight and $1j for t-mptys?
If not, how much?
4. Is not the present minimum charge fur
cara of freight 3 rents per 1,000 pounds
and the minimum weight JO.frjO pounds?
6. For how long was the 50 cents per
head charged for passengers, snd Is net
the present charge 25 cents per head?
6. In the bridge charter was not the
bridge company given the exclusive right
to build a railway bridge for twenty-five
years and for twenty-five miles north and
south from the present bridge?
7. What was the sum Omaha paid towards
building the I'nion Pacific bridge?
t. What rental does the Rock Island, the
Great Western and the Northwestern pny
the I'nion Pacific for entering Omuha over
tha bridge?
9. Has the city of Omaha ever received
any pay for streets ahd alleys vacated for
railroad terminate?
10. Has any other western railroad re
ceived land grants from the government?
If ao, how much?
ll.i Was th X'nlon Psclfic railroad Bold
by tha government during President Me
Klnley's administration to pay Its claim?
If so, for how much? If not, when and
for how much? LEW T1XLEY.
1J04 North Twniy-sventh Street, Omaha.
1. Th government granted to the I'nion
Pacific Railroad company, th Kansas Pa
cific Railroad company and the Denver
Pacific Railway and Telegraph cunipanj
E)ig Fremmm Offers
Capacity, tr.o pounds p-r min
ute: three adjustments, for rut
ting coarse, medium or fine. Will
be sent aa a toward fnr sending
u three 'new subscribers to The
Twentieth Century Farmer for
one year each at $1.00 each, nr
fnr one new aubacrlbcr and 60
cents extra. The price of the
chopper. Including your own suo
srrlptlon for one year is $3.09.
Sent securely' packed, by ex
press, at receiver's expense.
25 Splendid Views and a Stereoscope.
Each Sit
views Is packed
In a neat paatc
board box, and
tha assortment
consist! o( tlte
American, Foreign, Mlacel
lntienus, HcliKiuua or l.lfo of
t'lirint. dcstiuctlon of "an
Francisco, I'ets or Children's
Heriei. t'omlcs, Panama. W'e.1
dlmr Balls, Around New York
Make your selection and tell
us what you want when send
ing In your order.
We give twenty-five of these
splendid views and a hand
some stereoscope. free of
i-liarae. as a reward for send
ing ua two new subscribers to
tha Twentieth Century Farmer,
for one year euch, or ws will
give you a set of twonty-hve
views, value $1.00
And a solid Walnut Ste
reoscope, vulue 1.00
And a year's subscription
to The Twentieth Cen
tury farmer
Total value $3.00
For only $1.75 for the three,
by mail postpaid, or if you
have a scops snd do not want
another, we will give you a
set of views and a year's sub
scription for only $1.85 post
paid t This la aa opportunity you
tnuat not miss Ordnr It for
yourself Order It sent to your
friends. It is a most accept
able gift.
-'a- i i':.-- .f
Send your order now. Address
approximately 18,519.183 acres and to tho
Burlington, wet of the Missouri river,
2,3i0,OiX acres.
2. About Wl.0U0.0tO.
3. Ten dollars a car was the most
4. Ono cent per 100 pounds on grain and
a minimum of $f a car on heavy freight.
6. Until 1882. Yes.
6. Yes. "
7. Nothing toward the building of the
bridge, but something toward depot and
t. Fifty thousand dollars a year apiece.
9. No.
10. Yes. Figures not available.
11. Yes, in November, lSf7. It was sold
under the receivership and the government
got all Its money back. The government
mortgage brought $53,000,000 and the first
mortgage $50,000,000.
Congratulations on Strong Fight.
FALL8 CITY. Neb., Jan. 23. To the
lOdltor of Tho Bte: 1 congratulate you on
Hie strong fight you are making for Taft
find the rank and file of the party In
Nebraska. The splendid victory that a
harmonious party gave last fall in Douglas
county la largely due to the splendid
efforts of youex-powerful paper and a grate
ful public should not overlook such an in
fluence when It offers a reward for faith
ful aervlcei rendered. '
As for the man. all fingers again point
to the "Buckeye" man. We have care
fully asked many of the rank and file
aa to their Vlioice and they all say Taft.
No coersion, no driving. Spontaneously
Teft the gigantic pillar In the Roosevelt
cabinet. It Is pathetic even to a grind
stone crank to read tho waitings of the
World-Herald arid Its agents for tho poor
downtrodden "rank and flic" of the G. O.
P., who are throttled in shouting for La
Follette. The lamentations of Daniel are
optimistic in comparison.
I.ct us not be led astray by these
prophets of evil. The "rank and file" of
whomo they speak consist largely of a
man ("Rank") in Lincoln and a paper
("File ") inOmahu. Beware of t lie "rank
and file" that Is sobbing for La Follette.
It bears watching. It Is now organising
Bryan volunteers at ten "plunks" per
capita. A very gauxy scheme to create
'Rah! for Bill Taft and Governor Hughes.
M. N.
Charles Ledger at Swedish Hospital
With Only blight Hopes of
, Recovery. (
While walking east on the Belt line
tracks near Ames avenue and east of
Twenty-fourth street about S o'clock Satur
day afternoon, Charles Edgar, a Swede,
was Injured by falling under the rear car
of an east bound Missouri Pacific train,
which was rasslng him at the time. Edgar
was removed to the Swedish hospital In
an unconscious condltlon.and attended by
Drs. Harrison and Ellis, who found that
hia Injuries consisted of a crushed left
shoulder, the left ear torn off. , numerous
scalp wounds and a probable fracture of
the skull. At an (early hour tiala morning
hopes were held out for his recovery.
An laaldlon Danger.
On of th worst features of kidney
trouble Is that it la an Insidious disease and
before th victim realises his danger he
may have a fatal malady. Take Foley
Kidney Cure at the first sign of trouble
ss it corrects . irregularities and prevents
Bright a ulseas-: and dlatxtcs. All tiruggU'.a
: . ,.-s...
For Four New Subscribers.
Universal Dread Maker.
Anyone can moke bread In the "Universal." Any flonr, any
yeast or any recipe that will make good bread by band will make
bettri bread In tha "Utilveraal."
Careful nieaaurjng and thorough Kneading Insures good 'home
made bread. The "I'niversal" Is simpler, easier, quicker and a
cleaner way uf dolns the work. It does the mixing and ktteadtna
of the duush in three minutes. Tho doush la not touched by tba
bands at ail. The kneadlnc Ik dons scientifically and the bread Is
much better than when .lone by hand.
We give the "'Universal" bread maker free as a reward for
sending four new subscribers to The Twentieth Century Fwrmer for
one yesr or for two new subscribers and 60 cents extra. The price
of It. Including yowr own subscription, for one year, ia $J.0, aunt
by express at receiver's xpunse.
On of Our Leading Offers.
We have last completed arrangements with one of the oldest
and largest watch manufacturers In the United
are enabled to give some of the best watches made as a reward for
sending us a comparatively small club of subscribers.
This handsome nickel silver watch,
16 slso (equally suitable for men or
boys), open tace with famous Knick
erbocker movement, porcstaln dial,
stem wind and set. The case Is solid
nickel ailver, handsomely engraved
and will wear forever. The watch Is
guaranteed by the manufacturer for
one year and during that time they
will make all repairs not necessitated
by carelessness or abuse free of
'We wlah to esBeclally
emphasise the fact that
this watch Is in no way
similar to the so-called
"dollar or clock watch
es" now en the market,
but Is fitted with a
of special quality.
Wo will send this
splendid watch free,
poataso prepaid, as a
reward for sending us
a club of three new
subscribers for one year
each or for one new
aubaertber and $5 cents
extra. Tha retail jewel
er would charge about
$5.00 for this watch.
Our price for It, Including-
subscription to The
Twentieth Century,
Farmer, Is f 2.2k
City Physician Does a Wholesale
Business in Vaccination,
Hok Receipts at the Yards Show Big
Increase Over the Mouth of Jan
ary Last Year, and Cat
tie a Decrease.
Dr. E. L. Delanney vaccinated 576 school
children of the city at the city hall yester
day. When the doors were opened at 9
o'clock the halls were goon crowded. The
doctor and his assistant worked an fast
as they could, but many of the children
became very tired before their turn came.
At first they were inclined to romp and
talk, but they soon became restless and
some of them haggard. They were of all
ages, from little tots Just able to make
the first grade up to high school size. Part
of the long wait they spent In singing.
Most of them showed little fear of the
pricking of their arms. Five or six little
girls fainted during the tperatlon. Ono
little colored girl became hysterical and
aang half a dozen popular alra In a wild
fashion, not being conscious of a word
he had said when she finally regained
control of herself. The city officials were
much Interested In the troops of little
folks. The doctor said it was tba Urgent
day's work he had done in the city.
til a- Uatn tn Hogs.
The receipts of hogs l;wst week showed a
gain of over U.COO on the previous week and
of 13,000 over the same week of last year.
Hogs have Increased oyer W.838 head since
the first of the year, above the shipments
cf the same time last year. The price tt
hogs for the week lias averaged not more
than $1.20 for the bulk, with a top price
averaging about $4.30.
Shipments of cattle have decreased over
16,000. The best grades of cattle brought
steady prices, but other grades sold lower.
The bulk of the shipments was in the
latter class. The. cattle receipts were the
j -jtsj . . , , , . .
Two tuiTtptuotuly equipped train doily, making fait
time. Fines! Dining Car Service. Get a 'Guide
to St Paul,' a comprehensive lift of atradive place
to tee in the Saintly City, free for the atlung.
' r
Btates, whereby wa
lightest In the local yard since the hollilsa,
Sheep were scarce and the prices also
broke to some extent. The western msrket
has been active, but In the cant It seemed
to be overloaded, and this was reflected ln
tho prices paid locally. ; ,
Aoiltina Aliont Ico Harvest.
The South Omaha packers are walling
anxiously for some sign of cold weather
so that the Ice harvest may begin. Some
men have been staying In town for weeks
expecting every day to receive a call to
work on some of tho big ice ponds which
supply the houses of the packing com
panies. Long ago the puckers had every
thing done which could be done in the way
of preparation. v1' - '
Magic CI tr Gossip.
Dr. and Mrs Alfred Hagen 'have gun
on a visit to Hedrlrk. Ia.
The Lotus Whist club met with Mrs.
Wlllium Cox Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Towl entertained th
Highland Whist club laat evening.
Jtidgn and Mrs. Jacob Levy entertained
Thursday evening in honor of their daugh
ter, Mrs. Black, of Dea Molnea.
The women, of the Methodist church will
serve a hot chicken dinner at the church
Wednesday, January 119, at 6 p. m.
The following births have been reported:
James M. Bandola, 618 North Twenty
second, a girl; Carl 1'auK Forty-first and
U, a boy; Thomas J. Tatroe, S708 K, a
A dance will be given by South Omaha
Aerlo No. lot, Fraternal Order of Kaglea,
at the hull. Twenty-sixth and N streets,
January 30. It is under the direction of
the social club.
The Epworth league will be given a
social at the home of J. D. Ringer, 9.J
North Twenty-aecond. Friday evening, Jan-'
uary 31. Money' will be raised for the ben
efit of the Mercy and Help department.
A birthday party was given at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Stern, Forty-eighth and
W, yesterday afternoon, in honor of their
son. Clarence. A number of little friends
attended. They were given a dinner at &
p. m.
.The Women'a auxiliary to St. Martin's
church la preparing to render the ro
mance, "Kathleen Mavotineen'- with a
home talent trt.up elthe.rSt. Patrick's ev
or perhapa earlier during the month of
February. ,
Floyd, the infant eon of 'j. C. Rowe, til
North Eighteenth, died yeaterday morn
ing. He waa on of the twin boys of
whom the family waa ao proud. Tho
funeral will be at t p. m. today. Rev
Mr. Ray of the Christian church will
preside. The burial will ba at Laurel
lilt Pwnmm btmU. OUAHA
Three Near