4 THE 0MA1IA DAILY DEE; lOXDAY. JANUARY 27. IMS. Tiif, Omaha Daily Bee FOUNDED TiY EDWARD ROBE WATER. VICTOIt ROSE WATER. EDITOR. V Kntirrd at Omaha Poet off Ire cond Man matter. TERMS OF FL'BRCRIPTION. Dsllv Bee (without Sunday). in year. .MM Daily Be and Sunday, otic year J "0 Suniiav Bee, one yr Saturday Bee. onu year K DELIVERED BT CARRIER: Pally Bee (Including Sunday), per week..lSe Iatlv (without Sunday), per week. 10c Evening Be (without Sunday), per week fte Evening Bee (wllh Sunday), per wk..lOe Address all eomplRinta of irregularities In delivery to City Circulation Department. OFFICES. Omaha-The B' Building. . nth Omaha-City Hall Building. Curell Bluffs-16 Scott Street. Chlr.c-1M University Building. New fork 1608 Home Life Insurance Building. Washington 725 Fourteenth Street N. W. CORRESPONDENCE. Communication relating to newa and edi torial matter should he addressed, Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit bv draft. express or poatal order Payable to The Bee Publishing Company. Only i-cent stamps received In payment or mall account, personal checks, except on Omaha or eaatem exchange, not accepted. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. Btato of Nebraska, Douglas County. George B. Txschnrk. treasurer of The B Publishing Company, being duly worn, says that the actual number of full and . complete, copies of The Dally, Morning. Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the month of December, 1W, waa as fol lows: l se,4oo i 37.160 ; rrro 4 97,990 1 37,390-' 3S.M0 T S7.0S0 36,100 1 36,030 It 37,030 11 37,000 II 36,740 It 37,690 14 36,610 If 3660 IT . S.0 36430 36,640 . 36,680 fl ' 36,360 It' 36.300 II ' 36,400 24 36,690 Sl 36,600 j 36,680 ft 36,890 21 36,360 It 36300 It.'. 36,110 tl 36,810 It 36,060 Total .1,133,880 Less unsold and returned copies. J04 Nat total 1,199,776 Dally average . 36,444 OEORQE B. TZSCHUCK. i Treasurer. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before mo this id day of January, WH. ROBERT HUNTER, Notary Public. ' WHEN OUT OF TOWN, "barrlbera Imlif tho elty tea , p-orartly ahoald have Tho Bee nailed to them. Address will be changed as often reqaested. b Cuba has bought sixty rarload of Missouri mules. Cuba It always punt ing trouble. ' Colonel Bryan has been to Kentucky and departed, but the senatorial dead lock there Is still on. ' !."' "why does a man Ho to his wife?" sake the New York Sun. Probably to meet her expectations. The army of the unerriployed in Ohio has a prospect of getting a recruit in the person of Joseph Benson Foraker. A South Omaha sewer inspector naniprf Pnmi hnu lieon droit Wrn A&v If It was sewer gas that made him Topp? "I expot u meat every brewer in the hereafter," nays Carrie Nation. Has Carrie abandoned her hope of heaven? Since the patronage counter has been thrown open to them, Nebraska congressmen must feel almost as big as senators. . Matches, according to a statistician, caused a. fire loss of $2,000,000 in the United States last year?" Also lots of work for the divorce courts. if Is stated that the original estimate of the cost of constructing the Panama canal wag $100,000,000 too low. What's $100,000,000 between oceans? A graphophone company with a cap ital stock of $3,000,000 has just de clared a 24 per cent dividend. What'8 that old saying about talk being cheap? It might help if California's ad vertisement of the fact that the state does not punish grafters should induce all the grafters to go there and stay. . Southerners will doubtless take kindly to that white coal that has been discovered In Kentucky. It will enable them to draw the eoler line in a new wty. At any rate. Mayor "Jim" has the consolation of -having had good com pany at Sioux City in the person of his fellow democratic mayor from South Omaha 4 Ninety-eight students have been dropped from Leland Stanford uni versity for poor scholarship. Of this number ninety-eight were cigarette smokers. It was a little humiliating, of course, to Theodore Shonts, to have his house raided by customs officials, but they explained that It was only la line with their Duty.' '.Torn Law son declares that the Amer ican, people are- "gelatine-splned shrimps." Tom has discovered that he was mistaken when he took them all for suckers. ii i iu mp iu nituc pas promoted hi chief deputy to a posi tion In the "field that paya half, his former -alary. Anyone can see where .a few promotions like that would land a man. It I not a one-tided bargain by any means in that wedding of Gladys Van- derbilt and Count Lasilo Jeno Maria Heurlk Blroon Kiechenyl. Think of the generosity of a man who bestows a name Ilka that am his bride. PtMUCRATS AMP THE SKSAtt. In his appeal to the members of the Kentucky legislature to elect former Governor Ueckham to the United States senate, Mr. Bryan offered an argument which, lu Its final analysis, proves the hopelessnPRs of the democrats, no mat ter what the outcome at the polls next November. Mr. Bryan, of course, had another purpose in mind In presenting his argument, but the effectiveness of it remains just the same. In emphasis ing the possible importance that might attach to the election of a democratic senator from Kentucky, Mr. Bryan said: I know this, that while we may succeed in getting the house, anB will probably suc ceed In getting the house If we get the president, the senate is more difficult fur ua to get. It will require quite an over whelming victory to give ua the senate, or enough rtrmorrata in the senate acting with the republicans to secure the passage of democratic reforms during tthe last two years of the administration. But I am h!?oeful that we can make gains this year thst will give us the assurances of enough gains the secr.nd year to ensure us the senate for these democratic reforms. And yet, my friends, the vote may be so close that upon the vote of one senator will rest the fate of a bill; and the point that I want to make to those who have an opportunity to vote In this legislature Is this: Are you prepared to express an In dividual dissent uKn which may rest the fate of national legislation? I'pon one vote In this legislature may depend the election of a senator. Upon the vote of that senator may depend the passage of a bill that means weal or woe to eighty millions of people. The records and a knowledge of the political conditions of the country show the magnitude of the task before the democrats if they undertake lo secure a majority in the United States senate for the last two years of the adminis tration beginning March 4, 1909. The changes necessary to realize on this democratic dream of future power would have to made by the legislatures choosing senators to succeed these whose terms expire on March 4, 1909, and those whose terms expire on March 4, 1911. There are at present ninety two members of the senate, of whom sixty-one are 'republicans and thirty one are democrats, giving the republi cans majority of thirty. Accepting for granted that the states of the south now represented by democratic sena tors will continue to send democrats to the senate, the changes will have to be looked for in the states now repre sented by republicans. The repub'lcan membera whose terms of service ex pire on March4, 1909, are: Allison of Iowa. Ankeny of Washington. Brandsgee of Connecticut. Dillingham of Vermont. Foraker of Ohio. Fulton of Oregon. Hansbrough of North Dakota. Hemmonway of Indiana. Heyburn of Idaho. Honklns of Illinois. ' Kittredge of South Dakota. Long of Kansas. ' Penrose of Pennsylvania. Perkins of California. 8 moot of Utah. Stephenson of Wisconsin. ' Even the most enthusiastic demo crats, Mr. Bryan among them, will hardly expect any political changes in the states enumerated. While the per sonnel of some of the senators may be changed, all indications are that the men named will be succeedfeij by repub licans. On the other hand, the terms of Senators Newlands of Nevada and Teller of Colorado empire next March. While Senator Newlands may be 're elected, although Nevada Is now a re- publican state, the return of a republi can from Colorado to succeed Teller Is generally accepted as certain. Sena tor Teller appreciates the situation and has formally declined to be a candidate for re-election. So that, instead of making gains in the senate that will go into office next March, the demo crats will more probably lose at least one member. The outlook for democratic gains In the senators whose terms of office be gin March 4, 1911, is but slightly more promising. The republicans whose terms expire on that date are: Aldrich of Rhode Island. Beverldge of Indiana. Bulkeley of Connecticut. Burrows of Michigan. Carter of Montana. ' Clapp of Minnesota. " Clark of Wyoming Depew of New York. Dick of Ohio. Dupont of Delaware. Flint bf California. Hale of Maine. Keait of New Jersey. Knox of Pennsylvania. Ia Follette of Wisconsin. Lodge' of Massachusetts MoCumber of North Dakota. Nixon of Nevada. Pile of Washington. Proctor of Vermont. Scott of West Virginia. Sutherland of Utah. Warner of Missouri. ( For the sake of argument, admit that democratic aenatora may be elected In 1911 In the states which Mr. Bryan thinks ha can tarry, or which aro in any way debatable ground. Fig ure on one democratic aenator from each of the states of Nebraska, Dela ware, New Jersey, Nevada. Rhode Is land and Missouri and the democrats hardly have courage to claim more and the party division in the senate would be: Republicans, fifty-fire; democrats, thirty-seven, a clear repub lican majority of eighteen In a mem bership of ninety-two. Using Mr. Bryan's own argument, the democrats cannot hope to get con trol of congress within the lifetime of the next presidential administration. ' " ''"Uncle Joe Cannon: can safely and confidently be given the place at the wheel," says Judge Gr'osscup of Illi nois. Uncle Joe understands the ma- Lhlnery. jH- right. - Jim - tun evidently believes In run ning bis ranroaa on the principle of promotion W employes. The principle of promotion furnishes a pretty good rule for the government of employes In other corporations as well as railroads. ixrtsriMi IH scmxjL rvyps. In a public interview State Treas urer Brian is quoted es taking exception to The Bee's proteet against the loan ing of Nebraska's school funds to dis tant states like Tennessee and Utal on long time bonds that will tie the money up for many years, when by waiting until the pending constitutional amendment Is passed this money can lyi.Jtept 'at home by Investment in bonds of Nebraska's cities and school districts without losing more than 1 per" cent of . Interest for one year. Treasurer Brian thinks The Bee masses the . point because the' permanent school fund is accumulating at the rate of nearly $1,000,000 a year, while the total bond Issues of Nebraska cities and school districts last yeardld not exceed $1,000,000, and, therefore, the current accumulations in coming years will suffice to take up all the new Is sues of such bonds, lie thinks the difficulty will be the same after the field of investment securities Is wid ened as it is now to secure enough bonds of Nebraska counties, cities and school' districts to provide an outlet for all the School fund and favors giv ing the state board permission to loan out the money on real estate. It strikes us that Treasurer Brian, himself, misses our point, which is that the money in the school fund should be kept at home and not sent to Tennessee and Utah because of an apparent profit of 1 per cent for one year. After the proposed constitu tional amendment Is adopted it will be just as easy for the state board to buy on the market outstanding city and school district bonds issued by Ne braska cities and school districts as it Is now to buy state bondh issued by Tennessee and Utah! These municipal and school dis trict bonds are maturing from time to tlm and being renewed or reissued and in the course of a few years would all come into the possession of the school fund by direct purchase In the came manner that the state board is now buying county bonds direct from the counties issuing' them. We real ize that this method of investment would not be popular with the bohd brokers, who drive a good business selling bonds, to the state, but we be lieve It would be popular with the tax payers of Nebraska and with the pub lic generally. ' ' As to real estate loans for school fund investments, opinions are sure to differ. Nebraska started out loaning Its school funds on real estate security, but soon developed a scandal of huge proportions which incidentally led up to the Impeachment of one "governor and, if we mistake not, some of the money loaned out has not been col lected back to this day. Good real estate security is the best possible se curity, but the opportunities.lt offers for favoritism and financial juggling are too apt to prove dangerous. A much needed reform in the han dling of current state funds, begun by Treasurer Mortensen, has been worked cut to completion by Treasurer Brian. We hope that before Teasurer Brian finishes his second term he will have accomplished the much needed reform in the investment of the permanent school funds. DURUM WHEAT AKD PURE FLOUR, Wheat growers of the country, par tlcularly thdse in the regions where the rainfall is slight and where durum wheat flourishes as will no other va rlety of that cereal, will be keenly ln- terested In an action brought by the federal government charging certain Minneapolis millers with a violation of the pure food law' for having labeled as "Pure Hard Spring Wheat Flour," a flour which the millers admit is com posed of a mixture of durum and hard spring wheat. The flour so labeled was shipped by a Minneapolis firm to a bakery at Richmond, Ind., where it was seized by the federal officials. The first, effect of the seizure will undoubtedly be to create the impres sion that durum wheat is not equal In quality to the hard spring wheat, but this' is far from the fact. Experiments conducted by the Department of Agri culture show that, pound for pound, there is more muscle-producing ma terlal In durum wheat than in beef steak. Jt is too "heavy" for the Amer lean taste, but has been found to add greatly to the food value of other wheats, when properly mixed. It can not, under any circumstances, be con sldered an adulterant. In the offensive sense of the word, but adds to rather than detracts from the value of the spring wheat flour with . which It is mixed. It is really a high-grade wheat, producea high-grade flour and whin blended with spring wheat flour Is especially desired by bakers and pastry makers Anything that would place durum wheat under the ban would be nothing short of a calamity to the wheat grow era of the west. The production of durum wheat laat year was about 60, 000,000 bushels and most of it was raised In districts where, owing to the limited rainfall, other varieties of wheat cannot be raised successfully The question Involved In the seizure in Indiana Is not as to the value of durum wheat flour, but purely whether a blended flour may be labeled as "man ufactured from selected hard spring wheat." To an outsider It looks like s case of overiealousness on the part of the officials charged with the en J IUI lllll'U vi V U U fill D SWtl 1BWB I "A insane man rever experiences l"out one Impulse to kill," sayi one of thone high-priced alienists, "but after one outbreak he may be regarded sa harmless." The way to cure a man of Insanity then Is to let him kill some body. If the experiment has to be tried, let it be on the alienists. No prosecutions have grown out of that package of Missouri Pacific passes delivered to the members of the Ne braska Railway commission a few weeks ago. The other railroads, how Wer, seem to have profited by the ex ample and haVe been careful not to make the aame mistake. Under the call of the republican na tional committee not less than thirty days' notice must be given of conven tions to select national convention del egates. It is np to the committees of the various congressional districts In Nebraska that have not yet acted to get busy. Judge Parker does not say so in that many words, but he leaves the Impres slon that swimming will be fine up at Esopus about the time Mr. Bryan ex pects him to deliver some campaign speeches , next summer. New Mexico and Arizona will have to wait a while longer to be admitted to statehood. Nevada has furnished an impressive object lesson on the folly of picking territories before they are ripe. King Gustav of Sweden wants to raise everybody's salary. If he should come over and run for president on that platform they would never get through counting his majority. Hla Seconal Wind. Washington Herald. Just prior to the last democratic con ventlon. Judge Alton B. Parker was the greatest human sphinx on earth; now he seems likely to develop into the greatest human phonograph. A Dlarrrdlted Closes. Louisville Courier-Journal. Thomas W. Lawson Is going to get out of politics and let this depraved re public go right on to the bow-wows be cause It Is too profoundly cussed to worry with. And It Is too blindly stupid to go upon its knees and beg the Boston states man to be Its Moses..' ThlnklnaTT That's Werk. Philadelphia Record (Ind.). It is reported that when Representative Champ Clark, speaking from the floor of the house, predicted the nomination of Wll Ham J. Bryan by the-Denver convention "some republicans joined with the demo cratic members in the hand clapping.' This republican enthusiasm for William ought to set him thinking. A In (que Distinction. Indianapolis News. There la one little quality In the. letters and public statements of Oovernor Huailea that rlvea I him nraf.fl.nllv tl n In 1 1 Hlattnetlnn artinnv rnm1iimtnm TT. ciuaiiy anows ine ) oirrerence between nan ana win. ana. wnai is more, he observes It. All the grammarians and purists ought to be sir him. ' - "Didn't Do a Thing; to Him." New York Hun tft urging the democratic members of the' legislature In Kentunkv tn .ioi - Oovernor Beckham to the United States senate Mr. Bryan declared that In 1(04 he took hla medicine in Parker vhnn h didn't want, and that he did what he could ror him. The parallel certainly au gurs ill for Mr. Beckham. Mr. Bryan's 8trenue.ua exertions for tltnn n di,.. In 1904 had an unerring precision and deadly effect of a boomerang thrown by a praoU-O hand. Juda-e Parker w uiimuii uemocraue votes enorf when mr. Bryan had finished doing WJiat he .....1.1 M 1- I . iuuiu mr nun. e for the Mlllenlnna. New York Herald. Yoiinsr Ifr Tt rwL a f..l T .... i.n. . i . . the astonishing conclusion that money la nnt irnrui n lha ....... . . . . The poor would not be poor If they had all the money they want. Omaha Bee. Our astute contemporary never falls to give expression to utterances of ineffable wisdom. Sociologists have devoted vol umes to expressing the thought whl.-h ha. thus been so deftly minted Into the coin ot language, it would be. looking at the matter from another anrle. a neneriren ordering of affairs if everybody In the Limeu states were wealthy beyond com pare. Life would be so much easier for i ue poor: AsklBtc To Marh. New York Tribune. A western psychologist Is reported to nave opened up a new branch of his science; the psychology of newspaper reading Is the unexplored domain Into which he is plunging. From the tlrst queatlona which he has put to several hundred persons under Investigation the early failure of the undertaking may be confidently, prophesied. The professor has sent out circulars containing, with space for name, address, occupation, etc.. tnis question and It appropriate blank: "What dallies do you read, and what are the reasons for your choice?" That ends the whole matter. To put such a query Is to ask a man what his inmost moral character and Intellectual machinery look Ilk: If Wntterann Were Senator. Cleveland Plain Dealer. The democrats of Kentucky are being showered with advice from outside the state to break the legislative deadlock by electing lienry Watterson to the United States senate. It is a remarkabla tribute to a man Who haa long been an ornament to the newspaper profession. What Mr. Watterson would say to such a proposal no one apparently has taken, the trouble to learn. lie bas more than once declined to stand as a candidate for office when It Involved the hardships of a campaign, but this he might consider a different proposition. Mr.. Watterson as a aenator would be a credit to his state, and a fit companion to tlie other grand old men who have represented ttv southern people at Washington. A PenrtThree Urdilia. Philadelphia Record. The railroad companies In Pennsylvania will not hail the decision of the supreme court on the legality of the 2 -cent fare law with any great degree of satisfac tion. It Is a close decision. In which the dissenting justices seem to have the better of the argument," and - it leaves the question open for future and more painstaking legislative consideration. Having stated the advantages of the lower rate, the public appetite will be whetted for whatever possible concessions may be In he future secured through statu tory regulation. It would be, indeed, a stroke of policy on the part of the rail road managers to give a further trial of the reduced rates, or at least to make such a rearrangement of rates as would fully teat the advantage growing out of Increased travel as a result ef pecuniary Inducement. . Ol PRKeiDICITI At, KlfUNO I.HIC. ome Reasons treed Why Bryan fthonlel Retire from the Rare. New Tork World, diem ). Mr. Bryan is reported to lisve said that If a third iif the party leaders were un favorable to Ms rsndidncy, or If a third of the delegates 'o the Denver convention should lie opposed to It. he would volun tsrlly retire. More than a third of the democratic leaders are already unfavorable to his candidacy. Indeed, a large majority of them are convinced that the greatest service he could render to his party would tie to acquiesce In the nomination of a candidate like John A. Johnson, mho could poll hundreds of thousand of votes that Mr. Brrin could not poll, who would have a fighting chance to carry states that Mr. Hryan could not pnasibly carry, and who would rehabilitate the democratic party even If he failed of election. J- Mr. Bryan has declared that lie thought well of Oovernor Johnson, of Senrtor Cul berson and of Governor Hoke Smith, but that he atrongly objected . "to another Parker," The World is In accord with him In tlfn objection. It too has no desire to see another Judge Parker nominated. It Is asking only for a candidate of ability and conviction, whq represents democrstlc doctrine, who canunite the party, who can appeal to the . Independent and dis satisfied republican vote and hold out to a disheartened democracy some hope of success, however fsint that hope may be. Mr. Bryan cannot do this. There is no stste that he lost in im whlcTi he could carry In 1908. There Is no electoral vote that he lost In 1900 which he could win back next November. The democratic party can not afford to nominate Mr. Bryan and the World cannot understand why he should desire the nomination. Certainly a'nother defeat will add no new laurels to the wreath be already wears. Tnft's Center, Shot. Charleston News and Courier (rtem.). The speech of Secretary William H. Taft In New York was an admirable de liverance. In the audience were a num ber of socialists and others Inclined to wards socialistic experimentation, and when he had concluded his address he an nounced himself ready to answer ques tions. The reports agree that his an swers were quick, strong and to the point. Someone Inquired: "Would not govern mental ownership of mines and railroads solve the labor problem? , "No," said Secretary Taft, "there would still be disputes. And I want you to think what a tremendous power that would put In the hands ,of the government. The Lord knows thatlpower Is sufficiently con. centrated at Washington now, and that it is hard enough to administer the gdv ernment properly. Give the government the ownership of mines and railroads and like enterprises, and I tremble to think or the danger to the republic." Perhaps It may not be to the advantage of Mr. Taft to say so. but we are sure that no democrat In Amertca could have made answer more satisfactory to all real democrats. Mark, the sentiment was spontaneous an instant, flashing and driving reply to an unanticipated question. Atone, it does not entitle the secretary to even honorary classification a a democrat and only - a sound democrat should be elected presi dent, but It adds strength to the growing Deuei mat American Institutions would not totter in the event of William H. Tart s election. Boomeranar Polities. Pittsburg Leader (Ind. reo.). Members of congress In both houses at this session are displaying much activity In this new political fad of theirs, the "rebuking of Roosevelt." They are doing It because they believe the "big Inter ests" whom they oerved so long have suc ceeded in discrediting the president and that he no longer has the people back of mm. , Politicians who gather at Washington at every session of congress seem to have a anack of misrepresenting the political feeling of the people of the country. When It is possible for them to be wrong, they win pe wrong. They are wrong in be ueving that the -money power of the country haa Roosevelt done for politically. iney win learn that before this year has passed. If Roosevelt has lost any of hla dopu larlty. nothing will aid him more in the regaining of it than these "rebukes" from the Forakers and Dicks, from the defend ers of the timber thieves and the tools of the trusts. , The Bryan Band Wagon. New York Tribune (rep.). The offer of Mr. Bryan to withdraw from the race for the democratic nomination If any considerable number of "earnest, re liable and responsible" democrats will make known their opposition to him, if it has really been made, Is extraordlnarly hand some. The opponents must be headers who are now supposed to favor him, for Mr. Bryan will pay no attention to the wishes of the reactionary opposition. What he wants to convince him that this la' not his year is that a large and Influential number of persons now securely seated on the Bryan band -wagon should dismount and explain that they tblnk democrats might well be tiding on another chariot. . For the accommodation of such public spirited pas. sengers the band wagon will perhaps stop temporarily. Whr Wot Taftf Bioux City Journal (rep.). The voice of Iowa republicans is ' for Taft. Shalt the will of the people govern? William II. Taft haa made good in the public stations to which he has been called. And It Is welt to emphasise , the fact that he has been called.- He retired from Judi cial office to accept the responsibility of the governorship of the Philippine Islands. He. has put behind him opportunity to go upon the supreme bench of the United States because it was made to appear that his service elsewhere could not well he spared. He la the trusted adviser and friend of Theodore Roosevelt, n whom the people of Iowa have large confidence. It la known In this wtate, as it is known elsewhere, that the president would be delighted to have the republican national convention name Taft aa the standard- bearer of the party in the compaign of IX!. Why not Taft? Bark In the Fold. Baltimore Aimikm (rep.). Leslie M. Shaw has resigned his position as president of tlie Carnegie Trust com pany, and H la Intimated that he will re turn to politic.- Thia would Indicate that Mr. Shan haa faith in the development of a certain little boom that has been occa sionally mentioned in the dally papers. Halls la Coantry Towns. New York Globe. There are thousands of small cities, towns and villages throughout the country where similar fire traps are regularly used for public entertainments, and where chance. In the guise of a careless child er adult, may at any moment precipitate such an other horror as that at Boyertown. Tr lives of the people In these settlements are just as precious as 4hose ef the dwellers In large cities, where every precaution is taken by the Inhabitants to protect them selves from being burned to death in their places of public congregation. There is lit tle excuse for the country town's criminal eareiessneoa tn such matters, for the halls and onera houses" could ha made rela tively aafa at small expense by keeping them on the first floor and surdrtv multiply. log exits. ABtSC I TRIMl!. I.W. Proposed Change In Proeedore I Appeal Cases. New Tork Sun. No crltlra have denounced the exist In aystem of Amern-an criminal procedure more vigorously than two prominent fed eral officeholders. Mr. Justice Brewer of the t'nlted Stales supreme court and th Hon. William H. Taft. secretsry of wsr. It is an Interesting fact, in view of the de nunclntlnns In which these gentlemen hav Indulged, tfiat the moat conspicuous abuse in our criminal law arises out of tho opera tioh of a federal statute which congress ha for many years vamly been asked to re peal. - . We' mean the statute under wlilcli person convicted hf crime In a state court may apply tn a-federal Judge for a writ of habeas corpus, and upon the refusal to grant such writ may appeal from the order denying his application to the supreme court of the Unl'ed States,' such appeal be lug operative of Itself an a stay of all proceedings tn the state courts until a de termination is rendered by the supreme court of the fnited States. , tTnder this law a largo number of appeal are taken every year In habeas corpu proceedings in capital cases which are utterly without any substantial merit. "Tlie law Is such," said Mr. Llttlefield of Maine In congress the Holier dsy. "that It Is only necessary in the proceedings to suggest frivolous or fictitious federal question, have the petition overruled, and then take a appeal to the supreme court of the United States, which delays the execution of sentence anywhere from one to two' years ss the rase may be." Mr. Llttlefield la entitled to the credit of having at last Induced the house of representatives to pass a bill which will put an end to this gross abuse, If the measure receives tho concurrence of the senate and the approval of the president. The bill provides that no appeal-shall be allowed to the supreme cpurt or the United States in a habeas corpus proceeding where the prisoner Is detained by virtue of process issued within a state court, unless permis sion to appeal Is granted by the court In which the decision was rendered or oy a Justice of the supreme court of the United States. In order to grant such permission ths Judge to whom the application Is made must be of the opinion and must certify mat tnere exists probable cause for an appeal. . This simple change In the law. which ought to have been made long ago. will nut an end to a practice which has brought aeservea reproach upon our jurisprudence. DR. BRYAN'S PANACEA. Proposed Conrnntee of Nntlonal Bank Deposits. New York Tribune. Three or four bills have been Introduced in congress within the last few davs oro vldlng In various ways for the insurance of national bank deposits. Presumably the authors of these measures think there exists a public demand for sucit a guar antee, if so, why haa It never been in evl denco before? Why have depositors been perfectly content to put their money In banks, trusting to their own Judgment to select established institutions of good repu tation under the control of saXe and con servative bankers? It la always assumed. and with Justice, too, that where there Is a real demand private enterprise Is ready 10 cattery it. Why haa no insurance com pany entered Into the field of guarantee ing bank deposits? On practically every thing in which tho risk la sufficiently large for the public to desire inauranco against it a policy may be obtained. The fact la that, the chance of ultimate loss through bank Yallur s negligible, and de positors reallr that It Is. If a company should enter the field, offering to write polieiea on bank deposits, it could not hope to obtain any patronag-e, even though It could do a profitable business at a tenth of i per cent. If such -private Insurance is irapracucame, why, supposing there la a public drAand for insurance or deposits. have not banks themselves recognised it and accordingly formed associations for the mutual Insurance of one another's de posits? If there were any desire for ouch a guarantee tho members of such mutual associations might have easily outdis tanced their uninsured competitors in ob taining business. The demand for a guarantee of deposits then, la not sufficiently strong to Invito a private company Into that field of insur ance, nor to commend Itself to the consid eration of banks in the intense competition for deposits, nor even to keep ltv the practice when once established. The de vice is just now simply an after-panic sua gestlon one of the innumerable panaceas witn which a host of volunteers are offer ing to cure Incurable ilia. It cornea dalv labelled from lie intellectual laboratory oi our greatest financial quack, who dem onstrated his ability to show tho country now to get well quick Just after the are vlous panic, in tho moot famous year In tno annals or quaekdom to-wlt, MM. SENATOR ALLISOVS FORTUNE. n oar i toaapvtenoo After Forty Pohlle Life. Cedar Rapids (la.) Republican. Senator Allison, has a little laid by. enough to product hint the Income of Ki.bUO to which the Regleter and Leader refers But he received that from hla wife's estate Hla wife was the adopted daughter of Sen- ator Orioies, Iowa's first republican United States senator. We believe she inherited a fortune of about $tt,0M or SM.OOO, not mor than fSO.OOO, -deluding the home in Wash. ington, which is known as Senator AHIson's home, a modest Prick building, wedged be tween other buildings. Senator Allison has never tried to build up a fortune, but be has been Just about able to maintain in tact the money which he Inherited. Other fortune he has none. -The editor of this paper became ' ac quainted &ith these facts aa long ago aa 1888, when he was a reporter on the Des Moines Register, and went to Dubuque at the suggestion of James 0. Ctarkson, then editor of that paper, lo prepare some mat ter for general publication about the life of Senator Allison, who was then a candi date for the nomination for president. One of the questions asked the senator was about his success in business life and his business pursuits. He answered that his work In the senata and in the campaigns had absorbed ail of bis Ufa and all of his energies, that he had no children and hud no incentive to accumulate money. We thick he also stated at the time that the money that belonged to his wife had been invested In railroad bonds or stocks. It ought not to he necessary to dig into these matters of the private life of a man whose eminent fitness and untiring devo tion to public duties have made him con spicuous. But t reducers of personal honor must sometimes bo answered, and tn the case of Senator Allison one needs no other defense than the plain unvarnished facts. ' "Clothes Do Make tho Man." i New York Sun. From tho ease with which miscreants ef various degrees succeed tn personating offi cial dignitaries in Buropeaa countries it Is evident that to a oertain extent at least : lot hoe do make tho man. If Oeraaa aol diers aro deoeivod by a thief dreoaed aa a captain and Ruaalaa guards Pass Impostors clad tn Imitation of the governor and hla staff, tho ordinary waiter need not J badly if he Is sometimes mistake" tor a SuesU . IMHKtOEII R 4 1 1. It OA f S.4FKTY. Keet of Low ' Limiting llohra of Chicago flews. The managers of Interstate rallroada are getting ready for cliRna.es In operating met noils tuariy neceesary by the law limit ing the hoars of labor of railroan em ployes. Thia act waa approved March 4 last, to go Into effect one year from thst time. It provklee that no telegraph or telephone operator, handling messages af fecting the movement of railroad tralps shall be on duty more thiin nine hours In twenty-four. When the art was passed it Was thought that this provision 'would In crease the demand for railroad telegraph ers. Now, however. It la reported that the mSnagera are planning to auhstltutn ths telephone for the lelegTaph wherever pnssl ble and to employ women as telephone operators. ' j Presumably no Very serious objertlon to the employment of women as telephone operators on railroads can tgt made on th scorn of Impairing provisions for the safely of travelers. But from tho point of view of the public, concerned also about broad aorlsl Interests, any reorganisation of a labor force which tends to draw more wo men from the home Into Industry Is not desirable. The new law and Its promised enforce ment have quickened railroad officials In the work of Installing automatic block signal systems. By permanent Improve menta of this sort managers hope to avert the necessity of hiring more telegraph operators than they employ at present. Some of these officials predict that an Indi rect result of the new law will be to dis place telegraphers almost altogether by automatlo devices. .' . -'s If tho Installation of theses devfres dis place telegraph operators -that will be hard on many deserving employes, but it will be one of the unavoidable misfortunes whioh come in the Wake of progress. Laat year SfT passengers and 4..1&S employes were Xllled and 13,697 passengers and 78,286 em ployes were Injured on the railroads of the United Slates. The Interstate Commerce commission tn Its recent report giving these figures advocates the enfqrced Installation of block signals and .government super Vision of their operation. PERSONAL JiOTES, The mayor of Evanaville.Jnd., has or dered the police to censor Mrs. Leslie Car ter's "Du Barry" costumes. He even di rects those' officers to appear in plain clothes. John Adams charged George Washington with stealing $2, In the Washington police court recently. You nyty give a boy a good name, but you cBn't make him live up to it all through life. J. Plerpont Morgan haa presented to the Wadsworth Athenaeum at . Hartford, in memory of ' his father, fourteen volumea descriptive of his art collections In Len- r don and New York. Each volume is valued at $1,000. r Colonel Theodore A. Dodge, who has lived for more than ten .years in Paris, while completing his masterly "History of Na poleon," which is now being published In four volumes, has Just been elected presi dent of the American club in Paris. Judge Smith of Texas has the distinction of representing the biggest district of any member of congress. It takea the, judge three days to make the trip from one end of his district to the other, and there are seventen countlea that , must be looked after,' - Joy Morton, the wealthy banker of Chi cago, Is hatching out .a scheme to turn a deeert country of Wyoming 4ntw!v great garden, where 16,000 people may live and become independent. He Is going to Irri gate the sect lop andwhen ready for culti vation he will aell the land at a such a nominal sum that almost anyone, will Is For a long time It haa been expected thai Mrs. J. L. Gardner of Boston would pro vide by legacy that the famous Gardner collection shall go to the Museum of Fine Arts, but instead it Is understood she will provide for the perpetual maintenance of the Fgtiway museum as a separate Insti tution, i . Sl..l UK MS. Mrs. Vkk-Senn s eyes flashed. lohnnv doesn't aet that weak chin of his from my side of the house!" alio ex claimed. . ' . . No. my dear. meemy reeponumi nn- husband. "Johnny lias my chin. Out be inherits his mother's tlrelees capacity for keeping- It In motion." Chicago Tribune. -fir nlwii-i contended." ' aald Miss Passav. whose engagement had Just been announced, "that a woman should marry at . but never beiore tnat. "Indeed?" remarked Miss Knox, "then why did you refuse Mr. Hoamley when he proposed to you tea years ago?" Phil adelphia Press. 'I'm a. little hard of hearing." said the man in the audience. "Did you say you were a "deceptive" candidate?" 'I said a "recDtive candidate.' replied he speaker, with the air f being pained. "Oh, excuse me." rejoined the deaf auditor. Philadelphia. Lodger. Would you send a man who uses pro fanity to oongreas?" "I dunno." answered Farmer Corntossel. "Of course I don't approve of profanity. K l'a mmnt him tn b able to hold hla own In any of them argumenta that come up." Washington Star. of M.in. vnu Ann't want anything you are not entitled to," said the conscientious warn .,".. 'Of course not." answerea nensior ooi- fhum; "but I will Incidentally remara tnat always have the best legal talent avail able to ascertain what I am entitled to. Washington Btar. . The alert looking atranger approached tho famous alienist. "If I agree in advanre to pay you any fee you may demand, will you swear that J am insane?" he asked i sure win, ruapwiiuEu mw .""'i"' promptly. "And have a clear case extnai. he added, out nor so me tuhvi vuuiu . Philadelphia Ledger. ninnrn rirnnned Into the. comer store. "Gimme a new cndlKfor my lantern." he said. "And charge It," he added at tn psychological moment. . "Now see here. Dl," protested the pro prietor, "that blamed old lantern of your n is on my books yel. Say. when yeh find yer honest limn I hope be 11 convert yeh. -Philadelphia Lodger. THIS rUsjFKVSIO.V. g. B. Klaer In the Record-Herald. SHE. You promlaed once that you would guide Me where the fields were fair; You aald you gladly would provide Protection for mo there: You vowed the path I trod ahould bo A pleasant one and clear; , How have you kept your faith wtth me Along the way, my dear? IIB. You promised once that I should claim -- Your never ceasing trust; -You vowed that you would never blame Nor cease to tblnk me Just; My Inaplratlon you would be , From peaceful year to year; How have you kept your faith with mw Along the way. my deart SHU. There was so much 1 did not know And could not understand: I fancied lhat the winds whk'h blow Might cease at you command; But I have learned along the way 4 And I will raaaa tu chide: , ' ' The price a not too much to pay To Journey by your side. HE. a' There waa so much I had not guessed. So much I bad to learn; But while your baud, In mine may rest I would not. dear, return; ' Oft have I iieedxd on the way , The courage ou surplled; Come lot ua start anew, today. The Journey, side ty olde.- I -