Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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Office 15 Scott Street. Both 'Phones 43.
tit (y ri rpTlfVV I I II' I nominated ant) clcetrd on t h strn'sht
KILLMj U. lLLIIIIM LAl rrpubltcsn U.k.t. So lr as known Mr.
Charles D. Campbell Declare! Himself
in the Councilmanio Eace.
llrmarralle, rmnilttrr lasars Formal
tall tar Hr Convent loo -CaB-IIHot-a
.ritlns Bar Pre
anrlnn for Primaries.
tills rvldfm will nnt n.-itate bringing
Mr. Tlllotwon hers again. s
Judge Thornrll sj called to his honir
in "Irlnry Saturday sftrrnrmn by a mrc
sags announcing that two of til prand
chlldren er suffering with , typhoid
pneumonia. He accordingly adjourned
court early.
' Wrldon h' no opposition for election fir
' a third tern. ?tr. Wrlrtrn is a thnroush- j
Attorney General S;?ks to Unravel 1 ta cummim man and in vim oi thisj
fact development are awaiteu sjiice tl rss
twen announced that tiie stand -pat far:im
In the atate would fiaht the nornlnat on
Tangle for Municipalities.
Another aspirsnt for cnuncilmanic honor
was added Saturday to the list of can
oidates upon whlcli tin- voter win be
called upon to ballot at the city primary
election. Charles D. Campbell. 73 South
Twenty-fourth streetfiled affidavit that
he wa a candidate for tha republican nml
nation Ipr councilman from the Fifth ward.
Mr. Campbell explained to City Auditor
McAnency thai he wa out of the city
Friday and consequently could not file that
day. A . there la a question whethrr a
filing Saturday ,'n not within the re.
quired thirty daya before Mie primary elec
tion Mr. McAnency decided to place Mr.
Campbell name on the ballot, leaving the
question of the validity of the filing to be
disputed and decided by somebody els?.
Call for Drmaeralie Convention.
'Chairman HnglxS of the democratic ttty
lentral committee baa Issued the .all for
the democratic city convention, which will
be held March 14, the same as the repub
lican city convention. The democratic
convention Will be tamponed of ninety
three delegate. , as agaltiHt seventy-seven
In the republican convention. 'J his la the
The democrats ot the city of Council
Blulta will In convention hhiiioIc on
March 14. at 11 o'clock a. m . in the
ttouth .court room of tno couiiiy court
house In ratdclty for the purpose of
placing such candidate fur city uf fires,
who have not been nominated at the pre
ceding primary election, and to Iran -art
such other business as may be lawtuliy
brought before aid convention.
Delegate to said convention shall be
(elected at the primary election on h'eb
ruaryiit. 19is. at aiieh places as may be
designated by the city auditor; that at
aald primary election snembers of the dem
ocratic city central committee shall he
The following Khtill be the number of
delegate wlilen each precinct shall be
entitled to. the ratio being one delegate
for each precinct, and one delegate for
each thirty-five votes, or fraction thereof,
cant for I)onld Macrae, Jr.. at an clvctlon
held March 10:
Klrst waid First precinct, 9 delegates;
Second precinct, 9 delegates.
Second Ward First precinct. t dele
cates; Second precinct. 9 delegutes.
Third Ward First precinct, tielog3fS;
SH'ond prec inct, 6 delegates.
Fourth Ward First precinct. dele
trat'': Second precinct. 7 delegate.
Fifth Ward Flrt precinct. 7 delegates;
Second precinct, i delegates; Third pre
rlnci. i delegate.
Sixth Ward First precinct. 9 delegates;
Second precinct. 2 delegate.
Total. 5.1 delegate.
Vlilt amWer of Places, bat Secure
Smell Retnrns.
lttirfrlut- Wi,f-n ihi-m.l In rm,nr.,l m,,rra
j Friday nlaht nnd in addition to attempting
j lo blow the safe in the Kretclimr Matiu-
fHitiirms: company's office. Third street
and Flcvfitli svenne. thry visited three
other plce. "
At the Kreti-hnier hee hive factory en
trance wa effected throlich a basement
window. The abortive attempt to blow the
safe wltVhlacfc powder showed the work
wa not tPa of professionals. The knob
on the safe' door wa knocked off and the
aperture filled with powder, but no attempt
was made to fill the cracks around th
Voor. The explosion was consequently not
of sufficient strength to force the door,
but a screw driver which apparently had
been used lo force the powder into the
aperture where the knob had been broken
off wa blown across the room and stuck
in the mopboard. A quantity of powder
was found on the floor and the paper,
bearing the name of , local hardware
store, in which It had been wrapivd. i In
quiry at the hardware store tlicltcd the
Information that a few days ago black
powder and some fuse had been sold, but
who the purchaser was the clerk could not
At the drug store of O. r. Ord. ?C Six
teenth avenue, entrance was obtained by
breaking the glasa in the front floor and
removing the lock. Here the burglars se
cured a bicycle, several mouth organs and
a few pennies from the cash drawer.
Adjoining trs drug store is the grocery
and meat marKet of J. A. Kirk. From this
store the burglars carried away a larpe
quantity of provision's, supposedly In a
wagon. Mr. Kirk on checking up stated he
missed two cases of canned corn, three
cases of canned peas, five mtcks of fldur,
a mlscellaneoua assortment of boxes of
candy and cigars and fifty poands of pork.
About S cents in pennies were-not over
looked by the robbers.
At the grocery store of Joseph Jensen.
1823 Soutfl Ninth street, the thieves, after
attempting to cut a. burglar screen on the
rear door, obtained an entrance through a
small rear window, from which they cut
the screen. The appearance of the store
yesterday morning indicated that it had
been thoroughly ransacked, but all Mr.
Jensen found missing was tl In small
change from the cash register and a cake.
The thieves left $2 in stamps which were
in the cash register.
Omaha Professional Uinta A lalia
Dr Mnlaea to eeare Ideas
Formation of Professional
. Oman's Clan.
and election of every Cummins man to the
legislature. Any such movement in this I
county will find a warm reception for the
county Is red-hot for Cummin from Ack
ley to Buckeye and from Alden to I'nlon.
Those Who AVonld Be Delegates.
The following ia a list of the would-lie
delegates to the republican city conven
tion wiio filed with the city auditor:
First wsrd. Fitst precinct Charles F.
Maiier, John C. Small. Carl A. Morgan,
F.. I. Fulleri W. J. LauWrwasser., Fred
1-ttlurMi " . ' !
'"First ward. Second precinct Uenjar.iin
V. Clark, Thomas J. Harrison, 8teplien H.
' Conner, Frank Petersen, J. It. Bell.
Willluni J. Ievereli, Jf.. B. Gardiner. C
Second ' ward, First precinct r..
l.ouaoe. J. C. Mitchell. Spencer Smith.
Fiank I.. Kill. Charles M. llarl, K. K.
Smith. Bam stnyder.
Second ward. Second precinct Theodore
CuHtur. Walter C. Joseph, I). 8. Kerr. A.
K. Mollis. Peter Petersen. Roy HardeS'y.
Third fvaid. First precinct Henry H.
Van Brunt, Frank R. Levin. P. C. Ue
Vol. J. M. Ma'uhews. Charles J. Saylcs,
H. R. Jenning. Victor K. Render.
Third ward, ktecond precinct D. J.Vhlt
aker. II. Al. Goss. M. P. .Schmidt. 01. Q.
Raird. C. A. Fowler. '
Fourth ward. First precinct A. T.
Fllckingery George L. Hill. F. M. Gallup.
John P. Davis, Frank P. Wright. M. R.
Fourth ward, second precinct Ed Ford,
Julius Johnson, Slack Petersen, Louis N.
Whitehead, tJ. O. 8orenaon.
KJfth ward. jetrt precinct L. R: Cous
in. 1., Wt-bb, KU Carr. I. N. Flickinger.
O. - Tiovhnian, J. C Fleming.
Fifth., ward, Second precinct Lawreniss
Hansen Nets Johnson, Martin Larsen, U.
J. I.und. Chris lxseth.
Sixth ward. First precinct Elmo Q.
Kimball, Gna C, Clausen. O. K. Harden,
A. C. Hardipg. I. . Kirk. George Rock
well. Frank Messmore. A. C. Keller, Wll
lard K. Walton. J. H. Swans.
D. A. Bonhnm Dies Suddenly.
Rarnabaa A. Bonham, a pioneer and
well known resident of Council Bluffs,
was found dead in bed at his homeK 317
Eat Pierce street, yesterday morning.
He arose as was his custom, yesterday
morning between 6 and 7 o'clock and af-
tter attending to some duties about the
house, .returned to his room and lay down
on the bed. When a member Of the family-
went to call him to breakfast he. waa
nead. He had .been suffering from a
slight' attack of pneumonia for about two
weeks but hi illness was "hot thought to
II f be of a serious . nature and he . was ablo
Matters la District Coart.
Clyde McClelland, Richard Lyon and
Charles Dutch, Jndlcted Jointly by the
grand Jury on the charge of stealing three
'chicken, the property of Friedman Bros.,
B; 'South Main.' on January 17, pleaded
guilty i when , arraigned before Judge
Thornell In district court,' along with the
other defendants "recently Indicted. All
of the others entered pleas of not guilty,
la passing sentence. Judge Thornell gave
McClelland sixty days and Lyon and
Dutcher thirty days each in the ounty
Jail. -
la the divorce suit of Edwin N. Camp
bell against . Helen Campbell, Judge
Thornell granted the decree of divorce to j
Mrs. Campbell on hpr cross-petition. In
which, she made statutory charges against
Iter husband.'
Mrs. Mary Schmidt was granted a di
vorce from August Schmidt on grounds
of cruel and Inhuman treatment.
Suit for divorce was filed by Stel.a Sklp
tuu against Frank Sklpton, but the papers
were promptly withdrawn by the attorney
far the defendant on an order of the
court, so the grounds for the suit could
not be ascertained.
Jury 'trials will be begun Monday, the
first case on the assignment being the re
trtal of Marian liedgepeth, the paroled
Missouri convict charged with blowing the
safe of the Council Bluffs Transfer and
8tv Storage, company. . Hedgepeth was
convicted at the former trial, but was
granted a new trial oh a technicality. A
stipulation was filed yesterday in this
case permitting the state to offer the
testimony of T. IL Tillotson, In charge of
tha Plakerton : Detective agency in Kan
sas City, that Hedgepeth, under the name
of J. C. Clark, waa In the employ of the
rtnkertons from tkiober. l(o, to Febru
ary, lful. and that In th latter part of
July, 1907, Hedgepeth applied again to
enter tha employ, of the Kansas City
agency to furnish Information in regard
to crooks and yeggnien. Th admission of
to make a trip down town Friday.
' Mr. Bonham was. 71 years of age and
is survived by' his wife, five daughters
and two sons. The children are Mrs. Car
rie Stevens of Minneapolis. Mrs. A. W.
Warner or Sioux Falls, Mrs. Maud Jeff
rie. 'Mis Alice Bonham, Miss Fay Bon
ham of this j city, Oscar Bonham of
Omaha, and Wilbur Bonham of this city.
Hi aged father, A. 8. Bonham, who I
i year old; two brothers, Mac Bonham
of this city and John Bonham of Rhyo
lite, Nev . and a sister, Mrs. D. J. Smith
of Los Angeles, Cat., also survive him.
Deceased was a native bf Kentucky. He
served through the civil wsr and was a
member of Abe Lincoln post. Grand Army
of the Republic. The funeral, which will
be private, will be held Monday morning
ut 11 o'clock from the family residence on
Eat Pierce treet and interment will be
In Farrvlew cemetery. Rev. Edgar Price,
pastor of the First Christian church, will
conduct the services.
Two Raids by Police.
The police last pight raided a room at
the rear of a shoe shining parlor on Broad
way, two doors west of Scott street, where
a game of poker is said to have been
fouad In full blast. Sixteen men found in
the room were taken to police headquar
ters, where, after an Interview with Chief
Richmond, all but two were released with
a lecture. Two men named ' Grace and
Montgomery', alleged to have been runnisjj
th piace, were placed nnder arrest.
The police also raided the rooms over the
saloon of W. J. Welch at 1021 Wrst Broad
way, where a number of woiaen of the
half-world and men were said tb be having
a "free and easy." Ten men and women
were given a ride to the police station,
where most of them finally secured tlisir
release upon putting up rash bonds.
Any 12 Year Old Girl
an msk those delicious Lemon. Choco
1st a Ml Custard pies aa well as the more
esperetieed cook if she -use "OCR-PIE"
preparation, which Is now being sold by
nearly all grocera. Full directions on each
package, pie Is not a luxury, but an article
of daily diet and you might Just as well
make good pies aa poor one. Order a few
pcaas today and you will bao.well
plea1 that voir will tell all your friends.
nervous mea
over t
trmA for ""eag a a 4 eerro
Nnrtns wora and youtaial vigor
"vivos goo M result of vsr
rk cr voental exertion should . take
CHAT'S NiiRVK FOOD PILLS. Toy wid ou eat aid sleep and be a man agaia.
3 hoses M 60 by aiaU.
XaVntsJi ft kooossr.Lb Sauu CO.
Corner lk ui Stooge u.
OWI. bltQil COHtSgf,
Cor, lata tuna? St. onaka. Hsu.
SCHOOL a0 tuLLtOsl.
v Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers were reorted to The
Bee January by the Pottawattamie
County Abstract company of Council
B. P. Tripletfand i wife to James
T. Triplet!, ne Vt of 16 snd sw
sw of 16. all In 7i-4i w d ..; S23,WO
Henry F. Saar and wife to Julius
J. Ssar. part ne V S of
1S-74-42. w d 1.400
James T. Trlplett and wife, to B.
P. Triplet!, n Vi. ne 4 and se ,
ne of 33-7S-4:. w d ll.ft)
Ella Wilson to Samuel J. Culver,
lot 10 in block . Pierce's add.
to Council Bluffs. la., w d
C. B. Helllngnr snd husband to
Kllzahelh C. Smlhe. lot 4 in Bull s
subdivision of lot 4, Greenwood
sdd. to Council Rlaffs. la., w d ...
Benjamin-Felir Real Extate com
pany to Maud Barber, lot i In
block 11 in Pott-r & Cobb's first
add. to Council Bluffs, la., w d...
i From a Staff Correspondent. )
PKS MOINES. Jan. K.-(3pcclal. (-Attorney
General Byer 'today gave out En
opinion on tin municipal elections law
which Is of ltal Interest to practically
every city and town In the state. . .le new
law Is Intended to change, the system of
elections from annual to biennial. but
cilv offlciala everywhere were finding
difficulty In interpreting It wind sere at
a loss to know whether they held elections
this year or not and what officers they
should elect. Nearly every city and town
put a different Interpretation on the l..w.
The opinion was prepared by Assistant
Attorney General George Cosson. After
an exhaustive discussion of the law, the
opinion says:
In cities of the second class where a
mavor Is elected In odd numbered yfars,
there will be no election in March. i0".
the term of thoso counctlmen and officers
expiring In li1! being extended one year.
In 19"! In cities of the second class thst
elect a mavor in odd numbered years an
election will be held and a mayor, two
councilinen-at-large and one councilman
from each ward shall be elected.
In cities of the second clsss that elect a
mayor In even numbered years, the usual
number of councilmen shsll be elected at
the March, 130R. election, according to the
provisions of paragraph 2 section 6)8 of
the code. In however, no election
will be hold in such cities, the term of
those cmtnellmen and officers expiring in
I! being extended one year. In 1S10 such
cities phall elect two councilmen-at-large
and one councilman from each ward.
In towns In which a mayor Is elected In
even numbered years, the usual number of
councilman shall be elected at the March,
1!K. election, the term of office of such
councilmen and officers so elected at the
March. 1!.' election Is fixed at three years.
In such towns an election shall be held in
1ft and I he usual number of councilmen
and officers shall be elected at said time
for a period of two years. There shall,
however, be no election IA such towns in
the vear 1310. the term of Vouneilmen and
officers whose term expires In 1910 being
extended one year. In 1911 the number of
the members of the council in audi towns
shall be reduced lo five., All town officers
elected In Will In towns which elect a
muvor In even numbered years shall be
elected for the term of two years. All
town officers elected in 1911 In towns which
elect a mayor In odd numbered years shall
be elected for the term of two year.
In all citle ind towns the council at
Its first meeting after the March. 190$. elec
tion shall appoint a clerk, and In cities
of 4.'w population or less shall appoint a
Kennion of Railroaders.
The Iowa Railway club, which ha head
quarters In Des Moines and meets here
monthly, Is endeavoring to arrange for a
reunion of the old-time railroad men of
Iowa. It is proposed to assembllhere some
time during the summer all the men en
gaged In the railroad business In Iowa
prior to the year 18SS. A committee con
sisting of W. H. Given. E. M. Wentworth
and C. H. Gordon has been appointed to
arrange the affair.
Limits Names lo Petition. ,
Attorney General Byers has decided thai
candidate for public office cannot legally
pay for the circulation of petition blanks
for 'more than, the minimum number of
signatures required by law and that the
county auditor cannot furnish blanks free
for more than enough for the minimum
number of lgnattire. This practically puts
a limit to the number of signatures to be
secured to petitions to have a name placed
on the primary ballot.
Carroll Cirenlates Petitions.
It is understood that .the petitions to
place the name of State Auditor B. F.
Carroll on the primary election ballot will
be started In a few days. There are now
but two nomination papers on file with the
secretary of state. Both are for represent
ative, one in Boone county and the other
from a county In the southern part ot the
Brandt a Candidate.'
Amos Brandt, deputy state auditor, will
be a candidate for sheriff of Polk county.
Petitions to have his name placed on the
primary election ballot have been prepared
and they will be circulated next week.
Plallnaat Thief . Indicted.
Frank Eoyd. the Plattsmouth, Neb., boy
who KaK arrested here for the theft of
platinum, which, it Is claimed, he stole
In order to raise money to complete an
invention of a gasoline engine, has been
Indicted by the Polk county grand jury.
The indictment is for forgery, the platinum
and gold having been secured from dental
shops on "forged orders.
Omaha Gets Ideas.
Five professional women of Omaha were
entertained at luncheon Saturday at the Sa
very hotel In thfs city by the Professional
Women' league of this city. The Omaha
women are here for the purpose of ob
taining ideas in order to found a similar
society in Omaha. Ttis women are: Dr.
I.eah Mills. Dr. Wells. Dr. Abbie Virginia
Holmes, Rev. Mary G. Andrews and Dr.
Whinnery. Two are physicians, two are
dentists and one a minister. Dr. Holmes
responded to the toast, "A Western
Breexe." and Dr. Wells gave a whistling
solo, Mendelssohn's "Spring Song."
Prominent professional , women of De
Molne were, preeent and responded to
toast. The Omaha women are guests of
the local cclub and were entertained over
Inlted oa Ticket.
A citizens' committee at. a meeting
which lasted till midnight laat nigut united
on a ticket of mayor and commisnionei s
for the first election under the commis
sion form of government. The committee
numbered 630. but only 1C votes were cast.
The ticket elected is Eugene Woteibory,
a rough rider of the Roosevelt regiment,
for mayor, and as commissioners, Charles
Worth, a merchant; B. S. Walker, a real
estate agent; Harry C. Evans, s lawyer,
and James R. Hanna, a professor of
Highland Park college.
Has Tsi Deen t; ashes and Is I neon
scion After Twelve Hoars.
CRESCENT, la.. Jsn. X. (Sp.-clal.l-Arthur
Klrkwood. the 17-yrar-old son of
John Klrkwood. a farmer Hi lug a mile
' north of Crescent, was kicked by a liore
Friday evening and Is still unconscious
this afternoon.
He nnd his brother. Horace, were re
turning home from Crescent, where' they
had been attending church.. When just
out of town something got wrong, with
the harness snd Arthur got out to repair
It. The horse kicked him In the head,
rendering hi in unconscious and cutting
two deep gashes In his head. Ills 1 rother
picked him up and took him to Dr. A.
A. Robertson's office, where his wounds
were treated and then taken to his home.
Progressive nnd Slaadpntfers Kqaally
Kathaslastlc In Klahth Iowa.
CRESTON. Is., Jan. IS. (Special. ) The
Eighth congressional district prides Itself
on being the first district in Iowa to go
on record for Taft. The standpatter, as
well as the progressives, are all enthusias
tic, jubilantly enthusiastic, for Taft.
Estate of Dr. Benjamin E. Shirk.
MARSALLTOWN. la.. Jant .-( Spe
cial.) Property consisting of real estate
and farm lands In Marshall county of a
value of over IIOO.OOO liave been disposed
of by the will of the late Dr. Benjamin
E. Shirk, which was opened in the dis
trict court today. Only one f the heirs,
R grandson. Waller Shirk, "of Madlsan,
Wis., was given absolute title to any of
the property. He was given two business
blocks of a value of lo0,003. A life In
terest in a 400-acre farm went to Robert
Shirk, the only son. A similar Interest
In three business blocks was given to Mrs.
Elisabeth Rcwey. a daughter, and a life
Interest In a 170-acre farm worth $3j,0'.0.
The widow gets all of the personal property.
f - ilie
fl AH "trie, -wav
I i ii ijjisaMi ' i '
il snil say when yoa
SimT tarimer, Pm. Agent, CV
I . A. X. a 8. F. Ry.. y
1 4C1 6th A . LnuitsMe'Elc'lS.,
! Mnirei. lows. 'C
L..,.TiT;, iwj'-,j..r,MM.,
ideal wirii er resort
Go by the Santa Fc. The tracks
arc dustlcss and safeguarded by block signals.
Fred Harvey meal?, too. You travel along
the historic Santa Fc trail. You may stop at the
Grand Canyon of Arizona the world's wonder.
The California Limited
is the train of luxury, for first-class travel only,
with Pullman for Grand Canyon. Preferred by
particular people. All other trains to Southern
California, via any line, carry second-class sleepers
and second-class passengers.
Or Tourist Sleeper Service
on three other daily Santa Fe train to California. Our California
Fast Mail is as fast as the Limited. Personally-conducted rr
ics tri-weekly. You save in railroad and sleeper fares and
combine economy with comfort.
Regulation on Forward Pass Amended
to Benefit Weaker Teams.
Forfeited Games Hereafter Are to
lie Scored 1 to O Offeaded
Teams Mar Decline
Superintendent Is Wanted.
FOR DODGE. Ia.. Jan. .-(Special. -Because
of the rejection of the offer of
tha superintendency of the German Or
phan's home here hy Rev. Mr. 8chleipsich
directors of that organization will mall
votes to this city to decide who they shall
next call upon to take the head of the
home. The Orphan's home Is an institution
belonging to the Kinderfreund Gesellschaft,
composed of members of the German
l-uthern church. If the rlan of voting- by
mall is not successful the directors of the
Institution will again coma to this city
from their homes in all part of the state
to hold an election.
Fremant C'oaatr Taft Taper.
SIDNEY. Ia., Jan. 28. (8pecial.i-Prof.
O. P. Stewart, principal of th Fanquat
school, and James A. fowell of the Far
ragut Lsadcr, have jmrchssed the Fre
mont County 8un, which suspended pub
lication at Sidney In November last. The
Sun will be published again in February.
The paper under various names and man
agements has existed for forty years. It
is republican In politics and its new editor.
Prof. Stewart. Is a. Taft boomer.
Six transfers, total.
Marriage Licenses.
Licenses to wed wer Issued )esterday
to the following:
Name and residence. Ag.
Francla BiKley. Council Bluf's 19
Margaret purscell. Council Bluffs ... Is
WilHsm Dibrell. Kansaa Citv. .'..Mo as
Isabella Owens. Topeka. Kan 3i
Secretary af Indian Rlcats Associativa
Arrested oa Crow Indian .
HKLENA. Mont.. Jan. SS. MtthwK.
8n!ffea of Philadelphia, secretary of the
Indian, Rights' association, who wss sent
to Montana to make an Investigation of
ihe alleged irregularities on the Crow In
dian reservation, today was arrested on the
reB.'rvslkm and placed in the guard house.
The reservation officials. It I said, acted
on instructions from Washington. The
federal grand jury is now investigating the
official conduct of Major Reynolds, agent
af Uia Crow raacrvalion.
lorra ew Notes.
CRESTON Prof. H. M. Gage of Par
son s college, Fairfield, la., will give two
addresses Sunday in the Presbyterian
church here.
MAR8HALLTOWN-The snnual conven
tion of the sixty-fourth district organiza
tion of Rebekahs is to be held at Liscomb,
In this county, on June 11. Mrs. J. G.
Scott of LJscomb Is president of the dis
trict organization.
SIDNEY The Jury in the case of J. U
Coleman, charged with seduction by Ca
lisla Cams, brought in a verdict of guilty.
The Cams girl Is 15 and the defendant 21.
It is reported that he has a wife and
family in Missouri.
CRESTON A. W. Bomis of Bpaulding
has invented a device for binders which
does away with the side draft. He has
been asked to go to Fostorla, O., and tojd
that if he is willing to locate a factory at
that place 1100.000 will be raised there
to stsrt the enterprise.
MARSHAIXTOWN-A local circle of the
Ladles of the Grand Army was established
st the Soldiers' home today by Department
President Mary C. Agard of Dubuque. The
ijrcle has a charter membership of thirty
five. It wss established under the namu of
General Sheridan circle No. t.
CRESTON Twelve high schools In She
Southwestern Iowa association will com
pete in the annual declamatsry intest
at Drake university in Ies Moines March
6. - it is expected Drake will mane an
effort to estsblish this meet of the high
schools as a permanent feature tf Its
NEW YORK, Jan. 26. Important changes.
in the rule govt rnitig the forward- pass
play, which will prove of advantage to
weaker teams,, and other foot ball legisla
tion.' were made by ihe intercollcgiateyfoot
ball rules committee, which concluded its
session here tonight.
The new rule on the play of the forward
pass covers particularly the Illegal touch
ing of the ball. When Illegally touched the
side making the illegal play loses the ball
to its opponents on the spot from which
the pass was mude. According to the new
rule, only the man of the passer's side who
first h'gally touched the ball may there
after recover It until it lias been . touched
by an opponent! , If the forward pass is
legally touched and then free and is then
touched by another player' of the passer's
slda, the ball goes to the opponents at tha
point where touched.
Holding- nd Tackling.
The committeo considered, the question of
defensive tactics in , connection with .the
forward pass and. it wars decided that while
the forward .pass Is in the air, the players
of the defensive side may not use their
hands or arms on their opponent except
to push them out of the way to get at the
ball. In order to eliminate holding and
tackling, it is provided that the players
of the side making the forward pass, who.
are eligible to receive the pass, may use
their hands and arms Just the same way
that players go down under the kick.
A new rule was passed making the Inter
mission between the halves of the game
fifteen minutes. A delay of two minutes
beyond that time tvea the ball to the team
on the field, which may then place the ball
on the thirty-yard line of the offending
, Another rule adopted provides that all
forfeited games hereafter are to score as
1 to a The ommlttee passed a rule that
all penalties, except In the case of a man
disqualified, may be declined by the of
fended side. In the future the field judge
will act as timer instead of the linesmen.
After voting that the central board of
officials co-operate with similar boards In
(he west and south, the committee ad
journed. '
James A. Bobbltt of Haverford was re
elected chairman of the board.'
IOWA FALLS One of the old 1 stage
drivers who piloted the old stage coaches
across the unbrrj prairies of Iowa in
the fifties, dii-d here this week. John
MeWhlrter, who has lived here since first
coming to Hardin county in lfcofi. died at
the home of his daughter. Mrs. It. A.
Vsn Burkirk. after an illness of a few
days, death resulting from an acute attack
of pneumonia.
Yankee Itlder Kialabes Few lucfces la
Front of Kogler.
KANSAS CITY. Mo., Jan. Sprinting
with all the energy he could command, and
exerting every muscle to defeat his oppon
ent, who appeared equally as confident of
victory as himself, Ivor Law son of the
Yankee team, in a remarkable burst of
speed last night won the six-day bicycle rare
from Joe Foglcr by so short a distance that
it was almost impossible to pick the winner.
The world's record for forty-eight hours.
CLINTON Conductor John Wagner, one uia kv i-il.. un.i M,.frtiirt nuH. tn ixi
r .U- 1 ... u I r. r n . 1 . .. .1 . 1 - J " " '
Chicago & Northwestern in Iowa, will
leave the company to operate a large ranch
tn I'Kialioina. onaucteir Wasner left last
night for Oklahoma to complete the pur
chase of the ranch, lie will return to Iowa
snd will resume his n'm. In a few months
he will remove to Oklahoma. Conductor
Y(tner reside In Roone and run between
that illy urd Clinton on passenger trains.
He I as been In the roinpany'j i-innlov for
twenty-sevrti year on the Iowa division.
IOWA FALLS An Interesting event in
Congregational church circle In thi part
of the stato will take place January 31.
T hen Rev. John fiarretson. the pastor of
th Congregational church at Ponejoy. will
be-formally ordained. The church societies
at Alexander. Clarion. Aldn. Iowa Falls.
Wakshurc. Porki rsburg, Kllsworth. Web
ster City and Rowan have ben Invited lo
! i-arttpate in the event. Rev. P. A. Johnson
ui uiinnrii win iMfiteii inf oroination ser
mon. Rev. Olmatcsd of Clarion will offer
the ordination prayer. Rev. liardeastle of
this city will deliver the charge to the
church and Rev. Carleton the charge to
the alitor.
in Madls-m Square garden, was shattered.
Willi but a few minutes until the end of
the race lift, all the teams but the two
leaders were withdrawn, and Ivor Lawsuit
and Joe Fogler went in for a real riding
duel. Around the track they went and at
the end of the mile were absolutely so close
together that it was almost impossible to
decide which one had won. . The referee
finally decided in fa. or of I.awson. Then
followed a wrangling match between the
members of the two contending leant.,
which lasted over a half hour, at the end of
which Law son was Ceciared to be the
The official was:
RtnNKY The I, antral f..,l. I. .,!..
I this term of court was in the Belcher will
Jill, jess. William Belcher, who recently died.
left an estsie valued at IlS.nnfi. lie in...i
... ... . . I nearlv all of this to his onlv'son. Charles '.
Attempt to l ynch rgro Thwarted hy ' Iis five dsughters contested the will oii I
Officers, Who Spirited Him Away. the rtounds thst their-tether w'as of en-I
OTTI MWA, la.. Jan. lA-A mob of S I our? "V"1 nn document was e
. ... ....... , . cu-ed. As proof of their contention tliev
men gathered at the couhty Jail last right , averred that he waa a socialist and lead
and urmanuca noy i.awaras. a negro who "lr rocai 10 neason to a crown or toiti-
Iiwson-Moran ..
Sherwood- Wiley
Bsrdgett-Mitten .
Hopper- llolbrook
of Tea
Is under arrest chared with ass-illlne lf"7"' .H.u mane mreao nil allii.lonc io
Mrs. Clara Frwin la
wss sent to the poli
son. addressing th" mob, said that Ed
wards had been taken out of town. Ihe
mob remained about the jail for some
time and. then left in a body. A commit
tee of four was allowed to make sn In
spection of the jail and It waa found that prisoner was not there.
T a i.-. . .. -
night. A riot rail j i,nfi i and Clvde Cenun .,f m. .?i
end Sheriff .1 lek- ; sroeared for the contestant, and W K
Mitchell snd T. S. for the pro
ponent. Ti e iury diareed.
Cummin Maa to Froat.
IOWA FALLS. I. Jan. M.-iSpecial I
Hon. WlUiara Wslden, who ha represented
this district la the state legislature for
several ears. announced last night that he
would agaia be a candidate for the office
he now holds. Mr. Welden was flrat eUcted
on an independent ticket by tha bolting
faction of ihe republican party In this
county and at lbs cuiraUoa of bis tana
Simple Remeoy or t,n Crlppo.
La grippe cougs are dangerous, a they
frequently develop Into pneumonia Fo
ley's Honey and Tar not only stops fhs
cough, but he Is and strengthens th lungs
Th genuine Foley Honey and Tar con
tains no harmful drugs snd Is in a yellow
package. Refute substitutes. All druggists
so thst no serlou reault need be feared.
All druggist.
Skianrrf from Head to Heel
wss Ben Pool. Threet. Ala., when dragged
over a gravel roadway; but Bucklen's
Arnica Salve cured turn. Sc. Sold by
ob Takes Ms Uat
taames from hlossoa.
NEW YORK. Jan. ll.-Tne ltn-gme
series at 18.2 balk line billiards helwi-en
George Sutton of Chicago and George F. of this city was lnntlied !at night.
SleB.on won the final game by u score of
u) to 2T 1, bjt as Kutton won aix of the ten
games played the honors of the match go
to tiie Chicago man. Slnsxou was tn ex
cellent form tonight, making high runs of
fcft, W and 8". with an average of ! 16-12.
Sutton Mimed to be completely off his
game and it was not until ha readied the
fourteenth and fifteenth Innins that lie
showed anything like liampioiikhip form.
In tlirs- two Im. legs he gathered 40 and
To. respectively, l.ia average being 11 -.'.
Sutton will defend his title of world's
champion at 1 3 'billiards against Ora C.
Moruingstar at tie Lenox Ljeeum her
next Monday night.
Announcements, wedding stationery and
calling cards, blank book and magazine
Mnainc 'Plion Deu. KM. A, L RouUlnc.
If is Presumption to Say You
Haven't a iind of Your Oivn
yet 'that is what is practically said to you,
when you ask for an advertised article and .
are offered a substitute by a dealer. He
would give you what you made up your
mind you wanted, but for the fact that a
substitute pays him a larger percentage of
profit. Such a dealer's interest lies only in
making as much money out of you as pos
sible. The first-class dealer would have
given you what you asked for, by that course
admitting that you had a mind of your own
and were capable of 'exercising it. Show
the substitutcr that you have a mind of your
own by getting .
E jjiuaamsai) ! ii.nijam ip ii ; i i; i MiiiiKiijs?awf wfWMgi;gff,H
What You Ask For
SimmM amid Qe
At this season of the year when the ground
and street car platforms are apt to be covered
with snow or ice, especial care should be taken
by passengers in getting on and off cars.
Wait Until the Car Stops !
Get Off In the RIGHT Way
Assist Us in Preventing Accidents.
A Medium Size Outside Office
We have two connected offices, one 9il9H and the
other 10x19 V2. These face 17th street, on the 6th floor
and are ideal offices for anyone desiring a private room
and waiting, room. The rent of the two is $31.00 per
month. They have been newly decorated and are finished
in hard wood and have running water.
wag planned exclusively as aa office building and Is In every way
the most convenient In Its arrangement. No offices are very far
from the elevators and the elevator service Is most satisfactory.
Tbe building has gained a reputation for continuous cleanliness
and bas good Janitor serlce, not. only now and then, but all the
time. The building la always kept In perfect repair.
There are several choice small offices' available, which rent at
from 110.00 to 130.00. The occupants of small offices receive the
same careful and courteous attention as the largest tenants.
For office space apply to .
"'" R. W. BAKER, Supt., Room Hi Bee Building.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results