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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1908)
nrrc omaiia daily r,EK: Saturday, .taxttatjy 3. inos. tidies' Winter Underwear and Glove Specials Ladlca' All Wool lndcrwear. $1.25 values. In grays or acarlet at. 'garment . . .;. 59 IjmIW Wool Inlon Suit-., $3.00 values, In all sizes; choice 1.50 LndJrV Union Null, heavy cotton, ..regufar $1.00 valnes; Satur day Chllilren' I nlon Suit, heavy eot ' Ion 'garments. 76c quality; Sat urday 49 Ladies Outing flannel Gown, neavj quality, fancy yokea. worth to. 1 2,50 at 81. SO, 08c and G9 Ladle' Knit Skirts, all wool, worth to $2.00; on sale at O80 and . . . . 49 LadleM Kid - Glove, 12-button lengths, blacks or tans, aold at $2.75; on aale Saturday .$1.08 Ladies' nl Children's Golf Gloves and Mittens, 39c regular; all sizes, at 10 Ladies' and Children's Golf Gloves and Mittens. '50c and 76c qual ity, at ,i 3d Remarkable Clearing Sale Bargains for Saturday 0 . Many thousand dollar's worth of merchandise must bs closed before inventory February . 1st. Not a disappointment awaits you in ths many special offarin js You certainly cannot afford to. miss such on extraordinary opportunity for profitable buying. Come early. 1 25c Ruchmgs T.'. 2c n fl rYA7R"r7Fnp Z"n City Laces Price A largo assortment of pretty lludiinjr, in j ' Mack, wliito and colors, the jrroatcst lar- KaLns offered anvwhere at Satur day's sale price, yard. 25c Fancy Silk Veilings 10c A splendid line of fancy all ilk veilings, m black, white and colors, delightful bar gains at our special Satur day price, yard 10c 125c uU THE RELIABLE OTOflC January, Clearing Sale of Shoes Twice a year we take this way of cleaning up all the odd lots of shoes. The cost is not considered. Come in Saturday and save $1.00 to $1.25 on your shoe wants. kangaroo calf Shoes, worth $1.50 and $1 Saturday we will sell all broken sets of these splendid Wash Laces at Just Half Price in order to quickly make room for new spring stock. Don't miss them. Men's $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 Shoes, in patent colt, vlci kid and gun metal calf, bals and t bluchers, mostly goodyear welts $1.98 Women's $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 fine vlci kid, in welts, turna and McKays, some $4.00 cushion sole shoes in the lot, also about 150 pairs of nice oxfords $1.08 Boys', Youths' and Little Gents' satin calf and and hoes up to $2.00 a pair $1.19 Child's 39c Bootees, all colors 1 5 Women's $1.60 Fur Trimmed Juliets OfS Men's Old Colony Buckle Arctics $1.2a Agents for Steton and Crowtt shoes for men and the Queen Quality and Grover ehoes for women. J ;Rugs and Carpels $1.50 Smyrna Jlugs,30x60 size, 89 C $5.00 Velvet Rugs, 3Gx7 2 size, g $2.00 Velvet Rugs, 27x54 size, -J $13.50 Kashmir Rugs, no wrong side, 9x12 size, oriental patterns, on sale, 75c Ingrain Carpets, all wool, extra heavy, yard 50c 0. C. Ingrain Carpets, -at, yard 65c Linoleum, heavy quality, from bolt at,' square yard "No PleCe" Curtain Stretchers, made of bans wood,; fliekled brass pins, on sale O?" MQC 50c Ladies' Neck wear Saturday 15c A general clean up of our en tire stock -of ladies' neck wear, greatest assortment and best values shown this season, actual values to 50c, choice at 15e all U 'illU W " " Men's Furnishings and Underwear Specials Men's Kid Gloves or Mitten, silk lined or unlined. worth to $1.50. at 89 Men'" Golf Glntrn or Mittens, all . colors, worth to "oc, at. . . o Men's lrr Shirts, Griffon. Mon arch and Cluett brands, all tdzes. ' Ftiff bosoms, worth to $1.50, choice . . . '. . - -IOC Men's lre Shirts, soft bosoms, plain or pleated, values to $2.00. choice 69 Men's Pre Shirts soft bo.ouis, plain or pleated, values to $1.00. choice 39C ALL !'X!OX SlITS JIST HALF TRICK. Men's Tyjnii'iio. in fine outing flan nels, worth to $1.50. at. . . -75C Men's (rutin Flannel Xlglit Shirts, worth to $1.50. choice. .. . 75f Men's Outing Flannel Xlght Shirts, worth to 7oC, at. choice... 39C 59c 39c M5c Greatest Clearance Sale Bargains in Women's Outer Garments Ever Offered in Omaha. Biggest Assortment and Best Values Ever Shown at This Season. Saturday at v 78V Ml ft " - 3 ' ftliillcllf 'V-i-.fl . - n VKlMRISvm T Buo oat Mrtitl Hardware Dept. Barney Berry Ice Skates, men's or boys', all sizes, regular $1.00 value; Satur day only 59 Ladies' B. & B. $1.25 Ice Skates, Saturday .... 79 If WO XX XX Xear Seal Coats Skinner satin lined, just 20 left, to close out, 1 at $25.00 $J50 and 00 Krimmer Coats On aale at. thoice $29.75 .S-'JOO.OO Genuine Alaska Seal Skin Coats Guaranteed on sale Saturday, at $145 FIR SCARFS SATURDAY 200 For Scarfs that sold at $1.00, choice. Saturday , 29 C Fur Scarfs Worth regularly to $3.00 at 69-98 Fur Scarf that sold at $3.00 and $0.00, Saturday $1.98 Fur Scarfs that sold at $7.00 to $10.00. Saturday $2.98 $3.98 Children's Coats, worth $3.00, sizes 1 to 6 years, 100 garments in the lot, choice. at 98 912-00 and $15.00 Coats, choice Saturday $6.95- Very best styles, 52 Inch lengths, made of all wool kerseys and broadcloths, satin lined, sold at $12.00 and $15.00, choice $0.95 Women's $6.00 Underskirts Splendid as sortment at $3.98 $6.00 Skirts In pananias and fancy mixed fabrics, very latest pleated and gored styles, on sale at $2.95 $7.50 Voile Skirts Beautiful new styles, surprising bargains at our Saturday sale, Price $3.95 Children's forts, worth $5.00; 300 gar ments in bear skins and friezes, at, olce $1.50 Fine Linen Waists A big purchase of high class tailored garments, secured at a great bargain, regular $5.00 values, on sale Saturday $2.98 From 8 till 9 a. ni. Women's Sateen Un derskirts Regular $1.25 values, on sale at 590 Fron 8::10 till 0:30 n. m. Children's Flannelette Dresses, all sizes from 1 to 4 years, on sale j 19t? From O till 11a. m. Women's Pressing Sacques Regular 75c value, on sale " 39c Children's Coats, that sold regularly at . $6.00 and $7.00, Saturday $1.98 Children's Wool Dresses, regular values J to 5.00 Made in Buster Brown, Peter 5 Thompson, sailor and other popular styles, all colors, sizes 6 to 14 years, secured from the manufacturers at a bargain, on sale Saturday 98$1.98 if L ft ,, l! Vi i Great Clearing Sale of Men's and Boys9 Caps All winter caps must go at once. All Men's $250-$i caps $1.50 All Men's $1-$1.2. caps at .: 75c All Men's and Boys' 50c and 75c caps at ......39c Nothing reserved everything goes. A Snap in White Porcelain Dinner Plates, each e .3V Pie, Plates, each 2c J Fruit Saucers, each .2tViV V Soup Coupes, each '. ol4c White Saucers, each Unhandled Cups, euch .', White Cups and Saucers, a set. FOR SATURDAY ONLY Welshbach Burners, complete! . Inverted Ga3 Light -. If- 30c 25c 69c J' 9 BVstcb, (Mm, Slovaa, ii Frioa So. 11 Bound Oak Stove, worth ". tomorrow N. 13 Bauad Oak Stove, worth t9M toffMM-row 9.9 No. IS RontKj Oak Ktove, wortU I'2-50. tomorrow $a. Wasbinff or laundry xxpartaiaat ' VVp cell more washing; marhincs than all Omaha combined. Why? Be .auP wo tlwin cheaper and fully guarantee every one or money hark. Hound 1'an American Washer, worth ii.S0. tomorrow a.a Hound Sun Washer. or Weatern Washer Hotary Washer, the O. K.. .Imperial. -tc. only a.4 The self runnlnK water. Power washer, solid brass motor. We have rr 100 of them now in use. l.'J- 1 'turn It to us" It It doetnot dd the work, fully guaranteed, worth 125. tomorrow tlS.OO No. t galvanlxed bottom Wash Boiler, worth 11.00, at.., 50o No. 8 copper bottom sllchtly dented Boilers, only . . ." 50c Large enameled Dish Pans, tomorrow, at ISo Large enameled Wash Basins, to morrow So ' Mrs. Vrooman's 25c Sink Strainer 19o 8e large compartment Dinner Buck ets 39c 60c Dinner Buckets, only 85o The last sale on 8c Waffle Irons 69o Any brand Food Chopper you want, tomorrow, worth $1 2o to Jl.50 eah, at 750 'f Miil Orders Promptly and Carefully Filled Hayden's for Groceries The Greatest Providers of Pure Food Products in the West 1 lbs. best pure cane Granu- irhe best Brick ari l.lm..,,rr lated Sugar for $1.00 1 Cheese, per Ib.ii l .ic rancy loung AnVfica Cheese. I'er ID, it lb. sack best Fancy High Patent Flour for J1.35 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap for 25c 10 pound sack best granulated Corn Meal for 15c Burnham's Hasty Jeliycon. rkf. 5c 2 pound can fancy Wax. String or Lima Beans for.... 7Hc Kgg-O-See. per pkg Tic Malta Vita, per pkg 7'c lr. Price's Breakfast Pood, i-r rkg 4c Corn Flakes, per fkg.... tWc Fresh crisp Crackers, per lb 12Wc Fresh Cookies, any kind, per lb jo; Fresh crisp Pretzels, per lb. 5o Fancy crisp Ginger Snaps, per lb lie Fancy Michigan Butter Crack ers, per lb 5c The best Soda and Oyster Crackers, per lb Cc rancy run cream Cheese, per io ITC Gallon Jugs' Pine Prenar.-d MUBtard or Toiaxto Catup ...1 6nc Aaotbsr Car" of Oar ramoas -XirUand aTl Oraarea Arrived. There Is io fruit ai pure as the tltghland Navels. Tu.-y are the. richest flavored, ju.iest and sweetest oranEe thai grows. We are - headquarters in Omaha for the Hiirh.anrf navels. Saturday niorniiiK we will open this rr. and sell them at the following prices: 126 size, that retails eveiy- wnere ror 50c. doren. our price an,. 150 siie. that retails every where for 40c dozen, our price z rn- ll site, that retails every where for 30o a do:cu, our price '0c 200 size, that retails every where for 2Sc dozjn, our price . . 17'.-c 0 size, that retails every where for TOc dozen. our price 15.. 2si size, that retails every- whcie for lie. duzen, our prie lic Oon't buy anvUiinr .i,t the Highland .there no uosl Utile tor ihe.e oranges. FresU Tegetabla Prices 2 heads freiii Hothouse Let tuce for 6c 2 hunches fresh Hothouse Rad ishes for 5c Fresh Beets. Carrots or Tur nips, per bunch r,c Fresh Cauliflower, per head, at . lJijc Kresli Brussels Sprouts, per lb in Fresh Cucumbers, each.. 7lc Fresh Wax or Green Beans. per lh lao 2 heads4 fresh Celery for.. "c Cooking Apples, per peck .' c Fresh Spina h. per peck.. 2u 2 bunches fret-h I'arsiev fur ,".c l"resh Holland Seal Cabbage. per lb e Fresh Shalot Onions, per bunch at .v 5c We Guaran tee Satis faction on all Mail Orders Sent at once Hayden Bros.' Cut Price Drug Dept. Cut Prices On All Pa lent znd Toilet Articles 11.00 Lambert's Listeiine. . -89 50c Bromo Seltzer 45p $1.00 Duffy's Pure Malt 89? 2oc Sal Uepatica 23C 75c Beef, Wine and Iron. . . -59c J1.00 Hostetter's Bitters 89 $1.00 Maltlne 90 50c Swamp, Root 45f $1.00 Mother's Friend 89 $1.00 Pierces' Golden Medical Discovery S9 50c Scott's Emulsion 45C $1.00 Ozomulsion 89 2 5c Cough Syrups Six 6-inch Test Tubes for. . .JJoC 1 lb. 20 Mule Team Borax. . . 10c. Nnillams' fhavins. Soap -5 Face Chamois '. . , . . -4 Jap Rose Soap 9 Ivory Soap, per cake TOII-KT ARTIt'LW.. Colgate's Talcum Powder. .. 15 25c Sanitol Cream 19 EOc Pqmpelan Massage Cream for 25c Almond Cream 1-lc 50c Goetting's Massace Cream for 29C 25c Dr. Graves' Tooth Powder for 16 25c Colgate's Tooth Powder, with cake of Colgate's Cashmere Bouquet Soap: special 15 50c Pozzoni's Powder 29 SUCCESS FOR COUECE SPORT Harmony in Interstate Athletic Asso ciation, Says Dr. Wadsworth. Lt MEMBERS TO PLAY IAIB. President mt Bellevne Corrects Iajas- lce' He Sa Waie ma Prof. J. M. Howie, Head of As i rlatloB, Last Year. rrcairtrnt Wadsworth of Kellevue college jiicilicta a year of most successful results for the Interstate. Col.eglaie Athletic as sociation, whoso meetir.g at Lincoln, Jan uary 1H, he attended. ,AI an outgrowth of (hut convention, he saya, a closer working . Ijamiony exists between the various mem bers of the association, also a better basis of ii mttons and a more frank dispoMtion on the part of each college to yield the fairest possible co-operation toward mak ing for complete success. "Many difficulties heretofore preventing ei feet harmony- were overcome at that convention," says lr Wadsworth, "and the orgajiiuiiou was perfected with sober thouglit and deliberation. . f'Tlie colli ges were slow to sign the consti tution and therewcra several misunder BliuiiHo which. ij'Klit hava been averted i.i.v..m.iii .j i u- if the association' had been In good run ning order. At the meeting January IS, the bylaws were slightly modified. These Institutions are now members: Wesleyan and Cotner universities, Doane, Hastings, Grand Island. York. Central City and Bellevue colleges and the Peru and Kear ney State Normal schools. These Institu tions are not permitted to hold contests with any other Institution in Nebraska, which are eligible to membership, and do not belong to this association or a similar one. ' "The object of the association ia thus de scribed in article II of thee constitution: "The object shall be the regulation and supervision of college athletics throughout the state hf Nebraska In order that the athletic activities in the colleges" of Ne braska may be maintained on an ethical plan In keeping with the dignity and high purpose of education. , Home Tblaavs Opposed. "The association is opposed to proselyting, professionalism, the playing of those who are not 'bona fide' students In good and regular standing, and Improper and un sportsmanlike conduct of any sort on the part of contestanta, coaches, their asistants, or the student body. "Every member of a college team must sign an eligibility card under the following statement: 'On my honor as a gentlemen I state that the above answers contain the whole truth without any mental reser vation.' "During'Oie coming year the colleges of : sF wo SBtae 'ilWJTBLOOD UHIIEALTHr MMilil SYSTEM DERANGED The entire inner portion of the body Is covered with mucous membrane; this membranous tissue is abundantly supplied with blood vessels, veins, arteries, and capillaries. Each of these is constantly supplying to this tissue or lining:, blood to nourish and strengthen it and keep the system healthy. When the blood becomes infected with catarrhal matter it is not able to furnish the required amount of healthful properties, but feeds the parts with impur ities which disease the membranes and tissues so that tbey become irritated avid inflamed, and Catarrh, with all its disagreeable and dangerous symptoms, is established in the system. There is a constant ringing in the ears, a thin' watery discharge from .the nostrils, the breath has an offensive odor, slight fever often aceorapaniea the disease, and gradually the entire health becomes . ejected and the system upset and deranged. In its earlier stages, when Catarrh f3 confined to the nose and throat, sprays, washes, inhalations, etc., are sooth ing and in away beneficial, because they are cleanly and usually antiseptic, nvw- MVa.vaw.Uv a s . U V. vt A.auac lb ULJT9 Utfl ICilL H VUC DIOOQ ' f r t it. . t i . . PURELY VEGETABLE - - uw tf vrvrv. , To cure Catarrh the blood must be purified, and this is just what S. S. S. does.. It goes 1 down into the circulation and attacks the dis ease at its foundation ; it removes the cause and makes the blood pure and healthy. Then the blood vessels are fi'.led with fresh, rein vigorated. blood, which is carried to all the raucous suiMcn una iinmjs, tne miummation , and irritation are corrected, the symptoms all disappear.Uie health is improved and CaUirrh is permanently cured. Book on Catarrh and anv medical a lvice free o all who write, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLAITTA. CA. the association will contest for honors In foot ball, base ball, field and track, and basket ball. It was voted that the asso ciation offer trophies to the champion team In each of these contests. "The executive committee, consisting of a- president, vice president and secretary treasurer, has large powers. The committee this year consists of Prof. J. M. Howie of Peru, president. Irof. Clevenger of Wes leyan. vice president, and Prof. A. J. Mer cer of Kearney, secretary-treasurer. Justice to Prof. Hotvl. "Last year an injustice was done to Prof. J. M. Howie, which I take great pleasure in correcting. As president of the association last year. Prof. Howie labored under great difficulties owing to the imperfect organi zation of the association and made every effort to be absolutely faithful and fair. H was unanimously re-elected Dresldent and I consider there is no better man In the state for that position. "I he colleges of the state are to be con gratulated upon the perfection of this or ganization, for 1 fully believe that college athletics, if properly managed, are a great factor In the development of honor, cour age, and self-control and that mere physi cal benefit is of minor importance." broke bad for Autrcy, the same as il dll at Omaha when Fa tried hint ul tirt. Cincinnati Is said to be willing to let him return to Omaha, and tie Omaha lan will surely be glad to welcome him back. .11 TREV MAKE HIT 0 COAST f hlrk at First Is Most Po polar of All Oauahaas. Arthur Metx. president of the Inter City Amateur Base Ball league, is sojourn'ng for a few weeks In California and dining that time misses n,i ball games he is able to see, for tt Is well known ihst he is one of the greatest tase ball fans in Omaha or anywhere else. "Autrey. I-eltrand and Perring are p:y ing on one team and Chick is making tne nit of them all." writes the genial Arthur "Autrey is playing first base. Pi rring sec ond and the 'Kid' is catching on one of t ie tan Diego teams. California papers are loud in their praise of the work of Autrey at timt and of some of the wonderful plays ho pulls off." The success of Autrev at' first simflv verify p Rourke's Judgment as a "eiser up" of a ball player. Last spring w he i things were not breaking very well for the Omaha team and several men were laid up from various causes Uie team was short a first baseman while Hi Denver and Pa sent Chick to cover the sac. He dll It well atnl on thu return of the Colts to Omaha Pa coald talk of nothing ele but the wonderful discovery he had mad of Autrey as a star first sacker. Wbile the team was warming up on a cold day for the first game after the west ern trip Pa R lurke walked over to the press box and staked his reputation on Auirev as a first baseman. He would Ulk of nothing else. Autrey was put In to play first for Cosey Joe. who was out of the game. The game started, but the cold weather had frozen Autrey up and he missad nearly every ball sent that way ami made a dismal failure on his first ap pearance. P weakened himself and Au trey was sent back to left garden. Thers he was kept until late In the year, when King was signed and Pa played Chick on f'rsl to let Dolan have a deaerved res'. Then wss Pa'a Judgment khuwn t be sound, for Aultey made good, so good he whs taken lv Cincinnati. it n w . looks as thougn Pa w ould have Autrey ba k again ttos year, for during l is lry-..nt at ii-l:nati the fans' were all Duihnai lor Paactrt and . very thing again I I BIKERS STIM, .ox Til 12 MOVF. Barged aad Milieu Scl Disz- Pave anil Gain l.u;i. KANSAS C1T V, Mu.. Jan. 21 -A break was made in the relative standing of the leading trams in the six-day bike race in Convention hall tonight wiien Barged and Mitten gained a lap. a terrilic spiinl and alter securing a lead of half a lap wai relieved by Muten, v. ho. being frcsn, in a great burst of Nied se cured the coveted lap. Fogler ami Murun then set a dizzy race for two miles in un effort to recoup the loss, hut Muttn hunij on and was himself relieved by liarsetl in time to foil the effort of the other sprint ers. At 10:30 tonight, or at the end of the thirty-second hour, the standing was as follows: Bargett-Mitten. i" miles. 2 laps: P.oot Fogltr. liwson-Moran. Ilopner-Holhronk snd Wilee-siurwood. ty'Jf miles. 1 lap; and Monroe-Morgan. B'i miles. t lurs. DKFKMiH 111 TITI.K Wlaard Defeats tlliert Carter la kxfltlas; Match. PHII.A1KI.I'HIA. Jan. 21. -Jake S. hae fer of Chicago. succct. ully dVienont !.ls title as rhsmpiun at 1M tik line billiards Here lonnjlit m a ciau i witli Albert cut ler of Boston. The match wus at .' J ooints. land though ft haeft r Won. t'jtler nave hi:.i a close run. the final score bevng: gelmefer. am-: Culler. IX Kehaefer's legh run was n:i. and Cutler's to. The Boston player showed poor foim in the early s'sges of th,. jsn.e and at the end of ihe thlrti -four'li liui'iiu the "Wtaard" had a lead of I.Vl points. Af'cr this his playing dropped off f..r a mimie-r of innings, while Cutler sc. ;n.'d to Improve in form, decreasing dehaefer s lead stead ily. By clever play in Cie fifty-seventh in ning he secured points anil t ie game looked dangerous, but Schaefer emnc hack with reus of 24 and 13 in the last two innings and won the match. Si-haefer's av erage was T 4-ff and Cutler's 7 Il-fTj third round of their twelve-round bout lie fore the Kdgewoorl Athletic club tonight. Mantell lit . 1 his title by a recent defeat of "Honey" Mell-.riy: lxwis. upon winning tlm champlomaip. stated ho would chal lenge Billy Papkc for the middleweight title. FAR, MBit Bt HXs U. F I.OSKS M ITt H Twice In Holler Thrum Him Seventy .Minoln. SKATTI.K. Wash.. Jan. 21. -In siventy minutes of ixhibition wrestling. B. F. Rol ler of Seattle defeated Farmer Burns of Iowa tonight hi two straight falls. The Farmer did not take the aggressive but seemed content to recline on the i anvas and foil Roller's attempts to pin his shoulders to Hie mat. tattoo Wins F.lKhth (.ante. XKW YORK, Jan. 21.-Oeorce Sutton of Chieaco tonight outplayed (nrj. K. Sins son of this ei'y in Ihe eighth game nf the t'-polnt 1S.2 billiard k.t.-s which Iiks been going on nightly for the last week, seorintr &"' to 2IS. Sutton got the ivories on the oi g and short line nurse to pood effect In the seventeenth inning nnd artil.1 tvl points to will lie Saturday night between the Omaha f WQT Young Men's Christian association e:nl;,,', and Ihe Young Men 8 Christian association team fiom Central City. Mote and more interest Is lieing manifested by the public in these games and each succeeding game sees a larger attendance. Paul 'Murray, the well known local loxrr, lias unite a school of boxing in operation j in connection with the North Omaha Ath lelic club. 1707 North Twenty-fourth street. heveral boxing bonis were to have been pulled off ial Friday night, but they were postponed hecai:st of lite counter attraction THE RIGHT PICKARD Man Brought from Trias to Iowa to Answer for Murder of SO Years Ago Released. DBS MOINKS. la., Jan. 21. A spccialo j the Register and Leader from Muscatine, j la... says: Nicholas Pickard of Conroe. I Tex., Is not the William Pickard wanted In of the Barns-War Kagle match. A boxing i Wapello for the mutder of William beets card been arranged fi r a week from near Grand View, twenty-nine years aao Fiitlay night. January CI. Move to l.lft I. Id at Piedmont. FTt HOI.S. S. D.. Jan. ;4.- t.-'p rial Teh grani. I At a meeting of the Meade county commissioners, held here today. Piedmont I was organized Into a civil township and his strirg Slossmt w::s i'ie in.i,.. ' f,. V.r. H. Boss. Olin Mcintosh and Kd Bollin fourteen inneigs. but he could not keep up ' were appointed supervisors. This was IICUVO 1)11. Il . brollCht Shoill he the reeelif .In.ii.. ..f 1 1. with the pace ut which tl was gofug Mitti.n s averagi i f ll. kl and V" were . i4 and r. i.:-is. v.ns z". will; hijrh runs Slossfin's bi'st ititijc" '. with an avei 'ge of Peons? 'las at Ana Arbor. I ANN" ARBOR. Mich . Jan. -e- ! mem was made l-rre today that arrange ' nients have been concluded for a foot hall name at Ann Arbor. November 14. next. lielweeu the 1 niversitv of f, nnsylvHina i and tiie I'niverslty of Michigan. Financial j reasons caused ihe game to be scheduled ' to be played here, he -a use at Philadelphia I the contest would have to meet the com petition of tiie Ya!e-Prlnceton game a' Princeton Michigan contracts to plav hi Philadelphia in when Pruteeten play.s at New Haven. Other games Kchclu'ee 1 for Michlgnn's comit g season are Ohio i Ktate umvere'ty at Columbus. Oi toer 21. i and Vanderhllt at Ann Arbir. t let oner HI. ' The rumor Is current that Dartmouth ulil ' be acheduled for a game ooh Mii hi;an i between Ocioler T and November 14. j (.oti-h Wins Handicap Match. BPRINUFiKLr. Mass.. Jan. 24.-Sunerlor ' strength of heavyweiehl champion Frank j Ootch brought him victorv tot.icht in his j handicap wrestling n atch with middle- t .weight rhsmptnn Jim Barries (Joieh agreed ' lo throw Barnes thee tpres in an hour an1 aceo:np'!hed his task a'"r some clever work. The time for Ihe falls i:i order was la:30, VI.M and l'eoi l.owla Knocks Oat Taatell. NKW HtVEN' Conn. Jan. 24 Harry Iwis of Philadelphia, bv a left swing to ihe Jaw. knock, out Frank Mantel! of Providence, R. 1 . holder of the welter weight chainiConshty of ihe country, in the 1'uOersllv of NehrasWa Wins. l.lNCiil.N. Jan. 24. -TV,. Intversiivof .Nebraskn tonight defeated. Illghlatid P.irk colle-e of lies Mollies .it haski t li .ll l,v . s. on of si to 2.'!. I Sliortlnar tiomin, At that Farmer Burns made a go .d s, lowing against a man much his sum-rio-1 In strcngiii and weight. i Oauzel has put sn end to the dlsrusnn 1 over win. will manage Cinc!n:iHt by s;cn- f int, n i-ti!rait for that job. Joe O.ins says t e will re-enter uion ac ive He declares the .juht life l Irks .me to him. He'd no doubt lather coniiiue nicking Icmoiia. ! The iiiiiain howlers made a much !--' ter showmg nt hioux l ily, so far as re- ' suds g.i. H an the Omaha boat l)L.osiei r.::r thin, of course. Hare were tit cowhov ! niayuis among the bowlers. " 1 Willi his lineup in sight for (,,! H.son ' r.-i Rot ;ke lul l lake his place in one of tiie leg Paging viih reasonable hop.- of rest e tahle. nan hng. In the American as SKiftlmi ,ii would win Ihe pennant Hand dowi:. I With l.rsm cntrl.s alrcaov for the K, n- , lucky If O futurity It wmi'd seem tla , le-liher Ihe late mone d i.d u rha nee n r ' the pn M'lit prohibition upheaval was ha,'-' lug a vast aiuoi:n4 of effect on "hoss ' tacin' " down de grass grows giecn I do it 7 ' ; Iiuhunuc won Its case in ciurt to i;j s ! 1 the titling by which il was tossed through tin- transom ot the t t ree-1 le-ue. v.,w if the owneta of that team would spend some moie y Ieihuque fans mlht Ikiic cause f jr congraiulati Frank lii-nim was the handicapped manager or that luncn Un bcascu. Jicgs I'onahue must he a busy hoy. He is said lo be organizing a bowling nulnte lo. eider the Cincinnati tournament, and a press agent for an automobile eon.-eri writes a glih atory that he ta rapldlv U coming in expert aut.j pilot and to iiia base hall, while still another rumor las it Jiggs is ihe niosl strenuo.js hand hall artist in Chi. The next I aaket ball game to lie laed in Omaha in tiie state association series Handcuffed and linked to the arm of an A lper la the Stomach officer. Pickard arrived from Texas yes- is dysepsia complicated with liver and terday morning. All day old-time residents kidney troubles. Klectric Bitters help all ' of Grand View who were Intimately such case or no pay. 5no. Sold by Beaton I acquainted with ihe murderer gaxed at the Drug Co. ! prisoner through the bars and shook their heads. He was not ti e man. Further than I this he established the fact thut he wan a ' rtoHtnt ,if ItfliiHtlnM f I il,- - v - uir lime Ul the murder. Sherman Loots, a son of thr murdered man, when he saw that Injustice had been done the old man bought his ticket 1. 1. k to Texas mid gave him f0 rug,. This eicning l'ii kurd was in Muscatine and i might Hie train for his home In Texas a a Iree man. Me holds no III will against Lects or anyone connected with the affair. The long trip broke down the old man's health. saloons there, and in the spring will give the people of that vicinity a chance to vote on whether or not Intoxicating liqqunr shall be sold there. In Ihe meantime the I'd will riinain on. We have been th,. means of restoring thousands of afflicted sufferers to health and ftrungtli. Thousands of dollars spent in researches, years of close study, rein forced by an immense practice, ii;a!'es us to give you the best method ot treating and curing all special diseason ami weak nesses of men. We are not pbiix -d to t x lerlnient. You know exactly what we can do, and promise nothing mote. If you rn-vd special medical attention, we are ready to demonstrate our superior skill in tne treatment nd cuic of the ciu- ailments that constitute our tp.-cialty. of ':;v9,-S:"'-; . ill , POISOW. IHS DISIaKB Stniv -"S? YSH2,- 1!'"'rT. BLOOD Ccnsoli Fraa tfirrj:;, STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 0DT Call and Be Examined Free or Write Office Hour . H A. M. to H T. M. Su inlays 111 (n I Onlj 1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb. Permanently Established in Omaha, e bias La.