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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1908)
TITE OMAHA DAILY 1EE: RATUKiai, .,ANUAltV 23, 1003. Telephone Douglas 618 Reaches All Departments Our Great Annual January Linen Sale Hack Towels ala 10 Aon ISC Hues. Towels, pvhe 9c esrli. i dozen 25c lluck Towels, salo prl i ti a(h. - ' . gon rtyn 4i'.c tluok Towels, Hale pries- tic each.- ... Bath Towels 109 dnien f Ao Bath Towels, gala price 15o each. 100 dozen 2to Bath Towels, tale price lc each. lfifl rtuipn 4fic Bath Towels, sale price 25o each. Table Cloths 100, 3 75 Table price 2 carh. 10 2R0 Table prion $i.7 each. 1M $4 00 Tabla prlca $2.89 each. Cloths, aala Cloths, sale Cloths, aale Bed Spreads 100 It HO Bed ftpreada, sale prion $1 00 earh. 100 ft 76 Bed Spreads, sale prion I.3J each. 100 13 25 lied Spreads, aala prlca $1.89 each. r-Matn Floor. Napkins, Napkins 800 dozen 3. 2 3 bleached Napkins, sale price, $2.28 dozen. Fringed Hucks 25 pieces 76c figured lluck. sale prlce6oc yard. 10 pieces $1.25 Figured Huck, sale price $1.00 yard.' SATURDAY IN THE MEN'S DEPARTMENT ...'Iks . .-.. in tt rrtAlvt.'.t Special Sale of Men's Outing y Flannel Night Shirts Saturday All fine, outing flannel Night Shirts Saturday 3Po wirh - . All 8 fin outing flannel Night Shirts Saturday ; tie each.- ." All f I 00 outing flannel Night Shirts Satur day ?ac'ach.,'- l; ; Men's Outing Flannel Pyjamas 1 1 . : "Reduced Saturday ; All our: ll.)fe .'Pyjamas Saturday 76c each. ; All' our. 'fl.M. Pyjamas Saturday $1.15 each. . All cur 1.T5 i'yjahiaa Saturday $1.25 each. A. Saturday Only, Half Price Sale of Men's Fine Neckwear A January Clearing sale X all neck wear which should be availed of as liber ally as your purse will allow. Every tie in the entire stock, excepting plain black, will be sold' at just halt price. ' A1J 25c Ties Saturday 12 c each. . All 60c Ties Saturday 26c each. All $1.00 Ties Saturday 60c each. All $1.60 TieB Saturday 75c each. Special Sale of Men's Underwear , Saturday All our famous Dr. Wright's fleece lined health underwear, on sale Saturday at January Clearing Sale prices. $1.00 quality Dr. Wright's health under wear, Saturday, 75c each. v - $1.50 quality Dr. Wright's healthunder wear, Saturday, $1.15 each. ' Suspenders All our $1.00 Suspenders with fancy lisle webbings, on sale Saturday, at, pair J0 MILLION LOST. AT PORTLAND City and County Building in Maina ' Capital JJcstroytd. MANY LIVES PLACED IN DANGER Firemen Not an Sceae Until Flames Had Gained Headway Loss o( Three Llree la Baltl-Mare. January. Clearance Sale of Bed Comforters All our 1 1. 60 Sllkoline Comforters, on cala Saturday at 79c each. , All our $1.76 Sllkoltno Comforters, on ale Saturday at 8Ro each. ' ? All our $2.Te Bilkollne Comforters.. on sals Saturdaj at II. 2 each. All our 19.25 Fllkollno Comforters, on sale Saturday at $1.49 each. All our $2.60 SJIkollne Comforters, on sale Saturday at $1.63 each. AH our $3.00 Bilkollne Comforters, on sale Saturday at $1.98 each. tlve. Muslin Underwear-Some Good Values The fullness and sewing of these garment, make them especially attrac- Cambric drawers with hem stitched ruffles, or nainsook drawers with tucked flounce and narrow embroidery edging, fine value at, each, 60 o. Other styles In' nainsook or fine cambric drawers at 76c, 86c, $1.00 up to $(.00 each. Fine nainsook Corset Covers, trimmed with lace or embroid ery at. each 60c. Other styles In fine nainsook Corset Covers, with pretty trimmings of embroidery, Val enciennes lace. Insertion and medallions, at 75c, $1.00, $1.60, $2.00 Mp to $6,110 each. Second Floor. Special Sale of Hosiery Women's black colton hose, wintw weight, excellent, for, wear, have double soles, heele and toes, 39c quality 35c pair, 3 pairs for $1.00; women's black Irbeced cotton hose, Wayne knit, 35c' quality. 19c pair; boys' and girls', tpony hosa, fleece lined, 25c quality, 19c pair; women's and children's cashmere hoBe, 19c pair, reduced from 25c and 35c pair. alack cotton hose, size 8ya and 10 afeI6atud,uy0lt8$2 6917acChOmfOrter, " Noat Cor8et Cover8 of nainsooktrimmed with embrordery edging, full only' 25c quality.. 16o pair V " New Spring Suits Are Here - Thefpputatlon of alw2ys showing the new things flrt Is well exemplified In these new Madam Butterfly Suits, which are now showing In our beautiful and well appointed Cloak department. Coma Saturday and see these new suits. , , Saturday Candy Special Vanilla and Maple Nut Creamrf. regu lar price 40c lb., all day Saturday and evening at, per lb.. aOo. Basement. January Clearance Sale of Women's and Children's ., Winter Underwear ' Women's fleeced cotton Union Suits, good winter weight, ' regular $1.25 and $1.00 qualities, on special sals Saturday, per suit sSc'ind VSo. Children's fleeced grey cotton Union Suits, regular 86c, "id amV60o 'qualities, on special sale Saturday at, per suit, (6c, '60c and Mo. , Children's grey wool Vests and Pants, regular 65c to 90c qualities, on speclalsale Saturday at, each, 49o, r . ' Main Floor. Special sale of Muslins, Sheetings, Ready Made Sheets and Pillow Cases t greatly reduced prices. ' 4 Main Floor. Remnants of Embroideries on Special'Sale Saturday Short lengths of embroideries, most all the needed kinds, narrow and medium edgings, in carabrlc. nain Book and Swiss,, some very choice wide Swiss edgings for waist fronts,' also a few insertings, medallions, etc., all to go in Saturday's sale at great ly reduced prices. . . . , , Main Kjoor. Saturday Continuation of the greaUsp-jclal sale of Wooltex Coats. Every pne a bargain. i . -. I - Be-l-24-'08 ' Thaw at Monte Carlo," Parts and London. Another -witness," Dr. Blngaman of Pitts burg, who Is recovering from W attack of pneumonia, will not be in the city until tomorrow. Mr. Littleton said he believed the delay .would result In expediting the rase, as he would employ the intervening time In preparing the hypothetical question for the experts and submitting a draft of It to District Attorney Jerome. ' ' k District Attarney Jerome said he would not oppose the adjournment, provided Mr. Littleton would furnish Mm the name;' of the witnesses who sre arriving on the Adriatic. , ' v Mr. Littleton objected, but Justice Dow ling said the request was rasonable. Mr. Littleton said it had been his experience that whenever the district attorney knew 6f the arrival of any witnesses for the de fenso he lias had people meet them with subpoenas and has subjected them to a long examination. "I do not Intend," he added, "that he shall know my case before It is presented here In court." "What 1 want Is to find out whether these testify as to Irrational outbreaks by Harry people you are bringing here are shysters, JEROME: BECOMES ANGERED Endea-vors to Secure Names of Experts ) for 'Defense; 11 ; TKIA1 DELAYED tJNTIL MONDAY Storm Prerenta Docking; of Ike AArU alio aad Foreign Alienists Can ; . aot-4,and hars Tilt la Court. i NEW YORK, Jan. 24. -Today s sessions Of tho Thaw trial ' were abandoned at the ri-mjest of the defense and an adjournment was taken until Monday morning. A heavy snowstorm tied up shipping In the bay amU prevented the docking of the steamer Adri atic, on- which three physicians and a trained "nurse are coming from Europe to A -a SM COrvatbHT lo s( TIN 1 " 6 .dpjJtuU January is the morvth Tor tKcaVres and hops, And it's iKe month of all the months FoV hargains in the shops. S CLOTI1IXO AXNKX Boys!' t-oloreil ' and' white blouprH, some with collars, some without, all sixes, each . . . 50? Boys'' Flannel Waists with collars, $1.00 yalue. In navy blue, enly ..50 VOL NU MK.N'H 8WKATEKH Coat and athletic sweaters. $3.T5 Sweaters at -.$3.00 $3.26 Sweaters at . . . . .fti5.75 $2.60 Sweaters at Sli.OO $3.25 Sweaters at 81.75 $2.00 Sweaters at $1.50 VOUNO MKN'a OVF4tCX)ATS $22.60 Overcoat at 818.00 . $:5.00 Overcoats at . . . .JKliO.OO $ J 8.00 Overcoats at . . . .g2.50 noYS ovt:hcoats s7 $7.50, $8.50 and $10.00 values f Saturday, each $5.00 SllOia T1M)M THE NOKR13 . . 8TtH'K ' 200 pairs women's lace and button shoes, in all leathers, from Nor rls' $3.00 and $4.60 lines, at, Pa 81.05 Misses' Shoes. In $2.50 quality, t ..-81.35 YOl'NU JIKN'H DKKSH S11T8 A special raid on all blue and black lines, having bought liber ally we must sell rapidly. $16.60 Young .Men's Suits.. 81 2 $18.00 Young Men's Suits. ;Sl4 $22.50 Young Men's Suits. .818 $30.00 Young Men's Suits ..g24 tiIHL'8 COATS. MISSKH COATS. tnU)ItKN'8 CX)AT9. No matter how costly nor how inexpensive, the price on every tout in the Cloak Dept. is cut squarely in half. ' All must go nothing reserved. SHOES Misses' $2.00 Shoes, pair. -81.00 Infants' -Shoes, worth up to $1.25, at. per pair ..,.59 Children's Kubbers, at. Plr..29 BENSON THO 1515-1317 DOUC1 !NE CO. 2 cuarlutans or men of character and stand ing," shouted Mr. Jerome. "I will give you their names after they have landed and their addreeset as well," Mr. Littleton, .said. . ... ' J "Is the district attorney-willing to give' mA Him Hnmi. , V. n .r.HAB.A 1. ' ' . . . ...v .,v v. vt.Q WlhlltTOeCW Hfj Will recall in rebuttal?" . ..." "The district attorney Js' not required to do that'," interposed Justice Dowllng "Then I don't think I ought to be forced to tell him the names of my witnesses." . "Oh, very well, then," put In Mr. Jerome, "If you don't want to do il, all right." Mr. LtUleton said the defense undoubt edly will conclude its case Monday, FORGER CAUGHT IN FLORIDA IMnker.tons Secure Tnrle Xnrdslrotn, Who Made Haul of Fifteen Thousand. , CHICAGO," Jan. 24. Word was received here today by the Plnkerton. detective agency of the arrest by one of their men, near Jacksonville, Florida, of Turle Nord strom, who Is wanted here for the passing of a forged check for $15,000 on the First National bank of this city. Nordstrom was a bank clerjt InAstorla. Oregan, and coming here with a draft for $3 from the National Bank of Astoria, he raised the amount to $16,000 and after ob taining part of Oils sum In cash from the First. National Bank of Chicago and the remainder in drafts, ha converted them into London drarts and a letter of credit at the National bank of the Republic of this city. He was arrested while cruising on a small yacht that he had purchased at Brunswick, Ga. He has admitted bis identity, and confessed to he forgery. An officer will be sent today to bring him to Chicago for prosecution. - TO ritEVEAT 1KB GRIP. Laxative Brome Quinine removes the cause. There la only one "Bromo Quinine." Look for signature of E. W. .Qrqve. 25c DEATH RECORD? , Iavld ellgh. . " ' , ; WEST POINT. Neb.. Jan. 24.-Spoclal.-Davld Ntllgh, who,, with his brother, John D. Nellgh. now deceased, waa one of the founders and first settler of the city of West Point, died at noon today at the res idence of hla son. Edward, ' In thla city. He had attained the age of 83 yeara, and for some months had been afflicted with a dropsical disorder. He was, beyond doubt, the best known man "in Cuming county, was of a strong and virile personality, and a true type of the original hardy western pioneer. 'He reared' a large family of chil dren, of whom five sons and two daughters survive. The body wllf be Interred beside that of his wife, who died some years ago. In the family lot In the public cemetery on Sunday. He leaves a valuable estate. Wayne lllldreta. MARSJIALLTOWN. Ia., Jan. 24.-(8pe-clal.) News was received tn the city this ufternjon f the death of Wayne Hlldreth, a former banker of this city, who died at his home In Wlnthrop, Buchanan county, last night. Paralysis and softening of kh brain was' the cause of his death. Mr. Hlldreth was vice president of the Commer cial State bank, or this city, which, after being In existence for a quarter of a cen tury, failed In 18S6. Connected with Mr. Hlldreth In the bank were Sylvester Lacey, who waa president, and J. M. Woodworth, now of Perry, la., who was cashier. The funeral was held Friday, and the body was buried In Independence, la. Jots Pallia Kalteler. John Philip Kalteler died at (Jo Thursday evening at his home, 1411 North Twentieth street, after an illness of aeveral weeka. He was a native of KUngebacli, Hesse Nassau. Germany, where he was born De cember is, 153. He came to America about twenty-three years ago, locating first at Oilman, la. He subsequently came to Omaha and has been a continuous resident here for about eighteen years. He Is sur vived by lis wife and "three children. Cliailca W. KaltIer and the Mume Louis and Juhauna Kalteier. The funeral will be held 8unday afternoon from the, German Presbyterian churchy 815 NojrUi Eighteenth! street, interment will he made in Forest Lawn cemctfeVy. , ,'''- .. ''i'W'kyi -The death ,0 Miuha.e.1 JaUon nf. South Oniah- occurred' Vijay. morning at the home of his' he'phdwK', Tho.mas Dalton, 413 LaFaye'tteJ.aVenue, Omaha. Michael Dal ton was sfpioiWr of South Omaha, having lived in that city tweqtyrflve years. A short time ago ha 'moved to Omaha and made his home With hla nephew. He wss a retired farmer when he came to South Omaha. The funeral service will take place ' Saturday morning ' at 8:30 at St. Cecilia's ctiurchlri Otnahs. The internfent will be at St Mary's churchy In South Omaha. - Mrs. Kllen Parker. Fl'LLERTONy Neb.. Jan. J4.-(Special.)-Mrs. Ellen Parker died this morning at the home of A. E. Bryson In this city at the age of 88 years. Mrs. Parker waa a resi dent of 2022 St. Mary's avenue, Omaha, for twenty-two years, removing to this clty-l inree years ago. She leaves a daughter, Mrs. A.' 10. Bryson, and a son, Daniel Parker Of Sallda, Colo. B.' M, HeflllaVer., BKATRICK. Neb.. Jan. 34ASpecial. B. M. HeffUnger, for many years a stock buyer at this place1 and a former member of the city council, dtedl today of tuber culosis, aged 0 years. He had lived in Beatrice ' for twenty years and leaves a widow and six children. PILE CtlllBU ISf TO 1 DAYS. PAZO Ointment is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Pllea, In 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 80c, DETCH FOUND- Nof" GUILTY Man Who Shot Neighbor Thlnklns; He Was Burglar I Arqnltted of SI order C harge. PHILADELPHIA.: Jan. 24. -After a trial of three days Andew Detsch. who was chsrpfcd with murdering Harry Ferree In a boarding house In this city last Novem ber, was acquitted late this afternoon. The Jury was out nearly three hours. The an nouncement of the verdict caused an en thusiastic demonstration In the .court room. The killing of Feree was sensational and. owing to the peculiar circumstances the case created great Interest. Detsch claimed he killed Ferree, 4n mistake for a burglar and the Jury took this view of the case. Thomas Warn, Jr., Selected. WASHINGTON, D. C. Jan. "i.-Thomos Ward, Jr., has been decided on to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Earl Carnston as United States district attorney for Colorado. - 1 "COFFEE GRUNTEES" Iver Bee Oaet Thoughtful people have a laugh on cof fee cranks now- and then. "f had uaed coffee ever since I was a small child," writes an Indiana lady, "and have always had bad spells with my stom ach. "Jst spring Just after I began house keeping. I had a terrible time with my stomach and head. My husband bought a package of Postuni and asked me to tv? it. "I laughed at It because none of. my folka would ever try it. But I made some the following morning, following direc tions on the package, about boiling 1t well. "I was greatly pleased with th results and kept right on using it. Now wouldn't drink anything else. I tell every old coffee "grunter" I see, about Postum. and all my folks sad my h unban 4'. people ex cept a few cranks, use Posfum Instead of Coffee. "When put to soak in . cold water over night and then boiled 6 minutes In the morning while getting 'ireakfaet It makes a delicious drink." , Name given by Po-jtum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read. "The boad o WeUviUe." In pkga. - "There's auason." PORTLAND, Me.,' Janl 24. -A fire which caused a property damage of ll.000.OOCU eavly today destroyed the city hall and police, hirudins, and endangered the lives of mnro than 700 persons. Although known as city hall, the building was divided be tween city and county offices, while the police building sheltered the supreme. Judi cial, and municipal courts In addition to the police department. The fire was the worst In tho state since the great Portland conflagatlon of 1866, when the city business and residential sections were almost com pletely wiped out. That there were no fatalities Is remark-, able, as there were more than 700 persons attending the Western Maine Knights of Pythias Jubilee, gathered In the auditorium of the -city holl, when the flames were discovered. Only a few persons were hurt, Chief Engineer Melville Eldrldge being the only one known to be seriously Injured and he was able to direct the fight sgsinst the flames throughout, being supported by two assistants. The financial loss Is estimated at $1,000,000, but this sum will not cover the loss of the papers and documents In the registry of deeds, where everything was destroyed. Other city departments were swept clear of everything by the flames, with the ex ception of the city clerk's and tho city treasurer's offices, the money and securities hi tho latter blng believed to be Intact, although It will be almost Im possible to ascertain definitely until the vaults have cooled sufficient for an exam ination to ' he lmltlf-' One of the most valtfahlo libraries In the state, the Green leaf law collection, was completely des troyed, with a loss estimated at $10,000. Origin on Crossed Wires. The blaxe originated In the city elec trfclans office and was caused by crossed wires, and this- mado it Impossible to ring a call for the fjre department in any of the boxes. Tho fire was discovered by a newspaper man on his way home, who noticed a red glare as of hissing wires, tn the city en gineer's office. Ho tried to pull an alarm from a nearby box stationed outside a firo station. Tho signal rang the station alarm and brought the firemen from that house to the scene, but they and a few others who were summoned by telephone consttuted the whole fire fighting force for half an hour, during which time tho flames gained such headway as to become uncontrollable. When Clilef Engineer Eldrldge arrived "he gave tip all hopes of saving the building and confined the efforts of the department to protecting" surrounding property. When the flames were discovered William A. Turner, chairman of tho meeting of the Pythian body, was met In the hallway by three men, who acquainted him with the condition of affairs. Coolly he entered tho Auditorium and ascended the stage. Interrupting the rites of Investiture' wrdplt were going on at the time. lie calmly told the i assembled members, of the existing conditions and thus averted a panic, bring ing out more than 700 1 person uninjured. Fanle larrowfly Averted. ..Earlier , in tho evening thorn bad been mitre- than 1,800 perfKma tn the Auditorium folj tho JtrbUee exercises, and had, the fire occurred theri, packed as the 'hall was, many lives might have been lost. Chief Engineer Eldrldge sustained his In juries by the breaking away of a coupling; of hose, which hit him In the stomach. J When the flames communicated to the police building, where the city Jail Is located, the prisoners 'were set free. These prisoners had been arrested for only minor offenses. The building, which was a five story structure of brick, burned up and down from the third floor, as did the tire In the. city hall. v Aid was summoned from Bath, Bldde ford. Saco and Lewiston, but the latter was the only city to get its apparatus In the city before daybreak. When it arrived It was too late to tako any active part In the fight a gainst the flames.. The- city halt survived the great tire ot IS, although, It was badly damaged at. that time. It was flrsi; opened In 18S9. The building tad a frontage of 150 feet and was 230 feet , hng Its central dome rose 150 feet above! the roof. The building was con structed of. colored Nova .Scotia Albert stone and contained eighty rooms. I.OS9 OF " IOFG If BALTIMORE Three Persons Dad avavd Sixteen Are Injured ln Bl Fire. BALTIMORE. Md.. Jan. 24. Fire at an early hour this-' morning took heavy toll of the members of the f Ire-dupartment of this elry, three ' being dead' and sixteen Others more or less seriously Injured. The list of the latter includes the names of George Morton, chief of the fire depart ment, w-ho Is in a serious condition. He has a badly locerated scalp and Internal Injuries. The first hasty examination In, dlcated that his skull was fractured, b.o'c a more careful investigation showed rlls not to be the case. The dead are: LIEUTENANT FREDERICK HAPJJaN' WILLIAM B. PCOH. UNIDENTIFIED MAN, though to be Emll Mortn. The financial damage la esfmated by Mayor B-rrjt Mahool, who ws early on the scene, at $400,000. The blase which Is the rorat that has occurred In this city sina the calamity of 1904, started on the ,rd floor of the building on the Koulhert corner ot Holl day and Saratoga struts, .occupied by the J. Regester 6ojis corpany, plumbers sup plies. Others occupants- of the building were the ' Baltimo- Bell and Brass cdm pany, and tho Villiam L. Hollingsworth company, maeh.f,ts.'' Upon on these three the heaviest 1 janes fall. '''" The fire r,d apparently been burning for some t'.nr.e before It was discovered. The first .-44rm was quickly followed by a general. alarm, which brought most of the first apparatus in he lty to- the scene. A strong wind from the northwest and a very ljr temperature made the work of fighting the flames more than ordinarily dtffVjrult and the flames spread very rardly. In an Incredibly short time after tyi blase broke out of' the windows on Vie Saratoga street side of the Regester I building, and without the. slightest warn ing, a large erciinn or me norm wall of the building fill. It waa this that scattered death and lijurtes among the flrejnen, who were working close to the building. The rain of bricks also put out if commission an extension ladder truck," upon which some of the men had been - working. Saratoga street, at this point, narrows sharply. A fraction of a minute before the wall fell a hose burst, minding a number of policemen and reporters scurrying east on Saratoga Street. But for this 'a number of them would almost certainly have been Injured by the' flying brlrk. For a time it seemed that the fire would sweep diagonally through the block to Gay stref, and .a, number of people living on that thoroughfare moved their effects. Chaogns la the wind, however, helped the firemen and: enabled them to confine the damage, in addition to that already men- I r EVERY TRIMMED HAT MUST GO SATURDAY !H v NOT A QUESTION OF VALtlC MOT A MATTER OF PRICE l;i1,...;.S2.00 83.755 85 i Every llat'OT Below Cost Saturday' 8 dozen Black Ostrich Plumes- "f fl f? three dollar values-Saturday, only.... I Ij , Buy Millinery ' Right - IfcIE IK IM 1508 Douglas St SaJiFday Specials "Vc offer 500 Sample Remnant fluffs of all kinds anl qualities at less than One Halt the originul cost. 1 These are our Traveling Men's discarded samples of dropped patterns and make good serviceable' rugs. ; '. ' f SATURDAY ONLY Ingrain Rug, 18x36, each Ingrain Rug, 36x36, each ".. Ingrain' Rug, 36x54, each . . Brussels Ru, 27x27, each '. . Brussels and Velvet Rug, 27x45, each. Brussels and .velvet Rug, 27x36, each. ; ..'."..;. ; Axminster, Brussels and Velvet Rugs, 27x54, eah: -$1.00 Extra quality Axminster and Velvet Rugs, 27x54 r$1.25 Extra Special; fine Axminster and Wilton' Velvet Rugs, 27x54, each .'.l.SO Royal Wilton Rug, 27x54, each .-. . 2.50 .....10c .. 15c .V.. 20c .:25c ..;:;75c ;50c COUCH COVERS EXTRA SPECIALS , . V" l, Couch Cover, 50-ins. wide by 3 yards' long, Saturday, $189 The Ladies' Aid Society of the IMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH will give a home bakery sale SATURDAY, JAN. UARY 25TH, AT OUR STORE. MILLER, STEWART & 413-15-17 South 16th St. BEATOPJ tloned to the plants of the E. B. Read tt Sons company, printers, and the Flynn & Kmrlch company, machinists, located In a five story building on Saratoga street In the rear of the Regester . building, the Leonhardt Wagon oompany, Saratoga street, opposite the building In which tho fire originated, the old city nail building and the Elon school building. In the old city hall building 'were valuable maps and records of the water, topographical and, other city Onpartrnf nts. .These were re moved to a placeief safety under the. di rection f Mayor Mahool. When the wall of the 'Regester building fell members dt the fire department and policemen Utterly disregarded the fact that another' sectlon of the, building seemed about to topple" Into Saratoga street and worked frantloally to rescue their Injured comrades and- recover Jhe bodies of the dead. The laiter were fldly mutilated and the former were, in some Instances, al most stripped pf their clothing. While responding to -the alarm a hose carriage and fire engine collided and five of the men on tfie engine were Injured, one of 'them seriously. Health- Economy WHAT CAUSES HEADACHE. From, October to May colds are the most frequent cause of headache, i Laxative Brome Quinine removes cause. IS. W. Grove op box. 35a, HARRIMAN CASE CONSIDERED Depart of Jwatice Determines Its Action aa WHl Isaac a State, meat Sooa. WASHINGTON, Jan. t4. The course to be pursued Y,y the Department of Justice In. the Harr.'iman case was the subject of a confere-jr-e today between Attorney General 3.jr,aparte and Frank B. Kollogg and Charles A Severance of counsel tor the go rernment. The entire matter w as fully , discussed and the legal proceeding to b. adopted by the department was de cide Upon. .A statement will bo Issued hy- the department in a few days setting 'xvth Its views In the case. Clarence barrow Improving. I.OS ANGKL.K3. Jan. U. Clarence f. Darrow of Chicago, who was operated on at the California hospital a few days ago for mastoiditis, is improving. Th physl rians In attendance toilsy regard his condi tion as favorable and believe that the operation ultimately will prove a success. Seldom Wear Out DrN Miles' Anti-Pain Pills re lieve pain not only once, but as many times as it is' necessary to take them. Many persons who suffer from chronic, ail ments find in them a source of great relief from the , auff ering which they . would otherwise 'be compelled to endure. Their soothing, influence upon 'the nerves strengthen rather than weaken them. For this reason they seldom lose their effective ness. "I am 62 years old and have suffered for Vi years from nervous troubles, rheu matism and neuralgia, palpitation of the heart, shortness of breath, sleeplessness, and pain arouni the heart. The Ur. Miles Anti-fain I'll Is have been a blessing to me. I ddh't know what I should do with out them, and they are the only remedy I have ever used that either did not wear out In less time than I have been using them, or elsu the Injurious results were such that 1 would be obliged to cease their use." MK. B. C. ROBINSON, 27 Carter Bt. . Chattanooga, Tenn. Sr. aulas' Anti-rain rule are Bold y four druggist, who will gaaraaiee that be first package will benefit, If it fails, he will ret era your aou, I sms, as cents. - sold La hoik. Miles' Medical Con Elkhart, Ind. GataGf f-'Tovvfsif-ii i tfc,Best by Test Urs. WinslffwH Sootijlng Symp wirxic WHILE .VIi'!!S0' MOTHKitS f..r their CDI TEN Ht llOUMM.ALLAYf !ES8, ft BOOTH E8 the (:B I Lf) Ht : rl ail pain: cmira nun .. .t. - rftmMli forDUUKHtEA. Hnlrt hv rartuf thewnrld. Be aure and k f.r"Mr .Wins low's bnothln Ryrup," and taka ni other kind. rd -o1 !)nw Art, .Tuna smb. Id, m-ria" Xnmh. A.N OUD AM) WE.' 4. TUILU hvMFt'Y. J Invaluable to sufferers from asthma, bronchitis or throat troubles. Contl sothinf Ntjurieus. i urn i il. i, .n i .mil, iim-Mlnaaima PA ROUKKES . KUDQDAsTIlg aVU IBASUra ZBAItDI -CIGARS-' 80S TRADE' A PZCIAI.Ty 810 So. I list), wsssr bowit towh . " Eat your noonday, lunch at th xw tua OXAJTO OAS Restaurant prices ller Grand Service' AMISEMESTI, .BOYD'S THEATER TONIGHT AND SATURDAY, Bargain Mat. Saturday SSo and Mo HORTENSE NIELSON In The Ibsen Play A DOLL'S HOUSE Sunday, Monday and Tuesday THE RED MILL HTOr? ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE . MATINEE TODAY 8s 15 j Adults, 2 Be - Children 10 NOTE Curtain, 8:16 Shajfp. tonight PRICES 10c, 25f. 60c. FLORIDA RESORTS.' tlRUG THEATER Yt k . I Vaf rrloes 15-C6.O0-7SO. ; W TONIGHT 8: IS ; The Southern Comedv-Draraa , MY DIXIE' GIRL riunday: A SECKET. 1 AUDITORIUr.1 ROLLER SKATING ALL THIS WEEK. OSCAT ZZKIBZTIOBTS BT n,OT. M. . ss sr&YtA. TarUllng -IUDI Off DEATH" At . rtrformaaoea "