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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1908)
, THE- OMAHA DAILY I1EE: KI11DAY. .lANTAHV -'I. 1!0S. T3IUEF CITY KEVS r-1 , Soot mat It, ' I 9t. Somar. 44 Brand! Bid. "Taonja w. Blnoahura for congress. SUneliart, photographer. ISth ft Karnnm. H Ooal 5 Coutant & Bqulres. Tel. D ISO. I Diamond Edholm. jwler. 11 Harn If Xntarested. a eg Delmor Cheney, vole a I Hire. t,?1.' Roclk pP-na coaL Can. Mit? Cok" Company of Omaha. atn and Harney treta. 'tZ!W-TUK f" "fn A brand new ?i "furled from the masthead of the Omaha poetofflc building Thursday rnornlng to replace, th. old flag, whloh had become tattered and torn and almoat color lea. from ta long b.tti, with the element Z 7 f" Barney Mc- .7.1. Button were entenced to thirty day In Jail Wednesday tn police court for stealing- 2, POO pounda of hay. Mc Comtek la th man who worked a local 'fl ",ore f" elht bushels of oats some ttm ago on the pretense that hla mother' ftorse were atarvlng to death. Bart Lire took Co1iTnUon O. U .meson, assistant superintendent of tranapoHatlon of the Burlington, has re turned from Dnnver. where he waa In at tendance at the annual meeting of the National Uve Stock association TVi meeting waa counted the most successful cvir neia oy that organisation," said Mr. Xllckraon. "It waa well attended by grow, era of live atock and railroad men and particularly men Interested In public gra- O. Xilndaay Ooan ta u nfp nd Mr. Jamea '. t.lmtov an mnn ailll leave Friday for Bloux Cfly to be the uriiia or tne combination Burns celebra tion under the auspices of the Caledonian nd Bt, Andrew' societies. Mr. Lindsay win be one of the speakers, lie la secre tary of the Oordona of Omaha and may ovine me organising of , clan of thi crder In Sioux Cltv. Th pena to be on the nam evening aa that elected by the Omaha Scots, otherwise a number ofthe Sioux City people would have been down here, it Is said, aa a friendly feeling prevalla between the two title among Ihe Scots. Frank - RoncWhter'a . new book, "The Making of a, Millennium," Is an entirely now aolutloii of the labor problem a great revclaAlon.. It will be out early next week. EAGLES FOR CLOSED SALOON Florence Aerie Vote to Have TVo liars Operated There on the Sabbath. The F.aglcs' lodge of Florence has taken a leading part . In the civil affairs of that lty nnd making It a pretty suburb of Omaha. Definite action was taken Wednes day evening when at a meeting of Fonta nels acrle, with more than li0 members, a resolution Was unanimously adopted re questing tho mayor and marshal to co operate with the owners of all saloona and billiard and' pool halls, In order that these places may be closi-d on Sunday and that the blinds may be removed from the saloon windows on Sun tin Florence Is awakening to a keener sense of Its importance and of Ita fine situation as a desirable residence suburb of Omaha. It haa "gone Omaha one better" In the mat ter of sending dolegatea to the navigation congress in Bloux City, for, a cltlxen points out, Florence sent a delegate for every 600 of Ita population while larger cities sent only one for every 1,000 population. Flor ence paid the expenses of Ita delegates which other cities did not do. . v" A Car. ' " This is to certify that all druggujt. arc authoriaed to refund your money If Foley's Honey and Tar falls to cura your cough or cold. It atops the cough, heals the lungs and prevents serloua results from a cold. Cures la grippe coughs and prevent pneumonia and consumption. Contalna no opiates. The genuine Is In a yellow pack age. Refuse substitutes. All druggists. Announcements, wedding stationery and railing cards, blank book and magaiine binding. 'Phone Doug. lt4. A. I. Root. Ino. F.ver Try The Be -,vnt Ad Columns? If uot, do so, and get satisfactory results. Bryan' Visit Ineffective. r KABHf'UKT, Ky, Jan. S3. -Today's r, .. . .. ?iMiea: weennam 62: Bradley b0; McCrear 4; acattcrlng 2. DYSPEPSIA PROOF. - . . ow Any Heal Oaa Be Thoroughly Xa joyed by Any Stomach. Men, aa a rule, are first discovered bv thalr enemies. Their antagonists turn on toe searchlight, and the proof of merit win lie la being able to aland the flash. It waa only In this way that Mr. Whits ever knew that dyspepsia was on of Mr. Black' worst enemies. Kitting face to face at a two-by-four table, he handed his afflicted friend the bill of fare: ' Oyster Cocktail. Stuffed Ollvea. Boaton Clam Chowder. Strained (Jumbo. 1 Sirloin Steak with Mushrooms, 4" Roast Beef Hash. . Uolled Ox Tongue witn Saurkraut. j Lobster, a la Newburg. Baked I'ork and Beans. Combination Crab Salad. Hot -me PI. ' Pineapple Fritters. Air. White ordered a "little of each. Mr. Dyspepsia Black ordered crackers and a glaaa of milk- "I had auch a big break fast this morning," he said "that I'll Just tnke a bite to keep. you company." But Mr. Yiite eould not be deceived; "I am afraid you can't stand the gleam, Mr, Black. Why don't you aay you have dys pepsia and ,e done with It? You'll always have that hungry look anyhow aa long as you have dyspepsia. Now listen. My kto'mach waa In just as bad condition as yours sat one time. But now I can eat anything, at any time. For Inatance, this) clam chowder or sirloin steak or even th lobster would be Just as welcome to my stomach as your crackera and milk. Tou don't realise how this dyspepsia business Is robbing you of your spirit, of your enerry and -ability to think quickly. 1 can't .help notice It.' Tou haven't the cheer and sociability you had three niSnths ago. Now 1U tell you what to do," and thereat tho . cheerful Mr. Whit took a vial from his pocket and extracted a we tablet. "Thero. theie la a tablet that con talna aa Ingredient, one grain ofjvhlch digests 3,00 grain of food. For even th uerst dyspeptio It' the only thing that rvally gives relief. The reason la It rellevbM the stomach of nearly all the work it has to do, digests everything ln the stomach and stlmulatoa th gastrlo juice. . I can't get along without them. They are Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. 'Tou can gel them anywher on earth for (0 a package." Yes. It is ..rue, Stuart's lyspepsU Tab It Is absolutely atop heartburn, nausea, liidigeation, yspepsia of th worst type, our stomach, bloaty feeling and all eruc tations andtrritav.on. and freshen and liivlgorate the atonutch. They cheer you up. inake you get all the good there la ln our fotKt. lou will forget you ever had a etnmach to worry you. Send ua your name and addreas today and we will at once aend you by mall sample package, free. Address F. A. Stuart Co.. 169 Sluort Bldf . Marshall. NOTES OS OMAHA SOCIETY Mr. and Mrs. John A. McShane Enter tain Dinner Tartj Thursday. PROSPECTS BRIGHTEN AT LAST Invitation Bearla 4 Materialise for Prosaism Week-End Affairs nnd evmt Affair of Cons, one-nee for PText Week. Mr. and Mr John A. McShana enter tained., Thursday evening, when a color scheme of pink was used, a large basket of tulip tied with a bow of pink chif fon forming the ceater-plece. which was lighted with candles with pink ahade. Place carda of the same color msrkcd the places of Mr. and Mr. John N. Bald win, Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Allison, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Cudahy, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Benble, Mr. and Mrs. David Baum and Mr. and Mrs. McBhane. , ' Anniversary Celebration. In celebration of their silver wedding an niversary, Mr. and Mr. M. D. Cockrell en tertained the M. M. O. club Wednesday evening. They were assisted by Mrs. Floyd Ooekre!!. Mrs. A. Groves. Mrs. Fred Mix field and Mr. F. O. Ilaiel, who gave sev eral delightful readings and musical num bers. Mr. and Mrs. Cockrell were pre sented with Borne beautiful silver by the club. The guest included: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Maxfield. Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Mar tin, Mr. and Mrs. Hempen, ir. and Mrs. J. Qarreit. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hempen, Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Billings. Mr. and Mrs. C. WrlRht, Mr. and Mrs. T. Q. Haxel, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hmhaway. Mr. and Mrs. Oibbs Sotherlund, Mr. and Mrs. A. Grpves. Mr. and Mrs. JA Cockrell. Mrs. Campbell. Mrs. Ada Conray. Mrs. Hempen, Mrs. Mo Arthur. Mr. J. J. Young. Mr. C. Ltnga- fclt, Mr. White, Mr.' Shaw, Mr. E. Hart and Mr. Lear. For Mrs. Carrier. In honor of Mrs. Currier of Kansas City, who Is the guest of Miss Ella Mae Brown. Miss Jeanne Wakefield entertained in formally two tables of bridge Thursday evening, when the guests Included: Mr. Currier, Mis Brown, Mrs. Eva Wallace, Mr. Harry O'Neill, Mr. Stockton Heth, Mr. A. B. Warren, Mr. Jo Bnldrlge. Mr. O. C. Rrdlck and Mr. and Mrs. Harlry Mnorhead. Mra. Currier waa also honor guest at a small luncheon party at the Omaha club Wednesday. Poat IVoptlal. Parly. Mixs Alice Auld entertained Wednesday evening at cards In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Ed P. Boyer, who have recently returned from their wedding trip. The gursts In cluded Miss Daisy Rogers, Miss Nina Crlsa, Miss Fannie Mowlam), Mlsa Maud Marriott, Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Moody, Mr. and Mrs. Hsrry Jcnnison, Mr. Arthur Rogers. Mr. Wtll Wood. Mr. Robert Russell, Mr. G. W. Bower and Mr. Vnslcker. Informal Affairs. Misa Cora fcvans gave an informal lunch eon Thursday ln honor of Miss Carson. White carnations and ferns made a pretty centerpiece. Covers were laid for eight. The Central WJilst club waa entertained by Mrs. John Wllletts Thursday afternoon at her home. Mrs. Frank Hume wa hostess Wednes day afternoon at the meeting of the K. K. K. club. High five Was played, the first prlKe being won by Mra. Gua Bolton and the second by Mrs. D. W. Dickinson. The guests of the club were Mr. J. L. Root, Mr. K. K. Tuttle and Mrs. W. Hype. Tho next meeting will be held at the horn of Mrs.' W. M. 'MCElhinhej-. The Original Cooking club met Wednes day with Mrs. Harry Wllklns. Miss Katharine Hantlng gave a kenslng ton for the Elaneas club Wednesday, when the members present Included Miss Ber nice Bunnell, Miss ' Mary Hantlng, Miss Florence Cook, Mias Helen Brandels and Miss Nelle Foy. Miss Nelle Gwimi was the toBtess Wednesday evening for I .a Douzalne club, when Mlsa Maud Bunnell made the high score at carS. Prospective Pleaanrea. Mis. E. C. McShane will entertain at an afternoon bridge party Wednesday, Jan uary 3ft. Mrs. Tom Davis will give a bridge party Saturday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Fred erick Davia and Mrs. J. S. Brady. The Dignus club has changed Its name to the Ahamo club, and met Wednesday evening with Mrs. William Clark, 1836 North Twentieth street. Mrs. W. W. Watt making the high acore. Mrs. E. Brewing ton of Council Bluffs will entertain the club In two week. Brown-Needham. A prettywedding which occurred in Min neapolis Wednesday evening wa that of Mis Buelah Elisabeth Needham and John Harlan Brown, Jr., of Omaha, wtilrh took place at the hoane of the bridegroom' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brown, sr., 3704 Blalsdell avenue, at I o'clock. Rev. J. S. Montgomery read the service before eighty guests. - The bride carried a shower bououet of lilies of the valley. She also wore the wedding ring which had been given her mother on her wedding. After the ceremony, light refreshments were served ln the dining room. The Misses Ruth Blerch and Irene Gritndmsn served frappe and a group of six girls as sisted at the tgble. Mr. and Mra. Brown left for Duluth and from there they wlll go to Omaha, where they will be at home after February 15. The bride's traveling ault waa of London smoke voile. Come nnd Go Goaap. Mias Welty of Fremont is spending a couple of weeka the guest of Mils Adel Moore s. , Mrs. Charles B. Rich of Green Bay, Wis., arrived unexpectedly Wednesday morning to visit her sister. Mrs. W. J. Bradbury, and Mra. C. H. Rich for a fortnight. Miss Adelaide Stratlrs will leave Friday for New York. Mr. and Mr. G. W. Partridge and chil dren left Tuesday for southern California, where they will spend the winter. Mia Frieda Gut-lirin. who has been spending a week with Mrs. W. O. Bievers. hss returned to her Itwm In Crescent, la. Presae Hlco. Boll aa directed and mix. while hot, with a tableuoutiful of drawn butter hot, wKh a tablespoonful of drawn butter lor each cupful of the cooked rice. - Season with pepper, salt and a few drops of onion Juice. Turn Into a ahallow dish and eat a plate upon It, covering It entlrclyN Press the plat down firmly and lay a weight on the plate. When the rlc Is cold and atiff cut Into aquarea or into strips and fry to a light brown In a little butter. Drainand aerve hot and dry with chicken or game. Or you may broil the strip lightly, butter them and lay about a roast fowl a garnish and accompaniment. Simple Beaaeely mr tm Grippe. La grippe couga r dangerous, as they frequently davelop Into pneumonia. Fo ley' Honey and Tar not only atop th ougb, but heal and strengthens th lung Th genuine Foley' Honey and Tar con Ulna no harmful drug and la ta a yellow package. Refuse substitutes. AH druggists, so that no aertous result peed be (ard. All druggist Music !l I Italian rnn Opera Company nl tfee Boyd. Wednesdsy matinee "II Trovstore." F.lesnora Mme. Jennie NorrMII Asucona, a gypy. .Mile. Georgians Strauss Manrlco, the Troubadour, her reputed Mr. Louis Kamollnv The Count Dl Iina. .. .Big. C. Alessandronl Ferrando In his service Sla. A. oterl Dili. In his service Slg.'Pexiettl Followers of tlie Count. Guards, Nuns, Gvpsles, etc. Conductor 8lg. Geatano Merola. Wednesday night "Lucia dl Lammer moor." Henry Aahton Slg. F. SSara iiuy Mile. E. Alroerl Kda-ar HIr k Torre Norman Bl. C. Perieltl Raymond sig. A. Oterl A"r Mile. M. Bossl Lord Arthur Hi. A. Paolonl Conductor Slg. J. . Angellni Fornarl. i Without any great blaring of trumpets, without much literature In regard to Itself, a very strong and worthy aggregation of singers and players announcing aimply grand opera In Italian, or Italian grand opera, venture) Its way yesterday Into Omaha and stole mt a quietly as It came, but It left an Impression. Seldom, if ever, ha ao little noise been made beforehand about a visiting operatic company, and seldom ha there been such unanimous opinion to Its excellence after It was gone. Mr. Ivan Abramson, tho man behind this Interesting organisation, says that he has been watching the operatic situation for some years, and that while other managers have presented grand opera in English, English grand opera, and mixed repertoire, ha Is the first to organize a strong company of people to present In the most attractive, way, and With fullest attention to detail. the standard Italian operas at prices which are certainly within reach of all. Grand opera as It Is conducted in this country is certainly for the rich, or at least the very well-to-do, for the engnglng of the biggest stsrs costs a large amount, and the prices must be high In order to give the manager an opportunity to come out even. Here Is a company which presents no ultra-brllllunt s. filar Attraction, but prA sents a balanced cast and that Is what true opera production means. The cos tumes were In good condition and effective, the kcenery was quite adequa)e and at tractive, the grouping and detail of the stage effects were most commendable, the admission fee was most reasonable. The chorus was not heavy here nnd lig'.it there, but pronouncedly solid, and sincere and earnost In all Its work, which was of a high character. The orchestra was not large, but every man counted: the playing and support did not Invite criticism. These two potential arms of the operatic body were In control of Slgnors Merola and Fornarl; and word about Slgnor Merola; when this company cornea again (ns it probably wfll very soon. In response to various requests and Inquiries at the box office) ll will be well to go and watch this energetic, wonderful worker. The people on tho stage received many complimentary rounds of applause and acknowledged them; but down in front, with a magical baton ln his hand, and music In his soul, and temperament from his Innermost fibres to his finger tips, sat a man with a work to do, and he did it. Such clear, vitalising, enthuslafctie and sincere conducting is sure to get results, and much of the verve and dash and finish and confidence of the toot ensemble was to be laid with a bou quet at the feet of Maestro Merola. Mme. Norrelll ln the part cf Leonora showed some beautiful top tone and gave to the part a very faithful portrayal,. Her voice la one of beauty, as is evident from the work at the beginning of the opera In the afternoon, but through cold or hoarse ness or lack of "timbre." as the French call It, In th lower and middle parts the voice became veiled later. Mme. Norrelll was so interesting that her return wtll be eagerly looked forward to. ' As Asucena, Mile. Strauss displayed a voice of decided natural beauty, and, like Mme. Norrelll, she show that she has had good school ing. But even the best-known teachers, alaa! have not yet recognised that darken ing the lower tones of the voice does not matte them carry. Mile. Strauss, when she opens up the lower tones of her voice and sings as brightly there as she does higher up, will add greatly to her value as a singer. Her acting was never overdone. Manrlco, In the hands of M. Louis Samol lov, was well taken care of. His singing of this popular part was gratifying and at times positively astonishing; sure of his ground, confident ln his tone delivery, earn est and artistic ln his entire picturing of the Troubadour and his love. He waa in stanlly In favor. M. 8amol)ov will yet be heard from. He has much to commend him, but not the Icaat is the fact that hla voice was more brilliant and resonant and beautiful at the close than It waa even at the beginning. Signora Oterl and Peszettl In lesser parta gave good account of them selves at both performances. Slgnor Alessandroni as Count pi Luna In the afternoon waa received with great pleasure by the audience and he Is splendid type of the traditional Italian singer, for In manner, gesture, acting, tone. production and general vocal equipment he gives one a feeling of satisfaction. Hi voice is full, virile and rich In quality, and while he seemed somewhat heavy In the famous "II balen," he soon warmed up ana aia ms worn witn unction. The part of Henry was taken at nialit bv Slgnor F. Zara, and In it he did some very good singing and fair acting. The voice Is full and satisfying and especially In the famous sextet did he show to fine ad vantage. Mile. Aimer! played the part of Lucy, She had a very clear, well poised voice excellent pronunciation, much coloratura and not a little histrionic skill. She Is young yet, and can develop along the lines she is already working on. Site was en thusiastically received. Slgnor Torr as Ed gardo was rather free with the part. jrB ha mighty good voice, a splendid man ner on the stage and a decided gift In act Ing. Ho made much of the last of the closing scene, and also of the quarrel scene after the sextet In the second act. A considerable 'study of the legato style without which Italian singing Is but sound ing brass and tinkling cymbal would mater ially help the otherwise very interesting Signor Torre. (Pherhaps hla name accounts for his use of what might be termed the "evangelistic" style of tone-production.) Mile. Bossle did some splendid work In tli part ot Alice and is worthy of good things An American Kin; 1 the great king of cures, Dr, King' New Discovery, the quick, safe, sure cough and cold remedy, toe and $1.00. Bold by Beaton Drug Co. Announcements of the Tfcanrs. A beautiful emotional drama. "A Wife' rWciet." is aaid to be, which will be seen at the Krug for four daya, start Ing next Sunday matinee, under the di rection of Spencer Aborn. This suc cessful play, now In lis fourth ocason, I reputed to present a moat Interesting and attractive story, which set forth a powerful warning to young wives and a still strotiRer plea to a man's honor and consideration. Bond Hraerva Mm Free. ST. IjOI'18. Jan. ?!3. In the I'nited States dialrlct court Juilge Ctrland today ordered the Jury to acquit four officials of the American Bond Reserve company, who witn thrt-e others similarly acquitted yes terday, have been on trial on charges of having used the malls to defraud. The trial, which bad been in progress eight daya. ended unceremoniously by the ruling of Judge Carland that no luttmony had been developed l show that fraud Waa involved. CORSSnOWTO BEPERMANENT Such is Sentiment as Expressed by C. C. Belden. FIFTY-FIVE LIVE DIRECTORS Hnslneas Men of Three t itles Are Or. lerted ta Oct the Money nnd Mailt Other Pinna. At a meeting of corn show promoters yesterday at the Commercial club these fifty-five active business men of Omaha, South Omha and Council BltifPs were chosen as the board of directors, one of whose duties It shall-he to go out and get that 110.000 guarantee for the show next December and bringing the plans for the show down to a tangible basis at once: . OMAHA. A. J. Beaton C. Helden C. M. Wllhelm C. E. Blark F. L. Haller E. J. McVann J. E. Baum W. F. Baxter O. W. Wattles F. A. Nash J. 8. White C. H. Plrkutis W. 8. Wright C. C. Rnsewater ' Rome Miller W. L. Yetter T. F. Stingess Byron Hastings A. Hospe J. L. Kennedy Joseph Havden G. M. Hitchcock Jos. Pole a r Luther Kountxe Henry W. Yste Frank T. Hamilton George N. Peek George H. Iee Fred Fafienram M. Levy Charles Beaton C R. Sherman F. L. Cowglll John A. Kuhn Euclid Martin C. C. Troxell C. F. xMcOrew H. J. Tenfold SOCTH OMAHA. J. C. French Bruce McCulloch R. C. Howe ' James G. MarHo E. Buckingham T. U. MePherson COUNCIL BLUFFS. F. R. Davis E. W. Hart C. W. McDonald , E. E. Hart C. A. Beno ' W. A. Maurer H. A. Quinn W. A. Gronewcg H. W. Binder K. H. Murriam Victor Bender . H. H. Van Brunt Belden lilves Nome Ideas. "I believe the Omaha corn show will do a grest service for the farmers of Ne braska and western Iowa, and that In es tablishing the big exhibition and short term course of Instruction, which It Is pro posed to have tn connection with the dis play, that Omaha will be doing a greut thing for the farmers," said C. C. Bcldcn of Thompson & Belden, speaking of the corn show, plans for which are now being made. It has seemed to me from the first that tne. educational value of the show Is upper most. Of course we must have something else to attract city people to the show, but the farmers will come, anyway, for the things they will learn about corn and grain. "It Is already apparent that the Intelli gent handling of the corn will result In increased production. We don't . need to say scientific, simply the right way to han dle ttie seed and the tight kind of seed. "If by having the corn show here, with tho Instructors from our agricultural col leges, we can give the farmers new Ideas which will result In Thcreascd production, I do not kryw of a greater service Omahu business men could do the state. "But I do not underrate the value of the corn show as an attraction. Aa I under stand It, the show will not be a quiet or silent affair. I think the proposition to have a good band at the show would be a good thing. 'Make the display decorative, something on the order of the corn palaces, and while city people will come for the music, the novel decorations and the prom enade, the out-of-town people will get the benefit of the' educational part of the show." !UsirB 'Prrsiaaest. to financing the " show, Mr. Aa Belden said: '' "We must count on making the show a permanent corn exposition. Those Inter ested in corn growing who have discussed the subject seem to want a permanent show at Omaha. I do not believe In hav ing: to secure large contributions each year, but ln creating a fund from our earnings, It any, which will either promote the next year'a show or furnish a nest egg for the necessary fund. "For this reason I favor the largest pos sible number of contributions. AVhile large contributions will be necessary. I think the small ones do the-most good, Interest the most people and result ln leaving the pro portionate earnings of each in a fund, where the earnings on large contributions would probably be withdrawn." December Beat for Hotels, Ralph Kitchen, proprietor of th Paxton hotel, aaid: "I am In favor of the corn show and favor holding it in December. From a hotel standpoint the December weeks will be better than most. any other time. This year the traveling men were not at the hotel much during . the holidays or the weeks Just preceding. This Is likely to bs the condition the coming year, ss It is al most every year. "With the Increased hotel capacity which Omaha will 'have this year the large crowds can be nicely cared for. I believe the corn show will bring people to Omaha from outside, and the Auditorium will cme nearer fulfilling the purpose for which It was erected.. "A an educational proposition I don't know of anything whloh would do more for the people of the surrounding agricul tural territory than a great corn exposi tion, and when a farmer once attends and secures ldeaa which Increaso his crops he will want the ahow permanent and bring a number with him next yar. It should offer advantages which are not offered at farmere' Institutes and from the traveling schools from th agricultural college," lemember the nrtangular Label Always should obviously mean, when it's beer talk, uniformly backed by the highest grade ingre dients that have a place in honest brewing But Quality talk Purity talk is not the whole story. There's that Blatz individual merit that is developed by the Blatz process alone, and which is, after all, the real I reason whv Blatz Beer is Ratifying. Try any of draught or in bottles, and 1) character and quality beyond BX.ATB COlfVABT. 8C2 Doug-las Bt., Omafea, AFFAIRS ATS0UTH OMAHA vrlthn Kafr-Slsed Mem. fcerahlp. ' The Good Government league of South Omaha met last night at the Workman temple and perfected s permanent organi sation. ' On an Informal canvass tor mem ber over fifty were found willing to enter such an organisation. When this was learned the club proceeded to the adoption of a constitution and by-laws. The consti tution defined the object of the club as a means to promote the randldkry of good fiien for the various city offices and to oversee tho work of the candidates after they have been elected. When It came to the eligibility of members, and the clause was reached barring any person who was a candidate for office or who held sn office In the municipal government from member ship in the league, a lively argument wa precipitated both for and against the rule. It was maintained that 1f this club allowed party officers to )Q members soon the or ganisation would be dominated by the ma chine and used as a means to defeat the very objects ofhe club. On the other hand It waa argued aa a dampener on any candidate to be required to resign from the club when entering the race. The feeling prevailed very strongly that this clause should be kept In tho constitution. The club went on record as a body of men who expect to work In both parties and to further the efforts of good, capable men to secure control of the city government. The club expects to get Into the present municipal campaign as strongly as It can. The members are to pay II as an Initiation fee. - After the adoption of the constitution the officers were elected as follows: John Fits Roberts, president; R. L. Wheeler, first vice president; H. It. Fisher, second vice president; George Itahn, third vice president; John Klewltt, secretary; J. G. Kclley. treasurer. The puaslng of the resolution that no candidate or officeholder bo a member of the club had the 'Immedlateseffcct of taking out about one-third or one-balf of the men who were in the hall. There were nearly 100 lu all. Mlxnp Over Clothings. Captain Troutan and Captain Nels Turn qulst each caught a man last night with a coat which did not belong to him. The first was A. N. Green, who went Into Va cek's store on Twenty-fourth and N streets. While pretending to look st some undor clothing he slipped the coat under his large overcoat, but not so carefully as to escape detection. He attempted to leave the store, but the woman in charge stopped him and demanded the road. He gave It hack and ran away. A boy ran for an officer and Captain Troutan arrived In time to make the arrest. Green was found to be Intoxi cated when he arrived at tho station. He sald.v "I'm an honest man, a plumber and a good lodge member." These protestations availed him nothing and he wept Into the i cell. The other case was that of Lewis Zabawa, newly arrived in the city from Poland. He went into a barber shop to be shaved, and while in the chair another customer as ho left the shop donned the first man's over coat and wore it away. Nels Turnqulst waa called, and he discovered the coat, which was a valuable one, ln the possession of a man named Whitelow, boarder at the Iowa house. WUitelow said the barber had given It to him' and he had worn It away, thinking It his own. When he returned to the shop the barber also remembered help ing him with the coat. No arrests were made in the case. Taxpayers who are Interested ln the movement to Investigate the deals by which the fixtures and furniture for the city hall were ordered, say they propose to push tho matter to the end One of them said yes- terday I understand that overtures have been made to the city officers to the end that they accept the fixtures and furniture for the city hall, and the partiea proposing to Install will take the chance of collecting the bill. If any such move Is made, tho bondsmen of the officers will be held for any liability the city may Incur in the car rying out of the deals before they have been passed upon by the courts." Magic City (ioaslp. Mrs. C. C. McKinley has recovered from a severe attack of Illness. Nebraska lodge No. 2"-7, A. O. U. W., gives a dance tonight. Jetter's Gold Top Beer delivered to all parta of the city. Telephone No. 8. The Ladles of the Maccabees will give a card party at their hall Friday night. J. J. Fitzgerald passed cigars yesterday morning on the arrival of a boy Tuesday. Lost Lady's gold watch; initials B. F. ; reward. 112 No. 26th St. Mrs. A. L. Lotl entertained the members of St. Marlin s auxiliary lust evening at a Kensington tea. A banquet will be given this' evening at Lefier's Memorial church In honor of Sec retary G. A. ioung. Charles Terrell, a garbage - hauler, re ported that someone had attempted to poison one of his horses. i R. C. Howe, M. R. Murphy, O. H. Gleason and W. L. Shelby represented the South Omaha packers at Sioux City yesterday Mrs. Elizabeth Wells died at the hume of her daughter, Mrs. W. B. Wyman. 1013 North Twenty-first. The funeral will be this afternoon at S o'clock. All school children who need to be vac cinated at the expense of th city are re quired to pay a visit to the city hall Sat urday from it a. m. to-4 p. m. Mrs. Edna Hogg, 3116 V, gave birth to a 10-pound daughter Tuesday. The father ot the child deserted his wife about six months ago. Mra. Hogg Is living with her parents. The members of St. Agnes' court No. 569 of the Women Cathollo Order of Forester are renuested to attend the regular meet Ing Thursday evening, January 3, at Odd Fellows' hall Backed . by Quality J so neculiarlv satufvincr and I J J o the Blatz brands, whether on you will be sure of a beer of compare. Wholesale Daalera. ., 'rbone Song. (Ml. 5 R0ADS BAK AT LUMBERMEN Railway Officials Say Proposed Double Coal Price is Unfair. ONLY CONFISCATE IN EMERGENCY Object tn SnCerlna; Penalty for Do ing; ftnmetklnsi They Are Fnrred lo for flood f Her Ire. Railroad men do not take kindly to tho proposal of the coal and lumber men of of the state represented tn the Nebraska Lumber Dealers' convention to have a law nacted requiring railroads to double tho mine price for all coal the roads confiscate for their own use while In transit. . 'A railroad company only confiscates coal when It becomes an absolute necessity for the good of the greatest number," said one railroad official. "There comes a time when a road must take a car of coal, but when it doea so It la generally the case th coal must be had to move a train which might have several car of coal. Theso the road could not move without coal." It I claimed the Union Pacific has not confiscated a car of coal for three years, for during the summer months that road laid In a supply of about 30. 000 tons. Rail road men aay they don't see why they should be penalised by paying double, for It la understood by all interests that they only resort to such expedients In actual emergencies. "Elven though the enforcement of the law which prohibits railroad companies from owning sn Interest In coal mines might be delayed for some time through the courts, the railroads of the west are doing all possible to relieve the situation when the law I enforced," said the official. "The Union Pacific la assisting In every possible way any who might open up new mines in Wyoming and Colorado. Consid erable coal Is being developed in Colorado, especially north of Denver In tho lignite district." Bnlldlns I'erralta. Christian Wolf. Woo South Twentv-f Ifi h frame dwelling. Sl.noti: U. A. Fries. Fortv. first and California, frame dwelling, tl.oiio George L. Dunham. S537 Orand avenue, frame dwelling, 11,300. Elastic Stockirlgs, Trusses, Batteries, Crutches, Bed Fans, Invalid Rings, Back Rests, Invalid Chairs, Bed Side Tables, Rubber Ooods, Douche -Tans, Water Stills H. J. PENFOLD & CO., Hospital and Invalid Supplies, 1408 FARNAM ST. B''atiw mr- tu- -r- Plowing in January ,Tl . ra ! 'v I D-HT : 4 The farmer in the Southwest is plowing in January and Febru- ary. He lives an out-door life the entire year, and it never shut in bf blizzards and the like. Snow is almost unknown and it is seldom cold enough to freeze. He has none of the hardships of winter td bear. He does not have to build expensive barns for his stock, nor does he have to feed and s)elter them all winter. Neither does he have to remain idle half the year. The Southwestern farmer has all the best of you. Besides avoiding all the discomforts and expenses of winter he has bought his land for a small part of what yours cost, and he can often raise two and three good crops on it. Why don't you leave the cold winters and become a South western farmer yourself? You can get a big farm in the Southwest for what a small farm costs in your state. In a few short years this cheap Southwestern farm will become a high-priced farm in a highly prosperous, closely settled community. Now is the very best time for you to move to the Southwest. Two or three years hence you will have to pay more for your land. The lew rat ess I via tn Rack Wlann - W nacb sMBta: artar van aa aaaarnanir Taka tk'm sspnliinitr t mi frvin U wmbmi im wsavwun iwbw m i he vine- Ijtt me send yon some Interesting literature about the Southwest to read thes Ion evening. Our books about Missouri. K annas, Arkansas and Oklahoma ar full of photographs and reliable inform ationthe very information a man thinking of settling lo on of thus states ought to. bar. I'll send you absolutely (re any ot the books you want. Th Rock Island-Frisco Lines bav no lands for sale and ar only Interested ln getting good, energetic settlers for th fertile unoccupied lands alocg their Hues. Ta such men every beip possible is freely given. Writ today and let us help yon find a better location. JOHN SEBASTIAN. Pas. Traffic Mgr. Rock Island -Frisco Lines and Chicago Eastern Illinois R. R. 1154 La Salle Straet Station, Chicago or 11 S3 Frisco Building. St Louis. W m v SIS k$ftf,&?uf? 8. E. Cor. TE3 Decisive Reductions on seasonable goods for Men FRIDAY Men's Underwear $1.25 and $1.09 UNDERWEAR. Reduced to 89c ' Ftn derby ribbed, flat natural wool and French me rino shirts and drawers Reduced to Men's Caps 950. atl nn Ji FUR CAPS Caps up AC !o $2.00 . . VOj 50c and 75c Qfl a caps at . . . utL Men's For Gloves 25 OFF SI. SO and 92.00 MUFFLE RS Who Likes Lemon Pie? Everyhody, but they are expensive and hard to make in the old way. You BhoilM try at onoe. "QUR-PIE" Preparation for dfllloloua hemnn pies. It I made from the choicest Ingredients, absolutely pure. Hurt to please you, as It has thousands of others. A lady Bays: "I will mjver again try to mako Lemon pie In the old wsv while I can get "OrR-PIB" Preparation.'' Kucli packagu'enough for two large pies. 10 cents. READ THE BEST PAPER The Omnnn Daily Be. ' IV i B.nakvri'.1 ' . in the Southwest. Frisc Unas an the firat mud thk-A Tu.U... so aaa ua 9autbwea-a vary bttle ot. ald far a few day, and eajay U aalishtfal MEN CUR.ED 5 FOR W WE CURE. THEN OV PAT XB OUR FB Estsbllguvd la Omaha II Years. CTCJCrp? Consultation r nuU and Examination. Writ (or Symptom Blank for Horn Troatmsai. W an- m 'V W naW -nans-- -mm mm Wjr mB 14th and Doug. Sts., Omaha, Nek