THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 22. IPO?. - REALr ESTATE -rn i hmch i.t roR i.r ' .Mtnaooa-roallnoed. fHKAP . tnn snd homes n th. south. SMT4 ys'iics Sr.- s.Jv, ip,n through man- .. UKftJIil ani iti !ilt;tfal development . oT JV.. e.1 mjj.l I'll tafl rHlt-.""(" , 5"'' """-' . if;'? or-nlng for dnlrvmcn Trm-k r.n- I a-i VrJl" 'T"".',.". m"rkr"; .-nd tmrii..rntin fncllti" . Towns and I CMff Itirraa na: In population and wealth, i 1'Ut.licaUoos eilng detailed lnf.rn-nti DIH'O Jfnul to M. V. Plcr-aros. Land and ti-iufirlHl Arent.. Southern wn--. . VWamfliigton. ). C. ) M.17 -x REAL ESTATE1 FOR RENT ' Fas-tH ton Kasrrk Loads far Rnt. "e r ' t. lJ'i'ArtBF.S U "miles rt of tiodse road. Oooit tnipTDriunt, about Vi acm ps Tur, W acres corn land, TO seres must be .put. In," oata and . seeded down this yesr. ,'iHfr will fqrnlth gr seed. Rental. JT"5 t" y)j .35 atria at Hat and Idt;e gwl 4 rnom tivti. nam. suitable for email dairy fnrm. Rental K" per moniH. . acres on West Iodae road, nes Ala . mlta Lniry farm, large house, barn and , oiH,3! -acres of .pasture. Rental H per GEORGE . TTO., IS Fsrnsm Hi . - -, . til !-. 22 : REAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY- Lran on Improved city slAte- Iorm for huUdlng purposes. real Nc delay. vCssh on hand. . ; W. H. .THOMAS, '. ' '. lug First National Bank Bldg. . t- - r . .-'V ? v -. ;. i 1 .--. ' .:. t22 Ml fix llWta I1O.0W raada promptly. F. p. Wcad. - WnJ-ilmlf... Uli mil iarmam. - A.- .1 . ti2). M34 WANTED-rCtty toaos. PeUra Trust Co. - . :j sin JUfNEY TO liOAN-Payna Investment Co. . i i t .- ' . (J 1352 I.OA N8 Improvad Omaha property. : O'Keaf i E. Ca.. 13 N. Y. Life Hhi. miVATK MONET-NO DttLAV. GARVLN BR03.. 1M FAR NAM. ' . .' u-. (1-ti4 .1 ' FRTVATE money to loan; no delays. J. H, Sherwood, 616-617 Urande:s Bldg. - , .... , , - c.-Ii-MH) 1XJWEST RATi-Bmts, paxton Block. FRIVATE. money ta loan on Improved real estate - N. -ri.. Dodnt k Co.. 1714 Far-nan-iiC-.- 1st prtVate MONET-CABH (X IIANn . . NO DELAT' J. H. HITMEN. Vt-i 1ST ' V A'. BANK BLIXi. TEU 1K11HJ 4H11. (221 MStl , City loan and warra Smith k Oo.. 1220 F WAKTEO nts. V. mam 5t. Faruam (22)-X WANTED TO BUY WANTED Td buy second-hand furniture, .cook and twaring stoves. carpets, line- ' leumk, office furniture, old clothes anil " shoes, piano.' reaihor. bed pllKiws. qu Iti - and -all kinds of tools; or will buy th lurnUura of your house complete. Tl-s "htKbet -price. paeJ. Call the right man. Tel loug. S7J.. - S) M774 Feb 4 eBCOND-liAND feed sscks. No amevm) too larga or Alio small. Wagner. S1 N. 1. . : ,-: .. t)-ii: CAnH raid for second-hand clothing, noes, etc ius N. -ISt h St. Tet Red SM. . tz SO WANTKIi To buy. second-hand furniture. cwek and wealing stoves, carpels. Uno - leu ma, of flee f urnlt ure. old cloihes knd shoea, pianos, f.ttier. bed pillows. Quilt, and all kinds of tools; or will buy the furniture of your house V-ompl-te, the highest prices raid. Call the right rown. Tel. Doug. 71. 2.H-MMl Fi 1 1- n'AVT t twiy stock of general Bierclian dWw fre.T W!Hi;' twyt hfare - O. W. Woodward, Bayard, la. t t2nl-M!M Feh. 5x ' WANTED TO RENT - WANTED lo -ent 6 or i-nnin furnished house, must be modern and In good neigh borhood; cau give good references. Tel. Ilail.ey 3S8. uill MSi Six WANTEli Hy bachelor, one or two un furnished rooms, south side. Address 1 tdi care Bee. - till MM 24 WANTED SITUATIONS DAT WOMEN furnished free if charge. Telephone Dougias 1112. (Ji)-ii: . . WA WTED Position as engineer or firo- man. 4 yekra' experience with refcreucea. f. O. Hox 4KS, llaveloik. Neb. Beil 'phune .No.' FVUW. t27)-MS8j iix SITUATION WANTED Married man, 30. i years bookkeeping. cashier, wants -position as bookkeeper or genersl olflce oik, raiUoad experience, etc. C 82s, .care Bee. . UT ) Mtl7 tix WANTED Work of sny kind by colored . gentleman; can give good references. Art--. ; drt'V care Bee. . (27) M.3K4 2x A STANDARD newspaper man. practical .'" . IJrinler, good '.habits, owns . typewritei. ...'rin keep, books.' wants ernploymtnt at ,'. ntriinaj he Is -capable of doing. Will not quarrel about salary. Address R. P. , T. ltU Locnaj. St. t27 7j 22 rJfITlON wanted aa manager or clerk. 11 , .years experience la general and depart -stores; reasonable was; best of refer : .ences; a worker. Box &, Hubbard. Neb. ; t2Tl MMW25X WANTED Tli ree. or four furnished rooms for light .housekeeping by man and lft; '.good ntighborhood. state price; reler . -incest. Address J-KM, .care Bee. . (ZT M7 22x SrOl'Na man wants work of anv kind; best refecenceiV Address M UT care of Hee "- ' ... CT)-Mliw YOmO'mtB desires plsce to work for board jrhlle .going to school. Bovles col- . jegt;. T aieiJuiie upugias ISM. 27) S . REAL' ESTATE TRANSFERS. , Oak, C. Rrdtck to Franlt Benbow. lot . i ikck. 2. Clark Ridiik aoauiou J C'.i Janus 8 Cameron and wife to K. E. babbitt.. Jut ,1s. block 10. Bi Ikks place ....4 .'...- 5.w e Charles. T. Joiw-.s.m and w ife to James F. Kaall, lot 1. block 1, Buriiliam ' P'ce 1 iaatlngs & Hoyden to Maud E. Fln iey. lot 2. Hastings A llryden s Third addiuon- . i;i , Ved:JJ.- Wea tint -!Te to Willow -t Spring' brewing Co., eS. n. irlug ' Place . reserve .......r f... H. ,' Hay ward and wue tu mini-, lot - . -block Orandview ; Frank A. J-Siray, county trcusuier. to H. V. Hayward. aaiue - Xura. F tiUwt and liusUaiiJ, t J. ' dure ,F. Csaiierun, lots 4 and i, blixrk 1. De .Bolt place 6iV "Willws 1U Russell and wire to Sallle - M. HurUMi. lota 11 aud 12. block JV Halcjroii. HnJgiils-. 1.... l.OTJ ' . 4 l. vieyi aixl w ir- to t narles w. . BrtiM). iMJ-t UA . block . Park irr. Kallkrne K. Voodirth and bus-tMLndta-W. T..llet and wife, lot 11. - iiluvk.i. Creiglrton Heigbta . ' J. l V(lto te Frank Zielinski. Um a, klo k i Burluigloa tVutej- . . , L,M J. Jillnem III aainr, lm Jt. biuilc 1.-Lurlir.gtog CVt'ter ..." If A .S'.,UU.. L- ft VA,w...K. 25 1W Ti ti ... - - - ' . .V ' rt. .. in -.I'll.-. - nlj. lots U and il. block 2. Orchard Hill 1.0 ed E. Munn et aL la Mary M. Muiui, lot k. block i, Sate Cliv park 1 Secuiltj Ipveatmcni Co- lo Jeff W. . Hedfjd Co.- undivided 4-loo Tut , . -j Mm k ,.4C, GraiHiview :Toij;... I17.W D. C. SCOTT. D. V S. Saceae. t Dr. 11 t Ramacciottl t ACaXrrAwT STATS ttte &4 maapltaV S810 -CalU PrenajLlx Answered at All Hours. TMaraFOmsi Ranter - prsa Jsiifisj tjua, ' Czilx, Cel. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO BR1I;F.' CONTRACTORS. Brldt Builders and ststeitel Jsen Julee tur. Coin., Jan. 7. 1. Pealed proposals 'wiil be received by tbe Board of Count y Commissioners of Seia:wick ooMnty. Colo rado, up lo 11 o rlH k noon of f ne tlh Hsy ni ymuary.-li, ror u:e complex rnnFinn- across a portion of the Souih' Plane river. ,,.,,,.. .v. i i,. Stat- bring- at Joleeburg to the south bank 0f lh pJ,h p,t((. Sealed prop,.; will be received bi th Hoard of County Commissioners of Ps;- wm-k county, oloraTO. up lo IZ o rioca noon of the rrth da of January, 1. for the ftrrnlahlns; of all material to rmlld a jilo bridge alnnit l.flfiO feel n. said ma lrlal to be delivered at thi north end of tliat portina of the Btata bndae now tnillt at JulesMirft, i.'olorado, acrvaa U-a Schiq Pl'te river. Heal-d proprsAls will altvo 1-e retired by said board up to 12 o'clock noon of the 2Tiii day of January. I!1. for the building nd furnlahlna of all labor In the bulldtr. of a bridge about L' feet Ions; across potttoo of the Boil I ii. Platte river, estend lr, from the south end of the nee Fiat bride at Julrsburt; to the south bank of the South Platte river. All proposals to be filed with the oounty clerk, at her offlre In Juleshursr. Colorado, a which office further Information In re gard to snich bridee and nrt and a cry of the plana and aperjf Ir-attons and amount of masrrlaT required for said bridge will be kept and can be een by any person inrerestrn. . . The said Board of County Commissioners re-erres the rtght to reject any and all bids offered. Ry order of the Board of County Com mlsfionei of Bedrwlck county, Colorado. By C. W. WHITE, Chairman. j-odirt RAILROAD TIMg CARD I-IO.N BTATIO laj AKO M1RCT, I nloa Pacific' theatre. Arrive. The Overland Limited.. a t W am a t prn The Colorado Express, .a IM ptn a t -OA pm Atlantto Expresa alO lS am The Oregon KxpreKS a 4:10 pro a i: pm 1 he Loa Angeles Llm al!:.5 pin a H is pm The nt Mall rf.a jim a l pm The China Jnrsn Mail a4 00 pm a 6 0 pm Colo-Cboao Special. ...Ulilt am i 7:3 in) Reat'e &. Stroms'g l.'cal.bl2 30 pm b 1:) pin North Platte Local a 7.42 am a 4:46 pm Calcaajo, Rwrk laUsjal t Paelfie. KA8T. Chicago Limited . a 5 00 am all ( pm Iowa Local a 7 On am a A. 30 pm L'es Molnea Passenger. .a 4:1 pm all:a pm Iowa Lor a I bll-W am b M pni Chicago (Eastern Ex). .a 4:40 pm a 1:16 pm Chkag o flyer a :19 pea a t:3S ara "WEST- Ricky Mountain L't J- all Upm a 2 to am Solo, knd Cal. Ea .'a l:lw psn a 4 J pro kl. and Teias Exp.... pm a l:i psa (hleaaa V Nsrtkwrntfra, Chtcsgo r-ayllght a 7:25 am all:! pm Si. f'aul-Minn. xpiasa.a 7:5) am al0:P4) pm Chicago J.ocal all 10 am 1 1:3 pra fiioux -'ily passengor...a 7 :a0 all 1:11 ptn Chicago Passenger a 4:i pm a t:ib am Chicago Special a ( 06 pm a 1:12 am Bt. I'aul-Mlnn. Llmltetl.a l: pnt a H:0 am Loa Angtiles Limued....a M pml all. a pra Overland LlmlUA ai0.' pm a r:a am Fast Mali. a :04 am Sioux t liy Local.... rant Mall.. Twin Cltr Mmttd.. Norfolk - Bonsteel. ..a i t" ptn a M am . a l .ft pm ..l I A pin a 1:09 am ..a 7:fcO am a f .40 pm ,.b 7:H am aid Jt am 1 Lincoln-Long Pine... Deadwood . Lincoln a !:A pm a 1:40 pm Casrer - Shoshonl a S:in pm a a 40 pm lrn!inc - !(iinwlnr b S:C r.n b $:4n Dm ! Fremont - Albion b 1:1 pm b 1:3 pm I nni ! . 1 Cnh ago Expresa a : am a I: pm I Minn, ar 8t. Paul E..b7:15am a :i pm ! Chicago limited... ...... .a :) pm a :!9 am i Minn, at St. Iaul Lintd.a I S) pm a l: am Chlcaita Great Waatera. 6t. Paul-Mlraeapolls tM ptn .7 SO am Jl:36 pm i:I7 am 31 pra 1 :30 pm i ft. Paul-Mumeapeiis Chicago Limited 7 t o pra T:M nnt I pra I Chicago Ksprtsa, Chlcato Express Missoarl Partfla. K. C. at fit. ll Exp... K. C. at St. L-Exp... Wabask. ' .a 00 am a 1:41 aie .all: 16 pm a I M pra :a 6.k pm a I JO ara BI. Louis KxpifSS. ti l,uia lM-al (from ' Council Blaffai a JO am all:li pra Stiinberry Local tfrom ' Council Bluffs). ....... .b t:0O pm blO:li am t b-tcago, Hllnaskts 4k mt. IaaL Chic, at Colo. Special,. .a am ailQpaB A. UJ. juxtraa,.... i.W jim , a !. pat Overland Linutu ..... :ia pm a IJWtm perty Local ......... a l.ii iia aU.iu am BVBL15IGTOX ITA. Uarliantoa. -10TM MASON. Leave. Arrive. Denver & California Norrhwesl Special .. Black Hills Northwest Express . Nebraska points .... ...a 4:1 pm a 14 pm a 410 pm a 144 pm a 4:ltl pm a in pm . all . W pm ..a 1:46 am 10:11 cm a 1:13 pm ..a 15 am a t l pm l , Nebraska Express .. Fast Mail.... .o i: pm ai:':n pra i . b im S10:li Bra Lincoln lAxai Lincoln Local Lincoln Local Schuyler - Plattsmouth.b 1:10 pra Bel evue - Plattsmouth.a I M pm platisniotith-lowa b :H am hellevut-Plattsmouth a 7:w pm bl0:8u am a k:5Q am ! IVso prn a 7:2o am Denver l.imueu .........a i:iv pm i Cl'.icagd Siclal. ......... a 7;40 am all:4o pin I'hloku Exuieas ...a i.zv pm a I k pm Chicago Flyer a :W pin a 8:30 am Iowa Local a t:a am alt:!') am Bt. Louis Expiess a 4:46 pm am Ksnras City & Ft. Joe..al0:46 pm a 4 ) am Kansas Cltv ti Et. Jo..a 1:15 am a 4:10 nm Kansas at si. uo..s s.wpia WEBSTER ITAe- 10TH WEBSTER. Cblcago, St. Pawl, Mlaaeapella 4k Omaha. Leave. . Arrive. Twin City Passenger ...b 4: am b S.10 pm Sioux City Passenger. ..a 2:05 pm al:.V am Kmerton Local c 1:41 am e pm Miaaearl PaeUle. . Auburn Local b t:9 pm bll:23 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only, d Dally except Saturday. Dally ti ept Monday nuay. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS cxvAxxrs avzsa t tkm abaio t il ''""'sssaus. fjn 10 THE ORIENi r'tbrsarr 4 ta A Ml IT. IMS. ItvtBlr -oUac onlf 4S St sn a. Iscla4ls( aasra sirarslcn sPgi'AI. rSATURKS: aimn '-dti. Senile: Alsisni. Hslis. it (Mrs la ast aae ! ik Holr Laa4. rntDiii!p:, Akot ftssis, tae siiifti. eic. iuiih b.iu atia would. -4(1 TOIKS 1 IH'KOPK etsst cssiprehtitslTS snl attrsetlve ever sftseec, r. C CLAksw fiaia Bias, ht Vofk. , - . DIM lot CAI1ADIA!! PACIFIC Empress Xdns ef the Atlantic. Th.i.l C!ss Rales on Expresses - .l-s.50. Chicago to Liverpool. 110.25. Chl- cago to S nrs.llmvla. 113.25. Chicago to inland. 117. 0. Chicago, to Hamburg. Bre- Rooms reserved. Write Hl-ll. AHlWlTfl, for lr.foi piatlor O. B. BEsTJAltXsT. CHm. A-t 33 So. Clark St, Caioago. Ill DANCER LEAVES BIG ESTATE t'et Beglaa far ZOO.POO Wertk ot Property Left ky 'Llt .. . " Egyg.1." NEW YORK. Jan. 21-Fred Hamlin of the banking firm of Hamlin A .Co., of East Bloomfield. N. T. has appllc-d for letter of administration fin- the estate of Catherine, Devine. tl.e "Little Ea-ypf of Seeley dinner fame, who died alone In hrr, f at .in West Thirty. aeveglii street two weeks sgo. Mr- Hamlin asserts that l.e married the dancer nearly twelve years ago. Thg relatives of the dancer wl.l fight Hamlin's claim. The estate Is estimated at. 200.0n. A th J time of "Little Egypt a" d.ath It was not generally supposed Uiat she had left a fortune. An investigation, however, developed the fact that she j owned real estate, cot only In Nvw j V.ork. but ia Lenj laland. Canada and I New. Jersey. In addition-she had sev ' i ral bank accounts and much valuable jewelry. She bad been oa the stage for mora than twenty years, and her Income after the Seeley dinner., it I said, ayeraged' nearly fl.tOO a week FEATURES FOR BOWLING MEET Committee Ananfinp; for Kumbtr of rriiei for Women. CANADIAN BOWIXES TO C0X social tlaaa la Be Provide far Xn Wks Have Made Perfeet acwree Maay Eatrlea Caa- . last 1 ' v CINCINNATI. O. Jan. 21-SpeclJ matches will receive the attention of tha tournament committee of the American Bowling congress this week, according to a statement after the erfieal of Secretary A. L. Langiry from Mllwaukes today ta begla work on the various preliminary de tails. President Herman declared hlm sel in favor of speciat features because the public wanted diversion from straight bowling. He ssld: -There are several special features that have been suggested, and If possible, all of them will be staged. Of course, the big etra attraction at the tournament will le the bowling of various women's clubav for cash prises, hats, te. Kalt In Importance and some uhgallant people will say that It really Is more Important than the wome'n'e contest Is the big In ternat'.onal championship match between the chstnolons of the National Bowling association, the Canadian Bowling associa tion, the Western Bowling association and the American Bowling congress. Claaa fee-Base Ball Players. Then there will be bass ball players events, limited to five men, teams, made up entirely 6f bsse Ball plsyers. While no prise ha been fixed for this event as yet. It will be decided upon this week. Presumably there also will be prises for two men base ball tesms and Individual base ball players. "Another special event that we are con sidering Is an Individual match ofbowlera. who have made V There are to bowl ers in Fort Wsyne who recently made perfect scores; Indlsnapolls also claims one or two; Cincinnati hss two and now comes Philadelphia with a J00 man of the Tuxedo team, which w ill be entered tn bur tourna ment. It seems to be that a special prixe ought to be offered to get these stars rn.tnr in a match and If It can possibly be done this feature will be added to -The tourney." Eathaalaaaa la General. Secretary Langtrj reports that S00 teams of five men each wUl be entered and that there Is much enthusiasm already over the cmina- tournament. In the west, he said. comn. ,Uu,.....-.v. -"--: the Interest reaches as fsr as Omaha and as far east as New York. air. Lngiry Mr. says thst Milwsuke will send at least eight five-men teams and that there Is some talk, of making a bid for the 1H meet. In opposition to Detroit and Pitts burg, both o fwhlch are after the next tournameot. New entries for the tourney were received from Cleveland and Louis ville Mondsy. and the application ot tlje Peoria.- 111., city association, with sixteen clubs, fof membership In the Americsn Bowling congress, awaits action. WITH THE BOWLERS. Tie Beed Brothers" team won two gsmea from the Benoa at the Assoclstlsm alleys lsst nlnht. Tom Reynolds hsd both tpo high single gsme snd totsl with 4 1 end 4u4 TDnlghtr8 teams sre lh Btori Blues sod Gate City. Score: BENOS. lit. 2d. Id. Total. Gardiner 143 16 171 471 Chaugstrom i 14 1M 4mu Frewdson ' hlnrlchs m V. J s Total 71s " k REED BROTHERS. 754 1904 1st. . 164 . 1 . 1W . 2 . 1&: :d. 151 li 134 ail im M. Total Griffiths A. C. Reed .... EdlSHI Reynolds H. D. Reed... 14 1 454 6t3 440 o4 44 IM 1M 149 Totals Ml 114 Hi 2.490 Tlw Jetter Gold. Tops rsn up against .a snag last night on the Metropolitan alleys when the Dally News. won two out of three games, the last one by Just one lonely pin, and to bill Patterson belongs the credit for picking up a hard split. Cyclone Slawson waa the high man for the evening, with 671. while Grotte had high single gsme, with 201. Tonight the Lemp's Fslstaffs against Walter G. Clarks. Score: DAILT NEW. 1st. 2d. Jd. Totsl. 181 li iTl 142 1S7 W12 14S 1S1 41 122 InS 441 1; 172 47i 757 147 1441 TOPS. 2d. 3d. Total. 1H5 HI 4S2 172 14 i2u 15S 1T0 ! m 171 Ki 201 1T3 il US 2.5S12 Slawsoa ITS 153 1A U4 : Martin Matthes Rice I Patterson Totals 24 JETTER GOLD TOPS 1st. Prlinau. H. Prlmau. C. Foley Collin Grotte ToUls ... 1M 154 157 lei IS 137 The CsLns Stars tooli another Sump to ward the top last night, when they took two games from the Eclipse team. Cains' Stars will play a double header tonight and If they taake two In the second series ) It will put them well up In the rsce. Weyniueller wss high msn for hip team, j with III total and IS? singled Bishop was hte-h for his team, with a total of 4 Tonight the Cubs and Ortrnan's Stais will play. Score: CAINS' STARS. 1st. 2d. Id Totsl. Csln 1H 1 . 154 4"4 Bishop 159 l 143 44 Strsw 121 ill ' 1J9 tH Total 441 4 434 1.X.H ECLIPSE. lst. Id. Id Totsl. Weyniueller li 1 171 m 651 Ritchie 15 142 13 417 Hsster 129 141 145 t' Totls 445 445 t3 1 171 gl.OSSOX WIXS THE FIFTH GAME flatten Slakes Illgtk Kan, knt I.eses, 40 S8. NEW YORK. Jan. il-By a ecore of 4c0 to !CJ. eore F. Slosson of New York de feated George Sutton of Chicago In the fifth f' cf the 1.8 1 b,. "ne billiards 111 CIUWIH urnij IUUIIIHI. Su'toiv, by splendid nursing rsn 151 points In his third Inning and maintained a lead of over lot) points up to the end ot the tenth inning. Slosson msle 1(4 in hi fourth Inning and with 125 In the fourteenth .was within 4 points of the winning total. By mutual agreement three two exports will, play e4 point gsmes during the remainder ot the week. Slosson s highest runs were 13. K4 and 41. with an average of 25, Sutton es best efforts being productive ot 151. 62 and U. with an average et 22 7-11. Fern eraal Wins Gssie. lERl Neb.. Jan. 21.-Speiial.)-The Slate Normal of Peru defeated Humboldt High school In a bssket ball game tier. Saturday evening. It score wss 4o to 27 Humboldt put up a strong fight at all times, but was unable in keep the norma bova fim scoring when ecoies were reeded. Before the bssket ball game the senior girls detested the junior gr!s In an exclt. lng gania of Indoor base ball. Score, 10 to I Lineup, firel game: - , - KOtSiL.. . Hl'MBOLnT ivaet, (C.i -r .st Myses W.lf lrt KMsatMnrar r rW Hk S 10 gors Tolhum O'G Jasms (C.) Coins 0 1 Referee: Voegaleln, Humboldt. I'mplre: Beugslon, Peru. Tearaasseat In Fekraary. NEW TORK. Jan. a -The commlitee In charge of the acliedule for court games set the rscquet championship tournament f r the Busun Tennis and Racquet club courts beginning February 11. The ciurt tenuis chauipionatiln wlil be held ea the court a r the New Wk club begiuniag' AvrJ Crsrl E Ssnds. JoJriri Crane. Tlerre Lortnurd. Jr.. ami Ktnadon Hould'Sfin be among- thoee who will try lo wreM the title from Jarrs O-wld. Kttsc H. Mllca. from whom Mr. Oould won the F.nahsh championship has been Invited to take part In the tournament. ' VKWT9 O THE Rl VMXl TRACKS Mlshaft Marks RrtisrsUs ef f My Park Track at ew Orleaae. NEW ORLKANS. La.. Jan. il The City Park track rrpen. today for the third meeting Jockey licit. -who had the mount on Thespian in the stceplochaee. had his ollartmni broken- wla n Thespian Ml. the lioree being so badiy injured that he had to be killed. (iimmtrT: First rare. three fnrlone- rlleheth Ilarwood IIH, Koerncr. to II 'on: Helen Kidder dir. V. Oit. to I) second; Ineia (lit, le. to 11 third. Time: .;. Csthertne Caldwell. Idy Phllton. Nancy Biues, Mrs. Will Guild. Mtramaa Miller. Ruftcana. Mtss Imoaene, Catherine T. Miss Highland. May I-ee. Lady Vassal and Freda W also ran, (lecO'ld rav-e. steetle'hSae Ihnrl rniirsr Coal Plsck Lady HIS. Man.1. 5 to 1) won; McAllister 4127..-U. Helder. to li second: Captain Jarrel Yourell. to 11 third. Time. !:. Oold Circle. Parcle. Jim Hunt. Woodelng. Monte Carlo, oault. Bell me i-si. tlraceland. J. Ed. Grlllo. Roxy B. and Thespian also rsn. Third raee. six furlongs, selling: Gibson GOT. Powers. to li won; Jack Bratton I14. lelbert. 7 to II second: Uincu M Menrv to I third. Time: 1:1 -Ha. Abe Mover. Brsden. I snd Breese. Flowaway, BUrk Mantilla. Western Duke. Otto Man, Zinfan del. Lieshon, Ablngton and Lord Tike also ran. Fonrth rare, purse handicap seven fur longs: Jack Atkins (1S4. Iee. 4 to il won; Jacobite M. Nottef 4', to 1) second; Pas adena 112. Powers. '17 to li third. Time: 1:27. Comedienne. al Ben. Teo Bach and St. Beltane also ran. Fifth race, one mile and a sixteenth, sell ing: Severn s 1fl6. Notter 11 to il won: Jlans (106. Lelbert. 10 to it second; Miss Matsonl (PS. Torke. 1V to n third. Time: I:41H. Jennies Beau. Arrowsmlft. Pbado. nioa. Moscow Belle, Orena. Brskee- Peare, Bitter Man. George H. White. Moxey ana r lonaa Mien aiao ran. Sixth race, one mile snd an eighth, sell tna: Orlv II riA. I t to k mnn- nonn. Gf. McDanlel. 20 to 1) Second; 1 Jincast r'a4 i-i. coxier, s to i) tmra. Time: 1 :&s Beau Brummet. Dr., McCleur, Lord Stan hope and Nsncy slso ran. . OAKLAND. Cel.. Jan. 31. Bummarv: Urst race, futurity course. selling: Brsvoure (ST, Walsh. 10 to II won: Mitre 1K6. McClaln. even) second; Jockey Mounce tstv. Charbonneau. 11 to li tlilrd. Time: 11 J. Silver Sue. To San. Fern L. Transmute. Confessor. Whiskers. Sycamore, Oalveston Ian. Mrs. Matthews, and Judge also rsn. Second race, three furlongs, purse: Work Box 11)0, Keogh, 4 to H won: Who (111. Miller, t to 2) second; Madrilone (IfM. Fischer, ! to li third. Time: 0 JTH BUI Eaton. Narrator. Haselet. Johnny While. Promethua. Sir Davy. Tool Box also ran. Third rare, one mile and a furlong, sell ing: Mandator (114. Miller. 7 to 10 won; Prinre of Orange 101. Lvciirgus. 25 to ll second: Beechwood 111. Hayes. 7 to 1) third. Time: 1:MV. Funnvside. Matador. Talamund. Captain,- Hale, George Kilborn also ran. Fourth race, seven, furlongs, purse; Gem rrcll ill 4 Pavis, 7 o ii'wnn. Msssa (!) Keoirh. 10 to 1 1 second. Blily Pullman (89, Walsh. !) to 11 third. Time: 1:2V Wing Ting. Fin-on. Grace Q.. Psjorlla and Ilmkv also ran. Fifth race, on mile, purs: Rister Frsn- cea H4. Rice. 10 to ll.wori. Plausible nl Klrsrhhaum. 7 to li second. Colonel Whit t1l IIIW. Ml r S to IPl third Time: t:4lA Ramus, Rannoael. Fnlleretta. Joe NeaJon and Monoco Meld also ran. Sixth race, one mile, selling: Iord Fill grane (102. Miller I toil won. Bsrdonia. Hrt. Banday, 10 to 1 aecond. Jack Paine, no; tuioert. 15 to li third. Time. 1:45H. Crvstal Whvo. Cory t 'is. Catherine F.. Astoria Belle-, Iakeview. Wolfville, Wsrden Tell, rsn. LOS ANGELES. Jsn. Il.-Bants Anita park summary: First race, seven furlongs, purse: Jane Swift. (115. Burns. 1 to Si won. Daltv. MOT Rows. 40 to 11 second. Vtllev Stream (107. Dugan. I to 1) thh-d. Time:' 1:27.' Dixon Belle. Barbetts. Aouillne. ran. x8-cond race, 'three furlongs, selling: Thunder Hill. (lCi. Pclullng. I to 11 won. May D'cndonne. line. Rurns 4 to i) second. Annie Wi lls nos. Archibald. 12 to ll third. Time :S5XJ. Iarrey, Mulligan. Catra. Colick, Minature. Mr. Blshcp. Mores also ran. Third race, five and a half furlongs, nurse: Mary F., HO. Dugan. 9 to i) won. Esehante.. 112. Schilling. I to kl second. Don Domn 1S. Prestoti, 7 to 1 third. Time: 1:06K. Renshaw. Nattie Bumrno. Sly Ben. Al. IJndlV Aelbert Belle also ran. ,. Fourth race, aix and 4 lialf furlongs, free handlcaaU.'.Sir. leaxl.(U6. S lUlliii. to li won, MaasinsKllR. Burns,: ti to 11 second. Creston MM Dunn. 7 to 11 -third Time. 1:19. Msgaaine- and Mark Anthony II counled In betting. Mark Anthonyli, Col onel Rob. Nettle Hicks also ran. Fifth race, one mn. selllnr: Crenns Beck ham f!12. Taylor. to 11 won. Tsxer tl12. Preston. 4 te 11 aarond. Faatoso (112. Schil ling. 15 to 11 third. Time. 1:40. Sink Spring. Meddling Daisy, John 1. Rogers. Rustling Bilk. Alsrv t anflelmaa. Kile. Hadly Used. leasn and KuropatKin also ran. Sixth race, one -mile, selling: Csnlo,ue (107. Milsno. t to li Won. Alma Rov (112. Bolsnd. 5 to 11 -second. I.adv Chiswel illft. Bums. 2 to ll third.- Time. 1:40. Homeless. Lucky Led. Silver Skin, Box Elder, Era. Gentle Harry, Colonel Jewell, Cinnuhar Audrelle ran. BICYCLE HErOBD IS BROKE Folger Hldea Ttirty.lx Miles anal even Lstps on Twelve-Lap Track. KAN3AS CITY, Mo, Jan. 21 A world s record was broken during the first hour of the six-dsy bicycle- race this afternoon when Si miles and 7 -lsps were made on a 11 lap track In Convention hall. The pre vious record for one hour wan 3 miles and laps on a 10 lap track. Fogler. of the team of Root snd Fogler, set a dlszv pace aa leaders during the first hour, and Bls tab. ot the team of Monroe and Bistab. and Stenhouse. who was riding with Mor gan, were distanced during the first fifteen minutes snd both dropped out of the rsce. Monroe and XI orgs n wfll each ride alone, being given a handicap of fifty miles, or l.jryi lapa for the six days. There were several bad spills during the day. but no one was hurt. At the end of three hours' riding the five leading teams had msde 72 miles flat. The standing of the teams at 11 p. m . when the racing closed for the day. waa as follows: Root-Fogler. 14 mlleq 7 sns:Lwnn Moran. 164 miles 7 Isps; Bardsett-Vlitten. 1.4 miles 7 lsps: Monroe. 137 miles in laps; Hopper-Holbrook. 14 miles T laps: Morgan. 1 mi'es 10 laps: Sherwood-Wiley. 114 Cities 7 lapa Fogler won the mile snrint in 1 mlnutra KAi seconds, being s length ahead ot Bardgett. Mlcklgaa Men Wine Skatac Rare. PITTSBL'RG. Pa.. Jsn. 21-Ollie Moore, of Charlevoix. Mich., won the grand final In the one mile event of the tournament being held here for the world's roller sk st ing championship, in a most exciting finish. The preliminaries for the final in the two-mile events will be started tomorrow night. The summaries tonight are: First Meat C. Hamilton. Boston, first; Joe Benson, St. Ijouls, second; Stan ley Holden. Lynn, Mass.. third. Time: IC Second Heat Earf Stanford. St. Louis, first; James Sweeney, St. Louis, second; Joe Gendron. Boston, third. Time: Irtil Thlrd Heat Ollte Moore. Charlevoix. Mich., first; Leo Jones. St. Louis, second; Rodney Peters, St. Louis, third. Time: Grsnd Final Ollle toore. first; Leo Jones, second ;' Hat-IBanford. third. Time: l: s port I as; Gossip. Joe Dolsn has nroved thst he s a bird of a shooter as well. Fsrmer Burns and Dr. Roller of Seattle, wrestle there Thursday night. Why don't War Eagle and Matt Simmer get together? The Indian weighs '.'kl snd the lowsn 250. Pst snd Frank Donahue, two brothera of the immortal "Jiggs" will play with Boston -Americana this season, Will Abe Attell show Frank is Nell any thing new when they .mct Jaouary 31 at Dreamland or will he not? ' McGrew atlll counts on Matbewenn as his premier pitclr. He thinks he will be bet ter this year even man in liwj. How could hs? The While Sax sre getting ready for thst cruise west which will make Robley Kvant et al look like summer fishing party. 'Jack Frost ot Selma. Ala., runs a want ad in Sporting News for a Job as third lase msn. He says b's a good l itter. That's belter (hsa Jack Frost of Omaha can say. He s slso out of c. Job, it seems. Ijeavtng Oileago ' February -, evidently to get the full force of the leap, Comiakey'a Sox will plsy seventy-fiye games on that weetbound voyage. Thua again the Old Roman will have surpassed the rest of the wijd. . The members of the Holly' Base Ball team bwld a card party and musicals Mon day evening at the home of Ieft Fielder breaaman. a number of the friends of tne kluul Bert McAudraaa mua ti ana iJlI team joining wun tnem. coamer- Murphy prtxe respectively. The decorations con sisted of the H'ly colors, red and Mack, with pennants .f all the leading collegea. Pick Rheperd of Minneapolis, llghtwelsht. who wrestles middle weight men. Is ready for a go wl'h some top-liner at the Audi torium, so he writes to Msnager Olllnn Manager Oilian Is now looking for the Other fellow. MeOlnnltv flr all. will play with the Giants next year. Who started that Puke about his being canned, anyway? Why. Mugxav said wive the Iron Man surren dered and signed. ""Now. I feel like start ing out for the season." NEBRASKA FROfrT DAY TO DAY Qaalat nasi t'arlewa Peat area eC Life la m Rapidly Grwwlnsr tat. Never Refuse Burle Hanly and NelS Nooman called at Simla Friday evening on their way to the dance. They refused an Invitation to supper, but were heard to say they were mighty hungry before sup- per was around at the dance. Never mind bbya. you must not be bsshful, hereaner when you are orrered an onion just u one. Bridgeport Blade (Simla Correspond ence). . New Cattle Food Torick Nlchola hsd quite en experience with a neighbor, who took up his herd of cattle numbering 110 head on a rock quarry he claimed In Scott's Bluff county, drove them to Sioux county and put them In a corral for ITS damage. Mr. Nichols got a writ of re plerln in Scott's Bluff county and took hla cattle. The question now before the Jury Is, how much rock did the cattle eat? Ger Ing Courier. New Washlady Quito a novel eight was witnessed on the streets here Saturday. It was thst of large string ot freshly washed clothes hanging on a line right on the principal business street of the town,. I'nnn investiaa tlon It wss found thst a demonstration of the good qualities of a washing machine was being held at the depsrtment store of a local firm, which drew a large crowd of Interested s peels tors, and all were very much Impressed with the manner snd esse with which the little wonder cleansed the dirtiest of linen. Nuckolls County Herald. Economy A msn dropped Into the Blsde office Mondsy, chuckling. As we csn no longer msil pspets with over a year's sub scription due on them, a few whoever behind mors than that were "laid off" from the 1st last week. It so hsppened ths man wss 'one of the number. The resson he chuckled wss because a bunch of sponger were In the habit of swooping down snd borrowing his paper almost before lie could get It open. They were on hand aa usual last week, but the paper wasn't, and our friend hsd a nice little laugh tn his sleeve watching the spongers skirmish around to find someone else's paper. Some folks are so "economlcsl" thst they look to most people like 10 cents. Coleridge Blade. .' Rsttled The story Is going the rounds as to a recent fire at the home of a Nebraska City couple. The wife was in fsvor of saving all the stuff possible from their burning building, and., with the flames roaring at their backs, they gathered to gether a few treasures and fled. When they Calmed down snd took a look at the rescued property, they discovered thst he had carried out a muff she wss saving for the wnahlady. a suit of his mother-in-law's union underwear, a stray kitten and four yards of Fourth of July bunting. The wife's share In the rescue wss rewarded by one of her husband's rubbers, a quilt that lay on the pile just next to the one that mother made, si hairpins fwhlch were In her mouth) aid the catalogue of STnsil order furniture store. The loss was declsred complete! Tecumseh Chleftstn. LIGHT. . ON' MURDER- MYSTERY Italian Discloses HiellasT Place mt Bodies of Tbree Persons Killed at Florence, Colo. FLORENCE, Colo., Jsn. II. The dead bodies of three of the- four Italians whose disappearance from this city in ths last three months hss baffled the polica were found today- burled at a distance of About 150 yards 'from the of Antonio Nsr nino, sllss Antonio Bavorl. who Is under srrest, charged with the murder ot four persons. The corpses sre those of Do minlo Minichello, who was a partner of Nernlno in a market gardening business; Ercola. Buf fettl. an employe at the garden, and Mrs. Frank Falmetto, who had been was cut from ear to ear and was held to the trunk by a mere thread. BuffettI had been struck on the head with a sharp implement, probably an axe, his skull being spilt open. The woman also hsd been killed by a blow on the head. A vigorous search Is now being msde tor the body of the fourth missing person, a brother of Minlnchelio. Nerlno disclosed the hiding place ot the bodies when taken to the scene of the crimes and threstened with Immediate hanging If he did not tell all that he knew about the murders. However, he declsred that the murders were committed . by Joseph Minichello, the missing man, and not by himself. THREE WOMEN CLAIM ESTATE Property of Boston Millionaire Given to Eldest of Ilia Alleged Widows. BOSTON. Mass., Jan. 21 An un usually sensational will case, in which three women claimed a widow's share of the estate of the late millionaire, Jo seph A. Greenough was decided by Judge George in the probste court today, tn favor of Mrs. Greenough No. 1, who, prior to her secret nisrriage to Green ough in 1874. was Miss Martha Higglns Judge George ordered a partial distri bution of ths estate, amounting to 1300. 000, to the first Mrs. Greenough uiy) the next of kin. i The first Mrs. Greenough claimed to lave been divorced from Greenough In Colorado In 1171. Judge Georffe held that as neither of the parties had domicile In Colorado St the time the di vorce waa granted, the divorce was ren dered null and void. The other two claimants for a widow's share of the estate were Mrs. Emma peaton-freenough. who now - bears the name, and who claims a public marriage to Greenough in 1115, and Mary M. Kerekes. a Hungarian artist of Philadel phia, who ssys she . was married to Greenough in 1151. NEGRO SURVIVES LYNCHING Man Haaaed by Mob al Dotbaa, Ala., " Cot Dost ai by OOleera and Locked I . DOTHAK. Ala.. Jan. 21 The negro. Grover Franklin, who last night wss taken away from Sheriff Butler and hla deputies and hanged to a tree. Is -again In the hands of the law and stands a chance for recovery. The mob last night was so closely followed by the officers snd law abiding citiaens determined if possible to avert the lynching that hey did not have lime to get their vk-tim outside the cor porate limits and hurriedly stringing him up to the first tree snd thinking they had riddled hlo with bullets, tied. On ths arrival of the officers the negro wss still alive and waa immediately cut down .and placed In eha county JaiL It ia thought he will recover. SUMMER CHEAPENS FISH Warm Weather Alio Lovers Price of Chicktm Below Beef. r CHANGE IN SEASONS ENTIRELY rkllsMipker aad Old-Tlsaer Take tke tireaal tkal emetklag Haa W reagkt Revelatlea siltk tke Weather. When the sglle mercury climbed twenty four rungs on Its ladder Monday, the mobile price pf fish and oysters, climbed down a button hole or two, and now both fish and poultry ar. cheaper thin beef. , Lent begin March 4. pust a year to (be dsy prior to Tafl's Inauguration. There Is plenty of time for the price of fish to ad vance again, but the reductions announced cover both fresh and salt fish. Robert Burns' birthday anniversary Is January ft. Finnan Haddlrs fra" th' north coast hare gone down to 11 cents per pound and they are finnan haddlea. too. Oysters which were selling for 55 cents per csn In the early winter have slumped to 40 cents per csn. while standards tn bulk ara offered for 11.35 per gallon and selects for $1.(5. The oyster season Is but hslf over, and the merchants predict that the present prices will run through the balance of the season. Snow frosen pickerel which brought 10 centa per pound Saturday, has been reduced to ( cents, while the genuine yellow pike which were In big demand at 14 cents per pound, are begging to cell for I cents or go back to the lake shore. The Missouri river being In dsnger of be ing converted into a ship canal, the catfish re coming to market from Manitoba, many of them fresh knd a car load were received In Omaha Monday night either frosen or fresh. But two varieties of fish are quoted at high prices. There is no choice between beef snd eels, the extra choice Norweglsn oels being quoted at 11 cents, while lob sters continue to bring S3 to 3 cents per pound. Passing of Winter Is Sad. A little, shabby, middle aged man en tered the lobby of a Farnam street hotel, sat down and drew a dilapidated notebook from his vest pocket. With a stubby pen cil he made a notation in It. Then he studied the page for a time with com placence. At last, a though unable to con tain his good feeling, he spoke to a man sitting near him. "Great weather this for January 21. ain't It?" ha said. The man consented cordially. Then lie nf the notebook showed the psge on which he hsd written. "I'm Just keepln' a little track of It." he said, modestly. "I've Just marked down what today Is snd It's a record breaker Saw men laying bricks today in thlr shirt sleeves sleeves rolled up. too. How's that for January 21 T What'll people say when w tell 'em forty yesrs from now? Won't have anything to match It, will they ? Not likely." The little man smirked comfortably snd csst his complacent eye again down the page on which ho hsd wrlttten. "There' the way the month lines up," he ssld. holding out the book to his neigh bor. This is what he had written: January 4 Thermometer 52 above gero at noon.' Boy running about barefooted. Ducks and geese flying north. Jsnusry 7 Quite summery. Women sit ting on front porches and. children playing about like In summer. Girls who got f-jrs for Christmas presents unsble to wear them. Would look -ridiculous. 'The' little-msn c'huchlcd as the-44ier handed back the book. -"Guess thst'l! hold the people In !!H all right, won't ItT he said. "I don't know," said the other. "They say th winters are getting milder all the time. Maybe they will have disappeared altogether by then." The man of the notebook seemed discon certed for a moment. He rubbed his hands together. "O, t. hope not. I hope not." he ssid. And then the embryonic: Oldest Inhabitant went away In a brown study. Tilling of Soil Does It. "Things have mightily changod In Ne braska within the last twenty years." said Judge J. N. Paul of St. Paul. Neb. "I can remember the time when our first thought after harvest was of migrating to some distant scene where the mercury did not drop clesr out of slgljt for a couple of months fn the winter and where bUtxartls did not tie up all kinds of trstflc. When my brother and 1 first came to Nebraska aa government surveyors In the early 'fins we landed In Omaha Just half an hour ahead ot an old-time Nebraska blisxard which kept us in our hoarding .house hug ging a red-hot stove for the next two days. We could not see halt way across the street, and when the storm was over there were drifts of snow forty feet high on Farnam street. Even twenty years ago those billiards thst made Nebraska fa mous were very much In evidence, snd Winter like the present one wss never hesrd of. As the soil has been broken up the climate hss changed and the mean rainfall hits incressed. In Howsrd county, where t have lived since 1870, our farmers rsfse fine corn crops In the ssnd hills that until recent years were deemed absolutely worthless. No Ntbraskao needa to go to Florida nowadays to spend the winter. , In fact, the south has ' had a colder winter thus fsr than ws have." PICKENS HEADS THE KNIGHTS Board of Governors Eleets Otncors of A k-ga r-Bea for Est- aalasT Year. y Charles H. Plrklns. nisnsger of ths Pax ton tc Gallagher wholesale grocery house, wss chosen for president; Victor B. Csld w ell. vice-president of the L'nlted States National hank, vice-president; W. L. Y'et ter, president of the W. L. Yetter Wall Paper company, treasurer, and H. A. Pen fold, president snd treasurer of the Pen field Surgical and Hospital Supplies com pany, secretary of the board of governors ef the Knights of Ak-Ssr-Ben, at a meet ing of (hs board held last night at the Omaha club. All ot these men have for year taken an active Interest in the af fairs of ths knights. They hsve tho push and ability to keep fall festivities up to the standard set for them by their prede cessor. During the presest week President Pick In will select the various committees snd announced them at the meeting of th board of governors next Monday night. At next Mondsy s meeting ths dates for the festivities will be decided upon, snd then actlvs preparations for 1 will be begun. As It is determined that the pa rages and especially the electrical parade this year shall surpass in beauty snd or iginality anything yet attempted. President Plcklna will select ths committee which is to deckle what lbs floats sball represent Lemon, Chocolate, Custard These are the three varieties ef "(aL'R P1E" preparation which are creating so much favorable comment eterywliere. Each pa kage Is put up according to the strictest pure Food lrna. It does lot require ait experienced cook to make good pu-a from "OCR-PIE." Just the piopr proportions of all ingredients sre la the packsge readv for your immeaiate use. At grocers, 1 rents , with great care and an rye to their special fitness. AS soon- as that oossmtttee hss decMed on what the floats erall be Lie work of constructing them will be begun POLICEMEN ARE HARD TO FIND Only m Few of Applicants for Pool- He Are Able, to leet tke Reqnlrrraeata. Althougn Iweaty ppllcants for Appoint ment as members of Uie police force were examined at a regular meeting of ' the Board of Fire and Pvllce commissioners Monday night only the , .following . three were found to come up to.luC qualifications demanded. II. W. 6Af,yrr.,Krcl Johnson and George Nelson. Altogether, seventy applicants hsve been examined during the month and only eighteen have been able to meet the physical and mental requirements. If desirable men can be found it is expet td that ten more will be appointed. The three appointed Mondsy jlght were put on elx months pronation. J Considerable tlmwas taken up in the postponed .hearing of a delegation from th Federation of Improvement cluus. which, which p reseated to the board a re quest for the tnetaliation or mounted police servlc for the -outlying district of the city, the delegation seemingly favoring k system of having mounted officer sta tioned in each of the seven outlying fir.' barns, with Installed telephones so that a resident qould cll tip trt officer and have him on the scene, in a short time. As against this system. sx-Pollce Offker Ind was present "'without InritallcV according to the ststement made by one of the dele gallon, end presented a forcible argument against the expenditure of Uf amount of money necessary to Install and -operate such a system, and which he- asserted would net such a small return to the tax payers. Personslities at this stage of the argu ment threatened to develop tntej a rnud allnging contest, but was interrupted by Commissioner Kennedy, who otAted'the position of the board by saymg: 'Any person 'fir cltlsen ' of ' OVnshk ' mky st any time prefer charges sgslnst ' sny member of the fir or police drpiirtmeAf.. s-ttrt su h charges will be thoroughly Investigated b the board, and furthermore, no man can procure a posh Ion for frind on tlies- departments, and every spplk-ant given a position Is done so'onl Aftej g thorough examination as to his merits and qualifi cations." No action wss taken by liw bosrd upon the truest of the Improvement clubs. -,. , , . . Complslnlng tbat tlio Lailj No.wa ob structed the sidewalk -'adjoining. Hs build ing on Jackson street, between Seventeenth street and Seventeenth srvoayc, for .two or three houra every day by .backing mail wagons and teams .'serosa tiie sidewalk Daniel Horrlgan presented a "written iv quest thst the custom be stopped. The re quest was referred to the: chief of pelii for action. ... , . . - , . Owing to sickness Firemsh' McBrirto wss granted a thirty .days' continuance-ot Ins leave of absence.- . ... . . Vsclsy George Filip. 14U1-OJ Snulh, Tbli -teenth street, was granted 1 oinr li cense, and lk-ensos were granted Kred J.. Sergeant, 1301 Douglas street, und RFirer. 13 Chicago street, upon tlio conditions that all communication with the adjacent restaurants be closeib L'pon the condi tion that ail gambling should cease in Uii quarters and that the place would be open to the authorities at all times,' the Independent, political and Sxual club, 2" South Fourteenth si n et, was also, granted a Ucenas. The following druggists' peimlts were aJ- lowed: E. H. Farnsley. 202, 212 Soitlli Six teenth street; Boston Store. David Gobi mair. 122 Lake street. The request of John cRe to have li. board recall lie, license issued, Pete Peter sen, 2705 ravenwoTtri street'. ' pending ah appeal te the district court, was read, and1 upon the request of Peterson's attorney the date of hearing waa set fur ntxt Monday night. . .. Owing to the kbsence of ilsyor Dalilman from th city Acting Mayor Johnson, pre sided at the meeting. EQUAL RIGHTS CLUB FOR TAFT I. G. Dnriabt Pot Forward District Alternate to National ton vent loo. The liu'al Rights club at sTmctlng of Us rentrsl body held at the headquarters In the Patterson Mock last evening sdopted a resolution enthtisiastlcslly endorsing Will iam II. Taft for president bf the T'nlled States. The resolution ks. adopted Incor porates a rlause. expressing regret on" ac count of President Roosevelt's unwilling ness to be a candidate, for another term and' expressing the hclir.r that Tsft Is the best fitted to carry out the policies for which Roosevelt stands. -. ' - . . The resolution include a clause request ing the Second coneressloiikl - district of Nrbraaka to name I. G., RarUihL. president of tlio club, so alternate delegate to tlis republican nstional convention. CLARENCE DARROW worse tklraitb Attorney May. Hate- to I sdrrgo an Operation for Mastoiditis. ANGELES. Cal.. Jan. 21. The condi tion of Clahence Darrow. the Chicago. at torney who is ill In Los Angeles, has taken a turn for the, worse. Today a consultation of physlcisns wsl, ordered to determine whether sn operation for mastoiditis shoul i He performed. Harrow was to have led for Chicago today. -. Bee Want Ada They bring results. WHY YOU SHOULD DRINK COFFEE Because it is an easily digested ana nourishing Food Drink thai helpi to digest other food snd make you better fitted for your task, be It with brain or muscle, pure coffee la a wholesome,- refreshing, beverage at all times. The coffee you wlil want Is Th German-American pnt od in sealed packages with the Coffee Bird on each package. This Is a pure moan tain coffee alwayg pore, always the saint. Use German-American Coffee and your breakfast will bo good. Ask your Grocer for It HAIR ON A WOMAN'S FACE NECK, ARMS or SHOULDERS is not considered attractive. La Jeune Depilatory Liquid will remove hair from any part of the body in i to 10 ininulxsT-efeavliig skin soft snd white no smsrtlng or burning lie per bottle. By mall, sealed, H.0U. Circu lars free. luiKii at afccomrzxb savuo co- Cor. leth aud LxHise. Omans. owl sins co. Cor. is tli sod iiaruey. 0J,ii:-j.L r.'.i D- A. Sampson. Gen I sialeo A goo'. Oi MX