THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. JANUARY 21, 1903. GRAIN And produce market Row, with Little Variation, and Pricea Lower at Opening. . CABLES ARE EXPECTED WEAX Selling; U Gnl at tho Start, bat "harts Took Artnlt to Bar a nr Breaka la , ' Price. ' m OMAHA. Jan. .0. I Tne grain markst was alow and very liiil variation waa evident. Prices at the opening were lower on expected weak tahlea and heav estimated arrlvala. -Selling waa general at the atart, but shorts took the advantage to buy In on the severe breaks. Wheat opened weak on expected larger receipt, and Ak cables. . Liquidation has leen severe; and fcontlnue and the buying in try torta and the decreaaa of the wnrld's-vlslM Supply helped to give some ton to the market toward the doe. May wheat opened at HO and closed at 9Sc "Corn opened weak'-, on the estlmatod Wavy arrival at all points. With the Utar continuing mild, the receipta were a surprise and porn values soon advanced to ahovo Saturday's cloae with cash Inter est buying heavily. May corn opened at ne and cloaed at I6c. Oata opened steady, but advanced little as commlaalon houses put out a heavy Una of long oata. They were well taken, however, and value were stronger at the cloae. May oata, opened at 63V and cloaed a it a.1.c. '. Primary wheat receipta 'were 1.262.nnO Dusriel and ahlpmenta aere zl .'' nusnets. , ga1nsl rretnts last year of ievt.noo bush .'la and shipments of ltfci.ooO bushels. Corn receipta were 1.29o,i0o bushel and ihlpmente were 64.'. 000 liuahela, against re ceipts last year of 834,000 bushels and shlp--nenta of IrKO bushel. Clearances were JR.OuO bushels of corn, lone of oata. ' and wheat and flour equal n 1M. m t.iiMhela Liverpool cloaed. l4d lower on wheat and tftn lower -on corn. Seaboard report 96.000 bushels of wheat ind W.frO buahela of corn, taken for ex port. Local rang of optlona: Artlcts. Open. Hlgr.. Low. aoae. Safy. Wheat- I I May... f 9iil July.., -, MM, Sept... 9011 i Torn , - i i May... '64 July... MS, MM, Spt... 6C4. i3 Ds'a . Mav... SJHI ' tv July... 4"! . i Eept.:. m Z9t I M'nl (SSI I I MHii WMi 1 SnV 65 Mm M mm 6;Mt MM MH 4MI 4H Omaha Caak rrleca. WHEAT No. 1 hard. KSc: No. 3 hard W4jc: No. 4 hard, lc; No. 2 Durum, 7.Sc; No. eprtnK. SfctiftSe; no grade, nni"c. CORN No. 1. 62i2c: No. 4. 61filo; no grade. 4-SVic: No. 3 yellow. 6V4c; No. 4 rcllow. 6:Hc; No. 3 white, 62Vc. OAT8-N0. 2 mixed, 4Sc; No. 8 yellow. Wc; No.' 3 white, 4tc; No. 4 white, 4Se; itandrd. 48m.4Hr. : , iRVli-Nor .IWTVj&i "No. 3, 73C4c. ? harlot Meretat. - . . . - . Wheat. Corn. Oat. rhitag.) M 7-9 213 Minncapolla 6'.'7 Ttinaha 41 : 28 DuHith, 51 vHUAtO fiRl AND PHOVISION8 Oatarea at the Tradlna and CtoalagT Prlpes Board of Trade. CHICAOO. Jan. 20 Small resorvea In the lorthweat and renorta of damave In Okla homa by the "green bug," CHUaed flrmnea .'.ortar tn the 4oc'T wheal market, tlie May ji uvery nosing a net auvanqn 01 'Th''. vLorii- was up; c. oata were 4c higher 1'iovlatona were 'JHa to 10c higher. The wheat market waa Inclined to weak nets In th3 early part of the day be ?auea of aelllnK by hum and pit trader. Weaker marketa In Kurope and the liberal receipta In the northwest were the cauaea of the Belling movement. During the latter part of the session the rirmnea ot corn r heavy aalea of caah wheat, reports of '4Maiiitwa'eaanstMHa4 oarUWbosr i t ft( li m.wa and fTh "greon bugt report trnni tiHlUKHiiB jctawt I firm movement. The cloae waa firm. May waa 11.01 to li myi at the-opening, aold at S1.01H. and then advanced .to ll.U2Val.02V, The cloae waa at ttS.' Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 'i47.8i0 bushel. The amount on paaaag Increased l.&iO.OOO buah ela. The visible aupply decreased 6nt.u00 . bushel. Primary receipta were . l,i.m - bushels. against 664,'W on the same day 1 lhst year. Minneapolis, uuluth and Chi " rago reported reeelpta of 732 cars, against Vhj laat week and 16 car a year ago. Despite liberal receipta and the early weakness ot wheat the corn market held firm all day. Receiving hoiieea claimed that country acceptance were small and that- farmer In Iowa are holding their -.grain for higher price. Offering came mainly from holdera. The market closed firm. May opened Ho lower to He higher at fc&'fco. to 6'Atc. ad vanned to Hc and closed ' at W4c.w Local receipt were 77 :ara with one of contract grade. The oats market held firm all day be cause of the strength of corn. May opened vncbanged to He, lower at WV- to Mo and advanced , ta fiVc, wrhera It -l'ised. Local rrct'hita wrra 2111 oars 1 " Hrovlalona were firm air day 'because of Troall receipta of live hoars.- mere W iwi baying for revestment account. At 11 cio i pora was up iuo ai. i.-.ii-. . lLard was .WW, higher at 4a.02H'a-K. Kiri were To nigner at Katlmated -receipta for tmiiorrowi Wheat O rtrs; soro; W0 .carat oata, 241 car; hog. j,uuu noaa. ' The leartlng'-futures ranged a follow; articles. I Opa, Hlgh. Low Cloae. 8afy. Wheat I r . J ' " I May T li 1 H I 01H 1 02ll ji oa ei 1 .Tuly . rHl 1 07H - MH 97M.'cr4 Kept: tSH4ii . toH WH 95 I tHVa Corn I May bPi .Hi ,59H . WW W . !' JH - . " July 5SH"SI MS H,68eT4 Sept. .-W-5r MM EH Oats Miy i M . M4 84 MM M bMsy bl t' 5-" 62: 62 aJuly ... 47 42S 42 42 U 47lJ ' ("- ' JI Vk 11 TH 11 7H ThI 12 77H May 1) 30 M 42V, II ft) I IS ITVii U TVi Lard , Jan. ' 7T2HTTS 7 T2Vi T 75 7T3H May tIO t 06 1 00 K, 8 00 'jalT 2H S2'i rrV, (T2HI 75 May 7 05 7 1; 7 06 7 12V, 7 05 . Jufj- 1 jr Tft) I 7 Tft) I No. 1 a Old. b New. No quqtatlons given on new oata. rih am tatlona wars as follows: -r'L4Jl!K Oulet and barely steady; wlnt f aleuls, 4.uS.0; winter- straights, $4.25 ,'; spring paienis, spring ktra'gni,; oaaera. so.jdi.w. VVllLaT-No. S serin. Il.ltxj'1.11: No. f l vl.W; Noi I red. 96SflH-(.ufUN-No. . I. 5tt&9Ve; N. t yellow, (2Q "oAra No. 3. oOtrSOHc; No. I white. 66c Sc. S while. H-'uHc. wv" Mft aiw.v 7 UA KLET Ialr Vv'choloe malting. 82 ,1 a: " bK!2Li9 Flax," No. 1 northwestern :'. Timothy, prime, $4.40. Clover, cun aact gradea, 117. BO. , MCH&4-87H- kteee pork, per bbl., $41 r?H U tw, iara, per iv - .. onun clear aid t boxed). S.7I.s Following wars the receipts, and ship nicnts of Hour and grain; - Receipta. Shipments. Klour, bbls. W.M . 1.4 Wheat, bu 4J.0U) 12 6u0 Com, bu , 5.-.!s"0 212.200 tials.' bu .....4V4J0 . IIW.wiO K.bU.......-..V-'--- llOiD ' H.M fcarldy. bu. 76.W) 5.SX) on tha froduc' exohange today tha hotter- market waa firm. Creameries, 214j'Joe; , ualrlea. sraTv. Jgga,,eaay, at mark, esses i' liicluded, tiK3c; tlrata, 23c; prune firsts. V :tc; extras, 2c. Cheese, steady. lHjl3Hc. , V " 1. t ' t at. Usli Oeaaral Market. T. k lXH'ia Jan. Wll KAT Firm ; liack No S red, cash.-' ll.OlH'tl u-'H: No. t Imrd.. $1 tfral.0S-4j. May. U o-Lit v; July, BuVo- CORN Firm; track. No. I cash, 65tjHc; No. I h9. IctitTu. May. 5;Vut7i. July, lie OAT8 Sleidy: track. No. i, caxh, 60tflc; No. I wMus, sic; May, 51o. . . . KKk.L-llnilhv. at aad y; DiitHJi ' Ct'hNMIC AL-bteady: fc 90. B RAN Mnu;- sacked, east track, $1.U. ' HAY-Oulet. Ttanuuhy, $jt.Bu4i-14.ui); prai "ri $iiBft. . r , - IRON CO l'TOW TIE3 fl 10 ' H AU-JlNU-r7c. , H KM P TWINfc r - iLWL'R-Asulat. Hl winter (lateuta. 4r.S4 90: extra fancy ahd straight,. $4.263 fin; drar. gj ;mi4 10. ., .. . . -. f'ROV ISIONS -Pork. higher. -Jobbing. I.arrt, liiarher : prime steam, ITft!1. ry salt meal. steady; boxed, extra short, 7 To; clesr rll. I ft.1; short cler. $7 pHoon. steadt : boxed, extra abort, pi 62S; clear ribs, I8..V); abort eleara, la.TV rUl Ll HT-niit; cntckena. V; springs, e; turkey, lie; ducks, 8c; ge. Hc. BCTTKR faeady ; creamery. 23"Ho. KOOS-Lwr; 19c, case count. Receipts. Shipments. F'nir. lMs 1.1. C") . 7.0"0 W heat, bu 4.nno t.A Corn, bu..- 26.o Oata, bu 76.Oi.4J HEW YORK ttR.VKRAt. MARKET Featarea of Trading aad Prleee oa I.eadlnar Commodities. NBW YORK. Jan. 19.-nXrR-Receipt, 2S,Siia bbla.: .etnorta. . S.M2 bbl.: market quiet and ' lower to sell; Minnesota paients, js.tow 6.70; winter ntrnlgiua. 14 SOfji 4.75; . Mluneoota bakers. $4 0 h.lo; winter f xtraa,. I3.75U4.Z0; winter patents. 14 16716. IS; winter low grade. nsSiilll Rye flour, quiet; fdir to good. 14 90T5.15i rh.. a to fancy. 5.20 b.W. Buckwheat-flour, quiet; 13.00 per 10 pounds. CORNJIKAL Steady: ' fine white end yellow, tl 40-51.45; coarae, 11.131.37; kiln dried. 13. 35 S In: RYF. Easy I No. X weatern. sac. 1. o. P. New York. WH EAT Jtecni tits, innno tu.: exports. 67.M.1. tMit. market steady. No. 2 red. I1.04M elevator, nnd ll.OSH f. o. K afloat; No. 1 northern, Uuluth. xi.zo r. o. rv artoat; No. 2 hard winter. I1.13H f. o. b. afloat. Rarlv wakneae in wheat to dav. reflect ing big northwest receipta, wa eurceeded by a steadier market on southwest arop damage new, a bullish visible supply statement and strength west. Final prices showed He net advance. ' May, S1.revfM.10H. closed $1.1014; July, 11.04'"" 1.05H. closed CORN-Tlecelpts, 4K.3MI bu.; pnt. market sleadv: No. 2. 74 nominal, elevator, and iV f, o. b. afloat; No. 2 white. 68ic. and No. j yellow- ;Hp 'f. o: n. afloat. Option market was firmer on local covering order and cloaed He net 'hlaher. May. 69 8-lf fiy-i". closed fiHc; July closed WHr. OATS Receipts, 130.000 bu. : apot. market dull; mixed. Sii32 pounds. MHc; natural white. 2KfiT! pound. MH'awiVic: clipped white. 3?,40 pound. SBV4f12c. hay Dun; good tn choice, n.wwi.os. HOPS Quiet ; state. common to cholre, 1907 crop, lt0il(c; 1S0. crop, 4 9 tc: Pacirte--coast. l07 crop, tunc: iu crop, KfMo. Hli'KH cjuiet: Bogota, 16 vc; central America, IRHc. i.kathkh yulet; acifl, I4in;ne. PROVISIONS Beef. steady: mess. 110 uniftl 1.00: beef hams. 124. R0 2.M: packet. 12.oni2.B0; city, extra India mess. 21. 00(a22. 00. Cut meats, steady; rilckled bellies. 17. 7R fl .B0: pickled hams. $900. Iard. steady; weatern prime, l7.ft4rS.n5; refined, ' steady. continent, l.tS; PoutH America,; compound, $7.1Hli7.37H. . prk. steady; family, U7.Dic n.nn; anort clear, 115.faorui6.75 mess, .iinoiai $1.7 V.. tallow steady: city, bhc: country. BHfiSc. RK'R Quiet: domestic, fair to extra, 2HTHe; Japan, nominal. BUTTKR stead v: western lactory, com mon to firsts, itiijnc. ( HFKSK Firm. XKJS Weak: western and southern firsts. 24c; second, 2Xft23Hc. POl'I.TRY r)Teed, steady: western chicken, 12&'20c; turkeys, 12316o; fowl, 1013Hc. - WKATIIKR 1M THIS GRA1X BELT 1 Fair aad Mo Important Change la Tempera tar. OMAH.Jan. 20, 1908. Fair weather continues general from the Rocky mountain east to the Atlantic coast. The only precipitation reported within the past twenty-four hours wa In western Montana and on the Pacific alope. No Important change In temperature has occurred In any section since the pre ceding report, except thst a decided rise Is shown In the extreme northwest. The outlook 1 favorable for continued fair In this vicinity tonight and Tuesday, with no Important change In temperature. Omaha record of temperature and pre cipitation compared with the corresponding days of the last three years: lm 1907 IS" T9"6 Minimum temperature ...31 19 16 Precipitation 00 .09 T T Normal temperture for today, 20 degree. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1. 7.82 Inches. .. Defiolunrry corresponding period In 1907. I.f inchea. Deficiency correaponenng ' period In 1904. 2.87 inches. Lv A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Kaasaa City Grain and Provlslona. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 20. CLOSE-Wheat. unchanged to He lower. May. 98c: July SlHc Caah, No. 2 hard, 9HH31.00; No. 3, S&&99C-, No. 2 red. 9V&1.00; No. S 9tH3tc. CORN Unchanged to Ho higher; May, 54Hc: July,, 54Hc; Cash, No. I mixed, 53 Mc; no. a, t2Va3; rso. z wnue, oSHWic; No. J, 63Hc. oats uncnanged to H" lower; No. 2 white, 40b0c; No. 2 mixed, 4&3-49C. RYE 78c. HAY-Lower: choice timothy. $11.601100: Choice prairie. $8.00i8S.50. FUTTKK Creamery, Mo: packing, 17c. (KUOS Extras. 21 He; firsts, 20c Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu SSB.Oitt M.OOO Corn, bu S4,0m $1000 Oats, bu 20,000 10,000 Kansas City options: Article. I Open. I High. Low. Close. Wheat May.... 97H . !H 7 98 July..,. 91S91H 91H 90 91 U A Corn May.... t4H 54H 64H 54H July.... 54H 54 64S&4HI 54HA Visible Supply of Grain. NEW TORK. Jan. . The visible supply of grain Saturday. January U as compiled by the New York Produce exchange was aa follows: Wheat. 47.228,000 bushels; decrease. 655,- 000 buahela. Corn. 4113,000 bushels; Increase, 152,000 bushel a. Oats, 1,898,000 bushels; Increase, 400,000 bushels, Kye, 768,000 bushels; decrease, 129,000 bushels. Barley. 6.541.000 bushels: decrease. 289.000 bushel. Liverpool Grain and Provlslona. LtfVERPOOI Jan. 20. -WH73AT-Snot. No. 2 red. western winter steady, 7s lOd; futures ateady; March "s. 9d; May, 7s 8d. CORN Spot, easy: prime mixed . Ameri can, new, easy, Cs SVyd; prime mixed American, old. easy. 5s 5'4d; futures quiet; January. 8s 5Hd; March, 5s td. Peoria Grain Market. PEORIA. Jan. 20 -CORN-Ixwer j No. S yellow. 54S4Hc: No. t, b!1iUc; No. 4. 4He; no grade. 4y46c. OATS Lower: No. 1 white, 51 Vie; No. $ white, 5t&60,c:.No. 4 white. . UV&GOc. RYE dull; No. X 6s.'. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Jan. : 20 VtETAIA The London tin market showed a aharp ad vance, with apot closing at 126 5s; and futures at U'f. 10a. . Locally the market waa quiet with quotations ranging from 27 S7Vr4 27 8TH. The London coppvr market was higher, with spot closing at 63 12s d and futures at 54 la 6d. Iocally the market waa quiet and unchanged. Lake la quoted at 111714.00: electrolytic at 1S!:V1187H and casting at $13 ITHtf Lead alvanced 2a 6.1 to 14 lis Sd In the London market, but waa quiet and unchanged locally at $3 70(jS-76. Spelter cloaed at 21 2a 6d In London, but re mained quiet In the local market at $4.45 6-4.56. Iron waa lower In the bngllsh market, wltb standard foundry quoted at 40a d. and Cleveland warrants at 47s Id. Ixcally no change was reported. No. 1 foundy northern. $1, XtifliJi: No. t nor thern. , in.Tton 25; No. 1 soufhern, til 00 61S.50; No. 1 , southern soft. $lS.mj8.W. 6T. LOUIS Jan. a). -LEAD Firm. $3.00; Spelter, weak, $4.1). Evaporated Apples aad Dried Fralta. NEW YORK. Jan. 20. EVAPORATED APPLFB Market ' la quiet, but ateadv. with fancy quoted at WyS'llc; choice, 9 ITHc; prime, 7trVc: 19u fruit. 7."Ho. DRIED KRC ITS Prunes are unchanged, but art, said to be selling a little more freely on the coast as a result of rf ce'u concessions. Pricea ranged from 60 to lbc for California and from 7c to 7e for Oregon fruit. 60a to 3ua. Apricots are un 'changed, with rholc at 21'rnae; extra choice at 23c; fancy at 244j-Jbe. . Peachea are unchanged, with cholre at. llHtf'2'c; extra choice, lVUHc; fancy at lid'tvo; extra fancy at UuHHc. Ralains are un changed, with loos muscatels quoted at SrfsTHc; seeded raislna at 4j4c, gnd Lon don layers at fl.Mll.75. Dry Uooda Market. .' NEW YORK. Jan. BO. COK KK K The market for coffee futures closed ateady, net uiichuiged. Sales for tlwt day were l.7t' feiuxs, including January at 5.8oc; Fea rtiary, at IS-; March, at Our; April. .0c-oi .0iV: May, at .l"c, August. B.c aad le ccniber at .4ic. Spot ateady; Rio No. J 1 i; i, - - No. 4. 8c; mild, steady; Cor. doav, 9H13a NEW YORKSTOCRS AND BONDS Market See mi Indisposed to Move Far in Either Direction. AMERICAN SMELTTN0 IS LOWER Restarts at Derreaaes In Railroad Faralaga Are Partly OaTaet hr Improvement In t nrreney gltnatlon. NEW YORK. Jan. 30 The stock market seemed Indisposed to move far In either direction today, the many wavering of the early part of the day giving way to marked dullness until the sudden decline Just before the closing. The actual oc currence of events antic ipated by specula tive buying la likely to lead to heavy sell ing to take profits. That such selling was In moderate volume today might be partly attributable to the large amount, of realis ing effected during the laat week. The conclualve evidence furnlahed by Satur day's phenomenal bank statement of the rapid rtroarre toward a condition of prac tical redundancy of the money market wa clearly an event of schedule In the list of hopes realised. There has been consider able previous speculation, also, based on the expectation that the government au thorltlea would permit a modus vlvendl for the coal-carrying railroads pending the judicial ascertainment of the validity of the law requiring the divestment of their ownership of the coal properties. Tlie confession of this expectation on Saturday was calculated tn Invite realizing sale ly speculative buyer of the coal stocks, and theae stock were mainly affected by Bell ing. Henlde these technical reactionary cause In the market there were several elements of positive depression with which the market had to contend. American Smelting broke with some wlldness In the early dealings and again at the close and Its weakness waa accompanied by goaulp reparding the eourc of the selling calcu lated to aggravate the sentimental effect of the eplaode. The-statement of earnings for December of the Baltimore & Ohio waa Impressive for several reasons. Coming as the first of the large systems to make returns for that period. It was not a cheerful rndex of the general showing Itkely to be made by other companies. It significance waa enhanced by the fact that only a small Increase In tha ooeratlna cost flsured In the result, which waa primarily due to the falling off In the grosa returns. The state ment of the president of the company ac companying the report that H5 per cent of the falling off In gross earnings wa In connection with the ateel Industry touched another phase of the present situation on which speculative aentiment Is always sen sitive. The restating power of the market aeemed to be negatively Indicated by the fact that Baltimore A Ohio and the I'ntted Statea Steel stocka were affected only In a trifling degree by this Incident. On the other hand, the market wa sluggish In renpondlng to some of the factors of posi tive strength. A strong sustaining Influ ence was offered in the absorption of Southern Pacific on a rising scale. Penn sylvania responded temporarily to the ac tion of the Pennsylvania supreme court against the validity of that states 2-cent passenger fare law. A decision of a fed eral court in Missouri against the state's effort to penalise the transfer of suits by foreign corporations from state to fed eral courts was made something of as evidence of the judicial safeguards against wrongful measure against corporations. Some improvement In confidence over the future of business was reported owing to the easing of the money situation. The fall In rates for time loans te 6 per cent for all periods not reported shows an easier condition of the money market than existed any time the whole of last week. It was not until the last half hour of the day's session that the doubtful fluctuation of stock gve way to positive weakness. Bond were Irregular. Total sales, par value, $3,820,000. I nlted State 2 s declined H per cent on call. Number of sales and quotations on stock were as follows: Isles, nigs. 1. Aasiss Kims AmslKaml4 Copper .... Am. C. at r Am. C. A F. pfd Am. Cotton OH ,. Am. Cotton Oil pM , Kipress Am. H. A U ptd...... Amarloaa los ...... vf( .,, Ara. UnsnMt Oil....!..., Am. Massed Oil pfd.'.... Am. Locomattvs ......... I.... .. (9.S0O S3H CIS . 1,7"0 3 11 . uk tn o .. W0 33"4 13 fL ais i 3.1 M too iihi 1 ' I 12V, 3Sk 1 400 1 it If-S 41s ..... I.MO 10O 114.M0 Am. Locomotive pfd.. Am. . R 1 70 MH Am. . ac R. ptd Am. 8ur R.flnlm Am. Tobscrn ptd ctts Anssonda Mining O Atchlaoa Atchison pfd Atlantis Coast Una Baltlmors at Ohio Bal. Ohio pfd Brook I ro Rapid Tr Csnadlaa Paolflo C antra I of N. J Chesapeake Ohio Chlcaco Ot. W Chloato N. W Cttieaso, M. A St. P Chlcato T. T .... Chlcas T. A T. pfd C. C. C. at at. L Colnrade f- A I Colorado at Bo Colo. A 80. lat pfd Colo. A go. Cd pfd Consolidated Oas Corn Product Corn Products pfd Dolawara A Hudson Dal., U. A W Denrer A R. O D. A R. O. pfd PMIUars' Securities Erie Erie la tpfd Erie td ptd Oanaral Klartrto Illinois Central International Paper Int. Paper pfd Int. Pump Int. Pump pfd Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd Kanaas City Bo K. C. Bo. pfd Ixnilsvlll N Meilcsa Central Minn. A St. I, M , Bt. P. A 8. . M M.. Bt. P. A M. B. M. ptd. Missouri Pat I Be M.. K. A T M , K. A T. pfd National Lat N. R. N. ot M. pfd Now York Cenul N. Y.. O. A W Norfolk A W N. A W. pfd North Amarloaa Pacltle Mall .......... ... . Pennsylvania Peupls's Una, sx-dlv P . C , C. A Bt. L Praased Stssl Car Preaaad 8. C. pfd pallmaa Palace Car Reading Readme 1st pfd Reading Id ptd. offered.... Kepublla Btael Rapubllo Blast pfd Ruck Island Co goik Itland Co. pfd Bt. L. A B. r. U ptd Bt. Louis 8. W Bt. U B. W. pfd Southern Pacllo So. Paclfla ptd .So. Railway Bo. Railway pfd Taanasais C. A I Tsiss A Paeine T , St. L. A W T . Bt. U A W. pfd I'nloa Pacific talon Pa cl So pfd V. B. Kspraaa r. 8. Realty V. B. Hub bar V. S. Rubber pfd r. B. Steal C. 8. Steel pfd Vs. -Carolina Chemloal .... Va.-Caro. Cham, pfd Wskastl Wabash pfd Walla-Parao Eipraa W sstiasbouao Ilacuio .... tnloa Wbaellng A L. g Wlsconaln Central Wla. Coatral pfd Northern Paclfla Great NJTt-hsra ptd Ccstrai Iaathar Central Leather ptd Intarfcorsush Mat Int. Mat. pld Sloaa-Uheflald Btral t.OOO n4 to l.son H4a 1I3W m". ) SO Wl 7 1.BI0 ine 2n0 1.T00 14 T4 It IS 7H 714 i 73 7 71 Mt, M T. 4oH 150H 1M ll.tno 47H 1611, lit 1H 1 31 H 600 IV, 1.P0O lil 144 14 10.4011 117V 11644 U5 15 100 1.400 i,jo vx "i. 400 41 22 62S 444 'iiii 1 144 to 42 434 ..... l 1S 2t4 4.H 1U2V1 14 a 400 143 s 143 143 475 2044 40 34 s n 2214 12a 111 1144 u to 7t ltUj SO '4 21 41 1,000 101) 1,700 400 I0D 104 r.i 35 SJ4 tl1 f. 84 (4 If. 33 CI ,) 112H lit fr0 l:i3 l:l too i4 too 4.100 . l.IW 124 30 7J'4 POO ion, &4 100 . 1,000 14 14 15T4 40 t 25 (ait 7l tl 44 tt 13t . 7.300 4l 43 4;l14 . 4.0M ti 24 ' 44 300 64 "4 1 M4 . $.300 41 404 40 4H4 . 4. toe 102 lmuj 10014 24 III Iti, 4Uj KM lilt 44 . 4744 40 S00 6144 6i 6l . Suit- 24 2 i4 . 4t3oO 11114 116H H"44 too ; 44 ts 600 23 84 2:14 luO 30 40 2 M ISO R4 164 .174.400 Hi 10i 1044 Ill lt 400 Its 14 I'V. est 71 70 70 . I 400 144 13 18i . a.100 2S It 27N4 . 1.000 a m n 14 BOO US US 31 , U.u4 7i 7tS 744 "III14 . 1,700 V-44 W14 10 . 1.400 I4S 334 I3S4 ISO ItrtO 1S ias 'S . . rt 1414 14T4 1444 . - 10-J Si -t 4 . W.sno l.S tu 44 34 M , S 4 100 34 24 3.1S , "1 . 43.600 IIS BOS . 14 H hhi -S "4 100 It It II J 41 41 ' 300 B 4 1 BOO 14S 141-i US II 400 It 44 at ,. BOO 40 64 Ml 1 4 600 1S US 14 43 S 41 44 '4 .. M.4'10 )2S 127 IKS .. 14.104 12.-S 121S IMS .. 1.7x0 ls IS lS l'rt S4 44 SS 4 IS IS 'S " n s 23 4 41 43 4S S3. 600 shares. Kaw York MIntngt Btoehs. NtTW YORK. Jan. . Closing quotations on mining atocks werer Alams Cwa. ... 6 Little Calsi .. IS ..3i0 .120 .. 11 .. 11 .. 4 .. t .110 SAIke tm Onurto ,. . 1 Opklr . 16 Potest . 14 Sanaa . 64 Sierra Nsvasa BrcerS Brunswick nna. .... Comatock TSsnel ., ton. Cat. A Va.-... Itsra ilac Iruo Stlvor ......... Laad:lla Caa. , to Bma.ll Hspaa .. sHaaAats ....... , 34 Foreign froanelal. IjONDON, Jan. 20. Money was In largo supply and easy on the market today. Dis counts were weak owing to the plentiful money. The Hank ot England secured tke bulk of tha S.6UU.HV In aold availablo In the trrKwi, the continent buying a email proportion' Trading on the Stock ex change waa" generally firm, ' owing to cheaoer money. . Bt-KLJN, Jan. 20. Trading on tha Pourse ttHlsy waa Inactive, but stead, with the exception rf the American sec tion, where prices had a downward tend ency. rARIf. Jan. TO-Prh-es on the ftourse today were firm. ' 4. Nev York Money Market. NKW YORK. Jan 20.-PR1MF. MKRCAN TILK PArF.R-S to 7 per cent;. HTKRLINti liXCIIANdK-Pteady; with actual business In banker' bill at $4 as 4 lk for demand, and at $4 S:U4tj4 SJ15 for alxtv day Mils. , M ETA Lit Commercial blfls. H.S275: bar. silver fc5Sc: Mexican dollar. 44c BtXIdOovernment. eaay; railroad, Ir repulnr. MONEY On call, easy; 'lihi per cent: ruling rate. 2:- closing hid offered. 2. Time loans, essy; sixty day and ninety days. ; per cent; six months, $ per cent. Closing quotations on bond were a fol C. S. rf is re. do coupon V. 8. la. re do coupon V. S n. 4. re.. do coupon Am. Tobacco 4a.. do a Atchlaen Kn. 4s.. An sen. 4a. 'do sd). 4s I' 4 1.. A N. ant 4a 104 Man. e. t 4 ls4 Met. Central 4a 1 lot do lat inr 1M 1"H Vlnn A Bt. I. 4a.. 71 1304 M . K A T. 4a H do ts "4 N. H. R. of M t. 4s 7 S74. Y. C. . IS.. S n. j. c. . as. No. Pacific 4a.. ..IJI ..! .. S .. MS .. 14 .. 44 Atlsnttc C. L. 4s. SS do la Bal. A Ohio 4a rSN. A W. e do ISa . .. Bl't O. B. L. rfx. 4s tlS Penn ct. tSa .... Rrh. R. T. e. 4a ot'entrsl ot Us. ns....ll t fteadlns sen. 4a.; AS do lat Inc aa St. L. 1. m. c a. lOTS .to Jd inc 44S St. L. A S F. f 4s. fS do 3d Inc 33 Bt. L. 8. W. c, 4a US Ctiea. A Ohli 4Sa. . . lelS Sesh'ard A. L. 4s ... 63 Chltaxo A A. iss... go Pacific 4a MS C . R. A Q. n. 4s ... US do 1st cira Iss C, R. I. A P. 4a.... 41SB. Railway 6a. M do col. it 70 Teiaa A P. Is 11IS HT. A Bt. L. 4s. ST.. Bt. L. A W. 4s... Tt Colo. Ind. ts. ser. A. 4R tnlon Pacific 4a MS Colo. Mid. 4a &S do c. 4a 17 Colo. A 80. 4a aIS t'. 8. Steel Jd 6s S Cuba 6a 103 Vt'aharh la If n. A R. O. 4s " do dab. B 44 Dlatlllera' Sac., of.... 7t Weatarn Md. 4a ." Erls p. I. 4s A W. A U K 4a 7tS do tan. 4a 4 Wis. Central 4a MS Hocklnt Val. 4Ss. ..lf,0S Atchison e. 4s. .1.... BP Japan 4 74 do 3a ITS do 4Sa rtfa '. Slut. Met. 4Ss 41 S do td series 14 Bid. OflarW. Beaton Stocks and Bonda. BOSTON. Jan. 20. Call loans. BVktf1 per cent: time loana, tWil per cent. Official closing on stocka and bonds: Atchaon adj. 4a 14 Amalgamated 61 S da 4 37S Atlantic US Men. Central 4 73 Bingham S Atchison lScal. A Heel.. 4Fo do ofd IIS Centennial 27 S Beaton A Albany 146 Copper Ranta 43S Bnaton A Maine 137 . Pnlr Weat S Boatnn Elevated 133 Franklin M4 Fltrhhurx pfd Ill Oranhy 43 Mtilcan Central llSlar Rorala 22 S N. Y. N. H. A H....133 Malta. Mlnln 4S Cnlon Pacldc ,'.12S Michigan 13s Am. Ar. Chem 15S Mohawk 64 d pfd 60 Mont. C. A C IS Am. Pneu. Tub 4'. Old Dominion 36s Amer. Sugar 113 Parrot 14 do pfd ....Ill , Qulacy P0 Am. T. A T KB Shannon 13 Amer. Woolen IKS Trinity 17 do pfd S United Copper 7 SEdlann Elec. !llu....T I'. A. Mining 35S n.ncral P.lectrlc 121441'. 8. Oil f...... 1 Mm. Electric ...'.... 1S t'tah . 3SS do pfd 4tS Victoria 6S Maao. Oaa fciSWInma 6S I nlted Pratt 117 Wolrarine 15 I nlted . M 4,S North Butts 6i do pfd :SBotte C-amino 10 t' 8. Steal SOS Nevada US do pfd JJSCal. at Arlions IMS Advsntur 2S Arliona Com 104 Allntiaa 3lS Asked. Bid. ' U 11 AHA WPIOLKSALK 7UARKET. EOOS Fresh selling eggs, candled, 20c. BUTTER Common, lac; fancy tub and rolls, 17alSo; creamery, 80c. CHEESE New full cream, Wisconsin twins, 17Vjc; new full cream brick, 17c; do meatlo new 8wia, IKc; new limburger, 139 loo; young Americans, 17Ho. LIVE POULTRY-elprliiss, gc; hen. 80: roorters, 3c; ducks, c; geeae, $9; turkeys, U'V"C; pigeons, 6ic per dox. PRESSED POULTRY Springs, fancy, la; hens, 9c; roosters, 4C) duck, 11c; geese, Itic; turkeys, 16917c. HAY Choice No. I upland, (WOO; medium, $9.00; No. 1 bottom, $S00; off grades, from $5.bO.So. Ry straw, $7.taK No. 1 al falfa, $11.00 . M TROPICAL FRTTITB. ORANGES Fanoy 'Waaliinglon navels, all sixes, per bus, $2.7; extra fancy Sun flower, all sixes, per box, $3.00; California Tangerines, 2uo six Mhd smaller, per bog. $2.26. ' ' '-i,...i. , , GRAPES Malaga,,, choice, per keg, $4.00; Malaga, . extra f ahov $4.60; extra choice, per keg. $4.26: extrfV fanc extra heavy, GRAPE FRUIT-Plorida. 64 and 80 sls per box, $3.00.. , , ., , BANANAS Port Lfmon. owing to six, per bunch. $1.60 to $3.00. PEARS Extra fancy winter Nellie, per box, $2.76. , Fioa AND DATES-emyma fgs, T crown, per lb., lttfulc:' Smyrna figs, a. vrown, per lb., 121Hc: nmyrna figs, 4 ctown, per lb, I09110; California 'tgx. ooxea. 10 cartons, 86o; California figa, boxes, li cartons, S5c; California figs, bulk, per lb., tVko; Hallowl dates, per lb., So; Kbadrawi dales, per lb., Ac; Salr dates, pei lb., frfto; Fard dates, ll-lb. boxes, per lb, BO. CRANBERRIES Extra fancy Bell and Bugle, per. bbl.. $10.00: extra fanoy Jersey. per bbl., $8.00; extra fancy Jersey, per bog, $4.00. LEMONS Extra ' fancy goutnerland Beauty, 300 and S60 sixe. per box, $4.00; ex tra choice Juatrite, $00 and M0 six, per box, $3.75. FRUITS APPLES Washington Snow, per box, $1.60; Washington Jonatnans, per box, $1.75; Washington Roman Beauties, per box, $1.75; Washington Alexanders, er box, $1.76; Waahlngton Blue Pearmatna, per box, $1.71; Washington Red Cheek Pippins, par box, $1.76: Washington KInga, per box, $1.75; Washington Bailey Sweet, per box, $1.75; Waahlngton No. Spys, per box, $1.76; Cali fornia Red Pearmains, -4-tler, pet box, $2.00; California Belleflower, 4-tler, per box, 12 00; New York Baldwlna, per bbl., $4.60; New York Northern Bple. per bbl., M.V); New York assorted varieties, per bbl., $4.60. VEGETABLE. POTATOES Per bu., tc$75c, SWEET POTATOES Kansas, per bbl.. $2.75. TOMATOES Florida, extra fancy, per ft. basket crate, $6.00; choice, per basket crate, $4.00; Cuban fancy, per 6-baaket orate, $4.00. LETTUCE Florida iitad, p,.- hamper. $3.00; per do., 40c. CUCUMBERS-Hot house, 2 dox., fancy, per box, 43. Ou; $ do, choice, tier box, ll.iO. RADISHES Hot house, per dosen. 40c. PAKBLKY-Per dox., 40c. PEPPERS Florida, 6-liaeket crates, per crate, $4.00. PARSNIPS-Old, per bbl., $2.25. CARROTS AND TURNlPS-')ld, per bbl.. $2 00; Canada Rutabages, per lb., lSc CABBAGE Wisconsin Holland Seed, pet lb.. lSc ONIONS Spanish, per crate. $1.60; Wla. consln Red Globe, per lb., Ihia. CAULlFIjOWKR-Per 2-dox. crate. $100. HOHSERADD1BH Per doL.. 0p. KI MQCAT3 Owing to quality, per qt.. PH ALLOTS Per dox.. 0c. , BRUSSEL SPROUTS. Dr ot.. 20c. STRAWBERRIES Owing to quality, 500 to w. CELERY Michigan, per bunch. $6PSSo. NAVY BEANS Per bu., No. L (isB: Lima, 7o per lb. BEEF CUTS. Rib: No. 1. law:: No. X. 11c- No. X fUc Ixln: No. 1, 19c; No. $. 13o: No. S, 9V-0 Chuck: No. L Vic; No. t. 64c; No. I, 6c. ttouna: ino. i, stc; imo. 3, 7ic; No. 3. fi4C, Plate: No. 1, 5'v;: No. 2. 6c; Ko. S. 4 He MlacELLANJCOlTH CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prune are somewhat unsettled by freer irrin from aecond hands, who seem desirous of moving supplies of lmmedlata frraaea. Uuo tatlona range from 6c to r :or California fruit and from V to Be for Oregon. Peaches are very firm, wltb fancy yellow , uuicu m tow.. R.4U; beet, $o.00; cut loaf, 6o; cubes, 4W-; powdered, 1 16c. SUGAR Granulated. cane. per aack, CANNED OOODbt Corn, atabaard west- era, 7&c. Tomstoes, fancy, i-pound cans. $1.45; standard, I pound cans, $120. Plne- auules. crated, 2-oouad. 1 .20&1.10: allcarf. $1.7D'ut35. Gallon apples, $4 60. California apricots, Peara. Alt.lua.U. Peaches, II. L, C. peaches, l.llJ 1.16. Alaska salmon, red. 11.40; fancy Chinook, flat. $.ls; fancy sockeye, flat, B16. Sardines, quarter oil, $3.60, three quarters mustard, $H.I6. Sweet potatoes, $1 ii.fll.36. Sauerkraut, Wo. Pumpkins, StM mai.uti. Lima Deans, i-pouna, DctfSi.Za. Suaked beans. 1-pound. 66c; fancy, $1.21.44, NUTS California No. II. I. walnuts, per lb., 17V:; imported Tsrragona almonds, per lb., 16c; filberts, Braails and Jumbo pecans, lie; butternuts, per lb., il'Vac; No. 1 H. P. peanuts, roasted, sc; raw, Cc: salted pea- Duts, per uox,, Italian caesium. ur lb.. 10v. COFFEE Roated, No. 15. 2c; No, M. He; No. 26. lie: No. 20. 14V4. FISH Hallout. 11c. trout. 11c: nlrWarel 10c, pike, 14c; pike, fresh, frosen, lio; wnlte Osh. I4tjlnc: buffala, 14c; bullheada, aklnned and dressed. 13c; catfish, dressad, 17o; white percn. ic, wnue bass, lac; piack baas, lo; unfiah, tiKc; crapples, 4-uiic; kargs arappleo, 16c; herring, fresh frosen,' kc, sahttcasrt froxan, 134316c; pickerel, fresh froiea. Lie; re.d snapper, 12c; flounusra,. anaokarel, Lvj too per nsn; codflsb, fresh froxen. lie; bad- ooca, 1 res 11 irosen,- loo. amaita, lac; snad rue, 4&o per lb.; frog lege. , loo per do.; HIDES AND TAI.fXJW-lreeB aalteA No. 1. oo; No. X 4c; bull a loon, le; arreeo uaoa.lLed.Ko. i, 4c; graan unaaltod, jit. I. Ac; horse hidsa, $1 OiiZ.Ou: sheep pe.ts 4 ? , eBa U, a. tka v, oei. mau aa OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Quality ot , Cattle Poor, with Good Kindt Steady, Otberi Lower. HOGS OPIK HIGHER, CLOSE LOWE Sheen and l.aaabs In I.lgat Ree-elpt, with Trade Aetlva nnd Every thing; gelling; F.arly and Strnnger. SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. $0. lUTA, Receipts were: Cattle. Hots. hep. Estimated Monday 6.M4 l.arf Same day laat week. . .. 6.5f2 ' 4 476 .4 Same dav 1 weeks ago.. 4.W1 B.M5 3.m Same day t week ago.. 2.41 6 Ml 3 275 Same day 4 weeks ago.. 1.740 2.M7 1.74S Same day last year.... 1.47 t9' Ihe following table show tlio reotipts oi rattle, hoa and sheeo at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: 190. 107. Inc. leo. Cattle 5.1A An.7H Hogs 11.137 lll.WSt 69.147 Sheep l, S2.229 W.2TO ihe following table shows th averaae price of hogs at South umaha for th last several days, with comparisons: Date. lig. 19fi7.!190.1906.!l04.!1d. 11302. Jan. 10... I 4 21i $n Jan. ll... 4 16 t Jan. 12.. t go Jan. 13... 4 og .Ian. 14.. 4 1v, ( og Jan. 15... 4 s 85 Jan. 18... 4 32 ( 42 Jan. 17... 4 26 I 42 Jan. 18... 4 23 ( 60 Jan. 19... 6 49 Jan. 20... 4 27 t znt I 121 4 ! I 4 I3 401 14 104 4f 4 48 00 ( 7I 1.1 41 ( 32 tot IS 601 17 21 as 47t r f 4 62; I 61 4 75 4 73 4 69 4 74 26 I I 29 6 2! 6 24 6 27 4 4 a 4 52 4 61 4 55 4 S 29 4 66' 4 67 4 74 4 SHI 6 31 Sunday. The official number of cars of Stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs, sneep. ll r s. C, M. A St. P 1 Wabash 4 i t'nion Pacific system 61 18 8 ., C. A N. W., east ..7 3 1 C. A N. W.. west ..27 26 C. Ft, P., M. A Q . 5 1 C, B. A Q , east .. 1 '.. 1 C. B. A Q.. west .. 67 19 7 1 C, R. I. A P.. east ..3 Illinois Central 14 Chicago O. W 3 2. ..! Total receipts ...181 7 la 2 The disposition of the days receipts wss as follows, each buyer purchasing the num- oer or head -indicated: Cattlni Hogs. Sheen. Omaha Packing Co.... 04 S?3 FWIIt At CO 1121 III l.SVt Cudahy Packing Co 816 1.64 1.3S8 Armour n t o 8,4 i.aiv 24J S. A Sulsberger 1 Vansant A Co 64 Carey A Benton 1 I.obman A Rnthchlld.... 34 W. I. Stephen 100 Hill A Son 151 - P. P. Lewis 2 Huston A Co 72 J. B. Root A Co 114 J. H. Bulla r 82 L. V. Huss 127 . MeCreary A Carey 248 Sam Werthlmer .So H. P. Hamilton 122 M. Hagerty A Co 93 P. O. Inghram 7 " , Sullivan Bros. 8 . Lehmer Bros 10 Sinclair Pkg Co 84 Other buyers 464 237 Total 4,522 6.267 3.078 CATTLE Receipta of cattle were quite liberal for a Monday, but the quality wa extremely poor. In the language of the yard, there wa a world of poor cattle on sale this morning, with the usual result when such conditions prevail, thst there was a general lack of Ufa and snap to the trade. It wss almost impossible to find a load of docent killing cattle In the yards this morning, the supply of beef steers consist ing of common to medium gradea of warmed up cattle, just tha kind that buy ers do not care for. Hence it waa not sur- nrrslna; that the trade was very slow and dull from start to flnlah. Had there been any good cattle of consequence the feeling was mat tney wouta nave comrnanaea steady prices but on the kind of oattle here the market waar any where rfoiu Weak to 10c lower, according to tha quality And slow at that. Packers evidently had their minds 'made up this morning to buy the cow stuff lower than laat week and first bids were along that line. Later on,' as It became apparent that there waa a good shipping demand, the market firmed up and good cow stuff Sold In about the same notches as late last week. Stuff that shippers did not bid on waa rather slow and weak from lack ot competition. The varda were full of Ilarht atockers. a good many of them on the trashy order. As price on ngni came were pretty man last week. It was not at all aurprlalng that buyers took advantage of the situation to force prices downward. To be more exact, the market really declined on account of lie own top heavlneas and from the lack of buying support. Good feeders, on the other hsnd, were not especially plentiful, and salesmen who happened to have what buy ers wanted figured that they got last week's prices. Quotations on rattle: Oood to choice corn-fed steers, $S.lf.W6o; fair to good corn-fed steers, $4.5nej&45; common to fair corn-fed steers, $3.7&i4.15; good to choice cows and heifers, $3.6vg4.l0; fair to good cows and heifers. $2.75-3.60; common to fair cows and heifers. $1.76&3.76; god to choice stockers and feeder. $4.0uH.6O; fair to aood atockers and feedera. $3.tsit.tlo: common to fair stockers and feeders, $3.00 tj.60. Representative sales: BEE STEERS. No. 4... I... 14... 14... 17... I... 40... I... 1... B... I... 4... I... t... I... 4... 7... 14... 7... 4... I... 1... At. Pr. No. Id I ti 14 A. Pr. .. t .' 4 ..1131 ,4 4 ..1014 4 44 ..1214 4 44 . .14)41 4 60 ..1117 4 10 .. 410 I 74 .. 174 4 04 .. BH 4 IB ..1(137 4 11 tt.. It.. 1.. .. II.. .. 4 4 14 . . 34 4 it c COWS. .. Sit 1 oo .. M 1 00 ..961 111 . . 486 I 35 .. SU 1 40 .. Mii I 45 . . 33 I 44 . . 714 I tl . .ISO t 44 ..1O01 I ID .. 413 t tt ..1034 140 ..47 t . . 4 3 O0 ..1040 4 04 t ..IH4 I 14 ..1000 I 10 ..1140 I 16 ..10(7 I It . .luoo l is ..1045 1 to ..I0SO 4 ti ..483 I 36 ..1240 I M ..100T I 4 ..1114 I 45 ..1147 174 ..1114 I 46 ..134 4 SO i. ...... . 14 U 4 IS HEIFERS. 440 t 40 0 43 1 44 Ml 1 X CALVES. t a. ... 140 I 14 337 I 14 ..1B4 I 16 . . 10 4 tt ..ISO 4 4 .. 130 4 50 . 40 4 44 ., 164 t 74 .. 14S S OA .. 1M 4 4 l4 t 44 , 240 I 40 t t I M M 111 4' i 4 00 Ml IN r 4 so BULLS. . . 1 190 I 40 ..Hue i to ..1440 I 40 ,.1(W4 144 ..loo 14 ..ISM 14 ..120 140 ..14U0 104 .1440 I 14 ..its I t . 1430 I 0 l.... ..loM It ..134 I tt ..117 W ..It) It ..120 I 16 .USD 1 It ..1470 I 44 ..111 I 44 ..1)70 I 40 ..14M I 74 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS 444 I 44 ti... it... st... 1... 4... r... n... ti... 734 I 40 4t4 1 40 414 I 40 tat 1 te Tt I 4 434 I 44) 4i4 1 40 711 14 . 44 l . 4ol I 14 ,410 I 70 . 4t 1 74 .no i ti . 3X7 4 40 .1011 4 11 14.. 11.. 4.. 14 .104 I HOGS The market opened thia morning with hogs having both weight and quality selling generally Sc higher than last week. That Is the better loads of hogs such as buvera selected sold largely at 14. 264 4. 30. aa agslnat a bulk oa Saturday of $4.2ku) IS. There were not very many loads above $4.30, but there was a top aa high as 34 s74, ss against tna top on fat u May of $4 iC4. A piece of a load sold up to $4.40. The llxhter and less desirable loads wers very much neglected and after the better stuff had ciutnged hands the market slumped off very unexpectedly. Not only waa an ine aavance ot ine morning lost, but tn a good many caaea buyer were bid ding even lower than last week's close on the lighter hogs especially. It aoea with out aavlng that th market from that time on was especially slow and dull, sellers being unwilling to make th concession demanded oy . buyers. Tha market olosed with practically every thing In first hands sold, but with pretty decent hogs selling from $4.10 on down. In other words the market cloaed a lit t Is lower than last oaiuraay Representative- salea: Ns. 74.. II.. At. Pr. ho. 14., t.. A. Bk. Pr - .1SI 144 t 171 . .mo lie 4 ttt4 it, .111 4 t:u . 1 ... 4 t-14 ..m ... 4 it .344 ... 4 171 ..MB Mir ..141 4 4 .124 1 4 11 .1:4 4 14 4 14 ...IK 71.. IS.. T4.. 44.. ...11 12 4 11 114 4 11 74... 14 .. It... .! 4 nv. ...1ST 144 4 IT 74 1'7 ... 4 tT'i W ..! . 4 "I14 SI ' 114 4 S ts r . 4 It - 1 17 o It tea 11 4 it 57........T TO 4 41 141 11 4 I 0 4..I 4 44 .34") 4 4 ) H 4 IN 4 30 47 1 1 ... 4 3) M 1.4 41 4 10 M 14 la) ik tat -. . 4 44 rl 4 I II M Ill SO 4 It, 41 m sa id 41 It a 1 lit, II V-i 4 M 43 4 ... 4 34 .. ....... 14! ... 4 r .371 4 4 3 ;t 40 I rri 41 477 ... 4 I'va 77 114 40 4 IT '4 44 4 I74 44 ! 110 4 17vt 11 4 ... 4 44 SHEEP Receipt of heep this morning were very moderate, there being only about fifteen car reported, aa against thirty eight on Monday of laat Week. A there wss the usual demand tt followed that buyers were all out early looking for sup plies. , with the result that there wa a good healthy market from start to finish. The trade waa sufficiently active to effect a very early clearance, everything being sold and weighed tip before 10 o'clock In the morning. The Quality wa not verv good, there being very lit" stuff In sight that could he caned strictly good. Taking the quality into consideration operator on the market were quoting price aa strong at th very least and aom were putting It strocs to 10c hlaher than laat week's close. Still owing to the poor quality prices Old not snow up any too wen on paper. A pretty decent kind of lambs aold up to M 75. Tha best yearlings, which were very hurry. were only good enough to bring 15 13. Pretty decent old wethera Bold as hiah a to A two-load bunch of Colorado ewes went at $4 86. Uuotatlona on aond to choice feJ aheen and lambs: I.amt.s, S.76&7.nO; yearling wethers. I5.4O1JS.00: Wethers. fc.uT. fc: ewes. I4.75fli.00. NO. Av. Pr. 232 western lamb feeders.., 76 (30 m native lamos iu a so ; western lambs 69 76 456 Colorado ewes 109 4 88 319 western yearlings A wethers 97 I 16 359 weatern yearling A wethers 97 8 98 393 western ewes 113 4 60 12 western lamb 94 $60 97 weatern ewes 107 4 00 26 weatern ewes, culls .97 t 00 CHICAGO LIVE) STOCK MARKET Cattle and 4heen l,ower Hega Strong tn Higher. CHICAOO. Jan 20 CATTLE Receipt. 8.(00 head; market lower; steers. $4.25P 6.26; cow. $35004.50; heifers. S3.S04iS.26; bulls, $:.85ft4 26; calves. $8.00718.26; Block ers and teeders, r.B4 BO. HOGS Receipts, ufi.OtiO head; market strong to 6c higher; choice heavy shipping, $4 45'a4.60; butchers. $4.40ia4.rO; light mixed, MXB4.35: cnotce light. $4.0(7r4.4r.; packers. Wot.!: nin. t3.60ti(.2S: bulk Ot sale. t4.3rvfi4.4S SHEEP AN1 LAMBS Receipts, 23.000 head: market lower; sheep. 14. i 6.40; am c-a, toxi'Oiio- ycMriinrn. sa.wtji.i.i. Kanaas City Lira Rteek Market. KANSAS CITT. Jan. SO. CATTLE Re ceipts. 13,000 head. Including 1.700 southerns; market teady. Choice export and dressed peer steers. tw.oocis.W: fair to good, t4.iT 6.00; western steers, $4.00ftv.26; stockers and feeders. $3.60(&4.78; southern Bteers. $.1.1S44 6.06; southern cows, H40fij3.a0; native cows, $2.6.TJ4.10; native helfersL $3.00Sf4.8i; bulls, $3.16)4.00; calves. $3.605n.60. HOtJS Recelnts. 13.50 head: market steady, 10c higher. Top, $4.65; bulk of sales, $4254.48; heavy, $4.4-4.56; packer, $4.40 tj4 60; pigs and lights, $3.7&?4.e7V4j. DHClCf AINU LAM nfce MecelptS, V.hUO head; sheep market steady: lambs 10c lower. Lambs $6.2Ofg.80; ewe and year lings. 34.116. ;t: western yearllnss, tt,wc 6 00; western sheep, $4.254jo.0; stockers and feeders, 4vi.0004.BO. St. Lnnls l.lva Stack: Market. ST. LOCIS. Mo.. Jan. 20. BATTLE Re ceipts, 3,600 head. Including 1.000 Texans; market steady to rxgioc lower; native ship ping and export steers, $r.2M7t.l0; dressed beef fend butcher steers, $4.75jf8.R0; steers under 1,000 pounds, $3.7tVffi4 40; stockers and 6.25; canners. $1.60a2.60: bulls. I2.6O1M.&0: calves, IS. 50a 00; Texas and Iindlan steers. U.ittsnii.zs; cows ana neiters, ti.iMi-s.if. HOOS Rsoelpts, 12,600 head; market 6OIO0 higher; pigs and lights. f3.773t.60; packers, $4.004.46; butchers and best heavy, $4.401 4.68. 1 SHEEP AND LAMBS -Receipts, ,1.500 Iieadi market steady: native muttons, $3.0X4 (.26: lamb. 13. 00617.00: culls and buck. t.005J$.00. ' t. Joaevh Live Stock Market. 8T.JOSEPH. Mo.. Jan. SO CATTLE Re ceipts, 8,64) heed; market, steady; natives, S&inrio.w; cows ana neirers, xz.twa. 71; stockers snd feeders, $3.6034.26. HOOS Receipts. 8.208 head: market. 10 cents higher; top, $4.40; bulk, $4.SW4.40. SHEEP AND LAM Bo KecelDta g.fMl head; market. 18 centa lower; lambs, $6.26 tj'7.00; yearlings, $6.60.O. Inns City Lis- Stnek Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Jan. . (Soeclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, $.100 head; market 10c lowers stockers steady: beeves, $S.fr34eO; cows and heifers, $X2bip4.16: stockers and feeders, $3.00jS3.8&; calves and yearlings, iz.00. HOOS Receipts, $.800 head; market Bo higher; selling at $4.134.40. Stnak In Sight. 1 Receipts of live stock st the six principal weetern markets yesterday: Cattle. Hog. Sheen. South Omaha 4,662 6,34 $.052 Sioux City $.100 2,8iiO Kansas City 13.000 12.600 1.500 St. Joseph 8 530 t.OKX St. Louis S.500 12.500 12,600 Chicago 38.000 66.000 23,000 Total 46.562 . $6,898 46, U8 London Cfostngr Sloeka. ' LONDON, Jan. 20. Closing quotations on stocka were: Censols, aurtier ... 14 1-11 M., K. A T 2114 do account 14 1-UN. T. Central 104 Anaconda T Norfolk A W 74 Atchlaon 7444 f at 4a ptd 3KS4 Ontario W it Baltlotor A Ohio. ... 41 PanasrWsnta t4 ransdiaa PaclBo 14444 RaaS Mines w. I Hi Craaapesss A Ohio.. I3i Beading- 4444 Chicago Ot. W S Southern Railway ... 11 C. II. A St. P 1H 4 f4 1SV4 Da Bears 114 Southara Pacllo Tf4 DenTr A R. O tl 44 In Ion PscISc 13114 4o f4 4j44 do pfd 44 En ll4 U. I. Steal list to 1st pf4 si da pfl I74i do Sd pti 14U, Wabash ll Grand Trunk 144 do pfd ll Illinois Central 131 Spanish 4s I Loutsrlllt AN tot SILVER Bar, steady, 26 tl-Md per OS. . MONEY tVuSH per cent. The rate of discount In th open markt for short llbls la 4 per Cent; for three months' bills, 4 per cent. Bank Clearings. OMAHA, Jan. JO. Bank clearings for to day were $l,2fc9.9tC.n, and for th corre sponding dato last year, $1.191, 830.04. Cotton Markil. NEW TORK. Jan. JO-COTTON-Fu-ture opened firm;. January, 11.64c; Feb ruary, offered. 11.62c; March, 11.7; May, 11.760 ; June, 11.71a; July, 1160c; August, offered. 11.40c; October, i0.7Bo. Spot closed steady; middling uplands, 13 26c: middling gulf, 11,50c; aalea, 694 bale. Future cloaed ateady. Cloae: June, 11. lie Fsbruary. 11.46c; March, 1164c; April, li ne; May, 1163c; Jun. U.Uc; July, 11.44c; Au aiiat. 11 15c: October. 10.55c. OALVESTON. Texas, Jan. 20.-COTTON teaoy, 120. - Coatee Market. NEW YORK. Jan. $0. Bleached cotton roods were reduced to a basla of 9c for rult of ths loom. The market was con siderably diaturbed today by a sweeping reduction la ootton goods announced by a lurr Chicago firm. Wool Market;' ST. LOl'IS. Mo . Jan. $0.-WOOl-Jteadv: medluut grades, combing and clothing, fit- ngni line. miuc;. neavy tine, linioc; tub waahed. 26a3c. : A Pencil laalTsraarr, One of man's beat friends, says Proms theus. will have a 260th blrthdav soma time In 1908. The day cannot be fixed when the lead pencil was first used, but all signs, all records, show thst It wss just about 2b0 years ago that th useful article waa In. vented. Thai "prasductal' of ancient Horns, which was a Jeadan diak uaed to draw Unas. waa undoubtedly It progenitor. In th fourteenth centurv lead and allver point were useo in itaiy. out employed esolu ively by artiste, fot the sake of cleanli ness these were encased In wood and be came the first -lead pencils, but tha pencil similar to thoee of the present day cams after discovery at graphite. In latB. The first Oerman panell were-mad In Num berg, where there ar now thirty pencil factories, which turn, out about Sut),000,tAd pencils every year. Bearalatlon - of Ontdoor Advertising. , A consular report on Ihe control of out door advertising In Lima. Peru, aavs: "The municipality or Lima regulates all outdoor advertising within the citv limits, the re spective tertffs covering all S-laaaes of ad vertisement, by making it unlawful to fig 1t 1M 4 4 1 t 4 l too 174 10 4 r a tat 4 1'- 1,4 144 40 4 II ?4 10 4 M M ia ... 4 4 , T ts ... 4 tt . 44 t'l ... 4 ti I t4 . . 4 J , ft MO KB 4 41 4 ... 4 ft U 114 4 tt 74 ttl -' 4 to TI Ill 4 14 4R . ISO 4 t 411 t'4 ... 4 14 44 114 . . 4 St 4 t4 tfo 4 tt 71 HI SO Ik I 94 SO 4 ITUj any advertisement or advertising matter on the walls of houa-a. carta, root'lng vehicle of snr kind, or -any atttt-turs -tept that placed on the muni, Innl bni btrda. While the 44y owns and ronlro'a the hi 1 1 boa 1, la. It ha found l mote ad vantageous 10 sill toe exclusive rtaht to some advertising firm A certain fte,l amount Is paid oy tnta firm eat-n mom 11 for the exclusive pilvllego. ihe contiact running three yea is. atul all advet lining must be done through ttta firm, toe tanit fined by the city makes a pi ice of s.tout 10 rente a montii for ad ertlsemeniK .4S:4 Inchea. and this stse Is the one moat gen erally used. Ihe contract trtl tv- ma city on September 1. IHf. lor the sm t eedlng thtee years la with an American lint), wlilch haa established an ntflco at Lima for distributing samples and general ad vertising for the tlty and the republic SUPREME COURT SYLLABI 140$, Kennedy agnlnst Chicago, Burling ton iuhhv Hallway coiDpany. Appeal Saunder. Revvrctl. Ames. C. Itvlslen No. i. 1Clton, J.. concurring sepaiataly. 1. The mero killing of an animal by tol llslon with a moving train upon the trarki of a railway company is not evidesxe of negllgnuo, nor tan negligent be estab llaned hy inference and conjecture In con tradlrtion to the testimony of a competent, unlmpoached and disinterested witness. i. Evidence examined gnd held Inaufnc lent to support a verdict. Itor kwis ggslnst Omaha Street Rsil wsy Company. Error from Douglas. On rehearing rormer opinion aa modified ad hered to. Itton, J. 1. If the party to an entire contract for personal services. ' who la to render tha service, becomes, by reason of physical diss hfllty, through, no fault of his own. unable to perform the same, the contract is discharged, but he msy recover the reasonable value, of his services rendered upon a quantum meruit. 1. Where a settlement has been mad' be tween the parties to an action . and tha action dismissed after notice of an attor ney's lien haa been given, tne attorney may. In a proper case, move to set aside th Judgment of dismissal snd be allowed to Intervene as a party plaintiff to estab lish h's lien. 4. I'nder the facta set forth In th opinion, held, thst the order of the dis trict court refusing to set aslds the order of dismissal and tn allow a hearing upon a petition In Intervention was not er roneous. 6. former opinion adhered - to save modified by paragraph one of ths syllabus. 1400. Orandjean against Beyl. Appeal from Dawson. On rehearing former Judg ment adhered to. Sedgwick, C. J. Rarne. J., dissenting. , When a former decision of this court hss established a nil of property, which has been relied1 upon for many years as the foundation of real estate titles, the court will not overturn such rule, although It cannot assent to the reasoning upon which It Is based. 14793. Hackler against Miller et al. Ap peal from Madison. On rehearing former opinion adhered to. Barnes, J. 1, Where an ohleotlon to the Introduction of plaintiff's evidence la sustained on tho ground of a defect In his petition, and ho afterwards obviates ths objection by filing an amended petition, he will be held to have waived his exception, if any, to ths ordet- sustaining such objection. - 2. Where a plaintiff aaka leave to amend Ms petition "either hy Interlineation, or by filing such other pleading s the court may order,", and compllea without ohleo tlon or exception with an order requiring; Mm tn file an amended petition, he cannot afterwards complain of such order. 1. If a person maliciously, . snd without probable cause, procures or Instigates a criminal prosecution against another, ha cannot defeat an action for malicious prosecution by setting up the Invalidity of his complaint, or a defect in the Judg ment or proceedings. 4. The statute of limitations In such A esse does not begin to run until tha criminal case Is dismissed, or the prosecu tion otherwise finally terminated. 8. An answer In the nature of a general deiilal tn an action for malicious prosecu tion, puts In Issue the plalntlff'a allegations of malice and want of probable cause, t'nder such an answer the defendant msy Introduce any evidence which tends to dis prove malice or establish the existence of probnble cause. 1 14147. Camobell Basinet Youngaon et at. Appeal, Kearney., Injunction allowed. Let ton. J. 1. Generally where th determination or a matter haa been committed to a par ticular administrative or legislative board or officer and no appeal is provided for from such decision, its order or deter mination Is final and will pot be Subject to collateral attack. ... f . .. 2. In a proceeding to establish drain age ditch. If the county board possesses Jurisdiction1 and authority to act In tho premises. Injunction will not lie on ac count of mere Irregularities In the exer cise of the power conferred. I. The doctrine of strict con struct ton of statutes In derogation of common right . Is not to be so unreasonably extended as to hamper the execution of public enter prises designed for tha general welfare, but st the same ttma property rights of Individuals are not to bo Interfered with unless the power to do so Is plainly con ferred by the law. 4. The drainage act ' of 1881 confers tha power upon county authorities to create drainage districts for the purpose of draining "marsh or swamp lands" alon and does not confer power to change the channel or divert tha) flow of running streams or natural surface water drains for tha purpose of rolleving the lands of riparian proprietors lower down ths stream from periodical overflows In sea sons of freshet. 8. The term "marsh or swamp lands' as used in said act has a wider significance than th terms "msrshes" or "swamps." The power Is conferred by this act to drain lands which are not, strictly speak ing, "marahes" or "ifimjii" but .which are "ma rah or swamp lands," meaning thereby lands Which are so situated aa to be rendered difficult or Incapable of ucceaaful cultivation by reason of rs tslnlng In th soil or carrying on tha sur face an excesslv quantity of water dur ing certain portions of tha year, oven though st other times they may be solid, dry and firm as lands In general. . t. In considering an amendatory or sub. stltuted statute It la proper to consider th provisions of the Isw which waa re pealed In connection with the law which takes Its place. In order to ascertain the legislative intent, and all provisions of the original statute which ara not car ried forwsrd Into or repeated in ths new law are annulled by tha repealing stat ute. . 7. In order to ascertain the proper mean ing of a statute, later as well as earlier legislation upon th asms subject may be referred to. All existing act should b considered and a subsequent ststuto mar often aid In ths Interpretation' of a prior one. 8. I'nder the facts set forth In the opin ion. Held, thst the County board of Kearney county Is without Jurisdiction to chsng the channel and divert the waters of the streams mentioned In tha opinion from their natural flow for the purpose of preventing overflows, nor has It th suthorlty to take part of the HalntifTs land against his will for the purpose of draining the lands embraced within th proposed drainage district. '" iolnted Paragraphs. A finished orator ought to know when to quit. t- Only tb shoemaker., doesn't go broke wheu he losea his awl Soma men lie when they attempt to stand up for themselves. - A' good tsxldermlsf should bs sbl to turn Out first class stuff. You might have more particular' friend If they Wer lean particular. , A woman's Idea of a good husband Is One who will go shOpplOsT with his wife. Ths wis man forgets hi wisdom- whan be encounter a sill girl' wtlh a dimple. Home may be a world of lov shut in and a world of atrlf shut out or -vice versa. There Is no exouse for rough actions on ths psrt of any man Even a stovo may be polished. . It's eaay for a man to discover a woman's weakness. All hs has to dd is to keep quiet gnd listen. 1 - . , : The wisdom of A griss man lock like tha hols tn a doughnut When a email boy begins ' to ask him. question. Chicago Kaws.- - . .... 4..J -.., Fntllo. ' ' :' '' "What la your name, little boy" asked the teacher. ' Finis Smith." h answered. "Do I understand you correct It T Is your flrt name Klnl7" 1 ..'.(V. e- "Yea'm." " 1 "How utterly abaurd!" t mused ' the teacher, a young woman front Boston. "How hopelessly Impossible! Titer nver can be a Finis Smith while , th world atanda!" - . . Still, while recognising the glaring ab aurdlty of the new boy's nam, she decided to leave th reaponalhilit v. with his parents and enrolled him aa Finn Smith. Cuisago Tribune. . ' Stood proaaisiag nalisted stocks of MsabaUaa, If evatta, Mlas (ot gal oa aaoatkly parmsnta, la blocks of 100 I to 8,000 snares, at 8o aad 30 psi j sutro. .Vox parUcalars all or adarsAs MAX Xa. XCBKXMA.7gM, tOt) to. gist Ave. Tel. DougUo taTTo, 8 rue pectus Free