Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1908, Page 8, Image 8
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: MONDAY. JAXTTATtT 20. 1903. limmtSSm boater OmaSt(mf2M! HUMK FURNISHERS P-ITRNITURE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. MM Feather T-our nest If you desire roods of high e.ellty, lew prices Md y tUi It h hooves 70a to trad at IDE PEOPLES STORE ltth a4 PABBAM STB. riAo XIOK CI PIANOS Reasonable Tmni Lerire selected stock of Weber. Mahlln, Henry and 8. O. I,lndemen. Fnater ro. Schiller. Mirrnws fiwo co. Mfgrs. and Dealer 1613-16 FnWT. OnM PIANOS EvsrythSns in Art and Basic A. HOSPE CO. 1513 Douglas St.. Omaha PIANOS J. S. CAMERON Manufacturer' Stat Agent GRAND and UPRIGHT PIANOS IOfc-8 K. Uth St.. Omaha. Nab. Tal. Red 2041. PIANOS BCRXOLLJEH MUELLEB PUIO CO. PIANOS MftDurcturrs end Dealer. In High Grade Plaaos er 500 riaiMt la Slack 1311-1313 Far nam St. Omaha. Nrh. MUSIC BY MAIL Illustrated Mnsle School, 1611 Farnam etore of the Perfleld Pliino Co.. Omnhn PHONOGRAPHS AND IIF.CO RD9 Columbia. Phonograph Co. 1681 f AKHAM STREET Uiaars, Rnlibrr Good a and Drnfi. Presentation Accuracy Guaranteed. Syringea, Rubber Goode by MalL out prioee Send for free catalogue. Band Ua your mall ordara for drugs. rreignt paia on. am ii Cigars at cut prices. 1 s. loo cfgmra, la Myers BlUoa . Dror DO. sauan painti lh and T rr.nm. 1416 KMHty. CANDY Craft Guild smans Confections Sold by GEOKGB BOOEBS, 1506 Farnam BREWERIES Alwaya Aak far Metz Bros. Brewing Co. FAMOUS KEG AND BOTTLE BEER -OMAHA.. WATER FILTERS. cam puma. sparkling wATii by Tnrsro MIS SOURI WATBB FXLTBBS. C. II. BUBE0, Mgr. 1301 ranut BL, O TELEPHONES IN OMAHA ( 17855 Subscribers NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO. PHOTO SUPPLIES. ttvmmm AMB kairmMt OP PHOTO SUPPLIES LABOSST XOTT6B IN TKB Will, The Robert Dempster Co., 1316 TltTlH ST. OK1I1. SHOE RF.PA1RING Standard Shas Repair Co. 1S04 PABBAM aj Wa da tha work right, phona Doug. 1.67 and wa will oall for your work. W. sell polish, lacea and aboa speciei tlea. CLEANING AND DYEING. We are headquarlera fur all cleaning, dyeing, preaeing- and repairing of la- Ciee' and gentlemen'a clothing. YOUB TaASI SOLICITED TIIE WARDROBE 101 Farnam Branch Office. 1T3S Leavenworth. Telephone Doug. 17J. LAIN DRIES "-ZM.M M WAY Wa don't Iron ahlrta at all. Wo press tbtm. Tbia glaa aa attractive flalaa Without wearing out the linen. BYABB STEAM UTSOIT fct. UT4. . AUe B. Xasalltoa, Mft. SIX B. llv Ik . Tai. Bwagla IH. TRUNKS AND LEATHER GOODS TRUNKS ' Salt Cas, lags aa liac racket Beekl FIEUVC A STQNLE T4. Seat. K. Mat taraaei PUBLICITY DESIGNS fasM1' n xfl. Music by Mall iiRa Iisl L than 10c t?TWr:ra, i -' Eight different 'OiJ.e f Jf murm. Investi ng ,0 -. them at the unna Moulded Baa-1 flr . ffV ords to fit any Cylln- f VhA PfPk. der Talking Machine ( JUli 0pmda Tou throw) vjF away money If you pay more. tWllli ORCHARD & WILIIELM You buy here with perfect confidence, both in the prce and in the quality. SURETY BONDS. Lion Bonding & Surety Co. A Home Company wltli Aaaeta In Hebraaka. 314-315 HEW YOBX I.IFB BVILDIHO. Telephone Douglas 552. MINE" 'Arp M!INC For Information oonoemlng legttl mata mining la Brltlah Columbia, addraaa F. Il. KNIGHT Soomi 41-a0 Oolnmbla aidg. MONUMENTS 1 MONUMENTS Largest Stock In the West J. F. BLOOM a CO. I SIS Farnam St Omaha BANKS FIRST NATIONAL BANK OMAHA Capital and Surplus,' 1, 100,000.00 BANKS United States National Bank OF OMAHA, NEB. United States Depositor? loth and Farnam Sta. BANKS OMAHA NATIONAL BANK ..OMAHA. Capital $1,000,000 BANKS J. L. BRAKDEIS & SONS BANKERS PAY 4 INTEREST ON DEPOSITS SAVINGS BANKS 4 Interest on Deposits CITY SAYINGS BANK Omaha OFFICE FURNITURE Best Selection ' . DESKS OMAHA PRIMING CO. 10th ass Faraaa Sit. INCORPORATORS i LET EXniTI Incorporate Your Company. Money to Promote Good Propositions. THE MERCANTILE INCORPORATING CO. 314-315 STEW TOBX LITE BUfLDXHO. EMPLOYERS' REFERENCE AGENCY IB TBXS BAY OP SMCIAX.1STS you waata time and money selecting your hflp. WB ABB SPECIALISTS Tha beat ability In the city la Hated with ua. Give us your nerds let us aaalat Aou no charge to employers. WX8T. BIT. BOMB ASSJI. Bnlt 7a IT. T. Life. Tel. Iong. 4983 REFERENCE AGENTS HIGH ORAOI POSITIONS Keystone Surety and Reference Agt. Inc. ' B. B. CZ.OYXB, Oea. Kg. Suit 404 Baa Building. KEFKKKNCK AG K NTS. BOW WOULD YOU XtlXB BXPBBTS to secure your hrlp, aavlng you tlmt and money. Competent Clerical. Bales and Technical llelp furnished em ployers, without charge. OUARABTXB BZP. ft SVBSTY CO., Phone Bad. 6444. 633-4 Brandals Bldg. OFFICE SUPPLIES Office Supplies rerytMng from a Pla to a Pllla Cabinet OMAHA PRINTING CO. lOtk. aad Farajun Sta OFFICE SUPPLIES LOOSE LEAF DEVICES Piling Cablneta, Piles and Ledgers, Oifloe Plxturee aad Supplies of All Binds. Anchor Rubllatttlna Co. 80S S. 18th St. TeL Dong. (Ml. TYPEWRITERS We will rent you a Typewrit er as low as $2.00 a month. Central Typewriter Esohanga lSOT Faraaa ' Psoas oa. SOS AUTOMOBILES AND SAFES J. J. DERIGUT & CO. WlMdaJ aad Retail Bait and Aattmtobllos . 1814V1S1S FARNAM 8TRSET Mall Order,1 Novelty mm Preaa. Geoda. ' WESTERN SPECIALTY CO. SaOKltl AJTB BISTBD3VTOBS Wnoleele-1-ealera In stoyblwias. raaaivM soobi BUkU Oa0 BiuvUaa of All BOaoA Flret Claas Aganta WaAled OhlAJlA, NaiB. Sound Basis of Western Striking evidence of the sound condition of the farmers and stockmen In the territory-tributary to Omaha Is found In the record of recent live atock sales that have been held In the country west of Chicago. While eastern bankers, brokers and financial men have been trimming sails to meet adverse winds, the farmers of the west have-been Investing more money than ever before In fine atock, planning to Improve their breeds and mak ing investments for future betterments. The hog, cattle and horse sales that have been held since the middle of October have shown results In ex cess of those of a year ago. The buyers at thw saleB have been farmers and the jjurchaseB have been made for breeding purposes. While the heavy run of light hogs and cattle at stock yards points has forced down the prices of market stock, the farmers, while closing out their feed stock, are buying breed stock and making greater prepara tions for the next year's work. Just a few In stances: On January 8, M. D. Shutt sold sixty-six head of Percheron horses at Rock Rapids, la. thirty two stallions and thirty-four brood mares at an average of $406.60 per head, several of them going for as high as $1,200 each. The buyers nearly all paid cash. A breeder at Holbrook, &., haa paid $3,000 for a half interest In Home Hun, a prize boar. Twenty-four sows, bred to thoroughbred stock, sold at the Iowa State fair for $162.60 each. Forty- JEWELRY AND WATCHMAKERS R .P. STILUS 6. Mamase Ixaert Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing. Special attention to complicated and Intri cate repairing. All work guaranteed. a paxtoa Bleox. JEWELRY AND WATCHMAKERS Gustation 42 ilenrickson Saooessora So P. B. PLOSKAB ft CO. Jewelers (SL Watchmakers ' 114 Oaplsol Avanaa. PHOTOGRAPHERS XfBW LOCATION WXAD BLBO. . 18th and Farnam PHOTOGRAPHERS 107 SOUTH 16th STREET MILLINERY RILEY SISTERS Exclusive v Millinery 317 SOUTH lath STREET OMAHA DENTISTRY MATTHEWS OBIOIBAXi PAXBXaSS BBITIR Xrfurgest and Finest Dental Offlee West of Chloage Salt 4. Bushman Blk., Itth and Dong. HAIR STORE SEE MONHEITS BXOXVSrn-B BLAXB BTOBB Par Bverythln4 itt Hair Goods, Stair Work, Hair Dreaalng, Swltohas, Wigs and Topees. 141) PABBAM ST., OMAHA. SIX. Telephone Donglaa 838. OPTICIANS Tha H. J. Panfold Co. OTBOBBS TOLLOW BCXXHTXPIO OPTXOXAJTB See Oar Hew Terto Lenses ' 1461 Farnam 8C Omaha, Neb. Olive OH, Candy, Mineral Waters. Imported Olive Oil Dlreot Proaa Italy tt.St per gallon. Special prices to dealers. Agents for Huyler's fin candles. Fresh dally. Agents for White Rock Mineral Water and Mountain Valley water. Myere-Slllea Drug Go. iota aad rt Engineer and Mfg. Machinist. . P. WELCHIOR'S MACHINE WORKS BLABXrPACTVBXBw ABB BB- PAxxuaa op all xxbtds OP KAOKXBBBY Breotiag; aad Coasolting Bng-lneer N. K. Cer. 1 1th and Howard St., Omaha. WAGON BUILDERS ANDREW MURPHY & SQN Wagon Builders OMAHA, NEBRASKA . BOILERS WILJIOH STEAM BOILER CO. Sign, at Taaatar rtas a4 flra Bes BeScra A.' n Slacks aad u ana water raaaa. li f I IBS aaaseM Factory 18th and Pierce Bta, Omaha MACHINERY SUPPLIES JOSEPH R. LEIIMER. eaggnaiteae fee Bvwytaln; Bleotjrtoal Buhru, B ism aad auU Bappttea , Prompt Shiiiseat aad Sat) a tee. 1218 FARNAM STRKKT ELEVATORS, SUPPLIES, ETC. WB L J. R. KENNEDY Passenger and Freight Elevators SUPPLIES aad KEPAIHINO Phaa Donglaa saT. 16 H. 13th St. I 1 five head of another bunch sold for $117.60 each. Fifty-two head of Poland-China hogs sold at Gardiner, III., for $200 each and seventy head of the same breed were sold .at Mary, Ind., at $25 each. ' At Clay Center, Neb., Claude McKelvle sold j- thirty-one sows for an average of $55 each, sev- ' eral going for more than $100 each. Sales at : Fuirfield and Clarks, Neb., In the last week, show record prices for fancy breeding hogs, the sales running, on more than 100 head, from $46 to $201 each. Instances might be multiplied indefinitely of the fancy prices being paid by Nebraska and other western farmers for fine stock. Something llker T00 of these sales are booked for the next two months in the Transmlsslsslppl region and a big attendance Is assured at. all of them. The farmers have the money and are hesitating at no outlay, which promises to turn In a profit In the form of better stock for breeding and market purposes. They are not worrying a bit over the discount rate of the Bank of England or the price of stock on Wall street, it would be foolish to say they have i more money than they know what to do with. It U no exaggeration to say they have all they need for the present and enough to spare considerable for plans for the future. The prosperity of the farmer and the stock grower Is one reason for the high standing Omaha holds in the business, finan cial and Industrial ranks In the nation. It fur nishes another argument for the future certain growth and greater development of Omaha, the Market Town. l- PLUMBING SANITARY PLUMBING T. F. DALFE PXATBranra, hot watbb abb stxajc HiAirsa Oaa aad Electrto matures: Bepalx Work m Specialty TeL Dong-. T43. ' 1607 Howard S CLEANING AND PLEATING Pleafins All Kinds ..DYEINQ AND CLEANING... RUCHTNGB, BUTTONS, ETC. Send for price Hat and samples ' IDEAL PLEATING C. 801 Xtonglas Block, Omaha, Bab. CORNKJE WORKS Corsica Bart, 1888. ' Steal OaUlaga X. X,cOABTB ' SXCBBT VCSTAX, WOBXS Pialala, Metal KoofLnf, Tanks, Sky lights, Sheet Metal, Tire proof Win dows. Large Stock c Metal Celling 1718-20-22-24 SU Kttsy Avenue Tel. Doug. 401. Omaha, ELECTRIC SIGNS SXB VS FOB ELECTRIC SIGNS Omaha Electric Light & Power Co. TXCL. DOUGLAS 106S. FIXTURES, ELECTRIC AND GAS Gas and Electric Flxlorts BiaCESS-CRAXDCV CO. TeL Seas- fit . . . JltS.UthSt, GAS WATER HEATERS Why heat up your coal rang jo at to neat water when a Oaa Water Heater will give you enough hot water for a bath In a few minutes. Wa sell them. OMAHA GAG CO. STEEL ENGRAVING, PRINTING, ETC KOTERA (SL COMPANY" SteI nd Copper Plat En graving. Embossing and Printing HIS Jacks St, Osaka, Nek ENGRAVING HALF-TONE tl ZINC ETCHERS ENGRAVING ANIMAL FEED A. W. WAGNER Waalesale aa Retail Dealer la FEED FOR ANIMALS TeL Douglae 1143 80L3-5-7-S-11 N.lfcth St.. Omaha FEED FOR ANIMALS M. ROSENBLATT Ay, Braa, Oata, PaeS BEST GRADES OP COAL, Office, Coal Taxd and Grata Elevator TaL 141L . 1 Ml Nlcaokas St. WHOLESALE SHOES Hayward Bros. Shoe Co.'s STANDARD FOOTWEAR . HAS PBOTBB ' BZST BY TEST. OMAHA, : ; : NEBRASKA MOVING AND STORAGE OMAIIA VAN AND STORAGE CO. Mavea, Pacha and Bteree Bouaehold Gooda. XSOY Prosperity RESTAURANTS. DESIGNERS. Lei us DRAW you a DRAWING that Will DRAW you trade. XC O. BTBBBLX, ft CO, Commercial Artists 822 N. Y. Life Douglas E14 BUILDERS. The Western Home Builders Will Build Tonr Home for Tea aad Let Yon Pay for it Like Bant Sl-36 V. 8. HATXOHAX, BASTE BLOO. Phone. Dong-. 4603 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PAINT. Wa are a ale agents for tow Bros, SHrfc Standard Palate aad S. ft XC ?, p. ft 8. Bokote aad a oemplete llae of Tarnish. Call or write for color- card. Myera-IJlllom Drag Oe. XtBVOSl PAXBT! ISO and Parnam. 1416 Harney. SIGN PAINTING. S.U. COLE SIGN COMPANY SIGNS ef Brer? Deeorlptloa 1S0S Doaglaa St. TaL Bong-. SS18 FURNACES. AMERICAN FURNACE BTTIX,T LXXB A BOILBB CLEAN, DVBABLB, ECONOMICAL W. S. HEATON 1318 Bo. 84th St. 'Phone Web. 308. COAL. Central Coal & Coke Co. Or OMAHA 15th and Harnay PRINTING. Good Printing No job too smalL No Job too large And the aame careful attention to 'details. OMAHA PRINTING CO. loth and Farnam Bta. PRINTING. urn 111 PRINTING. 'Have Root Print It" I1KMS1S Newax4 St. Omaha. Nebraska. Talaphon Doaglas 1604 PRINTING. . S. BaaU Albert SXELIj FRIXTING CO. PABTIOULAB PBXSTTBBS 810 Sontk IStk 4H., Omaha, Baa, Talephoaa Douglas 6764 COLOR WOBX -I- BMBOSSXH6) printing; UnltaOoB Trpwrtttcti LKtora. tlBg, Bo go Too Laxg a To BaaalL pxxoas bisst anchor jrBiaamNQ oo 306 Bo. lath St. TaL Dong. 3988 I PRINTING. CONTINENTAL PBIBT SHOP A t t. wrtprr Aa Good aa tha Best W UlilV jjj,., tluui tne Beat. Get our estimates and save money. Telephone Donglaa 4603. Room 81 U. S. Nat l Bank Baildlng, OMAHA. I I I NEBRASKA, PRINTING. TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS ABB THB BEST BOOBTBmS pom your Busiasaa wa luu TBS rssriot xcora MANGUM & CO. 1S 1M B men f D. V. SDOLES CO. Real Estate, Ittsuratico 11 BO ABB OP TBADB TaL Donglaa . REAL ESTATE. Loals Bark a Ohas. Btslga DERKA H CO. BBAX, ZSTATB Olry Property, Parm Lands, Loans, Xnyeetmaats and Fire Insnraaoe Office: 138 N. T. Life Bldg. Tel. Dour Us 1491. REAL ESTATE. CALL POB OTTB PLAT OP WEST FARNAM LOTS Sl,aoo to 81.600 Back Harrison & Morton 813 B. Y. Life TeL Dong, 814 ' ' REAL ESTATE. MORTGAGE LOANS . $8,000,000 TO LOAN on Improved city property. If desired loans can bs closed without delay. W. H. THOMAS, 603 PtBBT BATIOHAL BABX BLBO. REAL ESTATE. ERNEST SWEET SIS Srr York Life Boll ding Bulldsr ef High Class Residences Several bow Steady at 83rd and Barney IFarnam Hill District) See Thesn Today REAL ESTATE. GEORGE (El CO. ' teal Eatat Abetraot ef Tttls Investment Seouiitles 1601 rarnam St Omalta. Neb. REAL ESTATE. Peters Trust Co. Main Ploor, H. T. Life Bldg, MORTGAGE LOANS, REAL ESTATE, RENTALS, INSURANCE REAL ESTATE. GARVIN BROS. Bap and sen BUBAL BSTATB. Collect Beats. Itant Property. fcwaa Man ay oa Baal Batata. 1604 P ABB AM ST. REAL ESTATE. CIRKETT & TEBBENS BZAL BSTATB. SPECIAL ATTEN TION TO CAKB OF PROPERTIES, INSURANCE, RENTALS ABD IBYESTMEBTS 423. Bee Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 4754. REAL ESTATE. Globe Land and Investment Co. DEAL BSTATB and INVESTMENTS Parm and Bench Land for Sal or Trads. 306 S. 18th St. TsL Dong. 6B68 REAL ESTATE. G-Room House Bath, Gas Grate asd a Corner, 11,800 Hutchinson-Bollard Co., 1683 PABNAM. TsL Dong-. 418 REAL ESTATE. THE MCCAGUE INVESTMENT CO. BZAL ZSTATB, LOANS ABD INSURANCE 1606 Dodge St, TsL Song-. 418 REAL ESTATE. 6708 B. 84th St., Bsw 7-Boom Houss, S. B. Pront, Corner Lot, 83,660; S500 Cash, $25 Par Month. J. W. RASP CO., 688 Brandsia Bldg. Douglas 1653. HEAL ESTATE. J Uiro4 rinit gM.Li i- REAL ESTATE. law Paraaui St. Tel. Doug. 8T Skimcr Chase Co. BBAL BSTATB, XHYBSTMHBTB, BBBTAL8, XBSUBABOB BBZbSBBS OP MODERN HOVSSS Oaaaha, Bebraaka. REAL ESTATE. 1. X. SUMO NT. J. B. DUMONT. J. H. DUMONT & SON BBAL ZSTATB, STOCKS, BONDS RENTALS, LOANS, FIRE IBS UB AB OB 1608 PABBAM STBBBT, TeL Donglaa 60. OMAHA. REAL ESTATE. Payne Investment Co. OTTY REAL BSTATB, LOANS ANB RANTALB, LANDS ABB BABOHBS "Tlia "Alfalfa Land Mam" Mala Flcv N. Y. L. Bldg, Omaha. HEAL ESTATE. ALFRED 0. KENNEDY BBA-Xi BSTATB, LOANS, XBSTTBAHOB, MENTALS SOS Ptrat Bauaaal Eaak Building, LXeeT. TBS. OMAHA, BEB. HEAL ESTATE. Maw Buaae 4116 Dooge Mtreet Modern hciuxe of 7 room and re ception hall: flninlifd In oak down etalra, hardwood doora and finished floors throughout. Price, (4,760. C'aa make terms to good parly. JOHN W. ROBBINS 1808 arnam Tel. Deug. Bl 7. Fzrnam Smith & Co. Loins, Real Estate, Rentals and Fire Insurants 1880 PABBAM ST. OMAHA. REAL ESTATE. Investments, Reed Eattte, Rentals, Mortgage Loans INSVRANCB M. J. KENNARO a CO. S04-SI0 Brown Bfook. HEAL ESTATE. Ahstraet ef Title Loans Bentala The Byron Reed Company BIB Svoth 14th Street Phen a7 omaha, sfaa. REAL ESTATE. BENSON a MYERS SIS N. Y. Life Bldg, OMAH A Special attention given to prop erty tor out-of-town client. REAL ESTATE. THOMAS BRENNAN First Floor New York Life Bldg. Makea a specialty of handling property owned by eastern parties, and haa ex clusive agency of every piece of prop erty on hla books. loans BaeeyattatlewestCinTeiitaateefliitarest REAL ESTATE. BENSON ft CARMICHAEL Real Estate, Cars of Properties, Insurance, Leans 648 PAXTOB BLOCK, OMAHA. REAL ESTATE. WRIGHT & LASBURY Real Estate and Insurance Tel. Douglas 152 "504 South Sixteenth Street. REAL ESTATE. ELEVEN ROOM HOUSE Walking distance, on car line, rents at 136.00 "OTrt per month, for w National Investment Co. Phone Douglas' 6691. Douglas Block. REAL ESTATE. HOME BUILDER Afl work first-class, will draft your plans without extra sxpenae, let ua show you some of our buildings now under construction. C. P. TRAVER 'h0M 791 Ji 485-86 B.Y. Life. REAL ESTATE. CHEAP IDAHO LAND I have 25.000 acres of Irrigated land in the Upper Snake River Valley. If Interested call or wrlto for terms. Excursions every 1st & 3d Tuesdays. W. B. PRANK Phona Dong. 380O am Neville Blk. REAL ESTATE. WALNUT KILL Nine-Boom Honss, sooth front, large lot, water, light, only half block to oar. 88,860. See us for terms. O'Keefe Heal Estate Cs. 1001 N. Y, Life Bldg. Omaha. REAL ESTATE. H. B. Payne. 8. P. Boat wick, H. M. Slater FAVXE, BOSTW1CK & CXXMPANY "BTATB, RENTALS CITY LOANS, XBSUBABCB Maia Ploor H. T. Life Bldg-: Telephone Douglas 101. REAL ESTATE. Russel & McKitrick Co. 433-33-34 Bamgs Bldg, 16th 8) Harney Choice building lot, $10 c&Mh, IS per month. Good cottage homes 25 coah, $10 per month. Modern homes $100 cash, 820 per month. ABSTRACTORS. S. M. SADLER & SON Abstractor and Title Examiner Htm UeadoB MS Sea lit K ' ABSTRACT OP TITLES. NEALE & NORTON ABSTRACTS OP TITLS Twenty Years Exp.rlence In Omaha. 816 South Seventeenth Street. Bee Building. ABSTRACTORS. Midland Guarantee & Trust Co. Incorporated 1885 Abstracts of Title. Title Insurance 1714 Farnam St. TaL Dong. 838 ABSTRACTORS. TTTjEED ABSTRACT CO. Oldest Ahatraet Offte la Nesraaaa. Ill Farsma Street, Oauha. Kek ABSTRACTS OP TITLES. BETTER BE SAFE THAN SORRY Get a " f f g R R " Abstract . 305 8. 17th Street ' LIFE AMI ACCIDENT mSI RANCH TOM S. KELLY Manager Life and Accident Depart. mints for State of. Nebraaka. The Traveler Xaawajao Omanasy HarCfBrt. Clean. tM Re Bldg. Omama. feK 1