V V) II Want-ads Adrertleemeata lor the rrant ad pel a ma nil ha taken until II a. to tor the morning ill aadar edltlone. (ash mil urcompuar all orders for naat ala i advertisement will he arprpted lor Iras taaa 14 eata fa the first Insertion). fie tea apply a tlllirr Tha Dally Btfffday Bar. 4 1 Tray a raaat els wr ta a llaa. omulautlons ef Initials ar itabtct count as oaa word. CASH ntTES FDII WAJIT ADS. RRCiM.AU CLASSIFICATION Oaa Insertion, per liar, 14 ceata. Twa or more ronrrillTC Insertions, par llaa. cents. Ear a Inaertlaa mads on odd lays, 10 cnli prr line. "l.o0 pat Una per month. SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION II oar iidve rtlsement la Inaerted ander any one at the claaalllcatlaae alraa below. It will he charged at the fol lowing rateai One laaertlon, 4 ceala prr line, three to rlrn consecutlvs In sertion, a eenta per llaa each laaer tlon I irvrn or more coneeentlva Inaer tlons, a cents per llaa each laaertloa 50 real per line per month. BIRTKR AND EXCHANGE. HL SINKS CHANCES. IIKLl1 WANTED FEMALE. HELP WANTED MALE. Except A Kent, Sollcltara aad Sale, mea. OFFERED KOFI SALE, tana, Blrtla, Dogs aad Fata. Iloraea aad Vehicles. Poultry aad E((i, Furniture. Typewriters and Sewing Machines. Pianos, Organs aad Musical laatro. inaata. IIFf'KBED FOR RENT. ' Furnished Rooms. I nfurnlahed Rooms. Housekeeping rooms. Roardlanr aad Rooms. WANTED TO BUY. Want ails for the Bsc mar ba left at any of the following- drng stores one Is "your corner drogglat" -they ra all branch office of The Bee and lour ltd will ba Inaerted .Juat aa promptly aud oa Ihe anion ratea aa at the main oltlcn In The Uaa Building, seventeenth, and Faraam Streets. Atliuch. W. C, 4oth and Farnam. hcranek. 8. A.. 1402 B. ltith St. Her lit Fhaimacy. VO S. ltith St. Dumon Pliaimauy, Benson, Neb. Bemis Pain Pharmacy, 3,ld and Cuinmg. Blake's Pharmacy, 2816 Blwrmiin Ave. t aughlln. C. R., tlh and Pierce Sts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 2213 Military Ave. Conte. J. B.. 31st Ave. and Fnrnaui. Crlsaey rtiermacy, 24th and Lake Ms. Cermek. Kniil. 1J04-6 8. 13tli St. I.mtivaii Pharmacy, Mi Hamilton. Killer, F. H W2 Leavenworth. Foster ft Arnold!, :I3 N. 2Mb St. I'lrvn,,;, .lonn J , 1SH N. 24tli. i Florence lru Co., Florence, Neb. 1 n ..... T a.-,,,.,.- C1 I, .till 1 . A 1( S. Greei.'s rnarniacy, 'comer Park Ave. and pa-jin-. Grtenoush. C A.. 102T, S. loth Ft. GreenoUKh, O. A., 1:'4 S. lHh St. Il.iri.n arm C tTiirnsm St. . Ilanscom Park Pharmacy, 1501 B. 29th v... ilo!s-t. John, 6?l N. 11th St. 1'm(T. x. T,., ?9"4 Leavenworth St. Klnc. H S.. 2-J3S Farnam St. Koiin(z; P'aco Pharmacy. 3fi04 N. 4th Patrick Drug Co.. 1:4 N. 24th St. ! Mhroi.. rharlea F... 1?24 N. 24th St. P yton, r,. E.. 24th and Leavenworth. 12 .-..ft...... i'n Oith nnrt A TY1 m Ave. e. liunfer'a Cut Price Drug Co., 16th and Chlrauo. Prhaofer, Atiaun. 2031 N. 16th St. Si-hmldt, J. H.. 24th and Cumin 8t. Storm Pharmacy, 1th and Martha Pt. alnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cumins. Walton pharmacy, roth and Graoe. Worth, O. It.. 40th and Hamilton Sts. DEATHS AND FCNERXL NOTICES. UOBJSON CJeorgo A., January 17, 1!J8, aatd b2 years. Funeral services will be held Ht family residence, 703 South Seventh street, Coun cil Hluffs, Monday, January 20, at 2 p. m. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends Invited. WlfKBTROM August V., aged 51 years ! months 1 days, Januaiy 18, 1908. Funeral Monday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the residence. a( rxorin jNineieenm street, and i o'clock from the Swedish in manual Lutheran church, Nineteenth and Cbbs streets. Interment Forest Lawn ceme tery. Friends invited. ANNOUNCEMENTS TELEGRAPHY The telegraph department of the Omaha Commercial college, l'-ttli and Farnam Sts. has been made the official school of tele uruphy of the V. P. R. R. Co. Students Kuaranteod positions on l P. R. R. Writs uh at once. Address Kohrbough Bros., Omaha, Neb. tw Msaj Feb l THIS CITY GARBAGE CO., office 4th and Leavenworth tits. Tel. Douglas 1387. (II 262 eIGN PAINTLNO-B. H. COLE, 1303 Doug. las. (l) ais AUTOMOBILES BKXD for our list of second-hand aulomo- hlles. HEKIUHT, Farnam. m'Mi BARTER AND EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Newspaper outfit, republican, in county seat town western Iowa. l'p-to-date equipment. An excellent opening for trie right man. Would take residence as part pay, bal ance easy terms. Price, $3,600. Com mission to brokers, lnler-gtate Land Co. ritilney la. (3) M-704 26 x I HAVE a few good diamonds that I wish to trade for something I can use. Wh have you to offer? Address E 813. care EXCHANGE For merchandise. $5,000 double store building; rents $30. Mortgage $J,300, three and five years. W. I,. Buck, Panama la 13) M891 2&x !u-ROOM hotel, steam heat, gas, city water, and 6-room cottage. In a good Iowa town; sell or trade for land, city property or merchandise; hurry, this Is a snap. F. A. Messniore, Put Avenue B., Council Hluffs. la. (3) M187 - - - TRADES. TRADES If you have aome thlng for sale or trade write us; we match everything. WAIT INVESTMENT CO., 4l Bee Bldg. (31-M218 J24 A IJVE ONE. Have a good mining Block to trade. What have you? L 034. car Bee. (J) Zi6 , FOR sale or trade for good land, a clean stock of hardware ana Implements In a live town. Address Lock Box No. 2h6, Alexandria, Neb. 13) MMI 21 x FOR SALE or Exchange 480 acres. Fron tier Co., good grass. 126 under plow, well, granary. 200 acres fenced; would take an automobile. Prlcer $11.50 per acra H. F. Neal. Kearney. Neb. (31 M69s 21x FOR SALE or Exchange for Ind Good Income residence properly In Kearney. Graham ft Neal, Kearney, Neb. (Ji-MK 23x STEAM saw mill plainer. 110 acres timber Ixnd. two million feet lumber In stump, situated in Oregon; what have you to offer? -iddrtsa J W0, care Bee. .3l-MS60 21 (Continued.) TO EXCHANGE 270 acres, all under cultl vat inn, good buildings, fine water. 13 miles aoutheast from Crookaton, Minn., close to market. Price, $46 per acra. Want $1,000 general merchandise.. Address lock box o, Pipestone, silnn. tat MT73 aht I HAVE tha eheapeat ranch proposition In Nebraska, all equipped and Blocked ready for. busineaa, to exchange for a small eastern farm. Aleo good Income property i tu exchange for land, and a amall farm, consisting of 1:2 acres, unimproved, In fata comity, Nebraska. t exchange for merchandise. For full particulars writ i, F, sailer. Plsttsinoulh. Neb. CD UtH M BUSINESS CHANCES THIS IS A SNAP. Eighty acres In Mlaaouri: will sell for eah or will trail; title aood and no encum brance. M S3.H care Bee. HJ- E. a. OANflESTAD can help you et n or I out of business. Iloom eui era ri"i, Omaha. (4)-w WF.l.I. established merchandise bualnaaa; stock Is new. oonrtwta of STOcerles. hard mare hn drv eood. claars. tobacco. patant medicines, mlnlna; aupplles, cash r.tptfr. safe, bulldinaa, fixtures and twtat.-kfflc in rnnnectlon with business; well worth $1200; will take el.TOO, half In ood work horses, waicona and harness, T . . ... t. . . . 11 i - t balance casn. n. imiw (4 M649 ill WANT a partner in a machine shop ana factory; must have sdoui i,owi casn n be wllllnt to take the management of the' business for 1100 a month; meney In vested ought to pay 20 per cent or mora nninllv investment secured by real es tate mortgaae worth four times the amount needed. For interview address IV 82, care Bee. ' (4)-M5n U WANTED Abstracter to purchase balf ln- iprt In abstract company in cssicrn Smith Itakota city. 101 North Main Ave., Bioux Falls. 8. U. (4j-M48 INDUSTRIAL AND MINING STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOIJ. llOBT. C. DRUF.SEDOW & CO,. . . srni'K HROKF.RS. Tel. Douglas . 8"9 N Y. Life Bldg. I OMAHA. NEB. (4)-M693 F3 COME TO NEVADA. Opportunities every where, particularly "at Reno. Write Ne vada commercial league, nmiu, nnv. (4 M521 20 WANTED Help to bring out a patent estimated ai ll.wiu muuei nuw in patent office. Write for particulars. Address Y 191 care Bee. - 14)-MW "x FOR SALE Twenty-room, furnace heat. hotel complete. Address boi mi, otu ford, Neb (4)-M63 Ztx FOR SALE Farm Implements -and meat market In gooa oouin ubkoi ion, cheap. Sixty miles from Sioux City. Vog nlld & Uen, Volin, 8. D. . (4) M520 Vnt FOR SALE Drug stock and fixtures; will invoice about sj.tw; wen esiauiisiiea ousi ness In good town; must be sold at once. Address J. M. Freeman. OH via, Minn. (41-M5&0 21 g rmn BAI.K OR TRADE)-Drug stock and store building in gooa eastern ninriMi inwn. also first-class restaurant building with fine opening ior uusiness. ui dmikkts, etc., Heflln. 1324 Farnam. building. t4 44 30x ELEGANTLY furnished three-chair barber shop for sale; oesi in me cuy. r or par ticulars write T. U. ' Mauldlng. Lyons, Kan. (4) MoS6 Vix. A CHANCE for restaurant man to start here, with all new nxiures; oesi location In town; good building, cheap rent, In best town of its sljje in northwest; I will guarantee the business, c. w. Lindsay, Anthon, la. (4)-M5& 22x FOR SALE Furnished hotel. 21 rooms, good business, oarn, garden, rruit. Harri son House, Meadow Grove. Neb (4)-M5S7 F15 trnn SALE OR RENT Hotel business. In live county seat town; the best house; 2o rooms, rate; a very aesiranip. piace ana a money-maker. Box 453, ('lay Center, Neb. (4I-MS86 21x FOR SALE, CHEAP New motion picture and stareoptlcon view machine, with new films and hand-colored views. The above goods were only used three evenings. Ad dress 70 tn Bt., tied uan, ta. (4) M882 25x ALL kinds of bargains .In rooming houses; cash loaned if needed. Kelly ft Stone, 220 Neville Blk. Tel. fJotig. 4t4. . I4V-M865 Febl8 IF you want a substantial Investment that will pay you ft" per cent on your money call or write L. J. Ross, Hotel Rome, Omaha. (4) So4 Zox FOR RALE Meat market at Fort Calhoun. Address H. Jacobsen, I ort C alhoun, Neb. . (4)M852 26x . BOTTLING WORKS and Ice cream plant for sa e. Mccook, iNen.. box 3i7. popula tion 6,000. $700 to $1,000 a month business. (4) Moo- 21 X Do You Wish to Make a Change IF YOU have a farm, home, business or property that you wish to scM or ex change, write us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., UMAilA, NEB. (4)-M172 J2SX FOR SALE My part furniture and fur nishings in an modern eu-room notei. Balance o furniture goes with lease. Bar In connection also for sale. Onli hotel In town of 2,600. L. P. Mooney, Mlnden, Neb. (4) M3t4 JZ7x REMARKABLE opportunity to buy gro cery, meat maraet ana nxtures at Dig bargain; best location In Omaha. Address F 814, Bee. 14) 43 a TO BUY or sell a business quick, writ HUdreth. 439 ttrandels Bldg., Omaha. (4) M869 I WANT to sell my saloon at Blue Hill. Neb., for cash only. I want to sell out on account of sickness. Box 604, Blue Hill, Neb. (4)-M120 21x FOR 8AI.JJ Clean hardware stock, In good central Nebraska town; Invoice $3,600. Ad dress Y 196, care Bee. (4) M900 21x FIRST-CLASS MEAT MARKET, doing $3,000 business a month; does Its own killing; located 14 miles from Omaha. For further particulars Inquire Fred Apel, 20th and pierce. tt) MS8o Z6x AV ANTED Good, live man with furniture and undertaking business. In central Ne braska town. Excellent opening. Addess Y 70. Bee. it) M3M ZH PARTY with $4,000 or $5,000 can make 20 per cent on his money, no time required. no risk. Address u s.o, care or Bee. 14) M896 IF YOU have money which you wish to Invest so as to bring you excellent re turns and at the same time want to feel that it Is absolutely safe, call or address 411 Bee building. (4)-M591 22x WANTED A buyer for a good feed and coal business, cheap, good reason for selling. Call 1620 Madison Avs. (4) 80 4 A BARGAIN in fruit farm and hog ranch: 67Vk acres, lots of fruit and first-class Im provements; near t o. Bluffs; a money matter. 4U Bee tsmg. j4) 4s ). FOR SALE One three-chair barber shop at 44is io. Z4in Bt. uooa location, near street car barn. Apply H. Tlmm. (4)-Mll IDLE MONEY or money In savings Institu tion is a mighty fine asset, but 1 have stock for sale In a large eastern manu facturing concern which as a dividend producer beats the savings bank or safety deposit vault. This company has been in business for over a quarter of a century, has a building In Omaha, and Is paying very substantial annual divi dends. It will cost you a stamp for par ticulars. Sponge the stamp today. Ad dress r et. caj-e Bee. mi Mtr.o 24x DRUG STORES for sale everywhere. K. V. Kniest, 707 N I. Lite, Omaha. (4) M906 SHOES and men's furnishing business for sale at W'aahta. la.: a good ODDortunite to step Into an old established and good paying misinesa in a good town; good reason given ior selling; no trade. u. Holmgren. W'ashta, la. (4) M830 26 MILLINERY stock for sale, cheap; good location, write isox 3. Mead, r.eb. (4 M849 26 X FOR 8AI-E Blacksmith shop and good stoca ana toois; must do sola very cheap; owner leaving country; it invites inspec tion. Apply John ljiwson, W inside. Neb. (41 MH48 &x RKSTAt'RANT, bakery snd confectionery for sale; owner wishes to tske govern ment position; a good opening for soma one it laac. at once; it invitee inspec tion, rtooert iitn, Newman Grove, Neb. ( M-'8 2x BUSINESS DIRECTORY Auctioneers. IN NEBRASKA or IOWA.-Sam Hoff, Omaha. (6 M-70-Fe0. Wx Chlrapadlst. DR ROY, R. 2, 15nf Farnam 8t. Doug. 47. - ( til Carpet Claaalag. A. K. JETT, oarcet cleaning. Tel. D. 4S, THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY. JANUARY ?P, 1903, BEE want-ads are opportunities to make you known to every BUSINESS DIRECTORY (v.int:fiua. Creameries. DAVID COLE CREAMERY CO.. successor to Beatrice Creamery Co., Omaha. tB) 269 , Chattel Laaas. Cha. D. Stanton Loan Co., 601 Bee Bids. Dressmaking. IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Harney 1368. (5)-27J M'DOWELL Dressmaking School, 1623 Far nam St, t6-274 SEWING By day.. Best or city reier- 'Phnne Weh. 1S09. IS) M-733-Feb. 18x Dcntlata. BAILEY ft MACH, d fir., Paxton. D. 1W5. K9J .1. Florists. HESS ft SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. (5) 27 I HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. D. J. H. BATH. 1623 Harney. TeL Doug. 3000. (6-278 Jewelers and Watchmakers. N. P. STILLING Watch, clock. Jewelry repairing. 2-8 Paxton Bik. 'lei. u. Hotels. THE SCHLITZ. European, 16th and Harney Locksmiths. Tel. D. (5) 280 274. Music and Languages. PIANJ lessons. Mrs. Ritchie. Tel. Web. 2:93. to-sw Moving and Storage. Expressmen's Delivery Co., office, 214 No. JtKh 81., warenouse, ZJti-t izara oi. ID) ot- Office Supplies. FILING cabinets, files and ledgers, loose leaf devices and ornce tixtures ana sup plies of a k nrts. Anchor Publishing Co., 306 S. 18th St. Tel. Doug. 656.'. Iti.l. A1663. .( Mb7 tf CDlO Osteopothy. Dr. Bowser, over 1502 Far'm. Tel. Doug. 6370. t) 9ii t en JOHNSON INS.. 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1664. (6)-34 Photographs. C. B. TRUSSELL, 115 South 16th St. -2S6 Shoe Repairing. RAPID 8HOE REPAIR CO., first-class work. 16186 Capitol Ave. 'Phono Red 994. SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered free, btanaara onoe nepair to., 1804 Farnam St., Tel. D. 7567. (6) 282 Printing. EVER STOP TO THINK of tha time lost poking un the average rnur when ygrJV& J?b ta a hurryT ANCHOR rUIILlBnlNU t O., Printers and Office Furnishers. j06-S12 South 19th St. Phones: Bell, Douglas 6562; Ind A1562. (5) M169 Jan25 BEFORE placing your 1908 calendar order don't fan to see our eiegani lmportea line. Lyngstad ft Jorve, printers, 16th end Capitol Ave. (6) 2S6 Safes, Shatters, Etc. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a specialty of fire escapee, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, Prop.. 102 S. loth St. (5 1287 HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory and Trades. APPRENTICES wanted for millinery. See Mrs. A. C. Hand, Millinery section. Sec ond Floor, The Bennett Company. (7) M903 21 WE atlll need more ladles and girls for decorating aofa pillows: experience un necessary; work taken home. Call fore noons, 2311 H. 13tb bl. (I) M9ZZ IS Housekeepers aad Domestics, WOMEN'S DOMESTIC GUILD, 1902 Farnam St. Cook and housemaid, $6 each. Downstairs maid. $6. Cooks and girls, for general housework, $5 to $7. (7) MSb8 22 WANTED Competent girl for general boussworK. . uooa wages. 4819 Cass St. 'Phone Harney ima. (7) M1S1 Housekeeper, ranch; general house girls; H to 17. lansamn umce, torn ana uoage. to M740 GOOD strong and neat German girl. 117 Boutn sta Avenue. 17 M66 WANTED Girl to sssist with general housework; no wasning. 13Z9 . 3lat St. (7)-640 20 WANTED A competent child's nurse. In quire 604 a. aotti bt. (7) M871 A GOOD GIRL for general housework. AbDly at 4206 Dodge St. May so home at night If desired. (7) M883 21 GOOD, reliable, middle-aged woman for housekeeper, one wno is fond of chil dren and desires good home. CalL 1024 N. S2d St. (7) M916 21X GIRL for general housework, small fam ily, small house, good wages: references. Tel. Douglas 2694. Mrs. C. S. Stebblns, 1230 Park Wild Ave. (7) M846 20 WANTED Good girl to assist with gen eral nousewora; gooa wages. 4033 Hard St. Tel. Harney 104 8. , (7) M921 20x Mlecellaaeoua. LADIES $1 every day at home; stamped envelope for particulars. Ladles' Aid, Durham, Conn. (7) M525 20x WANTED A middle-aged woman for companion and attendant to elderly lady, willing to sew a little and help about the house; permanent place for right party who will take Interest; small salary; stats something about yourself first let ter. Address C. L. P., R. F. D. No. 4, Council Bluffs, la (7) M561 21x HELP WANTED-MALE WANTED Reliable man In each locality to advertiaa our gooda on commission or salary; $90 a month and expenses $3 per day; entirely new plan. Write Empire Medicine Co., London, Ontario, Canada. (8) M926 2 Clerical aad Ontea. WANTED Twenty young men to meet Tuesday evening. January a, at I p. m , and enroll in evening classes In struc tural and architectural drafting. Omaha Technical School. "Omatek." Room 8, Wead Blk., 18th and Farnam. () M2t4 a POSITIONS for drug men everywhere, T. V. Knlest. 7OT jn. I. i-ue, umans. (9)-2ffl MANAGER WANTED for your county. married, state age ana reterencea; staple goods dealers sell; Bend stamp for reply. Win. P. Cox, Sales Mgr., Enid, Okl. (t-M92I SOX body in Omaha. HELP WANTED MALE IConunued. Factory aad Tradea. WANT a good, sober, honest man, who has had experience In moving brick and frame buildings; good wages and steudy work. 1. A. Murphy, 1101 8. Main Ave., Bioux Falls, 8. D. (9)-MtW3 F17 WANTED Men to learn barber trade, few weeks required, best paying work within the reach of poor man. can have shop with small capital; wages from 112 to 20 weeklv; wonderful demand for barbers; catalogue free. Moler Barber College, 110 So. 14th St. . (9I-M660 2ix Bllacellaneous. YOUNG MEN. LISTEN! Clerks and slenosraphers earn from $20 to $ per month and old age often finds them dependent upon the charity of their mends. Uransmen ana engineers earn from 175 to $1,000 per-month and old age generally finds them captains of the big Industries of the country, happy and con tent in the knowledge that they have been doing something worth while. To which class are you thinking of Joining. Learn to be a draftsman and later to be an engineer. You can do It evenings. We want twenty ambitious young men to meet with us January 21, at p. m., enroll and take up a course of study that will mean many dollars to them. OMAHA TECHNICAL SCHOOL, OMATEK." s Room 3, Wead Blk., 18th and Farnam. t9) M-'W i WE GUARANTEE YOU A TELEGRAPHY JOB on the Union Pacific R. R. If you learn Telegraphy at our school, and also a place to work lor your board while attending. Union Pacific train dispatcher's wire and station blanks installed In the school for practice purposes. Write for full Informa tion QUICK. Boyles Telegraphy College, 18H3 Harney St., Omaha, Neb. Official training school U. P. R. R. (9-624 U. 8. NAVY wants young men between ages 17 and 26; men with special trades accpted up to .15 years. Good opportun ities for promotion for -efficient men. Pay $16 to $70 per month, practically clear or living expenses. tree illustrated booklet on application. "The Making of a Man-of-Warsman." Visit or address Navy Rccrul.Jng Station. Omaha, Neb. t9) M832 Feb 3 WANTED Two high class men to take one-third Interest eacn in a wholesale business In Nebraska; must be pushers; Investment, $3,000 each; references re quired. Address Cedar Rapids Scales and Machine Co.. Cedar Rapids, la. t (9I-M601 22 FREE Employment Bureau, supported by Business Men s association; neips worg men find positions. 516 N. Y. L. Bldg. Bldg. (9) M660 YOU can make $26 to $100 week in mail order business; no canvassing; l made $5,000 first year. Why work on small salary? Free booklet; tells how to get started. Manager American Mail Order Bureau, Detroit, Mich. (9) M234 Feb lOx POSITIONS OVEN FOR FIREMEN AND BRAKEMt-N ; big pay and rapid promo tion: experience unnecessary. Apply at once, personally or by letter, to National Railway Training Ass'n, 620 Paxton Blk., Omaha. Neb. (91-136 Feb7 1,000 NEW MEMBER8 wanted for the Y. M. C. A. for the 40th anniversary, Jan. 21. Reduced price until that time only. Don't delay. (9)-76 TOUNG MEN to prepare for examination for railway mall and other government positions; superior Instruction by mail: established 14 years: thousands of suc cessful student; sample questions and "how government positions are secured" sent free. Interstate Schools, Cedar Rapids. Ia. f. - . (9)-M5S2 F16x WANTED Railway mall clerks, Immedi ately, $1,000 yearly; examination hero March 26; couching free. Franklin In stite, Rochester, N. Y. (9) M659 20x HUSTLERS wanted everywhere, $25 to $30 made weekly distributing circulars, over seeing out-door advertising. New plan. No canvassing. Merchants Out-Door Ad vertising Co.. Chicago. (9) M662 24x HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. WANTED Educated men and women ca pable of earning from $100 to $400 per month to sell the new INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPEDIA ill Nebraska, South Dakota and western Iowa, Inquire at 718 N. Y. Lafe Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (10) M901 21 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. WE HAVE BUYERS every day for horses, if you have any you want to dispose of. We buy and sell on commission. The Harney Street Stables. (11) M479 troR RAIE 12 horses: 1,000 to 1.400 lbs. each, suitable for farm, delivery wagon and general work; cheap ror cash. 1924 Lake St. Tel. Webster 1651. (1D-M856 25 Poultry and Eggs. SCREENINGS $1.26 per cwt. Wagner,801 n 16 BTXFF COCHINS exclusively; fifty large framed, big boned, even colored, well feathered cockrels, and a few pullets for sale. Write. W. W. VAUGHN, Marlon. Iowa. (ID M518 20x SILVER LACED and White Wyandottes ainala and rose comb reds, superior dual ity; eggs $3 per 30. Charles F. Clemons, Davenport, la., rt. 3. (11) Matss Ltjx BARRED Plymouth Rock cockerels; price $1 and $2. w. J. uooiey, fieosauqua, la. (U) Mo&9 23x PRIZE WINNING buff cochins for sale M. 6. Brady, Richards. Mo. (U)-M519 20x GOVT, book free. Model Squsb Co.. Omaha. (1D-M6B8 Fob3 FINE BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK COCKERELS For sale, Randall Curtis 49 Cass St., Dundee. Neb. (1D-M-7S4 ax Caws, Birds, Dogs and Pets. FOR SALiE Fox wolf and rabbit hounds. . For particulars address Turner ft Riffe, Orrlck, Mo. OD-M517 F2x FOR SALE Splendid Galloway herd, bull and nine females, soma witti calves nv their aide, registered. A snap at $476. Shortage of feed. R. W. Lee, Sutherland, Ia. ill) M514 20s SCOTCH COLIJE puppies, two to five months old, from registered parents, farm raised and woraers. H. S. Grimm. Genoa, KM). (11) MIS4 ZlX GOOD cow for sale, will be fresh soon. Apply. A. Hurwlts. fit N. 17th St. (11) M878 25X LOST AND FOUND 1 ' LOST Pair of sliver rimmed spectacles, in small case, between 2301 N. 27th St. and Nelcman's grocery store. Return to 2W1 N. 27th St. (12) M863 20 LOST Gold watch, chain and cross charm Initial "H" on case; liberal reward for return to Bee office. (12) M92& 22 MEDICAL EBflT nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," $1 a box, postpsld. She' man ft Mcconnell Drug co., omana. iui-bi ANY poor girl In need of a friend oall er write to tha matron of the Salvation Aimy Hems for Women at 8824 N. !4tb St., Omaha, Nab. - 02) M10t FREE medical, and surgical treatment at CrrLghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts ; special attention paid to con finement cases: all treatment supervised by college srofeaeora, 'Faone Douglas iiki. (.ana aoswarea ear or nigm. (1I 12$ J MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS EAGI.i: LOAN OFFICE-Reliahle. accom modating; all business confidential. K'Ol Douglus. 04) 940 DO YOU WANT to start the ,NEV TEAR right? Do you want to pay up your landlord, grocer, doc tor or anyone you owe and psv all In one plate? See the OLD OMAHA MORTGAGE, sixteen years here that means reliability. OMAHA MORTGAGE IX1AN CO.. 119 Board of Trade Bldg., ltith St. Entrance. (141 :Ci MTO I.OAN-L AnOlf RATE - In sums J 'Phone Douglas LOW to Bid?. 29)4. UNION LOAN COMPANY. . U4)-.'94 DR. PRIBEENOW S MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos, horses, etc. any amoui.t; less half rates: perfect pri vacy and immediate attention, on any terms, payments suspended when sick or meaoiea. Z14 Karbach Blk., 200 8. 15th Bt. (MI- MONEY IANED SALARIED PEOPLE and otheis without security; easy pay ments. Offices In 6S principal cities. Tol man, room 714, New York Life Bldg. 414) 297 FOR A SQUARE DEAL 30 TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO. For Chattel or Salary Loans. 633 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglas 746. (!4)-296 FURNITURE, live stock salary, lotxn. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker Plk. (14)-298 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St. "141 29B OFFERED FOR. RENT Boarding and Rooms, 7 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms: cafe, (161-301 DEWEY European Hotel, ISth and Farnam (15) 302 FURNISHED rooms, 26th St. with board. 618 S, 05)-M62fi J31x kvERY desirable furnished rooms with board, suitable for two young men or two young laoica. ij bo. zoth Ave. (l5)-534 20x FOR RENT Very desirable room, fine lo cation, wa-lklng dibtance, excellent board 218 So. 26th St. (15) M-73 7 26x Furnished Rooms. WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices, lei. Douglas i83o. Schmoller ft Mueller piano to., uu-ui3 Fsrnam. (16)-303 PARLOR bedroom, nicely furnished everything modern; very cheap. 1544 N. 16th. (16) M920 26 CENTRAL, all modern, 8 fine furnished rooms; bathroom and hall. 220 N. 23d (16) M919 IF you want good room see us. If you want your rooms renea see us. CITY ROOM RENTAL CO.. "Phone Red 3045. 644 Bee Bldg." . (15)-M217 F OMAHA VAN ft Storage Co., pack, move, store H. 11. goods; storehouse mo-24 N 19th, Office, 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1569. (16J-304 NEWLY furnished front room, new brick dwelling. modern, all conveniences, reasonable, private. 2S05 N. 21th. 'Phone Webster 328. (15) M928 22x TWO large rooms, all modern, nice Iocs tion: gentlemen prererrea; breakfast if desired. 649 8. 36th Ave. (15) M306 23 NICELY furnished front room, with large closet; one other room, witn or without piano; furnace neat, gas. Dam, not water, telephone; walking distance car. and board one block. 2oS3 St. Mary's Ave. (15)-M796 21 LARGE, beautifully furnished modern room for gentlemen, witn private family two blocks from High school, $20. O 822, Bee. (15) M741 25x FOR !RENT Very desirable room, fine lo cation, walking distance. L'ld o. ath St. (16J-M-738 26x ROOM with private family. Parke Ave. bath, steam neat: use oi pnone; break fast If desired. 'Phone Harney 1603. (15) M916 21X 8 OR 4 elegant furnished rooms, complete for housekeeping. Mia uavenport Bt. (16) M89S PLEASANT housekeeping, sleeping and transient rooms. &ti nsrney Bt. TeL Douglas 4294. 05)-M941 SOUTH front rooms, modern brick house 2208 Douglas Bt. tioi MbZ4 Mx NICELY furnished room, private family, 2626 Hamilton Bt. (u) M644 21 FOUR rooms. 1120 N. 17th SL (16)-1 TWO furnished rooms, steam heat. 1606 Farnam St., 3d floor. (16) M6W ROOMS Furnished or unfurnished, good location. 23J1 Douglas Bt. (16) 648 Zix FRONT parlor and alcove, desirable for two or more young men, or man and wife, 218 N. 19th. (16) M669 24x 2 OR 8 FURNISHED rooms; modern, with kitchen privileges: adults, only; refer ences required. 2i0i wool worth Ave. (16-78 24 Unfurnished Roams. THREE OR SIX Rooms, modern, wit heat. Martis Block. )in and Webster St. (16) M-732 26X 4 ROOMS, modern: exclusive bath room Residence, ttui rx. iitn t. lei. web ster 3169. (16) M918 26x Apartments aad Flats. 609 8. 26TH AVE.. 7 rooms, modern, oak finish, gas and electric light, hot water heat $47.60. 2606 Sherman Ave., 5 rooms, new. modern oak finish, gas ana electric lights, fur nace $30.00. HASTINGS ft HEY DEN, 1704 Farnam Rt. (151 -.' TWO Brick Jlats. s-room each, corner Woolworth and Georgia Ave, Phon Harney 617. (16)-M-1 26 Housekeeping Rooms. THREE rooms for light housekeeping; well arranged, iom n. ..a &i. (15)-M703 21x HOUSEKEEPING rooms, Jackson St. furnished. 1712 05) M'JOS 26x FOR RENT Three heated rooms, comfort ahlv furnished for light housekeeping, with modern conveniences; southwest part of city; no other roomers; reference required. Auaress ku, nee. (15) MS34 TWO nicely furnished rooms, light house keeping. 416 N. 23d. (15) M Zlx Houses and Cottaajes. "OR BENT New 8-room brick house. v rant Feb. 1: p-jderti and complete In every respect at 1611 S. 29th St. Inquire of the owner st w d- am du wo v utvr stENT s-room cottars: good cellar east front; aouth part of city; $1$ par month. C. M. Baehmann, 436-87 Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 63. (15)-2M HOUSES, flats, Garvin Bros. 1804 Farnam 110 f Oi FOR RENT Eight-room, modern house, 414 N. 31st St.. $.'. THOMAS BRENNAN, tnsm l New York Life Building. (16)-817 tIf1TT2lr,C! In all parts of tha city. Crelgh ivw tjt Sons ft Co., ties Bl'ig. OFFERED FOR RENT Ilaaaea aad Cattaea Continued. 4 SOUTH r:th St , rooms, all modern. r. strictly modm, stram hfatea rial ai 1h and Nicholas Sta. 27 n. t rooms, all modem. t5. , 3SJ N. d St., 4 rooms, til P. KM IS, PAXTON BLOCK. II SI -5 4 ROOM houa and barn. 4T William -St.. in rear. $13; -rooin house, city water In kitchen, 4 rooms on second floor, 21 h and Parker Sts., $14; store room. .1306 N. 24th. $15: barn. 1414 N. 24th St., $3. Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming. (16)-l'3Q BALL room and lodge rooms, Frslern'ty ball. ISIS Harney, Opp. Public imrsry. See Janitor. 16-t 2R36-K3S HAR.NET ST. For rent Two new 10-1 oom houses, just flnisiied. r inesi oi modern plumbing; hot wster heat, gsa and electric fixtures. Inquire T. J. r t n.. it.n.i.ai.. I. . Il.m.v St. Tels. Doug. 1216. Harney K9I. ,11, llft r-n . FOR RENT Modern 4-room. slesm heated semi-basement flat In the Dnnsany tioin and Pi.-rce Sts.). Conrad Young, agt., 1618 Dodge. Tel. Doug. 1571. l15)-MS9S REDUCED RENTS. 1M1 N. 24th. 4-room $13 TURRELL ft CO., R. IT, Patterson Bldg. do) MUWI FOR RENT 2223 N. 19th, 8-room modern brick house, $26.00. 2025 Farnam, 7-room flat, modern except heat. CHAS. I SAUNDERS, 211 S. Hth St. . (161-M409 HOUSES, Insurance, Rinjwalt, Barker Rlk. (1)-t316 ttiSttsfsj 1n pr, ,h r,v- ers Bldg. (151-318 FOR RENT 7-room house; 2123 California Dbi an nionien, in gooa repair; sou. Ap ply at 607 N. 19th St. (1R)-M440 FOR RENT 4-rooms bath and gas. $12.00. Hit caniornia hi. U5) m-736 zix - 8-ROOM modern house, 1872 N. 18th St. inquire is uurt Bt. (15) M72zix ROOM house. Just completed. Inquire 1213 8. 11th 8t. tl5)--478 20 HOUSEHOLD goods packed . forwarded; cheap freight rates, moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co., Tel. Doug. 8:l. (16) 306 Maggard Van ft Storage Co., 1712 Webster. (16 3 $153413 Jackson, 6 rooms. $309 rooms, all modern. 1317 S. 3'Jd. $357 rooms, new, modern, 3126 Cass. Ten other houses. N. P. DODGE ft CO., Bee Bl.lr . (lS)- MSft 21 New modern brick. 7 rooms, hot water heat. 2607 Dewey Ave. Possession at once. R. H. LANDERYOU. Tel. Douglas 2151. 442 Board ;tf Trade. (15) M859 20 9-ROOM house, modem, $25.00. Tel. Doug las no. (io) MS sx Offleiii, Two Floors in Avery Building Size 66x132 Eaulnned for office snd storas-e. ennd trackage and protected with automatlo sprinkler system. Apply Rock Island Plow Co., Tenth snd Leavenworth Sta. ' 'Phone Douglas 491.. (16)-M74J TWO fine, largs office, suites In the Con tinental nioca; cnoice location ior physi cian or dentist.- ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 209 First National Bank Building. (la)-Sll GROUND floor office In Bee building for rent, very cheap, peters Trust company. U) 820 FOR RENT Large office room In Crounse Blk., on istn Bt., opposite postotnee, at $8 per month. Conrad Yount, 1518 Dodge St. U5)-M162 PRIVATE office with Joint use of reception room, telephone and stenographer, . In New Brandels Bldg. Writs In care of Omaha Bee. (15)-M 600 tores. S-STftRY and basement, ' 22x100. 1008 Far nam. Apply 314 First Natl Bank Bldg. U6)-M5S7 4-STORY and basement building - on Far nam St., adj. M. E. smith Dry Goods Co., bet. 9th snd 10th Sts.; equipped with an elevator, fireproof vault. R. R. trackage and loading platform. F. D. Wead, 1801 Farnam St., Tel. Doug. 1629. . C)-M167 MODERN store room in new Scargo Bldg., 24th St., South Omaha. P. O. Block hall. 817 First Nat Bldg. 'Phone Red 7406. (15)-M119 1812 Harney St., 82x100, ons or two .stories; suitable for storage, garage, laundry, etc. S. S. Curtis. 1808 Harney. (16l -M739 $301816 Harney St., amall store room, suitable for candy, cigar or lunch, In Fra ternity hall; good trsds from dances and lodges. $601814 Harney St., 20xfi(): suitable for store or club rooms; hest, light and Janitor service can be furnished. N. P. DODGE ft Co., 1714 Farnam tit. (15) M667 20 OFFERED FOR SALE Fencing. ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing ao par loot. m xt. inn oi. r-u .i (16)-822 - FOR SALE Hard coal burner, good con dition, nickel plated. $15. 204 N. 29d St. (16) M632 28 Plaaos, Orgraas, Musical Instruments. 8S00 Interior player piano and 82 rolls stan dard music, in penwi ,;..iiui,iimi, uru only 18 months: will sacrifice one-half to get' cash; instrument Is now in storage at Matthews Piano Co., 1618-16 Harney St . where It can be examined until sold. G. W. Lewis. 18) M6S0 2S Typewriters aad Sewing Maehlaaa. FOR SALE High grade second-hand type writers; good condition; a bargain at $60. Call room 608, Bee Bldg. (16) 471 REMINGTON No. 6 Typewriter, first-class condition; price $40. Address I, 19. Bee. (16) M 836 21 X Mlscellaaesua. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. Wa lead the world in cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswick-Balk Collendar. 407 8. 10th St. 06) 324 OAS, ELECTRIC AND COMBINATION FIXTURES Largest, most up-to-date stock at lowest prices in the city, select now. Delivered when needed. Inspection Invited. BURGESS GRANDEN CO., CI 8. lith Bt Tel. Doug 48L (16)-M637 FOR SALI01.6O0 feet second-hand wire cable. W. H. Bridges, engineer Bee B:dg. (I6)-M4il x SECOND-HAND overcoats and flratrms. Singer, 416 N. ltth. Ut)-i9 NEED money quick; three-quarter karat diamond ring, $66; quarter karat ring and stud. $J6; lady's quarter karat diamond locket and solid gold chain, t. W. Richie. 1211 Harney. Tel. Red 816 (lt)-4C9 , IOWA Farm Mortgages for sale. Secured on farms In southwestern Iowa. Five year losns at per cent Interest. Squire ft Annts, 101 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. Ia (14-Ma FablOx COAI All kinds free ntllverad, eame dsy aa you order. Rnaanblatt'a coal yard. Tel. Doug. 411 Retail dept. clean nut coal. bu. for $X G-bI7 OFFERED FOR SALE Mlerr llnaa--CM tlaaed. SEND 18 vour mall orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (I6 3.'1 DRUGS St rut prices: freight pld on sill:') orders; catalogue free. Slieimal ft Mf Connell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb (16 -$:,' FOR SA1.E-Svrral ahrtw caes, new pet nut roarter, large coffee mill, Un lars automatic oil tanks and store ftxturaa. too numerous to mention. Globe Isns veb (lHi-STT HOMEOPATHIC remedies, wholesale, re tail. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co., 16th snd Dodge Sts , Omshs. Nel. dfi) S SHERWIN-WILLIAMS I'll., best mixed paint. Sherman ft MoConnell Dmg c. HAI-J1 per ton. Wagner. 801 N. 16 (16)-3J HALL'S afe;t, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam, (16)-S1 DAYTON COMPUTING SCALE at a bar gain. 308 N, 16th St (161-191 Feb$ ONE No. 47 National cash register, total adder, ' good as "new: one No. 140 latest styl Daylon computing scale: one 3')0 gallon self-measuring "Bowser " oil tsnk; one dried fruit case; one glnss cigar esse; one floor show case. Address Y 192, cars P.re. - . (H) fits CARAT DIAMOND $140. beautiful stone slight carbon spot. Address W 74t, Baa. (16) (Wl 21 x UNDERWOOD typewriter. No. Itlon. a, three for sale 01-!4? months old, perfect condition, cheap. Call 439 Brandels Bldg. FOR SALB-I have a new 10-foot hard pins, hand made counter, private apartments, for sale for $15.00; never been used; butcher's counter. Address Y 1, care Pes. (16) M863 2hx AMERICANIZED Encyclopedia Brittanles, new: call at once; leaving cltv. 2fiij MJama. (ifi) MW 26 PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk., Tel. Red 7117. (17) -333 LARSON ft CO. Book free. Neville, Bldg. (17) 324 PATENTS THAT PROTECT-S booksfor Inventors mailed on receipt of 6c postage. R. S. ft A. B. Lacey, rooms 29-89 Paclfio Bldg , Waslilngton, D. C. Established 1X63. 117) 33 H. A. Sturges. 619 N. Y. U Tel. Doug. 3469. (171-572 F14x PERSONAL AfAftNETlT! "onent and bath. Mm. j.liYUirjlJ.V smith. 118 N. 16th, 2d fir. (18) StiO LIEBEN, coitumer, 1410 Howard, open eve, (18) 340 GENTS' and ladies' costumes. 8.118 8. 20th. Sack. (18)-l6-22g ADHESIVE. .Invisible, harmless. Satin Skin. Powder Is made In four altering tints. r. (18) THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast-off clothing: in fact, anything you do not need. Wo collect, repair and sell at' 134 N. 11th Bt., for cost of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'phune Doug. 4136 and wagon will call. (18) 785 SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mail; cut B rices. Send for free catalogue. Myers illlon Drug Co.. Omaha. (18) 3.16 YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha aa strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Chrlstlsn Association rooms 1616 Farnam St.. where th.iy. will be di rected to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. (18) 915 WE RENT., repair, sell needles for old sewing machines. Neb. Cycle Co., Cor. 16th and Harney. (IS) 337 A HOME for women during confinement We find homes for bsbles where mothers cannot care for them. Mother Lee, 40$ Bancroft St. 'Phone Douglas 1921. 1181226 Feb9x PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King, 1324 N. 24th. Tel. Weh. 3659, J ' (IB) 338 OMAHA Stammerer's Building. Institute. Ranige' (16) 33D M ASS AOF, nd baths. Room 2. 1201 B1A03AUCI Farnam St., 2d floor. (18)-M748 FS HEADQUARTERS of the great rheuma tism and neuralgia remedy, Jo-He Oil, permanently located. 309 Karbach block, 16th and Douglas Sts. T. B. Korgy, gen eral agent. (18I-M724 Febl8 VIOLINIST Wants playing; experienced; will teach beginners reasonably. Address P 789, Bee. (18)-M887 25x REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PAYNE INV. CO.. 1st floor N. T. Life. Douglas 1781. (19) 341 JNO. T. BARTLETT. 221 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. (19)-M247 Jans6x ' GEORGE ft CO" 1601 Fsrnam. Tel. Douglas 751 (19) 312 PETERS TRUST CO., N. Y. Life Bldg. (19) 543 CITY PROPERTY FOR AI K 18,000 will buy full city ot, 66x132. large brie barn and small cottage, next to northeast corner of 16th and Leavenworth Sts. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1 New York Llfa Building. (19)-1M TJEAL ESTATE TITLE TRUST PfT CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, Pres. VyV"' (13) 344 THE REED ABSTRACT CO.. establishes1 1166. Prompt service, uei our price, 1710 Farnsm 1)- (lil LIST your property with Chris Boyer, Kd and Cummlng 8t. (19)-i47 24 LOTS In Halcyon Heights, Benson, close to car, churches and schools: will sell all together or 111 bunches of five lots, -or will exchange for close in city property. Address B 827. care Bee. (1S( M906 x Eight-room house, city water. In Dundee. Price, $J.10O. $.100 cash, balance easy terms. Can 'jou best that? Fred O. Shields. Phone D. 4S9. (19)-613 INVESTMENTS. FOR BALE-Good real estate mortgages, netting 6 rsr cent and 7 per cent oti Omaha in proved real estate and Ne braska farm lands. N. P. Dodge ft Co., 1T14 Farnam St. (I9)-M68 REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LANDS fOR gAL Nebraska. FOR BARGAINS in western Nelsaaka lands, either improved or unimproved, sea B. B. Bterer ft Co., 411 Bee building. H-M6M 22x FOR SALE 1.440 acres, ideal location. 31 miles of Kearney; no sand or rock; good soil, partly improved ; send for plat ana deBcriptlon. Price. $13 per acre; good value at $a per acre. Graham and Neal, Ktainey. Neb. (a-M96 21 200 ACRES. Of the finest Improved farming land la Nebraska, located only three milea north of Florence and eight tniles north of Omaha; good improvements on property. Including fine ferm house, barns, fences, orchard, etc. It ia being sold to close up an estate ana can ne oougnt ror $M par acre; call or write, w. ti. uouse, admin-' ise, admm-t I., OmahsiMt 'I-M708 2') jf istrator, i'n .". i. uti pit Neb. (- BARGAJN8 IN NEBRASKA RANCHES Come out and aee what I have. I am sura you can find aomethlng that will auit you. This la a fine stock and dairy country; rich, blsck, sandy loam soli, tn the valleys. I can locate you on 640-acre homestead. My charges reaeonable. II you are renting why not build up a horn of your own? Write for full Information. J. C. BERZINA. Whitman, Neb (20, UilQ 21 x WHEN writing to avartlaera. remember It takes hut an extra stroke or twa of the pen to mention the tavt that you aaat tba ad la Tha Baa, f lai ,