Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1908, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    he Omaha Sunday- Bee
'.'H73 SECTIOn
-ACE 1 TO ft.
Best & West
lut Structure of Iti CUis in Ireland
Bought by Waterford.
It Wu Built by Boston Contractor In
Bogus OeTemment Officer Seized
Hundreds of Guns is Ireland.
AT af nil Victims Waa Testify
A gal aat Bin Will Coavlrt Ttrm.
eelvee ef Ht1if Armas
Dl'BLIN. Jan. IS Spclal. Th new
that there waa a toll bridge in Ireland up
to the first day of the ye,r 19ns, will com
aa a surprise to moat Americans, bat tt Is
fact that tha last toll bridge In th
conntiy was only formally declared a free
highway on that dar.
Mnr surprising atlll ta the fact that the
bridre formed the principal approach to
so Important a etty aa Waterford and wa
allowed for all these years to aland a a
tax on It a trad and a relation to all who
nad to come and go. Every loot fmrnrr
had to pay a toll of 1 cent and every
wheeled vehicla 4 centa, tha proceed going
to the representative of a company formed
to build the bridge in TO. The bridge ooet
tlX,wn to build and it nay Interest Ameri
cr to Know that it u built by a Boston
man. Mr. Lemuel Cox. who waa also the
engineer of the famous bridge over tha
royle at Londonderry. It haa sereed 1U
purpose well for more than a hundred
years and now tt ba been bought from the
company by the corporation of Waterford
for 11SO.00O and will anon be replaced by a
modern structure.
Am Irish Swindler.
The famnna awindler of Koepenick baa a
rival in County Donegal. Ha Is Patrick
Boyle of Lifford ami before he was cap
tured and lodged in Derry jail to await
his trial he succeeded In swindling mors
than a srors of Donegal farmers. Tha
Me seemed to have occurred to bim whan
he heard a fanner remark at the Strahan
fair that be would like to pick up a cheap
gun to shoot the crows which were becom
ing to tramerous and aggressive on his
farm. Boyle immediately Informed the
man thst he had a gun which he would seil
for S-SB. The fanner made an appointment
to see the gun next day. and that night
Boyle called at the bouse of Andrew
Doherty of Inchenajrh. "X am a govern
ment arms Inspector." he said, "and I hear
you have a gun in the house. You must
give It up."
JvJever questioning his visitor's authority
fobflt save It up and the next day Boyle
enld It to the farmer for $239. The ease
wlin which he carried out the Impersona
tion encouraged him and he devoted his
time Jo his new duties as a government
arms inspector and seised half the guns
in the d'strlct before his operations came
to the ears of the poltca. The amusing
featu-e Is that the police are finding It
vry tfifflcult to Induce any one to give
Hr-r axainst him for by doing so they
will vnWt themselves of the Illegal poa
esi t -r firearms.
Trade Witt Fraaee.
T'.e Froob customs authorities have at
'at r. P5rs;ifil Ireland as a separate entity
from F- ;!Td ly agreeing- ts publtah re
V;r"i t t ! direct trade between Ireland
! rr.'.ihi-. instead of as In the past lump
It. 4 t ..- trle with that of Oreat
TrMnlr. "'! firet returns, those for lM,
1 a jiiM been Issued, show that In
tint wtr lithind esported to TYance goods
: l'ie vlu of "Tl, while It Imported
f"ni r" ranee goods worth ST".. Ireland
nt 'c France about SJTO.ea Worth of oats.
f)-Art wurtli of bacon, hams, etc and
tino.nri worth of linens and yarns
So account is taken m these statistics,
of pnr. of the goods which were ahlpptvd
through England, sa these articles had
been anglicised" for French customs pur-p-ea.
but it is stated that the French au
thorities are prepared to recognise the
Irish trademark as sufficient proof of the
oriel a of goods passing through their
custom t-.oufces.
An tnstsnce of the superstition which
still prevails In many parts of Ireland has
wt been reported. A man named Flood
had 'beea drinking at a neighbor's house
rear Csvsn and oa bis wsv home he sp
rsrentty tried to climb a high hedge. Tha
muffler which he wore became caught in
on- of the bushes and he was suspended tnwl rT,Bf to rvaJ'.ng of papers dally,
by hia neck and haaee. Althouxl several , u- tnduct.mM,t to subscribe f rr one
parsons srrlved before ha was de.d nons j ,n,ad of others,
of fbern dared to release htra. thinking; he !
: :rXV'ncJ for Sunday crusade
ho has taken his own life. They matched
The man slowly strangling to death and
rn one had the coursgw to cut him down
until a policeman arrived from the naarest
kiation. which was three miles away.
Tins has been a disastrous rear (or the
li-rrrsl herring fishers and hundreds of
fn iVn which deetend aa flahtngr for
Uefr livelihood will he Marring- this winter
; . . . .
unless some measure are taken by the
government for their relief. Although the
Kiti a all .Inrv that mut seeee literal! team.
in, with fUh the . either was eo bad for
ih, iaet aix weeka of tha season thst tn.
bo.., dared not put eut from the shor-
and the fielwrmea were forced t allow
tl.. ir harvest to o un reaped. The value of
catch last year was only SS.tsM, cetn-j
)wrel aith Uns.css) the previous year, which
is ahoi.i an average catch. In addition to
Il ls many of tha fishermen who tried ia
t!er i-pe ration to g-o eut m spite of the
ctliet had their btats and nets damaged
ir dektrtcil and they are new without
:r, in to replace them ar to repair the
c's'iiSf e.
I.i.rj Anieruan is familiar wl:h the es
P'essiou "1 pay oa th nail." but few
knew tne orUra of the expression. "T
ray the reckoning; ea tha nail" ia a Quota
tion from th famoua aid song "Oarry
o.en, ' th air af which is used at' quirk
ties by rvery army In th world, and the "nail" ta which it referred has
Just been sdded to the local historical
eJsrs in the new Carnegie library sad
museum at limerick- In aldaa times ra
Lirrerk-k trader im la the leas hall,
wbk-h was used as aa exchange, and cash
transactions were carried out ea a sloe.
pillar which stood at th foot of tha atalr
aay. The u?p o this pillar was cavered
by a braaa plate with a large nail In th
repier, and tl money In ail auc-K tnrns-ac-i'ens
was down "ea th nail '
Xallewel Child laa Dar.
NEW TORK. Jan. Ik Th Nati.ial
Child Labee caanaslit haa laaued a iettsr
t cnurcbe. isqiwsitK llva inri of
a..turday. Januay ak, r uavaay. Jaaiaary
Sa. aa Child Laaoe eajr.
Seaalay, Jaaaary 1, 1 "T.
Iv,kiRy- 1908
srx' ftat
12 13
19 20
26 ZZ
V7. Ufa 271' ;S7
- 2 3-4
z 8 own
ft 15 16 1Z IS
21 22 23 24 25
rai witms.
VICIVITT-Falr Sunday; alovrly rising tem
perature. rrR NKFRAJFKA Fair Puixlav
FOR FOtt'A-Fair Sunday; alowly r.aing
TeTntraiire et "n aha yesterday:
... 14
.... 2
.... J '
.... SI j
.... K I
.... 42 i
.... 46
.... 4ft
.... w
.... 61
.... 4
.... 4
Judge Dana at Topeka fines the Inter
national Harreater company S12.fi04 under
the anti-trust laws. X. Sars 1
Receivership of Knickerbocker Trust
company is continued two weeks longer.
X. Iaca 1
Action of judges in Alabama in obey
ing the federal Injunction declared by
federal court to have prevented civil war. i
Money In large sums has been flowing
Into New Tork during the last week.
x. s-snrs i
President will have chemical experts
report on preservstives. X. lat" 1
Jury at Chicago, after thirty-six hours
deliberation, finds Banker J. R. Walsh
guilty oa fifty-four counts. X. Fags 1
Miners at Uonongaiiala escape death
by cremation and run seven miles in
dark to et trance. X, Xags I
Interstate Commerce commiasioa rul-ss
sa long and short haul rata controversy,
holding; that conditions sometimes make
It Just. X. "rags
Felloe in Paris capture a terrorist who
waa implicated In plot in Tlflls.
X, Page X
Representative of Russian adssiraXty Is
following the American fleet to learn
what la possible about the trip. X, Fags a
Sovereign bank at Toronto liquidates,
other Institutions taking the business.
X. Fags X
Pope Pius la Improving at the Vatican.
X. Fags X
Last toll bridge in Ireland, which com
manded principal highway Into Water
ford, has been bought by the city.
X. Fags X
At suggestion af president, congressmen
are called in ta kelp settle eontraveray
trr collectorahlD of Internal revenue.
After a meet Is g the matter Is postponed !
until January :S. X. Faff X
Power of the railroad board la la qSies
tion la ordering the retention of a sta
tion agent at Dickens. Neb. X, Fags X
Live stock markets- XI. Fags t
drain markets. tt Far 9
Stocks and bonds. XX, Fag 9
Condition of Omaha's trade. H. Fag t
wmvuHTi or rxrxaw insxlliyi i
Part. arrive. Ssilea.
NEW T0S.K times us Vsaeu.
fSW YOHK Bailie
CHXRSOI RO saisr.ka-
MARiKlU-tS aoau.
KtrUI Ksestava toalss.
Cap Race La Bretagne. foqr New Tork.
17 milra east at 11 M p. raw
e-threetera I'slverslty Prafeaear
- Will twlleet Data. fraaa
Mavar Perasaa.
CHICAGO. Jan. 1. Prof. Walter D.
Scott, director of the pay chco logical la
boratory in Northwestern University, Is
collecting data, on the psychicology of
journalistic appeal. To accomplish this
end. ha haa sent oat hundreds of circulars
asking as many persons:
"What dailies do ynu read and the rea
sons for your choicer'
Other questions on the circular are about
the different parts of the newspaper that
antMtaJ ta esx-h individual, tha amount of
Kaaaas City Grata Jarr Retanu 141
Bills Aa-alaac Act are wad Theater
KANSAS CITT. Me.. Jan. ! -Judge Wal
lace's Sunday dosing crusade received an
other Impetus today, when th grand Jury
' , '. V V rT 7 .
I accused of working last Pucday. One-half
I . , , ' .
or ice inaictmencs were sgainsc c raveling
actors and other theater employes, while
MfcM- l""
! theatrical managers accused of violating
I ,h P"v1ions " ""ir "rvnt
! " l bT requiring their employe ta labor
lB t
All th indicted persons
Day far Tate aa Prlaaaj-y Bill Set aad
Twa-eat Far law la
TOPEKA. Kan.. Jan. 11 la th legls
lature today the house set the vote aa tha
primary election bin for Monday. The com
mit tea ea elections reported tn favor af a
"split primary b:U by a rote ef S to 4.
This favors a vole for th United States
aerator In November and ether officials
In August. The house then adjourned until
The senate passed the Brewer railroad
bill cf the last sesaioa. substituting th
words for "a S cent far." instead ef 1
Kaleksrhaftiaw Tsw at Caaaaavsi- sis faallaaei a Farther
ateaaaaatlM Ptaja.
VKW TORK. Jan. 11 Th t-mporery
r 1 vers of th Knickerbocker Trvo-t
roiopaay was extended ts weeks by
IS supresae court today. Counsel for
I he dr peal tors aad stockholder asked
further tlm la sfeirh ta ssraes ce
peaitars" assents ta tk B-lam far reswiaa-tuia.
JjmJ J I a. m..
Pjl ft! 11 a. m..
H VF s p. m..
" . j p. m..
4 p. m..
' . S p. m..
' p. m..
M ;pm
Ex-President of Chicago Bank C
Ticted on Fifty-Four Count'
c i
' I
Delay Caused by One Held I
Out for A' -5 j
Motion for New Tria'l for Argument'
January 23.
law Pre -rises fee eateaee af
ta Tea Yrer ea Eseh Caaat
Defeadaat ays Fight la
Oaly Be srs a.
CHICA'X). Jan. U.-Joan n. W aish.
former president of the Chicago National
bank, which closed its doors in December.
IJns, was found gn'.lty today cn fifty-four
counts cf the Indictments against him.
charring mi r application of the banka
funds. The verdict was returned hy a Jury
In the federal district court here. Walsh
was permitted to remain at liberty under
the furnished by him sfier the in
dictment had been returned againt him
one year agn to a day, pending the hear
ing cf arguments on January 21 on a mo
tion by hi counsel for a new trial.
The penalty fixed by the statutes for the
nffu Af h(h T V, m . wi financier was
..... . . , , .v..
convicted is Imprisonment for not less tha.n
.. .1 , K ,
lire yeers ur fiiuiv bu&ju v-u. iji vm.u w " .
upon which his guilt was established.
Jurer Alaaeat Overeease.
The reading of tha verdict was followed
by a aeene intenaely Uramatic When the
jury waa polled al the requeat of Attorney
John 8. MUler of counsel for tha defense.
Elbert Palmer, a Juryman from Harvard.
I1L. waa overcome by emotion and wept
as ha signified his acquiescence In the
finding. He sat with his head mowed upon
his hands during the preliminary proceed
ings and failed .to rise to his feet as the
others had dona ta reply to the Interro
gations of the clerk, "Was this and is this
now your vsrdlctT" A bailiff touched his
arm when his turn to answer cams. Ha
apparently had not heard the question and
K was repeated. Palmer rose and stood
unsteadily, with eyes downcast, and mut
tered something unintelligible to the court
and atiornera. Under prompting by Judge
Anderson tha juror then replied, with, ap
parent effort and while the. tears coursed
down his cheeks, saying: "Cnder the in
structions as I understand them."
Owe Jarar Caased Oelar.
When the poll was completed Palmer
waa questioned further by the court at 'he
request of Attorney Millar, and In answer
to the question previously put ta him. ra
pltd: -I have to say "yea.- as
It develop- lately that Palm, j was
largely responsible for the long deKbera
tlon of tha jury. Bo Insistent was he that
Walsh be acquitted that he forced his fel
low Jurors to take- separate ballots on
every on of tha lSw counts In the indict
ment. "He is suoh an old man over TO years."
is said to have been the constant plea of
Palmer. "He was technically guilty, but
sous of his depositors lost, and what is the
use of aeeding an old man to prison? he
Juot1 having urged upon tne other
I Jurors tlm after time. H is said to hav
i wept at times In th Jury room a he
begged the others to consider the age of
', th defendant and hav compassion.
Defeadauat Little A-eeted.
Walsh, the aubjevt of bis oomtussion,
who aat at a table surrounded by bis attor
neys, appeared lees moved by the result
of th long trial than almost anybody else
concerned. He was immediately surrounded
by a score of personal friends, who pressed
forward to offer words of sympathy and
encouragement. To these he made brief
replies, amllinc faintly as he shook the
proffered hands.
Appealed ta for an expression of opinion
as to tha finding, he said: "The fight has
Just berun. I have nothing further to say."
Almost immediately he left th court
The verdict was tha result of nearly
thirty -six hours' deliberation on tha part
of tha Jurors. After having retired at I
o'clock on Thursday, there was no Indica
tion that a decision waa near until about
I o'clock this morning, when a request for
pen and pa er was followed by th aa-
j natmcament that a verdict had been
j reached. This, however, wss all that was
positively known until the announcement
j waa mads in court.
j Th reading was followed by a motion by
Attorney Miller for a new trial. Judge
Anderson granted permission for the filing
ol th motion, and said that the attorney
would ba permitted to make the formal ap
plication later, and that he would Ustea
to arguments on the same on January 3.
Aee.alttwl Waa Kxaeeted.
John R. Walsh, the aged defendant, ar
rived In the court room ten minutes be
fore th Jury entered and aat chatting
with his attorneys and personal frienda
at the same table that he had occupied
throughout the progreas cf the long trial.
He seemed in the best of spirits and
looked more unconcerned 'than any of his
attorneys. From appearances be and his
attorneys were confident of aa accjultt-U.
6uddenly the door opened and Judge An
derson, looking pale and worn, entered
and proceeded to the bench. Several min
utes later, after a bailiff had held a whis
pered conversation with him. th Jury was
brought la and court was convened.
Aa tha Juror took their seats, everyone
fajreeua aoaluona. Walsh leaned forward
in th court room moved forward to advaa
snd eagerly scanned the faces of the Jurors.
All of the Jurors appesred unmoved with
the exception of Palmer, aad his state of
mind waa noted by Walsh and hta attor
neys A moment later th verdict was read
by the clerk of the court, Walsh sal
motlenlees and tha crowd of spectators
was hushed. After the reading of the ver
dict and the moving for a new trial, the de
fendant arose from his seat and was Im
mediately surround by acorea of friends who
pressed forward to sr. ska his hand and
speak word et sympathy. Ha received
each with a smile but refrained fraat n vic
ing say eaaananl,
"Hava yea. aoythlr.g to Bay k iwgard to
th verdict?" ho was aakasV
Not word." a rephed with dignity.
A few sr-isiutrs later he left the court
mom with his aJtoraoya
Will rtsh Cava ta SCaaL
Attorney Joha A. ktuler pruascd for as
expteaaioa of his opiate aa ta th o verdict
tCaatiaiteal oa Sswend Pwbw.1
ftaa nrl IHe Tkrik
Werhiea I" Order ta
Make Kirirr.
r MONONGAHF.tV. Fa Jan. 1!.-Mlraca-lously
est aping desth br ceen-istton er uf
f"waton. or being Mown to pie'-e by an
eiploelon. forty miners emri'rl In the
Calaburg mine f the Monniglicla River
ConsoiMated Oral and Coke rciripary made
their way through the dark hesdirgs fcr a
dlMsnce of seven miles and finally reached,
the open air. Without llshte to auMe them,
and given up as desd. the men battled for
five hours with Tire, and when they
reached the surface their faces were black
ened, clothes torn and all were severely
bruised from rtiirrhling In their flight for
safety Fortunately, the mine contained
very little gas. or another mlr d'saster
won Id seree been recorded in western Penn
STlvanta. The mine waa fired sonr time
during the day bv a "Now-curt" shot, and
when. tse fire wns discovered at o'clock
last nirht by the forty men all escape to
the aurface trroiufh the M.nongsrela en
trance wa cut off. Momentarily expecting
an explosion with its horrible consequences,
the men started, panicstricken. for the
entry at Charlerol. s-en miles awav. In
their frenxy they stumbled and fell, but
only to Jump up again and continue their
mad rush for safety.
The experience was probably U;e most
frightful a body of coal miners has evsr
hsd. When the men reached the. surface
at 2 a. m. today a majority cf them were
scbbing like children.
A large force of nien are today brattlclrg
the part of the mine which caught fire, and
it ia believed the diur.ase will be small.
rentier Remains la Bed Taraagh Ad
vice af Hia Physician) Aadi-
eaees Caaord.
ROME, Jan. IS. Pope Pius waa visited
this mornln: Ify hia private phVaiclan. Dr.
Pecti. who found him in better health,
but the physician Insisted that the pope
continue to rest Because of this the audi
ences arranged for today were suspended
and the pope only received the papal sec
retary of state. Cardinal Merry del Val and
Monalgnor Bialetti. major domo of the Vat
ican. The reception took place in Pope
Plus' bed room.
J ease Dauaa at Tapelua Lewies Peaalty
af ei.00 aa Fortr
Three Coast.
TOPElvA. Kan.. Jan. 18. Judge Dana, In
the Shawnee county diatrict court here to
day aaaeased -a Tine of ILGoD. against the
InternaUonal Harvester company, which
tha court found guilty on forty-three counts
of violating the Kansas anti-trust law. Tha
maximum fine la FLtrtl a count and tha
minimum COO.
Xra. Elisabeth Yeaag.
Mrs- Elizabeth Young died at the resi
dence of F. H. Gaines, llo North Thirty
second avenue. Friday, Her four daogiv-
ters Mrs. A 11c aViillvter and Mrs. - Jniue J
Neailey of Omaha. Mrs. Downing of At
lantic Is., and Mr. Boyd of Brooklyn. N.
Y. were with her. She was the grand
mother of Mrs. F. II Gainer and bad made
her home with her for the last fourteen
years. Bhe waa bom In Kentucky Novem
ber 2S. 1S-L, an-1 was married there In ltl
to Aug-uatus Young. A few years after
their marriage they moved to . Washington
county and lived there until her husband's
death In 18SC Nine children were born to
them, of whom five survive. . During her
life her constant thought and care was a
mother a solicitude for her children and
grandchildren. Apparently self had no rart
in her life. The funeral will be held at
the Gaines' residence next Monday and the
body will be taken to Millensbury. la., be
aide that of her huaband.
Mn, Aaaa Habaer.
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb.. Jan. IS. pe
ctai I Mrs. Ann Hubner, mother of Mrs
W. B. loan and C. M. Hubner. editor of
the News, died Friday noon at the home
of her dauehter of eld age. She was in
jured five years ago last Chriatmas by
falling on a sidewalk in Coiunibus. O.. by
which her hip wss dislocated, and she
never fully recovered from the fall. Bhe
was born in England, came to this coun
try in 140, the family settling In Colum
bus, where they have since made their
home. She waa married to Dr. George
Alfred Hubner, who lost his life attending
the yellow fever sufferers In New Orleans
In 1107 she came to this city with her chil-
dren to ntnke her home with her late
brother. Thomas Morton, founder of the
Nebraska City News. 6he was prominently
Identified with the early history cf Ne
braska, as she was among the first to
teach a private schocl here and it was at
1 th residence of Thomas Morton the meet
j in was held when it aaa decided to esteb
; lish s public school. Mrs Hubner was th
j prim mover in securing the meeting. 6:is
was also one cf the organisers of St. Mary's
Episcopal church. In LHE8. when only
twelve were present. She waa a strong
woman mentally. Her funeral will be held
Sunday afternoon.
Mew. Fa a la A. Abbott.
Mrs. Fannis A. Abbott, for the leat year
or more housekeeper at the Paxton hotel,
died Saturday 'morning at S o'clock at Hot
Springs. Ark., where she had gone tn the
Interest of her health some weeks ago. Bhe
had been tn feeble health for several
months Mra. Abbott waa about" f) yeara
of af n and was well known in hotel circle
as a woman of remarkable efficiency In her
Mne. She waa at one 'time housekeepr at
the Millard hotel and waa for a number of
years associated with the Market system
I of hotels throughout the south and west.
Mra. Abbott had a sister. Mra Dr. Hol
brrvok. living at Benson. The bed;.' will
bo brought to Omaha Manday for ltr.erment.
Sir John Lavrsoa Waltaa.
LONDON. Jan. IS. Sir John Lswson
Wslton. member cf Parliament for th
southern division ef Leeds and attorney
general died in this city today. Bir John t ton. 1 years old.' who was captured In a Weak.ey. He argued that the federal ( (,f s-hrassa.' F:-v K. M Ola-rcw.
... t -onrfon from the Beaahore tha i raid on a houae In the Chinese quarter, i court was exceeding Its authority by cn-.l.-a Ia . J B ;e. Abilene. Kan, prsl-
begtrnirg cf tills week and was in the
beet of health and sp.r-ts He bad Issued
invitations for a d'xaer to be r.eld lust
njrht. Yesterdsy mornirg. however, he
I was seised with a chill and went to bed.
A h.
Il-Jt ted-y. He waa horn In 1S!
Mra. Ellen Steal.
GRAFTON. Neb.. Jan. IT. (Special Tale-g-rasa
)-Mrs. EZlest Beat widow et the lata
Captain C 8. ReaX died this evening af
pnoumaala. Bhe was 47 rears sf ag and
a aativw of Ireland. Nil io children survtvs
her. Th funeral wi:i taks piac Monday
from the Cathcdlc church after the arrival
of her eon. Phil's, irt-m Cal.foraia.
tsearae A. orrait.
H-XJ-SA. kiiiU is a. IT -Clears Jk.
Gomor. uata a fw years aura a arojalnocl
hwatoesa Bnaa it Council Bluffs, la., died
hara taiught. aT4 4S evro. Th Body wail
ha tahca ta Camaetl Itloffs tea harUO.
President Suggests Congressmen Be
Called in to Settle Collectorsnip.
Delegation Meets During Afternoon,
but Postpones Action.
Important Decision on the Long and
Short Haul Rate Question.
r vslaslea Laakua Tpaa It with Dis
favor as a, Rale, hat Caadlttaas
Sesaetlsaes Stake Its Cnr
flaw a eeeaslty.
CFrom a Btsff Correspondent.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 1 tPpeeial Tele
gram, i At a conference between the presi
dent and Senators Burkett and Brown this
morning the president sunreted. In order
to bring about harmony over the revenue
collectorship. that the representatives from
Nebraska be called In and that the mm
bere of the delegation vote their choice.
Las ar and short Haal Deelslaa.
One of the moat important decisions that
has been rendered by the Inters! ste Com
merce commission for many months was
that handed down today by Commissioner
Clark In the case of the Bovsird Supply
company against the Atchison. Topeka AY
Santa Fe railway and other carriers. The
decision Involves a discussion of the com
mission's views respecting the long and
ahort haul clause of the interstate com
merce act and In the course of the opinion
the commission slates why it cannot al
ways approve of a lower rate for a ahort
haul than for a longer one In the same
In tha present case the complainant shlpj
rope cable from San Francisco to Independ
ence, Kan., on which It is charged ,i
cents per 100 pounds, wbereas the rate on
such rope cables from San Francisco to
Mississippi river common points and Chi
cago common points is only 60 cents per
100 pounds. The commission decided that
undir the circumstances th rate waa not
unjuat or prejudicial to the complainant.
In the course of the decision the commis
sion announced the following Important
findings of Interest to shippers and camen
throughout the country:
Erroneous application of an unlawful
rate ia not evidence that a higher lawful
rate thereon la unreasonable.
A rate to one point that does not permit
of disadvantageous competition from a
point beyond enjoying; a lower rats does
rot create unreasonable prejudice as to
the on or give undue preference ta the
Praetlee la Dlafavar. '
The commission views with disfavor the
maintenance of a lower rate for a long
t-e longer, and the circumstances and c-on-
haul thaa for a shorter one Included witmn
diimns obtaining at the more oistani point
hlnk JI I ru. n tn .1 . , 1,1 ,r n.. HUf
oniv be clearly ahown to be substantially
dissimilar from those prevaiHn; at the
nearer point, but slso to clearly exercise
a potent or controlling influence in making
tbelower rote.
If the influence of competition between
points of production In commodities be-
., t..r ...
the farther distant point, but not at the
nearer one. controls the establishment of
a lower rate to the former, it will consti
tute such dissimilarity of circumstancea aa
will Justify the lower rale for the longer
Dissimilar circumstances which Justify
under section 4 a greater charge for a
ahorter haul than for a longer haul will
also prevent such rate from conatituting
an illegal preference or advantaee under
section S. I'pon discovery that shipments
have through mistake been moved at an
uniam-ful rate the carrier should forthmith
demand and the shipper forthwith pay the
difference between such unlawful rate ap
plicable thereto.
Halfard Taraed Dawa.
Lieutenant Colonel Elijah F. Halford. C.
S. A., retired, who. was private secretary
to President Harrison, recently applied to
the War department for advancement to
the next higher grade in the army on ac
count of service during the civil war. It
was shown that Colonel Halford waa em
ployed during that war aa a paymaster's
clerk for five months and twenty-nine days
in 184. The War department haa decided
that as paymaster's clerk Colonel Hal
ford was neither an officer nor an enlisted
man In th regular or volunteer forces
within the meaning cf the act of Aprlf
IS. 1904. which allows retirement with pay
and Increased rank to officers who serv.:d
during the civil war. It was held thst the
word "officer" as used In that act applies
only to commissioned officers and does
not include civilian employes.
Will Seeare Restart fraaa These aa
the I" so of Preservat Ives
la Foods.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 11 President
P.ooevelt has decided to obtain exnert In
formation regarding certain qnesllons of
chemistry involved In the application of
the pure fod law. He has written to the
presidents of Tale, Johns Hopkins. North
wester university, I'nlverslty of Illinois,
t'nlveraity af Virginia and I'nlverslty of
California, requesting them to submit
names of several practical scientists, from
which ho proposes to oelect a board of five
to ccnaidtr the rerulatlons whic'n have
been made by the Department of .Rrleul
ture r-rrdlrg the use of sulphur in pre-
serving fruits, the nse of bentoate of soda
in the preservation ef ketchup, the use of
glucose in syrups, besides several other
chemical questions.
Kl-.ase- fra-x Pare-,, la Cl.rl...,l
aad Slara Ha Forget-
les Theat.
PITTSBrRG. Jan. lS.-F!orer.ce Livings-
'; ssys ahe was kidnaped from her paren-s In
1 Cincinnati wtiao t years old and had alnoe
been held by Chine, aa a slave, fre
auently pasainur from one China nan ta an
other in different parts of the country.
She says she fir ally forgot even the name
ef the street on which ahe lived, She could
tell th potlc nothing about her parents.
She bow speaks Chinese fluently.
r. Dakavr af Islilar, Okl.
Killed lavmder af His rToaae.
I Aewalttow.
Srl PHVR. Okl.. Jan. 1 -Pleadina- tha
unantten law. Ir. E. Da-an today oaajperi.-d 'h.a jcir only T.' ateerag, paasen-ai-uultted
of ssurder by a Jury wt h h de- i gera have arrlv e.1 at this i-ort The m
1'berated only tea minute. Dr Dakan tutjerea in eajtbruad steerage travel so rar
tta throat af Jo a Mitchell a.x works ago. this month ia i- per rrat aad the outward
when be roturwod and feur.4 Mltchall In Tew is greater by Sj per real Uiaa th Li
bia wife's swosav I caaalag.
Measara Rack ta Mala
Washington. Jan. ts.-T senate Mm-1
miitw on J'ldiciarv today to..k up the;
various rrohihilion measures before it and
heard Senator Tillman on his bill rc;u- !
!atin t ie Iniportallon of liquor Into one
Hate from another. He arg i-d that It was)
competent for congress to uke a hand in
thie. and r irgate to tlio control of the I
atate as a pi'iice power. j
Replying to a onestion bv Senator Fuiton. I
Mr. Tinman admitted there waa some i
doubt of the right of congress ti regulate '
the receipt of licjucr from outside states '
by Individuals for their own use. This he
considered the only doubtful element con
nected wth the question.
H besaed the committee not to delav In !
repon-ng the bin. Get n imo the senate.
he urged, "and let the senate deal Willi it."
Asked to dec;iss the wisdom of the meas.
..... ., . . . .
ure. he declined, saying that "any student
of human affaire will tell you that whisky '
is the moet potent as well as the most 1
prsminent cause of crime and m'sery in
thie or any other country." and he believed
It neceaeary to invoke the power of the
federal sovernment to perfect the n-gula-
tlon of the traffic in states which already i river in the opening or tre stream
have acted in that direction. i ,0 navigation, will have lh Urersl dele-
Represntlng the German-American alii- j ,!o" c-f an city et the Missouri River
ance. Representative Bartholdt of Missouri Navigation congrrsa in S'eux City,
advocated unfavorable action by the com- 1 Wednesday and Thursday,
mittee on any of the resolutions and bills j Wlin the mmtiiitteoe of the various or
relating to the liquor subject. He uM Mn'M'N'H met Saturday af'.emoon, l'
that the alliance has membership in'thirty- ; delegates fron Omaha had registered for
six ststes snd thst the Oerman-Anu-rtcana ! 'Uj tmenly-fhe from e-mh Omaha
were not In favor of government tnterfer- ' vl twenty-five from Council Bluffs,
ence with the question of prohibition in any j Eleven different orgariiatlons of the city
way. He said that In passing legislation , " represented, beaijes the . lliee of
curtailing federal liquor licenses, congress Cm-.aha and Routh Omaha. It will be one
would simply be voting for prohibition. I of the largest delesatlone which Omaha
Representative Bartholdt expressed his dls- ! has ever contributed to the strength of a
approval of loc al option or any laws what- I popular movement.
ever that mould hinder a citisen from exer- I The delegates have been Invited to meet
ciaing hia judgment as to how much liquor wilh the Omaha U.-al Estate exchange in,
he should consume. i the Commercial club roome at noon Men-
John Terkta. former commissioner of in- ' day, when a local organisation will ba
ternal revenue, expressed disapproval of perfected. A chairman and executive com
a Law withdrawing federal liquor licenses ' mittee will b elected ard a social commit
In prohibition states on the ground that i tee selected.
tt puts the state In the position of Invok
ing federal law to cause their own laws to
take effect.
Senator Dolliver also appeared befoie the i Badges "For Omaha" will be worn hy all
committee. He said he had been lntereate'd j members, and the namea of the delegates
for eight years in measures regulating the j snd organisations are to he published in
government's connection with liquor trafrie a neat pamphlet, very much resembling
and hoped the committee would be able to , those made by Fra Alnertus. hand llluml
resch some favorable conclusion on the ! nated and sewed by hand wilh tin.
bills of that nature before it.
a af CamsalBaioa Says Ha
aad Ten Faet la Wide
Eaaaik far Larks.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 18 Colonel Ooe
thals, chairman cf the Isthmian Canal
commission, today resumed his testimony
before the senate canal committee. He de
tailed the structure of the various dams
and locks, giving it as his opinion that all
of them, and especially th big project at
eaten. Wert going; to be absolutely safe
I and capable of us in passing; the largest
Te.e! th world throurn the c.n.t
' ' ' "
Proposition or worxtng Doth night and
i day on certain parts of the canal Is under
consideration by the commission, according
) . , .. .
j to O'""' Ooethals.
i Colonel Goethals said tUat he considered
, jja fp, . sufficient width for the csnal
! locks. "If we msde them much wider thit
thst It would practicsllv call for a widen-
ing of all the dry docks of the world. We
a-ill he able to accommodate ships of ltiS
feet beam 1n the canal. I doubt if the beam
of ships will ever be greater than that."
The hearings mill be resumed Wednesday
lirrrase la Cash from Isterlor Baaka 1
. Nearly the Record for j
Oae Week.
NEW YORK. Jan. 18 A tremendous flew
of cash from the bank, throughout the
effontry to New York City banks waa in-
dicated tody bv the bank statement
which aiwwed an Increase of IX.I.WO in
the amount of cash held by the New York
Clearing house Institutions. This increase
in cssh is not thought to t a record one.
but It la believed to approach within
j ew millions of the largest increase ever
recorded In a single week iti this city.
Financiers declared that it showed cleajiy
that the Interior banks were entirely reas
sured by the showing last week. In conse
quence the Interior banka were sending
their surplus cash to Ww York.
Thoesaad Men af Trcde Call I aaa
Brewers ta Eater Ferssal
NEW YORK. Jan.' II. Saloonkeepers lu
New York are still much
ei jtd uvr;M-m!rM mll..
the threatened raise of tl a barrel In
the price of beer, although one promi
nent brewer has stated that there will b-
no increase. A committee rerreoenilug .
. ... ,i. , a j !
L000 saloonkeepers cailvd yesterday at
the headquarters of the Brewers' aso-
elation to make a formal protest againat
any increase. All the Newark brewer.
, , . . t
with a alngie exception, have raised the;
riice. and it ha been stated f c jr some I
time that a lik- Increase would be made
by the New York brewers. i
AI I-l .1 W .
Ceort Saved Ootereak af
Civil War.
MONTGOMERY. Ala. Jan. l.Jud
Thomas G. Jones in the United States
court today aald that the oheervam e of
the injunction by the state Judges In the''1'
face of advice to the contrary prevent. -d
r.vil wV In the state. The remark
made during an argument for d.mlsil
j of the federal Injunc tion against the
raUroada by former Chief Justlco 8 D.
Joining etste laws, mat tt c courts could
not make rate, nor could It Bay that a
rate cf IVt rents a mil Is right or wrong.
Staalt af Fast word TrasSe I laarrrs.
d rated far This Tlsse
af Year.
NEW YORK, Jan. IS The rush of emi
grants to return to Europe kcej up and
the figures for January will show an enor
inoui Increase ever the same month last
year. Already In seventeen days Jm MI
teerae paseer.gers have left New York
as aga net '. Iat year.
'g the same
Nebraska Metropolis Will Send Larg
est EiTer Congress Delegation.
Frominent Buinss Km Go to Sioux
City Meeting ThlS Week.
South 0maa and Council Bluffs
Will Join In.
Deleatee Meet Tsmtme at tha Caws
saerrlal Clah ta Ortaslie f vwsade
Which Will Be I aaerhea
Omaha, the n.ost !nl-reid city on tlx
The (Hnahans are going "" to tee
an expression cf K. J. McVann. who heads
the delearatlon from the Grain exchange.
Peraaaaet af the Delea-tlaa.
The list ni the delegates 1a as follows:
James C. Fahlm-n. mayor of Omaha.
Thomas Hootor. msyor of Routn Omaha.
W. T. Graham. H. O. Jordan.
President. P W Kuhna.
L. C. Shoies.
R. H. Landeryoa
J. B. McK.trvck,
C. W. Martin.
J P. OKeefe.
J. H. Parmtte.
I C. I'aiterson,
G. H. Payne,
H. P Favne.
W. M. Rainboldt,
A. 1 P-d.
H. D lUed,
John W. . ftobbina.
A L Jtoot.
vV. H. Ruseell.
Jchn A Scott.
V. L Pe'by.
W. E. Smith.
1- D. p aiding.
G. K. 1 urkinanca
G G. Wallace.
F. D. V, e. .
H. F. W man.
Treasu rer.
Byron Hatin-.
Vice Preeident.
H. A. TuXey.
E. A. Benaon,
Iyou'K Herka,'
S. P. Host wic k.
E. H. Button.
C. J. t'anan.
C. G. Canberg.
A G. Ct arlton.
Alfred Cre-ali.
J H Dunnon. Jr..
' r
William Fleming,
C. . George.
J. E. Gore.
C. Ft Glover.
C F. Harrison.
W. J. Hart!, an,
J. N. Haskell.
John Steel.
Jorifi rcavoen.
L M F. Lcfiang,
j j E pjum'"'
; Herman Bel.
I C. D. Peaton.
1 levv.
Z T. lindsey.
A. H. MeCnnnelL
C. E- Molony.
Pen Rosenthal.
Rotvert Hnniwlg,
W. H S.-r.moller.
Jobn Tetard.
R. S llcox.
H. B k
C. Belden,
W. L. buraesa.
H K B'irket.
Rolx-rt "owell, .
Gould I'letx.
L. B. Haaker,
J. J. McVann. K. K. Hint ley.
j beer'ar'. K. J Kiddie,
J J H Hamilton. Stierman Saunders.
' J V Hoinsoinst U ". Sunderland.
I Missouri River Navigation Company
' C- H. I tckrn. rre-'t'ient ; p. Bsum, Jr,
; ." VU arVni' Ho J Atlon-Cit,
j Psviiuja. First Nstloral. .Vercbanta, No.
I bra&ka. Omaha and I'nited Statea banka
mlU represented bv one or more each.
John L. Kenneci; . S. A. Searle and J, IX
Life Vndr rwrters
-Tom :!y. G. W.
Noltie and Joi.n Steel.
Omaha Fire I'ncerwritera Josph Barker,
C. S. Bowman. Nat MeisteT and Oeort
H Kalmer.
Omaha Builders' Exchange Will J.
Hotel Men's Association P.ome Miller,
rasaanlaa One -a Headgate af Oratory
Governor A. It Cummina of Iowa la to
I make the first a.idresa at the congress
I Wednesday afternoon a' 1 V He will be
followed by . "ongrefman ndjar C. Ellis
of Kansas Citv. member of Oo rivers and
har'.xirs committee of the heiiee. who waa
the prlnrlial i-i:kr at the Omaha Mis
souri river baei.'.'t. The complete progratx
, folio:
Invocation. Ir W. S. Lewis preatdrni
I f Ti mi .'C. ail III ' i"n Ut Tmr.nt:,r
Addresses Albert H. Cummins, govemef
of lnv: Edgar C. Kill, number of con-
press M un member of committee oa
nwi an-1 rartwvrs James f . i-ar.iman.
mavor of oiaha: IL J M'-Gee. washing
trin p c ,,,,.,, inland IVaterwavs -nn
nilsstcn: Thomas WiUinsnn. Burlington
la-, president I'pper Mississippi River Im
Pavement ac ation ; K H. Huhb-J
niember of crnrrew. Ioaa: Heary T.
Clarke. Otrha. Net.
The chcirman will anneure. during 'h
'ession commlfees on rredent'ai. TeaUw
!!ons' organization cf permanent a a-
" ' to-
s,r,N ,n '-'o- k
i ir.v nrarior. rigt.r r.ev j i a i t i.
' UlSl.op CM P.K UA .1
R.irVl. mmtl
,.t rr.r,r.i 1u'F-nr.a. rre'dnt National
Rivera and Haroor fonrrii. Oa I. ('raw
ford, governor of South Dakota B. . P
R, m.tnhr of ,-onirrets. Iowa, rrem-
; k cf roir.n-ittee on r'vers and harbors:
1 Henry M
Leardsh y. mayor of Kansas
i rrnirr
' ;fh Daka I awren e" M j' neV KansS
(-.,v pren.lrt Missouri 'liy Improva-
j tt.en association. '. 8 Den.-etv govemo
of "j;"' '':''" 'l1, P, . BkJr'.
oert i i.nn'nr.., ru-sree.
Secretary A B IJcull of fe oons-ri
I at the Rome hotel. He srinounces that the
hanq-et will tr a "double h ad-r." with
rood list cf sfeakcrs at ea h place. M.tyof
W. G. Seara ia to t t(.a'.eter at
taiquet ahich la to be hi Id at Ihe Mon
damin h'Ml. while O J Moo-, general
manager cf the C. Shenkberg company, is
to preside at the banuet whxh 1s to ba
held at tr.e West hotel. Mr. Besll x
pi eased l iirself ss well pleaaed aith the
effort which Ore I an s have made to make
the conirresa at S.. u ' t'y a success.
K tiled ia 4 -i'iaioa.
.c ' 1 k a result of
'i a . a r r n fifty.
't ri.'tg.'. between a,
- fV' ;t i ani a octrn
tra,n arl today t.u
a In a i 1 I'll-.
t Oi s
O) a ! " a : -' - 1 '
men aece fcii-d ana taeety injured, acne
aenetiaiv Engineer L II Vagn4 and
a negTo rireo ae. tiotn of U1
t Ha. wer aiiira.