THE 0MAI1A DAILY DEE: SATURDAY. JANUARY 1. 1909. I --, GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET &3Tincct at Close of Wednesday Makes Trade Wonder. AEVIXOrMEST OF EXrCET IS BIQ fcLdtt Cwblea Cavoae, Ulae; Sgalaat tbe I. aSket, feat tha Ball Faction 0 wpport far oil oad Close .ILl.!.. . la Strong;. I OMAHA. Jan. 17. W, ' TV ,.a.a.ur.. - .1 1 1, a plnu v a- Kerday and the development of export trads lliaa trailer tntHlm. I .at a cable cause fweULng against tha market, but the bull fac tion cava some good support aria an gram ksloeas strong. vnaat wu a rttia auft on sailing si m pevlng In response tw weak cables and o hear.T ArgwiUna shipment. I,ater offering grow lighter and the strength In corn cared tbn ahorte gtwl started them cover 4ng May wheat opened at Wo and cloned at I'iTn r.vwhneA afenjlv AT 1 am I mini a ciuae Mid worked higher early on fair buying and llctbt offerings. May corn opened at wHo atul eloaert at Mo. Osis ware strong and worked higher with offerings light and a fair commission house demand noted tnrather with a depled aatern ato-Jr.. May oat opened at Wo ana uoaaa at rt"a. . V r!iunniaa .jr 77.000 hushes or corn FLtM busbe-ls cl aata. and wheat nd flour u ml tn I48.00O bushels. i Yjwifwwii ninaed Url tr 4d lower on aUlat m-A it, i.ufa- n U(i higher on corn Seaboard repotted as.nuu cusneis 01 wne. and 60,000 puaheli of com taken tor ri" lr m r-v vr,r. rerelnte were 6i3.0u0 bu. Mr, A l. Inmate,, a , cm 21 7 I Y1 1,11 . mrajnSt re- eipta liuit year of 434.SU0 bu. and ehlp- !niiK4a 1fa( rum titi i Corn receipts wero. 770,000 bu. and shlp nrnnta warn 6.U0O0 bu., against receipts last year of 83,100 bu. and shipments of J,0ttf bu. Ziooai ran ca or options; ArUcloa.l Opan. ItlBh.J Low. I Cloae.l Yea'y. WHeat-t M -. a I i Mayl Juiy.J fVutl M4 itAt; fpi o, ; HOT W'li ' 80 r f4 f C3 MH M 7 TS 47 8t 8if 91 SI Taj M E4s MS 91 Corn 1 jnayw Juljrl HoDtJ fiat a- B4M11 47HI 3 64 4"4 jvta-yw OiuHa Oaah Prleea. WfTTOAt-No. t hard. Wo; No. hard. Bii8B6c No, 4 hard, toe; Uo. a aprim, Sirf A9ci no grada 15a tJOBNNn. . 63oj No,' 4. 61H6c: No. ft yeJlow. M4e; Ko. . yellow, 63V4ct So. t olISiYWxed. 4747ioj No. whtta, !eV&Wm,c: no. m j&sea fXtvlat fcaoarata. Wheat. Corn. Oat. 364 171 f'Mlnneapolla ., 2 Omab . .. mm..- 38 CUXCA.OO OaXll AND PHOVialOXS rtatarea of tB Tradias and Cloalnar rrlraa on Board of Treat. " CKTOAaO, Jan. 17. Wheat rrlcea on the Kohanaro advanced more than lo today, fcwlna- to confirmation of recent reporla re icardlruf damage by the Hcaalan fly to the winter aown crop In the aouthweet. At the cloee tHe Wy delivery "bowed a net aaln of .ilo. Corn wa up Oats wr-H'h'U" hlabet Vrovlslona were a hadb to lifco lower. . ... Tha Vheat markat opened weak on iell 1n by Pit 4radara, whloh wa broueht out V looal'eablea and by continued liberal reoelpia In tha northweHt. Before the end of tha flrat half hour, however,. the mar ket began to "how algna of reuovery and ateadlly (talned to Btrenith. the remainder of tha day. The chanr in aentlmant wa duo primarily to an advance In corn, but tire, bulliabaaaa auwlfasted Jate In the ae alon wa chiefly the result of a etatemimt "Jailed by" a'Et. Tula trade Journal-con- Jflrmlna; thepravlouB reporia J iyIt-wtaw-efitofll t "TOWth of Wlieat In y j fiaima nf Am h 11 reserves in farmere' handa In North Dakota ln aplred adrimonaf demand. torte-w-jre aottvo buyer tba laat .half of the cUy, The market closed atronir. May opened H-o to W9H l 11 vaneed to 11.04 and closed at 11.04 k. r rhat and flour were equal to .no bu. Knporta for the week as i shown by Bradstreefa were equal w o.ouu, n bu. Primary recelpta were 663.000 bu.. compared with 433,Xi bu. the corr-pond-ln day one yeaf ar. Mlnneupollst. Tiluth and Chicago reported recelpta of S61 cars, Malnat 8L1 care one year ago. Tha early break, in wheat caused some weakness In corn during the first few tnlnutes of tradlnr. but the market sunn rallied and bald strength tha remainder of the day. An unusualty active demand from aoutharn and northwestern rtnalors for oaan corn WM largely responsible for tha upturn. A number of the bull leaders were among the late buyers. The market ...m.a aimnr Ma.v opened a shade lower i at BOHo. sold at 0H'3V!, and then ad f aaea4 to ili4o. Tha close, was at 6lo. )oaI raoeipits wera sat cars, wnn one tj tsl oantraot rrapa, 4 -. . mA mPmmA w a n Ilia, all flay. Tha market opened a trifle easier atonA wiui wneat ana corn miiu i i . iau ih the advanoe In those rratns. May opened lower at Ho, aold up to 644o. tma Closed t arsji.a. w w'l"" war in oars. provisions war weak because of free aies by local paokera, A decline of ligna In tna pnos OI IITW nvi Bi.ri-u inn aeti- ing. At tha oloae May pork was off 109 vjwj at tlS.?na, Lard was a shade lower at 3. Witt 06, Blba wera 7)1ita lower, svt l7.m4rfW.lD. EstimatAd raoaipts ror tomorrow are: VftVoeat. 14 cars; corn, fc cars; oats. 16 carat hoga, vau) neao. Tha leadlne; futures ranged as follows: 'Artlcea. Open. lllgii. Low, Cloae.l Tes'y. WTieat Hay truly 1 1 l oj4gi 4V t(Hi vrk 89'-. 85'i 6U 69Ss 64H tCom-a Way July na.l 1H'fiO'ws! (TH'a91.'fi''Mr4,l 6!H 69H. 69S 1 6y' MOate 6W l"H4l6eH"N. fj'r lMay July Wuly trk Jan. May trd Jan. May . 4T' 47 474 47SW4 4WJ 44 46WI 4l 46 11 Kt4 13 KMi 13 13 60 t 06 K5 7 UH U 4-Vs U 0 U 3 13 37Vil 8 w am 0U M 06 a an 7 15 kSTJIie a sM-t f i7l 12l f 'No, t. a Old. b kesa. -Oman Quotations wera as follows: VtaTTli-Ouiatt winter natanta. 11 SiVtr M.7bl straJghU. I4.2&.84 701 spring Yatenta 15 Strftignia, H.!jH,1U, patters. S3.3S m3 K&. . WllUJl lw, s spnng. u l"J'l,ll! lo S Wprir I CO OA COHN-.'o. 2. 6a6i)Hc; No, yellow. SH -oit-n- b ovTsci rsow - wnue, dohtf a.. a ... . Pi Ktis-Ma. 1. 830. . atARLCT lBir t choice malting. ScO 1"J. ; eHICDcV-BTsjB, Jfo S northwestern. ll.aH. i Tlnia timothy, $140. Clover, contract ! trade, W OO. i PROVIHION Short rlba, stdes flooeel. s631WP.0(X, Maaa pork. rr bbl., 1..87H 1100. laard. per ltt lha, J7J0. fiiiort clear Ik. (boxad), 4.7VJf7.0O. f FoUowlnsr ware the receipts and ship- Juenta ot Aaur and grain: r Keoelpts. Shipments. ftntTA '- ,i I, 21.U0 VhawL K"- Me 2s,0 torn, i i 1 1 . JSOJ AhlIs. i l i, ',jJ"l 1)2.3X 1 On rhe Produca exchange today tha but 4tr maullet was firm; creameries, JWtc; fajrlea, Vtiffle. EgKa, firm: at mark, cases JTiKdv-ded. 34t7'Xo firsts, X6c; prima firsts, m extras, Sao. Ctteeaa, steady; llHtclSH . Pearta Grata alarket. rpOBJA, Jan. 1Y. CORN -Firm; No. S a-ellosr. 1uVj; No. . 644Jttc; No. 4. VlUct no grade, 4tjTc. r OATS-tlrml No. t white. 61iic; 'No. I arhlt, CPcl No, 4 wbtte, 4t)c: '. i - ; Llvervool Grain sal Pravlaiaa. , TaTVElRPOOU Jan. 17-W HEAT Spot gtttadn No. I red weatam winter, 7s 10d; luturaa steady; Maroh, a May, 7s easy: rrtma Ameiiraa m'rud ) st, aws aa4id; prlnka Aiuerlcaa aUxed spot, old. 5s ; f'ltures quiet; Jsntiafr, 6s .tSd; MarcU. 6s l',d. - . ...-,. SF.XS Villi liKNKH 41, M4.RKF.T - , . ' . , .i. Featarea ef 1 radius; and Prlea l.eaallac Coaimnallt lea. NEW TultK. Jan. 1,. - Tl flt Rclp a. lSi4 bhls. ; exports. n,i ht1s. ; market quiet ami steady. Minnesota patents, U : Mlntir,ta bnkerfi. ft miiliiiS: winter pnienta, f I K.ti6.a&: winter straights. 4.fte11 4.73; winter entras. H.76A4.0; winter low grades, rift.' $4 10. Rye flour, firm; fstr to good. I4.iffi5 15; choice to fancy. Buckwheat flour, steady, H.00 pef w' t'DRNM EA I Firm ; fine white snd yehow, I1.40&1 60; ,-oarse, $1,36 413;',.; kiln dried. $1.30 I 80. Rf.i-Klrm; No. 3 western, 93Vic. t. o. b. New York. WHEAT-Receipts, ft.000 bu.; exports. , 437 bu.; spot market firm. No. i red. l.0i7, elevator, and ll.t f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Ouluth. $1 22W f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard winter, 11.16 f. o. b. afloat. Esrly oVcllne of c. due to lower rabies and big Argentine shipments were replaced by a sharp afternoon advance. Reports of green bug damage In the southwest uncov ered a big short Interest snd flnsl prices showed Val'.c rise. May. 11.10 lS-lUfi l.llfs, closed fl.U'; July. 11.06'gl .08, closed $i.o;v CORN Receipts. 14.125 bu. : exports. 34. V bu.; Ppot market firm. No. 3, 7c, nomi nal elevator, and 06c f. o. b. s float; No. I white, g7',4c; No. t yellow, S7e f. o. b. afloflt. Option market was generally firmer on light farm offerings and closed He net higher. May, 70''Sl70e, closed 7Vc; July closed 8Hc OATS Receipts, (17.600 bu.; exports. I.7S5 hu.; spot market dull. Mixed. .6 to W lbs., 63Hc: natural white. 2ft to 33 lbs.. HWW; clipped wlilte, 33 to 40 lbs., 86WW-0. IIAYQulet; good to choice. 1.0G1.10. 1IOPH Stesdy ; state, common to choice. 1907 crop. 12lc; 10 crop, 4o; Pa cific coast, 1907 crop, 1611c; 108 crop, 6 1( 6c HIDK8-6leady; Bogota, 19c; Onlral America, He. LEATHER Quiet; scld, I427e. . PROVISIONS Beef, steady; fHmlly. is 6'150; mess, tlO.liVii 11.00; beef hrfms. J'JI.ft"? 24.00; racket, lU.viiM..&0; city extra India mess. ia.604r23,OilL tit meats, quiet; pick le 1 hams, JD.00; pickled bellies, tt.Toftfs 50. Latrd. barely steady; western prime, I7.ifd 8.6; refined, steady; continent. 3S.50; South America. i9 16; compound, $7.12'i7.3i4. Pork, steady; family. 17.6W'1S.); short clear. 116.X0 ift 75: incus. 314 W8 W. TAMOW Steady; city tJ- Pr pkg ). 6V4c; country tpkgs. free), &W4"&c. JiUTTKR Klrm: western faotory, com mon to firsts. ltf(f?)c. " C I IKF.8K Firm. I KfHJS Unchanged; western and southern firsts, 26c; seconds, JCSat-sC ' POl'TTRY Alive, steady; western chick ens. 12'gWc; turkeys, l.itrtSc; fowls, western, 10&14C , I WEATHER IJT TH9 CRAIlr BELT Fair antarday, vlta Not Mark Change In Temperatnre. OMAHA. Jan. 17. 1908. Ti, wava of rniri weather that spread over the central valleys Wednesday night la now affecting the southern end eastern states. Kreealng weather prevails In the gulf states and it Is much colder along the Atlantic coast. Temperatures have mod erated rapidly In the central portion and the weather Is much warmer tliia morning In the lake region, throughout the upper Mississippi and Missouri valleys and west to the PaMi'lc roast. While considerable cloudiness Im shown In the central valleys Henerallv fair weather prevaila and the outlook Is favorable for continued fair In this vicinity tonight and Saturday, with no important change In temperature. Oniiiha record of teniDeraiure and pre cipitation compared with the corresponding day or me last inree cm. 1908. 1907. 1906. 1905. xtlnlmum trmrjerature ... i"7 . IS , , Zt . 11 Precipitation 00 ..'J '.00 Normal tamperature for today, 20 degrees. Deficiency in precipitation since March 1, 7.7V inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1307, 3.89 Inches. ... Deficiency corresponding period in 1906, 2.61 inches. U A. WELSH. Ixical Forecaster. St. I.ools General Market. ST. liOUI8, Jan. 17. WHEAT Higher tr-nir no. 3 red cash. II OlttvWl.03: No. ; hard. ll.00ei.04V; May, ai.Ot'A5.1.044; July, CORN Firm; track, No. 2 cash. KHffMc No. 1 white. 574i6Sc; May, 68V4c; July OATS Weak; track. No. 2 cash, 61c; No a Hklta u . . I KliOUR Steady; red" wJrlteT "Vatefits, J4.66 (ff4.9o; extra fancy and straight. 4.254.60i clear, 3a.76B4.00. 8liFJ Tlmothv, steady, 33.5034.2tx. CrRNMKA,Iy-Steady; 12.90. 1 IRAN Steady; Backed east track, S1.0 HAT Quiet; timothy, 11.00til.6O; prairie. 39.0Cyl2.OX . IR01I COTTON TIF.S 1.10. BAO3INf lOTic. HEMP TWINE 11c. PROVISIONS Pork. steady; Jobbing, 313.25. Lard, lower; prime steam, $7.66. Pry suit meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, ?.75; clear ribs, 37.A2V4; short clears, 37.R7H. Racon, stidv; boxed extra short. 38.63Va; clesr rihs t4.0: short clears, $8.75. POULTRY Firm; chickens, 8Hc; springs, OHc; turkeys, 12o: ducks. 9c; geose. 4Vc. Hl'TTWl Steady; cresmery, 24'30VrC. KilOS Weak at 21c, case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls. 7.0") ,00 Wheat, bu. 36,0iX 43,000 Corn. bu. 196.0UO . 78,000 Oat a bu 8,00t) 62,000 Kaasaa City f.ralm anal Pravlslona. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 17y-WHBAT-Un-changed; May, $1.00; July, 02He. Cash: No. 2 hard. cr$1.0i'H; No. S. 7H498c; No. 3 red. l.omjl.01: No. 3, 974c5l. 6EHo; July. &5V.C. Cash: No. t mixed, tiVto; NO. I. M 0 asv-; INO. 2 wntia, Me: no. a, d4c. OATS Unchanged; No. 3 white, 6061c; No. 3 mixed, 4i&60c. RYB-76fiK)c. HAY Choice timothy, steady, S12.0O 1150; choice prairie, $8.M9.00. BUTTER Firm; creamery, 31c; packing, WV4o. luGGS Steady; extras. Kftic; firsts, 23c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu.m 104 0no t.0i Corn, bu 3S.0OO 21.00) Oats, bu 7.000 13,000 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 17-WHEAT No, 1 bard, SU3H; No. 1 northern. 31.11; No. t northern. $1.08S1.O9Vi; No. 3 northern. ll.tS'i j107H: May, $l.uH'ga.n; July, $1.12. FLOUR Julet, unchanged, but strong; sales moderate: first patents, $5.ftki.7t: second patents, tS.5oW6.0: first clears, $4 30 4.40; second clears, $3 B'vg'S.gO. BRAN In bulk, $20.00. Mllwaikt Grain Market. XriLWATJK EE, Jan. 17. WH EAT Mar ket steady; No. 1 northern. $1.11W1.13; No, ! northern. $L0rtl4oH; May. $1.04. BAIUaBY trull; No. t. $1.03; sample, 70c X1.02H. CORN Steady; No. 2 cash. KigWe; May. lc, bid. Dnlntk Grain Market. DULUTH. Jan. 17.--WHEAT No, 1 north ern, $l.0Mi: No. 2 northern, $1.07; Mav, $1.12; July. $L1-H. OAT-49c. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. O.. Jan. 1 7. SEEDS Clover, cash and January, $10.62V; March, $10.70; April, $10.60. Timothy, prime, $2.20. Ala sine, prima, 110.00. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 17 DRY GOO DH The market continues quiet. An auction sale of e.OftO pieces of staple silks Is announced for January 23. Carpet wools are easier, because of the forced sales. Cotton goods are being revised. New prices will be named on 4-4 blwiched sheetings next werx iKinlms have been reduced. Cotton yarns are quiot and firmer. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 17.--COFFEE The market for coffee futures closed steady at a net advance of 6-alO points. Sales were reported of 42.760 bags, including January ai b-sdc; r eoruary, s sac: Marcn. t Kxa.i)c; May. 06fi10c; July. tVKvi.Ac; September, (.36c: December, 64fii.46c. Spot coffee, steady; No. 7 Rio. S-ltk-; No. 4 Santos, Sc. Mild coffee, firm; Cordova, SHtlUc. Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlta, NTCW YORK. Jai. 17 EVAPORATED APPLES Are, steady with fancy quoted at lOVnltHc; choice. 9'vtllOc; prime, UtisW; 11 ti fruit.. "n 10Vc. Bank of Ceraaaar Statasaeat. B FIR LIN. Jan. 17-rTha weakly statement of the Rank of flertnany shows the follow, ing changes: Cash in hand Increased to. a Oni.OTrt mark a, treasury rotes . Increased marks, other securities "decreased 132,C.U'J0 marks and ..notaa . to riritulailnn dacrvased 17f,x),0iAi marks. - , Treaaary Btateaaeat. WASHINGTON. Jan. H.-Today a state ment of the treasury baisnrea tn the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $lf1 imorttj gold rvoerve. shows Atvatlahtw-'S'aam balance. K.BiJ.3u7: gold oolti and bullion. 1I..S,011; gold certificates, $t(.ia.0v. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS 1 Sharp Reaction of Thursday ii Ex tended ia Early Session. BEARS MAKE RUSH TOR COYER lleary rtaylaa, Arrvmpaalrd ay Hnmors Imaartiat Flstaaelal peals, C'aaae Hally ss4 Klnal Prices Are Ibe lllstkest. NEW YORK. Jan. 17. Bubstsntlal pro gress was made todsy In the digeatlon of spwculatlv profit -taking wntcii nss oeen accumulating on the stoik market for sev ers! days past. The sharp reaction wnicn developed yesterday was yulte widely ex tended during the early trading today anil afforded such relief from the pressure bearing on the market that the way was opened for a material recovery. The besrs were active sellers on the derllne and their aetlve demand to cover helped the rebound. 80 did the circulation of rumors of important changes In financial Institutions, esiieclallv tin alleged pasalng of control of the Kyullahle Life Assurance Society to J. p. .vtoi aim. i his rumor, coupled with the aggressive advance) In Northern Facinc. was the ettecllve lacior In turning the market and driving the bears to rout. Northern Faclflc showed resistance to the early depression In con tinuance of the same showing In yeswr day s decline. The persistence of this strength, gave It Impressdvene.-s and served to convince the skeptical that some good news was forthcoming regarding the stock, the result being the revival of assertions of nn intended extra disbursement on the stock such as were current prior to the declaration of regular dividend. Money markets gave striking evidence of the continued growth of hanking reserves, both here and abroad, the declining tend ency of foreign discounts and the appear ance of continental lenders In the loudon market driving down the London discount te here snd discussion ot a possime eariy gold export movement. Reserves ere now accumulating so rapidly in isew torn tun this prospect seems to have no disturbing affect. The banks have made another heavy gain on the weVs Interior currency movement, receipts on balances from the Interior havlna reached, apparently, fhn nelshborhod cf JS.iJfO.Oi'O, besides shout $i&0.000 on sub-treasury operations. That exports of gold at this time would htng" on money market considerations rather than on merchandise accounts agstnst us Is Indicated by the foreign trade statement for December, showing an excess value of exports of SIH.SBO.M. which Is more than twtre n- nrf-nt ns In December, UOO. Decem ber gold net imports amounted to $43,444,0.;", following the $ti.O0i).ftiO brought In during November. There has been an abrupt fall ing ff In value of Decomber imports of rner'h-iodlse to if.3w,i(i, compered with $110.94J.0n0 In November, and $U4.Sj0.P0 in 1 ' r of 1ti, piakrtg a striking exhibit of the country's reduced consumption as an effct of the financial crisis. December exports, on the other band, have risen severul million dollars over even the No vember record to an absolute record for anv one month of $W.17,4;. The enormous outward movement of grain and cottoft has conduced largely to this result. The violent eirly decline In prices cen tered largely In the metal Industrials, amalgamated copper and American Smelt ing being special targets of attack, for reasons obvious In the depressed oonditlon of the mining industry. New York Central was also pressed for sale sharply, the long account In the stock having been con siderably extended In the buying following the sale of equipment notes. The extent of the retrenchment plans outlined In re ports concerning some of the great rail road systems was a weight on sentiment. The late recovery was well maintained and last prices were near the best. Bonds were heavy. Total sales, par value, $3,850,000. I'nited States bonds were unchanged on call. Nuuibar nf sales and quotations on stocks were as follows: sales. High. Lov Clous. 16 A4aOis Exprasi Amalramatad Cnpper Am. (V p Am. C r. pM Am. Cotton Oil An. Cotton Oil fd Amerlraa Cipreaa' Am. H. L. ptd Amartcaa Ira Am. Lluaeed Oil Am. Ialaaead Oil pf Am. Locomotive Am. Locomotive sfd... Am. . A R ., , ,enn MS 4v , i.a m 11s n tni so Ma 111 Ml. fu 14 la, I tJ WW 4 7lu l.too Wt 1IH 800 i.ron sva 1 7ti Am. g. R. pfd Am. Sugar Iteflnlnf Am. Tobacco pfd ctft Anaeonda Mining Co Atchison Atchlfton pfd Atlantis Cout Line........ Baltimore Ob 10 Bl. Ohio ptd Brooklyn Raeid Tr Canadian Pacific Central of N. J , az-dlv... Charapea.e A Ohio Chicaao oe. W rhir.10 A N. w Chlro. M. at St. P Chlraso T. A T Chloaia T. T. pfd C. C. C. tc St. Li Colorado F. I Colorado 80 Colo. aY So. 1st pfd Colo. So. Id ptd Conaolldatad Oaa Corn Products Com Froducta pfd Tlaware 4t Hudaon Del.. L. W Penvtr V R. O D. a R. O. pfd Dl.tlllara' Securities Erte Ella 1 pfd Kile Id pfd Ounsral Eleolrlo Illlnoia Central liitarnatlonal Paper int. Paptr pfd Int. Pump int. Pump -pfd Iowa Central Iowa (antral pfd.. Kansae City Se K. C. So. pfd 1mlavlile N kt i Iran ('antral Minn. A St. Li M.. St. P. A 8. 8. M M , Bt. P. ft. g. M. ptd. Mtaaourl Pacific M., K. T M., K. A T. pfd. National Load N. R. R. of M. pfd Naw Vork Coutral M. Y.. O. A W Norfolk W N. A W. pfd North American Pacific Mall Pennaylvanla Paopla s Oaa P., C... C. Si St. L Pnwt 8t-l Car Prcaa-d 8. C. pfd Pullman Palace Car Reading Raadins lat pfd Heading 2d p!d Rwfiublle Steel Republic Bteel pfd Rock laland Co flock laland Co. pfd si. l, a s. r. id pfd Bt. Loula 8. W St. L. 8. W. pfd Southern Pacinc Eo. Pariflo pfd 80. Rallarar o. Raliwajr pfd Tciaa a Par-lflc T., 8t. L. W T , St. L. a W. pfd I r.lon pacific I'mon Pacific pfd I'. 8. EapreMk f. 8. K-aliy f. 8 Rnhbar t 8. Rubber pfd V. 8. Steel t . I gtoel pfd Va..('ae,lna Cbamlcal ... Va.-Caro. C'hem. pfd Wabaih Wabuh pfd Weila-Karso xpreaa We.tlnKhouae Llectrlc Wcatern t'nlon Whoallng la K Wlaounain Central Wia Central ptd Northern Parlftt.' Ot. Northern pfd Central Leather Central Leather pfd ' Interborouf h Met Int. Met. ptd looe-ShefBeld Steel 1.(IB f4, 6, 1'") ms uss 11314 . IflO 8014 ISH4 8t4 l.f 91 8m Kt t.auO Tli Tl Ti 6) I4U. Kfa 4 1, 11 71 TJ l.o l4 S ft 8W IU W 15 24.100 414 4Sa l.KO 1604 1 IM 17 I. WO Sl , 31V 1 s ' 'a 4, Mm IM H Wit I4.0UV 117 114V, I14H I 1 100 64i 6m K 1.700 21 Vo ,.u, SH, bf 6i 4 f,: 100 4:114 4S MO l(r24 1114 103 3.Z00 H1. Hi I'O 4's 4'e (4 1.600 IM m IM , 600 1.100 w 1U t t) fiH b 6H ,) 14 , 34 14 "4 l,w lA'a lS 16 fk 34 MS IS , J4 100 121 111 l.J 4-) last, 13144 Hit. tl 11 low llVj 700 6ft tll 4Vi , 4.40) 1W !0i 400 MS 491 ,f I. 100 U 12V, 1600 ',4a 3Va 2toj 4 a i:t m zoo 53 0 101 100 10H4 700 lea If,', 16 'a K) tSi, U Kr i4a lt si) 139 10.700 4 41H 41 , 4. 2.SV, C4V. fiSa j 6V, 64 67 , 1.(00 414k 40 411, 4. II. ll 10.)', S l"l .) 3f.v 114 us fr 6SV) 7 (TV4 ln 7 7 10 300 61 61 ;.i !4i6 . tE 100 1181, 1144, lit . 1,000 tuvt ;, 1 ti T'M t.Va .its U 300 73 76 ' 75 V 317,600 110 M' join, S4 700 .; , a.", 174a ITS t 7S 7S 70 . 3,l 14ia )4 1S . 6.4-) SV, 27", J- 4'4) S C 21 r i. hi, 2. t 30 tt . 14.4JJ T.i, 7t, A i "S . 2.1AJ ins 1"S "' V I 6.10 34 13 34 n 2 IS 2S 31 III 13 14a, I Xf 3s MS 104. 3,4) IMS IS 1'4S 4U0 J', tl K It 30 lis l . t:iS H M'i 2" W HI U , 57. 40 'S 2i 2S II. ii is 3S IMS 200 17S ITS 17S M 14 , S . I'W ITS ITS 1' 110 (0 ail 6O 3,, 1 600 T ( 4S 14 l'K 4J 4! 40 . 30.4 O !2S U"S . 14. 4-W 124S i:4 124S 7 17', ITS KS 3S US 4 S S 6'1 SIS 11 US rl 41 41 41 S l.'T.o ahar.-a. Foreign Financial. LONDON. Jan. 17. Money was plenti ful on the market today and dla-ounis were easier on free purchases of bills by ths continent. Trading on the Stock exchange developed a aeak undertone, and realisations by recent speculative buyers affected gilt-edged securities and home rails adversely. The newa regard ing the Japanee budget from loklo meakened Japaneae bonds, poor traffic returns depressed Grand Trunk, wliilo the reduction in the dividend of Amalgamated Copper and the decline in the price of the metal Were responsible lor the de pression in copper shares American au curltlea opened fairly ateady. but irregu larity developed soon and this was fol lowed by a downward tendency whirf brought values , generally below parity. Canadian Pacific waa the weak leature, but Southern Pacific and Union i'aciflc were comparatively ateady. Later tha Well street opening became irregular, then New York suld and the market Closed dull but easy. PARIS. Jap. 17. Trading 00 the Bourse here today was Irregular. Rentes wore lower on the decision to press lae in come tax In the Chamber of Deputies. Japanese shsres snd toppers were dnwn. HK.HLIN. Jan. 17. The tendererv ef ttw tracing en the Hnir twlay was weaa. Americans were lower. RRPORT r THR Ct.RRIti HOI B Traaaactleaa at tke Asaaelated Raaka far the Week. NEW YORK. Jan. 17 -Brsdstreet s bank clearings report for tlie week end'ng Janu ary 1 shoas an aggregate of $.7J a-H.iasJ, as sgslnst $..1t.K2ll.iMi Inst week and P4fi. W!.uu tn the corresponding week last year, t'snsdlan clearing's for thesek total r.' -1. (. ss against $XK.44ll.isn last week snd ll 920,111 in the ssme week last year. The following is a list of the cities: rngi j Inc. CITIES. Clea Dec. New York Chicago Boston , Philadelphia St. liouls fittsburg Pan Francisco Baltimore City t'iuclnnatl New Orleans Minneapolis Clevrland iiOlilsville l,os Aneles Omaha Milwaukee Seattle ?t. Paul Providence Buffalo Indianapolis Denver Fort Worth Richmond Albanv Washington Salt Iike City Portland. Ore Colttmbns. O St. Joseph Memphis Savannah Atlanta Spokane, Wash.,... Toledo. O Tacotna Nashville ..1 Rochester Hartford Peoria Den Moines Norfolk New Haven Grand Rapids Davton Portland. Me Sioux City Springfield, Mass... Evansvllle Birmingham Syracuse Augusta, Oa $1.CS.W3.' . Ilft.llS.nst . lHS.Sti8.fSVI. . l:t,.l).'. bl.t.i. . 4a',fUS,(, . Stl.!') .. I 1t.flfl . :m.kk.voh -'4. 999.00. n. 1 7.VHM . i 22,ai3.or-Y IH.i78.oi . 13.I91.COO . ; ii.tcn.imu . 9 flM.'MI . I la.8T4.O0O' 23 7 I 29.J 17.7 1". 19 l 2i.4 14. S 'ii! 11 ivi 10 j 22.3 ia.l ' ' '' lft 4 is'.7 1.9 34.9 11. ( 11 9 S!.9 7.6 43.2 4 4. 18.4 fx, ... !.!W3.rtf""-!... j S.&W.0,1! I 8.20I.W ... I H.1.0iSe... I' .4(.WH) ... 7.tV.0 I .ouA..a.h 1 S.liW.ixii . . I 4.777.006... 3.4. 5 M7.00 ., d.l-'I.Ot'i'.. 1. fcl.WW'. 4,!M.4,ftnfi. . 6.59S.I1.. R.aai.flnOI S.993.0i. 6l;.ou. S.382.0UOI . 4.H1 .'.OHO. 4.09,OiVW . 4.1.,.'0il. S.6i9.00o . . 4,l,i0l J,7B,f'l0!.. 2. (11.0001. 2 163.Ot.ait. 3J5Ra.0rt)l 3,2!i3.0.Oi. 1.671.000 . 1 .KDLillloi 27 0 13.8 4.1; 36-.7I 27.0 "i!i Hi (. 3 1 ' i!g 8 4 30.1 l9!o )g.( 24.9 . 12.3) 6 9 14 . 2.2i2,tlO! 2X'S,( 14 IS ( 18.7 "hi 22. ( a. 7 "ia 10. ( (.1 13.7 1 .897.000 2.021 .000 2.597.W 16.7 2.077.0001 1 1 67D.0f, I 1.(83.000' I 1. (01.0001 1 1.2.ono! 1 1. n3.o, o: I 1.4.'4,00O! l.taH.OOOl I 1.333.0001 9.9' . 1.177.000' 2.4' . 87,9.000 ' 1.697.000' I 1.37.0fOi 12.3' v 1.2W.00O, I l.fms.000i I 933 00OI I RT7,iX i i,000! I . 6S7.O00 1 787.000' ! Mobile Worcester Knoxvllle Wilmington, Del Charleston. 8. C... Chattanooga Jacksonville, Fla... Wichita Wllkesbarre Davenport Little Rock 7.9 7.4 Wheeling. W, Va.... f all River Kalamnsoo, Mich.. Topeka . Springfield, 111...... Helena Fort Wayne. Ind.. New Bedford Lexington Youngstown Erie. Pa Macon Akron Rockford. Ill Cedar Rsnlds, la.. Chester, Pa Rlnghamton Fargo. N. D Iowell Canton, O Bloomington, III... South P.end, Ind... Qulncv. Ill Springfield. O Sioux Falls. S. D... Mansfield, O Decatur. Til 10. (.7 33 H.9 18.7 14. S "i'.i 13.7 19.8 32. 12.6 98ft.0n0l 16,0(1I t.00o , 72ft, 00ft 699.000 M(.(Ki 800 0001 629 0001 626.000 ' Ml.OOOl ftrt).0nft 413.fV)! 48.010 1 413.000' . 469.000' - 377.0OT 4:.0O0l 376.000' 479.0001 399. 0OOI 10.71. 8 8'. 2.7!. 1 (.71. 27.9'. 13.0 29.5 9 9 26.1 'rt'.h .o. 'is'.s!. 16(i. Fremont, Neb... Jacksonville. 111. Lincoln. Neb Oakland. Cal.... .. 244.000'.. . I.l.lft.0001.. 1,669,0001.. 1 43 9.1 68.0 '27!6 18.4 Oklahoma I O.'.OnO' Houston a-a..,...aJ " 21.15TXiO!. Galveston I .. ..J4.647.( .000!. CANADA. Montreal .. Toronto ... Winnipeg . Ottawa ... Vancouver, Halifax ... 1$ 7.4 18.0 "3! "i!i "g!8 80,951.0001., I0.J47.0OO 3,096.000!.. 3.154.0001 1,840.0001., I.994.OOOI 1.63,W' 1.2O.0nf ., 1.211.0O0i ' 1.2i,00fM 1.2fi6.0"O!., 1,313,000;., i.l!. u:.l. ril. 1.11. "i! . B. C. Quebec Hamilton St. John. N. B Ixindon, Ont.., Victoria, B. C tCalgary tEdmonton .... Not Included In totals because containing other Items than clearings. t.N'ot included In totals because compari sons are Incomplete. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 17-MONEY-Prlme mercantile paper. ( to 7 per cant. STERL1NO EXCHANGE Strong, with actual business In bankers' hills at $4.9640 (fi-4 for demand and at $4.82304.8235 for sixty-day bills. Commercial bills. $4.8176 4.82. SILVDR-Bar, fx4jC; Mexican dollars, 44c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, heavy. MONEY On call, easier at 2V(itM4 per cent; ruling rate, 3Vj per cent; closing bid, 2 per cent; offered at 3 per cunt; time loans, easy; sixty and ninety days, 6 per cent; six monins, & per cent. Closing quotations on bonds were as fol lows: U. 8, ref. Ss, rag. ...14Va Hocking Val. 4Ss ...lOS do coupes 1U4S I- A N. uni. 4a S V. 8. la. reg 100S Man. c g. 4a 3S do coupon 101 Men. Central 4a 74S V. B. a. 4a. reg 11S do lat Inc ISV, do coupon 120sMlnn. aV St. L. 4s 17 Am. l obacco 4a -"' ! , K. A T. 4a US do t 100V, do .1 84S N. R. R. f M. t. 4. 74 k;, N. V. C. g. ISa M 8 N. J. C. 1 ia 122 HS No. Pacific 4a M', 1 do la JO 71 V. d W. a. 4s as 101S O. ( L. rfdg. 4a TS Atc-hlfton gen 4a.... do ad 4a Atlantic C. L. 4a... Bal. Ohio 4a do ISa Brk. R. T. e. 4a.... Central ot Ga. 6a.. do la4 Inc ss renn. rr. 1U l Mo 2d inc do 3d inn Chae. Ohio 4Sa.. 44U) Reading gen. 4a S S. L 4 1. M. c. 101 St. L. A 8. P. fg. 4e. T4S 64 St. U (. W. . 4a ... 64 3S Seaboard a. L, 4a... it 61S 'o. PaclBc 4a 33 7oU do tat 4a ctfa a4 Chicago A A. me ('. B. It I). n. 4a C. ft. I. & P. 4a do col. aa etc A 81. L. g. 4a. ves ro. Hallway ia to!- . ind. 6a tier. A. 6C -Tciaa A P la. t:t . 1l ' MS M 107S 44 to 7IS . IS Colo. Mid. 4a Colo. A 80. 4a.... i-uba ba II. A R ) 4a ... Lllatlllera' See 6a. trie p. I. 4a do ses. 4a Japan 4a do 4Sa ctfa do 2d aerlea Bid. Oflered. MS T . 81. L A W. aa.. 63 I'nl a Pacific 4a im do ev. 4a 93 t 8. Steel It 6a Ti Waha.h la M do dak. B ai', Weatern Md. 4a 7S W. A L. K. 4a 37 WH Central 4a 84S Boston Blocks and Bonds. BOSTON. Juft. 17. -Call loans. 657 per cent: lime loans. t'7 p cent. Official noting on stocks and bonds: Atchiaon adj. 4a. 14 Amalgamated ... Atlantic Bingnaia .. .. ats .. i: .. S3 ..111 .. I7S . . H .. .. 10 .. 24 S .. 4 .. 12 .. 14 .. IS .. US .. .. US .. t .. IIS .. 16 .. 17 .. 7 .. 13 .. 1"S K .. S .. 4S ..!' ..414 .. US US .. II .. US .. 1S do 4a Ilea Central 4a Ai.hlaon do prd ftoatnn A Albany. . lioacin A Maine .. Boeton Elevated. . riuhburg pfd Mexican Central .. N Y.. N. H. A H I'nloa Pacific Am. Argc. chem.. do pld Am. Pneu. Tube... Amor. Bugar do pfd Ant. T A T Am. Woolen do pfd Dominion I AS., bdtaon glee. Iilu.. General Klectrle .. Maaa. tleclnc .. do pfd Maaa. Uaa I ailed S. M do pfd L. S. Steel do pfd Aakad. Bid t'nlled Fruit Adventure Allouea H 74 72', '(ol. m Heel. 16s Centennial .114 Cnpptr Range ... ..IS.". Ivaly Waal ..114 Franklin ..121 1,1a Kuv.le .. US Maaa. Mining ... Mlcliigaa ..128-Tj M haak Mont. C. A C... . old Ooailolaa .. . . I Osceola . ..HIS Parrot . .ills, vlulnoy ..14 Shannon .. 1S Tanara, k .. a,,, Trlnltr .. US Lnlted Copper .. ..t"S I' B. Mining ..Ut V. 8. Oil .. U t ub .. Vli-torla .. 66S Winona .. 44 Wolverine ., US "Cel. A ttecl. .. 30 North Butte .... . . MS Butte Cjalltlos Nevada .114 Cal. A Arleeea. ... 8 Ariaona Cum. ... .. II Sew York Mining Storks. NEW YORK, Jan. 17. Closing quotations on mining siocas were: Adams Coa. a Little Cklef 8 Alice 40) Oataria t. Brea 1" llplilr 1,4 brunewlck O m II Potoai II l eeaaowk Tuanal .... 24 Bavase 43 oa. ISI. A V 40 Ulrraa Neada 34 Horn Silver ... eo Sieall Hope Irua Silver T4 Standard las Leadvilka Coa Bank i'.e-artaeiB. OS1AHA. Jan. 17 Bank clearings for In day a era $1 ken, 6.1! 9o and fur the cor reaivi.ding date last year $1.7i3.27v. 79. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle of All Kindt Generally Slow and Considerably Lower. HOGS SELLING FIVE TO TEN LOWER keep and l.aaaaa In Moderate gopplr, with Dosnnnd Veep Llst and . Prices Fifteen to 4oarter Lower for Two Iays. SOUTH OMAHA. Jsn. 17. 1. Receipts were; Official Monday .... tfflcla Tuesdsr .... (tfflclal Wednesday.. Ofllclal Thureday.... b.tlmate Friday Cattle. Hogs. heep . l.Vi . 7.273 .. $.' .. .. 2.800 1474 l.$l 7.713 (.03( aiA4 1.300 S.S. 9.411 H.orn Five dsvs this week-.... 2(.V'i 4( 033 .9 Same dsrs last week....21.: (7,fl0 E1.6S9 Same days 2 weeks ago. .11.629 4 L.4W 8am days 3 weeks ago.. .7 19,771 S.2 Same days 4 weeks ago.. K.2S9 31.9.0 K.itW Same days last year 27.1( 34.199 So.lKt The following table shows the receipts of rattle, bogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared wtth last yT ion. ioji? Inc. Dec. Cattle Hogs Sheep M.S54 S2.7 1.07.1 ...12.44 am 69.211 . its 7t.7 S.819 , The following table shows tha average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Date. I 1908. I1J07. ,190. il9t.1904-11903. L02. Jan. Jan. Jan, Jan. Jan. T 8 f 10.,. II... 12.. 13... 14... ii. ;. 14... 17... 4 23", 4 RSI 4 29 4 21 4 16 241 ( 3K ( 3, ( 3 4 L9! ( 3UI (09 ( 09 ( 16 ( 14 ( 04 5 26 6 22 6 201 6 22' 6 2S a 2&I Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 4 OS. 4 3 4 761 4 48, 4 00 4 731 R7 6 13 4 69 4 41 ( 22 4 19S 4 2S -S ( 28 4 tl ( 861 i 29! 4 T'V ( 42! 6 291 4 76 ! ( 42 i 24 4 62! 4 74 ( KM ( 15 4 si: 1 601 ( 17 Sunday. C ATT LK Receipts of cattle were very heavy for a Friday, 118 cars being reported In. As receipts have been liberal all the week, wlih the result that packers had taken on Isrge numbers. It was not sur prising tha,t the Irsde this morning was very slow and late in opening. In fact, nothing of any consequence was done until well along toward midday. It was very apparent, however, right from the start that buyers were determined to secure the, cattle at less money than they paid yester day or leave them alone. As a rule buyers started out bidding K3 1 c lower on killing cattle of all kinds. In spite of all tlist sellers could do they were forced to cut loose at the decline and both beef steers snd cow stuff sold lOtJISc lower than yesterday. The irsde, however, was very slew and It was later than usual before a clearance was effected. As usual on a Fridsy there was very little demand for feeders, but fortunately there were not many on sale. Still the market on the fw here waa slow and easier. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice corn-fed steers, $tV.6jjt.76: fair to good corn-rea steers, 4.r); common to fair corn-fed steers. $3.764 6t; good to choice cows and heifers. $3 (flSKSS; fair to good cows and heifers, 12.8v&..'l.o6: common to fair cows and heifers. Sl.THdCSO; good to choice Blockers and feedera. $4.00(fj4.7O; fair to The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hoars. SheeD. H'r'a C. M. A Bt. P. Ry.... 3 Wabash R. R Mo. Pac. Ry 4 Union Pacific R. R. 16 C. A N. W. Ry.. east 8 C. N. W. Ry., west 41 C. St. P. M. A O. Ry 19 C B. ft Q. Hast.... 4 C. B. A y.. west.... 15 C. R, I. A P.. east.... 6 C. R. I. & P., west.. 1 Illinois Central Ry... 4 C. G. W. Ry I Total receipts 118 4 60 4 (40 4 W ( 49 4 (1 4 63 (39 4 (2 (40 ?!!? 1 1 so 6 66 9 1.. 7 .. ., 21 S .. 5 2 .s, 1 1 r 8 1 6 1 .. 154 U 1 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num. ocr 01 ncaq indicated Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co.. Swift A Company .... Cudahy Packing Co.. Armour -Ac Co. Vaosant A Co Carey A Benton Ix)bman A Rothchlld.. W. I. Stephen Hill A Son F. P. Lewis Huston & Co J. B. Root A Co..... L. P. Hubs McCresry A Carey Sam Werthlmer H. F. Hamilton M. Hagerty A Co F. O. lnghram Sullivan Bros Lehmer Bros Other buyers Klngmsn packing Co. Krey packing Co 197 1,636 441 2.671 092 3.M8 430 .. 4.804 13 1 85 42 - .... 15 . .... 49 .... 32 .... 27 ' 26 98 28 18 39 33 4 13 406 64 410 Total 2.767 12 988 1,994 good stockers snd feeders. $3.60414 00: com mon to fair stockers and feeders, $3.003.50. UEEc BTEER3. Ko. Av. Pr. Ka, A. Pr I tt I 60 1 HI 4 43 6 4l t 7S I ion 4 M 67 107 I 36 17 1011 4 34 4 317 4 16 17 Ufa) 4 46 II 1047 4 90 It 1070 4 30 I KM 4 3) II 1140 6 4 91 11.1 4 40 II 1414 $ 10 II 1123 4 46 17 1440 6 30 COWS. 4 10S6 I i 1 12S I IS I Ml II! 1 10X4 I 31 I 4 4 11J0 I M 3 375 2 40 340 I 18 8 1023 I 46 1 1013 I 10 6 Ml 3 30 1 1144 I 66 I 40 30 14 1036 8 60 I ri 2 fl 7 1047 I 60 10 704 1(6 19. ...,,..,...1124 3 83 6 104 3 4) I '30 I ( II 160 t 3. 3 1134 I 40 6 t 3.S 143 I 40 14 Ml I 00 I 1104 8 44 14 1 3M I 00 1 10.3 3 14 3 IWS $ 00 4 736 I Ti 3 1032 I 10 1 J700 4 Oil 4 143 8 13 8 1346 4 (3 43 1034 I 26 HEIFERS. 110 t 40 10 71 8 45 ISC 2 13 11 1023 I 43 2 I" 2 73 t IM I 34) 4 07 S 80 2 774 3 10 I 4l 3 00 1? 7M I 10 f 734 3 00 t 122 I 73 I ilS I U 1 1044 I 30 3 60 i M BULLS. I IM I 36 I Ki IK 1 Il 3 0) 1 t.0 3 10 1 1 I 0) ! 1S2-) I II ).... 1114 3 CO 1. .......... .1400 8 30 1 ilSO 3 00 . 1 mo 1 4 1 UIO I 60 1 143) I 4 1 U00 I 00 1 ll I u CALVES. ( 331 3 60 1 !:, I i) 365 IU ( 1TI (00 6 20 'j I I0 I 04 STOCKERS AND KEKDKP.S 311 3 f 3 ti 18. I. (. 14. II. I. fo 404 , til , 375 . 1ii 8 n 3 36 I 43 8 50 I El 70 741 371 I 65 I 65 I 13 I M 4 M til Id tail 14 I 13 It. 4 8 HOGS Receipts of hogg were laige for a Friday and in addition to the fresh arrivals there mere about twenty loads csrrled. oer from yesterday. The hogs that were car nrd over were some that came in very late yesterday and after the market had prac tically closed. The market tills morning started out about 6c lower, but had hardly more than got started when it was 5a lie lower, and It was on that basis that the hulk of the early receipts changed hands. This n-.eana that the better klnda of hogs sold very largely at $4 2tV(J-i 27V. as against $4.3004.35 yester day, prices did not improve any, (nd as the morning advanced and after the mira desirable loads had changed hands, buyers began talking as much as 10c lower on what waa left. Representative sales: Ne Ar. et, Pr. Ka. Av. lb. 101 145 140 4 II M 10 ... 48 11 ... 4 15 41 ZM I 44 174 ... 4 ITS l Ji ... o Ill 4 IIS 6 m ... 41 ITT 1S 4 17', 7 144 ... II 157 ... 4 t 40 ta ... 41 14 ... 4 30 34 144 ... I Ill 124 4 ft 71 204 ... 71 IM ... 4 10 TI ,311 ... 4 194 I) 4 10 14 Ill ... T2 Ill 10 4 10 II 12 M TI "l H 4 1 U :m 40 3 Ill 120 S 71 B 30 14 HI ... 4 M 7 Bt ... 33 15 . . . 4 20 Ts 34 M 7 172 320 2 4 211 Bt 4 ... 4 20 (0 B4 134 32. lei ... 4 la 33 . ,.... 124) T3 Ill 44 4 I3S IT 1ST ... 14 Ill Its) g:S " l 74 ta ... 32 S l ...Ill 80 . Ill ... 4 tS 44 21 ... U 177 ... 4 its 1 9" ... 31 l . 4 22S 43 M ... 71 1 IT . . K'J SO 124 gvs 71 ut te 4 aa ai ... 45 HO ... 4 93 3d 244 ... 74 T2f 4 4 II 21 ... 74 lit la 4 f, at lal ... U 1 24 4 26 TO '.A lis) 14.. 2M 41 4 7T 847 ... Tt 127 ) 4 ! l ;a ... 74 . 24' 4u 4 r 3" T'l . . 76 tk, ... 4 1', K Ill ... Pr. la 4 I- 4 m 4 ii 4 ITS 4 'S 4 IIS 4 US 4 rs 4 rs 4 rs 4 t7Ve 4 t7S 4 US 4 rs 4 31s 4 rs 4 7S 4 rs 4 rs is, a 4 IS 4 ai 4 u 4 3 4 M 4 34 4 If 4 V 4 64 .. .. - ' I-T . t ' ti en, ... 4 VI i....... 11 N is . r ...... u ... 4 is ao T ... 4 M M Si! 40,4 Ji Jtl . . 4 : M ... fi s .-. . ,t ., tag . 4 r. ;,?,, (a ... 4 s '. 1 41 r?,... 4 I aa t, m ir ana ... je f. ia ... 18 as ... 4 ISV4 iu ... 4 re im u I K a K4 4 IT Tt ... 4 ak r m . . 4 at r ;u ... 4 m T4 in i I a u i? ... 4 8HKF.P All the life snd snap was gone from the sheep market this morning. Dur ing tne first tnrea aays or tne week the trad wss very active In the face of lib eral recelpta and prices tended steadily upward. Yesterday It became apparent that conditions were changing. Packera war Dot aa anxious for supplies snd began talking that prtrea were too high at thin point as compared with eastern markets. As a result the market yesterday was quoted generally 10c lower. Lata arrivals fsred still worse., sailing In Borne esses ss muck aa xc lower. This morning, although receipts were only moderate, the market wss tha next thing to dead. Packers' requirements were very meager and thev did not want vtrr many at any price, and such as they did want they Insisted on buying still lower. To call the market very slow and 16ii6c lower for the two days would Just about rover the situation. As prices advanced considerably during the early part of the week the de cline would leave the market only about loftlic lower than last week's close. Quotations on good to choice fed sheep snd lambs: lnibs. 176417.00; veatilng wethers. $a.40f&.oo; weihere. $5. 004.6.36; ewes, $4 76.66.00. Representative sales: No. 6 Western1 a was 74 western wethers (3 western ewes S western wethers 17 western lambs 1a western ewe culls S9S western yearlings and weth ers 22 western old wethers 281 western wethers 10 western yearlings 118 western ewes A. I'r. 104 4 50 128 S 15 loo 4 60 1. W S 00 1J9 ( 60 82 3 00 livt 6 3 116 S 15 103 S 36 Hi.! 6 3 91 4 60 CHICAGO I.IVK TOCK MARKET Cattle Doll and Lower Hogs Tea) fonts Lower. i itu'Atio, Jan. 17. t-A r l l.K feeclpts. estimated about 46,000 head; market dull and lower. Steers. $4.26'(J.S6: cows, $2.75 4..iu: neirers. n.wioiti a: hulls. ij.8.vti4.Z6 calves, $3.007.00; Blockers snd feeders, $2 60 J IS". HOGS Receipts, estimated about 4.000 head; market 10c lower. Choice heavy ship ping, t4.4va-4.6o. butchers, $4.4oru4.6u: light mixed. $4. Soil 36; choice light. $4.3634.46: packers. $4 0oti4 4i; pigs, $3.&oM.aS. Bulk of sales. S4.S54T4.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, esti mated about 7.000 head; market steady. Sheep, $40041660; lambs, $6 .76ft'7.; year, lings. S4.0C96.36. Kansas City Live attack Market. KANSAS CITY, Jsn. 17. -CATTLE Re ceipts, 8,600 head. Including 9u0 southerns; market steady; choice export and dressed beef steers. $6,264(6.66: fair to good. $4. lot? S IS: western steers, $4.66.2B; Blockers and feeders. $3.60ra4.76; southern steers, l.lovi 4.90: southern cows, $2.80ttj'4 00; native cows. $2.6004.40; native heifers. $3.3orjp4 80; bulls. $3.VHri 2i; calves, $4 OOtjW.OO. HOG8 Receipts, kl.000 head; market Rft 10c lower; top, $4.60; bulk of sales. RJOtii 4.40; heavy. $4.8Mj'I.S0: packers, $4.2Cic4.45; pigs snd lights. $3.75i4 96. SHEEP AND I. A MBS Rocelpts, 3.800 head: market 10r lower: lambs. $a.2$.90; ewes and yearlings, $4.rVtfi.ij0; western year lings, $6.7&4i(.23; western sheep, $4.2&e,50; BtcK-kers snd feedets, $3.354.&0. at. Louis Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Jan. 17. CATTLE Receipts. 3.000 head. Including 126 Tex ans; market steady; native shipping and export steers, $6 00 6 10; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4 904f 6.55; ttteers under 1,000 pounds. $3.7604.60; Blockers and feeders, $4.004.45; cows and bet" era, $3-26 tf 6.26; canners, $1.6O02.i I bulls. $2.0004.50; calves, $S.60H 8.0 ,; Texas and Indian steers. $.)O0S.2i; cows and heifers. $1.7593.75. HOOS Receipts, 13.000 head: market Bteadv; pigs and light. $4.0094.65; pack, ers, $4. 0004.55; butchers and best heavy, $4 50 4 (d. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6(0 head; market ateady; native muttons S3.00ffl$.25; lambs, jj 6W 7 00; culls and ucks, ,$2.003.00; stockers. $1.73 2.C 0. St. Joseph l.lve Stock Market. ST. . JOSEPH. Jan. x 17. CATTLE Re I . 1 . - . Maat.a -In-. V.ll.,.. j c-ipi,. a.Uii iirnu, in,,,,, bii,.. ,i d, l$3.75!9.76: cows and heifers, $2.0094.80; stock ers and feeders. $3 604.40. market, slow. ifOOS ReceiDts. 18. SSI head: market 109 'j ISo lower. Top. $4.36; bulk of sales. $4.22Vi I f L (bA UJIT.43TJ. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,120 head; market weak. Lcmbs, $i.6ifl7.Hi; yearHngs, $5.ftOr3S.10. along City l ive Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, Ia., Jan. 17. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Recelpta. 1.200 head market 10c lower; stockers steady: beeves, $4.00416.60; cows and heifers. $2.20434.15; stockers an1 feedera. 'C.TMf-.SO; calves and yearllnga, $2.T53.60. HOGS Rieceluts. (,200 head; market Vft 10c lower; selling at, bulk of sales. $4.30S4 25. Stock In aittbt. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday : Cattle. Hogs. 8hep. South Omaha S.aoo 10.800 2,80 Sioux City ... 1.300 (.200 Kansas City S.600 21.000 .8no St. Joseph 3.0(1 18.681 1,130 St. Louis S.00O 13.000 600 Chicago 46,000 4.000 ",0u0 Totals ..67,661 73,681 14.720 Vool Market. BOSTON. Mass., Jan. 17. WOO Lu The Commercial Bulletin of Boston basing its reDort upon statistics gathered for th government, will says tomorrow of tho wool market: Aside from a fair amount of Interest displayed by buyers and quite Cenerous sampling or orrerings, tne mar. et Is dull and uninteresting. Manufac turers are afraid to oommlt themselves In view of the uncertainties which exist, not only In the financial outlook, but in the prospeoi.s for goods. The ship ments of wool from Boston to January 16, inclusive, according to the same author ity, were 7,006,746 pounds, against 14,. 040,816 pounds the same time last yenr, Tha receipts to January 18, Inclusive, were 6,104,971 pounds, against 5. (68,012 pounds for the ssme period last year. T. LOUIS. Mo.. Jan. 17. WOOL Steady: medium grades, combing snd clothing, 21f!l3c: light fine. lStTJOn; hegvy floe, 15&10c; tub washed, .&3Jc, Ccf ton Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 17.-COTTON-Futures oprned steady; January, ll.ti2ci February. U64c; March, 11 3c; April, 11. 87c; Mav, 11. (8c; June, II. 600; July, 11.48c; August. U.ifV asked; October, 10.72o bid. Spot closed stesdy st IS points sdvance; middling uplands. 11.25c; middling gulf, J16te- sales. 6'm hales. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 17. COTTON Spot, firm; low ordinary, 8c, nominal; ordi nary, S 13-lrki, nominal; good ordinary, luSc, nominal; low middling, llc; middling, 12c; middling fair, 12 16-luc; fair, 18 9-loc, nom inal. Sales. 1 360 baits; receipts, 7,974 bales; stock, I.) bales. ST. LOI 'IU, Jan. J7. COTTON Firm j middling. ltVrC. klales. 110 bules; receipts, 694 bales; shipments, (as bales; stock, 17.:e3 balsa GALVESTON, Jan. 17.-COTTON-JLgir et 12tc. freliliAlanl aTi 1 1 KMT 4 at 41 Bkttiag ia fiao at 1l$nm Prk at pretent. Tha ii ii hard and Kaootb, ih fvilxn it opaa, aai ak atari will find tliar aQ tha raivrit aeaddxj to naka ikatittf aaj-alJla. Tivka Eaat Bitia llaaaero Pad oar and get off at nidkarj srtiat. i Omaha & Ccuncil Bluffs OTREET RAILWAY COMPANY DIN'S REVIEW OF .TRADE Progress ia Slow, but Each Wtak Brings Improretnent. CONTEDZaNCE IS RETURNING Stent Feat ares Are road Market for Commercial Paper and 1- ' rreaalagr Promptaeas In Collections. NEW YORK, Jan. 17.-R. O. Dun A Co ( Weekly Review of Trade will say tomorrow Progress la alow, but each week brings s little Improvement, and confidence tn tha future grows more rapidly than rurrerii transactions. The best feature Is tht broader market for commercial paper. Loans In mercantile channels are noa tie gotlated freely at little more than the nor mal rate, facilitating postponed undei takings and making collections nio prompt. Buyers are coming Into the lead ing markets In large numbers, which shouh soon Increase transactions unless prlcei cannot be adjusted. Manufacturers IncreaS; productions gradually, conservatls,n beltva general, and many industries are not ou eratlng more than 50 per cent of their full capactiv. Readjustment of wageo ia still contemplated by many producers befora ma chinery will ba started. . . , ,: BRA 111 THI'.KT' HKVIHW Ot VltftDH General Improvement In Collections Is tke Lead lag Featar. NEW YORK. Jan. 7. Bradstreet's to morrow will sity : A further easing in the financial situation and very general reports of Improvement In collections are tha leading features this week. In trade lines colder weather snd snow have helped retail distributions some what, but price reduction sales sra gen erally credited with responsibility for what ever expansion has been shown In that branch aa a whole. Wholesale dealera and johbeta report sentiment Improvto, collec tions benefited by the return rli normsl conditions in the domestic money market, but trade demanda are below normal and In some sections a late and small spring iririu ! rti-erlti't ed ' Weather conditions' are against tha full est development of trade In coal and in this line and tn winter wear goods, cloth ing, shoes, rubbers, etc., there is less than ordinary business moving. Accompanying the greater ease of money at all centers seems to have conie a tendency lo pay up something on old accounts and soma long standing bills have been settled. On the other band the general slowness of trade, whetner due to mild weather or at the south to holding cotton, leaves something to be hoped for ss regards collections. Complaints of many extensions being asked fe. -ind perforce granted come from the south. .... .ndlcatlons point te trsde. despite Im provement over December, below the nor mal for this season. Jobbing business is quiet and revisions In price of prints, ging hams and plain and fancy cottons have not as yet evoked much buying al leading centers. ' ... ,, There Is a disposition to look for small, frequent and perhaps late buying and per haps a later than normal opening of spring trade. More life ia shown In pig Iron mar kets, the principal demand coming front makers of cast Iron pipe. Most .of the business went lo the south and the basis on which the tonnage was booked appears to be $13 per ton for No: 2 at Birmingham. At the aattie time there has been some in crease In blast furnace capacity, The price situation seems to b steady. Business failures In the United Btale for the week ending Janusry 13 nuiiilmr 43i. against 4,16 last week and 233 In the like tseck of 1907. 279 in lfUK. 804 In II. and 2on In 1904. Canadian failures for the week number 44. ss against t3 last week and ii In this week a year ago. Wheat, Including flour, exports from ths United States and Canada for the week ending January 16 aggregated a. 421. 37 bush els, against 8.904, .73 last week, 2.3tt.4tiO this week last year and 4.SQ.u2 In .1901. For tha wecka of the fiscal yesr the exports are 131.312.8t bushels, against 101,.; 683.164 In 19041-7 snd 167,306,6.96 in 1901-2. Corn exports for the week are SOO.28'1 bushels, against 1,111.874 last week and 1.90D.873 In 19t)7. For the fiscal year to dae Hie exports are 26,959,633 bushels. $ atnst S.oos.M in lgi.l-y . .. ' London Closing Stocks.' IX1NDON. Jan. 17. Closing quotation on stocks were: 1 ... .- .-. Cnnaota money do account . ... US M., It. A T llb-HK. V. Central US ... S Norfolk Ik W t ... 74',, da pfd .. ........... 8a ... II Ontario A w 3aS ... kOV Pennaylvanla oS Anaconda Atrhlann do pfd Baltimore A uhlv. Canadian Pacific .. Chesapeake A Ohio f'bliago Ut. V C. M. A St. P ... De Beera Denver A R. 0 do pfd Brl do t't pfd do M P'd Orund Trunk Illlnoia Central ... Loulavil'.e A N.... .It,:-. Rand Mlnta S . 3IS Haadinij S . t Southern Railway ... PS .118 do pfd l . I3S Southern Pa.iKc 77 . J1 Vnlon PaclBo 121S . Ids do pfd M . II V. (. (teal MS , SIS do pfd t . ii Waheah 10 . 17 do pfd 1 u:S fuanlah 4 SCW .VMS dull. SuHd par ounce. SH.VKR-HHr. MU.NKi-nvtynoa. per ceui. The rate nf discount In the open market for short bills Is 4U per cenl; for thrae months' bills, 4Ss pep ocnt. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 17 MET A I JJ-Tht t,ondon tin market was 1 lower, with spot st 113 end futures st 124. The local market wss easy at $27.00tt 27.60. There was a decline of lfls in tha lotidon copper msr ket, spot closing at 02 16s and futures Bt 63 2s (d. Locallv the msrket was quiet and unchanged with lake quoted at $l$.7Wi 14.00. electrolytic st $13.3244,13. NVH snd cast ing at $13.371 13. 62H. I-ead was 10s 3d higher at 14 as 9d In the London market, but continued quiet and unchanged at SATO 03.75 in the local market. The Iondon pelter market advanced to 21. leocaily the market was uulet at 4 4if4 6S. Iron was lower In tha English market, wit) standard foundry quoted at 46s 9d and Cleveland warrants t 4Hs. JxksUv no change was reported. Nn. I northern foundry, $l.2ritl8.75; No. 2 northern foundry, $17.7641 18.25: No. 1 southern ajid No. 1 south ern soft. S18.0mfi-lS.fj0. ST. liOUIB, Jan. 17.-M KTALS-Lead. firm, $3.66. Spelter, firm, $4.60. Olio and Rosin. 1 NEW YOiRK. Jsn. 17OIIi-Cottonseod, firm; prime crude, JUS-TJo; prime yellow, 41te. Petroleum, firm; refined. New York. $8.76; Philadelphia and Baltimore, I. 7,;; Philadelphia and Baltimore, bulk, $4 86. Turpnuilna. steady; He. IlOgIN Steady; atrulncd. common ts good. $3 35f(360, OIL CITY, Pa.. Jan. 17.-OIL-Credlt balances, $1.78. Runs. 179.(36 bbls : averago, 1-Ki.OUU bhla. Shipments, 102,410 bbln.; aver age. 159,6r bbls. ' SAVANNAH, Ts., Jsn. 17-OIL-Tur-pentlne. steady; 4.,.'. ROSIN Firm; A. B- C. 17.30; D, S3 SOffl S 38; H. S?.l(Vti3 S7H; F. $3 UVrta.40: G, $3.4W $60: 11. 43.4f'3 60; I, $3 86; K, M.H6: M, $160 u.(0; N, 6.80; W, O, $6.10; WW. $4.30. (agar and Molasses. NEW YORK, Jan. 17-8IfJ AR-Ra w, fair refining. S.3Nti.40c: fwntrifu- nominal; gal. 96 test, S.oottS 90c; molasaes augsr. I ll 60 15c; refined, steady; crushed, 6.6K-; posy dered, 6.00c; granulated,. 4 Sor. - 111 1 fa