Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1908, Page 9, Image 9

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    lllf, U.A1.AI1A J'ail.i rI,L".: r'KlP.M. .lA.MAIU. Ii, rjUi.
viTr tBorrnTv ron sAi.e
ron pa uk- '
IS North Trih trrl. 6 rooms. 1I modern
hut furnace, U.fcn), . cgsh, balance t 6 a
. 17f4 Farnaur fct.
- - 1
Ma Kpauldlng Ft., ft room, all modern,
but furnace, lull lot . permanent walk. 3
blocks to rtar Jitie-, house rout 3.M) lo bul'd.
frlee rediteed for immediate sale to 12.490.
sy tr-rms," ' '
17(4 FarnHtn Kt.
. Southwest corner IDth ami Indiana ave
nue,, corner 47xi: ft. prfe .
" - 1704 Farnam 8t.
Colllcf ' fine lola. Am". Meredith anil
TnwW avenns. many choice residences
now bring built. Flics I4O0 to 50f each, 110
caah; 1 a month.
1704 Farnam Kt.
Ftm SAJ.F.- .
8 acres risjfif tn Itcnson. ripe trr sub-dividing.
Price tl.flfo.
1704 Farnrtn St.
1411 Wrt Ht.. nearly nfw S-rnom. all mod
rrn hDuv, built 'by -day's lahor, permanent
walks, 'full Kit.'rlnao t.. car, in pplcndid
'weighborl"d Pt-
' .. .1704. Farnam 8t.
-i i in 4 ' :
-Twr. let's. rktr. half block south of
A rea Ave., spienrun vht.
town. Belong to nonresident owner,
for-both . '...!.
. '., .-. HASTTNOS & HEYDEN,
1704 Farnam Ht.
'"tolt N. 80th St.. -room strictly modern
jiouse" just finished, full cellar, everything
first-c'Tass. paving ' paid In full. I rice.
1 s i . r . 1704 Farnam Bt,
- '.. - ..... - s- (19) 12 1
'"Of Course
You Intend to build a new bouse. In ac
cordance with your own ideas some day.
so" be1cr bo paytntT tuy-vour lot n"W. We
have' the finest, moat sightly and best lo
cated lots for $1 up to $550 anywhere to
bo fuund. 1'ay I0 cash and balance 16 per
month.' You won't miss theso small sums
nd socm have the lot paid for; over 40
fm which to selects We can surely please
yni. Call or 'pUbne tis and we 11 take you
to sea- the lota at any time.
RUSSELL &' k 'latRICK TJ0.,
433-34 Bamgo WdK. 15th and Ilarney.
! '..- .. .. (19 til 17
If you want t buy . a large pjece of
ground, with gnxl 8-rooni modern house,
tor-chioken raialiin, Xb miles from post
otfice. 4 blocks from street car line, very
cheap, see ua at once.
-'Phen Dow&-lR3 690.
1(505 Farnam St.
(19) 617 hi
.... :G0.0D LOT CHEAP
$1,1S0 for 40xlfiO ft., w. front
. . on Iark Ave., near Hickory;
t K.' laya hih and sightly, 3oo It.
f; ' ' Ji'otrl ycai1 line, near stores.
J school nnd church; asphalt
paved stre't, specials all paid
j , ..Jn full. Thlaprico good only.
" fur a short time. Investigate.
: CKOItOU & CO., 1601' FARNAM ST.
.it- - .:' - -- (19 15 IS
' -loctpd4wst north of Ames, fronting east
ofi !th St., only a stop to the car. Have
.nient, iroftt nearly as ntuch as we ask for
V. Martison & Morton
. "'r ti-m N. Y. L.lfe. Tel. Pong. 311.
.. ' .,, . . - . (!9)-578 15
' ' ' . i .
' A, P, tukey & Son
'.' '. .Wi oflor at.UUl at. 31st Bt.,
' tpri-roWn." house with good
,.."- stable', full lot, .all. In first
- class condition, for the sum
, J ' This Is a copnplete and up- -
- to-date home In all respects.
, '. rr Svf laji, taxes are all paid.
. J-flitJit--fi grade. Kast front
Pine . location. Owner will
carry $3,000 loan on the prop
. . erty.for tbree years at S per
'.x; ; cent. ' balance' cash.
..' ' V- Tl'KEY & SON.,
t . 444-445 ' Bsrd of Trade Bldg.
MI.' -... 'Phone Dnmlii 21X1.
(19)-68) 16
. 19) 344
:::a: cottage home
1 iUSxlSo ft. h paved street, fronting on
Jlsnscom park. 7-room house, modern ex
cept furnace. on'y M,0: i cash. Will sell
house- wrtti part of ground, or one vacant
lot separator If desired. This Is a de
sirable home and cheap.
'Phone Douglas 620.
l'WO Farnam St.
(19 61G 16
v ' -L0 bearing cherry trees,
' f0) currant bushes,
Some plum trees,
7-room house and large barn.
Near school, not far out, ?4.uV
W. 1L UATES. 617 N. Y. LIFH
UM) 611 18
s 1 i .
10-ROOM. modern, up-to-date home, choice
location, IT.frK). Owner leaving the clly
and will Vatco In vheaper property as
part payment. Address C fcto. care Bee
, office. (19)-S20 18
j:ight-room bouse, city water. In Dundee.
lrUe. . f'J.Hiu. S.HU cash, balance easy
' terms.' Can you 'beat that? Fred O.
Shields. Phone D. 4K. (19) 613
.NINry-KlVJM house, completely modern,
large tof; must' sacrifice; will make terms
to sulfe'purcbai.rr. iCall. Harney VUM utter
p m- ' - !- twig-
V i $5,500
' Tjrcny &TJ00M HOUSE .
House 3021 Davenport St.; has' vestibule
entrance, reception hall, parlor, dinina
room and kitchen on first floor, finished In
oak. oak floors; four r-nnia and bath on
second . UrM f ulr-uru ktxi basement
ou Inula cellar entrance; cement walks,
asphalt paved street, close to Central
bauUsvard. .Ike Una two Is . very dtmirable
ami In walking duuanua down town. Owiior
. . ' i , . . , . .
jiaa yiii ino price auwu in umn -u .
quicR ssre; tiouse ts resny in move uuo.
)lA6TlNUrvdilu)'DKN, 1704 Farnam St
,. .. tl-5XI 1
...... i
on 41st St. -nrid Farnam. a room all
modern houte, lot 4ixlJ. Price, 15, iw.
4-f. part -ui-wrii, lot 4jxlJ0. Price. 31. 60).
t-r. bouse part modern, corner lot. clc-t
to car- Price 11.700. Very easy terms.
S'fyille Blk.
(1 )-(. 17
THK R.EF.P ABSTHAO-f CO.. osUbrishoi
AMI. rtosiin servica. ui our pric
rusta ll Mli
FOR BALK Lot 17. Mm-it 32, Alhrlght'S
choir e aid.. South Omaha; I15U. J. I.
Case T. W. Co.. Haclna. Vi. -
U9(-M:0 17
wt.H buy f -li city lot . 6xli2, large brick
barn and small cottage, nest to northeast
corner of itli t.rtd UavMiwmlt! Sts.
Iloom 1 New York Life building.
LIST your property with Chris Boyw, 22d
and Cumming St. (.! 341
AcbraalLa. -
FOlt I5A R JAINS in western Nebraska
lands, either improved or unimproved,
ate B. K. iilercr At Co.. 411 Itee bull.ilng.
0 Ms 2ix
WANTKD. to rent, farm 1H0 to 121 acres
best of reforences Riven. Address fost-
ofih-e Box 1, Waterloo, Neb.
(i" MH27 lx
Ten miles northeast of Valentine. Neb
on Couth Dakota line, we off.-r for quick
sale i ucies at l.0"U. . Warranty deed and
Tills land Is perfectly level, with fine
black oll. Not far from this land a pari
got $:W as ills share of crop rent on 1H0
The owner of above land Is forced to
sell, therefore offers this exceptional oar-
401 He Hullding, Omaha. Neb.
(20) M633 17
.North Dakota.
6.000 acres of Golden valley, North Dakota
land. 1 per acre. L. j. McMahon, 1:
Kndlcott Ii'dg., Hi. i'oul. Minn.
(JO) MO lSx
I will sell a two-thirds interest in 4.000
acres of pine timber land for MO.WO. These
lands have 45,000.000 feet of fine white pine
lumber, well locs'ed. I.nnd valuable after
cutting timber. Title perfect. Address W.
Cook. L.umber exchange building, fort
land, Oregon. IJ0 MZ4S feb.lOx
LANDS Lands Lands We hava some
valuablo Improved and unimproved kinds
that must be converted into cash. These
lands were taken to secure Indebtedness
by this bank. Call or write Cltliena'
State Bank. Cadott. Wis.
CO) M392 18 X
WHF.N writing to advertisers, remember
If takes but an extra stroke or two or
the pen to ment'nn the fact that you aaw
me aa in The riee.
WKSTF.RN FaRM lands.
Crop payment plan; two crops 'paya for
land, while the land Is doubling in value.
m-m Urandeis Building.
11.000 FIRST YEAR nt stock and dairy
farming, exco lent fanning lands and re
linnuishments. cheap. (S. R. Malone,
Draper, S. D. (20)-M;2S 17x
1100 to 110,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead,
Wead Bldg., lull and Farnam.
WANTED City loans.
Peters Trust Co.
(22) 34
WAKTKD Clt v loans and warrants. W
Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam 8t,
(22) 0
. (22)-'J64
PRIVATK money to loan; no delays. J.
II. Sherwood, 616-617 Brandeia Bldg.
(22; M180
Paxton Block.
(22) 335
LOANS on Improved Omaha property.
O'Keefe R. E. Co., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg.
MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co.
' . --2) 352
PRIVATE money to loan on Improved real
estate. N. P. Dodije & Co., 1714 Far
nam St. (3)-l!6
Will pay cash for rrom 3 to 10 acres with
Improvements. Slate location and price.
Address S 824 Bee. (25) M558 19
WANTED To buy second-hand furniture,
.. ... I. a Mii.7 Lll n.'HJ, ram-li linn.
leums, office furniture, old clothes and
shoes, pianos, feathers, bed pillows, quilts
and all kinds of tools; or will buy the
furniture of your house complete. The
highest price paid. Call the rlKht man.
Tel. Doug. 871. (25)-M774 Fet4
SECOND-HAND feed sacks. No amount
too large or loo small. Wagner, 8"1 N. M.
CASH paid for second-hand clothing, shoes,
etc. & N. 18th St. Tel. Red 3.(25.
(25) sa
WANTED To buy. second-band furniture,
ccok and healing stoves, carpets, lino
leums, office furniture, old clothes and
shoes, pianos, feathers. bed pillows,
quilts, and all kinda of toolst; or will buy
the furniture of your house complete;
tho highest prices raid. Call ihfi tlKlit
man. -Tel. Doug. 3071. (25) M961 F6
WHEN you write to advertiser, kindly
mention The Ba.
DAY WOMEN furnished fiea cf charge.
Telephone Douglas 11)2. (-7) 362
WANTED Work In Omaha by young
man; best references; ex-school teacher;
position ir.uat have future. L. M. Meeker,
Box 25. Lincoln. Neb. 27) M504 19x
COMPETENT accountant, experienced In
all details of mercantile and corporation
accounting, credits, correspondence, open
ing and closing bok. auditing, making
financial statements and Lalacca sheets,
capable of simplifying cumberaome ! meth
ods, devising economical systems ana
eliminating eupei fl jit les, wants employ
ment 1n Omaha or elsewhere. Address
D 8f Bee. (27-M2i 17x
WANTED By student, young man, place
to work for board and room. Address or
call, T. J., Boyles college. (27) 606 17x
WANTED Work of any kind by colored
gentleman: can give good references. Ad
dress A Mil, care lice. (27) M59I 22x
yoi'NO lady Wishes position as house
keeper; no objection to clilldren: refer
ences exchanged. Address 3010 Avenue A,
Council Blu(is. Ia, (27) Moisj is
Vul'Ntl wants nice room and board:
prlxate family preferred Address offers
to Paxton Hotel, room 146. 26t ii lbx
WHEN' writing to advertisers, remember
il takes but an extra stroke or two of
tiie pen to mention the fact that you aaw
I lie Jtd in Tub Bee.
Clilcf y urtei nialer s Office, Federal
Building. Chicago, Illinois. January 11,
lis. Scaled proposals, in triplicate, subject
t6 the usual conditions, will lie received al
this office until 12 o clock, noon. January
21, 1!8. and thi n oiw-iied. for f ui tiirtiing
and delivering at either I lie Chicago, New
York or Philadelphia Depot of the Quar
termasters 1. partnient, 1". 8. Army, t.iil
gallons Neatvfoot Oil; subject to increase
In quantity of from 20 per cent to 50 per
cent. If desired by this Lepartmeiit. The
light Is reserved t reject tr accept any or
all propohals or any part thereof, prefer
ence will be given to article of domestic
manufacture, conditions of quality and
prUe (including in the price of foreign pro
duction or manufacture, the duly thereon)
being equal. Specifications. , blanks for
proposals and full Information will be fur
nished upon applfcatton at this office. En
velopes containing proposals to be Indorsed
"Proposals for NealfX)t Oil. to be oxneJ
January 31. 190a." W. Roblnaon. Jr..
Chief Quartermaster, ' " Jli-14-le-ls
Rrldne Builders and Mateilal Men Juies-
burg, Colo.. Jan. 7, 8-aled proposals
will be received ht tie Board of County
Commissioners t,( Hedgakk county, Colo
rado, ud to 12 o'clock noon of the rth day
of January. I!, for the complete construc
tion of a pile bridge, about j.'jnn leei long.
ross a portion of the Houlh naue rivei.
extending from the south end of the new
H'ate bridge at Julestiurg to the south bank
of the South PJatte river.
pealed Pronosala will lie received by tna
P.ard of County Commissioners of Selg
wick county, Colorado, up to 12 o'clorlt
noon or the ?7th day or January. lor
the furnishing of uM material to build a
pile bridge about l.uM feet long, said ma
terial to be delivered at the north end of
that portion of the Slate bridge now built
at Julesburg, Colocado, across the Boiitn
I'latte river.
Sealed nronosals will also be received, by
Said board up to 12 o'clock boon of the
J7th day of January. i:. for the building
and furbishing of all labor In the building
of a pile bridge about l.ofo feet long ucros
a portion of the Boutli I'lnlte river, extend
ing rrom the nuth end of the new mate
bridge at Juleshurg tn the south bank of
the South Tlatte liver.
All proposals to be filed with the county
clerk, at her office In Julesburg, Colorado,
t wblch office further Information in re
gard to such bridge and worn and u cony
of the plans and specifications and amount
ot material required for ssld bridge win
be kept and can be seen by any pulton
The aald Board of County Commissioners
reserves the rlcht to reiect anv and all
bids offered.
By order of the Board of County Com-
missioners of Sedgwick county, Colorado.
By C. W. WHITE, Chairman.
W. J. Wagoner and wife to John J. .
Ryan, lot 16, Wagoner I'helun s
subdivision 2)
Hastings Heyden to Roy Ia. Hu
man, lot 19. clock 2, Hastings A
Heyden's addition' 2"i)
Mary O'Rourke to Anna Williams.
N V, S NE'4 NV4 30-lrt-i;i 1
Bertha Bllevernlcht and husband to
Mary (V Basar, lot 17, Sullivan's
addlilon 110
Lula M. 81 ruin and husband to Titos.
O. Flnson, lot 44, Keystone Park... 1,300
D. C l"tterson, trustee, and wife
to Alfuilda Nelson, lots 3 and 4,
Fearon I'lare 2
Park Real Estate company to same,
same 95")
The evangelical German Lutheran
Trinity church to" Claus Slevers,
4 acres In NEli 22-15-12 WO
Robert O. Fink to Charles I Thomas,
lot 6. block 111, and other lots In
Florence "
Samuel and wife to Omaha &
Council Bluffs Street Railway com
pany, lota 6, 6. 7 and s, block 230,
Omaha 26.001)
Same to same, part Pterce street In
block 2j, Omaha 2
James H. Vradenburg et al to George.
Vradenburg, lots 7 and 8, block 4,
Comer I
Mary P. Benedict to John W. Rsp
et, al. lot s. block 2, L. P. Ham
mond's addition 1,830
Walter L. Selby and wife to John
Shankman. lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, Ken
dall's subdivision W
William Oruenlg to J. L. Kaley,
part lot 3, block 6, Park Place .... 1
I'bIob Paclffe.
Leave. Arrivfc.
Tha Overland Limited. .a S:50 am a 9:40 pm
The Colorado Express.. a 3:50 pm a 6.00 pm
Atlantla Express al0:15 am
The Oregon Express a 4:10 pm a 6:00 pm
Tha Los Angelea Llm. . . .al2:5o pm a 9:16 pm
The Fast Mall a 9:30 am a 1:45 pm
The China & Japan Mail a4:u0 pin a 6:50 pm
Colo-Chicago Special.... a 12: 10 am a 7:06 am
Beat'e & Stroms'g L'cal.bl2:30 pm b 1:40 pin
North Platto Local a 7:12 um a 4:45 pm
Chicago & North wfc.tera.
Chicago Dayllfiht a 7:25 am all:48 pm
St. Paul-Minn. Kxpresa 7:50 am al0:00 pm
Chicago Local dll :30 am a J:28 pm
Sioux City Passenger, ..a 7:;0 ah a 3:2 pin
Chicago Passenger a 4:30 put a 9:46 am
Chicago Special ...a 6:00 pm a 8:23 am
St. Paul-Minn. Limited. 8:2 pm a N:flo am
Los Angeles Limited. ...a 9:30 pm all:U pa
Overland Limited alO.'W pm a 8:23 am
Fast Mall a 9:04 am
Sioux City tocftl a 3:50 pm a 9:20 am
Fast .Mail., a 8:35 pm
Twin City Limited a 8:1s pm a 8:00 am
Norfolk Bones(eel.....a 7:60 am a 5:40 pm
Lincoln-Long Pine b 7:60 am a!0:36 am
Deadwood . Lincoln a 3:00 pm a 5:40 pin
Casper - Shoahonl..
Hastings - Superior
Fremont Albion..,
llliaols Central.
.a 3:00 pm a 6:40 pm
b 3:00 ;.n b 6:40 pm
.b 6:35 pm b 1;36 pm
Chicago Express a 7:15 anv a 3:45 pm
Minn. & St. Paul Ex..b7:15am I .u pin
Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 8:30 am
Minn, tk St. Paul Lmtd.a 3:30 pm ,a 8:30 am
Chicago, Hock Island Jc Pactfle.
Chicago Limited a 3 00 am all:05 pm
Iowa Local a 7 0U am a 4:30 pm
Des Moines Passenger. .a 4:00 pm al3:30 pm
Iowa Local bll:40 am b 9:55 pro
Chicago (Eastern Ex). .a 4:40 pm a 1:16 pm
Chicago Flyer a 6:10 pr a 8.15 am
nnnirv Mountain L't d. .all :1 Cm a 2:60 am
Colo. .nd Cal. Ex a llu pm a 4:30 pm
n1 Texaa Exp
a i:tu pm a i.ut pm
Chicago Great Weaterw.
St. Paul-Minneapolis.
St. Paul-Mii:nape4i.
Chicago Limited
Chicago Express
Chicago Express
Mlssoarl Patllls.
K. C. ft St. I Exp...
K. C. ft Bt. L. Exp...
8:3 pm
7:30 mn
:' pm
7:3 nra
1:30 pin
7:30 am
11:35 pm
8:17 am
ft:35 pm
S:30 pm
a 8:46 am
.a t:00 ara
.all:15 pro
ki T-ouls Express
a 3 pm a 8:30 am
St, Louis lAicai tirau "
Council Bluffs) ajl:30am
all:15 pi
It phi
If till
Stunburry Local (irorn
.b 6:00 pm
Council uiunsj
Chlcaso. Milwaukee St. Tanl.
Chic ft Colo. BpouUl... 7:25 am all:50 pm
Cal ft Ore. express
Overlapd, Llraiieo ...
Feny Local
.uj pm a 3:26 pm
. .aK iSBin a 8:So am
..a 6;ia pm ail.uu am
Leave. Arrive.
Denver ft Californl
Northwest npeclal .
Black Hills
Northwest Express
Nebraska points ...
Nebraska Express .
Lincoln Fast Mall...
...a 4:1 pm a 3:46 pm
...a 4:10 pm a 3:46 pm
...a 4:10 pm a 3:45 pm
...aii:a pm
10:15 Dm
..a 8.5 ain a 6:10 pro
...a i:is am a s iu pui
...b 1:45 pm al:':ll pm
b 8.08 am
al0:15 Din
Lincoln iocsi
Lincoln Locsl
Lincoln Local L"
Schuyler - Platlsmouth.b 1.10 pm
a 7:60 pm
bl0:30 am
a :50 am
Hellevue - 'iaiiiuuuw.i o.v H,
.Hll anion I ll-lOWa
b :16 am
L'enver Limited
Cliicsgo Special
b 1 :30 pm
a 7:25 am
all:45 pin
...a 4:10 pm
...a 7:40 am
...a 4:20 pm
.. .a 6:30 Dm
Chicago Expieas
a ba pm
. 8:3i) am
Iowa I.oral
...a 9:15 am alt.SOam
St. Louis Kxpiess lDpm tll:i(m
u-inii Clt v & St. Joe..al0:45 pm a 6 3u am
Kansas City & St. Joe. .a 9:15 am a 6:10 pm
Kansas City ft St. Joe. .a :j pm -
thlcaao, St. Paul, Mlaneapolls ft
Leave. Arrive
Twin City Fnssenger b 6:3o am b 9.10 pm
Pioux City Passenger. ..a 1:05 pm a!0:,V) am
Emerson Local c 8:45 am c 6:53 pm
Missouri raeifle.
Auburn Local b 3:50 pm bll:25 am
a Dailv. b Dally except Sunday, c Sun
day only, d Daily except Saturday. Daily
except Monday.
Empraaa Una of tha Atlantic.
First Cabin Winter Rate S3 5 up.
Superior accommodation avauaoie. oaiety,
speed ana coinrori cumuiiicu.
Write for particulars.
O. B. BBHJAMljr. Osa, A1,
S3S Bo. Clark St C&icsgo. Hi
. Dr. I. K. Dahl Arrested.
DES MOINES. . Ia.. . Jab. iii.-Dr. P. K
Dahl. a prominent pliynician cf Mason City
was arrested 1oday on an Indictment charg
lug Mm with manslaughter. . The death
of Mia. Dora Bowen following an oera
tton which Dahl Is satd to have performed
Is made tha basis for the Indictment. Mrs.
Bowen was g prominent musician. Both
Blood high In social circle , , ..
Blackfoot Chief Ffan Getting Bawled
Out with Teather On.
Wrestle at Aadltorlam Friday Mailt
Looked To aa the Moat Terrlllc
Mraaale let Hers In
This City.
War Eagle the Blackfoot Indian who
wrestles Fsrmer Burns at the Auditorium
Friday night, doesn't hanker after notor
iety, even though hia calling brings him
tinder the ".mellglit. At the llenshaw,
Wednesday, when the- articles of agree
ment for the match Were being drawn up.
a friend suggested that be put on his
native costume, which lie has with him,
and parade himself on tho streets as an
"No, I don't like Irt do that," quietly
said the Indlaji. "It might tend to cheapen
m and get ihe bawled out and 1 don't
want that." ,
War Euglo feels confident of crushing
the prido of Omaha admirers of Farmer
Burns, for ho Is certain he can and will
down the old gladiator who has boat 'cm
all during the yeMrs if his career oh
the mat. But Burns does not coincide with
these beliefs nt the chief. Burns Is one of
those wrestlers who Is never defeated until
tho match Is over. Of course, the Indian
has It on him In weight and strength, sur
passing Burns nlnvty pounds In weight,
but these are not all necessary to put the
sage of Big Ilock on his back. He Is un
questionably the most resourceful mun
there Is In the business and besides he has
thrown heavier men than War Kuglo when
it conies to that. The big Turk of whom
he made a mere monkey a few years ago,
outweighed trio Blackfoot- away yonder.
Kmil Klank, himself a corking good
wrestler, aays War Eagle will certainly
down Burns. Both wrestlers are headed
toward the Pacific as soon aa this mill Is
over. Burns has a severe task ahead ot
him In Dr. Roller of Spokane and another
one In Frank Coleman of that city.
Pedro Wins the Magnolia Melllna
Stakes at';Jls"T Orleans.
NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 1.-In a driving
flnlsli today at the Fair Grounds Pedro
won the Magnolia selling slakes by a
short head from Temaceo'at 5 to 1. Jockey
Notler made his reappearance In the sad
dle this afternoon, his two weeks' sus
ponslon having expired. He rode two win
ners and two place horses. Weather clear,
track soft. Results:
First race, seven .furlongs, selling: Tele
scope. 1i (Notter), 6 to 2, won: Hannibal
Bey, 1( (I'el, 15 to 1, second; Oanihrlnus,
l'Hi (Heldel), 6 to 1. third. Time: 1:80,.
Donna Elvira. Topsv RitWnson, RelMi, lyady
Vincent. Husted. Bcatrfcn K, Lady Ethel,
Dr. MHCk and Moyea also ran.
Second race, five furlfings: Colloquy, lit)
(Heldel j, 4 to 6, woti: Toy Boy, 10 ( I'ow
ersi, 11 to 5. second; Momentum, 100 (Brus
sels 6 to 1, third. Time: 1:02. Morales.
Come On Sam, EJdorndo, Oennomo, Suffice,
Frontenac. Allowmalse, Fusillade, Pity,
High Glass and (iilpine also ran.
Third race, slfui longs : Angelus. 108
(Notter), 8 to 5, won: Ht. Ilarlo, 105 (Tow
ers), 6 to 1, second; Apache, 103 (Ott), 4 to
1, third. Time: l:hH. Taninr. Rural Boy,
Dew of Dawn, Ixitus Brandt, F. T. Shlpp,
Polar Star nnd Youthful also ran.
Fourth race, tho Magnolia selling stakes,
onn milo: Pedro, l'i) (McCahey), 6 to 1,
won; Teniaceo, Wi, Notter), 5 to 1, second;
Hyperion II, "7 iLee), 7 to 5. third. Time:
l:4u4. Sally Preston, Pasadena, Zlpango,
Miss Delaney, - Orlmaldi, Hawksma and
Halberd aiso ran.
Fifth race, six furlongs, selling: Meadow
Breeze, 111 (Powers,. 3 to 1, won; No
Quarter. 104 (Pickens), 15 to 1, second; De
fined. 97 (Sklrvin), 8 to 1, third. Time;
l:l'i'i- rrlnce Hohenlohe, Escutcheon,
Handzarra. Frank lxjrd, Avaunteer and
'red Mulhnlland .also ran.
pixin race, m Ifi'aud one-nuarter. selling;
Txiulse McFu Hand. .1115 (Minder). 5 to 1.
won; John MeRridA 107 (Powers), 5 to 1.
second; Sea dull. JO? (Notlerj, It to . 10,
tMfd.' Time: .Jlti,' I?elerU:w, Milsliora.
Lady Charade. King of the Valley, Vin
culo. Savolr Faire. J. D. Rundt and Bernie
Cramer also ran
LOS ANOELKB. Jan. 16.-Santa Anita
park resalls: . .
Urst race, slxi and one-half furlongs.
selling; Succeed, 10H (Martin). 8 to 1. won
Adoration, 1ij3 iDugan), 5 to 1, second
Noiile Lucille, lu5 (Ross), 8 to 1". third.
rime: 1:20. Ladv Vasht . Jos e K.. Rust
ling Silk,. Illusion, Ruscimo and Saucy M
tlnlahed na named.
Second race, thrit furlongs, nurse: Para
dlae Queen, 112 (Burns), 1 to 3, won; Joe
uauenes. nil IJ. aiusgrave), M to 1, second;
Buninai. U. Martin). 7 to 1. third. Time:
:86v Belle of Bravs. Frank Clancy. Mat-
tie .Russell, Colonel Dick. Madrlne. Instant
Morea and Lady Quality lnlslied aa named.
third race, six rurlonga. selling: Mintia.
lift (C Ross), 6 to 2, won; Escamado, li
(Burns), 6 to 1, second: Red (iarter, 112
(Boland), 9 to 1, third. Time: l:13i- Dia
mond. Search Me. I'ncle Henrv. Laclne
and Neatness flnudied as named.
hourth race, mile and onc-eluhth. sell
Ing: Christine A. 103 (Burns), 9 to 10, won;
riasn, um (Martin),. 6-to 1, second; Badly
1 sea, 11s th-nappi, i to 1. tnird. I Inie
1:56. Rublnon, Woodsman, Josle Wheeler
and Needful flnlslied as named.
Fifth race, five and one-half furlonss
Harvel, 114 (Dugan), 1 to 3, won; Laudable,
l'7 (Ooldstein), 6 to 1. second; Billy Bow
legs, 111 (Schilling). 20 to 1. third. Time:
l:t. Waldorf, Uodfather, Hal, Connie M
urawny Lad and Jura nan llnished as
Sixth race, six furlongs: Andocho. Ill'
(uuirani, p to 1. won; Arragon. 114 (Kadi He 1
8 to 1, second; Sentado, I07 (Horner), 13 to
tnird. 'lime: lao. Miss Tiniyar. Ban
nocence, Everan, Usbia, George ""Swain
Bazxlni, Toddy Hodge, . Bejovis, Straight
away. Ban Ellen. Barato and Bon Hhv
IiniKiiea as namea. - m
OAKLAND, Cal.. Jan. 16.-Resuls:
First race, futurity course: (ialves. 103
(Hayes), J3 to 6, won: Deneen, Hil (Walsh),
11 to 5, second. Pan De Oro, lo3 (Miller),
to 1. third. Time: 1:14. Vnc e Sam.
Cerro Santa, Lord Fillgrnne. Axuza, Quin
daro, Joe Goes, Natt Hugan and Hua
chacha also ran.
Second race, futurity course, selling:
Mundard, 111 (Scovllle), 6 to 6, won; Big
Store, 110 tRIce), 3 to 1, second; Jockey
flounce, (i. naroonneaui, ii 10 1. third.
Time: V.I.S. Juck Paine, Hal Reid, Red
Reynard, Baqlad and Gage Taylor alj
Third race, three furlongs, curse: Trance.
110 tMclntyre), 3 to 1, won; Onapole, 110
(Scoville), 14 to 5, second; Seattle, 110
(Keogh). 5 to 1. third. Time: 0:3i;w. Pon-
pil, Opulant, Llnola. Falsa Nun and Rol
licking Boy also run.
Court ti race, mile and on sixteenth, sell
ing: Blanche C. lnl 1 lieathertoni, 4 to 1,
won; Eduardo, 113 (Fisher, 8 to V, second
Dorado, 111 (Miller), 4 to 5, third. Time;
1:51V Agnola and Captain Burnett also
ru 11.
Fifth rac. mile and seventy vards. sell.
Ing: Margaret Randolph, ! (Heatherton),
7 to 2, won: Jocund, 114 (McBride), 13 to
5. second; Maxtress, 1U5 (Gilbert). 60 to 1
third. Time: l:4v Lassen, Boloman,
Captain Hale, Funnyside and George KI1-
uorn aiso ran.
Sixth race, one mile: Deutachlsnd, Pi7
(Keogh), 6 to 5, won: Judiie Nelson, 97
(Hayes), 5 to 2, second: Dollie Dollars, t9
(Gilbert). 9 to 1. third. Time: 1:41. Plaus
ible, Janeta and Sibarl also ran.
Hardin and Woolman Beat Roiiers and
Tovnsend of Omaha.
The crack Council Bluffs shooting team,
Haidin and Woolman, won in the match
from Rogers and Townaend by the score of
173 to 165. The high wind made the targets
erratic and the Council Bluffs men proved
to be the best at this style of shooting.
Friday a five-man team race will be shot
between teams from Lincoln and Omaha at
Townssnd s park at the east end of the
Douglas street bridge. The Omaha team
will consist of Loom is, McDonald, Rogers,
l-wls and Townsend. Tile conditions are
luO birds per man for the price of the
targets and a supper.
The score:
Hardin ,..21 21 51 21 H
Woolman 20 24 24 U 88
Rogers ...
Tow nsnid
21 20 19 20 M
& 19 21 12- 85
Basket Ball at tedar Falls.
CEDAR FAU-8. Ia., Ja. 16." (Special.)
In the gymnasium of the Iowa State Nor
nal school on Friday evening, January 18.
there will be two games cf basket ball.
The first will be between Ihe normal second
team and the Cedar Rapids High school
team. Next tbere will begin a contest be
twt-tn tlia teams from Drake university t
1 Lvs Moines and the normal Bchool. This
will be the first time tUit tho schools
have met in s .ItW1 siiti- of ttnet ball
and much Interest is attached to pic games.
lakes I o larldeats that Have Caaaed
BlaT Row la Itna,
IOWA CITT, Jan. 1C (Speclsl )-Prof.' Jt. 1
W. Byer, who has complete charge of ai
letlcs at the State College of Agrlcultusr,
baa Issued a statement in which he seeks
to explain the various incidents leading up
to the severance of relations between the
state university and tha agricultural col
lege. His statement conalals of the following:
That the officials of the Nebraska-Ames
game. In which RepperL was put out for
rough play, declared the rough play to be
unintentional onaHrppcrt's part.
That Reppert tackling of Kirk In the
Ames-Iowa game was exactly what any
good aggressive player would have done
under the clrcumatances.
That Wlilet's Ineligibility to play was
not known to the Aggies; that his record
Is being investigated and If It la found that
he has plsyed more than the time allowed
apologies will be made to all persona In
jured. In conclusion Prof. Byer alleges thst Ihe
university has acted unfairly In severing
relations "without giving the accused par
ties an Impartial bearing." He then chal
lenges a comparison between the athletic
re-ords of tho two Institutions, wblrli he
leaves "to the fair-minded people of the
It Is expected thst the matter will end
here and that Prof. Byer will not make
any further statements, since his original
statement showed that the Wlllett matter
had been culled to the attention of the Ag
f;ics and that action had been taken
n the matter. The local . authorities
niado the fullest Investigation of
Wlllett'a record and gave the Ames
bourd every opioriutiity to explain before
the situation waa mada public but no ex
planations of any kind were made, nnd so
the statement of facts waa given to the
press. The college authorities at Qrlnnell
have since announced that Wlllett waa a
student In the regular college while at
tending that Institution, thus giving him six
years in athletics.
One Point to the Good In First, bat
Overwhelmed 1st the End.
York's Y'oung Men's Christian association
bnsket ball team came to Omaha Wednes
day, but it was not able to carry home the
bacon, as has aome other teams which
have come out of York. Omaha won by
the score of 41 to 17 In a game of apparent
uncertainty, for York was ahead by the
senrft of 8 to 7 at the end of the first half.
York has a Harder team than Omaha, hut
did not at any stae evince the team worg
that Omaha showed In the second half.
From the one-sided nature of the eeconn
half it would almost seem as though th
Omaha team had been working under the
delusion of over confidence during the first
half. Hanson waa out of the game and his
place was taken by Wesln. who caught his
stride tn the second half and msde the fur
flv. Cohn was advanced from the Kanga
roos for the evenlna and played a good
game. Perry waa the main strengin 01
the York team and was in the rray rrom
start to finish, but his team did not bad;
him un well ennliffh to win.
The basket ball game was preceded by
an exhibition bv the members of the night
a vimiaHlum classes and the exhibition made
decided hit with the large crown 01
spectators which wss present. Between
halves the Teddy bears gave an exhibition
of hand balancing., 'ilia lineup:
York. umana
Derrick forward Wesln
Perrv , forward Cohn
Moad center '. Wilson
Cornstock guard Plerrou
Kirkpatrick guard Harris
Referee: Grainger tif York. I mpire
Miller. Scorer: Karon. Timekeepers
Sturgess Biid Clark. Field poals: York, 4
Omaha. 17. Goals from foul: York, 9
Omaha. 7. Fouls: York. 12; Omaha, 2i
Goals from field: Perrv (3). Mead. Wrsin
(5). Colin (2). Wilson (l, Fjcrrou 4i. Goals
from touis: porry (N), KirKpatricx, x 11
son (4), PJerrou (3).
Getting; In Trim fur the Game with
The basket ball practice at the high
school on Wednesday was tllb stlffest the
boys have hail this season, for the Junior
and senior teams took turns In making the
veterans swea. The class showed up very
favorably, considering that the members
had not played together before. The junior
team will probably conKist of Carrier, l,ar-
Bion, Ross, ' McKlnney and (J. Keiwitt.
Brown, R. Kelwltt, Clark. PagelB. Doud,
Burns and Brownell make up the senior
squad. The lineup of the York and Omaha
teams will be as follows:
York. Position. Omaha.
Scott forward Burdlck
Whltoomb forward Nagl
Henderson '. center Arnstein
Nelson guard Neavles
Per.del guard Howard
Substitutes York. Broth, Center. Omaha,
Pagela and McWhlnney. Referee Prof.
Johns ot York.
Captain Bell ofthe York team will not
play because of an injured knee, and cir
cumstances have necessitated a slight
change In the Omaha lineup. The local
players will practice, this afternoon tor me
last time before Saturday's game, which
will be played at 8 o'clock In the Young
Men's Christian association gymnasium.
After losing tho first with the lowest
game they have rolled this year, the Metz
Bros, team won two games from the Storz
Blues at the Association alleys last night.
In the final round they passed the thousand
mark and Blakeney came within one pin
of the league record high game for the
season. He also had the high total with
615. Tonight's teams are the Benos and
Omaha s. Score:
1st. 2d, 3d. Total.
Frltscher 161 KM 177 5"
Francisco 214 18 1) 592
Moore 123 !( 162 445
Anderson 154 201 174 f.29
Cochran .1 190 2o6 145 541
843 923
848 ?,en
.. 179
.. 197
.. 154
.. 123
.. 144
.. 797
3d. 701; I
Sprague .
Bruiike ..
Den man
946 1.018 3,761
The Jetter Gold Tods won two out of
three games from the Cole-McKennas on
the Metropolitan alleys last night. Ma-
honey, for the Gold Tops, Is certainly com
ing to the front lately, all on account of
his doing a little practice work. His high
single game of 233, and total of 6:11, wtjrj
the beat for the evening, while Smith of
the Cole-McKennas was high on his team
with 655. Tonight Byrne-Hammers against
Brodegaard Crowns. Score:
1st. 2d. 8,1.
H. Primeau
I'M 1HX 170
C. Primeau
Mahuney ..
908 922
913 3,713
.... 169
.... 121
.... 146
.... 172
.... 162
.... 770
i 1
Smith ...
Wiley ...
Tray nor .
Thomas .
9.15 2.495
The Tigers again took a firm seat on tho
top round of the ladder in the Metropolitan
league lace last night when they won three
games trom the Eclipse team. Dick, the
oid-tune bowler and dark horse, took all
lionois for the Tigers with a total of io4
and single game or an. Klichle was high
for his team with a lotal of 427. Toniaiit
the Bungalows and Cubs will fight the
pins. Dcoit-:
Dick ....
. 144
. 155
. 601
Hi 436 l.08
Ritchie ....
Totals 383
443 428
Thorn peel t Wins Endnraace skate
J. W. Thompsett wou Ihe 'twenty-four
hour enduranc roller skating content at
the Auditorium Wednesday night from E
Fi. Wrenn, who skated for the twenty-four
hours, but at that was not able la fin
ish the six-lap or half nnlc race which was'
part of tha contest. Thnmpstt finished
thtohalf mile alone and waa awarded the
$.5, but he gave 110 of tha puree to the
loser. Wrenu mads the .mistake of enxk.
lug two on llirxe heavy cigars duxug Ihe
morning hours, and lijs effect ot thesa be
gan lo tell on Mni betore tho raeo wag over
so llwt from .. until 9 - o dock .tut was
scarcely U tu.Bkte eioo and- had to he
asamted around the arena by toiim of the
altendanls. During the tmenl v-(oui hours
neither skater stopped (or a minute, taking
nourishment while on their feet and chang
ing their shoes while still skating.
.MasWell Head of ( oantry I lab.
MARSH ALLTOWN. la.. Jan. If.. (Spe
cial IJoyd R. Maxwell, president of Ihe
Iowa State Oolf association and a director
of the Transmlssisslppl Golf association,
ass elected president or tne iMsrsnauiown
Country rlute today. A coninilttiM" was ap
olnted to decide on the location of grounds
to be 'purchased by a company, to Ik1
formed for that purpose, wnicn win less
to tho Country club and give It an option
to pifrchasa at the end of five vears.
Hamilton (lis Cnh Shoot.
HAMILTON. Ont.. Jan. l.-Two llva bird
events were finished In the Hamilton Gun
club's winter tournament, yesterday. The
Grand Canadian handicap at twenty live
birds was started, but only a rew squads
shot and the event will not b rinisned until
Friday. There are fifly-thve entries..
Sporting; Goain.
This certainly Isn't April 15.
True Henlinn Is anchored, but an far as
the log shows. Ben and Edwin are still
Salaries are said to have been rut 10 per
cent In the Southern league. And the elec
tion Is coming on at that.
Kins- Fl orBKnMv won't greet John L.
on this jaunt as heartllv as the prince of
Wales greeted tb Big i n in as.
Hutch Freess has Indignantly denied the
rumor that he will catch for the New
York Giants, this season. "It's a base
canard." quoth Butch.
Cy Young, thp original Cy, has signed
his nineteenth annual enntract In profes
sional base ball. Seventeen years he has
spent In the major leagues and he any he
will never apend one In the minors at the
end of his career.
It would serin that Farmer Burns would
be at a disadvantage In a wrestlo with War
Kaale on such terms as have neen made
nothing but pin falls to count. The chances
re' this will be the most terrific struggle
even Seen on a mat in umana.
Many newspapers have humorists on their
staffs, but the Denver 'limes nas me inn
nlcst man of sW. Here Is his latest joke
"John I Sullivan has saved $9o.oot) agd Is
going to make a tour of England with
Jake Kllraln a a boxing; partner."
This yarn about John U Sullivan's going
abroad suggests that he might make It a
celebration of the twentieth anniversary of
that famous foot race at Chantllly. Marcii
lo. 1RM, when he spent thirty-nine rounds
trying to xpn dow-n the fleet footed Charlie
There are nearly aa many tails to Cy
Youngs kite ss there have been to the
original Tin O'Nell's. It bus been the fash
ion for years for every ball player named
O'Nell to be called or have himself called
"Tip," and every one named Young to
annex the handle ' Cy. But, have you
noticed that none of these plagiarists has
yet become known by the Tip or cy
standard of playlngT
Flllnas In. Register's Office
Less Thnn for Prevlons
Real 'estate operations ase resuming nor
mal proportions rapidly according ' ta
figures co-npiled by Register of Deeds
Bandle showing the number of Instruments
filed In bis office since January 1. The
figures cover the first fourteen days of the
year and while they show a falling off In
comparison with last year the decrease ts
The number of instruments recorded dur
Ing (lie first fourteen days of last year
was 4W and during the same period this
year It waa 396 or a decrease of fit. The
receipts or the office during the period
last year were 1559.60 and during the cor
responding period this year they wrro 3526,
a. decrease of $13.50.
Simple Remedy tor ta Grippe,'
La gtlppe cougs ara dangerous, as they
frequently develop into pneumonia. Fo
ley's Honey and Tar not only stops the
cough, but heals and strengthens tha lungs
Tho genuine Foley's Honey and Tar con
tains no harmful drugs and Is In a yellow
package. Refuse substitutes. AH druggists,
so that no serfrius results need be feared.
" Ttvo Thousand Men at Work. 1
PlTTSBCROvJan. 16. Orders were Issued
today by the . PUtsourK Steel, company to
put full forces at work In the vire, rod
and tube mills at Monessep, Pa." Approxi
mately 2,000 nun are affected.
by its' purity" and ' its
matchless flavor hai
maintained its super
iority for 50 winters
"Since 1857"
The half-pint flask is
just right for the over
coat pocket - in - cold
Bottled in Bond
the Government guar
antees it to be
Every Drop Whiskey
A. Gucksohcimar A Bros.
Distillers, Pitttbur,, Pa.
A disease or weakness that deprives a
niaii of .spirit, ambition and force
should not be considered a trifling ail
ment. Can you afford lotake tha risk of
oiler complications being superinduced or
other organs becoming Involved? This
matter ts cm si that may not only concern
your present welfsre, but brobably your
future happiness as well. The man who
realizes this and begins proper treatment
In lime la often restored so promptly,
safely, and thoroughly by our method that
he often does not appreciate the danger
lie has avoided. '
We treat men only and our promptly,
safely and thoroughly and at the lowest
cost BkOHCHITlS, OiTilll, BliHV
11881 aaa ell Special Diseases and we
nsssee aaa that ooanpUoattoaa.
Consult Frea
Call and Do Examined Free or Writ
Office Honrs 8 A. M. U 0 P.' M. Sundays 10 te i Only. '
1308 Farn&m St.r Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb. -
prrmaneatl Established la hnaba. Mekraalaa. ,'.
mmm l,.SIel l,lJ.LWSHWM
Location for New Bam Bought by
Street Railway Company. '
As rresent Tenants Hold leases to
Jaly. 1B09, Conetrwr-ttfta for
Fnraam and Harney Cars
Mast Await,
The Omaha ft Council Bluffs Street Rail
way company bought the half block be
tween Tenth and Eleventh- streets, and
from Pierce Btreet to the alley north Thurs
day. The buildings on tha property will
be removed and the street, railway, com
pany will erect a car barn covering the
entire half block. This will bo lor housing
the cars of the Harney sod the. .Farn-.m
street lines, which gre now kept In (ha old
bam at Twentieth and, Harney atroets.
The buildings now on tha property .pur
chased are the three-story brick building
of the Omaha Boitling- works, (two two
story frame buildings, faring aa Tierce
street, and five story and a-bait colleges
facing on Eleventh street. Tlto-prlea paid
for the property. Including the tiuildhis.
was IJS.OiiO. The purchase' was ' tnado
through tho D. V. Skleg compsny anl the
Byron Reed company from. Samuel iTuyn
of Olen Falls. "N. Y. . .
The Omaha Bottling works has a b'gse no
all the bulldlrfgs on Mie propehy ' until
July 1, 1909. As sotm as this rxfitres the
street railway company wilt begin Yemovlng
the buildings and don struct Ins ' the car
house. It will be built substantially or
brick and stone1 In fhe'styla'rit'the other
buildings erected t))1 Uie cbhipany )h 'recent
years. It will cover the entire half block
except for tho necessary distance whkii
It must set back frotri the Tenth street sld
to admit of curves for entrance.
Secretary I-ussler . sirld ' Thursday .thst
the barn at Twentieth and Harney streets
will be cither abandoned or leased when
the new hum is finished. The rew- barn
will be about four times ss large as the one
at Twentieth and Harney streets. .
The abolition of tho old Harney street
barn .and the ejection of tho new one will
do as(y with an old argument In defense
of not placing long cars .on the. much used
Fajmam, line, that Is that .the .Harney barn
cannot receive- suqU cars. But a the con
struction work of the, new barn Is not to
begin until July, ,1909, the company. It lr
believed, will, be forced hy. , the circum
stances of It buklhrsa to furnish the Far
nam cars with, king- cars before tiat. '
Krlahttal Xnaams ,
of the stomach, liver, torpor, (ame back and
weak kidneys, are, . nverconie by Ecctrlr
Bitters. Guaranteed. Soo.j . For t-gle toy
Beaton Drug Co. ;
Sooth Omnhn Saloon Keener Offer It
a Excuse for Not Paying-
"" Debt.' ,
The Sunday closing la-wi has been cited
by John A. Kline, a' South. Omaha, saloon
keeper, as. a rcatun .lie, Jiywld .Dot be re
quired to pay a hot e given, by lilm several
yeais ago to tlx1 'schlltr Brfwlng company.
Suit was recently brought against him by
the brewing company to collect a balance
due on the note. His attorney, 3. Dean
Ringer, has answered,, asserting he Is not
compelled to pay the; note,- because H was
part of a 'general, dul looking, to lh .Vio
lation of the Sunday law.
Mr. Klnger declares the note was Riven
to. slar,t. Kline, .up )n the a loon business,
and it was part ot the understanding he
waa to fcetv hlaaaloonpen-on Bwrjday, nnd
ht did so. .He also Julchane4 beer of the
brewing company on Sunday. ."As this part
-of the - understanding was in violation of
law, lis contends I) is client should not fca
required to pay up.
e'4 . '-,---
i 1 . nr .
'- il .4
:.f '
Sptcialists offfit
LJ' M'mKmWVmj: ILJW N'lW ! itmil
1 r
B QT T k sXD-yi M tiONP