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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1908)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1908. f K Y CR1IN AND PRODUCE MiHET Valnei Ob Bevenl Botches, with No Stllinj fcotl Xittit Demand. TRAD EES APPEAR UTOIPTEEEUT OB Considerable Bt Opening an Declines with Heavy ell Insr Orders Com Hold - , , Ita Owl, . . OMAHA, Jan. . On a selling market and with practically no dmand grain values were oft several notches. Trsders are apparently Indifferent end exporters are complaining strongly on the lack of 'foreign demand. Wheat wat off several points at tha opening and Was kept on the decline by heavy selling orders. Looks like everyone had wheat for aula with no demand for tha offerings. May wheat opened at 9l)W,c and dosed at 9Mc. Tha cora market held Its own fairly well on fulr local buying and light offerings. : There were breako with whea: at the alack moments, but prices answered readily to all bidding. May corn opened at 4o and closed at fcVtc : Oats were weak at 'tha start. Owing to the easier wheat jnarket. On aome fair buy ing, backed by general1 support, the market finned tip-ami closed in good position. May oats opfrtud at bve 'nd closed at Me. Primary wheat reoritit were 6I9.0IW bush ela and, ehtpinents fto.iciO bushels, against receipts-last, year of 417,0uQ bushela and ehlpmeiita of 275.0K) bushels. Corn -receipts were Kfl.onO bushels and shipments frM bushels, agatnat receipts last year of 523.000 bushels and shipments of 503,000 'hus.k.nle.'r Clearances wer'TSioOO bushels of corn. GS.Otrt bushels yi oa,. and wheat and flour can. nil, 8s 3d. March, 7d; f.itures 6 s ld. dull; January, Si NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS ft E W YORK GKSF.R 4.I.. MtHKRT equal to 44.iihiiiiiels 1-1 verpoof closi 1 1 '.jitltid lower on wheat nd Htled loner on, uor;.. Local raogu 4f options: Articles ! Open. Higli, Low. Close. Tea'y. Wheat- I . May... Mi !s W July... M 94 . Sept... K',4 1 Ply BOW. Corn i 11 May... M"i RoA Mi July... M-s MMi M7. Sept... VK, 6l"a , 63 Osts Mv...W'J . M 63 1 Jiily.'jT Mfi, Sept... I 3914, 4" 39 ?04 WH 94 '4 94 i 91 ' 91 654, 64! 6.1, 64 63W. 4T4 4, 40 39V. Chicago .... Minneapolis Omaha Duluth- ...... t'arlot zteeernt. Wheat. 24 2m 24 67 Corn 401 13 Oaa. 114 a CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Feat area of the Tradlngr an Closing Prleee on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Jan. 1.-Fresh reports of fresh atocka of wheat In the northwest and claims of Insect, damage to the winter sown crop In the southwest caused a strong mar ket for wheat here late In the day, the May delivery closing at a net gain of Cotn was up Hti.e.., Oata were tc higher. ! Provisions were a shade to 60THo higher. - The strength In" tha wheat market fol lowed a period o decided weakness, which ?x tended 4ver the greater portion of the Irst half of the session. A leading com lnlssion house was .a liberal seller, and there was -also free selling by pit traders. Toward noon the market became more ani mated. StfchglU. of corn, reports from the northwest 'claiming small reserves, a fore casted falling off during the week in ex ports from Argentina, and advices from the-'southweet. which asserted that consid erable damage lied been wrought In the wheat fields of Kansas by the HesBlan fly. were the chief reasons for the Improvement In demand: The market closed strong. May opened "Mi ic lower at L02.4l.O3Ve, Bold off to $t.0iW.rtl.02. and then advanced to tl.twV The clos was at $1.03-Vu'l.n. Clearances-'trf wheat And flour were equal to 493.700 bushels. Primary recelpta were tjlP.OOo bushels, compared with 417.OU0 bushela for the corresponding aay a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipt of S3 care, against Uu cars luat week and 246 care a year ago. , : The t corn 'market displayed moderate t eaknVs8"VMy In. tho' day; but rallied sharolv' I6ward the end of the first hour. with the closing prices near the top. The atrenrth was due to active demand by cukIi houses, which was based on continued right acceptancea In the country. way Snened a shade to Mi'tto lower at flvsnced to tk'Vc and closed at WiVc. ' locai receipts were 401 cars, with two fcavs Ot -eiintract, grade. vTrade jn.onts was' again of very small volume, - Hwntlmenl was a trifle bearlsli eijrly- In. Ihe session, but became bullish. fo towing the advance in wheat a-.d corn ' May opened Wo lower at 6Mc. advanced to ,b4V: and closed at the top. iicay receipts were 174 cars. v "' Provlslona were strong. Shorts were the nrlnrlnul tiuvern while local tifu-kers were selling. May pork was up VkTMbO at tl3.47V4 fjiiB M'. i-ura waa a ensue nigner at s.u. Jtihs were bo higher at I7.Z2V. Kstltnated receipts for tomorrow a : Wheat. '24 cara; corn, S83 cars: oats, lt)4 .cni Jiogs, head. The leading futures ranged aa follows: I'eatares ef Tradlaa aail Prlcea a Leading raanaaadltlee. - KF.W YORK. Jnv KtjOrH Receipts 84.3?9 bMs.; exports. 1J.170 bbls.; dull and lower for top grades; Minnesota patents, f 0; Minnesota bakers. $4rti6.5; winter patepts. 4.ti: winter straights, i&9 4.75; winter extras, l3.7VS4.a); winter low grades ST. T'fi'4.10. Rye flour, quiet; fslr to goinl, 14 W "i 6 15; choice to fancy. b Viit.tft. Uuckwhest flour, steadv, H.00 per WO lbs. CORNMKAl, Steady; fine white and yellow. tl.4AiU1.60; coarse, fl.t a 4j 1.17 ; kiln dried. I3.8C&8 .50. MYi-Flrm; No. t western, 3Hc, f. o. b. New York. - WHEAT Receipts, J?,") bu.: exports. H2.m bu. Soot, firm; No. 2 red. 5H, elevator, and I1.07H. f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern, Dulnth, $1 21. f. o. b., afloat: No. 2 hard winter. l.lf, f. o. b., aloat. In reflecting weak cables and heavy Argen tine offerings wheat kst about o per bit. today. It eventually recovered on a Jump In corn and lighter Argentine estimate than expected, closing V&ie net higher. May, $l.lo4$l.U3-16c, closed at II. UK; July. ri.o&Vnl.i: closed at 1.0. CORN Hecelpla. 22,175 bu.. Spot, firm; No. 1, 74c. nominal, eleva'.or. and 67ltc. f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 whit', tlc. t. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow. K.Hc, f. o. b.. afloat. The corn market was Without transactions snd closed 1c net higher. May closed at Wmc. and July at 6rc. ' OAT8 Receipts, 63.0M bil. Bpot, steady; mixed oata, 2 to 32 lbs., WVtc; natural white. M to 32 lbs., RtMifrttM.ic; clipped white, 3a to V) lbs.. 65Viti62c. . HAY Firm; good to choice. $1.0601.10. x HOPS yulel; state, common to choice, 1907 crop, 12$lc; 190 crop, 4c; Pa cific coast, 1907 crop, 8'llc; 190fl crop, HIDES Quiet: Bogota. lc; Central America, life. 1.K4THITR Onlet- scld 2427c. PnoVIBIONS Beef, steady; family, $15.00 (FilR : lift Sf KH 1.00 : beef hams. rM.ftv 2tl.50: racket. $i2.otyrl2.50: city extra India mess, $'jl.M722.tW. Ctit meats, steady: pick led hams. (9.00; pickled bellies, $7.7fo9 M. l.arrt. steadv: western nHme. 17.95'TfS.oS : re fined, barelv steady; continent, $8 SO; Bouth America, lfi; compound. $7.12'Vg:7-27'4. Pork, quiet; family, $)7.WVy 18.00; short clear. IlR.NHS1ft.7B: mess. I14.fi0ii' TAIUJW-Hteady; city ($2 per pkg.). Bc; country fpkgs. free), 6Vl"',c, BUTTER Firm; western factory, com mon to firsts. ltjfqiOc. CHEESE F"lrm. IXiUd Firm; western and southern firsts. 2-; seconds, 25'525c. POl'ITRT Alive, dull: western chickens, 11c; fowls, ISc; turkevs, 13c. Dressed quiet; western chickens, 10jl6c; turkeys, 12iftl6Vic; low IS. W&14C. WEATHER IV THE CiRAIX BELT Fair aad Rising Temperature la the ;lad Tiding;. OMAHA. Jan. 18, 19ng. The area of high pressure with cold wave noted moving down from the northwest Wednesday morning spread over the en tire central portion of the country during the night and decidedly colder weather pre vails this morning from the mountain east to the Ohio valley and lake region and south over the west gulf atates and southwest. Unsettled weather, with ralna and anows. Is general In the east and aouth. It Is clear weel of the Mississippi river Into the mountains. The weather la much warmer In the extreme northwest and the temperature Will rise slowly In this vicinity tonight and Friday, with fair weather. Omaha record of temperature and pre cipitation compared with the correspond' lng day ot the last three years: 1SAJB. IVI. I!MI. JW6. Minimum temperature ... B 15 19 2 Precipitation 00 .01 00 00 Normal temperature for today, w degrees. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1. Growing Inability, of Market Cnlmi- satet in Sharp Eeaction. LONG INTEREST; TOO EXTENDED abarta Had Beea Driven to Cover aad Yalaea Were laable ta With stand FaTecM af Va favor able Xtei. Artlcla.rOpen. High.j Low. Close ! Tea'y. 'Wheat J t, July - JSept. . , Corn "' May July Sept. Oats aMay bMay . . aJuly bJuly Pork .v., Jan. ,. . ' Way . . tard- Jan. May k Rlba-, . . Jan. I- May 1 0244 1 OH'-i H7-i,tTOK 63 6s 47U .4Mb 13 tiW U 47Vi 7 80 $07V4' lOST,1 W4 i oetva 1 97 94V4 i ew&l l 08'fc 5H 69i'80'8'i OS'VnSI 69t R4H tS MM.'filTifi'U 47HS , 4& 13S2H 13 60 7 (" 07H ( S6 7 22HI 6m 47'A 479ifc4l 464ltr-!tl 4Hi 13 92H u to 7 R0 8 00 e so 7 IS 12 13 60 t 90 S 06 ' 85 7 KHl ' , No. t a Old. b New. . Cash quotation were aa follows FUOUH Quiet: winter patents, 24.JWJ 4 71: stralahts. J4.2Cjj4.70: surlna natenta . 'lo Vtrft-iOi sUatghta, $4.909.10; bakera, $3.35 WHBAT-No. I spring. $1 J0W1.12; No. prhig, Wk"ft$l.ll; No. 1 red. 874fi?4c. CORN No. 2, 6ibc; No. t yellow, 2Jy tstHo. DATS-So. 5, 61'ic; No. $ white, 601Wi2c, RY K No. 3, 82o. BARUSY. Fair to choice malting, 0c t-w. . SEEPS flax, No. 1 northwestern, $1.10. Prime timothy, $4 40. Clover, contract grade, I17W. PROVIPIONS-Shnrt rlba. al.lea (Ion MKJST.OO. Meaa pork, per bbl., $13k7 iia.10. Lrd. per 100 lbs., $7.t. Shori tsldi-a (huxed). $&87H7.12V. Following ware the receipts ami .ilt menta ot (lour and grain: ,. itccetpts. Shipments. 7.74 Inches. Deficiency 3.92 Inches. Deficiency 2.69 inches. corresponding period corresponding period In 1907, In 1906. at. Loo Is General Market. ST. 1.0UI8. Jan. 16 WHEAT Firm track. No. 2 red, cash. l.01W(rl.024: No. 2 hard $1.001.04: May. $1.03: July, tfcaio. CORN Firm : track. JMO. i cash. VnVtc; No. 2 white, 86i69c; May, 68"Ac; July, 68c. OATS Firm: tracK, .ISO. i cash, . oow:: Mo. Z white, 6ZVtc; May, bc; July, 4'c. KljOl'R Steady: red winter oatenta. $4.&fs4.SO; extra fancy and straight, $4,264 4.6; clear. lTwa.w. SEED Timothy, steady. $3.804.S. I r. .Til r- . 1 CSl - . . . ... lUiAa-yuici; bbckou ease iracx, tt.uvn l.H. HAY Tx)wer; timothy. $11.0Oiil6.60: prairie. $.MI'll.VU. IRON COTTON TIES $1.10. BAfMSINO lffc. H SMI' TWINE lie. PROVISIONS Pork. hlrher: lohbina: $13.26. lard, higher; prime steam. $7.87H. Iry salt meats, steady: boxed extra shorts $7.7&; claar ribs, $7.R2H; short clears, $7.K7. Bacon, steady: boxed extra short. I8.62: clear ribs. $8.60; short cloars. $8.76. POULTRY Firm: chickens. 8c: snrinss. a-c.; lurseys, 1140; oucks, c; geese, gc BrTTKK Firm; creamery, 243l0V4c. EGGS Weak at 21c, case oount. Receipts. Shipments Flour, bhls 7.0"0 8.000 Wheat, bu Sl.flno i,P0O Corn, bu 12O.0C0 103,0i10 Oata, bu 69.000 81.000 NEW YORK, Jan. 1.-The growing In stability of the stock market at the ad vanced level of prlcea which has been In evidence during all of thla week culminated today In a resctlon of some violence. The downward course of prices was unaccom panied by anv newa pointing to a change from the conditions which have prevailed while prlcea were being advanced. In fact, there were some facts Indicating ameliora tion of factora which seemed to militate against the advance while it was In force. For Instsnce. Iron trade advices were dis tinctly brighter than those heard at the opening of the year. But the stock market waa iinanie to resist the top nesvy conui- tlon to which It had been brought by the extension of the htng Interest and its desire to realise profits. The elimination of the short Interest which had been driven to cover on the rise, deprived the mantel of the principal source of demand which hea helped to sustain It for several days past. The early movement of prices was erratic and feverish, with suspicion of manipula tive measures to sustain prices. These were apparently abandoned aa the day advanced and the whole list gave wsv. Evidences of trade reaction were allowed their full force In current estimates of the outlook. An example of the Importance given to showings of railway earnings was the action of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas stocks on the publication of the earnings of that system for November. These showed a shrinkage of nearly 20 per cent In the gross earnings, with the expense of operating still expanding, the result being that the net returns for the month was cut to less than half that shown for November of last year, while the charges for Interest, rentals and taxea would leave an actual deficit for the month compared with a $fX),0(io surplus last year. Compila tion of the returns of seventy-four rail roads for November reporting previous to today show a decline In the net r-iturn ot 13.48 per cent from that of November In the preceding year. Oross earnings or si rati roads for the first week in January show a decrease of 12.81 per cent compared with tne corresponding week or lost year, rni showing makes It certain that some very heavy reductions In net earnings will have to be encountered later when accounts are made up covering current operations. There la a tear, also, that a bad impression win be made by the quarterly report of the United States Bteel corporation. Which will be publshed on the last Tuesday of the month for the last quarter of year, covering the period of contraction following tne financial panic. Reports nave Deen coming Into Wall street during the week of the bad effect of the mild weather on the coaat trade and this has modified the good etfect ot the austained earnings here tofore shown by the coal carrying rail roads. The American Railway association's estimate of 207,000 freight cara standing Idle on the railroad llnea of the country was a contributing Influence to the depres slon. The reduction In the Amalgamated Copper dividend to the 2 per cent rate. which was the low level prevailing for two yeara rrom tne latter part or linnf. is a sufficient Index of the depressed condition existing In that trade. Thla action waa not, however, a dominant Influence on the day's Btock market, as It waa anticipated with exactitude and waa ' followed by a sub stantial rally In prlcea. A judicial mandate to prominent finan ciers to answer questions In the Interstate t ommerce commission s Investigation of the Harrlman railroads and the reports of re newed prosecution in the standard Oil com pany a cuse were used with effect bv the bearish element. Their activity led to over extension on the short side and a wide spread covering movement rallied the late market. The reduction In the Bank of England official discount rate was too clearly foreseen to be of much Immediate enect. Bonds were heavv. Total sales, par value $4,230,000. United States 3a declined H and the $s Si per cent on call. Number of salea and Quotations on atocka were as iciiows:. er York. Meter Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 1 PRIME MERCAN TILE PAPER 7 per .cent; sterling ex change, strong, with actual business In bankers' bills st $4.a8rvii4.9690 for demand and at $4 814.8195 for sixty-day bills; com mercial bills $4.8476. BAR flL.VF.K ; Mexican dollars, 44e. (lOVERXMKNT BONDS weak; railroad bonds, heavy. MONEY On call, steadv. 2HJ4 per cent; ruling rate. 4 per rent; closing bid, $ pee cent; offered at i per cent: time loans. oft; sixty ana ninety aays, tvi per cent; Ix months. 6S per cent. ( losing quotations on bonds were as fol lows: I.. N. anl. 4s .I'M 4 Mm. t. t 4a.... .1X4 Mkt. Central 4s. .1M do 1st Inc .1ii4Mlnn. St. L. 4 ,lltll., K. T. 4. . K'4 Ss NO N. R. R. of M. Kanaaa City Grain and Prorlalons. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Jan. 18. WHKAT Market Vfjlc lower; May. W-c July, 91T4c; cash. No. 2 hard, Sicn1.01; No. 8. 7ia 98c; No. 2 red, $1.00.01; No. , 97iB99ic. (X)RN Unchanged to o lower; May and July, 64'tc; cash. No. a mixed, 63Ho; No. s, Kn.'nojv; ino. 2 wnite, mc; no. v. 63e. OATS Unchanged; No. 3 white, 6U&61c; iso. z mixen. 4:uooc. RYE TViiSOc. HAY Steady; choice timothy, $12.0012.60; Choice prairie. $86Oig9.00. BUTTER-Unchanged to 4o higher; creamery. 81c; packing. liiHo. FXGS MiMc higher; fresh extras, 22Ho firsts. 21c. Quotatlona at Kansas City as reported by ljogan tsryan, 2 Board of Trade: r Article. Open. I High. I Low. Wheat I ( May SSHlgSttHH 93H July !1WI 91 9H&Vb Corn I May 64VI 64'4 64U July 64 64T, 644 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. H. WHEAT May. $1 10; July, 11.11V No. 1 hard. $1.181.14; No. 1 northern, $l710iQ1.10Vb; No. $ northern. it. ro. J norinern. ii.tHU'i.UB, FLOUR First patents, $5.60i66.70; second patents, $5.50tij6 60: first clears, $1.304.40; second clears. j.oo(Ui.ou. BRAN $19.76. Market. 16. WHEAT No. Dnlalk Grain IVfTLUTH. Minn. Jan. 1 hard. $1.094: No. 1 northern, $1.014; No. 2 northern, $1.064; May, tl.lvfrl.lO1,; July, OATS On track, 4SHc. Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu.... Oata, .bu " Rye. bu fcarlsy, bu.. 24.4" ... 8.1.61 ...6fl,7i ...18 ... $.0 31,600 64.1UI V 144,900 2U.S0 1B.4U0 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries, iW3"c; dalriea. IS-.iOV. Esgs, firm; at mark, cases Included, &jJ4c; firsts. 2mc; prime firsts, 26xc; citrus, iiTV--. Cheese, steady. UVVt 13Hc , . ' Philadelphia Prodaee Market. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 16.-BUTTKR Dull and llVio lower. Ktra western creamery, Slmic; creamery, nearby, prints, $4C. KOOS Firm; western fair to choice, free cases. 2i'u-4c at mark. CHEi-siO Sttady. New York full creams, cbolca, lVa1c; Aew York full creams, fair to good, l.'jlole. - Pearl Grain' Market. PEORIA. 111., Jan. 14. CORN Steady ; No. 8 yellow, 64v((t6e4o; No. 8, 64c; No. 4. iu-uflc; no grade, 43upt&c. OATS SU-ady; No. 3 white. HVi; No. I ahl'.e. 49-ttc; No. 4 white, liva RYE No. 1 iXf. )U9h'BY-l.M. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. O., Jan. 16 SEEDS Clover, cash and January. J10 57H: March, $1066 April, $10,474. Prime timothy, $2.25. Prime alstke, $10.00. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Wis., Jan. 11-WHEAT No 1 northern. $1 10iyil.l2. No. 3 northern, U .erl.WW: May. II. bid. RVK-NO. 1, SC'. HAKLUV-No. i Jl.oJ; xa,nl. 7lVfJll 02 CORN No. S cash. bitv.-; Jlay, toS'T I ivirpwil Grata aad Provisions. I.lVlvRPtXjI Jan. 16 WH EAT ? pot :eadv No. t red western winter. 7s lmi; iitiiies :.iJy; March. 7s lOd; May, '. ' tl. 1 iTN .-poi mavket quiet. Prime mixed Aiuei"-n. He's-. f I'd; piine mixed. Am.-l' Metal Blarket. Ni,W YORK. Jan. 16. METALS The London tin market was lower today, with spot quoted at 124 and futurea at 126. Locally the market was easv. with quota tlons ranging from $L'7.J7V,it. 60. -Conner had quite a breuk In the English market with spot closing at t3 6s snd futures at 63 12a d. Locally the market waa qultt and unchanged, with quotations ranging from $18 76 to $14.00 for !,ake: $lS.2'-,4fU.874 ror eieoiroiyuc. ana 113.3, yuaj.sji, ror cast lng. Lead waa unchanged at 14 7s sd in the London market, and at $.1.7ntf3.7t lo cally. Bnelter advanced 10s to 20 17a 6d In London, but remained nulet and unchanged at H.4, !ri4 "5 In the local market. Iron was unchanred at 47 for standard foundry, and at 4ve 3d tor Cleveland warrants In the London market. I .orally the nar!;et wss unchanged. No. 1 foundrv, northern, 818 76; No. 2 northern. $17.76uit.X: No. 1 southern and N-i 1 southern soft. 818.otfsU.6U. ' ST. LOUIS. Jan. 16.-METALS Lead, firm aUtf to; spelter, firm at $4.60. to Wee smrket. NEW YORK, Jan. 18. COFFEE Futures market closed firm, net unchanged to 6 nolnla higher. alea were reported of 39.71M bags. Including January at 8,76c; February at 6.60c. March at 6.80c. May at 0U4)6.u6c, September at 126c, and Decem ber at i.irf.40c. Spot market firm. Rio, No. 7, 5-lc; No. 4 Santos, 8c. Mild, steady. Cordova. 84j313c. x - V Adimi tnnii Amlfunt4 Copper ...... am. a r Am. C. ft r. pfd Am. Cotton oil Am. Cotton oil pfd Amertcsn Exprsiia Am. ii. U ptd American les Am. Ulmetd Oil Am. LlnH4 Oil pfd Am. Locomotive Am. Locomotive pfd Am. 8. ft H Am. S. ft R. pfd Am. Sugar Refining Am. Tobacco pfd ctfa Anaconda Mlalng Co Atcnlaon AtcJilaon pfd Atlantic Coaat Line, Baltimore ft Ohio..', Bal. ft Ohio pfd... I Brook Irn Rapid Tr,. Canadian Paclfta Central of N. J Chaaapeaka ft Ohio Chicago Ot, W Chtcaso ft N. W Chlcaao. at. ft 8t. P Chicago T. ft T . -1 , - C, C. O. 'ft gt.'l... i.'.'.'.'.'. Colorado P. ft I Colorado ft 80 Colo, ft So. lat pfd Colo, ft to. M pfd Otinaelldated Ou Corn Products Corn Products pfd Dataware ft Hudaos Del., L. ft W Danrsr ft R. O D. ft R. O. pfd Dlatillera' Sacurttlea Erie , Erie lat pfd Kris td ptd General Kiaetrle Illlsola Central Intarnatlonal Paper Int. Papar pfd int. rump Int. Pump pfd lows central Iowa Oantral pfd Kansas Cur 80 K. C So. pfd Loulavtlls ft N Mexican Central - Minn, ft St. L M., St. P. ft S. 8. M M . 8. P. ft 8. . M. pfd.. Mlaaourl Paolno M., K. ft T M . K. ft T. pfd National Laad Naw York Cant ml N. Y., O. ft W (. Norfolk ft W N. ft W. pfd North Amartcan PaclBo Mall Pennsylvania People' Oaa P., C. C. ft St. L Praaaad Bleel Car Prcaavd 8. C. pfd Pullman Palace Car Reading Raadlng lat pfd Reading M pfd Republio Steal Republlo Btaal pfd Ruck ItlaJid Co Rock laland Co. pfd . . . St. L. ft 8. F- 2d pfd.. St. Loula 8. W Bt. U 8. W pfd Southern Paclfl Bo. Paclflc pfd Bo. Rallwar Bo. Railway pfd Taa ft P 10c T., Bt. L. ft W T., Bt. I. ft W. pfd ... t'nlon Paclflo t'nlaa PaciSc pfd -. C. 8. Eipreaa I'. 8. Realty V. 8. Rubber V. 8. Hubbor pfd V. 8. Steal I. 8 aieel pld Va. Carolina t'hamical , Va.-t'aro. Cham. ptd... Wabaah WiUih pfd Wella-Pargo Eipraaa .. WaMlnghouaa Klactrlc Waatarn Pnroa Wkaeilng ft L. g W'.acoualn Central Wis. Coairal pfd Northers PaclBo Draat Northers pfd Central Leather Central Leather pfd... Intarbueauga Mat Int. Met. pfd iloaa-Sheraeld Steer galea; Hlcat Low,' Clear.- 10a M.XWI 1.2nn 400 IK) 1.400 . t.SK . 400 . i. . 00 . 6. mo . 10, MO lOrt SO0 . J, 000 '. it! MO . 2,000 . i.ioo 611O . n,io e7 4 L 7S ' b U3l mw 7:U ma MSk S3 1S04 117 4(10 1.000 s.000 710 8, too 180 400 0 an 14j m 60 8SS Hit, it m 81) 7S4 M ill 7H 83 Mi 11' M' 73 U "i3i 14H 'ilia itm. 11444 m il Vi 61 iot'" 1814 44 1M 400 8148 Mtt 700 t.400 1,100 104 POO 404 La?) 4,t) 1.000 ' 100 00 100 10 0 poo 1U) MOO It, 100 1,000 8.700 1,100 400 (XH) ) loO J6.HW . 70i) loo too 344 1544 t4 8444j 1 1124a "ii" H'4 70 1J-4 tVk 21 It luoti 4S-4 844 tl 42 HUH 36 et b04t f)3'4 81 U7Sj no S3 44 15 li 4a 120 1st e-i" 4i 44 It 8044 u 10i)'t lb U'4 tela 40 100 .1444 47 SO il 8744 115 41 4 US ecressed lTE.ONVOA) franca. Bllver In bshd. ncreased 7-o.'" francs. Bills discounted. ecressed SA.f.S.onO francs. Advances. Je- resse !0,125.m) frsncs.. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Good Tit Cattle Steady, with Common Kinds a Little Easier. HOGS SHOW BULL FURTHER GAIN Mteep ! Uati Hot 4al4e Active, with Prices tteadr to Test Ceats Uwn tke neat rail Rae, . I. ref. la. re do cotiboa V. 8. ta. reg...., do coupoa t'. 8. b. 4a. reg do reupon Am. Tobacoo 4a. . da .. T N T. C. g. ia. . fN. I. C. g. 4a.... . ri No. PaciSa 4a . 9ft do ta .41 N. ft W. e. 4a. .. . enat o. R. U rf1. 4. Penn. cr. ta .... Reading gan. 4a.. Bt. I., ft 1. M. c. Bt. U ft a r. tg Bt. L. fl. W. 0. 4 Seabnard A. L. 4l .14 80. Paciflo 4a 41 do lat 4a rlfa ... 71 So. Railway 6a... Taiaa ft P. ta Atchlaon gen. 4a... do adj. 4 Atlantic C. 1. 4a. Bat. Ohio 4a do l Brk. R. T. r. 4a..., Central ef Oa. 5a.. do let Ine , do ed Inc do td Inc Chea. ft Ohio 4a. Chicago ft A. ta. C, R. ft Q. n. 4a. C. R. I. ft P. 4a. do. col. &a OCC. ft 8t. L. g. Colo. Ind. 6a, aar. A. 4'a T . Bt. L. ft 44'. 4a. . . 45 .. M ..101 .. M nl I nlon PaclBo 4a. . M do cv. 4a .lot V 8. ateel td 6a. . t -Pt'ahaek la . 72 do deb. B . 85 , Weatern Md. 4a... . 7, W. ft L. K. 4a .. .'pnlawia. Central 4a., . t Atchlann c. 4..., . 87 do 6a . Int. Mat. 4a .... 8744 .... S .... 75 .... 16 . . . . 77 .... Pa .... 14 . 4a re .... r ....lit .... .... 7 .... S . ... 81 .... 4 .... 84 ta.lo 4a. 74 l... 44 .... 51 M .... , US . ... 8 . ti . . . rr .104 . 44 . & 72 . K . . 7 . 52 Official Official ff trial Ksniuat Colo. Mid. 4a. Colo, ft Bo. 4s.... Cuaba 5a tV ft R. 0. 4a IltlUera' Bee. 5a. Kris p. I. 4. do sen. 4a Hock. Val. 44a... Japan 4e do 4a ctfa do C"d aerlee Bid. Offered. Bostoa stocks aad Bonds. BOSTON. Jan. 18 Call loans, hmftl per cent; time losns. fi$7 per cent. Official closina; on stocks and bonds: Atchleoa adj. ,4a...... X 1 Atlantic 11 ... ningnam ea ...14 oCal. ft Hacla 47.4 .... 7 Centennial 17 ... 8n copper Range 51 ...15 Daly Weat S ...1S5 Franklin 4 ...1S3 Orannr o ...liS lain Royals V .... in Maaa. Mining 4 ...17 Mlrhlgan 13 ...106 Mohawk 5 ... 1M4 Mont. C. ft C 1 . .. 11 Old Dominion S4a . .. 6oacaola ,...111 - Parrot 1 ....111 vlulnoy 11 ....It Shannon 13 . ... 16V Tamarack Tl ... sTrlnltr 1744 . t'nltad Copper T .111 IT. a. Mlnlns 14 . 12 tT. 8. Oil 106 . At t'lah . 64 Victoria 5 .114 Winona 64 . 4f Wolverlna JJ3 , IT North Butta 61 . ra Butte Coalition 174, . 4 Nevada 8 . 144 Cal. ft Arltona lot . 80 Artiona Com 174 . 5144 Four davs thla week..J8W So.W Same daya last week....l.S1 65,0,0 Same dava 2 weekn alto.. 8W 83.S2o Hame daya S weeke asro.. 4.8H3 14.OT4 tame daya 4 weeks ao..l4.07i '7 Hame rleva last vear Lit. WW .(.JIB The followlna: table ahowa the receipis pi attle. hogs and aheep at Bouth Omalia ror the year to date, compared with it y,i",- 1DW. I-""- VVa 1,8.14 87.640 8.7"8 AM.m U.m 66.247 ..... , 68.274 71,475 table shows the average at South Omaha for tne lasi with comparisons; do 4a Mei. Central 4. . Atchlaon do pfd Ronton ft Albany... Boeton ft Maine.... Boeton Elevated ... Fltchburg pfd Mexican Central .. N. Y.. N. H. ft H. Cnlon Pacific Am. Args. Chain... do pfd Am. Pneui, Tuba.. A mar. Bugsr do pfd Am, T. ft T Am. Woolen ...... do pfd Kdlaon Bier. Ilia. General Rlactrle .. Maes. Rlectrlo ... do pfd Maaa. Oaa t'nlted Fruit t'nlted I. M do pfd V. 8. Bteel do pfd Adventure Allouei Amalgamated Aakad. Bid. ' Louden Closing; Stocks, LONDON. Jan. If!. Closina quotations on biocks were: Coneola money Mt M., K. ft T.... do account 83 15-14 N. T. Central.. Anaoonda K Norfolk ft W... Atchlaon 1644 do pfd do pfd W Ontario ft W... Baltimore A Ohio.... 14 Pennsylvania Canadian Paclflc ,...165 Rand Mlnaa Chesapeake ft Ohio... gfl Reading Chicago tit. W.. C. .. M. ft Bt. P... Os Beers D. ft R. O do pfd in do lat pfd do Id pfd........ Grand Trunk Illlnola Central ... Louieelll A N. , 7 105 70 IK (0 6 54 1044 16 77 in 61 . 80 87 10 1 o M44 .Ml. 400 110 10C . 600 . 1,300 DUO . 1.700 . 8.100 l0 . i-SOt) t II.'" 100 koo . 1,800 1t 00 .101,40 Bl m, 71 11 544 tv 16 91 7 110 10 14 21 14 87 lit 81 18 71 14 16 to 74 110 10 13 ! 14 6 129 7 K 41 4"0 ig.tOO 100 no too ' v ! 8ia) " ioo . ll.toe , ll. . 1.1 too , t4"0 . i.Ou eon 4 14 1 17 " 17 '&" 40 4 4 1X7 K4 11 J a 4J TotaJ aaiaa tor lbs day. shares. 24 83 it 8348 17 '" 17 4 40 4 4t" 14 111 17 81 7 - 81 41 51 3I e IS 800 16 1. 8 21 Be SO 74 6J 112 go 82 1 74 rot m 44 160S4 31 5 160 116 15 64 16 1 81 41 101 14 44 las 610 30 66 81 16 ! 14 1.1 1H1 ID 4.1 1644 49 18 60 2 52 lwi, 1'' to 1 160 4i 24 M4 4(1 101 84 47 71 61 14 US 1744 46 2144 14 1M ll 4 51 . I7H 70 14 It 14 14 ss4 76 110 10 81 8 1414 ( u.-. 2 a.; 40 8i 81 H 17 41 "a no 41 4J 4 a 14 - 41 1 t!.H 17V 83 41 64i8outharn Rallwar ..120 do pfd .. 1114 Southern Paciflo . .. H Union Paclflc .... .. 40 do pfd .. 14 U. 8. Bteel .. 16 do pfd ., 36 Wabaah ..In do pfd ..11Cpanlah 4a ..140 Amal. Copper Ej-rlghta. Ci-dlv. SILVER Bar. steady, 2BTid per ounce, MONEY 8 4a 8-4 tier cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is Witi per cent; for time loans, 4'i per cent. New York Mlnlns; Stoeke NEW YORK. Jan. JoOoalng quotatlona on mining- stocKS were: Adams con a Little Ciller . Dry Goods Market. NRff YORK, Jan. 11 The dry goods market Is quiet. Jobbers say buying; Is wholly of a hand to mouth character. Hheetlngs of the wide variety bae been reduced 7 44, per rent, and 4-4 aheettna: will lie reduced sharply next week. Staple won) tis have been reduced 8 per cent on standard falniia. Many buyers are In, but ire r.Jt trr.L'rig v.Hli f.-eidum. Tieaaary Sieteaaeat. WASHINGTON. Jan. li-Today a state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the tl50.0uO,M) gold reserve, shows: Available rash balance. $) gold coin and bullion, ttt.718.112: gold oerliflcates. H9.i4S,Jny. Bank et France Statement. PARIS. Jan. K. The weekly statement of tiie Bank of France ehows the following ensnares: Notes in flrculation. Increase! S.176iw frsncs. Tiewsury deposits. In cietieed S.I .'i.., frsncs. Ok.nei3l drposlls dvi itus -d 7ii.l;6.l f rani a. Uuld on hand 6 Alice 271 Ontario too Rreere 10 Onhlr -....ISO Brunawlck Con 10 Potoal It Comatock Tunnel .... 24 Ravage 40 Con. Cal. ft Va 43 Sierra Nevada 60 Horn Silver 40 Small Hopes to Iron Bllver , . 70 standard lit Leadvllle Con 4 Korelarn. Financial. LONDON. Jan. 18. Money was in good supply on the market today, but the de mand was poor. Discounts were eaiv The Stock exchange, didn't benefit by the reduction of the Bank of England's rate of discount from to 6 per cent, as the market had already dlacounted the step Business for new account was meager and. althoua-h the settlement was con eluded satlafactorlly, the tone of gilt- edged securities and home rails was Ken erallv Door. Foreigners, however, con tlnued ateady on Paris support. In the American auction buslnesa waa checked bv the lack of a pronounced lead from Wall street. The denial of the report that Secretary Cortelyou. had reaigned caused a steady opening and prices hardened a fraction on the lower bank rata hut with the cur Naw York open Inar the undertone became uncertain and the vnurket finished Irregular. Chicago, Milwaukee & PL Paul and Union Pacific were steady. Kafflra and diamond shares ra still denressed by the DostDOnemen of the dividend of the Premier Diamond Mining company. BERLIN. Jan. 16. Trading on the Ttrkiima tndsv jwai weaker. PARIS, Jan. 16. Trading on the Bourse todav waa firm. The private rate of discount waa i per cent. - Bank of England Statement. LONDON, Jan. 16. The weekly statement nf the Rank of England ahowa the follow nar chana-es: Total reserve, Increased 1.5."i8.0U0: circulation, decreased 574,000 l,,)Hi,,n Increased 1.030.018: other securl ties decreased 853.000: other deposits, ue creased 6.13.000: public deposits, decreased 7Ss.0fi0: notes reserve. Increaaed 1,668,000 rovernment securities, decreased 8,1100.000. The DroDortlon of the bank's feeerve to llubllltv this week Is fi2 8 per cent, com' pared with 48.15 last week. Dank Clearings. OMAHA. Jan. 16. Bank clearings for to day were $2, 248,21, and for the correspond lng date last year, ,1.8Z7,414.o. Wool Market. BOSTON, Mass., Jan. 16. The quietness In 41m local wool market continues, and man ufacturera show no Inclination to buy more than their usual neeas, annougn prevail ln nrices seem to offer Inducements to ac cumulated atocka. The recent flnancia situation leads to the belief that a revive In the wool trade will soon be felt. Th leading domestic quotatlona range as fol lows: Dotnstio wools. Choice and Penn vlvanla fleeces XX. 84r6;35e; No. 1 washed S1(l4 40c ; fine unwashed, 26i(.27c; half blood clothing. 2i2Sc; half blood combing, l&iji 34c; thrue-eightha blood combing, oJa.n'io nnarter Mooil comning. otxtdic: at-ia'n washed, oOttWc; delaine unwashed, 31'a&!c. Michlaan. Washington, New York tleuces Fin a unwashed, Uu-m: delaine unwashed, i4iS0c: half blood, unwasuea, siuiic. Ken tuoky, Indiana and Missouri three-elshth bloods. aniSc: ouarter blood. llsy.TOo. Texa and Oeoigia floe, 12 months, 15 a -tic; fine, to 8 mtintlm. 21tii3c; fine fall. 1feb:!Jo Booured values: Texas, fine, 12 monlha, a 7ic: fine, t lg I months, 6ottioc; fine fall S0ij3c. California, northern, t?'(i6ac: mlddi couniy, f'(juc; southern. 63ty58e. Oregon eastern Na. 1 staple A. 0c; eastern Nu. clothing. 681,68c: eastern average, 66iu6dc vallev No. 1. ta2c. Territory (scou basis), fine staple, 70ft'72c; fine medium sta ole. tMiTbo: fine clothing, ffi07c; rine me dlum clothing, 6Kot3c; half blood, ofio,c. lJuUed. extra,; fine A, 6awA'; A su bers. thojubc. LONIx"N. Jan. 16. A sale of aheepakin waa held today, the of Cera numbering S. luu bales. There waa a ralr attendance, but competition waa unsatisfactory. Merinos and fine cross breds ducllned 6 tier cen snd coarse cross breds were oer cent cheaper. Following are the salea and prlcea obtained for clothing and comning: New Bouth Wales. 60 bales at StihJ; Uueenslsnd. bales at 6i-t(id; Victoria, JOO bales at t'ytlti'.d; Houth Australia. luO balee at 44f 8V1; West Australia. 4o0 bales at tVHiiitHd: Tasmania. 800 bales st '! VI; New Zealand. 1.100 bales at 44-fiy1: Puma Arenas. teJ bales at 6St8d; t-lkland Islands, inn bales at ord. ST ,IOI'lS Mo.. Jsn. laWOOI Steady : n.wiiJm k redes combing and clulhing. ;iw ISa; light fine. IMflc; hy fine. Iift1c; 'tvh washed, 2Cft33c. SOlTH OMAHA. Jan. 18, 19t Recelpta were: , Cattte. Hogs. Bheep, Monday Tuesdsr ... Wednesday. e Thursday.. 6.5oi 7.273 6.0)8 6,000 6.476 8.S. 8.418 11.800 8.840 7.713 8,14 7.6XW 80.0X8 S0.7HS 13.174 S.848 14 ,fiH 33.M6 attle ... Hogs .... heep The following price of hogs several daya. Date. 1908. 1907.1906.il906l904.'19)3.Wt- Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. . 7.. 8.. 8 10 11 12.. IS... 14... IS... 30 4 2.1'V 4 221! 4 t9 4 214 I 4 16 J 6 59 a n 4 04 4 in'4 4 2Sa I 24 6 U 6 23 6 80 8 28' I 6 17) J 6 15 8 22 6 80 E 22 6 2S 6 26 a 4 601 4iV) 4 f' 4 60! 4 6J 4 61 4 621 4 58 4 153 4 6-1 4 (11 6 3d 6 2S 4 Ml 4 60 16...I 4 82HI 6 43 6 4 Ml 46 4 7tl 6 48 4 73 6 37 4 88I 6 41 4 74 6 60! 6 S4 4 t4 8 40 6 08 6 491 6 08 6 S9I 6 15 401 14 6 04J a 6 00 13 22 6 16 7 1 33 'i '10 -1 11 s 12 8 1 1 37 7 1 2 2 1 j 6 156 21 3 Sunday. The official number of cars of atock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hog Sheep. H r . C. M. A SI. P 8 Wahash 1 Missouri Taclflc 84 I nlon Pacific svstem oS C. & N. W., east 11 & N. W.. west 67 C, ftt. P.. M. A O ... 82 C, IJ. & Q., east 8 C. B. & Q., west 37 R. I. & P., east.. 4 R I. A P.. went.. I Illinois Central 7 Chicago Ot. Western S Total receipts 215 ' The dlsDosltlon of the day a receipts was aa follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Cattle. Hogs, cheep. Omaha, Packing Co....... 671 1,441 1.25 Swift and Company 1.017 !,4h 2.230 C?udahy Packing Co 1,010 4,432 764 Armour A Co l.ivz low Cudahy, from Ft. Worth 140 Vansant A Co 134 Carey A Benton 22 Lobman A Co itu McCreary A Carey 03 W. I. Stephen 31 Hill A Son 151 F. P. Lewis 11 Huston A Co 46 Hamilton A Rothschild. 34 L. F. Hus... !K Layton 123 .. J. H. Bulla 18 Bam Werthelmer Vti- Mike Haggerty.. 45 J. B. Root A Co 1 R A S.k 122 T. B. Inghram 17 Sullivan Bros 2 Lehmer Bros 22 Krey Ill St. Clair Packing Co 19 , American Dressed Beef. 1 .... .... Other buyers .- 632 .... 4P3 Totals 5.632 9,578 6.811 CATTLE RecelDts of cattle this morning were very liberal, the total being 242 cars. The recelpta all thla week have been quite liberal. kecDlng fullv abreast with last week's run. althourh falling somewhat be hlnfi the record of a yeai ago. The receipts today, and for that matter all the week, consisted largely of warmed-up ateera and cow stuff. Unfortunately a good many ot the trains were lute, so that quite a consld erable proportion of the receipts were not delivered at the vards until after 10 o'clock in the morning. Thla naturally delayed the trade, as buyers were not disposed to do very much business until the day's recelpta were In sight. The market on beef steers was Blow to onen. the demand being rsr rrom urgent, and It was at no time during tne aay ai nil active. Unless It might possibly have been on something that buyers Just hap pened to want the market was not only slow, but 10c lower than yesterday. In some cases salesmen reported that they were bid even more than 10c lower on cattle which did not happen to strike buy' era fancy. What haa been said regarding the beef steer Trade would apply in moat cases to cows and heifers. The shlDDing trade on Thursday Is never very large, which left the market with less buying support than on previous daya tills week. Thus a few of the better grades of cattle, which seemed to be In fair demand, may have sold at about ateady prlcea, but the general mar ket waa loo lower. In spite of the dullness and weakness prevailing In the market for killing cattle there was a good brisk demand lor feed ers and the few loads on sale met with ready takers at rood strong prices, Quotations on cattle: Good to choice corn fed ateera, t5.264iC.75; fair to good corn fed steers, 84.504j6.26; common to fair cornfed ateera, 83.7oft4.60; good to choice cows and heifers, 2.7rfr4.D0; fair to good cowa and heifers, 8s.75ina.76; common to fair cowa and heifers, Il.7fy5f2.75; good to choice stockrrs and feeders, J4.00aH.7O; fair to good stockers and feeders, J3.5OjJ4.00; common to fair stockera and feeders, ,3.0093.60. Representative salsa' BKEb STEERS. No. 10.'."!.' AT. la 1000 r5 1044 m (Ml 1194 1J0 490 131 (Ml 10O0 1010 h& 828 KM 104! 1134 .'. 424 .. 4)5 .. 741 .. 403 ..1440 .. 186 ..1440 ..1U0 ..14) . .1510 .1410 Pr. 8 10 1 It 1 40 4 20 4 (0 4 15 4 40 4 40 c 8 40 8 44 1 10 1 75 1 75 1 00 1 10 1 24 I 15 1 IS HEIFERS. 1 40 12 14.1 13 1 ii 4 1 15 1 BULLS. Na. 1 11 4 11 81 1 II COWS. 11 It.'..'.', ".!" io'.!'.'.'. i 18. At. 1247 1158 1138 1171 1247 1121 1416 Pr. 4 80 4 40 6 00 8 06 6 14 5 15 6 15 ..1111 8 45 .1144 1 50 ....4 1 54 .1114 I 40 500 170 3J5 15) 121 STOCK EP.8 4:;7 1 10 445 441 474 Uo lit 60 784 5X4 5:7 1 60 1 ti 1 o 1 09 1 00 1 15 1 ISO CALVES. 1. 8. 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1 00 1 40 1 W 4 50 1 15 1 15 1 M 89 t 4) 1 45 8 50 1 70 1 70 3 75 1 10 4 1. I. AND 11.. s . 14.. W.. 4.. II... 14.. 6.. 54.. It . 12. ...u:a ...1010 . ..lf0 ... Hi ...1330 ...137 ... 444 ... 7. ... 754 ... Ml ... 104 ...1530 ...1140 ...1S70 ...ll ...11)40 ISO 130 111) 140 8 41 8 74 8 7 1 10 4 15 4 CO 1 44 I 60 8 K 4 00 8 85 8 40 1 40 1 45 1 70 1 75 t 78 4 75 1 10 4 04 FEEDERS. Ill 1 13 110 420 140 Ill 71 lil 714 174 1041 lUit l ts t V) 4 05 4 05 4 05 4 05 4 14 4 15 4 10 4 75 laiar aad Mevaaaea. NEW YORK, Jan. l.-BT'OAR -Raw. firm; refining, 1.42c; centrifuge I, M tsi, 3 D-'c: .wolaf-ea sugur. I 17c. Refined steadv; crushed. &.v, powdered, (ooc; granulated. 4 c Pr. I 75 4 t 4 30 4 70 t 76 4 70 The Updike Grain Co. C0MI19I0N DEPARTMENT TOO to 714 Drandcls Dldfl. OMAHA. -:- -:- -:- UUD. BROKERS GRAIIXJ, PROVISIONS, STOCKS AND BONDS NEW YORK -PRIVATE WIRES T phones Do ua late) 9-4TS eeaea CHICAGO lain iMf of being filled up and not want- ng any more hogs Representative tales: No. At. 14 rt 14 14 4 171 70 1.11 .111 sh. 140 80..., 33.... 14.... 43.... in.., m..., 4J... 44... 74..., 75... 71..., 43... 71... 56..., tl... 14... 3... 44... 77... 14... 17... 47... 71... 4... M .. ... 75... 81... 47... 13... 10... 5... 74... 53... 4 , ..S4 ...171 ...413 ...153 ...1W ...195 ...5 ...274 ...ftt ...2ll ...115 .-..104 ...111 . ..?! . . .135 ...115 ...17 ...148 ...110 ...8 8 ...134 ...U'4 ...' ...304 ...213 ...tJV. ...1M ...175 ...m ...i4 ...111 ...118 .24 44 150 40 Pr. 4 36 4 S5 4 i'.i 4 14 4 tr, 4 1.1 4 IS 4 rtt 4 17-4, 4 374 4 S7'- 4 174 4 30 4 10 4 10 4 K) 4 10 4 10 4 ) 4 4 0 4 3D 4 14 4 4 30 1 4 10 4 14 4 34 4 1') 4 14 4 34 4 34 4 10 4 M 4 10 4 30 4 32i 4 124, 4 r.v, 4 I34i No. 47.. J.. 3D . 54.. !.. M). . aa... 11.. .. r, . . 57.. 41.. 35.. 44.. 43 . 5.. 14.. 54.. 15.. 12.. 14 54 11 , 11 , 10 ) 76 8b. 130 44 144 so SHEEP Receipts 5K 55 5.1 . 57.. 85.. 42.. 51.. 54.. 35. . 44.. Of Pr. 4 3!t 4 Ui 4 If, 4 S4 4 321, 4 18 ' 4 32 4 35 4 If, 4 15 4 35 4 35 4 35 4 35 ,, 4 5 4 31 4 35 4 3.1 4 33 4 5.1 4 13 4 33 4 15 4 35 4 35 4 15 4 31 4 15 4 33 4 15 4 S3, 4 37 4 H 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 ... 4 40 ... 4 4i Were verV liberal for a Thursday which taken In ad. dltlon to the liberil receipt on previous days this week mskes the total very much larger than last week. htle there were some pretty good killers among the tr, rivals, tne average waa naruiy as good as yesterday, that Is there were more medium to fair kinds. The market both here and at most sell ing points seemed to be less active than earlier In the week. Locally this condition waa due apparently to the fact that pack era have been very free buyers all the week and hence were not In as much need of fresh supplies as on other days. What ever may have been the cause, the fact re malna that the trade waa less active and that prices generally were weak to 10c lower. Aa a matter or fact, some sales did not show very much changed, but the gen eral tendency was lower as noted. The bulk of the desirable killers changed hands in very fair season In the morning. Quotations on good to choice fed sheep and lambs; Lambs, fA.75rdf7.00; yearling At. . ,14 .15 .271 ,.M4 ..34 .133 . . 113 . .153 . !4 . 135 . 117 .144 . .530 ..311 ..1W1 .217 . . '.'! ..838 . 110 . ..340 ..22 . . ..150 '..858 .85 241 .834 ..1M .317 ..m .265 .137 ..131 ,.3U ..331 ..147 ..334 852 aheep la, J" M iwi wethers. 88.6oe.00; wethers. ewe. 84.9(Vg5.15. No. 4 western ewes 6 western lambs 64 western lambs .... 109 western ewes 197 western ewes 2t3 western Iambs 1-9 western lamba .... 423 weatern lambs ... 153 western ewes 224 western ewes 18 western yearlings 4fl3 Mexican ewes .... 3;"7 western lamba .... 115 weatern lamba .... 12 western mixed .... 218 western' yearlings , 1 western wethera .. 15 western ewes 25 western ewe culls 437 western ewea 231 western ewea 19 western ewe culls 7J western ewes 258 western lambs .... 67 weatern ewea 2&0 western lambs $5.250.50; Av. 150 88 100 113 hS 78 79 73 , 118 111 , 100 , 91 , 82 , 82 , 60 . 87 , 108 , 90 . 73 , 82 . 91 . 89 , 97 . 78 . 117 . 70 Pr. 5 23 6 65 66 5 00 6 00 6 SO S 90 5 80 5 10 5 10 6 80 6 15 6 7f 75 4 60 00 . 5 50 4 75 8 00 4 6 4 75 2 (10 4 60 SO 4 25 6 85 WESTERN'S. VV. P. Oraham, Wyoming. No. Av. Pr No. Av. 5 bulla i:iso, 2 60 8 cows ail 6 cowa 1012 4 10 1 cow 10 1 cow HD0 2 75 28 feeders.. fS2 B. f Mardin, Wyoming. 46 steers.. ..1217 4 80 Dunn & Normlle. Montana. 1 calf 330 4 00 24 steers. ...1154 1 bull liW 3 40 22 cows 13 (0 cows 1 8 60 12 Steers. ...1114 HOOftThe first sales thla morning did not look very much different from yester day, but when the trade was once under way it strengthened up rapidly becoming fully to hlglier than yesterday. 'Jlius the bulk of the hogs today sold largely at 14.304)4 .34, aa against 84.26&4.30 yesterdsy. As high aa 84. 4J waa paad today aa against a top of 84 40 yesterdsy. When the trade waa once warmed up It waa fairly active at tha advance eo that all the early -trains were disposed of. ' by ten o'clock In the morning. Lata trains curue In quire heavily loaded and aa most ordera were already filled the market loatd very unfavorable for - the seller. On heavy liofin the advance of the morning was lost, while on light hogs It was more than lost. In far, with light boas it was rather s question of finding someone to bid on them rather than a iiieie matter uf price. Jl sctnitd to Le a CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle 4nlet and Steady Hogs Fire ta Ten Cents Hlaher. 1 CHICAGO, Jan. 18.-OATTLE Receipts, estimated about lO.OOn head; market, quiet and steady; steers, 84.2frjj.3S; cows, 82. 75 4.60; heifers $2.50i6.25; bulls, l2.8Vfl-4.26; calves, $3.0096.26; Blockers and feeders, 12.60 SC4.60. HOGS Receipts estimated about 28,000 head; market, fr'g'lOc higher; choice heavy shipping, $4.6nia4.60; butchers. 84.50tl4.fiO; light mixed, $4.26tfi4.36; choice light. $4.33rf 4.45; packers, 14.004.45; pigs, e3.50((t.l&; bulk of sales. 84.4(4.6.1. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts estimated about 13.000 head; market, steady; sheep, $4.00D.50; lambs, e6.7&aT35; yearlings, $4.003 6.35. St. Lea la Live Stock Market. ST LOUIS. Mo,, Jan. lfl. -CATTLE Re ceipts, 4,00V head, including 625 Texana; market for natives weak; Toxans ateady; native shipping and export steers, $6.00t 6.10; dressed beef and butcher steers. $4.80 lfl 6.60; steers under 1,000 pounds, $.1. 260-4.50; stockera and feeders, $2.004.66; cows and heifers, $3.26016.26; cannsrs. $1 60ft2.40; bulls, $2.0OS4.50; calves. 83.6ix38.00; Texas and In dian steers, $2.90j6.26: cows and heifers, $1.7&S.75. HOGS Receipts. 11.000 hesd: market. Vf lOo lower; pigs and lights, $4.0064 40; pack ers. $4.00jH.45; butchers and best heavy, $4 40f?4 50. 8HBEP AND LAMBS Receipts, M0 head; market, steady; native muttons, $3.00 5.26; lambs. $ culls and bucka, $2.0033.00; stockera. $1x752.50. Kaaaas City Live atopic Market. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 16 CATTLE Re ceipts, 7,000 head. Including 100 southerns; market steady; native ateers, $1.20(6.70: southern steers. $4-00(34.75; southern cows. $2.50tft3.T0; native cows and heifers. $2.40f 4.90: stickers and feeders. $3.2.V4.0; bulls. $2.8OTi'4.O0; calves. $4.00ri7.00: western steers, $4 0ffii.75; western cows. $2.604.25. HOGS Recelnts. 18.000 head; market strong; bulk of sales. $4 Sorfpt.SO; heavy. $4.40 7-4.W: packers, $4.3av-t.SO; pigs and lights, $3.8ff4.45. SHEEP AND LAMRS Receipts. 6.000 hesd; market steadv to ifo lower; muttons. $4.W).ao; lambs, $6.Sv7.0A; range wethers, $4.60(&6 26; fed ewes, $4.05.00. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSe-TMf. Mo.. Jsn. 18 CATTLE Receipts. '.'.748 hesd; market a ehade lower: natives, 83.7'ia6.76; cows and heifers. $2.00W 4. stockera and feeders. $8.504.40. HOGS Receipts. 17,110 head: msrket inf 15c lower, top, $1.40; bulk of sales, $4.30f 4.4S. RHKEP AND LAMBS Reee'nta. 2.21S head; market ieady; lambs $6.Wi7.10; yi-ur-lings, $6.6036.10. long City I. Its Stack Market. 8IOUX CITY. Jan. 16. (Sneelftl Tele gram.) CATTLE Recelnts, 1.800 head: market ateadv. Reeves. 84 0O114 6' covk nd r-et'ers. $i;54.25; stockera and feed ers. $3 CKU3.85, calves and yearlings, $2.0.o 8.50. HOGS Receipts. 4 Orl hesd; merket strong, selling at $ 1. 05714 41: bulk, $4 25fil.30. Stock In labt. Receipts of live stock st the six principal weatern markets yesterday; Catl'e. Hose. Bheen. Firm: middling. 12c. Bales. HO bales', re ceipts, none; shipments, none; stock. 1K.4. 1,1 V KKFUOl... Jan. w.-ivri iv.i-iwi market- uuiot ; prices 12 points higher. Am erican middling, fslr, 7.03c; good middling, 667c; middling, 641c;' low middling, 67c; good ordinary. 6.8!.c; ordinary, in sales of the day were 8.000 bales, of which 600 were for specnlstlon and export and Included 4.200 American. OALVF8TON. Jan. 16. COTTON Higher at lVc. O 81 A II A wnOLKtALIC MinKIT. KOriS Fresh selling eggs, candled, ioo BUTTER Common, 16c; fancy tub and rolls. 17ii19c; creamery, 30c. CHEESE New full cream. Wlscftnsla twins liVic; new full cream brick, Uo; do. mestlo new Swiss, Ifc; new llmburger, lj4S 16c; voung Amerlcahs, 17Hc. , LIVE POULTRY Springs. 8c; hens. 8c; roorters. 3c; ducks. c; geese, 9c; turkeys, 114,0' pigeons. Sue per doe. DRESSED POULTRT Snrlngs fancy, 8c; hens, 9c; roosters. 4c; ducks, 11c; geeso, tic; turkeys. liVpWc. HAY Choice No. 1 upland. $10.00; medium, $9 00: No. 1 bottom, $8.00; off grades, front $5.50(26 50. Rye straw, $7.00. No. 1 al talfa. $11.00 TROPICAL rRIUTS. , ORANGES Fancy WashlnBton navelg, 11 sixes, per box, $2.75; extra fancy Bun flower, all sixes, per box, $3.00; California Tangerines, J else and smaller, per box, $2.25. GRAPES Malaga, choice, per keg, $4.00; Malaftir; extra fancy, $4 50; extra choice, per keg, $4; extra fancy, extra heavy, 85.00. . GRAPF, FRUIT Florida. 64 and $0 alia, per box. $6.00. BANANAS Port Llmon, owing to alxa, iter bunch, $1.50 to $3.00. PEARS Extra fancy winter Nellie, per box. $2.76. FIG8 AND DATES-Bmyrna f!g, 7 crown, per ih., Italic; Srovrna figs, crown, per lb., liinac: timyrna figs, 4 ctown. per lb, 10lle; California lgs, Doge. 10 cartons, 85c; California figs, boxes, It carions. Sue; California (lgs, bulk, per lb., 6Vic; Hallow! dates, per lb., tc; Kbadrawl dates, per lb., to; Salr dates, pel IL., Jic; lard dates, 18-lb. boxes, per lb, 80. CRANBERRIES Extra fancy Bell and Bugle, per bbl., $10.00; extra- fancy Jersey, per bbl., $8.00; extra fancy Jersey, per box, $3.00. " LEMONS Extra fancy Southerland Beauty, 300 and 360 size, per box, $4.00; ex tra choice Just rite, 300 and 364 size, per box, $3.76. FRUITS APPLES Washington. Snow, per box, $1.50; Washington Jonathans, per box, $1.76; Washington Roman Beauties, per box, $1.76; Washington Alexanders, per box, $1.75; Washington Blue Pearmalns, per boat, $1.76; Washington Red Cheek Pippins, per box, $1.76; Washington Kings,, per box, $1.76; Washington Bailey Sweet, per. box, $T76; Washington No. Spys, per box, $1.76; Cali fornia Red Pearmalns, 4-tler, per box, $2.00; California Belleflowers, 4-tler, per box, $2.00; New York Baldwins, per bbl., $4.60; New York Northern Spies, .per bbl., $4.50; New York assorted varieties, per bbl., $4 50. VEGETABLES. POTATOES-Per bu., 4$75c SWEET POTATOES Kansas, per bbl.. $3.75. TOMATOES Florida, extra fancy, per basket crate, $6.00; choice, per basket crate, $4.00; Cuba", fancy, pcr.tVbasket creia, $4.00. LETTUCE Florida iiuad, per hamper. $3.00; per dox., 40c. CUCUMBERS-Hot house, 8 dos , fancy, per box, $3.00; 3 dos. choice, per box, $1.60. RADISH ES Hot house, per dozen, 40u. PARSLEY Per doz., 40c. PRPPEHS-Florida, 6-basket crates, per crate, $4.00. PARSNIPS-Old. per bbl., $C.2S. BEETS Old, per bbl.. $2.26. CARROTS AND TURNIPS-Old. per bbl., $2.00; Canada Rutabagea, per lb., lc. CABBAGE Wisconsin Holland Bead, per lb.. lc. ONIONS Spanish, per crate, $1.60; Wis consin Red Globe, per lb., lVfcc. CAtTI.lKLOWER-Per 2-dos. crate, $3.00. HORSERADDISH Per doz., 90c. KUMQUATS Owing to quality, per at.. 80c to 40c. SH ALLOTS Per dos., fJOc. BRU8HKI. SPROUTS, per qt., 20c. STRAWBERRIES Owing to quality, 6O0 to 5o. CELERY Michigan, per bunch, acM5o. NAVY beams Per bu.. No. L $2-W; Lima, 7c per lb. BEEF CUTS. ' Rib: No. 1, 134jc; No. 2. lie; No. 3, 74c. Loin: No. 1, 19r; No. 2, 13c; No. 3, 4c. Chuck: No. 1, 6N.C; No. 2, Ihic; No. 3, 60. Round: No. 1, c; No. 2, 7V,c; No. 3, 6c. Plate: No. 1, 6Hc No. 2. 6c; No. 3. 4Wc. MISCELLANtiOlTS. CALIFORNIA DRIEU FRUIT8-Prune re somewhat unsettled by freer offerings from second hands, who seem desirous of moving supplies ot Immediate grades. Quo tatlona range from Do to 9c tor California fruit and from 6Jo to sc for Oregon, Peaches are very Arm, with fancy yellow quoted at 13tfo. $5.40; best, $5.00; out loot, 64.0; cubes, c; powdered, 6.16c. SUGAR Granulated, cane, per sack, NUTS California No. 1 8. 8. walnuts, per lb., 17HC, Imported Tarragona almonds, per lb., 18c; filberts, Brazlla and Jumbo pecans, 13c; butternuts, per lb., 12V4c; No. 1 H. P. peanuts, roasted, 8c; raw, c; salted pea nuts, per box, $1.15; Italian chestnut, per lb., 10c. CANNED GOODS Corn, stasdard weat ern, 76c. Tomatoes, fancy, is-pound cans, $1.46; standard, 3-pound cans. $1.20. Pine apples, (.rated, 2-pound, $2.202.80: allced, $1.762.35. Gallon applea, $4.60. California apricots, $2.66ft3.30. Peara. J2.10U8.lft. Peaches, $l.Bo2;3.15. L. C. peaches, $2.10" $.15. Aiaska aalraon, red, tl.4u; fancy Chinook, flat,; fancy sock eye, flat, $2.15. fcai dines,- quarter ull. $3.60; three quarters mustard. $3.35. Sweet potatoes, tl.Ztyi i5. Sauerkraut, Via. Pumpkins, k0J ttll. 00. Lima beans,' 2- pound, 7 5c tl 11.26. Soaked beans. 2-pound, 65c; fancy, $1.26(01.46. COFFEIC Roasted, No. 35, 26c; No. SO. 21c; No. 26. 19o; No. 20. ltHc. FISH-Halibut, lie; trout. 13c: pickerel, 10c; pike, 14c; pike, fresh, frozen, 12c; white fish, 14'ul6o; buffalo, 14c; bullheads, skinnee) nd dressed, 13c; cattish, dressed, 17c; white perch, 7c; white bass, 16c; black baas, 26o; sunflsh, b'3'jc; crappies, (Vj-9c; large crapplea, 16c; herring, fresh frozen, tic, whltsflsn, frozen, U'&l&c: pickerel, fresh frozen, 13c; red snanper, 12c; flounuers,. mackerel, 14 a 35o per fish; codfish, fresh frozen, 12c; had dqck, fiesh frozen, ,12c; . smelts, 13o; shad roe, 3.1c per 10. ; irog lega, ouu par uos.. South Omaha Bioux Cltv ... Kansas City ., flf. .loseoh St. Louis .... Chicago Totals...... 8 .wi ... l.4 . . . 7 fa 41 . .. ? 7rt ... 4 fan . . .31.21)6 ll.01 7.500 4.(1 trt1 .i 17.110 'l n.fam T.iwa) 38.0(4 13.008 99,410 31.213 green sea turtle meat. Zoo per lb HIDES AND TALLOW -Green aalted. No. 1, 6c; No. 2. 4c; bull hides, Sc; green unsalted. No. 1, 4c; green unsalled. No. L 3 ; horse hides, $1.00iTj2.5o; aheep pe.ts. 'Ito i$1.00. Tallo- No. 1, 4Vo; Nc. 2. 00. Wool. 1'KuJOi. 4J',c. York. $7i; $4.iT. Oils and Ilosln. NEW YORlv. Jan. 16 OIL Cottonseed, firm; prime crude. 31432c; prime yelhiw. Petroleum, steady refined, New 1X75; Phlladclpliia nnl Baltlmurs, Philadelphia and Baltimore, bulk, Turin'iit ine. steady, biiv. RO8IN Steady ; alralntd, common to good. $3..V.-;(3.4u. OIL CITY, Pa., Jan. 16 -OIL-Credlt balances, $1.78; rutis, 119.7S0; average, 159, tl; ahlpmenta. 170.476; average. ISO.R'tS. SAVANNAH, Ua., Jan. 16. OIL Turpen-tine--Flrm, 64c. I ROSIN Firm; sales, 1.500 boxes; receipts, r.W'2: shipments. 1.445; slock. 116.828: A. R, C, 3.3o; I) $3.30; L $S.:7mu.30; F, $3. 3D; U. ra.34eri3.S2W: II $2 YK1.4U: I. $3.76: K, $4 !;; M. $5.f.-6.0u, N, $; WU, $6.10; WW. $0.30. I Cotton. Market. NEW YORK. Jsn. 16-COTTON-Fut ores opened firm; January, U MSgU M. ', Febru ary. 1125c; March. 11.3?Jll.44e: April. U.4W11 5oc; May, 11 60c; July, II 26c; August. II 08c: October. 10.67c. Spot closed steadv. 26 points higher mid dling uplands.- 12. loci middling gulf.' 12.35c; sales. 6,236 hales. Futures closed very steady: January. 11 44c: February, 11 49o; March, 11.69c; April, 11.62c; May, 11 Tc; June. 11.64c; July, If.'; A.Jgual, 11.2,1c; Ooloher, NEW Snot nominal; ordinary, ic. non i iai; tooi or.11 nary, 10 8-16c. nominal; low m ddl'ng, II 1S-16t:. middling. 1115 16c: good !"i 'd'ln 12c; fair. 13V. nominal. Hales. 4.(50 bale?; receipts, y.674 bales; stock, 8 rt.241 hale-.. ST. leOl'IS, M... Jan. 16. -C0TT.1N Evaporated A pules and Dried fruits. NEW YORK. Jan 16- EVAPORATED APPLES-Maiket had a steady tone with attractive trull fmnlv held; fancy are quoted al 1(iVi ll'uc; choice, 94(jl"c; prime al wh',-', and 1.6 fruit at HiW'nC. f GLOBE TANNING & n.Mcj juiy, 11 iw; August, 'li.snc; iK if tviirirTtinivr m v' O R I?E A N ai. UnJ -6.-4 .W TO V- WAMTACTURING CO. r1oad firm; low . orrtlnsi y. 7 :5-l-c DT3 MOIXEfJ, IOWA. 7n nv,..v.v4i,uv, a-'- 'l Dr3 MOIKIfJ, IOWA. Fl We t,n all kin'! of l.ldea you f,i'I ""! both vklth hi)l!' oq ami r t (f m.iKe them Into ixats and li rohs V rltn for shipping tngs V9 ami l,n,,bl,. ind booklet A. BMITH. JACOB BAYXm, ef,